Medabots AX: Metabee/Rokusho FAQ 1.5 Started: 7/20/02 Copyright 2002 by Averman Email: | Warning | Anyone may reproduce this FAQ electronically, but don't sell it for money. If you want to use this FAQ for your website you must ask my permission, email me at with Medabots AX as the title, you must do it with this the Warning in it and do not modify any part of it. If you do use it, without my permission and I find out, trust me I WILL, you'll feel some serious legal trouble!!! Both Versions of Medabots AX are copyrights to Natsume. | Intro | What's Up!! This is Averman here to bring you another quality FAQ or a decent one. (You decide) This time Averman has created a FAQ for the popular TV series turned video game, Medabots. Personally, I love the TV show and I couldn't wait 'til they made a game. Now that it is out and I got it, you can only expect greatness. If anyone has any questions, comments, or suggestions, please email me at Anyway, let's move onto the FAQ. | Should I Play This Game? | Of course! This 2-D RPG is for hardcore fans of the series, anyone who likes robot games, and those looking for a game that will keep them busy for a few weeks. Medabots features over 200+ parts to collect along with 8 different ways to train your Medabot. You can continue playing after you've beaten the game as well. | What's the point of this FAQ? | The purpose of this FAQ is to give you an idea of what to expect and what medaparts to use in certain robattles. I also have information on medals, a breakdown of a robattle, and general things that you can try during a robattle. I made this FAQ for the Metabee version and the Rokusho Version. ||| Updates ||| | Older Updates Deleted (3) | | 9/03/02 | - Added Medapart section - Added more tips to the Battle Tactics section Comments: Averman has sucessfully added a Medapart section. It doesn't have all the medaparts, though. What's in it then? I listed that stats and such that you should consider before you pick out your medaparts. Also, Averman has added somemore tips for robattling and handling Megaemporer. Don't robattle too hard now. ;-) | 12/29/02 | - Updated Battle Tactics Comments: Averman has completed yet another FAQ. He feels that this FAQ is 99.9% unless someone can find something we missed. The Battle Tactics section has been updated again and unfourtunately, no more tips will be accepted. Sorry. This is Averman signing off one mo 'gain. Peace! O_o ||| Table of Contents ||| 1. Story 2. Controls 3. Battle Breakdown 4. Medals 5. Medaparts 6. Metabee Version 7. Rokusho Version 8. Battle Tactics 9. Thanks, The List & The Warning! ||| 1. Story ||| The story behind this game is a simple one: yourself (as Ikky) and your supercharged medabot, Metabee or Rokusho decide to compete in a local tournament. In order to do so you must compete against other medabots in challenging robattles. The loser of these robattles must submit one medapart to the winner. In order to beat the game you'll use these interchangeable medaparts to defeat the more powerful medabots you'll encounter. As you win more and more robattles, your medabot will gain experience and eventually become the most powerful in the world!! Well at least in Medabots. ^_^' ||| 2. Controls ||| This is a list of attacks and movements that you use in battle. Also the Island Map controls are listed as well. ---------------- Basic Controls ---------------- | Island Map | Up/Down/Left/Right - Moves the cursor around the map A Button - Enter a location B Button - Nothing L Button - Nothing R Button - Nothing Start - Enter Team Formation screen Select - Enter Save screen --------------------- Battle Controls --------------------- These are the controls that you would use in a battle. | Basics | Up - Does nothing Down - Collects MEDAFORCE Left - Moves your medabot left Right - Moves your medabot right A Button - Jump B Button - Fire Right Weapon L Button - Block R Button - Give orders to your partner Start - Pauses the fight Select - Fires your MEDAFORCE | Advanced | Up+B Button - Fire's head weapon Down+A Button - Go down a level Down+B Button - Fire Left weapon Left/Right 2x - Run in either direction When knocked down...Left/Right 2x's to roll Bump - Press the directional button twice, while facing an enemy, and you'll bump into them. ||| 3. Battle Breakdown ||| This section is for the newbies or the veterans that don't really understand what's going on. It's a step-by-step guide through a battle. -------------- Before Fight -------------- Alright you picked the place you wanted to fight at and you now know who your opponent is. Before contining, overlook your opponents medabots. This will aid you in equiping your medabot and identifing the same medaparts in the future. Now lets move on to the Team Formation screen. ----------------- Team Formation ----------------- Here is where you equip your medabots for the upcoming fight. At this screen, you can change your medabots order, panels, medal, medaparts, or gender. Order - To change the order of your medabots or switch places, just hit select at the beginning screen. This will make the leader become the partner and the current partner become the leader. Medals - To change your current medal, select the medabot. Then use the left/right direction buttons to switch your medals. To see more info about the medal, press the A Button. Here you'll see its stats. These stats determine how well your medabot will fight in combat. Panels - Panels are orders that you can assign to your partner. You can change them by highlighting your partner's medal and pressing start. Each medabot has a total of 16 panels but you can only bring 5 into battle. All of the panels are medal specific so no two medals have the exact same panels. These along with the right medaparts will let you implement the perfect strategy. Parts - To change your medaparts around, select the medabot. Scroll around to the part you wish to change and use the left/right direction buttons to switch your medapart. If you turn your attention towards the bottom of the screen, you'll see how the weapon looks and acts in combat. To see more info about the medapart, press the A Button. Here you'll see it's stats and it's picture. Gender - In order to change to gender of your medabot, strip it of all of the medaparts until you see its skeleton. Hit select and it will change from a boy to girl or a girl to boy medabot. Many of the parts you'll encounter are gender specific. This adds diversity to the game and helps you pick the perfect parts to make your ultimate medabot. -------------------- Ready, Robattle!!! -------------------- This is it. Time to test out your medabot in real combat. Let me explain some things: Head 0 0 0 Right/Left Arm 0 Legs The illustration (it's more like 4 circles) above is the status of each of your medaparts. As you give and take more and more damage, these will start to change. They start off at blue then it gradually changes from blue to yellow to red and finally black. Once this happens, your part will have been blown off, revealing part of your medabots skeleton. If the head medapart is destroyed, it's game over. (Not really, you just lose the fight.) MEDAFORCE Gauge - There is a bar right next to your part status. As you take damage, it will gradually build up. Standing still for a while will also build up your MEDAFORCE. Once its full, based on your medal, it will unleash a powerful attack. You should always watch your opponents MEDAFORCE gauge as well so avoid getting your parts blown off. Weapons Gauge - This is located in the bottom center of the screen. It has three parts to it: the head, right and left arm shooting rate. Each weapon has a shooting speed and a recovery speed. The more powerful weapons will have a slower shooting speed and an even slower recovery speed than the weaker weapons. Head Part Gauge - Right above your MEDAFORCE gauge, you'll see yellow icons. These indicate how many times you can use your head part. The head with the most usage isn't always the best. ------------- Did You Win? ------------- If you win, you'll get experience based on your fight and one medapart from either of the medabots that you've just beaten. If you lose, you'll get a little experience and lose a medapart. You'll lose a medapart only if you have enough to spare one. ||| 4. Medals ||| This section will help you figure out which medal best suits your robattling style. It is broken up into two sections: Metabee version medals and Rokusho version medals. Medal Stats ----------- LVL (Level) - This deterimines the stats below SHT (Shooting) - How effective the medal is with shooting medaparts GRP (Grappling) - How effective the medal is with grappling medaparts EFT (Effect) - This rating shows how long and what kind of effect its MEDAFORCE will have DEF (Defense) - The medals defensive rating REST (???????) - This tells you how much experience needed for the next level up Metabee Version Medals ---------------------- Alien The Alien medal is an average medal making it possible to equip it with just about any medapart. This medal shines in the defensive department boasting a grand 90 points at level 99. (The highest DEF stat in the game) If you need a partner to do just about everything and take a lot of punishment, this is your medal. Random Change - A random MEDAFORCE attack ADVANTAGES: High Defense, Decent Partner DISADVANTAGES: None really if you can live without knowing what MEDAFORCE attack it'll use. Devil The Devil medal is one of the best medals in the game. It works well with grappling and ranged medaparts along with any strategy you can think of. Even its MEDAFORCE attack is powerful; it launches a huge fireball that goes across the screen. You might want to think twice on using this medal in heavy close-ranged combat though. Its DEF stat is one of the lowest in the game. This is the only thing that keeps it from being the true king of the medals. Demolition - Shoots a huge fireball across the screen. ADVANTAGES: High GRP/SHT stats, Nice MEDAFORCE attack, Great Leader Medal DISADVANTAGES: DEF stat makes you think twice Ghost This medal is not one of my favorites. It possesses decent SHT & GRP stats, which gives you plenty of options when choosing medaparts. Its high EFT stat makes his MEDAFORCE attack more effective. The Ghost medal severely lacks in the defense department. This makes it vulnerable to stronger medals and hit-and-run techniques. With a lot of work and the right medaparts, you can make this medal work to your advantage. Confusion - Confuse your opponents ADVANTEGES: Confusing MEDAFORCE DISADVANTEGES: Poor DEF stat Kabuto This is the mighty Kabuto medal that fuels the mighty Metabee!! The Kabuto medal is aimed toward long ranged attacks so you should equip him with the most powerful ranged weaponry. The R: MegaLaser L: SubMachinegun is your best bet. The Kabuto medal also comes with a decent defense. This medal is very flexible. With its decent defense and grappling stats makes it possible for you to equip it with grappling weapons. The best grappling weapons to equip it with are the R: NinjaSword L: SubMachineGun or R: YourChoice L: StrawHammer. It really depends on you. Barrage - Launches a barrage of energy at your opponent ADVANTEGES: Good All-Around Medal, Nice MEDAFORCE attack DISADVANTEGES: EFT stat isn't the best Mermaid The passive Mermaid medal isn't the best at combat. Its stats are pretty much average except for its EFT (Effect) stat. The EFT stat shows how the effect of the medal's MEDAFORCE, which is to heal the leader and itself. The Mermaid's average stats make it very versatile. You can make it a grappling medabot or a long-ranged killer. For the grappling, I prefer the AllRepair head L - LightBlow R - LightJab and the QuickAlert legs. For the ranged fighter, equip it with two PateriVulcans or you can switch gender and equip it with two BattleRifles. All Recovery - Recovers all parts of both the leader and itself ADVANTEGES: Great Partner Medal, Its MEDAFORCE DISADVANTEGES: None Really... Monkey This medal isn't the best medal. It's EFT stat and DEF stat are excellent but it's crucial stats, SHT & GRP are average. Its MEDAFORCE keeps it in the game by recovering the head medapart over and over. This is only helpful if your head has taken a lot of damage and you still have weapons to continue the fight. Overall the monkey medal would make good as a partner If you can find the best medaparts to build around this medal, you can make the best partner in the game. Plus Counter - Recover head over and over. ADVANTEGES: Good EFT/DEF stats DISADVANTEGES: Its MEDAFORCE attack is only so useful, Pitiful SHT/GRP stats (?) Question This mysterious medal is good at everything except for grappling. It is an excellent medal along with the right ranged weapons equipped. With it's high defense (DEF) and shooting (SHT) you can make that slow but powerful tank medabot. It also works well with Metabee. The only thing wrong with this medal is its MEDAFORCE attack. It scatters blue orbs all over the place at random heights. It causes major damage to the medabot that it hits but faster medabots can run to safety and dodge the attack. Question - Scatters bombs everywhere you go ADVANTEGES: Excellent ranged medal, Decent Partner Medal DISADVANTEGES: MEDAFORCE is a little unpredictable, Low GRP stat Unicorn This medal is focused more on the defensive side and lacks key fighting stats. It makes up for this with its MEDAFORCE attack that allows it to do damage to an opponent and heal itself. It can make a good partner or you can use it yourself. Power Drain - Heal yourself while doing damage to your opponent ADVANTEGES: Good Partner or Leader, Nice DEF stat, Even Better MEDAFORCE attack DISADVANTEGES: Lacks GRP/SHT stats Rokusho Version Medals ---------------------- Alien The Alien medal is an average medal making it possible to equip it with just about any medapart. This medal shines in the defensive department boasting a grand 90 points at level 99. (The highest DEF stat in the game) If you need a partner to do just about everything and take a lot of punishment, this is your medal. Random Change - A random MEDAFORCE attack ADVANTAGES: High Defense, Decent Partner DISADVANTAGES: None really if you can live without knowing what MEDAFORCE attack it'll use. Bear The mighty Bear medal is one of the best grappling medals in the game. Its grappling stats rival even the Kuwagatas'. It lacks in the SHT & EFT category though but who cares you have the ultimate grappling medal right here!! The best medaparts to consider are: Head - Antenna R - FireGun L - PipoHammer Legs - Any GRP legs will do. The only problem with this medal is that it only shines in the grappling department. You can't really equip ranged medaparts with it and expect it to be effective. GigaBreak - Increases the power of your attacking medaparts ADVANTEGES: Excellent GRP/DEF stats DISADVANTEGES: Only a grappling medal Devil The Devil medal is one of the best medals in the game. It works well with grappling and ranged medaparts along with any strategy you can think of. Even its MEDAFORCE attack is powerful; it launches a huge fireball that goes across the screen. You might want to think twice on using this medal in heavy close-ranged combat though. Its DEF stat is one of the lowest in the game. This is the only thing that keeps it from being the true king of the medals. Demolition - Shoots a huge fireball across the screen. ADVANTAGES: High GRP/SHT stats, Nice MEDAFORCE attack, Great Leader Medal DISADVANTAGES: DEF stat makes you think twice Kuwagata The medal originally found in Rokusho. It ranks high in grappling combat and has a high enough defense to back it up. It is even flexible enough for you to use ranged weapons. It is probably best that you stick to close-ranged combat because you'll always have the advantage. Vertical Line - Fires a horizontal line of energy towards your enemy ADVANTEGES: Good All-Around Medal, Nice MEDAFORCE attack DISADVANTEGES: EFT stat isn't the best Mermaid The passive Mermaid medal isn't the best at combat. Its stats are pretty much average except for its EFT (Effect) stat. The EFT stat shows how the effect of the medal's MEDAFORCE, which is to heal the leader and itself. The Mermaid's average stats make it very versatile. You can make it a grappling medabot or a long-ranged killer. For the grappling, I prefer the AllRepair head L - LightBlow R - LightJab and the QuickAlert legs. For the ranged fighter, equip it with two PateriVulcans or you can switch gender and equip it with two BattleRifles. All Recovery - Recovers all parts of both the leader and itself ADVANTEGES: Great Partner Medal, Its MEDAFORCE DISADVANTEGES: None Really... Monkey This medal isn't the best medal. It's EFT stat and DEF stat are excellent but it's crucial stats, SHT & GRP are average. Its MEDAFORCE keeps it in the game by recovering the head medapart over and over. This is only helpful if your head has taken a lot of damage and you still have weapons to continue the fight. Overall the monkey medal would make good as a partner If you can find the best medaparts to build around this medal, you can make the best partner in the game. Plus Counter - Recover head over and over. ADVANTEGES: Good EFT/DEF stats DISADVANTEGES: Its MEDAFORCE attack is only so useful, Pitiful SHT/GRP stats Phoenix This medal is well rounded in all areas except in DEF stat. It fairs well in long-ranged combat but you might want to think twice about grappling with it. Its MEDAFORCE attack will set a blaze any enemy medaparts that may get in the way of it. It doesn't look very impressive but it gets the job done. You might want to consider equipping it with Head - BlastGun R - FlameGun L - BattleRifle to take advantage of the Phoenix’s variety. This gives you the ability to dish out constant fire damage and still have long-range option. Meltian - Causes continual damage with fire ADVANTEGES: Well Rounded Medal, Nice Leader Medal DISADVANTEGES: Low DEF stat Spider The Spider medal is one of the best medals in this version. It possesses a high DEF stat and an even higher EFT stat. The Spiders' GRP and SHT stats aren't the best but a good partner can make up for these. The coolest thing about the Spider medal is its MEDAFORCE attack. When used it sets a "trap" for your opponents medaparts. Once your opponent uses ANY medapart, it will be destroyed. Beware that it must hit your opponent to work. DoubleTrap - Set a trap against attacks ADVANTEGES: Excellent DEF/EFT stat, Excellent MEDAFORCE attack DISADVANTEGES: GRP/SHT aren't the best ||| 5. Medaparts ||| This section will tell you the how the rating system of the medaparts and what all of the stats mean. Enjoy! Just keep in mind that I didn't list all of the medaparts in the game but there is a FAQ on that has all of the parts in the game listed. --------------- Rating System --------------- The letters that you see next to the stat are kind of confusing but I figured it out and here it is. BEST - S - A - B - C - D - E - WORST ------- Head ------- This is the most vital medapart you can equip. If the head medapart takes too much damage, its game over. You should always check the stats of the medapart before equipping it. The stats are listed below: | Stats | ARM (Armor) - How much damage the part can take before being destroyed PWR (Power) - How much damage it can give out DEF (Defense) - How much damage the part can take before taking damage NUM (Ammo) - How many times you can use the head part SPD (Speed) - How fast your weapon can fire and recover after being fired ------ Arms ------ Both the left and right arm medaparts are mainly for attacking. Several weapons have the ability to increase your medabots' performance. Mix and match attacking arms and performance enhancing arms and you'll create the ultimate medabot. If any of your arm medaparts get blown off, your skeletal arms will be shown. They can do little damage so try not to lose your arm medaparts. | Stats | ARM (Armor) - How much damage the part can take before being destroyed PWR (Power) - How much damage it can give out DEF (Defense) - How much damage the part can take before taking damage SPD (Speed) - How fast your weapon can fire and recover after being fired ------ Legs ------ Leg medaparts determine how fast you can get around in the game. Some legs are extremely fast but fragile while some are slow but have a great defense. Others will give you the ability to fly or float for a short while or added maneuverability under water. If your leg medapart gets blown off, you can still move around using the skeletal legs. These legs are almost as good but they a terrible underwater. | Stats | ARM (Armor) - How much damage the part can take before being destroyed DEF (Defense) - How much damage the part can take before taking damage SPD (Speed) - Determines how fast your legs can move around on the stage | Other Stats | SHT (Armor) - How compatible the leg medapart is with shooting medaparts EFT (Effect) - The effect of the leg medapart on the stage GRP (Grapple) - How compatible the leg medapart is with grappling medaparts DEF (Defense) - How much damage the part can take before taking damage ||| 6. Metabee Version ||| This is a strategy guide to the Metabee version. It is broken down into three sections: the first 7 stages, the tournament, and the encounter with the Rubberobo gang. || 7 Stages || -------------- In order to enter the tournament, Ikky and Metabee must complete 7 stages. It's up to you to lead them to victory. Each stage is broken up into three fights, called trial matches, with two sets of medabots to fight. After a stage is completed, you'll get a medapart to add to your medabot, loads of experience, and sometimes a medal. Medals are the "soul" of the medabot. They determine its stats and its special MEDAFORCE attack. NOTE: I just listed the stages in ABC order. It really isn't a walkthrough 'cause a lot of people like to take their own path. The easiest stage, in my opinion, is the Ancient Ruin. --------------------- Ancient Ruins --------------------- The Ancient Ruins is a great place to start your robattling journey. This is arguably the easiest of all the stages. There are no annoying ledges to hop, it's not a very big level, and there is no water to deal with. This is also a good place to practice robattling and get some experience aswell. * Trial Match I * ----------------- In this battle, the leader likes to run around and hide in corners, while gathering MEDAFORCE and giving defense bonuses to his partner. Once you get close to him, he will try to run from you. Hit him with a grappling weapon (NinjaDagger) when you get the chance or if you start to lose him, hit him with a ranged weapon (SubmachineGun). His partner likes to stun you with its electrical attacks, which can get very annoying after the third or fourth time. Dodge his partner and put all of your attention on the leader and this will be a short fight. For your partner, equip her with AllRepair head, and two ranged weapons or one ranged weapon and the Flop. * Trial Match II * ------------------ Both the leader and his partner are very fast and like to raise each other's defense. It can get so bad, that even your strongest attacks will do little damage. You can tell when they have this when you see a gray shield over them. The best way to defeat them is to attack from afar. Make sure you give your partner the Flop. It will be very effective in stopping the both of them from running around. * Trial Match III * ------------------- This is the hardest of the three fights because you'll be facing two medabots that can heal in some way. The leader has healing parts while the partner's MEDAFORCE is an attack that can steal health from you and add to hers. Be quick to attack the leader and don't let the leader leave your sight, if that doesn't work, destroy the partner than the leader. Chances are you'll need to use the MEDAFORCE in this fight. Equip your leader with a grappling weapon (Ninja Dagger) and a ranged weapon (Submachine Gun) and your partner with AllRepair head, and two ranged weapons. TIP: If you ever get the chance, during a fight, hold the down button and you'll gather the MEDAFORCE!!! Then hit Select and your medabot will unleash a powerful attack based on their medal. --------------------- Factory --------------------- This is probably the hardest of all the stages. The main reason for the major difficulty is because of the stage itself. There are plenty of turn-belt's to move you one way, platforms that move you up and down, and some of the background gets in the way of your view. This makes it hard to see where your enemy is. You should at least go to one practice so you know what I'm talking about. * Trial Match I * ----------------- Two grappling weapons (R: NinjaSword L: FlameGun) are very effective in this fight. For your partner, anything that heals will do. The leader has a two MegaLasers equipped, which has the ability to destroy your parts in one or two hits. *gasp* Don't worry, unfortunately for your leader, it take a while to charge and fire the MegaLaser. *whew* Hit him fast and, if necessary, use the MEDAFORCE. Whatever you do, DONT STAY IN ONE PLACE TOO LONG!! * Trial Match II * ------------------ Equip Metabee with some strong ranged weapons (R: MegaLaser L: SubmachineGun) and, if you wish, the Helmet. Have your partner equip the AllRepair head, a ranged weapon (PateriVulcan) and the Flop or the RepairArm. This fight is very hard. The leader is equipped with two FlameGuns and his partner is equipped with two LightBlows. Sounds like fun, huh? If you got a MegaLaser from a previous battle, this fight is a lot easier. Any ranged attack will be good but if you don't time your ranged attacks carefully, you're going to get toasted or fried. The MEDAFORCE will help a lot. * Trial Match III * ------------------- Be sure to equip your leader with a grappling weapon and a ranged weapon along with your fastest legs. Equip your partner with the usual: Flop, AllRepair, and a ranged weapon. Don't forget to equip her wth faster legs (Sala-Tail). This fight isn't as hard as the first two and the level doesn't get in the way either. The leaders ranged weapons (which are very strong) are something to worry about along with his partners LightBlow. That is pretty much it. --------------------- Forest --------------------- This place is crazy! All of the battles take place in the tops of trees. Whenever you see a bunch of leaves, it's a hole where you can jump down to the branch below. Fast medabots will have a small advantage in this stage. TIP: By pressing "down+A" will let you fall to the next level. * Trial Match I * ----------------- Equip your leader with a grappling weapon (Ninja Dagger) and a ranged weapon (Submachine Gun) and your partner with the AllRepair head, the Flop, and a ranged weapon (PateriVulcan). Also change both of your bots legs for faster ones (Sqaushbasher/Sala-Tail). With the faster legs you equipped along with the Ninja Dagger, you'll be able to keep up with the enemy bots and slash away their parts. Stay away from the partner because he'll try to slow you down with arm parts Hold & Twist. * Trial Match II * ------------------ Equip whatever you feel comfortable with because this fight is so easy if you time it right. The leader likes to stand out in the open I experience this every time I play. So this can be either a long fight or a short one. Hit him with well-timed missile attacks and you'll have a higher chance of getting a head shot or do it the long hard way, piece-by-piece. * Trial Match III * ------------------- Pick your strongest weapons like the MegaLaser (very effective). For your partner, anything that heals and anything that can stun your opponent like (Flop or LightBlow) will be good. Attack the leader with everything you have!! Both of your opponents have the Helmet head equipped. This head has the ability to bring back a part that you have worked so hard to destroy. (Awww man) Since both of them have it equipped, they can revive up to six parts. To prevent this, attack them when you see them create a blue missile. If you attack them at the right moment, they will have just wasted their time and taken some serious damage on the side. Time your missiles VERY carefully and keep you MEDAFORCE handy, it'll be your best friend. --------------------- Lake --------------------- All the battle's here will involve water in some way, which make it hard for land lovin' medabots. After the Trial Match I, you might cop some water parts but the rest of the fights aren't as easy. You might want to practice a few times before entering the stage. That way you'll know how it's like to robattle underwater. TIP: If you don't manage to get the water legs, don't worry. You can use any other leg medaparts that are fast (Sqaushbasher) or not influenced by a landform (Sala-Tail). * Trial Match I * ----------------- Equip your leader with either two ranged or grappling weapons. Equip your partner with whatever you like. Just make sure you have at least one healing item. Don't forget to change those legs. This stage is half water and half land, so your enemies will have a slight advantage over you. Beware of your enemy's partner; she will heal the leader after every attack. You might have to take a detour and take out the partner first. It will be a lot easier that way. * Trial Match II * ------------------ Whatever you feel comfortable with. Water levels are kind of different so my suggestions might not work for everyone. This battle is kind of hard to predict because the partner will use random weapons. Try to destroy the leader as fast as you can before the partner gets something good. (More water!!!) * Trial Match III * ------------------- Equip your best weapons!!! This stage is about 3/4 water so you can imagine the time you'll have moving around. Both the leader and the partner can heal each other but they are beatable. Hit the leader/partner hard, wait 'til either of them heals, then hit them harder. You might have to use your MEDAFORCE on this one. --------------------- Polar Region --------------------- The polar region is just a colder version of the lake level. Some of the stages are filled with water but all of them include the treacherous slippery ice. The fights in this stage aren't very hard but the slippery ice plus the occasional water adds to difficulty. * Trial Match I * ----------------- This round involves water, so bring your best water legs. This battle isn't that hard; all you have to do is attack the leader and take her apart. The only thing to watch for is the healing ability that they like to use so much. * Trial Match II * ------------------ Again, bring some water legs to even the playing field. Also a grappling weapon or two(R: Ninja Dagger L: NinjaSword) is very effective this stage. Get in close and time your missile attacks to make short work of this fight. * Trial Match III * ------------------- A ranged weapon or two will do nicely. The leader has a wicked close range attack (DonDonPunch) that can cut threw your parts like a hot knife threw butter. It is a slow attack to launch, though. Keep your distance with a few ranged weapons and beware of his partner. He likes to slow you down and let his partner use his DonDonPunch on you. (No water this round!!!) --------------------- Seashore --------------------- The seashore is filled with rocky ledges to move about on. You'll be chased and do doing a lot of chasing in this stage. At least there is no water to deal with. :-) * Trial Match I * ----------------- Bring your best-ranged weapons(R: MegaLaser L: SubmachineGun) and equip yourself with the Helmet head if you have it. The Helmet has the ability to revive a part that has been blown off. (Cool!!) Have your partner equip with the usual, AllRepair, Flop, and a ranged weapon. The leader has two flamethrowers that will torch your parts in one hit. If you have the Helmet head, this will be an easier fight. Keep your distance and time your attacks to win this fight. TRICK: If you have the Helmet head, here is a little trick that you can use; equip the Helmet head along with the Helmight. With the Helmet head equipped, you can use the Helmight multiple times, thus allowing you to put some major hurt on your enemy!! You'll see how effective this is in the fights to come. * Trial Match II * ------------------ Equip your fastest legs (Helchaos) for both of your medabots. Pick the weapons that you feel most comfortable with; you'll be doing a lot of chasing this during this fight. The MEDAFORCE might be helpful in this fight. * Trial Match III * ------------------- Equip your Metabee with its most powerful weapons and your partner with the Flop. The leader uses a mighty weapon known as the Helmight. It sacrifices the arm part to do massive damage to the poor medabot in its way. To make it worse, his partner has the Helmet head equipped to bring back the Helmight. Also, to make things worse, they have a weapon that can make your medabot confused and temporarily lose the ability to block. This fight is one of the hardest in the game. Keep them both busy and prevent the leader from receiving the revive missile by attacking the partner constantly. It will be best if you take out the partner first thus leaving his leader without a way to attack you. The MEDAFORCE will be a must in this fight. || Tournament || ----------------- After completing the 7 stages, a star will appear next to the tournament. Here you'll face random robattlers and some from the TV shows. I'm pretty sure the line up, listed below, is the same for everyone with the Metabee version. You could have also fought them at the newly transformed gray stars. (You might to revisit some of these to get your stats up before entering the tournament.) TIP: By now you should've leveled up enough to get "panels". Panels are used to give your partner orders. May it be "Use MEDAFORCE", "Heal Leader" or "Run Away" these will be crucial in the battles to ahead. After every successful robattle, you should save and then comeback to the tournament. Don't worry, you will continue where you left off. --------------------- Charlie --------------------- Equip your best grappling weapon (NinjaDagger) and your best grappling legs (TipToe). For your partner, equip her with the AllRepair head, and two ranged weapons. Both of Charlie's medabots are both equipped with a Rifle and a Hold. They like to slow you down in order to make you easier to hit. They like to team up and chase you around. This will make it easier for you to use your grappling weapon. Be sure to surprise them with the MEDAFORCE or a missile to the medapart. --------------------- Julie --------------------- Equip your leader with the MegaLaser (it will make the fight go faster) or a grappling weapon. Don't forget to give your partner something to heal you with. The only things to look out for are: their ability to heal and the random weapons that her partner will use. Her partner has the same legs that PepperCat uses in the show, which means she is she very fast. They also like to surround you but with a decent grappling weapon, you can make them pay for invading your personal space. >:) NOTE: After winning, receiving experience and a part, you have an option of leaving the tournament. Don't worry, you can leave, save, and return right where you left off. --------------------- Jimmy --------------------- Faster legs might help you keep up with the leader. Be sure to equip your partner with the Flop. With the faster legs, you'll be able to keep up with Jimmy's leader. Focus on the leader because he likes to draw MEDAFORCE while his partner does all to fighting. The most annoying thing about this fight is that they can't get enough of boosting each other's defense. Thus, making it harder to damage them. --------------------- Hiro --------------------- Your fastest legs will help and plus the Helmet if you have it. Hiro's leader is equipped to the core with fire weapons. His head and arms are fire weapons, which is bad news for you. To make it worse, his partner will try to slow you down to make it easier for him to turn you to toast. Keep you distance from both of them with your ranged weapons. --------------------- Fran --------------------- Equip your leader with a FlameGun or any other grappling weapon. The MegaLaser is most effective against Fran's grappling medabots. Fran's leader is equipped with a Flap and a Flop; both of these weapons have the ability to freeze you. While her partner has two PrideVipers which makes it hard to tell what she will use. The leader has a weakness that should be exploited to the fullest; she is very slow with the legs she has equipped. --------------------- Sean --------------------- A couple of ranged weapons (R: MegaLaser/L: FlameGun) should make this fight no problem. Make sure your partner has the Flop and a healing part or two equipped. Both of Sean's medabots are ready for some down and dirty close ranged combat. They both have the TipToe legs (great for grappling), the mighty DonDonPunch equipped along with NinjaSwords. Keep your distance because the DonDonPunch is fatal. If they get too close torch them and run. They are pretty fast though plus the have the ability to heal. Another way you could defeat them is by equip some grappling weapons for yourself (R: NinjaSword L: Submachine Gun) of your own. I beat them using this strategy. ^_^ --------------------- Kathy --------------------- Equip your leader with a grappling weapon and your partner with a healing item. Kathy's leader is a powerhouse using two MegaLasers and a head that can disable your block. Kathy's partner is a healing machine. Dodge the leader and attack the partner. She'll be easy since she has no weapons. It'll make it easier to destroy the leader too. To beat him, get close, attack then run. If his partner is gone, you'll have nothing to worry about plus the MegaLaser takes a while to fire. --------------------- Jordan --------------------- Make sure your partner has an at least two healing parts. Jordan uses the Helmight and Helmet combo. This time the leader has the Helmights and the partner has the Helmet. You should take out the partner first then the leader. That would be an easy task if his partner didn't have those two MegaLasers equipped. If you do manage to destroy the partner, then this fight won't be a problem. Beware that the leader has the head equipped that sets a trap for grappling medaparts. --------------------- Karin --------------------- This fight is probably the simplest fight in the whole game. Attack the leader, NeutraNurse. She has no attack weapons but she likes to run around a lot and heal her partner. Her partner is fast but you easily out run him if you equip some faster legs. Just attack NutraNurse and this fight will be over soon. --------------------- Spyke --------------------- Grappling weapons are very effective if manage to get close enough. Spyke's leader, KrosserDog, can take you out before you can even get to him. Try to get behind him or if you get knocked down, roll toward him and get some hits in with you grappling weapons. Keep your distance from his partner who has two NinjaSwords. You might have to use the MEDAFORCE on this one. --------------------- Sloan --------------------- Equip your leader with a grappling weapon and equip your partner and yourself faster legs. Both of Sloan's medabots have tank legs equipped. This means that their legs have a lot of defense but are very slow. This is where your faster legs come in. Run circles around them and slash at their medaparts. Just beware of the partner, who will try to slow you down and hit you with his MegaLaser. (The leader has a pair too) --------------------- Samantha --------------------- PepperCat likes to run around the stage and send jolts of electricity threw your medabot. Her partner will float threw the air shooting magnetic orbs at you. To prepare for the electrical storm known as PepperCat, you'll need to equip either shooting or grappling weapons. You can try to take her out from a far (R: Revolver/L: SubmachineGun) or go toe-to-toe with her(R: NinjaSword/L: YourChoice). Don't let them get you in a corner and you might have to use the MEDAFORCE on this one. --------------------- Erika --------------------- Erika's medabots are all about business especially the leader, Brass. She doesn't wait until your other medaparts are gone to take out your head. Her medabots heads have the ability to increase their chance of headshots so beware. You'll know that they are using this ability when they have a rock looking thing over them. Their ranged weapons can be deadly if you stand around too long. Use the MEDAFORCE if needed. You should equip a MegaLaser and have your partner equip with the Flop and a healing medapart. This will be a hard fight. --------------------- Henry --------------------- This fight isn't as hard as the one with Erika but don't expect this one to be a walk in the park either. Henry's leader is basically equipped with the equivalent of the Revolver and a SubmachineGun and his partner is equipped with two NinjaSwords. Go straight for the leader and this fight will be over soon. --------------------- Koji --------------------- This is it!! This is the final fight in the Medabots Tournament. It's you versus your archrival Koji. Koji's leader is nothing to worry about but his partner is. He wields two MegaLasers and is not afraid to use them. Stay away from him all together and you'll be all right. --------------------- Victory !!! --------------------- You've just beaten the game!! Pat yourself on the back and enjoy the credits. If you haven't noticed, there is a section under this one. Just watch the credits roll and you'll see. || Rubberobo Gang!! || ---------------------- The Rubberobos are scattered across the world map. Anyway in order to get your prize back, you'll have to defeat the four leaders of the Rubberobos. They are all located at random places but you will still have to fight them in the same order listed below. NOTE: Just because you don't see one of the leaders at one place, doesn't mean that you wont find them in another location after you defeat a previous leader. Otherwise you'll be fighting the no name henchmen forever. ----------------- SquidGuts ----------------- This fight will be a little difficult. Both of SquidGuts medabots have the DonDonPunch equipped, which mean a lot of trouble if you get too close. To make it worse the leader is very fast and his partner has the Helmet (he can revive parts) equipped. The MegaLaser can help if you time it right but a grappling weapon will help the most. This is because they have to get close to you anyway so you might as well fight on their level. Never attack them directly unless using the MEDAFORCE. Run around and when you are trapped, attack and repeat. Chances are you will not beat him the first time you fight him. ----------------- GillGirl ----------------- This fight isn't as hard as the one with SquidGuts was. The leader will use random weapons at will and her partner will try to slow you down with electrical attacks. Shoot them down from a far with your ranged weapons. Use this tactic in order to win because you'll never know what they will get. ----------------- ShrimpLips ----------------- ShrimpLips main focus is to have his leader confuse you while; his partner attacks your confused medabot. You'll know you're confused lose control of your medabot and you see halo around its head. That is his only attack though. A MegaLaser can make short work of his arms that shoot the confusion attacks. Use a grappling weapon like the StrawHammer just in case his partner tries to get in your face. You might want to take his partner first because he's the only one with a real attack. ----------------- SeaSlug ----------------- THIS IS THE HARDEST FIGHT IN THE GAME!!! SeaSlug's leader is the mighty Megaemperor. Both of the Megaemperor's weapons can take out your parts in one hit. Try to avoid him at all costs until you take out his partner. His partner uses two grappling weapons and has the Helmet to make things worse. A MegaLaser is nice but risky. It's best to have one grappling weapon and a ranged weapon. You'll have to use the MEDAFORCE a few times to win this fight. I beat him by first killing the partner. By then, my partner wasn't even functioning. Go in a corner to build up some MEDAFORCE. If you see the Megaemperor, you're too close to him. Once you have enough MEDAFORCE, get close and hit him with it. You might be lucky enough to take a few parts off or score a headshot. Repeat this until he is destroyed. ||| 7. Rokusho Version ||| This is a strategy guide to the Rokusho version. It is broken down into three sections: the first 7 stages, the tournament, and the encounter with the Rubberobo gang. || 7 Stages || -------------- In order to enter the tournament, Ikky and Rokusho must complete 7 stages. It's up to you to lead them to victory. After a stage is completed, you'll get a medapart to add to your medabot, loads of experience, and sometimes a medal. Medals are basically the "soul" of the medabot. They determine its stats and its special MEDAFORCE attack. --------------------- Ancient Ruins --------------------- The Ancient Ruins is a great place to start your robattling journey. This is arguably the easiest of all the stages. There are no annoying ledges to hop, it's not a very big level, and there is no water to deal with. This is also a good place to practice robattling to get some experience. * Trial Match I * ----------------- For this fight you should equip fight the Sword and the Rifle and your partner with the Flop, AllRepair, and the PateriVulcan. This will be a normal fight without much to worry about. Get in close but not too close; the leader and the partner like to double team you. Also, the partner's MEDAFORCE attack will confuse you. * Trial Match II * ------------------ This fight is fairly easy. You can go into this fight with whatever you want but beware of two things: your opponents head can fire missiles capable of destroying parts in one hit and they both are kind of fast. * Trial Match III * ------------------- For this fight equip the BlastGun head plus two of Rokusho's grappling weapons. Equip your partner with the Flop and a ranged weapon. The leader you'll be facing is equipped with a Flop and the PateriVulcan while her partner has two PateriVulcans. Beware of her partner's ranged attacks and you'll be fine. The leader likes to chill in corners and wait for you to come to her. If you equipped the BlastGun, you can torch her and then watch her cook. Don't wait to long though because they can and will heal themselves. --------------------- Factory --------------------- This is probably the hardest of all the stages. The main reason for the major difficulty is because of the stage itself. There are plenty of turn-belt's to move you one way, platforms that move you up and down, and some of the background gets in the way of your view. This makes it hard to see where your enemy is. You should at least go to one practice so you know what I'm talking about. * Trial Match I * ----------------- This fight isn't that difficult. You can equip your partner and Rokusho with whatever you want. The leader likes to slow you down while, causing minor damage to any medapart (usually your legs parts). His partner isn't much. She has a PateriViper and likes to heal. This should be a short fight if you get the MEDAFORCE involved. * Trial Match II * ------------------ This fight is a lot harder than the one before. Grappling medaparts are your best bet in this fight and make sure your partner has one healing item. The leader is a long ranged killer. He has two Rifles and a MissleBase equipped. Try to close the gap between you and his ranged weapons. A series of hit & runs can make short work of his Rifles. His partner will use get random weapons at will so just watch out. She can also heal. The MEDAFORCE might come in handy in this fight. * Trial Match III * ------------------- Be sure to equip your leader with a grappling weapon and a ranged weapon along with your fastest legs. The BlastGun helps. Equip your partner with the usual: Flop, AllRepair, and a ranged weapon. Don't forget to equip faster legs (Sala-Tail). This fight isn't as hard as the first two and the level doesn't get in the way either. The leader is a fast grappler so when you see him coming, hit him with your ranged weapon or the BlastGun. His just heals and will use random weapons. That is pretty much it. --------------------- Forest --------------------- This place is crazy! All of the battles take place in the tops of trees. Whenever you see a bunch of leaves, it's a hole where you can jump down to the branch below. Fast medabots will have a small advantage in this stage. TIP: By pressing "down+A" will let you fall to the next level. * Trial Match I * ----------------- Equip your leader with the Sword and Rifle (or something like that). You might want to consider changing your head to the MissleBase or the BlastGun. For your partner, its fastest legs (Sala-Tail) will do. If managed to get faster legs for your leader, equip them. The leader and his partner that you'll be facing are very fast. Although they have the speed advantage, they do not posses a lot of offensive powers. The leader's weapons will slow you down while, his partner; will attempt to take you out with his missiles. If you can stay away from his partner's missile barrage, this fight won't last long. * Trial Match II * ------------------ This fight is similar to the one in the Metabee version. The leader likes to sit around and wait until you come to him. He is armed with the JudgeSheild (boost defense) and can fire missiles with his other arm. His partner just heals and isn't much of a threat. Go straight for the leader to make short work of this fight. The BlastGun help a lot. * Trial Match III * ------------------- Pick your strongest weapons like the MegaLaser (very effective if you have it) or the MissleBase. If you decide to go into close ranged combat, the Sword/Rifle will also do. For your partner, anything that heals and anything that can stun your opponent like (Flop or LightBlow) will be good. Attack the leader with everything you have!! Both of your opponents have the Helmet head equipped. This head has the ability to bring back a part that you have worked so hard to destroy. (Awww man) Since both of them have it equipped, they can revive up to six parts. To prevent this, attack them when you see them create a blue missile. If you attack them at the right moment, they will have just wasted there time and taken some serious damage on the side. Time your attacks VERY carefully and keep you MEDAFORCE handy, it'll be your best friend. --------------------- Lake --------------------- All the battle's here will involve water in some way, which make it hard for land lovin' medabots. After the Trial Match I, you might cop some water parts but, just so you know, these fights aren't as easy. You might want to practice a few times before entering the stage. That way you'll know how it's like to robattle underwater. TIP: If you don't manage to get the water legs, don't worry. You can use any other leg medaparts that are fast (Vehicle) or not influenced by a landform (Sala-Tail). * Trial Match I * ----------------- This level is about half water and half land. Equip two grappling weapons, for your leader, and at least one healing part and the Sala-Tail (or something like it). Both the leader and his partner are ready for underwater combat. Actually, only the leader has attack weapons (two grappling weapons). He likes to get in close and loves to stay in the water. As I mention before, the water is the only difficult thing about this level. * Trial Match II * ------------------ Whatever you feel comfortable with. Water levels are kind of different so my suggestions might not work for everyone. This battle is kind of hard to predict because the partner will use random weapons. The leader is nothing to worry about except for his weapon that can slow down your medabot. Try to destroy the leader as fast as you can before the partner gets something good. (More water!!!) * Trial Match III * ------------------- Equip your best weapons!!! This stage is about 3/4 water so you can imagine the time you'll have moving around. Both the leader and the partner can heal each other but they are beatable. Hit the leader/partner hard, wait 'til either of them heals, then hit them harder. You might have to use your MEDAFORCE on this one. --------------------- Polar Region --------------------- The polar region is just a colder version of the lake level. Some of the stages are filled with water but all of them include the treacherous slippery ice. The fights in this stage aren't very hard but the slippery ice plus the occasional water adds to difficulty. * Trial Match I * ----------------- Equip Rokusho with his best grappling weapons and the BlastGun head helps a lot too. Make sure you give your partner at least one healing item. Both of your opponents can heal each other and they tend to do it constantly. The leader has one weakness that should be exploited; she is very slow. Oh yeah...the stage is 50% water so bring your fastest legs. * Trial Match II * ------------------ Equip Rokusho and his partner with as many ranged weapons possible. MissleBase very effective!! You'll need to equip your fastest legs as well. More water!! The leader you'll be using a weapon that traps for grappling weapons. This means that your grappling weapons will be destroyed if you use them. His partner has two Rifle's equipped but isn't much of a threat. * Trial Match III * ------------------- A ranged weapon or two will help out Rokusho nicely. The leader has a wicked close range attack (DonDonPunch) that can cut threw your parts like a hot knife threw butter. It is a slow attack to launch, though. Keep your distance with a few ranged weapons and beware of his partner. He has two GuideMissle medaparts equipped that can do some serious damage to your medaparts if it connects. (No water this round!!!) --------------------- Seashore --------------------- The seashore is filled with rocky ledges to move about on. You'll be chased and do doing a lot of chasing in this stage. At least there is no water to deal with. :-) * Trial Match I * ----------------- For your leader, equip your leader with two ranged weapons or one ranged weapon and a grappling weapon. If you choose the second option, make sure the ranged weapon is your main weapon. For your partner, equip her with one healing item and two ranged weapons. The leader, you'll be facing, has the Cover-Up head equipped. This means he can set a trap for your grappling weapons and they will be destroyed when you use them. His partner heals most of the time but watch for her Flop though. * Trial Match II * ------------------ Equip your leader with one or two long ranged medaparts. Equip your partner with a Flop, AllRepair head and the PateriVulcan. The leader is a grappling machine. If you get too close to him, he'll torch you will his BlastGun head. As for his partner, she will be using weapons at random but she is very slow. The partner will not be much of a factor so hit the leader with everything you have. You might have to use the MEDAFORCE in this fight. * Trial Match III * ------------------- Equip your leader with its most powerful weapons and your partner with the Flop. The leader uses a mighty weapon known as the Helmight. It sacrifices the arm part to do massive damage to the poor medabot in its way. To make it worse, his partner has the Helmet head equipped to bring back the Helmight. Also, to make things worse, they have a weapon that can make your medabot confused and temporarily lose the ability to block. This fight is one of the hardest in the game. Keep them both busy and prevent the leader from receiving the revive missile by attacking the partner constantly. It will be best if you take out the partner first thus leaving his leader without a way to attack you. Well except for his Rifle. ^_^' The MEDAFORCE will be a must in this fight. || Tournament || ----------------- After completing the 7 stages, a star will appear next to the tournament. Here you'll face random robattlers and some from the TV shows. I'm pretty sure the line up, listed below, is the same for everyone with the Metabee version. You could have also fought them at the newly transformed gray stars. (You might to revisit some of these to get your stats up before entering the tournament.) TIP: By now you should've leveled up enough to get "panels". Panels are used to give your partner orders. May it be "Use MEDAFORCE", "Heal Leader" or "Run Away" these will be crucial in the battles to ahead. After every successful robattle, you should save and then comeback to the tournament. Don't worry, you will continue where you left off. --------------------- Kathy --------------------- Equip your leader with two grappling weapons and your partner with at least a healing medapart. Kathy's leader is a powerhouse using two MegaLasers and a head that can set traps for your grappling weapons. Kathy's partner is a healing machine. Dodge the leader and attack the partner. She'll be easy since she has no weapons. It'll make it easier to destroy the leader too. To beat him, get close, attack then run. If his partner is gone, you'll have nothing to worry about plus the MegaLaser takes a while to fire. --------------------- Charlie --------------------- Equip your best grappling weapons and your partner with the AllRepair head, and two grappling weapons (Flop/LightBlow). Both of Charlie's medabots are missile crazy. Both of their arms and heads can fire missiles. On top of that, they have weapons that can confuse your medabot. Fortunately for you, they are extremely slow. This will make it easier for you to use your grappling weapons. Be sure to surprise them with the MEDAFORCE. NOTE: After winning, receiving experience and a part, you have an option of leaving the tournament. Don't worry, you can leave, save, and return right where you left off. --------------------- Jimmy --------------------- Faster legs might help you keep up with the leader. Be sure to equip your partner with the Flop. With the faster legs, you'll be able to keep up with Jimmy's leader. Focus on the leader because he likes to draw MEDAFORCE while his partner does all to fighting. His partner will be using the NibbleWave (slows you down) and a Rifle. You might need to use the MEDAFORCE to slow the leader down. His partner can get annoying at times. Let him have it if he gets in your way. --------------------- Julie --------------------- Equip your leader with the MegaLaser (it will make the fight go faster) or a grappling weapon. Don't forget to give your partner something to heal you with. The only things to look out for are: their ability to heal and the random weapons that her partner will use. Her partner has the same legs that PepperCat uses in the show, which means she is she very fast. They also like to surround you but with a decent grappling weapon, you can make them pay for invading your personal space. >:) --------------------- Hiro --------------------- Your fastest legs will help, FlameGun, and the Helmet if you have it. Hiro's leader is equipped to the core with fire weapons. His head and arms are fire weapons, which is bad news for you. To make it worse, his partner will try to slow you down to make it easier for him to turn you to toast. Hiro's leader's weakness is the defense of his medaparts. A constant attack with a grappling weapon (Sword) can make short work of his FlameGuns. Keep you distance from both of them with your ranged weapons. --------------------- Jordan --------------------- Make sure your partner has an at least two healing parts. Jordan uses the Helmight and Helmet combo. This time the leader has the Helmights and the partner has the Helmet. You should take out the partner first then the leader. That would be an easy task if his partner didn't have those two MegaLasers equipped. If you do manage to destroy the partner, then this fight won't be a problem. Beware that the leader has the head equipped that sets a trap for grappling medaparts. --------------------- Meg --------------------- Equip whatever you feel comfortable with. This battle is very unpredictable because all of Meg's medabots are equipped with weapons that create random weapons. Attack her with everything you have and watch out if they get anything you haven't seen before. The MEDAFORCE will help in this difficult fight. --------------------- Sean --------------------- A couple of ranged weapons (R: MegaLaser/L: Rifle) should make this fight no problem. Make sure your partner has the Flop and a healing part or two equipped. Both of Sean's medabots are ready for some down and dirty close ranged combat. They both have the TipToe legs (great for grappling), the mighty DonDonPunch equipped along with NinjaSwords. Keep your distance because the DonDonPunch is fatal. If they get too close torch them and run. They are pretty fast though plus the have the ability to revive parts. Another way you could defeat them is by equip some grappling weapons for yourself (R: Sword L: FlameGun) of your own. I beat them using this strategy. ^_^ --------------------- Erika --------------------- Erika's medabots are all about business especially the leader, Brass. She doesn't wait until your other medaparts are gone to take out your head. Her medabots heads have the ability to increase their chance of headshots so beware. You'll know that they are using this ability when they have a rock looking thing over them. Their ranged weapons can be deadly if you stand around too long. Use the MEDAFORCE if needed. You should equip a MegaLaser and have your partner equip with the Flop and a healing medapart. This will be a hard fight. --------------------- Sloan --------------------- Equip your leader with a grappling weapon and equip your partner and yourself faster legs. Both of Sloan's medabots have tank legs equipped. This means that their legs have a lot of defense but are very slow. This is where your faster legs come in. Run circles around them and slash at their medaparts. Just beware of the partner, who will try to destroy your grappling weapons and hit you with his MegaLaser. (The leader has a pair too) --------------------- Spyke --------------------- Grappling weapons are very effective if manage to get close enough. Spyke's leader, KrosserDog, can take you out before you can even get to him. Try to get behind him or if you get knocked down, roll toward him and get some hits in with you grappling weapons. Keep your distance from his partner who has two NinjaSwords. You might have to use the MEDAFORCE on this one. --------------------- Samantha --------------------- PeppperCat likes to run around the stage and send jolts of electricity threw your medabot. Her partner will float threw the air shooting magnetic orbs at you. To prepare for the electrical storm known as PepperCat, you'll need to equip either shooting or grappling weapons. You can try to take her out from a far (R: YourChoice/L: Rifle) or go toe-to-toe with her (R: Sword/L: YourChoice). Don't let them get you in a corner and you might have to use the MEDAFORCE on this one. --------------------- Karin --------------------- This fight is probably the simplest fight in the whole game. Attack the leader, NeutraNurse. She has no attack weapons but she likes to run around a lot and heal her partner. Her partner is fast but you easily out run him if you equip some faster legs. Just attack NutraNurse and this fight will be over soon. --------------------- Koji --------------------- This is it!! It's you versus your archrival Koji. Koji's leader is nothing to worry about but his partner is. He wields two MegaLasers and is not afraid to use them. Stay away from him all together and you'll be all right. --------------------- Henry --------------------- This fight isn't as hard as any of the previous fights but don't expect this one to be a walk in the park either. Henry's leader, WarBandit, is nothing to worry about, which is equipped with two ranged weapons, and neither is his partner who is equipped with two NinjaSwords. Go straight for the leader and this fight will be over soon. --------------------- Victory !!! --------------------- You've just beaten the game!! Pat yourself on the back and enjoy the credits. If you haven't noticed, there is a section under this one. Just watch the credits roll and you'll see. || Rubberobo Gang!! || ---------------------- The Rubberobos are scattered across the world map. Anyway in order to get your prize back, you'll have to defeat the four leaders of the Rubberobos. They are all located at random places but you will still have to fight them in the same order listed below. NOTE: Just because you don't see one of the leaders at one place, doesn't mean that you wont find them in another location after you defeat a previous leader. Otherwise you'll be fighting the no name henchmen forever. ----------------- SquidGuts ----------------- This fight will be a little difficult. Both of SquidGuts medabots have the DonDonPunch equipped, which means a lot of trouble if you get too close. To make it worse the leader is very fast and his partner has the Helmet (he can revive parts) equipped. The MegaLaser can help if you time it right but a grappling weapon will help out the most. This is because they have to get close to you anyway so you might as well fight on their level. Never attack them directly unless using the MEDAFORCE. Run around and when you are trapped, attack, knock the closest one down, and repeat. Chances are you will not beat him the first time you fight him. Yes, this fight is that hard!! ----------------- GillGirl ----------------- This fight isn't as hard as the one with SquidGuts was. The leader will use random weapons at will and her partner will try to slow you down with electrical attacks. Shoot them down from a far with your ranged weapons. This is probably the best strategy to use 'cause you'll never know what kind of weapon they will use. ----------------- ShrimpLips ----------------- ShrimpLips main focus is to have his leader confuse you, while his partner attacks your confused medabot. You'll know you're confused lose control of your medabot and you see halo around its head. That is the his only attack though. A MegaLaser can make short work of his arms that shoot the confusion attacks. Use a grappling weapon like the PipoHammer just in case his partner tries to get in your face. You might want to take his partner first because he's the only one with a real attack. ----------------- SeaSlug ----------------- THIS IS THE HARDEST FIGHT IN THE GAME!!! SeaSlug's leader is the mighty Megaemperor. Both of the Megaemperor's weapons can take out your parts in one hit. Try to avoid him at all costs until you take out his partner. His partner uses two grappling weapons and has the Helmet to make things worse. A MegaLaser is nice but risky. It's best to have one grappling weapon and a ranged weapon. You'll have to use the MEDAFORCE a few times to win this fight. I beat him by first killing the partner. By then, my partner wasn't even functioning. Go in a corner to build up some MEDAFORCE. If you see the Megaemperor, you're too close to him. Once you have enough MEDAFORCE, get close and hit him with it. You might be lucky enough to take a few parts off or score a headshot. Repeat this until he is destroyed. ||| 8. Battle Tactics ||| In this section of the FAQ, I will give you pointers and strategies that will aid you in defeating just about any opponent. Lets begin!! -------------- Strategies -------------- Here is a list of strategies that you can run during your robattle. Let Him Do All The Work With this strategy, you equip your partner and let him do all the work. As for you, you chill in corners waiting to take out anyone that comes in sight and building up the ever-useful MEDAFORCE. How do you make this work for you? First you must equip yourself. I find a ranged weapon and anything that aids your partner is good. The Spider is something to consider with its high defense and the effect its MEDAFORCE has. For your partner, you should take an all-offensive approach. Equip his weapons with a grappling and ranged weapon combo. For its legs equip it something fast like the WannaFly, Vehicle, or even the DeathCrawler. The medals that you should consider using along with this strategy are the Bear, Kuwagata, Kabuto, Devil, and the Alien. All of these medals have panels that allow you to assign them to a certain target or use a certain part. Hit & Run This is one of the most popular and the easiest tactics to use in the game. Just about any medabot can use this except to ones using those slow legs tank legs. (You know who you are!!) It isn't a bad thing because you can still hit but you can't run very fast. Anyway, you basically attack your opponent and then run as fast as you can. Wait until he gets back up, and then hit him again. Its more effective if you use grappling weapons like the PipoHammer, NinjaSword, or the LightBlow. It may be considered a dirty tactic but you still won. Whatever Man This is for those who have developed a strategy that works with all fights or just don't care. I fit in this category; I have found a set up that works and stick to it for every match. For the Metabee version, I equipped the Head - Missile R - DeathMissle L - SubmachineGun Legs - Ochitsuka. With the DeathMissle equipped along with the Missile head, I can do massive damage with every hit. Suicide For this strategy to work you'll need to have these medaparts: Helmet (Head), Helmight & Helming (Arms). With the arm medaparts you'll be able to sacrifice each arm medapart to do serious damage to your opponent. If you manage to get a direct hit, you will surely destroy a medapart. With the Helmet, you'll be able to revive each part up to three times. It’s best that you equip the Helmet onto your partner instead of yourself. That way he can send the revive missile to you instead to himself. This strategy isn't the best because you will lose your arm medaparts thus leaving your head medapart open for attacks. ----- Tips ----- In this section, I'll post some of my personal tips along with some tips that were submitted to me. Use Your Legs Some legs will give you the ability to float or fly for a short time across the screen. When selecting your leg medapart, hit A, select the leg medapart, and hit A again. Check the description, right under the picture, to see if it says the legs fly or has the ability to float. - Submitted by William Q Feirce Fight With Megaemperor If you equip the Dogu, Dotack, PipoHammer/Submachingun, and the Tatacker/Ochitsuka, you will nearly be invincible to Megaemperor. You can also equip the Dohatack, but you can only damage him with medaforce if you do. - Submitted by GSMaster Another Tip For Megaemperor "My strategy is to pretty much always stick with Mega Emperor, and have my pertner be Pepper Cat. My reason behind this is that Pepper Cat goes and paralyzes the enemy and leaves them open for attack, this makes it easy for Mega Emperor to get in hits with his guns. The only character that this doesn't work for is the rubber robo with the medabot Gorem-2, so my strategy is to make yourself either Pepper Cat or Pheonix(the medabot with the flame guns), and to make your partner Pepper Cat or Pheonix, then go after his partner, after you take out his partner go after him and you just might get a hit on him." - Submitted by Simbott7 When Should I Use My MEDAFORCE? Thats a very good question. You should use it when your opponent is about to use his weapon (might not hit; risky), bump into him then shoot it (more reliable), or fire it while your opponent is on the ground (100% hit). Use The Spider Medal If you are using the Rokusho version of the game you should use this strategy. Equip whatever you feel comfortable with but give your leader the spider medal. Faster legs might help as well. By now you should know that that spider medal can destroy medaparts if your opponent uses it. First you must detroy Megaemporers' partner. Once you've accomplished that, you must then avoid Megaemporer at all costs. Gather up your MEDAFORCE and shoot it at Megaemporer. Stand around until he tries to attack so one of his parts will be blown off. Wait until both of his arms are gone to attack him up front. He should be no problem by then anyway. Tips against Charlie & Jordan " Charlie can be beaten w/ ONE part....the Dogu Head!!! It cancels out all damage from missles so slap on a flame gun or a dondon and wreck him!! Jordan can also be beaten with ONE part...the Dohtack right Arm!!! It cancels out all of those annoying lasers so you can make mincemeat out of his partner!!" - Submitted by Eldmor ||| 9. Thanks, Tha List & The Warning! ||| | Thanks | Thanks to everyone who reads this FAQ!! Thanks to everyone who asked to use this FAQ!! ^_^ Thanks to supersaiyanvegeta for submitting some info for my FAQ and corrections. Thanks to GSMaster, William Q, Eldmor, & Simbott7 for submiting tips. | Tha List | - - - Xtreme Team - Cheat Code Central - | Warning | Anyone may reproduce this FAQ electronically, but don't sell it for money. If you want to use this FAQ for your website you must ask my permission, email me at with Medabots AX as the title, you must do it with this the Warning in it and do not modify any part of it. If you do use it, without my permission and I find out, trust me I WILL, you'll feel some serious legal trouble!!!