------------------------------------------\ MegaMan.EXE 4/MegaMan Battle Network 4 | Blue Moon and Red Sun Beginner FAQ | by Malinhion (Michael O'Connor) | ------------------------------------------/ All information herein is copyright Mike O'Connor 2003. You may not publish or otherwise copy the information in this FAQ without my consent. This FAQ is to be posted ONLY on GameFAQs.com. If you see it posted elsewhere please contact me. You can find my contact information later in this FAQ. --------------------\ A. Table of Contents | --------------------/ A. Table of Contents B. Controls -What does this button do? C. Directions -What direction is _____ (north, left, etc.)? D. Terminology -What does _____ mean? E. Translation -Understanding things you might otherwise not. F. Differences -General differences between Blue Moon/Red Sun. G. Changes -What changed between MMBN3/RMEXE3 and this game? H. Souls -What are they? -How do I get them? -Can I trade them? -There is no Bass soul. I. Game Modes -What do I keep/lose between modes? -What changes between modes? J. Folders (Folder Basics) -General notes on folder construction. -How do I make my folder better? K. NaviCust (Navi Customizer) -Where do I get it? -What does it do? -How can I make it work for me? L. Dark Chips -Questions on Dark Chips M. C-Slider -Where do I get it? -What does it do? N. Countering -Where did the BugFrags go? -Full Synchro? O. The Faces of MegaMan -What are the faces? -Blue/Normal -Light Blue/Full Synchro -Red/Angered -Green/Anxious -Purple/Dark -Dark/Insanity -Soul Unisons P. Gun Del Sol (GunSol) -What are these? -Where do I get them? -What do they do? Q. FAQ -How do I get past these pink/purple skull doors? -What does the in-battle GMD do? -How do I open these Purple Mystery Datas (PMDs)? -What are SubChips? -How do I get the Z-Saber? -What is the E-Reader/what are E-Reader cards? -What is the Battle Chip Gate? R. Version History S. Contact Information T. Thanks Before we begin, a general disclaimer. If this FAQ is not detailed enough for you, do NOT contact me. First, check other FAQs for the information you need. If all else fails, post on the boards. Most of the people there know what they are talking about and will help you. As a fair warning, though, they may be a bit hostile if you're asking a question that has already been answered in one or more FAQs. Always check the FAQs first, and use the find function on your browser (Ctrl+F) to navigate more easily and find the information you need. --------------------\ B. Controls | --------------------/ General Use: A - Talk/Check B - Run/Skate While Moving L - Talk to MegaMan in the Real World, or Lan While on the Net R - Plug In or Out; Chip/Program Explanation Start - Display SubScreen Select - Set Regular Chip in Folder Construction Screen Directional Pad - Move MegaMan; Change Selection In Battle: A - Select/Use a Chip B - Deselect a Chip; Fire MegaBuster; Hold to Charge for More Damage L - Run from Battle While in Custom Screen; Enter Custom Screen R - Chip Explanation on Custom Screen; Enter Custom Screen Start - Pause Select - Hide Custom Screen Directional Pad - Move MegaMan; Change Selection in Custom Screen --------------------\ C. Directions | --------------------/ Top /\ / \ / \ / \ / \ Left / \ \ / Right \ / \ / \ / \ / \/ Bottom /\ North / \ / \ East / \ / \ / \ \ / \ / \ / West \ / \ / South \/ You may see some of the following terms used interchangeably: Top: NorthEast Right: SouthEast Bottom: SouthWest Left: NorthWest North: Top-Left East: Top-Right South: Bottom-Right West: Bottom-Left Note that the terms top, left, right, and bottom are most often used to indicate corners, whereas north, south, east, and west are used to indicate general directions that roads run. Do not take all directions literally. Especially when turning. Consider the following example, where you might be told to turn left, but may actually have to go East, or to the Top-Right. .\ \ .\ \ .\ / \ .\ / / \ X\/ / \ / / / / / / If MegaMan's previous path was where the dots lie and he currently stands at X, if told to turn left, you should actually head left from where MegaMan is facing/was coming from. In this case the literal translation is east, or top- right, but you essentially make a left turn. This should be obvious, though. Note that in the example there is no real way to turn what could be considered "left." --------------------\ D. Terminology | --------------------/ Banner Link - A direct link from Lan's PC to Another PC. Use these to get from area to area more easily. BMD - Blue Mystery Data; A one time use data fragment that may contain Programs or Chips or Zennys or even BugPieces. BugPiece/BugFrag - Fragments of virus data on the net. Some traders deal only in Bug Pieces. Chip - Your main mode of attack in battle. Find or buy them all over the place. It's not too hard to figure out what these are, as the game is centered around them. =P The technical term for these is Battle Chip. C-Slider - The wonderful replacement for the Press program. Lets you travel over small bars. Allows for access to new areas or quicker travel between areas. SubChip - A one-time use chip that has a specific effect. Gives you back HP, allows you to elude enemies, et cetera. They can be bought at SubChip dealers or found in BMDs on occasion. Custom Gauge - Gauge at the top of the battle screen. When it fills you can press L or R to enter the Custom Screen. Custom Screen - Where you select your chips and make soul unisons in battle. Folder - Where you put the 30 chips you'll use during battle. Generally you'll have two of these. A first folder, a second folder, and an ExtraFolder, which you can not alter the contents of. Ghost Navi - The remnants of a deleted Navi. Can be either hostile or docile. Hostile ones will normally throw viruses at you. GDS - Gun Del Sol. A powerful set of battle chips. See the Gun Del Sol section for more on these chips. GMD - Green Mystery Data; Unlike BMDs, these are not always located in the same place. However, they do return once you jack out and back in to the net. Each area has a set of certain possible chips or zenny amounts that can come out of these. GMDs may contain viruses. Navi - Also known as Net Navis, they allow you to explore the net. MegaMan is Netto's Navi. NaviCust - Navi Customizer; put programs in this to give your MegaMan extra abilities. NetTrader - Navis on the net that sell NaviCust programs, chips, or subchips. Path/Road - What you run/walk on. P-Code - What you use to unlock Security Cubes. PET - Short for PErsonal Terminal; holds your Navi while not on the Net and allows you to control your Navi while on the net. Platform - An open area, generally on the Net. Plug In/Jack In - Get on to the Net. Plug Out/Jack Out - Leave the Net. On a regular basis, you can plug out whenever you want, even if you are not near an exit. Program - These look a bit like Navis but they have larger heads and smaller bodies. They are always green. These can also be NaviCust programs, which you put in the Navi Customizer. Each one has a specific effect. Program Advance - A specific set of chips that create one powerful attack. Regular Chip - Notice that each chip has a certain MegaByte amount. If you have enough Regular Memory you can select a chip in the folder construction screen and it will be your first chip on the custom screen every time you enter battle. Regular Memory - Allows you to set Regular Chips. Increase this by finding Reg-Ups. Reg-Up - Increases regular memory. Run/Walk - Move; Though one is faster than the other, unless specifically stated it probably just means go. Security Cube - Also referred to as SecuriCube. Blocks access to the net from user's computers. Shop - Just a Net Trader with a desk. Soft Reset - Push Start+Select+A+B to reset the game. Generally use this when botch something and want to return to a previous save point. Virus - Viruses on the net that create random encounters. --------------------\ E. Translation | --------------------/ >I tried finding out what ____ was, but it wasn't in the terminology section! Odds are good that it's just a Japanese name for something that hasn't been updated yet. Or just some crazy forum fanboys that are stubborn and have to use the old names. Though, this is permissible for names such as BurnMan/BurnerMan. In any event, to help you out, here's some of the more common ones: >Characters: RockMan : MegaMan Netto : Lan Dekao : Dex Yaito : Yai Meiru : Mayl Yuui : Dr. Hikari Ran : Lilly Forte : Bass Higure : Higsby Meijin : Mr. Famous >Locations Akihara : ACDC Afrikku : Netfrica Densan : Electown Nihon : Electopia Amerouppe : Netopia Ajiina : Yumland Sharro : Sharo UraNet : UnderNet >Navis BurnerMan : BurnMan >Other ANSA : NAXA ShinobiDash : DashRun HPMemory : MP Memry Higure-ya : Higsby's Shop Plug Out/In : Jack Out/In Yes. The names of many chips and program advances also changed, but they're not worth noting here, as they aren't mentioned in many FAQs. --------------------\ F. Differences | --------------------/ >Which version is better? Neither version is better. It depends which suits your playing style. They have different giga chips and different souls. >What giga chips does each have? Red Sun: -Meteo Red Sun -Black Barrier -Forte -Bug Charge -Holy Dream Blue Moon: -Blue Moon Ray -Signal Red -Forte Another -Curse of Bug -Delta Ray Edge >What souls does each have? Red Sun: -Fire -Guts -Roll -Wind -Thunder -Search Blue Moon: -Aqua -Wood -Blues -Junk -Metal -Number >What isn't different? The crisis scenarios between tournaments and some of the generic and evil navi scenarios within the tournament itself. --------------------\ G. Changes | --------------------/ >What's back? (aside from the obvious) The Navi Customizer Meijin (Mr. Famous) Delta Ray Edge Giga Chip Forte/Bass Most programs from BN3 Hard Mode is back from BN2 The Chip Order System >What's out? Styles Program Compression ModTools AreaLocking The Add Button >What's new? Souls A New Bugfrag System In-Battle GMDs Multiple Playthroughs (see Modes section) --------------------\ H. Souls | --------------------/ >How do I get souls? Well, since the old system is out, you'll no longer be getting "skins" based on how you fight. You win souls in tournaments when you fight. >Wait. So I played through and I only got three. I thought you said there were six. What gives, man? Well, you only get three your first play through. Then, on your second play though (on hard mode) you'll get two more. Then there's one more mode. Super hard. In this final mode you'll get the sixth style. >Can I control which souls I get? No. As far as we know, they're random. The first soul you get it always set, though. Aqua Soul in Blue Moon, Guts Soul in Red Sun. >How are souls different from styles? Well, you no longer have an element and a style. Rather, you'll have a soul. The soul gives you specific abilities based on what it is. Check the Souls FAQ for more detailed information. >What happened to the elements? If you want an element, each element has a soul. In Blue Moon you get Wood Soul and Aqua Soul. In Red Sun you get Thunder Soul and Fire Soul. >How do I use/activate a soul? Select a certain chip that matches a soul you have gotten. There will be a little graphic that displays what kind of chip a chip is when you look at it. If that coincides with a soul you have, you have two options when you load it in battle. You will notice the Unison button become selectable. Now, you can either use it as a chip, or you can push the unison button and you will become that soul at the beginning of the next screen. >Okay. I activated my soul. Where did my chip go? The chip went towards the unison. You will have it back next battle, but for now it is considered used. >Why can't I change souls? Because you may only activate one soul at a time. You have to wait the three turns/rounds for one soul to expire to activate the next. You can see how many turns are left by looking at the picture of MegaMan in the top left of your screen. You can activate souls while in the current unison by selecting the appropriate chip and activating the next soul unison. This will change the current soul you're in to the one you have selected upon exiting the custom screen. >So I used _____ soul. Why can't I reactivate it? You can only activate a given soul once per battle. >But I still have two rounds of _____ soul left. I can't use them? Nope. One activation only. >What does each soul do? Each soul has several abilities, which is too in-depth to cover in this FAQ. Feel free to check zidanet129's Soul FAQ for said information. >Can I trade souls to another version? No. That's what "exclusive" means. >Really? There is no Bass soul? Really. That's why I just skipped the foreplay and put it in the Table of Contents. Sorry. --------------------\ I. Game Modes | --------------------/ >What are the game modes? The game modes are Normal (first playthrough), Hard (second playthrough), and Super Hard (third playthrough). >How do I get to the next mode? Just beat the mode you're in, and on the title screen you'll be given the option of going to the next mode. >Why would I play through more than once? Well, the enemies get harder, you can collect more power-ups, the BMDs are refilled, and you can collect the other souls you're missing. >So this is just a lame excuse for Capcom to gimp out on a decent plotline? You got it! >So once I'm done with my third playthrough that's it? No. After your third play through you can select Super Hard Mode Redux. It's basically the same as Super Hard mode, except no new goodies. >What do I bring in from my previous mode? Just about everything. All chips, Folders, HP and Regular Memory upgrades, Navi Customizer (along with upgrades and parts), Souls, and SubChips. >What won't I take to the next mode? The only thing you won't carry on is plot items. There go all your precious P-codes and hyperlinks. Enjoy the loss of mobility around the net! >So if I missed out on anything from the previous mode I'm screwed? Not quite. Let's say you missed out on an HPMemory sitting in a BMD somewhere. That data goes back into the mix, which is shuffled up and dealt back out in the next playthrough. Where it will end up is random, though, so it's better to be thorough the first time. --------------------\ J. Folders | --------------------/ >What are some good guidelines for constructing a decent folder? When we rate folders we do it by utility, fluidity, offense, defense, and creativity. Since you're probably just worried about getting through the game at this point, though, I have a few simple suggestions. Have an offense that works quickly so that you can fight multiple viruses and survive while running around. Have enough defense to keep you alive and relatively safe while you're attacking. Try to put in chips that are good against a lot of enemies in a lot of situations. Don't focus your folder too much. Balance offense and defense. >What should be my primary concern when constructing a folder? Try to whittle down the codes as early as possible. Fewer codes is better because you maximize you damage in any given turn by selecting the most chips that you can. >Where do I get the second folder? You get it after collecting the 50 points to enter the Eagle tournamet. >Why can't I edit this last folder? It is an extra folder. There are different extra folders in the game. At certain points, you might need to use this or will seimply want to because it's a challenge. >What are some good codes to work with? The game is still pretty new so we've yet to explore which codes are the best or most powerful. At this point, though, it's easy to see that E and S are both solid codes to make early game folders from. --------------------\ K. NaviCust | --------------------/ >Where/When do I get the Navi Customizer? Shortly after gaining access to park (Castillo) area. >Is there any way I can make this thing bigger? Sure! There are two NaviCust expansion memories in the game. >Where do I get the expansion memories for the Navi Customizer? The first expansion memory is in Netopia. Head to the second area and find the large chariot statue. Plug in, and inside it there will be a BMD with an expansion memory. The other expansion memory is in UnderNet2 in a BMD. When you enter UnderNet2, make your first left. Wrap around until you reach a platform on the northern side of the area. at the end of that platform is a BMD with the expanson memory inside. >Where can I get programs for the NaviCust? You can either buy them from traders on the 'net or find them in BMDs. >What are the NaviCust rules/how can I prevent glitches? 1. Smooth programs belong on the command line. 2. Don't put two programs with the same color touching. 3. Rough programs belong OFF the command line. >What are smooth and rough programs? "Smooth" programs are one consistent color throughout. "Rough" programs have small squares on the top of them. It's easy to tell the difference. --------------------\ L. Dark Chips | --------------------/ >What do Dark Chips do? Dark Chips give you a great power, for a cost. Every time you use a Dark Chip you will PERMANENTLY lose one HP. >Wait. So there's really no way to get my HP back once I use them? As of yet, we see no reason to believe that there is within the game. You can, however, use an E-Reader and E-Reader cards made by Capcom. See the General FAQ for more info on the E-Reader. >Is there any way to prevent losing one HP? Yes. With the E-Reader, you can acquire the DarkLicense program, which takes up your whole NaviCust. Then you can use dark chips without losing HP. >How do I get dark chips? You don't have to get dark chips. You have them already. They'll only be activated once your MegaMan is hit four times in a row. >How do I use dark chips? When your MegaMan is hit four times in a row, the portrait of him in the upper left will become green. At this point, when you enter your NaviCust, in the last two chips slots Dark Chips will appear. Select them and the screen will turn dark. >What dark chips are there? Dark Bomb, Dark Cannon, Dark Lance, Recov1000 (Dark Recov), Dark Stage, Dark Spread, Dark Sword, Dark Vulcan. These generally operate as more powerful versions of some of their regular chips. Some, in addition, are also piercing attacks. Check the dark chips FAQ for more. --------------------\ M. C-Slider | --------------------/ >What is the C-Slider? It replaces the awful Press program from Battle Network 3. You no longer have to equip something in your NaviCust to get across those pesky rails. The C-Slider functions as a method of quicker travel and access to new areas. You no longer encounter enemies on the tracks. >Where can I get the parts of the C-Slider? -Buy Board Parts off a hidden navi on the lower level of Town 2. (2000Z) -Buy Jet Parts off a hidden navi on the lower level of Town 3. (3000Z) -Buy Wing Parts off a hidden navi in Yumland Area. (4000Z) >How do I get thse parts together? An orange Navi in Sharo will put them together for you. You have to pay 500Z to get through a blue door to get to her, though. >How do I use it? Walk up to a rail and hop on. There's no need to install or activate anything. --------------------\ N. Countering | --------------------/ >Where have all the BugFrags gone? As you may have noticed, when you counter an enemy, you now go Full Synchro. More on that in a bit. But what happened to the BugFrags? Well, they kind of backtracked to the BN2 system. BugFrags are much more rare, but are no longer in a fixed amount. Attain them through BMDs, GMDs, or In-Battle GMDs. >What is Full Synchro? When you are fully in tune with your Navi you go into Full Synchro mode. Your picture of MegaMan turns lighter and your next chip will do double damage. If you get hit, you will come out of Full Synchro mode. Get into Full Synchro by countering an enemy or by becoming countered. You can not go Full Synchro while in a style. See the "Faces of MegaMan" section for more. --------------------\ O. Faces of MegaMan | --------------------/ >What are the faces? The faces are an indicator of MegaMan's status, which may have an effect on chips you can use, damage you deal, or how much control you have over MegaMan. >Blue/Normal MegaMan starts with this face. If you're just playing normally this should be his face >Light Blue/Full Synchro When MegaMan's face turns light blue, you have countered an enemy. This is the game's way of letting you know that you are in Full Synchro. When you are in Full Synchro you deal double damage on your next shot. However, if you are hit you lose this status. >Red/Angered Similar to Full Synchro, the red face appears when you have been countered. You deal double damage and are not interrupted when you get hit (much like the SuperArmor NaviCust part). If you are hit you do not lose this status. >Green/Anxious When you've been hit multiple times MegaMan's face turns green with anxiety. When in this status, you gain access to dark chips. >Purple/Dark Once you use a dark chip, MegaMan's face turns this color to let you know that he's been corrupted. >Dark/Insanity If you use enough dark chips, you will completely lose control over MegaMan! He'll dash around the screen quickly and use a variety of chips on your opponent. >Soul Unison Faces Whenever you go into a soul unison, MegaMan's face will change according to whatever soul you are unisoned with. You can not into any other face mode while in a soul unison. --------------------\ P. Gun Del Sol | --------------------/ >What is Gun Del Sol? It's the real name of the GunSol chip(s). >What are the Gun Del Sol Chips? These powerful battle chips are based on a tie in from another game; Boktai: The Sun is in Your Hands. They are guns that drain the opponents HP. There are four. Gun Del Sol 1, Gun Del Sol 2, Gun Del Sol 3, and the mega chip Gun Del Sol EX. >How do I use them? Hold down the button. It's that simple. The area you're effecting will be shown on the screen. While you hold the button the opponent's HP will fall. Rapidly. It will only do it for a fixed amount of time or until you are hit. >Where do I get the Gun Del Sol Chips? The first you obtain by observing the image of Django (the dude with the blonde hair in the haunted house). The second comes from a BMD in Town 4. The third comes from doing the "Taiyou!" extra mission. Check the walkthroughs for details on that. Gun Del Sol EX is a secret chip that you can obtian from the NumberMan Trader by inputting the code 74293099. >They all come in the same code (G). Is there a Program Advance? Yes. It's called Pile Driver. It does 400 damage, or 800 if you place it right. Tinker aound with it or check the Program Advances FAQ for more. >Is there anything else I should know? Yes. The guns do double the damage if you plug in from an outside location, such as the idol in Netfrica, or the statues of the Hindu women in Yumland. --------------------\ Q. FAQ | --------------------/ >How do I get past these pink/purple skull doors? You have to do an extra mission to get the Nebula code. To learn how to get the nebula code, read Magenta Galaxy's and Malinhion's FAQ/Walkthough. *shameless plug* Honestly, though. I know it's in ours and I haven't really read the other FAQs yet. >What does the in-battle GMD do? It gives you a bonus by the end of the battle if it remains untouched by both you and the opposing Navi/virus(es). If it is touched it is destroyed and you not get the contents. The contents are random, but are restricted to a specific set of things by area. The presence of in-battle GMDs is random. >How do I open these Purple Mystery Datas (PMDs)? You have to buy an unlocker subchip. Walk up to the PMD and go into your subchip screen. Use the Unlocker SubChip and you will get the contents of the mystery data. >What are SubChips? SubChips are one time use chips that you can use to help you through certain sticky/long storyline situations, or to simply make your life easier while chip hunting or something along those lines. Access your subchips by selecting the open folder icon on the pause screen menu. SubChips can be purchased from online dealers or found in BMDs. There are seven subchips available: \\Name (Price) Result Untrap (100Z) Removes all random viruses form an area's GMDs. MiniEnergy (200Z) Heals MegaMan 50 HP. FullEnergy (1000Z) Completely heals MegaMan. ShinobiDash (200Z) Prevents random encounters with weaker enemies. EnemyLock (10000Z) Use after a battle. You will continuously encounter the same random viruses. Use for specific chip collecting. Unlock (4000Z) Unlock a Purple Mystery Data. >How do I get the Z-Saber? To get the Z-Saber you have to link up with MegaMan Zero 3. This is the ONLY way to get it. It won't pop out of traders and you can NOT buy it anywhere in the game. >What is the E-Reader/what are E-Reader cards? The E-Reader is a piece of hardware developed by Nintendo that allows you to swipe E-Reader cards. There are a variety of thigns that the cards do. You can customize your MegaMan, gain back lost HP from using Dark Chips, unlock Forte XX, or a variety of other things. >What is the Battle Chip Gate? The Battle Chip Gate is another hardware attachment for the GameBoy Advance. It allows you to slot in battle chips that were made for the PET Advanced in Operation Battle mode. In MegaMan EXE 4.5 Real Operation, you use it for the entire game. --------------------\ R. Versions | --------------------/ Version 1.0 Just typed the FAQ up. I'm happy with the product for now. Expect some of the later sections to see some more expansion. Version 1.1 The topic on the board did me some good. Decided to add a little ditty on SubChips and In-Battle GMDs in the General FAQ section. Expanded the souls section a bit. Fixed some general typos and cleaned up the terminology section. Added a "what to expect in later updates" thingee. Version 1.2 Corrected an error where a question wasn't really answered in the General FAQ section. Gave countering its own section. Fixed a typo. Expanded the changes section and made a section for the GDS chips. Version 1.3 Added new section on the "faces of MegaMan." Fixed up General FAQ section in Table of Contents. Added E-Reader and Battle Chip Gate info. Made some formatting changes so that it was easier to distinguish the questions from the answers. Took out "what to expect in later updates" thingee. Version 2.0 Added some tidbits here and there. Further updated the Table of Contents. Added section on Translations. Fixed up my own translations into English. Added section on Game Modes. Cleaned up some formatting stuff. Made my e-mail spambot proof. Decided that adding two new sections and changing the FAQ to be geared towards the English-speaking crowds warranted a version 2.0. Version 2.1 Fixed some things I overlooked when making the idiot...err, English-friendly version. Fixed a couple of typos. Added info on getting Z-Saber. Updated contact info. --------------------\ S. Contact Info | --------------------/ Be wary. I rarely ever check my e-mail. Do not excessively IM me. Do not spam my inbox. Do not ask me questions that are answered in other FAQs. Do not ask me questions that are answered in this FAQ. Do not IM or e-mail me to chat. I probably don't have time to. Doing any of the previous things will get you blocked. The most effective method for contacting me is by posting on the MegaMan Battle Network 4 Blue Moon or Red Sun Boards. I check them frequently, so I should get back to you on short notice. AIM: Malinhion E-Mail: Malinhion (at) gmail (dot) com --------------------\ T. Thanks | --------------------/ Thanks to Magenta Galaxy, who I worked on my EXE4 walkthrough with. I also have to thank him for reminding me as stuff whenever I blanked out while writing this FAQ. Thanks to icemage24 for introducing me to the Battle Network Series. Thanks to the following people for pointing out errors/minor corrections that should be made in the FAQ: dry water, ZEROEXE VERSION 200, The Dark Unknown, Nomia Karen, Cybertic Dragon, genotheblaster, NYKHouston43. And a thanks to you for reading! Seeya around! -Malinhion