Megaman Battle Network 4 Red Sun/Blue Moon Water God River Management Control System Chart To find what you're looking for press Ctrl+F and input the code next to the section you're wanting to go to. Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction [INTRD] 2. Version History [VRSNH] 3. Legal Information [LGLIN] 4. Water God River Management Control System Chart [WGRMS] 5. Dead Navi and Water God System Battle Chart [DNAVB] 6. Frequently Asked Questions [FAQS-] 7. Contact Me [CONTT] 8. Thanks to [THNKS] ------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction [INTRD] ------------------------------------------------------------- Hi I'm leviticuslo. I'm not going to say my real name for security reasons. This is my very first Walkthrough/FAQ/Chart. It's probably too late to make one for this game since it's been a few years after this game was made though. This is a chart for getting through the Water God River Management Control System. Legal Information [LGLIN] ------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is copyright to me, leviticuslo, 2006. It is allowed to be posted on only. It is NOT allowed on any other website without my permission. If you want to use this guide or ask questions about it, e-mail me. Just check out the Contact Me section for all my information. Version History [VRSNH] ------------------------------------------------------------- 0.99 - 10/11/06 - Added enemies in the System for Normal Difficulty 0.98 - 8/11/06 - This is the first version of my chart. I put which warps take you where and which data crystals give you what in which room. Water God River Management Control System Chart [WGRMS] ------------------------------------------------------------- The Water God River Management Control System is a river management system in Netfrica. You get there once you reach the Red Sun/Blue Moon Tournament. During the Red Sun/Blue Moon Tournament on a random difficulty level(s) you will be against Paulie from Netfrica. He invites you to do the Water God Challenge and tells you to go to Netfrica so hop on your plane and go to Netfrica. In Netfrica, go to the people jumping and talk to them. They say they're dancing for the Water God and tell you to jack in to the Nupopo idol in front of them. Jack in and go through this area into the Netfrica net area and find the crowd of Navis. They talk about the challenge and tell you to find the Water God Idol. It will fly off into the Sharo net area. Go through Netopia area into the Sharo area which is in the top-left edge of Netopia net. Search the area and you will find it. After you've found it go back to the Navi and it tells you you're the champion. Just jack out now. Go back to the ostrich and you will see the people next to the river. They tell you the river has dried up because of a virus in the River Management System and they need someone to fix it. Of course they pick you. They tell you that you need the Recvdrp which is in Netfrica net area so they give you the Lion Key. Now jack into the Nupopo idol again and go through the Netfrica area until you find the three doors. You will use the Lion Key on the first door. Then the next door is a quiz. Answer the questions correctly and it'll open. The third door is a battle. Once you've gone through the doors grab the Recvdrp and jack out. Now go across the blocks to the other side of the river and jack in to the Water God River Management Control System. This chart is to help you to get through the Water God System. It will be set up like so: +-----+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------------------------+ |Room |Green Warp | Blue Warp | Pink Warp | What is Found in the Room | +-----+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | A | Exit | Room B | Room C | XXXXz | | B | Room A | N/A | N/A | Chip Name * | | C | Room E | Room A | Room D | XXXXz, XXX Dead Navi(s) | +-----+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------------------------+ The [Color] Warp means which warp goes to which room. You can tell which warp in the room is which by what color square the warp is on. Also a warp in one room may not always take you to another warp of the same color. In some warp columns there is N/A. N/A means not available so if there is N/A in that column, that means there is no warp of that color in that room. The What's Found column is for, as the name implies, what you find in the room. The z in the What's Found column stands for Zennys, which you should already know because that's what it is on the game. Here's the chart: +-----+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------------------------+ |Room |Green Warp | Blue Warp | Pink Warp | What is Found in the Room | +-----+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | 1 | Exit | Room 6 | Room 5 | 100z | | 2 | Room 13 | Room 3 | Room 10 | 100z | | 3 | Room 11 | Room 2 | Room 5 | 100z | | 4 | Room 11 | Room 13 | Room 6 | 100z, One Dead Navi | | 5 | Room 3 | Room 1 | Room 7 | 100z, Two Dead Navis | | 6 | Room 4 | Room 1 | Room 14 | 100z | | 7 | Room 5 | Room 15 | Room 14 | 100z, Four Dead Navis | | 8 | Room 12 | Room 10 | Room 16 | 100z, Five Dead Navis | | 9 | Room 11 | N/A | N/A | Full Energy SubChip | | 10 | Room 13 | Room 8 | Room 2 | 100z | | 11 | Room 3 | Room 9 | Room 4 | 100z | | 12 | Room 8 | N/A | N/A | FullCust* | | 13 | Room 4 | Room 2 | Room 10 | 100z | | 14 | Room 6 | Room 7 | Room 15 | 100z | | 15 | Room 7 | N/A | Room 14 | 100z, Three Dead Navis | | 16 | Room 8 | N/A | N/A | 10,000z, Water God Comp | +-----+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | Enemies found in the Water God System | | Normal Difficulty: MettuarEX, ShrimpyEX, LarkEX | | | | Hard Difficulty: | | | | Super Hard Difficulty: | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ If you want to go straight through the Water God River System to the Water God Comp and want to be in the least amount of battles then follow this path. From room 1 go to room 6 (blue warp), then to room 4 (green warp), then to room 13 (blue warp), then to room 10 (pink warp), then to room 8 (blue warp), then finally to room 16 (pink warp). In room 4 there is one dead navi and in room 8 there are five dead navis. Another path is from room 1 to room 5 (pink warp), then to room 3 (green warp), then to room 2 (blue warp), then to room 10 (pink warp), then to room 8 (blue warp), then finally to room 16 (pink warp). In this path you will find two dead navis in room 5 and five dead navis in room 8 like on the other path. To avoid battles from the dead navis walk along the edges of the room to the warp. Each time you jack into the Water God River Management System a Mr. Program (you know one of those green guys) will randomly appear in a room, but not every time you jack in. What it does is it heals you and it will give you something. I have a brother that has Red Sun and he got 4 BugFrags. I have Blue Moon but I haven't found it yet so I'm not sure if he gives you something random or if it's a set item. If someone has more info on this please e-mail me about it. Dead Navi and Water God Comp Battle Chart [DNAVB] --------------------------------------------------------- This section is for the set battles in the Water God River Control System. While you're jacked into the system you will find dead navis in the middle of some rooms. If you get too close to them you be in a battle against them. Actually it will be against viruses but those viruses are supposed to be the navis' data gone corrupt. To avoid a battle stay along the edge of the room until you're next to the warp. The number of navis there are means the number of battles you will be against. I will list what you will be against and what the terrain will be like. I will also list the battles you go against once you reach and check the Water God River System. I have the room in order from the least amount of Dead Navis to the most, then the Water God System battles. In room 4: Battle 1 - MettaurEX, MettaurEX, MelodyEX (Don't have terrain info yet) In room 5: Battle 1 - MettaurEX, MettaurEx, LarkEx Battle 2 - LarkEX, LarkEX (Don't have terrain info yet) In room 15: Battle 1 - SpikeyEX, SpikeyEX Battle 2 - MettaurEX, Tuby, MettaurEX Battle 3 - MettaurEX, BillyEX, BoomerEX Terrain For All Battles: I I P|I I I I - Ice P I I|I I P P - Poison I I I|P I I In room 7: Battle 1 - Kilby, Trumpy Battle 2 - VolGearEX, VolGearEX Battle 3 - Walla, Spidy Battle 4 - MelodyEX, MettaurEX, Walla Terrain For All Battles: X X P|P X X P - Poison X X P|P X X X - Blank Panel X X P|P X X In room 8: Battle 1 - MettaurEX, MettaurEX Battle 2 - MettaurEX, ShrimpyEX Battle 3 - ShrimpyEX, DharmaEX - DharmaEX has PanlGrab Battle 4 - MettaurEX, BoomerEX Battle 5 - MelodyEX, VolGearEX (Don't have terrain info yet) In room 16, the Water Management System: Battle 1 - MettaurEX, LarkEX Battle 2 - LarkEX, LarkEX - LarkEX has Blinder Battle 3 - MettaurEX, LarkEX, MettaurEX Battle 4 - ShrimpyEX, ShrimpyEX, Trumpy Battle 5 - LarkEX, ShrimpyEX, Trumpy Terrain For All Battles: I I I|X X X I - Ice X I I|I I X X - Blank panel X X X|I I I During some of the battles I forgot to list the terrain, so if you have info on them please send it to me. I also need to know if the chips the enemies use are what I listed them as or if they're just random so please e-mail me on that if you get any information. Look at my Contact Me section for my e-mail address. Frequently Asked Questions [FAQS-] --------------------------------------------------------- Q: What is the Water God River Management Control System? A: It is the management system for the river in Netfrica. Q: How do I get there? A: After you've done the Water God Challenge and gotten the Recvdrp, go to Netfrica and it's across the river. Contact Me [CONTT] --------------------------------------------------------- I'm wanting to add info on what enemies you find throughout the whole computer so you can e-mail me about that. If you have any questions or comments about the Water God River Management Control System then e-mail them to me. Any information that's helpful or that I think is needed to be in my Chart then I will mention your name and how you helped. If you have negative comments about my Guide that are not going to help me improve it then don't send them to me. Oh and make sure you make the subject about this FAQ or else I may delete it. Now here is my e-mail address: Thanks To [THNKS] --------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to: - Me, leviticuslo, because I created it - To the creators of the game, because I never would have played this game if it didn't exist - Anyone that reads this Chart/FAQ and uses it Hey I would appreciate it if you have any information that I'm missing and e-mail it to me. That's all then. Bye!