Megaman Battle Network 5 Virus Database/FAQ This Joint FAQ was written by Zidanet_129 (Alan Tseng) And Daimou43 (Lawrence Wong) ------------------------------------------ 1. Legal Notice [^1] ------------------------------------------ This FAQ is copyright 2005 Zidanet_129 (Chao Tsan (Alan) Tseng) and Daimou43 (Lawrence Wong). Do not post this anywhere except on the following list of sites. It should not be used on any other site unless BOTH authors grant permission. Copying this guide in any way, shape or form without giving proper credit will force us to take legal action, and prosecute you to the full extent of the law. This wastes time and money for BOTH sides, so don't do it. Contact us at our respective e-mails if you need anything. ------------------------------------------ 2. Contact Us [^2] ------------------------------------------ Before we leak ANY of our contact information, we would like to remind you all, that we are mere second-year university students (or Sophomores if you prefer), and we do NOT have too much time in our hands in answering your questions. If you have any suggestions, you're welcomed to e-mail us and tell us, IN DETAIL, what the suggestion/problem is. However, we STRICTLY PROHIBIT any of you to do ANY of the following: - Ask questions. This includes EVERY SINGLE TYPE OF QUESTION RELATED TO THE GAME. WE DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO ANSWER THEM. - Flame. - Type in AOL spelling/grammar. This includes use of craps like "lol" or any improper grammar. Don't like it? Too bad. Don't know grammar? Do some reading instead of playing games. - Send e-mail bombs or Viruses - Use inappropriate title (explained later) - Request for credits after submitting information. If you do this, we will count the info as anonymously submitted. Should you violate ANY of the above terms, we reserve the rights to not reply your e-mail. Now, when you e-mail either one of us, we would appreciate it if you would put "MMBN5 Virus Database/FAQ: " in the title. Titles like "(none)" or "hey" will be ignored right away. E-mail Addresses: Zidanet_129: Daimou43: ------------------------------------------ 3. Version History [^3] ------------------------------------------ - 0.7 (August 1, 2005) Finished the basic parts of the FAQ. Added all Viruses. ------------------------------------------ 4. Table of Contents [^4] ------------------------------------------ 1. Legal Notice 2. Contact Us 3. Version History 4. Table of Contents (You're here!) 5. Introduction 6. Virus Database 7. Virus Formations (To be added post-V0.7) 8. Frequently Asked Questions 9. Credits ------------------------------------------ 5. Introduction [^5] ------------------------------------------ Welcome to the Virus Database/FAQ for Megaman Battle Network 5! This is the first Joint FAQ written by both Zidanet and Daimou, so if there is any problem or anything you want to tell us, go right ahead. Here, we will introduce you to the popular Index System, commonly used in many FAQs these days. People who have read Zidanet's FAQs would know how they work. Here's how you do it: To search for the part that you want, just simply press and hold "Ctrl" on your keyboard, and press "F" to bring up the "Find..." window. Type in the keyword (everything included in the [ ], including the ^ sign) and hit Enter. Need an example? Here. If you want to find the Introductions (although I don't know why anyone would want to...... >_>), simply hit Ctrl + F, and type in "^5" without the quotation marks. Hit Enter/Return. You'll be taken to the title of this section right away. Convenient, no? This Index System also works with the Virus Database and Virus Formations, but they will be using slightly different keywords. Read those parts for instructions for them. ------------------------------------------ 6. The Viruses [^6] ------------------------------------------ Ahh, so enough of out blabberings and into the good stuff. But if you're hoping to NOT see anymore of our blabbery, sorry, you're in for WAY more from here on. In this section, you'll find EVERY SINGLE VIRUS that existed in the game, classified by their appearance and generally called by their V1's name. They are put in order of when they appear in the game. For your convenience, we have included the index system for the viruses as well. Here's a list of the viruses and their corresponding index coding: Mettaur [^Met] Powey [^Pow] CanoGuard [^Can] Kabutank [^Bom] Champu [^Cha] Cacty [^Cac] WindBox [^Win] VaccumFan [^Fan] DrilRoll [^Dri] PulseBat [^Bat] Rarapapa [^Rar] Keatank [^Tnk] Handy [^Hnd] Wuzulim [^Crb] Metefire [^Mtr] Marina [^Sub] Yura (Shaker) [^Shk] BombBoy [^Boy] WoodNote [^Wod] Genin [^Nin] Eleoga [^Ele] Zemon [^Smr] Gaelark [^Lrk] Skalavia [^Skl] Dragrin [^Drg] Curze [^Crz] Pikarra [^Pik] AppleSamu [^Apl] Well, there they are. And read on for the whole list of viruses, with detailed descriptions and strategy against them! ============================================================================== Mettaur [^Met] HP: 40/70/100/130/200/300 Element: None Attack Damage: 10/??/??/??/??/200 Attack Element: None Zidanet's Description: The all-time weakest enemies since Rockman 1 on NES. They're known for wearing a helmet made out of Met-Alloy, which is capable of blocking ANY type of attack, with absolutely no exceptions. This record is finally broken in the EXE series, where Cracking Chips were introduced and later abused to no end. In the EXE series, they are equipped with a pickaxe, which, when swung onto the floor, causes a shockwave to travel straight ahead. Daimou's Description: Ah, the Metts. Cute little guys, aren't they? they've been in EVERY SINGLE Megaman game. In the Battle Network series, they lose their plasma blaster, and sport a spiffy new pickaxe. In the Earlier BattleNetwork series, they had two different series of chips. The shockwave series, and the Guard series. Shockwave copies their shockwave ability, and Guard blocks an attack. (If it successfully blocks an attack, it also makes a wave. Redundant? VERY.) Capcom has eliminated the Shockwave series, and now we're left with the Guards. Behaviour: - Launches a shockwave when they swing the pickaxe. The damaging part of the Shockwave is marked by yellow illuminations on the floor. - Only launches attack when it's on the same row as Megaman. - When more than one of them are present, the one on the front row will start to attack while the other two don't. - V2 and V3 hide under their helmets while not moving or attacking. - V3 cracks all Panels with its Shockwave. Therefore it cannot launch attack on the same row twice, since the second one will break the Panel and stop the Shockwaves from moving. Counter Timing: Hit it after it brings its pickaxe backwards, but before landing it on the ground. Location: - ACDC Areas - Kitchen Comp - Mayl's HP - Dex's HP - Yai's HP - Doghouse Comp - Mainframe Comps - Oran Crane Comp EX Location: - DrillComps - Oran Area 3 - SciLab Areas - WineCooler Comp - End Areas - Gargoyle HP - Undernet Area 2 - NebulaArea 1-3 - SciLab HP Chips Spoiled: MetGuard1 MetGuard2 MetGuard3 ============================================================================== Powie [^Pow] HP: 60/100/140/180/240/260 Element: None Attack Damage: 20/??/??/??/??/?? Attack Element: Breaking Zidanet's Description: Little masses with wings constantly flapping to allow them to float in mid-air. They're cute, they're floaty, and they HURT when they fall on you, after changing into the massive-ass Megaman-crusher mode. There used to be a PA made with these guys' Chips, but too bad Capcom's decided to take them out. Daimou's Description: Back from their 2-game hiatus, the Quakers are back. They kinda resemble Salt shakers, though. Anyways... They're pretty docile when they're just minding their own buisness. They fly around a bit, and after a couple of hops, they inflate, and try to crush you like a bug, by smashing the panel you're standing on. They crack the panel they smash, and break any guards you have. V2-V4 generate an explosion one square left and one square right of their landing spot. V5-V6 blasts the four surrounding panels. They land faster as their version level increass. In Battle Network 2, these were hunted nearly to extinction because their chips could form HeavyStamp: an 800-damage breaking, Timefreezing, Autotarget PA. However, Capcom has changed it. Now the quake series are merely bombs that crack panels and defense. T_T Behaviour: - Flys around the battlefield randomly. - Teleports above your location, and smashing down, cracking the panel it lands on. - V3 + V4 makes an explosion one space left, and one square right of its point of impact. - V5 + V6 makes an explosion on the 4 adjacent panels on its point of impact - Fall through holes, dealing no collateral damage. Counter Timing: Smack it when it teleports over your area, before it hits the ground. Location: - ACDC Areas - Yai's HP - Main System Comps EX Location: - End Area 1 - Kabuto (Helm) Comp - Gargoyle Comps - NebulaHole Area 2 Chips Spoiled: Quake1 Quake2 Quake3 ============================================================================== CanoGuard [^Can] HP: 60/120/???/180/230/280 Element: None Attack Damage: 10/??/??/??/??/200 Attack Element: None Zidanet's Description: They're kinda like advanced CanoDumbs from previous games. You know, line up, aim, fire. These guys actually only does that much. However, they become more annoying as the higher levelled ones start to gain shielding capabilities and become pains in asses when you need a Busting Level S. Daimou's Description: Hm... New Viruses, or simply upgraded? You decide. These buggers have been hanging around the Metts for too long. They've now learnt how to guard. They send cursors, and ONLY fire on it. If they fire while you're in their row, they'll automatically lock on, and fire. These guys are EXCELLENT for Defense training, such as the Reflect NCB or the KawarimiMagic/Antidmg NCB. Behaviour: - Sits in one square, doesn't move. - When you are in the column, they fire a tracking cursor, locking on to your position. - when it fires, and you're still on their column, they lock on automatically and fire immediately. - V2+ can guard attacks. They will not guard if you are on their column, or they have fired a targeting cursor or they are firing. Counter Timing: Attack it after they have fired, and the smoke is still out. Location: - ACDC Areas - Dex's HP - Mayl's HP - Doghouse Comp - Dad's PC - Main System Areas - Crane Comp - Electrical Lock Comp EX Location: - SciLab HP - Server Comp - Radar Comp - Engine Comp - End Area 4 - Undernet Area 2 - NebulaHole Area 2 Chips Spoiled: Markcannon1 Markcannon2 Markcannon3 ============================================================================== Kabutank [^Bom] HP: 80/110/140/170/240/290 Element: None Attack Damage: 20/??/??/??/??/200 Attack Element: None Zidanet's Description: The bomb-launching buggies are back too. This time though, unlike their EXE2 counterparts, they don't fire bombs with different ranges. Oh no. They decided to be mean. As in, REALLY mean. The bombs are now capable of cracking your panels, paralyzing you, or even nerf your NC. Get rid of these a.s.a.p. before they start trouble. Daimou's Description: ALSO from a 2-game Hiatus, these guys have learned new techs. In previous games, they would fire a column, a cross, or blow up 9 squares. Now, they've powered down, so they'd only fire on a column, but they've got some nasty tricks now. V1 and V2 crack panels, V3 and V4 Paralyze, and V5 and V6 tamper with your Navi Customizer. Oh noes. They scurry up and down and stop to fire on the panel you're standing on. The chip data they give you are bombs that mimic their ability. =) Behaviour: - Scuttles up and down the column, stopping to fire a bomb. - Bomb arcs, depending on your relative location to the tank. (high arc for long distances, low arcs for short.) - Bomb explodes 1 square up and 1 square down where it lands (and the point of impact) - V3+V4 bombs' paralyze. - V5+V6 bombs' neutralize your Navi Customizer. Counter Timing: Attack it after they have fired, and they are still smoking. Location: - ACDC Area 3 - Dad's PC - DrillComp Area 3 - Electrical Lock Comp - Crane Comp - Elevator Comp - SciLab Areas - SciLab HP EX Location: - DrillComp Area 4 - SciLab Areas - SciLab HP Chips Spoiled: CrackBomb ParaBomb ResetBomb ============================================================================== Champu [^Cha] HP: 60/100/140/180/230/280 Element: Fire Attack Damage: Attack Element: Fire Zidanet's Description: Wow. Boxers. With fire in their gloves. They seem to spell trouble in every way whenever they appear, unless you're backtracking in easier stages. They would be much better boxers if they actually go into higher combos, but then it'll be more trouble, so maybe not. Daimou's Description: More new viruses. Lightning fast and ready to fight, they stand there itching to fight. If they spot a challenger (you), they teleport in front of you, and punch you because they don't like competition. V2 and up give you the old 1-2. The advanced versions teleport faster, and punch quicker. The Firepunch series sends a firey punch to the closest column. (up to 3 columns in front of you.) Behaviour: - Remains on the panel forever if you don't line up with them on their rows. - Once you line up with them, the one on Megaman's row will disappear, only to appear one panel ahead of him, punching him in the face, literally. - V2 and up are capable of doing a 1-2 combo, which, obviously, deals double damage seeing it's two hits. - As their levels advanced, they will teleport faster. - They can't seem to go over Broken/Empty Panels. In other words, if you face them while standing behind a Broken or Empty Panel, they just simply don't attack you. Counter Timing: Hit it before it swings its fist. WideSword and similar attacks are recommended. Location: - Main System Areas - NebulaHole Area 4 (only V5 and V6 here) EX Location: - Squirrel Comp - SciLab Area 3 - End Area 4 - NetBattle Machine Comp (on Queen Bohemian) - Pipe Comp (in Nebula HQ) - NebulaHole Area 3 Chips Spoiled: FirePunch1 FirePunch2 FirePunch3 ============================================================================== Cacty [^Cac] HP: 70/110/150/190/230/270 Element: Wood Attack Damage: 20/??/??/??/??/200 Attack Element: Wood Zidanet's Description: I dunno about you guys, but these things reminded me of those similar enemies in Super Mario World...... Forgot which one, but still. These guys work in a similar fashion as the Vineys back from EXE3, except these guys are less intellegent. I mean, come on, how smart can you be if you detach your head and let it roll on the floor to hit someone? Daimou's Description: These guys are cool. They are related to the Roper viruses in Battlenetwork 3. They sit on a panel, and chuck their heads at you, rolling all the way. When their reaches the end, hitting an object or not, the heads land on their bodies, ready to fire again. They can't go past holes. Advanced versions roll faster and more frequently. They give you the Sabotenballs (Cactusball) series, which can bounce and hit your enemies up to four times. If you fire it behind a hole, it will pass and continue doing it's thing. Behaviour: - They don't move. Well, their BODIES don't move. - They sit on the panel, take their time. After a while, they pull their heads back, and then whip it to the front and let it roll. - The heads will be the only vulnerable parts of these guys when they're rolling. - The head will roll off the field's edge, then fall back onto the body from the ceiling. (How do they DO that!?) - As Wood Viruses, they regenerate HP on GrassPanels. Only the head can recover HP though, so even if the body stays on a Grass Panel, it doesn't recover HP unless the head remains on the body. - If the head should hit ANY field object or land in a hole, it will instantly return to the body. Counter Timing: Similar to the Mettaurs, hit them after they retract their heads and before they launch them. Location: - Main System Area 2 - Oran Island Areas - Electrical Lock Comp - Squirrel Comps EX Location: - End Areas - Past Vision: ACDC Area Chips Spoiled: CacBall1 CacBall2 CacBall3 ============================================================================== WindBox [^Win] HP: 60/??/??/??/210/?? Element: None Attack Damage: 0 Attack Element: None (technically it's Wind, but it does no damage, so yeah) Zidanet's Description: These guys blow. Literally. They send out strong wind to push Megaman to the back row of his area, making it painful for him to land hits with Sword or Bomb Chips. Daimou's Description: In 20XX, AC units have replaced ALL fans. These guys got lonely, so they started hanging out with Viruses. When they see a navi, they will happily try to cool it down, completely forgetting about the viruses that they hung out with. T_T it's a sad life. When you defeat them, they will still try to pass on their legacy. Later versions will push you away faster, and more frequently. The Wind chip will push enemies away, giving you your personal space back. Behaviour: - Remains on the panel forever. - Does absolutely no direct damage to Megaman in any way. - Cannot be countered since, technically, it's constantly attacking. Counter Timing: None Location: - Crane Comp - Undernet Area 3 EX Location: None Chips Spoiled: Wind * ============================================================================== VaccumFan [^Fan] HP: 60/??/??/??/210/?? Element: None Attack Damage: 0 Attack Element: None (technically it's Wind, but it does no damage, so yeah) Zidanet's Description: These guys don't blow. They suck. Literally. They send out strong wind to pull Megaman to the front row of his area, making it easier for him to get hit by enemy attacks. Daimou's Description: In 20XX, AC units have replaced ALL fans. These guys got lonely, so they started hanging out with Viruses. When they see a navi, they will happily try to cool it down, completely forgetting about the viruses that they hung out with. T_T it's a sad life. One of the viruses accidentally hit the "reverse" switch on these guys. Now they suck navis towards them. They sit still and don't attack. When you defeat them, they will still try to pass on their legacy. Later versions will pull you faster, and more frequently. The Fan chip will draw enemies towards you. Keeps your friends close, and your enemies closer. Behaviour: - Remains on the panel forever. - Does absolutely no direct damage to Megaman in any way. - Cannot be countered since, technically, it's constantly attacking. Counter Timing: None Location: - Oran Area 2 - SciLab Comp - Undernet Area 3 EX Location: None Chips Spoiled: Fan * ============================================================================== DrilRoll [^Dri] HP: 90/130/170/210/250/290 Element: None Attack Damage: ??/??/??/??/??/?? Attack Element: Breaking Zidanet's Description: I swear Capcom's trying to bring back DrillMan, but can't due to whatever reason they had, and ended up with these little guys. They have a drill on their heads, and when they line up with Megaman, they charge up to try to drill the hell outta him. Let's just say that I'm glad that they can't multi-hit like their Chips do. Daimou's Description: Hm... A Semi-new Virus. Apparently, some squid have been stalking Drillman. He's taught them a thing or two, and now they're running around, poking holes in EVERYTHING. They move up and down one square, and if they see you, they'll fly towards you, open up a hole, and try again. They then go to their original positions and start the process again. Later versions move and fly faster. Behaviour: - Moves up and down between two panels. Speed increases as version increases. - When lined up with Megaman, they turn into Drill Mode, and fly towards him. They CAN take damage from the front at this point. - After they leave the field, they break a hole above the column that Megaman stands on, and drills from top to bottom. They return to the original Panel after completing a cycle of attack. - The speed of the drilling increases as version increases. Counter Timing: Hit it after it stops moving, but before it gets off it's panel Location: - Drill Comps - Squirrel Comp - SciLab Comp 2 - Engine Comp - Wine Cooler Comp EX Location: - DrillComp 2 - Ship Comp Areas - Factory Area 3 - NebulaHole Area 1 Chips Spoiled: DrillArm1 DrillArm2 DrillArm3 ============================================================================== PulseBat [^Bat] HP: 80/110/140/170/200/230 Element: None Attack Damage: ??/??/??/??/??/200 Attack Element: None Zidanet's Description: I don't understand what's the deal with Capcom sticking in more and more vampire-related stuff. I mean, even if Kenji Inafune is friends with Boktai's "father" (the name's slipping my mind now), he shouldn't drop in so much stuff from Boktai...... Well, enough complaints. These little buggers love to fly high into the sky, and therefore making it hard for Megaman to land attacks with the best timing. Their Chips are sickly interesting to use though. Daimou's Description: A new virus! They seem to be helmeted Versions of Shademan's bats. They fly up and down in place, and screech off sonic waves. If they hit an object, the sonic waves project to all 8 surrounding squares. V3 and V5 paralyze, V4 and V6 Confuses. Counter Timing: Hit it when it hides itself with it's wings, but before it releases its screech. Location: - DrillComp Area 3 - Server Comp - End Areas - Radar Comp - Katana Comp EX Location: - Gargoyle Comp Areas - Undernet Area 1 - Chip Maker Comp - NebulaHole Area 1 Chips Spoiled: Pulsar1 Pulsar2 Pulsar3 ============================================================================== Rarapapa [^Rar] HP: 90/120/150/180/210/240 Element: None Attack Damage: 0 Attack Element: None Zidanet's Description: These guys play music. Not the pleasant ones for you to enjoy, oh no. Far from it. When they play, different status ailments will occur. Each one is different, and I'll just leave it in the annoying category. Daimou's Description They're still here, and they hop up and down the column, occasionally firing off a piece of music. Some paralyze, Some grant invincibility, and others are plain mean, such as Recovering FULL HP for their allies? -_- Their instrument series chips summons select instruments to come play for you, whenever they feel like it. Behaviour: - Jumps up and down on the column they appear on. - Does absolutely no direct damage to Megaman in any way. - Plays music every once in a while. - V1 and V2's music grants enemies Invincibility. You know, the glowing green aura thing. - V3's music causes Megaman to be immobilized for the duration of the song. - V4's music causes Confuse status to Megaman. Apparently it also drags him out of Invisibility. - V5's music causes Blind status to Megaman. Also drags him out of Invisibility, I think. - V6 is the single most annoying one. It recovers all fellow viruses' HP to MAX. Good thing it doesn't heal itself. Counter Timing: After it pulls back, before it plays. Location: - Squirrel Comp - End Areas - NetBattle Machine Comp EX Locaion: - WineCooler Comp (You can get ALL the music Chips here) - Undernet Area 2 - MessageBoard Comp - Factory Comp 3 Chips Spoiled: Fanfare Discord Timpani Silence ============================================================================== Keatank [^Tnk] HP: 120/150/180/210/260/310 Element: None Attack Damage: ??/??/??/??/??/?? Attack Element: None Zidanet's Description: These tanks hurt. A LOT. The problem is that they steal your area Panel by Panel, making it painful to defend against other enemy attacks when you keep losing areas. And then they shoot you with their overly-powerful cannons, which friggin' BLOWS UP THE WHOLE BACK COLUMN if it somehow misses you. If you didn't know how to spell "pain", now you do. Daimou's Description: These guys are kinda mean. They invade and conquer. They're really slow but they steal area while moving forward. You'll usually find them on the front lines, stealing vital pieces of your territory. They fire their Cannons, which make an explosion at the end of your territory. Later versions advance and fire more frequently. The TankCannon series will make an explosion and crack the back row if the initial shot reaches the edge of the field. If it hits an enemy, they'll get pushed back. Behaviour: - Moves up toward Megaman's area Panel-by-panel in a straight line. - Everytime it stops, it pulls out a huge cannon to fire. If Megaman gets into the way of the cannon, he will take damage and get pushed to the back row of his area. If he gets out of the way, the shot will explode on the back column of Megaman's area, hitting everything on the backrow. - If more than one of them is present on the field, only one will fire while the other doesn't. Then, after another move, the second tank will fire while the first one takes a rest. They DO move simultaneously though. Counter Timing: After it stops moving, before it launches the shot. A rather loud loading sound can be heard before it fires, so you can use that as a guideline. Location: - SciLab Areas - SciLab HP - Radar Comp - Engine Comp - Ship Comp 2 - MessageBoard Comp EX Location: - Factory Comp 1 - KokoroServer Comp Chips Spoiled: TankCannon1 TankCannon2 TankCannon3 ============================================================================== Handy [^Hnd] HP: 80/100/120/150/180/210 Element: None Attack Damage: ??/??/??/??/??/200 Attack Element: None Zidanet's Description: They do a pretty nice hand-job, you know. These guys are your traditional I-don't-attack-you-directly, I-bomb-you-when-you-don't-pay-attention guy. They start off in the battle doing nothing, but after a while, they dig a hole in the ground and hides in it, only to appear in their front row, dropping off a timed bomb in YOUR area. You are given 3 seconds to destroy it, or it goes BOOM. That is, until now. Now they sometimes drop a bomb that doesn't exactly count down...... And doesn't seem to blow up at all. So you may think that it's still dangerous and decide to shoot it. Bad idea. "Rock Buster!!!" *patooie* *BOOM* Daimou's Description: Giant floating hands. They were away for 2 games, to master their new technique. In EXE2, they sank into the panels, pop back up, and drop a time-bomb in your area. They sit there until the bomb is destroyed, then they promptly replace it. As for their new technique... They've learned to make Nitroglycerin. If you whack it with anything, the bomb blows. Just leave it alone. The Timebomb battlechip series they drop lets you put a bomb on your opponent's field. The hand viruses are lazy, so they'll drop it on the leftmost side of your opponent's area. Your opponent has 3 seconds to defuse the bomb. Behaviour: - Sits on a panel before sinking into the ground and dropping a bomb in your area. - Stays behind the bomb it drops until the bomb is gone, then makes another one. - Some bombs count down from 3 before exploding, others marked with an X explode when you attack it, or defuse quickly after. Counter Timing: RIGHT before it drops the bomb. Location: - SciLab Areas 2-4 - Chip Maker Comp EX Location: - Undernet Area 2 - Factory Comp 3 Chips Spoiled: Countbomb1 Countbomb2 Countbomb3 ============================================================================== Wuzulim [^Crb] HP: 90/110/130/150/170/190 Element: Aqua Attack Damage: 20/??/??/??/??/?? Attack Element: Aqua Zidanet's Description: These little crabs look cute on the first sight, but they're rather annoying to evade once you begin to fight them. They just move around in their little water tornado, until they see a good timing to start cycloning into Megaman's area in an attempt to hurt him. Daimou's Description: These guys whirl around all day. They're crabs in their own personal tornado. They drift along horizontally, and vertically, until they pass around directly for you. They attack in a boomerang shaped arc, aiming for the column you're on, and then start whirling around again. Advanced versions will move faster. The Aquawhirl chip series summons one of them for you, and when it hits something, it will make an Ocean Panel. Behaviour: - Moves around in a rather random path. Speed increases as version increases. - After moving for a while, it will stop in its track, then move into Megaman's area with the water tornado enclosing itself completely. Speed inreases as version increases, again. It CAN be hurt while in the water tornado form. - It will enter from either the top or bottom row, turn down or up (respectively), and whirl back into its area. - Once back into its area, it'll resume the random moving. Counter Timing: After it stops, before it encloses itself in the water tornado. Location: - End Areas - NetBattle Machine Comp - Ship Comp Areas - Gargoyle HP EX Location: - Undernet Area 1 - Pipe Comp Chips Spoiled: AquaWhirl1 AquaWhirl2 AquaWhirl3 ============================================================================== Metefire [^Mtr] HP: 100/140/180/220/260/300 Element: Fire Attack Damage: ??/??/??/??/??/?? Attack Element: Fire Zidanet's Description: OHNOES, they're back from previous games too. Back in EXE2 they were annoying little <censored> because they always appear with other annoying viruses like Dominerds and stuff. So do they act any nicer these days? NOES. Daimou's Description: They're back, and.... Exactly the same as before. Anyways... these Sorcerors warp around randomly and stop to fire a bunch of meteors at you. They're not stupid, so they sometimes carry Rockcubes to hide behind. If there's one available, they WILL hide behind it, including the VMDs. Later versions Teleport and fire faster and more frequently. They also renamed the Meteor# chip Series to Asteroids. The "Asteroid" chip series fire some meteors on an enemy, homing in and chasing them. Behaviour: - Teleports around the field to random Panels, with increased speed as version increases. - After moving for a while, it will stop on a Panel and cover itself with its cloak, raising its wand in a straight position. This is when it's gonna attack. - Panels on Megaman's side of the field will start to flash in yellow. Move away from those Panels immediately, as meteors will end up falling onto those panels from the ceiling of the battlefield. - After launching a barrage of meteors, it will let its cloak fall and resume the random teleportation. - If there are any field objects with a space behind it, they will ALWAYS start their attack from behind one of them. Counter Timing: After it stops, before it completely drops the cloak and raises the wand. Location: - End Areas - NebulaHoly Area 4 EX Location: - Undernet Area 1 - Factory Comp 3-4 Chips Spoiled: MeteorEarth1 MeteorEarth2 MeteorEarth3 ============================================================================== Marina [^Sub] HP: 120/160/200/240/280/320 Element: Aqua Attack Damage: ??/??/??/??/??/?? Attack Element: Aqua Zidanet's Description: Wao, submarines. Just what we'd expect from these aquatic area where Blues/Colonel has to dive into water to find the stupid keys eh? These little buggers are annoying in two ways. One, they can dive into Ocean Panels, making it impossible to hit them when they're down there. Two, they launch SideBubbles, which is very similar to BubbleMan's Bubbles back in EXE3. In case if you don't know what this means, it means that the Bubbles contain little shooting things (Anchors in this case) that shoots forward when you break the bubbles. Have fun with these little buggers. Daimou's Description: Submarines with a heart-shaped mark, these guys are REALLY annoying. Ocean panels stow them away, and they'll only be hit by Electric-based attacks, or paneltargeting attacks like Shadowman. They fire Sidebubbles, which bounce around and annoy you. If you shoot them, it'll release an INVINCIBLE Anchor out of the bubble. Not even the mighty Darkdrill could destroy it. They'll float around randomly, while stopping to fire off bubbles whenever they feel like it. Later versions fire faster and more frequently. They drop the Sidebubble chip series, which fire two of those Bubbles. BEST MULTIPURPOSE CHIP EVAR. Behaviour: - Moves around in a rather random path. Speed increases as version increases. - When it moves over an Ocean Panel, it will dive into the water, leaving only the top scope showing. - After moving for a while, it will stop in its track, then spit out a bubble that travels diagonally (like an AirHockey, except it doesn't bounce back at the end of the area). The speed of the bubble increases as version increases. - Touching the bubble hurts you. If you break the bubble (Buster it or damage it in any way), the anchor in the bubble will shoot straight ahead and it's invulnerable to ANY type of attack. The Anchor's shooting speed increases as version increases. Counter Timing: After it stops, before the bubble fully forms. Location: - Ship Comp Areas - End Area 3 - MessageBoard Comp - Pipe Comp EX Location: - Chip Maker Comp - Factory Comp 3 - Server Comp Chips Spoiled: SideBubble1 SideBubble2 SideBubble3 ============================================================================== Yura (Shaker) [^Shk] HP: 100/130/160/190/250/310 Element: Elec Attack Damage: ??/??/??/??/??/?? Attack Element: Elec Zidanet's Description: These little satellites returns from EXE2 to offer us more troubles. Their Behaviour haven't changed much though, which is fortunate, since it'll be rather easy for old players to kill them with ease. Although, it's pretty retarded that they're called "Shakers"...... Considering "Shakers" were those dumbell enemies back in EXE3...... And "shaker" just somehow reminds me of black pepper...... Daimou's Description: They're back! Returning from EXE2, these guys... Haven't exactly undergone the top-secret training that most of the other viruses have received. Oh well, that's a GOOD thing. They fly and sweep the entire field until they hit an object, which they'll circle back, and orbit it a couple of times before resetting. Later versions move faster, and has less idling time. They drop the Satellite (SPshake, wtf?) chip series, which summon one of these to fly around. The chip data is watered down, as the chips can't copy their orbiting trick. =( Behaviour: - Sits in the initial Panel for a while before it attacks. - When it's attacking, it makes a metallic *zap* before start to move up and down, covering every Panel until it reaches the end of the area. The Panel where it's hitting will glow yellow. To avoid the attack, step ahead when it's passed. The speed increases as version increases, and at higher versions it's purely annoying to even dodge its attacks. It returns to the original Panel after reaching the end of your area. - If it hits any type of obstacle, it will revolve around the obstacle as if it's a satellite and the obstacle is the Earth. After a while it will return to its original position. Counter Timing: Right when you hear the *zap*. Location: - Ship Comp 3 - End Area 4 - NebulaHole Area 4 EX Location: - Undernet Area 2 - Factory Comp 1 Chips Spoiled: SpShake1 SpShake2 SpShake3 ============================================================================== BombBoy [^Boy] HP: 80/130/180/230/280/330 Element: None Attack Damage: ??/??/??/??/??/?? Attack Element: None Zidanet's Description: These little guys emerged since EXE4 and they resemble one of those arcade games which you shoot little aliens back with your light gun before they get up to the boxes and take them away. This time around it's a little different, in that you don't try to keep the boxes, but to push them away from yourself. And if you don't? *BOOM* Daimou's Description: Lololo and Lalala ripoffs, anyone? (Kirby Reference) Anyways... these guys push bombs into your area, making your area go boom after a while. These guys started in MMBN4. Unlike EXE4, where you could wait until they've set their bomb down, then Colorpoint it over to their side... You're going to have to "Return To Sender" manually, by means of Airshot or something. Advanced versions can push the bomb faster, and the fuse of the bomb is shorter. Behaviour: - Before it starts moving, it will stand on its Panel for a while. The idle time shortens as version increases. - After a while, it will produce a box in front of it and start to push it towards Megaman's area. Shooting the box with Buster will stop it from moving, but higher levelled BombBoys will move faster and make it harder for Megaman to keep it in its place. - Once the box enters Megaman's area, the BombBoy will teleport back to its original Panel. The box will flash for a second or so before it explodes with the blast hitting the whole area on Megaman's side. - Since the boxes are considered Obstacles, ColonelSoul is perfect for killing these viruses. Just Soul Unison and watch it as every box they generate turn into Colonel's Army and zap the hell outta the BombBoys. - The boxes have a set HP value (to be tested) that increases as level increases. If Megaman destroys the boxes (however he does it, as long as he lowers their HP to 0), they simply blow up and disappear without hurting anything. The BombBoy with its box broken will return to the original Panel. Counter Timing: When the box is being generated. Location: - Ship Comp 4 - End Area 5 EX Location: - Undernet Area 2-4 - Pipe Comp Chips Spoiled: BoyBomb1 BoyBomb2 BoyBomb3 ============================================================================== WoodNote [^Wod] HP: 130/160/190/220/250/280/330 Element: Wood Attack Damage: ??/??/??/??/??/200 Attack Element: Wood Zidanet's Description: These bushes are annoying as hell as they limit your area with their attacks. Although, for some reason, they feel like Pinnochio...... You know, the lengthening nose. Sorry Dave Anez (author of Bob and George, the Comic Strip. If you don't know what that is, shame on you......) but I GOTTA steal a line...... "Oh no! Pinnochio's gonna hurt me!" Daimou's Description: These viruses are annoying. They make bushes on your field, which seem to have some kinda trap in them, cause they HURT! Shooting the bush once kills it. Their secondary attack is teleporting into one bush, and then spearing you with its nose. The nose has a range of 2 squares. Later versions attack faster and more frequently. The Woodnose Chip series: just weird. you're supposed to fire it off the screen, and it'll lance the last two columns of the back rows. Behaviour: - Stays on one Panel for a while before shrinking into the bushes, then generating three bushes on the front column of Megaman's area. If he's standing on one of these Panels, the bush on that row will be generates ahead of him. Touching these bushes damages Megaman. A shot from the Buster will destroy a bush. - The WoodNote virus itself will choose a bush to appear in (the one on the row Megaman's standing on will be chosen), then the eyes appear in that bush, and finally a nose pokes a LongSword (2 Panels ahead) range. - Once back into its area, it'll resume the random moving. Before the next attack, any broken bushes will be repaired. Counter Timing: After it shows its eyes in the new bushes, before it pokes its nose out. Location: - End Area 4 - Kabuto (Helm) Comp EX Location: - Undernet Area 2-4 - Factory Comp 2 Chips Spoiled: WoodyNose1 WoodyNose2 WoodyNose3 ============================================================================== Genin [^Nin] HP: 100/140/180/220/260/300 Element: None Attack Damage: ??/??/??/??/??/200 Attack Element: None (Sword) Zidanet's Description: These little guys returned from EXE2 with a bunch of new tricks. The best (and worst) one of them all is a semi-Kawarimi-styled attack. Which means that they are capable of poof-ing away from one hit before scratching you. THey also don't throw their Kunais anymore. Instead, they swing it around themselves. I really think it's more efficient this way. And that's bad for Rock. Daimou's Description: they're BAACK! Their last appearance was from MMBN2. They've obviously undergone some training, as they've shed their wood alignment, and learned a couple of new tricks. First off,they've learned to detect attacks and counterattack. They seem to REALLY don't like the Buster being pointed at them. Second, they spin around with their Kunais, instead of tossing them. Later versions attack more frequently with more speed, and they have better reaction time. Behaviour: - Stays on one Panel, waits for its opponent to strike first. - If the opponent launches an attack that's slow enough for it to evade, it goes *poof*, leaving a puff of smoke behind. - The Genin itself will teleport to one Panel diagonal (usually topright or bottomright) of Megaman and raise its Kunai, then make a quick spin to hit all 8 Panels around itself. The lag before the slash shortens as version increases. - It doesn't seem to move around too much when it's not attacking, but higher versions seem to *poof* more often. Counter Timing: When it has its Kunais raised, but before it slashes. Location: - Gargoyle Comps - End Area 5 EX Location: - Gargoyle Comps - Factory Comp 2 Chips Spoiled: EngetsuKunai1 EngetsuKunai2 EngetsuKunai3 ============================================================================== Eleoga [^Ele] HP: 130/170/210/250/300/350 Element: Elec Attack Damage: ??/??/??/??/??/230 Attack Element: Elec Zidanet's Description: Man, these things are ugly. They have a pair of massive horns on the top of their head, and the rest of the body is just...... A big head with an extremely ugly face, floating around. But then their attacks do cause quite a pain and lasts longer than most other attacks, so be careful when fighting them. Daimou's Description: U-G-L-Y: You ain't got no alibi. You UGLY. <_< Ok... These things are ugly as sin. They can travel 8 directions and stop to shock you multiple times, so Barrier doesn't help. They target the column you stand on. Later versions will move faster, and fire faster and more frequently. The Elecreel chip series will fire a bolt straight out and zap enemies. If there are other targets adjacent to your target, the group gets hit multiple times. Effective, but not practical. Behaviour: - Floats around in a rather random path. Speed increases as version increases. - After moving for a while, it will stop in its track, then charge up its horns with electricity. A column on Megaman's side will start glowing. Get the hell off that column IMMEDIATELY. Charging time decreases as versions increase. - The glowing column will end up with two electric globes on either side (top and bottom) of it, and a stream of electricity zaps anything in between. It seems that it hits multiple times, since it can zap off a Barrier THEN hit Megaman. - Once the electricity wears off, the EleOga will move around for a bit before charging up again. Counter Timing: After it raises its horn, before it thrusts them ahead to launch the electricity. Location: - Gargoyle Comp 2 EX Location: - Undernet Area 2 - Gargoyle Comp 3 - Factory Comp 1 - Server Comp - NebulaHole Area 3 Chips Spoiled: ElecReel1 ElecReel2 ElecReel3 ============================================================================== Zemon [^Smr] HP: 130/170/220/260/310/360 Element: None Attack Damage: 30/50/??/??/??/200 Attack Element: None (Sword) Zidanet's Description: Whee, Samurais, completed with the sakkat and katanas on their waist. These guys look cool, their Chips are nice, but they're also VERY mean in battles, considering they're one of the few enemies who are capable of dealing double damage if you stand on the wrong Panel. And if you think they're Sword-users and try to limit their Area, good luck, 'cause they packed quite a few AreaSteal Chips on them. Daimou's Description: Samurai. Quick as lightning, and equally as mean, they'll search up and down the column for enemies, and then dash towards you and slice. when they do. Depending on your location, they will start off with either a Widesword or Longsword attack (the one with greater chance of hitting) and finish with the other attack, before wandering back to their column. If it whiffs both attacks, chances are they'll use an areasteal, and try again. Later versions search the columns, move faster,and attack faster. the Katana (Samurai Sword) chip series gives you their 2-hit ability. Widesword, followed by a Longsword. Behaviour: - Moves up and down on the column they appeared on. Speed increases as version increases. - When lined up with Megaman, it charges up and does a WideSword cut, then a LongSword cut. If you don't have SuperArmor NCP equipped, you will not be able to escape from the LongSword if you get hit by the WideSword and is in the range for LongSword. The time interval between the slashes shortens as version increases. - After its initial attack, it will use AreaSteal, limiting your area for escaping and also getting you into a surefire range for LongSword. Counter Timing: After it raises its sword, before it swings it. Location: - Gargoyle Comps - End Area 5 EX Location: - Undernet Area 3 - Gargoyle Comp 3 - Factory Comp 2 Chips Spoiled: SamuraiSword1 SamuraiSword2 SamuraiSword3 ============================================================================== Gaelark [^Lrk] HP: 100/150/200/250/300/350 Element: Aqua Attack Damage: 30/50/??/??/??/?? Attack Element: Aqua Zidanet's Description: I remember hating these things ever since they were introduced in EXE4. I mean, they are one of the few enemies who moves around at random and shoots WideSword-ranged attacks at you. They're really painful to go against when you're hunting for VMDs (Virus Mystery Datas, those GMDs that come in battles, you know) when they pretty much breaks the VMD once it attacks. Daimou's Description: -_-;;. They're still here. Annoying fish that entered the MMBN scene in #4, They have an annoying randomness to them, and a REALLY wide area of destruction, absolutely NUKING VMDs if you don't exterminate them quickly. The only times they will fire is if they are on the edge of the field. Later versions will fire faster and more frequently. (Attack also moves faster) Behaviour: - Moves around at random, with speed increasing with increased versions. - When it moves to the top or bottom of the battlefield, it may stop and spit out a squirt of water, which turns into a WideShot that covers a 1x3 area. However, since it always launch that attack on the sides, you can just move to the top or bottom row to evade this attack. The WideShot moves faster with increased versions. - Higher versions may carry AntiElec or Blinder Chips around in case if you decided to use Elec Chips against it or dodges its attack too well. Counter Timing: After it recoils, before it spits the water out. Location: - Gargoyle Comps EX Location: - Undernet Area 1-2 - Gargoyle Comp 3 - Pipe Comp - Kokoro (Soul) Server Chips Spoiled: WideShot1 WideShot2 WideShot3 ============================================================================== Skalavia [^Skl] HP: 120/160/200/240/300/340 Element: none Attack Damage: ??/??/??/??/??/?? Attack Element: none Zidanet's Description: SkullMan ripoff!! Seriously, they're just like SkullMan, except they look more dangerous and is more annoyig than SkullMan. I mean, their problem is that they're not too well-connected, so everytime you hit them a bit too hard, they fall apart and becomes undamagable for as long as they're down. Even Poison Panels don't do a crap against them when they're down. I swear they stole this low-endurance of pain from ShadeMan from the last game. Daimou's Description: The knee bone connected to the thigh bone ~ The thigh bone connected to the hip bone ~ The hip bone connected to the back bone ~ Dem Bones are gonna rise! ~ <_< Ok... These guys aren't really connected properly. I guess these were prototypes of Skullman or something, or Capcom stole the idea off the Drybones enemy in Super Mario Bros. (you know, the unkillable turtles? <_<). If you shoot them with something OTHER than your buster they fall apart. You might be like... OMGTHEYDAID!!!!1, but they come back after a couple of seconds. They attack by throwing one of their bones at you, and it chases you around slowly. They stay in place for a little while, then they hop (wtf) around and just wander. Smashing them while their bone is out will cancel their attack. When they're collapsed, they're INVINCIBLE. The bone attack of the later versions will move faster, and they will hop around faster. They drop the Skullchain chip series. This chip moves 3 squares, and will confuse anything it hits. Behaviour: - Sits on a panel, then throws a bone. - Hops around randomly when its bone is out. - Bone moves 4 directions, following you until it hits something. - when it takes anything other than indirect damage or buster attacks, it will fall apart, and become invincible. Any bone they may have out will disappear. - When it reassembles, they will throw another bone out, and the process repeats. Counter Timing: When they prepare to throw the bone, up to the point the bone is formed. Location: - Undernet Area 1 EX Location: - Undernet Area 4 - NebulaHole Area 1-2 Chips Spoiled: Skullchain1 skullchain2 Skullchain3 ============================================================================== Dragrin [^Drg] HP: 120/160/200/240/300/360 Element: Fire Attack Damage: ??/??/??/??/??/200 Attack Element: Fire Zidanet's Description: They look like seahorses, and that leads to the question as how in the HELL do seahorses would blow out rings of fire that burns anything close to where it landed. I mean, seriously. If they wanna make these fire-breathing dragons, they could've done something to make them look more...... You know, dangerous? Daimou's Description: These seahorses fly by... Rings of fire? If THAT wasn't amazing enough, they can engulf themselves in flame and blast out spirals of fire with great accuracy, AND target one other square. they warp around randomly, and stop to fire. They're obviously Fire-based... Later versions warp faster, and more frequently. They also attack faster, and there is less lag between the 2 spirals. They drop the HeatBody chip series. it burns the adjacent 4 panels with rings of fire. Very "meh". Behaviour: - Warps around the field randomly, stopping only to flare up and fire spirals. - Attacks the panel you are on, and one other square, unless you dodged the first one too early, where it will target your square - Higher versions carry AntiAqua Chip to screw you over. Counter Timing: When they flare up, and prepare to shoot the flames. Location: - Undernet Area 3-4 - Pipe Comp - Factory Comp 2 - NebulaHole Area 4 EX Location: - Undernet Area 4 Chips Spoiled: HeatBody1 HeatBody2 HeatBody3 ============================================================================== Curze [^Crz] HP: 160/190/220/250/280/310 Element: none Attack Damage: ??/??/??/??/??/?? Attack Element: none Zidanet's Description: Oh no. Oh dear GOD no. Had we not been tortured enough by these damned boards back in EXE2 and 3!? At least these things actually take ONE damage if they're hit when in Shield Mode, but still, 1 out what, 280HP is NOTHING...... And to make matters worse, they LOVE to carry Geddon Chips with them, making it nearly impossible to dodge their attacks. And let's not go into the higher versions' invisibility (not the type you get from Chips. They actually DISAPPEAR and appear only to bite Megaman's face off) alright? Daimou's Description: Get the door. It's Dominoes. Or not. Apparently, you're in Soviet Russia. where the door gets YOU! These guys are annoying. They scan up and down the column, completely guarded all the way. They see you, and then they Teleport away. TO YOUR LOCATION. They then proceed to chomp you. They've also learnt to feed on Mets, cause they can chomp through shields. V2, V4, and V6 learn to turn invisible and block attacks for other viruses. Upon getting attacked, they'll reveal themselves and bite you. They resume normal movement when you've deleted all non-domino viruses. Later versions will move faster, and bite more swiftly. They drop the Curseshield Chip data, which fly out to bitean enemy when you block an attack. Behaviour: - V1, V3 and V5 move up and down the column until they spot you, then they will bite you. - V2, V4 and V6 will become invisible on random panels, and try to block attacks for the other viruses. They will attack you if you hit them. - All versions teleport to your square and bite, breaking through shielding. Counter Timing: When they move forward, and the colour in their mouth disappears. The INSTANT they teleport back to their location. Location: - Factory Comp 1-2 EX Location: - Kokoro (Soul) Server - NebulaHole Area 2 Chips Spoiled: CurseShield1 CurseShield2 CurseShield3 ============================================================================== Pikarra [^Pik] HP: 130/160/190/230/280/330 Element: Elec Attack Damage: ??/??/??/??/??/?? Attack Element: Elec Zidanet's Description: Eww, I see Pokemon reference, and that's not a good thing. These things are similar to the EleGlobe enemies from EXE3, except these things look more dangerous, while their zaps hurt LESS than the EleGlobes since these things actually make Megaman flinch, therefore causing him to gain temporary invincibility. And to tell the truth, these little lightbulb-wannabes are easier to deal with than those EleGlobes. Daimou's Description: Hm... Fireflies that want to be astronauts? Anyways... these seem to have received training from the Eleglobe enemies, or are just rabid fans. They've got an astronaut helmet. <_< These guys warp around faster and faster, then end up teleporting in front of you and zapping the four adjacent squares, followed by zapping an X shape. if the front panel is occupied, they go for the top. If both are occupied, they go for the bottom square. Their attack paralyzes you, for setup against other enemies they may group up with. Later versions teleport faster, and attack more often. Behaviour: - Warps around the battlefield randomly, and increases speed with each consecutive teleport. - Warps into your area, charging up an attack, and zaps the four adjacent squares, then the 4 squares on a diagonal. Counter Timing: After they teleport into your area, and when they charge up to zap you. Location: - Factory Comp Area 1 - NebulaHole Area 4 EX Location: - Kokoro (Soul) Server Chips Spoiled: InazumaKing1 Inazumaking2 Inazumaking3 ============================================================================== AppleSamu [^Apl] HP: 150/180/210/240/280/320 Element: Wood Attack Damage: ??/??/??/??/??/?? Attack Element: Wood Zidanet's Description: Hey, look at that, a Red Delicious on the battlefield. Let's give it a bite. *Chom---CRACK* Ow, my teeth. These guys have REALLY hard shells. Even harder than the Mettaurs' helmets, which means, well, really, REALLY hard. And that's not the worst thing. The worst thing is that these apples MUST be the last virus dealt with in a battle. Should you kill them off early, they just kinda feed themselves to another virus, either recovering its HP to FULL, or grant other positive status ailments. God I HATE these things. Good news though...... I'm pretty sure fire attacks burn right through their shells. Daimou's Description: Apparently, Mistman called some buddies up, and now they're kinda lost. These things are REALLY stuck up. They hop around in a near-invincible shell, and pop out to taunt/attack you by coming up, arms crossed, and spit out some seeds at you, pop back in, and start hopping around again. These guys are SO annoying. If you delete them while there are other viruses on the field, they don't count as a delete, and they commit suicide by offering themselves to other viruses. You can DEFINITELY imagine them saying "Bite me." Their seed-spitting attack shoots out seeds 3 panels in front of them, dealing wood damage, and makes grass panels on the 3rd panel, if they don't hit anything. Miracle-gro: Eat your heart out. They drop the Fruits chip series, recovering 300 HP, granting temporary invincibility, or Full Synchro. Behaviour: - They hop around randomly in 4 directions, occasionally stopping to pop out and spit out seeds. - The seed attack will travel a maximum of 3 squares forward, where it will make a GrassPanel. - They will hide in their shell and repeat. - When it dies, if there are other enemies on the field, it will stop all actions as if freezing time, and jump into the closest enemy, recovering 300 HP for it. Ass-y, no? Counter Timing: Right before they spit the seeds. Location: - Factory Comp 2 EX Location: - Factory Comp 4 Chips Spoiled: Redfruit1 Redfruit2 Redfruit3 ============================================================================== Whew, there we go. That's all of them, and hopefully our descriptions entertained you. >_> ------------------------------------------ 7. Virus Formations [^7] ------------------------------------------ So now we know the many types of Viruses that show up in this game, we should probably move on, right? As we know, most, if not all, of these Viruses are not cocky enough to appear by themselves. Nope. They always appear in a gang of two or three in attempt to gang up on Megaman. Bunch of sissy cowards. But then, they're just Viruses. Maybe we shouldn't be that hard on them...... Either way, in this section, we will show you ALL the formations of Virus groups that appear in this game. Yes, that means all the Internet Areas, all the Boss Areas, and of course, all the Terminals. The Index System still applies here. Here's a reminder. The HPs and Terminals are all listed under the real-world area they're based on. So for example, Server Comp goes under SciLab Areas and SquirrelComp (this thing is HELL) and Dex's HP goes under ACDC Areas. Understand? ACDC Areas [^ACDC] Oran Areas [^Oran] SciLab Areas [^SciL] End Areas [^End] Undernet Areas [^Unet] NebulaHole Areas [^NebH] Main System Areas [^MSys] DrillComp Areas [^Dril] Ship Comp Areas [^Ship] Gargoyle Castle Areas [^Garg] Factory Comp / Kokoro (Soul) Server Areas [^Nebu] ...... Unfortunately, this is by far the biggest testing for both Zidanet and Daimou. As Zidanet is typing up this section, Daimou is resting from all the work he's done on the previous night. We are expecting this section to be completed on our next update. If you're not satisfied with our efficiency, we hope you can be considerate and we will also remind you that there are around 10 or more Virus formations in ALL areas. Not to mention all the field status and VMDs. You do the math. ------------------------------------------ 8. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) [^8] ------------------------------------------ In this section, we will answer those questions that are not answered in the previous sections. Spoilers MAY be included in this section, so beware. Any questions we receive by e-mail over 10 times may end up being here too. Q: I don't understand the Versions you guys use! It's just totally different from the game! A: For the convenience of grouping, we just merged all the Viruses of the same race under one entry. Here's an example on how it works: In-game | In FAQ Mettaur1 Mettaur V1 Mettaur1 EX Mettaur V2 Mettaur2 Mettaur V3 Mettaur2 EX Mettaur V4 Mettaur3 Mettaur V5 Mettaur3 EX Mettaur V6 Got it? Q: How do you find Viruses at V3 and up? I can only find V1 and V2 everywhere! A: This is what's caused by the difference in the grouping system, I guess. You see, once you have defeated the final boss of the game, you can go to Undernet Area 2 via 3 (The Message Board Comp in Nebula HQ is great for this). If you have 100 Standard Chips in your Data Library, the Golden Program there will open up a Nebula Hole for you. Once you move into the Nebula Hole, you've reached the NebulaHole Area (DUN-DUN-DUN) With ONE Nebula Hole open, you gain access to the Level 2 Viruses. Or, in OUR definition, V3's and V4's. Q: Um, how about Level 3 Viruses, or YOUR V5's and V6's? A: Once you gain full access to NebulaHole Area 3, you'll find another Golden Program there. This guy will open up the second Nebula Hole for you if you met his requirements (140 STD Chips in your Library). Q: Ack! These new Viruses are too hard! Can I move back to the previous versions? PWEASE~!? Q: I'm missing some V1 Chips from Viruses. Is there a way I can fight the lower versions of Viruses? A: NEVER, EVER use "pwease"...... Makes us throw up. Either way, yes, you CAN close up the Nebula Holes. Simply talk to the Golden Programs and let them close up the Holes, and ta-da~! There you go, lower-levelled Viruses. A reminder though. If you closed the Nebula Hole in Undernet Area 2 without closing the one in NebulaHole Area 3, you still get Level 1 Viruses, instead of Level 2 ones. Q: Is there a way to increase Virus Level without using the Nebula Holes? A: Unfortunately, no. Q: LAIZ!! I heard there are Navi Customizer Programs to modify Virus difficulties! Zidanet you says so in your NC Guide! </Shameless plug> A: Ah yes, the legendary MegaVirus and GigaVirus NCPs. Unfortunately, there is apparently NO legitimate ways to acquire these NCPs, so, no, they don't exactly exist in the game. Not legitimately, anyway. Q: So are there AR/CB Codes for them? A: Maybe. Being anti-cheaters ourselves, we don't really use any cheating devices. And yes, that means that we spent all our time during our summer to check over all these numbers over and over and over again, to the extent that we can pretty much tell what Viruses will appear, with how much HP and in what formation, in every single area. Q: Wholey crap. Got a life? A: Last time we checked, yes. Daimou's got a job and Zidanet's taking summer courses. They're both still single and open though. <_< Q: What the hell's with all those missing numbers and question marks? A: That's why this FAQ is at its Version 0.7. As of now, we are still missing those info. Either we have them on paper and haven't digitalized them yet, or we simply don't have them. Be patient. They'll be up in no time...... I hope...... Q: I got extra info for you. How will I submit it? A: Read Section 2 on how to contact us. If your submission actually do not violate ANY of the rules we stated wayyyyyy up there, go ahead and e-mail either of us. Q: i wana flaem u so bad!! loLOl!111!1!1 A: All flames may be submitted to If you can't tell that sarcasm, may God bless you. ------------------------------------------ 9. Credits [^9] ------------------------------------------ We would like to show our appreciation to the following for the completion of this FAQ: - CJayC, for creating - H0tsh0tz1623, for testing out the Virus damages for Level 1 Viruses - SilentJi, for testing out the Virus damages for Level 2 Viruses (I'm giving credits to these two guys above, despite the lack of the actual data, because I know they're testing it for us. Great friends, they are.) - Keiji Inafune, for being the producer of this game. You rock, man. I mean, sir. - Capcom, for producing this game, despite how mediocre it is. Massive praising understatement intended. Censoring of the "R" in the company's nickname intended with difficulty. - Megaman Battle Network 5 Team of Blues/Team of Colonel Boards for providing silly entertainment when we're exhausted and complete sillyness when we're getting too serious. Relaxing is good, you know. - Daimou43 and Zidanet_129, for producing this Guide. *ducks from flying objects* - And finally, YOU, for reading this Guide. Hopefully you enjoyed it and hopefully it helped you out. *Insert random serene yet cool scene of the universe and repeating ending music* THANK YOU FOR READING