All trademarks and copyrights found in this document are owned by their respective holders. MMBNEXE Translation Guide Ver 1.0 This Translation Guide/FAQ is copyright of David Broyles ( ********************************************************** **** NOTE: THIS GUIDE CONTAINS MASSIVE PLOT SPOILERS **** ********************************************************** By reading or linking the contents contained herein, you agree on the following: 1. Do not claim the contents as your own. A lot of translating time and hunting of Japanese websites went into the creation of this guide, and you'll rot in jigoku if you try to pass it off as your own work. 2. Do not change the formatting of this guide in any way, shape or form. Leave it as it is IN ITS ENTIRETY. If you have a problem with my formatting, ask me to consider changing it. 3. Use the information contained within freely! The guide is meant to help you understand and enjoy the game more. However, if you wish to quote large sections, please be considerate and give me credit. 4. Feel free to email me (see above) with comments, suggestions, etc. However do make sure the info already isn't contained within. Also, be sure to put something obvious like "MMBNEXE" in the title, because lots of junkmail goes to hotmail accounts, and I greatly dislike junkmail. 5. Please ask me before posting this guide on your own website. I have no problems if you want to link to it, so feel free to do that, and it saves yourself some space, anyway. ==================== ===== Contents ===== ==================== 0. Introduction 1. People 2. Places 3. Misc 4. Virus 5. Chips 6. Untranslatables 7. Translation Notes 8. FAQ Info ============================= ===== 0. Introduction ===== ============================= The purpose of this FAQ is to provide information that links the original Japanese names and terms of the Mega Man Battle Network series with the English translations. Especially when a new game in the series comes out, people will refer to the Japanese names, like the Daifunsui chip, and many countless posts are wasted asking what the English name is. This FAQ will attempt to list all of the important characters, locations, virii and chips using both the Japanese names and the English translations. This FAQ will also provide small blurbs of information, including insight as to why certain things were translated the way they were. For instance, ever wonder why Protoman's controller is called Chaud? There's a good reason. Because of this extra information, THIS FAQ CONTAINS SPOILERS about the plots of the games. Some of this information is very opinionated, so take it with a grain of salt, please. "FIND" (Ctrl-F) is your FRIEND! There's a lot of information contained in here, and it's organized as best as I can. But instead of scrolling a lot to find out what the original name of YumLand was, search for it and get there quickly! A small problem that occurs in the translation from Japanese is that even the Japanese names can vary, and we make natural changes when saying them. For example, Protoman's Japanese name is Blues. However to literally translate the symbols (into English letters, called Romaji) for his name makes it "Buruusu", which does sound a lot like "bruise", but it is really a reference to "blues", and so we say his Japanese name is "Blues", not "Bruise". Because of this complication, the FAQ will list names in this manner: Name: ENGLISH NAME | JAPANESE NAME If all three names are very similar (which happens for most of the robots), then only the English name and romaji will be given. I suppose if enough people ask for it, I will also include the actual kana (Japanese) syllables. However, they would make reading the FAQ a little bit harder, so I won't do this immediately. Enjoy, and maybe you'll learn a little about the Japanese language along the way. ====================== ===== 1. People ===== ====================== (Japanese names in romaji are listed as ) Character: Lan Hikari | Net (Netto) Hikari Games: 1, 2, 3 The human hero of the series and controller of MegaMan (Rockman). Hikari means "light" in Japanese, so this name is perfect, since Lan's father and grandfather are intimately involved with the Navis and the creation of MegaMan -- and all that harkens back to Dr. Light being the creator of MegaMan in the original series. Character: MegaMan | Rockman Alternate Name: Hub | Saito Games: 1, 2, 3 The robot hero of the series, and interestingly enough, Lan's (Netto's) brother. When the first game (for the NES) came out, the connection between the main robot's names and musical terms (Rock, Roll, Blues, Forte) wasn't so clear since only Rock and Roll had been introduced, and so the translators used MegaMan, a non-musical term. Nevertheless, he's still the Blue Bomber. The Japanese name "Saito" means "site" as in a website (to go along with the name Net). "Site" is kind of a sucky name in English, so Hub works much better, and goes better with Lan, too. Character: Mayl | Mail Sakurai Games: 1, 2, 3 The controller of Roll, classmate, and (unspoken) girlfriend of Lan (Netto). It appears that the translators decided to give all the human characters networking-type names (Lan, Hub, Mayl = Mail, Dex = Index). She usually gets stuck playing the "worried girlfriend" role. Character: Roll | Roll Games: 1, 2, 3 Mayl's Navi and often flirtatious with MegaMan. One of the few female robots ever seen in the MM series of games. The name Roll acts as counterpart to RockMan's name to play on the musically derived names. Character: Dex | Dekao Ohyama Games: 1, 2, 3 The controller of Gutsman, classmate and friend of Lan (Netto). He's usually challenging Lan to NetBattle, and early in the MMBN series he played more of an antagonist role, but lately he's gotten more "hero" roles. Dex's last name, "Ooyama" means "big mountain", which speaks of his large size. Character: Gutsman | Games: 1, 2, 3 The big lug Navi, and most reknown for pounding things. Character: Yai | Yaito Games: 1, 2, 3 The controller of Glide, and classmate of Lan (Netto). She's rich, she's smart, and she has a big forehead. Character: Glide (var. Glyde) | Glide Games: 1, 2, 3 The "butler" Navi of Yai. Apparently he wasn't really designed to NetBattle, though Yai does give him pretty nice chips. He has always played a rather secondary role, and oddly is probably the only named Navi in the games to NOT give a battle chip. Character: Eugene Chaud | Enzan Ijuuin Games: 1, 2, 3 An Official NetBattler, controller of Protoman (Blues) and often quite antogonistic with Lan (Netto). His father apparently runs a strict household (MMBN3) and it seems to have rubbed off on the son and he is often very curt. Usually refered to simply as "Chaud", this name derives from the French word meaning "hot", perhaps chosen because his name "Enzan" is written with the kanji meaning "fire mountain". Character: Protoman | Blues Games: 1, 2, 3 The sword-wielding, shield-bearing Navi under control of Chaud. He often comes across as being very committed to battle, and is very dedicated to Chaud. The Japanese name Blues goes along with the musical terms for the main robots, and now you know why his chip is coded "B" and not "P". The translators probably went with "Protoman" because he's implied as being created before MegaMan (back in the original NES series), thus he's a prototype, or 1st. Also, having changed RockMan to MegaMan, the music-theme is already lost, so Blues makes less sense. Unfortunately this translation caused further problems when Alpha/Proto (which see) appeared. Name: Dr. Hikari | Games: 1, 2, 3 Father of Lan (Netto) and creator of MegaMan. A dedicated robotics scientist that works at SciLab. He's often helping Lan out with upgrades and repairs to Megaman, as well as encouraging his son. "Yuuichirou" can be loosely translated as "cheerfuly divine helper", and that's often how he helps Lan and MegaMan -- just at the right time. Name: Ms. Hikari | Games: 1, 2, 3 Mother of Lan (Netto) and apparently a fine chef. She usually plays a minor role in the games, never straying far from the domestic life at home. Name: Tadashi Hikari | Games: 3 Grandfather to Lan (Netto) and creator of Alpha (Proto). He's the early pioneer into networking and the technology that made way for the Net society. His first name "Tadashi" means "right" in English (as in "correct"). Perhaps this is a joke at the name Dr. Light being translated as Dr. Right? (which is always a problem due to the "L"/"R" ambiguity in Japanese). Name: Dr. Wily | Lord Wily Games: 1, (2), 3 Founder of the WWW. Former worker at SciLab and general evil-doer (with the ominous laughing, too). Wants to destroy the Net society. Name: Ms. Mari | Games: 1, 2, 3 Teacher of Lan (Netto). Name: Ms. Yuri | Games: 1 Sister to Ms. Mari and also a teacher, but in Dentown. Apparently she's also an ex-WWW member! Name: Mr. Match | Games: 1, 2, 3 Member of the WWW and controller of FireMan (MMBN1), HeatMan (MMBN2), and "FlamMan" (MMBN3). Plays a non-antagonistic role in MMBN2. Name: FireMan | Games: 1 WWW Navi controlled by Mr. Match. This Navi was responsible for sending ovens haywire. Name: HeatMan | Games: 2 Navi controlled by Mr. Match. Not a major role in the game. Name: FlamMan (ugh, how about FlameMan?) | FlameMan Games: 3 WWW dog-Navi controlled by Mr. Match. The name is "FlameMan" in Japanese, so I have no idea why the translators went with FlamMan. Name: Mr. Higsby | Games: 1, 2, 3 Ex-member of the WWW, owner of the chip shop and controller of NumberMan. Best known for the "huh" he tacks on at the end of phrases. This wonderful man is also responsible for operating the chip traders. His shop is closed in MMBN2, but he still manages to get the traders working and make a special appearance to counsel Lan, huh. Sometimes you see his name translated as "Higureya", which I'm not sure is correct, as "ya" is probably a reference to his shop (that is, Higsby's shop would be called Higureya in Japanese, if his name is simply Higure). Name: NumberMan | Games: 1, (2), 3 Mr. Higsby's Navi; would probably make a great accountant. Name: StoneMan | Games: 1 A Navi that disrupted the Metroline service. Name: Dr. Froid | Games: 1, (2?) Controller of IceMan. "Froid" means "cold" in French, so hopefully that makes more sense now. Name: IceMan | Games: 1 I hope IceMan didn't make that furry parka from baby seals. Name: Ms. Madd | Games: 1 Controller of ColorMan. "Iro" means color in Japanese, and Madoi can mean "delusion" (as in crazy, or "mad", hence Madd). Name: ColorMan | ColoredMan Games: 1 The stop-and-go WWW Navi that makes traffic go haywire. The original Japanese name has unfortunate connotations in English, and the name ColorMan works just as well. Name: Count Zap | Games: 1 Controller of ElecMan, and all around weird guy. He apparently likes lightbulbs on his clothes. Although written in kanji, "shaku" probably is meant to be a word-play on "shakku", meaning "shock". Name: ElecMan | Games: 1 WWW Navi that attempts to shut down the power plant. Name: BombMan | BomberMan Games: 1 Navi defeated to gain the "@WWW" address. Not to be confused with the other Bomberman. Name: Yahoot | Games: 1 Controller of MagicMan. Name: MagicMan | Games: 1 One of the few Navis that doesn't move. He sends plenty of other stuff to do his bidding, though. Name: Sal | Saloma Games: 1 Controller of WoodMan. Nature lover, works at the goverment complex selling food. Name: WoodMan | Games: 1 Navi made of wood. Always makes me think of "UdonMan", which would be "NoodleMan". Hopefully we never see that robot. Name: Masa | Games: 1 Controller of SharkMan. Very ugly, works at the goverment complex selling fish. Name: SharkMan | Games: 1 Nasty water Navi. Name: Miyu | <(Kuroi) Miyuki> Games: 1 Little goth girl that controls SkullMan in Dentown. Kuroi means "black" in Japanese, but I believe this has crept in from the anime series, not the original game. Name: SkullMan | Games: 1 Freaky Navi and much better interpretation from the NES series. Name: PharoMan | Games: 1, 2 Egyptian Navi that hides deep in the internet (area 12) in MMBN1. Guardian of WWW Area 1 in MMBN2. Name: ShadoMan | Alt: ShadowMan (MMBN2) | Games: 1, 2 Ninja Navi that hides deep in the internet (area 15) in MMBN1; upgraded to actual Navi in 2 (controlled by Mr. Dark). Name: LifeVirus | Dream Virus Games: 1 The virus that Dr. Wily attempts to create to destroy the Net. Not sure why the name change, but it seems to work. Name: Bass | Forte Games: 1, 2, 3 Good ol' Bass. By the time Bass (Forte) was introduced, the translators must have figured out the musical-term theme, though they altered it. There's an amusing joke at the end of MMBN2 where Bass gets to deliver the line "Battle is my forte". Note that Bass is pronounced like "base", and not "bass" like the fish. As Data from ST:TNG noted, upon Dr. Polaski pronouncing his name "Dah-tuh" instead of "Day-tuh", "One is my name, and the other is not". Name: Ribitta | Games: 2, (3) DNN Newsreporter, controller of ToadMan. The Japanese use "kero" like we use "ribbit" (to denote a frog-sound), and "midorikawa" means "green river". Name: ToadMan | Games: 2 Amphibious Navi with annoying musical-note attack. Name: Raoul | Games: 2, 3 "Native American" (or Native Netopian) that controls ThunderMan and acts as the leader of the Underground in Netopia. Name: ThunderMan | Games: 2 Electrical storm Navi. Name: Mrs. Millions | Mrs. Millionaire Games: 2 Eccentric, rich woman who controls SnakeMan. Name: SnakeMan | Games: 2 Reptile Navi that lives in a jar. Name: Arashi | Games: 2 Dapper chap that controls AirMan. Dig those funky cuffs! "Arashi" means "storm". The kanji for his last name (Kazefuki) derive from the ones for "wind" and "blow". Name: AirMan | Games: 2 Wind-type Navi that likes little whirwinds. Name: Speedy Dave | Games: 2 Mad bomber who controls QuickMan with an IQ of 170. "Haya" probably derives from the word for "early, fast". Name: QuickMan | Games: 2 The fast Navi with the boomerang attack and lightning reflexes! Name: King (of YumLand) | Navi King of Ajiina Games: 2 Lan and MegaMan arrive in YumLand just in time to see this poor guy get slaughtered. Name: Mr. Dark | Games: 2 Controls ShadowMan. Name: CutMan | Games: 2 Barber-type Navi that could use a haircut, too. Name: Jennifer | <> Games: 2, 3 She's from South Netopia and attends the NetBattler meeting in Netopia (MMBN2) and the N1GP competition in MMBN3. Name: Princess Pride | Games: 2 Princess of Creamland, and also controller of KnightMan. Name: KnightMan | Games: 2 Heavily armored Navi with a ball-and-chain. Name: Mr. Gauss | Games: 2 President of Gauss, Inc. and controller of MagnetMan. Gauss is an electric term (on magnetic flux density), how cute. Name: MagnetMan | Games: 2 Bi-polar Navi with an equall bi-polar board design. I think I liked the music for this board the best. Name: FreezeMan | Games: 2 Frozen Navi whose controller is never mentioned. Name: Sean ??| Shuryou? Games: 2, 3 Founder of the Netmafia and controller (so to speak) of Gospel. Notice that his Japanese name is "Shun", which is why Lan says "Shun" at the end of MMBN3 (lots of typos made it into that game... yeesh!). Name: Gospel | Alt: Treble Games: 2, (3) The name of Sean's Navi and force behind the Netmafia. Morphs into a large wolf-like creature due to radiation. In the original series, Gospel was Bass' companion, like Rush was to Mega Man. However, his name got changed into Treble (for a play on Bass and Treble -- two major musical clefs). My guess is they went with the original name "Gospel" In the MMBN series because it is set up as the name of an organization, and Netmafia Gospel sounds much nicer than Netmafia Treble. Name: NapalmMan | Games: 2 Guardian of WWW Area 2. Name: PlanetMan | Games: 2 Guardian of WWW Area 3. Name: Mr. Famous | <(Eguchi?) Meijin> Games: 2, 3 Controls GateMan in MMBN2 and Punk in the Blue (Black JPN) version of MMBN3. "Meijin" more or less means "famous", as it is spelled with the kanji that mean "name" and "person" (a person with a name that everybody knows is famous). I'm not yet sure if "Eguchi" comes from the anime or the game. Name: GateMan | Games: 2 Winning Navi in the Japanese "create-a-Navi" contest. Has an annoying gate/shield from which could come trash or toy soldiers. Part of a extremely powerful Program Advance, though. Name: Punk | ??? Games: 3 Mr. Famous' Navi for the 3rd game in the series. Only accessible in the Blue (Black JPN) version of the game. His chip is only available through special Capcom battling events (rather like Mew, Celebi of Pokemon). Name: ??? | Games: 3 Controls FlashMan and likes to hear odd hats. Name: FlashMan | Games: 3 Hypnotizing Navi. Name: Chisao | <> Games: 3 Dex's little brother who has been living in Netopia. Is there anything cuter than "'Scooooose me???" Name: Tamako | Games: 3 Controls MetalMan and runs a kiosk in front of Ura Inn. Name: MetalMan | Games: 3 Buzzsaw Navi with a fist of steel. I don't understand why his Navi chip has him do a fist-slam attack -- why not use those saws??! Name: Inukai | Games: 3 Controls BeastMan, but apparently he doesn't survive a "deleting" by Wily. Name: BeastMan | Games: 3 Ferocious animal Navi that uses lots of slashing attacks. Name: BubbleMan | Games: 3 Fat, bubbly aqua Navi. Oh, poor BubbleMan, what did they do to you? Apparently he has no operator. Name: Tora | Games: 3 Talented NetBattler and controller of KingMan. Helps Lan and company out during the final showdown with the WWW. From Akindo(??) City. Name: KingMan | Games: 3 Chess-piece Navi that uses pawns, knights and rooks to attack via various plans. This Navi was the winning entry in the "create-a-navi" contest in Japan. Name: Sunayama | Alt name: Q | <> Games: 3 Organizer of the N1 Grand Prix for DNN and controls DesertMan. Wears a red tengallon hat. "Sunayama" basically means mountain of sand. Name: DesertMan | Games: 3 Sandy Navi that gets stuck when wet. Name: Mamoru Ura | <> Games: 3 Cute kid that suffered from the same heart-condition that killed Hub. Acts as sysop for the Undernet. Name: Anetta | <> Games: 3 Likes to cause havoc on behalf of the earth. Controls PlantMan. Name: PlantMan | Games: 3 Thorn-shooting and vine-growing Navi. Name: DrillMan | Games: 3 Hard-headed (and pointy!) Navi that can bore through the very fabric of the internet. Name: CopyMan | <> Games: 3 Well... unfortunately CopyMan only came in the form of GutsMan. It might have been cool if CopyMan could keep shifting to different Navis. Was ranked #3. Name: MistMan | Games: 3 Genie-in-a-bottle-Navi ranked #2 amongst the top 10 Undernet Navis. Present in the White version of MMBN3, and runner-up in the "create-a-navi" contest. Name: BowlMan | Games: 3 Navi with bowling balls for arms (whew!) and ranked #2 amonst the top 10 Undernet Navis. Present in the Blue (Black JPN) version of MMBN3, and runner-up in the "create-a-navi" contest. If this Navi was the runner-up, I wonder what the losing entries looked like??? Name: Dr. Cossack | Games: 3 Creator of Bass and what a sweet goatee! Name: Alpha | Proto Games: 3 The original internet! The name was probably changed to Alpha because of Proto's unfortunate similarity to ProtoMan. But Alpha makes more sense in English anyway (as in alpha or beta-testing software... ahh!). Name: ??? | Games: 3 Chaud's father and president of? Name: DarkMan | Games: 3 Guardian of Secret Area 1. Changes elements to yield different attacks. Name: JapanMan | Games: 3 Guardian of Secret Area 2. Yamato refers to a time long ago in Japan's past (thus his samurai appearance). Oddly, there was a YamatoMan in the NES MM6 game, so why they changed the name, I have no idea. Name: Serenade | Alt name: S | <> Games: 3 The #1 ranked Navi hidden deep in the Secret Area, again with a musical term for a name. Rumors have been floating around that Serenade is actually female, and the translators got it incorrectly (or purposefully switched it). I can't confirm one way or another until I see HARD PROOF. So if you want to email me on this, don't give me your theories or lengthy essays -- I don't care, because I need to see actual written material (in Japanese) or similar stuff to say anything conclusive. ===================== ===== 2. Places ===== ===================== Name: ACDC Town | Games: 1, 2, 3 Lan's hometown. Has its own Metro, school, park, chip store, and also has Lan's and his friends' houses. "Cho" simply designates it as a town. Name: Government Complex | Games: 1, 2, 3 Houses the Waterworks and Power Plant in MMBN1. Home of the PET creators, research, etc. (SciLabs). Name: Water Treatment Network (Waterworks) | Games: 1 In the same Goverment Complex as SciLabs. Attacked by the WWW to poison the water supply. Name: Dentown | Densan Town Games: 1 A big 5 block city with DenCity (Densan Shiti) in the middle. "Den" is a general term used for "electricity". Name: Power Plant | <> Games: 1 In the same Goverment Complex as SciLabs. Targeted for disruption by Count Zap and ElecMan. Name: Undernet | Ura Internet Games: 1, 2, 3 The shadier place of the internet where criminals hang out. Revealed in MMBN3 to be the hiding spot for GigaFreeze. Servers maintained by Mamoru, whose last name is Ura. This connection is lost in the English translation, which is a shame. In this case, "ura" probably means "wrong side" or "undersurface". Name: Marine Harbor | <> Games: 2, (3) Location of the Official Center (used to be the Goverment Complex?) and also where SciLabs is. Presumably it's also in the 3rd game, but you never get to go outside of SciLabs. Name: Official Center Games: 2, (3) Location of SciLabs at Marine Harbor. Name: SciLabs | <> Games: 1, 2, 3 Home of the PET creators and where they do research. It has either changed locations from MMBN1, or... well who knows. Dr. Hikari works here. Name: Okuden Valley | Games: 2 Campgrounds. Name: Electopia | <> Games: 1, 2, 3 It turns out this is the name of the country that Lan and company live in (i.e. Japan). Name: Netopia | Games: 2 As you can tell from the Japanese name, it's supposed to be an amalgamation of America and Europe, which explains the large stone castle mixed with the typical American city slums. The translation change was probably justified, though amusingly it plays off of "Utopia" and Netopia certainly doesn't appear that way! Name: Airport | <> Games: 2 Used to fly back and forth between Netopia. Name: Kotobuki | Games: 2 Location of Gospel's headquarters. Full of radiation by the time Lan reaches it. Name: Yumland | Games: 2 A place with lots of food, but apparently destroyed by ShadowMan. Name: Yoka | Games: 3 Real world Yoka contains the zoo and the Ura Inn. Name: Ura Inn | Games: 3 A tradition Japanese-style inn (a ryokan) that also houses the servers of the Undernet. Name: Beach (Street) | Games: 3 Real world Beach area is home to the DNN Station, the ferry, and the hospital. Name: Hospital | Games: 3 The hospital houses the Tree of Life. Name: Hades Isle | "Hell" Island Games: 3 Eerie island where the N1 Grand Prix takes place. Jigoku is an infernal place. Name: Demon Waters | <> Games: 3 The island where the WWW base resides in MMBN3. Name: Secret Area | Games: 3 The non-jack-out-able area accessible after beating the game. Contains more Navis, including the #1 ranked Serenade. =================== ===== 3. Misc ===== =================== Name: EXE | Games: 1, 2, 3 The name for the subtitle, and suffix given to the robots to denote that they are .exe files (executables). Unfortunately this English term is hard to pronounce in Japanese and comes across as the garbled "eguze". Name: WWW | WWW, World 3 Games: 1, (2), 3 The organization founded by Dr. Wily in an attempt to destroy Net society. Notice the Japanese pronunciation is "World 3", while most English speakers probably say "double-u" 3 times (or "dub-ya" ^__^ ). Name: Metroline Station | Games: 1, 2, 3 The nifty conveyance system that gets Lan around Electopia. Kids ride free! Name: Net-Mafia Gospel | <> Games: 2 The organization that causes problems in lieu of the WWW for MMBN2. Name: Full Synchro | <> Games: 2, 3 Where Navi and operator become one. Yes, this happens first in MMBN2 when MegaMan uses the 'heart program' to go "full sync" with Lan. Name: N1 Grand Prix | Games: 3 Contest run by DNN to crown the top NetBattler. Name: Giga Freeze | Games: 3 A program to shut down programs. So dangerous, it was hidden away in the Undernet and very few can wield its power. Name: Guardian | <> Games: 3 The program designed to watch over Alpha. Tadashi Hikari's memories were stored in it to make this possible. ==================== ===== 4. Virus ===== ==================== English Name Japanese Name Games Aqua Aura This is next on my list to finish. ==================== ===== 5. Chips ===== ==================== A brief note on chips -- they can only contain 8 characters max, which bodes better for Japanese. For instance, "AirMan" takes 6 in English, but "EaaMan" only takes 5 in Japanese (E, a, -, Ma, n). Thus, a lot of the English names have to be shortened, usually to no harm. But note for instance that "AirShot1" comes from "EaShuuto1", which would technically be "AirSHOOT1" in English, but that's 9 characters. Now go and impress your friends with THAT knowledge! hehe I debated awhile on whether to include each chip list for each game separately, or to catalog them as a whole and tell in what games they appeared. To avoid massive repetitions, I went with the latter, however some chips names were changed, so I tried to include those variants as well. Here's a list of all the chips in **alphabetical order by English name**: (Navi series of chips are kept as a block, even if name change would place it alphabetically somewhere else) English Name Japanese Name English Equivalent Games AirMan EaaMan 2, AirManV2 EaaManV2 2, AirManV3 EaaManV3 2, AirShoes EaShuuzu 2, 3 AirShot1 EaShuuto1 AirShoot1 3 AirShot2 EaShuuto2 AirShoot2 3 AirShot3 EaShuuto3 AirShoot3 3 AirStrm1 EaSutoumu1 3 AirStrm2 EaSutoumu2 3 AirStrm3 EaSutoumu3 3 AirSwrd Fuuatsuken 3 AlphArm(E) PurotoAamu(E) ProtoArm(E) 3 AlphArm(w) PurotoAamu(w) ProtoArm(w) 3 AntiDmg Kawarimi 2, 3 AntiElec Hiraishin 2, AntiFire Kakigenkin 2, AntiNavi NabiSukauto NaviScout 2, 3 AntiRecv BaddoMedisun BadMedicine 2, 3 AntiSwrd Shirahadori 2, 3 AntiWatr Daikouzui 2, Anubis PoizunAnubisu PoisonAnubis 1, 2, 3 Aqua+30 Akua+30 3 Aqua+40 Akua+40 2, AquaAura AkuaOura 1, 2, AquaBall AkuaBaruun AquaBalloon 1, AquaBlde AkuaBureido 2, AquaGspl (*2), AquaSwrd AkuaSoudo 1, 2, 3 AquaTwr AkuaTawaa 1, AreaGrab EriaSuchiiru AreaSteal 1, 2, 3 Arrow1 BiiArou1 BeeArrow1 3 Arrow2 BiiArou2 BeeArrow2 3 Arrow3 BiiArou3 BeeArrow3 3 Atk+10 Atakku+10 2, 3 Atk+20 Atakku+20 2, Atk+30 Atakku+30 2, 3 Aura Oura 3 Balance Ryouseibai 3 BambSwrd BambuuSoudo 3 Barr100 100Baria 100Barrier 3 Barr200 200Baria 200Barrier 3 Barrier Baria 1, 2, 3 Bass Forute Forte 2, BassV2 ForuteV2 ForteV2 2, BassV3 ForuteV3 ForteV3 2, BassGS ForuteGS ForteGS 3 BblWrap1 BaburuRappu1 1, 2, BblWrap2 BaburuRappu2 1, BblWrap3 BaburuRappu3 1, BeastMan BiisutoMan 3 BeastMnV2 BiisutoManV2 3 BeastMnV3 BiisutoManV3 3 BeastMnV4 BiisutoManV4 3 BeastMnV5 BiisutoManV5 3 BgRedWav OoAkaTsunami BigRedTsunami (2), BigBomb BigguBomu 1, 2, BigCloud MosutoKuraudo MostCloud 1 (Cloudest), 2 BigWave GureitoWeibu(OoTsunami?)GreatWave(Tsunami) 1, 3 BlckHole BurakkuHouru 2, BlkBomb1 BurakkuBomu1 (2 - no number), 3 BlkBomb2 BurakkuBomu2 3 BlkBomb3 BurakkuBomu3 3 Blower Neppu 2, Bolt SandaaBoruto ThunderBolt 3 BombMan BombaaMan BomberMan 1, BombMan2 BombaaManV2 BomberManV2 1, BombMan3 BombaaManV3 BomberManV3 1, Boomer1 Buumeran1 Boomerang1 3 Boomer2 Buumeran2 Boomerang2 3 Boomer3 Buumeran3 Boomerang3 3 BowlMan BouruMan 3 BowlManV2 BouruManV2 3 BowlManV3 BouruManV3 3 BowlManV4 BouruManV4 3 BowlManV5 BouruManV5 3 BrnzFist BuronzuFisuto 2, BstrGard BasutaaGaado 1, BstrBomb BasutaaBomu 1, BstrSwrd BasutaaSoudo 1, BstrPnch BasutaaPanchi 1, Bub-V BaburuBui 2, 3 BubblMan BaburuMan 3 BubblMnV2 BaburuManV2 3 BubblMnV3 BaburuManV3 3 BubblMnV4 BaburuManV4 3 BubblMnV5 BaburuManV5 3 Bubbler BaburuShotto BubbleShot 1, 2, 3 BubCross BaburuKurosu 2, BublSide BaburuSaido 3 BubSprd BaburuSupureddo 2, Bunny Rabirii 3 Burner BaaninguBodi BurningBody 1 (BodyBurn) 2, 3 Burning BaaninguKurosu BurningCross 3 Candle1 Rimorousoku1 1, 2, Candle2 Rimorousoku2 1, 2, Candle3 Rimorousoku3 1, 2, CannBall Hougan 1 (Howitzer), 2, 3 Cannon Kyanon 1, 2, 3 Catcher KyatchiMashiin CatchMachine 2, ColdPnch KourudoPanchi 2, ColorMan KaraadoMan ColoredMan 1, ColorMn2 KaraadoManV2 ColoredMan2 1, ColorMn3 KaraadoManV3 ColoredMan3 1, Condor DasshuKondoru DashCondor 3 CopyDmg KopiiDameiji 3 CrosBomb KurosuBomu 1, 2, CrossGun KurosuGan 1, 2 CrsShld1 KaasuShiirudo1 (CurseShield) 2, 3 CrsShld2 KaasuShiirudo2 2, 3 CrsShld3 KaasuShiirudo3 2, 3 CustSwrd KasutamuSoudo 2, 3 CutMan KattoMan 2, CutManV2 KattoManV2 2, CutManV3 KattoManV3 2, Cyclone Saikuron 1, DarkAura 3 DarkMan DaakuMan 3 DarkManV2 DaakuManV2 3 DarkManV3 DaakuManV3 3 DarkManV4 DaakuManV4 3 DarkManV5 DaakuManV5 3 DashAtk DasshuAtakku 1 (Dash), 2, 3 DblSnsr DaburuSensaa 2, DeltaRay 3 DesrtMan DezaatoMan 3 DesrtMnV2 DezaatoManV2 3 DesrtMnV3 DezaatoManV3 3 DesrtMnV4 DezaatoManV4 3 DesrtMnV5 DezaatoManV5 3 Discord Disukoudo 3 DoubNdl DaburuNiidoru 2, Drain1 Mosukiito1 Mosquito1 1, Drain2 Mosukiito2 Mosquito2 1, Drain3 Mosukiito3 Mosquito3 1, DrillMan DoriruMan 3 DrillMnV2 DoriruManV2 3 DrillMnV3 DoriruManV3 3 DrillMnV4 DoriruManV4 3 DrillMnV5 DoriruManV5 3 DropDown TenjouUra 1, 2, DublBomb DaburuBomu 3 Dynamyt1 Dainamaito1 1, Dynamyt2 Dainamaito2 1, Dynamyt3 Dainamaito3 1, DynaWave DainaWeibu 1, 2, 3 Elec+30 Ereki+30 3 Elec+40 Ereki+40 2, ElecAura ErekiOura 2, ElecBall ErekiBaruun ElecBalloon 2, ElecBlde ErekiBureido 2, ElecGspl (*2), ElecMan ErekiMan 1, ElecMan2 ErekiManV2 1, ElecMan3 ErekiManV3 1, ElecSwrd ErekiSoudo 1, 2, 3 Escape Esukeipu 1, 2, Fanfare Ouenka 3 FireAura FureimuOura 1, 2, Fan Suikomi 2, Fire+30 Faia+30 3 Fire+40 Faia+40 2, FireBlde FureimuBureido 2, FireGspl (*2), FireMan FaiaMan 1, FireMan2 FaiaManV2 1, FireMan3 FaiaManV3 1, FireRatn RattonHanabi RattonFireworks 2 (just FireRat??), 3 FireSwrd FureimuSoudo 1, 2, 3 FireTwr FureimuTawaa 1, FlamMan FureimuMan 3 FlamManV2 FureimuManV2 3 FlamManV3 FureimuManV3 3 FlamManV4 FureimuManV4 3 FlamManV5 FureimuManV5 3 FlashMan FurasshuMan 3 FlashMnV2 FurasshuManV2 3 FlashMnV3 FurasshuManV3 3 FlashMnV4 FurasshuManV4 3 FlashMnV5 FurasshuManV5 3 FoldrBak 3 Fountain Daifunsui 3 FreezBom FuriizuBomu (2), FreezeMn FuriizuMan 2, FrzManV2 FuriizuManV2 2, FrzManV3 FuriizuManV3 2, FrntSnsr FurontoSensaa 2, FstGauge KuikkuGeiji QuickGauge 1, 2, 3 FtrSwrd FaitaaSoudo 1, (2), FullCust FuruKasutamu 2, 3 Gaia1 GaiaHammaa1 GaiaHammer1 1, Gaia2 GaiaHammaa2 GaiaHammer2 1, Gaia3 GaiaHammaa3 GaiaHammer3 1, GaiaBlad?? GaiaBureido 3 GaiaSwrd GaiaSoudo (2), 3 Geddon1 Desumatchi1 Deathmatch1 1, 2, 3 Geddon2 Desumatchi2 Deathmatch2 1, 2, 3 Geddon3 Desumatchi3 Deathmatch3 2, 3 GateMan GeitoMan 2, GateManV2 GeitoManV2 2, GateManV3 GeitoManV3 2, GateSP GeitoManSP (*2), Geyser Kanketsusen 2, 3 GodStone GoddoSutoun 2, 3 GoldFist GourudoFisuto 2, GrabBack SuchiiruPanishu StealPunish 3 GrabRvng SuchiiruRibenji StealRevenge 2, 3 GrassLne KusamuraRain KusamuraLine 2, GrassStg KusamuraSuteiji KusamuraStage 2, 3 Guard MettoGaado 1 (MetGuard), 2, 3 Guardian Ojizousan 2, 3 GutImpct GattsuImpakuto 3 GutPunch GattsuPanchi 1 (GtsPnch), 2, 3 GutsMan GattsuMan 1, 2, 3 GutsManV2 GattsuManV2 1, 2, 3 GutsManV3 GattsuManV3 1, 2, 3 GutsManV4 GattsuManV4 3 GutsManV5 GattsuManV5 3 GutStrgt GattsuSutoreito 3 Hammer BureikuHammaa BreakHammer 1, 2, 3 Heat-V HiitoBui 2, 3 HeatBall HiitoBaruun HeatBalloon 2, HeatCros HiitoKurosu 2, Heater 1, HeatMan HiitoMan 2, HeatMnV2 HiitoManV2 2, HeatMnV3 HiitoManV3 2, HeatShot HiitoShotto 2, 3 HeatSide HiitoSaido 3 HeatSprd HiitoSupureddo 2, HeroSwrd ParadinSoudo PaladinSword 1, (2), 3 HiCannon HaiKyanon 1, 2, 3 Hole DaakuHouru DarkHole 3 HoleMetr HouruMeteo 3 HolyPanl HouriiPaneru 2, 3 Huricane Harikein 1, IceBall KooriHougan 3 IceCube AisuKyuubu 1, IceLine AisuRain 2, IceMan AisuMan 1, IceMan2 AisuManV2 1, IceMan3 AisuManV3 1, IcePunch KoorudoPanchi 1, IceStage AisuSuteiji 2, 3 IceWave1 AisuWeibu1 3 IceWave2 AisuWeibu2 3 IceWave3 AisuWeibu3 3 Interupt Intaaraputo 1, Invis Inbijiburu 3 Invis1 Inbijiburu1 1, 2, Invis2 Inbijiburu2 1, 2, Invis3 Inbijiburu3 1, 2, IronBody AianBodi 1, IronShld MetaruShiirudo MetalShield 1, JapanMan YamatoMan 3 JapanMnV2 YamatoManV2 3 JapanMnV3 YamatoManV3 3 JapanMnV4 YamatoManV4 3 JapanMnV5 YamatoManV5 3 Jealousy Jerashii 2, 3 Jelly Jerii 3 KillerEye??? KiraazuAi 3 KingMan KinguMan 3 KingManV2 KinguManV2 3 KingManV3 KinguManV3 3 KingManV4 KinguManV4 3 KingManV5 KinguManV5 3 Knight Naito 3 KnightMn NaitoMan 2, KnghtMnV2 NaitoManV2 2, KnghtMnV3 NaitoManV3 2, KngtSwrd NaitoSoudo 1, (2), Kunai1 RyoutenKunai1 2, Kunai2 RyoutenKunai2 2, Kunai3 RyoutenKunai3 2, Lance BambuuRansu BambooLance 2, 3 LavaBall YouganHougan 3 LavaCan1 MagumaKyanon1 MagmaCannon1 3 LavaCan2 MagumaKyanon2 MagmaCannon2 3 LavaCan3 MagumaKyanon3 MagmaCannon3 3 LavaDrag MagumaDoragon MagmaDragon 2, LavaLine MagumaRain MagmaLine 2, LavaStge MagumaSuteiji MagmaStage 2, 3 LeafShld RiiruShiirudo 1, 2, LifeAura DoriimuOura DreamAura 1, 3 LifeAur1 DoriimuOura1 DreamAura1 2, LifeAur2 DoriimuOura2 DreamAura2 2, LifeAur3 DoriimuOura3 DreamAura3 2, Ligtning Raitoningu Lightning 3 LilBomb SumouruBomu SmallBomb 1, 2 LilCloud Kuraudo Cloud 1 (Cloud), 2, LineOut RainAuto 2, Lockon1 RokkuOn1 1, Lockon2 RokkuOn2 1, Lockon3 RokkuOn3 1, LongSwrd RonguSoudo 1, 2, 3 M-Cannon MegaKyanon MegaCannon 1, 2, 3 MagBomb1 MagunettoBomu1 2, MagBomb2 MagunettoBomu2 2, MagBomb3 MagunettoBomu3 2, MagicMan MajikkuMan 1, MagicMn2 MajikkuManV2 1, MagicMn3 MajikkuManV3 1, MagLine MagunettoRain 2, MagnetMn MagunettoMan 2, MagntMnV2 MagunettoManV2 2, MagntMnV3 MagunettoManV3 2, Magnum1 Magunamu1 3 Magnum2 Magunamu2 3 Magnum3 Magunamu3 3 MedCloud MoaKuraudo MoreCloud 1 (Cloudier), 2 MetalGel1 SuchiiruZeri1 StealJelly1 3 MetalGel2 SuchiiruZeri2 StealJelly2 3 MetalGel3 SuchiiruZeri3 StealJelly3 3 MetalMan MetaruMan 3 MetalMnV2 MetaruManV2 3 MetalMnV3 MetaruManV3 3 MetalMnV4 MetaruManV4 3 MetalMnV5 MetaruManV5 3 Meteor9 Meteo9 2, Meteor12 Meteo12 2, Meteor15 Meteo15 2, Meteor18 Meteo18 2, Meteors Ryuuseigun (2), 3 MetlStge MetaruSuteiji 3 Mettaur Mettouru 3 MindBndr AnazaaMaindo AnotherMind 2, Mine SuterusuMain StealthMine 2, 3 Mine1 SuterusuMain1 StealthMine1 1, Mine2 SuterusuMain2 StealthMine2 1, Mine3 SuterusuMain3 StealthMine3 1, MiniBomb MiniBomu 1, 2, 3 MistMan MisutoMan 3 MistManV2 MisutoManV2 3 MistManV3 MisutoManV3 3 MistManV4 MisutoManV4 3 MistManV5 MisutoManV5 3 Mole1 Yukashitamogura1 3 Mole2 Yukashitamogura2 3 Mole3 Yukashitamogura3 3 Momogra Momoguran 3 MudWave DoroTsunami MudTsunami 3 Muramasa MuramasaBureido MuramasaBlade 1, 2, 3 Mushy Chamusshu 3 NapalmMn NapaamuMan 2, NaplmMnV2 NapaamuManV2 2, NaplmMnV3 NapaamuManV3 2, Navi+20 Nabi+20 2, 3 Navi+40 Nabi+40 2, 3 NavRcycl NabiRisaikuru NaviRecycle 3 Needler1 NeedoruMashin1 NeedleMachine1 3 Needler2 NeedoruMashin2 NeedleMachine2 3 Needler3 NeedoruMashin3 NeedleMachine3 3 NoBeam1 NOBiimu1 3 NoBeam2 NOBiimu2 3 NoBeam3 NOBiimu3 3 NrthWind SuupaaKitakaze SuperNorthWind 3 NumbrMan NambaaMan 1, NumbrMn2 NambaaManV2 1, NumbrMn3 NambaaManV3 1, OldWood OurudoUddo 2, 3 Panic PanikkuMuudo PanicMode 3 PanlGrab PaneruSuchiiru PanelSteal 2, 3 PanlOut1 PaneruAuto1 1 (X-Panel1), 2, 3 PanlOut3 PaneruAuto3 1 (X-Panel2), 2, 3 Pawn Poun 3 PharoMan FaraoMan 1, 2, PharoMnV2 FaraoManV2 1, 2, PharoMnV3 FaraoManV3 1, 2, Plasma1 PurazumaBouru1 PlasmaBall1 3 Plasma2 PurazumaBouru2 PlasmaBall2 3 Plasma3 PurazumaBouru3 PlasmaBall3 3 PlanetMn PuranettoMan 2, PlnetMnV2 PuranettoManV2 2, PlnetMnV3 PuranettoManV3 2, PlantMan PurantoMan 3 PlantMnV2 PurantoManV2 3 PlantMnV3 PurantoManV3 3 PlantMnV4 PurantoManV4 3 PlantMnV5 PurantoManV5 3 PoisMask PoizunMasuku 2, 3 PoisFace PoizunFeisu 2, 3 Poltrgst Porutaagaisuto (2), 3 PopUp YukaShita 1, 2, Prism Purizumu 2, 3 ProtoMan Buruusu Blues 1, 2, 3 ProtoMnV2 BuruusuV2 BluesV2 1, 2, 3 ProtoMnV3 BuruusuV3 BluesV3 1, 2, 3 ProtoMnV4 BuruusuV4 BluesV4 3 ProtoMnV5 BuruusuV5 BluesV5 3 QuadNdl TetoraNiidoru TetraNeedle 2, Quake1 Aasukueku1 Earthquake1 1, 2, Quake2 Aasukueku2 Earthquake2 1, 2, Quake3 Aasukueku3 Earthquake3 1, 2, QuickMan KuikkuMan 2, QuickMnV2 KuikkuManV2 2, QuickMnV3 KuikkuManV3 2, Ratton1 Ratton1 1, 2, 3 Ratton2 Ratton2 1, 2, 3 Ratton3 Ratton3 1, 2, 3 Recov10 Rikabarii10 1, 2, 3 Recov30 Rikabarii30 1, 2, 3 Recov50 Rikabarii50 1, 2, 3 Recov80 Rikabarii80 1, 2, 3 Recov120 Rikabarii120 1, 2, 3 Recov150 Rikabarii150 1, 2, 3 Recov200 Rikabarii200 1, 2, 3 Recov300 Rikabarii300 1, 2, 3 RedWave AkaTsunami RedTsunami 1, 3 Remobit1 Rimokogorou1 1, 2, Remobit2 Rimokogorou2 1, 2, Remobit3 Rimokogorou3 1, 2, Repair PaneruRitaan PanelReturn 1, 2, 3 RndmMetr RandamuMeteo RandomMeteor 3 RockArm1 SutounAamu1 StoneArm1 3 RockArm2 SutounAamu2 StoneArm2 3 RockArm3 SutounAamu3 StoneArm3 3 RockCube SutounKyuubu StoneCube 1, 2, 3 Roll Rouru 1, 2, 3 RollV2 RouruV2 1, 2, 3 RollV3 RouruV3 1, 2, 3 Rook Ruuku 3 Rope1 GuriinRoupu1 GreenRope1 3 Rope2 GuriinRoupu2 GreenRope2 3 Rope3 GuriinRoupu3 GreenRope3 3 Salamndr Saramandaa 3 SandStge SandoSuteiji 3 Satelit1 Sateraito1 2, Satelit2 Sateraito2 2, Satelit3 Sateraito3 2, Scuttlst DoriimuBitto DreamBit 3 Sensor1 KiraaSensaa1 KillerSensor1 3 Sensor2 KiraaSensaa2 KillerSensor2 3 Sensor3 KiraaSensaa3 KillerSensor3 3 Serenade Serenaado 3 ShadoMan ShadouMan 1, 2, ShadoMnV2 ShadouManV2 1, 2, ShadoMnV3 ShadouManV3 1, 2, Shadow Kagebunshin 3 Shadow1 Kagebunshin1 2, Shadow2 Kagebunshin2 2, Shadow3 Kagebunshin3 2, Shake1 HebiiSheiku1 HeavyShake1 3 Shake2 HebiiSheiku2 HeavyShake2 3 Shake3 HebiiSheiku3 HeavyShake3 3 SharkMan ShaakuMan 1, SharkMn2 ShaakuManV2 1, SharkMn3 ShaakuManV3 1, ShockWav ShokkuWeibu 1 (ShokWave), 2, 3 ShotGun ShottoGan 1, 2, 3 ShotMetr ShuutoMeteo 3 SideGun SaidoGan 3 SilvFist ShirubaaFisuto 2, SkullMan SukaruMan 1, SkullMn2 SukaruManV2 1, SkullMn3 SukaruManV3 1, Slasher Iaifoomu 2, 3 SloGauge HebiiGeiji HeavyGauge 1, 2, 3 Snake KamonSuneiku CommonSnake 3 SnakeEgg1 EgguSunekku1 EggSnake1 1, SnakeEgg2 EgguSunekku2 EggSnake2 1, SnakeEgg3 EgguSunekku3 EggSnake3 1, SnakeMan SuneikuMan 2, SnakeMnV2 SuneikuManV2 2, SnakeMnV3 SuneikuManV3 2, Snctuary Sankuchuari (+2), 3 SnglBomb 3 SonicWav SonikkuWeibu 1 (SoniWave), 2, 3 Sparker ChaajiSupaaku ChargeSparker (2), Spice1 BaddoSupaisu1 BadSpice1 2, 3 Spice2 BaddoSupaisu2 BadSpice2 2, 3 Spice3 BaddoSupaisu3 BadSpice3 2, 3 Spikey Garuu 3 Spreader SupureddoGan SpreaderGun 1, 2, 3 StandOut Purominensu Prominence 3 StepSwrd Fumikomiza??n 2, 3 StepCros Fumikomikurosu FumikomiCross 3 StoneBod SutounBodi 2, StoneMan SutounMan 1, StoneMn2 SutounManV2 1, StoneMn3 SutounManV3 1, Sword Soudo 1, 2, 3 Swordy Swoudin 3 Team1 Burazaafuddo1 Brotherhood1 3 Team2 Burazaafuddo2 Brotherhood2 3 Thunder1 SandaaBouru1 ThunderBolt1 1, Thunder2 SandaaBouru2 ThunderBolt2 1, Thunder3 SandaaBouru3 ThunderBolt3 1, ThunMan SandaaMan 2, ThunManV2 SandaaManV2 2, ThunManV3 SandaaManV3 2, TimeBomb KauntoBomu CountBomb 3 TimeBom1 KauntoBomu1 CountBomb1 1, 2, TimeBom2 KauntoBomu2 CountBomb2 1, 2, TimeBom3 KauntoBomu3 CountBomb3 1, 2, Timpani Timpanii 3 ToadMan ToudoMan 2, ToadManV2 ToudoManV2 2, ToadManV3 ToudoManV3 2, Tornado Toruneido 2, 3 Totem1 Toutemu1 3 Totem2 Toutemu2 3 Totem3 Toutemu3 3 TreeBom1 ForesutoBomu1 ForestBomb1 2, TreeBom2 ForesutoBomu2 ForestBomb2 2, TreeBom3 ForesutoBomu3 ForestBomb3 2, TriArrow ToripuruArou TripleArrow 1, Trident Toraidento 2, TriLance ToripuruRansu TripleLance 1, TripNdl ToripuruNiidoru TripleNeedle 2, TriSpear ToripuruSupia TripleSpear 1, TrplBomb ToripuruBomu TripleBomb 3 Twister Kogarashi 2, Typhoon Taifuun 1, UnderSht AndaaShattsu 2, V-Gun BuiGan 2, 3 VarSwrd BariaburuSoudo 2, 3 Volcano BorukanoKyanon VolcanoCannon 3 WatrLine Chikasuimyaku 3 Wave Tsunami Tsunami 1, 3 Whirlpl Uzushio 2, WideSwrd WaidoSoudo 1, 2, 3 Wind Toppu 2, 3 Wood+30 Uddo+30 3 Wood+40 Uddo+40 2 WoodAura UddoOura 1, 2, WoodGspl (*2), WoodMan UddoMan 1, WoodMan2 UddoManV2 1, WoodMan3 UddoManV3 1, WoodTwr Uddi??Tawa 1, Wrecker Tekkyuu 2, Yo-Yo1 YouYou1 2, 3 Yo-Yo2 YouYou2 2, 3 Yo-Yo3 YouYou3 2, 3 ZapRing1 RabiRingu1 RabbiRing1 1 (RingZap1/ErekiSaakuru1), 2, 3 ZapRing2 RabiRingu2 RabbiRing2 1 (RingZap2/ErekiSaakuru2), 2, 3 ZapRing3 RabiRingu3 RabbiRing3 1 (RingZap3/ErekiSaakuru3), 2, 3 ZeusHamr ZeusuHammaa ZeusHammer 2, 3 =============================== ===== 6. Untranslatables ===== =============================== This section lists things that weren't translatable, or were overlooked. +++++ A. Those Legendary Tomes +++++ MMBN3 -- One of the later jobs on the Job Board has a ghost Navi ask you to get three legendary tomes that encode the resting place of a great treasure. Each tome (sky, land and sea) has a strip of lines and dashes, and when you write them out in the correct order, you get: _ _ X _ X _ _ _ _ X X _ _ X X X X _ X _ _ _ X _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X _ _ X X _ _ _ _ _ X _ X X X X _ _ _ X _ Don't say "It's Greek to me!", because it's actually Japanese. They are katakana syllables that spell out the word "haniwa". / \ = ha = = ni last = wa Okay, what's a haniwa? Haniwa are these old earthenware objects made in the old times of Japan. If you've played Animal Crossing (for GameCube) the haniwa are those little totem-like statues. Of course, there's also a haniwa statue in the game -- at the school. If you check out the statue with all 3 tomes in your possession, you find the (massive!) treasure. [I actually figured this one out on my own, though only after I knew the treasure was in the statue.] ================================ ===== 7. Translation Notes ===== ================================ When writing out the romaji, I go with the more phonetic form. That is, I write "tsu" instead of "tu" and "fu" instead of "hu". This use also extends to the use of "U" followed by a small "e" to mean "We", and all the other "non-natural" Japanese syllables (wi, fo, di, etc). ======================= ===== 8. FAQ Info ===== ======================= Lots of stuff left to do, but I wanted to get this FAQ up and running: 1. Virus list. Doing the chip list was draining enough, so I'll eventually get around to listing the virus names. 2. Add English translations for the Japanese chips where they vary. For instance, Volcano is really "Volcano Canon". 3. Fill in the few gaps remaining. 4. Continual update. As of this writing, the BattleChipGP game is about to come out, and EXE4 has already been announced. Can't wait!! *** Due to this guide being in English, I won't update with information on a new game until the English version comes out!! *** Version History: 0.1 -- Never published, just my personal copy. 1.0 -- Finished on July 23, 2003. Mostly complete information of first 3 games. My thanks go to Capcom for making an intruiging series, and to all of you for reading! I'd also like to thank the folks who helped with the following information: Capcom Japan: RockmanPass: ExeTown: The MegaMan Network: