Medarot Navi Released September 7th, 2001 in Japan (c) Imagineer Co., Ltd. /(c) Natsume Co. Ltd. Only for Game Boy Advance FAQ version 1.21 Currently can only be found at, and By Shadow00X Introduction ------------------------------------- Hello and welcome the first guide of Medarot Navi, a game that is a sidestory to the regular series that has had three distinct parts to it, the originals (Medarot for GB and Wonderswan), the anime (Medarot 2-4 for GBC), and the next generation (Medarot 5, Medarot G and Medabots AX). In addition to these games there are other sidestory games, Card Robattle for GBC and Medarot R on the PSX as well as the up and coming Medarot Brave for the Gamecube. This game takes place before Medarot 5; so don't count on seeing those new bots in here anytime soon. And be gentle on the criticism, this is my first FAQ writing. Disclaimer: I do not own Medarot Navi or anything related. Medarot Navi is property of Imagineer and Natsume. Table of Contents ------------------------------------- 1.0) Controls -1.1) Movement --1.1.1) Station Mode --1.1.2) Dome Mode -1.2) Battle controls --1.2.1) Battle Prep --1.2.2) Battle Mode 2.0) Menu Layout -2.1) Medawatch --2.1.1) Tin pet customization --2.1.2) Medal Status --2.1.3) Library -2.2) Dome Security (Not Available At Start) -2.3) Medaparts Research (NAAS) -2.4) Allies' Status (NAAS) -2.5) Save 3.0) Characters 4.0) Walkthrough -4.1) Chapter 0 (Discovery of the Alien) -4.2) Chapter 1 (Research Station Jeopardy) Dome 0 (Storage) Dome 1 (Lobby) -4.3) Chapter 2 (Of Medabots And Medafighters...) Dome 2 (Forest) Dome 3 (Manhattan) Dome 4 (Mountain Mansion) Dome 5 (Beach) Dome 6 (Desert) -4.4) Interlude 1 (Visit from the Doctor) Dome 7 (Computer) -4.5) Chapter 3 (Collision Danger! Enter the Space Robos) Dome 8 (Mountain) Research Dome 1 Dome 9 (Underwater) Dome 10 (Colluseum) Dome 11 (Candy House) Dome 12 (Sandpit) Dome 13 (Modern Times) Dome 14 (Pyramid) -4.6) Chapter 4 (Cluster Cleanup) Research Dome 2 Research Dome 3 Dome 15 (Snowy Hills) 5.0) Secrets and Codes 6.0) Version history 7.0) Credits ------------------------------------- Controls Movement -Normal movement --Station mode (You're outside viewing the space station) D-pad: move in direction to another dome A: Enter Dome B: Access Menu --Dome mode D-pad: walk in any direction A: Talk, Check stuff B: Access Menu L: Hold to run -Battle controls --Battle Prep Start: confirm choice; start battle A: Select Helper Medabots (Up to four, but you can have less, depending on the battle.) B: Deselect Helper Medabots --Battle mode A: Make choice B: Cancel choice; check battle status (That's when blue background shows up and your medabots' names line up. You can also check enemy status here also.) Select: brings up medaforce menu, and if your medabot is allowed to transform, pressing select again will give you access to the medachange drive menu for attacks/abilities after transformation. The menu cycle when pressing select is Medabot>Medaforce>Medachange(if applicable)>Medabot ------------------------------------- Menu Layout (Access with B Button at all times except in battle) I have put the menu layout here for those who can't understand Japanese. I will first post a layout of the entire menu before going into detail of what does what. 2.0) Menu -2.1) Medawatch --2.1.1) Tin Pet customization --2.1.2) Medal Status --2.1.3) Library -2.2) Dome Security (Not Available At Start) -2.3) Medaparts Research (NAAS) -2.4) Allies' Status (NAAS) -2.5) Save Menu controls A: Confirm choice B: Cancel choice; Exit Menu When in Medal or Tin Pet main menu: Select: Allows you to rearrange the Tin pets and medals. 2.1) Medawatch-This is where you change your parts for your medabot, and only your own. After selecting this option, a menu will come up to choose whether you want to customize Tin Pets, check Medal Status, or view the library. 2.1.1) Tin Pet customization-After you choose this option, a menu will appear asking you to choose a tin pet you want to customize. After making your choice, you can change parts by using the left and right to switch possible parts and up and down to change the type of part you want to switch, which includes your medal. Pressing A on any part will bring up details on the part, like series number, armor (hp), effectiveness of part in grappling, shooting, defense, and healing. If you have a complete set and transformation is possible, press Select to change into the Medachange form. Once in medachange, press the A button to view the menu to choose from basic stats and the three weapon drives. 2.1.2) Medal Status-This is where you check the stats of the medals you have. Once the list of medals pops up, move left and right to switch pages of medals you have. (There are 10 medals per version, 6 of them unique to each version, giving a total of 16 medals) Press A to see basic experience stats, parts affinity bonus(Characterized by the green crystal), and the affinities for battle styles and parts. Pressing A again or start will bring up a mini menu, with Basic Stats, Medaforce Stats, Ability Stats, Medaforce Stats, and Programming. Ability Stats is where you see what your medal is good at in terms of medapart affinity (The level will rise by 1 when the gauge is filled). Medaforce stats is where you can view the three medaforces you can get. You will gain your first Medaforce at level 10, second one at level 30 and last one at Level 60. Programming is where you can program Medals to do basic things like move, attack, use medaforce, and change form if it is applicable when you have them controlled via remote(the Watch ball). 2.1.3) Library-This is where you check up on your parts and their info once you've gotten them. There are 4 categories of parts: Head, Right Arm, Left Arm, and Legs. Each category has 30 pages of 5 parts. Sadly, I do not know the exact count of parts unique to each version, though. Use Select to switch the part you are viewing. The A button will give you the details like it did if you were customizing the Tin Pet. 2.2) Dome Security-You will get this option once you have over 4 allies. This option allows you to guard the domes that have been turned green and prevent them from being invaded and changed back to red. By assigning allies to guard the domes, you also have to watch the Medabot's affinity for the dome. A double circle is very good. A single circle is good. A triangle is neutral. Finally, an x is poor. 2.3) Medaparts Research-Certain domes have a wrench icon in its details. By posting allies there, they will begin building the medabot displayed in the details. The medabot's affinity for the dome affects the speed of the research in the same way as how well the medabot will guard the dome. In a nutshell, the more medabots great with that dome, the faster the medabot will be built. Once the research has hit 100%, you will receive a message from the Space Station's main computer and receive the entire set of parts. There are 10 research domes for you to take back. 2.4) Ally Status-This is where you check up on the stats of your allies. Except for the fact that you're not allowed to switch your allies' medaparts/medals, the basic interface is like that of the Tin pet Customization. 2.5) Save-I doubt I need to explain this, but the other stuff on the screen includes number of medals, medaparts, and domes under your control on the left. On the right is a counter for the number battles over the number of battles fought, which should be at 100% if you haven't robattled against anyone over link cable... ------------------------------------- 3.0) Characters Kasumi (Main Character)-Somewhat of a bookworm nerd, Kasumi Asano is the main character of the game. His Medabots are Granbeetle, Sonicstag, Luminoustag, Kaizerbeetle, and Wingclap. (The KBT and KWG medabots depend on which version you're playing) Hiyori- Kasumi's childhood friend. Hiyori Koharubi is a tomboy who gets pissed off quite easily. Her Medabots are Blazer-Mate and Blazer-Multi. Shiden-A rich kid and self-styled rebel, Shiden Murasame was with Kasumi when the two discovered the alien in the cave under the school. What is his connection with the RR Group? His Medabots are Ashton, Goldran, and Silvarion. Niwaka-Class President of Kasumi's class, Niwaka did not take lightly to Kasumi's sudden fame. His medabots are Rosepetal and Rosebouquet. Mizare- A bully (a coward actually) who messes with Kasumi, Mizare and his Medabot Sicklecutter will give you a headache in close range combat. Sicklecutter will be upgraded into Sizecutter. Gousetsu- Another bully (the dummy) who messes with Kasumi, Gousetsu and his medabot Bugstink will trash any bot with long range lasers. Bugstink wll be upgraded into Bugshield. Fubuki- A soldier with a clouded past. Fubuki's medabot Tolemi is a sharpshooter when holding her ground. Tolemi upgrades into Tolemick. Newdo- Blue Robo General. Has Leo for a medabot. Sekiran- Pink Robo General. Has Scorpio for a medabot. Kilka- Short Red Robo General. Has Virgo for a medabot. Smog- Yellow Robo General. Has Capricorn for a medabot. Rayun- Tall Red Robo General. Has Taurus for a medabot. ------------------------------------- 4.0) Walkthrough Note that I'm splitting this in a way that is easier to manage between domes. 4.1) Chapter 0 (Discovery of the Alien.) After multiple conversations, name yourself (go to the lower right option to confirm), and name your medal (same way). After you gain control of Kasumi, head to the classroom's lower left corner and examine an object that seems to be blocking your way for a medapart. Look over your medabot via the menu, and save. Head out of the class room and into the hallway, explore a bit, but going left will trigger two consecutive robattles against Gousetsu and Mizare. ***Robattle*** Wingclap Vs. Bugstink Get in close and slash him, he doesn't stand a chance. ************** After beating Gousetsu, Mizare will robattle you, but not before remembering what status effects his medabot's arms can do, which is lowering the success of attack execution. ***Robattle*** Wingclap Vs. Sicklecutter Maintain your range and use your gun on him, if he disables your gun arm, slash him. ************** After beating both of them, they steal your only medal and run off with it. After you regain control in the old school building, explore a bit before heading to the left and up. In the next room don't go near the center yet, go to the upper right corner and open the chest for a leg medapart. Explore as much as you can before go near the center and entering the cave. After you enter the cave, go north and trigger a cutscene. 4.2) Chapter 1 (Research Station Jeopardy!) After a lot of convos and a lot of humiliation for Kasumi (caused by Niwaka the Class President), they finally arrive at the launch site. After you regain control on the bus, head down and out the bus door, which will trigger another convo. After regaining control after the warehouse lock in, talk to everyone except for Hiyori (the girl who opened the warehouse) and pick up the right arm medapart. Talk to Hiyori after talking to everyone and watch the next cutscene. After you gain control on the station and pick up the last medapart, talk to everyone on the way up and enter the next room. Talk to everyone there and go into the next room to trigger Kasumi's meeting with the station's supercomputer. After getting beaten up by Hiyori again and following Shiden into the next area (Dome 0), go up to the gate to open it and retrieve your medabot, which is either Sonicstag or Granbeetle. Now get ready for your first robattle with this set of medaparts. ***Robattle*** Sonicstag Vs. 2 Shouter Just run up to them and whack hard with your hammer punch arm. Use your head ability only when you need to avoid attacks. Form change if you have to. ************** ---or--- ***Robattle*** Granbeetle Vs. 2 Duckbil Keep your distance and medachange. To use the mega cannon, use Drive B to prep the cannon and Drive C to fire the cannon. ************** After the battle, you will watch the so-called exile of the class onto the space station in the Lobby (Dome 1), Kasumi's promotion to class president, and the beginning of the Space Dome Saga. 4.3) Chapter 2 (Of Medabots And Medafighters...) Dome 2(Forest Dome) Once you regain control, got back to the entrance and get a robattle. ***Robattle*** Sonicstag Vs. Shouter Use the same strategy you did when you were fighting in Dome 1(Research Dome 0, where you got Sonicstag/Granbeetle). Basically, bash his head in with your right arm. ************** ---or--- ***Robattle*** Granbeetle Vs. Duckbil Use the same strategy as shown in Research Station Jeopardy, medachange to tank mode and mega cannon. ************** Go up to the hairpin path area for another robattle(The robattles here are all the same). Note that you will want the experience. Once you reach the top, move along the bottom of the path to snake by the machine and go into another robattle and get a Head part from the chest. Now go up to the machine and trigger the scene on how to shut down the security system back down to low. Dome 3(Manhattan Dome) No sooner do you start exploring, you run into Fubuki and her shooting medabot Tolemi. ***Robattle*** Sonicstag/Granbeetle Vs. Tolemi If you're Sonicstag, just move in close and hammer punch(R arm attack). If you're Granbeetle, medachange and use your megacannon. ************** After the robattle, everything is automated and you gain another dome. At this point, the ally status option will become available on the menu, allowing you to check on the stats of your allies' medabots. Dome 4(Mountain Mansion Dome) Once you gain control, walk north to trigger a conversation and a robattle with the most attractive, most nerdy, and most friendly trio of girls. ***Robattle*** Sonicstag/Granbeetle, Tolemi, Blazer-Mate Vs. Ramplight, Sirentrif, Hamchun If you're Sonicstag, medachange and use Drive B(Missile) on the main medabot(main medabots have L flashing beneath them.). If you're Granbeetle, Medachange and use megacannon. Have Tolemi stand in place and blast anything in it's attack range. Have Blazer-Mate use radar(head) and heal(left). ************** After this robattle, security medabots will come onto the scene. ***Robattle*** Sonicstag/Granbeetle, Tolemi, and Blazer-Mate Vs. 3 Flowercharge These bots hurt, so keep Blazer-Mate handy for healing. If you're Sonicstag, run up to them and hammer punch. If you're Granbeetle, medachange and use megacannon. Tolemi should stand in place and attack. ************** After this robattle, you will gain the trio as allies and the option dome security will become available. Medapart Research also becomes available also. Ramplight can restrict medaparts, Sirentrif is long range support, and Hamchun is close range support. Dome 5(Beach Dome) Walk across the bridge and watch the convo and then prepare for robattling. ***Robattle*** Sonicstag/Granbeetle, 2 others Vs. Overhead, Killerwhale, and Lover With Sonicstag, this is a walk in the part since even if Overhead transforms from Water type to Flying type, you can still take it out with medachange. Granbeetle has to get on some dry land and start firing missiles before resorting to Megacannon. Tolemi should stand in place and shoot. Blazer-Mate should use radar. Hamchun should assist your leader and attack with the head part. Sirentrif should also radar and be long range sniper support. Ramplight should just start restricting medaparts like crazy. ************** After another convo, Security units begin showing up. ***Robattle*** Sonicstag/Granbeetle, 4 others Vs. 5 Fish-home Again, walk in the park for Sonicstag medachanging. Granbeetle has to choose his targets so that he can target the leader no matter how many shields are up. ************** After this, you will gain three more allies. Overhead can transform, Killerwhale can increase Field AP output, and Lover can steal enemy medal levels. Dome 6(Desert Dome) Double check your parts before heading up the center, which triggers you meeting Gousetsu and Mizare again. The two tick off Fubuki, which angers her and challenges the two to a robattle. ***Robattle*** Sonicstag/Granbeetle and Tolemi Vs. Sicklecutter and Bugstink Sonicstag should attack by medachanging and using Drive A before Bugstink activates his head part, which will last 5 annoying turns. Tolemi should stay on the hills and hope that Sicklecutter doesn't come after her while sniping in place. Granbeetle has to get to a Gold Hex panel for the range and use the Megacannon or Drive A if Sicklecutter gets in close. ************** After the battle, the duo dimwits realize that they lack a leader and look to Fubuki to be their leader. While Fubuki is occupied with them, security comes in. ***Robattle*** Sonicstag/Granbeetle, one other Vs. 2 Wigaria Sonicstag should attack by medachanging and using Drive B. Granbeetle should weaken the Leader with Drive A before executing the Mega cannon to finish off the rest of the scrap parts. Blazer-Mate should just heal and radar. Sirentrif should radar and snipe. Hamchun should support and attack. Ramplight should restrict medaparts. Overhead should medachange and fire missiles. Lover should absorb enemy medal levels. Killerwhale should increase field output before attacking close range. ************** After the battle, Fubuki grudgingly agrees to be the duo's leader, and the two bullies spill some info on the next dome as well as return Kasumi's East Medal. 4.4) Interlude 1 (Visit from the Doctor) Dome 7 (Computer Dome) After a long convo and a anime cutscene, get ready for your first boss battle. Note that Fubuki is not available for the fight. ***Robattle*** Leader(Your choice), 4 others Vs. Ashton, 4 Seetos Sonicstag should just wallop everything he can with hammer. Granbeetle should medachange and Mega cannon Ashton. Blazer-Mate should radar and heal. Sicklecutter should just attack anything nearby. Bugstink should get on a Gold square and protect(head). Sirentrif should radar and snipe, and if too close, dodge(right). Hamchun should support a close range fighter and also attack. Ramplight should keep restricting medaparts. Overhead should medachange and take hits while dish out damage with vacuum missiles. Lover should steal medal levels. Killerwhale should increase field output before joining the close range brawl. ************** After the battle you will gain Ashton's medapart set and you will restart the NAVI computer and get a call from who? It's Dr. Aki!!!!! After a long conversation about the Cluster and its origins, Dr. Aki will allow Kasumi use of a Girl Tin-pet and a West medal that was in storage in the dome. 4.5) Chapter 3 (Collision Danger! Enter the Space Robos.) Dome 8 (Mountain Dome) The group splits, and Kasumi and Hiyori run into Newdo, the Blue General of the Space RubberRobos, who take Hiyori hostage. The trio saves Hiyori and it's robattle time. ***Robattle*** Leader(Your choice), 4 others Vs. Leo, 4 Cheepas Concentrate fire power on Leo and keep Blazer-Mate handy for healing, because Leo's Missiles and Laser along with Break attacks from the Cheepas hurt. ************** After this, head up to the top and free Pascal and Hecto. Pascal's Unit can medachange and increase field AP output. Hecto's unit is a close range fighter. Research Dome 1 (Drisisto or ???) A detachment of Robos are standing guard here when Kasumi and Hiyori arrive. ***Robattle*** Leader(Your choice), 4 others Vs. 5 Cheepa/??? Concentrate firepower on the Leader. 'Nuff said. ************** After the dome is yours station some flying units (via the Security Menu) there for maximum build speed on the prototype medabot being researched. Dome 9 (Undersea Dome) Our Council Group enters to see Robos under a general trying to break the aquarium glass and flood the dome when the classmates of the dome meet up with the robos. Our group approaches and it's robattling time. ***Robattle*** Leader, 4 others Vs. Acroshells, Kanehachi Mk.3, Ikaten, 2 Merhealer This leader is a PAIN to kill early on. He'll degrade field AP output, so be warned that high AP moves will really stink. If you're Sonicstag, just medachange and hit him with Drive C. Granbeetle should do the same and use Mega Cannon. If you can, use water units this round and use Killerwhale to counteract the effects of the output drop. ************** After the battle, the classmates concede and the Robo General steps up to the plate for another robattle. ***Robattle*** Leader, 4 others Vs. Scorpio, 4 Cheepa/??? Once again, another long battle. Use Drive A for Sonicstag and Megacannon for Granbeetle. Raise your accuracy like crazy with Sirentrif and/or Blazer-Mate and put Bugstink on a gold panel for shooting lasers. Sicklecutter should go on the offensive and and hit Scorpio as much as possible. Ramplight should restrict medaparts. Hamchun should support and help attack Scorpio as well. Water units will work wonders here too. ************** After battle, the general will leave and you will gain three more classmates. Abilities to be posted later. Dome 10 (Colluseum) After exiting Dome 9, Navi will alert with an emergency regarding the Cluster being on a collision course. The group must rush to the thruster control room to move the cluster out of the collision. In Dome 10, the Robo General Kirika(the seer) has taken over, converting the three classmates here as well through the lure of battle. ***Robattle*** Leader, 4 others vs. Warheadly, Hophop, Skinleak, 2 Merhealer Just a bloody painful robattle. If the leader throws up his guard, make sure to make him absorb every single attack. ************** After this battle and a comic scene, the General comes out to meet our little group. ***Robattle*** Leader, 4 others vs. Virgo, 4??? For an easy battle, get the heavy hitters shielded in the back while raising their accuracy. After a few turns, Virgo will medachange to its liquid form. Make sure you're still on standard configuration on the KWG version and hit her with Antisea missiles. KBT versions should Mega Cannon and use Bugstink's Lasers. ************** Afterwards, the general will abandon the dome and you gain three more allies in the rush to the thruster control. Dome 11 (Candy House) No sooner do you come in you run into Amamiya's gang. ***Robattle*** Leader, 4 others Vs. Black-Lister, Mistytail, Bottom Gristone, Uraban, Merhealer Absolute pain. take out Mistytail if your leader's fast enough with those power attacks. The sea unit is easy pickings save for her napalm attacks from the head. Uraban is a very good blocker and only lasers can get through. Black-lister is easy to deal with up close. ************** Afterwards, Gousetsu the dumb ox rushes ahead and gets captured by the Space Robo General Smog. The next battle you will have to do without him. ***Robattle*** Leader, 4 others Vs. Capricorn, 4 ??? Hit Capricorn with everything you have, for it has a deathblow attack in its head part. If you're KWG, medachange and hope to god you live long enough to off Cappy with a antiair missile. If you're KBT, throw the kitchen sink. The four goons will try to block blows for each other and Capricorn. ************** After the battle, Smog leaves, which makes the group owner of the dome. Dome 12 (Sandpit) After a long conversation, Kasumi goes one on one with Rayun, the fifth Robo General. ***Robattle*** Leader Vs. Taurus A good old classic duel. If you're KWG, easy finish by waiting for him to medachange to his flying mode. If you're KBT, just throw everything ya got. ************** After the battle, Dome control is restored and the general leaves. After Kasumi comes out, the three classmates who were stuck in the hole come out a challenge you. ***Robattle*** Leader, 4 others Vs. 3 Flakline, Conicle, Fattypig Bring Killerwhale along to counteract the field tweaking. Throw everything you have against the leader Flakline. ************** After battle, same drill, new classmates. Flakline transforms parts every turn. Conicle enhances units in its direct vicinity. Fattypig can lower field output while having the ability to pump allies' AP Dome 13 (Modern Times) Keep your hats on, cuz we're out of the wilderness and in the city. Fubuki recognizes the lady who beat the robos and calls her Reina-sama. ***Robattle*** Leader, 4 others, Vs. Lara, 4 others The grunts are only to annoy you, so concentrate firepower on Lara as it can prevent you from dodging and using medaparts. ************** After this, Reina and the robos will run away. Dome 14 (Pyramid) Here we are, the thruster control is somewhere in here. You meet up with Amamiya, who force two other classmates to battle with them against you. ***Robattle*** Leader, 4others, Vs. Black-lister, Mistytail, Bottom Gristone, Deep, Domestic By this time you should know how to deal with these goons. The two new units don't really help in terms of firepower. ************** After battle, the two classmates join you. And then you run into the sentries. ***Robattle*** Leader, 2 others Vs. 3 Umbrelbats These things have less than 100 hp, so just throw everything at them. ************** Afterwards Shiden comes on the scene with his new medabot. ***Robattle*** Leader, 4 others Vs. Silvarion, Uraban, ???, Merhealer, Windclap Get rid of the Joker right off the bat, then have a laser attack destroy Uraban. Focus fire on the the medachanged Silvarion with one person focusing on merhealer or windclap to divert merhealer's attention. ************** Now it's a rush for the thruster control. Shiden and the two classmates are now on your list. Silvarion can be medachanged. Deep is close range combat with medachange capability. Domestic is support with Medachange. 4.6) Chapter 4 (Cluster Cleanup) Now that the disaster is averted, go back and clean up any robo raids on your domes and place guards where needed. Research Dome 2 (Cart Sparrow or Sweet Nectar) Standard Robo Grunt cleanout of Cheepas. Research Dome 3 (Super XP or Land Razor) Robo Grunt cleanout, the new units are nothing but target practice. Dome 15 (Frozen Lake) Our group finds the frozen lake cracked and the Robo General Sekiran abandoning post. Kasumi has to navigate the maze and reach the control unit on the other side. Don't forget to pick up the medapart sitting in the middle of the lake. ***Robattle*** Leader, 4 others Vs. 5 Cheepas Clean these suckers out. They aren't worth the time they waste. ************** After Kasumi reactivates the control unit, the lake refreezes, with a humorous scene waiting for Kasumi. Dome 16 (Snowy Hills) We find the robos trying to cause an avalanche through a mega sound system. Kasumi cuts the power cord, and the robattle is on. ***Robattle*** Leader, 4 others Vs. 3 Cheepa, 2 Danbooster Just kill the lead Cheepa, these guys are not worth your time except for the experience. ************** After a conversation and a small embarrassing moment for Kasumi and Hiyori, the group is one their way. Don't forget to pick up the medapart next to the control unit. Dome 17 (Mine) This is a crucial point, so SAVE. Don't go to the left or you won't be able to do the following.This dome can either be the death of you or your savior in future battles, because there are two respawning grunt units here you can make loads of exp off of...if you survive. ***Robattle*** Leader, 4 others Vs. 5??? My advice is to increase accuracy on Bugstink lasers and try to take out a part before they medachange, because after they medachange, it's a pain to kill them. And also keep your Leader on very high health. You'll need it to pull these battles off. ************** Once you're done with those, head over to the left and trigger a cutscene where you'll get a second Female Tin pet and the North Medal. Then the group will confront Rayun. ***Robattle*** Leader, 4 others Vs. Taurus, 4??? Shooting fish in a barrel for KWG. Still just as easy for KBT as well. ************** With the Robos in full retreat, the group heads out when they run into Amamiya's gang. Apparently they were going to set off some dynamite and sever the cluster. ***Robattle*** Leader, 4 others Vs. Black-Lister, Mistytail, Bottom Gristone, Uraban, Merhealer Almost the same strategy as last time. ************** After battle, the bomb will be disarmed and Amamiya's gang joins you. TBC. ------------------------------------- 5.0) Secrets and Codes Codes(Categorized as cheat in VBA) Parts codes In the address box, enter any numeric address from 02000264 to 020004BB for which part you want and any number in the value (0-99) for how many parts. 02000264 to 020002F9 are Head Parts 020002FA to 0200038F are Left Arm Parts 02000390 to 02000425 are Right Arm Parts 02000426 to 020004BB are Leg Parts ------------------------------------- 6.0) Version History V1.0 -basic info and walkthrough to Dome 2 finished V1.1 -corrected some errors in naming and basic info -extended walkthrough to Dome 9 V1.2 -allowed to post the faq on their site -extended walkthrough to Dome 15 V1.21 -allowed to post the faq on their site -filled in some names of medabots V1.22 -Redid the walkthrough slightly and covered Dome 17 -Added Robo Generals to Character Section -Clarified some menu explanations -Added some more names to various places. ------------------------------------- 7.0) Credits Soren Kanzaki ( for providing me with translation/romanization and a batch of notes to kickstart the FAQ. Portalboy ( for providing secrets when the users on the gamefaqs board were new to the game. Hank Huang ( and notts lad ( for providing codes to all Parts. Any gamefaqs members that had been in the various discussions on the gamefaqs board. CJayC for a comprehensive site