MegaMan Battle Network 2 FAQ/Walkthrough Written by Xel23 Version Final-Monday, June 23, 2003 Contact: ______________________________________________________________________________ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@! @@! @@! @@! !@@ @@! @@@ @@! @@! @@! @@! @@@ @@!@!@@@ !@! !@! !@! !@! !@! !@! @!@ !@! !@! !@! !@! @!@ !@!!@!@! @!! !!@ @!@ @!!!:! !@! @!@!@ @!@!@!@! @!! !!@ @!@ @!@!@!@! @!@ !!@! !@! ! !@! !!!!!: !!! !!@!! !!!@!!!! !@! ! !@! !!!@!!!! !@! !!! !!: !!: !!: :!! !!: !!: !!! !!: !!: !!: !!! !!: !!! :!: :!: :!: :!: !:: :!: !:! :!: :!: :!: !:! :!: !:! ::: :: :: :::: ::: :::: :: ::: ::: :: :: ::: :: :: : : : :: :: :: :: : : : : : : : : : :: : @@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@ @@! @@@ @@! @@@ @@! @@! @@! @@! !@ @!@ !@! @!@ !@! !@! !@! !@! @!@!@!@ @!@!@!@! @!! @!! @!! @!!!:! !!!@!!!! !!!@!!!! !!! !!! !!! !!!!!: !!: !!! !!: !!! !!: !!: !!: !!: :!: !:! :!: !:! :!: :!: :!: :!: :: :::: :: ::: :: :: :: :::: :: :::: :: : :: : : : : : : :: : : : :: :: @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@!@!@@@ @@! @@! @@! @@! @@! @@! @@@ @@! @@@ @@! !@@ !@!!@!@! !@! !@! !@! !@! !@! !@! @!@ !@! @!@ !@! @!! @!@ !!@! @!!!:! @!! @!! !!@ @!@ @!@ !@! @!@!!@! @!@@!@! !@! !!! !!!!!: !!! !@! !!! !@! !@! !!! !!@!@! !!@!!! !!: !!! !!: !!: !!: !!: !!: !!: !!! !!: :!! !!: :!! :!: !:! :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: !:! :!: !:! :!: !:! :: :: :: :::: :: :::: :: ::: ::::: :: :: ::: :: ::: :: : : :: :: : :: : : : : : : : : : : ::: @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@ @!@ !!@ !!: !:! :!: :: ::::: :: : ::: ______________________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents: 1) Introduction and Controls 2) Acknowledgments 3) Version History 4) Walkthrough/Yellow Star a. Scenario 1 (AirMan) b. Scenario 2 (QuickMan) c. Scenario 3 (CutMan) d. Scenario 4 (ShadowMan) e. Scenario 5 (KnightMan) f. Scenario 6 (MagnetMan) g. Scenario 7 (FreezeMan) h. Scenario 8 (Gospel) 5) WWW Areas/Green Star a. WWW Area 1 b. WWW Area 2 c. WWW Area 3 6) Battlechips Guide/Red Star a. List b. Locations (By Rezzman) 7) Program Advances List/Blue Star 8) Secret Chips/Purple Star a. Summary b. Explanation of Game Algorithm (By HalyconIV) c. Algorithm Manipulation (By HalyconIV) 9) Navi Strategies & Locations (By Snake711) 10) Secrets a. Style Information b. Earning HubStyle c. Stars d. Duplicate Chips! e. Hard Mode f. Determining your Busting Level 11) FAQ 12) Viruses (By DragoonNite & Protomanexe21) 13) Upgrade Locations a. BugFrags b. HPMemory c. Submemory d. PowerUps e. RegUps 14) Trading Chain 15) Hidden Characters 16) Contact 17) Legal Information 18) Conclusion ______________________________________________________________________________ 1) INTRODUCTION AND CONTROLS: This is a General FAQ for MegaMan Battle Network 2. I wrote this because there is so many FAQs that had pretty good information in one area but incomplete or inaccurate in other areas. This is intended to be an all-in-one guide, one that you could pop-up and immediately find the information you seek. Now for the story: It's the end of 5th for Lan Hikari and his digital assistant and friend, MegaMan.exe. Now that the WWW has fallen, a new group called Gospel comes into play. It's up to the two friends to stop this malicious group. The rest should be found in your MMBN2 Instruction Booklet. One very important thing about this Walkthrough: North is the top-right corner of GBA screen, west is the top-left corner of GBA screen, south is the bottom-left corner of GBA screen and east is the bottom-right corner of GBA screen. Controls- A Button: Confirms selections Examine or talk to an object or person in Field Use Battlechips in Battles B Button: Cancels selections Run in Field (hold) Shoot Buster, charge Buster (hold) in Battles L Button: Talk to Lan/MegaMan in Field Run from Battles on the Chip Selection Screen in Battles Enter Chip Selection Screen in Battles R Button: Jack-in/Jack-out an appliance View chip info on the Chip Selection Screen in Battles Enter Chip Selection Screen in Battles Start Button: Pauses Game and enters Menu Select Button: Presets a Battlechip in the Folder Screen. +Pad: Move your cursor/MegaMan/Lan ______________________________________________________________________________ 2) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: There are so many people to thank; I'll put the Acknowledgments section at the top, since I couldn't of wrote this without the helping hand of the people at :) Xel23, for doing a lot of this guide. Rezzman, for doing the Chip Location section in only 3 days! CJayC, for having such a wonderful site hosting this guide. HalyconIV, for letting me use his Battle Algorithm Guide in my FAQ. Snake711, for the Navi Strategies. All the vets, for helping me out when I was stuck. Rwave and Alan Quirriro's FAQs for being helpful sources. kcallen999, for correcting numerous errors. DragoonNite & Protomanexe21, for the Virus Section. ______________________________________________________________________________ 3) VERSION HISTORY: Version 0.25-Saturday, November 30, 2002: Started guide; it's mostly incomplete but hang in there! Version 0.5-Tuesday, December 03, 2002: I have gotten a lot done. Almost everything except the Walkthrough is complete or nearly finished. Version 1.0-Tuesday, December 17, 2002: Everything except the Battlechip list, 6 Scenarios, and the Navi Strats complete! Version 1.5-Wednesday, December 23, 2002: Added more Battlechips, and completed more of the walkthrough. Version 2.0-Thursday, January 2, 2003: Another Scenario and the Battlechips done; this FAQ is almost complete. Version 2.5-Saturday, January 4, 2003: Rezzman has given me a nice Chip Locations List. Check it out. Version 2.8-Sunday, February 2, 2003: Finished FreezeMan scenario. Version 3.0-Sunday, February 9, 2003: Began process of reformatting, added HalyconIV's Battle Algorithm Guide. Version 3.3-Tuesday, February 11, 2003: Completed reformatting, added WWW Areas to Walkthrough. Version 3.5-Wednesday, February 26, 2003: I FINALLY completed the Walkthrough! And I added some stylin' new ACSII art, so enjoy :) Version 3.6-Friday, May 2, 2003: Corrected some minor errors. Version 3.6-Thursday, May 15, 2003: I fixed the horrible spacing problem in the FAQ. Version 3.8-Monday, June 2, 2003: Added some Navi strategies by Snake711. Thank you Snake! Version Final-Monday, June 23, 2003: Put in the Virus section by DragoonNite and Protomanexe21. ______________________________________________________________________________ 4) WALKTHROUGH/YELLOW STAR: Scenario 1 (AirMan)- Battlechip:| Location: CrossGun S | Den Area 2 Roll R | e-Mail 200Z | GasComp1 Recov10 * | GasComp1 V-Gun A | GasComp1 Subchip: | Location: MiniEnrg | GasComp2 Upgrade: | Location: RegUp1 | GasComp2 HPMemory | GasComp2 BugFrag | Den Area 1 under bridge BugFrag | Den Area 2 behind billboard BugFrag | GasComp2 RegUp4 | License Test Key Item: | Location: ZLicense | License Test Chip Select| License Test Mayl Code | e-Mail Fan | Yai's cabinet Yai Code | Yai's pillow Comments: It's the first scenario. As expected, it is really easy and fun. However this could be the hardest part if you are still getting used to the controls. Once a mysterious conversation takes place you will gain control of Lan in his school. Talk to everyone if you want to, but save Dex, the fat kid, for last. Once you talk to him about City Netbattlers the teacher will come in and hand out the report cards. Once class ends run home and talk to your mom, then go up the stairs to your room. Your mom will scold you, but it won't be that bad. Now jack-in to your computer with the R button and complete the tutorial, making sure to pay close attention. You will get some e-mail from Dex, read it, then go through the entire Den Area 1, and in Den Area 2, look for a big warp. You'll know you're in the right one when a cut-scene plays. Now enter the Square and talk to a green Navi to start the ZLicense test. HeroData is in Den Area 3 and is in plain sight, HopeData is around Lan's PC warp but all the way to the right and up. Once you win and get the ZLicense with the 4MB and Mayl's PC Code, feel free to do whatever you want, like raiding the Den Area 1 merchant, then jack-out. Now you will get a troublesome phone-call, so go to the big mansion, and after some talk, enter it. Go north into the bathroom and jack-in the GasComp. Here it is important to time yourself so you can get passed the gas clouds. Go down and left to see the WRONG way, then make your way throughout the level, passed the clouds, getting the Mystery Data I listed, until you get to GutsMan. He is stuck because he is an idiot, so press A on the gas knob and let it blow you across, where you should activate the big square thing. When you're MegaMan again go forward and find Glyde, go pass the gas clouds, and deactivate the gas knob blowing towards you. Follow the path until you see the ventilation program. When you activate it, as Lan go up to Yai's room and search her cabinet so you get a Fan. Go back to the bathroom and use it. Activate some gas knobs until you see it will blow you to the boss platform. Save, and then get over there. Defeat AirMan using the strategy in Section 9. Now search Yai's pillow for her PC Code, jack-in her PC, do stuff, then finally go to bed. Scenario 2 (QuickMan)- Battlechip:| Location: 500Z | BombComp1 Cannon C | BombComp1 600Z | BombComp2 WideSwrd L | BombComp2 PanlGrab L | BombComp2 1500Z | BombComp3 Recov50 N | BombComp4 Atk+10 * | BombComp4 3000Z | BombComp4 Subchip: | Location: N/A | N/A Upgrade: | Location: RegUp1 | License Test HPMemory | BombComp2 RegUp2 | BombComp3 PowerUp | BombComp4 BugFrag | BombComp4 Key Item: | Location: Dex Code | Beat GutsMan Rib. Code | Beat ToadMan ExamCard | Center WalkProg | Beat evil Navi NiceData | Help good Navi BLicense | License Test Lighter | Camp Road 1 Stick | Camp Road 1 Paper | Camp Road 1 Binocs | Camp Road 2 Knife | Camp ground Firewood | Camp ground Fish | Camp ground Comments: The BombComps are so annoying! There is a lot of item-searching here. The good part is you get a new license and there is a greater variety of enemies. Lan wants to go camping, so now you have to go around and ask his friends. Read the message on Yai's door, talk to Dex in his house (might as well challenge his GutsMan so you get another Code) and find Mayl in school. After a disappointing cut-scene, you will get some e-Mail. Now the Metroline to Marine Harbor is open, and you can take a new test! Take it, then exit the station and you will get e-Mail from Dex. Now go up and talk to the weird lady. She is Ribbita. Beat her ToadMan (see Section 9!) and you get her Code. If you want, jack-in her van and try the Code. Go into the large building to the right that is the Center and talk to the reception lady. Make your way through the conversation by answering, "Yes, I am!" and "Yes" to get an ExamCard. Now you can exit the building, go down the long flight of stairs and re-enter the building or you can go through the stairs inside the Center. Either way it leads to the Exam Room entrance. Speak with the Center Official there and enter the Exam Room, where you can jack-in anywhere. Now you should of gotten e-Mail from Yai. Speak with the green Test Navi again to start the exam. First you have to complete a small Survival Battle. It's very easy. For the next problem, enter Den Area 3 through the now available warp on the lower-right corner. There should be a new Navi there that is green who says he lost his WalkProg. The Navi that stole it is in Den Area 2. Delete him and return the WalkProg to the nice Navi to get NiceData. Return to the Test Navi and fight 5 more Survival Battles. By now you should of gotten e-Mail from Chaud and Mayl. Rest in your bed at your house, and you will witness ANOTHER cut-scene. When you wake-up, go outside and head to the bus stop, which is near the Metroline station. Talk to everyone, and the bus will take you to Okuden Valley. If you wish, talk to everyone, and head up the path. Bees will block your way so go down on the rock path and press A on the right-most stepping stones to get a Stick, press A on the path all the way to the left to get a Lighter, then press A on the tree next to the creepy-looking dude to get some Paper. Go back to the bees and combine all the items to go through. The next screen has a bear, so look behind the waterfall for some Binocs, and then go back to the bear. Now jack-in to him and talk to the green program to fight a virus, but first go to one of the corners to snag a RegUp1. Back as Lan continue to the campground. Now your friends need more items! Talk to each, and get a Knife from the lady at her tent, a Fish from the guy in the middle of the river, and get the Firewood from the old man across the river and to the right. Deliver everyone his or her appropriate item, and then you'll eat... BAM! Something is happening at the dam! Go across the river and head left. Continue on the path until you see a building. Press A on the door and you will get an e-Mail from Chaud saying you have to defuse 4 bombs. Head back to the campgrounds and receive another e-Mail. There are four detonators. The first one is in a PET in the middle of the rock path. Jack-in. These BombComps are actually very simple to navigate. Make a wrong turn and the path blows up. From the starting point, head west, north, grab the Mystery Data (500Z), go back, west, north, east, east, north, west, south, grab the Mystery Data (Cannon C), go back north, then west and then finally north. When you see a giant monitor, deactivate it. The 2nd BombComp is disguised as a canteen and is by one of the tents. Jack-in. Head north, north again, grab the Mystery Data (600Z), backtrack then go east, south, east, north, north, west, north. Cross the circuit bridge. Now go north, east, north, grab the Mystery Data (HPMemory) head north, west, south, west, get the Mystery Data (WideSwrd L) backtrack and then south, south, west, north, north, and north. Inspect the giant monitor. The 3rd BombComp is where you found the Binocs, behind the waterfall. Now continue west, south, south, and west. Cross the circuit bridge. Go west, south, grab the Mystery Data (PanlGrab L), south, east, south, west, west, west, north, get the Mystery Data (1500 Z), backtrack, now go east, north, west, and north. Cross the circuit bridge. Take the Mystery Data (RegUp2), and continue west, north, east, north, west, and press A on the monitor. When you deactivate the third BombComp, you'll receive a call from Chaud about some clues where the final BombComp's whereabouts. You may have guessed it, you may have not, but that creepy-looking dude in the red jacket (his name is Dave) has the last detonator. Go to Camp Road 1, talk to him, select "Ask Again" then "Get Suspicious" and you will be able to jack-in. Immediately travel south, then east. Cross the circuit bridge and swipe the Mystery Data (Recov50 N). Go west, south twice, east, north, east, and south. Cross the circuit bridge. Head east twice, north, take the Mystery Data (PowerUp) then go west twice, then north. Cross the circuit bridge twice and steal the nearby Mystery Data (BugFrag). Cross the circuit bridge. Take the path east. Cross the circuit bridge. Go east. Cross the circuit bridge. Head north twice, west twice while grabbing the Mystery Data (Atk+10 *). Cross the circuit bridge. Travel south, west, get the Mystery Data (3000 Z) and continue north and west. When you get to a long green path save. Now follow the path to face Quickman. For help refer to Section 9. Scenario 3 (CutMan)- Battlechip:| Location: 3000Z | Broken Toy Recov50 * | License Test Subchip: | Location: N/A | N/A Upgrade : | Location: RegUp1 | Broken Toy BugFrag | Den Area 3 under bridge HPMemory | Beat GateMan RegUp2 | License Test Key Item: | Location: BadDataA | Evil Navi BadDataB | Evil Navi ALicense | License Test Comments: This is a very short scenario, one you will mostly be on the Net for. After two cut-scenes it seems that Lan and MegaMan want to go to YumLand. But first jack-in the nearby Broken Toy and snag the 3000Z and RegUp1. I'd use this time to go back and jack-in all the machines you missed in the earlier scenarios. After accomplishing this feat, jack-in your computer in your room and make your way to the lower level of Den Area 3. On the way to the end snag the Mystery Data (BugFrag) under the upper-path. Press A on the Security Cube on the left. Aw man. You need an A License! Luckily there will be a License Test in Marine Harbor. Jack-out, and on the way to the Metroline station, fight Dex in his house. You will get a new chip. Now go to Marine Harbor. Head to the Center on the right through the upper entrance. Inside you should see a man with a mask. He is Mr. Famous. Challenge him, and see Section 9 for details. Once you win you will get an HPMemory. Now go downstairs, and speak to that guy behind the counter. He will activate the Missions on the Request Board you must now complete. Check the request board, and complete the 3 Mission requests (maybe even the first two!). After accomplishing that enter the Test Room and jack-in. Talk to the Test Navi and complete the three missions (use my License FAQ, please!) Then you will get 2 really cool rewards (the Alicense and RegUp2) and jack-out. Talk to the guy that activated the Missions for the Recov50 *. Now go back upstairs, and jack-in the server in the corner to reach the Square. Read the boards if you wish, then head back to Den Area 3. Open the Security Cube to Yumland. Enter Yumland 1. Damn! This place is deserted! In Yumland 1 take the path heading west, then at the dead end go back a little and go west to the platform, then west again to the Teleporter which you should follow to Yumland 2. In Yumland 2, use the long arrow-path leading east, and continue going east. Take the ramp up and use the arrow-path to go left. Continue in this direction to a platform, which then you should now go south. Then go up the path left of where you now are to grab a Mystery Data (Navi+20 *). Go back then go east to a 4-way intersection. Take the path west then south to a ramp with a warp at the top. After watching this depressing scene, take the warp to YumSquare from the YumSq. Entrance. MegaMan will hear something. Go around the entire square into that little house. Save your game. Talk to the Navi inside and face CutMan. See Section 9 for strategies. Scenario 4 (ShadowMan)- Battlechip:|Location: 800Z |MotherComp1 Recov30 * |MotherComp1 Spreader P |MotherComp2 600Z |MotherComp2 Wrecker Q |MotherComp2 Shotgun * |MotherComp3 PanlOut3 * |MotherComp3 Recov80 F |MotherComp3 1000Z |MotherComp4 WideSwrd L |MotherComp4 Hammer T |MotherComp4 1400Z |MotherComp5 Subchips: |Location: FullEnrg |Mother Comp5 Upgrade: |Location: PowerUp |Dad's Lab-suit (Press A) HPMemory |MotherComp1 RegUp1 |MotherComp2 BugFrag |MotherComp3 RegUp2 |MotherComp5 Key Item: |Location: Battery |ACDC Park NoteData |Woman by tent YumKey |KotoSquare Navi Chng.bat |YumSquare Treasury Comments: This Scenario deals a lot with passwords and delivering items. Keep an eye out for Mystery Data along your way! After reading your e-Mail, go back to the Center in Marine Harbor and use the elevator by the Server. Head east to your dad's lab, where you should search his lab-suit for a PowerUp. Now talk to Dad. Use the boards in the Center's Square to post a message. Now go and do whatever you missed, such as some Requests or maybe some Mystery Data... Read the Street Board again, hopefully 2 posts will have appeared. Read both, then go to ACDC Town's Park where a man should be there. He will tell you the programmer is in the Okuden Camp. Take the Battery he gave you and go meet her. She will give you NoteData and direct you to KotoSquare. In KotoSquare talk to a purple Navi and hand over the NoteData. Now after getting the YumKey go back to YumSquare and head to the back of the Treasury Room. Take the Chng.bat. Oh no! You cannot jack-out, and the police are after you! Head to YumSquare's exit, defeating the viruses that appear. Once you can jack-out, do so, and then speak with Dad (Though you might want to go back to the programmer for a GateKey first). After the talk, it will seem that Gospel has invaded the Square. Go downstairs to the Server everyone is huddled around. Make your way through them and jack-in. Delete the Navi in the middle of the Square. After the fight, talk again with your Dad and then go west to the Mother Computer room. Go through the room; watch the cut-scenes, and then jack-in MotherComp1. In MotherComp1, just head forward until you reach some green boxes with letters in them. Talk to the programs for clues on the order you must step on the letters. Input the password 'CAT'. Travel through the straight-forward path, going through the Teleporter for a Mystery Data (800Z). Keep going straight until you encounter another password system. Input the password 'RIVER'. Now continue until you see a program where you should go south to get a Mystery Data (HPMemory). Backtrack to the program, take the other path to a Mystery Data (Recov30 *) then take the other path. Input the password 'NETBATTLER'. Head past it and deactivate the laser lock. In MotherComp2, talk to ProtoMan, and then take the path east and south. Grab the Mystery Data (Spreader P). Backtrack and go on the second path to another password system. Input the password 'AFBECD'. Now travel left. Take the Mystery Data (RegUp1). Backtrack to the intersection and go east. Input the password 'WATCH' at the system. Go forward a little and steal the Mystery Data (600Z). Now head east and get another Mystery Data (Wrecker Q). Go to the password system. Input the password 'ALMOST THERE'. Travel forward to witness a battle between a fake ShadowMan with the real ProtoMan. Jack-out, then jack-in the Mother Computer. In MotherComp3, move north until you see a program. Snag the Mystery Data (BugFrag). Backtrack but take the road south for another Mystery Data (Shotgun *). Continue this way and go west for a clue if you want, then go to the password system. Input the password 'WIG GEM MASK KNIFE' in reverse clock order. Go past it now, and when you get to a little monitor that says 'FEAR AND DANGER AWAIT!' go up to swipe a Mystery Data (PanlOut3 *). The answer to this password is simple, so you can figure it out. Now continue forward to another password system (making sure to take the west path first for a Recov80 F). Input the password 'JUMPS'. Continue to MotherComp4. In MotherComp4, simply go straight and enter the password 'SPIDER' when you get to the password system, using the left 'S'. Continue in this direction but when you get to another password system go on the upper-path for a Mystery Data (1000Z). Backtrack to this puzzle. Input the password 'APPLE'. Keep going forward, and input the password 'B'. Take the path then go east then north to take a Mystery Data (WideSwrd L). Backtrack then go north all the way. Input the password 'DONTGIVEUP'. Steal the Mystery Data (Hammer T). Enter MotherComp5. In MotherComp5, input the password 'RACCOON'. Continue forward, going east then west ASAP to find a Mystery Data (1400Z) then backtrack and go forward to the next puzzle. Input the password 'GIKMOQSUWY'. Go forward again and input the password 'SYSTEMAHEAD'. Take a winding path to a Teleporter leading to a RegUp2, then go back and input the password 'SYSTEMCLOSE'. Near a little monitor there will be a Mystery Data (FullEnrg). At another password system enter 'VIRUS' and save, then face ShadowMan. Scenario 5 (KnightMan)- Battlechip:|Location: SilvFist I |Dad's Note Roll v2 R |Talk to Mayl ElecSwrd * |Hotel Fridge Quake2 W |Talk to Higsby TreeBom1 * |Talk to Higsby SonicWav I |Talk to Higsby Navi+20 * |Raoul's Radio 10000 Z |Beat SnakeMan 1000 Z |CastleComp1 Repair C |CastleComp2 Sword S |CastleComp2 1200Z |CastleComp3 LongSwrd L |CastleComp4 Recov120 U |CastleComp5 Invis2 Q |CastleComp5 Subchip: |Location: FullEnrg |CastleComp2, CastleComp4, CastleComp5 Upgrade: |Location: BugFrag |Flight Board HPMemory |Press A on the Hotel Fridge as Lan BugFrag |Hotel Fridge BugFrag |Raoul's Radio BugFrag |Netopia 2 HPMemory |CastleComp1 SubMem |CastleComp3 RegUp1 |CastleComp3 BugFrag |CastleComp4 RegUp1 |CastleComp4 Key Item: |Location: Passport |Lady at Center Ticket |HQ e-Mail Wireless |Talk to Mayl MiniPet |Evil Man at Airport RaulCode |Beat ThunderMan) MiliCode |Beat SnakeMan) CyberKey |CastleComp1x2, 2x2, 3x2, 4x2, 5x2 Comments: This Scenario is a living hell. You will lose all of your Zenny, your Battlechips, and even your ticket out of this crazy place and be forced to hunt it all down again. Not to mention KnightMan's little game... Answer your e-Mail, then go to the Metroline Station for another e-Mail and get a ticket to the Airport. But before that, stop by the Center to finish off GateMan a second time and earn a new folder! Anyway, inside the Center have a chat with the ladies behind both counters to get the Passport. After that go upstairs to the lab and head east to speak with the scientist in front of the monitor and your Dad's computer for a SilvFist I. Now take the Metroline to the Airport. Follow this rather straightforward area, but first jack-in the Flight Board and grab the Mystery Data (BugFrag). Then jack-out and talk to Mayl for some seemingly useless items, and fail as you try to go through the metal-detector. Oh no! That Evil Man takes away MegaMan and gives you a puny MiniPET! Crud. Show your Passport to the man behind the counter and enter the Departure Area to have your Zenny stolen. There are 2 important people to talk with here, so talk with Chaud and select "Go Away" to get MegaMan back then talk with a little boy near the Gift Shop to have a chance at winning a prize. Enter the gate by Chaud to go to Netopia and follow the path to have a weird conversation with a Netopian. Talk to the guy who stole your money twice to battle some viruses and recover your Zenny. Now head out of the Airport for even some more fun! Congratulations! You were a moron and got all your Battlechips stolen! At the park, just head straight into Netopia Town after entering the Castle and jacking-in the statue for some Mystery Data and enter the Hotel. You and MegaMan will have a fight (not a real one, you don't actually battle). Exit the Hotel and go back to the park to speak with Higsby, the tall man. After this very encouraging lecture, go back and retrieve MegaMan to have your Passport out of Netopia stolen. Take MegaMan anyway and jack-in the Fridge for some Mystery Data (BugFrag and ElecSwrd *) then jack-out and search the Fridge as Lan to get an HPMemory. Exit the Hotel, go down south to talk to Higsby for some nice chips, and then head for an old man by the road who will tell you to find Jim. Go back near the hotel and enter the path leading west to be in the Alley. Search the dumpsters for an upgrade. Talk to the little black kid (Jim) to face Raoul, the man under the basketball hoop, and delete ThunderMan. Use the code you got for winning to jack-in the Radio nearby and make your way to enter Netopia 2. In Netopia 2, you must now head to the NetSquare. Follow the path up and down a pair of ramps, continuing forward until you see a panel that goes up to a BugFrag, which you should take. Backtrack so you can go on the path right of the arrows and go left to an intersection where you can go north to a Netdealer carrying some cool stuff, or west to another ramp. Go up this ramp, use the Teleporter, and then use the warp leading to the NetSquare Entrance. Enter the NetSquare, chat with a purple Navi, then go to Netopia 3 and beat the evil purple Navi for your passport! Jack-out, then talk with Jim again and give him the Guard * easily found by deleting Mettuar2s. Now exit the alley and go to the Jewelry Store in Netopia Town and talk with the rich **** near a man to face SnakeMan. You will get your Battlechips back for winning and a nice bonus prize. If you want, jack-in her purse and explore. Now sleep in the hotel. In the morning after reading the e-Mail head inside the castle and push north against the emblem on the wall to enter a really cool Headquarters. Talk to your entire fellow Netbattlers and after a long cut scene head forward and jack-in CastleComp1. In the CastleComps, you will have 3 things you will really want to avoid. There are Vampires which follow you around and suck 50HP, Bandits that steal your Zenny and always turn left (you can get your money back from a Mystery Data on a platform), and Zombies which don't check branch pathways but warp you to a spot. Anyway, in CastleComp1, go along the path, then east, then either way grab the 2 Mystery Data (CyberKey and 1000Z) then use the CyberKey on the pink gate. Continue on the road, then on the right-most path for another CyberKey, then west and north to get a Mystery Data (HPMemory). Backtrack, and follow the Zombie to activate the CyberKey and deactivate the trap. Jack-out, then head into the next room and jack-in CastleComp2. In CastleComp2 travel south and take the Mystery Data (Repair C). Backtrack, and follow the Zombie and Vampire. When you can, cut off the Zombie really fast and swipe the Mystery Data (CyberKey). Now head through the pink gate. Head north for a nice FullEnrg, backtrack, south and straight until a corner where you should go up, take the CyberKey, and follow the Bandit. Go left ASAP and take the Mystery Data (Sword S). Go east for your Zenny in a Mystery Data if the Bandit ever got you, then west for the trap switch. Jack-out and go through to CastleComp3. In CastleComp3, dodge the Bandit and take the nearby Mystery Data (SubMem), then follow the Bandit and steal the other Mystery Data (CyberKey). Go west and use the CyberKey, making sure to retrieve your Zenny if needed. Now head forward, east, then down and get the RegUp1. Now follow the Zombie/Bandit and go south for a CyberKey when you can. Backtrack, then make your way through for another Mystery Data (1200Z) and go west to deactivate the trap. Save, then go through the castle as Lan to Raoul and defeat ProtoMan. Then you will find out the Princess is actually working for Gospel, so go upstairs and jack-in. In CastleComp4, go south twice, then quickly straight and take the Mystery Data (CyberKey) and go back. Backtrack to your starting point and head north twice and grab the Mystery Data (LongSwrd L). Now go through the pink gate before the Vampire gets you. Now head north to the grave, east, then north, and then straight after the Bandit, then east and south for a SubChip (FullEnrg). Now after the Bandit goes straight evade him by going left, where you should now head west, south, east, south on the first road and snag the BugFrag. Now go east, north, west, and take the Mystery Data (CyberKey). Now really fast backtrack and go east. Take the nearby PowerUp then head up to the pink gate and go through the arrow to CastleComp5. This area is really confusing. I would save your game, then just try to get all the Mystery Data in here, including in this order the Recov120 U, then down all the way for the Invis2 Q, then up and all the way around for the CyberKey. Now go down through the pink gate making sure to save your game just in case, and delete KnightMan using the strategies in Section 9. After the long cut-scenes, buy gifts from the man in town, then go back to the Airport, fight Chaud's ProtoMan IF YOU WANT and make your way through the Airport to get on the plane for your next challenge... Scenario 6 (MagnetMan)- Battlechip:|Location: Repair L |Guy in Economy class of plane SilvFist E |Doctor in Business class of plane 800Z |AirComp1 3000Z |AirComp3 GrassLne N |AirComp3 900Z |AirComp4 LilBomb * |AirComp4 Barrier L |AirComp5 1800Z |AirComp5 1000Z |AirComp5 Recov120 S |AirComp5 RockCube * |AirComp1 2000Z |AirComp1 Spice2 N |AirComp1 1500Z |AirComp2 HiCannon E |AirComp2 500Z |AirComp2 Subchip: |Location: FullEnrg |AirComp3 Upgrade: |Location: BugFrag |Economy TV HPMemory |Search curtains in Business class on plane RegUp2 |AirComp4 HPMemory |AirComp4 RegUp1 |AirComp1 HPMemory |AirComp2 BugFrag |AirComp2 Key Item : |Location: Chopstck |Plane Thread |Plane PilotCap |Plane Whiskey |Plane Comments: This scenario is quite a stress-reliever. It is really fun. Nothing more to say here. Now you will be on a nice NAL airplane home. Talk to the guy next to you for a Repair L, and then go north and jack-in the television to snag some cool Mystery Data. Now you should head down to the Business class, talk to the guy in the green shirt for a Silvfist E, and then search the nearby curtains for an HPMemory. Now keep going down to enter the cockpit and then talk to the pilot. Once you control Lan again, speak with EVERYONE. Now after lunch go north and enter the bathroom. Go south to the Business class and talk to the bald man. Once you hear a scream coming from the bathroom area. Talk to the green-shirted man with the Silvfist E to have him do his stuff. Chat with the bald bug guy again, and now you must collect a Chopstick, Pilot-cap, Thread, and Whisky. Talk to the grandma in Economy class for the Chopstck, the flight attendant in the back for some Thread, the hat in the cockpit for the PilotCap, and use your free-styling skills on the rapper in First class for some Whiskey. Talk with the bald guy again, and after the scene the plane will be attacked. Jack-in the servers in the cockpit area. You will now be in AirComp1. Head south, take the blue field, forward, take the blue field, east, south, west, then north. Grab the Mystery Data (800Z). Now go south, take the blue field, now enter the Teleport. Take the path and enter the Teleport again into AirComp3. In AirComp3, go along the path, take the blue field south, east, south, east, take the red field. Take the Mystery Data (3000Z). Now travel west, take the blue field, south, take the right-most path, east, south, then forward to the Blue De-magnetizer, which you should activate. Now head west, then south. Snag the Mystery Data (FullEnrg). Go north, take the red field, west completely, take the red field, south, and east. Steal the Mystery Data (GrassLne R). Backtrack, use the path on the left, south, take the red field, then forward and activate the Red De-magnetizer. Now go north completely and west to fix the program. Go through the Teleports to AirComp4. In AirComp4, go downward, take the rightmost red field, south, east, north, take the Mystery Data (900Z). Head back south, take the blue field, then take the path to the Mystery Data (RegUp2). Backtrack all the way to the beginning of AirComp4. Now take the opposite direction through the blue field. Now go down for another Mystery Data (Lilbomb *, I would GospelDupe this so you can get an Ultrabomb * easier). Now go north, take the red field, then south but go west ASAP to a blue field which you should take. Now go along the road to the Red De-magnetizer. Now go up then right and take the HPMemory. Travel west, north, take the path on the right, now north to the Blue De-magnetizer. Backtrack to the starting point again, then go west then north and fix the program. Go through AirComp2 to AirComp5. In AirComp5, start by north then right. Snag the Mystery Data (Barrier L). Now take the red field to a nice 1800Z. Continue south, go on the western blank path then take the red field. Now head down the ramp, go east, then take the blue field farthest right. It will take you to the Blue De-magnetizer. Backtrack a little until you can take a middle path north. Now take the red field and go up the nearby ramp. Go east for the Red De-magnetizer! Travel north then east ALL the way to get another Mystery Data (1000Z). It's time to travel east, south, west twice, south, and west again to swipe a cool Mystery Data (Recov120 S). From here head east an south all the way to the starting point. Take the path of the program guy and go eat twice where you can fix the machine. Go through AirComp2 to AirComp1. In AirComp1, immediately travel north and take the red field to a Mystery Data (RockCube *). Take the nearby blue field, then go east, down the ramp, east, north, west, north, and west twice to a 2000Z. Now head south and take the red field where you should activate the Red De-magnetizer. Backtrack through the blue field, and go west. Head south ASAP then go west to the Blue De-Magnetizer. Backtrack to the area near the ramp and go on the west road. Head south, west, then south again for an Upgrade (RegUp1). Now go north to a Spice2 N. Continue south then west for the broken program. Take the warp to the lower AirComp2. In AirComp2, head south, take the blue field twice, west, take the blue field, get the BugFrag under the bridge. Continue north, take the red field, east ALL the way, then down for a Mystery Data (1500Z). Backtrack some and take the blue field that moves left. Then go east and activate the Blue De-magnetizer. Now go west completely and steal the Mystery Data (HPMemory). It's time to go back to the starting point by going east, north, west, south and west all the way and north again. Now take the red field on the left, take another red field, east, south, 2nd path from the left, south, east, up and take the Mystery Data (HiCannon E). Backtrack south just a little and go east, take the red field, head west, take a red field again, and activate the Red De- magnetizer. Now go south and west to get 500Z, and go west completely, north, west, south, then west where there is a green program man. Save your game, then go north some and face MagnetMan. See Section 9 for solutions. After the incident, head through the Airport to ACDC Town and deliver Mayl, Dex, and Yai their Souvenirs. Now sleep in your bed. Scenario 7 (FreezeMan)- Battlechip:|Location: Roll3 R |E-Mail AntiRecv D |The 'Doc' Navi Subchip: |Location: N/A |N/A Upgrade: |Location: BugFrag |Yumland 2 HPMemory |Undernet 2 BugFrag |Undernet 3 Key Item: |Location: FreePass |E-Mail RedFrag |Koto Area 1 Navi RedCure |Dr. Hikari ONBA Code |Man in Netopia Castle HeatData |Okuden Campground Grill YeloCure |The 'Doc' Navi BluFrag A |Netopia 2 Navi BluFrag B |Evil Navi after deletion GateKeyD |Netsquare's Keymaker GospelID |Evil Navi after deletion Comments: This is the most annoying scenario in the game, as well as the most unoriginal. Instead of fighting your way through a nice level you will be straining yourself across the Net. After opening your 2 e-mails and getting the FreePass, jack-in your computer and head to Yumland. Break the ice by pressing A on it, but for now you can only break the white ones. Once you find out Yumland is inaccessible, speak with the Navi in the upper Den Area 2 and go through to the Koto Area. Search around Koto Area and break some white ice blocking a trapped Navi. Talk to the Navi for a RedFrag. Talk to Dr. Hikari at Marine Harbor to get the RedCure. Now you can break red ice! Head to Netopia Castle and talk to the man in HQ for the ONBA Code. Jack- in somewhere and break the red ice surrounding Yumland. Make your way through Yumland to Yumland 2, and go east twice, north, take the BugFrag under the ramp, keep on going north, west twice, and finally south. Break the nearby red ice and chat with Roll. Go to the Square, read the messages about Doc, and open the e-mail containing your very own Roll3 chip. Get to the NetSq. Entrance through Den Area 3 using the ONBA Code. In Netopia 1 go east on the arrows and use the GsplCode on the Security Cube to the west. Now go down the ramp, up the other ramp, down another ramp, east, west, up to the sign, and finally south to Netopia 2. In Netopia 2, start by going south, east to a sign, up the ramp, down another ramp, east, west, north to a sign, west, up the ramp, east, use the Teleport, then go through to the NetSq. Entrance. Take the warp to Netopia 3. In Netopia 3, keep going until you see lots of arrow paths. Take the 2nd to last one for the correct Teleport. Now head north, west, up the ramp, through the arrow path farthest west, after that go east, south, take the Teleport, go down the ramp, travel west, then east, Teleport, and take the walkway to Undernet 1. In Undernet 1, take the ramp past the arrow paths, and go east, south, east (taking the arrow), go along the path, Teleport, south, east, up the ramp, and to Undernet 2. In Undernet 2, head up the ramp, and use the path on the far east for a Mystery Data (HPMemory). Backtrack and take the other ramp, go up then down another ramp, take the arrow path east twice, down the ramp, travel south, east, north, east, take the Teleport, and go east and warp to the UnderSq. Ent. Use the eastern warp to enter the UnderSquare, and pay lots of Zenny to the 2nd Navi you see. You will be directed to the NetSquare. Backtrack to the NetSquare, and talk to the Navi who jumps like a schoolgirl and says something about another Navi buying some chips. Go to Netopia 2. In Netopia 2, just head to the Netdealer. Talk to the nearby Navi who wants a ZapRing2 B. S-rank a TuffBunny for one, give it to him, then get the Keyword and head back to the UnderSquare. Go the Boards, and examine the Info Board, where you will post automatically. Now go to the UnderSquare Netdealers and talk to the orange Navi who is the Doc. Answer yes when he asks for all your cheap computer stuff, then he will give it back, give you an AntiRecv D, and tell you to get HeatData. Jack-in the grill at Okuden, talk to the program there, then talk to another program in Yumland 2 behind some ice, and finally talk to the program again in the grill for the HeatData. Go back to the Doc, give him the HeatData, receive the YeloCure, and head to Netopia 2. In Netopia 2, save a Navi behind some yellow ice, then go to Undernet 3, follow the path, and speak with a Navi at the top who is the Keymaker. Now head back and talk to the brother in Netopia 2. The brother will hand over BluFragA, take it and head back to Undernet 3 again, where a punk Navi will make fun of you, and you will get some e-mail from Chaud. Now go to the NetSquare, talk to the Keymaker, receive GateKeyD, and go to Den Area 1. Activate the key on the warp, and use another warp to get in UnderKoto. In UnderKoto, go down the ramp, take the arrow path going east ASAP, get to the Mystery Data, open it if you want, take the arrow path going south, then take the arrow paths west, north, get the Mystery Data, west, south, east to the platform, east, north, east, and go in Undernet 3. In Undernet 3, take the road, head south, take the path again but go east ASAP, open the Security Cube, get the BugFrag, backtrack slightly, and continue south, then east, and battle the Navi's viruses. After winning, you will get the BluFragB, GospelID, and some e-mail. Now go to KotoSquare, use the GospelID on the firewall, go into the door, break some yellow ice, and save your game right before FreezeMan. Section 9 has some tips for this bad boy. After winning and saving the Net once again, jack-out, talk to the mom, and sleep. Scenario 8 (Gospel)- Battlechip:|Location: Recov150 T |ApartComp1 3000Z |ApartComp2 HiCannon * |ApartComp2 1200Z |ApartComp1 2000Z |ApartComp3 2000Z |ApartComp4 Recov150 T |GospServer1 10000Z |GospServer1 Subchip: |Location: FullEnerg |ApartComp4 Upgrade: |Location: RegUp3 |VendingMachine BugFrag |Autolock HPMemory |ApartComp2 RegUp1 |ApartComp1 PowerUp |ApartComp3 BugFrag |ApartComp3 HPMemory |In the Apartment building, 9th floor, door on left RegUp1 |GospServer1 Key Item: |Location: MagSuit |Lan's Dad KotoPass |Lan's Dad ElBit082 |ApartComp2 ElBit232 |ApartComp3 ElBitEV |ApartComp1 ElBit243 |ApartComp3 ElBit253 |ApartComp4 ElBit042 |ApartComp4 ElBit271 |ApartComp2 ElBit093 |ApartComp2 ElBit201 |ApartComp3 Comments: Well, this is it. You will soon face the true evil of this game, and see one of the coolest credits ever invented. You will also go through the most annoying boss level ever. Also, since this is one of the hardest scenarios in the game, I suggest you try to improve your folder as much as possible. To start off, you will get an e-mail to re-investigate KotoSquare. Just go back there, and talk to the Navis in the little cave where you beat FreezeMan. After that really cool cut-scene, jack-out, and speak with your father at Marine Harbor for a MagSuit and KotoPass. Use the KotoPass in the Metroline, witness another cut-scene, and go north and east to a Vending Machine by the store. Jack-in for a RegUp3. Jack-out, and continue inside the large apartment building. Try to use the elevator, and after your friends pop out, go south a little and jack-in the Autolock to get a BugFrag. Now use the elevator to get on the 2nd floor, then enter a room and jack-in the ApartComps. In ApartComp1, head north all the way and enter the warp. Go along the path and take the Mystery Data (Recov150 T). Warp back, and take the western warp to ApartComp2. Go north all the way to get an HPMemory, then head south all the way to a ElBit082. Now take it, and fix the warp. Re-enter it, then from this new part, travel south, west, north, and east to enter another bad warp. Warp, then head north, west, and north to the ElBit232. Fix the warp, and re- enter it again. Now go east, south, and west for a RegUp1. Take the warp again, and go up to ApartComp2. In ApartComp2, just go north twice then east and warp. After that, just go around to another warp. Here, go north for a Mystery Data (3000Z), and south, east, and north to another Mystery Data (HiCannon *). Warp out of this part, and continue west, north, and east to a bad warp, which will take you to ApartComp1. Go all the way up and swipe a Mystery Data (1200Z), then go west, south, and east to another warp. Just go west, south, and west again to get the ElBitEV. Use the warp out, then head south and warp again, and just go up and around to ApartComp3. In ApartComp3, simply go north to the warp. Now go south, warp, east, warp, west, south, take ElBit243, and warp back. Head west and fix the warp. Now re- enter the warp and go back through it again to the correct location. Here just go south and north to the ElBit253. Warp back, and fix the other warp. Re- enter it, and take the ElBit042, and the Mystery Data (2000Z). Re-warp, and then take the other bad warp, south, warp, south, and warp. Get back south and around to ApartComp2 again. Now go south and around and use the warp, north, and fix the warp. Re-enter the fixed warp, and travel west, north, east, south, and west to the ElBit271. Backtrack through the warp again, and go west, south all the way to the warp, west, south, and east/north to ApartComp3 again. Now just go north, warp, north again, warp, east, north, warp, fix the warp, re-enter it, west, and get the ElBit093. Now just backtrack through the warp, fix it, re-warp, west and south for a useful PowerUp, then finally north to ApartComp4. In ApartComp4, go north and warp like always, after that go south, east and north to a useful FullEnrg, then head south and warp. After being blown, take the nearby BugFrag, and use the other warp. Get the ElBit201, use it to fix the warp, enter it correctly, save your game, and face some Gospel minions. Finally, insert the ElbitEV into the program, and jack-out. Use the elevator and go to the 9th floor, head west all the way, and press A on the curtains to get an HPMemory. Then head to the top floor, and enter the room to see a rather funny scene, and jack-in the GospelServer. In GospServer1, travel north, west, north, west, up the ramp, and east for a Mystery Data (AreaGrab *, I would save this so you can GospDupe it). Back track to the start of the area, east, north, west, north, and east to get a RegUp1. Then head back west and south, up the ramp, north, west, north, east, steal the Mystery Data (Recov150 T), west, south, east all the way, north, down the ramp, and follow the path west. Save your game, and face more Gospel minions. Jack-out, and be absolutely sure to save, for it is your last chance to do so. Now just go into the next room, and follow the path around and beat fake Bass and Gospel (see Section 9 for details!). Watch the credits and be merry. Congratulations! Now take on the WWW Areas. ______________________________________________________________________________ 5) WWW AREAS/GREEN STAR: To enter the WWW Areas, go to Undernet 4, and in the center go up north to the gate. As long as you have the StarID (have beaten Gospel) you will be able to get past it and enter the Wormhole to WWW Area 1. In here, the Mystery Datas are very easy to find and are not worth mentioning them. CHECK THE FAQ SECTION TO FIND OUT HOW TO BEAT PROTECTOS AND FIND ARMYDATA! WWW Area 1- Items: BugFrag, LavaStge Start by heading east, north, west, north twice and go the gate. Open it by being at least Level 70. Then go north a little and face PharoahMan. Beat him and go on to WWW Area 2. WWW Area 2- Items: OldWood W, FullEnrg Now head south on the arrow path, east, take the center arrow path, then go west as soon as you have to, then take the arrow path east, and get to the gate. Pass it by having all v3 Navi chips in your Sack except for the Secret Navis. Go north and delete NapalMan, and go north again to WWW Area 3. WWW Area 3- Items: AntiNavi X, SubMem, BugFrag, Navi+40 *, GrassStge H It's time to travel south, west all the way, down the ramp, go through the little walkway taking all the Mystery Data, go up the ramp to a HUGE ramp, go up that ramp, head west at the top to a path which you should take (still grabbing those Mystery Datas!) to a warp and another gate. Have a library above 200 chips to break it and tackle PlanetMan. Now try to leave the WWW Areas all-together, but when you try to exit WWW Area 1, Bass will appear and fight you for a Bass F chip! Come back to WWW Area 3 when you have a library of 247/250 chips and face BassDelux randomly! ______________________________________________________________________________ 6) BATTLECHIPS GUIDE/RED STAR: List- Number Name: Attribute|Codes Attack Power/Capacity-Description #001 Cannon: None|ABCDE 040/16-A forward shot #002 HiCannon: None|CDEFG 060/24-A forward shot #003 M-Cannon: None|EFGHI 080/32-A forward shot #004 Shotgun: None|BFHJN 030/04-Attacks 2 enemies behind each other #005 V-Gun: None|AFGLP 030/08-Attacks 1 enemy and 2 diagonal-back #006 CrossGun: None|HJMQS 030/08-Attacks an enemy and 4 diagonally #007 Spreader: None|MNOPQ 030/20-Attacks an enemy and all around it #008 Bubbler: Aqua|BGHPR 040/12-Attacks 2 enemies behind each other #009 Bub-V: Aqua|CDJNS 040/16-Attacks 1 enemy and 2 diagonal-back #010 BubCross: Aqua|KOPTV 040/20-Attacks an enemy and 4 diagonally #011 BubSprd: Aqua|EFILM 040/32-Attacks an enemy and all around it #012 HeatShot: Fire|BGHPR 050/14-Attacks 2 enemies behind each other #013 Heat-V: Fire|CDJNS 050/18-Attacks 1 enemy and 2 diagonal-back #014 HeatCros: Fire|KOPTV 050/22-Attacks an enemy and 4 diagonally #015 HeatSprd: Fire|EFILM 050/36-Attacks an enemy and all around it #016 MiniBomb: None|BEGLO 050/08-Throw a single shot 3 panels ahead #017 LilBomb: None|FJOQT 050/12-Throw a 3x1 shot 3 panels ahead #018 CrosBomb: None|DJOQT 060/16-Throw a cross shot 3 panels ahead #019 BigBomb: None|OQTVY 070/32-Throw a 3x3 shot 3 panels ahead #020 TreeBom1: Wood|BGHPR 100/10-Hit with an Aqua attack to make spikes #021 TreeBom2: Wood|CDJNS 120/15-Hit with an Aqua attack to make spikes #022 TreeBom3: Wood|KOPTV 150/20-Hit with an Aqua attack to make spikes #023 Sword: None|AKLSY 080/12-Cuts panel in front of you #024 WideSwrd: None|ACLQY 080/16-Cuts column in front of you #025 LongSwrd: None|AILOY 080/22-Cuts front 2 panels #026 FireSwrd: Fire|FHNRU 100/24-Cuts column in front of you #027 AquaSwrd: Aqua|AHNRW 100/26-Cuts column in front of you #028 ElecSwrd: Elec|EHNRV 100/28-Cuts column in front of you #029 FireBlde: Fire|FHPRZ 090/32-Cuts front 2 panels #030 AquaBlde: Aqua|AFJRZ 090/32-Cuts front 2 panels #031 ElecBlde: Elec|EFMNR 090/32-Cuts front 2 panels #032 StepSwrd: None|DHMQU 150/54-Cuts column 3 panels ahead #033 Kunai1: None|EILPS 040/48-1 blades on a column #034 Kunai2: None|DFJQR 040/64-2 blades on a column #035 Kunai3: None|CGHKN 040/78-3 blades on a column #036 CustSwrd: None|BGKQT ???/68-Damage based on Custom Gauge #037 Murumasa: None|NOTUW ???/88-Max HP-Current HP=Damage #038 VarSword: None|BLNTZ 160/40-Button combos=different attacks #039 Slasher: None|ADHLQ 180/24-Hold down A to automatically slash #040 Shockwav: None|HJLRU 040/10-Hits entire row, empty panels block it #041 Sonicwav: None|EIMSW 060/30-Hits entire row, empty panels block it #042 Dynawav: None|GNQTV 090/50-Hits entire row, empty panels block it #043 Quake1: None|AMPQW 090/16-Cracks panel 3 panels ahead #044 Quake2: None|BGNQW 110/32-Cracks panel 3 panels ahead by 1x3 #045 Quake3: None|CEOQW 130/64-Cracks panel 3 panels ahead in a cross #046 GutPunch: None|BDHKN 070/08-Punches things 1 panel back #047 ColdPnch: Aqua|BDLPS 070/08-Punches things 1 panel back #048 DashAtk: None|BDGJL 090/12-Hits entire row, obstacles block it #049 Wrecker: None|OQSUW 080/16-Breaks 3rd panel ahead #050 CannBall: None|OPQRS 150/22-Breaks 3rd panel ahead #051 DoubNdl: None|ACFIJ 50x/18-2 volleys of needles down a row #052 TripNdl: None|CIMTV 50x/24-3 volleys of needles down a row #053 QuadNdl: None|CHIPU 50x/30-4 volleys of needles down a row #054 Trident: None|CHIPU 60x/30-3 volleys of spears down a row #055 Ratton1: None|HIJKL 070/26-A ground homing rat #056 Ratton2: None|JKLMN 080/32-A ground homing rat #057 Ratton3: None|LMNOP 090/38-A ground homing rat #058 FireRat: None|BFGHR 200/30-Hit with a Fire attack to activate #059 Tornado: None|EJLMQ 20x/22-An 8-hit tornado with a range of 2 #060 Twister: Wood|NOTUY 20x/22-An 8-hit tornado with a range of 2 #061 Blower: Fire|PRTWZ 20x/22-An 8-hit tornado with a range of 2 #062 Burner: Fire|ABFLS 150/28-Sorround yourself with fire #063 ZapRing1: Elec|AMPQW 020/12-Shoot a stunning ring down the row #064 ZapRing2: Elec|BGNRS 030/16-Shoot a stunning ring down the row #065 ZapRing3: Elec|CEOTZ 040/20-Shoot a stunning ring down the row #066 Satelit1: Elec|GOQUW 060/20-Fire a moving sattelite, rocks block #067 Satelit2: Elec|HJKPR 080/24-Fire a moving sattelite, rocks block #068 Satelit3: Elec|LSTYZ 100/28-Fire a moving sattelite, rocks block #069 Spice1: Wood|ACGQT 100/14-Poison is on all grass #070 Spice2: Wood|BEHJN 120/28-Poison is on all grass #071 Spice3: Wood|DKMPQ 140/42-Poison is on all grass #072 Magbomb1: Elec|FGJMN 080/10-Throw a stunning bomb 3 panels ahead #073 Magbomb2: Elec|BDIRT 100/14-Throw a stunning bomb 3 panels ahead #074 Magbomb3: Elec|HKOQS 120/18-Throw a stunning bomb 3 panels ahead #075 Yo-Yo1: None|CERTV 040/36-A 3 panel yo-yo that blocks projectiles #076 Yo-Yo2: None|AGJKN 050/40-A 3 panel yo-yo that blocks projectiles #077 Yo-Yo3: None|DIMSY 060/44-A 3 panel yo-yo that blocks projectiles #078 CrsShld1: None|AOPSZ 130/18-Block an attack then attack #079 CrsShld2: None|AOPTV 170/24-Block an attack then attack #080 CrsShld3: None|AOPUW 210/32-Block an attack then attack #081 Hammer: None|RTUVZ 100/24-Hammer the enemy in front of you #082 ZuesHamr: None|JKOVZ 200/70-Damage to EVERYONE if used on a panel #083 Lance: Wood|OPTVY 090/20-Hits back column only #084 BrnzFist: None|BNORS 100/18-See FAQ section for combos #085 SilvFist: None|EILSV 140/30-See FAQ section for combos #086 GoldFist: None|DGLOZ 180/60-See FAQ section for combos #087 PoisMask: None|DSUWZ ???/24-Spread poison on a panel #088 PoisFace: None|PQUWY ???/30-Spread poison on all panels #089 WhirlPl: None|ACEGI 000/20-Kills weak eniemies #090 BlckHole: None|BDFHJ 000/30-Kills weak eniemies #091 Meteor9: Fire|CELSV 60x/12-Rain down 9 meteors #092 Meteor12: Fire|ACFJW 80x/24-Rain down 12 meteors #093 Meteor15: Fire|DGHRZ 100x/48-Rain down 15 meteors #094 Meteor18: Fire|BGIKO 150x/60-Rain down 18 meteors #095 TimeBom1: None|CGKMZ 170/32-Destroyable bomb gets to 0, damage #096 TimeBom2: None|FGKOZ 120/48-Destroyable bomb gets to 0, damage #097 TimeBom3: None|EGKPZ 200/64-Destroyable bomb gets to 0, damage #098 LilCloud: Aqua|CGIKN 070/16-Raincloud over enemy column #099 MedCloud: Aqua|DHJLO 090/24-Raincloud over enemy column #100 BigCloud: Aqua|QRTVW 110/32-Raincloud over enemy column #101 Mine: None|LNRSV 300/12-1 random panel is a mine #102 FrntSnsr: None|HMQRT 100/14-Step in direction of arrow, damage #103 DblSnsr: None|EJPWY 100/14-Step in direction of arrows, damage #104 Remobit1: Elec|EGJKN 080/08-Destroyable Remobit removes panels #105 Remobit2: Elec|BFIRU 080/16-Destroyable Remobit removes panels #106 Remobit3: Elec|ALMTY 080/32-Destroyable Remobit removes panels #107 AquaBall: Aqua|ABQTW 10+/20-Attack balloon to raise damage #108 ElecBall: Elec|EHJKV 10+/20-Attack balloon to raise damage #109 HeatBall: Fire|CFRSU 10+/20-Attack balloon to raise damage #110 Geyser: Aqua|ABDLS 200/40-Throw onto empty panel #111 LavaDrag: Fire|FGORY 200/60-Press A in front of empty panel #112 GodStone: None|EILQU 150x/60-Press A in front of empty panel #113 OldWood: Wood|CMSTW 100+/60-Press A in front of empty panel #114 Guard: None|* ???/02-Block an attack then return it #115 PanlOut1: None|ABDLS 000/04-Destroys 1 panel in front of you #116 PanlOut3: None|CENRY 000/08-Destroys column in front of you #117 LineOut: Fire|FHJQY 040/24-Destroys row in front of you #118 Catcher: None|FIJNT 000/24-Steal a Battlechip from foe #119 MindBndr: None|DIMNT 000/38-Enemy moves erratically #120 Recov10: None|ACEGL 000/02-Recover 10HP #121 Recov30: None|BDFHM 000/04-Recover 30HP #122 Recov50: None|CEGIN 000/08-Recover 50HP #123 Recov80: None|DFHJO 000/16-Recover 80HP #124 Recov120: None|OQSUW 000/32-Recover 120HP #125 Recov150: None|NPRTV 000/48-Recover 150HP #126 Recov200: None|MNUVW 000/64-Recover 200HP #127 Recov300: None|ORVWZ 000/80-Recover 300HP #128 PanlGrab: None|BHKLP 000/04-Steal an enemy panel #129 AreaGrab: None|ELRSZ 000/08-Steal an enemy column #130 GrabRvng: None|ALPSW 000/24-Attacks enemy for stealing panels #131 Geddon1: None|CKLQS 000/16-Cracks entire battlefield #132 Geddon2: None|JMRTZ 000/32-Erases entire battlefield #133 Geddon3: None|EJNPY 000/48-Makes all panels poison #134 Escape: None|FHJLN 000/64-Get out of battle #135 AirShoes: None|AJOVZ 000/12-Empty panels do not affect you #136 Repair: None|ACELP 000/08-Your panels return to original state #137 Candle1: None|CFIMV 000/50-Destroyable candle heals you #138 Candle2: None|AGJLT 000/60-Destroyable candle heals you #139 Candle3: None|BEHNW 000/70-Destroyable candle heals you #140 RockCube: None|BDGMV 000/16-Destroyable cube in front of you #141 Prism: None|BCLNQ 000/24-Attacks on it turn into 3x3 shots #142 Guardian: None|OPUVZ 000/54-Damages whoever hits it #143 Wind: None|GJOQT 000/10-Destroyable WindBox blows enemy back #144 Fan: None|AGLNY 000/10-Destroyable VacuumFan sucks enemy in #145 Anubis: None|HKMUW ???/90-Destroyable statue sucks enemy HP #146 SloGauge: None|* 000/10-Slows down CustumGauge for entire battle #147 FstGauge: None|* 000/10-Speeds up CustumGauge for entire battle #148 FullCust: None|* 000/10-CustumGauge full for one turn #149 Invis1: None|AFLRU 000/12-Temporarily invincible #150 Invis2: None|BHMQV 000/24-Temporarily invincible #151 Invis3: None|CGKPW 000/48-Temporarily invincible #152 Dropdown: None|ACFQS 000/64-Invincible until you attack #153 PopUp: None|DIJTW 000/84-Invincible except when you use a chip #154 StoneBod: None|CESTW 000/64-Only take 1HP damage and can't move #155 Shadow1: None|BGHLR 000/32-Only sharp objects hurt you #156 Shadow2: None|DEJMT 000/48-Only sharp objects hurt you #157 Shadow3: None|CFKNV 000/64-Only sharp objects hurt you #158 UnderSht: None|HJNRW 000/18-Fatal hit turns your HP to 1 #159 Barrier: None|BELST 000/08-Protects you from damage once #160 BublWrap: Aqua|IJQRW 000/36-Regenerating Barrier #161 LeafShld: Wood|ADRSW 000/26-Next hit you take recovers your HP #162 AquaAura: Aqua|AWIMQ 000/30-Nulls non-Elec damage under 10 #163 FireAura: Fire|BFJNR 000/36-Nulls non-Aqua damage under 40 #164 WoodAura: Wood|CGJOS 000/42-Nulls non-Fire damage under 80 #165 ElecAura: Elec|DHLPT 000/48-Nulls non-Wood damage under 100 #166 LifAura1: None|BGIOQ 000/60-Nulls all damage under 100 #167 LifAura2: None|DFJNR 000/70-Nulls all damage under 150 #168 LifAura3: None|EHKMT 000/80-Nulls all damage under 200 #169 MagLine: None|AEIMQ 000/24-Changes a row to Magnet panels #170 LavaLine: None|AFJMR 000/24-Changes a row to Lava panels #171 IceLine: None|BEJNQ 000/24-Changes a row to Ice panels #172 GrasLine: None|BFINR 000/24-Changes a row to Grass panels #173 LavaStge: None|DHMUV 000/64-Changes battlefield to Lava panels #174 IceStage: None|ACEIS 000/64-Changes battlefield to Ice panels #175 GrasStge: None|BDHPR 000/64-Changes battlefield to Grass panels #176 HolyPanl: None|CEHLR 000/64-Panel in front of you turns Holy #177 Jealousy: None|EJORU 50x/22-50 damage for each chip foe is holding #178 AntiFire: Fire|FKLPT 000/32-Damage enemy if he uses Fire chips #179 AntiElec: Elec|EHNUY 000/32-Damage enemy if he uses Elec chips #180 AntiWatr: Aqua|ADQWZ 000/32-Damage enemy if he uses Aqua chips #181 AntiDmg: None|CJMRS 000/32-Damage enemy if he hits you #182 AntiSwrd: None|DHIMT 000/32-Damage enemy if he uses Sword chips #183 AntiNavi: None|KLOTX 000/32-Take the Navi chip foe is using #184 AntiRecv: None|BDMPW 000/32-Damage enemy if he uses Recov chips #185 Atk+10: None|* 000/04-+10 Attack to chip(use Multi-Hit chips!) #186 Atk+20: None|* 000/20-+20 Attack to chip(use Multi-Hit chips!) #187 Atk+30: None|* 000/38-+30 Attack to chip(use Multi-Hit chips!) #188 Fire+40: None|* 000/12-+40 Attack to Fire chip(use Multi-Hit chips!) #189 Aqua+40: None|* 000/12-+40 Attack to Aqua chip(use Multi-Hit chips!) #190 Wood+40: None|* 000/12-+40 Attack to Elec chip(use Multi-Hit chips!) #191 Elec+40: None|* 000/12-+40 Attack to Elec chip(use Multi-Hit chips!) #192 Navi+20: None|* 000/24-+20 Attack to Navi chip(use Multi-Hit chips!) #193 Navi+40: None|* 000/42-+40 Attack to Navi chip(use Multi-Hit chips!) #194 Roll: None|R 060/08-Roll attacks 1 enemy and heals you #195 Roll2: None|R 080/24-Roll attacks 1 enemy and heals you #196 Roll3: None|R 100/48-Roll attack 1 enemy and heals you #197 GutsMan: None|G 050/32-GutsMan cracks panels #198 GutsMan2: None|G 070/48-GutsMan cracks panels #199 GutsMan3: None|G 090/64-GutsMan cracks panels #200 ProtoMan: None|B 120/52-ProtoMan uses sword on every foe #201 ProtoMn2: None|B 160/64-ProtoMan uses sword on every foe #202 ProtoMn3: None|B 200/72-ProtoMan uses sword on every foe #203 AirMan: None|A 040/16-AirMan shoots twisters on every row #204 AirMan2: None|A 070/34-AirMan shoots twisters on every row #205 AirMan3: None|A 100/52-AirMan shoots twisters on every row #206 QuickMan: None|Q 50x/32-QuickMan throws boomerang across row #207 QuickMn2: None|Q 70x/56-QuickMan throws boomerang across row #208 QuickMn3: None|Q 100x/80-QuickMan throws boomerang across row #209 CutMan: None|C 150/20-CutMan attacks 1 panel in front of him #210 CutMan2: None|C 200/50-CutMan attacks 1 panel in front of him #211 CutMan3: None|C 300/80-CutMan attacks 1 panel in front of him #212 ShadoMan: None|S 60x/64-ShadoMan throws 3 hurikens at foes #213 ShadoMn2: None|S 70x/80-ShadoMan throws 3 shurikens at foes #214 ShadoMn3: None|S 80x/96-ShadoMan throws 3 shurikens at foes #215 KnightMn: None|K 160/64-KnightMan messes up enemy's movement #216 KnghtMn2: None|K 210/80-KnightMan messes up enemy's movement #217 KnghtMn3: None|K 260/96-KnightMan messes up enemy's movement #218 MagnetMn: Elec|M 130x/48-2 MagnetMans smash 1 enemy #219 MagntMn2: Elec|M 140x/64-2 MagnetMans smash 1 enemy #220 MagntMn3: Elec|M 150x/80-2 MagnetMans smash 1 enemy #221 FreezeMn: Aqua|F 50x/64-FreezeMan drops ice on random panels #222 FrzMan2: Aqua|F 60x/80-FreezeMan drops ice on random panels #223 FrzMan3: Aqua|F 70x/96-FreezeMan drops ice on random panels #224 HeatMan: Fire|H 100/64-HeatMan fires in a 3-panel radius #225 HeatMan2: Fire|H 130/80-HeatMan fires in a 3-panel radius #226 HeatMan3: Fire|H 160/96-HeatMan fires in a 3-panel radius #227 ToadMan: Elec|T 100/28-ToadMan paralyzes 1 adversary #228 ToadMan2: Elec|T 140/48-ToadMan paralyzes 1 adversary #229 ToadMan3: Elec|T 180/68-ToadMan paralyzes 1 adversary #230 ThunMan: Elec|T 080/30-ThunMan attacks column 2 panels ahead #231 ThunMan2: Elec|T 130/60-ThunMan attacks column 2 panels ahead #232 ThunMan3: Elec|T 180/90-ThunMan attacks column 2 panels ahead #233 SnakeMan: Wood|S 30x/25-Use with holes for more damage #234 SnakeMn2: Wood|S 40x/50-Use with holes for more damage #235 SnakeMn3: Wood|S 50x/75-Use with holes for more damage #236 GateMan: None|G 40x/24-GateMan shoots 3 soldiers forward #237 GateMan2: None|G 40x/40-GateMan shoots 4 soldiers forward #238 GateMan3: None|G 40x/56-GateMan shoots 5 soldiers forward #239 PharoMan: None|P 240/32-PharoMan uses a variety of attacks #240 PharoMn2: None|P 270/48-PharoMan uses a variety of attacks #241 PharoMn3: None|P 300/64-PharoMan uses a variety of attacks #242 NapalmMn: Fire|N 220/48-NapalMan bombs random panels #243 NapalMn2: Fire|N 240/64-NapalMan bombs random panels #244 NapalMn3: Fire|N 260/80-NapalMan bombs random panels #245 PlanetMn: Wood|P 70x/64-Up to 4 planets crush 1 enemy #246 PlnetMn2: Wood|P 80x/80-Up to 4 planets crush 1 enemy #247 PlnetMn3: Wood|P 90x/96-Up to 4 planets crush 1 enemy #248 Bass: None|F 50x/96-Attacks random panels multiple times #249 Bass2: None|F 60x/96-Attacks random panels multiple times #250 Bass3: None|X 70x/96-Attacks random panels multiple times Locations (By Rezzman)- #001 Cannon | Obtained from deleting Canodumb, found in Den Area 1. #002 HiCannon | Obtained from deleting Canodumb2, Found in the Airplane Computer. Also Found in Airplane Computer Area 2 in a BMD. Also found in Kotobuki Apartment Area 1 in a BMD. #003 M-Cannon | Found in a GMD in Undernet Area 3. Obtained from deleting Canodumb3, Found in Kotobuki's apartment server, 1st floor. #004 ShotGun | Bought from the Den Area 1 Netdealer. #005 V-Gun | Obtained from a GMD in Den Area 2. #006 CrossGun | Obtained from a BMD in Den Area 2. #007 Spreader | Bought from the NetDealer in Upper Den Area 3. Also found in a GMD in Den Area 3. #008 Bubbler | Obtained from deleting Shrimpy, found in mother computer. Also found in Ribbita's van. #009 Bub-V | Obtained from deleting Shrimpy2, found in NetCastle's trap systems. #010 BubCross | Obtained from deleting Shrimpy3, found in Undernet Area 1, 2 and 3. #011 BubSprd | Obtained from deleting Puffy, found in Undernet Area 7. #012 HeatShot | Obtained from deleting Sp|key, found in Okuden Valley bomb detonators. #013 Heat-V | Obtained from deleting Spikey2, found at Netopia's Duty-Free shop. #014 HeatCros | Obtained from deleting Spikey3, found in vending machine outside Kotobuki Apartments. #015 HeatSprd | Obtained from deleting Buffy, found in Undernet Area 5. #016 MiniBomb | Obtained from deleting Beetank, found in the second part of Yai's heater program. Also Obtained from a GMD in DenArea1-2. #017 LilBomb | Found in Airplane Area 4 in a BMD. Obtained from deleting Beetank, found in the second part of Yai's heater program. #018 CrosBomb | Obtained from deleting Beetank2, found in Netopia Area 2 and 3. #019 BigBomb | Obtained from a GMD in WWW Area 1. Also Obtained from deleting BeeTank3, found in Undernet Area 4 and 6. #020 TreeBom1 | Obtained from deleting KillPlant, found in MotherComp2 #021 TreeBom2 | Obtained from deleting KillWeed, found in UnderKoto. #022 TreeBom3 | Obtained from deleting KillFleur, found in Undernet Area 5. #023 Sword | Obtained from a GMD in Undernet Area 1. Also Obtained from a GMD in Den Area 1, 2 and 3. #024 WideSwrd | Obtained in a GMD in Undernet Area 1. Also Obtained by deleting Swordy, found in KotoArea.(BustIng level of 7-8) Also found in a GMD in Den Area 3. #025 LongSwrd | Obtained from a KotoArea BMD. Aslo Obtained from a GMD in Undernet Area 1. Also Obtained by deleting Swordy, found in KotoArea.(Busting level of 9+). #026 FireSwrd | Obtained from deleting Swordy2, found in KotoArea. #027 AquaSwrd | Obtained from deleting Swordy3, found in MotherComp1. Also found in NetCastle Comp Area 4. #028 ElecSwrd | Obtained from a GMD in UnderKoto. #029 FireBlde | Bought from KotoSquare's Netdealer. Also Obtained from a GMD in WWW Area 1. #030 AquaBlde | Bought Under Koto's Netdealer. Also Obtained from a GMD in WWW Area 1. #031 ElecBlde | Obtained from a GMD in UnderKoto. Also Obtained from a GMD in WWW Area 1. Also bought form Undernet Area 1's Netdealer. #032 StepSword | Obtained from a GMD in UnderNet Area 1. Also Obtained by CompletIng the job "Please help". #033 Kunai1 | Obtained by deleting Snapper, found in the third apartment server. #034 Kunai2 | Obtained by deleting Snapper2, found in UnderNet 5. #035 Kunai3 | Obtained by deleting Snapper3, found in WWW Area 3. #036 CustSwrd | Bought from NumberMan Netdealer. #037 Muramasa | Found by deleting Shadowman V3, found in Undernet Area 5. #038 VarSwrd | Obtained in a GMD in UnderNet 7. Also Obtained by trading the boy at the Marine Harbor station a Poismask S. #039 Slasher | Obtained by Completing the job "Chip please!" #040 Shockwav | Obtained by deleting Mettaur, found in Den Area 1-3. #041 Sonicwav | Obtained by deleting Mettaur2, found in Yumland Area 1 and 2. Also Obtained by deleting Mettaur2, found in the Freezer in Netopia Hotel. #042 Dynawav | Found in a GMD in UnderNet Area 4. Also found in a GMD in UnderKoto. Also Obtained by deleting Mettaur3, found in Kotobuki's Apartment buildings 1st floor Auto-lock. #043 Quake1 | Obtained by deleting Flappy, found in Den Area 2 and 3. #044 Quake2 | Obtained in a GMD in UnderKoto. Also Obtained by deleting Flappy2, found in the Freezer in the hotel room at Netopia. #045 Quake3 | Obtained by deleting Flappy3, found in UnderNet Area 1 and 2. #046 GutPunch | Obtained by deleting GutsMan (BustIng level of 5+) #047 ColdPnch | Bought from Yumland Area 1's Netdealer. Also obtained in a GMD in Den Area 3. #048 DashAtk | Obtained by deleting F|shy, found in dog house alarm system. #049 Wrecker | Found in Yumland 1 in a GMD. #050 CannBall | Found in a GMD in UnderNet 7. Also found by deleting Hardhead, found in UnderKoto. #051 DoubNdl | Found in a GMD in UnderNet Area 4. #052 TripNdl | Obtained by deleting Shellnerd, found in Mrs. Million's purse. #053 QuadNdl | Obtained by deleting Eggnerd, found in the Duty Free shop in the Departure Lobby. #054 Trident | Bought from the WWW Area 1 NetDealer. #055 Ratton1 | Found by deleting Ratty viruses, found in Netopia Area 2 and 3. #056 Ratton2 | Found by deleting Ratty2 viruses, found in the Kotobuki Apartment servers. #057 Ratton3 | Found by deleting Ratty3 viruses, found in WWW Area 2. #058 FireRat | Found in YumLand Area 1 in a PMD. #059 Tornado | Bought from the WWW Area 1 NetDealer. #060 Twister | Found by completIng the request, "Fight Crime". Also found in a GMD in Undernet Area 3. #061 Blower | Found by trading with a guy in a alley in Netopia for a PopUp D. #062 Burner | Obtained by deleting Fishy2, found in UnderNet Area 4 and 5. #063 ZapRing1 | Obtained by deleting Bunny, found in Den Area 2 and 3. #064 ZapRing2 | Obtained by deleting TuffBunny, found in Netopia Area 1,2 and 3. #065 ZapRIng3 | Obtained by deleting MegaBunny, found in the vending machine in Kotobuki City. #066 Satelit1 | Found by deleting Spark, found in Yumland Area 1 and 2. #067 Satelit2 | Found by deleting Sparker, found in the Airplane TV. #068 Satelit3 | Found by deleting Sparkanoid, found in the door lock in the Kotobuki Apartment. #069 Spice1 | Obtained by deleting Moshy, found in the Mother Comp Areas. Also found in Mrs. Million's purse. #070 Spice2 | Found in the Airplane Computer Area 1 in a BMD. Also Obtained by deleting Moshy, found in the Duty Free Shop in the Departure Lobby. #071 Spice3 | Obtained by deleting Mushy, found in WWW Area 3. #072 MagBomb1 | Found by deleting Magneaker, found in the third part of the a|rplane's server. #073 MagBomb2 | Obtained by deleting Magmacker, found in Undernet Area 6. #074 MagBomb3 | Found by deleting Magnoid, found in WWW Areas 1 and 2. #075 Yo-Yo1 | Found by deleting the Yort viruses found in the first part of Kotobuki's apartment server. #076 Yo-Yo2 | Found by deleting the Yurt viruses found in Undernet 6. #077 Yo-Yo3 | Obtained by deleting the Yart viruses found in WWW Area 3. #078 CrsShld1 | Obtained by deleting the Dominerd1 viruses found in the NetCastle computers. #079 CrsShld2 | Obtained by deleting the Dominerd2 viruses found in UnderKoto. #080 CrsShld3 | Obtained by deleting the Dominerd3 viruses found in Undernet Area 7. #081 Hammer | Bought from the NetDealer in NetSquare. #082 ZeusHamr | Found in the BugFrag exchange shop in KotoSquare. Costs 16 BugFrags to obtain the chip. #083 Lance | Found in a GMD in WWW Area 3. #084 BrnzFist | Found in YumLand Area 1 in a PMD. #085 SilvFist | Found in UnderNet Area 7 in a PMD. #086 GoldFist | Obtained by Completing the request "Find my gem!" #087 PoisMask | Found by deleting PuffBall, found in Mother Computer Area 4 and 5. Also found in the Duty Free shop in Netopia Departure Lobby. #088 PoisFace | Obtained by deleting PoofBall, found in the first part of Kotobuki's apartment server. #089 Whirlpl | Obtained by deleting Null, found in UnderNet Area 1, 2 and 3. #090 Blckhole | Found by deleting Null, found in UnderNet Area 3. Also found by deleting Vo|d, found in UnderNet 7. #091 Meteor9 | Found by deleting MettF|re, found in Okuden Detonators. Also found in the th|rd part of the mother computer. #092 Meteor12 | Found by deleting FullF|re, found in Undernet 5. #093 Meteor15 | Found by deleting DeathF|re, found in UnderNet Area 2, 3 and 6. #094 Meteor18 | Found by deleting Mole2, found in WWW Area 3. #095 T|meBom1 | Obtained by deleting Handy, found in Okuden, and the second bomb detonator. #096 TimeBom2 | Obtained by deleting Handy2, found in the second part of the Airplane server. #097 TimeBom3 | Obtained by deleting Handy3, found in Koto Apartment Area 4. #098 LilCloud | Found by deleting Cloudy, found in Netopia Area 1, 2 and 3. Also found in the freezer in the Hotel. #099 MedCloud | GMD in UnderNet Area 3. Also found by deleting Cloudy2, found in UnderNet Area 1, 2 and 3. #100 BigCloud | Gotten by deleting Cloudy3, found in UnderNet Area 5 and 6. #101 Mine | Bought from the WWW1 NetDealer. #102 FrntSnsr | Bought from the WWW1 NetDealer. #103 DblSnsr | Bought form the WWW1 NetDealer. #104 Remobit1 | Obtained by deleting Twisty1, Found in Raoul's rad|o. #105 Remobit2 | Obtained by deleting Twisty 2, found in UnderKoto. #106 Remobit3 | Gotten by deleting Tw|sty3, found in the ATM on 1st floor of Kotobuki apartment. #107 AquaBall | Gotten by deleting Octon, found in the huge Information screen in The Center. #108 ElecBall | Gotten by deleting Octor, found in the Angel statue in NetCastle. #109 HeatBall | Gotten by deleting Octavians, found in Undernet 7. #110 Geyser | Found in YumLand Area 2 in a PMD. #111 LavaDrag | Delete the Lavagon virus on the 24th Floor of the Kotobuki Apartment. #112 GodStone | Bought from the WWW1 NetDealer. #113 OldWood | Found in WWW Area 2 in a PMD. #114 Guard | Obtained by deleting Mettaurs, found in Den Area 1, 2 and 3. (Busting level of 5-6) #115 PanlOut1 | The only place I found this is Chiptrader. #116 PanlOut3 | The only place I found this is Chiptrader. #117 LineOut | Gotten by deleting the Flamey viruses, found in the Okuden Valley Gas Stove. Also found in the Bomb Comps. #118 Catcher | Obtained by deleting the RedUFO viruses, found in UnderNet Area 7. #119 Mindbndr | Found in a GMD in UnderNet Area 4. Also bought from NetDealer in UnderKoto. #120 Recov10 | Bought from the Den Area 1 Netdealer. #121 Recov30 | Bought from the Square Netdealer. #122 Recov50 | Found in Netopia Area 1 in a BMD. #123 Recov80 | Found by deleting Spooky3, found in UnderNet Area 1, 2, 3 and 5. #124 Recov120 | Found in Kotobuki Apartment Area 1 in BMD. Also found by deleting Spooky3, found in UnderNet Area 1, 2, 3 and 5. #125 Recov150 | Obtained by deleting Spooky3 viruses, found in UnderNet Area 1, 2, 3 and 5. Also found in UnderKoto. #126 Recov200 | Found in a GMD in UnderNet Area 6. Also gotten by Completing request "To Bug Academics" . #127 Recov300 | Found in UnderNet Area 7 in a BMD. #128 PanlGrab | Found in Den Area 1 in a BMD. Bought from the Den Area 3 NetDealer. #129 AreaGrab | Bought from the Den Area 3 Netdealer #130 GrabRvng | Bought from a NetDealer in UnderNet Area 1. #131 Geddon1 | Bought from NumberMan in Den Area 1. #132 Geddon2 | Bought from NumberMan in Den Area 1. #133 Geddon3 | Found from the Hidden NPC in Marine Harbor, Behind the stairs opposite the chiptrader. #134 Escape | You start out with this. #135 AirShoes | Gotten from the Kotobuki Shop for 4 BugFrags, or WWW3 (Mole2) #136 Repair | Bought from the NetSquare NetDealer. #137 Candle1 | Found by deleting the CanDevil viruses, found in the NetCastle Comp 5. #138 Candle2 | Found by deleting the CanDevil2 viruses, found in UnderNet Area 6. #139 Candle3 | Found by deleting the CanDevil3 viruses in WWW Area 2. #140 RockCube | Found in Airplane Computer Area 1 in BMD. Also found in GMD in UnderNet Area 6. #141 Prism | Found in Netopia Area 1 in BMD. #142 Guardian | Found in the PMD in ATM on 1st floor of Kotobuki apartment. #143 Wind | Bought from the Netopia Area 2 Netdealer. Also Obtained by deleting Windbox Viruses, found in UnderKoto. #144 Fan | Bought from the Netopia Area 2 Netdealer. Also Obtained by deleting VacuumFan Viruses, found in Raoul's radio. #145 Anubis | S-rank PharaohManV3, found in WWW Area 1. #146 SloGauge | Bought from NetDealer in UnderKoto. #147 FstGauge | Bought from NetDealer in UnderKoto. #148 FullCust | Bought from the Undernet 1 Area Netdealer. Also found in GMDs in WWW Area 3. #149 Invis1 | Gotten by deleting Spooky1, found in Yumland. Also found in Yai's Homepage. #150 Invis2 | Gotten by deleting the Spooky2 virus. Found in Mother Comp 2,3,4, and 5. Also found in NetCastle. #151 Invis3 | Gotten by deleting Spooky3, found in UnderNet Area 2, 3 and 5. Also found in UnderKoto. Found in the GMD in UnderNet Area 6. #152 Dropdown | Gotten by deleting the Popper3, found in WWW Area 2. #153 PopUp | Gotten by deleting the Mole virus, found in UnderNet Area 6. #154 StoneBod | Gotten by deleting KnightMan with a Busting Level of 7.(Netopia 1) #155 Shadow1 | Gotten by deleting the Shadow virus, found in the NetCastle computers. #156 Shadow2 | Gotten by deleting the RedDevil virus. #157 Shadow3 | Gotten by deleting the BlueDemon virus in WWW1 #158 UnderSht | Gotten from trading AquaAura A, FireAura R, WoodAura S, and ElecAura L to the little girl in the Netopia Boarding lobby. #159 Barrier | Found in Airplane Computer Area 5 in BMD. Also bought from Square NetDealer. #160 BublWrap | Bought from WWW1 NetDealer. #161 LeafShld | Popper2, found in UnderNet Area 5. #162 AquaAura | MegalianA, found in UnderNet Area 4. Also found in GMD in WWW3. #163 FireAura | MegalianH, found in UnderNet Area 4. #164 WoodAura | MegalianW, found in Undernet Area 7. #165 ElecAura | MegalianE, found in UnderNet Area 7. #166 LifeAura1 | Gotten from Scuttle, found in WWW Area 1. #167 LifeAura2 | Gotten from Scuttlest, found in WWW Area 3. #168 LifeAura3 | From Bass in WWW Area 3. 247/250 chips required. #169 MagLIne | Bought from NetDealer in UnderSquare. #170 LavaLine | Bought from NetDealer in UnderSquare. #171 IceLine | Bought from NetDealer in UnderSquare. #172 GrassLine | Airplane Computer Area 3 in BMD. Also can buy from NetDealer in UnderSquare. #173 LavaStage | Found in WWW Area 1 in BMD. #174 IceStage | found in Koto Area 1 in BMD. #175 GrassStage | Found in UnderNet Area 7 in BMD. Also found in WWW Area 3 in BMD. #176 HolyPanl | Gotten from deleting Brushman, found in UnderNet Area 4. #177 Jealosy | Bought from the NetSquare NetDealer. #178 AntiFire | Bought from NumberMan, found in Den Area 1. (After you defeat Gospel.) #179 AntiElec | Bought from NumberMan, found in Den Area 1. (After you defeat Gospel.) #180 AntiWatr | Bought from NumberMan, found in Den Area 1. (After you defeat Gospel.) #181 AntiDmg | Trade ShadowMan V1/V2/V3 to the kid on the plane. #182 AntiSword | UnderNet Area 7 in PMD. #183 AntiNavi | WWW Area 3 in PMD. #184 AntiRecv | UnderKoto in PMD. Recieved from Doc. #185 Atk+10 | Den Area 3 Netdealer. #186 Atk+20 | PMD in Undernet area 6. Netdealer Area 1. #187 Atk+30 | Bought from the KotoSquare Bugdealer. #188 Fire+40 | Bought from KotoSquare NetDealer. #189 Aqua+40 | Found in the Wide-screen Comp. in second floor #190 Wood+40 | Found in a BMD in Mrs. Million's electronic purse. #191 Elec+40 | Bought from NumberMan, found in Den Area 1. (After you defeat Gospel.) #192 Navi+20 | YumLand Area 2 in BMD. #193 Navi+40 | WWW Area 3 in BMD. #194 Roll | Given by Mayl, when you enter Yai's house during the Airman chapter. Given through E-mail. #195 RollV2 | Given by Mayl, before you go to Netopia. #196 RollV3 | Given by Roll, after you save her on the net. #197 Gutsman | Beat GutsMan. #198 GutsmanV2 | Beat GutsMan. #199 GutsmanV3 | Beat GutsMan. #200 Protoman | Beat ProtoMan. #201 ProtomanV2 | Beat ProtoMan. #202 ProtomanV3 | Beat ProtoMan. #203 Airman | Beat AirMan in Den Area 1. #204 AirmanV2 | Beat AirMan in Den Area 1. #205 AirmanV3 | Beat AirMan in Den Area 1. #206 Quickman | Beat QuickMan Koto Area 1. #207 QuickmanV2 | Beat QuickMan Koto Area 1. #208 QuickmanV3 | Beat QuickMan Koto Area 1. #209 Cutman | Beat CutMan in Yumland Area 2. #210 CutmanV2 | Beat CutMan in Yumland Area 2. #211 CutmanV3 | Beat CutMan in Yumland Area 2. #212 ShadowMan | Beat ShadowMan in UnderNet 5. #213 ShadowManV2 | Beat ShadowMan in UnderNet 5. #214 ShadowManV3 | Beat ShadowMan in UnderNet 5. #215 KnightMan | Beat KnightMan in Netopia Area 1. #216 KnightManV2 | Beat KnightMan in Netopia Area 1. #217 KnightManV3 | Beat KnightMan in Netopia Area 1. #218 MagnetMan | Beat MagnetMan in UnderNet Area 2. #219 MagnetManV2 | Beat MagnetMan in UnderNet Area 2. #220 MagnetManV3 | Beat MagnetMan in UnderNet Area 2. #221 FreezeMan | Beat FreezeMan in UnderNet Area 7. #222 FreezeManV2 | Beat FreezeMan in UnderNet Area 7. #223 FreezeManV3 | Beat FreezeMan in UnderNet Area 7. #224 HeatMan | Defeat HeatMan. #225 HeatManV2 | Beat HeatMan. #226 HeatManV3 | Beat HeatMan. #227 ToadMan | Beat ToadMan. #228 ToadManV2 | Beat ToadMan. #229 ToadManV3 | Beat ToadMan. #230 ThunMan | Beat TunderMan. #231 ThunManV2 | Beat TunderMan. #232 ThunManV3 | Beat TunderMan. #233 SnakeMan | Beat SnakeMan. #234 SnakeManV2 | Beat SnakeMan. #235 SnakeManV3 | Beat SnakeMan. #236 GateMan | Beat GateMan. #237 GateManV2 | Beat GateMan. #238 GateManV3 | Beat GateMan. #239 PharoMan | Beat PharaohMan in WWW Area 1. #240 PharoManV2 | Beat PharaohMan in WWW Area 1. #241 PharoManV3 | Beat PharaohMan in WWW Area 1. #242 NapalmMan | Beat NapalmMan in WWW Area 2. #243 NapalmManV2 | Beat NapalmMan in WWW Area 2. #244 NapalmManV3 | Beat NapalmMan in WWW Area 2. #245 PlanetMan | Beat PlanetMan in WWW Area 3. #246 PlanetManV2 | Beat PlanetMan in WWW Area 3. #247 PlanetManV3 | Beat PlanetMan in WWW Area 3. #248 Bass | Beat Bass in WWW Area 1 after defeating PlanetMan in WWW Area 3. #249 BassV2 | Beat Bass in WWW Area 3. (247/250 chips required.) #250 BassV3 | Beat Bass in WWW Area 3. (247/250 chips required.) ______________________________________________________________________________ 7) PROGRAM ADVANCES LIST/BLUE STAR: Program Advances, or PAs for short, or made by selecting certain chips in a certain order in a turn to make a new, stronger attack. HubStyle and the Cust styles are especially good with Program Advances simply because you can draw a greater amount of chips in one turn, thus having a better chance of having the chips necessary to form a Program Advance. The * version of chips are not included in the patterns, and please take note that an Omega Program Advance can not contain more than 1 chip with the * code. 1. Name: Z-Canon1 Pattern 1: Cannon A, Cannon B, Cannon C Pattern 2: Cannon B, Cannon C, Cannon D Pattern 3: Cannon C, Cannon D, Cannon E Effect: You are invincible and can fire unlimited Cannons for 5 seconds. Damage: 120 for each shot 2. Name: Z-Canon2 Pattern 1: HiCannon C, HiCannon D, HiCannon E Pattern 2: HiCannon D, HiCannon E, HiCannon F Pattern 3: HiCannon E, HiCannon F, HiCannon G Effect: You are invincible and can fire unlimited HiCannons for 5 seconds. Damage: 180 for each shot 3. Name: Z-Canon3 Pattern 1: M-Cannon E, M-Cannon F, M-Cannon G Pattern 2: M-Cannon F, M-Cannon G, M-Cannon H Pattern 3: M-Cannon G, M-Cannon H, M-Cannon I Effect: You are invincible and can fire unlimited M-Cannons for 5 seconds. Damage: 240 for each shot 4. Name: H-Burst Pattern 1: Spreader M, Spreader N, Spreader O Pattern 2: Spreader N, Spreader O, Spreader P Pattern 3: Spreader O, Spreader P, Spreader Q Effect: A single 3x3 shot Damage: 500 5. Name: Z-Ball Pattern 1: CannBall O, CannBall P, CannBall Q Pattern 2: CannBall P, CannBall Q, CannBall R Pattern 3: CannBall Q, CannBall R, CannBall S Effect: You are invincible and can fire unlimited Cannballs for 5 seconds. Damage: 300 6. Name: Z-Raton1 Pattern 1: Ratton1 H, Ratton1 I, Ratton1 J Pattern 2: Ratton1 I, Ratton1 J, Ratton1 K Pattern 3: Ratton1 J, Ratton1 K, Ratton1 L Effect: You are invincible and can fire unlimited Ratton1s for 5 seconds. Damage: 210 for each shot 7. Name: Z-Raton2 Pattern 1: Ratton2 J, Ratton2 K, Ratton2 L Pattern 2: Ratton2 K, Ratton2 L, Ratton2 M Pattern 3: Ratton2 L, Ratton2 M, Ratton2 N Effect: You are invincible and can fire unlimited Ratton2s for 5 seconds. Damage: 240 for each shot 8. Name: Z-Raton3 Pattern 1: Ratton3 L, Ratton3 M, Ratton3 N Pattern 2: Ratton3 M, Ratton3 N, Ratton3 O Pattern 3: Ratton3 N, Ratton3 O, Ratton3 P Effect: You are invincible and can fire unlimited Ratton3s for 5 seconds. Damage: 270 for each shot 9. Name: O-Canon1 Pattern: Cannon A, Cannon B, Cannon C, Cannon D, Cannon E Effect: You are invincible and can fire unlimited Cannons for 10 seconds. Damage: 210 for each shot 10. Name: O-Canon2 Pattern: HiCannon C, HiCannon D, HiCannon E, HiCannon F, HiCannon G Effect: You are invincible and can fire unlimited HiCannons for 10 seconds. Damage: 240 for each shot 11. Name: O-Canon3 Pattern: M-Cannon E, M-Cannon F, M-Cannon G, M-Cannon H, M-Cannon I Effect: You are invincible and can fire unlimited M-Cannons for 10 seconds. Damage: 270 for each shot 12. Name: M-Burst Pattern: Spreader M, Spreader N, Spreader O, Spreader P, Spreader Q Effect: A single 3x3 shot Damage: 1000 13. Name: O-Ball Pattern: CannBall O, CannBall P, CannBall Q, CannBall R, CannBall S Effect: You are invincible and can fire unlimited CannBalls for 10 seconds. Damage: 300 for each shot 14. Name: O-Raton1 Pattern: Ratton H, Ratton I, Ratton J, Ratton K, Ratton L Effect: You are invincible and can fire unlimited Ratton1s for 10 seconds. Damage: 210 for each shot 15. Name: O-Raton2 Pattern: Ratton2 J, Ratton2 K, Ratton2 L, Ratton2 M, Ratton2 N Effect: You are invincible and can fire unlimited Ratton2s for 10 seconds. Damage: 240 for each shot 16. Name: O-Raton3 Pattern: Ratton3 L, Ratton3 M, Ratton3 N, Ratton3 O, Ratton3 P Effect: You are invincible and can fire unlimited Ratton3s for 10 seconds. Damage: 270 for each shot 17. Name: Arrows Pattern 1: DoublNdl C, TripNdl C, QuadNdl C Pattern 2: DoublNdl I, TripNdl I, QuadNdl I Effect: Stand still and shoot 10 Arrows very quickly. Damage: 100x10 18. Name: UltraBmb Pattern 1: LilBomb O, CrosBomb O, BigBomb O Pattern 2: LilBomb Q, CrosBomb Q, BigBomb T Pattern 3: LilBomb T, CrosBomb T, BigBomb T Effect: Throw a 3x3 bomb 3 panels ahead dealing damage and cracking panels. Damage: 400 19. Name: LifeSrd1 Pattern 1: Sword A, WideSwrd A, LongSwrd A Pattern 2: Sword L, WideSwrd L, LongSwrd Y Pattern 3: Sword Y, WideSwrd Y, LongSwrd Y Effect: Use a sword that covers the 2x3 panels in front of you. Damage: 400 20. Name: LifeSrd2 Pattern 1: FireSwrd H, AquaSwrd H, ElecSwrd H Pattern 2: FireSwrd N, AquaSwrd N, ElecSwrd N Pattern 3: FireSwrd R, AquaSwrd R, ElecSwrd R Effect: Use a sword that covers the 2x3 panels in front of you. Damage: 500 21. Name: LifeSrd3 Pattern 1: FireBlde F, AquaBlde F, ElecBlde F Pattern 2: FireBlde R, AquaBlde R, ElecBlde R Effect: Use a sword that covers the 2x3 panels in front of you. Damage: 600 22. Name: Punch Pattern 1: GutPunch B, ColdPnch B, DashAtk B Pattern 2: GutPunch D, ColdPnch D, DashAtk D Effect: Throw flying punches across the screen. Damage: 80x6 23. Name: Curse Pattern 1: CrsShld1 A, CrsShld2 A, CrsShld3 A Pattern 2: CrsShld1 O, CrsShld2 O, CrsShld3 O Pattern 3: CrsShld1 P, CrsShld2 P, CrsShld3 P Effect: Have a 3-line shield. Damage: 500 24. Name: TimeBom+ Pattern 1: TimeBom1 G, TimeBom2 G, TimeBom3 G Pattern 2: TimeBom1 K, TimeBom2 K, TimeBom3 K Pattern 3: TimeBom1 Z, TimeBom2 Z, TimeBom3 Z Effect: Set down a Timebomb on the enemy side that is destroyable. Damage: 500 if it isn't destroyed. 25. Name: HvyStamp Pattern 1: Quake1 Q, Quake2 Q, Quake3 Q Pattern 2: Quake1 W, Quake2 W, Quake3 W Effect: Freeze time and crush 1 enemy. Damage: 800 26. Name: PoisPhar Pattern 1: PoisMask U, PoisFace U, Anubis U Pattern 2: PoisMask W, PoisFace W, Anubis W Effect: Set down a destroyable statue inflicting poison. Damage: Depends on how long it stands. 27. Name: Gater Pattern 1: Wind G, Fan G, GateMan G Pattern 2: Wind G, Fan G, GateManv2 G Pattern 3: Wind G, Fan G, GateManv3 G Effect: Freeze time, GateMan comes and shoots everyone. Damage: 100x9 28. Name: GtsShoot Pattern 1: Guard *, DashAtk G, GutsMan G Pattern 2: Guard *, DashAtk G, GutsManv2 G Pattern 3: Guard *, DashAtk G, GutsManv3 G Effect: Freezes time, GutsMan comes and throws MegaMan down the row. Damage: 500 29. Name: BigHeart Pattern 1: HolyPanl R, Recov300 R, Roll R Pattern 2: HolyPanl R, Recov300 R, Rollv2 R Pattern 3: HolyPanl R, Recov300 R, Rollv3 R Effect: Freezes time, Roll comes, attacks an enemy, and fully heals MegaMan. Damage: 300 30. Name: BodyGrd Pattern 1: DropDown S, AntiDmg S, ShadoMan S Pattern 2: DropDown S, AntiDmg S, ShadoMnv2 S Pattern 3: DropDown S, AntiDmg S, ShadoMnv3 S Effect: ShadoMan comes and shoots dodge-able shurikens from the sky. Damage: 100x18 if all shurikens connect. 31. Name: 2xHero Pattern 1: CustSwrd B, VarSwrd B, ProtoMan B Pattern 2: CustSwrd B, VarSwrd B, ProtoMnv2 B Pattern 3: CustSwrd B, VarSwrd B, ProtoMnv3 B Effect: Freezes time, ProtoMan and MegaMan team up and blast everything. Damage: 70x8 ______________________________________________________________________________ 8) SECRET CHIPS/PURPLE STAR: Summary- To earn the Secret Chips, you must have at least 3 Stars. Then you must get an S rank against a friend in a Netbattle who also has at least 3 Stars. If you get an S rank, it is random that you may get a Secret Chip. It also can take a very long time to get a specific chip, so hang in there! Some chips need you to use a specific style element to use so I listed the requirements. #251 BigRedWave: Fire|FHPRS 220/64-Heat style only, giant lava wave. #252 FreezeBomb: Aqua|AIJQU 180/56-Aqua style only, freezes foes #253 Sparker: Elec|CEGKV 100+/48-Elec style only, hold A to charge #254 GaiaSword: Wood|DLNWY 200/72-Wood style only, steals powers #255 BlkBomb: Fire|BFGPR 200/64-Fire style only, use fire to light #256 FighSword: None|AILSY 100/50-Normal style only, 3-length sword #257 KnighSword: None|FJKMQ 150/64-Normal style only, 3-length sword #258 HeroSword: None|ENOTZ 200/90-Normal style only, 3-length sword #259 Meteors: Fire|BHORV 40/68-Freeze time and have Meteors rain #260 Poltrgiest: None|EPRUW 00/50: Get rid of any obstacles. Explanation of Game Algorithm (By HalyconIV)- If the battle meets the conditions required (get a 9-S Busting Level) to earn a secret chip, then the game considers the following: 1. Battle time: --------------------------------------- How long to battle took. If this particular battle was significantly different from your past few battles, then the chance of receiving a secret chip increases. Ex. Time 00:30:04 00:21:00 00:32:19 00:10:24 00:23:47 00:12:24 00:00:04 <= after this battle, you will likey receive a secret chip. 2. Win/Loss Record (recent) --------------------------------------- The game also records your recent wins and losses. If you have been winning constantly, your chances of receiving a secret chip decreases. If you have been losing constantly, and then you suddenly win, then you will likely receive a secret chip. Ex. Player 1: Player 2 Record: Record: Win Loss Win Loss Win Loss Win Loss Win Loss Win Loss Win Loss Win Loss Loss Win <= Player 2 will likely receive a secret chip 3. Damage taken: --------------------------------------- The game considers this as well. If there is an unusual deviation from the average damage you normally take, the chances will increase. (This is only taken into account for the winner) Ex. Winner HP: 1000 900 990 670 1000 990 1000 1000 1000 1000 10 <= Likely to receive a secret chip 4. Moves: your's and your opponent's --------------------------------------- The game will record the number of times you moved during the battle. Again, any deviation from the norm will result in higher chances of a secret chip. Ex. Player 1 moves: Player 2 moves: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 27 <= the winner is likely to recieve a secret chip 5. Number of Turns: --------------------------------------- The number of turns the battle took. This is taken into consideration only for the winner. Simple enough.. Ex. Winner: 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 <= Unusual, likely to receive secret chip. 6. Chips used: --------------------------------------- The number of chips you and your opponent used. Program advances are counted as 1 chip. Used chips means that the player pressed "a" and activated the chip. NOT just selected the chip from the custom menu. Ex. Player 1 Chips: Player 2 Chips: 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 6 7 <= Winner likely to receive secret chip In summary, any battle that is "out of the ordinary" has a higher chance to receive a secret chip. The game will keep track of battles like this: Player 1 Battle: Time: Turns: Moves: Chips: Result HP SP? 1 00:00:04 1 0 1 WIN 1000 low 2 00:12:18 2 2 3 WIN 920 low 3 00:00:08 1 1 2 WIN 1000 low 4 00:02:12 1 2 1 WIN 1000 low 5 00:00:04 1 1 0 LOSS 0 N/A 6 00:01:18 1 5 2 WIN 900 med 7 00:01:06 1 2 1 WIN 800 med 8 00:01:02 1 4 1 WIN 1000 med 9 00:00:08 1 0 1 WIN 1000 low 10 00:32:06 4 23 8 WIN 230 high Player 2 Battle: Time: Turns: Moves: Chips: Result HP SP? 1 00:00:04 1 0 0 LOSS 0 N/A 2 00:12:18 2 0 0 LOSS 0 N/A 3 00:00:08 1 0 0 LOSS 0 N/A 4 00:02:12 1 0 0 LOSS 0 N/A 5 00:00:04 1 1 1 WIN 1000 high 6 00:01:18 1 0 0 LOSS 0 N/A 7 00:01:06 1 0 0 LOSS 0 N/A 8 00:01:02 1 0 0 LOSS 0 N/A 9 00:00:08 1 0 0 LOSS 0 N/A 10 00:32:06 4 26 10 LOSS 0 N/A Algorithm Manipulation (By HalyconIV)- The algorithm is relatively easy to manipulate. Simply try to set a trend, and then break it suddenly. For example, allow player 1 to constantly S rank Player 2 on the first turn, with a PA. Player 1: - do not move - use the PA ASAP Player 2: - Do NOTHING Repeat this about 5 times. On the 6th battle, do the same thing, except reverse it, so that player 2 wins and player 1 does nothing. Because the game set a trend of "Player 1: Perfect" and "Player 2: Loss", if the trend is suddenly broken, the winner will have a very high chance of getting a secret chip. Player 1 Battle: Time: Turns: Moves: Chips: Result HP SP? 1 00:00:04 1 0 1 WIN 1000 low 2 00:00:04 1 0 1 WIN 1000 low 3 00:00:04 1 0 1 WIN 1000 low 4 00:00:04 1 0 1 WIN 1000 low 5 00:00:04 1 0 1 WIN 1000 low 6 00:00:04 1 0 0 LOSS 0 low Player 2 Battle: Time: Turns: Moves: Chips: Result HP SP? 1 00:00:04 1 0 0 LOSS 0 N/A 2 00:00:04 1 0 0 LOSS 0 N/A 3 00:00:04 1 0 0 LOSS 0 N/A 4 00:00:04 1 0 0 LOSS 0 N/A 6 00:00:04 1 0 0 LOSS 0 N/A 5 00:00:04 1 0 1 WIN 1000 high ______________________________________________________________________________ 9) NAVI STRATEGIES & LOCATIONS (By Snake711): NOTE= The locations provided are just for the v3 forms of the Navis. CutMan- Location: Randomly in Yumland 2 Recommended Chips: Pretty many any decent damage chips. Attacks: 1.) Fires a spinning scissor at you that follows you. 2.) Comes to his first row and bends over and tries to cut you. 3.) Shoots a scissor as a boomerang. Strategy: One of the easier battles on the random Navis, just pound him and keep moving in a circle. You should be fine as long as you use some descent chips. GateMan v2 or 3 works well along with Shadowman, just watch out for the 2 spinning disks. Also note the rock in the center square, make sure to not let Cutman...cut you. He's a pretty easy S-Rank. FreezeMan- Location: Randomly in Undernet 7 Recommended Chips: Any Life aura, A bunch of Invis3 chips, An Elecball, Sonicwaves, and Thunderman v3. Attacks: 1.) Becomes a pointy popsicle and calls down icicles. 2.) When his popsicle breaks, ice comes at you from the ground. Strategy: A bit of a toughy not the easiest but believe me there's much harder Navis. If you have the right chips he's pretty easy. First he usually goes into his popsicle so shoot at that with your Buster. When it breaks, he blows you backwards and fires an ice-wave type thing at you. It's a hard attack to avoid so I hope you have auras and Invis chips, if you do this is the part of the battle to use them. When your Invis and he's shooting ice at you fire an Elecball so the ice hits it, if done right you can inflict some high damage. Then just keep pounding away and your done. KnightMan- Location: Randomly in Netopia1 Recommended Chips: Invis, Repair, ZeusHammer, and every high power chip you have. Attacks: 1.) If on the same line he fires a spiked ball at you. 2.) He shoots a ball up in the air and rock fall down at you. 3.) Jumps and smashes all panels. 4.) After he jumps if you're close he swings his mace at you. Strategy: Once again this is not a tough battle. Just go on the same line as him and get him to fire at you. At first you cant do more then 1 damage because he's using a chip you can actually get from this battle called Stonebody. When he fires at the sky he can be hurt by your chips so pound at him and eventually he will jump up and break all the panels. Use Repair then just keep pounding till he's dust. MagnetMan- Location: Random at Undernet2 Recommended Chips: Elecball, or Aquaball, a whole bunch of LifeAuras and Invis3s. Attacks: 1.) Makes 2 magnets they track you like a Ratton attack. 2.) Makes a ball of magnetic energy. 3.) Makes a whole line of magnet panels to mess your movements up. 4.) When low on health he splits and tries to slam you. Strategy: In all honesty you have to have P.A.'s to kill him unless you have a folder full of Invis3 and Elecballs but you will still have a tough time. The best tip is when he fires and energy ball use an Elecball or Aquaball; this will do an automatic 999 damage. If you can get 2 of these your fine but its much easier said then done, especially when aiming for an S-Rank. PharoMan- Location: Randomly in WWW Area 1 Recommended Chips: 2 Invis chips any kind, a Aqua/Fire/Elec ball, and whatever high damage chips/combos you want. Attacks: 1.) His 2 coffins shoot like Rattons. 2.) Drops a block to get in your way. 3.) His coffins fire a beam like the Scuttlest. 4.) He sets a trap that causes either poisoning statue or a snake. Strategy: The easiest of the 3 WWW Navis. Just avoid his attacks; the biggest problem is hitting him with basic attacks because his coffins often shield him so don't waste chips be patient and make the big shots count, you'll win at a descent time. PlanetMan- Location: Randomly in WWW Area 3 Recommended Chips: A few Invis or aura's, and by now whatever damage you like. Attacks: 1.) Has 2 planets, each a different effect. 2.) Sends a little airplane to bug you. 3.) Uses a meteor attack. Strategy: He's not an incredibly tough Navi, he just has a whole lot of HP, and most likely you will need a P.A. or 2. Only due to his insane HP, the Invis chips are for his meteors, which is his worst attack, man I personally always hate that, if you don't get an S-Rank this attack is why. Just use Invis chips and try your best to time them perfectly after a few tries you'll learn his patterns and most likely get him. NapalmMan- Location: Randomly in WWW Area 2 Recommended Chips: Any water chips are great for this battle especially Cloud chips, use Invis and Aquaball chips as well. Attacks: 1.) Have guns that appear out of the ground and fir at you. 2.) Fires 3 grenades that make the ground on fire and break apart. 3.) Locks on to you then fires a big bomb at you. Strategy: Not hard but a long fight, use an Aquaball when the guns fire. It packs a hefty 1000 some damage due to he is weakness to the water. Use Cloud chips with damage add-ons and he'll be toast...very wet toast. QuickMan- Location: Randomly in Koto Area Recommended Chips: Basically you need Gater for the S-Rank along with Invis chips of course. Attacks: 1.) Throws 2 boomerangs in adjacent lines. 2.) Throws a boomerang that moves like a horizontal 8. Strategy: OK a tough battle but you just need one good time to get a P.A. and a few Invis chips. This will take a lot of patience and time, or you'll get incredibly lucky and get it on your first try, hey whatever works. You can't hit him will he's moving and if he's just standing. When he attacks use an Invis then the second he stops use a P.A. You should hit him and if your using Gater or Bodyguard you'll be good. If not use highest damage chips and repeat. You should really use a P.A. though. ShadowMan- Location: Randomly in Undernet5 Recommended Chips: Invis, LifeAuras, and the Highest damaging combos/ P.A.'s you have, otherwise don't look for him unless you looking for a very tough time. Attacks: 1.) Uses 3 shurikens he fires at you. 2.) Shoots fireballs at you. 3.) Can use a Muramasa chip, which if his health is low enough will kill you. 4.) Sends 2 clones to your area that attack with a sword. Note: all his attack are insanely accurate. Strategy: Not to tough he's a bit tricky though when he makes copies of himself on his side. Blast at them to lessen your chance of getting hit by a fireball. If he rises to the air he's about to throw a shuriken at you, so move or use an Invis chip. You should use a P.A. obviously to lessen the time which will give you a better chance of the S-Rank. Keep at it and you'll win. Protoman- Location: In front of Netopia Castle. Recommended Chips: FstGauge, an Invis chip or two, then either the Gater P.A. or Lifesword3. Attacks: 1.) Waves his sword and shoots air blasts. 2.) Comes to your area and slashes at you. Note: Protoman has a shield, MAKE SURE NOT TO WASTE ATTACK CHIPS!!! Strategy: Protoman is not the easiest to S-Rank but here's how I got him. First have a FstGauge preset, and an Invis1/2/3 to combo, and anything else you want to throw into the combo like a ZeusHammer or something. Next pound in some good damage with whatever you like and try to have an Invis chip handy for when he comes at you, most of the time you can dodge his sword blasts by moving down two squares so try to avoid the middle. Now as before just pound in some damage but wait till he lowers his shield if you fired at him with your Buster, and then finish him with a solid P.A. of your choice, or chip of choice. For speed use P.A.'S and Invis you should be able to knock him out fairly quickly. Gutsman- Location: Dex at Kotobuki Recommended Chips: You need nothing special for Dex's wimpy Gutsman. Attacks: 1.) Smashes ground causing a sonic wave. 2.) Launches a fist at you. 3.) Comes to first column to punch at you. 4.) Breaks all panels. Strategy: This is the easiest battle of the game; Roll would have been a bigger challenge. Here's the surefire way to beat this gutlessman. Proceed to the first column, move up and down, stand still for like 2 seconds and he will attempt to come and punch you. You know better so just move back and blast him with whatever attack you desire, Gater works the quickest or Bodyguard. You really should have no problem with him. Gateman- Location: Mr. Famous at Marine Harbor(guy with goofy mask on.) Recommended Chips: Well I'd say 3 of any Invis chips, a few Sonicwaves or whatever you prefer out of the three, and a few Cannballs. Gater or BodyGaurd P.A.'s also make this battle a joke. Attacks: 1.) He will send out 3 little gate-dudes that do fair damage to you. 2.) He has a gun that comes out of his chest that fires a blast to your area. 3.) Finally when you get his health low he makes a gate guard that blocks most of your attacks. Strategy: Well if you have the P.A. Bodyguard or Gater this battle will take you around 10 seconds, if you don't have either read ahead. Well generally I would stand on the second or third row and bust him and pound him with chips. If you have Cannball use them and stand in the third row and launch it to break a panel in Gatemans first row, this allows you to eliminate his gate minions. Just stand right behind the square you took out and its gone, if you have an Invis use that instead of the Cannball. When you get him low enough he sends a gate out to block your attacks. WARNING THIS GATE ALSO ATTACKS!!! A hand will every once in a while come out of the gate and try to hit you. For most of Gatemans attacks you can simply move up and down a square, and also if your Buster speed and strength are powered up enough you can just blast the 3 little guys he sends at you. Not a tough battle at all. ToadMan- Location: Ribbita in front of DNN van outside of Marine Harbor. Recommended Chips: A P.A. for an S-Rank, preferably Bodyguard, Gater, or Lifesword3. An Elecball or Aquaball or Fireball will suffice, as well as an Invis chip or two. Attacks: 1.) A music note he sends at you 2.) He comes to slap you. 3.) Sends little tadpoles at you Strategy: Well this guy doesn't have a lot of health but his attacks are incredibly annoying. If you have a fairly high damaging P.A. use it and you'll be fine, if not try to get one or just fight him till you win. If you have any ball, lay it at the appropriate time and do some good damage, and use Invis to dodge his annoying attacks. Eventually victory will be yours or you'll get disgusted and throw your GBA out the window. HeatMan- Location: Airport going to Netopia, the guy with red hair at the last spot before you get on the plane. Recommended Chips: P.A.'s are of course always a good choice for a speedy S- Rank. If you have some the cloud chips are good, as well as an Aquaball, an Invis or LifeAura, and whatever descent defense chip. Attacks: 1.) Shoots a flame tower at you...think Woodman from MMBN1. 2.) Closes himself in his little box and will make a lot of flames come up from the ground. 3.) Closes himself in his box, comes to your area, stamps down and makes that square a lava square. Note: When in his box you cant hurt him. Strategy: Well this battle along with Napalman and Toadman got me very frustrated and made me want to throw my GBA out a window. So definitely have a P.A. or Aquaball against this guy or in my opinion don't waste the time to fight him. The tricks of his attacks are for the flame tower just dodge or put an aura on. As for his attack where he comes to your are and make a square lava, if you have a Heatstyle just move then play as normal since it wont hurt you. Finally when he makes the flame come out of the ground if your on a square and it has a black circle on it move to one without it, most likely you can't so use a Invis or aura chip. SnakeMan- Location: Miss Millions, the woman in the jewelry store in Netopia. Recommended Chips: LifeAura is more practical then Invis for this battle. No melee chips i.e.: Hammer, Punch or any Sword chip...exception is the P.A. Lifesword3. Also P.A.'s Gater and Bodyguard are highly recommended for the fastest battle. Attacks: 1.) Sends Snakes at you. 2.) Fires machine guns at you. 3.) Comes out of his bottle and reaches across to bite you. Strategy: A snake, just like my name. Well mainly just keep moving and try to have a LifeAura for when he starts his machine gun madness. When he goes in his bottle you cant cause him chip damage, you have to fire your Buster on him once or twice to draw him out then pummel him with an attack, all the while he is sending snakes at you every couple of seconds. You can kill the snakes by simple blasting them with your Buster. When you draw his health low he starts his little tilt and bite...see number 3 in attacks. This is not tough to dodge so just keep moving. Obviously by now if you have P.A.'s use them, in fact I'm not telling you to anymore in the strategies because you should know better since its been in so many of them. ThunderMan- Location: Netopia Alley, Raul the guy under the basketball hoop. Recommended Chips: Aquaball, Cloud chips, bombs, any LifeAura, and Invis. Attacks: 1.) Thunderman only attack all by himself. He stands there and calls down lightning from the sky oooo...ahhhhh 2.) Clouds if they get close enough or you're blocking them make lightning in the form of a cross. 3.) Clouds get a little ball inside them and shoot it at you. Note: Thunderman doesn't attack that often his clouds mostly do. Strategy: YAWN... oh yeah strategy I'm sorry this battle usually puts me to sleep. Well just dodge his clouds and pummel him, when he calls lightning just move around or use an Invis or aura you'll be fine. ______________________________________________________________________________ 10) SECRETS: Style Information- Once you obtain Chng.bat at the Yumland Treasury, you will be able to change styles. A style change occurs every 280 battles you participate in. The style you get depends on how you fight these battles. There are elements attached to most the styles, which decide what your charged shot will be and is randomly determined what element you get with your style. Elements: -Heat Charge shot is a powerful flamethrower with a 3-panel range. -Aqua Charge shot is like a Bubbler chip, and it charges super-fast! -Elec Charge shot is like a ZapRing chip, and it stuns. -Wood Charge shot is like a Twister chip, with a 2-panel range. Style Type: -Cust You start with 7 battlechips at the start of each turn; use battlechips a lot to get this -Guts Your attacks don't get interrupted, getting hit doesn't affect your Busting Level, and your Buster's Power and Rapid are changed; use your Buster a lot to get this. -Shld You start with a barrier and can make a shield; use defensive chips a lot to get this. -Team You can put 8 Navi Chips in a folder, use Navi chips a lot to get this. -Nrml You start with this, and it has no element or abilities. -Hub Has the power of all the styles, including starting with 10 chips, and it has no element, but you have half your HP. Earning HubStyle- Earn an S Rank on all the v3 Navis except Bass (you can keep track with the girl behind the tree in ACDC Town) and you will get HubStyle on your next style change. It has the power of all the styles, has no element, and you start with 10 chips, but you have half-HP. If you decline the change or later erase it, you will never get it back. Stars- Yellow Star: Finish the main story. Green Star: Complete the WWW Areas and beat the real Bass. Red Star: Complete your Library. Blue Star: Use all 31 Program Advances at least once. Purple Star: Earn all 10 Secret Chips. Duplicate Chips!- This is a nifty trick enabling you to duplicate 'free' chips (Chips from Mystery Data, e-Mail, trades, and Netdealers) by beating Gospel. 1. Save in front of a 'free' battlechip. 2. Get the battlechip, and WITHOUT SAVING go and beat Gospel. 3. The battlechip should still be there. Get it again if you like and repeat the process. 4. You can string together multiple battlechips in a run to save time. Hard Mode- After getting all 5 Stars input the following button combination on the title screen after highlighting New Game: Left, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Right. If you did it right the New Game option should be Orange. Press A and you will start from the beginning (don't worry it didn't erase your old one!) but the enemies will have 50% more HP and the Network option is disabled. However once you beat it you get a awesome reward: A Sanctuary chip in both of your save files. Determining your Busting Level- Busting Level is a numerical ranking on well you played out the battle. It is ranked on a scale of 1(being the lowest) through 10(higher) then S(the highest). The higher your level, the more often you will get a Battlechip instead of Zenny and what code/how much money you will get. Simply put, to get an S rank defeat an enemy fast, without getting hit, and not moving much. Here is a chart to calculate your Busting Level yourself. Viruses: Navis: Time | Points Time | Points 5 s or less | 7 30 s or less| 10 5.01-12 s | 6 30.01-40 s | 8 12.01-36 s | 5 40.01-50 s | 6 Over 36 s | 4 Over 50 s | 4 Both: Damage | Points 0 hits | 1 1 hit | 0 2 hits | -1 3 hits | -2 4+ hits | -3 Movement | Points 0-2 panels | 1 3+ panels | 0 Multi Delete| Points 2 Viruses | 2 3 Viruses | 4 ______________________________________________________________________________ 11) FAQ: Q: Your Walkthrough's directions are screwed up! A: No they are not. North is the top-right corner of GBA screen, west is the top-left corner of GBA screen, south is the bottom-left corner of GBA screen and east is the bottom-right corner of GBA screen. Q: How can I make the survival battles easier? A: In the early part of the game, Airman v3 or ProtoMan v3 owns all of these guys. LifeSword also works wonders. Q: Where is ArmyData? A: Enter WWW Area 1 through Undernet 4. Go through the place until you find another Wormhole like the one you entered from. Go in it, and you will find a Purple Mystery Data containing ArmyData. Q: How do I perform Program Advances? A: Select the chips necessary in a Program Advance on the chip selection screen in battle in the correct order. Example: Wind G, Fan G, and Gateman G make Gater. Q: How do I defeat Protectos? A: You must use a single attack that does more damage then their HP on all of them at the same time. The Ultrabomb Program Advance works most of the time, but I prefer using IceStage, then ElecBall right before the Protectos explode, then beefing it up immensely. Q: Where are Sattelite1 G's? A: S-rank Sparkys, which are found in the Den Airport Flight Board. Q: Where are ZapRing2 B's? A: S-rank TuffBunnys, which are found in the Netopian Castle Goddess Statue. Q: What is Warp Central? A: Warp Central is that area in Den Area 1 with 4 warps. You need GateKeys to open them. The locations of the GateKeys are: GateKeyA- The lady by the tent in the Okuden campgrounds. Once you deliver NoteData, go back to her. GateKeyB- Receive by completing Job 7 on the Request Board. GateKeyC- Complete Quiz Master's quiz. GateKeyD- Keymaker at NetSquare(this is part of the story, you can't miss it) Q: What are the button combinations for VarSwrd and the Fists? A: Hold down A, and press these buttons in the following order: VarSwrd- LongSwrd: down, down-right, right WideSwrd: up, right, down FtrSwrd: left, down, right DreamSwrd: down, left, up, right, down TriSlashWave: left, B, right, B BrnzFist- down, down-right, right SilvFist- right, up, left, down, right GoldFist- B, down, down-right, right, B ______________________________________________________________________________ 12) VIRUSES (By DragoonNite & Protomanexe21): The follwing section is about viruses. The format is shown below. Any virus That does not have a Map location HAS NO CHIP! So don't look for them to get the chip. They will only appear at certain parts in the game. And probably only once. The map names are what is displayed in the game. If you know it by anything else, too bad. These are from the game. This is in alphabetcal order for your convenience. Thank you. Format: --------------------- ~ Virus Family ~ --------------------- Virus - Element ### Hp Attack Damage/Element Chips: Chip Virus gives Locations: Where to find Virus ---------------- ~ Beetanks ~ ---------------- Beetank - None 80 Hp Dmg 15 - None Chips: LilBomb O, LilBomb T, LilBomb E(6 rank) Locations: Koto Area, Gas Comp 1+2, Control Panel, Dex's PC, Bronze Statue, Telephone, Guardian, Gas Stove Beetank2 - None 120 Hp Dmg 40 - None Chips: CrosBomb J, CrossBomb O Locations: Netopia 2+3, Castle Comp 2+4, Bronze Statue, Flight Board, Television Beetank3 - None 160 Hp Dmg 80 - None Chips: BigBomb O, BigBomb V(7 rank) Locations: Undernet 4, WWW Area 1+2 ----------------- ~ Brushmen ~ ----------------- Brushman - None 100 Hp Dmg None - None Chips: HolyPnl L, HolyPanl R(8 Rank) Locations: Undernet 4 Brushman2 - None 100 Hp None - None Chips: None Locations: WWW Area 1 Brushman3 - None 200 Hp None - None Chips: None Locations: WWW Area 3 -------------- ~ Bunnys ~ -------------- Bunny - Elec 40 Hp Dmg 15 - Elec Chips: ZapRing1 A, ZapRing1 M, ZapRing1 Q Locations: Den Area 2+3, Yumland 1+2, Control Panel, Guardian TuffBunny - Elec 80 Hp Dmg 60 - Elec Chips: ZapRing2 B, ZapRing2 R(8 Rank) Locations: Netopia 1+2+3, Flight Board, Goddess, Raoul's Radio MegaBunny - Elec 120 Hp Dmg 90 - None Chips: ZapRing3 E(Get a 9 Rank), ZapRing3 Z Locations: Koto Vending Machine ------------------ ~ CanDevils ~ ------------------ CanDevil - Fire 130 Hp Dmg 60 - Fire Chips: Candle1 C, Candle1 F Locations: Castle Comp 1+2+3+4+5, Million's Bag CanDevil2 - Fire 160 Hp Dmg 100 - Fire Chips: Candle2 A, Candle2 J, Candle2 L, Candle2 T Locations: Undernet 6 CanDevil3 - Fire 300 Hp Dmg 160 - Fire Chips: Candle3 H, Candle3 N, Candle3 W Locations: WWW Area 2 ------------------- ~ Canodumbs ~ ------------------- Canodumb - None 50 Hp Dmg 10 - None Chips: Cannon A, Cannon B, Cannon C, Cannon D, Cannon E Locations: Den Area 1+2+3, Gas Comp 1+2, Doghouse, Portable Game, Dex's PC, Blackboard, Control Panel Canodumb2 - None 90 Hp Dmg 50 - None Chips: HiCannon C, HiCannon D, HiCannon E, HiCannon F, HiCannon G Locations:Air Comp 1+3+4, Dex's PC, Television, Goddess Canodumb3 - None 150 Hp Dmg 100 - None Chips: M-Cannon E, M-Cannon F(9 Rank), M-Cannon G, M-Cannon H(6 Rank), M-Cannon I(6 Rank) Locations: WWW Area 2, Apartment Comp 1+3+4, Autolock, Gospel Server 1+2 --------------- ~ Cloudys ~ --------------- Cloudy - Aqua 80 Hp Dmg 30 - Aqua Chips: LilCloud I(Just don't get S Rank), LilCloud N Locations: Netopia 1+3, Refridgerator Cloudy2 - Aqua 140 Hp Dmg 80 - Aqua Chips: MedCloud L, MedCloud O Locations: Undernet 1+2 Cloudy3 - Aqua 220 Hp Dmg 160 - Aqua Chips: BigCloud Q, BigCloud R(9 Rank), BigCloud T, BigCloud U(9Rank) Locations: Undernet 5+6 ------------------ ~ Dominerds ~ ------------------ Dominerd - None 100 Hp Dmg 100 - None Chips: CrsShld1 P, CrsShld1 S Locations: Castle Comp 1+3+4+5, Television Dominerd2 - None 130 Hp Dmg 150 _ None Chips: CrsShld2 A, CrsShld2 O Locations: UnderKoto Dominerd3 - None 200 Hp Dmg 200 - None Chips: CrsShld3 O, CrsShld3 P Locations: Undernet 7 ----------- ~ Dragons ~ ----------- Lavagon - Fire 300 Hp Dmg Unknown - Fire Chips: LavaDrag G, LavaDrag R, LavaDrag Y(8 Rank) Locations: Apartment Comp 3 Bluegon - Aqua 200 Hp Dmg Unknown - Aqua Chips: None Locations: License Tests Yellogon - Elec 200 Hp Dmg Unknown - Elec Chips: None Locations: License Tests ------------- ~ Fishys ~ ------------- Fishy - None 80 Hp Dmg 50 - None Chips: DashAtk *, DashAtk B, DashAtk D, DashAtk G(9 Rank), DashAtk J(7 Rank) Locations: Doghouse, Portable Game, Bronze Statue, Broken Toy, Coffee Machine, Guardian, Bear, Flight Board Fishy2 - Fire 150 Hp Dmg 100 - Fire Chips: Burner A, Burner B(8 Rank), Burner F(8 Rank), Burner L Locations: WWW Area1, Underner 4+5, Flight Board, Fishy3 - None 300 Hp Dmg 150 - None Chips: None Locations: Jobs, License Tests, Ice --------------- ~ Flameys ~ --------------- Flamey - Fire 90 Hp Dmg 20 - Fire Chips: LineOut Q, LineOut T Locations: Bomb Comp 2+4, Gas Stove Flamey2 - Fire 130 Hp Dmg 40 - Fire Chips: None Locations: Jobs, License Tests Flamey3 - Fire 160 Hp Dmg 60 - Fire Chips: None Locations: Jobs, License Tests -------------- ~Flappys~ -------------- Flappy - None 100 Hp Chips: Quake1 A, Quake1 W Locations: Mayl's PC, Den Area 3 Flappy2 - None 180 Hp Chips: Quake2 B Locations: Refrigerator, AirComp2+4+5 Flappy3 240 Hp Chips: Quake3 Q, Quake3 W Locations:Undernet 1+2+3 -------------- ~ Handys ~ -------------- Handy - None 80 Hp Dmg 50 - None Chips: TimeBom C, TimeBom M, TimeBom Z Locations: Yumland 1+2, Bomb Comp 1+2+3+4 Handy2 - None 120 Hp Dmg 80 - None Chips: Timebom2 F, TimeBom2 Z Locations: Air Comp 1+2+3+4+5, Goddess Handy3 - None 200 Hp Dmg 200 - None Chips: Timebom3 E, TimeBom3 Z Locations: Apartment 1+3+4, Gospel Server 1+2 ----------------- ~ HardHead ~ ----------------- HardHead - None 60 Hp Dmg 50 - None Chips: Cannonball O, Cannonball Q Locations: Koto Area, UnderKoto, Monitor HardHead2 100 Hp Dmg 100 - None Chips: None Locations: Required scenario battles, License Tests HardHead3 160 Hp Dmg 150 - None Chips: None Locations: Apartment Comp -------------- ~ KillPlants ~ -------------- KillPlant - Wood 100 Hp Dmg 60 - Wood Chips: TreeBom1 B, TreeBom1 H, TreeBom1 R(7 Rank) Locations: Mother Comp 2+3+4+5 KillWeed - Wood 160 Hp Dmg 100 - Wood Chips: TreeBom2 J(7 Rank), TreeBom2 S Locations: UnderKoto KillFleur - Wood 220 Hp Dmg 160 - Wood Chips: TreeBom3 O(8 Rank), TreeBom3 P Locations: Undernet 5 -------------- ~ Magneakers ~ -------------- Magneaker - Elec 160 Hp Dmg 80 - Elec Chips: MagBomb1 *, MagBomb1 F(7 Rank) Locations: Air Comp 2+3+5 Magmacker - Elec 200 Hp Dmg 100 - Elec Chips: MagBomb2 *, MagBomb D Locations: Undernet 6 Magnoid - Elec 240 Hp Dmg 160 - Elec Chips: MagBomb3 Q(9 Rank), MagBomb3 S Locations: WWW Area 1+2 ------------- ~ Megalians ~ ------------- MegalianA - None 100 Hp Dmg 100 - None Chips: AquaAura A Locations: Undernet 4 MegalianH - None 150 Hp Dmg 150 - None Chips: FireAura R Locations: Undernet 4 MegalianW - None 200 Hp Dmg 200 - None Chips: WoodAura S Locations: Undernet 7 MegalianE - None 250 Hp Dmg 250 - None Chips: ElecAura L Locations: Undernet 7 ------------ ~ Mettaurs ~ ------------ Mettaur - None 40 Hp Dmg 10 - None Chips: Guard *(6 Rank), Shockwav J, Shockwav R Locations: Den Area 1+2+3, Gas Comp 1+2, Bomb Comp 1+2+3+4, Control Panel, Mayl's PC, Telephone, Yai's PC, Blackboard, Monitor, Guardian, Bear, Gas Stove Mettaur2 - None 80 Hp Dmg 40 - None Chips: Guard *(6 Rank), Sonicwav E, Sonicwav I, Sonicwav W(9 Rank) Locations: Koto Area, Netopia 1+2+3, Yumland 1+2, Mother Comp 1+2, Bronze Statue, Monitor, Guardian, Bear, Refridgerator Mettaur3 - None 100 Hp Dmg 80 - None Chips: Dynawav N, Dynawav Q, Dynawav T(8 Rank) Locations: Netopia 1, Undernet3, WWW Area 1, Air Comp 1+3+5, Autolock ------------- ~ MettFires ~ ------------- MettFire - Fire 100 Hp Dmg 30 - Fire Chips: Meteor9 C(8 Rank), Meteor9 S Locations: Bomb Comp 4, Mother Comp 2+3+4 FullFire - Fire 150 Hp Dmg 80 - Fire Chips: Meteor12 C, Meteor12 W(Don't get S) Locations: Castle Comp 3+4+5, Gift Shop, Vending Machine DeathFire - Fire 200 Hp Dmg 120 - Fire Chips: Meteor15 G, Meteor15 H(9 Rank), Meteor15 Z Locations: Undernet 1+2+3+6, WWW Area 2 --------- ~ Moles ~ --------- Mole - None 10 Hp Dmg None - None Chips: PopUp D, PopUp I, PopUp T Locations: Undernet 6 Mole2 - None 800 Hp Dmg None - None Chips: Meteor18 K(7 Rank), VarSword K, VarSwrd L, VarSwrd N, AirShoes A Locations: WWW Area 3 ---------- ~ Mushys ~ ---------- Mushy - Wood 90 Hp Dmg 20 - Wood Chips: Spice1 A Locations: Mother Comp 3+4, Million's Bag Mashy - Wood 140 Hp Dmg 40 - Wood Chips: Spice2 B(9 Rank), Spice2 H Locations: Gift Shop Moshy - Wood 200 Hp Dmg 80 - Wood Chips: Spice3 M, Spice3 P(8 Rank) Locations: WWW Area 3, Gift Shop ----------------- ~ Nulls & Voids ~ ----------------- Null - Aqua 100 Hp Dmg 40 - Aqua Chips: Whrlpool A, Whrlpool G(9 Rank) Locations: Undernet 1+2+3 Void - Aqua 160 Hp Dmg 60 - Aqua Chips: Blckhole F Locations: Undernet 7 Null&Void - Aqua 220 Hp Dmg 8 - Aqua Chips: None Locations: Black Navi with BlueFrag2 --------- ~ Octos ~ --------- Octon - Aqua 120 Hp Dmg Varies - Aqua Chips: AquaBall A, AquaBall T Locations: Wide Monitor Octor - Elec 200 Hp Dmg Varies - Elec Chips: ElecBall E Locations: Goddess Octavian - Fire 320 Hp Dmg varies - Fire Chips: HeatBall F, HeatBall S Locations: Undernet 7 ----------- ~ Poppers ~ ----------- Popper - Wood 300 Hp Dmg 60 - Wood Chips: None Locations: Jobs, License Tests Popper2 - Wood 150 Hp Dmg 80 - Wood Chips: LeafShld R, LeafShld W Locations: Undernet 5 Popper3 - Wood 200 Hp Dmg 120 - Wood Chips: DropDown S Locations: WWW Area 2 ------------- ~ PuffBalls ~ ------------- Puffball - Wood 160 Hp Dmg Varies - Wood Chips: PoisMask S, PoisMask W(8 Rank) Locations: Mother Comp 4+5, Gift Shop PoofBall - Wood 220 Hp Dmg Varies - Wood Chips: PoisFace U(8 Rank), PoisFace W Locations: WWW Area 2 GoofBall - Wood 300 Hp Dmg Varies - Wood Chips: None Locations: Navi that invades the Square ---------- ~ Puffys ~ ---------- Puffy - Aqua 100 Hp Dmg 50 - Aqua Chips: BubSprd F, BubSprd I Locations: Undernet 7 Buffy - Fire 200 Hp Dmg 100 - Aqua Chips: HeatSprd D, HeatShrd L, HeatSprd M(9 Rank) Locations: Undernet 5 Poofy - Aqua 300 Hp Dmg 150 - Aqua Chips: None Locations: Jobs, License Tests ---------- ~ Rattys ~ ---------- Ratty - None 60 Hp Dmg 50 - None Chips: Ratton1 H, Ratton1 I, Ratton1 J, Ratton1 K, Ratton1 L Locations: Netopia 2+3, Air Comp 4+5, Vending Machine Ratty2 - None 100 Hp Dmg 80 - None Chips: Ratton2 J, ratton2 K(8 Rank), Ratton2 L, Ratton2 M(8 Rank), Ratton2 N Locations: Apartment Comp 1+2+3+4, Gospel Server 1, Autolock Ratty3 - None 160 Hp Dmg 120 - None Chips: Ratton3 L, Ratton3 M(8 Rank), Ratton3 N(6 Rank), Ratton3 O, Ratton3 P Locations: WWW Area 2 ------------ ~ Scuttles ~ ------------ Scutz - Fire 200 Hp Dmg 120 - Fire Chips: LifAura1 B, LifeAura1 G, LifeAure1 I, LifeAura1 O Locations: WWW Area 1+2+3 Scuttle - Aqua 200 Hp Dmg 100 - Aqua Chips: LifAura1 B, LifeAura1 G, LifeAure1 I, LifeAura1 O Locations: WWW Area 1+2+3 Scuttler - Elec 200 Hp Dmg 100 - Elec Chips: LifAura1 B, LifeAura1 G, LifeAure1 I, LifeAura1 O Locations: WWW Area 1+2+3 Scuttzer - Wood 200 Hp Dmg 160 - Wood Chips: LifAura1 B, LifeAura1 G, LifeAure1 I, LifeAura1 O Locations: WWW Area 1+2+3 Scuttlest - None 300 Hp Dmg 160 - None Chips: LifAura2 J, LifeAur2 R Locations: WWW Area 3 ----------- ~ Shadows ~ ----------- Shadow - None 80 Hp Dmg 90 - None Chips: Shadow1 H, Shadow1 L, Shadow1 R (9 Rank) Locations: Castle Comp 3+4+5 RedDevil - None 160 Hp Dmg 140 - None Chips: Shadow2 E, Shadow2 M (9 rank) Locations: Apartment Comp 3+4 BlueDemon - None 200 Hp Dmg 190 - None Chips: Shadow3 C, Shadow3 F, Shadow3 V (8 Rank) Locations: WWW Area 1 -------------- ~ Shellgeeks ~ -------------- Shellgeek - Aqua 100 Hp Dmg 50 - Aqua Chips: DoubNdl A, DoubNdl F (7 Rank), DoubNdl I, DoubNdl J Locations: Mother Comp 4+5, Piano, Ribitta's Van Shellnerd - Aqua 140 Hp Dmg 100 - Aqua Chips: TripNdl I, TripNdl M, TripNdl T (9 Rank) Locations: Million's Bag Shellman - Aqua 180 Hp Dmg 150 - Aqua Chips: QuadNdl I, QuadNdl P Locations: Gift Shop ------------ ~ Shrimpys ~ ------------ Shrimpy - Aqua 100 Hp Chips: Bubbler B, Bubbler P, Bubbler R (7 Rank) Locations: Mother Comp 2+3+5, Piano, Ribitta's Van, Coffee Machine, Wide Monitor. Shrimpy2 - Aqua 130 Hp Chips: Bub-V C, Bub-V D, Bub-V J (6 Rank) Locations: Castle Comp 1+2+4+5, Wide Monitor Shrimpy3 - Aqua 160 Hp Chips: BubCross P, BubCross V Locations: Undernet 1+2 ------------ ~ Snappers ~ ------------ Snapper - Wood 120 Hp Dmg 40 - Wood Chips: Kunai1 E, Kunai1 P (8 Rank), Kunai1 S Locations: Apartment Comp 2+3 , Gospel Server 1+2 Snapper2 - Wood 180 Hp Dmg 60 - Wood Chips: Kunai2 D (8 Rank), Kunai2 F Locations: Undernet 5 Snapper3 - Wood 250 Hp Dmg 80 - Wood Chips: Kunai3 C, Kunai3 G Locations: WWW Area 3 ----------- ~ Sparkys ~ ----------- Sparky - Elec 100 hp Dmg 40 - Elec Chips: Satelit1 G Locations: Yumland 1+2, Mother Comp 2+3+5, Flight Board, Goddess, Raoul's Radio Sparkler - Elec 120 Hp Dmg 80 - Elec Chips: Satelite2 R Locations: Air Comp 1+2+5, Bronze Statue, Television Sparknoid - Elec 150 Hp Dmg 120 - Elec Chips: Satelit3 L (8 Rank), Satellite3 S Locations: WWW Area 1, Apartment Comp 4, Gospel Server 1+2 ----------- ~ Spikeys ~ ----------- Spikey - Fire 90 Hp Dmg 20 - Fire Chips: HeatShot B, Heatshot G, Heatshot P Locations: Bomb Comp 1+2+3+4, Broken Toy, Gift Shop Spikey2 - Fire 120 Hp Dmg 60 - Fire Chips: Heat-V D (9 Rank), Heat-V J, Heat-V N, Heat-V S Locations: Mother Comp 1+2, Broken Toy, Gift Shop, Vending Machine Spikey3 - Fire 200 Hp Dmg 120 - Fire Chips: HeatCros P, HeatCros V Locations: Apartment Comp 2 ----------- ~ Spookys ~ ----------- Spooky - None 50 hp Dmg 30 - None Chips: Invis1 *, Invis1 R, Invis1 U, Recov30 H (6 Rank), Recov50 N (8 Rank) Locations: Yumland 1+2, Yai's PC, Guardian Spooky2 - None 80 Hp Dmg 80 - None Chips: Invis2 *, Invis2 H, Invis2 V (8 Rank), Recov80 F (8 Rank) Locations: mother Comp 2+3+4+5, Castle Comp 3 Spooky3 - None 120 Hp Dmg 140 - None Chips: Invis3 *, Invis3 K (7 Rank), Invis3 P, Invis3 W, Recov80 O (7 Rank), Recov120 S (8 Rank) Locations: Undernet 1+2+3, WWW Area 1, Castle Comp 1+2+3+4 ----------- ~ Swordys ~ ----------- Swordy - None 90 hp Dmg 40 - None Chips: Longswrd A, LongSwrd I (7 Rank) Locations: Koto Area, Castle Comp 3, Telephone, Yai's PC Swordy2 - Fire 140 Hp Dmg 50 - None Chips: Fireswrd N Locations: Koto Area, Mother Comp 1 Swordy3 - Aqua 200 Hp Dmg 100 - None Chips: Aquaswrd A, AquaSwrd N, AquaSword W (8 Rank) Locations: Mother Comp 1, WWW Area 1, Castle Comp 3+4+5 ----------- ~ Twistys ~ ----------- Twisty - Elec 80 Hp Dmg 30 - Elec Chips: Remobit1 G, Remobit1 K Locations: Air Comp 1+2+3+4, Raoul's Radio Twisty2 - Elec 100 Hp Dmg 50 - Elec Chips; Remobit2 R, Remobit2 V (8 Rank) Locations: UnderKoto, Undernet 4. Twisty3 - Elec 300 Hp Dmg 70 - Elec Chips: Remobit3 L, Remobit3 T Locations: Autolock -------- ~ UFOs ~ -------- RedUFO - Elec 80 Hp Dmg None - None Chips: Catcher N Locations: Air Comp 3+4, Undernet 7 BlueUFO - Elec 100 Hp Dmg None - None Chips: None Locations: Jobs, License Tests GreenUFO - Elec 150 Hp Dmg None - None Chips: None Locations: Jobs, License Tests ---------------- ~ Winds & Fans ~ ---------------- Windbox - None 60 Hp Dmg None - None Chips: Wind G, Wind T Locations: Gas Comp 2, Control Panel, Telephone, Raoul's Radio VacuumFan - None 90 Hp Dmg None - None Chips: Fan Y Locations Mother Comp 1, Raoul's Radio Stormbox - None 200 Hp Dmg None - None Chips: None Locations: Jobs, License Tests --------- ~ Yorts ~ --------- Yort - None 120 Hp Dmg 20 - None Chips: Yo-yo1 E, Yo-Yo1 R, Yo-Yo1 T (8 Rank), Yo-Yo1 V (8 Rank) Locations: Apartment Comp 1+3 Yurt - None 180 Hp Dmg 40 - None Chips: Yo-yo2 A, Yo-Yo2 K (9 Rank) Locations: Undernet 6 Yart - None 240 hp Dmg 80 - None Chips: Yo-yo3 I, Yo-Yo3 M Locations: WWW Area 3 ______________________________________________________________________________ 13) UPGRADE LOCATIONS: This Section is from Rwave's FAQ, and it is none of my work. BugFrags- Den Area 1 Den Area 2 Den Area 3 Dex's Computer Statue (Yai's House) GasComp 2 BombComp4 KotoArea Yumland 1 Yumland 2 Control Panel (Lan's House) Mother Comp3 Flight Board (Den Airport) Hotel Refrigerator Wide Monitor (Official Center's Conference Room) Raoul's Radio Netopia 1 Netopia 2 CastleComp 4 Airplane TV (Economy Class) Airplane Comp 2 Undernet 1 Undernet 2 Undernet 3 Undernet 4 Undernet 5 Undernet 6 UnderKoto Autolock (Kotobuki) Apart Comp3 WWW 1 WWW 3 HPMemory- Den Area 1 (Netdealer) x3 Den Area 3 (Netdealer) x3 The Square (Netdealer) x3 GasComp 2 (Blue Mystery Data) Guardian Statue (Okuden) (Blue Mystery Data) BombComp2 (Blue Mystery Data) KotoSquare (Netdealer) x3 MotherComp 1 (Blue Mystery Data) Curtains (Airplane Business room) Airplane Comp 2 (Blue Mystery Data) Airplane Comp 4 (Blue Mystery Data) NetSquare (Netdealer) x3 Netopia Area 3 (Blue Mystery Data) CastleComp1 (Blue Mystery Data) Undernet 1 (Netdealer) x3 Undernet 2 (Blue Mystery Data) UnderSquare (Netdealer) x3 UnderKoto (Netdealer) x3 Apart Comp2 Yai's PC (Blue Mystery Data) Mayl's Piano (Blue Mystery Data) Defeat Mr. Famous Defeat Mr. Match Complete Request 2 Complete Request 5 Complete Request 12 Trade #3 Reward of Quiz #2 Hotel Refrigerator Apartment9F (Left-most door) SubMemory- Castle Comp 3 Undernet 3 WWW Area 3 (Purple Mystery Data) Hidden Character 2 RegUps- Receive ZLicense (4) GasComp Yai's Phone CoffeeMachine (Official Center) Okuden Bear BombComp3 (2) Yumland 1 Mother Comp 2 Mother Comp 5 (2) Airplane Comp 1 Airplane Comp 4 (2) Garbage Dump at Underground (2) CastleComp3 Duty-free Shop (2) Undernet 1 (2) Undernet 6 (2) Broken Toy (ACDC Town) Kotobuki Vending Machine (3) Apart Comp1 (2) GospServer1 Hidden Character 3 (2) Complete Request 1 Complete Request 3 Complete Request 9 (2) Complete Request 12 (2) Receive BLicense Receive ALicense (2) Receive SLicense Receive SSLicense Receive SSSLicense Reward of Quiz #3 (3) PowerUps- Den Area 3 (Netdealer) Den Area 3 (Purple Mystery Data) BombComp4 (Blue Mystery Data) KotoSquare (Netdealer) NetSquare (Netdealer) CastleComp4 (NetCastle) UnderSquare (Netdealer) UnderKoto (Netdealer) Apart Comp3 Dr. Hikari's Lab Coat Complete Request 14 Hidden Character 5 ______________________________________________________________________________ 14) TRADING CHAIN: Traders listed in order of appearance. 1. Trader- Northern ACDC Town, near the school gate Request- DaskAtk J (Fishys in the Doghouse) Reward- Spreader * 2. Trader- Metroline Station in Marine Harbor Request- PoisMask S (S-rank Puffballs in the MotherComps) Reward- VarSwrd B 3. Trader- Okuden Path 1 Request- Invis1 * (Spookys in Yai's computer) Reward- Escape N, HPMemory 4. Trader- Outside Test Room in the Center Request- Escape N (Trade #3) Reward- Hammer Z 5. Trader- Lower Netsquare, in a corner Request- Hammer Z (Trade #4) Reward- SilvFist V 6. Trader- Netopia Town Underground Request- PopUp D (Moles in Undernet 6) Reward- Blower P 7. Trader- Netopia Town, against a wall Request- SilvFist V (Trade #5) Reward- BigBomb * 8. Trader- Netopia Airport Duty-free Shop Request- AquaAura A, FireAura R, WoodAura S, ElecAura L (Undernet) Reward- UnderSht N 9. Trader- Airplane first-class Request- ShadoMn1 S, ShadoMn2 S, ShadoMn3 S (ShadoMan in Undernet 5) Reward- AntiDmg S 10. Trader- MotherComp room, against wall Request- BigBomb * (Trade #7) Reward- Third Folder ______________________________________________________________________________ 15) HIDDEN CHARACTERS: All the hidden characters are listed in the chronological order they appear. They are always out of view, so just search behind stuff all the time while pressing A. Marine Harbor-In the outside area, behind the giant stars on the far right. It's a little girl with a Geddon3. ACDC Town-Behind the brown house to the left of Yai's mansion after coming back from Netopia. It's a boy with 20 Guard *. Camp Trail 2 in Okuden- Behind a tree next to the bear after clearing Scenario 7. It's an old lady with an RegUp2. Netopia Park-Go across to the row of trees near the entry to Netopia Town after clearing Scenario 7. Walk along behind the trees until you can no longer move, and press A. It's a little black boy with a SubMemory. Mother Computer Room-Go to the first server box you walk past, the one you can NOT jack-into, and look behind it after using the KotoPass for the first time. It's a program with a PowerUp. ______________________________________________________________________________ 16) CONTACT: My e-mail address is Please use this address if you have something you want to contribute or criticize. Suggestions are always welcome. Just make sure you use proper grammar and spelling and put 'About your MMBN2 FAQ' in the topic. Do not bother sending spam, because I am telling you right now I'm not interested. Also, I will block you if you are just sending hate mail. Feel free to praise me anyway you like, though. ^_^ ______________________________________________________________________________ 17) LEGAL INFORMATION: This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ______________________________________________________________________________ 18) CONCLUSION: Well, that's my Walkthrough/FAQ. I hope it was informative and interesting to read. Hopefully after using this document you will become a MegaMan Battle Network 2 Master! That was my dream when I wrote this. There are still lots of updates to come, so don't worry if you see something absent, because there is a very good chance it will be included next update. What are you doing still reading? Go! Go now, play some basketball, or something... Copyright 2002-2003 by Caleb Perkins.