------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Megaman Battle Network 4 for Game Boy Advance S-Ranking FAQ Written by DarthMarth Version 1.0 Started: Friday, July 23, 2004 Finished: Friday, July 23, 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Table of Contents (press Ctrl+F and type in the code next to the section to jump to it. On Mac browsers, use Command+F.) --- 1. Table of Contents (you’re reading it) 2. Introduction -Intrd- 3. FAQ -Frakq- 4. How to get an S-Rank -Htgas- 5. Navi Locations -Navlo- 6. General Tips -Genti- 7. Navi-Specific Tips -Naspt- 8. My S-Ranking Folders -Msraf- 9. SP Navi Records -Spnre- 10. The Navi Chips -Tnach- 11. Legal Information –Legin- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Introduction (Intrd) Welcome to my S-Ranking guide for Megaman Battle Network 4. This much-needed guide should help you accomplish one of the hardest tasks in the game: S- ranking the ultra-tough SP Navis! It’s easy to be overwhelmed trying to beat the most advanced versions of the game’s bosses in mere seconds, but with my guide’s tips, it should at least become easier, if not downright pathetic. If it doesn’t cover anything essential, I can improve it with your help! Please E- mail me any comments or suggestions you have for my guide at dpitch40@yahoo.com. Also E-mail me if you can help me with FireMan, ShadeMan, and LaserMan’s chip’s button commands. If you e-mail me, please put “MMBN4” somewhere in the e-mail title or it will likely be deleted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. FAQ (Frakq) Q: How do I use Slasher? A: If you hold A when using it, Megaman will automatically attack the next enemy to enter his area for 240 damage, regardless of position. Haha, take that, stupid Molokos! Q: What are all the ways to get Navi chips? A: Regardless of version, you don’t get anything for beating Navis in the tournaments. For beating their V2/V3 forms on the Net, you get their normal Navi chips, no matter what your rank is. If you get a 10 or less for your Buster Ranking against an SP Navi, you also get their normal chip; an S-Rank earns their SP chip. (it is also possible to get an SP Chip with a 9 or 10 Rank, although this is rare) If you S-rank the SP form with a Hole on the field or use a Dark Chip (I’m not sure about this), you get the DS chips. DS Navi chips can also be found in Black Earth. You have to beat the DS forms of version specific Navis to get their DS chips; the version-shared DS Navi chips are in Green Mystery Data. Q: How is the damage for SP and DS Navi chips boosted? A: Each uses a different formula. The SP chips become stronger based on how quickly you S-ranked the Navi. The formula is this: x + y(30-t/30). X is the base power of the SP chip, y is 50 for multi-hitting Navi chips and 100 for single-hitters, and t is your busting time. For example, say I beat FireMan SP in 20 seconds. (pathetic) The formula would look like this. 150 + 100(30- 20/30). This becomes 150 + 100(1/3), then 150 + 100/3, which is about 183. Single-hitting Navi chip’s attack power is rounded to the nearest 10, and multi-hitter’s to the nearest 5, so FireMan SP’s final attack power would be 180. Also, keep in mind that any S-ranking time below 10 seconds maximizes the chip’s power. (hence my obsession to beat everyone in under 10 seconds) Luckily, the formula for DS chips is considerably easier. Single-hitting DS chips gain 10 attack points for every Hole on the field; multi-hitters gain 5. They can be boosted by up to 10 Holes in this way. Q: I can’t use my DS Navi Chips! A: They can only be used by dark Megaman. On the other hand, normal and SP chips can only be used by light Megaman. Q: I beat Bass SP and didn’t get BlackBarrier/DeltaRay! What’s going on? A: You have to S-Rank him. It’s possible, but a much easier way is to simply install Collect into your Navi Customizer and take your time. Q: My question isn’t answered in here! A: E-mail me at dpitch40@yahoo.com or post your question on the GameFAQs message boards. If you e-mail me, please put “MMBN4” somewhere in the e-mail title or it will likely be deleted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. How to Get an S-rank There are a number of factors involved in S-ranking an SP Navi. Basically, you must defeat them in under 30 seconds, without getting hit. (or with SuperArmor installed) Here’s a more detailed analysis of how it works. DELETE TIME The main factor in your Buster Ranking is the time you took to delete the opposition. For Navis, it looks like this: Delete Time | Buster Points ------------|-------------- 0.01-30.00 |10 30.01-40.00 |8 40.01-50.00 |6 50.01+ |4 Since Viruses are easier to delete, their table is a little more demanding: Delete Time | Buster Points ------------|-------------- 0.01-5.00 |7 5.01-12.00 |6 12.01-36.00 |5 36.00+ |4 GETTING HIT Unless he has SuperArmor, BodyPack, or HubBatch installed in his Navi Customizer, Megaman loses Buster Points every time he’s hit. # of Hits | Buster Points ------------|-------------- 0 |+1 1 |0 2 |-1 3 |-2 4+ |-3 MOVEMENT If Megaman doesn’t move around much, he’ll gain an extra point. Movement | Buster Points ------------|-------------- 0-2 Times |+1 3+ Times |0 | | MULTIPLE DELETES By deleting multiple Viruses with one attack, Megaman can earn extra points. Obviously, this bonus doesn’t work in boss fights. Deletes | Buster Points ------------|-------------- Double |+2 Triple |+4 | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Navi Locations (Navlo) The first step of S-ranking any Navi is to find them. Here are the locations of both game’s Navis, for every version of them, not just SP. RED SUN NAVIS >ROLL V1: Eagle Tournament Scenario (Normal Mode) V2: Eagle Tournament Scenario (Hard Mode), Town 3 (after beating in storyline; Normal Mode) V3: Eagle Tournament Scenario (Super Hard Mode), Town 3 (after beating in storyline; Hard Mode and Super Hard Mode) SP: Random encounter in Town 3 after defeating V2/V3 there DS: Black Earth 2, Dark Mirror 3, storyline encounter after winning Eagle Tournament Town 3 Location: At the left corner of the large rectangular area, on the lower level accessible from Park 1. >GUTSMAN V1: Den Battle Tournament Scenario (Normal Mode) V2: Den Battle Tournament Scenario (Hard Mode), ACDC 2 (after beating in storyline; Normal Mode) V3: Den Battle Tournament Scenario (Super Hard Mode), ACDC 2 (after beating in storyline; Hard and Super Hard Mode) SP: Random encounter in ACDC 2 after defeating V2/V3 there DS: Black Earth 2, Dark Mirror 1 ACDC2 Location: The right-hand corner of the square connecting the 3 main roads >WINDMAN V1: Eagle Tournament Scenario (Normal Mode) V2: Eagle Tournament Scenario (Hard Mode), Yumland Net (after beating in storyline; Normal Mode) V3: Eagle Tournament Scenario (Super Hard Mode), Yumland Net (after beating in storyline; Hard Mode and Super Hard Mode) SP: Random encounter in Yumland Net after defeating V2/V3 there DS: Black Earth 2, Dark Mirror 4 Yumland Net Location: On a circular dead end near the northeast corner of the area, not the one with the Blue Mystery Data >SEARCHMAN V1: Red Sun Tournament Scenario (Normal Mode) V2: Red Sun Tournament Scenario (Hard Mode), Undernet 1 (after beating in storyline; Normal Mode) V3: Red Sun Tournament Scenario (Super Hard Mode), Undernet 1 (after beating in storyline; Hard Mode and Super Hard Mode) SP: Random encounter in Undernet 1 after defeating V2/V3 there DS: Black Earth 2, Dark Mirror 6 Undernet 1 Location: Dead end at the southwest corner of the map, directly west from the link to Sharo Net >FIREMAN V1: Doesn’t exist (you can only fight GutsMan on Normal mode) V2: Den Battle Tournament Scenario (Hard Mode) V3: Den Battle Tournament Scenario (Super Hard Mode), Town 2 (after beating in storyline; Hard Mode and Super Hard Mode) SP: Random encounter in Town 2 after defeating V2/V3 there DS: Black Earth 2, Dark Mirror 2 Town 2 Location: Behind the teleporter used to reach the isolated part of ElecTower Net, in the northwest part of the area >THUNDERMAN V1: Red Sun Tournament Scenario (Normal Mode) V2: Red Sun Tournament Scenario (Hard Mode), Netopia Net (after beating in storyline; Normal Mode) V3: Red Sun Tournament Scenario (Super Hard Mode), Netopia Net (after beating in storyline; Hard Mode and Super Hard Mode) SP: Random encounter in Netopia Net after defeating V2/V3 there DS: Black Earth 2, Dark Mirror 5 Netopia Net Area: On the southeast end of the circular platform closest to the one blocked by a skull gate, on the southwest part of the map BLUE MOON NAVIS >PROTOMAN V1: Blue Moon Tournament Scenario (Normal Mode) V2: Blue Moon Tournament Scenario (Hard Mode), Undernet 6 (after beating in storyline; Normal Mode) V3: Blue Moon Tournament Scenario (Super Hard Mode), Undernet 6 (after beating in storyline; Hard Mode and Super Hard Mode) SP: Random encounter in Undernet 6 after defeating V2/V3 there DS: Black Earth 2, Dark Mirror 6 Undernet 6 Location: A dead end on the lowest level, right next to the entrance from Undernet 3 >NUMBERMAN V1: Doesn’t exist (you can only fight AquaMan on Normal Mode) V2: City Battle Tournament Scenario (Hard Mode) V3: City Battle Tournament Scenario (Super Hard Mode), Town 4 (after beating in storyline; Hard Mode and Super Hard Mode) SP: Random encounter in Town 4 after defeating V2/V3 there DS: Black Earth 2, Dark Mirror 1 Town 4 Location: In a dead end near the exit to Undernet 1, near the northwest corner of the area >METALMAN V1: Hawk Tournament Scenario (Normal Mode) V2: Hawk Tournament Scenario (Hard Mode), Undernet 3 (after beating in storyline; Normal Mode) V3: Hawk Tournament Scenario (Super Hard Mode), Undernet 3 (after beating in storyline; Hard Mode and Super Hard Mode) SP: Random encounter in Undernet 3 after defeating V2/V3 there DS: Black Earth 2, Dark Mirror 4 Undernet 3 Location: On the path to Undernet 6, on a loop right across a gap from the Sharo Space Center HP and near a Blue Mystery Data >JUNKMAN V1: Blue Moon Tournament Scenario (Normal Mode) V2: Blue Moon Tournament Scenario (Hard Mode), Undernet 2 (after beating in storyline; Normal Mode) V3: Blue Moon Tournament Scenario (Super Hard Mode), Undernet 2 (after beating in storyline; Hard Mode and Super Hard Mode) SP: Random encounter in Undernet 2 after defeating V2/V3 there DS: Black Earth 2, Dark Mirror 5 Undernet 2 Location: In the right-hand corner of the “square” right next to the link to Undernet 3 >AQUAMAN V1: City Battle Tournament Scenario (Normal Mode) V2: City Battle Tournament Scenario (Hard Mode), ACDC 1 (after beating in storyline; Normal Mode) V3: City Battle Tournament Scenario (Super Hard Mode), ACDC 1 (after beating in storyline; Hard Mode and Super Hard Mode) SP: Random encounter in ACDC 1 after defeating V2/V3 there DS: Black Earth 2, Dark Mirror 2, storyline encounter after winning Hawk Tournament ACDC 1 Location: On a dead end just southeast of some Blue Mystery Data, near the south side of the area >WOODMAN V1: Hawk Tournament Scenario (Normal Mode) V2: Hawk Tournament Scenario (Hard Mode), Park 1 (after beating in storyline; Normal Mode) V3: Hawk Tournament Scenario (Super Hard Mode), Park 1 (after beating in storyline; Hard Mode and Super Hard Mode) SP: Random encounter in Park 1 after defeating V2/V3 there DS: Black Earth 2, Dark Mirror 3 Park 1 Location: At a dead end near the east side of the area; near the link to Town 3 VERSION-SHARED NAVIS >TOPMAN V1: Den/City Battle Tournament Scenario (Normal Mode) V2: Den/City Battle Tournament Scenario (Hard Mode), Town 1 (after beating in storyline; Normal Mode) V3: Den/City Battle Tournament Scenario (Super Hard Mode), Town 1 (after beating in storyline; Hard Mode and Super Hard Mode) SP: Random encounter in Town 1 after defeating V2/V3 there Town 1 Location: At the end of the middle dead end northeast of the entrance from ACDC3 (not the one with the invisible path leading to Purple Mystery Data) >BURNMAN V1: Eagle/Hawk Tournament Scenario (Normal Mode) V2: Eagle/Hawk Tournament Scenario (Hard Mode), Park 2 (after beating in storyline; Normal Mode) V3: Eagle/Hawk Tournament Scenario (Super Hard Mode), Park 2 (after beating in storyline; Hard Mode and Super Hard Mode) SP: Random encounter in Park 2 after defeating V2/V3 there Park 2 Location: At a dead end on the lower level, on the northwest side of the area, past the square leading to Park 3 >COLDMAN V1: Red Sun/Blue Moon Tournament Scenario (Normal Mode) V2: Red Sun/Blue Moon Tournament Scenario (Hard Mode), Sharo Net (after beating in storyline; Normal Mode) V3: Red Sun/Blue Moon Tournament Scenario (Super Hard Mode), Sharo Net (after beating in storyline; Hard Mode and Super Hard Mode) SP: Random encounter in Sharo Net after defeating V2/V3 there Sharo Net Location: On a path right next to a conveyor belt, just southeast of the warp to the Sharo HP, on the west side of the area >SPARKMAN V1: Den/City Battle Tournament Scenario (Normal Mode) V2: Den/City Battle Tournament Scenario (Hard Mode), ACDC 3 (after beating in storyline; Normal Mode) V3: Den/City Battle Tournament Scenario (Super Hard Mode), ACDC 3 (after beating in storyline; Hard Mode and Super Hard Mode) SP: Random encounter in ACDC 3 after defeating V2/V3 there ACDC 3 Location: In a circular dead end north of the skull door; on the northeast end of the area >SHADEMAN V1: Storyline encounter in Toy Robo 4 (Normal Mode) V2: Storyline encounter in Toy Robo 4 (Hard Mode) V3: Storyline encounter in Toy Robo 4 (Super Hard Mode) SP: Random encounter in Undernet 4 after triggering the Piledriver event >LASERMAN V1: Storyline encounter in Meteor 4 (Normal Mode) V2: Storyline encounter in Meteor 4 (Hard Mode) V3: Storyline encounter in Meteor 4 (Super Hard Mode), Undernet 5 (Super Hard Mode) SP: Random encounter in Undernet 5 after defeat V3 there Undernet 5 Location: Square on the north side of the area; directly west of Bass >KENDOMAN V1: Red Sun/Blue Moon Tournament Scenario (Normal Mode) V2: Red Sun/Blue Moon Tournament Scenario (Hard Mode), Netfrica Net (after beating in storyline; Normal Mode) V3: Red Sun/Blue Moon Tournament Scenario (Super Hard Mode), Netfrica Net (after beating in storyline; Hard Mode and Super Hard Mode) SP: Random encounter in Netfrica Net after defeating V2/V3 there Netfrica Net Location: In the north corner of a square only reachable with the C-Slider, on the north end of the area >VIDEOMAN V1: Eagle/Hawk Tournament Scenario (Normal Mode) V2: Eagle/Hawk Tournament Scenario (Hard Mode), Park 3 (after beating in storyline; Normal Mode) V3: Eagle/Hawk Tournament Scenario (Super Hard Mode), Park 3 (after beating in storyline; Hard Mode and Super Hard Mode) SP: Random encounter in Park 3 after defeating V2/V3 there Park 3 Location: On a dead end visible from the fourth ramp from the right and reachable from the third after a long path, near the west side of the area and southwest of where Roll is taken to >BASS V1: Undernet 5 storyline encounter V2: Doesn’t exist V3: Doesn’t exist SP: Random encounter in Black Earth 2 after beating Megaman DS there Undernet 5 Location: In a rectangular area on the second level; on the northeast side of the area, must have all 6 Souls and 150 Standard Chips to enter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. General Tips (Genti) Here are some tips you can use for every SP Navi. FINDING SP NAVIS Make sure you have at least 1 LocEnemy before going on an SP Navi hunt! If the one you’re seeking out has an element (like FireMan or AquaMan), you can install the corresponding Navi Customizer Program to encounter them more easily. If not, you’ll have to keep restarting until you randomly battle them. You cam try saving next to mystery data that has a virus and restarting if you don't find the Navi. After you defeat the SP Navi once (see below), use that LocEnemy you should have, heal yourself, and adjust your folder and Navi Customizer for S-ranking. (you NEED SuperArmor, Custom +1, and Custom +2!) DEFEATING SP NAVIS Since you will always have fought them at least once before, you’ll already know what tactics to use when fighting SP Navis for the first time. Mines are always useful against highly mobile Navis; try to get and include 4 as quickly as possible. For other Navis who like to sty in the back row, Lance and Boomer chip work well (especially against ThunderMan), as does ThunderMan’s chip (especially against ColdMan). If you need more tips on this step, use the excellent Boss FAQ. S-RANKING SP NAVIS Now, on to the good stuff. Like I said before, you absolutely need SuperArmor and some Custom programs installed for easy S-ranking! If you can’t think of a good folder to use, I have a section with some examples. The top 3 strategies, HolyDream (at least for Red Sun players), SuperVulcan, and PitHockey are always good bets. Don’t be discouraged if you still can’t get a perfect time after hours of work! S-ranking requires tremendous luck (and some skill), so it will take a while to get the perfect chips at the right time. (except for my WindMan SP record, which I achieved on my first try) Since S-ranking typically revolves around one powerful attack, missing is the worst mistake you can make. It’s best to wait for the Navi to attack, since they have to stand still then. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. Navi-Specific Tips (Naspt) RED SUN NAVIS >ROLL Because of Roll SP’s low HP, SuperVulcan can be good for defeating her quickly. You’ll waste a few seconds as the Vulcan fires, but it’s easier than assembling HolyDream. If you have Red Sun, you can also trying using a Bass folder to minimize your time. Since she’s so quick, make sure to attack when she pauses to attack. Above all, DON’T GET HIT BY HER ARROWS! She can completely wreck your strategy if you do! >GUTSMAN A SuperVulcan folder can work pretty well against this big guy, but you’ll need to hit him with a Mine for extra damage. If you decide on HolyDream instead, make sure not to take too long after using Sanctuary, or he’ll crack some of your Holy Panels! >WINDMAN I beat this guy incredibly quickly using my SuperVulcan folder, but as usual you’ll need a Mine to finish him off. Luckily, his winds drag you back and forth, so they don’t throw your aim off. Unluckily, his stupid birds can somehow detonate your Mines, so you’ll need to be lucky to hit him. >SEARCHMAN SearchMan can be hard to hit, since he hides in his foxhole so much. (too... many... H’s...) The rocks on the field can also mess up your AreaGrabs, so SuperVulcan is probably the best idea. Unfortunately, SearchMan has no bomb squad training, so try laying 2 Mines to maximize his chances of hitting one. >FIREMAN For a Navi from the first tournament, FireMan SP has a lot of HP! Because of this, HolyDream is your best bet for beating him fast. (too... many... B’s...) You can just AreaGrab once, Sanctuary, then use a HolyDream with GutsSoul, Atk +30, and DoublePoint. >THUNDERMAN His stupid thundercloud keeps you from using SuperVulcan, and since he never enters the middle panel, HolyDream is the best way to S-rank ThunderMan SP. The same strategy as for FireMan applies here; you don’t have to boost HolyDream much to do enough damage. If you just want to beat him, Lance/SideBamboo and Wood +30 work well. BLUE MOON NAVIS Note: all the Blue Moon-exclusive strategies are from solarray718, and [heavily] edited by me. >PROTOMAN Recommended Combo: PitHockey Tips: You might notice that when you fight him, he sometimes uses a shield instead of taking damage. Well, this leaves HolyDream useless; if you try it he’ll just use his shield. Silver Bullet can work, but PitHockey3 works better. AreaGrab him once (I repeat, ONCE) and use PitHockey3 when he’s in the center panel [of his] first row. Don’t worry, he goes there a lot when you AreaGrab him. >NUMBERMAN Recommended Combo: PitHockey, HolyDream in RS Tips: NumberMan can be tricky. You definitely want to equip SuperArmor. Reflect can also work with his Numberball. Use it at the right time and the next Numberball will be destroyed too. You’re most likely to win by luck if you’re trying to do it quickly. Note: I once almost s ranked him in 1 second cause I had a perfect HolyDream set up by the second turn. [Un]fortunately I missed. >METALMAN Recommended Combo: PitHockey Tips: Silver Bullet actually doesn't paralyze him, as does PitHockey. HolyDream is even harder to set up than normal (and it's not in BM), so your only chance is to try and counter him. Learn to deal with the metal gear and this will be much easier. >JUNKMAN Recommended Combo: Not sure. Tips: Its very tough to s-rank him in BM because holy dream is the only thing I know that can s rank him (I’m not sure but PitHockey might work, this is all because of all the junk data getting in the way). >AQUAMAN Recommended Combo: Any of the major ones (PitHockey, Silver Bullet, etc...) Tips: This guy is fairly easy, even for a DenBattle Tournament opponent. AreaGrab him once and only his aqua bomb [can hit you]. >WOODMAN Recommended Combo: PitHockey, HolyDream in RS Tips: He’s not too hard. You just need a good quick combo or PA like PitHockey3. [Probably several, since he has so much HP] VERSION-SHARED NAVIS >TOPMAN TopMan has relatively low HP, so it doesn’t take much more than a regular SuperVulcan to take him out. Try preceding it with a weak *-code chip like Spreader or Boomer. >BURNMAN BurnMan can damage you fast, but you should ignore your health and focus on attacking. I think his burners can detonate your Mines, so as usual you should try HolyDream. You don’t have to do much to be able to deal enough damage, but work quickly and make sure he and his burners doesn’t get in the way of your AreaGrabs. >COLDMAN His ice cubes can get in the way of HolyDream, so try using SuperVulcan so you can also aim at one of his ice cubes. Be careful; he sometimes teleports to the lower-right corner after the first hit, so make sure he’s already there when you fire! A fully-powered SparkMan SP chip can weaken him enough to be finished off by SuperVulcan easily. >SPARKMAN One word: ARGH. SparkMan’s annoying style of teleportation can make hitting him a HUGE pain. Try waiting for him to teleport to your row, then use a powered-up SuperVulcan to damage him and get rid of the electric bomb. He moves very fast, so even this is extremely hard. The stupid bombs can also detonate your Mines (who knows how, since they don’t move on the ground), so try using some Boomer * chips to weaken him. Make sure to throw them just after he disappears; hopefully, he’ll reappear in their path. If you’re playing Red Sun, your DblCrack chips can be used to prevent him from dodging it. >SHADEMAN Again, one word: AAAAAARRRRRGGHH!!!! Because he can negate damage and split into bats when hit, S-ranking ShadeMan requires about 3 times as much luck as most other Navis do. Only one of the bats he turns into can be hit, but takes damage as normal. I used HolyDream for him since I wasn’t sure if SuperVulcan would stun his bat form, but even then it wasn’t easy. Luckily, because of his low HP you don’t even need to use AreaGrab to deal enough damage with HolyDream. Anyway, your best bet for deleting him quickly is to shoot him with something like Spreader * or WideSht3 S to make him split up, then quickly shoot a random bat hoping it’s the real one. I know it’s hard, but it’s the only way to get a decent time. >LASERMAN LaserMan SP’s high HP makes HolyDream the only way to beat him quickly. Like with GutsMan, make sure to use HolyDream right after Sanctuary, before he starts cracking panels with his Cross Laser! >KENDOMAN KendoMan isn’t too hard to S-rank, nothing you haven’t seen before, at least. Just beat him with HolyDream or SuperVulcan as usual. Since he always charges when he’s in your row, hitting him is pretty easy. You may even want to try Full Synchro since he’s pretty easy to counter. >VIDEOMAN Because of the tape running through the battlefield, VideoMan is the only SP Navi I’m recommending a PitHockey folder for. Try White Dragon Nall’s Psycho Bouncer folder (found in his Forte FAQ), or my inferior PitHockey folder. Make sure to include a few RockCube chips so you can get rid of the video tape running through your area. Luckily, I’m pretty sure PitHockey can get through his tape. Make sure to hit VideoMan when he’s in the center panel of his area for an instant delete! >BASS Good luck. You’ll need it. Bwahahahaha!!! Because of this guy’s insane HP and fast movement, HolyDream is your only chance of beating him, and even then, you still need to weaken him with some other chips. (SparkMan SP at maximum power works well because it can be used with Sanctuary) Since I just beat this guy yesterday, I’ll outline how your battle should look like with my HolyDream folder. (note: you can use the 2 AreaGrabs, SparkMan SP, FstGauge, and Sanctuary after either of your first 2 trips to the custom menu.) 1. Select FullCust, FstGauge, Invis, AreaGrab, and SearchSoul. 2. Use them all! (Try to use the AreaGrab as Bass moves away from his leftmost column so it works; this part can be hard. Try using Invis or Popup right before AreaGrab, so you can see where Bass is going when it pauses) 3. Select SparkMan SP, AreaGrab, Sanctuary, and 2 random other chips. Use SearchSoul’s Shuffle ability as necessary. 4. Use them again! (Make sure to use SparkMan SP right after Bass finishes moving; try to stun him with it when he’s in the back row. Not only does this give you time to AreaGrab, Bass will always use his Shooting Buster when blinded, leaving him open for several seconds) 5. Select DblPoint, HolyDream, Atk +30, Atk +10, and GutsSoul. 6. Use DblPoint, then let Bass have it with HolyDream! (preferably while he’s using Shooting Buster) I know, it will take hours to get things perfect like this. Luckily, you don’t need to S-rank Bass SP to get his chip! You can simply beat him with Collect installed! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. My S-Ranking Folders (Msraf) Here are the folders I used to achieve the records listed below. I mainly used the SuperVulcan and HolyDream folders, but I may have used PitHockey for ThunderMan. --- Here’s my first SuperVulcan folder. It doesn’t look very good, but I S-ranked many SP Navis with it. It’s basically the Red Sun version of Silver Bullet. Basically, you can to enter GutsSoul, then use SuperVulcan powered up by DoublePoint, Atk +30, and Atk +10. At most, the combo can do an impressive 1680 damage. Invis and Popup are in there for SearchSoul, to help find the chips you need quickly. You can deal extra damage by laying some Mines down at the start. Spreader is mainly an afterthought, but a skilled player can enter Full Synchro with it. In Blue Moon, substitute the Cracking chips and maybe Invis and Popup for some Breaking chips so you can use MetalSoul. You can use spare Atk +10 chips for NumberSoul. 3x Spreader 4x Mine Z 2x DblCrack */2x RockCube* 2x TrplCrck */2x RockCube* 2x FastGauge * 4x Invis */4x ColorPnt * 4x Popup * 4x Atk +10 * ColorPt * SuprVulc V FullCust * (preset) Atk +30 * DblPoint * --- This folder mainly centers around using Full Synchro instead of GutsSoul to help boost SuperVulcan. It’s harder to do, but can do 2640 damage, at most. If you can hit your opponent rapidly enough, you’ll enter Full Synchro automatically. (note: this only works with fully light Megaman) A well-aimed AirHoc3 or a few back-to-back Vulcans usually do the trick. 2x Vulcan1 V 2x Vulcan1 * 2x Vulcan3 W 4x Airhock3 W 2x DblCrack */2x RockCube* 2x TrplCrck */2x RockCube* FastGauge * 3x Invis * 4x Popup */4x ColorPnt * 4x Atk +10 * SuprVulc V FullCust * (preset) Atk +30 * DblPoint * --- This HolyDream folder is my personal favorite. The combo is very hard to set up and it doesn’t work in Blue Moon, but the massive damage potential of HolyDream is virtually the only way to S-rank high-HP Navis, especially Bass SP. On your first turn, you want to try and AreaGrab the enemy area as much as possible, until they have a single column. After you enter SearchSoul, use FullCustom, and reenter the custom menu, finish AreaGrabbing and use Sanctuary and FstGauge. On your third turn, select HolyDream and the standard power-boosting chips and go for the kill! SparkMan SP and WideSht3 are mainly for weakening Bass SP; with a maximum damage of 2880, you don’t need anything else for other Navis. 3x WideSht3 S 2x DblCrack * 2x TrplCrck * 4x AreaGrab S 2x FastGauge * 4x Invis * 3x Popup * 4x Atk +10 * FullCust * (preset) Snctuary S Atk +30 * DblPoint * SparkMan SP S HolyDrem H --- This folder is much like the last few, but it uses Bass instead of SuperVulcan or HolyDream. It has a lower damage potential, though, to it’s mainly good for S-ranking Roll and possibly ShadeMan. (it could be good against the later because it could hit him no matter what, but it would destroy the GMD) 2x DblCrack * 2x TrplCrck * 2x FastGauge * 4x Invis * 4x Popup * 4x Atk +10 * 4x Navi +20 4x ColorPnt * FullCust * (preset) Atk +30 * DblPoint * Bass X --- Cyber-abdul gave me a general tip that works well against most Navis (except Metalman) using Hockey3. all you need is at least 2 hockey3 chips in the start (if you have 3 of 4 that's even better) . just wait till the sp navi get's in the middle squire of his field (you have to be in the top right or lowest right corner of your field) when it stands in the middle just fire the hockey3 and keep pressing the A button so you can fire the second hockey3 chip right after. of you did exactly what i said you will go to full syncro after the first hockey3 chip and so your second hockey3 chip will do double damage. if you use hcokey3 while the navi stands in the middle squire you will always go to full syncro so it's smarter of you just use all your hockey3 chips in a row than use the p.a pithockey. (except with roll sp) --- Sean also has a tip on PitHockey. You said you needed help so here are some random useful tips. 1. a good combo for any navi without spr armr (navis with spr armr include metalman, wood man etc) is airhoc 3 u,v,or w and then airhoc u v and w so if you hit them in the middle panel, you go into full sync and then pithoky 3 does double damage (can you say ouch?) I S ranked bass in 23 seconds but if you get the above combo you could s rank him in less. fst gauge is also extremely useful because each cust gauge is roughly 10 sec and fst gauge speeds it up to 5 sec. you can also paralyze enemies by getting a counter hit on them although it takes practice. my combo would also be could on junk man but you have to use an area grab so since he's always in the back row, just wait for him to go to the back center panel once you've used area grab and hit him with it. Another strategy for cold man is to unite with the junk soul and when he uses his ice cube move, use the charge attack for poltrgst (only in blue moon) you can also break burn mans burners with break chips that can do a combined damage of 140-210 (I always use airhoc 3's so I'm not sure of the exact number). In addition, against wind man, while your hitting him, the wind effect stops so hit him with airhoc chips and then move to set up for another chip. I will also tell you how I S ranked bass if you want another strategy I don't remember exactly how I did it but I remember I countered him with something, hit him with wind man sp which does 95 damage a hit for me for a total of lesse 95x2x6= 1040!! then I hit him with 3 airhoc 3 chips (not the program advance) while he was in the center panel and then hit him with aqua man sp while I was in counter mode which would be 180x2x2=720! and killed him. I also used fst gauge on my first turn. --- Obviously this folder is no good for S-ranking anything, but it’s a rough approximation of the folder I used to beat Duo Alpha and Beta. This is the folder for you if you’re having trouble on the final boss! Basically, you just let him have it with powerful PAs and the GunSol chips. (make sure to use Invis before using a GunSol to avoid getting pummeled in the meantime, and fire it right after Duo “lands” and becomes vulnerable) If you get more GunSol chips from the trader, be sure to put them in! Cannon A Cannon B Cannon * HiCannon C HiCannon D HiCannon E M-Cannon E M-Cannon F M-Cannon G Sword E Sword E WideSwrd E WideSwrd E LongSwrd E LongSwrd E GunSol1 G GunSol1 G GunSol2 G GunSol2 G GunSol3 G GunSol3 G 3x Recov200 H/3x Recov120 * Recov300 J/Recov120 * 3x Invis * FstGauge I/FastGauge * (preset) GunSolEX G ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. SP Navi Records (Spnre) Here are my own records for S-ranking every SP Navi. They aren’t the best, but I still managed to accomplish my goal of beating them all in under 10 seconds. Impressive, huh? Roll SP: 1.98 seconds GutsMan SP: 5.89 WindMan SP: 3.41 SearchMan SP: 9.64 FireMan SP: 7.36 ThunderMan SP: 9.44 TopMan SP: 9.54 ShadeMan SP: 8.03 BurnMan SP: 6.73 ColdMan SP: 5.88 SparkMan SP: 6.31 LaserMan SP: 9.96 KendoMan SP: 7.01 VideoMan SP: 6.94 Bass SP: 6.69 Now, HERE are the very best records, gathered from my topic on GameFAQs. Roll SP: 1.79 (Bahamut 7) GutsMan SP: 1.89 (SilentJi) WindMan SP: 2.28 (SilentJi) SearchMan SP: 2.14 (Zzdarksider) FireMan SP: 1.91 (Zzdarksider) ThunderMan SP: 2.01 (Neo2x) AquaMan SP: 2.33 (GameFanNo1) NumberMan SP: 2.11 (Bahamut 7) MetalMan SP: 2.49 (Bahamut 7) WoodMan SP: 2.33 (Bahamut 7) ProtoMan SP: 1.89 (Bahamut 7) JunkMan SP: 1.84 (Bahamut 7) TopMan SP: 1.86 (v13t13oy) ShadeMan SP: 2.83 (v13t13oy) BurnMan SP: 1.83 (Bahamut 7) ColdMan SP: 1.42 (SilentJi) SparkMan SP: 1.36 (GameFanNo1) LaserMan SP: 1.44 (AxlTheSniper) KendoMan SP: 1.73 (Bahamut 7) VideoMan SP: 1.96 (Bahamut 7) Bass SP: 3.16 (Shady) If you have beaten any of these records, E-mail them to me at dpitch40@yahoo.com. (preferably with a screenshot for proof, if possible) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. The Navi Chips (Tnach) Here they are: the rewards of all your hard, tedious work: the Navi chips. Remember, SP chips gain power depending on how fast you S-ranked the corresponding Navi, while DS chips becomes stronger with more Holes on the field. Look in the FAQ section for a detailed look at them. Whenever I separate two numbers with a slash mark, the first number is for the normal chip and the second is for the SP/DS chip. ROLL [ ][ ][ ] [R][E][ ]|Code: R [M][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]|Damage: 20/30+ [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]|Regular Memory: 28/60 MB M = Megaman R = Roll E = Enemy Roll appears, attacks the nearest enemy, then heals Megaman. Heals for the same amount as the chip’s total damage; hits 3 times. Rating: 3/5. The SP version can do lots of damage and healing combined with an attack is nice, but there are plenty of better chips out there that can do equal or great damage to multiple enemies. GUTSMAN GutsMan’s attack range |Code: G is pretty much random, |Damage: 80/100+ so I can’t show it with|Regular Memory: 32/68 MB a diagram. GutsMan appears and uses his Guts Hammer. It cracks 6/9 panels and causes 3 pieces of rubble to fall on the columns in front of him. The rubble will always hit at least 1 enemy. Rating: 2/5. Cracking enemy panels is pretty good (GutsMan SP can crack your opponent’s entire area), but he usually only damages 1 enemy. There are much better chips out there. WINDMAN [ ][ ][<] [<][^][ ]|Code: W [ ][M][V] [ ][^][ ]|Damage: 40/50+ [ ][ ][>] [>][>][ ]|Regular Memory: 48/64 MB M = Megaman/WindMan > = Tornado’s path WindMan appears and throws 3 tornadoes. The tornadoes go in a 3 by 3 circular pattern, but will change their course to stay on the field. If you and the enemy are on the top row, it'll be hit twice. They can also “pick up” sand, making them do double damage. Rating: 5/5. If you’ve maximized WindMan SP’s power, you can do at least 300 damage to 8 of their panels. It’s 00berness reincarnated in a piece of plastic and silicon. SEARCHMAN [M][ ][ ] [V][^][V]|Code: S [ ][ ][ ] [V][^][V]|Damage: 20/25+ [ ][ ][ ] [V][^][V]|Regular Memory: 45/70 MB M = Megaman/SearchMan V = Path of scope SearchMan appears and makes a targeting scope move across the enemy area. Press A to make it stop and have SearchMan fire 5 times on the selected panel. Pressing A and B simultaneously make the shots destroy any chips the target has selected. Rating: 1/5. The SP chip can do decent damage and be powerful in Net Battles, but it’s WAY too hard to hit with. For that genuine sniper experience, stick with CircleGun chips. FIREMAN [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]|Code: F [ ][M][>] [>][>][>]|Damage: 100/150+ Fire-element [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]|Regular Memory: 37/72 MB M = Megaman/FireMan > = Panels hit FireMan appears and uses his Fire Arm to hit every panel to the right of Megaman on his row with Fire-element damage. If you quickly press down, then right on the D-pad (without holding any buttons or pressing A) after FireMan appears but before he attacks, you can turn all the panels in the fire arm’s path to lava. Rating: 4/5. The SP chip can do great damage to Megaman’s row, and the button command can be deadly to non-Fire Viruses. THUNDERMAN [ ][ ][ ] [ ][X][ ]|Code: T [ ][ ][ ] [ ][X][ ]|Damage: 90/120+ Elec-element [ ][M][ ] [ ][X][ ]|Regular Memory: 48/68 MB M = Megaman/ThunderMan X = Panels hit ThunderMan appears and hits the column 3 panels ahead of Megaman with lightning, breaking unoccupied panels and cracking occupied ones. Rating: 3/5. This chip is excellent against enemies that stay in one row, as it damages them and reduces their mobility. PROTOMAN [ ][M][ ] [P][E][e]|Code: B [ ][ ][ ] [ ][x][ ]|Damage: 100/140+ [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]|Regular Memory: 54/79 MB M = Megaman P = Where ProtoMan appears E = Enemy that gets hit e = Enemy not hit x = Additional panels hits ProtoMan appears and automatically slashes all enemies with a WideSword. He can’t slash an enemy if the tile in front of it is missing or occupied. Rating: 5/5. Though I don’t own Blue Moon, ProtoMan’s chip appears to be identical to the one from MMBN3; if you power up the SP Chip enough, it becomes one of the best ways to delete Viruses in the game, negating the need to aim. NUMBERMAN [ ][ ][x] [x][x][ ]|Code: N [M][ ][x] [X][x][ ]|Damage: 30/40+ [ ][ ][x] [x][x][ ]|Regular Memory: 33/66 MB M = Megaman/NumberMan X = Panel hit by bomb x = Panels hit by explosion NumberMan appears and throws a dice bomb 3 spaces ahead. Unless it hits a hole, it explodes to hits every panel around it. The damage is multiplied by the number rolled on the dice. Rating: 3/5. This chip’s damage potential can be MASSIVE if you add some damage-boosters and get lucky, but it seems too random to be very good. METALMAN [ ][ ][M] [X][ ][ ]|Code: M [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]|Damage: 160/200+ [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]|Regular Memory: 72/74 MB M = Megaman/MetalMan X = Panel hit MetalMan appears and smashes the panel in front of him with his fist, doing high damage and cracking it. By holding A instead of hitting it, you can use the D-pad to move MetalMan around before he attacks. Rating: 2/5. Although it does heavy damage, MetalMan’s chip is hard to hit with and only strikes a single panel. Even against Bosses, there are much better chips. JUNKMAN This Chip doesn’t |Code: J really need a diagram;|Damage: 100/100+ it always hits |Regular Memory: 80 MB JunkMan appears and makes every obstacle on the field fly at the nearest enemy, regardless of position. Rating: 2/5. You would probably need to make a whole folder around this chip, unless you’re fighting ColdMan. It can really hurt when it hits, but unless you’re using the SP Chip JunkSoul is better anyway. AQUAMAN [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]|Code: A [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]|Damage: 70/80+ Aqua-element [ ][ ][M] [F][x][X]|Regular Memory: 41/63 MB M = Megaman/AquaMan F = Faucet x = Panel hit for normal damage X = Panel hit for double damage AquaMan appears and summons a faucet that hits the two panels in front of it. The second panel hit receives double damage. Rating: 2/5. This chip is only really useful if you massively boost the SP Chip’s damage and hit for double damage. It also has very limited range. WOODMAN [ ][ ][ ] [x][x][x]|Code: W [ ][M][ ] [x][x][x]|Damage: 130/150+ Wood-element [ ][ ][ ] [x][x][x]|Regular Memory: 50/76 MB M = Megaman/WoodMan x = Panel that may be hit WoodMan appears, jumps in the air, and makes 6 wood towers appear on random enemy tiles. None of them are guaranteed to hit like with GutsMan. I’ve also heard you can hold A, B, and Down just before WoodMan attacks to double the number of towers created. Rating: 3/5. This Chip can be pretty powerful if you master the button command, but its also very random. TOPMAN [ ][ ][ ] [T][ ][T]|Code: T [ ][M][ ] [ ][X][ ]|Damage: 20/30+ [ ][ ][ ] [T][ ][T]|Regular Memory: 54/71 MB M = Megaman/TopMan T = Little tops X = Attack point Top Man appears and creates 4 little tops in the panels around the panel 3 spaces ahead of Megaman, in an X shape. The tops aren’t crated on occupied space or ones off the battlefield. He then makes all the tops fly diagonally through the panel, then turns into a top and attacks it 3 times. Rating: 4/5. If you can hit with it all 7 times, this chip can do MASSIVE damage. TopMan SP can do 560 damage, unassisted! BURNMAN [ ][ ][ ] [ ][B][ ]|Code: B [ ][ ][M] [>][>][>]|Damage: 60/70+ Fire-element [ ][ ][ ] [ ][B][ ]|Regular Memory: 49/69 MB M = Megaman/BurnMan B = Burners > = Path of flame BurnMan appears and makes two burners appear above and below the panel two spaces ahead of Megaman. The burners both attack the panel, then BurnMan fires his torch to damage the 3 panels ahead of him. If the panels where the burners would appear are occupied, they damage whatever is on them and don’t appear. Rating: 4/5. Like TopMan, BurnMan’s chip deals damage concentrated on 1 square. It can’t do as much damage as TopMan’s chip, but it can do damage even to occupied panels. They’re both great chips. COLDMAN [ ][ ][O] [>][>][>]|Code: C [ ][M][>] [>][>][>]|Damage: 100/130+, Aqua-element [O][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]|Regular Memory: 53/72 M = Megaman/ColdMan O = Obstacle > = Path of ice cube ColdMan appears and pushes an ice cube forward. It damaged the first thing it hits. Also, all obstacles on the field (except the back row) are also turned into ice cubes and pushed. Rating: 2/5. Like JunkMan, this chip is only good with obstacles on the field. Otherwise, stay away. SPARKMAN [ ][M][V] [^][V][^]|Code: S [ ][ ][V] [^][V][^]|Damage: 70/100+ Elec-element [ ][ ][V] [^][V][^]|Regular Memory: 55/77 MB M = Megaman/SparkMan V = Path of spark SparkMan appears and sends out a spark that hits every panel on the columns ahead of him. (unless Megaman is on his top-right panel; for some reason it skips a column when fired from there) It travels over holes and through obstacles, and blinds every enemy it hits, even shielded ones. If an enemy is directly in front of SparkMan, they’re later hit a second time. Rating: 5/5. This chip ROCKS. It virtually always hits all enemies, and even blinds them! The SP chip can do massive damage; it’s a must-have for any Virus- busting folder. It’s also a component of my HolyDream folder. SHADEMAN [ ][ ][ ] [ ][X][ ]|Code: X [ ][ ][M] [X][X][ ]|Damage: 120/140+ [ ][ ][ ] [ ][X][ ]|Regular Memory: 73/88 M = Megaman/ShadeMan X = Panels hit ShadeMan appears and fires a sonic wave that hits the panel in front of him, and the column after that. It has button commands to paralyze or confuse enemies, but I don’t know the exact to activate them. Rating: 3/5. ShadeMan’s chip is one of the more damaging ones, but it’s really only useful in Link Battles, assuming you can get the button commands to work. LASERMAN [M][>][>] [>][>][>]|Code: L [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]|Damage: 100/120+ [ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ]|Regular Memory: 60/80 MB M = Megaman/LaserMan > = Panels hit LaserMan appears and fires a laser that hits every panel to his right. (Even invisible enemies) There are button commands for it useful in Link Battles (press various directions at some point as he attacks), but as usual I don’t know the timing to activate them. Rating: 1/5. FireMan’s chip is better than this one in every way, unless you can get the button commands to work in Link Battles. KENDOMAN [ ][ ][ ] [ ][x][ ]|Code: K [M][>][>] [>][X][ ]|Damage: 70/80+ [ ][ ][ ] [ ][x][ ]|Regular Memory: 45/75 MB M = Megaman/KendoMan > = KendoMan’s path X = Enemy that gets hit x = Panels hit KendoMan appears and rushes forward. If he hits an enemy, he attacks them once from the front, then if the panel behind them is free he teleports behind them and uses a wide slash, then charges back towards Megaman’s area, hitting a total 3 times. Rating: 5/5. This chip can do pretty heavy damage, and it’s much easier to hit with then TopMan and BurnMan. It’s very good against bosses. VIDEOMAN [ ][ ][ ] [x][x][ ]|Code: V [ ][M][ ] [X][X][ ]|Damage: 25/30+ [ ][ ][ ] [x][x][ ]|Regular Memory: 44/67 MB M = Megaman/VideoMan X = Panels hit twice x = Panels hit once VideoMan appears and attacks the columns 2 and 3 spaces from Megaman with tape reels, for 3 hits from each reel. The tiles 2 and 3 spaces ahead of Megaman are hit by both reels. Rating: 5/5. This chip can do incredible damage in its SP form, with a wide range of fire. It’s good for bosses and viruses. BASS (RED SUN) [M][ ][ ] [X][X][X]|Code: X [ ][ ][ ] [X][X][X]|Damage: 60 [ ][ ][ ] [X][X][X]|Regular Memory: 95 MB M = Megaman/Bass X = Panels hit 8 times Bass appears and uses his Shooting Buster to hit every enemy panel 8 times. If you have lost some of your columns, it will hit only your enemy’s original area. If you have stolen some columns, it will not hit your area or increase in hits. Rating: 5/5. 00berness! This incredibly deadly chip does 480 damage to every enemy panel, resulting in instant death for unshielded Viruses. Because of its high number of hits, it can also be useful with some damage-boosting Chips against Navis. BASS (BLUE MOON) [ ][>][>] [>][ ][E]|Code: X [M][ ][ ] [ ][E][ ]|Damage: 160 [ ][>][>] [>][ ][>]|Regular Memory: 95 MB M = Megaman/Bass > = Wheel’s path E = Enemies that get hit Bass appears and creates two Hells Rolling wheels on the rows above and below him. (a total of 4 wheels) The wheels can curve to hit the first enemy that come across and will keep moving diagonally after that. They disappear if they would appear off the stage. Rating: 5/5. This version of Bass seems to be best suited against Navis, not Viruses. If used in the center row, it can do a whopping 640 damage against a Navi! It takes skill to efficiently delete Viruses with it, though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Legal Information (Legin) Copyright 2004 This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without my permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Although you may find this FAQ elsewhere, it was originally posted on www.gameFAQs.com, so check it out! Credit for the Information in this Guide goes mainly to my gaming experience with MMBN4 and my BradyGames guide, but also to: Magenta Galaxy and The Dark Unknown’s NetBattle Strategy Guide for the SP and DS Navi chip formulas. Everyone who set SP Navi records. SilentJi, for helping me with FireMan’s button command and setting many of the S-Ranking records! NihongoX for helping me with the AquaMan Chip. Some others for help with the other Blue Moon Navi chips; I can’t remember your names, so E-mail me to get credit. MixiMasta963 for briefly holding the Roll SP record and for the idea of making a Bass folder. Bassanly for information on WoodMan’s Chip. SaitoRockman for help with Bass’s Blue Moon Chip. solarray718 for S-ranking strategies for the Blue Moon Navis. Daniel for saying that MetalMan can be stunned by Silver Bullet. Gamemaker25 for an alternate ThunderMan strategy. igy973 for info on MetalMan. Cyber-abdul for a tip with Hockey3, finding Navis, and the WindMan chip.. I still need help with S-ranking tactics and chip descriptions for Blue Moon and help with the Navi chip button commands; any help will be welcome! If you helped with my guide but don’t see your name here, let me know!