MEDABOTS XX XX _ _ ____ ____ A XX XX / | | \ /___ \ / ___\ AA XX XX / / \ \ \ \/ / AAA XXXX \ \_______/ / /_ _\ AAAAA XXXX \/ | | \/ ||_\ /_|| AAA AAA XX XX | _ \_/ _ | |________| AAAA AAA XX XX |\_\ /_/| \______/ XX XX \_______/ by Snoopdigger Table of Contents __ __ /\ /\ \ \ / / \/_\/ 1)Version History \ \__/ / / ___ \ 2)Introduction _____\/ \/_____ / /___\ \ 3)Basics |_____| || |_____| \|| ||/ 3.1)Medaparts /\__/\ \|___|/ 3.2)Medals || || || || 3.5)Genderize || || \\ // 4)Walkthrough || || \\ // 4.1)Preliminary Trial Matches 4.3)Tournament 4.6)Competitors 4.9)Rubberrobos 5)Combinations 6)FAQ 7)Legal Info 1. Version History 0.1 (8/5/02) Just starting the format. Don't expect to finish basics for another day or so. 0.2 (8/6/02) Revised introduction, finished basics, and medaparts. 0.3 (8/7/02) Added devil medal, started preliminary matches. 0.4 (8/8/02) Worked on preliminary matches. 0.5 (8/9/02) Started list on Genderize. 0.6 (8/11/02) BIG change. Adding Rokusho Version: revised introduction, medaparts, Genderize, added new artwork, and finished medals. 0.6a (8/12/02) Revised introduction, finished formatting 4.1-7, trimmed up Genderize, and started Combinations. 0.7 (8/13/02) Trimmed up everything; ready to submit it to 0.8 (8/14/02) Just gave the FAQ some tuning up. 0.9 (8/15/02) Added some competitors, gave the FAQ another tune-up, finished preliminary matches, and finally finished Genderize. 1.0 (8/17/02) Finished Medabee Version Rubberrobos, added a new combination to Combinations, and otherwise trimmed up the walkthrough. 1.1 (9/16/02) Worked on some preliminary robattles and Competitors, they should be finished in a day or so. Also got another combination. 1.2 (10/21/02) Worked on the general walkthrough. 1.3 (1/17/03) Trimmed up Preliminary Trial Matches. 2. Introduction Welcome to the world of Medabots. Medabots are artificial intelligence robots contained of three elements: the tin pet, (the skeleton) the medaparts, (the parts that go on the tin pet to customize the medabot) and the medal. (the brain and soul of the medabot) You use them to robattle, a fight in which the loser submits one medapart to the winner when they lose. In this game, you will use medaparts to stop the other medabot from functioning in a fighting-type game. This is the Medabee version of the medabot games. You will start out as the famous Medabee or Rokusho. Medabee is the shooting machine, and Rokusho specializes in grappling and is the less clunky on the battlefield at the start of the game. This guide is made for people who are stuck on a match, presumably the last one. If you have any questions, e-mail me at Have fun reading it! 3. Basics Here's the scoop on the Medabot Basics. First of all, you should know that Medabots have medaparts for their right arm, left arm, legs, and their head and torso. In a robattle, there is a leader and a partner on both sides. You will have a damage meter that looks something like this. O The top circle is the head and torso's damage, the O O O left is the left arm damage, the right is the right arm damage and the lower one is the leg's damage. Every player has one of these. Yours is in the bottom left-hand corner, and your partner is right above yours. The opposing team is in the exact same position as yours, just on the right. Blue means that it is in good condition, yellow means that it is in poor condition, and red means that shut down is imminent. If it is black, then that means that it is no longer functioning. If it is one of the arms, then you will punch when you use that arm. If it is the legs, then you will SLOW down. If it is the head, you just lost. When your head is gone, you lose. This only matters for the leader. If your partner gets knocked out, you may have a harder time, but you are still in the game. 3.1 Medaparts Medaparts are essential in robattles. I consider them in three categories: attacking, defending, and healing. Attacking medaparts do damage. Defending medaparts raise defense. And healing medaparts heal other medaparts. Remember, a medabot is only as good as it's medaparts. If you are playing Medabee Version, you will start out with a head medapart that shoots homing missiles, but that automatically explode if they chase the opponent for too long. Your right arm will always be your primary weapon, and in this case, I highly recommend changing your shooting medapart to the ninjablade. Your left arm is your secondary weapon, and you should keep it as it is for a while. Your legs will be constantly changing based on the terrain you encounter. Your partner should start out with healing and attacking medaparts, along with the Sala-Tail. If you are playing Rokusho Version, you will have Grappling parts, which you should keep for the moment. Your Antenna is a good beginner medapart to consider keeping for the moment. 3.2 Medals Medals give a medabot its power. If you stand still or take damage, the medaforce meter will charge up. The medal that you start out with is a kabuta (Medabee Version) or kuwagata medal (Rokusho Version) for the leader and a mermaid medal for the partner. The kabuta medal has a high shooting value and has a medaforce attack that can home in on a target and destroy it. The kuwagata has a high grappling rating and can unleash a huge shockwave medaforce attack. The mermaid metal works well with healing parts, and the medaforce it can unleash heals itself and it's partner. There are some other medals you can earn, also. There are six robattle sites (seven if you count the tournament site) and the first time you try to robattle on them, you will be met will the select corps. There are three trial robattles on each area. After you beat all three, you will get a medapart and a medal. Here are the other medals you will earn. Devil-works well with any part that does a lot of damage to a defenseless opponent, and its medaforce is a great big shockwave that does a lot of damage to a defenseless opponent. ?-Question mark is it's name, and it can thrown powerful energy bombs for it's medaforce attack. Spider-A useful medal to use if you want to trap the enemy, for it's medaforce attack sets traps for your opponent to fall right into. Bear-a nice combination for Rokusho. A high grapple rating, plus the medaforce will temporarily increase its part's power. Monkey-it will recover the ammo for your head medapart, making it a force to be reckoned with. Unicorn-don't let it's beauty lead you astray, it will damage you heavily, and heal itself with your wounds. Phoenix-by shooting out a ball of fire, your opponent's medaparts will take damage as they burn. Ghost-the ultimate power of confusion. Take that chance to bombard them with weapons like the Giga Laser to destroy them. Alien-the gambler. By unleashing one of the medaforces mentioned above at random, it can cover almost any situation. Look out, 'cause here comes the alien! 3.5 Genderize There are two genders of Medabots. Male, the more powerful one. And female, the healer. Each gender has it's own selection of medaparts, and the male's is considerably larger. Generally, the female is the healing partner, while the male leader does the work, but a different combination may serve you better. As I said before, the male has a considerably large selection of parts, while the female's is not even half as big. Here is a list of all medaparts you can acquire in Medabots AX. How to read this Head---------What medapart this is (head, right arm, left arm, or legs) Missile------Name of medapart Attack-------type of medapart (attack, defend, or healing) Use this medapart some; it is a good for beginners. It shoots missiles that explode after about 1 and a half seconds, but it does some heavy damage, and will follow the closest enemy.-----Strategy for medapart. --Male-- Head Missile Attack Use this medapart some; it is a good for beginners. It shoots missiles that explode after about 1 and a half seconds, but it does some heavy damage, and will follow the closest enemy. Head Antenna Attack This will increase your chance of hitting your opponent's head medapart. Use if you have trouble hitting an opponent's head. Head Hunter Attack Use this medapart against shooting enemies, it will disable them. Head Tension Up Attack This will increase your speed temporarily, for about 10-12 seconds. Use in combination with slow legs for best results. Head Deathbreak Attack High power shooting attack. Head Fracture Attack This medapart confuses the opponent, and is a good one to use in combination with slow, but powerful weapons, like the Dopa Punch. Head Guardian Attack Cancel confusion, freeze, and paralysis. Head Hatchin Attack This medapart slows down the enemy. Use if you want to have speed advantage. Head Tyranolaser Attack This is a super-powerful laser that will annihilate anything that gets its path. Use with caution. Head Spydertrap Attack Set traps for grappling parts. Head Cover-Up Attack This medapart will crimple grappling medabots. Use if you know that the opposing medabots has lots of grappling parts. Head Head Cannon Attack This is a decent shooting medapart. Head Missile Base Attack Use this medapart some; it shoots powerful missiles that explode after about 1 and a half seconds, but it does some heavy damage, and will follow the closest enemy. Head Helmet Healing One of the few male healing medaparts in the game, it has the power to revive broken medaparts. Use with Helmight and Helming for best results. Head Blastgun Attack A short-range medapart that has much use. It shoots fire out in a short range, but contact with it is almost guaranteed a knockout of at least one part. Head New Wave Attack Decrease opponent's speed. Head Power Driver Attack Attacks with an break ball. Head Grave Lane Attack This medapart's attack charges up for a higher damage rate. It shoots an awesome laser across the battlefield. Head Dogu Defense This medapart has lots of armor, and gives you protection from missiles. Head Clearshield Defense A simple medapart that boosts defense. Head Pan Attack It shoots an energy ball that stops defense of whoever it touches. It disappears after about 31/2 seconds, but it does get rid of defense for about 10 seconds, so it might be worth considering. Head Peck Strike Attack A slow, but powerful attack, like Dopa and Dondon Punch Head Prominence Attack This medapart's attack charges up for a higher damage rate. It shoots an awesome laser across the battlefield. Right Arm Revolver Attack A high speed shooting attack that is not top choice for a leader, but maybe for a partner. Right Arm Sword Attack An excellent high-speed grappling attack. Right Arm Flexorsword Attack A high speed grappling attack that is not too bad for a leader. Right Arm Shoot Barrel Attack A high speed shooting attack that is not the best for a leader, but maybe for a partner. Right Arm Deathmissle Attack Shoots powerful, guided missiles. Right Arm Past touch Attack This medapart confuses the opponent, and is a good one to use in combination with slow, but powerful weapons, like the Dopa Punch. Right Arm Canceller Healing Cancel confusion, freeze, and paralysis. Right Arm Catch Attack This medapart slows down the enemy. Use if you want to have speed advantage. Right Arm Megalaser Attack An attack that is very highly recommended. You can move while you charge it up and then let loose a powerful laser beam. Right Arm Cheapertrap Attack Set traps for grappling parts. Right Arm Ninja Dagger Attack A high speed grappling attack that is not too bad for a leader. Right Arm Aim Rifle Attack A high speed shooting attack that is not top choice for a leader, but maybe for a partner. Right Arm Intermissile Attack Use this medapart some; it shoots powerful missiles that explode after about 1 and a half seconds, but it does some heavy damage, and will follow the closest enemy. Right Arm Helmight Attack This part destroys itself but lets out a massive shock wave doing great damage to your opponent. Right Arm Fire Gun Attack A decent weapon that has a short range but some nice power. Right Arm Clinch Wave Attack Slows down opponent. Right Arm Plus Driver Attack Attacks with an break ball. Right Arm Judge Shield Defense A simple medapart that boosts defense. Right Arm Dohtack Defense Protection from laser beams. Right Arm Knightshield Defense A simple medapart that boosts defense. Right Arm Pun Attack It shoots an energy ball that stops defense of whoever it touches. It disappears after about 31/2 seconds, but it does get rid of defense for about 10 seconds, so it might be worth considering. Right Arm Dondon Punch Attack A slow, but powerful attack. Right Arm Ignition Attack A high speed shooting attack that is not top choice for a leader, but maybe for a partner. Left Arm Submachinegun Attack A very nice shooting attack. Left Arm Pipo Hammer Attack A very nice grappling attack. Left Arm Straw Hammer Attack A very nice grappling attack. Left Arm Range Shooter Attack A very nice shooting attack. Left Arm Deathlaser Attack Charges up for a super-powerful laser beam. Left Arm Past feel Attack Confuses the opponent, allowing you to hit him with everything you got. Left Arm Recovery Healing Cancel confusion, freeze, and paralysis. Left Arm Twist Attack Slows the opponent down to a crawl, giving you the advantage of speed. Left Arm Cheaptrap Attack Set trap for grappling parts. Left Arm Gigalaser Attack A powerful, but slow weapon of destruction. Left Arm Ninja Sword Attack Not the best, but an okay grappling weapon. Left Arm Battle rifle. Attack An okay secondary weapon. Left Arm Guidemissle Attack Use this medapart some; it shoots powerful missiles that explode after about 1 and a half seconds, but it does some heavy damage, and will follow the closest enemy. Left Arm Helming Attack Destroys itself, but sends out a massive shockwave to crimple the competition Left Arm Flame Gun Attack A very nice fire attack, despite its short range. Left Arm Nibble Wave Attack Slows down opponent. Left Arm Minus Driver Attack Attacks with an break ball. Left Arm Crime Stick Attack Makes parts it comes in contact unusable for a length of time. Left Arm Dohtatack Defense Protection from break. Left Arm Greatshield Defense A simple medapart that boosts defense. Left Arm Keen Attack It shoots an energy ball that stops defense of whoever it touches. It disappears after about 31/2 seconds, but it does get rid of defense for about 10 seconds, so it might be worth considering. Left Arm Dopa Punch Attack A very slow but very powerful attack. Left Arm Explode Attack A very nice shooting attack. Legs---------Medapart (legs, in this case) Ochitsuka-----Name Shooting-----Type (shooting, grappling, multi-leg, flying, underwater) An all around shooting base.--------Description Legs Ochitsuka Shooting An all around shooting base. Legs Tatacker Grappling An all around grappling base. Legs Sharp Edge Grappling A grappling machine. Legs Abducter Shooting A decent shooter, a good choice for beginners. Legs Deathcrawler Multi-leg Can go anywhere, but is a little slow. Nice armor. Legs Umbical Flying Good at flying, but fragile. Legs Ace Hooves Multi-leg Can go anywhere with decent speed. A little lax on the armor. Legs Swick Multi-leg A good multi-leg in the water. Legs Rollertank Shooting A slow, but armored medapart. Legs Multi-leg Multi-leg A perfectly balanced Multi-leg, named Multi-leg :) Legs Tiptoe Grappling Some of the best grappling parts around. Legs Howzer Shooting An all around shooting base. Legs Limptank Shooting Heavily armored, but slow medapart. Legs Helchaos Grappling An all around grappling base. Legs Red Tail Flying A fragile, flying medapart. Legs Fishtail Underwater Good at swimming, but on land it's a fish out of water. Legs Smacker Underwater Good at swimming, but on land it's a fish out of water. Legs Protoauto Grappling A decent medapart to use if you are a beginner. Legs Dokan Flying A fragile, flying medapart. Legs Trojan Horse Grappling A decent medapart to use if you are a beginner. Legs Trojan Horse Grappling A decent medapart to use if you are a beginner. Legs Squashbasher Flying Speedy, but fragile. Legs Wanafly Flying Good at flying, but very fragile. Legs Fireworks Shooting A decently armored shooting medapart for beginners. --Female-- Head Variablehair Attack This will increase your chance of hitting your opponent's head medapart. Use if you have trouble hitting an opponent's head. Head Holy Helm Defense Shielded from damage for about 10-20 seconds. Head Pretty Face Attack/Defense/Healing Randomly change to other head medaparts. Head All Repair Healing Recovers the armor of all active medaparts (not knocked out medaparts) of self and partner. Head Flip Attack Freeze opponent for about 7 seconds. Head Sala-Head Attack Randomly change to other ATTACK parts. Head Light Circuit Attack Increase accuracy of shooting parts for a bout 10 seconds. Right Arm Pateri Vulcan Attack High speed shooting attack that has some potential. Right Arm Donor Healing Heals the armor or one medapart. Right Arm Pride Viper Attack/Defense/Healing Randomly changes to any right arm. Right Arm Cure Arm Healing Heals the armor of one medapart. Right Arm Flap Attack Freezes opponent for about 7 seconds. Right Arm Sala-Hand Attack Randomly changes to other ATTACK medaparts. Right Arm Light Jab Attack Paralyses opponent for about 7 seconds Left Arm Short Shot Attack A nice shooting attack. Left Arm Translate Healing Heals the armor of one medapart. Left Arm Desire Bison Attack/Defense/Healing Randomly changes to any left arm medapart. Left Arm Repair Arm Healing Heals the armor of one medapart. Left Arm Flop Attack Freezes the opponent for about 7 seconds Left Arm Sala-Arm Attack Randomly Changes to other ATTACK medaparts. Left Arm Light Blow Attack Paralyses for about 5 seconds. Legs Flaregather Shooting An all around shooting base. Legs Petticoat Grappling Works well with healing parts. Legs Queendresser Flying Good at flying, but fragile. Legs Purple Fin Underwater Good underwater, but not on land. Legs Flavor Grappling SLOW, but heavily armored. Legs Sala-tail Flying Good at flying, a decently armored. You should put this into consideration. Legs Quick Alert Grappling Speedy, but fragile. (more strategies for medaparts coming soon) 4. Walkthrough Now, it's time to play the game. There are six robattle sites (seven if you count the tournament site) and the first time you try to robattle on them, you will be met will the select corps. There are three trial robattles on each area. You can do them in any order you want, and after you beat the trial robattles there, you can do a free robattle. If you cannot beat a certain opponent, try beating someone in a free robattle to earn more medaparts. 4.1 Preliminary Trial Matches There are six trial match areas, the forest, lake, seashore, polar region, factory, and ancient ruins. Here is the strategy to win on each turf. FOREST-Medabee Version Difficulty *** First Battle: They are both fast, and have medaparts that will slow you down. Go for heavily armored leg parts and you should be fine using hit and run techniques. Second Battle: This battle can get a little tricky. The partner has healing parts, and a pretty face medapart. (if you don't know what it does, look it up in Genderize) The leader has a shooting head medapart, and attack and defense arms. Try to take out the partner before the leader. Do this by going close to the partner, hit her with the ninjablade until she falls down, and then release the medaforce. Use that same tactic on the leader. But beware of his medaforce attack, and he's also very fast. Third Battle: The third battle is the hardest to beat. They have head medaparts that revive broken parts, and they have VERY powerful weapons. Get some fast legs for this battle, and try to take out the partner first. If you get the chance, charge up your medaforce to take out medaparts, making them use up their time healing themselves. Medal Won: Alien FOREST-Rokusho Version Difficulty *** First Battle: The leader is a real weakling, but the partner can blast you with missiles while the leader slows you down. Both of them have guardian heads, so you won't get much from trying to freeze or paralyze them. Use a regular Rokusho and a healing partner to take out the trash. Second Battle: This is a tricky one. Enable a healing partner with one or two attacking medaparts to take on the opposing partner. Enable yourself with fast legs, but slow and powerful arms, and add on an Antenna or Tyranolaser. The leader is fast, so you have to match his speed, but he has a missile medapart and a Judge Shield. His Head Cannon can get in the way too. If you take his legs out, he will lose the advantage of speed, so keep that in mind. Third Battle: The third battle is the hardest to beat. They have head medaparts that revive broken parts, and they have VERY powerful weapons. Get some fast legs for this battle, and try to take out the partner first. If you get the chance, charge up your medaforce to take out medaparts, making them use up their time healing themselves. Medal Won: Alien Polar Region-Medabee Version Difficulty **** First Battle: Both leader and partner will heal each other; so destroy medaparts with the medaforce to wear them down. Second Battle: The partner is the power here. Go for a quick kill, and take out the leader. Third Battle: Speed is life here. The partner will slow you down and then devastate you with a blastgun attack. But, don't get to close to the leader's Dopa Punch. Medal Won: Ghost Polar Region-Rokusho Version Difficulty *** First Battle: This is an easy battle. Equip you Antenna, Pipo Hammer, and any other attacking parts that you can think of. Do the same with your partner. Annihilate the partner, then the leader. Second Battle: TAKE OUT THE PARTNER. I don't care how you do it, just take him out. If you do that, the leader won't be able to attack. Or just blitz the leader head-on. Third Battle: Ouch, you will need your wits about you. Avoid the partner. Equip yourself with fast legs. Use the regular Rokusho set-up against the leader, and have your partner face-off with the other partner. Medal Won: Phoenix Factory-Medabee Version Difficulty **** First Battle: The leader has some heavy-duty lasers, and also a power driver. The partner heals him, so be sure to take her out first. But beware of her pretty face. Second Battle: In the second battle, the healing partner has some weapons that paralyze you. You need to stay fast and build up your medaforce to unleash at the leader. Some powerful medaparts wouldn't hurt either. Third Battle: Take out the fast but weak partner first, and then go in cautiously on the shooting leader. Medal Won: Unicorn Factory-Rokusho Version Difficulty **** First Battle: The leader is totally helpless without his partner, so take her out, then him. Second Battle: These two make a good attack squad. Carefully take out the partner, then do hit and run tactics using the medaforce on the leader. Third Battle: The leader is totally helpless without his partner, so take her out, then him. The partner is the healer. Medal Won: Devil Lake-Medabee Version Difficulty ** First Battle: Simple Robattle. Take out the healing partner while avoiding the leader's lasers and hatchin head. Second Battle: The partner has no healing parts, but she does have a head medapart that will freeze you, and two sala-arms. Avoid her and take out the leader with medaforce attacks and missiles. Third Battle: Both the leader and the partner will heal each other, so makes your attacks as devastating as possible. (The medaforce is your primary weapon, but missiles work well, too) Medal Won: Devil Lake-Rokusho Version Difficulty *** First Battle: Equip any diving parts you have and go all-out on the partner. The partner has healing parts, so get rid of her first before turning your attention the leader. Second Battle: This time, ovoid the partner. Blitz the leader and leave him helpless. Third Battle: If you can tell the two apart, destroy the partner, then take the leader down. Medal Won: Seashore-Medabee Version Difficulty ** First Battle: Simple Robattle. Take out the healing partner while avoiding the leader's fire shooters and hatchin head. Second Battle: Neither one has any healing parts, but they have some heavy firepower. The partner has a sala-head, and the leader has a blastgun head. Try to focus your attacks on the leader; the partner is not very fast. Third Battle: The third battle has a leader with a sacrifice arm, and a rifle. The partner has a helmet as well as some medaparts that confuse you. Try to take the partner out with missiles; then go in for the leader. Medal Won: Monkey Seashore-Rokusho Version Difficulty *** First Battle: Take out the partner. Leaving the partner in the dust means that the leader won't be able to heal. Then do a hit and run strategy. Second Battle: Try not to bother with the partner. You will need all of your strength for the leader. Luckily, they are both slow. Hit the leader with everything you got, run away, and then come back again. Third Battle: The partner is slow, but can slow and confuse you. It can also heal the leader's broken parts, so try to take care of him quick. The leader has a powerful Helmight, but it destroys itself to hit you. Hit and run tactics work well here. Medal Won: Bear Ancient Ruins-Medabee Version Difficulty **** First Battle: The Leader is relatively weak, but the partner can freeze and paralyze you. Try to avoid the partner and build up medaforce to unleash at the leader. Second Battle: The next battle has some heavily armored opponents. Wear down the leader's head, and don't get in between them. Third Battle: Stay AWAY from the partner and overwhelm the leader with missiles and medaforce attacks. Medal Won: ? (That's the name of the medal) Ancient Ruins-Rokusho Version Difficulty *** First Battle: Avoid the partner. She will paralyze and destroy. Instead, blitz the leader. Second Battle: The leader is a master of close range combat, so make sure your medaforce is charged before going into a hit and run strategy. Third Battle: BLITZ THE LEADER!!! Medal Won: Spider 4.3 Tournament Once you beat the six preliminary trial matches, to will enter a tournament. You will get a fully assembled Arcbeetle as your reward. In order to win, you must face all the competitors listed below. 4.6 Competitors These competitors are your rivals that will challenge you in free robattles, and in the tournament. (Erika, Sloan, Spyke, Samantha, Karin, Koji, Henry, Gilgirl, Shrimplips, Squidguts, and Seaslug only appear in free robattles after you beat the rubberrobos) Medabee Version Kathy: The partner plays healer, so take her out first, before going for the mega-lasered leader. Charlie: Go for heavily armored medaparts; fast legs do nothing here, seeing as they have medaparts that slow you down. Go for some heavy artillery to take out the leader. Jimmy: The trick is to bombard the leader and ignore the partner. But do it quick, or you will have to face them with double armor, due to their Knightshields. Julie: Ignore the partner on this one; simply go for the leader with high-power medaparts. Hiro: The partner will slow you down, so avoid him while taking on the fiery inferno of a leader. Jordan: They partner is the key. Take him out with the Speed Demon technique, and the leader will be helpless. Meg: No real strategy, because she uses the Gambler technique. Be prepared for anything. Sean: A hard one to beat. Try using fast medaparts to take out the partner, and then the leader. Erika: Sloan: Spyke: Samantha: Karin: Koji: Henry: The Select Corps have random Medabots, and rarely appear. Rokusho Version Kathy: Charlie: Jimmy: Julie: Hiro: The partner will slow you down, so avoid him while taking on the fiery inferno of a leader. Jordan: Meg: Sean: Erika: Sloan: Spyke: Samantha: Karin: Koji: Henry: The Select Corps have random Medabots, and rarely appear. 4.9 Rubberrobos The ruberrobos will steal your prize that you earn at the tournament. The six robattle sites will open up, and you need to find the robos that took you prize. I will show you what opponents I have found, and if you find any more, e-mail me at, and I will give you full credit. There are four opponents that you HAVE to beat to get your prize back. They appear in this order: Gilgirl, Shrimplips, Squidguts, and Seaslug. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Robo1: This is a tricky fight. Equip Tiptoe, the Ninja Dagger, a Pipo Hammer, and an Antenna. (If you have one) Take out the partner first, and try not to get any medaparts knocked out doing so. The leader has protection from missiles, break balls, and laser beams, but he has a huge weakness of grappling parts. If you have the Antenna, use it before attacking to almost ensure a head hit. When he gets knocked down, use the medaforce. Gilgirl: Use long-range weaponry to take out the random medaparts they change to. An Antenna will also help. Shrimplips: Equip your partner with a Canceller and an attack medapart. The leader will confuse you, so have your partner heal you back to full strength, and then pummel the leader until he falls down, the destroy him with the medaforce. Squidguts: Use the Speed Demon technique. (See Combinations) Seaslug: Arm your partner with the Phoenix medal, and have him use it on the leader to wear down his medaparts, but not to knock them out, or his partner will revive them with his Helmet. Use your Antenna to increase your probability of a headshot, and use fast medaparts to knock him out. If he ever falls down, then is the time to use the medaforce. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 5. Combinations Here are several combinations that I have found particularly useful. Please note that some of these combinations require two, or maybe even three Medabots AX games. 1.Gambler Leader-medal: Alien Leader-head: Sala-Head Leader-right arm: Sala-Hand Leader-left arm: Sala-Arm Leader-legs: Sala-Tail Partner-medal: Alien Partner-head: Pretty Face Partner-right arm: Pride Viper Partner-left arm: Desire Bison Partner-legs: Queendresser Strategy: Use your partner's Pride Vipers and Pretty Face to defend you or attack, and your sala-parts will give you a choice of all attack parts. Use the randomly generated medaforce from the alien medal to attack or heal. It's one big gamble. 2.Death Road Leader-medal: Bear Leader-head: Antenna Leader-right arm: Deathmissle Leader-left arm: Deathlaser Leader-legs: Deathcrawler Partner-medal: Kuwagata Partner-head: Antenna Partner-right arm: Sword Partner-left arm: Pipo Hammer Partner-legs: Tatacker Strategy: Use your Rokusho partner to keep the opposing partner busy, while you use the medaforce of the bear to increase your parts' power. Use the Antenna to increase your chance of getting a head shot and close in on the leader with the Deathmissle and Deathlaser, and unleash your wrath! 3.Pitfall Leader-medal: Spider Leader-head: Prominence Leader-right arm: Past Touch Leader-left arm: Gigalaser Leader-legs: Ochitsuka Partner-medal: Spider Partner-head: Grave Lane Partner-right arm: Sword Partner-left arm: Past Feel Partner-legs: Tatacker Strategy: Start confusing your opponents, and then set traps for their medaparts. Finish the routine with your Gigalaser and Prominence. Repeat until the leader is no more! 4.Speed Demon Leader-medal: Monkey Leader-head: Tension Up Leader-right arm: Ninja Dagger Leader-left arm: Fire Gun Leader-legs: Squashbasher Partner-medal: Unicorn Partner-head: Tension Up Partner-right arm: Sword Partner-left arm: Twist Partner-legs: Squashbasher Strategy: Use Tension Up to increase your already fast medaparts, and your partner can slow the opponents down, letting you have the advantage of super speed. 5.Pummel Leader-medal: Devil Leader-head: Helmet Leader-right arm: Megalaser Leader-left arm: Guidemissile Leader-legs: Abductor Partner-medal: Kuwagata Partner-head: Helmet Partner-right arm: Plus Driver Partner-left arm: Range Shooter Partner-legs: Abductor Strategy: Try to take out your opponents from afar, but if they come close, pummel them with missiles and medaforce waves. 6.Cann't Touch Me (Thanks to Lucinda Lipori for this) Leader-medal: Monkey Leader-head: Holy Helm Leader-right arm: Light Jab Leader-left arm: Light Blow Leader-legs: Quick Alert Partner-medal: Monkey Partner-head: Helmet Partner-right arm: Revolver Partner-left arm: Pipo Hammer Partner-legs: Ochitsuka Strategy: This is some strategy. First you use your head part to make yourself invincible. Then you attack your opponents. Then when you run out of head uses you use the medaforce to get more. It's kind of dirty but you still won. but be careful the Holy Helm can't protect you from the medaforce. 6.FAQ Ask your questions here. If you have any, send them to Q. What happens if you run out of any one part? (i.e. left arm, right arm...) Do you have to battle handicapped? A. No, you don't have to battle handicapped, you LOSE. You will be presented with a screen that tragically says GAME OVER, and you are transported to your last save. Q. I lost Medabee legs and accidentally saved, can I get them back? A. Sadly, no. But if you get a Deathlaser or Deathmissile I'm sure someone would trade. Q. On either version of Medabots on GBA, after a match u where it tells u what you have gained it also says that you "got a panel". But I have no idea what it does or how to use it. Can you tell me? Also I would like to know what the R button does, it just seems to make a strange thing at the top of the battle screen move. Weird. So can u help? A. On the set-up screen, (where you choose your medaparts before a robattle) go to the medal selection screen. You can get there by moving your selector over your PARTNER'S medal (you know, like when you want to change it) and press A. On this screen, select the medal you want your PARTNER to use and press start. A panel screen will come up. Panels tell your partner what to do. The R button rotates these around. On one of the panels, it says, "Heal me." Your partner would then use all his/her healing powers on you. When you switch panels during a match, you switch your partner's strategy. 7.Legal Info You may use this walkthrough or any part of this walkthrough as long as you follow this one rule. ASK ME IF YOU WANT TO DO ANYTHING WITH THIS FAQ/WALKTHROUGH!!! I will give you a yes or no answer! Just follow that rule and we will get along great. Also, please send me no hate mail. I hope you enjoyed this walkthrough!