## ## ##### ##### # ## ## # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ### # ### ##### # # # ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # ##### ##### # # # # # # # # Battle Network 4 - Red Sun ------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------- A-00: Introduction and Version History B-00: Basic Controls -B-01: Emotion Metre C-00: Basic Items D-00: Walkthrough -D-01: Out of the Coffin -D-02: The DenBattle Tournament -D-02_1: Who You Gonna Call? -D-02_2: Clodhoppers -D-02_3: Enlightening Experience -D-02_4: TopMan the Terrible Hunk of Junk -D-02_5: The Kidnapping (Red Sun Only) -D-02_6: A Hot Reunion (Red Sun Only) -D-03: Trouble in Paradise -D-04: The Eagle Tournament -D-04_1: Curry Cook-off -D-04_2: Crushed -D-04_3: Match's Pride -D-04_4: Lights, Camera, Action! -D-04_5: Roll, Roll, Roll your Boat (Red Sun Only) -D-04_6: Howling Wind (Red Sun Only) -D-05: The Red Sun/Blue Moon Tournament -D-05_1: Quest for the WaterGod -D-05_2: Bombardment -D-05_3: Karate Action! -D-05_4: Frozen Over -D-05_5: Gresply Nekrom (Red Sun Only) -D-05_6: A Deadly Crosshair (Red Sun Only) -D-06: The Final Battle -D-07: Murkland E-00: Side Quests -E-01: Getting the C-Slider -E-02: Piledriver -E-03: The Secret HP F-00: Power-up Locations G-00: Navi Customizer Upgrades H-00: The Number Trader I-00: Chip List -I-01: Program Advances -I-02: Button Commands J-00: Bosses K-00: Frequently Asked Question L-00: Credits ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- A-00: Version History ------------------------------------------------------- This is the first walkthrough I've ever written. I think I've done a good job, but I can't be certain. I know a lot of people have been waiting for a guide for the US version of MMBN4. I'm only making this for Red Sun at first, but I will add in the Blue Moon scenarios after most of the rest is finished. I really enjoy Mega Man Battle Network 4 - Red Sun, so I decided to write a walkthrough. I hope it helps you through some of the more annoying parts of the game. v0.8 - I've completed the Chip List and have added a complete list of the PAs. I have also corrected minor things like my RegUP list and some small spelling errors. With the help of a few others I've added more to the guide. I've also added a list of Navi Customizer Upgrades! v0.7 - I've completed the rest of the walkthrough and have corrected my standard line width so it can be accepted by GameFAQs. v0.6 - I've completed most of the walkthrough and have added most of the information I intended to add. v0.5 - I've started making the walkthrough and have listed all of the things I want to add to this. ------------------------------------------------------- B-00: Basic Controls ------------------------------------------------------- These are the basic controls to MMBN4 - Red Sun: Out of Battle: D-Pad - Move Mega Man/Lan or Move Cursor (For making choices and such) A Button - Activate Object or Confirm B Button - Hold to Run or Cancel L Button - Talk to Mega Man/Lan R Button - Jack In/Out Start Button - Bring up Menu Select Button - Nothing In Battle: D-Pad - Move Mega Man or Move Cursor (For selecting chips) A Button - Use Chips or Select Chip B Button - Use Buster or Undo Chip Select L Button - Bring up Custom Menu or Run (While in Custom Menu) R Button - Bring up Custom Menu or Chip Description (While in Custom Menu) Start Button - Pause Game Select Button - Show Field (While in Custom Menu) On the Menu: D-Pad - Move Cursor A Button - Select Option B Button - Cancel L Button - Scroll Up a Page R Button - Scroll Down a Page Start Button - Quit Menu or Arrange Chips (In the chip folder and pack) Select Button - Choose Default Chip (In the chip folder) Special Moves: Countering - To counter an enemy you must hit the enemy with a non-time stopping chip right before an enemy attacks. They will flash when you should counter them. Countering causes enemies to be temporarily stunned and for you to go Full-Synchro. In-Game Reset - At anytime during the game, press Start+Select+A+B all at the same time to reset the game. B-01: Emotion Metre ------------------------------------------------------- The Emotion Metre is a new thing for MMBN4. This metre is located just under your HP and will change depending on how the battle goes. These are the various different emotions: Normal - The normal, default emotion. There's nothing special about it. Anxious - This emotion has a brownish background and when you are in this emotion dark chips will appear. It also makes it so you can't Soul Unison! Anger - Triggered by odd events, the background turns red and this emotion makes your next chip do double damage. This is usually triggered by being paralyzed or countered. Full-Syncro - This emotion is triggered occasionally or whenever you counter an enemy. The background will go to a dark blue colour and your next chip will do double damage. Getting hit will take you out of Full-Syncro unlike anger mode. ------------------------------------------------------- C-00: Basic Items ------------------------------------------------------- These are the basic items to MMBN4 - Red Sun: Zennies - Represented by a z symbol, these are the currency for MMBN4 NCP - Navi Customizer Parts HPMemory - Increases MaxHP by 20 RegUP - Increases MaxMB Battle Chips - These are the chips you use to fight Sub Chips - Chips that are used outside battle to do things such as recover HP GMD - Green mystery data are the green diamonds on the Net. They can contain zennies, chips, and viruses! BMD - Blue mystery data are the blue diamonds on the Net. They can contain just about anything positive. PMD - Purple mystery data are the purple diamonds on the Net. You need an Unlocker to receive the item. ------------------------------------------------------- D-00: Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------- Now it is time to begin MMBN4 - Red Sun! So lets get this Walkthrough Started! D-01: Out of the Coffin ------------------------------------------------------- The game starts out with a cut-scene at the space station NAXA with a few workers having a conversation. They will discover that a huge asteroid is heading straight for Earth and then another cut-scene starts with MegaMan yelling at Lan to get out of bed (again...) and as we all know Lan, he takes his own good time doing so. Once the lazy bum gets up go grab Mega Man which will trigger you to get a new e-mail. Read it if you want to, then leave the room. This is a surprise right here. Lan's Dad is actually home! You don't have to talk to him, just go talk to Lan's Mom and she will tell you the microwave caught a virus. Jack in right in front of her to commence a small cut-scene where Mega Man rushes up to the viruses. After this you will be taught the basics of Net-Battling once again with the exception of learning about the new emotion metre. Once the viruses are gone, Mr. Prog will walk up to Mega Man and reveal that he is hurt. Jack out and talk to Lan's Dad to find out Mr. Prog needs a RecoveryPatch and to receive the 500z to purchase it. Now go back into Lan's room and jack in to your computer (I preferred his laptop). Just run through Lan's homepage, it's nothing special right now. Make your way to ACDC 3, while keeping in mind the wide blue path is the main road and that there are GMD and BMD off the road in places. There is also a Net Dealer in ACDC 2, but he isn't open yet (You're not allowed to waste the 500z). Once at ACDC 3 find the purple navi in the upper left hand side of the area. He is standing in front of a gate. Talk to him to purchase the RecoveryPatch and then jack out to give it to Lan's Dad who wastes no time fixing Mr. Prog. Once that's done Lan's stomach rumbles and he demands food. After breakfast, Lan and his Dad (Yup old Dr. Hikari is still there!) walk outside to the new metroline station. Lan's Dad forgets to do something and rushes back inside after telling Lan he'll only be a little while. Go around town and talk to everyone (you have to) and then go back to the metroline station for Lan's Dad to come back and for you to go to ElecTown. Once there make your way to the next area where another cut-scene will start and Lan and his Dad go into Jomon Electric. Afterwards they come out and forgetful Joe (Lan's Dad) says he forgot to get something and goes back in. Now look around the corner to see Mayl and Yai. Talk to them, then jack in to the stereo. In there talk to Roll and Glyde, then jack out again. Talk to Mayl and Yai once more to have a cut-scene start. Lan's Dad says he has to go, and that's the last Lan will see of him until near the end of the game. Now head to the next area known as ElecTown Square. A small cut-scene will start and a few people will be discussing the new Den Battle Tournament that will be held soon. After this is done, go back to ElecTown2 and jack into the radio. When Mega Man appears you'll notice some dead navis. Head to the front of the area to encounter ShadeMan standing over one of his victims. He'll say he has no time for Mega Man right now because he wants to go find some dessert (a girl navi) in ACDC area. Lan and Mega Man remember that's where their friends are and then you jack out. Run home and jack in to your computer. ShadeMan has left us a nice trail to locate him by. Head to ACDC 3 where once you move in a little bit a cut-scene will start showing GutsMan and Glyde down and ShadeMan advancing on Roll. You'll rush in to attempt a rescue, but ShadeMan grabs Roll and flies off. Glyde and GutsMan jack out and you receive a poor excuse for English e-mail from Yai labeled "This come in". Read it to receive the P-Code to Yai's homepage. Now head after ShadeMan into TownArea1. Make your way to TownArea2 in and then head up the ramp. The teleport you need to take is toward the upper section of this area, so keep heading up and you should find it. This teleport will take you to a path back to a different area of TownArea1 in which you teleport to ElecTowerComp1 where you'll find ShadeMan who taunts you about not being able to fly and that he hasn't had his dessert yet. Then he rushes off, and Mega Man discovers where you are. Now jack out and head to ElecTown2. Talk to the scientist at the entrance to the square who tells you it is too dangerous to proceed. Then go back to ElecTown1 and push A on the gate entrance for the door to open. Head along the path to ElecTownSquare where a cut-scene starts where Lan walks in and a sonic beam starts. Lan can't take it so he rushes out. Now go back to the lower section of ElecTown2 and jack into the stereo. Go talk to the green navi there to start a battle against him. NormNavi: HP - Normal = ??? Hard = ??? Super Hard = ??? Attacks: Vary between difficulties. He mainly throws bombs and activates certain chips like Wind and Fanfare. Strategy: Dodging the bombs is easy enough, so that leaves you with the activated chips. They're a pest to destroy, so just keep attacking the NormNavi and dodging his bombs until he is destroyed unless he used a particularly annoying chip like Fanfare or Silence. After that pathetic battle you'll receive some Earphones. Now jack out and go to the ramp to the roof again. Once at ElecTownSquare a small cut-scene starts where Lan says he doesn't hear the sonic beam anymore. Go around the tower and jack into the console. Once Lan tells Mega Man to go find Roll, you're off. This place is a great waste of time in my opinion. Head to the right hand part of the area and talk to the Mr. Prog in order to receive BootDataA which will activate the sensor in the middle of the area. You have to use that in order to find 3 "CyberBats" (trust me, you'll know one when you see it). The sensor only stays on for 10 seconds so hurry. If you don't get all of the bats, head back and activate it again. Once you have all 3, talk to the Mr. Prog who will pummel them to death gaining you access to the next area. This area goes the exact same way as the other. Go to the right hand side and talk to the Mr. Prog to get BootDataB. The only real difference is now the area is bigger and there are 4 "CyberBats". Go to the middle, activate the sensor and get those bats! Once you have all 4 talk to the Mr. Prog who will use his karate action in order to destroy the bats and open the door. Go through for a cut-scene to start where ShadeMan is finally getting to his dessert and Mega Man strolls in to interfere again. ShadeMan gets really ticked off and starts a sonic wave which stuns Mega Man. Control shifts to Lan and you have to go all the way down to the lower part of the square and press the A button on the big knob thing on the control panel. Control returns to Mega Man and the sonic wave stops. ShadeMan gets confused and then goes to battle Mega Man. Oh yeah, and ShadeMan is extra ticked off now. ShadeMan.EXE: Hp - Normal = 500 Hard = 800 Super Hard = 1200 Attacks: Bat Swarm - ShadeMan summons 3 bats that make their way across the area and turn once (kinda like a slow, big ratton). Sonic Wave - ShadeMan comes close to Mega Man and fires a Sonic Wave: [ ][H][ ][ ][ ][ ] M - Mega Man [ ][M][H][S][ ][ ] H - Areas Hit [ ][H][ ][ ][ ][ ] S - ShadeMan Strategy: This isn't even a real battle. Shoot ShadeMan with your buster 5 times for the battle to end. Once the "battle" is over, ShadeMan wonders where his power went, and Mega Man taunts him. Then ProtoMan and Chaud show up and ProtoMan attempts to slice up ShadeMan. ShadeMan says things have gotten a little sticky then flies off. ProtoMan apologizes to Chaud for missing then they run off. Roll thanks Mega Man (and Lan ... sorta) for saving her and Mega Man tells her to jack out. Before she does, she mentions that ShadeMan dropped something. Mega Man picks it up and Lan says it looks like a battle chip. Lan thinks he should take it to Higsby (huh...) and the screen fades out. Once back in ACDC Town, head left to see Higsby's chip shop. Head inside and talk to Higsby. He'll tell you that the chip is a dark chip and that Lan should never, EVER use it, no matter what happens. He then lists the odd effects of the dark chip and then you can go home to bed. Another days good work hmm...? D-02: The DenBattle Tournament ------------------------------------------------------- After another cut-scene at NAXA that shows where Lan's Dad went and introduces Dr. Regal, and they discuss what to do about the asteroid, we find Mega Man yelling at Lan to get up AGAIN! He mentions the tournament and Lan get out of bed. Once up, head to ElecTownSquare. Talk to the man there who will ask if you registered your name yet (nope) and when he discovers you haven't you'll receive the JomonElecPCode and he will tell you the navi is in TownArea3. Jack in to the TVs by JomonElec in ElecTown2 in order to go to the JomonElecHP. Once there take the teleporter to TownArea2 and open the security cube. To get to TownArea3, go up the ramp and head up a little way then make your way left and then downward until you find another ramp on the other side. Go down it and continue follow the yellow main road to TownArea3 and continue following it to an orange navi in a small square area. Talk to him to register your initials. Now jack out and talk to that man in ElecTownSquare again. He will tell you the rules of the Preliminaries. 3 people appear who all have a task. You must complete all the tasks in order to continue to the tournament. Lets start with blondie first, shall we? I call this the Mettaur Village Quest. Blondie will tell you that he lost some research at the Mettaur Village and needs it back, but the village changes location all the time. He says a "hyper" navi saw the village recently and that he should be somewhere in ACDC area. Go to ACDC 2 and look by the U-Bend to find a navi pacing back and forth. Talk to him to find out that you'll need to find a "shy" navi who often lies to people he doesn't know because he is the one that saw the village recently. This guy is in Town Area 2. There is a teleport by the ramp that leads to TownArea3. Take it and head off to the right until you find a navi hiding under a platform. Talk to him to find out the village "isn't" in a high place and "isn't" in ElecTown. Well of course he's lying. Jack out and head to the roof of the buildings in ElecTown2. The big blue LCD screen can be jacked into. Do such and head to the upper corner to find a bunch of mettaurs and an evil navi. Talk to the evil navi to receive the LabData, and then Mega Man calls him a bully and it's time to scrap. Delete the pest and then go back to blondie in ElecTownSquare and give him the data. Next up is the male scientist. The Gold Bug Quest is now! The male scientist will tell you he needs a male and female Goldbug to complete his research. He gives you some info about Goldbugs and then you're off. This quest is very easy. Go to ACDC Town. Here are the 2 Goldbug locations: 1. In front of the tree beside the squirrel in ACDC park. Press A to get it. 2. Under Yai's teddy bear in her house. Press A to get it. Now return those bugs to the male scientist to complete the quest. Next is the female scientist. The Survival Quest is last, and easiest (I find). The female scientist will ask you a question, once you get one of the questions right, you can begin the survival battle against various viruses. Delete them all to complete the task. Now that you have all 3 done, talk to the man in the middle of the square again to find out you're in the tournament. Now you can access the DenDome from the metroline. Head to DenDome and go into the side entrance. Head through the hall, upstairs, and through the double doors. Talk to the blondie at the front of this room to confirm you're entry in the tournament and to see the tournament pairings. These are randomized so you never know where you'll start. Now comes the annoying time of tournament quests... D-02_1: Who You Gonna Call? ------------------------------------------------------- Leave the building in order to be caught by a small girl. She will want Lan to play with her. Head to the front of DenDome and talk to her in order for a cut-scene to start where she runs off and Lan chases her. After a little bit you'll receive an e-mail. It's your Mom, and you have company. Head home to find a man standing in your home. It's the little girl's Dad (What's he doing in your house?). Talk to him to discover there are ghosts hanging out on the Net. He wants you to use his "special stuff" to find and eliminate these ghosts. Well you know what to do, go to your room and jack in. The ghosts are located in the following positions: 1. ACDC 1 - Near the Nebula Gate - Friendly 2. ACDC 2 - Behind the NetMerchant - Enemy 3. ACDC 3 - Near the Nebula Gate - Enemy 4. TownArea1 - The upper area of the platform with a bunch of holes... - Friendly 5. TownArea1 - Near the standard gate - Enemy 6. TownArea2 - Somewhere between the town teleports on the upper platform - Enemy 7. TownArea3 - Upper-left hand side of the small square where you registered your name - Friendly When you jack in you'll notice a crystal ball in the upper-right hand corner of your screen. This is the special tool for finding ghosts. You'll know when you're approaching a ghost because the ball will turn yellow. When the crystal turns red start mashing the A button until you find the ghost. Once all of the ghosts are found, jack out. Head downstairs and talk to the girl's father for him to thank you for your help, and then go back to DenDome, through the staff entrance, into the waiting room, and into the battle arena. The little girl is back, but it turns out, she's your opponent. It's only another NormNavi so don't worry. Delete him just like the last one and then the last cut-scene of this mission starts. The little girl starts to get an eerie glow and then she tells Lan she had a lot of fun with him and thanks him ... again ... for helping with the ghost navis. Her Dad then walks in and she rises up, thanks Lan for helping out again, and then vanishes with a bright flash. Her Dad then tells you that she was only a memory (or a ghost, whatever you prefer) brought back for one final battle. D-02_2: Clodhoppers ------------------------------------------------------- I know what you're thinking, "Clodhoppers?", for those of you that have no idea what I'm talking about, this is the mission with the evil navi and Tetsuke. Anyways, you don't even get to move before a cut-scene starts up. Lan wonders about the next opponent and thinks he might use sneak attacks. Tetsuke then says from afar that his navi doesn't sneak. He introduces himself (Lan has heard of him before) and tells Lan that his navi may look evil, but he has a heart of gold (not a lie). After this the screen fades and Tetsuke walks out (Cue clodhoppers! That sound gives me the creeps). Now head outside. Another cut-scene starts up where a couple of punks put on a big show and then try to bully Lan into paying them 100, 000 zennies (My 100, 000z went to buying items in Undernet 5). Lan says he can't pay that kind of money, so they start to try and beat him up, but Tetsuke steps in from the ceiling (He makes good entrances at least). After yelling at the thugs he jumps down and beats them up real good. Stunned from being pummeled the thugs run off, and Tetsuke says he's heading to ElecTown to get some parts... and of course upon leaving that creepy sound is played after the screen fades. Head off to ElecTown after him and go to ElecTownSquare. It's the thugs. Lan steps in the way of more brawling because he doesn't want Tetsuke to be disqualified. The three grudgingly accept and Lan opens his big mouth and says this can be solved by NetBattling. The three agree and the two thugs walk out and Tetsuke thanks Lan for helping, then walks out after the screen fades and that sound plays again! Now jack into the TV in front of JomonElec and head to TownArea3. Head up the ramp in TownArea3 and off to the right in order for the next cut-scene. It seems Tetsuke's navi has deleted 80 out of 100 of the thugs' men already (That's pretty good)! His navi then can't continue fighting and Mega Man steps in. The thugs' navis then tell their men to delete Mega Man. The remaining navis fan out and you have to defeat them one at a time. All of the evil navis have other viruses with them so watch out. Once you reach the thugs' navis, they'll teleport away again and summon a whole bunch more of their men. Now you have to fight 3 evil navis at one time. After dealing with the 9 remaining navis a cut-scene will start. The thugs' navis don't have anymore men. Right when they're preparing to fight Mega Man, Tetsuke's navi jumps in and deletes them both. Mega Man asks if he'll be okay for the match and he replies that it's nothing a couple of band-aids can't fix. He then jacks out. You jack out too and head to DenDome, through the staff entrance, into the waiting room, and into the battle arena. After the introductions the battle begins. HealNavi (I don't know why they're called this) HP - Normal = ??? Hard = ??? Super Hard = ??? Attacks: CannonBall - The navi throws a CannonBall which will break one panel. Careful not to get hit by it. HeroSword - The navi swings a huge sword that reaches 3 squares ahead. Summon - The navi summons a virus to come help him. Strategy: This isn't anything too difficult. Just as long as you quickly delete the summon viruses, the battle should be easy. His attacks are easy to dodge and are predictable so you shouldn't have any problem deleting him. After the battle Tetsuke says it was a good battle and that Lan is the real man, and Lan says Tetsuke is a real man too. Tetsuke thanks him and makes his leave (You guessed it! The screen fades black and the clodhoppers sound starts one last time). It's about time that was over. D-02_3: Enlightening Experience ------------------------------------------------------- You're next opponent is SparkMan. Lan receives an e-mail that says there is free PET maintenance to all tournament participants outside the DenDome. Head there and talk to the odd looking boy (Is he from the 70s or something?) who takes a look at your PET. When he finds out it's Mega Man he starts acting strange, then quickly finishes up gives the PET back to Lan and then runs off dropping a piece of paper. Lan asks how Mega Man feels and Mega Man says his folder has been locked. You've been had! That pest overwrote your SpareFolder and replaced it with one terrible folder (At least it has all chips of the same code). You then pick up the piece of paper and look for anyone who might be able to help. Go to ElecTown2 and talk to the person who is standing close to the entrance to ElecTownSquare. This person will say that the owner of JomonElec should know something about it and that he was seen recently. Talk to the old man in front of the store so he can tell you that you need a password to un-install the lock. The password has seven numbers and that paper you picked up has 7 clues. Now you "could" just go around and figure these things out, but there only seems to be 3 passwords to this part of the game. Talk to the man again and try one of these passwords: 1. 7374262 2. 9681345 3. 1863546 Now I had an odd experience with that last one. Oddly enough I had fewer hotdogs when I reached this scene then when I started the tournament (number of hotdogs is one of the clues). I think it had something to do with the Mr. Match scene. Anyways, one of those should open the lock and when it is open Lan thanks the old man. RE-EQUIP YOUR MAIN FOLDER NOW! Sorry, I just need to warn you it isn't re-equipped automatically. Now that that's done and over with, go back to DenDome, through the staff entrance, into the waiting room, and into the battle arena. You'll discover the odd 70s punk is your opponent. This gets Lan really ticked off and he wants Mega Man to clobber his navi. The punk seems to think you still have that terrible folder equipped, and when he finds out otherwise he gets rather mad and tells SparkMan to delete Mega Man. Time to scrap. SparkMan.EXE HP - Normal = 600 Hard = 1000 Super Hard = 1400 Attacks: SparkBomb - SparkMan appears and lunches a bomb that floats towards you. It detonates in a cross pattern. [H][ ][H][ ][ ][ ] M - Mega Man [M][H][ ][ ][S][ ] H - Areas Hit [H][ ][H][ ][ ][ ] S - SparkMan ElectricSurge - A surge of Electricity goes up and down each row. It goes pretty fast so be careful. MegaFlash - A white light flashes and a holographic Mega Man tries to slice you up. Get out of his way. Strategy: DEFENSIVE CHIPS! This guy is a real pain. His attacks are easily predictable, but hard to dodge. Invisies and barriers should work nicely. Continue to pummel him with chips until he is deleted and remember, his SparkBombs will detonate no matter what if he launches them in the middle. You can't see SparkMan very long so it would be best to use time stopping chips to hit him. The punk blames the lose entirely on SparkMan and he and his navi argue for a bit. The owner of JomonElec then makes an entrance. Turns out he's the punk's grandfather. He then says that the punk isn't allowed at home anymore because what he did is an unforgivable. The puunforgivable his grandfather and Lan says it serves him right (I agree), and so ends another troubling tournament task. D-02_4: TopMan the Terrible Hunk of Junk ------------------------------------------------------- Next up is TopMan, for those of you who have played the classic NES series of Mega Man, that should bring back disturbed memories. Head outside of DenDome for the metroline for a cut-scene to start. An old man by the name of Tensuke is showing his grandson Koetsu his new "CyberTop" (look at it spin...). Koetsu says that Tops are boring and runs off. Tensuke's top then starts malfunctioning and Lan goes to jack in. Once inside approach the virus to battle and delete it. Once that's done, jack out and watch as Tensuke gets made at Lan for fixing his top without permission. He then mentions his navi could have done it if it wasn't broken. Lan wonders why it's broken and Tensuke reveals that he made it himself. Tensuke then runs off grumbling about ElecTown. Follow on his heels to ElecTown2 to find him standing in front of JomonElec. Tensuke gets annoyed at Lan, but puts up with him. Lan asks if Tensuke knows anyone who can help him with his navi Tensuke mentions the official NetBattling Club, a group of elders that like to NetBattle. Tensuke grumbles off somewhere else and Mega Man looks up info about the club. Apparently they meet in ACDC Park, so you go there now. When you find them, Lan will mention Tensuke and how he wants to make his navi to impress his grandson. The elders seems to have something against him, but they agree to help. They say they will hide each of their 4 navis on the net and Lan has to go and find them and answer their question. Well go jack in somewhere and go to the following 4 places: 1. TownArea1 - Off to the left of the entrance to TownArea2 2. TownArea2 - Somewhere between the two warp points on the upper area 3. TownArea2 - Take the teleport near the ramp to TownArea3 to teleport down to the lower level. This navi is by a gate 4. TownArea3 - Near the NetMerchant on the upper level All of these navis are brown in color so they stand out. Once you have all 4 pieces to the secret, the last navi will give you the membership which you use to enter the gate in ACDC1. Go there and talk to the brown navi beyond the gate. He will say he can't help you, ask you to leave, and then sick viruses on you (That's real friendly). After deleting the viruses he will see just what you can do, and then he will call the leader of the NetBattle Club's navi who he tells to go to ElecTown Squre. Once the brown navi is done with you, head there yourself to find an odd surprise. There are 2 Tensukes, or so it seems. One is the leader of the NetBattle Club and he is mad at Tensuke because Tensuke made fun of NetBattling all this time and then he wants help with making a navi for NetBattling from the people he teased. After a long argument and Lan getting confused as to which one is which, Tensuke's twin brother tosses a book called "How to Build Navis" at Tensuke and runs off. After that Tensuke thanks Lan for all that he's done and heads out. Mega Man reminds Lan about the tournament and you run off to DenDome, through the staff entrance, into the waiting room, and into the battle arena. A "big" surprise happens as Lan discovers who his opponent is. It turns out ol'Tensukey is our opponent. He gets a surprise too. After they realize who their opponents are, the battle begins. TopMan.EXE HP - Normal = 600 Hard = 900 Super Hard = 1200 Attacks: Mini-Top Blast - TopMan fires some mini-tops that move diagonally and bounce off the sides of the field. Big-Top Rush - TopMan turns himself into a giant top and rushes toward and then moves back to where he started. Big-Top Smash - TopMan turns himself into a giant top, leaps into the air a to crush you. Strategy: TopMan isn't all that difficult, the only move that is difficult to avoid is the Mini-Top Blast. Using PAs on TopMan is fairly simple because he isn't all that fast. Use things like LifeSword and GigaCannon to cause damage. Remember, TopMan can't be harmed when he is in top form, so make sure your timing is right. Once TopMan is deleted Tensuke says it was close and Lan tells him it was a great battle. All of the members of the NetBattle Club then call out to him and his grandson Koetsu and his brother appear to congratulate him. Koetsu says that tops are cool and Tensuke feels quite good about himself. Lan feels good about helping Tensuke too. Then all of a sudden the brothers are yelling at each other again, Mega Man says their friendship can last through a fight and that ends the chapter of TopMan. D-02_5: The Kidnapping (Red Sun Only) ------------------------------------------------------- Oh great... GutsMan. This navi bores me with how pathetic he is, but anyways on to the walkthrough. Dex and his little brother Chisao walk in to say the usual, that Dex is gonna win and that's that, blah, blah, blah. Anyways Dex says something stupid and Chisao runs off, and Dex goes after him. Head out into the hall to have Dex rush up to you saying that he can't find Chisao (big surprise). Lan then receives an e-mail from the kidnapper and Mega Man reads it. It seems that only Lan can go save Chisao, anybody else and Chisao would die. Dex begs Lan to go save Chisao and so were off. The clue that comes with the e-mail says "Old man in square" if you follow the provided instructions. Go to ElecTownSquare to receive your next clue. The so called "old man" is standing down the alley next to the tower. Talk to him to receive a "Memo". It says "In TownArea3 the green navi is." (reference to Yoda?). Go jack into the TV in front of JomonElec and get going. The navi is at the end of the path behind the NetMerchant in TownArea3. Talk to him to receive "HintData". It says "You might look in the vase of flowers" or something of the like when you follow the instructions. The only vase of flowers we've seen so far is in the main entrance to the DenDome. Go there and press A on the middle vase of flowers. This triggers an e-mail from Chisao who says he is by the squirrel in ACDC park. Go to ACDC and inspect the squirrel. This clue goes something like "ElTwrComp2, Mr. Prog, third from the right". Go back to ElecTown and go along the roofs to jack into the ElecTower. Make your way to where you found ShadeMan and talk to the Mr. Prog 3rd from the right. If you picked the right one, viruses will attack you. After they're deleted you'll receive an e-mail from the kidnapper. Apparently there are 5 evil navis all around the net that have special data on them. You have to go and find them all and get their data files. They are in the following locations: 1. ACDC1 - Near the Nebula Gate - Data is free! 2. ACDC3 - On the blue path by Yai's HP - Data costs 1000z 3. TownArea1 - To the left of the entrance to TownArea2 - Data requires answering questions: #1 - Third Choice - Personal Terminal #2 - Third Choice - Giraffe #3 - First Choice - Jomon Electric #4 - Second Choice - Nanako #5 - Third Choice - Hot Dog Stand 4. TownArea2 - The lower area - Data costs a Bubbler R (You can get them at ACDC2's NetMerchant) 5. TownArea3 - On the platform where you registered your name - Data requires you to win a battle Once you have all 5 datas, jack out and go to ElecTownSquare and approach the volume knob. A cut-scene will start up. You'll get a phone call from the kidnapper who tells you he will release Chisao if Lan can defeat the viruses in the volume knob. Once they're deleted the kidnapper calls you to say good-bye and Chisao comes around the corner. When Lan goes to check and see who did it, there's no one there. You then re-appear at DenDome. Make your way to the battle arena. Dex has actually done something useful for a change. He stalled the battle long enough for Lan to make in about 2 seconds before he and Dex were disqualified (that was close). The crowd's mood changes when they see Lan. Lan walks up, delivers Chisao and away we go. GutsMan.EXE HP - Normal = 500 Hard = 900 Super Hard = 1300 Attacks: GutsHammer - GutsMan's hammer crashes down causing rocks to fall down and crack panels. GutPunch - GutsMan teleports in front of Mega Man and punches, this can be a Rocket Punch when he reaches V2. GutBuster - Nothing, but a few short range buster shots. Strategy: *sigh* I almost pity the poor lug. He's slow, predictable, and weak in a lot of cases. He's been powered WAY down from EXE3. If you get deleted by GutsMan, you were either A. Panel locked and hopeless or B. You need some serious practice. Just pummel the poor lug whatever way you see fit. After the battle Dex will say it was a good battle and Lan will agree, and then Chisao decides to admit he faked the whole kidnapping thing in order to try and make Lan miss the match (Look at that, he's already smarter than Dex!) This makes Dex temporarily and he tells Chisao to apologize to Lan. Lan (as usual) sees no harm done so he forgives him. After this Dex and Chisao make their leave. D-02_6: A Hot Reunion (Red Sun Only) ------------------------------------------------------- Hmm... this navi looks familiar (for anyone who played EXE1), and there's only one man I can think of that would use a navi like that. Mr. Match (of course) walks in just after Lan looks at the tournament board. Lan is suspicious of Mr. Match right off the start, but one thing always comes before common sense with Lan, and that's his stomach. After Match is gone, head outside and talk to the woman at the hotdog stand. While the dog is cooking, Match decides to show up. Lan realizes that Match knows the woman and she tells Lan that Match was nice enough to fix her broken grill before. She then asks if Lan and Match are friends, but of course Lan says "No way!" which gives the woman a reason to chuckle. After this some thugs show up and demand to have the hotdog woman pay her rent. Match on the other hand doesn't approve and sends the goons packing. He then walks off after the thugs leave. Somethings burning in the air and Lan can smell his hotdog burning. He tells the woman who tries to save it, but it's a no go so she tries to make a new one, but the burner is broken (figures). Jack into the burner. Once inside the burner you'll find a fire virus. Delete it! Head back into DenDome and go to the waiting room. Another blondie will be there and he says that Match dropped something, in which he gives it to Lan. This is known as the FireID. Head home and if you have gotten the link to Yai's homepage take it, if not, go jack into Yai's HP and do so now. Links are useful and should be attained as soon as possible. Anyways, exit Yai's HP and head left. You'll come across a gate that requires the FireID, use it and continue through the gate. You'll encounter FireMan and some evil navis. They're discussing something, but Lan's none the wiser. FireMan finishes by telling the evil navis not to bug the hotdog stand woman and that's an order. They jack out and Mega Man has a small talk with FireMan about the broken grill. Match then jacks out FireMan and goes to fix it. Head back to the hotdog stand yourself. Match has the grill fixed up when you get there and then he goes to the battle arena. The hotgod stand woman asks if he is in the tournament and Lan tells her that he and Match are having a match right then. She goes back inside and you make your way to the battle arena. Once there Lan says that he still doesn't think Match is legit and Match confirms by saying he isn't going to fight fair. He apparently has his own little mafia who he formed out of the remnant of the WWW. Apparently there are igniters hidden in this building that will go off if Lan wins the match, but as he's explaining his plan the hotdog stand woman calls out to Match from the crowd, and he feeling the way he does tells his mafia not to go through with the plan. The mafia doesn't like this so they take over the mafia themselves and start the igniters anyway. If anyone is going to stop it, the mafia says only one person who isn't Match can try to stop the igniters. There are 5 igniters in total. They are in the following places: 1. On the lower part of the bench in the waiting room 2. On the vending machine out in the staff entrance hallway 3. On the desk next to the staff entrance 4. On the big vase of flowers in the main entrance 5. On the screen separating the entrances on the main entrance side Just inspect the location to find the igniter. After this return to the battle arena. The mafia reveals there is one more BIG igniter in the battle machine. This gives Match a surprise and he tells you to jack Mega Man in and to follow his instructions for disabling the igniter. Go over to the big igniter and inspect it to start up the first task. You have to disable 20 big bombs that come out of the holes in order to proceed to step 2. Just run up to a bomb and press A on it to disable it. Now there is 1 bomb that only has 5 seconds when it starts up. No matter what ALWAYS DISABLE THIS ONE FIRST. If you don't chances are it's gonna blow up and injure Mega Man. After you get all 20 big bombs, step 2 will start. Step 2 is just some viruses, delete them and jack out. The mafis seems to have run away when they noticed the big igniter begin disabled. Now that things are back to normal, Lan and Match talk a little more then it's time to take down this burning ember. FireMan.EXE HP - Hard = 1000 Super Hard = 1300 Note: FireMan's scenario is not accessible on Normal mode. Attacks: Flamethrower - FireMan advances to the front row and shoots fire 3 squares ahead. FireMagmaTower - FireMan sends a FireTower toward you that turns the panels it passes on to lava. MagmaBomb - FireMan fires 2 bombs out of his head that turn the panels they land on to lava. Strategy: Having a PanelReturn chip with you would be great. You can get one off of Higsby. All the lava panels can become a problem if you don't delete FireMan quick. FireMan is weak against aqua chips so if you have it, use the BubSpread PA to cause 600 damage (ouch). Always try and make FireMan use his MagmaBombs on the back panels if possible. Use PanelReturn to restore your field if the lava panels become a problem. By this point it is also possible to have the PileDriver PA and GunDelSolEX, two very good combos. FireMan shouldn't be a problem if you're ready for him. After the battle Lan and Match discuss the heated battle and then Match leaves. ------------------------------------------------------- YES! The tournament is over! Lan and Mega Man are the champs and the trophy is received at the awards ceremony. After this Lan has an interview with another blondie and the screen fades away. D-03: Trouble in Paradise ------------------------------------------------------- We start off in ACDC Park and Lan and Mega Man are discussing the Dark Chip. Lan and Mega Man seem to think they should give it too the officials. After a bit Mayl walks into the park and she's not happy. She talks to Lan about the fact that he has only being saying "Uh" or "Hey" to her all week. Lan apologizes and says he's been doing a lot of thinking, but he's fine now. Mayl calls him a silly boy and then tells him to come over to her place because she has something for him. Well you might as well go there. Talk to Mayl when you get there and she'll say that something great is going on in TownArea3 and she tells Mega Man to go meet Roll there. She'll give you her HP's P-Code so you can proceed. Well you heard the girl, jack in. Before leaving Mayl's HP be sure to talk to the link program so you can have a link between her HP and Lan's. Now head out into the Net and make your way to TownArea3. When you get there a cut-scene will start where an orange navi says that whoever can beat his viruses will get a "FreePass" for the new theme park Castillo. Roll "charms" Mega Man into trying it and now you have to delete some viruses. After they're deleted Mega Man will get the FreePass and he and Roll will jack out. After they jack out the orange navi will comment that Mega Man's busting skills are almost terrifying. Once you're back in Mayl's room Lan will give her the FreePass and he comments that she'll probably take Yai, and that he'll likely go with his Dad whenever he gets back. Mayl "starts" to tell him that she wants to take him when Lan's doghouse burglar alarm goes off. Rush home to your room and untie Lan's Mom. She's been sprayed with sleeping gas and she mentions that she heard the burglar typing on the computer. Lan takes care of her first and then you have to go check out the computer. Apparently the culprit is waiting in ParkArea2. I know what you're thinking, "ParkArea? What ParkArea? There's no ParkArea?" but there really is. Go to ElecTown and jack into the TV in front of JomonElec and make your way to a big pink gate at the end of the main road in TownArea3. Inspect it to have Mega Man see if he can open it. The noise he makes trying to shoot it open attracts a NormNavi. He doesn't let Mega Man explain himself, instead he barges in and tries to delete you. Battle routine set? Execute! After that easy battle go to the gate and input this password RAEJDUK just like that, The gate opens and you can enter ParkArea. There are too many twists and turns to describe this area so just make your way until you find the entrance to ParkArea2. Once there continue until you find a teleport. Go through and at the first junction, take the first right instead of the second right. You should meet up with an evil navi. Delete him and then a small cut-scene takes place where he reveals the name of this game's enemies. Nebula. He says he'll get that Dark Chip sooner or later and then jacks out. You'll jack out as well. A small cut-scene starts that shows ShadeMan dealing with the failure of an operator who you just beat. After the two of them are done in ShadeMan thinks he'll have to take matters into his own hands. Back at home Lan asks how his Mom is feeling. She says she's feeling fine and then Lan gets a phone call from Mayl. It seems she wants to take him to Castillo this weekend. Lan tries to use his Mom as an excuse, but she was listening and tells Lan to go have fun his date. Lan tries to say it's not a date, but that just causes his Mom to describe how it is a date to him. Poor Lan... The weekend arrives and you get an e-mail. This one's a pleasant (or unpleasant) surprise. Dad sent your Navi Customizer back. You can't skip the tutorial, which is evil, so sick back and follow the instructions. After that head over to Castillo on the metroline and meet Mayl at the front gate. You'll go inside. Talk to the official that's at the head of the group of people clustered around to find out the rides aren't working (joy). Jack into the wagon next to the castle to enter the Castillo HP. Talk to the program by the teleport to receive the CastilloP-Code. Now that were back in ParkArea1, make your way to ParkArea3. Once there take the first ramp if you want a BMD and then take the last ramp in order to make it to the main path. Once across a zipper floor head towards the right as far as you can go. If you come across a downed navi you're going the right way. Follow that path to a console. Investigate it to be sicked by viruses. After they're deleted the rides start working again. Jack out and talk to Mayl. She wants Ice Cream. You being the male, have to go get her the ice cream. Head down the stairs and press A on the wagon at the far side of the area. Lan will comment that the ice cream woman also works for Higsby and she decides to give Lan the ice cream for free if he doesn't tell Higsby. Take the ice cream back to Mayl. She'll thank you and you'll both chow down. After the ice cream Mayl goes to look at the gift shop and Lan will follow. She'll comment on something looking cute and Lan will think "That's cute?!". After the gift shop come the rides. You'll go on one ride, and then another, and then Mayl will take a look at the castle, but it isn't ready yet so she decides to go to VampireManor instead. Go down the stars and into the odd building with vines on it to enter VampireManor. Mayl will ask you to go first. Make your way through the manor until a cut-scene starts. Mayl runs off with a vampire right at her heels. You then have to make your way out. BE SURE TO INSPECT THE SCENE WITH DJANGO POINTING HIS GUN AT DRACKY IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME THROUGH! The GunDelSol chips are some of the best chips in the game. Inspecting this spot will give you a GunDelSol1 G chip. This chip does 120 damage if everything hits when Lan is jacked in inside and 240 damage if everything hits when he is jacked in outside. After you escape an official will ask you for help. It seems the ToyRobos have gone berserk. First up is the Halberd Princess. Lan will automatically jack in when he gets there. Now comes a rather annoying group of areas known as the ToyRoboComps. All the comps are basically exactly the same. You ride along a raft to "story doors". It seems are ToyRobo friends have lost the story they're a hero off. You have to go along paths and pick up the correct story piece or pieces for each door. Along the path to each piece there is usually always a BMD waiting to be picked up. Look for them. I'm going to list the story pieces to gather for each section. Halberd Princess: 1. Mirror 2. BigTree 3. MightyBl Once you finish the story you'll be taken to the stop switch. When you turn the ToyRobo off, you turn viruses on. Delete them! After that a scream will come from the centre area. Go there to find WzDog up to no good. Jack in. Same thing here. WzDog: 1. WzMonkey 2. MagicSel 3. GoodNose and Scratch The third stop is a little different. You need two pieces instead of one. Pick them both up and go back to the raft. This will take you to the stop switch. Delete the viruses in it, jack out, and jack in to the TinMan ToyRobo on the other side of the area. This one can be trouble. TinMan: 1. War and Emotion 2. Bird and Dance 3. ToyPart One new thing happens here. Before you can make it to the final door, the raft stops and viruses attack. Delete them and continue. Make your way to the next stop switch and then turn TinMan off. Delete the viruses to receive a phone call from Mayl. She'll tell you she saw a ToyRobo going into VampireManor. Jack out and head there. When you get inside, it's pitch black. Remember your route from last time and use land marks such as things lighting up to help you reach the ToyRobo Dracky. Jack in. This place is a little different than others. It's creepy and the raft manager's a nutcase. Anyways, proceed just like before. Dracky: 1. GunSol and CrmScarf 2. Otenko 3. Sunlight 4. Skylight and Taiyouu!! Strange events occur in this area. On your way to the last door, you'll come across a crossroad. You must choose the correct option. Choose "Apple" to continue. You will also be attacked by viruses again right before the stop switch. Delete them and head for the switch, but wait, there is no switch. You ask the navi where it went and he says he removed it because it was a nuisance, and then lets slip a "Wh-Wh-Whee!". Uh oh! We know who makes that sound, and so does Mega Man. ShadeMan reveals himself and tries to dive and Mega Man who leaps out of the way. ShadeMan comments about being trapped in the ToyRobo and then asks you to give him the Dark Chip. Mega Man says he needs more time. After an odd discussion with Lan Mega Man tosses the Dark Chip toward ShadeMan and the screen goes in slow motion. Right before it reaches ShadeMan, Mega Man shoots it causing it to shatter. This really ticks ShadeMan off, and when Mega Man ticks evil navis off it's time to battle. ShadeMan.EXE: Hp - Normal = 500 Hard = 800 Super Hard = 1200 Attacks: Bat Swarm - ShadeMan summons 3 bats that make their way across the area and turn once (kinda like a slow, big ratton). Sonic Wave - ShadeMan comes close to Mega Man and fires a Sonic Wave: [ ][H][ ][ ][ ][ ] M - Mega Man [ ][M][H][S][ ][ ] H - Areas Hit [ ][H][ ][ ][ ][ ] S - ShadeMan Strategy: Good news, you're going to kill him this time. Continue shooting him as many times as possible for a bit. I highly recommend using an areagrab before the killing attack is used. When you hit ShadeMan enough times something odd will happen. A strange chip will appear in the Custom Menu. This is a Dark Chip and under no circumstances whatsoever should you use this chip outside of this one story related battle. Equip the Dark Chips and if you area grabbed him move to the front row and use the DarkSword. It has the range of a LifeSword PA so you're good to go. On anything other than Normal, both swords are required to kill him. Once he's dead you won't be bothered by him again any time soon. ShadeMan comments about Mega Man using his Dark Powers to defeat him before ShadeMan blows up and leaves Mega Man confused after the battle. Lan jacks him out and another cut-scene rolls by where all of the ToyRobos are rounded up and Chaud comes up and warns Lan about Dark Chips. I'm not willing to permanently lose 1HP everytime I use one and I like my Sanctuary chip just fine so I'm not about to use one. Using dark chips makes you unable to use Soul Unison Light Chips, go into Full-Synch, you know, lots of nasty stuff... so DON'T USE THEM. There is supposed to be a way to get the DarkLicense NCP with an E-Reader and cards so these effects are nullified so if you're desperate, get those. Now anyways Chaud also reveals that the full name of Nebula is the Dark Chip Syndicate Nebula, and that they were hiding behind the WWW and Gospel and have just recently become very active. Mayl suggests heading back and getting out of Chauds way. Lan agrees and the scene ends. D-04: The Eagle Tournament ------------------------------------------------------- The screen fades in and we find Lan by the TV. The door beel rings and Lan answers it to have an official walk in and give Lan a "BattlePoint". He then explains that Lan must collect 50 of these in order to pass the preliminaries of the Eagle Tournament. Lan comments that the explanation was "short and sweet" and then were off. I'll list a bunch of places in the real world and the Net to find BattlePoints and I will also tell how many points each spot has. Just click A to get them in the real world. Here is the list: Real World: ACDC 1. Mayl's teddy bear - 1 Point 2. Dex's Gamecube - 2 Points 3. The giraffe on the left side of Yai's house - 1 Point 4. Behind the picture frame in Yai's house - 1 Point 5. On Higsby's chip shelf - 1 Point ElecTown 1. Banner beside of the garage in ElecTown1 - 1 Point 2. In the box of junk by the fence in ElecTown1 - 1 Point 3. Inside the JomonElec shop (Click on the entrance) - 1 Point 4. A man hiding behind the upper left hand buildings - 1 Point 5. In the ElecTower computer console - 1 Point DenDome 1. Between the bicycles - 1 Point 2. On one of the 4 posters - 1 Point 3. A man hiding behind the hotdog stand - 1 Point 4. A boy hiding behind the screen in the Main Entrance - 1 Point 5. On the blue doors in the Main Entrance - 1 Point 6. Between the fold-up chairs in the waiting room - 1 Point Castillo 1. In the main fountain - 1 Point 2. A woman hiding near the castle - 2 Points 3. On the iron door behind TinMan - 2 Points 4. An old man hiding by the wagon where Lan got ice cream - 3 Points 5. On the ship display - 1 Point 6. A boy in VampireManor - 2 Points Various Jack-In Locations 1. In the DenDome NetBattle machine, Mr. Prog (Choose rock) - 5 Points 2. In the DenDome Staff Entrance vending machine, one battle - 4 Points 3. In Dracky at Castillo, an evil navi, 3 battles - 10 Points The Net ACDC1 1. A Mr. Prog by the Nebula Gate - 1 Point ACDC3 1. A green program near the Nebula Gate, 3000z - 4 Points TownArea1 1. Hidden navi near the entrance to TownArea2 - 2 Points TownArea2 1. An orange navi near a teleport point, costs a Cannon C - 5 Points TownArea3 1. Near the NetMerchant - 3 Points ParkArea2 1. A pink navi past the teleport point near the entrance to ParkArea3 If you get everything from the real world and various jack-in locations you should only need to go into the Net for about 2 or 3 points. This really isn't all that bad. Quickly gather the points and then head to the castle at Castillo. Talk to the man in front of it so he can acknowledge you and head inside. You will be told to look at the tournament board to find out who your next opponent is. Here we go again... D-04_1: Curry Cook-off ------------------------------------------------------- A NormNavi is the opponent for the next battle (Oh great, a rusty bucket of bolts that likely only costs 10z)... Lan comments on it and in walks a kid called Flave (Yup he's a nerd all right). He will then boast about his so called operating skills, and cooking skills, and then invite you down to MelSquare where he will be demonstrating his cooking abilities. Head down to MelSquare and watch as Flave prepares a batch of curry with some crazy navi operated cooking gizmo. Some old man who seems to be the head chef of something or another walks up and tries the curry and then the screen goes dark and the old man's soul starts floating off toward heaven... wierd. His soul comes back down and he says it was absolutely delicious. Then the rest of the crowd starts moving in to have a taste, including Lan. After everyone is done Lan tells Flave he liked the curry, but he still prefers his Mom's cooking. Flave feels insulted and challenges Lan to a cook-off. Lan being a doofus agrees and later regrets it. After leaving MelSquare you receive an e-mail from the "Cooking Master" who gives you a key and tells you to meet his navi at ParkArea2. Lan, being desperate goes. Head to ParkArea2 and look for a gate. It should open with the key. Now head down the path to the orange navi. He's going to instruct you in the ways of Cyber-Cooking. The cooking goes in 3 steps. Step 1 - Press the B button to cut the ingredients when they're directly in front of you (I prefer mashing B myself). Do not cut the odd round pieces of meat or you will lose value. Step 2 - Is the same as step one except you have to keep viruses out of the curry by pressing A when they fall in front of you. (Once again I prefer to mash A) Step 3 - Pieces of curry fall quickly toward you. Cut them with B, and blast viruses out of the way with A. If you performed well enough the "Cooking Master"'s navi will let you go. He tells you to head to ParkArea3 to talk to the navi who gets him his ingredients. This navi doesn't give ingredients to just anyone though. Head to ParkArea3 to the console that activated the rides and talk to the black evil navi. In order to get the ingredients you must survive a battle. If you delete all the viruses you get the ingredients. Now head back to ParkArea2's cooking dojo and talk to the orange navi again. He'll tell you to teach Flave the lesson of putting tenderness into his cooking. Once that's done, jack out and go to MelSquare. The cook-off is now going to begin. When you perform well enough that you defeated Flave the cut-scene after the cooking will start off with Flave telling everyone he used bean paste in his curry after the old man tastes it. The old man will then taste Lan's curry and suddenly an old woman, the old man's dead wife, will float down and the old man will be in awe. After she floats back up, the old man will say Lan is the winner and talk about tenderness in Lan's dish. Flave then gets ticked off and rushes to the castle for the match. Follow after him to the castle and into the elevator. After some trash talk from Flave the match will begin. Once you defeat the nerd Lan will once again pester Flave about tenderness in his cooking and this time Flave listens. He then says he's going to go back home and re-study everything he needs to know about cooking. D-04_2: Crushed ------------------------------------------------------- Riki and his navi Crusher are next on the list. Riki enters the castle and tries the "tough guuy" act in order to try and scare Lan and Mega Man. It doesn't work too well however. After he storms out, go out of the castle. When you go outside, Riki will be talking to some old woman who he calls his "boss". Boss of what you may ask? The old woman threatens to take Riki's navi away if he loses the battle. After she leaves Lan goes to talk to Riki. Apparently Riki is in the net mafia, but only so he can earn enough money to open a bakery (poor guy). You also find out that Riki's navi has gone missing (great... let's leave it that way and win by forfeit), but as we all know Lan is a little do gooder so we have to go save Crusher. Head down to MelSquare to find the "boss" talking to some more goons. You find out Crusher is being held in the ParkArea. Jack into the Castillo HP wagon and head out. Now we have a problem. They're mafia navis EVERYWHERE! In order to get by them don't go by them when they are facing directly at you. If they are facing off to the side or the opposite direction, just run behind them. In order not to get caught, be sure to move slowly and don't let a mafia navi get any closer than the edge of the screen until you run by. This will ensure they don't see you while you're waiting. If you get caught you get thrown back to the beginning of the area you're in. In ParkArea3 head to where the rides console is (again) to find Crusher in a cage. Lan being the idiot he is decides to have Mega Man blow the cage up (yup, that's real smart). Once the cage is open, Crusher will thank you and jack out, and some mafia navis will come to inspect the noise. Delete them and jack out. Back in front of the castle some thugs will approach Riki, but before they can take Crusher again, the "boss" comes and knocks the stuffing out of them. She will then talk to Riki and ask him to be the new leader for the mafia. Riki refuses because he wants to open a bakery and that's that. The "boss" then walks away and Riki heads for the battle arena. Follow him there to commence the battle after one last thanks from Riki. Crusher's just like any upgraded "HealNavi". Delete him with the usual plan and get this scenario over with. After the battle Riki discusses his future with Lan and then he leaves. This scenario can be either short or long depending on how could you are at sneaking past mafia navis. D-04_3: Match's Pride ------------------------------------------------------- Ahh crud, another fire navi. This one's name is BurnerMan. After looking at the board Mr. Match strolls in. Here's a thought for you (Two navis? How can he have two?!), but BurnerMan isn't Match's navi. That's why another young man strolls into the castle. As we can pretty well figure, Mr. Match's pride at operating a strong fire navi causes him and the new arrival to get into a little vocal rumble. Each claims to have the strongest fire navi. After some childish name calling, they run off to fight using their navis. Mega Man doesn't think it will be a problem. After this leave Castillo to receive an e-mail from Lan's Mom. Apparently there's smoke coming out of his computer (I knew the thing was junk). Head home and see what's wrong. Talk to Lan's Mom once you're home to receive a water gun (Like THAT'LL help...). Head into Lan's room and jack into his PC. Upon arriving at ACDC1, you'll notice an odd redish colouring and massive fires all over the place. Mega Man realises his mistake for letting a couple of hot-heads fight as he mentions it must be their fault. Mega Man tries the water gun on the fire, but it doesn't do ANYTHING. Control shifts to Lan and you have to find something better. Head over to huh's, oh I mean Higsby's and he'll mention he was just headed over to Lan's house to help. He then gives you an item to stop the fire's. Go back home and press A on Lan's PC. Control shifts back to Mega Man. Approach the fires and press A to activate them. Here's how this item works. The higher the guage, the more shots, if the guage is full, it will instantly take out all of the fires. Put out all the fires in ACDC. Well now that THAT crisis has been averted, head to Castillo Castle and try to enter. When you try, the wagon nearby will start to smoke. Oh, great, they're at it in ParkArea now. Jack in, and keep putting out all of the flames until you reach, you guessed it, ParkArea3's rides console (popular spot it seems). The two navis will have one final argument and Mega Man will trick BurnerMan into coming to the match by saying that he's scared of Mega Man. This ticks both BurnerMan and his operator off and they jack out and head for the castle. After some heated words from Match, FireMan jacks out too and the remaining fires disappear. Now jack out and go to the battle arena. After some insults from BurnerMan's operator the battle starts. Get ready for pain! BurnerMan.EXE HP - Normal = 700 Hard = 1100 Super Hard = 1500 Attacks: Flamethrower - It wouldn't be a fire navi without a 3 square range flamethrower. DaskAttack - BurnerMan charges at you in order to cause damage. PropaneTorches - The two torches in the battle move back and forth and shoot you when on the same column. Strategy: Ohh boy, this guy's a pain. His attacks are easy to dodge, but those torches are too much. If you have some, use RockCubes and other such obstacles to lock those darn torches on his side. This will make the battle much easier. So my strategy is, bring RockCubes to block his torches and chips that either fire straight ahead or can reach panels behind obstacles without hitting them. This will leave BurnerMan defenseless without his torches to iritate you and you able to hit him from afar. Having SearchSoul on this navi would be PERFECT because it can hit an enemy anywhere, anytime and only attack one square. Here's a small diagram of the winning strategy: [ ][ ][ ][R][T][ ] M - Mega Man R - RockCube [ ][M][ ][ ][B][ ] B - BurnerMan [ ][ ][ ][R][T][ ] T - Torch When the battle ends, Match will yell at BurnerMan's operator from the ground. This sets off the last bit of his patience and he tries to burn down the castle, but instead ends up badly burning himself (good job). After he is "escorted" out the scenario is over! D-04_4: Lights, Camera, Action! ------------------------------------------------------- VideoMan, ah VideoMan. Are you ready for some headaches, well were off. VideoMan's operator drops from the ceiling and introduces herself to Lan. She then asks Lan to LET HER WIN (God these operators are stupid!)! Why you might ask, because apparently VideoMan is very sick and doesn't have long to live, so she wants him to feel the taste of victory one last time. When Lan says "No way!" (as usual) her act gets worse as she says she'll have to go bury him somewhere right then. She runs off grumbling something about burying him in a happy place by the entrace to a 1 area. After she's gone, run outside and jack into the wagon. Head towards ParkArea2, but at the entrance to ParkArea2, you'll find VideoMan. Get ready for one of those headaches. VideoMan sees Mega Man coming toward him so he decides to pause him, saying it was only a glimpse of his power. After that he doesn't something odd to make Mega Man start moving in reverse! He then produces 3 tapes and says the effects won't wear off until Mega Man finds, and plays all 3 tapes. He then jacks out and the tapes fly off. One tape flies off to ParkArea3, another to TownArea2, and the last one to ACDC2. Lets get the one in ParkArea3 first. Now remember your controls are reversed, so up is down and left is right and the like. The good news is, your controls are find in battle. Now go to ParkArea3. Once you're there you'll notice something, there are little arrows all over the place. These are called "rewind buttons". DON'T STEP ON ANY OF THEM! DODGE THEM SLOWLY! These teleport you back to the beginning of the area you're in, so be careful. ParkArea3's tape is close to the rides console, and you have to get by 3 close together rewind buttons in order to get to it. Once that's done, jack out, and jack back in. Now go through the link you made with Castillo (or SHOULD have by now, if not just talk to the program in the lower left-hand corner) and teleport to Lan's HP. Then teleport to JomonElec's HP. Once you leave the HP you'll see more rewind buttons. Make your way to the tape in the lower section. Once you have it, jack out, and jack back in, take the link back to Lan's HP and then proceed to Dex's HP. Leave there to arrive in ACDC2. Find your way to the tape close by the U-bend. Finally the last tape, well now a small cut-scene happens where Mega Man plays the tapes and says he's back to normal. Now that that's done, another scene will start with VideoMan's operator basking in the joys of a victory that hasn't happened yet. Now that we're back with Mega Man, jack out and head for the battle arena. Once there, Lan will have some trash talk for VideoMan's operator and she'll act none the wiser (figures). Time to show that pest who's boss. VideoMan.EXE HP - Normal = 800 Hard = 1100 Super Hard = 1300 Attacks: Tape Reel - A 1HP string of tape will block out the 3rd and 4rd column on the field. Shoot it! Tape Case - A large tape case comes up and does multiple hits to a 2x2 section of your field. MegaFlash - VideoMan moves to the front row and produces a copy of Mega Man to attack you. FastFwd - VideoMan starts moving much more quickly. Rewind - VideoMan starts recovering HP fairly quickly. Strategy: What a pest. Much like with BurnerMan, VideoMan has one thing to make him a pain. His Tape Reels! They get in the way and reproduce like crazy. His MegaFlash can be annoying because he automatically uses a chip to reach you. Now as for a winning strategy. It's time to bring out the old panel lock routine. If you have lots of AreaGrabs put a lot in your folder. This will put VideoMan at your mercy because you'll grab past his Tape Reel and have a spot to move if he uses his MegaFlash. Once panel locked, put the pain on him with things like LifeSword and GigaCannon because you can't miss a sitting duck... and once that duck is deleted, you'll feel much better. After losing, VideoMan and her operator argue some more and then are hussled out. I never want to see those two again, what about you? D-04_5: Roll, Roll, Roll your Boat (Red Sun Only) ------------------------------------------------------- ROLL?! You know, I've always wanted to face Roll. Well she's our next opponent. Lan and Mega Man gawk for a bit and then he mentions that Mayl should be nearby. A small cut-scene happens where Yai and Mayl are in MelSquare discussing the next match and Mayl decides she wants Roll to practice with Glyde. Once you're back, go outside... and have forehead, oh wait... Yai come rushing to you in a panic. Apparently they were practising in the ParkArea and some navi came and kidnapped Roll (Come on Lan, GIVE IN! Win by forfeit!). Well Yai wants us to talk to Glyde for more info, he's in ParkArea1. Jack in to the wagon and head right after you go down the first ramp to encounter Glyde. He'll be in a panic too, but at least he'll say the culprit went deeper into the ParkArea. Head all the way to ParkArea3 and a cut-scene will start where a NormNavi will have Roll surrounded by viruses and ask her not to fight. Well Roll has a temper you don't want to set off. She gets pretty ticked at this navi and after some arguing, he goes to do a little NetShopping. We have to find him. Head to ACDC2... the easiest way is to jack out, and jack back in, and take the link to Lan's HP and then to Mayl's HP. Once there, leave and head to ACDC2. Head right off of the main road once you get there to find the pest by the NetMerchant. The pest will actually start off with words instead of viruses, but those follow up shortly after. After some pummeling he forks over the key to his area in fear. Jack out, and jack back in and go to ParkArea3. Once there you'll have to find the gate. Once you get to Roll, Mega Man asks if she really wants to battle. This insults Roll and she tells him to go away, or more like "orders" him to go away. We jack out and watch Roll do her thing. She floats up into the air and uses her "Roll Charm" to charm the viruses into loving her, which allows her to jack out safely. Now head back toward the castle. Once you get inside Roll will e-mail you and tells you to come jack into Mayl's teddy bear. We have no choice, go there and do such. Once inside Roll will tell Mega Man she wants to play tag. You have to catch her 3 times and then you can leave. It's not easy, but you'll finish it sooner or later. Once that's done, she'll head for the battle arena. Jack out, and follow her. At the battle arena, Mayl is ready to show you her power and the announcer woman is all hyped to see you lose. Lets get ready to rumble! Roll.EXE HP - Normal = 700 Hard = 1000 Super Hard = 1300 Attacks: Roll Arrow - A low damage, slow moving arrow, THAT SHATTERS ALL OF YOUR SELECTED CHIPS! Headband Smack - Roll teleports in front of you and gives you a taste of her headband. Summon - Roll summons a virus, it might even be a pretty powerful virus. Strategy: This girl is one pest to hit. The main strategy is not letting her viruses live. She's too easy to beat without them. If you want to hit her with big things you'll have to either panel lock her (recommended) or simply fire at her when she teleports to use her headband. After the battle Mayl and Lan talk about how good of a fight it was and Lan agrees Roll was pretty good. Then the announcer woman feels a little bad about Mayl not winning. After this, it's over. D-04_6: Howling Wind (Red Sun Only) ------------------------------------------------------- WindMan, now what NES Mega Man does that ring a bell from... oh well, WindMan's operator shows up to say hi after you're done at the tournament board. WindMan says hi as well to Mega Man. After the introductions WindMan's operator Lily explains where she's from, "Scissor Island" and how WindMan is a god of the winds there. She also explains how WindMan can only be controlled by her GrassFlute. After Lan leaves Lily mentions being nervous and thirsty, so she drinks some "water". You'll notice her face has changed in the speech dialogs. This can only be bad, right? Outside Lan says he's hungry and wants to go home and get some food from his Mom. Well we have nothing better to do. Suddenly a scream comes from MelSquare. Head there to find the Dracky ToyRobo going berserk again and trying to attack Lily. Jack in and ride the raft to the very end of the path to find a virus. Delete it, and after some thanks from Lily you'll head out. Lily on the other hand is mad that her plan failed and is going to move on to drastic measures. Once you make your way out of the park, Lan will be e-mailing his Mom by the fountain when suddenly Lily smacks him in the back and runs off making Mega Man fall in the water. Lan grabs him and after he sees Mega Man is ok, he heads out. Lily, once again being beaten, gets really mad and decides to let lose WindMan's full power onto the Net (that's just great...). Once you get home Mom will tell you Lan didn't e-mail her but she'll still cook Lan some good stuff. After lunch Lily will show up, cured from whatever was wrong with her "water", and mention WindMan going berserk and losing control. Lan decides to get the GrassFlute from Lily and then we have to go to the ParkArea and find WindMan. Head out and jack into the wagon by the castle and when you leave the HP you'll notice the whole park is in a wind storm. Here's what you have to do, continue dodging all of the tornadoes until you make it to the rides console in ParkArea3. Some spots are tricky, but you'll make it. If you get caught in a cyclone you'll be taken to the beginning of that area. In battle, random winds will be blowing everyone around so be careful. Once you make it to WindMan, Mega Man will play the GrassFlute and WindMan will come down. After a moment of self-pity, WindMan jacks out. Now jack out and head for the battle arena. In the castle, Lan will talk to Lily and give back her GrassFlute. After some thanks from Lily, Lan heads for the elevator. Lily has gotten thirsty again (uh oh) and she takes a drink from the flask, and surprise, surprise she's gone mental again. She then heads for the battle arena. When she gets there Lan realises she's not feeling 100% and discovers Lily is DRUNK. WindMan mentions that there must have been rice wine in that flask instead of water (looks like someone can't hold their liquor). With nothing to be done about it, the battle starts. Lily seems to want to destroy you... WindMan.EXE HP - Normal = 800 Hard = 1200 Super Hard = 1500 Attacks: Triple Pigeon - WindMan fires three birds your way. They're easy to dodge. Turn Fan - An odd fan that will turn once in order to hit you. Tornado - WindMan will suck in Mega Man and fire some tornadoes at him. Strategy: Oh what a pain. This navi is beyond annoying. There's no real strategy I can give you besides using plenty of HP+ NCP and bringing lots and lots of powerful chips. Also panel locking him is always good it will keep him out of your way for awhile. Show him who's boss! After what will likely by a difficult battle with WindMan, Lily will be back to normal again! Lan then tells her she's been drinking wine and she says she's sorry for the trouble she's caused and say that she could remember that the battle was fun. There's another group to add to the list of people I never want to see again, no matter what. ------------------------------------------------------- The second awards ceremony doesn't go as smoothly as the first. You get your trophy and become Electropia champ and all, but the elevator isn't working. All of a sudden a voice tells Lan to jack into the NetBattle machine or else! Well we have no choice, go do such. Once inside a cutscene will start where a navi called LaserMan reveals himself to be the "Mighty Leader Navi" of the Dark Chip Syndicate Nebula. After Mega Man says he won't join them (again) GutsMan appears and he wants to help delete LaserMan. LaserMan has other plans though, he blasts a laser at Mega Man and makes his DarkSoul appear. This DarkSoul then enters GutsMan. Once Mega Man realises GutsMan doesn't know who he is, he prepares for a rough battle with GutsManDS. GutsManDS.EXE HP - Normal = 500 Hard = 800 Super Hard = 1100 Attacks: GutsHammer - GutsMan's hammer crashes down causing rocks to fall down and crack panels. GutPunch - GutsMan teleports in front of Mega Man and punches, this can be a Rocket Punch when he reaches V2. GutBuster - Nothing, but a few short range buster shots. BattleChip - Uses any BattleChip or PA you have used so far in the game (that's not good). Startegy: Nothing has really changed about GutsMan except for the chips he can now use. Just watch your back for when he might use a chip and then use the same strategy as before to finish him. After the battle, Mega Man's DarkSoul returns to him and LaserMan taunts Mega Man some more. After saying once more that he will not join their Syndicate, LaserMan leaves. GutsMan asks if LaserMan is gone and then jacks out. What a rough day hmm...? D-05: The Red Sun/Blue Moon Tournament ------------------------------------------------------- This is going to be a long section in this game, but anyways. Today starts out with a cut-scene at NAXA. They're finally going to start up Dr. Hikari's laser plan. When the laser is charged to 200% and fired however, something drops its power to 120% causing it to fail. Lan's Dad walks out and Dr. Regal says he has an idea. He wants to find a top level NetBattler first, however. After NAXA, we join Mega Man and the bunch in ACDC3. They seem to be discussing Mayl's cowardice at Castillo in VampireManor. GutsMan tries to let something out about Dex, but Dex is too fast for him. After a little bit, an orange navi will come and say he is looking for Mega Man. He'll explain that Lan and Mega Man are invited to the world NetBattle tournament called Red Sun/Blue Moon (depending on the version). He'll tell Lan that the tournament is during school break and Lan says he can come if it is fine with his Mom. The navi will give Mega Man his airline ticket and the scene ends. Lan's Mom has given Lan permission to go and were off. Head to the metroline and go to DenAirport and then to Netopia. You'll receive an e-mail concerning the meeting place for Lan to go to. Head off to the left of the metroline to find your "contact". He'll say hi to Lan and give you your NetPassPort for traveling between each country's Net. He then tells you to go do some sight-seeing before he takes you to your hotel. Well this part is rather easy, look around and talk to everyone in Netopia and if you want to, you can jack into the statue by your contact, and the model of a horse chariot scene. After you talk to everyone in town, go back and talk with your contact. If you talked to everyone, the screen will fade to start the cut-scene and Mr. Bonds will talk you to your hotel. On the way Lan notices a car going way to fast. Mega Man tells Lan to hurry up, but before he can catch up to Bonds, the car zooms back and a guy comes out. He knocks Lan out and drags him into the car. Mr. Bonds then comes back out of the alley to find Lan missing. "Now where did he get off to?" is what he says. Oh, great, kidnapped! When you wake up, you'll be a classy hotel room. Mega Man will point out that the thug didn't steal anything (odd), but then you'll hear the thugs out in the hall talking about using Lan to collect a hefty ransom bill. They also talk about how 4 KeyDatas are located in the Netopia area of the Net and that the boxes that they're in are booby-trapped. Lan wants to get out so you have to try and find a place to jack in. You can jack in to the wierd statue thing on the table in the lower part of the room. Jack in! On the Hotel's HP talk to the one Mr. Prog to receive the Hotel's P-Code. Now head out of the HP. On the net there will be four KeyData boxes. They are a greenish colour and spit out viruses when you inspect them. They are in the following positions: 1. Up the ramp near the entrance to Sharo area 2. Southward from the ramp that leads to the upper area 3. Near the exit to the east that leads to NetFrica 4. Near the southern exit that leads to Yumland Once you have all 4, jack out and try to unlock the door. When Lan does, the thug who kidnapped him walks in as well as Mr. Bonds (oh, so this was arranged hmm...). They will tell you it was just a test to see if you were as strong as would be expected. Lan calls it a preliminary and Mr. Bonds agrees with him. After a little more talk, it's time for bed. The next morning Lan is all hyped up for the big tournament. Now go to Netopia Colloseum (for reference it is the big building by the horse and chariot statue that reminds me of the colloseum in Rome...). Once you get inside, inspect the odd face thing on the wall so it can check a terrified Lan to see if he is in the tournament. After it is over, it's time to check the tournament board! D-05_1: Quest for the WaterGod ------------------------------------------------------- Not another HealNavi! When I played through this game the first time, I ran into ALL 3 HealNavi scenes. Anyways... a small child will walk in and introduce himself as "Jammer's" operator. His name is Paulie. Paulie takes a liking to Lan and invites him to his village's WaterGod festival. Were off to NetFrica! You may notice you were taken to the village by ostrich, wierd huh? Go through the village and up the ramp and talk to Paulie. He'll tell you to meet the other navis in NetFrica area. Jack in to the odd statue everyone's dancing by and head to the teleport on the other side. In order to get the NetFrica P-Code you must survive the test. Delete the viruses in the test to have the brown navi check to see if your soul is pure (I don't know if this means Dark Chip users are out of luck. I doubt it though). Once you receive the NetFrica P-Code head throuh the teleport, open the cube, take the moving floor downward and go upward to the main squre area of NetFricaArea to find the meeting of navis. The festival goes like this, the crazy WaterGod relic is launched into the air, and the first one to find it is the village Champion. Well the orange navi fires it away and the hunt is on. Thanks to Jammer you're a part of it too. The relic landed in Sharo area, so head downward to NetopiaArea and find the ramp in NetopiaArea and take the northern exit to find yourself in Sharo. You'll have to take one of the moving floors in this area to find the relic. Just look for a sighting of it, and then ride a moving floor to it. Once you have it, return to where the relic was launched. Congratulations, you're village Champion. After this you are jacked out. It seems something has happened to the river water. The WaterGod is apparently angry about something. a villager tells you, that you need a RecoveryDrop to purify the system. The man will give you a LionKey in order to open the door to it. Jack back into the strange statue and head back to the main square. Once you get there, head upwards and take a right. This path will lead you to the LionKey door. The first door is a test of knowledge. Answer the questions like this: 1. 4 2. 2 3. 60 4. Green 5. 22 This will open the door. The next door is a three round survival battle. Delete the viruses and continue. Once you have the RecoveryDrop, jack out, head across the river, and jack into the WaterGod statue. May the maze begin. This place is a nightmare. It is a giant maze of teleport points. I know this much about this maze. Use the start menu to see what number of WaterGodComp you are in. There are 2 dead ends in this maze. One will usually have a FullEnergy in it, while the other, usually has 10000z (nice). Here's what you have to do. Keep running through the teleports until you find WaterGodComp10. One of the three teleports here link to a room with 5 dead navis. If you don't teleport from WaterGodComp10 to this room, go back through the same teleport point and try a different one. Once you reach the 5 dead navis, they will attack you and you have to battle viruses for each navi. After they're dead (again?), head through the pink teleport to the WaterGod River Management System, or you can head through the green teleport for some good money. There's usually 10000z in the River Management room too. Inspect the giant Mr. Prog like thing to start another survival battle. Once all the viruses are dead, you Mega Man will purify the system and you can jack out. Remember, there is more than just one group of dead navis in the WaterGodComp so be careful. 5 is the highest number, but any number of them is a pain. Once you jack out you'll be praised by the villagers. You'll notice Paulie isn't there. Remembering the match you have to run to the battle arena in Netopia to face Paulie. His attitude towards Lan seems to have declined badly after all you've done for his village, but you'll have to delete Jammer anyway. Once Jammer is out of the way, Paulie will reveal that is was he who put us through all that trouble in the WaterGodComp (why that little...!) and a villager pops up and says that Paulie is to be exiled, but of course Lan being the little pest he is says not too. Paulie attitude towards Lan makes an amazing recovery and this scenario is over! D-05_2: Bombardment ------------------------------------------------------- Well at least it's not a HealNavi, but how the heck did a NormNavi make it to a WORLD tournament. The operator of this navi shows up, he looks like a real goon. He and Lan talk for awhile and then he makes his leave. He mentioned something about "Bomb Shoes" and now we need some. Head to your hotel and jack in. Head to the entrance of Africa once you're in NetopiaArea to find an orange navi who will trade you some bomb shoes for a Guard A chip. If you don't have one of these by now then something is seriously wrong with you. Trade the chip to get your bomb shoes. After you get them, our opponent gives you a call and asks you to jack into the goddess statue out by the dock. Jack out and go jack in there. Once inside a navi will be waiting for you. It's time to play soccer. When you shoot, press and hold a directional button and press A to shoot, or just press A to shoot straight. When guarding it is the exact same thing. If you get lucky, you'll finish this challenge and the navi will mention something about a "wider area". Head to NetfricaArea on the Net and when you reach the purple teleport point, keep heading to the left and do not take the moving floor. You'll see the navi again discussing something with another navi. They'll both jack out and mention something about being "inside a hero". Today we must jack out and jack into the horse and chariot statue. More soccer action except this stuff is deadly! The bombs are now bigger and take A LOT more damage. Don't miss his shots! You have to get about 2 or 3 shots in on him to end the game. After you win, both navis will jack out. Time to take out the bomb obsessed pest! Head to the battle arena and destroy his NormNavi. After the "explosive" battle (sorry, I couldn't resist) a man will come up to our opponent and talk to our opponent about big things he could do with his game. Well that wasn't such a bad scenario was it? I'll leave that one up to you. D-05_3: Karate Action! ------------------------------------------------------- KendoMan may look scary, but when you see the operator you'll be reasured that the navi isn't a criminal. Why do I say this? The operator of this navi is non other than Mr. Famous! A crummy name I know, but the guy is actually pretty good. Anyways, he makes his entrance by trying to scare Lan by rushing through the double doors. Of course, it works. Mr. Famous being from Electropia and not Netfrica raises an interesting question in Lan's head. He asks "How can you be the representitive of Netfrica?". Mr. Famous answers this by telling the story of how he is teaching young people from Netfrica the art of karate and the like. You say you want to go see KendoMan, well Mr. Famous gives Lan some warnings about his navi and then you're off. Head to NetFrica by plane and jack into the odd statue up at the top of the ramp. Once inside head to the other side where you'll see a teleport point. In order to get the NetFrica P-Code you must survive the test. Delete the viruses in the test to have the brown navi check to see if your soul is pure (I don't know if this means Dark Chip users are out of luck. I doubt it though). Once you receive the NetFrica P-Code head throuh the teleport, open the cube, take the moving floor downward and go upward until you see KendoMan. When you try to say hi, KendoMan takes on the thought that you're one of his students. This navi is really narrow-minded and he won't listen to you until you find the three "Licenses" that each of his training machines produce. We don't have any choice... the first macing is in YumLand. Head through YumLand until you find an odd blue ninja like thing with something that looks like a bamboo rod. Talk to it to begin the training. It explains the controls to you, but here's an extra reference: Left+A - Block Up+A - High Attack Right+A - Side Attack Down+A - Low Attack The machine will show an arrow that points to the directional attack you to use and it will say "Block!" when it's time to use Left+A. Once you elminate this machine's HP head over to NetopiaArea to face a slightly harder one, and then over to SharoArea to face one that will likely tick you off with how often you have to block. Once you have all three licenses, return to KendoMan. He will now listen to Mega Man as Mega Man explains that he is KendoMan's opponent in the tournament. KendoMan apologizses for causing Mega Man such trouble, but for once Mega Man says it's fine before Lan. Jack out and head to the battle arena. Things start off smoothly, but when Mr. Famous is introduced, he doesn't appear. A scientist then comes in to say he is worried about Mr. Famous because it's not like him to be late. Lan to the rescue! Time to go back to NetFrica. When you get there, there will be a cut-scene where a familiar blondie is holding some hostages with some lions he bugged. He wants to try and embarrass Mr. Famous somehow. The blondie didn't notice Lan however so now you can sneak behind him, not too close now, and jack into the lion statue. Once inside, defeat the viruses in each satelite thing to free the lions. This makes the blondie have no advantage over Mr. Famous and the blondie gets what he deserves. After some thanks from Mr. Famous, it's back to the battle arena! KendoMan.EXE HP - Normal = 800 Hard = 1200 Super Hard = 1600 Attacks: DaskAttack - This seems to be a common technique. KendoMan charges at you. CloneAttack - KendoMan splits into three and launches multiple blasts at you. StickSwipe - If you are on the front row, KendoMan will whap you with his stick. RushSwipe - KendoMan rushes up to you to swipe you with his stick. Strategy: KendoMan can be easy. When he uses his CloneAttack just move up and down rapidly to avoid getting caught. If you do get caught, you'll get pummeled. Stay out of the front row to avoid getting smacked with his all mighty stick. Just move out of the way of his DashAttack and soon enough, he will be deleted. After the battle, Mr. Famous and KendoMan will both say that Lan and Mega Man have learned much and KendoMan even makes a joke about Mega Man being his apprentice. This gives Mega Man a scare, but he does manage to keep his cool. After some good-byes KendoMan and Mr. Famous are no more. D-05_4: Frozen Over ------------------------------------------------------- ColdMan is the next opponent. The operator is the Representitive of Sharo and his name is ChillSki (what a terrible name!). This dufous not only can't talk right, but he thinks it's too hot in Netopia, but he's wearing a HUGE FUR COAT AND HAT! I guess this self-obsessed lunatic thinks if it is too hot to wear what he's wearing, then the place will have to cool down. Chillski leaves after commenting on the weather only to have a scientist replace him soon after. He'll say that ColdMan is messing with Netopia's heating system on the Net (this guy works fast). Go back to your hotel and jack into the Net. Head up the ramp towards Sharo area and you'll see ColdMan and some CyberSnowmen. After a small discussion ColdMan melts the snowmen and jacks out. Lan thinks it was a little too easy and what Chillski meant by "natural cold". Jack out and head outside. BLIZZARD! A huge blizzard has come to Netopia out of nowhere. You then receive an e-mail saying that something is wrong with the weather satelites in Sharo. To the airport! Once at Sharo, head to the Space Station on the other side of town. A scientist is laying on the floor there. When he comes to he explains to Lan that ChillSki planted a bunch of CyberSnowmen in the weather satelites. You'll need to destroy them and re-light the CyberTorches for the satelites' heating system. In order to light those torches you need a specific chip. Make sure you have the following chips: 1. HeatShot C - Defeat a Spikey or SpikeyEX virus for it. 2. FlameLine F - TownArea2 GMD 3. HeatBreath K - NetopiaArea NetMerchant 4. BlackBomb Z - PMD beside the orange female navi in SharoArea If you do not have one of these chips, go get them. Once you have all the chips, you need a shovel to clear all of the snow blocking the satelites. The first house you come to from the dogsleds will have the shovel for you. Inspect the house with A to get it. See the temperature metre in the upper-right hand corner of the screen? Don't let that get too low. It decreases slowly over time. Pick any satelite you want and go up to the snow drift and press A. To shovel the snow away, press B as fast as you can. Once you clear the snow, jack in. In all four satelites everything goes the same way. You see CyberSnowmen in the satelite. Delete the viruses in them to make them crumble. Once they're done with, light the torch by installing you chip. Don't worry, you still get to keep the chip! You should duck inside the Space Station after each satelite to recover your body temperature. Once all four satelites are done with, the blizzard will stop, or at least, in Sharo. The scientist who was asleep on the floor will give Lan a call and thank him for fixing the satelites and tell you the blizzard will continue in Netopia for a little longer because the signal will take awhile to get there (then how did the blizzard start so fast?). After he hangs up, ChillSki will call and yell at Lan for messing up the temperature in Netopia. He then demands that you come to the battle arena and allow ColdMan to "freeze Mega Man to core!" (he needs to go back to English class). Well we won't disappoint him to the point of going to the battle arena. Go there now. With the blizzard still going, the crowd isn't there to make noise, so the announcer will try her best to imitate clapping (it's a bad job of it). After a slightly hilarious argument between Lan and Chillski, you finally get to have your revenge on ColdMan. ColdMan.EXE HP - Normal = 800 Hard = 1200 Super Hard = 1500 Attacks: Crusher - ColdMan leaps into the air and tries to crush you. It also breaks your panel. IceCube - ColdMan produces some ice cubes and pushes them at you if you are on the same row. HomingMist - ColdMan produces some mist and it comes at you until it goes out the other side. Strategy: This can be a difficult battle if you don't have things to deal with obstacles and the constant breaking of your panels can get disturbing. If you have it, use the poltergeist chip to toss his own ice cubes at him. Otherwise just try and force him to break your back panels with his attacks and destroy his mist with a quick charge shot. He's a coward so maybe some boomerang chips might work. That's all I can really think of. After ColdMan is deleted the blizzard has stopped and the crowd has returned. Chillski blames his loss on the blizzard that only JUST stopped. The announcer makes a heroic comment to Lan and Chillski starts to get on Lan's nerves again. A comment about NetBattling only being a game gets Lan REALLY ticked off and he threatens to pound Chillski who is actually afraid of Lan at this point, but right before Lan gets a chance, an official shows up to take the criminal Chillski away (serves him right). Chillski goes, but he wants to be questioned in a cold place, and the official says they have a special room for him in... NETFRICA! This terrifies Chillski and he starts begging not to be taken there and saying he's sorry and the like. Lan watches in amusement and then it's over. D-05_5: Gresply Nekrom (Red Sun Only) ------------------------------------------------------- Well if it isn't old ThunderMan. I remember facing him in MMBN2, it wasn't fun. Now after Lan looks at the tournament board a blond Netopian walks up to Lan and tells him that all contestants in the tournament can take part in a contest for some free Netopian bread. Of course Lan wants some and after the blondie leaves Lan heads outside, but gets caught by an old man first. The old man starts calling Lan a coward and tells Lan to NetBattle him. He's only got a NormNavi so delete it fast. After the battle, the old man says that Lan is not ready to represent Electropia and mutters Gresply Nekrom and then runs off. Lan thinks about what that could mean for a minute and then continues outside. Head to the hotel and jack-in. The blondie said a representitive would be waiting in front of the NetMerchant in NetopiaArea, go there and talk to the orange female navi. She'll say you'll need to delete the viruses she releases in order to get the bread. Delete the pests. After the battle something odd will happen to Mega Man. He'll fall down and start rapidly losing HP! Lan notices this right away and jacks Mega Man out. Lan says to find someone who could help. Head back towards the colleseum! You'll find Raoul standing by the horse and chariot statue, talk to him to discover the problem. It seems that old man put a death curse on Mega Man and the only way to break the curse is to eliminate the curse doll on the Net. A plan is set, first Mega Man needs to get the curse doll by finding the four marks. BraveryMark, WisdomMark, KindnessMark, and StrengthMark. There are two in NetopiaArea and two in YumlandArea. Now go jack in at the hotel. You're still rapidly losing HP so defaulting a nice big revoery chip might help, and waiting in battle for some more recovery chips can help too. Now let's go find those marks. The first one in NetopiaArea is the BraveryMark which is up the ramp towards SharoArea, and then StrengthMark which is close to the entrance to NetFrica. After you have those two marks, head to YumlandArea to find the next two. In YumLandArea the first mark is WisdomMark which is off towards the far end of YumLandArea and KindnessMark which is at the farthest away possible part in YumlandArea. Once you have both of those, go open the blue gate in NetopiaArea. This gate is in the upper-right corner of the area from the entrance to YumlandArea. Once you open it, you'll find the curse doll laying at the end of the path. Pick it up and take it to ThunderMan. ThunderMan is also in NetopiaArea and after a small ritual of sorts the curse doll will be eliminated and Mega Man will be fine. After some thanks, it's off to the battle arena! At the battle arena Raoul makes one of his speeches about battling for honour and then we're off. ThunderMan.EXE HP - Normal = 800 Hard = 1200 Super Hard = 1600 Attacks: LightningBlast - ThunderMan moves to the front row and blasts anything in the same row as him. LightningStrike - ThunderMan raises his hands and shoots 3 bolts of lightning, ThunderCloud - The cloud shoots a spark at you when you're ajacent to it. Strategy: I HATE ELECTRICITY! Seriously though, ThunderMan is one of the most annoying navis in this game. That stupid little cloud can leave you paralyzed for quite some time if it gets you the right way, and on the upper difficulties that thing hurts. ThunderMan's other attacks are easy to dodge, but that cloud makes things difficult. The only real strategy I can give you is to bring lots of Boomer chips because they do double damage and ThunderMan likes to hang out in the back. Another small strategy for ThunderMan is to block his cloud with a Rockcube chip. This will stop it from moving. This doesn't work with the main strategy however, because it would either block the boomer chips or they would destroy the Rockcube. This strategy is for when you just can't deal with that cloud. After the battle, Raoul will say it was a great battle and that he must apoligize for something. He then brings out the old man that cursed Mega Man. This old man is apparently the leader of Raoul's tribe and the old man then explains that he didn't want to see Raoul lose to the world. Raoul makes another one of his honour speeches and the Lan forgives the old man (stupid Lan) and then the old man asks Raoul to be the new leader of the tribe. Lan then congratulates Raoul and the competitors leave. D-05_6: A Deadly Crosshair (Red Sun Only) ------------------------------------------------------- SearchMan is the next opponent and apparently is a representitive of Sharo. Amazingly Lan does not get interupted inside the colleseum. Head outside and towards the hotel, but when you pass the fountains a cut-scene will start where Lan senses a presence and SearchMan's operator Raika comes out of the ruins. Lan tries to shake his hand and be friendly, but Raika believes NetBattling is like war and then gives Lan a shot in the gut. Lan swears revenge and then hears Raika heading for Sharo. Lets go after him. In Sharo head for the space station at the back. Lan will ask the scientist there if he can join the mission that Raika is on. The scientist says he'll allow it, if Lan can pass the test which is in the form of virus busting. Delete those viruses and then the scientist will call up Raika and tell his that Lan is joining his mission. The scientist will then give you a CopyKey and tell you to go to Undernet 6. The Undernet! A dangerous place indeed. If you can, go to NetFrica and jack in, but if you can't just go to your hotel room and jack in. Head to NetFrica area and find the exit in the upper-right hand corner. This leads to a special part of SharoArea. You'll need the C-Slider to cross the thin rail to the Undernet. If you don't have the C-Slider, see the C-Slider part of the walkthrough to find out how to get it. Once inside the Undernet, head a little ways inside to encounter a cut-scene. Mega Man will sense something and then a crosshair will lock on to Mega Man. Press the highlighted direction (either left or right) to dodge the shot. Mega Man doesn't like the idea of being shot at, but he still continues on. Time for an annoying stroll through the Undernet. That crosshair will continue to lock on to Mega Man many times and you must dodge it every time or take a decent amount of damage. I can't describe the Undernet because of its twists and turns, but I can say this. At Undernet 3 you want to take the teleport point in the centre of the area instead of the one of to the left. This will take you to Undernet 6 instead of Undernet 4. Undernet 6 struck a familiar note in my head when I saw it. It is pratically the exact same thing as Undernet 2 from MMBN2. Look around Undernet 6 until you find a path that leads under a few of the ramps. This path will end in a blue gate. There is another path of a similar description, but it leads to Undernet 5 and we don't want to go there. Once at the blue gate, open it up with the CopyKey and talk to the black navi inside. Mega Man will talk to him and then the navi will get mad and sick some viruses on Mega Man. Take them out and then the navi will get some reinforcements when what should happen, that crosshair comes back and target the four new navis and deletes them, followed by the main navi and deletes him too. Mega Man will look up where the shots came from to find SearchMan. Apparently Raika was testing Lan's abilities and after as much is revealed, SearchMan will tell Mega Man to meet him at the battle arena. Jack out and head there. At the battle arena Raika will talk to Lan some more and then the battle will begin. SearchMan.EXE HP - Normal = 900 Hard = 1200 Super Hard = 1500 Attacks: Grenade - SearchMan makes a hole and tosses to grenades at Mega Man. They explode in a + shape. Vulcan Shot - SearchMan uses his crosshair to lock on and fire at you. SateliteBomber - SearchMan sends his crosshair around the field. If it locks on a X like blast will fire. Strategy: SearchMan really isn't all that difficult. Dodging his grenades is the only really difficult thing to do. Just pummel SearchMan in whatever way you want and be careful of his moving crosshair and of being locked on to. After some time, you'll delete him. Raika will congratulate Lan after the match and then she recevies a call bringing her in for another mission. After some final parting words to Lan he heads on his way. ------------------------------------------------------- The final tournament is now over and the ceremony will begin, but things don't go as normal. A helicopter comes to pick up Lan and a scientist says he'll receive more detail on the way. We're off to NAXA. D-06: The Final Battle ------------------------------------------------------- Outside of NAXA a scientist will explain to Lan that a huge asteroid is heading straight for Earth and they need him to adjust its course. Lan wonders why he didn't hear anything about it and the scientist explains that it is top secret and would cause mass panic if they told the world (No duh Lan!). Now head inside and go upstairs to the room we've seen in a few cut-scenes. Once you're there Lan will be introduced to the team of scientists and Lan will say hi to his Dad. After an explination of the plan on how to deal with the asteroid Regal will tell Lan he has something to give him, but before anything can be done, an alarm goes off and someone comes to say that Nebula has locked off access to international Nets. Lan says he'll fix the problem. Go up to Regal and talk to him to receive a transmitter. After that, go talk to Lan's Dad. On your first playthrough you'll receive a giga-chip. Either Red Sun, or Blue Moon depending on the version. Now head outside and down the stairs to the airport. Lets start with Yumland because it has two connections. Go to the back area of Yumland and jack in to the odd bronze statue in the back. You may have to pay 6000z to get the YumlandP-Code in order to access the Net. Once in YumlandArea, follow the main road one way to find the entrance to Electropia and another way to find the entrance to Netopia. At both ends an odd gate like structure will be in the way. Inspect it and delete the viruses it releases to remove the gate. Jack out and head to NetFrica. Jack into the odd statue up the ramp. You may have to take a survival test to get the NetFricaP-Code in this area. Once in the NetFricaArea head to the entrance to Netopia to find another gate. Destroy the viruses and jack out. Now go to Sharo and head to the space centre. Jack into the first computer to find the way to SharoArea. Once in Sharo area talk to the green navi to get the SharoP-Code. Head towards the entrance to Netopia to eliminate the final gate. You'll then receive an e-mail from Lan's Dad and he'll tell you that the culprit has been found and to find the official navi in NetopiaArea for more details. Head to NetopiaArea and find an orange navi. He'll tell you that the culprit was found in ParkArea, but the only way to him is through the Undernet. Mega Man will say that he will go and the official navi will give you a TownKey. Go to TownArea2! The best way to get to TownArea2 is to jack out and head to the TV in front of JomonElec in ElecTown. Once on the Net, head to the lower section of TownArea2 and through the gate that the fallen offcial navi is laying in front of. This will take you to TownArea4. In the upper-right hand corner of this area, there is an invisible path leading to a navi that will give you the chip GunDelSol2. This is a great chip so go get it. Once that done, go to the upper-left hand corner to enter the Undernet. The path in the Undernet is pretty short, so get through quickly to find yourself in ParkArea1. On one side of the path there is a BMD so go get that. On the other side, you'll be taken to the Nebula navi that is standing in the large square area. After some talking you'll need to delete him. This guy doesn't like to die easily, after you win he'll try to delete Mega Man by causing a HUGE explosion. After the screen goes white, we'll be taken to NAXA where Regal will say that Mega Man has been deleted. After a sound of shock from the other scientists Regal will propose sending his own navi to the asteroid. After this we'll go back to the white flash to find GutsMan, Glyde, and Roll with barriers surrounding Mega Man. After some thanks it's time to jack out and go to NAXA. ------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! From here on out, I consider this last section spoilers! ------------------------------------------------------- Once at NAXA go inside and talk to the man standing in the centre of the room to receive Dad'sNote and to be told to go up to the roof. Take the door you didn't take before to access the roof and another cut-scene will start. Regal will begin to teleport his navi to the asteroid, and he tells the other scientists to go down to ramp. Lan's Dad stays behind for a minute and Regal asks what's wrong. It seems Lan's Dad has been watching Regal for awhile now and uses his research to reveal that he knows that Regal is... leader of the Dark Chip Syndicate Nebula. Regal lets out an evil laugh and then congratulates Mr. Hikari for spotting him. He then says there's nothing that he or the others can do. Lan's Dad on the other hand says that their last hope has NOT been deleted, and as if he was called for, Lan pops through the elevator. Lan's Dad turns around in surprise and Lan tries to go up to him, but Regal has other plans. Lan's Dad tells Lan to go back just when Regal triggers a button to blow up the ramp. Lan jumps off to safety and Lan's Dad asks if he's OK. Lan says he's fine and then yells for his Dad to watch out right when Regal knocks him out. Regal then reveals himself to the rest and jacks LaserMan into the console. Lan takes it as a surprise and then reads Dad'sNote which says "Jack into the generator." after some warnings from the other scientists Lan runs over and does such. We're in the asteroid and it's not a fun place to be. Here's how this place works, there will be areas that are marked like dice blocks and you must run through them in order from 1 to whatever. After some time a large hole will open up and you must rapidly press A in order to escape without being sucked in. In the first room there are 3 marks. Run over them in order to open a warp hole. Head through to the next area. In the next area there are 4 marks. Run through all 4 in order to open wrap holes to the next area. In the final room there are a whopping 5 marks and you must run through all of them in order to open the last warp hole. Before entering the big square save your game! Then walk in to find LaserMan. He asks you one last time to join Nebula and after Mega Man says no again he goes to delete you. LaserMan.EXE HP - Normal = 1000 Hard = 1400 Super Hard = 1800 Attacks: CrossLaser - Laser fire in a + shape and breaks the middle panel of the blast. LaserBeam - Time freezes and a large laser is shot straight ahead. Avalanche - A HUGE laser fires into the sky and rocks start to fall for awhile. DarkLense - A hole opens up and LaserMan begins to quickly recover HP. Strategy: Well I can't say I found LaserMan hard because I found an interesting strategy. This doesn't work for Blue Moon players because it requires WindSoul. Use WindSoul in this battle to blow LaserMan close to you. Then use your charged shot to send him back. The great thing about this is, it will stop the rocks from coming on your head because the air effect stuns LaserMan canceling the current attack (except if he has started his CrossLaser). After some Laser Tennis he'll be deleted. After some last words LaserMan will blow up. Now before you head through the next warp hole SAVE! Then after that head through and down the twisting path to a small square. Mega Man will see the asteroid control panel, but can't get to it. Suddenly an odd floating head comes to you. He is named Duo. After an argument about evil being on Earth, Duo will use a laser of sorts to make Mega Man's dark soul come out. Time to take this thing down again! MegaManDS.EXE HP - Your current! Attacks: ANY chip that you have used. He can even use multiple giga chips! Strategy: Consider it a NetBattle of sorts. Use whatever force you can to take this pest down. After that, the dark soul will return to Mega Man, and after even MORE arguing between Mega Man and Duo, Duo will have enough nonsense and morph into one HUGE battle form! This won't be easy! Duo HP - Normal = 2000 Hard = 2500 Super Hard = 3000 Attacks: DoubleSwipe - Duo's hands swipe twice over your area covering a 2x3 space per swipe. GroundPound - One of Duo's hands slams down on a 2x2 section of your area. MissleStrike - 1-3 missles shoot out from Duo's chest. WaveMine - A mine shoots in a wavy pattern out of Duo's chest. Laser - A Invis piercing laser shoots out of Duo's chest and has alternating rings that damage too! SuperJab - Many quick moving fists rain down cracking panels. This isn't easy to dodge. HyperMask - A large pinkish mask launches out and cracks a large portion of your panels. Strategy: Ahhhh!!! This is one of those battles that will drive you insane. Duo is extremely hard! His laser is the worst of his attacks and will easily do extreme damage if you can't move because of cracked panels. For dodging the laser move to the back row and watch for the laser ring to appear in your front row. The second that starts forming move forward and when the laser ring in his only row appears move to the back in order to not take damage. Now as for chip recommendations, bring a PanelReturn or two, and trust me when I say you'll thank yourself later. Also bring as many GunDelSol chips that you have come across as they really do a number on him! Make sure every one of your chips hit because this much HP will be difficult to take out (I miss FolderBak!). When Duo begins performing his SuperJab, quickly move to one of the panels he already hit with it because he will never hit the same panel twice. After a long and most likely difficult battle, you may actually defeat him. ------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! FROM HERE ON OUT ARE ENDING SPOILERS! ------------------------------------------------------- Duo's battle body blows up in turns and then he's back to his wierd floating head form. Duo says it's too late to stop the asteroid, but Mega Man won't give up. Duo then makes a bridge and tells Mega Man to try. After some pushing we are taken to ElecTown Square where the people at NAXA have told the world about the asteroid and Mega Man. Everyone is panicing until Mr. Match runs in and gets everyone settled down and tells them to yell as loud as they can to Mega Man! Once everyone starts yelling we'll be taken all around the world where people are yelling to Mega Man. After some time we'll be taken to NAXA where something has happened to Mega Man. It seems one of the cables of the generator has blown. Regal says that Mega Man can be revived if something were to bypass the cable, and in this case, he chooses himself because he grabs both ends of the wires and sends the electricity through him. Then we go back to Mega Man. Duo starts taunting Mega Man about there only being 30 minutes left when he notices the Earth's atmosphere vibrating. He turns his "vibration sensor" on and starts to hear all the people yelling for Mega Man. This gives Mega Man the boost he needs and Mega Man and Lan go full-syncro and with one last push Mega Man get the big wheel to move, then passes out. Duo is impressed by his efforts and says that he will let Earth go for now and then will come back decades and maybe centuries later to judge the Earth again.then tells Mega Man to go. At NAXA Lan is waking up and checks to see if Mega Man is ok. He's fine and then Lan hears his Dad yelling after Regal. Chaud comes to the rescue in his helicopter to come and take Lan up to the top platform where Lan, his Dad and Chaud all corner him at the edge. Lan wants Regal to make due for his crimes and to come and be arrested by Chaud so he can start over, but Regal says that paying for his crimes is the last thing he wants to do because he doesn't feel an once of guilt. He then points out things that show evil caused by things each one of the three have caused and then says then points out that he is the son of a robotics scientist that was exiled and led into evil ways (I think he means Wily). Then after saying that "Evil will still remain after I am gone" he leaps off the top of NAXA and the screen fades out. After this we are taken to Netopia Colleseum where Lan get to have his trophy after all this time. After he gets it, the female scientist tells him to show the crowd his NetBattling skills. After some cries from the audience including from his friends, his Mom and Dad and even a amusing comment from Chaud that says "Stop stalling it's going to be dark soon!" Lan realizses he has no choice and jacks in and the credits begin. Congratulations, you have now completed the story section of Mega Man Battle Network 4. If you haven't already you must now go through Hard and Super Hard mode and then onto the side quests after the story is finished. ------------------------------------------------------- D-07: Murkland ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! This section will contain secret boss spoilers! ------------------------------------------------------- In order for you to even think about doing this section, you must have completed all of the tournaments on Super Hard mode so you can have all 6 souls. You will also need to have all 150 standard chips before you can continue. If you meet these requirements, then continue reading. We must go to Undernet 4! I recommend having all the side quests complete before starting this section as well... take the shortcut through the secret Sharo Space Centre HP (See E-03: The Secret HP, for more details) and head for Undernet 4. Once you're there, continue going through the C-Slider paths until you come across a skull gate. Now that you have all 6 souls, you can open it. This will take you to Undernet 5! Undernet 5 is full of odd twists and turns, but eventually you will make your way to a blue gate. This requires all 150 standard chips to open. Do so and inspect the statue in this chamber. Mega Man will start to resonate with his "power" I suppose is what you would say, and then the statue starts to glow as well. Suddenly the screen starts to shake and the statue will rise up and with one final flash of light Bass will awaken and sensing the power in Mega Man, he wants to rumble! Bass.EXE HP = 2000 Attacks: BassBuster - A small, but painful dual-buster shot DarkEnergySlash - Bass moves in front of you and slashes using dark energy. It is possible for him to go behind you and do another strike as well. DarkMatter - Bass raises his hands and throws two wheels of dark matter above and below you and then moves forward to slash you from in front and behind and may do another attack from the front! DarkDestruction - Bass appears above you and releases a huge amount of energy that will crack all but your front row. Strategy: You're quite dead... VERY dead, especially since I cannot think of a single strategy for you, my only advice is to steal his area so losing your back rows won't do anything and to bring some powerful PAs. I still don't recommend dark chips. I did it without them, so can you. After the battle Bass will talk briefly with Mega Man some more and then vanish the way he always does. Your prise for this will be the Bass X chip in Red Sun and I believe the Bass+ X chip in Blue Moon. When Bass leaves the Undernet will return to normal. After some discussion between Mega Man and Lan we can get back to business. Now then, we still have work to do! Before continuing any further you must now obtain the 5 chips: 1. Bug Charge/Curse of Bug (Version dependant) 2. ElemDark 3. Muramasa 4. Anubis 5. BlkWing Now then, let's discuss the first chip. In order to get the first one of the required chips, you must defeat either ShadeManSP or LaserManSP (recommended) without breaking the GMD in their battle. See the bosses section for their locations. ElemDark is the second chip. In order to obtain this chip you must S Rank the ElemporEX viruses in Undernet 6. Bring a LocEnemy for easier finding of the virus. The last 3 chips however can only be obtained after defeating Bass. Jack out and jack back in and head back to Undernet 5. There are 3 evil navis scattered about this area. Each holds one of the remaining chips and will let you have it, if you survive 10 battles in a row at each of them. These battles aren't easy however and a PanelReturn is almost neccessary to have defaulted. After you have all 5 chips, head to Undernet 6 and make your way to the black hole. When it sucks you in, you'll be taken to a place that only Higsby has ever spoken of... MURKLAND! This place is the ultimate in bad. Everything about it will drive you crazy except for the goodies you can get in here. In the GMDs there are DS navi chips! See you don't have to use Dark Holes to get those chips. There are also some invisible paths that will lead you to an HP Memory and a LifeAura chip! Now you'll find a gate at the end of this path... it requires all of the V1 navi chips in order to proceed. If you don't have them all, see the bosses section for the location of each boss. Once you have them, proceed through to Murkland 2! This area is even worse aside from the fact that there's another HP Memory about and that the Bug Frag Trader is in this section (It's not nearly as usefull this time because I can't get a couple thousand bug frags in an hour or two!). You'll notice some mirrors in this section. Each mirror contains a DS navi that you must battle. There are 6 mirrors. One for every navi you received a soul from in your version. Defeat them all to proceed. A bigger mirror appears after this section, well it brings your Dark Soul out for one last chance to beat you up... great... after it's dead (That thing is WAY to easy) you'll receive the SoulCleanser NCP which will make it so you can continue to receive Karma even after it has dropped to the level of darkness. This is so you can go from a dark Mega Man to a light Mega Man with time. A pure light Mega Man will be standing by the mirror after the battle. Talk to it to receive the HubBatch NCP. It gives you all sorts of goodies. Now you have completed almost everything! One last battle awaits! It lies here in Murkland 2! It is a random battle! It is BASS OMEGA! Eventually you'll encounter him... BassOmega.EXE HP = 3000 Attacks: BassBuster - A small, but painful dual-buster shot DarkEnergySlash - Bass moves in front of you and slashes using dark energy. It is possible for him to go behind you and do another strike as well. DarkMatter - Bass raises his hands and throws two wheels of dark matter above and below you and then moves forward to slash you from in front and behind and may do another attack from the front! DarkDestruction - Bass appears above you and releases a huge amount of energy that will crack all but your front row. Strategy: You're quite dead... VERY dead, especially since I cannot think of a single strategy for you, my only advice is to steal his area so losing your back rows won't do anything and to bring some powerful PAs. I still don't recommend dark chips. I did it without them, so can you. The only real exceptions between this Bass and the other, is speed, HP, and attack strength. Good luck. If you SOMEHOW manage to S Rank this terror (Yes you ACTUALLY have to S Rank him!) you will receive the Dark Barrier chip in Red Sun or the Delta Ray chip in Blue Moon. Dark Barrier is an Aura of 150 that will REGENERATE! If ever you wanted to feel like Bass, this would be the chip. Delta Ray is a complicated chip. It requires these spaces open: [ ][ ][ ][O][ ][ ] M - Mega Man [ ][M][ ][ ][E][O] O - Open Space [ ][ ][ ][O][ ][ ] E - Enemy If all of those spaces are open, ProtoMan can do his triple slash to make the Delta Ray symbol. In order for this to work you can either mash A or learn the precise timing to make him attack again. Now that you have defeated BassOmega, you have truly beaten the game. The only thing that's left, is to finish your chip library and obtain the 7 menu icons... Red Sun Icon - Defeat Duo once. Soul Complete Icon - Get all 6 souls. Standard Complete Icon - Get all 150 standard chips. Mega Complete Icon - Get all 60 mega chips. Giga Complete Icon - Get all 5 giga chips. Bass Icon - Defeat BassOmega PA Complete - Use all 30 program advances. If you somehow manage to do this... head for the MeteorComp and make your way to Duo. He's got a little surprise for you! DuoOmega HP = 3500 Attacks: DoubleSwipe - Duo's hands swipe twice over your area covering a 2x3 space per swipe. GroundPound - One of Duo's hands slams down on a 2x2 section of your area. MissleStrike - 1-3 missles shoot out from Duo's chest. WaveMine - A mine shoots in a wavy pattern out of Duo's chest. Laser - A Invis piercing laser shoots out of Duo's chest and has alternating rings that damage too! SuperJab - Many quick moving fists rain down cracking panels. This isn't easy to dodge. HyperMask - A large pinkish mask launches out and cracks a large portion of your panels. Strategy: Ahhhh!!! This is one of those battles that will drive you insane. Duo is extremely hard! His laser is the worst of his attacks and will easily do extreme damage if you can't move because of cracked panels. For dodging the laser move to the back row and watch for the laser ring to appear in your front row. The second that starts forming move forward and when the laser ring in his only row appears move to the back in order to not take damage. Now as for chip recommendations, bring a PanelReturn or two, and trust me when I say you'll thank yourself later. Also bring as many GunDelSol chips that you have come across as they really do a number on him! Make sure every one of your chips hit because this much HP will be difficult to take out (I miss FolderBak!). When Duo begins performing his SuperJab, quickly move to one of the panels he already hit with it because he will never hit the same panel twice. After a long and most likely difficult battle, you may actually defeat him. The difference between him and standard Duo is attack strength and HP mainly, but he also has a slight gold colour to him. I believe there is a DuoOmega, but until I face him myself, I have no idea if it is true. I would like someone to e-mail me to confirm this. There now you are done Mega Man Battle Network 4, congratulations! ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- E-00: Side Quests ------------------------------------------------------- There are a few side quests to do in this game. E-01: Getting the C-Slider ------------------------------------------------------- To get the C-Slider you need to find the three parts to it. The three parts are in the following positions: 1. TownArea2 - Lower area, pink navi hiding under a pathway. - 2000z 2. TownArea3 - Enter from a secret path in ParkArea1, hiding under the far platform. - 3000z 3. YumlandArea - On a side road hiding under a slope. - 4000z Once you have all of these parts head to NetFricaArea and find the exit in the upper-right hand corner. This will take you to a special area in Sharo where you'll find an official navi. Talk to him and then head to the main part of SharoArea. Off to the left of SharoArea is a blue gate that requires 500z to open it. If you have talked to the official navi and have all three parts of the C-Slider, the orange female navi will make it for you, free of charge. Congratulation, you now have the C-Slider! Use it to cross thin paths to find many good items. E-02: Piledriver ------------------------------------------------------- This side quest requires the C-Slider because you must enter the Undernet. Head to Undernet 3 and take the teleport point on the left side of the room to make your way to the entrance to Undernet 4. Use the C-Slider to cross various thin platforms. Make your way to the very end of Undernet 4 down bottom to find Django and Otenko standing by a coffin. Talk to him to discover that ShadeMan is in the coffin and that Django wants to use the Piledriver attack to finish ShadeMan. He says he needs his S.Sensor which he lost while battling ShadeMan in order to complete the PileDriver. He also says he thinks he lost it near the entrance to Undernet 1 in Undernet 2. The easiest thing to do is jack out and jack back in, but before you jack in MAKE SURE YOU JACK IN OUTSIDE AND NOT IN A BUILDING! Part of this side quest requires Lan being able to access the sunlight so jack in to the odd statue in NetFrica and go to Undernet 2. Shortly after entering you'll find an evil navi. Talk to him to discover he lost the S.Sensor to a navi in Undernet 6. Go there now. In Undernet 6 you'll find an evil navi somewhere who wants 10000z for the S.Sensor, pay up and return to Django. Once you give the S.Sensor to Django the piledriver will start being prepared. ShadeMan starts to sense the danger and forces his coffin off to the side. Mega Man then goes and drags it back to the centre. With one loud shout of "Taiyoouu!!!" the piledriver fires and ShadeMan comes bursting out of his coffin. He then insults Django for thinking the piledriver could stop him. He then starts to taint the sun beam, but Mega Man shoots him to stop his efforts. With one last shout ShadeMan disappears. After this Django will thank Mega Man and Lan for their help and if this is the first time you have done this side quest you'll receive the chip GunDelSol3 G. If you have the other 2 GunDelSol chips you can now form the Piledriver PA. After Django and Otenko leave, inspect ShadeMan's coffing to find the Nebula code. You must do this side quest in every difficulty if you want all the items behind the Nebula Gates on each difficulty. E-03: The Secret HP ------------------------------------------------------- The point of this side quest is to have easy access to Undernet 3. To get the "Secret HP" go to Sharo Space Station and jack into the Earth and Moon model upstairs. It doesn't say you can jack in, but you can, that's why I call it the Secret HP. This will take you to the Sharo Space Station HP. If you are late enough in the game you can link with your HP from a program here. Find and talk to the official navi on this HP to find out the P-Code that a navi was to give you is still with the navi, but in a place in the Undernet where he can "take a spin". After you're done head to Undernet 3. At Undernet 3 look on the outer part of the large circle to find another official navi. Talk to him to receive the SharoSpaceStationHP P-Code. This P-Code will allow you to open the security cube in Undernet 3 that comes from the Secret HP. Congratulations, now you can enter the Undernet without passing through Undernet areas 1 and 2. The placement of this cube is just right because it puts you at the crossroad between the two different deep sections of the Undernet. ------------------------------------------------------- F-00: Power-up Locations ------------------------------------------------------- Capcom has done something evil in this game. You MUST collect all the upgrades on EVERY DIFFICULTY LEVEL in order to receive 50MB and 1000HP. Otherwise it is IMPOSSIBLE to do in 3 playthroughs!. DO NOT LEAVE THE DIFFICULTY LEVEL YOU ARE ON BEFORE GETTING ALL OF THE UPGRADES FIRST! Here is the list: RegUps (Max 50MB) Location | Memory | How to get ------------------------|---------------|-------------- | | ------------------------------------------------------- | NORMAL | ------------------------------------------------------- | | Jomon Stereo | 1 | BMD Jomon Sign | 2 | BMD ElecTowerComp1 | 2 | BMD Dendome Locker Room | 1 | Chairs ParkArea1 | 2 | BMD ToyRoboComp1 | 1 | BMD ToyRoboComp3 | 2 | BMD YumlandArea | 2 | BMD NetFrica | 1 | Middle Hut Lion Statue | 2 | BMD AntennaComp1 | 1 | BMD NAXA Lobby | 3 | Space Suit Undernet 1 | 1 | BMD MeteorComp2 | 3 | BMD | | ------------------------------------------------------- | HARD | ------------------------------------------------------- | | ACDCArea1 | 2 | BMD TownArea1 | 1 | BMD Jomon Sign | 1 | BMD ElecTower | 1 | BMD ParkArea1 | 2 | BMD ToyRoboComp1 | 1 | BMD ToyRoboComp4 | 2 | BMD NetopiaArea | 1 | BMD Undernet 2 | 1 | BMD Ice Cream Stand | 1 | BMD SharoSpaceStationHP | 1 | BMD | | ------------------------------------------------------- | SUPER HARD | ------------------------------------------------------- | | ElecTowerComp2 | 1 | BMD ToyRoboComp4 | 1 | BMD YumlandArea | 2 | PMD MeteorComp1 | 2 | PMD | | Both of the ToyRoboComp RegUP amounts were one too high so even after I added the YumlandArea RegUP2 on normal mode there are still 2MB missing. I need this info to finally have a complete list of RegUps. ------------------------------------------------------- HPMemory (Max 1000HP) Location | How to get --------------------------------|---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | NORMAL | ------------------------------------------------------- | ACDCArea2 (2) | Netdealer TownArea1 | PMD TownArea3 (3) | Netdealer ElecTowerComp2 | BMD ParkArea2 | BMD Hotdog Stand | BMD Ice Cream Stand | BMD ToyRoboComp2 | BMD ToyRoboComp4 | BMD Castle Battle Machine | BMD NetopiaArea | BMD NetopiaArea (3) | Netdealer AntennaComp2 | BMD SharoArea | BMD Undernet 1 | BMD Undernet 1 (3) | Netdealer Undernet 3 | BMD Undernet 4 | BMD MeteorComp1 | BMD | ------------------------------------------------------- | HARD | ------------------------------------------------------- | ElecTowerComp2 | BMD Vending Machine | BMD ParkArea1 | BMD ToyRoboComp3 | BMD Buddha Statues | BMD SharoArea | BMD Undernet 1 | BMD MeteorComp3 | BMD | ------------------------------------------------------- | SUPER HARD | ------------------------------------------------------- | TownArea3 | PMD ElecTowerComp1 | BMD ParkArea3 | PMD ToyRoboComp1 | BMD NetfricaArea | BMD Undernet 4 | PMD Undernet 5 (2) | Netdealer Murkland 1 | BMD Murkland 2 | BMD MeteorComp2 | BMD | These are all of the HPMemories. Sub-Memories (Max 8 Subchips Location | How to get --------------------------------|---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | NORMAL | ------------------------------------------------------- | Castillo Ticket Machine | BMD Main Statue in Netfrica | BMD | ------------------------------------------------------- | HARD | ------------------------------------------------------- | Castle Battle Machine | BMD | ------------------------------------------------------- | SUPER HARD | ------------------------------------------------------- | SharoArea | BMD | These are all of the Sub-Memories If you missed a power-up from a previous playthrough it will be carried on to the next playthrough. If you missed even one power-up you'll have to go to a 4th playthrough to get them all! ------------------------------------------------------- G-00: Navi Customizer Upgrades ------------------------------------------------------- There are two types of upgrades for the Navi Customizer. The first are spin programs, the second are ExpMemory. I'll have a list for both. Spin Programs (Spin matching coloured programs) Location | Colour | How to get ------------------------|---------------|-------------- | | ------------------------------------------------------- | NORMAL | ------------------------------------------------------- | | Netopia Battle Machine | Pink | BMD Yumland Bronze Statue | White | BMD | | ------------------------------------------------------- | HARD | ------------------------------------------------------- | | TownArea2 | Green | PMD Netopia Sacred Statue | Yellow | BMD MeteorComp1 | Red | BMD | | ------------------------------------------------------- | SUPER HARD | ------------------------------------------------------- | | TownArea2 | Blue | PMD | | These are all of the Spin Programs. ExpMemory (Max 2) Location | How to get --------------------------------|---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | NORMAL | ------------------------------------------------------- | Horse and Chariot Statue | BMD Undernet 2 | BMD | These are all of the ExpMemories. That's all there is when it comes to Navi Customizer upgrades, but every last one of them is pretty usefull. ------------------------------------------------------- H-00: The Number Trader ------------------------------------------------------- These are the codes for the Number Trader that appears in Higsby's shop later in the game: Lotto Number | Item ----------------|-------------------------------------- | 77038416 | AirHockey 3 V 19095677 | ColorPoint * 46292983 | FlameLine 1 G 57604335 | FlameLine 3 J 74293099 | GunDelSol EX 66703422 | Recover300 J 32108251 | Snake R 88019791 | TwinFang 3 G 03696458 | VariableSword C 68009092 | WideShot 3 T | 25435428 | Beat 43494372 | Body Pack 05178924 | Buster Pack 75420107 | Custom2 30873642 | HP+500 97618739 | HP+500 02109544 | MegaFolder2 73298100 | Rush 10170506 | Tango | 59891137 | FullEnergy 84625799 | FullEnergy 27979609 | LockEnemy 37198940 | LockEnemy 16589650 | MiniEnergy 45798331 | MiniEnergy 24247309 | SneakRun 89866302 | SneakRun 00274304 | Unlocker 94872322 | Unlocker 14769745 | Untrap 02368995 | Untrap | Input these codes into the Number Trader to receive the item! ------------------------------------------------------- I-00: Chip List ------------------------------------------------------- This list is currently incomplete, but it will be updated with time. # | Name | ATK | Effect --------|---------------|-------|----------------------------------- | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | STANDARD | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | 001 | Cannon | 40 | Cannon attack to 1 enemy 002 | HiCannon | 80 | Cannon attack to 1 enemy 003 | M-Cannon | 120 | Cannon attack to 1 enemy 004 | AirShot | 20 | Knocks enemy back 1 005 | Vulcan1 | 10 | 3-shot to pierce 1 panel! 006 | Vulcan2 | 10 | 5-shot to pierce 1 panel! 007 | Vulcan3 | 10 | 7-shot to pierce 1 panel! 008 | Spreader | 30 | Creates a large explosion 009 | HeatShot | 40 | Explodes 1 square behind 010 | Heat-V | 70 | Explodes 2 diag squares 011 | HeatSide | 100 | Explodes up, down on hit 012 | Bubbler | 50 | Explodes 1 square behind 013 | Bub-V | 80 | Explodes 2 diag squares 014 | BublSide | 110 | Explodes up, down on hit 015 | Thunder1 | 40 | Pralyzing electric attack 016 | Thunder2 | 60 | Pralyzing electric attack 017 | Thunder3 | 80 | Pralyzing electric attack 018 | WideSht1 | 60 | Fires 3 sq shotgun blast! 019 | WideSht2 | 80 | Fires 3 sq shotgun blast! 020 | WideSht3 | 100 | Fires 3 sq shotgun blast! 021 | FlmLine1 | 70 | Firebeam 2sq ahead 3sq long! 022 | FlmLine2 | 120 | Firebeam 2sq ahead 3sq long! 023 | FlmLine3 | 170 | Firebeam 2sq ahead 3sq long! 024 | GunSol1 | ??? | Sunshine appear w/ Button 025 | GunSol2 | ??? | Sunshine appear w/ Button 026 | GunSol3 | ??? | Sunshine appear w/ Button 027 | Blizzard | 100 | Snowstorm attack! Ice Panel 028 | HeatBrth | 90 | Magma Firestorm attack! 029 | ElecShok | 80 | Cracker Electric blast 030 | WoodPwdr | 100 | Changes panels to grass 031 | SandRing | None | Opens a pitfall trap 032 | TwnFng1 | 70 | Launch 2 fangs up and down 033 | TwnFng2 | 100 | Launch 2 fangs up and down 034 | TwnFng3 | 130 | Launch 2 fangs up and down 035 | ElemFlar | 100 | 3-sq atk Powerful on magma 036 | ElemIce | 100 | 3-sq atk Powerful on ice 037 | ElemLeaf | 80 | 3-sq atk Powerful on grass 038 | ElemSand | 120 | 3-sq atk Powerful on pitfall 039 | MagBolt1 | 90 | Shocks an enemy ahead 040 | MagBolt2 | 110 | Shocks an enemy ahead 041 | MagBolt3 | 130 | Shocks an enemy ahead 042 | Tornado | 20 | Creates 8 whirlwind ahead 043 | Static | 20 | A static blast 2sq ahead 044 | MiniBomb | 50 | Throws a bomb 3 squares 045 | EnergBom | 40 | Throws bomb 3sq ahead 046 | MegEnBom | 60 | Throws bomb 3sq ahead 047 | Ball | 140 | Breaks 3rd panel ahead 048 | BlkBomb | 210 | Firebomb hits 3rd sq ahead! 049 | Geyser | 200 | Geyser 3 squares forward 050 | BugBomb | N/A | Throws a bug-bomb 3sq ahead 051 | Binder1 | 60 | Fires a sonic blast 052 | Binder2 | 80 | Fires a sonic blast 053 | Binder3 | 100 | Fires a sonic blast 054 | Sword | 80 | Cuts enmy in front! Range: 1 055 | WideSwrd | 80 | Cuts enmy in front! Range: 3 056 | LongSwrd | 80 | Cuts enmy in front! Range: 2 057 | WideBlde | 130 | Cuts enmy in front! Range: 3 058 | LongBlde | 130 | Cuts enmy in front! Range: 2 059 | CustSwrd | ??? | Cust Guage = Atk Str 060 | VarSwrd | 150 | A magical shifting sword 061 | Slasher | 240 | Cut while A Button is held! 062 | WindRack | 100 | Blow enmy in front! Range: 3 063 | AirHoc1 | 50 | Ricohet attack to right 064 | AirHoc2 | 60 | Ricohet attack to right 065 | AirHoc3 | 70 | Ricohet attack to right 066 | Counter1 | 70 | Counter attack to enemy 067 | Counter2 | 110 | Counter attack to enemy 068 | Counter3 | 150 | Counter attack to enemy 069 | Boomer1 | 60 | Boomerang encircles field 070 | Boomer2 | 80 | Boomerang encircles field 071 | Boomer3 | 100 | Boomerang encircles field 072 | SidBmbo1 | 80 | Lance attck 3sq ahead 073 | SidBmbo2 | 110 | Lance attck 3sq ahead 074 | SidBmbo3 | 140 | Lance attck 3sq ahead 075 | Lance | 130 | Lances through back line 076 | WhitWeb1 | 40 | Stretches web over enmy area 077 | WhitWeb2 | 40 | Stretches web on enmy area 078 | WhitWeb3 | 40 | Stretches web under enmy area 079 | MokoRus1 | 60 | 3 Molokos charge the enemy 080 | MokoRus2 | 90 | 3 Molokos charge the enemy 081 | MokoRus3 | 120 | 3 Molokos charge the enemy 082 | CircGun1 | 80 | Stop site w/ Button and attck 083 | CircGun2 | 100 | Stop site w/ Button and attck 084 | CircGun3 | 120 | Stop site w/ Button and attck 085 | Snake | 20 | Snack from hole in area 086 | Magnum | 130 | Cursor destroys panel! 087 | BigHamr1 | 160 | Hammr atk smashes in front! 088 | BigHamr2 | 220 | Hammr atk smashes in front! 089 | BigHamr3 | 280 | Hammr atk smashes in front! 090 | BoyBomb1 | 220 | Places BoyBom in you area 091 | BoyBomb2 | 250 | Places BoyBom in you area 092 | BoyBomb3 | 280 | Places BoyBom in you area 093 | TimeBomb | 150 | An area-wide time bomb 094 | Mine | 300 | Places a mine in enmy area 095 | RockCube | N/A | Places a rock cube in front 096 | Wind | N/A | WindBox blows at enmy area 097 | Fan | N/A | VacuumFan pulls enemies 098 | Fanfare | N/A | Take no dmg for a while 099 | Discord | N/A | Confuses enemies w/ music 100 | Timpani | N/A | Paralyzes enemies w/ music 101 | Silence | N/A | MuteAnt to blind enemy 102 | VDoll | N/A | Throws VDoll ahead 103 | Guard1 | 50 | Repels enemy's attack 104 | Guard2 | 80 | Repels enemy's attack 105 | Guard3 | 110 | Repels enemy's attack 106 | CrakOut | N/A | Destroys 1 panel in front 107 | DublCrak | N/A | Destroys 2 panels in front 108 | TripCrak | N/A | Destroys 3 panels in front 109 | Recov10 | N/A | Recovers 10HP 110 | Recov30 | N/A | Recovers 30HP 111 | Recov50 | N/A | Recovers 50HP 112 | Recov80 | N/A | Recovers 80HP 113 | Recov120 | N/A | Recovers 120HP 114 | Recov150 | N/A | Recovers 150HP 115 | Recov200 | N/A | Recovers 200HP 116 | Recov300 | N/A | Recovers 300HP 117 | Repair | N/A | Recovers HP of items 118 | PanlGrab | N/A | Steals 1 enemy square! 119 | AreaGrab | N/A | Steals left edge from enmy 120 | MetaGel | 120 | Gel attck steals a panel! 121 | GrabBnsh | ??? | Retaliate stolen panels! 122 | GrabRvng | ??? | Retaliate stolen panels! 123 | PnlRetrn | N/A | Fix your area's panels 124 | Geddon1 | N/A | Cracks all panel on screen 125 | Geddon2 | N/A | Breaks all empty panels 126 | Geddon3 | N/A | Turns all panels to swamp 127 | SloGauge | N/A | CustGuage Temporary slow-down 128 | FstGauge | N/A | CustGuage Temporary speed-up 129 | Blinder | N/A | Blinds enemy w/ light 130 | NrthWind | N/A | Wind blws off aura, barriers 131 | HolyPanl | N/A | Creates a HolyPanl in front 132 | Hole | N/A | Appears Hole in front 133 | Invis | N/A | Invisible for a while 134 | PopUp | N/A | Attacks frm under ground 135 | Barrier | N/A | Nullifies 10 HP of damage 136 | Barrier100 | N/A | Nullifies 100 HP of damage 137 | Barrier200 | N/A | Nullifies 200 HP of damage 138 | AntiFire | 200 | Fire atk damages you 139 | AntiWatr | 200 | Water atk damages you 140 | AntiElec | 200 | Elec atk damages you 141 | AntiWood | 200 | Wood atk damages you 142 | AntiDmg | 120 | Sets trap and throw stars 143 | AntiSwrd | 100 | Retaliate for sword damage 144 | AntiNavi | N/A | Takes the enemy's Navi away 145 | AntiRecv | N/A | Damages enemy in recovery 146 | CopyDmg | N/A | Duplicate damage to 2nd enemy 147 | LifeSync | N/A | Makes enmy's HP same 148 | Atk+10 | N/A | +10 for selected atk chip 149 | Navi+20 | N/A | +20 for selected Navi chip 150 | ColorPt | N/A | +10 for next chip attack | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | MEGA | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | 01 | SuprVolc | 10 | 12-shot vulcan cannon 02 | NeoVari | 240 | A magical shifting sword 03 | ShotStar | 40 | Drop many meteor on enmy area 04 | GodHammr | N/A | Places a stone statue 05 | Guardian | 200 | Statue retaliate when hit 06 | Jealousy | 80 | More chip mean more damage 07 | BugChain | N/A | Fires bugs into enmy area 08 | BugFix | N/A | Repairs & removes bugs 09 | FullCust | N/A | CustGuage instantly refills 10 | LifeAura | N/A | Repels all attck under 200 11 | Snctuary | N/A | Chng all own panel to holy 12 | Atk+30 | N/A | +30 for selected atk chip 13 | DblPoint | N/A | +20 for next chips attack 14 | Muramasa | ??? | EvilChip! Power = HP lost 15 | Anubis | ??? | EvilChip! Anubis poisons 16 | ElemDark | 220 | EvilChip! Powerful ovr swamp 17 | BlakWing | N/A | EvilChip! Wings descend 18 | DrkLine | N/A | Turns all rows into Holes 19 | Roll | 20 | Attcks an enmy, the heals you 20 | RollSP | ??? | Attcks an enmy, the heals you 21 | RollDS | ??? | Attcks an enmy, the heals you 22 | GutsMan | 80 | GutsHammr destroys enmy area 23 | GutsMnSP | ??? | GutsHammr destroys enmy area 24 | GutsMnDS | ??? | GutsHammr destroys enmy area 25 | WindMan | 40 | Whirlwind that spin acrss 3sq 26 | WindMnSP | ??? | Whirlwind that spin acrss 3sq 27 | WindMnDS | ??? | Whirlwind that spin acrss 3sq 28 | SerchMan | 20 | Stop site and fire 5 shots 29 | SrchMnSP | ??? | Stop site and fire 5 shots 30 | SrchMnDS | ??? | Stop site and fire 5 shots 31 | FireMan | 100 | Fire burn to front side 32 | FireMnSP | ??? | Fire burn to front side 33 | FireMnDS | ??? | Fire burn to front side 34 | ThunMan | 90 | Lightning strikes 3sq ahead 35 | ThunMnSP | ??? | Lightning strikes 3sq ahead 36 | ThunMnDS | ??? | Lightning strikes 3sq ahead 37 | TopMan | 20 | Attck hit 3 panels ahead 38 | TopMnSP | ??? | Attck hit 3 panels ahead 39 | TopMnDS | ??? | Attck hit 3 panels ahead 40 | BurnMan | 60 | 3-direct burnr fry 2 ahead! 41 | BurnMnSP | ??? | 3-direct burnr fry 2 ahead! 42 | BurnMnDS | ??? | 3-direct burnr fry 2 ahead! 43 | ColdMan | 100 | Ices over all and slides 44 | ColdMnSP | ??? | Ices over all and slides 45 | ColdMnDS | ??? | Ices over all and slides 46 | SparkMan | 70 | SparkWave blinds enemy! 47 | SprkMnSP | ??? | SparkWave blinds enemy! 48 | SprkMnDS | ??? | SparkWave blinds enemy! 49 | ShadeMan | 120 | CrshNoise attck all direction 50 | ShadMnSP | ??? | CrshNoise attck all direction 51 | ShadMnDS | ??? | CrshNoise attck all direction 52 | LaserMan | 100 | A laser pierces 1 thru! 53 | LasrMnSP | ??? | A laser pierces 1 thru! 54 | LasrMnDS | ??? | A laser pierces 1 thru! 55 | KendoMan | 70 | Attck hit an enemy in front 56 | KendMnSP | ??? | Attck hit an enemy in front 57 | KendMnDS | ??? | Attck hit an enemy in front 58 | VideoMan | 25 | Attack tape slam 2.5 in 59 | VideMnSP | ??? | Attack tape slam 2.5 in 60 | VideMnDS | ??? | Attack tape slam 2.5 in | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | GIGA | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | 1 | RedSun | ??? | A RedSun bombards 3 ahead 2 | HolyDrem | 50 | Holy shot sucks in HolyPanl! 3 | Bass | 60 | Buster rake half enmy area 4 | BugCharg | 80 | EvilChip! Gets powr with turn 5 | BlakBarr | N/A | A dark barrier regenrate | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | SECRET | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | 01 | RollAro1 | 50 | RollArrow destroys chips 02 | RollAro2 | 70 | RollArrow destroys chips 03 | RollAro3 | 90 | RollArrow destroys chips 04 | GutPnch1 | 100 | Launches GutPunch ahead 05 | GutPnch2 | 140 | Launches GutStrgt ahead 06 | GutPnch3 | 180 | Launches GutImpct ahead 07 | PropBom1 | 120 | Rushing causes an explosion 08 | PropBom2 | 160 | Rushing causes an explosion 09 | PropBom3 | 200 | Rushing causes an explosion 10 | SeekBom1 | 80 | Throws a bomb at the enemy 11 | SeekBom2 | 110 | Throws a bomb at the enemy 12 | SeekBom3 | 140 | Throws a bomb at the enemy 13 | Meteors1 | 50 | Fires 5 Meteors at enemy 14 | Meteors2 | 60 | Fires 5 Meteors at enemy 15 | Meteors3 | 70 | Fires 5 Meteors at enemy 16 | Ligtnin1 | 100 | Thunder strikes obstacles 17 | Ligtnin2 | 130 | Thunder strikes obstacles 18 | Ligtnin3 | 160 | Thunder strikes obstacles 19 | HawkCut1 | 80 | Cut twice once wide once long 20 | HawkCut2 | 90 | Cut twice once wide once long 21 | HawkCut3 | 100 | Cut twice once wide once long 22 | NumbrBl1 | ??? | 3-shot ball atk reduce HP 23 | NumbrBl2 | ??? | 4-shot ball atk reduce HP 24 | NumbrBl3 | ??? | 5-shot ball atk reduce HP 25 | MetlGer1 | 100 | Gear crushes enmy area 26 | MetlGer2 | 130 | Gear crushes enmy area 27 | MetlGer3 | 160 | Gear crushes enmy area 28 | PanlSht1 | 100 | Lifts panel and throws it 29 | PanlSht2 | 60 | Lifts panel and throws it 30 | PanlSht3 | 80 | Lifts panel and throws it 31 | AquaUp1 | 110 | Raises AquaTowrs frm crack 32 | AquaUp2 | 140 | Raises AquaTowrs frm crack 33 | AquaUp3 | 170 | Raises AquaTowrs frm crack 34 | GreenWd1 | 120 | Raises WoodTowrs frm grass 35 | GreenWd2 | 140 | Raises WoodTowrs frm grass 36 | GreenWd3 | 160 | Raises WoodTowrs frm grass 37 | GunSolEX | ??? | Fires a spread sunbeam 38 | Z Saver | 100 | Repliroid swrd cuts 3 times 39 | ProtoMan | 100 | Rush up to enemy and slice 40 | ProtoMSP | ??? | Rush up to enemy and slice 41 | ProtoMDS | ??? | Rush up to enemy and slice 42 | NumbrMan | 30 | Bomb 3 ahead! Hits 9sq 43 | NumbMnSP | ??? | Bomb 3 ahead! Hits 9sq 44 | NumbMnDS | ??? | Bomb 3 ahead! Hits 9sq 45 | MetalMan | 160 | Iron fist crushes 1sq ahead 46 | MetlMnSP | ??? | Iron fist crushes 1sq ahead 47 | MetlMnDS | ??? | Iron fist crushes 1sq ahead 48 | JunkMan | 100 | Throw any objects on field 49 | JunkMnSP | ??? | Throw any objects on field 50 | JunkMnDS | ??? | Throw any objects on field 51 | AquaMan | 70 | Water Gun sprays 2sq ahead 52 | AquaMnSP | ??? | Water Gun sprays 2sq ahead 53 | AquaMnDS | ??? | Water Gun sprays 2sq ahead 54 | WoodMan | 130 | WoodTowr pierce to enmy area 55 | WoodMnSP | ??? | WoodTowr pierce to enmy area 56 | WoodMnDS | ??? | WoodTowr pierce in enmy area | | | This list was made from the Red Sun library so Blue Moon navis are in the secret section instead of the mega chip section. This is the complete chip library! I-01: Program Advances ------------------------------------------------------- The following is a list of the Program Advances: # | Name | Chips --------|---------------|------------------------------------------------------- | | 01 | GigaCan1 | Cannon ABC 02 | GigaCan2 | HiCannon CDE 03 | GigaCan3 | M-Cannon EFG 04 | H-Burst | Spreader LMN 05 | HeatSprd | HeatShot BCD, Heat-V CDE, HeatSide DEF 06 | BubSprd | Bubbler PQR, Bub-V CDE, BublSide DEF 07 | SuprSpr1 | WideSht1 CDE 08 | SuprSpr2 | WideSht2 LMN 09 | SuprSpr3 | WideSht3 STU 10 | FlmCros1 | FlmLine1 FGH 11 | FlmCros2 | FlmLine2 DEF 12 | FlmCros3 | FlmLine3 JKL 13 | BstFang1 | TwnFng1 ABC 14 | BstFang2 | TwnFng2 OPQ 15 | BstFang3 | TwnFng3 FGH 16 | MagShok1 | MagBolt1 BCD 17 | MagShok2 | MagBolt2 EFG 18 | MagShok3 | MagBolt3 ABC 19 | PitHoky1 | AirHoc1 DEF 20 | PitHoky2 | AirHoc2 IJK 21 | PitHoky3 | AirHoc3 UVW 22 | PitRng1 | Boomer1 LMN 23 | PitRng2 | Boomer2 LMN 24 | PitRng3 | Boomer3 STU 25 | LifeSrd | Sword, WideSwrd, LongSwrd or Sword, WideBlde, LongBlde 26 | TimeBom+ | TimeBomb JKL 27 | BodyGrd | AntiDmg, AntiNavi, Muramasa 28 | PoisPhar | Hole, DrkLine, Anubis 29 | P.Driver | GunSol1, GunSol2, GunSol3 30 | DarkNeo | DrkLine, BugChain, Bass | | This is a complete list of PAs. Anything that does not have a code listed beside it means that there is only one code that works for the PA. This code would be whatever the Mega/Giga chip uses. Some chips must be used in * code to perform the advance however. The exception is LifeSrd where Sword, WideSwrd, and LongSwrd have 3 different matching codes. Perform all of these PAs to receive the PA Complete menu icon. I-02: Button Commands ------------------------------------------------------- Some chips in the game can have special commands inputted into them. Some commands come with a diagram, this is their legend: M - Mega Man H - Area Hit > - Attack Direction Here's the list: Variable Sword 1. LongSword Button Command: Down, Right Diagram: [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][M][H][H][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] 2. WideSword Button Command: Up, Right, Down Diagram: [ ][ ][H][ ][ ][ ] [ ][M][H][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][H][ ][ ][ ] 3. HeroSword Button Command: Left, Down, Right Diagram: [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][M][H][H][H][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] 4. LifeSword Button Command: Down, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down Diagram: [ ][ ][H][H][ ][ ] [ ][M][H][H][ ][ ] [ ][ ][H][H][ ][ ] 5. Sonic Boom Button Command: Left, B, Right, B Diagram: [_][_][>][>][H][_] [_][M][>][>][H][_] [_][_][>][>][H][_] -----------> A single wave attack that travels across the screen until it hits something. Neo-Variable Sword 1. Cross Slash Button Command: Down, Right, Up Diagram: [ ][H][ ][H][ ][ ] [ ][M][H][ ][ ][ ] [ ][H][ ][H][ ][ ] 2. Double LifeSword Button Command: Up, B, Down, B, Up, B Diagram: [ ][ ][H][H][ ][ ] [ ][M][H][H][ ][ ] [ ][ ][H][H][ ][ ] 3. Piercing Sonic Boom Button Command: Left, B, Right, B Diagram: [ ][ ][>][>][H][>] [ ][M][>][>][H][>] [ ][ ][>][>][H][>] -----------> Same thing as Variable Sword Sonic Boom except it pierces any object! FireMan Navi Chip 1. Lava Strike Button Command: Hold Right, before FireMan uses his flamethrower. Effect: Turns the attacked panels to lava panels. LaserMan Navi Chip 1. Buster Power-Down Button Command: Hold Up, as LaserMan attacks. Effect: Reverts opponent's buster to 1 on every stat. 2. Navi Customizer Crash Button Command: Hold Left, as LaserMan attacks Effect: Causes opponent's Navi Customizer to be disabled! 3. Custom -1 Glitch Button Command: Hold Down, as LaserMan attacks Effect: Causes opponent to suffer a Custom -1 glitch. 4. Charge Bugger Button Command: Hold Right, as LaserMan attacks Effect: Causes opponent's charge shot to only cause 10 damage. SearchMan Navi Chips 1. Stop Cursor Button Command: A+B together. Effect: Stops the cursor + breaks opponent's chips! ShadeMan Navi Chip 1. Stun Ray Button Command: Down+Right when ShadeMan spreads his wings Effect: Paralyzes opponent. 2. Confuse Ray Button Command: Down+Left when ShadeMan sreads his wings Effect: Confuse opponent. ------------------------------------------------------- J-00: Bosses ------------------------------------------------------- In this section I will list various info and stratagies about each navi! They will be listed in the order they appear in my guide. The area labeled "Location" means where the V2 navi will be after you have defeated their V1 somewhere else. The SP form of the navi will then be located in the same place and appear in random battles. ShadeMan.EXE: Location: Undernet 4 Hp - V1 = 500 V2 = 800 V3 = 1200 SP = 1800 Attacks: Bat Swarm - ShadeMan summons 3 bats that make their way across the area and turn once (kinda like a slow, big ratton). Sonic Wave - ShadeMan comes close to Mega Man and fires a Sonic Wave: [ ][H][ ][ ][ ][ ] M - Mega Man [ ][M][H][S][ ][ ] H - Areas Hit [ ][H][ ][ ][ ][ ] S - ShadeMan Strategy: Unlike his other forms, ShadeManSP can be injured by other things than Dark Chips. To delete his SP form it is wise to have a folder with plenty of GunDelSols and LifeSword PAs. ShadeManSP will burt into 4 bats when he is hit with anything other than your buster or a GunDelSol chip. When he splits, one bat will be a "true bat" which means it can be injured. To use the Piledriver PA on ShadeManSP, split him with a charge shot, use a buster shot to find out which is the real bat and then start the PA. For LifeSword, lure him to the bottom row, split him when he is close enough then follow up with the PA. If you are good enough, he will be deleted. SparkMan.EXE HP - V1 = 600 V2 = 1000 V3 = 1400 SP = 2000 Location: ACDCArea3 Attacks: SparkBomb - SparkMan appears and lunches a bomb that floats towards you. It detonates in a cross pattern. [H][ ][H][ ][ ][ ] M - Mega Man [M][H][ ][ ][S][ ] H - Areas Hit [H][ ][H][ ][ ][ ] S - SparkMan ElectricSurge - A surge of Electricity goes up and down each row. It goes pretty fast so be careful. MegaFlash - A white light flashes and a holographic Mega Man tries to slice you up. Get out of his way. Strategy: DEFENSIVE CHIPS! This guy is a real pain. His attacks are easily predictable, but hard to dodge. Invisies and barriers should work nicely. Continue to pummel him with chips until he is deleted and remember, his SparkBombs will detonate no matter what if he launches them in the middle. You can't see SparkMan very long so it would be best to use time stopping chips to hit him. TopMan.EXE HP - V1 = 600 V2 = 900 V3 = 1200 SP = 1600 Location: TownArea1 Attacks: Mini-Top Blast - TopMan fires some mini-tops that move diagonally and bounce off the sides of the field. Big-Top Rush - TopMan turns himself into a giant top and rushes toward and then moves back to where he started. Big-Top Smash - TopMan turns himself into a giant top, leaps into the air a to crush you. Strategy: TopMan isn't all that difficult, the only move that is difficult to avoid is the Mini-Top Blast. Using PAs on TopMan is fairly simple because he isn't all that fast. Use things like LifeSword and GigaCannon to cause damage. Remember, TopMan can't be harmed when he is in top form, so make sure your timing is right. GutsMan.EXE HP - V1 = 500 V2 = 900 V3 = 1300 SP = 1700 Location: ACDCArea2 Attacks: GutsHammer - GutsMan's hammer crashes down causing rocks to fall down and crack panels. GutPunch - GutsMan teleports in front of Mega Man and punches, this can be a Rocket Punch when he reaches V2. GutBuster - Nothing, but a few short range buster shots. Strategy: *sigh* I almost pity the poor lug. He's slow, predictable, and weak in a lot of cases. He's been powered WAY down from EXE3. If you get deleted by GutsMan, you were either A. Panel locked and hopeless or B. You need some serious practice. Just pummel the poor lug whatever way you see fit. FireMan.EXE HP - V1 = 1000 V2 = 1300 SP = 1700 Location: TownArea2 Attacks: Flamethrower - FireMan advances to the front row and shoots fire 3 squares ahead. FireMagmaTower - FireMan sends a FireTower toward you that turns the panels it passes on to lava. MagmaBomb - FireMan fires 2 bombs out of his head that turn the panels they land on to lava. Strategy: Having a PanelReturn chip with you would be great. You can get one off of Higsby. All the lava panels can become a problem if you don't delete FireMan quick. FireMan is week against aqua chips so if you have it, use the BubSpread PA to cause 600 damage (ouch). Always try and make FireMan use his MagmaBombs on the back panels if possible. Use PanelReturn to restore your field if the lava panels become a problem. By this point it is also possible to have the PileDriver PA and GunDelSolEX, two very good combos. FireMan shouldn't be a problem if you're ready for him. BurnerMan.EXE HP - V1 = 700 V2 = 1100 V3 = 1500 SP = 1900 Location: ParkArea2 Attacks: Flamethrower - It wouldn't be a fire navi without a 3 square range flamethrower. DaskAttack - BurnerMan charges at you in order to cause damage. PropaneTorches - The two torches in the battle move back and forth and shoot you when on the same column. Strategy: Ohh boy, this guy's a pain. His attacks are easy to dodge, but those torches are too much. If you have some, use RockCubes and other such obstacles to lock those darn torches on his side. This will make the battle much easier. So my strategy is, bring RockCubes to block his torches and chips that either fire straight ahead or can reach panels behind obstacles without hitting them. This will leave BurnerMan defenseless without his torches to iritate you and you able to hit him from afar. Having SearchSoul on this navi would be PERFECT because it can hit an enemy anywhere, anytime and only attack one square. Here's a small diagram of the winning strategy: [ ][ ][ ][R][T][ ] M - Mega Man R - RockCube [ ][M][ ][ ][B][ ] B - BurnerMan [ ][ ][ ][R][T][ ] T - Torch VideoMan.EXE HP - V1 = 800 V2 = 1100 V3 = 1300 SP = 1700 Location: ParkArea3 Attacks: Tape Reel - A 1HP string of tape will block out the 3rd and 4rd column on the field. Shoot it! Tape Case - A large tape case comes up and does multiple hits to a 2x2 section of your field. MegaFlash - VideoMan moves to the front row and produces a copy of Mega Man to attack you. FastFwd - VideoMan starts moving much more quickly. Rewind - VideoMan starts recovering HP fairly quickly. Strategy: What a pest. Much like with BurnerMan, VideoMan has one thing to make him a pain. His Tape Reels! They get in the way and reproduce like crazy. His MegaFlash can be annoying because he automatically uses a chip to reach you. Now as for a winning strategy. It's time to bring out the old panel lock routine. If you have lots of AreaGrabs put a lot in your folder. This will put VideoMan at your mercy because you'll grab past his Tape Reel and have a spot to move if he uses his MegaFlash. Once panel locked, put the pain on him with things like LifeSword and GigaCannon because you can't miss a sitting duck... and once that duck is deleted, you'll feel much better. Roll.EXE HP - V1 = 700 V2 = 1000 V3 = 1300 SP = 1600 Location: TownArea3 Attacks: Roll Arrow - A low damage, slow moving arrow, THAT SHATTERS ALL OF YOUR SELECTED CHIPS! Headband Smack - Roll teleports in front of you and gives you a taste of her headband. Summon - Roll summons a virus, it might even be a pretty powerful virus. Strategy: This girl is one pest to hit. The main strategy is not letting her viruses live. She's too easy to beat without them. If you want to hit her with big things you'll have to either panel lock her (recommended) or simply fire at her when she teleports to use her headband. WindMan.EXE HP - V1 = 800 V2 = 1200 V3 = 1500 SP = 1800 Location: YumlandArea Attacks: Triple Pigeon - WindMan fires three birds your way. They're easy to dodge. Turn Fan - An odd fan that will turn once in order to hit you. Tornado - WindMan will suck in Mega Man and fire some tornadoes at him. Strategy: Oh what a pain. This navi is beyond annoying. There's no real strategy I can give you besides using plenty of HP+ NCP and bringing lots and lots of powerful chips. Also panel locking him is always good it will keep him out of your way for awhile. Show him who's boss! KendoMan.EXE HP - V1 = 800 V2 = 1200 V3 = 1600 SP = 2000 Location: NetfricaArea Attacks: DaskAttack - This seems to be a common technique. KendoMan charges at you. CloneAttack - KendoMan splits into three and launches multiple blasts at you. StickSwipe - If you are on the front row, KendoMan will whap you with his stick. RushSwipe - KendoMan rushes up to you to swipe you with his stick. Strategy: KendoMan can be easy. When he uses his CloneAttack just move up and down rapidly to avoid getting caught. If you do get caught, you'll get pummeled. Stay out of the front row to avoid getting smacked with his all mighty stick. Just move out of the way of his DashAttack and soon enough, he will be deleted. ColdMan.EXE HP - V1 = 800 V2 = 1200 V3 = 1500 SP = 1900 Location: SharoArea Attacks: Crusher - ColdMan leaps into the air and tries to crush you. It also breaks your panel. IceCube - ColdMan produces some ice cubes and pushes them at you if you are on the same row. HomingMist - ColdMan produces some mist and it comes at you until it goes out the other side. Strategy: This can be a difficult battle if you don't have things to deal with obstacles and the constant breaking of your panels can get disturbing. If you have it, use the poltergeist chip to toss his own ice cubes at him. Otherwise just try and force him to break your back panels with his attacks and destroy his mist with a quick charge shot. He's a coward so maybe some boomerang chips might work. That's all I can really think of. ThunderMan.EXE HP - V1 = 800 V2 = 1200 V3 = 1600 SP = 2000 Location: NetopiaArea Attacks: LightningBlast - ThunderMan moves to the front row and blasts anything in the same row as him. LightningStrike - ThunderMan raises his hands and shoots 3 bolts of lightning, ThunderCloud - The cloud shoots a spark at you when you're ajacent to it. Strategy: I HATE ELECTRICITY! Seriously though, ThunderMan is one of the most annoying navis in this game. That stupid little cloud can leave you paralyzed for quite some time if it gets you the right way, and on the upper difficulties that thing hurts. ThunderMan's other attacks are easy to dodge, but that cloud makes things difficult. The only real strategy I can give you is to bring lots of Boomer chips because they do double damage and ThunderMan likes to hang out in the back. Another small strategy for ThunderMan is to block his cloud with a Rockcube chip. This will stop it from moving. This doesn't work with the main strategy however, because it would either block the boomer chips or they would destroy the Rockcube. This strategy is for when you just can't deal with that cloud. SearchMan.EXE HP - V1 = 900 V2 = 1200 V3 = 1500 SP = 1800 Location: Undernet 1 Attacks: Grenade - SearchMan makes a hole and tosses to grenades at Mega Man. They explode in a + shape. Vulcan Shot - SearchMan uses his crosshair to lock on and fire at you. SateliteBomber - SearchMan sends his crosshair around the field. If it locks on a X like blast will fire. Strategy: SearchMan really isn't all that difficult. Dodging his grenades is the only really difficult thing to do. Just pummel SearchMan in whatever way you want and be careful of his moving crosshair and of being locked on to. After some time, you'll delete him. LaserMan.EXE HP - V1 = 1000 V2 = 1400 V3 = 1800 SP = 2200 Location: Undernet 5 (Requires all 6 souls) Attacks: CrossLaser - Laser fire in a + shape and breaks the middle panel of the blast. LaserBeam - Time freezes and a large laser is shot straight ahead. Avalanche - A HUGE laser fires into the sky and rocks start to fall for awhile. DarkLense - A hole opens up and LaserMan begins to quickly recover HP. Strategy: Well I can't say I found LaserMan hard because I found an interesting strategy. This doesn't work for Blue Moon players because it requires WindSoul. Use WindSoul in this battle to blow LaserMan close to you. Then use your charged shot to send him back. The great thing about this is, it will stop the rocks from coming on your head because the air effect stuns LaserMan canceling the current attack (except if he has started his CrossLaser). After some Laser Tennis he'll be deleted. BassOmega.EXE HP = 3000 Location: Murkland 2 (Lots of requirements) Attacks: BassBuster - A small, but painful dual-buster shot DarkEnergySlash - Bass moves in front of you and slashes using dark energy. It is possible for him to go behind you and do another strike as well. DarkMatter - Bass raises his hands and throws two wheels of dark matter above and below you and then moves forward to slash you from in front and behind and may do another attack from the front! DarkDestruction - Bass appears above you and releases a huge amount of energy that will crack all but your front row. Strategy: You're quite dead... VERY dead, especially since I cannot think of a single strategy for you, my only advice is to steal his area so losing your back rows won't do anything and to bring some powerful PAs. I still don't recommend dark chips. I did it without them, so can you. The only real exceptions between this Bass and the other, is speed, HP, and attack strength. Good luck. Some of the HP amounts might be incorrect. I would be thankful for someone to e-mail me the correct HP. ------------------------------------------------------- K-00: Frequently Asked Questions ------------------------------------------------------- Q: "Number Trader Code" doesn't work! A: I've tested all of these myself. They DO WORK try again and put it in right this time! Q: I know where "such and such" is. How can I add it? A: E-mail the info to me and I'll add it to the guide. Q: Can I add this guide to my site? A: Go ahead, and thanks for asking permission first. ------------------------------------------------------- L-00: Credits ------------------------------------------------------- In this version of my guide I've had a few helpers that have e-mailed me with usefull information. The biggest contributer by far at this point is: Tianhou Zhong Who sent me a file that allowed me to complete my Chip List and add in a complete list of PAs. Other small contributers were: Tom Krausse - A small list of missing Library chips limp jizzle - RegUP2 in YumlandArea Adrian Graiye - Small tip for beating ThunderMan Crazychimps - Small tip for dodging Duo's SuperJab jon lai - Confirming Duo Omega info and mentioning his gold tint That's all right now. The rest was done by me. My e-mail is scott231ca@yahoo.ca Send any questions or comments there. This guide took me awhile to do and I hope it will help you out with MMBN4.