Mech Platoon Multi-Player Guide by FoxDemon Copyright 2003 -------------------------------------------------- Contents 1. What is Multi-Player? 2. Map Strategies 3. Options 4. Man versus Man 5. Man versus Com 6. Strategies 7. FAQ Updates 8. Legal Stuff 9. Credits/Contact Me -------------------------------------------------- 1. What is Multi-Player? Multi-Player is a mode on Mech Platoon that allows you to play a game (similar to Starcraft) rather than having a different objective and a story mode to follow. The goal is to be the first team to destroy the other team's base. -------------------------------------------------- 2. Map Strategies These are the available maps for two-player combat. In a later edition I will also include the general layout as well as some key strategies for each course. Map Name Planet Ascetic Monk's River Lichen Almost Extinct River Lichen Lake Lichen Lichen Forest of Quicksand Ravine Weathering Ruins Ravine Crater Area Scorch Sunbaked Wilderness Scorch Old Ruins Area Ruin Old Warehouse Area Ruin Old Downtown Area Ruin -Ascetic Monk's River Tips- You'll either be in the northwest or southwest corner. In the northwest corner are most of the resources, and some are towards the east, giving the southeast player a big disadvantage. The only accesses to the southeast player's base are bridges, which are very good spots to place defensive units. The northwest player is a much more vulnerable target. For the northwest player, I suggest getting a Laserbase as soon as possible. Don't build it too close to your base, though, put it a little ways away so you can get an early attack. The southeast player should build a Laserbase by the bridge the opponent seems to be using, and should always send mechs over by the labor units to protect them because of the distance they must travel. Finally, this is one of those courses I would suggest the southeast player goes for an Armory the whole game. -------------------------------------------------- 3. Options While in the preparations menu, if you choose MULT PLAY OPTS you can set up some different things about the game. 1P Color: Color of player 1's team. 2P Color/COM Color: Color of P2/COM's team. Map: Choose the map to play on. Set Level: This option can be used to set different levels of starting amounts of things for either player. You may set: -Build Level (Your starting building level) -Military level (Your starting military level) -Technology level (Your starting technology level) -Initial resources (Your starting minerals) You may set these on a scale of 1-3, three giving you the best/most possible. -------------------------------------------------- 4. Man versus Man This is where you can duke it out against a friend. Your army and all the stuff you've gathered in your story file is all you get, while he probably has a lot of different units than you do. This will really show who's better, and there are never two games alike. To play 1 on 1, you and your opponent must have a Game Boy Advance and a Mech Platoon game, and one link cable to link the two game boys. -------------------------------------------------- 5. Man versus Com The computer doesn't prove to be too hard in story mode, but he may change your mind in this mode. If you're a player who takes a long time to build things and produce units, you're in trouble. The computer is always going to be coming at you, but at times this can provide some fun. There is no setting a difficulty level, but it has been confirmed that the computer's army is that of whatever map you are playing on. If you are on: Scorch he is Leon Lichen he is Trampler Ravine he is Minos Ruin he is the unknown army on Ruin Every planet has 2-3 maps that you can play on, each containing a few more obstacles than the last. My personal favorite way to play is to start on course 1 and play every course. I keep track of every time I win and every time the computer wins. After every course has been played (approx. 90-120 minutes), whoever has more wins is the winner (duh). -------------------------------------------------- 6. Strategy Here are some helpful hints that you (no matter how good you think you are) might actually need to make your game better. -Build an Armory- Devote all of your labor units to building an Armory when it becomes available. Purchase as many labor units as possible to help, as this building won't do anything until it has all 900 HP. Once built, a one-minute timer will start. When it hits zero, quick scroll over to the enemy base and watch it be torn to shreads. -Organize Your Armies- Always try to group mechs of the same type into their own armies, and have each army move out at a different time. An unorganized army tends to be much weaker than a good, organized army. -Figure Out What You're Up Against- Never attack an enemy base without knowing what you're up against. Send one mech over to the enemy ahead of all others to find out what the enemy tanks can do. If you already know what you are up against, then don't waste your time on this. -Don't Waste Mechs- Don't attack an enemy without having at least 3 mechs, or you're just wasting mechs. -Build and Guard Your Laserbase- The Laserbase should be put in front of your base, and after an enemy attack you should immediately send a labor unit to heal it. -Use the Recycle Facility Wisely- To easily increase unit production, use the Recycle Facility to change one mineral into another. This could help increase unit production dramatically. -Build Your Factory Behind Your Base- This can protect your Factory better, even though you are risking your Base being destroyed (but didn't you build a Laserbase in front of it?). Also, your Factory can produce units than can protect your Base anyway. -Decrease Construction Time- Doing this will make the units and buildings that are under construction appear several times faster. This is well worth the small fee, and works really well for surprise attacks and building the Armory. -If the Recycle Facility Can't Make It...- You need to balance the amount of everything you mine. Don't get stuck with too much of one mineral and not enough of the other two. Balance is critical to your success. If you are unbalanced, use the Recycle Facility if possible. -Be Prepared- No, I'm not advertising for Boy Scouts. Always watch your map so you won't be surprised by a sudden attack. Being prepared could save several HP on your buildings, and the labor units won't need to make repairs. You also won't have to worry about making mechs suddenly when you don't have enough minerals. -I've Been Waiting 5 Minutes...- This mistake is caused by over 50% of players. It also happens on Starcraft and Command and Conquer games. When you build a unit or building, do you sit around and wait for it to be built? Doing so on any unit or building could cost you some serious time. You should never have to stop moving around the screen giving out orders. There always will be something to build or command. If there isn't, then you're not trying. If you pause at all no matter how short or long, your opponent could easily get just the advantage they need to win. Now move you lazy couch potato! -The Early Bird Gets the First Kill- Most players use several minutes to build several if not all of their buildings. Most players don't even begin constructing units for several minutes. Use this to your advantage by attacking early. Even if it fails (which you shouldn't expect it to succeed anyway), the slightest impact on a base could give you a temporary advantage, and may help you later on. -Be Persistent- If your first attack fails, attack again. Don't stop attacking because it seems to be a needless effort. The enemy will start to diminish sooner or later. -Don't Give Them the Slightest Chance to Heal- This means never let up on the attack or the enemy will just keep healing its damaged buildings. If you have to, save some mechs for the next wave of battle. To even prevent more healing, send one army as soon as the other is halfway to their base. -But I Just Sent Them to do Battle!- While you are sending all of these units off to battle, always remember about your base defenses, too. You could easily be creamed if you forget about defense. -A Strange Priority- Although it may seem odd to make killing labor units a priority, you could prevent several things happening by destroying them. Mining materials, producing buildings, and healing buildings can be stopped temporarily by getting rid of them. The only downside to this is that labor units can be rebuilt, but you will have a temporary advantage, which will definitely change the game. -Too Slow to Attack- If a mech moves extremely slow (like the Orias) it is bond to have good range, attack, and defense. Use these mechs to protect your base, and use faster ones (like the Azaeal) to attack their base. -I Could've Sworn That Was the Real Thing- Mechs with the decoy ability can be one of the best types of mechs to have on the battlefield against a computer or friend. They are tough to hit and can distract the enemy from a whole other attack. -Keep Your Big Mouth Shut- Although you may not think you do, you might be talking out loud about what your next move is. The best solution to this is to just simply shutup. Let your friend tell you his strategies, but you keep yours to yourself. This is a no talking game! This concludes the current version of the strategy section, but I will definitely add some hints to it in the near future. -------------------------------------------------- 7. FAQ Updates 4/17/03 - It has been a long time, and I will admit that I haven't got much done on the map strategies section, but I changed some stuff. The updates section is now newest add-ons at the top and oldest at the bottom. Also, I did add one map strategy, but I've got a lot more to go. 3/13/03 - Today there isn't anything to add. I want to let everyone know that I am working on a one week to two week add on for the map section which will include strategies for each map, so don't expect me to update this as often as I did in the past. 3/12/03 - I am trying to fix the maps section of the FAQ. For some reason the planet names are in different columns when they appear on the site, and I am trying to fix that, so hopefully that will be fixed today. If it is not fixed today, I at least know I've got something to work at for a while. I am also working on an expansion for the strategy section, which is what you came to read. 3/10/03 - I spent the last day and part of today playing Starcraft, but in my extra time I wrote up a first version of the strategy section, which is now up and ready to be read. I do plan on changing it a lot, so look for future updates. 3/8/03 - I decided to change things a bit. I added two sections (which are under construction), maps and options. I am currently working on a strategy section, which will be in a later version. Be on the watch for constant updates! 3/7/03 - I started throwing this all together. This will take a while, and I will make sure to add a few things here and there. Hopefully I will add a strategy section (which is the reason most people would want to read this FAQ anyway, not that I expect anyone to read it at all). -------------------------------------------------- 8. Legal Stuff Of course, the legal stuff has to appear somewhere. Basically all I want to say here is that this FAQ is copyright 2003 and was made by me, FoxDemon. You are not allowed to post this on ANY website without the permission of myself. If you see this on any webpage other than the ones listed below, then they did not have my permission to do so. Please notify me at if you see it anywhere else. Permission Given To: AND SOON You may not take this FAQ anywhere and sell it for money; that is illegal. You also may not take this and say this is your own work, that is plagerism, which is also illegal. Thank you for cooperating. -------------------------------------------------- 9. Credits/Contact Me Created By: FoxDemon Game Created By: Kemco Special Thanks: GameFAQs Questions? Comments? Did I miss something? E-Mail me at with whatever you feel like sending.