******************************************************************************* * * * **** **** ******** ******** ** * * /**/** **/**/**///// **//////** **** * * /**//** ** /**/** ** // **//** * * /** //*** /**/******* /** ** //** * * /** //* /**/**//// /** ***** ********** * * /** / /**/** //** ////**/**//////** * * /** /**/******** //******** /** /** * * // // //////// //////// // // * * * * **** **** ** **** ** * * /**/** **/** **** /**/** /** * * /**//** ** /** **//** /**//** /** * * /** //*** /** ** //** /** //** /** * * /** //* /** **********/** //**/** * * /** / /**/**//////**/** //**** * * /** /**/** /**/** //*** * * // // // // // /// * * * * ****** ** ********** ********** ** ******** * * /*////** **** /////**/// /////**/// /** /**///// * * /* /** **//** /** /** /** /** * * /****** ** //** /** /** /** /******* * * /*//// ** ********** /** /** /** /**//// * * /* /**/**//////** /** /** /** /** * * /******* /** /** /** /** /********/******** * * /////// // // // // //////// //////// * * * * **** ** ******** ********** ** ** ******* ******* ** ** * * /**/** /**/**///// /////**/// /** /** **/////** /**////** /** ** * * /**//** /**/** /** /** * /** ** //**/** /** /** ** * * /** //** /**/******* /** /** *** /**/** /**/******* /**** * * /** //**/**/**//// /** /** **/**/**/** /**/**///** /**/** * * /** //****/** /** /**** //****//** ** /** //** /**//** * * /** //***/******** /** /**/ ///** //******* /** //**/** //** * * // /// //////// // // // /////// // // // // * * * * ****** * * /*//// * * /***** * * ///// * * * /* * * * /* * * / **** * * //// * * * * BBS FAQ Version 1.0 * * Copyright 2005 Chris Castiglione (dinobotmaximized) * * Email: dinobotmaximized (at) yahoo (dot) com * * * ******************************************************************************* 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. Dex's BBS 4. Yai's BBS 5. SciLab BBS 6. Gargoyle Castle BBS 7. Undernet BBS 8. Thanks and Credits 9. Legal ****************************************************************************** 1. Introduction ************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** In this FAQ I have typed up the posts from the five bulletin boards found in Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team Protoman for Nintendo's Game Boy Advance. ****************************************************************************** 2. Version History *********************************************************** ****************************************************************************** 1.0 - July 29, 2005 ****************************************************************************** 3. Dex's BBS ***************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ----------------------- ----------------------- |WM Dex |Welcome! | |Yai |Congrats! | ----------------------- ----------------------- Yo,guys! I'm your What's this talk webmaster,Dex! about the BBS being Tkx for comin' to my for "tough guys"?! site! Really! That better not mean This BBS is for you a lady like me is tough guys to talk not welcome! about battles! Well,anywayI need Write about virus some NetBattle tips busting and net right away. battles,willya? How do you beat that Or use the BBS to virus that fights challenge me to a like a boxer? duel! When I try to attack But be ready to go it,warps right to me up against Dex and and punches me first GutsMan, Even I'm at a loss the toughest Net this time! Battler team in ACDC Town! And I wanna see comments from Class 6-A at ACDC School! ----------------------- ----------------------- |WM Dex |Champy's #! | |GutsMan |GutsMan! | ----------------------- ----------------------- Heh! Yeah,I shoulda Boom! Kaboom! said "tough guys and Give him the Guts- tough girls,too"! Punch he deserves! And that virus must Or the GutsMachine- be Champy! Well,I Gun! know what to do! Or the GutsHammer! When you line up Go get 'em! with him,he'll appear near you! When he does,move to another space and his punch will miss. That's when I send a GutsPunch right back at him! That's the trick for beating Champy! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Glide |Cool,Dex! | |Mayl |Today's HW | ----------------------- ----------------------- Well,we don't use Did everybody decide GutsPunches... what to write but Dex's advice their report on? sure did help use My Navi Roll and I beat Champy. are going to write So,I'd like to about Elements! thank you on behalf of Ms.Yai. ----------------------- ----------------------- |Koetsu |RE:Tday's HW| |Chakkan |Big Secret! | ----------------------- ----------------------- Hello! It's me,the I heard that some battle researcher chips merge during Koetsu! battle. Elements,you say? Like cannons Excellent topic! merging to form a Have you heard the GigaCann. phrase "Elements I tried it,but they are everything"? didn't combine. But Well,it's true! don't tell anybody! There are four elements: Fire,Aqua Elec,and Wood. Double Attack with [Fire] on [Wood], [Wood] on [Elec], [Elec] on [Aqua], or [Aqua] on [Fire]. Did I give away too much? Find out more on your own! ----------------------- ----------------------- |WM Dex |RE:Secret! | |Chakkan |Thx! | ----------------------- ----------------------- That's the Program Wow,P.A.mode... Advance mode,or P.A. Sounds difficult. mode for short. Thanks,Dex! I think Choose three chips I'm going to try with chip codes in this P.A.mode thing! order ABC... For my homework, Insert the chips in I'll find lots of order to activate P.A.mode combos! P.A.mode! A P.A.mode chip is way more powerful than a normal chip! Even I've never used a P.A.mode chip. They're way hard. ----------------------- ----------------------- |Yu |Mystry data | |Mozukuza |Reglr Chips| ----------------------- ----------------------- Im Yu from ADCD I'm choosing Regular School Class 6-A, Chips. Student #4. These are the chips Have you ever seen that always appear Mystery Data show up on the Custom Screen in battle? I did! Select your Regular I finished the Chips by going to battle without the edit screen destroying it and... and pressing the Heh heh...The rest SELECT on is a secret! a chip. I decided to do my The yellow outline report on mystery shows that you've data! selected the chip. Heh heh,how's that? Do I know my stuff or what? ----------------------- ----------------------- |Koetsu |RE:Reglr Ch | |Hirohiro |NaviCust! | ----------------------- ----------------------- Hello! Koetsu here. NaviCusts on sale Well,you =almost= for the new PET! I know your stuff! already got mine! You didn't mention I'm programming the all-important for the first time, "data size." so I was worried Data size is shown I might break on the right of each my Navi. chip. But customizing is It's the size of the as easy as solving chip data. a puzzle! And fun! You can't select a What kind of Regular Chip unless customizations did its size is less everybody else do? than that of the PET regular memory. You can increase your max memory with RegUP. Use Regular Chips strategically... And you'll overcome the mightiest of foes! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Rick |RE:NaviCust | |Tokitada|Using Nvcst | ----------------------- ----------------------- I'm a terrible I'm collecting Elec operator. My Navi chips to give my often gets deleted. folder extra voltage So I customized him So the "battery" into a buff Navi... program is very Using HP+200 and useful to me! AutonHeal. Install Battery into You can buy these NaviCust to attract programs at the shop [Elec] viruses! in Oran Area3. Now you know: Navi- If you stop by to Cust does more than sightsee,be sure power up Navis! to try the shop! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Koetsu |RE:Using NC | |Kochisu |Bug?! | ----------------------- ----------------------- Hello! Koetsu here A...bug? to talk about Actually,my Navi NaviCust! leaves a trail of Tokitada is right. cracks when walking. NaviCust can do more When he left cracks than boost Navis. all over ACDC Area, The true NaviCust Mr.Prog got mad masters... and said "Is this Know how to tweak some kind of prank?" their NaviCusts to I may have mis- meet specific needs. programmed the But you've got to be NaviCust. careful of bugs. Sorry,Mr.Prog! If your Navi is out of sorts,open the Emotion Window. If there's a bug, you should see a change. ----------------------- ----------------------- |Inoppe |Bug again? | |Koetsu |DarkChip! | ----------------------- ----------------------- Speaking of bugs,my Hello! Koetsu here. Navi seems rather ...I guess you must dark lately. have used My dad gave me a a DarkChip. black chip and I've DarkChips are very been using it... powerful chips. But I feel like my However... Navi has gotten Once you use one, kinda mean. your Navi's heart And the other day, becomes tainted! he suddenly has a And some say that fit... when a Navi is I wonder if this engulfed by dark... could be a NaviCust It becomes an bug,too? inhabitant of the underground world. In any case,using DarkChips is a dangerous idea! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Wolf |RE:DarkChip | |Tomosuke|Watch out! | ----------------------- ----------------------- Heh heh...I've used *gulp...* DarkChips before, DarkChips are really too. scary... I put one in my Evil chips that folder out of morbid alter your Navi's curiosity. heart... They always come up And take off one when my Navi is in point of its Max HP! a tough spot. Once you take that Heh heh...And I can road,there's no never refuse the turning back. temptation. And with the My Navi's body internet occupied... turned black like It seems like Dark Inoppe's. Chips have really And his Max HP is taken off... the strange number I wonder if it could 99. have something to Heh heh...but those do with Nebula? DarkChips are just so inviting! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Nookie |Sub virus | |Nanako |RE:Sub viru | ----------------------- ----------------------- Anybody know how to The yellow submarine beat that yellow must be Marina. submarine virus? It's tough that you On aqua panels it can't be damaged only sticks its when it hides periscope out... on aqua panels and I can't damage it! But don't worry. When it hides in an aqua panel... Use an [Elec] attack. [Elec] attacks will do double damage to viruses... even when they're hidden in aqua panels. Stop by at Higsby's BattleChip shop for [Elec] chips. We also do special orders,so please stop by and try us! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Zacky |Counters! | |Mukkai |Slashing | ----------------------- ----------------------- Net Battling is all I'm Mikkai. I work about counters! for SciLab. And yet... I've been posting on Kids these days rely all the battle on combos and bulletin boards. P.A.mode! Recently we've seen Real NetBattlers hit a series of slashing viruses when they're incidents. open after an attack The perpertrator is It's called a a slashing samurai Counter,and it takes virus. guts! If you encounter him To do a counter,you run away. Do not can't be flinching attempt to delete. at enemy attacks! Many NetBattlers Are any of you kids have already fallen willing to step up prey to him. to the challenge? To become the heir to my Zacky-style counter technique?! ----------------------- |Mosashi |RE:Slashing | ----------------------- Uh oh! That must be Zomon. Zomon charges at you and doea a double- slash. And you don't know if he'll attack with his Wide or Long Swrd If you encounter him keep and eye on his swordsmanship. He is a disgrace to the name of the Samurai. It is my duty to dispose of him once and for all! ****************************************************************************** 4. Yai's BBS ***************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ----------------------- ----------------------- |Glide |Welcome! | |Mayl |Congrats! | ----------------------- ----------------------- This is Yai's site! Nice new site! The This is the BBS. goldfish are cute! Please post at your It reminds me of the leisure! ACDC festival last year! What fun. We should all go again this year! ----------------------- ----------------------- |GutsMan |Super! | |Yai |Thanks! | ----------------------- ----------------------- Super site,dude! Thanks,Mayl. I've And tks for trading the goldfish idea that nice chip! from the ACDC fair. Now Dex's folder Remember last time won't be just a when we scooped bunch of cannons! goldfish? I added a BBS to And tks,GutsMan,I Dex's site,too! checked out the It's all about site. battles. Hope to Tell Dex to take his see your comments! face off his site! It'll scare everybody away! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Tokumori |New PET! | |Roll |RE:New PET! | ----------------------- ----------------------- Guess what I found I went to buy one at Higsby's shop with Mayl. in ACDC Town?! It's easier for our A new PET! It's Navis to get around called Progress PET. with the new version. I would've bought And it comes in lots one,but I was short of colors. Mayl got one Zenny... her PET in pink! Next time I go,I'll bring my whole piggy bank! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Tokumori |Oh,wow! | |Mumu |ACDC Area! | ----------------------- ----------------------- Wow,you got me Neb...u...la... curious! Sounds like quite a PET! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Payachi |Mumu? | |Beltz |ACDC free | ----------------------- ----------------------- I haven't seen Mumu ACDC Area is free! since the last Now we can roam the post. net without fear. Could something have Can you believe how happened? Surely he much we're affected didn't join Nebula? when the Net's down? Why would an It really shows how organization want to much we depend on take over the Net? our Navis. Wonder who's behind It makes me want to the Nebula group? take real good care How viciuos...like of mine! an internet hijacking... ----------------------- ----------------------- |Yai |RE:ACDCfree | |Yosikawa|XtraFld | ----------------------- ----------------------- Beltz is right. We The other day I expect a lot from installed Xfolder our Navis. in my Extra Folder. But we tend to take Now I'm using the them for granted. Mr.Famous Wannabe's We should treat them folder! with the respect Does that make me a they deserve. Wannabe wannabe? But I can't edit my Extra Folder. Wonder why? ----------------------- ----------------------- |Koetsu |RE:XtraFld | |Takayan |Tips | ----------------------- ----------------------- Hey! Wow! Ever wanted to This is Koetsu! get a better view Today let's learn of the field? about folders. Like when you're in You can add three battle with the folders to Progress Custom Screen on? PETs. Well,you can close Folder1,Folder2, the Custom Screen by and Extra Folder. pressing SELECT! You can edit Folder1 Press SELECT again and Folder2 to open the Custom yourself Screen again! but you can't edit This way you won't Extra Folder. But miss a thing don't worry... in battle! You can install people's folders into Extra Folder. It can be fun to battle with other people's folders. ----------------------- ----------------------- |Toppo |Tips 2 | |Kentaro |Tip 3 | ----------------------- ----------------------- Some people are just Heh heh! Have I got so long-winded,you some advice for you! know what I mean? Press SELECT during If you ever happen an event... to meet somebody To skip past it. like that... But be careful not Just press the to skip past B Button! anything important! That'll teach those motor mouths to mince their words! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Gates |Hello Yai | |Dex |Oran Isle | ----------------------- ----------------------- Hey,Yai! Whoa,Dude! I went How r u doing? to Oran Isle,too! I took a vacation to It was a blast! Oran Isle,too! Great seafood! But I guess I Clear skies! must've missed you! That place rocks! Too bad cuz it would Don't miss the have been fun to OldMine tour! hang out! Next time I wanna go Hope to see you at with GutsMan! a party! Tell Glide I said hi! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Yai |RE:Oran Isl | |Dex |Chip dsgnr! | ----------------------- ----------------------- Gosh,Dex! Gates is Wow! Gates is a a world-famous real-live chip BattleChip designer. designer?! Can't you talk with I have an idea!!! a little more class? You should make a Hello Mr.Gates. DexSP GigaChip! I regret not meeting It would be the you on Oran Isle. toughest chip in all We're hosting a of ACDC Town!!! party at Ayanokoji's. I hope that we can see you there. ----------------------- ----------------------- |Yai |RE: dsg | |Noah |Chip Trader | ----------------------- ----------------------- Are you kidding? I just can't stop If a chip were made playing Chip Trader. after you... It's a machine at It's be Fool's Gold, Higsby's. or maybe Hot Air. You put in 3 chips, People would avoid and out comes a new it like the plague! one. Just forget it,Dex! You get chips randomly,but that's part of the fun! The other day I put in three Cannon chips... and out came a Recov50! It's just so much fun I can't stop... Oh,by the way,when you use Chip Trader, It saves automatically,so be careful! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Joe |RE:Chip Tra | |Ruta |Qn Bohemia | ----------------------- ----------------------- Wow,I know just Today I went to the what you mean,Noah! dock near SciLab. You sacfafice three And there was a chips to fate... great big ship And you don't know moored there! what'll come of it! It's called Queen And when you get Bohemia. just the coolest I'd give an arm and chip...Oh,wow! a leg for a cruise Chip Trader is, on that ship! like,a way of life! I bet they'd have a A grand battle! banquet like you've And you know what? never seen... I heard about Whoa! I was just a special trader... imagining myself on That accepts ten the gorgeous deck. chips! Now,how do you Wow,I can't wait suppose I could get to try that one! invited? ----------------------- ----------------------- |Bork |Robbery! | |Gigolo |RE:Robbery! | ----------------------- ----------------------- I heard something Nebula probably happened on wants to put an end Queen Bohemia. to the digital world The perpetrator They took over End tried to steal Area,and they can't the booster system send emails anymore. ...designed by a Nebula's going to Ubercorp. bring back the Booster systems can homing pigeon! boost the power of Heck,I can't wait! programs. Apparently Nebula was behind the theft attempt! First the internet, now booster systems. Just what is Nebula after? ----------------------- ----------------------- |Chikachi|ACDC panic | |Yai |RE:ACDC pan | ----------------------- ----------------------- There must be I think of myself as something wrong calm,butI screamed with me. my head off! I saw a broadcasrt by There's nothing Dr.Regal,and I've scarier than losing felt antsy since. control of yourself. It just isn't like I may as well be an me. I've finally Undernet dweller! calmed down,but... And I heard I heard it's put all it happened of ACDC Town in in places all a panic. across Electopia! I'm worried sick to We mustn't let the think of what might underground world be in store for us. take over. ----------------------- |Dex |I'm freaked | ----------------------- Shoot,I don't remember a thing for that period. And memory ain't something I wanna lose! This is big trouble. What the heck's gonna happen? ****************************************************************************** 5. SciLab BBS **************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ----------------------- ----------------------- |Shimoter|SciLab BBS | |Nekomama|Congrats! | ----------------------- ----------------------- I'm Shimoter. I'm Congrats on in charge of the SciLab Area's SciLab web page. liberation! SciLab Area was Now ACDC Area,Oran liberated recently. Area,and SciLab Area This has allowed have all been freed! SciLab Area to But who do we have reopen its web page. to thank for freeing This BBS is now the Net from Nebula? operating again. I wonder if it's the We hope everybody work of Officials? will be back to post their opinions! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Moroyon |Mr.Famous! | |Donkun |Gta b Chaud | ----------------------- ----------------------- No way,Nekomama, I think that it's it's gotta be the ace NetBattler Mr.Famous! Chaud. He's a legend! He Chaud and his Navi won 69 consecutive ProtoMan are one of NetBattles! best teams around. No NetBattler could Once I had the ever beat him! honor of being Nebula'd be a cinch rescued by him. for Mr.Famous! I'll never forget Well,probably... the incredible techniques he used. I don't think Chaud could ever lose a NetBattle. ----------------------- ----------------------- |Komakki |Trans up? | |Mizuppa |Bug! | ----------------------- ----------------------- I don't care who it When I was is,I just want them programming my to free End Area! NaviCustomizer... We can't contact I accidentlly put Netopia... parts of the same Our company's in big color in a row. trouble! We should It caused a bug and sue that Nebula! when I didn't take care of it... My Navi go angry with me,and said... "You need to check the Emotion Window! I have a bug!" I guess bugs can be serious stuff for Navis. ----------------------- ----------------------- |Hassha |RE:Bug! | |Gussan |Dr.Hikari | ----------------------- ----------------------- Mizuppa,your Navi Navi's hearts are must have quite a just like human developed heart. hearts. Is your Navi's My Navi feels happy, Sync high? sad,and angry-- I guess it must be. the whole gamut. My Navi's heart is Navis were invented still underdeveloped. by Dr.Hikari. He hasn't even gone He's amazing! Full Sync yet. And his father, With a developed Dr.Tadashi Hikari... heart,the Emotion Invented PETs. Window turns red Come to think of it, in battle. our entire It means your Navi lifestyle... is in a rage. Is dependent upon It can double your the inventions of attack power. the Hikari family! And your Navi won't lurch back from attacks. ----------------------- ----------------------- |Yacchan |Hikari rlz! | |Nakamura|Mr.Quiz | ----------------------- ----------------------- He's right! Mr.Quiz?! Dr.Hikari is Who called Mr.Quiz?! totally awesome! If you hear these I'm studying like words,be on your crazy to get into guard! SciLab myself! Any moments Mr.Quiz I heard that the could pounce on you Dr.'s son is with a quiz! quite a battler! When I was quizzed, He's famous for I missed the last defeating the WWW, question! a vicious band of... Shoot! I bet you get net crooks led by something if you the menacing Wily! answer correctly! If I can get into SciLab,I want to learn from Hikari! Then I'll become just as famous as they are! If my studying goes well,that is! Err... Where's my books? ----------------------- ----------------------- |Susan |RE:Mr.Quiz | |Kappepo |Odd numbers | ----------------------- ----------------------- I met Mr.Quiz,too! A guy who quizzes He came out and people at random? quizzed me! Wow,there really By the way,I are some strange answered all the people in the world. questions right... Speaking of strange, And what did I get? did anybody see the Err... 8 digits written... *shiver shiver* on the back of the I can't bear to say blackboard at school it...It gives me the the other day? shivers! The next day,they were gone... I'm sure curious what they were there for... ----------------------- |Goetsu |Lotto no's! | ----------------------- Goetsu here! I can explain all this strangeness! The 8 digits were a lotto number. If you input a lotto number... into a special trader called a Number Trader... You can obtain chips and other items! So,get out there and search for those lotto numbers! Except...I forgot where the Number Trader is... ----------------------- ----------------------- |MdmAkino|Ms.Flora | |Tatsuji |"Chivalry" | ----------------------- ----------------------- Mr dear Flora... Somebody must have Has suddenly started installed "Chivalry" talking like a guy! into your NaviCust. She's dead serious "Chivalry" is a now... special program I wonder what the developed matter is? by Mr.Famous. Could it be a bug? When it's installed? But it's actually You guessed it! quite splendid! Your Navi will start Very suave! acting like a regular Don Quixote! It's pretty amazing that it can change a Navi's personality. Definitely worth a try! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Shizuka |"Humor" | |Bieri |Elctop rlz! | ----------------------- ----------------------- Personally I prefer Mt.Belenus! Geisha! another of Samurai! Shogun! Mr.Famous' programs... Ninjas! Tempura! called "Humor." Fantastic fish-like It'll turn your Navi gargoyles on the into a stand-up rooftops, comic! swimming through the A real motor- blue skies! mouth,but it's a My first time in blast! Electopia,and I'm I live alone,so it awestruck! really keeps me I even bought a company! samurai sword to Now I just wish take home! he'd shush up Take that! at bedtime... And that! If this is Electopian culture, I'm all over it! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Shimoter|RE:Elctprlz | |Iwamu |Chk this! | ----------------------- ----------------------- Hello,I'm the Get a load of this! Administrator, I heard that a team Shimoter. of Navis has been Bieri,thank you for freeing the Net! your kind comments Not just a rumor, on Electopian this time I heard it culture. from a good source! I'm glad to see I mean,really you've had an reliable! I heard opportunity... about it from... to be exposed to Whoa! Sorry,can't Electopia. tell you any more! May your interest continue to grow! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Kuroron |You mean...?| |Takano |CyberLark! | ----------------------- ----------------------- Iwamu! If I may ask, About the Undernet: do you mean the The other day I saw undernet? a CyberLark... The Net that's Flying toward the out of reach even Undernet. for officials? It was really quite Well,I know that magnificent. Maybe the Undernet has a it has a nest there? lot to offer... Maybe I'll go search But it's dangerous! for it sometime... Think about it! They use DarkChips all the time there! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Tanabe |"Under" tlk | |Murray |Hrggahh! | ----------------------- ----------------------- We shouldn't be Hrggahh! I fight! talking about the I'll smash SciLab Undernet too much. into pieces! I heard about a Hrggraaahh!!! different bulletin You wanna try me? board... I'll delete every where there was last one of ya!!! a big discussion Hrggh! Hrggahh!!! about the Undernet. And all the Navis there were deleted! Hey,Undernet agents could be observing us right now! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Jori |I'm on edge | |Bauha |AAIEEEE!!! | ----------------------- ----------------------- Are you kidding? A #$%%#"(($''LL+#AAJJE Navi bug? PPI(#(#))====JE+##) I'll tell you what ###""""hhhh1h2hk; to do-- #%)!(%>><%#!!! #) just ignore it! J### ))(="(%~ Who cares about AAIIIIEEE!!! Navis?! This is just the There's no time to kind of message this fix bugs! BBS deserves!!! Leave the Navis AAIIIIEEE!!! to themselves! I don't need a PET! I'm free,I'm free! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Shimoter|Post rules | |Piero |W...wow... | ----------------------- ----------------------- Hrggrahh!!! This BBS is really I'm Shimoter,the getting out of Administrator! Quit control. your cruddy posting! Even the Admin I've given you free Shimoter is going reign long enough! whacky. Do you have any idea I guess the effects how much trouble of that incident are you're causing me? still with us. I'm going to erase every last crummy message! Hrggrahh!!! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Goda |I'm worried | |Shimoter|Apology | ----------------------- ----------------------- I agree. That really I'm Shimoter,the was quite a scare. Administrator! Before I knew it,I About those four was picking a fight problem postings... with my best friend. I wish to offer my I wonder what was sincerest apologies going on with me? for posting such I felt like I'd lost irresponsible control of myself. messages. I'm frightened that Officials and it might happen scientists are now again sometime. hard at work... trying to determine the cause of this incident. I understand your concerns about this occurring again... But I have to ask for your patience on this matter. ****************************************************************************** 6. Gargoyle Castle BBS ******************************************************* ****************************************************************************** ----------------------- ----------------------- |Webmastr|Offcl BBS! | |Tatsuaki|No way! | ----------------------- ----------------------- Welcome! Oh,wow! An Official This is the Battle Bulletin GargCastleHP! Board! I'm the webmaster, I can't wait to talk Jagi. to all the awesome This is the Official NetBattlers! Battle Bulletin I just know this is Board. going to be The world is running a great BBS! scared from the threat of Nebula. Use this BBS to learn new busting techniques... so that you will be able to defend yourself. Looking forward to reading your messages! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Cartan |CustSwrd | |Mosashi |Mster's Swd | ----------------------- ----------------------- Some chips are The CustSwrd? That's linked to your Cust a mighty sword you Gauge. have,brave one. Take the Cust But it won't stand Swrd. The higher up to my VarSwrd. your Cust Gauge... The VarSwrd changes The more powerful attacks based on the attack but the command inputs. timing is difficult. I can adjust my You can use the attacks for any SloGauge to slow situation. the gauge... If you are wise,you Then it's easier to will listen to my hit with a more teachings. powerful attack. Hold A Button. Down/ Chips with the Down-Right/Right for "Cust" designation LongSwrd. Up/Right/ are inseperably... Down for WideSwrd. linked to the Cust Left/Down/Right for Gauge. Use it to FtrSword. your advantage! No samurai mastered his art in a day. Train yourself at your own pace for the other commands. ----------------------- ----------------------- |Goetsu |Orgnl Combo | |Goro |Pls help! | ----------------------- ----------------------- Hello! It's your Wow,are you really favorite battle Koetsu,the "Cyber master,Goetsu! Sage"? Today we'll learn It figures you'd be combos using the here on the Official RockCube. battle BBS! It's a cinch. Put Well,I feel very the cubbe near fortunate! Could I enemy territory... ask a question? And fire a Pulsar How can I defeat at it! the Ninja Viruses? When the Pulsar hits They're always the cube... infecting my web Supersonic waves page... emit from the cube They'll glare at me, for an area attack. then launch a And its stun effect throwing blade! will allow for When I attack back, repeat attacks! they disappear There are also other before I can hit! chips with special They've got people effects like Pulsar. so scared there's no traffic to my site! What can I do to delete them? Please help me Koetsu! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Koetsu |RE:Pls help | |Chanpon |Gosu tech! | ----------------------- ----------------------- Hello! Koetsu here, Koetsu? Goetsu? on the Official Who's the real one? Battle BBS! At any rate,you Goro,don't be both know some fooled! That message awesome techniques! wasn't me! Oh,do you know how Take another look. to use the RedFrut It says "Goetsu"! chip correctly? So,allow me... When I use it,an To give the real apple just pops out answer in this onto the field! message. What good does a The Ninja Viruses chip like that do? are called Genin. You can only hit these guys at just the right moment. Right after Genin attacks,there's a chance to hit! Stay calm,and time it just right to do damage! For those of you with advanced skills... You can slice with a sword the moment a Genin shows up! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Takeshi |Apples! | |Ofcl Goh|Virus Distr | ----------------------- ----------------------- You little tykes A recent study don't even know how revealed that... to use RedFrut? viruses often have Just activating it preferences for is not enough. locations. You know that For example,[Aqua] number inside viruses are more the apple? likely to appear... The number decreases in locations that each time the apple are related to moves. water. Each version of By keeping this fact RedFrut has in mind, a different effect. you can be ready to Break RedFrut before take on the local the number reaches viruses... zero to activate it. by filling your I don't care for folder with chips apples,but I'd have according to area. RedFrut any day! You have to be ready to fight more than Nebula. Good luck! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Honmaru |Discovery | |NO NAME |RE:Discover | ----------------------- ----------------------- I wanted to keep Uh,we already this a secret... knew that. But no longer! The firces of Justice need my help! Now,listen up... AreaGrab can damage enemies! And furthermore, you can attack with PanlGrab! Wow! Are those some incredible tips, or what!? Don't bother to thank me! It's for the good of all! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Webmastr|Netiquette | |Koji |Chip hits | ----------------------- ----------------------- This is Jagi,the My Dad always uses webmaster. DrilArm to dig The Official Battle holes. BBS is a free zone He said when he for your ideas. first uses AreaGrab However,please to expand the area, refrain from flaming then uses DrilArm and posting silly that he gets more messages. hits than normal. And always be sure Now he always uses to include AreaGrab before your name. DrilArm. In other words,post There might be other with the proper chip combos that netiquette. yield extra hits. ----------------------- ----------------------- |Goetsu |Neat chip | |Nisshi |Elements | ----------------------- ----------------------- Hello! Goetsu here. My name is Nisshi, Let's talk about a and this is my chip with a very first post. unusual effect. I read on another It's called ElcReel, BBS that "Elements an [Elec] chip with are everything," a neat feature. so I wonder if there It doesn't work very isn't a combo that... well on single makes use of Element enemies. panels. But,when fired at I couldn't figure crowds of foes... out any good chip EldReel hits an combos myself. enemy and Could anybody give electricity flows... me any advice? to enemies on surrounding panels, damaging them all! Isn't that amazing? The key yo becoming a master NetBattler is knowing the characteristics of your chips! ----------------------- ----------------------- |Koetsu |Elmt combos | |Goetsu |Big brother | ----------------------- ----------------------- Hello! Koetsu here. Hello! Goetsu here. Nisshi,I encourage I fugured out what you to continue direction you were developing combos. leading Nisshi in. That is one way to Koetsu,you're just improve your skill like a nice big as a NetBattler. brother! Now,about a combo I've always looked that makes use of up to your busting Element panels... technique. I recommend the But I don't think WavePit chips! I'll ever be able to There's WavePit and compare to you. RedWave. The first But I'll study up comes up on and do my best! AquaPanels,the Nisshi,my clue for second comes up you is "seeds." on LavaPanels. Now,hurry up and Well,that should complete your get you started. Now new combo! you need to think... What chips would work well with WavePit chips? ----------------------- ----------------------- |Maechan |Shakey | |Tokku |RE:Shakey | ----------------------- ----------------------- When the Shakey Maechan,I feel for virus rolls at me... you! I have a hard time Shakey gave me a lot dodging it. of trouble,too, Can anybody tell me until one day... how to defeat it? I found Slasher,the perfect anti-Shakey chip! Slasher is also great against other viruses...that invade your territory like Shakey! Give it a try. ****************************************************************************** 7. Undernet BBS ************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ----------------------- ----------------------- |DK Webmr|Our BBS | |NO NAME |Nebula | ----------------------- ----------------------- You need information Can you believe to survive in the Nebula's trying to underground. take over the Net? This underBBS I couldn't do that is for sharing if I wanted to. You useful secrets. gotta respect them. You share something I can't wait to see juicy,and I'll be how this dark world sure to do the same. of theirs turns out! You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours, ou got me? Deal? Now,start posting. ----------------------- ----------------------- |NO NAME |RE:Nebula | |NO NAME |RE:RE:Nebul | ----------------------- ----------------------- *wheeze wheeze* You rely on Nebula, Y...Yeah! Nebula is and call yourself sure to engulf the underground? world in darkness... You're a disgrace Then we can use as to the dwellers of many DarkChips as the Undernet. we want! Me? I'll make my *wheeze wheeze...* very own world of Shoot,I'm running darkness. low on DarkChips... And Nebula? You C'mon,guys, can't trust them. somebody spare me a They'll be back. DarkChip...C'mon! They've got something brewing, I guarantee it. ----------------------- ----------------------- |NO NAME |What's...?! | |NO NAME |RE:What's..?| ----------------------- ----------------------- Rrgh...There's Keh heh heh! That something wrong with means in a my body. short while... Blast! I can hardly Your consciousness control my own arms will be swallowed by and legs! the DarkSoul. And my memory's been And once that spotty at best. happens,you can Wait,could this be never escape! a side-effect from You'll be trapped in using DarkChips? darkness for the No,I don't want to rest of time. disappear! Help me, Think you've got the please,help me!!! power to overcome the DarkSoul? Well,I doubt it! Keh heh heh! Have a good life! ----------------------- ----------------------- |NO NAME |Skarab | |NO NAME |HIp!SP chps | ----------------------- ----------------------- I'll show you how to Shoot! I got a beat Skarab,that NaviChip SP... boney Virus... But I can't use it That even Undernet because of my dwellers have a hard tainted mind & body. time taking out. What a waste of my When you damage it time! with half-baked attacks... It crumbles and won't take further hits. So whaddya do? Simple... Delete him instanlty with an awesome single strike! Of course,if you're a top-world chump, you'll have trouble! But we Undernet dwellers are hard- core,right guys? ----------------------- ----------------------- |NO NAME |DS chips | |NO NAME |Confession | ----------------------- ----------------------- Hey,check this out. I'm responsible for We Undernet many a crime... dwellers can't use But there's one SP NaviChips... secret that I've But we are the only never told anyone. ones who can use Arrrrggghh! I can't DS NaviChips. hold it in any They absord our dark longer! I... energy... I just love Solor And focus it into Boy Django! a terrible attack C'mon everybody, force. shout it out with There are also other me! chips of darkness Taiyohhhhhhh......!!! only we can use. ----------------------- ----------------------- |NO NAME |RE:Confess | |NO NAME |Crazy world | ----------------------- ----------------------- ...... Hey,did you see You know what? I what's happening love Django,too... in top-world? No matter how much And you know the this place taints my reason things turn hard with blackness, out that way... The Django stories Is that they're never fail to always keeping their brighten things up. darkness in. There's no denying But who the heck is it. Solor Boy that Regal guy? Django is my hero. I sense a familiar darkness within his soul... ----------------------- ----------------------- |ExNebula|Softies | |NO NAME |Dark world | ----------------------- ----------------------- Regal is the leader Kee hee hee! Top- of Nebula. world is in absolute With this plan chaos! underway,top-world You can get all the is finished. chips you want from I'll sit underground shops now. and relish the final The top-world freaks days of top-world. are letting their dark side take over. Nobody'll complain if you take a few chips on the side. Just what I wanted! A bleak world covered in darkness. The age of the Undernet is here! Kee hee hee! What a blast!!! ****************************************************************************** 8. Thanks and Credits ******************************************************** ****************************************************************************** Thank you to GameFAQs for hosting this FAQ. Thank you to IGN for hosting this FAQ. Thank you to Neoseeker for hosting this FAQ. ****************************************************************************** 9. Legal ********************************************************************* ****************************************************************************** This FAQ is Copyright 2005 Chris Castiglione. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. There are three sites authorized to host this FAQ, they are: GameFAQs.com IGN.com Neoseeker.com