Battle Network 5 E-Reader Card and Effect listings Contents Use your browser's in-page find tool and use the (I) or (V) etc to browse to the section you want quicker (I) Credits (II) Explanation (III) Version History (IV) Contacting me (V) Effects List (VI) Notes on Effects (VII) Closing notes (I) Credits All those who helped make the E-Reader section of VidgamerX's PAR guide on GameFAQ's (And possibly other sites too, but I haven't found it on any yet.) (II) Explanation This guide lists all of the effects you can get from the E-Reader Cards, and an explanation of their details. Some of them need some verificiation, confirmation, or just a few details. If you can help with any of these, e-mail them to me, and I'll make the updates, along with adding you to the credits. See contacting me for that. Hopefully, this will help clear up some things, and people will actually understand what they all mean. There are NO codes for these cards here. For them, go to VidgamerX's PAR guide, as previously mentioned in the credits part above. you can also use that guide for the list of E-Reader cards, since I chose not to include them here to save on space - and repeating the same things again. (III) Version History: 1.0 - You're reading it. Not much point to this section for now. 1.1 - Reformatted to fit the GameFAQs layout because I forgot about it 1.2 - Now hosted on Supercheats, a few things fixed 1.2... again - Now hosted on Neoseeker as well. (IV) Contacting me I hate spam, but I get it anyway, so meh to that. If you need to contact me about this in any way, use my usual (slightly spam infested) email, Make sure the subject makes some sense, and relates to this guide, or it'll get ignored until I feel like reading it. A week or three, usually. (V) Effects List Abilities are listed as the name, then their description. AddBustr Only shown as [AddBustr]. Removes all buster panel change effects. AirShoe Gives the same effects as the AirShoe NaviCust block AquaBody Changes MegaMan's element to Aqua - weak to Elec, no slip on ice tiles (unconfirmed: no effect from water tiles) Arrack-X Subtracts this much from MegaMan's Attack stat Attack+X Adds this much to MegaMan's Attack stat. Attackx2 Doubles MegaMan's Attack stat. This can allow Attack stats from 6 to 10, but not higher. AutoHeal Recover small amount of health after each battle Same as the AutoHeal NaviCust block B+< (Only shows up as [B+<} Removes all B+< effects B+< Guard Changes your B and left to the Guard chip effect. B+