---------------------------=========================--------------------------- Mazes of Fate FAQ / Walkthrough Version 0.98 10/28/2008 by q 3 adieuadieuadieu@yahoo.com ---------------------------=========================--------------------------- ++===================++ || || || TABLE OF CONTENTS || || || ++=======[toc]=======++ Type ctrl+f then enter the letters inside brackets to jump to a section. [toc] TABLE OF CONTENTS [ver] VERSION HISTORY [int] INTRODUCTION [faq] FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS [gen] . General Questions [spe] . Specific Questions [wal] WALKTHROUGH [sum] . City of Sumur [cel] ... Old Lady's Cellar [cry] ... Crypt [tur] . Village of Tur [cav] . Thieves' Cave [cam] . Thieves' Camp [for] . Forsaken Temple [fal] . Village of Falden [myr] ... Myrmecoleo's Cave [elp] . El Paso [tan] . Town of Tanud [zas] . City of Zasterul [sta] . Stand Keep [wor] . Underworld [und] ... Underground Temple [dar] ... DarkFort [rul] . Hidden City of Rulme [ban] ... Bandit Caves [sou] ..... Southern Caves [pas] . Forest Passage [fel] . Port of Felur [zar] ... Port of Zarki [lor] ... Port of Lorerma [spi] ..... Spirit of the Mountain [ras] . City of Rashtel [gra] . Gray Swamp [uba] . Ubar Na Kur [dub] . Dubuerk's Fortress [tow] . Tower [lis] LISTS & DATA [pla] . Player Characters [ski] . Skill Information [mag] . Magic Spells [bes] . Bestiary [min] ... Minor Enemies [maj] ... Major Enemies [kud] KUDOS ++=================++ || || || VERSION HISTORY || || || ++======[ver]======++ Version 0.25 (2/13/2007): Initial version. Includes a complete walkthrough from the beginning of the game to the end of the Forsaken Temple. Version 0.70 (2/20/2007): Walkthrough completed through Darkfort. Added a Frequently Asked Questions section. Version 0.80 (1/21/2008): Walkthrough completed through Gray Swamp. Added a Table of Contents section. Version 0.95 (1/27/2008): Walkthrough completed through the fourth floor of the Tower. Added a Lists & Data section. Version 0.98 (10/28/2008): Walkthrough completed through the Tower. I have no idea when, if ever, this will be finished, so here is everything I have so far. ++==============++ || || || INTRODUCTION || || || ++=====[int]====++ Mazes of Fate is a first person RPG for the Game Boy Advance. It most closely resembles the PC title Lands of Lore, which itself derived from the Eye of the Beholder series and ultimately from the classic Dungeon Master. It offers a rich and detailed world with real-time exploration and combat, with numerous dungeons to explore, puzzles to solve, and characters to interact with. The interface is very sleek and easy to use, especially compared to prior attempts at bringing this type of game to consoles, such as as Eye of the Beholder SNES. Its only significant flaws are somewhat bland graphics and music, and a variety of fairly inconsequential glitches that pop up from time to time. ++============================++ || || || FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS || || || ++============[faq]===========++ ++===================++ || General Questions || ++=======[gen]=======++ (Q) What are the differences between the GBA and DS versions? (A) You would be better off asking someone who has finished the DS version! (Q) Where can I buy Mazes of Fate? (A) It is very difficult to find this game in stores. Your best bet is either eBay or Amazon.com; it is available for sale from the publisher on both sites. Some people have reported seeing it for under $10 at Toys "R" Us and Burlington Coat Factory (!), although your chances of finding a copy at either store are probably slim. (Q) Help! I'm stuck in a dungeon and don't know how to proceed! (A) Search everywhere and everything, including niches, chests, and bodies. Use the automap to see if there are accessible areas that you haven't yet explored. Investigate suspicious areas, such as large gaps in your automap between parts of the dungeon; most dungeons include illusory walls that you can simply walk through, as well as hidden buttons that are nearly invisible and easy to miss, so check everywhere. Make sure to read every sign you see and talk with every character you meet, and never offend someone without a good reason. (Q) I'm having trouble with combat. Any tips? (A) For most enemies, stick-and-move works very well. Essentially you attack, then retreat or sidestep before they can counter. By the time they catch up to you, you should be ready for your next attack. This tactic can be used against most enemies to defeat them with minimal risk. Enemies with ranged attacks are trickier, but as long as you stay out of their line of sight you should usually be fine. Finally, remember that you can use healing potions from the menu, where the action is paused and you do not use up any of your characters' turns. (Q) One of my characters died. How do I revive them? (A) Any healing spell or item will suffice. I recommend saving all those minor Red Potions you find for just this purpose. (Q) How do I pick locks? (A) Lockpicks are used just like keys; select them from your inventory and use them on a locked door or chest to attempt to pick the lock. Whichever party member has the highest Lockpicking skill will make the attempt, and their rate of success depends mostly on their Lockpicking skill. You can attempt to pick a lock as many times as you want, however keep in mind that an unsuccessful try has a chance of breaking the pick, so be careful. Later in the game you will be able to buy Tools, which function as unbreakable lockpicks. (Q) How much Eloquence do I need? (A) You can complete the game with zero Eloquence. One point will get you a few nice rewards, including lower prices, better rewards, and more opportunities to recruit allies. Three points will do even more. More than that isn't worth it, although there are effects from Eloquence all the way up to at least 6. Note that this is based on my experiments with a custom character; the three premade characters may have different Eloquence requirements. (Q) Is there anywhere I can go to see the full maps of dungeons? (A) Yes. Artificial Raven has compiled a nearly complete set of maps, posted at http://www.freewebs.com/artificial_raven/other/mazes_of_fate_maps.html ++====================++ || Specific Questions || ++========[spe]=======++ (Q) Where can I find a bottle of wine for the Weaponsmith's Daughter? (A) They are on sale at the General Store in Sumur. (Q) I found a Small Statuette in the Forsaken Temple. What do I do with it? (A) If you bring it to the General Store owner in Tur, he will tell you that it is part of a set of nine. There are actually ten in all, but you only need find nine of them. Bring them to him and he will reward you with a set of armor that outclasses just about everything else. Naturally, you cannot obtain nine until nearly the end of the game. (Q) Where are all of the Small Statuettes located? (A) Their locations are Forsaken Temple 1, El Paso Underground, Stand Keep, Underworld, Underground Temple 3, DarkFort 2, Spirit of the Mountain, Uptown Ubar Na Kur, Dubuerk's Fortress 2, and Tower 1. They are usually hidden in niches that are revealed by pressing secret buttons. (Q) How do I enter the hidden magic shop in El Paso? (A) Due to a bug, the magic shop is inaccessible. There's no known way to enter short of using a cheating device to hack the game. (Q) What is the combination to open the prison cells underneath El Paso? (A) Set the switches to up, down, up, down, up. (Q) Why is Zalut upset? (A) If you have enough Eloquence, you can persuade him to share his secret. Otherwise, ask Lanira, the barkeeper; she can tell you who to ask about him. (Q) I've searched everywhere in Stand Keep but I don't know what to do next. (A) Stand Keep is an optional dungeon. To continue the story, either deliver the Orange Egg to the Diviner in Zasterul or pay him 500 crowns, and he will show you your next destination. (Q) What is the combination for the levers in the Underground Temple? (A) Leave the western lever up and pull the other two down. (Q) I'm stuck in Underground Temple 3. There are two locks but only one key! (A) Have you explored everywhere? Check your automap. In the southwest part of that floor is a door that opens to reveal a dead end. That wall is actually an illusion. Walk through it to find an area with the last Initiate Key. (Q) What is the solution to the switch puzzle in DarkFort 1? (A) Up, down, up, up, down, up. (Q) How do I get past the room with the pit traps in DarkFort 2? (A) Flip the switch to the far south to reset the room. Then press the north switch once and the middle switch twice. Press the switch in the northeast corner of the room. Then walk back and flip all three switches two times. (Q) What do I do in the mirror room in DarkFort 2? (A) Press the northern button once and the western button two times. (Q) How does the School of Magic work? (A) Your main character must have at least 9 points in either Akhina or El. If you do not have enough of either, you will gain nothing from joining. If you have enough points in both, you will be allowed to choose which one to train. Akhina training will increase your Akhina skill by 5 points. El training will not increase your El skill at all; instead, your Akhina skill will be changed to whatever your El skill would have been, plus 5 points. This is probably due to another bug. This can be exploited to allow you to max both types of magic for very few points. If you have 0 Akhina and 20 El, for example, training in El will leave you with 25 Akhina and 20 El. On the other hand, if you have 20 Akhina and 10 El, training in El will actually hurt you, reducing your Akhina skill to 15. (Q) How do I unpetrify Uruam? (A) You will need to find some Dust of Life. There is also an Unpetrify spell, but there appears to be no way to learn it. (Q) Where can I obtain Dust of Life? (A) By completing the Spirit of the Mountain quest in Lorerma without demanding a reward, or by buying it at the General Store in Zarki. ++=============++ || || || WALKTHROUGH || || || ++====[wal]====++ Note: This walkthrough is based on a custom character. If you choose one of the three premade characters, there will be some small differences. Some dialogue will change, some skills will be unavailable or unnecessary for certain quests, and there will be a few unique encounters. I plan on noting these differences in a future version of this document. ++=========================++ || City of Sumur || || Shopping: General Store || ++==========[sum]==========++ +-----------------+ | Big Tuna Tavern | +-----------------+ You begin in conversation with Tuna, the barkeeper. He tells you about the nightmares plaguing the villagers and the recently unearthed temple. Tell him you'd like to help, and he will mention that his aunt is having problems with giant rats. He shows you the location of the Master Warrior. Go there. (You can leave without taking his request, but there's nothing else you can do in town until you agree to help him.) +---------------+ | General Store | +---------------+ If you want, you can stop by the General Store to shop. If you need cash, you can sell your Nagora, as it has little use value. There's nothing for sale here that you truly need right now, however, and keep in mind that this shop offers you bad prices for your items so you may want to hold off on selling anything. +----------------+ | Master Warrior | | Location: Tuna | +----------------+ Tell the Master Warrior that Tuna sent you. Offer to fight the rats. If you tell him that you don't know how to fight, he will give you a quick tutorial on combat. Tell him that you do know how to fight to skip the tutorial. Either way, he will show you the location of the Old Lady's House. Go there. +--------------------------+ | Old Lady's House | | Location: Master Warrior | +--------------------------+ Agree to help the Old Lady with the rats. If you want a reward, make sure NOT to ask her for one. Either way, she will let you into the basement. ++============================++ || Old Lady's Cellar || || Monsters: 2x Enormous Rat || || Treasure: Old Lady's Ring, || || 7 crowns, 10 XP || ++============[cel]===========++ This is your very first dungeon. The game will display tutorial dialogs at various points in here, so be sure to read them over. Pull the lever to open the door. Walk forward and you will encounter your first enemy, an Enormous Rat. It should only take one strike from your dagger to defeat it. (You can also use the Shock spell if you have any skill in Akhina magic.) Pull the next lever, and enter the room that opens. Be careful, as there is another Enormous Rat in here. Now leave the basement. Thank the Old Lady and she will give you a reward, a magic ring. Equip it. (If you would rather steal from the Old Lady, there are seven crowns in the chest, and the ring can be found by pressing a hidden button in the northwest corner of the room. Seven crowns aren't worth much, though.) +------------------------------------------+ | Master Warrior | | Training: 1-Handed Weapons, 2-Handed | | Weapons, Parry, Ranged Weapons | +------------------------------------------+ The Master Warrior will acknowledge your spectacular victory over the rats. If you like, you can pay him for training; 50 crowns will buy one level of Parry, 2-Handed Weapons, 1-Handed Weapons, or Ranged Weapons. If your Eloquence is at least three, you can convince him to lower the price to 40 crowns. Note that he can only train you to level one in any of these skills, so if you have already trained in one of them you will not be able to improve in that area with the Master Warrior. On the other hand, if you have enough money and have not trained in any of these skills, you can buy the first level in each without using any skill points. As will be the case with all professional trainers, only the main character can improve their skills here. +--------------------+ | Big Tuna Tavern | | Treasure: 5 crowns | +--------------------+ Tell Tuna that you solved his aunt's problem. He will now allow you to speak with the other bar patrons. Make sure to look at the posters on the wall. Speak to the Bard. He will tell you about his friend Draul, who has been kidnapped. Offer to help and he will show you the location of the Lord's house. If you like, speak to the adventurers in the corner. They can tell you about the temple, as well as some of the mythical creatures that roam the lands. Mock them and they will offer to pay you two crowns to help increase their fame. If you have at least one point of Eloquence, you can convince them to pay you five crowns instead of two. Tuna can tell you about some rumors if you buy a drink from him. He can also tell you the location of the Thieves' Guild for four crowns, but you will learn the location for free if you wait. Don't waste too much time talking to the Drunkard. With enough Eloquence, you can get him to tell you the password to the Thieves' Guild by buying him drinks and asking him to tell stories (just don't mention the Thieves' Guild), but you can learn the password for free later. At this point you can begin the search for Draul or do a job for the Captain of the Guard. I would suggest looking for Draul first, as it will allow you to recruit your first party member sooner, but you can do them in either order. +--------------+ | Lord's House | +--------------+ Tell the Butler that you want to speak with the Lord about his kidnapped son. Insist that you will find Draul no matter what, and agree when he asks you to go to the Old House. +------------------------------+ | Old House | | Location: Butler | | Monsters: 3x Scoundrel | | Treasure: Ibrinum, 80 crowns | +------------------------------+ Another dungeon. As soon as you walk through the second open doorway, you will be ambushed by several Scoundrels. Be careful, as they are stronger than the Enormous Rats you fought earlier and can surround you if you are not cautious. Still, they should not be too much trouble. Collect the 80 crowns in the back room and pick up the Ibrinum lying on the ground in the large room. Now return to the Lord's House. +--------------+ | Lord's House | +--------------+ Inform the Lord about his butler and tell him that you will help find his son. Ask him about the man from the Thieves' Guild. Tell him you do not know where their hideout is, and he will show you the location of the Thieves' Guild. +----------------------+ | Thieves' Guild | | Location: Lord, Tuna | +----------------------+ Without the password, you can't get in. Return to the Lord's House and tell him that the thieves won't let you in, and he will tell you the password, "Nadra." +----------------+ | Thieves' Guild | +----------------+ Say the password, Nadra, and you will be let in. Speak to Mardred, the man on the right. Tell him that you were sent by Draul's father. He will inform you about the Shadow Brotherhood. Now speak to Hakina. Tell him you wish to join the Guild. He will demand that you pay 100 crowns or prove your worth. Tell him you will prove your worth, and he will show you the location of the Thieves' Cave. Speak to Mardred again and tell him you are fighting the Shadow Brotherhood. He will join you. (Mardred is the only character you will be able to recruit for quite some time. If this is your first time playing through the game, you should definitely have him along. Note that in addition to rogue skills, he can also learn El magic, which includes many useful stat boosting spells.) +-----------------+ | Guard Barracks | | Treasure: 30 XP | +-----------------+ If you defeated the Scoundrels in the Old House, tell the Captain about it. Leave and return. The Captain will tell you he investigated the Old House, and you will gain 30 XP. Ask him about the note in the tavern, and he will ask you to investigate Frajon's death. Ask him about a reward and he will offer you four crowns. Tell him the note said seven crowns and he will agree to pay you seven. He will then show you the location of Frajon's House. +-------------------------+ | Frajon's House | | Location: Captain | | Treasure: Crypt Key, | | Frajon's Note | +-------------------------+ Take the key and the note and leave. If you are curious about Frajon's note, go to the character status screen and select "Other Items." You can read the note there, although it is not necessary to do so. Now return to the Barracks. +----------------+ | Guard Barracks | +----------------+ Tell the Captain about what you found. He will take the note and ask you to investigate the Crypt. ++==========================================================================++ || Crypt || || Monsters: Corpse, 3x Enormous Rat || || Treasure: Black Potion (major), Black Potion (minor), Blue Potion, Blue || || Potion (minor), Bracer, Bronze Key, Dagger, 2x Deathbed, Green || || Potion (major), Longsword, Red Potion (major), Sandals, Wooden || || Shield, 9 crowns || ++===================================[cry]==================================++ Use the Crypt Key to unlock the door. Defeat the Enormous Rat inside and move on. There is a Dagger in one of the alcoves. Open the next door and you will face another rat. There is a secret button one space north of the door to the west. Press it to open a secret room next to the door on the far west end of the room. There are several treasures in this area. Make sure to pick up the Deathbed, as it will be necessary later on. Inside the secret room are a variety of potions, a very useful Longsword, and two chests that you should leave for now. Open the next door to face another rat. In this room is more Deathbed and a lever that opens a door back to the entrance. Save your game before entering the southernmost room. Inside is a Corpse, which is a much tougher enemy than any you've faced so far. Attack, then retreat if it survives your first attack. The stick-and-move strategy, attacking and then moving away before the enemy can strike, will be helpful throughout this game, so learn it well and make use of it whenever a monster gives you trouble. Once you have dispatched the Corpse, enter the room to find Frajon's body. Now is a good time to report to the Captain. +-----------------------------+ | Guard Barracks | | Treasure: 4/7 crowns, 30 XP | +-----------------------------+ Tell the Captain about Frajon's fate. He will reward you with four or seven crowns, depending on the price you negotiated earlier, and 30 XP. He will also give you permission to leave the town. Ask him if he has any other missions, and he will commission you to find some missing cargo. He thinks the Thieves' Guild may know about it, and he will tell you that the Drunkard at the bar knows the way in. Agree to find the cargo, and he will offer to give a tutorial on your Questlog. If this is your first time playing, you may want to listen to him. Now it's time to leave Sumur and see what lies beyond the city gates. +-----------------+ | Forsaken Temple | +-----------------+ The guards refuse to allow you entry. Looks like you will have to go elsewhere for the moment. ++======================================++ || Village of Tur || || Shopping: Alchemist, Armorsmith, || || General Store, Weaponsmith || || Treasure: 70 XP || ++================[tur]=================++ Enter the village Tur, which appears as a collection of huts immediately north of Sumur. There are several shops here, including the best armor and weapons you will be able to buy for quite some time. It is unnecessary to buy anything at the moment, but feel free to do some shopping if you are so inclined. The Weaponsmith will give you the best prices for your sold items if you have any inventory you want to unload. Visit the Scribe and ask why he is upset. Tell him you will recover his quill. If this is your first time playing, ask the Armorsmith about armor and defense. He will give you a brief explanation of how defense works. Now ask him about his troubles. He explains that a shipment of materials has been stolen and that he suspects the Weaponsmith. Tell him you will look into it. If you want to buy any armor, do it now, because you will be unable for a little while after this. At with the Weaponsmith, you can hear a brief tutorial on weapons if you want. Ask him about his troubles, and he will also talk about the missing shipment. Hanging around outside the Weaponsmith's shop is his daughter. Ask her about her problems. All through this next sequence, be as nice as you can to both the Weaponsmith's daughter and the Armorsmith's son, or you will lose out on a reward. Agree to deliver her letter to Packo, who can be found outside the Armorsmith's shop. Deliver the letter to him and agree to deliver his letter. Return and deliver the letter to her. Remember to be nice about it. Agree to take the ring back to him. Deliver the ring. Agree to deliver his message, and return to the girl. You'll earn 70 XP and her everlasting gratitude for your efforts. The gratitude will actually come in handy later on! Unless you have any more shopping to do, it's time to leave town. ++=============================++ || Thieves' Cave || || Location: Hakina || || Monsters: 10x Thief || || Treasure: Lockpick, Scale || || Armor, 3x Stone, || || Sword, 450 crowns || ++============[cav]============++ Be sure to save your game, as there are many enemies in this dungeon. Look around for any thieves and kill any that are in sight. Pick up the three stones right by the entrance, as they will come in handy later. Now it's time to hunt down the Shadow Brotherhood. There are 10 thieves in all. Don't worry about any of the chests for now; you can come back later when it will be much easier to pick the locks on them. However, if any of the thieves drops a key, hold onto it. Place a stone on the pressure plate in the room just north of the center of the dungeon. Directly opposite the chest there is a secret button that, when pressed, reveals stairs leading downward. +-----------------------------+ | Thieves' Cave Basement | | Monsters: 3x Infernal Rat | | Treasure: Staff, 300 crowns | +-----------------------------+ Head south, dispatch the rat, and search the bodies to find a Staff. Explore the northern end of the cave and defeat the two Infernal Rats you find there. If any of the thieves you defeated dropped a Bronze Key, you can use it to open one of the chests in the cave. The chest near the stairs leading down, right by the secret button, contains a Lockpick and Scale Armor. The chest near the northwest corner on the main floor contains a Sword. Every other chest holds 150 crowns. If you feel like backtracking, these keys also open the chests inside the Crypt, but all you will get for your trouble are a few crowns and an additional key. Now return to the Thieves' Guild in Sumur to collect your reward. +-------+ | Sumur | +-------+ +----------------------------------+ | Thieves' Guild | | Treasure: 50 crowns, 40 XP | | Training: Bargain, Lock Picking, | | Resist Poison, Search | +----------------------------------+ Tell Hakina that you've defeated the Shadow Brotherhood. He will reward you with 50 crowns and 50 XP, and offer to let you join the guild. Accept his invitation. He will teach you one level of either Search, Lock Picking, Resist Poison, or Bargain. Keep in mind that, like the Master Warrior, Hakina can only teach you the first level in any of these skills; if you have already trained in one of them it will be unavailable. I would recommend Bargain for now. You can also purchase more training for 100 crowns, though keep in mind that you will earn another training session with him later on for free, so don't spend all your gold here just yet. Ask him about the scribe's quill, and he will offer to sell it for 20 crowns. Buy it from him. Ask him about the cargo and he will mention that it should have been at the Shadow Brotherhood's cave. +----------------+ | Guard Barracks | +----------------+ Ask the Captain for permission to enter the temple. Tell him you believe it is the source of the nightmares. He will grant you entry. (If you did not recruit Mardred, he will not give you permission yet.) +-----------------+ | Big Tuna Tavern | +-----------------+ If you got permission to enter the temple, then skip this part. Otherwise, speak to Tuna. Ask for information, buy a drink from him, then mention the Shadow Brotherhood. Pay him 10 crowns and he will tell you that the group of adventurers know where their secret campsite is. Talk to them, and ask about the Shadow Brotherhood. They will show you its location on the world map. +-----------------+ | Forsaken Temple | +-----------------+ If you received permission from the Captain, you are now allowed to enter. The doors are sealed shut, however. Copy down the inscriptions you find. +----------------------+ | Tur | | Treasure: 30 crowns, | | 20 XP | +----------------------+ If you didn't get permission to enter the temple, then skip this part and go on to the Thieves' Campsite. Visit the Scribe and give him his quill back. You'll earn 20 XP. Ask for a reward and he will offer you 10 crowns. You can badger him into giving you more money if you like. Now ask him about the inscriptions from the temple. He directs you to the Hermit and shows you his location. +---------------+ | Hermit's Cave | +---------------+ Ask the Hermit about the inscriptions. He gives you a translation, which contains instructions on how to open the temple doors. He will then ask you to defeat the Shadow Brotherhood. Agree to do so, and he will show you the location of their campsite. ++========================++ || Thieves' Campsite || || Location: Hermit, Tuna || || Monsters: 8x Thief || || Treasure: 40 crowns || ++==========[cam]=========++ The enemies here are all thieves, just like you fought in the cave, so you know what you're dealing with. It's generally best to stay on the outside edges of the camp at first. The center area is wide open and you run the risk of being surrounded. Draul is tied up near the midpoint of the east edge of the campsite. Talk to him and free him. The stolen cargo can be found directly south of the central camp. Once you see it, the main character will note that you should report to the Captain in Sumur. That's a good idea. There's another exit in the southeast corner if you're in a hurry. +-------+ | Sumur | +-------+ +-----------------------------+ | Guard Barracks | | Treasure: 25 crowns, 120 XP | +-----------------------------+ Tell the Captain you found the cargo. He rewards you with 25 crowns and 120 XP. If you are traveling alone, you can now obtain permission to enter the temple. +----------------------------------+ | Thieves' Guild | | Treasure: 100 crowns, 80 XP | | Training: Bargain, Lock Picking, | | Resist Poison, Search | +----------------------------------+ Speak to Hakina. Tell him you've slain the rest of the Shadow Brotherhood and he will reward you with 100 crowns, and 80 XP. If you joined the Thieves' Guild you will also receive another free training session. +-----------------+ | Lord's House | | Treasure: Amber | +-----------------+ Speak to the Lord. Ask him about a reward and he will present you with Amber. How nice of him. It won't be useful for anything later on, so feel free to sell it if you need the cash. +-----------------+ | Forsaken Temple | +-----------------+ If you're traveling alone, go to the temple and copy down the inscriptions. +-----+ | Tur | +-----+ +------------------------------------------+ | Tur | | Treasure: Ancestral Water, Longsword, | | Tear of Love, 30 crowns, 80 XP | +------------------------------------------+ If you haven't already done so, give him his quill back. You earn 20 XP. Ask for a reward and he will offer you 10 crowns. You can badger him into giving you more money if you like. Now ask him about the inscriptions from the temple. He directs you to the Hermit and shows you his location. Go to the Hermit to get the translation, then come back to Tur. Go to the Weaponsmith and tell him that you have recovered the cargo. He will reward you with a Longsword and 35 XP. Note that he does not always give you a Longsword, and I haven't yet figured out what triggers that reward. His weapons are cheaper now, as well. Tell the Armorsmith about the cargo to receive another 25 XP. His shop is open again now, and the prices are much lower than before. Ask the Weaponsmith's daughter for one of her tears. If you did not deliver all her messages earlier, you will have to go to the General Store in Sumur and buy her a wine bottle first, you jerk. Finally, visit the Alchemist. Tell him you need Ancient Water. You can pay him with two Deathbed herbs or one Deathbed and 20 crowns. If you don't have any Deathbed, go back and search the Crypt in Sumur. There are no other uses for Deathbed in the game, so feel free to give him both of them. You're done here, so now you need to find a poem never before written. Haven't we seen someone who could write a poem for us? +-------+ | Sumur | +-------+ +-----------------+ | Big Tuna Tavern | +-----------------+ Speak with the Bard. Ask him to write you a poem, and he will give you one. Fortunately, the inscription didn't say it had to be a GOOD poem. Now that you have collected all the ingredients, it's time to open those sealed doors and sort out this whole nightmare business. Save your game first, and do any shopping you feel is necessary, because you're going to be delving into a very large dungeon with some dangerous enemies and won't be able to leave for some time. ++==========================================================================++ || Forsaken Temple 1 || || Monsters: 4x Clay Soldier, 14x Infernal Rat, 2x Shadeling || || Treasure: 2x Akura, 2x Blue Potion (minor), 2x Bracer, Enchanted Shield, || || Green Potion, 3x Green Potion (minor), Khopesh, Leather Armor, || || Markia, 3x Red Potion (minor), Rusted Longsword, Rusted Key, || || Sandals, Shirt, Silver Key, Sling, Small Helmet, Small || || Statuette, Soft Boots, 18 crowns || ++===================================[for]==================================++ Use the ingredients you've gathered to open the doors. You enter the temple, but the doors slam shut behind you. Looks like you're stuck here for a while. Watch out for the two Infernal Rats patrolling in the first room. Four doors lead out of this large entryway area. To open one, press the switch next to it. To start, I suggest going through the southeast door. In this new area there is a lock that can be picked far to the south, which hides a nice dagger, but it's not worth bothering with just yet. There is also some treasure behind a fake wall directly north of the pressure plates. Step on the western pressure plate, then step back, but do not step on the eastern plate. Press the switch behind the newly opened door in the southeast. Beyond the northeastern door you will find a small area with a key in an alcove and a body that can be searched for some clothing. You can use the key in the lock to open most of the doors in this area, but all you will find are two rats and a few crowns. Note that the northernmost door in this area cannot be opened in any way, the first of many aggravations for the dedicated completionist. Now return to the large entryway and take the northeast door. Be careful in the long hallway on the north; along with rats, there is a Clay Soldier, the most formidable monster you have encountered so far. It has high defense and can deal heavy damage, killing you in just a few blows. If you have trained Mardred in El magic, his spells can come in handy here. Hit the switch in that hallway and you'll be done in this area for the moment. Past the door south of the large room with the pool is a pressure plate that closes the door behind you. You will find yourself back in the entryway. For now, let's move on to the southwest area of the temple. In the very southwest corner, there is an alcove and a body. Make sure to search the body for some items, including a Silver Key. There are a few other treasures in this area, so poke around if you like; otherwise head back to the pool room. Directly south of the pool, behind the wall, is a keyhole that your new Silver Key unlocks. Doing so opens all of the doors along the outer hallway. In the far northeast corner are two rooms containing treasures, including the first of many rare Small Statuettes. Also, both rooms have a fake wall to the north that s worth exploring. Be wary of the Shadeling in this area, as it can do some damage if it catches you off guard. In the far northwest corner of the temple is a room with another Shadeling and a Ruby Key that you should pick up. Behind the seal on the north wall is a fake wall that conceals a chest with a nice bounty inside. Finally, head to the door right near the top of the map, directly north of the pool. Save. Inside you will face off against two Clay Soldiers at once, so be ready. Once they are dust, loot the two chests and flip the switch on the far wall. If you glance at your map, you'll notice that a door off to the west has just opened up. Head there, and you will face yet another Clay Soldier. Beyond it are the stairs leading down. You've just cleared the first floor of the Temple of Dreams - only two more floors to go. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Forsaken Temple 2 | | Monsters: 2x Clay Soldier, 4x Corpse, 3x Infernal Rat, | | Shadeling | | Treasure: 2x Akura, Bronze Key, Dagger, Knife, Green Potion, | | Green Potion (major), Machete, Markia, Padded Shirt, | | 2x Red Potion (minor), Rusted Key, 12 crowns | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Right away you will be confronted by a walking corpse. Defeat it, then head north. Explore this area to find a Bronze Key in a niche and a few monsters to fight. The key unlocks the door leading south, but it's not necessary to use it here - especially since this key can also be used to open up one of the chests in the Thieves' Cave for some valuable loot. Near the top center of the map, you will find a friendly gargoyle type creature named Calus. Speak with him. He can tell you a little about what has happened in this temple. Make sure to ask him about the inscriptions on the door. When you leave, he will mention that there is another like him somewhere in the temple named Cedrias. Good to know. Flip the switch in this room to open up the door in the northwest corner of this floor. Head over there and you will face two Clay Soldiers. Defeat them and raid the treasure chest for a measly six crowns, then step on the pressure plate. There is a false wall on the south end of this room, hiding another chest with two potions in it. Head back to the stairs. With the information Calus provided, you will be able to open the sealed doors again, so go up to the first floor and make your way back to the temple's entrance. Outside, one of the guards asks you speak with you. His name is Ludren and he wishes to join you. I would suggest taking him along for now, as you will not have the opportunity to recruit anyone else for quite some time, though you can certainly proceed without him if you like. Either way, take care of any shopping or other business you feel like doing and then return to the temple's second floor. The door to the south near the stairs is now open, so it's time to do some more exploration. Immediately to the south you will find a staircase leading down to the third floor, but ignore them for the time being. There are quite a few monsters and some decent treasures in this area, so it's worth your while to take some time to poke around and gather everything up. There aren't any critical items or secret areas here, though, so once you run out of places to search or just get bored wandering, return to the stairs leading down and head to the third floor. +----------------------------+ | Forsaken Temple 3 | | Monsters: 2x Clay Soldier, | | 12x Corpse | | Treasure: 7 crowns | +----------------------------+ There are passages leading north and south, and a door to the east leading into the Cemetery. Calus warned you against going through there, and the northern passage ends at a locked door, so head south for now. Fight your way through the undead stalking the hallways and turn east when you get the chance. Ignore the stairs leading up, and note that there is another set of stairs leading up behind a false wall immediately to the east of the first set of stairs. Continue going north, ignore the door to the east as it is merely another entirely inaccessible area, and pass the third set of stairs as well. Near the northeast corner of this floor is a shining blue orb, which serves as a teleporter. The only thing beyond it for now is another Clay Soldier, so once you are satisfied with exploring this floor, step into the orb. +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Forsaken Temple 2 | | Monsters: 3x Bieid, Clay Soldier, 2x Corpse, 4x Infernal Rat, | | Stone Guardian | | Treasure: Black Potion (minor), Blue Potion (minor), Bracer, | | Enchanted Helmet, Enchanted Machete, Enchanted Shield, | | Khopesh, Leather Armor, Lockpick, Minor Ring of Magic, | | Red Potion (minor), Ruby Key, Shock Gem, 16 crowns | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ Grab up the meager treasure in this small room and then step back through the teleporter and return to the third floor. Make your way to the staircase in the southeast corner, behind the false wall. Save your game before going down. Be wary, as in this room is a Bieid, a fierce monster that can deal a tremendous amount of damage and withstand quite a deal of punishment itself. Its attacks can inflict poison on you as well, so be prepared to use Green Potions once combat is finished. Once it is dead, loot the treasure chest and go back up the stairs. Now head over to the stairs directly to the west and save again. Downstairs is another Bieid. Defeat it, and then walk straight east from the stairs until you pass through a false wall. Collect the nice treasures sitting in the alcoves and then head back to the second floor. This time, take the last set of stairs, in the middle of the temple on the east side. Go north and then head west, ignoring the room filled with pressure plates. You will come to a small room with three niches and several signs with instructions. Gather up all the stones and then place them in the alcoves according to the instructions: six in the southern niche, three in the northern niche, and one in the center. A wall opens to the north, so go through there. Beyond is a button and a treasure chest containing an Enchanted Machete. Grab the treasure and press the button. On your way out, feel free to pick up all the stones. They're no longer needed here, and will be useful in the future. Now return to the pressure plate room. Do not rush, as a wrong step here will hurt quite a bit. From the south entrance, step north, east, north, north, and then straight west until you are past the plates. Gather up all the treasures in this area, then go back to the pressure plate room. The way out is identical to the way in; from the west entrance, go east three spaces, south two spaces, west once and then out. Now head south past the stairs and continue on to the west. Go south through the open door to enter a small maze-like area. You are about to face a very dangerous situation. There are two switches near each other; flip the western one to close the gate you just came through. Pass the gate leading west, but keep track of its location. It will be your escape route. Now make your way to the south end of this area to find an odd sight, a Shadeling dead on the ground and a large statue standing behind it. Save your game. Now pick up the Ruby Key and head towards the western exit. Suddenly, the giant statue comes to life! Note that you have been spun around to face it, so get your bearings and then make for the exit as quickly as you can. Hit the switch once you are past the door to close it and seal the Stone Guardian inside the maze. There is virtually no way for you to defeat this monstrosity at the moment, as it has a massive amount of hit points and is only vulnerable to magic. Head west then north and you will end up back in the main corridor. Continue west to find a north-south intersection. The northern route is a dead end with only a few Infernal Rats occupying it, so go south. At the next intersection, the northern route is again a dead end. To the south, however, you will find Cedrias. Speak with him. Feel free to ask him any questions you please, but otherwise inquire about how you can help. He tells you that he needs a key from the third level, and heals your wounds. If you want, you can continue exploring the southwest corner of this floor. There is another Bieid lurking about, and a pit trap nearby. Once you are finished, head back to the stairs and go down to the third floor. +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Forsaken Temple 3 | | Monsters: 2x Clay Soldier, 8x Corpse, Dark Minion, 6x Shadeling | | Treasure: 2-H Axe, Cedrias Key, Cedrias Message, Cedrias Token, | | Green Potion (major), Red Potion (minor), Shock Gem, | | Silver Key, Small Helmet, 58 crowns | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ There are two areas you've yet to explore here, the northwest corner and the Cemetery. Since the northwest area is blocked off by doors that you do not have keys for yet, it's time to venture into the Cemetery. Take the east entrance, since it's the closest to the stairs you just came down from. There's a fair amount of treasure to be found inside, and no monsters you haven't seen before, so feel free to explore a bit. What you're looking for is inside the northeast most room of the crypt, but it has a tough guardian so save your game before entering. Once you step inside, the door behind you immediately slams shut and the music becomes much more energetic. This is your first true boss battle in Mazes of Fate! Fortunately it isn't too difficult. Just strike and then step back before the Dark Minion can attack and you should be able to dispatch of it easily. Once it is defeated, gather up all the treasure in the room, making sure to snag the Silver Key. Press the button to open the door, and you are free to leave. Take care of any additional exploration you'd like to do inside the Cemetery and then make your way to either of the locked doors in the northwest quarter of this floor. There's not much in this area, so make your way to the door with the two slots on either side of it. Use a Ruby Key in each slot and the door will open. Take the key from the niche and you're done here. Head back to the eastern stairs and go up to the second floor. Make your way back to Cedrias, and speak with him again. He gives you a token with a strange symbol on it, as well as a message intended for someone called the Ade Matre. Finally, you are nearly finished with the Forsaken Temple. Go back down to the third floor, then head straight west to the other staircase leading up. Make your way back to the first floor, then return to the pool room. Use the token you just received on the pool to remove the curse. Congratulations! You have just completed the first true maze of fate. Time to return to Sumur and tell the people the good news; their nightmares should now be over. +-------+ | Sumur | +-------+ +----------------+ | Guard Barracks | +----------------+ Tell the Captain you've cleansed the temple. He will urge you to meet the Baron. Looks like you're moving on up in the world. +----------------------+ | Baron's House | | Location: Captain | | Treasure: 100 crowns | +----------------------+ The Baron rewards you with a measly 100 crowns. Well, at least we snagged some nice treasures inside the temple. Tell him about the shadow. He has another job for you: investigating the distant town of Tanud and the mountain pass that leads there. For now, there are a few other things you might like to do in the area before you set out for Tanud. +-----------------+ | Big Tuna Tavern | +-----------------+ Remember our old pals, the adventurers? You can brag to them about how you've cleared out the Forsaken Temple, if you want. It doesn't get you anything other than a smug sense of self-satisfaction, though. ++=====================++ || Village of Falden || || Shopping: Herbalist || ++========[fal]========++ If you investigated this tiny village to the north of Tur already, you likely noticed that there isn't much to do here. Until now, that is. Enter the hut on the left. It turns out that monsters are plaguing this village. Agree to help them out, and Aminos will show you where they are nesting. ++=========================++ || Myrmecoleo's Cave || || Location: Aminos || || Monsters: 3x Myrmecoleo || ++==========[myr]==========++ This is a very straightforward dungeon. Defeat the three Myrmecolions within and then return to Falden. +----------------------------+ | Falden | | Treasure: 50 crowns, 50 XP | | Training: Fast Healing, | | Resist Poison | +----------------------------+ Aminos rewards you with 50 XP, and offers to train you in either Fast Healing or Resist Poison. Both are useful, so pick whichever one you like. Note that this is your only chance to train with Aminos; since you can also learn Resist Poison at the Thieves' Guild, Fast Healing may be the wiser choice. If you already have at least one point in both, he will give you 50 crowns instead. Finally, you're finished with the Sumur area. It is time to venture into the shadowy hills of El Paso. ++=====================================++ || El Paso W || || Location: Baron || || Monsters: 16x Brut, 4x Elite Brut, || || 8x Living Rock || || Treasure: Magic Shop Note, 7 crowns || ++================[elp]================++ This area is filled with many tough monsters and virtually no treasure, so explore only if you feel like battling. Bruts are powerful but slow, and as long as you make sure to take them on one at a time the standard stick-and-move strategy should work fine. Elite Bruts are a bit more dangerous but basically more of the same. Living Rocks are a bit tricky, in that they appear identical to normal rocks if you aren't paying attention, so stay alert. They do not move and take very little damage from physical attacks, so the safest strategy to use against them is keeping your distance and using ranged attacks and spells. They are not that dangerous, though, so as long as you aren't being chased by a Brut you should be able to fight them up close without too much trouble. Slightly southeast of the entrance is a young boy named Matro. There is nothing you can do for him right now, although he can tell you a little about the area. Near the southeastern corner, right where the bag of gold sits, is a secret button. Press it to reveal an entrance leading underground. If you are finished up here, then head down. +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | El Paso Underground | | Monsters: Braxis, 22x Goatman, 9x Tough Goatman | | Treasure: 2-H Axe, Bronze Key, Cloak of Protection, Enchanted | | Amber, 2x Iron Key, Khopesh, Red Potion (major), | | Small Statuette, 6 crowns | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ Open the door and you will face two Goatmen. They are considerably less of a threat than the Bruts above, but still take care not to let them surround you or box you in a corner. Step on the pressure plate in the northwest corner to open the next door. Beyond is a Tough Goatman, a slightly stronger foe but still nothing to worry too much about. Continue on and make your way through the Goatmen. Note that there is a fake wall at the end of the supposed dead end leading south, though it doesn't lead anywhere you won't get to normally. Open the door and continue; ignore the lock, as you already opened the door from the other side. Grab the Bronze Key in the eastern loop and then head south. Battle your way past the Goatmen and note the false wall two spaces north of the door, hiding a nice Cloak of Protection. There's nothing else in this area except an exit back to El Paso, so head back to the fork and go west. Check the walls to the north to find a hidden room containing some Enchanted Amber. This looks like a prison, so those lost guards the Baron spoke of are likely held captive down here, but there doesn't seem to be any way to open the cells. For now, walk over to the door on the east and save your game. Once you enter, the door slams shut and familiar music starts playing. Another boss battle! This time, your foe is Captain Braxis, leader of the Goatmen. He has a ton of hit points and can do quite a bit of damage, so don't be reckless. As usual, stick-and-move is the way to go. Ranged weapons and magic are also useful here. Once he is defeated, he runs off, but not before promising a rematch. Taunt him if you feel like it, then collect the treasure he leaves, including the very nice machete. Now exit through the south door. Head south past the two closed doors. Search the chest for another Khopesh, then step on the pressure plate in the passage just to the north to open the nearby door. Enter. You can hit the switch to open the other door if you want. Keep going, fighting your way through more Goatmen, until you come to a series of four doors in a row. Ignore the button in the passage just south of here. Now head through the far right door and then go east and then south to find a room containing a chest. Search it, then head as far north as you can until you reach a closed door. Return to the four doors in a row and go through the door directly north of the eastern door. Loop around to find yourself back at one of the closed doors; place any object in the nearby niche to open it, then remove the object and the door will remain open. Flip the switch across from the western door to open it, then defeat the two Tough Goatmen inside. Enter and grab the Iron Key, then exit. Check your auto-map; if the door far to the north at the dead end you just encountered is closed, then step on the pressure plate and immediately step back off. If the door is already open then head there now. Defeat the Tough Goatman inside, and if you feel like being silly you can put something in the niche to close the door that the other niche opened. What fun! Now return to the four doors in a row. Use the Iron Key in the lock to open the only one you haven't been in. Enter. Slay the Tough Goatman, snag the bag of gold from the chest, then step on the pressure plate to open the next door. Go north past the pressure plate and take the Iron Key, though try to defeat both Goatmen first so they don't get the chance to corner you. Grab the axe from the chest and then head back south and use the key to unlock the door. Step on the pressure plate off to the east to open the door leading back out and then keep going south to find an array of switches. If you've been paying attention to the signs scattered about this dungeon, you should be able to figure out what pattern they are supposed to be in. Otherwise, just set them to up, down, up, down, up. Now head all the way back to the prison area. The southernmost cell contains a Goatman who doesn't seem too appreciative even though you just released him. The northernmost cell contains a secret button that hides another Small Statuette for your collection. Finally, speak with the prisoners. One of them, named Kareth, informs you of their situation. Ask him about how he was captured. If you have at least three Eloquence, you can have him join your group; otherwise, he will offer to lead the prisoners to safety. For him to join you, you must leave one of your current allies behind. Mardred whines a lot if you ask him to stay, though you can bully him into doing so. Ludren, on the other hand, gets upset and leaves in a huff. Note that whatever you decide, it's permanent - the prisoners all escape along with whoever you assigned to lead them, so make sure you are certain about your choice. Kareth is a decent warrior and has some good equipment, but he isn't quite as powerful as Ludren and his skills have not been allocated optimally. However, he has a decent set of rogue skills and makes a much better fighter than Mardred, so you may want to go with the two warriors. Note that there are no opportunities to recruit other allies until much later on; this choice much sets your party in stone until over halfway through the game. If you want, you can go back and tell Matro that the prisoners escaped, and he will flee with them. You're now nearly finished with El Paso; all that remains to fulfill the Baron's request is to find the eastern exit and then investigate Tanud on the other side. The quickest way through is to take the stairs in the southeast corner of the underground that lead into El Paso East and simply walk northeast a ways. The long way, through El Paso Central, will take longer, but if you are looking for experience there are plenty more Bruts around. +--------------------------------------------------+ | El Paso C | | Monsters: 8x Brut, 4x Elite Brut, 4x Living Rock | | Treasure: Green Potion (major), Pearl, 2x Red | | Potion (major), 4x Red Potion (minor) | +--------------------------------------------------+ There's not much here aside from monsters and a handful of treasure. A secret button hides a shortcut right around the middle of the map, but it doesn't open anything you can't reach by taking the long way around. In the southeast corner is the entrance to the magic shop that the note in El Paso W mentioned, but the game seems to be glitched such that the shop is inaccessible, so don't bother trying to enter. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | El Paso E | | Monsters: 7x Brut, 3x Elite Brut, 5x Living Rock | | Treasure: Black Potion, Blue Potion (major), Green Potion (minor), | | 2x Red Potion (major), 2x Red Potion (minor), Scale Armor | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ There's not much of interest here. If you just emerged from the underground and want to complete this area quickly, head northeast, north at the fork, north then east, and finally south at the fork. Otherwise there are just more Bruts and Living Rocks to battle here, and a few treasures. At the supposed dead end in the far northeast corner is a secret button that reveals a couple of extra treasures. As soon as you're finished exploring, make for the eastern exit. Note that you are now able to choose to skip El Paso and travel immediately from one end to the other without hassle. ++=================================++ || Town of Tanud || || Shopping: General Store, Healer || || Treasure: 150 XP ++==============[tan]==============++ There are some minor enchanted items for sale at the General Store, if you are interested. If you have at least three Eloquence, go to the Main House first. Otherwise, take care of any investigating or shopping you want to do in town before speaking with the local lord. If you have four or more Eloquence, you can ask the barkeeper about rumors and he will tell you more about what is going on in this town. Ask him about the symbol that Cedrias gave you and he will warn you not to show it to Vatarius. He can also show you the location of Stand Keep. If your Eloquence is not high enough, he will only show you the location of a healer in town. The healer can tell you a little bit about Tanud's fate. He also sells healing potions and herbs. If you accuse him of being a rebel, he will become angry and refuse to speak with you again. At the Main House, Vatarius can tell you of the town's plight, but little else. If you have at least three Eloquence, ask him about the Ade Matre and then show him the symbol you received from Cedrias. Tell him you will track down the rebels to earn 150 XP. If you have less then three Eloquence, make sure you are finished with everything in this town and then show him the symbol. He will accuse you of being a rebel and kick you out. Either way, he will show you the location of Stand Keep, a dungeon to the north. Now pass through El Paso and return to Sumur. +------------------------------+ | Sumur | | Treasure: 200 crowns, 150 XP | +------------------------------+ Tell the Baron that you cleared the pass and rescued the prisoners. He rewards you with 200 crowns and 150 XP. Now head back through El Paso and check out the city in the northern mountains. ++===========================================++ || City of Zasterul || || Shopping: Armorsmith, Gem Trader, || || General Store, Weaponsmith || || Monsters: Pota || || Treasure: 2x Red Potion (minor), 3 crowns || ++===================[zas]===================++ The shops in this town are the best you will see for quite a while, so stock up on anything that catches your interest. Note that there are two shops within the market on the east side of town. At the Market, speak with Zalut. If your Eloquence is at least 4, tell him he should talk his problems over with someone. He says that he has already spoken with the Guide. If your Eloquence is at least 6, persuade him to tell you about what happened. He will mention a mage's house and show you the location. At the tavern, the barkeeper can tell you a bit about the town. For two crowns she will point out the location of the Slayers, a guild of assassins, though it isn't necessary to visit them. If Zalut wouldn't talk to you, ask Lanira about him. She will mention that he sometimes speaks with the Guide. The goatman has nothing to say to you, and Pota is only worth talking to if you feel like getting into a fight. Challenge him and you will find yourself in the tavern's cellar. He isn't too strong, so take care of him and take the loot he drops. While you're at it, you can search the cellar for extra treasure, though there isn't much down there. If you want, you can ask the Slayers to kill Captain Braxis, the goatman you fought beneath El Paso. You can pay 100 crowns or 500 crowns to have them do their work. It isn't necessary to do so by any means - you will only fight Braxis once more in the game, near the very end, and he isn't much more of a challenge by then anyhow. It's up to you, though. The guide can tell you a bit about the goatmen, though as you can tell he's a tad biased. If you couldn't convince Zalut to speak with you, ask the guide about him. He offers to tell you about a treasure Zalut found if you will share the spoils with him. If your Eloquence is three or higher, you can convince him to split it 150/350, otherwise he will demand half. Either way, he will show you the location of the Mage's House. +---------------------------+ | Mage's House | | Location: Guide, Zalut | | Monsters: Giant Lizard | | Treasure: Ring of Akhina, | | 757 crowns | +---------------------------+ Head to the east, and the door will close behind you, initiating a boss battle. The Giant Lizard has a massive amount of health and can dish out a lot of pain to you, but as long as you are patient it isn't too much trouble - it cannot move, so retreating to the door will keep you safe if you need to rest. Once it is defeated, move on. The house is a mess of secret buttons and fake walls, but as long as you search carefully you should be able to find your way through. Grab all the gold and the magic ring in the northeast corner and then exit. If you agreed to split the money with the Guide, you can give him his share now. Or you can refuse, if you want. There are no apparent consequences to reneging on your deal with him. At this point, you have the option of scouring Stand Keep or continuing on with your journey. There is nothing necessary in the fort, though if you decide to skip it you will have to pay 500 crowns to proceed. If you would rather keep going, then go ahead and visit the Diviner's Post. Otherwise, venture into the ruined halls of Stand Keep. ++===========================================================++ || Stand Keep || || Location: Petitioner, Vatarius || || Monsters: 13x Goatman, 3x Tough Goatman || || Treasure: 2x Akura, Bronze Key, Markia, Morning Star, 3x || || Red Potion (minor), Small Statuette, 965 crowns || ++===========================[sta]===========================++ This is a fairly straightforward dungeon. Passages run along all four sides of the fort, with smaller passages winding through the middle. At each corner is a large room with a staircase leading up, though the southwest staircase has been rendered inaccessible due to rubble. In the center is a large, empty room, and the rest of this floor is filled with smaller rooms that can usually be opened by a nearby switch or pressure plate. If Vatarius, the lord of Tanud, suspected you of being a rebel, then once you step foot in the central room the doors will close and you will be ambushed by four Goatmen. Dispatch them and you will find Naigur, the man who was advising Vatarius, hiding in a corner. Interrogate him if you want, then kill him or let him go. Press the big button behind him to open the doors. If you didn't speak with Vatarius, or convinced him you would hunt down the rebels, then the room will be empty. In a small room just northeast of the big room is a corpse holding a note and a gem, an Orange Egg. Take them both, and read the note if you are interested. There is another Small Statuette hidden just north of the southeast corner. A secret button reveals a short passage leading to a door that can be opened by a second button. There is a chest with some gold and a Morning Star in the room in the southeast that opens with the pressure plate, which requires a lockpick to open. The other southeastern door, just north of the corner room, is another inaccessible area. Finally, in the small room just northwest of the center room are stairs leading down into the dungeons. +----------------------------------------+ | Stand Keep Dungeon | | Monsters: 5x Goatman, 2x Tough Goatman | | Treasure: 3x Akura, Markia, 3x Red | | Potion (minor), 879 crowns | +----------------------------------------+ A fairly simple, short maze here. Grab the treasure, defeat the Goatmen, and at the end of the path you will find a locked door that you can open with a Bronze Key. Beyond is a ton of gold and stairs leading to a small side section of the upper floor with yet more treasure. +---------------------------------------------------+ | Stand Keep NW Tower | | Monsters: 4x Goatman, Infernal Rat, Tough Goatman | | Treasure: 3x Akura, Bow of Accuracy, Bronze Key, | | Deathbed, Green Potion (minor), Red | | Potion (minor), 75 crowns | +---------------------------------------------------+ Same as usual. Each door is opened by the nearby switch. There's a nice bow in the center room. +--------------------------------------------------------+ | Stand Keep NE Tower | | Monsters: 6x Goatman, Infernal Rat, 2x Tough Goatman | | Treasure: Akura, Amber, Red Potion (minor), 340 crowns | +--------------------------------------------------------+ More monsters, fewer treasures. +---------------------------------------------------------+ | Stand Keep SE Tower | | Monsters: 5x Goatman, 4x Infernal Rat, 2x Tough Goatman | | Treasure: Akura, Green Potion (minor), 2x Markia, | | Red Potion (minor), Small Shield, 190 crowns | +---------------------------------------------------------+ And one last tower. Now that you've thoroughly scoured Stand Keep and picked up quite a bit of plunder in the process, it's time to attend to your destiny. +----------+ | Zasterul | +----------+ Visit the Diviner, Combad. Pay him five crowns and he will give you some hints about your future. He asks for an Orange Egg as payment for information about the symbol Cedrias gave you, or five hundred crowns if you do not have it. If you obtained the Orange Egg in Stand Keep, give it to him, as it has no other use. If not, go ahead and pay him. He shows you an entrance to the Underworld, and says you will find more answers in an old building there. ++==========================================================================++ || Underworld || || Location: Combad || || Monsters: 21x Fungoid || || Treasure: 5x Akura, Amulet, Black Potion (major), Black Potion (minor), || || Blue Potion (major), Club, Great Helmet, Green Potion (major), || || 8x Green Potion (minor), Khopesh, 2x Quality Bow, Quality || || Staff, Red Potion (major), 4x Red Potion (minor), Ruby, Small || || Statuette, 890 crowns || ++===================================[wor]==================================++ You will find yourself in a large underground cave with many twists and turns. Be careful of the Fungoids in here, as they can poison you. The initial area is fairly simple to navigate, just press switches as you find them to open up the doors. Note that another Small Statuette can be found in a corridor revealed by pressing a hidden button one space north and directly east of the entrance. At the far north end of the cavern, behind the door opened by the pressure plate, is a man named Altreph who has a request for you. Be civil with him and he will ask you to deliver a statue for him. Agree and he will teach you El magic. If your main character already has the El magic skill, you will gain one point in it; otherwise, you will gain access to the skill but with zero points. In the southern portion of the caverns is a chest containing a valuable Ruby. In the very southeast corner of the Underworld is an entrance to a place called DarkFort. Unfortunately it is sealed right now, so head to the northeast corner to find another ruined temple. ++=====================================================================++ || Underground Temple 1 || || Monsters: 28x Kesal || || Treasure: 2x Akura, Casque of Meditation, Enchanted Bracer, Flanged || || Mace, Leather Helmet, Quality Hand Axe, Quality Machete, || || 2x Red Potion (minor), 2x Red Potion, 2x Rusted Key, UG || || Blue Key, UG Red Key, 230 crowns || ++================================[und]================================++ Grab the Rusted Key from the southern niche and then open the eastern door by flipping both switches. Beyond is a Kesal, a fairly tough creature but nothing significantly different from what you've fought before. There are another two Kesals further inside. There are stairs leading down here, and more stairs are hidden in the eastern room with the pressure plates. There is quite a bit of nice treasure and some background information on the temple to be had on the second floor without any fighting, so if you are interested, skip ahead to the Underground Temple 2 section below. Directly east of the altar is a fake wall. If you keep walking east along the south wall, you will run into another fake wall that leads into a corridor with two more false walls to the west and a staircase to the north. Take the stairs and follow the corridor until you reach another set of stairs leading north. Back on the first floor, take the Casque of Meditation and then exit through the false wall to the east. Now head back to the entrance to this area and head directly east from the pressure plate room through a fake wall. Hit the switch to open the door and head north, fighting your way through the Kesals. Once you enter the large room at the north end of the temple, the door shuts behind you. There are no monsters in here, so don't worry. Take the sword in the northern alcove and then press the hidden button in the northwest corner of the room to reveal a passage with another hidden button at the end. Grab the loot in the room to the north and then head south. You'll end up back at the room just before the pressure plate room. Now head south through the door on the opposite end of the room. Five spaces north of the locked doors at the end of the hall is a false wall leading west. Exit the room into the long corridor. Head south and east to find a chest hidden behind a false wall. Feel free to explore this area. Due south of the door leading back to the entrance is a false wall with a switch. Activate the pressure plates behind it to reveal a chest with a Quality Machete inside. Most importantly, speak with Abcas and Ocampa, two oddly transparent temple dwellers. Agree to deliver Ocampa's flask to the cook and to look for Abcas' lost parchment. If you ask Ocampa about the parchment, she will hint that Abcas is really interested in pretty much any old thing you can find. Keep that in mind. Now head back to the southern corridor. The doors can be unlocked by the Rusted Keys you found earlier. Enter the room to the west and take the UG Blue Key. This key will open the door just north of the temple's entrance. If you want to fight as many Kesals as you can, head there now. Otherwise skip the next two paragraphs for now, and continue on to the southeastern portion of this floor. The northwest portion of the temple is similar to the southwest, with a long, winding corridor and many small rooms branching off from it. In the very corner is a series of gates blocking off another inaccessible area. A nearby corpse holds the UG Red Key, which unlocks the door south of the temple entrance, but we already opened it from the other side so the key is useless. Just to the south of that area, two spaces north of the giant head, is a false wall hiding a bag of gold. Finally, this area is also home to two more ghostly residents of the temple, Borgen the librarian and Daruk the cook. Borgen wants a book that you don't have yet, so leave him for now and speak with Daruk. Don't offend him or you'll have a lot of trouble here; just read what he says out loud and you should be able to figure him out. Give him the flask that Ocampa wanted you to deliver. He heats it and returns it to you. If you do make Daruk mad at you, ask Borgen for help. Return the flask back to Ocampa and she will reward you with an Old Pendant. An old item, eh? Maybe that will do the trick. Return to Abcas and offer him the pendant. Now ask him about the Ade Matre, and you will learn that you are very close to your destination. Ask him if he has any books to return to the library and he will give you one. Go to Borgen now and give him the book. Ask him how to reach the lower floors and he will tell you to ask Abcas! Explain that Abcas just told you to ask him, and he says that the instructions are in a book that Abcas can read to you. Take the book and return to Abcas. It says that you will need a potion and will have to correctly position certain levers. Agree when he asks you to trade the book for an amulet, then return to Ocampa. Ask her for the potion you need and give her the amulet in exchange. If you do not have the amulet, you can also give her 100 crowns, and you can continue to do so to buy as many Oniric Potions as you want, though doing so has no purpose. Finally, go and ask Daruk how to reach the lower floors; just remember to be polite and not to make fun of his accent. He wants you to help him with something. Agree, then speak with him again and lie that you have done what he asked. He tells you the levers need to be positioned "dawndawnap" - down, down, up. The southeast portion of the temple is home to a nest of Kesals, and if you try to advance too quickly they can surround you, so be careful. Once you near the southeast corner, you will find a large Kesal sitting on a throne. Speak with him. He is Igmuld, leader of the Kesals here. He claims to recognize the symbol you carry and apologizes for attacking you. At this point, any hostile Kesals that you did not slay will disappear, letting you roam this floor of the temple without fear. Two spaces to the south of him, another illusory wall blocks a small room with a chest. If you bought Tools on the second floor already, go ahead and pick the lock. Otherwise, come back here once you've seen Miarn. Further to the south are three switches and a giant face. Set the switches to the correct position and place the Oniric Potion in its mouth to open a passage leading down. If you do not have the potion yet, head to the northwest corner of the temple and perform the tasks that the ghosts there have for you. Before heading down the stairs in the southeast corner, return to the main hall as there are some smaller areas on the second floor that we still need to loot. +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Underground Temple 2 | | Shopping: Miarn's Shop | | Monsters: 7x Dark Minion, 12x Dream Demon, 11x Temporal Rat | | Treasure: 4x Awakening Potion, 2x Blue Potion (major), Composite | | Bow, Enchanted Helmet, 6x Ibrinum, 4x Initiate Key, 2x | | Red Potion (major), Ring of Healing | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ Either staircase near the temple entrance will take you to a small subsection of the second floor containing only a couple of ghosts. Verk, a priest, while quite confused about his own existence, can tell you much about the temple's history. Miarn, on the other hand, can explain a bit about what is going on right now. He also runs a shop that sells various items. Make sure to buy Tools from him; they work the same as Lockpicks, allowing you to open locked chests and doors, but unlike Lockpicks they will never break. Essentially you will be able to open nearly every lock in the game with only one point of Lockpicking skill from now on. It might be a good time to go back and loot any chests you left behind in earlier dungeons, particularly the Thieves' Cave where there are several hundred crowns and some other treasures inside locked chests. Back on the first floor, head to the room with all the pressure plates. If all three plates on either the north or south end are held down, a wall will open to reveal a staircase leading down. Grab all the Ibrinum from the niches then use your newfound Tools to crack open the chest. Head back up, weigh down the pressure plates on the opposite side to reveal the other staircase, and repeat. If you haven't completed the rest of the first floor yet, now is the time to return to that part of the walkthrough. Otherwise, head back to the southeast corner of the first floor and go down the stairs. Walk down the long, winding corridor until you reach a large room. Take the potions from the four alcoves to the south and note the door with four oddly shaped locks to the north. There is a door at each corner of this room, and each leads to a trial that must be completed to earn the key to one of these locks. You may complete these four trials in any order, though there is no significant advantage to going through them in a particular sequence. "Sharpen Your Mind" The northeast trial has no enemies, but no rewards, either, other than the key. Inside are three giant creatures that look like living statues, named Xeir, Xaer, and Xiar. To earn a key here, you must relay a series of messages between the inhabitants, memorizing many odd names and remembering the exact words that they ask you to say. Any incorrect message will result in you taking damage. To start this trial, speak with Xaer. He instructs you to ask Xiar what the weather is like in Lorerma. Do so. Xiar then asks you to give the same question to Xeir. Xeir responds that it is unpredictable, never too hot, and sometimes cold. Go tell this to Xiar. Xiar instructs you to tell Xaer that the weather reminds him of the cousins of the sister of their brother in law. Xaer now asks you to ask Xeir whether Paddy, Ruddy and Cuddy were the names of the cousins. Xeir then wants you to ask Xiar whether he remembers Paturu and Mutem. Now go and tell Xeir that Xiar remembers Mupelton and Tembromil. Finally, return to Xaer and inform him that Xeir says he is right, has a good memory and a hard heart. Xaer will then give you the key. Don't worry, the rest of the trials do not involve any more ridiculous names. The hard part is yet to come, however. "Cherish Your Space" In the southeast trial, a 100 step counter starts as soon as you enter, and counts down with each step you take. As soon as the counter reaches zero, you are booted back to the entrance. However, this is the only penalty for running out of steps; you can retry the trial as many times as you like. The shortest path to the key is to go straight as long as you can before turning, until you come to the long north-south passage; then you must take the first left turn, and immediately after take another left turn. The key is at the end of the last corridor, right near the center of this area. Feel free to explore the other passages, though, as you can find several Dark Minions to fight for experience and treasure. They are identical to the boss you fought back in the Forsaken Temple, though you have certainly become much stronger by now, rendering them very easy foes. "Keep Your Time" The northwest trial also has a countdown, but this one is based on time rather than movement. You have 100 seconds before being teleported back to the start. The quickest path to the key requires that you turn right at each intersection, though the Temporal Rats that occupy this trial are easy to kill and provide a lot of XP, so feel free to take your time and hunt them all down. "Pursue Your Dreams" The southwest trial is the most brutal of all. It consists of a series of small rooms connected by illusory walls and populated by Dream Demons. The fake walls make it difficult to know when an enemy has spotted you, and thus you can very quickly become surrounded. All the worse, the Dream Demons are far more deadly than any monster you have fought thus far. Their health and attack power are sky high, and they have a long range sleep ray that can render your entire party defenseless before you even know that they're there. Expect to die quite a bit in this trial, so save often. The best strategy to use is to go a short ways in, lure one demon out and finish it off, save and rest, then repeat. Stat boosting spells will also be very helpful. You can get to the key quickly by heading west, south, then east from the first room, but you run a significant risk of being ambushed if you rush. Once you have retrieved all four keys, return to the central chamber and place one in each lock. The door will open, revealing a staircase leading down. +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Underground Temple 3 | | Monsters: 7x Dream Demon, 26x Kaartie | | Treasure: 4x Akura, 2x Black Potion, 3x Black Potion (minor), | | Blue Potion (major), DarkFort Wand, Green Potion, | | Green Potion (minor), 5x Initiate Key, Red Potion, | | Small Diamond, Small Statuette, 390 crowns | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ Right away you'll encounter a Kaartie, an impish creature that should pose no threat whatsoever compared to the Dream Demons above. Dispatch it and go north through the door to find a forked path. You can choose either the eastern or western door, but note the pressure plate beyond each door will cause both to close as soon as you enter, and the path you do not take cannot be explored at all for the rest of the game. The west path contains two Kaarties and an Akura, while the east path is inhabited by three Kaarties but no treasure; both paths will lead you to an Initiate Key. The east path also has three closed doors leading into a small room, but they cannot be opened. Once you arrive back at the main room, you can choose to use the key to open either the eastern door or the western door. If you take the western route, you will be able to clear the floor more quickly, but a large area to the southeast will become inaccessible for the rest of the game. The eastern route will allow you to explore nearly the entire floor, fight a few more monsters, and pick up some nice treasures in the process. The east route is fairly straightforward. You will soon come across a door to the south with two locks, which leads to the final area of the temple. To the north are several rooms holding various items, including another Initiate Key. Just outside the room with the key is a hidden passage leading north to another Small Statuette, blocked by walls that are opened by two hidden buttons. Use the key in one of the locks to the south to open the door leading west. Beyond is an area with more Kaarties and treasure. Open the door in the southeast corner of this area to reach the location you would otherwise have ended up in on the western route earlier. Directly to the west from here is a large room with two Kaarties and a Dream Demon, who can overwhelm you if you attempt to take them all on at once. Try to lure one or two of the monsters out and defeat them before going in. At the north end of the room is a niche with another Initiate Key. Explore the rest of the area as much as you like, then return to the locked door to the north. At this point, you can use the key to open the main door and continue your quest, or open the passage to the west and explore that area. If you open the main door now, you will never be able to enter the western portion of this floor. The western path consists of a long loop, and once you enter you have to go all the way as a pressure plate closes the door behind you. There is another Dream Demon in the room just north of the far southwest corner. The door leading east into an apparent dead end actually links up to the area to the east via an illusory wall, so if you did not take the eastern path to start with, head there now to pick up an Initiate Key. Otherwise, head north and then west to find a Dream Demon guarding a key and the exit. Finally, return to the door with two locks and open it. At this point, if there is anything you want to do outside the underworld, go and do it now. You will be stuck down here for quite a while after the next few events. Inside is a man trapped inside a force field. Ignore him for now and head to the south end of the room. There you will find a demonic altar. Use Cedrias' Token on it, and after a flash of light you will find yourself face to face with a creature that calls itself Kaartora. If you do not resist its appeal, it will steal Cedrias' key and retreat, but whether or not you hold on to it makes little difference. It summons four Dream Demons and disappears. Try to escape to the other side of the room so you can lure them over one at a time, rather than fighting all of them at once. You can also simply flee if you would rather not engage them. After you have dealt with the demons, go and check on the man who was trapped before. He is free now, so speak with him. He says he is Jarius, also known as the Ade Matre! Deliver the message from Cedrias, and tell him whether or not you have the key as well. Listen to his story now. Without any other options at the moment, agree to help him, and he will tell you to ask for help from the Kesals upstairs. Now make your way back up to the first floor. Speak with Igmuld on your way out and he will show you the location of the village of Rulme. He warns you that the enemy has tracked you to the underworld, and will likely bar your way back to the surface. To escape, you will have to go through DarkFort, an old ruin that has been taken over by Kaartora. Finally, he gives you a wand that will open the entrance to DarkFort. Now leave the temple. +----------------------------+ | Underworld | | Monsters: 3x Tough Goatman | +----------------------------+ As soon as you exit, Ludren begins to argue with you. You can try and reason with him, but he is stubborn, and threatens to leave as soon as you return to the surface. Note that there are now several Goatmen patrolling the caves, and the exit to the surface is blocked off. The only way out is through DarkFort. ++================================================++ || DarkFort 1 || || Monsters: 9x Cerclo, 14x Zeraii || || Treasure: Black Potion, 6x Dark Key, Enchanted || || Soft Boots, Quality Bow, 43 crowns || ++======================[dar]=====================++ Use the wand that Igmuld gave you to open the doors. Straight ahead is a door with two locks, and there are paths branching off to the east and west. Both paths have fireball traps that require a bit of tricky timing to get past. They can only damage you, so if you are too injured to go on find a safe spot and camp. The best way to proceed is to go slowly, observe the pattern that the fireballs are fired in, and then move once you know when it is clear. There is a hidden button in the south alley on the west path that opens up a secret passage to the north, but the reward is only 40 crowns and you're likely to get burned if you try and reach it. The east path is a bit more difficult, as there is a fireball whose path goes through the passage you must traverse; step into the north alleys and wait for it to pass by before continuing onward. Be wary as there is a fairly tough Cerclo waiting at the end of the path, but as long as you haven't taken too much damage from the fire it shouldn't be a challenge. Once you have obtained both keys, use them in the locks to open the door. You will face another Cerclo inside, and a familiar situation: one door, two locks, two pathways leading east and west. The west path is filled with illusory walls, but fortunately they are usually arranged in predictable patterns. Walk through the first to find three more of them, leading in each direction. To the north is another fireball trap, though this one is much easier to evade than the others. Defeat the Cerclo at the end and flip the switch, then return to the intersection and head west. Inside the room is a Zeraii, a fast moving and hard hitting creature that fortunately has fairly low defense. Dispatch it, make your way past the fireball traps, and flip the switch on the west end of the room. Now return to the intersection and head south. Defeat the Zeraii, then press the button facing east. Enter the western door, walk forward through two fake walls and slay the Zeraii. Head south, flip the switch, then go back up and then south through the false wall between the two you just passed through. Flip the switch beyond, then return to the central room. Press the button facing north, walk through the south door and then west through yet another false wall. Flip the switch, then go back and press the west-facing button. Go through the east door, and go through each of the teleporters behind the false walls to the north, east, and south, flipping the switches you find and then returning. Head back into the south passage and go straight south through the three doors and collect the key in the niche. Finally, take the east path, and note the warnings on the signs. Press the button to open the door, then quickly head south and then west. You should only take one hit from a fireball if you are fast enough. Retrieve the key from the niche and then walk all the way back to the locked door. Use the two keys you found to unlock the door, then go in. There is yet another locked door, and no keys in sight. Grab the treasure from the alcoves and then head back north. This time take the eastern passage. Be on guard, as there are three more Zeraii lurking here, and odds are they will all come at you at once. Beyond is a fairly simple puzzle. Each sign after the first tells you to go in the wrong direction, so take the opposite of whatever it says. At the end of the path, continue east, avoid the fireballs by side-stepping into the alleys and take the key. Go back to the last intersection and head south. You will find yet another switch puzzle. The switches each move several of the blocks behind the pillars, and your objective is to clear a path going south. If you don't want to figure it out on your own, the solution is: up, down, up, up, down, up. Take the key and then return to the locked doors. Open them, and then cut your way through the monsters until you reach the teleporter at the end. +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | DarkFort 2 | | Monsters: 6x Cerclo, Kaartora, 22x Kaartie, 7x Zeraii | | Treasure: Black Potion (major), Blue Potion, Blue Potion (major), | | Blue Potion (minor), Cloak of Protection, 4x Dark Key, | | Enchanted Dagger, Red Potion (minor), Silver 2-H Sword, | | Small Statuette, 122 crowns | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ In this room there are four locks, but no door in sight. An illusory wall hides a path leading north, south, east, and west from this room, and after a short fireball trap, each ends with a teleporter that will take you to a trial to earn one key. The west teleporter takes you to a room filled with pits. The three switches along the west wall control the pits, with each moving the safe spot in one column south one space every time you press it. The switch far to the south resets the room. First, press the north switch once and the middle switch two times to clear a path along the north end of the room. Press the switch at the end, and make sure to hit the secret button in the middle of the wall to open a hidden passage along the south wall. Now press each switch twice to clear a path along the south edge of the room. Enter the secret passage to collect yet another Small Statuette, then exit through the teleporter. If you want, you can also fall down a pit on purpose to enter the sub-level, but all that is down there are several Kaarties and no treasure. The teleporter takes you to a long corridor with several monsters and a Dark Key in a niche at the end. Return to the start of the hall and enter the teleporter to return to the four locks. The east teleporter takes you into a room with four buttons around a column. In the room beyond is a closed door and a mirror. As the sign suggests, you must use the buttons to move the column in the room so that it completely blocks the mirror. Each button moves the column one space in the direction that the button faces. To solve the puzzle, press the north button once, and the west button twice. Enter the teleporter to reach another corridor with a key at the end. The north teleporter takes you to a large room with numerous fireball traps pointed in many directions. Even worse, there are hidden teleporters throughout that can easily disorient you. There is a niche in the southwest corner of the room, but all it holds are seven crowns and a Blue Potion, hardly worth the trouble. Make your way to the southeast corner of the room and exit through the teleporter. Again, grab the key at the end of the hall then teleport back. The south teleporter takes you to a room occupied by five Zeraii. Defeat them and head through the teleporter. Note the closed door halfway through the hall. Take the key and return. Once you have acquired all four Dark Keys, use them in the locks at the start of this floor. If you check your automap, you should notice that the door in one of the passages has now opened. Head through the south teleporter to get there. Lure the Zeraii out and defeat it before you enter. Inside you will face off against the demon Kaartora, along with several of her goons. She turns out to be surprisingly easy, with very low defense and less health than the lizard you fought in the mage's house. If she stole Cedrias' Key from you, you can retrieve it once she is dead, along with a variety of treasures in her chamber. Finally, make sure to strip Ludren of any equipment you want to keep, and head through the northern exit. Ahh, sunlight! ++=========================++ || Hidden City of Rulme || || Location: Igmuld || || Shopping: General Store || || Treasure: 500 crowns || ++==========[rul]==========++ Before doing anything, head for the town exit. Ludren finally snaps and takes off, refusing to listen to anything you say. Now return to Rulme. Tell Teuris that you were sent here by Igmuld, and he will be quite impressed by your achievements thus far. Tell him you trust him, and that the Stone of Redemption is in danger. He offers to help. Tell him that you may need help in Rashtel, and he will mention that Kolop, a shopkeeper there, can assist you. On the other hand, if you ask him for gold, he will offer 500 crowns. Choosing the assistance will let you skip one short dungeon later on, although clearing that dungeon nets quite a bit of treasure and experience. Pick whichever you like. Tell him about the ritual in Tanud, and he will ask you to investigate. Agree to do so. Suriben can tell you much about the gods and their contentious history with humanity. Tell him that you have been entrusted with a quest and he will offer to teach you the secret Daim magic, though you must sacrifice something of value to do so. As far as I can tell, he asks you to give up the most expensive item in your inventory. Daim includes many powerful healing and stat boosting spells, along with a few decent attack spells as well. It is especially handy if you are journeying without companions, and unless your main character has no magical skill whatsoever I would suggest learning it. Once you have learned from him, he asks you to come and speak with him later, before leaving town. If you have at least one Eloquence, you can ask Uribor at the General Store if he has any jobs for an adventurer. He will ask you to deliver a hammer to the weaponsmith in Tur. Agree to do so. If your Eloquence is three or higher, you can also make up a story about the adventurers you met in Sumur. There's no benefit to doing so, although if you speak with them again after this, they will thank you for spreading word of their supposed deeds. If your Eloquence is at least one, you can recruit Sarina into your party. She makes a solid mage, with the ability to learn all three magic types. You can recruit also recruit Gurel, even with no Eloquence. He's a solid archer and has some skill with Daim magic. Now speak with Suriben again. He informs you that friends of his were ambushed by brigands to the south recently, and a special ring was lost in the melee. Agree to look for the ring. +-------+ | Tanud | +-------+ There is nothing you can do here but observe. ++=====================================++ || Bandit Caves || || Location: Suriben || || Monsters: 4x Rogue, Emark || || Treasure: Ring of Dreams, 12 crowns || ++================[ban]================++ Emark, the bandit leader, is not very friendly. You have three options here. If you have at least three Eloquence, you can offer to do a quest for him. He will show you the location of the Southern Caves and ask you to clear them out. If you do not have enough Eloquence, you can either pay 2000 crowns or fight the bandits for the ring. There isn't much treasure in their cave other than the ring, although you will get a bit of experience, and their leader drops a nice set of bracers when defeated. Don't bother trying to negotiate a better price, or he will raise it to 2500 crowns. ++============================++ || Southern Caves || || Location: Emark || || Monsters: 8x Tough Fungoid || ++============[sou]===========++ This is a short, straightforward cave. It is inhabited by Tough Fungoid, which are stronger versions of the Fungoids you fought earlier. They can do a lot of damage and inflict poison, so be careful. Once they are all slain, return to the Bandit Caves to receive the Ring of Dreams. +-------+ | Rulme | +-------+ Tell Suriben that you recovered the ring. He will tell you to keep it. If you lie and say you didn't, he will take it from you. Liar liar, pants on fire. You can also inform Teuris about the situation in Tanud, but there is no reward of any sort for doing so. +---------+ | El Paso | +---------+ It's time to go to Rashtel. Head back through El Paso to the Sumur area. +----------------------+ | Tur | | Treasure: 700 crowns | +----------------------+ If you agreed to deliver the hammer for Uribor, do so now. You earn 200 crowns for your trouble. Note that you can repeat this quest as much as you want, receiving the payment each time. Presumably this is another bug in the game. You can sell Altreph's statute at the General Store for 500 crowns. You'll be able to deliver it to its rightful owner soon enough, though, so I suggest patience. The reward for delivering it properly is 500 XP and 2500 crowns. +-----------------+ | Forsaken Temple | +-----------------+ Hey, it's Ludren. Wait, what? He wants to join you?! Yes, due to another bug in the game, once Ludren leaves your party, he can be recruited back at the temple as though he had never joined you in the first place. Anyhow, if you truly want him back with you, you can pick him up here. ++========================================================++ || Forest Passage || || Monsters: 5x Green Barran, 17x Red Barran || || Treasure: 2x Akura, Black Potion (minor), Blue Potion, || || Blue Potion (major), Green Potion (major), || || Green Potion (minor), 2x Red Potion (major), || || Red Potion (minor), Yellow Potion || ++==========================[pas]=========================++ Finally, enter the forest south of Sumur. This is the only available route to Rashtel, so there's no choice but to press through here. Read the inspiring conversation between your party members if you care to, then head south and east. Continue south until you reach the end of the map, then turn east. Go north when you have the chance, pulling the switch and then heading north on the east path to open up a shortcut back to the entrance if you want. Continue along the path leading northwest. Follow the path as it loops around and turns back southward. Eventually you will reach the exit, though you may want to hit the switch to the east first and open another shortcut. There is no real reason to do so other than completion's sake, however, as once you leave the forest through the southern exit you will be able to bypass the pass on future trips, just like with El Paso. If you are in a hurry to get on with the game, head for Rashtel. If you would like to explore a little and do a few quests first, head for Felur. ++=========================++ || Port of Felur || || Shopping: General Store || ++==========[fel]==========++ Through the port here, you can travel to the islands of Zarki and Lorerma. You must first obtain a permit, however. There are two ways to do so: either buy one, or perform a short quest to earn one. Either way, go to the bar and speak with Adrinho. Ask him about the islands, and how to reach them. If you want to perform the quest, say you will speak with the shipmaster and leave. If you would rather buy a permit, ask about squeezing one. He will ask for 200 crowns, although if your Eloquence is three or higher, he will tell you for free. If you ask him about any stories he knows, he will tell of his lost love, who was taken by Goatmen. Agree to help him out. Once the barkeeper has told you where to find him, Guimo can provide a permit for 1000 crowns. If you negotiate, he will reduce the price to 500 crowns, regardless of your Eloquence or Bargain skill. If you did not buy a permit, go to the Shipmen's Guild. Say you want to acquire a permit, and that you will become a member. Agree to the task they give you, then go to the port and travel to Zarki. Visit the thug, Pete, at his house, and challenge him. Once you have defeated him, return to Felur to receive your permit. ++=========================++ || Port of Zarki || || Shopping: General Store || || Training: Akhina || ++==========[zar]==========++ If you bought a permit in Felur, you have little reason to be here, except for the Magic School described below. If you are not interested in joining right now, skip Zarki and travel to Lorerma instead. If you agreed to help the Shipmen's Guild, speak with Pete, and challenge him. Once he's defeated, you can return to Felur to obtain a permit. For now, the only other thing to do in Zarki is join the Magic School. It costs 10,000 crowns, and your main character must have at least 9 points in either El or Akhina magic to get any benefit. Joining is entirely optional, can be done at any time, and has greater benefits the higher your magic proficiency, so I would recommend waiting until later on to enroll. Once you join, you will be allowed to choose to perfect your knowledge of either Akhina or El, provided both are at level 9 or greater. If only one is high enough, you will only be able to choose the one. If neither are high enough, you will have wasted 10,000 crowns. Akhina training will increase your skill in Akhina by 5 points. El training will change your Akhina skill to whatever your level was in El plus 5 points, presumably due to a bug. So if your El skill was 19, you will end up with 24 in Akhina, even if you initially had 0 in Akhina! On the other hand, if your El skill was 10 and your Akhina skill was 16, you will lose a point in Akhina. Choose wisely! After joining, you can also access the library, which includes spells such as Petrify and Blizzard. However, it appears to be impossible to actually learn any spells from the library, presumably due to yet another bug. If you have already found Uruam, which you will not have done yet if you are following this walkthrough, then you can also investigate Arcane Knowledge. They will not help you, but if you go to the Magic School and ask Khara about Uruam, she will tell you that he used to be a member of the Arcane Knowledge guild. Return there and tell them about his fate. They will ask if any of your party is proficient in El. However, probably due to a bug, you will instantly be kicked out, even if you have a high El skill. There does not seem to be any way to learn the Unpetrify spell, so you will have to obtain Dust of Life to help Uruam. ++==========================================================++ || Port of Lorerma || || Shopping: Strange Artifacts, Weaponsmith || || Training: Celerity, Fast Healing, Resist Poison, Stamina || || Treasure: 2,500 crowns, 500 XP || ++===========================[lor]==========================++ If you agreed to deliver Altreph's statue earlier, you can finally deliver it. Go to Krio's house and give it to him. You will earn 500 XP and 2,500 crowns. If you tell Krio that you do not have the statue, he will curse you and reduce your Wisdom by 1. You can buy training from Hurtha for 500 crowns, but only once. Outside of town, you should visit the Shaman, who has a request for you. Agree to help him, and as usual don't ask about the reward. Really, asking him will only lead to a worse result - a very valuable item versus a mere 1,000 crowns, or even 3 crowns if you don't ask him about the specifics. (You might actually want to try that option once just for the amusing dialogue.) He asks you to take an offering to the Spirit of the Mountain, so head there now. ++============================++ || Spirit of the Mountain || || Location: Shaman || || Monsters: 7x Mountain Brut || || Treasure: Small Statuette || ++============[spi]===========++ The path spirals towards the center, where you must place the offering. To get there, you will have to fight your way through quite a few Bruts, of a nastier variety than you've seen before. Also watch out for the flying boulders that fire along the main path, as they can hurt you. Sidestep to avoid them. Once you reach the center, put the offering in the niche. The boulders will stop, and you can leave at your leisure. There is another Small Statuette hidden in the southern passage. The southeast corner of the two-by-two room in the center of the corridor has a button to the east and a false wall to the south. Press the button and step through the wall to find a niche containing the statuette. (Credit goes to moll1 for discovering this!) +-----------------------------------------+ | Lorerma | | Treasures: Dust of Life, Ring of Stone, | | 1,000 crowns, 3 crowns | +-----------------------------------------+ Return to the Shaman to receive your reward. If you were polite and did not ask about money, he will offer you the choice of a ring or some powder. Here your greed will be rewarded; ask for both. Equip the ring or sell it as you please, but be sure to keep the Dust of Life. It will be necessary to complete a quest later on, and the only other way to obtain it is to buy it for 6,000 crowns at the General Store in Zarki. If your Eloquence is at least two, tell Hurtha that the balance is restored and she will increase your Celerity by one point, although if your Celerity is already maxed then you will not gain anything. To proceed with your journey, head back to the mainland and enter Rashtel. ++=======================================++ || City of Rashtel || || Shopping: Armorsmith, Curious Things, || || General Store, Weaponsmith || ++=================[ras]=================++ There is some nice equipment for sale in the shops. Since you won't be visiting any new shops for a while it might be a good time to make some purchases. Note that Curious Things has a somewhat random inventory that changes from time to time and occasionally includes very nice stuff, so check back often if you are interested. If you requested help from Teuris, and your Eloquence is two or higher, go to the General Store and talk to Kolop, the owner. He will tell you to speak with Beldever, the librarian, about Netherlings. Do so, but note that he will not be very talkative unless your Eloquence is high enough. Persuade him that you are on the same side and he will send you to the Duke. Go to the Duke, only to be told to return to speak with Beldever again. Finally, he will explain some of the Tower's history and the mystery of how to enter. Tell him that you have the key and he will send you to the Greks, who live beyond the Gray Swamp. If you want to gain some experience before attempting the swamp, you can speak with Leronius at the inn, who will show you the location of a Goatmen lair. If you are unable to obtain help from Kolop, then you must visit the Tower. The guards will deny you entry. Then head to the library and ask the librarian, Beldever, about the Tower. He can tell you quite a bit about the Tower and its history. Press him on how to get in, and he will tell you to ask Leronius, who can be found at the inn. Return to the inn and speak with him. He agrees to help you, but asks you to first take care of some Goatmen. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Goatmen Hideout | | Location: Leronius | | Monsters: 10x Elite Goatman | | Treasure: 5x Black Potion (minor), Bone, Dekron's Flail, Green Potion | | (minor), Wooden Shield, Yellow Potion, 600 crowns | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ This is a fairly simple dungeon. Elite Goatmen are more powerful than the ones you've fought before, but shouldn't be too hard to handle. They also drop some fairly decent equipment. In the room with two pressure plates, place something on both to reveal a room with some extra treasure. Where a pillar blocks your progress in the northeast, there is a secret button that opens up another secret area with even more treasure. Once you have slain all ten Goatmen, return to Leronius in Rashtel. +------------------+ | Rashtel | | Treasure: 100 XP | +------------------+ If you were unable to get information on the Tower before, Leronius will now send you to the Duke. He in turn sends you to the librarian, who finally tells you about where to go next: the Gray Swamp. +------------------------------+ | Felur | | Treasure: 350 crowns, 100 XP | +------------------------------+ If you told the barkeeper that you would investigate the Goatmen, return and tell him they are taken care of. He will reward you with 350 crowns and 100 XP. ++=======================================++ || Gray Swamp || || Location: Beldever || || Monsters: 12x Hur Manai, 18x Slither || || Treasure: Enchanted Soft Boots, Ring || || of Healing, Silver Hand Axe || ++=================[gra]=================++ There are quite a few monsters here. Slithers aren't too dangerous, but the Hur Manai can hit hard, so be careful. The southern path will take you to the exit, while the northern path offers some decent treasure hidden behind false walls. +-------+ | Greks | +-------+ The Greks refuse to help you unless you return the Infinite Crystal. Not having it nor knowing where it is, there is nothing to do here except leave. Make your way back through Gray Swamp and return to Rashtel. +---------+ | Rashtel | +---------+ Speak with Beldever at the Library. He will tell you about the mage Uruam, who may know about the Infinite Crystal. His last known location was Ubar Na Kur, your next destination. ++=======================================================++ || Uptown Ubar Na Kur || || Location: Beldever || || Monsters: 25x Chaosium, 9x Fkar Gar Zad || || Treasure: 6x Akura, Enchanted Hard Boots, Plate Mail, || || 10x Red Potion (minor), Small Statuette, || || Yellow Potion (major), 505 crowns || ++=========================[uba]=========================++ Your party will remark at the city's size. Note that there are quite dangerous monsters lurking about, although most of them are inside buildings. As long as you do not open too many doors at once, you should be able to manage. If you do not want to fight any more than necessary, you can also safely skip most of the buildings, as all but a few contain at best minor treasures. Chaosium are very fast, and can react quickly. The standard tactic of attacking then sidestepping or retreating to avoid counterattacks is usually ineffective against them, so do not take them on unprepared. Fkar Gar Zad are powerful, and their spin attack can cause you to drop your weapons. Magic attacks will help quite a bit against both types of monster, and empty buildings offer safe spots to camp, so feel free to blast them rather than try to hack them. If you're in a hurry, you can head straight north to Downtown Ubar Na Kur, as there is nothing you have to do in this section. There is a Small Statuette in the building due north of the city entrance near the top of the map. Press the secret button in the northwest corner of the room to reveal it. Other notable treasures include armor in the building farthest northeast, some nice boots in the building directly northwest of the statue. The building in the northeast with statues of mermaid type creatures in front appears to be a temple. In the inner chamber, there is a secret button in the northwest corner. Press it to reveal a staircase leading to the cellar. All that you will find down there are several Fkar Gar Zad and 80 crowns, though there does appear to be yet another inaccessible area beyond a door that cannot be opened. Another secret button in the northernmost building reveals a passage leading to an empty room. There is a talking statue in the southwest part of town. He can tell you a few interesting things, but nothing too useful. If your Eloquence is at least 3, he will tell you about a hidden room inside the temple containing an amulet. To my knowledge, this is a lie, as there seems to be no amulet underneath the temple. The eastern door near the southeast corner cannot be opened. +---------------------------------------------------------+ | Downtown Ubar Na Kur | | Monsters: 13x Chaosium, 3x Fkar Gar Zad, 15x Hur Manai | | Treasure: Enchanted 2-H Axe, Quality Sling, Red Potion, | | 27x Red Potion (minor), Silver Dagger | +---------------------------------------------------------+ Downtown is very similar to Uptown in its arrangement, with long corridors and small buildings. You will encounter some Hur Manai in the streets, the zombies that appeared in Gray Swamp, but they should not pose a threat. From the west entrance, head due north if you are not interested in exploring. When you reach the central open area, you will have a vision of a hooded figure, who threatens you. You will meet him soon enough, so move on. If you want to finish with Ubar Na Kur as quickly as possible, skip the next paragraph. The only thing you must do here to continue is find Uruam, the mage. The building in the center of Downtown, directly east of the central area, is home to the Oracle. It can tell you a few interesting things, but most of its clues are cryptic and none are necessary for anything as long as you have been a thorough explorer. In a building far to the southeast, a secret button opens a room containing a great axe. A not so secret button in a northern building reveals an area containing a dagger. The building directly west of the eastern entrance has a secret button that reveals a room with a sling. From the central area, head west, then north, then west to reach the building where Uruam is located. Unfortunately, he cannot help you, as he is all rocked out! If you already have the Dust of Life, and are done exploring here, use it to restore him and skip to the next paragraph. If you do not have it, you will have to travel to the Port of Felur. Dust of Life can be acquired as a reward for completing the Spirit of the Mountain quest on Lorerma, or bought at the General Store in Zarki for an outrageous price - up to 6000 crowns, depending on your Bargain skill! The section on Felur, above, will guide you through the process of getting to either island. Uruam says that Dubuerk holds the Infinite Crystal. Be nice to him and he will offer to teleport you to Dubuerk's Fortress; if you are done exploring, you may as well accept, as it is quicker than walking. You can also ask him to join you and replace one of your companions. Uruam is a skilled mage with the ability to learn all three magic types, and starts with moderately high levels in both El and Akhina. However, he only comes at level 16, which is probably quite a ways behind the rest of your team. The end of the game is near, and he will not have enough time to catch up. You should be fine either way, so if you would like a mage on your side, go ahead and take him along. ++==============================================================++ || Dubuerk's Fortress 1 || || Location: Uruam || || Monsters: 9x Blue Djinn, 7x Green Djinn, 12x Pseudo Dubuerk || || Treasure: 2-H Mattock, Akura, Amulet of Archmagic, || || Amulet of Giants, Amulet of Healing, || || Amulet of Wisdom, 2x Black Potion (major), || || Great Helmet, Green Potion (major), Markia, Pearl, || || 8x Red Potion (major), Ring, 797 crowns || ++=============================[dub]============================|| Defeat the Green Djinn, grab the potion to the north if you want, then follow the path leading south. You will encounter several clones of Dubuerk along the way. They have very little defense and pose no threat if you kill them quickly. Try to fight them up close; at a distance, they will attack you with debuffs. When you reach a dead end, walk through the mirror. Grab the amulet from the niche and place a rock or other junk item on the pressure plate. Return to the entrance and pass through the now open northern door. Or take the shortcut, past another false wall in the north end of the pillar room. Follow the path and defeat the Djinns. You will eventually reach the northwest corner of the fortress. Through the eastern door, defeat the clone and remove the rock from the pressure plate. Place the rock on the plate in the next room and return. The western door leads to a room with many empty niches, and one that holds another amulet. Now head back east and go through the door leading south that is now open. The northeast room contains a Djinn and nothing else. The northwest room, a Djinn and another amulet. Now enter the southeast door. Halfway through the long east-west hall, in the space between the two torches on the south wall, a secret button reveals a room to the north containing a variety of treasure. At the end of the corridor, the northern lever opens up a shortcut to the exit, while the southern lever opens the path deeper into the fortress. The eastern path is a dead end. Follow the western path, but when you pass the pillar, turn south through a false wall when the path curves north to find yet another treasure room. Clear it out, then return to the path and follow it west and around, defeating the guards and grabbing the meager treasures from the niches if you like. Place a rock on the pressure plate at the end, then make your way all the way back and take the eastern path that used to be a dead end. Follow this path until you reach the corridor with three doors. Take the door farthest west and press the hidden button at the south end of the corridor to open up a path to the stairs leading to the next level, which can be reached via another pressure plate and yet another hidden button next to the following door. If you are looking for more treasure and experience, go back to the four doors. Of the three facing north, take the middle one. Place something on the pressure plate to open the eastern door, and flip the switch inside that room to open the western door. Defeat the clones beyond and you will find a very nice little treasure trove. Don't be too greedy, though - right by the niches is a false wall leading west into a room with two Djinns, who will ambush you from behind if you aren't careful. Once you've collected all the loot, a secret button near the southeast corner of the Djinn room opens a shortcut leading to the stairs. +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dubuerk's Fortress 2 | | Monsters: 4x Blue Djinn, Dubuerk, 12x Pseudo Dubuerk | | Treasure: Infinite Crystal, 20x Red Potion (major), Small Statuette | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ Ignore the first doors and continue all the way to the northeast corner of the fortress. Pass through the two doors and continue west. Walk through the false wall in the northwest corner of the room (where there is no torch) and continue until you reach a pressure plate. Place something on it and then walk all the way back to near the stairs, where you should enter the door in the southeast, the only one you can open. Continue on until you reach another pressure plate, then place something on it. Now head west through the newly opened door. There are two doors in this new area, and a small section continuing on to the west with little of interest. The door to the south leads to a few monsters and potions, so check it out or not and then head through the northern door. This passage spirals around without branching, so follow it. Once you reach the southwest corner, you can continue on to the east and open the door next to the stairs, or loop to the north to confront Dubuerk. On the west side of the hall, opposite the path leading east, a hidden button will reveal a niche containing another Small Statuette. Collect it and then continue on to the east. Open the doors leading back to the outer corridor if you want, then continue on until you reach a pressure plate. Place an object on it and return. Save your game; through the door to the north is Dubuerk, the real one. If your Eloquence is at least 4, you can taunt Dubuerk prior to the battle. This allows you to hear him blab a little bit, if you're interested, or try to catch him off guard. In my experience, trying to catch him off guard usually gives him a free attack! Do not fight him at a distance; his magical attacks are brutal. You have enough room here to sidestep his punches, so do that. He should fall fairly quickly. The Infinite Crystal is in a niche to the north. If you have been collecting every Small Statuette, you should have nine by now. Take them to the General Store owner in Tur to claim your reward, a fantastic set of armor. +---------------------------------------+ | Tur | | Treasure: Golem Armor, Golem Bracers, | | Golem Boots, Golem Helmet | +---------------------------------------+ Go to the General Store, and ask about being a collector. Show him a statuette and tell him it came from the Forsaken Temple. He tells you a bit about its history and says that he will pay well for all nine of them. Return and tell him you have the complete collection. He will give you the Golem Set, four pieces of armor that surpass just about anything else you can obtain. Nice! Note that there is actually one more statuette out there, but there seems to be no reward or acknowledgment for collecting all ten. +------------+ | Gray Swamp | +------------+ Unfortunately, you aren't allowed to pass through this area automatically. It's not too far to the other side, though. +------------------+ | Greks | | Treasure: 200 XP | +------------------+ Give them the Infinite Crystal. Ask for their help getting into the Tower, and tell them you have the key. You earn 200 XP and are told that you can now enter the Tower from its location near Sumur. Head there now. This requires trudging back through Gray Swamp and the Forest Pass, though you are of course able to quickly pass the latter. ++=========================================================++ || Tower 1 || || Monsters: 30x Wraith || || Treasure: 6x Akura, Black Potion, Black Potion (minor), || || 2x Red Potion, 3x Red Potion (minor), || || Small Statuette, 2x White Key || ++==========================[tow]==========================++ Read the conversation between your party if you want, but make sure you don't let a Wraith ambush you; several patrol the area near the entrance. They hit hard and can poison, and have fairly strong defense. The tower is a large circle, with a winding hallway following the outer wall, and successive inner areas. The outer circle has little of interest, just many Wraiths, meager treasures, and four rooms behind false walls that are empty. Near the southeast corner of the middle circle, a hidden button reveals another Small Statuette. This is the tenth and last, so if you have not already done so, now is a good time to go to the General Store in Tur and exchange them. The already open doors on the east and west sides of the middle circle lead to apparent dead ends. There are actually false walls at the end of each, which lead to small rooms with some extra treasures. To reach the inner circle, and ultimately the upper floors of the tower, you must pass through the locked door in the south. The key to it can be found in the room in the center of the north side of the middle circle. You can also pick the lock. In the inner circle, the way through is again the locked door, this one to the north. The key can be found inside the tiny room on the south side of the inner circle, or again a lockpick can do the job. Take the teleporter inside, make sure not to let the Wraith catch you by surprise, and head up the stairs. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tower 2 | | Monsters: 2x Dream Demon, 4x Lesser Dream Demon, 6x Wraith | | Treasure: 5x Akura, 4x Awakening Potion, 5x Red Potion (minor) | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Yet another Wraith starts out right next to you, so turn and fight it. Read your party's comical banter if you want, then proceed. There is a teleporter at the end of this small hall, and directly opposite it to the north, a false wall reveals another teleporter. Taking the southern teleporter will lead you to the other one, only in a slightly more roundabout fashion. So unless you are interested in 100 percent map completion, take the northern teleporter. If you want to skip most of this floor, head straight west until you must turn north. At the door, press the button to disable the teleporter, then either use one of your leftover keys from the first floor or pick the lock. Inside the new room, press the secret button on the north side of the pillar to open the door to the stairs. Easy! If you would rather take the long route, go west from where you teleported to and head north at the first intersection. Pass through the pressure plate door and fight your way through the monsters. There are two Lesser Dream Demons far behind the Wraith, and while they are indeed lesser than the Dream Demons you fought before, they still have that devastating sleep ray and will bombard you with it until you reach them. Continue on to the east, dispatching the full-sized Dream Demon. Open the door, press the button inside, and go on to through the north door. Press the secret button on the north side of the pillar to open the door leading to another circular passage encompassing the entire tower. The room in the northeast corner contains a pressure plate that seals you in as soon as you enter. Another White Key is located in a niche, but a pit bars the way. There is an illusory wall in the northeast corner of the room that hides the switch to disable the pit. Grab the key, then flip the switch again. Drop down the pit to the first floor and make your way back up. Note the hidden button on the west end of the room you land in, which does not seem to have any effect. The door on the north side reveals an area with nothing of importance inside. A hidden button in the southeast of that area creates a shortcut back to the area near the stairs, however. The same is true of the southeast area of the floor, which mirrors the northwest section almost exactly. Once you've finished exploring to your satisfaction, return to the intersection just south of the door with a pressure plate on each side. Head west, turn north at the bend, press the button to disable the teleport, and either use a White Key or a lockpick to open the door. Press the button hidden on the north side of the column and go up the stairs. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tower 3 | | Monsters: 8x Dream Demon, 4x Wraith | | Treasure: 3x Akura, Awakening Potion, 3x Black Potion (minor), | | 3x Dreamsphere, 6x Red Potion (major) | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Again, you find yourself in a circular passage that follows the contours of the tower's walls. There is nothing you need to do in this section, so explore as much as you want and then head for the teleporter in the small room on the south side. You arrive in a room with two pressure plates and two inactive teleporters. The teleporters are activated by the pressure plates; place a stone on the south- west plate to turn on the correct teleporter. In the next room, weigh down the north plate. In the next room, the west plate, and finally, the north plate. The last teleporter will take you to the inner circle of this floor. The north room contains the teleporter to the next section. You find yourself face to face with a strange, hooded figure. Approach him. He calls himself Mentakor, and says he owns this tower. Tell him that Harlac is after the Stone of Redemption, and he will offer to help you. He gives you some amulets that can protect against the tower's defenses. After speaking with him, head through the teleporter to reach the stairs. Now would be a good time to equip the Dreamspheres that Mentakor gave you. +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tower 4 | | Monsters: 10x Dream Demon, 2x Lesser Dream Demon, 6x Wraith | | Treasure: 10x Akura, 4x Awakening Potion, Black Potion, | | 5x Black Potion (minor), 2x Blue Potion, | | 2x Green Potion (minor), Markia, 5x Red Potion (minor) | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ The tower now pulses with magical energy. Anyone without a Dreamsphere equipped will steadily take damage, so wearing them is advised. This floor spirals around and around, but is quite linear. The only branches lead to shortcuts back downstairs. Fight your way through the monsters to the stairs leading up, just north of the center of the tower. +---------------------------------------------------+ | Tower 5 | | Monsters: 11x Dream Demon, 2x Greater Dream Demon | | Treasure: 2x Awakening Potion, 5x Black Potion, | | Black Potion (minor) | +---------------------------------------------------+ This floor is smaller yet. To reach the stairs going up, circle around to the south side of the tower and enter either of the rooms in the center. Either door will lead to the stairs, so pick whichever one you like. You can also do both, if you like, though the only thing you will gain is a more complete map and slightly more experience points. The eastern door leads to a small room with no apparent escape. A hidden button at the dead end opens up the wall. Continue on in this fashion, making your way through the passage by pressing the hidden button at every dead end, and you will eventually reach a large room patrolled by Greater Dream Demons. They are only slightly stronger than the normal kind, and should pose little threat. Once the room is cleared, press the buttons in the northeast and northwest to open the passage out and to the stairs. The western door leads to a large room guarded by two Dream Demons. Defeat them and turn your attention to the levers on the western wall. Flip the center and north levers to reveal a passage to the east. Defeat the extra Dream Demon that was released, note the message on the wall, and return to the western levers. Flip all three, then head east and flip the last lever. +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tower 6 | | Monsters: 8x Dream Demon, 3x Lesser Dream Demon, 4x Wraith | | Treasure: 2x Awakening Potion, 2x Black Potion, | | 2x Black Potion (minor), 2x Blue Potion, | | 2x Red Potion, 2x Red Potion (minor), 40 crowns | +------------------------------------------------------------+ Circle around to the south side and enter the gate. In the two corners of the room to the north are several monsters that will try to ambush you. Fortunately they will usually stay put until they see you, so you can take them out one at a time if you're careful. The switch in the northeast corner will open up a passage back downstairs, while the northwest corner has the switch that opens the door to the stairs going up. +-------------------------------------------------------+ | Tower 7 | | Treasure: Bracers of Agility, Staff of greater Magic, | | Stone of Redemption, 500 XP, 1000 XP | +-------------------------------------------------------+ This floor contains no monsters and is very small. Grab the treasures in the niches if you want, then take the Stone of Redemption, in the center. When you return to the stairs, Jarius will appear and give you a new quest: to take the Ring into Mordor! Wait, sorry, wrong story. No matter whether you try to argue with him or not, he tells you to meet with the Duke of Rashtel. Depending on how enthusiastic you are about your new quest, he will give you 500 or 1000 XP and then warp you outside the tower. +-----------------+ | City of Rashtel | +-----------------+ Speak with the Duke. Tell him about the stone and your new mission, and he will provide you with papers that should get you into the Castle. ++==============++ || || || LISTS & DATA || || || ++=====[lis]====++ ++===================++ || Player Characters || ++=======[pla]=======++ +---------+----------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------------------+ | Name | Location | LV | STR | END | DEX | WIS | Equipment | +---------+----------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------------------+ | Custom | | 1 | * | * | * | * | Dagger | +---------+----------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------------------+ | Dumar | | 1 | 39 | 29 | 19 | 13 | Bracer, Dagger, | | | | | | | | | Soft Boots | +---------+----------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------------------+ | Katja | | 1 | 13 | 13 | 34 | 40 | Dagger, Sandals | +---------+----------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------------------+ | Naveral | | 1 | 20 | 22 | 18 | 40 | Cloak, Dagger, Sandals | +---------+----------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------------------+ | Mardred | Sumur | 1 | 21 | 20 | 30 | 29 | Padded Shirt, | | | | | | | | | Quality Knife, Sandals | +---------+----------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------------------+ | Ludren | Forsaken | 3 | 34 | 29 | 20 | 17 | Leather Armor, Longsword | | | Temple | | | | | | | +---------+----------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------------------+ | Ludren | Castle | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | ** | +---------+----------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------------------+ | Kareth | El Paso | 6 | 33 | 28 | 24 | 15 | 2-H Axe, Bracer, Leather | | | | | | | | | Armor, Leather Helmet, | | | | | | | | | Soft Boots | +---------+----------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------------------+ | Gurel | Rulme | 11 | 23 | 22 | 34 | 21 | Banded Mail, Crossbow, | | | | | | | | | Hard Boots | +---------+----------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------------------+ | Sarina | Rulme | 12 | 22 | 24 | 20 | 34 | Mage Hat, Mage Robe, | | | | | | | | | Silver Dagger | +---------+----------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------------------+ | Uruam | Ubar Na | 16 | 18 | 23 | 19 | 35 | Enchanted Staff, | | | Kur | | | | | | Mage Robe, | | | | | | | | | Minor Ring of Magic | +---------+----------+----+-----+-----+-----+-----+--------------------------+ +-----------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | Skill | C* | D | K | N | M | L | L | K | G | S | U | +-----------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | Small Weapon | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ** | 0 | 1 | 12 | 6 | | 1-Handed Weapon | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | ** | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | | 2-Handed Weapon | 0 | 0 | | 0 | 0 | 1 | ** | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Ranged Weapon | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ** | 1 | 12 | 8 | 0 | | Evasion | 0 | 1 | 0 | | 0 | 1 | ** | 0 | 6 | 0 | 0 | | Parry | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 0 | 1 | ** | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +-----------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | Fast Healing | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | ** | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | | Resist Poison | 0 | 0 | | 0 | 0 | 1 | ** | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Stamina | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ** | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | | Celerity | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 1 | 0 | ** | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | +-----------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | Meditation | 0 | | | 1 | 0 | 0 | ** | 0 | 4 | 6 | 8 | | Mana Training | 0 | | | 1 | 0 | 0 | ** | 0 | 0 | 2 | 8 | | Akhina | 0 | | | 1 | | | | | | 0 | 10 | | El | | | | | 0 | | | | | 0 | 16 | | Daim | | | | | | | | | 8 | 8 | 0 | +-----------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | Lock Picking | 0 | | 1 | | 1 | 0 | ** | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | Search | 0 | | 0 | | 1 | 0 | ** | 5 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | Bargain | 0 | | 0 | 0 | | | | | | | | | Eloquence | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | | | | | | | | +-----------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ *Custom characters have 100 points to allocate between their statistics, with a minimum of 10 points and a maximum of 50 points in any statistic. They start with 4 unallocated skill points. **Ludren's skills and equipment upon rejoining you are identical to what they were when he left. ++===================++ || Skill Information || ++=======[ski]=======++ +-----------+ | HP and MP | +-----------+ HP = 4 + (Endurance / 3) + (Endurance * [Level - 1] / 10) MP = (Wisdom / 2) + (Wisdom * [Level - 1] / 10) The maximum that HP or MP can reach is 255. Stamina and Mana Training also add to HP and MP, respectively. Their bonuses increase with higher Endurance or Wisdom, and with higher levels. With more points in these skills, the benefit to each extra point is lower and lower. I have not calculated the exact formula for determining bonus HP and MP, however. +-----------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Skill | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | +-----------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Bargain lv 1-10 | 5% | 10% | 15% | 20% | 25% | 29% | 33% | 37% | 41% | 45% | | (reduce 11-20 | 49% | 53% | 57% | 61% | 65% | 69% | 71% | 75% | 78% | 80% | | price*) 21-30 | 83% | 86% | 89% | 93% | 95% | 97% | 99% | 99% | 99% | 99% | +-----------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ *Discount applies to both buying prices AND selling prices. Bargain actually decreases the amount you receive when selling items! ++==============++ || Magic Spells || ++=====[mag]====++ The spells available to a character are determined entirely by that character's level in the relevant skill (denoted by LV in the tables below). There appears to be a bug preventing characters from learning any special spells. +--------+ | Akhina | +--------+ +----------------+----+----+--------+-------+---------+-------------------+ | Spell | LV | MP | Type | Range | Targets | Effect | +----------------+----+----+--------+-------+---------+-------------------+ | Shock | 1 | 3 | Attack | Short | Enemy | | | Armor | 3 | 6 | Buff | Party | Ally | + Defense | | Fireball | 5 | 8 | Attack | Long | Enemies | | | Magic Weapon | 7 | 10 | Buff | Party | Ally | + Might | | Lightning Bolt | 9 | 13 | Attack | Long | Enemies | Pierces enemies | | Fire Wall | 11 | 25 | Attack | Short | All | Persistent damage | | Meteor | 13 | 20 | Attack | Short | Enemies | | | Iceball | 15 | 22 | Attack | Long | Enemies | | | Team Armor | 17 | 30 | Buff | Party | Allies | + Defense | | Entangle | 19 | 28 | Debuff | Short | Enemies | Binds to location | | Creeping Fire | 21 | 40 | Attack | Long | Enemies | Pierces enemies | | Spray of Fire | 23 | 35 | Attack | Short | Enemies | | +----------------+----+----+--------+-------+---------+-------------------+ +----+ | El | +----+ +----------------+----+----+--------+-------+---------+-------------------+ | Spell | LV | MP | Type | Range | Targets | Effect | +----------------+----+----+--------+-------+---------+-------------------+ | Weaken | 1 | 3 | Debuff | Short | Enemy | - Strength | | Strength | 3 | 8 | Buff | Party | Ally | + Strength | | Slow | 5 | 12 | Debuff | Short | Enemy | - Speed | | Quickness | 7 | 10 | Buff | Party | Ally | + Speed | | Endurance | 9 | 10 | Buff | Party | Ally | + Endurance | | Mass Weaken | 11 | 20 | Debuff | Short | Enemies | - Strength | | Mass Strength | 13 | 25 | Buff | Party | Allies | + Strength | | Sacrifice | 15 | 0 | Heal | Party | Self | - HP, + MP | | Mass Quickness | 17 | 30 | Buff | Party | Allies | + Speed | | Invisibility | 19 | 40 | Buff | Party | Allies | Become invisible | | Mass Endurance | 21 | 30 | Buff | Party | Allies | + Endurance | | Mass Slow | 23 | 36 | Debuff | Short | Enemies | - Speed | | Paralyze | 25 | 40 | Debuff | Short | Enemy | Paralyzes | +----------------+----+----+--------+-------+---------+-------------------+ +------+ | Daim | +------+ +-----------------+----+----+--------+-------+---------+---------------------+ | Spell | LV | MP | Type | Range | Targets | Effect | +-----------------+----+----+--------+-------+---------+---------------------+ | Heal | 1 | 3 | Heal | Party | Self | Cures HP | | Shield of Life | 3 | 6 | Buff | Party | Ally | + Defense | | Holy Light | 5 | 8 | Attack | Long | Enemies | | | Cure Poison | 7 | 12 | Heal | Party | Ally | Cures Poison | | Bless | 9 | 14 | Buff | Party | Ally | +10 Combat, Defense | | Awakening | 11 | 12 | Heal | Party | Ally | Cures Sleep | | Divine Warrior | 13 | 24 | Buff | Party | Self | + Combat, Might | | Divine Sight | 15 | 20 | Buff | Party | Allies | + Search | | Life Drain | 17 | 35 | Attack | Short | Enemy | Drains HP | | Restore | 19 | 30 | Heal | Party | Ally | Cures HP, Poison | | Shields of Life | 21 | 35 | Buff | Party | Allies | + Defense | | Mass Heal | 23 | 50 | Heal | Party | Allies | Cures HP | | Punishment | 25 | 35 | Attack | Short | Enemies | | | Major Bless | 27 | 40 | Buff | Party | Allies | +20 Combat, Defense | +-----------------+----+----+--------+-------+---------+---------------------+ ++==========++ || Bestiary || ++===[bes]==++ ++===============++ || Minor Enemies || ++=====[min]=====++ +---------------------+---------------------------+-----+-----+---------------+ | Name | Location | HP | XP | Notes | +---------------------+---------------------------+-----+-----+---------------+ | Bieid | Forsaken Temple | 40 | | Poisons | | Blue Djinn | Dubuerk's Fortress | 75 | | | | Brut | El Paso | 40 | | | | Cerclo | DarkFort | 70 | | | | Chaosium | Ubar Na Kur | 70 | | | | Clay Soldier | Forsaken Temple | 25 | | | | Corpse | Crypt, Forsaken Temple | 20 | | | | Dream Demon | Tower, Underground Temple | 120 | | Sleep Ray | | Elite Brut | El Paso | 60 | | | | Elite Goatman | Goatman Hideout | 100 | | | | Enormous Rat | Crypt, Old Lady's Cellar | 2 | | | | Fkar Gar Zad | Ubar Na Kur | 90 | | Disarms | | Fungoid | Underworld | 45 | | Poisons | | Goatman | El Paso, Stand Keep | 25 | | | | Greater Dream Demon | Tower | 150 | | Sleep Ray | | Green Barran | Forest Passage | 60 | | Stones | | Green Djinn | Dubuerk's Fortress | 75 | | | | Hur Manai | Gray Swamp, Ubar Na Kur | 95 | | | | Infernal Rat | Forsaken Temple, | 5 | | | | | Stand Keep, Thieves' Cave | | | | +---------------------+---------------------------+-----+-----+---------------+ | Name | Location | HP | XP | Notes | +---------------------+---------------------------+-----+-----+---------------+ | Kaartie | DarkFort, | 45 | | | | | Underground Temple | | | | | Kesal | Underground Temple | 56 | | | | Lesser Dream Demon | Tower | 40 | | Sleep Ray | | Living Rock | El Paso | 35 | | Stationary | | Mountain Brut | Spirit of the Mountain | 75 | | | | Myrmecoleo | Myrmecoleo's Cave | 33 | | | | Pseudo Dubuerk | Dubuerk's Fortress | 50 | | Debuffs | | Red Barran | Forest Passage | 55 | | Stones | | Rogue | Bandit Caves | 48 | | | | Scoundrel | Old House | 5 | | | | Shadeling | Forsaken Temple | 13 | | | | Shadow Knight | Castle, Passeto | 140 | | | | Slither | Gray Swamp | 55 | | | | Temporal Rat | Underground Temple | 30 | | | | Thief | Thieves' Camp, | 7 | | | | | Theives' Cave | | | | | Tough Fungoid | Southern Caves | 60 | | Poisons | | Tough Goatman | El Paso, Stand Keep, | 40 | | | | | Underworld | | | | | Wraith | Tower | 120 | | Poisons | | Zeraii | DarkFort | 60 | | | +---------------------+---------------------------+-----+-----+---------------+ ++===============++ || Major Enemies || ++=====[maj]=====++ +----------------+---------------------------+-----+-----+-----------------+ | Name | Location | HP | XP | Notes | +----------------+---------------------------+-----+-----+-----------------+ | Braxis | El Paso | 120 | | | | Dark Minion | Forsaken Temple | 40 | | | | Dubuerk | Dubuerk's Fortress | 165 | | Sleep, Debuffs | | Emark | Bandit Caves | 150 | | | | Giant Lizard | Zasterul | 200 | | Stationary | | Karrtora | DarkFort | 145 | | Drains MP | | Pete | Zarki | 85 | | | | Pota | Zasterul | 70 | | | | Stone Guardian | Forsaken Temple | 200 | | Weak to magic | +----------------+---------------------------+-----+-----+-----------------+ ++=======++ || || || KUDOS || || || ++=[kud]=++ Kudos to Sabarasa Entertainment for developing Mazes of Fate, and Graffiti Entertainment for taking a big risk on bringing the classic PC RPG experience to the Game Boy Advance. Kudos to Artificial Raven (http://www.freewebs.com/artificial_raven), whose maps were invaluable in the creation of this walkthrough. Kudos to moll1 for discovering the tenth Small Statuette, hidden in the Spirit of the Mountain for over a year before anyone found it. ---------------------------=========================--------------------------- Copyright 2007-2008 Kyle Krohn. This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Mazes of Fate is copyright 2006 Sabarasa Entertainment.