Megaman Battle Network 4 Blue Moon/Red Sun: P.A. Guide by Zidanet_129 Megaman Battle Network 4 Blue Moon/Red Sun and all related contents and images are originally copyrighted to Capcom. ------------------------------ Table of Contents: 1. Prologue 2. Letter PAs 3. Special PAs 4. Dark Messiah NEO PA 5. Version Updates 6. Legal Stuff & Credits 7. Contact Me ------------------------------ 1. Prologue (^1) This is my first FAQ in the year of 2004! The P.A.s, or Program Advances, are toned down slightly from the ones in Megaman Battle Network 3. The Program Advances are usually composed of 3 Battle Chips selected in a preset order. For methods of getting the Chips, please refer to other Guides. To find the part you need help with, hit Ctrl + F to open the Find... Window, and type in "^x" and replace the "x" with the desired number of topic that you need help with. For example, to find ways of composing Letter Series of P.A.s, you can type in "^2" and then look for the desired P.A.. The Program Advances Guide will be in the following format: Program Advance Name/U.S. Translation | Program Advance Number Chips Required (U.S. Translation of the Chips if the difference is too dinstinct) Damage per Hit Number of Hits Description Range of Hit (in diagram) Here's the general legend for the Range of Hit: M = Megaman E = Enemies that could be hit P = Empty Panels Alright, here we go. ------------------------------ 2. Letter Series (^2) Letter Series: Composed of 3 Identical Chips with Chip Codes put into series. They, unlike the Zeta Series from MMBN3, give you the ability to use strong attacks evolved from the Chips you used, instead of 5-second invisibility and infinite use of the Chip. Giga-Cannon1 / GigaCan1 | Program Advance #01 Cannon A-B-C Damage per Hit: 300 Number of Hits: 1 Description: Rockman pulls out a rather large Cannon and fires it. Range of Hit: PPPPPP PMEEEE PPPPPP The Cannon can hit only one enemy. Giga-Cannon2 / GigaCan2 | Program Advance #02 HiCannon C-D-E Damage per Hit: 400 Number of Hits: 1 Description: Rockman pulls out a rather large Cannon and fires it. Range of Hit: PPPPPP PMEEEE PPPPPP The Cannon can hit only one enemy. Giga-Cannon3 / GigaCan3 | Program Advance #03 MegaCannon E-F-G Damage per Hit: 500 Number of Hits: 1 Description: Rockman pulls out a rather large Cannon and fires it. Range of Hit: PPPPPP PMEEEE PPPPPP The Cannon can hit only one enemy. Hyper Burst / H.Burst | Program Advance #04 SpreaderGun L-M-N (Spreader L-M-N) Damage per Hit: 100 Number of Hits: 5 Description: Acts like a 5-hit SpreaderGun. Range of Hit: PPP222 PMP212 PPP222 (When you hit anything on 1, the 1 itself and all the 2's will get hit for 5 times) Heat Spread / HeatSprd | Program Advance #05 HeatShot B-C-D / Heat-V B-C-D / HeatSide D-E-F / HeatShot-Heat-V-HeatSide D Damage per Hit: 300 Number of Hits: 1 Description: Acts like a Heat-Elemental SpreaderGun. Range of Hit: PPP222 PMP212 PPP222 (When you hit anything on 1, the 1 itself and all the 2's will get hit.) Bubble Spread / BubSprd | Program Advance #06 BubbleShot P-Q-R / Bubble-V C-D-E / BubbleSide D-E-F (BubShot P-Q-R / Bub-V C-D-E / BubSide D-E-F) Damage per Hit: 300 Number of Hits: 1 Description: Acts like a Aqua-Elemental SpreaderGun. Range of Hit: PPP222 PMP212 PPP222 (When you hit anything on 1, the 1 itself and all the 2's will get hit.) Super Wide 1 / SprWide1 | Program Advance #07 WideShot1 C-D-E Damage per Hit: 60 Number of Hits: 3 Description: Launchs 3 WideShot1's that pierces. Range of Hit: PPEEEE PMEEEE PPEEEE Super Wide 2 / SprWide2 | Program Advance #08 WideShot2 L-M-N Damage per Hit: 80 Number of Hits: 3 Description: Launchs 3 WideShot2's that pierces. Range of Hit: PPEEEE PMEEEE PPEEEE Super Wide 3 / SprWide3 | Program Advance #09 WideShot3 S-T-U Damage per Hit: 100 Number of Hits: 3 Description: Launchs 3 WideShot3's that pierces. Range of Hit: PPEEEE PMEEEE PPEEEE Flame Cross 1 / FlmCros1 | Program Advance #10 FlameLine1 F-G-H Damage per Hit: 300 Number of Hits: 1 Description: Launches a burning Cross whose center is two panels ahead. Range of Hit: PPPEPP PMEEEP PPPEPP Flame Cross 2 / FlmCros2 | Program Advance #11 FlameLine2 D-E-F Damage per Hit: 400 Number of Hits: 1 Description: Launches a burning Cross whose center is two panels ahead. Range of Hit: PPPEPP PMEEEP PPPEPP Flame Cross 3 / FlmCros3 | Program Advance #12 FlameLine3 J-K-L Damage per Hit: 500 Number of Hits: 1 Description: Launches a burning Cross whose center is two panels ahead. Range of Hit: PPPEPP PMEEEP PPPEPP Hell Boomerang 1 / PitRng1 | Program Advance #13 Boomerang1 L-M-N (Boomer1 L-M-N) Damage per Hit: 200 Number of Hits: (Depending on enemy position) Description: (Thanks to Casebier for the info!) Three Boomerangs are fired, one after the other. The first is released on the bottom, sweeping along the enemies' back column before coming back. The second one is released on the top, sweeping along the enemies' center column before coming back. The third is released on the bottom, sweeping along the enemies' front column before coming back. Range of Hit: 333321 PMP111 333321 Special Legend: 3 = 3 hits 2 = 2 hits 1 = 1 hit Hell Boomerang 2 / PitRng2 | Program Advance #14 Boomerang2 L-M-N (Boomer2 L-M-N) Damage per Hit: 250 Number of Hits: (Depending on enemy position) Description: (Thanks to Casebier for the info!) Three Boomerangs are fired, one after the other. The first is released on the bottom, sweeping along the enemies' back column before coming back. The second one is released on the top, sweeping along the enemies' center column before coming back. The third is released on the bottom, sweeping along the enemies' front column before coming back. Range of Hit: 333321 PMP111 333321 Special Legend: 3 = 3 hits 2 = 2 hits 1 = 1 hit Hell Boomerang 3 / PitRng3 | Program Advance #15 Boomerang3 S-T-U (Boomer3 S-T-U) Damage per Hit: 300 Number of Hits: (Depending on enemy position) Description: (Thanks to Casebier for the info!) Three Boomerangs are fired, one after the other. The first is released on the bottom, sweeping along the enemies' back column before coming back. The second one is released on the top, sweeping along the enemies' center column before coming back. The third is released on the bottom, sweeping along the enemies' front column before coming back. Range of Hit: 333321 PMP111 333321 Special Legend: 3 = 3 hits 2 = 2 hits 1 = 1 hit Mad Fang 1 / BstFang1 | Program Advance #16 TwinFang1 A-B-C Damage per Hit: 50 Number of Hits: 8 Description: Fires TwinFang1 8 times. Range of Hit: (Thanks to Casebier for the info!) PPEEEE PMPPPP PPEEEE Mad Fang 2 / BstFang2 | Program Advance #17 TwinFang2 O-P-Q Damage per Hit: 60 Number of Hits: 8 Description: Fires TwinFang2 8 times. Range of Hit: (Thanks to Casebier for the info!) PPEEEE PMPPPP PPEEEE Mad Fang 3 / BstFang3 | Program Advance #18 TwinFang3 F-G-H Damage per Hit: 70 Number of Hits: 8 Description: Fires TwinFang3 8 times. Range of Hit: (Thanks to Casebier for the info!) PPEEEE PMPPPP PPEEEE Jigoku Hockey 1 / PitHoky1 | Program Advance #19 AirPuck1 D-E-F (AirHock1 D-E-F) Damage per Hit: 100 Number of Hits: (depends on how mant times the enemy avoids the bounce) Description: Fires an AirPuck1 that bounces 18 times in the enemy area before disappearing. Range of Hit: PPPPEP PMPEPE PPPPEP Jigoku Hockey 2 / PitHoky2 | Program Advance #20 AirPuck2 I-J-K (AirHock2 I-J-K) Damage per Hit: 150 Number of Hits: (depends on how mant times the enemy avoids the bounce) Description: Fires an AirPuck2 that bounces 18 times in the enemy area before disappearing. Range of Hit: PPPPEP PMPEPE PPPPEP Jigoku Hockey 3 / PitHoky3 | Program Advance #21 AirPuck3 U-V-W (AirHock3 U-V-W) Damage per Hit: 200 Number of Hits: (depends on how mant times the enemy avoids the bounce) Description: Fires an AirPuck3 that bounces 18 times in the enemy area before disappearing. Range of Hit: PPPPEP PMPEPE PPPPEP MagShock 1 / ??? | Program Advance #22 MagBolt1 B-C-D Damage per Hit: 200 Number of Hits: 1 Description: Attracts all enemies to their front row. Electrically shocks at a range of a WideSword. Range of Hit: PPPEPP PPMEPP PPPEPP MagShock 2 / ??? | Program Advance #23 MagBolt2 E-F-G Damage per Hit: 250 Number of Hits: 1 Description: Attracts all enemies to their front row. Electrically shocks at a range of a WideSword. Range of Hit: PPPEPP PPMEPP PPPEPP MagShock 3 / ??? | Program Advance #24 MagBolt3 A-B-C Damage per Hit: 300 Number of Hits: 1 Description: Attracts all enemies to their front row. Electrically shocks at a range of a WideSword. Range of Hit: PPPEPP PPMEPP PPPEPP ------------------------------ 3. Special Series (^3) Special Series: Composed of 3 Different Chips with the same Chip Codes. These Program Advances usually ultilize the Chips being used to compose the Program Advance and deal a great deal of damage to the enemies. Dream Sword / LifeSrd| Program Advance #25 Sword-WideSword-LongSword E/L/S Sword-WideBlade-LongBlade S (Sword-WideSwrd-LongSwrd E/L/S Sword-WideBlde-LongBlde S) Damage per Hit: 400 Number of Hits: 1 Description: Rockman slashes the area of 3x2 in front of him with a huge Sword. Range of Hit: PPEEPP PMEEPP PPEEPP Pile Driver / P.Driver | Program Advance #26 Gun Del Sol 1-2-3 G (GunSol1-2-3 G) Damage per Hit: 40 Number of Hits: Up to 10 Description: A reflective mirror appears in front of Rockman to launch a HUGE beam of sunlight at the enemy, dealing 400 damage. If the panel of the enemy's last column has nothing on it and is not broken, another reflective mirror will also appear there and send another beam of sunlight to deal extra damage. This PA is NOT affected by Atk+ Chips or Color/Double Point. Range of Hit: PPPPPP PPMRER PPPPPP Special legends: R = Reflective Mirrors Giga Count-Bomb / TimeBom+ | Program Advance #27 CountBomb J-K-L (TimeBomb J-K-L) Damage per Hit: 600 Number of Hits: 1 Description: Rockman creates a Count Bomb that has a very high duration. Range of Hit: PPPEEE PMPEEE PPPEEE Poison Pharoah / PoisPhar | Program Advance #28 DarkHole *-DarkLine *-PoisonAnubis A (Hole *-DarkLin *-Anubis A) Damage per Hit: 1 Number of Hits: Unlimited as long as the Pharoah Statue stays active and enemies stays alive. Description: A HUGE Purple PharoMan Statue drops in front of Rockman and poisons the enemies twice as fast as the Anubis Statue. The effect will keep on until the enemies are deleted OR until the Purple PharoMan Statue was destroyed. Range of Hit: EEEEEE EMEEEE EEEEEE Hits EVERYONE on the Battlefield except for Rockman. Body Guard / BodyGrd | Program Advance #29 Kiwarimi-NaviScout-Muramasa Blade M (AntiMagc-AntiNavi-Muramasa M) Damage per Hit: 100 Number of Hits: 10 Description: The Battle continue as usual, but with Shurikens raining down on enemies from above the ceiling and chases after the enemies for 8 times. Terribly toned down from BN3. Aren't we disappointed. Range of Hit: PPPEEE PMPEEE PPPEEE Not sure if it'll hit behind Rockman. Hits are evenly distributed if there is more than one enemy. ------------------------------ 4. Dark Messiah NEO P.A. (^4) It's STILL not right for a Program Advance to hag a unique section of this FAQ, but this P.A. is too special to be placed with along with the others, considering it IS the only P.A. that uses Navi Chips and is apparently the only Dark P.A. (Only usable by DS Rockman). Plus it's a LEGAL P.A. that involved Forte, Rock's long-time rival...... Dark Messiah NEO | Program Advance #30 DarkLine *-BugChain *-Forte (Red Sun)/Forte Another (Blue Moon) X (DarkLin *-BugChain *-Bass (Red Sun)/BassAnly (Blue Moon) X) Damage per Hit: 250 Number of Hits: 4 Description: Rockman MUST be BLACK to use this P.A.. According to Nomia Karen: "Forte rises from where Rockman is, then 2 purple balls appear in his hands as he summons Rockman (black). Rockman is holding the thing that looks like the Bug Charge chip, and 9 Gospel heads start flying in the 3 rows (he won't shoot the bottom row if he's on the top one), dealing 250 damage each. Finally, Forte falls down to the 4th row from the left and does his move that crack 6 panels (it still does 250)." Now...... Since Whitedragon Nall, the Forte.EXE master of the GameFAQs Forums, seems to be unsatisfied with Nomia Karen's description, he went and authorized me to use HIS description, as follows: "The return of the legendary ultimate PA from EXE2! It has been weakened considerably, though, and Gospel has been replaced with Rockman DS. Rockman DS uses the Gospel Cannon to fire three shots on the lines above, below, and in front of him, and Forte then uses Darkness Overload. Each hit does 250 damage, and a single enemy can be hit up to four times." Range of Hit: PPEEEE PMEEEE PPEEEE ------------------------------ 5. Version Updates (^5) V 1.4 (August 8, 2004): Checked some errors and added the U.S. Version translations, despite the fact that I HATE them. V 1.3 (March 9, 2004): I think I've completed this Guide's basic parts, thanks to Casebier's info on the Hell Boomerangs and Mad Fangs. Ways of utilizing the P.A.s will be added in the next update. V 1.1 (Feburary 18, 2004): Fixed range for JigokuHockeys. Would someone PLEASE tell me the ranges for the Hell Boomerangs and MadFangs already? <_< Also added Whitedragon Nall's description of Dark messiah NEO. Thanks Nall. V 1.0 (January 7, 2004): Finall finished it. Piledriver was FINALLY added. And a flamebomb to those who kept hurrying me. (j/k >_>) V 0.95 (January 3, 2004): Completed the Dark Messiah NEO P.A.. Thanks to Nomia Karen! Also fixed the NAME of the last P.A....... I can't believe I made that TERRIBLY TERRIBLE mistake. Thanks to Magenta Galaxy for pointing it out! <_< V 0.9 (January 1, 2004): Completed basic parts of the Guide. Formats and missing information will be checked and completed later. ------------------------------ 6. Legal Stuff & Credits (^6) Copyright to Zidanet_129 (Alan Tseng) 2003~2004 The completion of this guide is heavily based on the help of the people listed below. Special thanks to all these people!! Mastermind Chaud Magenta Galaxy A nameless Japanese website Nomia Karen Whitedragon Nall, the RMEXE Boards' Forte.EXE MASTER masterz13 Genosync Casebier MANY GFAQs users who were annoyed at the missing info in this Guide. ------------------------------ 7. Contact Me (^7) If you have flames/complaints/compliments/suggestions, either send me an E-mail at: E-Mail: Or leave me a message on the GameFAQs' MMBN4 BM Board. (I don't check the RS Board as often) You do NOT have my permission to add me to your MSN Contact List. I will Block you if I find out about the reason you add me into your Contact List. And I DON'T have time to chat with you, so do NOT expect to add me and chat with me. If you want to ask general questions about this game, DO NOT E-MAIL or MSN me. I WILL ignore you unless I find your question interesting. There are plenty of other FAQs that will answer your questions, which are VERY possibly answered to death MANY times. If you INSIST on adding me to your MSN Contact List, ask me for my permission first by e-mailing me. However, unless you're a vet or are well-known on the Boards, I'll most likely just ignore you as a rejection.