1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 The Definitive Guide to Styles, v1.07 by Lourde Incarnadine (dharkshade#aol.com)- to e-mail, replace the '#' with a '@'. Table of Contents: -If you're looking for information out of a particular section, just hit Ctrl+F and search for the Section you're after. Though you really SHOULD read the whole FAQ. It's good for you. And in case you're wondering, those numbers up there exist for a reason- they help me keep track of maximum line length (79 characters) for FAQs so that you don't have to scroll to the side to see everything. Section 00- Foreword (includes Version History) Section 0.5- For Dummies Section 01- Overview Section 02- Elements and Types Section 03- The Points System Section 04- Style Upgrades Section 05- HubStyle Section 06- Trading Styles Section 07- Style-Specific Secret Chips Section 08- Tips & Suggestions Section 09- Style-Specific Folders Section 10- Thanks Section 11- Contact Info Section 12- Legal Claptrap Section 00- Foreword This is a condensed recreation of the original "Style Mechanics Explained" topic created by Terrence on the Megaman Battle Network 2 Message Board at GameFAQs. Terrence has graciously given permission for this information to be used in a Styles FAQ for the benefit of everyone- Much of this information comes from Terrence, so if you ever see him on the Message Boards THANK HIM FOR HIS HARD WORK!!! And I wouldn't mind if you thanked me for researching and compiling it all, either. Anyway, on with the show! V1.00- 10/24/2002- First Version is written and submitted to GameFAQs. V1.01- 10/24/2002- Added a little information to and fiddled with the formatting of 'Elements and Types', 'The Points System', 'Style Upgrades', and 'Tips & Suggestions'. V1.02- 10/28/2002- Few more Tidbits, plus a new 'Secret Style Chips' section. Plus a few new names in the 'Thanks' section. V1.03- 12/09/2002- Realized I misspelled my own e-mail address in the 'Contact Info' Section. The mistake has been rectified. This is the first update since the original was submitted; there was difficulty as I had apparently sent in two different FAQs under two different names with the same address. V1.04- 04/22/2003- Minor formatting changes (very minor). Updated info regarding the 'Refrigerator'. Added a new Section, with some Style-Specific Folder ideas. At the moment all I've got is the 'Kusanagi' folder, created by CloudStrife765. V1.05- 04/30/2003- Another good Folder from CloudStrife765, centered around the BigRedWave chip. I may have Sparker and FreezeBomb Folders lined up, but I need to ask first. And if you've got a good Folder for the NormalStyle-specific Swords, send it in!!! V1.06- 05/01/2003- CloudStrife765 comes through yet again, this time with a NormalStyle Folder. Behold the Master's Edge. Also added a 'For Dummies' section, for those who aren't literate enough or learned enough to comprehend the existing explanations. V1.07- 05/04/2003- Realized that 'Master's Edge' only had 28 chips in it; the mistake has been corrected. EliteMan's 'E.M.P.' joins the club as a Sparker-based Folder. Also fiddled with the formatting, so HOPEFULLY everything will line up correctly. I think once I get a good FreezeBomb-based Folder, I'm just going to kick this FAQ to V2.00. I just can't think of anything more to add. Section 0.5- For Dummies There are those individuals among us who don't CARE where milk comes from, as long as they can get it in a plastic jug at the BiLo. Likewise, there are those who don't care how Styles work, they just want to know what to do to get a particular Style. This is for those who wish not for enlightment, but merely for a sheet of instructions. ->*ELEMENTS ARE RANDOM. YOU CANNOT CONTROL WHICH ELEMENT YOU WILL GET.* Deal with it. Styles, however, are not random and can be controlled. ->SHIELD: Whenever possible, get through fights without getting hit. Upload recovery chips and defensive chips, such as CurseShields and Auras. ->TEAM: Use lots of Navi Chips. ->CUSTOM: Attack primarily with BattleChips. Upload as many BattleChips as possible during your Custom phase (at LEAST 2). Upload PAs whenever possible. You don't have to actually USE them, just Upload them. ADDing also helps. ->GUTS: Use your Buster a lot, especially when your Custom bar is full. Charged shots from NormalStyle will count towards a GutsStyle, but not charged shots from any of the elemental Styles. ->HUB: S-Rank the V3 version of every Navi in the game EXCEPT FOR FORTE/BASS. Locations and/or Operators of all NaviV3s are listed in Section 05. Section 01- Overview Style Changes are a big part of Megaman Battle Network 2. However, it's not always clear exactly what you need to do to achieve them. Here's how it works: And before you ask, this chart was created through a mixture of experimentation, game-playing and memory hacking- this information is accurate. Anyways, here goes. - Before you can gain any Style, you must get Chng.bat installed into Megaman.EXE. This is a story event- you can't miss it. Once it's installed, chances are good that your first fight in the next story-dictated area you visit will end in a Style change. - Every 280 battles, you achieve a Style Change. This happens even if you are already using a style; you do not have to be in NormalStyle to achieve a Style change. Which Style you earn is the result of a point system that will be explained in a later section. - There are 18 total Styles in this game. One is NormalStyle, which you begin with. The next 16 are simply combinations of two factors- they are the result of one of four Elements being assigned to one of four Type, and are named in the format "ElementType". The last Style is HubStyle, a special Style that has its own section later on. Section 02- Elements and Types *ELEMENTS* - Every one of the Style Types can be combined with one of four elements to produce a Style- these styles are denoted by the element followed by the type (for example, HeatGuts or ElecShield). Each Element has its own unique charged shot. The four elements and their attributes are as follows: - Heat styles are fire-based. When in a Heat style, you will take double damage from Aqua attacks. You will be able to walk over lava panels with impunity- they cannot hurt you. Heat's charged attack is a Flamethrower with a range of 3 squares. Powerful, and useful in many situations. HeatStyleV1- 50 damage; HeatStyleV2- 75 damage; HeatStyleV3- 100 damage. - Wood styles are plant-based. When in a Wood style, you will take double damage from Heat attacks. Standing on a grass panel will heal your HP. Wood's charged attack is an eight-hit Twister that hits the second square in front of you. The strongest of the charged attacks, this is hampered by a lower range. Try bringing along AreaGrab and Prism chips to offset the range and take full advantage of this element's capabilities- You won't be sorry. WoodStyleV1- 10x8 damage (80 total); WoodStyleV2- 15x8 damage (120 total); WoodStyleV3- 20x8 damage (160 total). - Elec styles are electricity-based. With an Elec style, you will take double damage from Wood attacks. Elec's charged shot is a ZapRing, which can paralyze enemies- this leaves them defenseless against more serious punishment. Unfortunately, Elec also has the worst damage of an elemental charge shot- at max power, an ElecStyleV3 can look forward to a whopping 30 damage. Not even enough to kill a Met! But the true advantage is in the attack's Stun capabilities. ElecStyleV1- 10 damage; ElecStyleV2- 20 damage; ElecStyleV3- 30 damage. - Aqua styles are water-based. When in an Aqua style, you will suffer twice the damage from Elec attacks. Aqua's charged shot is a Bubbler, which is capable of hitting one square behind the target. Aqua styles also have the FASTEST charge time of any style- with a Charge rating of 5, you can keep up an endless stream of Bubblers with surprisingly little lag. Aqua styles are respectable, but nothing spectacular in the damage department. AquaStyleV1- 30 damage; AquaStyleV2- 40 damage; AquaStyleV3- 50 damage. *TYPES* - Which style you earn depends on how you do battle. The four different Style Types are Shield, Team, Custom and Guts. - Shield styles begin every battle with a Barrier in place. Also, you can produce a shield by pressing back + B at any time. - Team styles can load up to eight total Navi chips into their Folder at the same time as opposed to the normal five Navi-chip limit. This does not preclude normal folder limitations, however- you cannot have more than five of same Navi chip unless some of them are a different version. - Custom styles begin every round of combat with seven chips available per turn, as opposed to the normal five. - Guts styles enjoy a doubled Attack rating, but at the expense of their Rapid- Rapid is reduced to one when a Guts style is in use. Guts styles also do not 'flinch' when hit- this means that attacks (except for paralysis-inducing Elec-based attacks) do NOT cause Guts styles to lose their charge or to stop attacking. Getting hit while in Guts style also does not reduce your Busting Level at the end of the battle, provided that you were not hit by a paralysis attack. HAVING A GUTS STYLE WILL NOT INCREASE THE POWER OF AN ELEMENTAL CHARGED SHOT. AquaGutsV2 will ALWAYS do the same amount of damage as AquaTeamV2 with the charged Bubbler shot; raising your Attack rating will NOT change this. Section 03- The Points System - Each battle, you will earn at most one Rank in one or more of the four Style Types. Whether you earn a Rank for a particular Style or not is determined by how you fight in the battle. - The way this is measured is in a point system which we will call Ranks. You earn ranks in the following manner: - Loading up a Navi during Upload: +50 Navi Points - Loading a Program Advance during Upload: +20 Custom Points (in addition to the below Custom bonuses) - Loading up 2 Chips during Upload: + 5 Custom Points - Loading up 3 Chips during Upload: +25 Custom Points - Loading up 4 Chips during Upload: +50 Custom Points - Loading up 5 Chips during Upload: +60 Custom Points - Choosing to Add new Chips during Upload: +30 Custom Points - Shooting Buster when Custom Gauge isn't full: + 1 Guts Points - Shooting Buster when Custom Gauge is full: + 5 Guts Points - Shooting Charged Buster when CGauge isn't full: +10 Guts Points - Shooting Charged Buster when CGauge is full: +50 Guts Points - Getting hit 0 times: + 5 Shield Points - Loading up a Defensive Chip during Upload: +45 Shield Points - Loading up Recovery during Upload: +45 Shield Points Known Defensive Chips include the CurseShield1-3, Guard, Invis1-3, DropDown, PopUp, StoneBody, Shadow1-3, UnderShot, Barrier, BubbleWrap, LeafShield, AquaAura, FireAura, WoodAura, ElecAura, and LifeAura1-3 chips. Recovery chips are simply the eight Recover chips, from Recover10 to Recover300. As far as I know, Roll-series Navi chips do not qualify as Recovery chips, but if they do then you still gain more Navi Points than Shield Points for Uploading them. Can anyone confirm whether or not the Anti-series and Candle-series chips count towards Shield Points? And what about stuff like PanelGrabs and HolyPanels? This section will probably be updated in the future. You cannot be counted as getting hit while in some Styles (Guts notably), even if you take damage. This is, once again, unless you get paralyzed. Charged attacks only count towards Style Points if you're in NormalStyle- using your ElecStyle ZapRing will not give you ranks towards a Guts style. This is because while your Elemental charged shots are considered Chips by the game, they are never actually Uploaded to MM.EXE- the same presumably goes for the Barrier and Shield from Shield Styles. By the same token, you can earn Points towards your favorite Style just by Uploading the requisite chips, even if you never use them. - Whichever Style you get the most Points towards during that battle, you'll earn 1 Rank for the corresponding category. If there is a tie, you will gain a point in each of the highest categories. Obviously, if you end a battle with 0 Points in all categories, you will earn 1 Rank towards all four Styles. - When you have fought 280 battles, you automatically earn a *new* Style. Which Style you get depends on the above point system; whichever category you have the most Ranks in will determine the Style you get. In the event of a tie, you will get the first out of Shield, Team, Custom or Guts, in that order. (Thus, if you were tied for Team and Guts, you would get Team instead). MM.EXE can only hold two Styles in his memory (besides NormalStyle). If you have two styles and learn a new one, you have the option of either letting the new one go or of deleting an old style to make room. You cannot delete NormalStyle. - The game begins tallying up points to determine your first Style Change as soon as you get into your first battle. If you fight more than 280 battles between the beginning and the installation of Chng.BAT, the game simply stops counting after your 280th battle and starts again after you earn your first Style. Notes on Elements - The Element of your first Style is decided at the start of the game. After this, the Element of the next Style is decided randomly out of the elements you *don't* have, and is set immediately after you gain your current Style. Thus, for the next 280 battles, the Element of your next Style is set. As stated, the Element you get will not match the Element of a Style you already have; if you have HeatGuts and ElecShield, you will not get Heat or Elec for your next Style change. YOU CANNOT CONTROL WHICH ELEMENT YOU WILL RECEIVE ON A STYLE CHANGE; HACKING INTO THE GAME'S PROGRAMMING HAS CONFIRMED THIS. Note that you CAN have more than one Style of the same Element if you Trade with a friend for it, but you'll never LEARN a Style for an Element you already have. - The game doesn't record how many times you use each Element. It randomly picks the Element of your next Style as soon as you learn the last one. Once you've got two Styles, you have a 50/50 chance of getting the one you want next time, and nothing you can do in between then and there will change it. Section 04- Style Upgrades To upgrade a Style, you must spend time in it. The number of battles you must spend in it to upgrade it depends on the base Type of Style (Element doesn't matter). The values are: Shield - 100 battles Guts - 120 battles Team - 130 battles Custom - 160 battles - This happens while you're still getting the 280 required for the next Style, so you can level up an old Style while earning a new one. Keep in mind again that certain styles will prevent certain things being counted; it's easier to get Shield styles while using Guts, for example. Each style (except for NormalStyle and HubStyle, which are special cases) can upgrade in this fashion until it reaches V3. The higher version Style you have, the more damage its charged shot will do- this is the only difference between V1, V2, and V3 of any given style. - You can stop leveling up a style, then switch back to it if needed without losing the work you've already put into it- so if you've got 127 Battles with your ElecTeamV1, you can switch to another style better suited to deal with the area's enemies. When you switch back to ElecTeam, you'll still only need to fight 3 more battles. Section 05- HubStyle HubStyle is the ultimate style available in the game. It is Hub (Megaman.EXE's true name) completely synchronized with Lan to bring out their true combat potential. To obtain HubStyle, you must go through and defeat EVERY Navi in the game in its V3 version with an S-Ranking AT LEAST ONCE. ForteSP/BassDeluxe does not count; though he could be considered Forte/BassV3, the game does not take that view. So when you first see him, you can fight ForteSP/BassDeluxe with HubStyle. Because it is the ultimate style, HubStyle is non-elemental, but possesses all of the advantages of the other Style Types combined: - You start out every battle with a Barrier in effect. - You can produce a Shield by pressing back + B. - You can put up to eight total Navi chips in your folder. - You begin every round of combat with TEN chips available to you instead of five or seven. - Your Attack rating is doubled. - Your Rapid rating is reduced to one. - You do not "flinch" when attacked- therefor getting hit will not reduce your Busting Level. - Your HP is reduced by 1/2. That's right, you go from 1000 max HP (if you have all of the HPMemories) to 500 max HP. There had to be SOME down side. - HubStyle is the only Style besides NormalStyle that never upgrades- there IS no V2 or V3 for HubStyle. You can get it with a GameShark, but the V2 or V3 will be purely decorative, and it will not be the least bit different from regular HubStyle. - Because of the fact that it uses the same charged shot as NormalStyle, HubStyle is the ONLY style whose charged shot benefits from doubled attack power. The Normal charged shot deals 5x the damage of a regular shot with your Buster- so in NormalStyle you can do a maximum of 25 damage with a charged shot, but because of the doubled strength HubStyle can do a maximum of 50 damage. Unfortunately, this still makes HubStyle's charged shot less impressive than pretty much any Element's charged shot. Here is a list of all the NaviV3s that you must S-Rank to earn HubStyle. Once you've gotten them all (there's a girl behind the trees in ACDC park who will list the ones you've already beaten at S), your next scheduled Style Change will automatically be to HubStyle no matter what. YOU CANNOT EARN HUBSTYLE A SECOND TIME! So do NOT delete it unless you're REALLY sure you don't like it! NaviV3s- - GutsManV3 (with Dex) - ProtoManV3 (with Chaud) - AirManV3 (Den Area 1) - QuickManV3 (Koto Area) - CutManV3 (Yumland Area 2) - ShadowManV3 (Undernet Area 5) - KnightManV3 (Netopia Area 1) - MagnetManV3 (Undernet Area 2) - FreezeManV3 (Undernet Area 7) - HeatManV3 (with Mr. Match) - ToadManV3 (with Ribbitta) - ThunderManV3 (with Raoul) - SnakeManV3 (with Mrs. Millions) - GateManV3 (with Mr. Famous) - PharaohManV3 (WWW Area 1) - NapalmManV3 (WWW Area 2) - PlanetManV3 (WWW Area 3) Section 06- Trading Styles This section will be completed at a later date; I can't trade as I have no one to trade with. Section 07- Style-Specific Secret Chips There are certain chips in this game that can only be used by a Style of the corresponding Element. If you try to use these Chips with the wrong Element, the will 'Pop' like Attack+ chips that aren't attached to anything. It'll still be in your folder after the battle, but why waste Folder space on something that you can't even use? These 7 Chips are: -BigRedWave- This is the HEAT-aligned Chip, that can only be used by someone with a Heat-based Style in use. The highest base power of any of the four elemental chips, it deals 220 damage. It sends a wave of fire down every row (like the Wave/RedWave/bigWave chips from MMBN)- these waves can be stopped by obstacles and presumably pits as well. -GaiaSword- This is the WOOD-aligned Chip, that can only be used by someone with a Wood-based Style in use. The base damage is 200, and it only has the range of a WideSword. However, the damage can quickly grow- every chip queued in battle after the GaiaSword adds to its strength. What happens if you queue something with ???? damage, like a Muramasa? -Sparker- This is the ELEC-aligned Chip, that can only be used by someone with an Elec-based Style in use. Base damage is 100, but holding A allows you to charge it by sacrificing HP in order to increase the damage. While charging, you are invulnerable. -FreezeBomb- This is the AQUA-aligned Chip, that can only be used by someone with an Aqua-based Style in use. Respectable at 180 damage, but the real killer is the side effect- an enemy struck by this is enclosed in ice for approximately 6 seconds, during which time you can wreak holy havoc on them in their defenseless state. There's a special glitch that can be done with this chip that will freeze an opponent PERMANENTLY... Just hit your opponent with any attack that can stun them (even a lowly ZapRing1), then nail them with your FreezeBomb while they're still stunned. It'll be a cold day in hell before they escape that one. This trick was discovered by WhizKid, and is officially known as 'The Refrigerator'. -NormalStyle-Specific Chips; these can ONLY be used by NormalStyle. Not even the mighty HubStyle can utilize these blasts from the past. -FighterSword- Slash 3 squares ahead, like a LongSword but with better range. 100 damage. -KnightSword- Slash 3 squares ahead, like a FighterSword. 150 damage. -HeroSword- Slash 3 squares ahead, like a Fighter/KnightSword. 200 damage. Section 08- Tips & Suggestions While what style you use is ultimately up to you, here are a few tips: -I would HIGHLY suggest maxing out your Charge before working on any other stats- that will give you the advantage with your Elemental charged shot when you finally earn your first Style- and you can get enough PowerUps to max out Charge before you obtain Chng.BAT. Since Rapid is reduced to 1 when you use certain Styles anyway, I'd suggest you upgrade it last. -Aqua and Elec are great with Custom Styles. With Aqua you have a reasonably powerful (and fast-charging) shot you can use while waiting for battlechips, and with Elec you can use your charged hit to stun the enemy right before you use a powerful PA or battlechip. -Aqua and Elec also make good Shield Styles from what I've heard- you can use the charged shot and immediately duck behind the Shield if need be. -Heat and Wood go PERFECTLY with Guts Styles. Both the Heat and Wood charged shots pin you down when in use, and getting hit while in any other style would knock you out of your attack, cutting the damage short. But with Guts, you just keep on attacking- plus your Busting Level won't go down (unless you're paralyzed). -Elec also supposedly goes well with Guts- paralyze the enemy with a ZapRing and then start tearing the enemy up with your steroid-enhanced normal attacks while they can't fight back. -Most people I know of aren't overly impressed with Team Style; I can't honestly say what elements go well with Team besides Elec. Team Styles have the least to offer of any Style Type in the game unless you REALLY like to abuse Navi chips. -Wood Styles are GREAT for sword-intensive players: the same AreaGrabs and Prisms that let you go the distance with the WoodTwister also make Sword attacks easier to hit with. Besides, the Wood-Specific Secret Chip is a Sword- it seems like destiny. Section 09- Style-Specific Folders Well, now that we have all these special chips mentioned, how about a way to utilize them effectively? You're in luck, this section is all about folders centered around these special chips. -HeatStyle- 'Scorched Earth', by CloudStrife765 Ingredients: BigRedWave P (x5) GrassStage P (x5) Invisible3 P or * (x5) BlackBomb P (x5) FullCustom * (x5) MagBomb3 * (x5); alternately- Fan * (x5) In war, a Scorched Earth policy is when strategy dictates leaving nothing behind that could be of use to the enemy- poisoning wells and burning crops if necessary. This Folder attempts to do just that, with GrassStages to neutralize the LifeAura3/HolyPanel (or Sanctuary) combo, BlackBombs to provide a little indirect fire, and MagBomb3s/Fans to give them the shortest possible window in which to dodge the BigRedWaves. Plus it uses the 'P' code, which just doesn't get the respect it deserves. About the only real weakness I can see is a complete inability to counter Shadow3... but don't let that stop you. Just be aware that the possibility exists. -WoodStyle- 'Kusanagi', by CloudStrife765 Ingredients: VariableSword N (x2) AreaGrab * (x3) Geddon3 N Repair * Prism N (x2) FastGauge * FullCustom * (x5) Invisible3 * (x5) NapalmManV3 N (x5) GaiaSword N (x5) In Japanese legend, the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi was the fabled 'GrassCutter Sword' capable of scything the grass of an entire field with a single swing. While calling this folder a 'GrassCutter' is a play on words, it certainly has the potential to scythe through opponents. Geddon3 makes short work of the "HolyAura" combo, and the GaiaSwords and VariableSwords are sharp enough to cut through Shadows. NapalmManV3 is good for armor-piercing damage should they try to weather your assault with StoneBody or hide behind a shield. And even if you DON'T try to take advantage of the killing power that a GaiaSword with three or four NapalmManV3s can do, the Prism and VariableSword make for some respectable damage in their own right. -ElecStyle- 'E.M.P.', by EliteMan Ingredients: Sparker E (x5) IceStage E (x5) Poltergeist E (x5) AreaGrab */E (x2) PanelGrab * (x5) Invisible3 * (x2) FullCustom * (x3) FastGauge * LifeAura3 E (x2) Sanctuary E (x2)- Substitute HolyPanel E if you don't have Sanctuary. An Electromagnetic Pulse is a destructive side-effect of a nuclear weapon; a shockwave that decimates anything with an electronic circuit operating within a certain radius of the initial blast. Such is the power of the E.M.P. Poltergeist sees primarily defensive applications, to get rid of PoisonPharoahs. This Folder is NOT intended for casual Virus-Busting or even fighting against in-game Navis; trying it may well get you killed. This is strictly for fighting agaisnt human opponents. -NormalStyle- 'Master's Edge', by CloudStrife765 Ingredients: VariableSword N (x5) HeroSword N (x5) FastGauge * AreaGrab * (x3) PanelGrab * (x2) Geddon3 N Prism N (x3) Invisible3 * (x4) FullCustom * (x5) Repair * No special history behind the name 'Master's Edge', just a little double entendre. The Master's Edge is both his blade and that little extra advantage that a Master enjoys over a novice in combat; experience, practice, or maybe just a bigger sword. Obviously, Shadow3 is not going to be particularly useful as a defense against this Folder. Likewise the HolyAura combo; Geddon3 can nullify their Holy Panels, and with the Area/PanelGrabs you can even 'borrow' a Holy Panel if you like. Plus without HolyPanels to protect them, a HeroSword will slice through a LifeAura3 like cheese. A StoneBody or Shield can prolong the inevitable, though if you put a Geddon3 down then they may find themselves regretting it. Section 10- Thanks Special thanks go out to Terrence at the GameFAQs MessageBoard for figuring a lot of this information out in the first place, and to Dark RPG Wizard 06 (also at the GameFAQs MessageBoard) for reminding me to put in a few tidbits that I would have forgotten about otherwise, and confirming a few things. AK108 mentioned the sword-based possibilities for a WoodStyle (and reminded me to put in a section on the Secret Style-Specific Chips). Thanks to Daniel Henry and Lord Liu Bei at the MessageBoards too, for Moral Support. CloudStrife765 chipped in three of the Style-Specific Folders, his 'Kusanagi', 'Scorched Earth', and 'Master's Edge'. EliteMan masterminded 'E.M.P.'If you'd like to see your name here, come up with a good Style-Specific Folder- I still need a good one for FreezeBomb, though I'm looking into that. And just because I have a good Folder for an elemental chip doesn't mean I won't accept more- Show me what you've got. Section 11- Contact Info If you have something you want to contribute (or if you want to include this document on your website), the Author can be contacted via e-mail at Dharkshade@aol.com. Keep in mind that I will not check my mail often, so any reponse and/or changes to the FAQ based on your information may not be made in what you consider to be a timely fashion. This is regrettable, but unavoidable. Please label your e-mail's subject matter clearly- the Author will not be held liable if your e-mail is deleted as Spam because you did not see fit to title it in a relevant fashion. I also never open anything with file attachments unless YOU TELL ME IN ADVANCE BEFORE YOU SEND IT. I almost invariably delete e-mails with attachments as potential virus-carriers, ESPECIALLY if I don't recognize the sender's name. You've been warned. Section 12- Legal Claptrap This FAQ is the intellectual property of its original author and of its contributors. It may not be used to earn any form of profit without express consent of the Author. It is currently only to be posted at www.GameFAQs.com- If the reader sees this document anywhere else, he or she is advised to contact the original author IMMEDIATELY so that appropriate legal action may be taken. Megaman Battle Network 2, Megaman.EXE, and all Style and Navi names are the property of Capcom, and no ownership of them is claimed by the Author in any way, shape, or form. Plagiarism will be frowned upon- WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE. Most of this information is also available on Capcom USA's Official MessageBoard; this is authorized (mainly since I'm the one who put it there). Although the copy at GameFAQs is the only one that will actually be updated. Websites this is cleared for as of 05/01/2003 (subject to change): www.GameFAQs.com www.Capcom.com/games_main.xpml (kinda)