Rockman And Forte Advance Faq/Walkthrough By: Code Breakers Version 3.5 *************** Contents *************** 00. Version History 01. Introduction 02. Story 03. Characters 04. Differences 05. Controls 06. Weapons 07. Walkthrough 08. CD Guide 09. Rightot's Shop 10. Enemies List 11. Coming Soon 12. Credits 13. Disclaimer *************** VERSION HISTORY *************** Version: 0.5 - Began Faq/Walkthrough 1.0 - Added Story, Characters, Differences, Controls, And Weapons 1.5 - Added Walkthrough 2.0 - Added CD Guide 2.5 - Finished Walkthrough 3.0 - Added Rightot's Shop And Enemies List 3.5 - Finished CD Guide *************** INTRODUCTION *************** This is the third FAQ that I elaborate on a game that I like so much and I also suppose that you do to. If you find some errors, have suggestions or commentaries, please e-mail me at: *************** STORY *************** After Wily is defeated (again), peace reigns over the land. That is, until a robot by the name of King attacks Dr. Light's lab and a robot museum. He also steals some of Dr. Wily's plans for robots. Rockman, enraged, goes to the museum to confront King and Dr. Wily sends Forte to find out what King is doing and to get his plans back. *************** CHARACTERS *************** Rockman - The first created half-human/half-robot. Created by Dr. Thomas Light. Rockman was created to be the one who can save the world whenever an enemy came around,such as Dr. Wily. Technology was advancing at a fast pace and no one knew what was in store for them... Rockman was created to defend against evil.The first robot able to make his own decisions. This could only mean good for Dr. Light and the world. Forte - Forte and Treble were created as an attempt to copy Rockman and Rush. Dr. Wily had a great success and created a robot much more powerful than Rockman. Armed with a much more powerful plasma blaster than Rockman as well. *************** DIFFERENCES *************** The most obvious is the difference between the Rock Buster and the Forte Buster. Forte can no longer charge shots (like in Mega Man 7). Instead, he can rapidly fire shots in seven directions (he can't shoot straight down) if B is held down. There can be up to three shots at a time on the screen. The downside to this is that Forte can't walk while he's firing. He can jump and dash though. Rockman, on the other hand, still charges the Rock Buster to create a super shot. His normal shots are much slower than Forte's and you must tap B every time you wish to fire. Forte can do a second jump in the middle of his first jump. This allows him to get to places Rockman cannot. Rockman's slide can get him under certain shots and enemies as it gets him low to the ground. However, Forte's dash doesn't get him low to the ground and it is mainly for boosting his jump. Both Rockman and Forte are easier at different points in the game. Forte makes it easier to beat Cold Man, Dynamo Man and Pirate Man, while Rockman makes it easier to beat Burner Man. Many of the levels are more difficult with Rockman, but the final bosses are much, much easier to beat with him. *************** CONTROLS *************** Here Are The Controls For Rockman And Forte. Rockman: D-Pad Left: Move left D-Pad Right: Move right B Button: Fire Hold B Button: Charge the Rock Buster Release B Button: Fire a charged shot A Button: Jump D-Pad Down And A: Slide L-Shoulder: Cycle through your weapons R-Shoulder: Cycle through your weapons Start: Pause Forte: D-Pad Left: Move left D-Pad Right: Move right B Button: Fire A Button: Jump A while in the air: Double jump D-Pad Left Or Right Twice: Dash D-Pad Left Or Right Twice Then A: Dashing jump L-Shoulder: Cycle through your weapons R-Shoulder: Cycle through your weapons Start: Pause *************** WEAPONS *************** Copy Vision: Rockman/Forte creates an energy double that fires continuously. It is created in the spot where you are when you activate it. Also, homing projectiles track the copy instead of you. It's won from Astro Man. Ice Wall: Rockman/Forte creates a wall of ice that can be pushed forward. It will gain momentum and destroy just about everything in its path. It rebounds after it hits a wall. You can stand on the wall to reach high ledges, and you can stand on a moving wall to get across spikes. If you're underwater, the Ice Wall will float straight up and you can ride it. It's won from Cold Man. Lightning Bolt: Rockman/Forte points straight up into the air and four lightning bolts rain down from the sky, hitting just about everything on the screen. If done in the middle of a jump, this will freeze you in mid-air. It can also be used to avoid shots you can't dodge. It's won from Dynamo Man. Magic Card: Rockman/Forte fires a card which goes out and then returns. It can be fired in three directions (left, right and up). Any powerups the card passes over will be brought back with it. It's won from Magic Man. Remote Mine: Rockman/Forte fires a mine that may be steered with the D- Pad. It sticks to the first thing it hits. After it sticks, press B again to detonate it. It's won from Pirate Man. Spread Drill: Rockman/Forte fires a huge drill that slopes downward. Pressing Y again creates two smaller drills and pressing it again creates four tiny drills. It can drill through ice or stone blocks. It's won from Ground Man. Tengu Blade: Rockman/Forte fires an upward arcing blade. If it hits a wall, it ricochets off it. If you dash or slide while having Tengu Blade active, you will dash forward and slice any enemies you contact. It's won from Tengu Man. Wave Burner: Rockman/Forte sprays a blast of fire similar to the way a flamethrower does. This can light fuses and push the mines and bubbles in Pirate Man's stage. It's won from Burner Man. Gospel Boost: Only Forte has this. Gospel (Treble in the U.S.) teleports in and fuses with Forte. This gives Forte the ability to fly. He also can fire shots simultaneously in three directions. However, he cannot climb ladders. This must be bought from Rightot. Rush Search: Only Rockman has this. Rush teleports in and digs. If he finds anything, he pulls it out. If Rush is hit while he is digging, he stops and teleports out. This must be bought from Rightot. Beat: Only Rockman has this. Beat comes in and shields Rockman in a protective barrier. The barrier continuously drains energy until it is shut off. This must be bought from Rightot. Eddie: Only Rockman has this. Eddie comes down and delivers up to three items to Rockman. This must be bought from Rightot. *************** WALKTHROUGH *************** Stage One. Museum Tips for the level (Rockman): -This level's pretty straightforward. -In the portion of the stage with the wind, stand on the end of the platforms before you jump to ensure that you make it to the other side. Tips for the level (Forte): -Put Forte's shooting ability to good use. -Double jump during the wind portion of the stage. The Green Devil: -The Green Devil has two attacks. -He first sends little green blobs along the ground either slowly or quickly. -He also sends green blobs flying from either the front of his body or the back of his body. -His only weak point is the nucleus in his head. Tips for the Green Devil (Rockman): -Use the Rock Buster to open a hole in the gel around the nucleus. Then fire away. -Try to jump over the slow ground blobs, but if a fast blob comes after it, move to the right so you miss it as you come down. Tips for the Green Devil (Forte): -Always fire at the nucleus. -If a slow and a fast ground blob comes at you, double jump them. Stage Two. Cold Man Tips for the level (Rockman): -Always keep the Rock Buster charged. It makes the level much easier. -Take advantage of Rockman's ability to slide. It can bring you places you couldn't have gotten before, and it brings you to two CDs. -Don't stay on the ice platforms too long as they will break under you and Rockman does not have a way to save himself. -To defeat the snowman, jump and hit his head with a fully charged Rock Buster shot. Slide under the snowman when he jumps, and also charge up. Avoid the little snowmen. Tips for the level (Forte): -If an ice platform gives way under your feet, use the double jump to save yourself. -To defeat the snowman, get somewhat close to him and then jump and fire at his head. Dash under the snowman when he jumps. Avoid the little snowmen that come down from the sky. Boss: Cold Man -Cold Man starts out by creating an Ice Wall and pushes it toward you. -After a little while, he jumps across the room. -When he lands, he creates an Ice Wall and then spreads his arms out and freezes you. -After you take away most of his energy, he shoots out a pink cloud robot. If the robot latches onto you, you can't jump as high, you'll move slower, and you can't shoot. Tips for Cold Man (Rockman): -Go into the room with the Rock Buster charged. -After he comes down, hit him with the Buster. -When Cold Man pushes the Wall, charge up the Rock Buster and jump over it. Hit him with the Buster, when you land. -Slide under Cold Man's jump and when you get to the other side, immediately fire at the Ice Wall. You should destroy the Wall just before he freezes you. -When Cold Man begins making the clouds, jump up and hit them with a fully powered shot. Fire away at Cold Man when you land. Tips for Cold Man (Forte): -Fire away immediately. -Jump over the Ice Walls and double jump if you have to. -Dash under Cold Man's jump and immediately fire at the Ice Wall when you get to the other side. -When Cold Man begins making the clouds, fire at an angle and destroy them. Then fire at Cold Man. Stage Three. Burner Man Tips for the level (Rockman): -For the first strongman, go down and get hit once. Then quickly slide through him and blast him if you wish. -For the third strongman, stand over him and drop an Ice Wall on him. -Near the end of the level, in the screen with the fire causing robots edge over until you can see the cannons and then fire. This way the fire robots won't come until you're ready to get out of the way. Tips for the level (Forte): -After climbing up the ladder and finding the Guard Joe above you, jump straight up through the gap and shoot him in the back. -When fighting the first strongman, go to the edge of the top platform and fire at an angle to hit the strongman. -When fighting the second strongman, either do the same thing you did for the first one, or use the Hyper Buster to fire through the wall. -Dash-jump past the third strongman. Don't worry about him unless you need energy. -The Forte Buster can destroy the balloons the strongmen throw at you before they hit you. Boss: Burner Man -Burner Man starts out by dashing towards you. -After he moves across the screen a few times, he jumps into the air and dives toward you. Flame shockwaves come at you after he lands. -He also jumps in the air and throws some bear traps on the ground. They snare you if you walk over them. -Burner Man will throw little bombs at you with great accuracy. -His final attack is to use the Wave Burner. He slowly walks or jumps forward. All shots will be deflected by the Burner. Tips for Burner Man (Rockman): -Fire at him while he's dashing around the screen. -Attempt to jump over the flame shockwaves, but fire shots at the same time. -Don't worry about the bear traps. They rarely are a problem and the Ice Wall destroys them. -When Burner Man starts throwing bombs or using the Wave Burner, switch to the Ice Wall and push it toward him. When it hits him and pushes him, slide in the direction he's headed until he lands on the spikes. The damage he gets from the spikes won't be counted unless he's on the screen. Tips for Burner Man (Forte): -Fire at him while he's dashing around the screen. -Double jump over the shockwaves and try to land behind Burner Man. -When Burner Man starts throwing bombs or using the Wave Burner, switch to the Ice Wall and push it toward him. When it hits him and pushes him, dash in the direction he's headed until he lands on the spikes. Stage Four. Pirate Man Tips for the level (Rockman): -Don't fire at the treasure chests in the bubble room. Tips for the level (Forte): -When you get in the water, fire at the enemies and climb the ladder. Jump to the next platform, then dash-jump and double jump at the end of the jump to clear the mines. -When the whale passes you, dash to the end of the screen. You should be able to make it before the whale comes again. Boss: Pirate Man -Pirate Man shoots some Remote Mines at you which home in to where you were when it was shot. They are very difficult to avoid. -Pirate Man also brings himself into a bubble which gets hard after a while. He then either rolls straight or bounces off the walls. Tips for Pirate Man (Rockman): -Start by getting close to Pirate Man and shoot the Wave Burner. -Slide away when he shoots the Remote Mine. Each time he shoots one, either jump or slide away from it. Always move. -If Pirate Man moves into a bubble, use the Wave Burner to knock him out of it. Tips for Pirate Man (Forte): -Get close to Pirate Man and shoot the Wave Burner. -Dash away when he shoots the Remote Mine. When he fires one, move away from it and then double jump to miss the next ones. -If Pirate Man moves into a bubble, use the Wave Burner to knock him out of it. Stage Five. Ground Man Tips for the level (Rockman): -When fighting the green worm, learn its patterns. When it goes straight down and up, always hit it with a fully charged Rock Buster shot. It's not too hard. -In the first room with the dropping ceiling, destroy the head over the ladder with the Ice Wall. Then climb down the ladder. -If the drilling fish destroy the rest of the platform you're standing on, stand on the edge and jump off. You should make it. -Shoot no treasure chests except the ones with CDs in them. Tips for the level (Forte): -When fighting the green worm, learn its patterns, and always fire. When it makes the little worms, fire down at an angle to destroy them. -In the first room with the dropping ceiling, destroy the first head, and then jump on the platform and destroy the second head. Then, go to the right and drop down. Fire down at an angle to the head on the ground. Climb down the ladder. -Attempt to destroy the drilling fish as quickly as possible. -Also shoot no treasure chests except the ones with CDs in them. Boss: Ground Man -Ground Man has four attacks. -First, he turns himself into a tank and moves around the room. -Second, he jumps into the ceiling and then comes down whereever you are with a giant drill. He does this three times before coming down. -Third, he burrows into the ground and comes up in a random location. -Fourth, he fires a spread drill which he bisects either once or twice. Tips for Ground Man (Rockman): -Use the Remote Mines for this. -If you attach a Remote Mine to Ground Man, don't detonate it. Instead, it will explode automatically when he attempts to go through the ceiling or into the ground. -If you miss Ground Man with the Remote Mine, lure him to the spot where the mine is and then detonate it. However, he is invulnerable in drill mode and tank mode. -When Ground Man turns into a tank, go to the wall and jump straight up the first time he comes at you. The second time jump toward the center of the room. -If Ground Man comes out of the ground near you, slide under him as he jumps towards you. Tips for Ground Man (Forte): -Use the Remote Mines. -If you attach a Remote Mine to Ground Man, don't detonate it. Instead, it will explode when he attempts to go into the ceiling or into the ground. -When Ground Man turns into a tank, go to the wall and jump straight up the first time he comes at you. The second time jump toward the center of the room. Stage Six. Tengu Man Tips for the level (Rockman): -In the screens where you can open the vents by shooting them, do so to help you make the jumps. Or, use an Ice Wall. -Break the vents to help you make the jumps over the spikes. Tips for the level (Forte): -Double jump across the spikes in the rooms with the vents. -When fighting the grenade guys, fire the Forte Buster at the grenade. You can destroy them. Boss: Tengu Man -Tengu Man has three attacks. -First, he flies around in the air. -Second, he throws his Tengu Blade in an attempt to knock you off the platform. -Third, he dashes around the bottom. Tips for Tengu Man (Rockman): -This battle is easy. -Hit Tengu Man with the Spread Drill and he'll fall down from the sky. Continue to do this until he's destroyed. You may need to take a hit to avoid falling off the platform. -If you're trapped in the Tengu Blade, jump repeatedly until you break free. Tips for Tengu Man (Forte): -See the tips for Rockman. Stage Seven. Magic Man Tips for the level (Rockman): -In the screens with the revolving blocks, learn the timing of the movements so you don't get stuck on the spikes. Tips for the level (Forte): -Always fire your Forte Buster at the Toy Soldiers. If they grab you, they take away a lot of your bolts. -The dash jump will clear most of the jumps in the train rides at the beginning of the level. -If the revolving blocks are doing a lot of damage to you, use the Gospel Boost to fly past them all. Boss: Magic Man -Magic Man has four attacks. -First, he fires a ball that if shot, reveals some Toy Soldiers. -Second, he throws a ball that cracks when it hits the ground and releases some birds. -Third, he throws the Magic Card at you. If it hits you, it gives Magic Man some of your energy. -Fourth, he dashes around the room. Tips for Magic Man (Rockman): -Ignore everything else and just use the Tengu Blade. -Slide and hit Magic Man with the Tengu Blade until he's destroyed. Tips for Magic Man (Forte): -See the tips for Rockman, but dash instead of sliding. Stage Eight. Astro Man Tips for the level (Rockman): -Use the Tengu Blade or the Ice Wall to destroy the crocodile holes. Tips for the level (Forte): -When you get to a screen with a checkered floor and a spiked ceiling, watch out because the floor will rise in places to send you into the spikes. Dash through it. -The thing with the tones and the gun is a game kind of like Simon. The game plays the notes, and you have to replay them. If you mess up, the gun fires at you. Boss: Astro Man -Astro Man has four attacks. -First, he flies across the screen, trying to hit you with the metal balls revolving around him. -Second, he throws the metal balls down at you. -Third, he fires little energy balls at you as he flies across the screen. When he reaches a corner, he creates a holographic version of himself that also fires balls of energy at you. -Fourth, he hovers close to the ground and creates some enemies. He is invulnerable during this. Tips for Astro Man (Rockman): -Slide under Astro Man as he dives down on you. -When he creates a double of himself, hit it with a Magic Card to destroy it. -Fire the Magic Card at the enemies Astro Man creates. Tips for Astro Man (Forte): -See tips for Rockman. Stage Nine. Dynamo Man Tips for the level (Rockman): -To defeat the mid-boss, fire a fully charged Rock Buster shot at the eye when it comes out. If the two sides make the beam, wait until they're right under you and coming up, then jump. -In the second conveyor belt section, hit the low chain robots with a Remote Mine. Tips for the level (Forte): -To defeat the mid-boss, fire at the blue eye when it comes out. If the two sides make the beam, wait until they're right under you and coming up, then double jump. -To get past the dark rooms, use the light to memorize the course. Then wait until the light gets to a safe spot and jump to it. -In the second conveyor belt section, double jump over the low chain robots. Boss: Dynamo Man -Dynamo Man has five attacks. -First, he jumps across the room, then dashes across the room, and jumps across the room again. -Second, after the second jump, he may leave some energy balls behind. They will track you unless you use Copy Vision. -Third, he will launch five projectiles at you. -Fourth, he will charge up in the corner and either fire the energy balls at you or into the ceiling. If they go into the ceiling, then there is a round of Lightning Bolts. -Fifth, after most of his energy is gone, his harness will come down from the ceiling and he'll begin to refuel! Tips for Dynamo Man (Rockman): -Slide under Dynamo Man's jumps and jump over him when he dashes across the screen. Then hit him with the Rock Buster or Copy Vision. -If he creates the five energy balls, put a copied double in the center of them and slide away from it. The energy balls will target it instead of you. -If he launches the projectiles, fire at the low projectiles and slide under the slightly high flying one. -When he begins to charge up in the corner, fire on him unmercifully. The more you hit him, the more energy balls he'll fire at you. Using basic math, this means that there are less Lightning Bolts. -When his harness comes down from the ceiling. Jump on the platform and put a copied double to fire on one side. Go to the other side and fire away. When the double's side is destroyed, immediately switch off of Copy Vision and back onto it. Place another copied double on this side. Tips for Dynamo Man (Forte): -Dash under Dynamo Man's jumps and jump over him when he dashes across the screen. Always fire the Forte Buster. -If he creates the five energy balls, put a copied double in the center of them and move away from it. -If he launches the projectiles, fire the Forte Buster at the low projectiles and attempt to destroy the low-flying one. -When he begins to charge up in the corner, fire at him. The more you hit him, the more energy balls he'll fire at you. -When his harness comes down from the ceiling, stand under it and fire up. It helps if you have the Super Buster. Fire at both sides and Dynamo Man will come down. Stage Ten. Gateway to King: There are 8 capsules spreaded out like this: _ _ |1| |5| - - |2| |6| - - |3| |7| - - |4| |8| - - In each one, there is a block that you're supposed to hit with a different weapon. When you succeed in hitting one, you get a huge bolt that is worth 100 bolts. 1: Use the Lightning Bolt. This one's simple. Step into the room and fire the Bolt. The blocks will be destroyed. 2: Use the Ice Wall. Jump on the platform above the block and push the Wall into the far wall. It will come back and hit the block. 3: Use the Spread Drill. Jump and fire the Spread Drill. Press Y again and the drill will bisect and one half will hit the block. 4: Use the Tengu Blade. Stand just to the right of the block. Jump and fire the Tengu Blade. It will ricochet off the walls until it hits the block. 5: Use the Copy Vision. Jump and activate the Copy Vision to hit the block. 6: Use the Remote Mine. Jump and fire the mine through the opening. Steer it until it reaches the block. Detonate it. 7: Use the Wave Burner. Light the fuse and wait for the blocks to explode. Hit the block with the Burner. 8: Use the Magic Card. Stand under the upmost block and fire the Card up. Then fire the Card to the right. Stage Eleven. King's Fortress Part One Tips for the level (Rockman): -In the room with the reappearing and disappearing blocks, jump to the highest re/dis block, and then jump. You should hit the next re/dis block. Then slide and you should go through the next three and get to the platform. Tips for the level (Forte): -Dash jump across the spikes at the beginning of the level. -In the room with the reappearing and disappearing blocks, just double jump to the next platform. -After the conveyor belts, go forward slowly. Two Guard Joes drop down unexpectedly. -When you climb up the ladder and the rhino is above you, switch to the Hyper Buster and shoot straight up. Boss: The Pulley -You'll see a platform on one side of the roomand a giant metal thing on the other. Shooting the monkey does not do any damage to the Pulley. You have to stand on the left platform. The left platform will come down and the metal thing will come up, revealing a giant penguin's head. This is what you shoot. -The Pulley has three attacks: -First, a monkey will come down and throw coconuts at you. The coconuts will be thrown at wherever you are when they are thrown. When the monkey slaps his butt, you'll know he's leaving. -A couple of penguins come up from the lava and go toward the big penguin and then back to the lava. -The big penguin fires a couple missiles. Tips for the Pulley (Rockman): -Fire fully charged shots at the monkey until he leaves. -The penguins shouldn't prove to be too much of a problem. Just jump up. -Shoot at the missiles when they come toward you. -Jump repeatedly so you don't fall in the lava. -When you destroy the big penguin, the left platform drops down, so jump off before you hit the lava. Tips for the Pulley (Forte): -Fire at the monkey until he leaves. -The penguins aren't much of a problem. But if you do need to defeat them, shoot them until they are destroyed. -Fire at the missiles. -Jump constantly so you don't fall into the lava. -When the big penguin is defeated, the left platform drops down, so jump off. Stage Twelve. King's Fortress Part Two Tips for the level (Rockman): -When climbing up the ladder, use the Wave Burner to destroy the strongman. Tips for the level (Forte): -When fighting the second rhino, stand on the platform above him and fire down at an angle, then lift to destroy the missiles, and turn around to destroy the worms. Boss: King Roller: -The King Roller has four parts that can be destroyed, the launcher, the gun, the treads and the back hatch. Its attacks are as follows. -It launches some mines that land wherever you are when they are launched. -It fires some bullets from its gun. -It raises the back hatch and then brings out some Toy Soldiers. -It also dashes forward and backward. Tips for the King Roller (Rockman): -First, start out by attaching a Remote Mine to the launcher. Detonate it when the Roller is launching the mines. -Always stay under the platform unless you're coming up to attack. -Attach a Remote Mine to the gun and detonate it when it fires at you. -When the back hatch comes up, use the Copy Vision to fire at it. -When all three of those are destroyed, the Roller is defeated. Tips for the King Roller (Forte): -Get under the platform and go to the back of the Roller. -When the hatch comes up, use the Hyper Buster upgrade and fire up at the hatch. Repeat until it's destroyed. -Attach a Remote Mine to the gun and detonate it when it fires at you. -Attach a Remote Mine to the launcher and detonate it when it launches mines. -With those three components destroyed, the Roller is defeated. Tips for the level (Rockman): -Always get the 1-Up. Destroy the evil chest at the top first. -Destroy the cylindrical robots to refill all your energy. Tips for the level (Forte): -Use the enemies in the early portions of this section to refill all your health. -Always get the 1-Up just in case you die against the King Jetter. Boss: King Jetter -This battle is very annoying because if you mess up, you have to do this section of the stage again. This is why you should always get the 1-Up. Anyway, you must jump from platform to platform as the battle ensues. The King Jetter's attacks are as follows: -It creates a fist which flies toward you. If it hits a platform, it destroys it. The Jetter then creates another fist soon afterward. -It reveals a red crystal which begins to power up. If the crystal becomes fully powered up, it fires a huge blast that hits you no matter where you are on the screen. -The Jetter also emits bubbles full of either weapon energy, life energy or lanterns. If you hit a bubble with a lantern, the screen flashes. Tips for the King Jetter (Rockman): -If the Jetter creates a fist, jump over it or take the hit. If it destroys the platform you're about to jump to, go to the edge of the platform and jump to the next one. -If it reveals the red crystal, attach a Remote Mine to it and detonate it. -Jump up and hit the glass dome on top of the King Jetter. Tips for the King Jetter (Forte): -If the Jetter creates a fist, fire away at it. If it destroys the platform you're about to jump to, double jump to the next one. -If it reveals the red crystal, attach a Remote Mine to it and detonate it. You can also just hit it with the Forte Buster. -Jump up and hit the glass dome on top of the King Jetter. Tips for the level (Rockman): -At the top of the second screen, use the Spread Drill to destroy the brick. Make an Ice Wall and ride it off the edge. Jump off the Wall and get on the ledge. Tips for the level (Forte): -Ride a block of ice from the dispenser across the spikes. -Destroy the brick block with the Spread Drill and then dash-jump to the opening. Boss: King, Phase 1 -King is INVINCIBLE! -King jumps up and then fires five Xs when he lands. The first two curve down, the third one curves up, the fourth curves down, and the fifth curves up. -If you hit King's shield with a blast, he fires a blast back. Tips for King, Phase 1 (Rockman): -Jump over the first two Xs, slide under the third one, jump over the fourth one and slide under the last one. -Repeat three times. -Do not fire at King! Tips for King, Phase 1 (Forte): -Jump over the first two Xs, then double jump over the next one, then jump over the next one and double jump over the last one. Or just use the Gospel Boost and fly over them all. -Repeat three times. -Do not fire at King! Boss: King, Phase 2 -King can now actually be hurt. His attacks are as follows. -He jumps around the room. It can be very annoying to dodge this. -King brings his axe over his head and then slams it into the ground. -He also fires a beam that ricochets off the walls similar to the way the Gemini Laser did in Mega Man 3. Tips for King, Phase 2 (Rockman): -When King jumps toward you, slide under him and fire at him. -If he brings his axe down, jump up and away from him if you can. -If he fires the beam, avoid it at all costs. If you can't, then make sure you fire at King. Tips for King, Phase 2 (Forte): -When King jumps toward you, dash under him and fire at him. -If he brings his axe down, double jump over it. -If he fires the beam, try to avoid it. But, shooting King is more important. -Don't shoot too long. Shooting prevents you from moving normally, so you are wide open for an attack. Boss: Perfect King -The King Roller, the King Jetter and King have now joined together to create Perfect King! -Perfect King's attacks are as follows: -He will dash forward using the King Roller. -He fires some small energy balls that follow you. -He launches mines that land where you are when they are launched. -He charges up the crystal in his chest and then lets loose with a huge blast that will harm you no matter where you are. Tips for Perfect King (Rockman): -Jump on the platform before you do anything. You'll be protected if Perfect King dashes forward. -If he fires the homing energy balls, use the Lightning Bolt to destroy them and deal a little damage to Perfect King. -If you hear or see the mines being launched, get off the platform and then go under it. You should be protected from all the mines. -If he exposes the crystal, attach a Remote Mine to it. When Perfect King is coming toward you, detonate it. -When the platform is at its peak, jump up and fire at King's head. Tips for Perfect King (Forte): -You have no platform for this battle. -If he fires the homing energy ball, use the Lightning Bolt. -If you hear or see the mines being launched, continually move so the mines don't hit you. -If he exposes the crystal, attach a Remote Mine to it and detonate it when Perfect King is coming toward you. -Fire at an angle to hit King's head. The Super Buster helps. Stage Thirteen. Wily's Fortress Tips for the level (Rockman): -Fight Cold Man. -Use the Ice Wall to reach the re/dis block under the ladder. Then jump up to the ladder. -In the next screen, jump to the second re/dis block from the platform and then jump up. From there jump up and right, then up and then right. Wait for the five re/dis blocks to go under you, then slide to the wall. Jump to the ladder. -Fight Astro Man. -Fight Dynamo Man. -Fight Pirate Man. -Fight Burner Man. -Fight Magic Man. -Fight Ground Man. -Fight Tengu Man. Tips for the level (Forte): -Refill your health with the energy. -Fight Cold Man. Use the Lightning Bolt if you must. -Dash jump over the spikes and grab the ladder in the next screen. -In the next screen, when the disappearing and reappearing blocks are just above the spikes, dash jump and double jump to reach the ladder. A pink cloud and a rhino await you when you climb it. -Fight Astro Man. -Use the Ice Wall to get across the first set of spikes and then dash jump to the next platform. Dash jump across those spikes. -Fight Dynamo Man. -Fight Pirate Man. -Fight Burner Man. -Fight Magic Man. -Fight Ground Man. -Fight Tengu Man. Boss: Dr. Wily, Phase 1 -Dr. Wily comes down in a huge machine. His attacks are as follows. -He fires two missiles at you. -He flies close to the ground and fires a laser beam out of the machine's mouth. -He detaches the spiked wheel and sends it at you. It either rolls across the ground or bounces toward you. -He fires a few energy balls at you. -He hovers over the ground and then moves back and forth quickly. Tips for Dr. Wily, Phase 1 (Rockman): -Shoot the eyes on Dr. Wily's machine. -Fire a blast at the missiles he launches at you. -When the machine comes down to the ground and opens its mouth, hit the lower jaw repeatedly. It will come back up. If Wily fires the beam, jump over it. -Jump or slide past the energy balls. -If he sends the spiked wheel at you and it bounces toward you, slide under it. If it rolls across the ground, jump over it and land to the right. Jump over it when it comes back to Wily. -If Wily hovers and then moves back and forth, get to the bottom-left corner, and slide to the left when he comes. Fire a blast at Wily when he charges back. Tips for Dr. Wily, Phase 1 (Forte): -Shoot the eyes on Dr. Wily's machine. -Fire at the missiles. -When the machine comes down to the ground and opens its mouth, hit the lower jaw repeatedly. It will come back up. If Wily fires the beam, double jump over it. -Jump or double jump past the energy balls. -If he sends the spiked wheel at you and it bounces toward you, dash under it. If it rolls on the ground, jump over it and land to the right. Jump over it when it comes back. -If Wily hovers and then charges back and forth, go the left and double jump over him when he charges. Boss: Dr. Wily, Phase 2 -Wily appears in a flying saucer. He disappears and then reappears in a random spot in the room. He does an attack and then disappears again. The attacks are as follows: -Wily lets loose four homing enemies. -Wily fires four energy balls at you. They go to wherever you are when they are fired. -Wily fires energy balls in a spiral. Tips for Dr. Wily, Phase 2 (Rockman): -Always charge up your Rock Buster and fire at Wily. -If he fires the four homing enemies, use the Lightning Bolt to destroy them and deal a little damage to Wily. -If he fires the energy balls at you, slide away. -If he fires the energy balls in a spiral, just stand somewhere and hope it doesn't hit you. Tips for Dr. Wily, Phase 2 (Forte): -Always fire the Forte Buster at the cockpit. -If he fires the four homing enemies, shoot them all with the Forte Buster. -If he fires the energy balls at you, dash away. -If he fires the energy balls in a spiral, stand somewhere and hope it doesn't hit you. Congratulations, You've Beaten Rockman And Forte Advance Aren't You Happy? Sit Back And Watch Your Ending. THE END *************** CD GUIDE *************** There Are 100 Total CD's And They Can Be Acquired With Megaman And Some With Bass. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following equipment is required to locate and uncover some CD's: For Megaman: Rush Search CD Counter CD Finder Reciever For Bass: Gospel Boost CD Counter Reciever ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This list is for those who only are missing a few cd's here is the list of the CD's in each stage, in order: Museum: 092, 100, 026 Cold Man: 041, 094, 014, 040, 002, 044, 067, 049, 062, 088, 005, 083 Astro Man: 048, 074, 029, 069, 058, 037, 007, 065, 079,019,024, 095 Ground Man: 075, 051, 091, 055, 093, 017, 078, 028, 059, 013, 027, 035, 084 Burner Man: 043, 076, 054, 020, 061, 086, 045, 015, 004, 081, 097, 016 Pirate Man: 064, 080, 031, 011, 071, 042, 070, 034, 077, 085 Dynamo Man: 023, 053, 008, 089, 025, 033, 082, 001, 039, 099, 063, 018, 012 Tengu Man: 002,006,096,010,047,036,057,073,032,072,046,052, 090 Magic Man: 003,036,066,098,087,009,068,030,050,021,056,060 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 001 ROCKMAN (Megaman) Stage: Dynamo Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment Travel past the long series of conveyor belts at the stage's beginning, and above the area with spikes on the floor. Work your way to the right, then down the ladder back to the area with spikes on the floor. The CD is buried in the middle of the platform to the left. 002 ROLL Stage: Cold Man Needed: Nothing At the end of the part with falling ice platforms over spikes, simply jump to the last ice platform to stable ground. The CD is in clear view. 003 CUTMAN Stage: Magic Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment As soon as you start the stage, dig in the lower left corner. 004 GUTSMAN Stage: Burner Man Needed: Play as Bass After the area with the dive-bombing birds and the huge hippo-like enemy is a long vertical drop. Hold to the right, and halfway down, use Bass's double jump ability to reach a partially hidden platform to the right. The CD is in plain view. 005 ICEMAN Stage: Cold Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment At the final stretch of the stage, dig on the platform directly between the first and second ice machines. 006 BOMBMAN Stage: Tengu Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment Located toward the end of the auto-scrolling area at the stage's beginning. Dig in the last floating platform. 007 FIREMAN Stage: Astro Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment Two screens after the first puzzle-like mini-boss, in the gray-colored room, dig in the spot that you land in when you fall off the ledge. 008 ELECMAN Stage: Dynamo Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment Near the beginning of the stage, find the room with a single cylinder- shaped enemy floating toward you from the left and two blue explosive boxes to the right. The CD is buried on a slightly elevated platform to the left. 009 METALMAN Stage: Magic Man Needed: Nothing The CD can be seen in the area immediately after the Lion Coin (the big stomping guy that smashes blocks), under an overhanging ledge with a skull lift in the way. If using Megaman, slide through the opening that is created when the lift is at its lowest. If using Bass, use a double- jump down around the lift when it is at its highest. 010 AIRMAN Stage: Tengu Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment; Ice Wall or Spike Protector In the area with the green balloons, jump on the second green balloon, climb the ladder and use an Ice Wall (or just walk on the spikes with the Spike Protector) to get across the spikes to the left and then up the ladder. Dig at the far right side of that platform for the CD. 011 BUBBLEMAN Stage: Pirate Man Needed: Nothing Found in the first half of the stage, in the long horizontal area indoors. It can be seen next to a clam as the area is entered, but you have to go to the far right and then back left through the enclosed area to get it. 012 QUICKMAN Stage: Dynamo Man Needed: Nothing (but using Bass is easier) Right at the end of the stage, between an elevated conveyor belt with a spiked ceiling and a lower belt after it, is a CD that falls from the ceiling into a pit. To get it before it falls, stay on the conveyor belt to the left of elevated belt to make it speed up, then run (dash if you have Bass) and jump to get the CD in time. Don't worry; if you fail, you can go back and try again. 013 CLASHMAN Stage: Ground Man Needed: Wave Burner or Spike Protector In the second room of the Totem Heads, first shoot the Head that opens the door (unless you plan to "Exit" the stage). Destroying the Head in front of it will make it more difficult, but not impossible, to escape. Proceed as usual until you reach the three Totem Heads at the end. Using the Wave Burner (or some other weapon that will cut through the Heads quickly), run through them, collecting the CD behind the third Head, and jump up to the exit door before the spikes rise enough to touch you. 014 FLASHMAN Stage: Cold Man Needed: Wave Burner Near the beginning of the stage (after CD 094), go up, and while on the ladder there is a ledge with an energy capsule and a CD blocked by an ice block. Toast the block to get to the items. 015 HEATMAN Stage: Burner Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment In the area with the dive-bombing birds, dig on the left side of the platform right under the armored hippo-like enemy. This CD is perhaps the second most difficult to get, as the birds sometimes attack Rush but cannot be shot at by Megaman. 016 WOODMAN Stage: Burner Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment; Ice Wall In the forest near the end of the stage, avoid the last big napalming guy, then use an Ice Wall to jump to the square platform to the left (or do those in reverse order). The CD is in the middle of the platform. 017 NEEDLEMAN Stage: Ground Man Needed: Nothing (Bass); or Ice Wall or Spike Protector (Megaman) This disc can be seen in the second screen with the giant orange worm. Use the double-jump for Bass, or the Ice Wall for Megaman, or the Spike Protector if you like to be blatant. 018 MAGNETMAN Stage: Dynamo Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment Found on the screen right after the dark rooms; dig in the spot where the Hard Hat is to uncover it. (CD 063 is also in this room) 019 GEMINIMAN Stage: Astro Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment At the bottom of the long vertical area with Vanishing Blocks, dig to the left, in the spot where the Moving Hole starts out. 020 HARDMAN Stage: Burner Man Needed: Nothing (if playing as Bass) or Ice Wall (if playing as Megaman) This CD is partially visible in the long vertical area, found on an orange-and-white platform directly under the first Electric Wall you encounter. If using Bass, use a double-jump to get up to it. If playing as Megaman, use the Ice Wall as a stepladder to get to it. 021 TOPMAN Stage: Magic Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment In the second, vertical area with the rotating blocks, dig under and slightly to the left of the first rotating block you come to. 022 SNAKEMAN Stage: Tengu Man Needed: Nothing This CD is in clear view on a platform at the very beginning of the stage. You can't miss it. 023 SPARKMAN Stage: Dynamo Man Needed: Play as Megaman, Ice Wall At the end of the first stretch of the stage, use the Ice Wall as a stepping stone to get to the upper platform. Slide to get the CD. 024 SHADOWMAN Stage: Astro Man Needed: Nothing Located in the middle of the stage, in the vertical area littered with Vanishing Blocks. Continue along the upward path the blocks take you until the blocks branch into two paths: left and right. Take the left path; it leads to the upper-left corner where a hidden ladder leads to a new room (don't forget to press UP when you reach the top). In the new room, climb the Vanishing Blocks to a platform with the CD. (If you have Bass and the Gospel Boost, you can fly higher to get CD 095) 025 BRIGHTMAN Stage: Dynamo Man Needed: Play as Bass; Gospel Boost or Ice Wall; Wave Burner In the area of conveyor belts in the first half of the stage, there is a high ledge, above an explosive block, above a pit. Use the Gospel Boost or an Ice Block to reach the ledge, then climb the ladder. Destroy the Electric Walls and use the Wave Burner to ignite the dynamite in front of the CD. 026 TOADMAN Stage: Museum Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment In the rainy area, dig in the spot where the Sniper Joe stands, right before the end of the stage. 027 DRILLMAN Stage: Ground Man Needed: Spike Protector The CD in the third, vertical room of the Totem Heads is protected by spikes by the time you get to it. Using your own spike protection, just walk through the spikes, grab the CD, and walk back out again. 028 PHAROAHMAN Stage: Ground Man Needed: Nothing (if playing as Bass) or Ice Wall (if playing as Megaman) In the first room of the Totem Heads, there is one Head built into the floor. Use diagonal shots on it if you have Bass; use an Ice Wall if you have Megaman. Go down the ladder that appears, then fall through the quicksand in the floor. The chest to the left contains the CD. (Keep going to get CD 059) 029 RINGMAN Stage: Astro Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment On the second long, horizontal area in the beginning of the stage (heading left), dig for the CD in the middle of the platform the Sniper Joe is standing on. 030 DUSTMAN Stage: Magic Man Needed: Play as Bass; Gospel Boost In the vertical train area in the second half of the stage, use the Gospel Boost to fly under and to the left of the first track. The CD can be clearly seen on a ledge to the left. 031 DIVEMAN Stage: Pirate Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment Near the beginning of the stage is an area filled with spike-balls and a choice between an upper and a lower path to proceed in. Take the lower path and use the Wave Burner to knock the lone spike-ball to one side. Use Rush Search to dig in the spot where the spike-ball had been. 032 SKULLMAN Stage: Tengu Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment At the end of the area with the green balloons, you have a choice between the upper route and the lower route. Take the lower route, and in the room you immediately come to, the highest platform holds the CD. 033 GRAVITYMAN Stage: Dynamo Man Needed: Play as Megaman After the long series of conveyor belts at the stage's beginning, and above an area with spikes on the floor, is another large area. In the upper-left corner, slide to get the CD, but slide back quickly enough to not hit the spikes to the right. 034 WAVEMAN Stage: Pirate Man Needed: Nothing In the area with the bubble makers, hop in a bubble and float to the top left corner. The CD is in the treasure box in the upper-left corner. 035 STONEMAN Stage: Ground Man Needed: Play as Bass Halfway through the area with the worms that destroy the ground (near the end of the stage) is a ladder in the ceiling. Double-jump up to it; the second chest in the room it leads to contains the CD. 036 GYROMAN Stage: Tengu Man Needed: Play as Bass Double-jump through the area with spikes and green balloons, and make work towards the middle of the right wall (about halfway between the upper and lower routes). The CD is on a ledge protruding from the wall. (The only way I've been able to get this one is by using Bass's double- jump, but I suppose it's possible that there's another way.) 037 STARMAN Stage: Astro Man Needed: Play as Megaman; Ice Wall or Wave Burner Immediately after the first puzzle-like mini-boss, this CD can be seen on a ledge to the left. It is possible to use an Ice Wall to jump directly to the upper platform, but using the Wave Burner on the ice block to the right will also get you CD 058. 038 CHARGEMAN Stage: Magic Man Needed: Play as Bass Found at the trains at the beginning of the stage. Look for the second platform over the fourth train track (the platform before the one with spikes on its bottom), and double-jump onto it. The CD is in clear view. 039 NAPALMMAN Stage: Dynamo Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment Dig in the middle of the passageway right before the mini-boss. 040 CRYSTALMAN Stage: Cold Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment In the part with fallible ice platforms, find the spot where a ladder leads up to an ice platform. The lower platform to the right of it is the place to dig. 041 BLIZZARDMAN Stage: Cold Man Needed: Wave Burner At the very beginning of the stage, melt the ice block to the left with the Wave Burner to uncover the CD. 042 CENTAURMAN Stage: Pirate Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment In the downward vertical area (right after the long horizontal area), go to the part where two shellfish are swimming in opposite directions. Dig in the center of the platform that is directly under the enclosed energy capsule. 043 FLAMEMAN Stage: Burner Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment At the end of the first stretch of the stage, dig on the grassy ground close to the lower-right corner. 044 KNIGHTMAN Stage: Cold Man Needed: Play as Megaman In the screen directly below CD 002 (and right before the mini-boss), simply slide through the narrow passage to get this CD. 045 PLANTMAN Stage: Burner Man Needed: Nothing Right after the area with spears jabbing out of the walls is a downward drop. You'll immediately come to a room with a CD to the left, guarded by two enemies. 046 TOMAHAWKMAN Stage: Tengu Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment In the first room with the cylinder-shaped enemies that float toward you (second half of stage), dig on the left side of the log-shaped orange platform. 047 WINDMAN Stage: Tengu Man Needed: Nothing (Bass); or Ice Wall or Spike Protector (Megaman) In the area with floating green balloons, jump on the second green balloon from the left. Climb the ladder to the top, and then jump to the right and land on a ledge. Use whatever equipment is necessary to reach the rightmost ledge with the CD on it. 048 YAMATOMAN Stage: Astro Man Needed: Nothing (if playing as Bass) or Ice Wall (if playing as Megaman) Near the end of the long stretch at the beginning of the level is an overhanging ledge with a CD on another ledge beneath it. If using Megaman, use a falling Ice Wall as a stepping stone to get to it, or if using Bass, simply fall and jump to the ledge in mid-air. 049 FREEZEMAN Stage: Cold Man Needed: Play as Megaman Hold a left immediately after the stage's mini-boss and slide through the passage in the wall before the ice platform breaks. The CD is on a ledge in this room. (CD 062 can also be found in this secret area) 050 JUNKMAN Stage: Magic Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment In the vertical train area in the second half of the stage, the CD is buried on the left side of the fourth track down. 051 BURSTMAN Stage: Ground Man Needed: Nothing Found near the beginning of the stage, in the part with the long vertical drop. It is clearly visible on the second platform down. Bass can just jump to it; Megaman will have to jump to the platform below it and climb a ladder hidden by the falling sands. 052 CLOUDMAN Stage: Tengu Man Needed: Nothing Found in the second-to-last room, sitting next to a little cloud enemy, it's hard to miss. 053 SPRINGMAN Stage: Dynamo Man Needed: Nothing (if playing as Bass) or Ice Wall (if playing as Megaman) At the beginning of the stage, continue going right until you can't go any further. The CD is right next to a tall ladder. 054 SLASHMAN Stage: Burner Man Needed: Nothing (if playing as Bass) or Ice Wall (if playing as Megaman) When you see the first grasshopper-like enemy in the stage, jump through the right wall to find a secret room. Use Bass's double jump or the Ice Wall if using Megaman to get up to the ledge with the CD. 055 SHADEMAN Stage: Ground Man Needed: Nothing Found near the beginning of the stage, in the part with the long vertical drop. The CD is partially visible on the right, under the spiked platform. (This CD is visible right after acquiring CD 091) 056 TURBOMAN Stage: Magic Man Needed: Nothing Located right after the vertical area with revolving blocks. Destroy the little guys with top hats. Walk into the wall to the right of the track they were on to pick up the CD. (Note: CD 060 is located in the ground directly beneath this one!) 057 TENGUMAN Stage: Tengu Man Needed: Play as Bass In the area with spikes and green balloons, take the upper-right path. Defeat the enemy in the next room, and the room after it has a CD on a ledge in the upper-right corner. 058 ASTROMAN Stage: Astro Man Needed: Wave Burner Immediately after the first puzzle-like mini-boss is a ledge with an ice block on it. Melt the ice block with the Wave Burner to get the CD. (If playing as Megaman, it is then possible to get CD 037) 059 SWORDMAN Stage: Ground Man Needed: Nothing (if playing as Bass) or Ice Wall (if playing as Megaman) In the first room of the Totem Heads, there is one Head built into the floor. Use diagonal shots on it if you have Bass; use an Ice Wall if you have Megaman. Go down the ladder that appears, then fall through the quicksand in the floor. The chest to the left contains CD 028. Go all the way down, then right until you see a chest in the lower-right corner. That chest contains this CD. 060 CLOWNMAN Stage: Magic Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment Located right after the vertical area with revolving blocks. Destroy the little guys with top hats. CD 056 is located in the wall to the right. Dig in that same location to find this CD. 061 SEARCHMAN Stage: Burner Man Needed: Play as Bass; Gospel Boost helps Close to the beginning of the stage is a long vertical climb with trap doors. At the top is a bed of spikes with a CD on its far side. It is possible to use Bass's double jump to get it, but it will cost you a life. Using the Gospel Boost is more effective and allows you to go further left to get CD 086. 062 FROSTMAN Stage: Cold Man Needed: Play as Megaman Hold a left right after the stage's mini-boss and slide through the passage in the wall before the ice platform breaks. After picking up CD 049, fall down to the next room where CD 062 can be found in the water pool. 063 GRENADEMAN Stage: Dynamo Man Needed: Nothing Right after the last dark room is a CD in clear view sitting on a high surface. (CD 018 is buried under the Hard Hat in this room) 064 AQUAMAN Stage: Pirate Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment In the very beginning of the stage, shoot the second shell you encounter off its perch, then dig on the tall platform it was sitting on. 065 ENKER Stage: Astro Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment Located between the first and second mini-bosses, on the same screen as the single Vanishing Block. Dig on the upper platform, to the right of the ladder, where the light in the platform is flashing. 066 QUINT Stage: Magic Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment During the fourth train ride at the stage's beginning, jump onto and dig in the middle of the third platform (the one with spikes on its underside). 067 PUNK Stage: Cold Man Needed: Nothing In the second half of the stage (in the water area), go under water, then as far left as possible. The CD will be in plain view. 068 BALLADE Stage: Magic Man Needed: Nothing In the second half of the stage there is a long vertical room with two paths to take via skull lifts. Take the left path; the CD is on a ledge at the top. 069 EARTH Stage: Astro Man Needed: Play as Bass, Flame Burner At the beginning of the stage, go to the end of the second long, horizontal area. Explosives, whose fuse hangs off the edge of a platform, block the CD. The only technique I've found is to jump down, light the fuse in mid-air, then jump back up to the platform to the right. 070 MERCURY Stage: Pirate Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment In the area with the whales, dig on the right side of the platform between the Floor Slicer and shellfish enemy. 071 VENUS Stage: Pirate Man Needed: Nothing After the long horizontal indoor area mentioned in CD 011's description, fall down a screen and you will see this CD resting on the floor to the right. 072 MARS Stage: Tengu Man Needed: Nothing About halfway through the stage, this CD sits directly behind the only floating dragon found in the level, on the middle platform. 073 JUPITER Stage: Tengu Man Needed: Play as Bass; Gospel Boost helps In the area with spikes and green balloons, take the upper-right path. Eventually, you'll see an energy capsule and a CD across a small gap. If you use a quick double-jump, you can make it, but if you can't, use the Gospel Boost. 074 SATURN Stage: Astro Man Needed: Nothing Close to the beginning of the stage is an enclosed room with a high ledge and a fallible platform over a pit. Use the platform to jump to the ledge, where this CD is in plain view. 075 URANUS Stage: Ground Man Needed: Play as Megaman At the beginning of the stage, jump on the platform closest to the Hard Hat, and slide to the left. The CD is hidden by falling sand. 076 PLUTO Stage: Burner Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment Buried near the beginning of the stage, directly under the first ball- throwing enemy you encounter. 077 NEPTUNE Stage: Pirate Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment This CD can be found in the large area filled with spike-balls and bubble-making machines. Hop in a bubble, and float to the top-center of the area. The CD is buried under a chest at the top of a platform formation shaped somewhat like a telephone pole. 078 SUNGOD Stage: Ground Man Needed: Wave Burner After working your way up through the area with the wobbly metal plates, go down before entering the Totem Heads section. The treasure chest behind the dynamite wall contains the CD. 079 BUSTERROD G Stage: Astro Man Needed: Nothing Located in the area between the mini-bosses. Right after the single Vanishing Block and directly over the first Moving Hole is a green protrusion of the wall. It is a secret passage; jump into it to receive this CD. 080 MEGAWATER S Stage: Pirate Man Needed: Play as Bass Located in the first spike-filled area of the stage. Use the area's only ladder to climb out of the water, then jump onto the rightmost platform. Execute a dash-jump to the right, then another jump in mid-air to barely clear the spike-balls. The CD rests on a higher ledge slightly to the right. 081 HYPERSTORM H Stage: Burner Man Needed: Play as Megaman, Spread Drill After the area with the dive-bombing birds, drop back down into the jungle and walk to the left. Use the Spread Drill to break the stone block, then slide through the passage to get the CD. (You can also get CD 097 in this passage) 082 DYNAMOMAN Stage: Dynamo Man Needed: Wave Burner After the first section of conveyor belts is a section with a dynamite fuse with the CD behind a wall. Light the fuse through the wall, then go up and around to collect the CD. 083 COLDMAN Stage: Cold Man Needed: Wave Burner At the end of the stage, after the last ice block machine, is an ice block, that, upon being burnt, will yield a CD. 084 GROUNDMAN Stage: Ground Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment Near the end of the stage, in the area with the fish that erode the sand, dig in the spot under the Sniper Joe. This CD is the hardest to get because the ground it is buried under is almost immediately destroyed, and you only have one chance each time. I suggest using the Wave Burner to destroy the fish that erodes it, then quickly using Rush Search on the platform. If you aim it right, you can have Rush stand on the part of the platform that isn't destroyed, but will still retrieve the CD after the part it is buried under has been destroyed. 085 PIRATEMAN Stage: Pirate Man Needed: Nothing In the area with the bubble makers, ride a bubble to the top-right corner, where a treasure chest holds the CD. 086 BURNERMAN Stage: Burner Man Needed: Play as Bass, Gospel Boost Close to the beginning of the stage is a long vertical climb with trap doors hindering progress. At the top is a bed of spikes where CD 061 is located. Use the Gospel Boost to fly over the spikes and into a new room to the left. The CD rests at the far-left wall. 087 MAGICMAN Stage: Magic Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment When you exit the Lion Coin's lair, the CD is on the platform right above you. Go around to get on the platform, then dig in the spot close to the wall. 088 DR. THOMAS RIGHT (Dr. Light) Stage: Cold Man Needed: Wave Burner On the screen right after the snowman mini-boss, use the Wave Burner to melt an ice block to the right. It contains the CD. 089 RUSH Stage: Dynamo Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment In the area with a long series of conveyor belts in the first half of the stage, dig in the spot under the area's only Sniper Joe. 090 EDDIE Stage: Tengu Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment This CD is buried at the very end of the level, directly below the Sniper Joe that guards the door to the boss. 091 BEAT Stage: Ground Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment Near the beginning of the stage, in the long vertical area, dig in the spot that the fourth Hard Hat is in (to the left of some spikes). 092 TANGO Stage: Museum Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment In the area with the rising and falling of the landscape over the water, dig underneath the third cannon to retrieve the CD. 093 RIGHTOT (Auto) Stage: Ground Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment In the area with the second huge orange worm, dig to the left of the area with an energy capsule and weapon capsule (near the hole in the wall). 094 DR. ALBERT W. WILY Stage: Cold Man Needed: Nothing Near the beginning of the stage is a room with a penguin and two energy capsules in the ceiling. Walk through the wall on the right to find a hidden room with a CD in plain view. 095 FORTE (Bass) Stage: Astro Man Needed: Play as Bass, Gospel Boost See description of CD 024 for directions. After acquiring that CD, use the Gospel Boost to reach the upper-right corner, where this CD is on a ledge. 096 GOSPEL (Treble) Stage: Tengu Man Needed: Nothing (if playing as Bass) or Ice Wall (if playing as Megaman) Located in the beginning of the stage, at the end of the auto-scrolling area that you start out in. Use an Ice Wall or double-jump to the top platform. There is a hidden ladder above it leading to a room with the CD. 097 KING Stage: Burner Man Needed: Play as Megaman, Spread Drill, Wave Burner, Ice Block After the area with the dive-bombing birds, drop back down into the jungle and walk to the left. Use the Spread Drill to break the stone block, then slide through the passage to get CD 081. Use the Wave Burner to ignite the dynamite, then use an Ice Block to get to the platform with the 1-Up. Jump into the wall to the right of the 1-Up to nab the CD. 098 BLUES (Protoman) Stage: Magic Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment In the lair of the Lion Coin (which serves as the stage's mini-boss), wait until the blocks are cleared until digging on the right side of the ground. Try to destroy the Lion Coin to buy time while Rush digs. 099 DUO Stage: Dynamo Man Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment Found in the first dark room. Dig on the elevated platform in the center. 100 ROCKMAN & FORTE Stage: Museum Needed: Play as Megaman, CD Equipment In the third area with drill-like enemies coming out of the walls (right after the water section), dig in the spot where you would land after falling from the higher ledge. Stay close to Rush to protect him from enemies while he digs. *************** RIGHTOT'S SHOP *************** At the beginning of the game, only the first row is available. After you defeat two robots, the second row becomes available. The third and fourth rows become available after you defeat five robots. Row 1, Column 1: Spare Body-Gives you an extra life. Costs 50 bolts. Row 1, Column 2: Energy Balancer-All weapon energy automatically goes to the weapon with the lowest energy. Costs 120 bolts. Row 1, Column 3: Stage Exit-You can teleport out of a stage you've already beaten. Costs 50 bolts. Row 1, Column 4: Shock Step-You can hit spikes without dying. Gone after one use. Costs 10 bolts. Row 1, Column 5: Reciever-You can call Roll with this. Costs 100 bolts. Row 1, Column 6: Item Holder-It randomly appears in a stage to give you life energy, which you may or may not need. Costs 60 bolts. Row 2, Column 1: Analyzer-This allows Roll to tell you the Robot Masters' weak points when you call her. Costs 50 bolts. Row 2, Column 2: Power Boost-Picking up powerups recovers more energy than normal. Costs 200 bolts. Row 2, Column 3: Counter-Your buster's power becomes more powerful as your life decreases. Costs 200 bolts. Row 2, Column 4: Auto Charge-Rockman only. The Mega Buster charges automatically. Costs 50 bolts. Row 2, Column 4: Speed Dash-Forte only. Forte dashes faster. Costs 100 bolts. Row 2, Column 5: Eddie-Rockman only. Allows you to call Eddie. Costs 150 bolts. Row 2, Column 5: Climb Boost-Forte only. Forte climbs ladders more quickly. Costs 100 bolts. Row 2, Column 6: Rush Search-Rockman only. Allows you to call Rush. Costs 100 bolts. Row 2, Column 6: Gospel Boost-Forte only. Allows Forte to fuse with Gospel. Costs 200 bolts. Row 3, Column 1: Energy Save-Weapons require less energy. Costs 200 bolts. Row 3, Column 2: Damage Absorber-Refuels weapon energy when you take damage. Costs 300 bolts. Row 3, Column 3: Super Armor-You take less damage. Costs 300 bolts. Row 3, Column 4: Auto Heal-Rockman only. Your life meter is gradually refilled. Costs 450 bolts. Row 3, Column 4: Super Buster-Forte only. The Forte Buster becomes more powerful. Costs 300 bolts. Row 3, Column 5: Fast Charge-Rockman only. The Mega Buster charges faster. Costs 150 bolts. Row 3, Column 5: Hyper Buster-Forte only. Forte can now shoot through walls. Costs 300 bolts. Row 3, Column 6: Beat-Rockman only. Allows you to call Beat. Costs 300 bolts. Row 3, Column 6: CD Counter-Forte only. Roll can tell you the number of CDs left in the level when you call. Costs 100 bolts. Row 4, Column 1: CD Counter-Rockman only. Roll can tell you the number of CDs left in the level when you call. Costs 100 bolts. Row 4, Column 2: CD Finder-Rockman only. Sparkles temporarily appear where CDs are buried underground. Costs 300 bolts. *************** ENEMIES LIST *************** Cannon - Green and orange guns that shoot green balls at you. Claw-Arm - A robot that swings around with its claw. Dispensers - A machine that churns for a few seconds and then spits out an ice or brick block. Dragon - A snakelike robot with the head of a dragon. It flies around and gets faster with each piece taken off of its body. Exploding Box - A box with a fuse on it. When you light the fuse, the box will explode. Guard Joe - The green humanoid robots that peek behind their shields and fire at you. Helibot - A small, orange helicopter-like robot that shoots at you. Metool - A yellow robot that stays hidden under its shield. When you get close to it, it raises the shield and fires three blasts at you. Rhino - A large robot that either fires missiles or its horn at you. Shielded Robot - A flying robot with an inpenetrable shield on one side. However, the other side is unshielded. It flies back and forth. Snail - A swimming robot with one side shielded and the other side exposed. Hit the exposed side to destroy it. Spinning Penguin - A spinning penguin which lays on its stomach after a while and uses the rear rocket to propel itself forward. Strongman - A robot which either hurls a metal ball, a blue balloon or a spike ball which explodes at you. *************** COMING SOON *************** I Will Add More Enemies To The Enemy List And Maybe Add A Seperate Boss Guide. *************** CREDITS *************** GameFaqs For Posting This Faq Me For Writing This Faq And Walkthrough My Cousin Pancho For Helping Me With The CD Guide And Walkthrough Capcom Staff For Making This Game And The Megaman And Megaman X Series. *************** DISCLAIMER *************** This Faq/Walkthrough Can Only Be Viewed At And My Web Site (Coming Soon!} E-Mail Me If You Want To Put It In Your Site At: Thank You. Copyright (c) 2002 By: Code Breakers All Rights Reserved.