Megaman.EXE 5 Team Protoman I need some ASCII here. Before reading this, take note that the guide reveals as much spoilers as possible from a person that cannot read Japanese. It could reveal more if I had a person that translated some of the text. :) Before playing the game, it's highly suggested that you download Megaboys maps, it makes the game a LOT less confusing. ********************************************************************** I. Table of Contents ********************************************************************** I. Table of Contents II. Version History/Revisions III. Controls IV. Menu V. Walkthrough 1a. Intro and stuff (Day 1) 1b. Doing more stuff (Day 1) 2a. Liberation mission 1 (Day 2) 2b. A Mini Vacation! (Day 2) 2c. Liberation mission 2 (Day 2) 2d. 1st Soul! (Day 2) 3a. It's Cloudy (Day 3) 3b. Liberation mission 3 (Day 3) 4a. Save Megaman!/Luxary Cruise (Day 4) 4b. Save Megaman!/Mission 4 (Day 4) 4c. Megaman's back (Day 4) 4d. The House of Horrors (Day 4) 5a. 3 Ninjas kick back (Day 5) 5b. Liberation mission 5 (Day 5) 5c. Undernet (Day 5) 6a. Nightmares of The Past (Day 6) 6b. Liberation mission 6 (Day 6) 6c. Round 2, FIGHT! (Day 6) 6d. Protoman's back (Day 6) 7a. Destroy Nebulas HQ (Day 7) 8a. Ending (Day 10) 8b. Secrets/Extras (Day 10) 8c. Nebula Mission 1 (Day 10) 8d. Nebula Mission 2 (Day 10) VI. Chip lists Standard Chip List Mega Chip List Giga Chip List Dark Chip List VII. Purple Mystery Data VIII. Souls, and Darkchips IX. Program Advances X. Miscellaneous tips/Notes/References to other games XI. Copyright Notice XII. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) XIII. Credits ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** II. Version History ********************************************************************** Version 1.15, 7-5-05-Few changes, nuff said. Mostly just a half assed update, would have more, but I had work to take care of. Also, the sites that asked my permission to host this guide, well, you can FINALLY put it up. Version 1.1, 5-31-05-Same, only with some new stuff. Could've added more if I didn't have several (team) projects and tests all crammed into several weeks. Parts were updated, others wern't much, live with it. Version 1.05, 5-13-05-Now on Nebula area 4. Version 1, 5-8-05-Completed Nebula area 1. Version.95, 4-2-05-Finished the game, yes after 4 months and some days, this can be considered complete, there is only the secret area left to go, also fixed table of contents, some things were just wrong. Version.9, 3-21-05-Same as last one, only I'm very near finishing it, and just have a few things left. Last update was lacking, so this ones roughly 23kbs more to help the players out. I'm gonna be out for a week due to a trip. Version.85, 3-7-05-Another update, a few changes, nothing too spectacular, but I am getting closer to finishing this game. Version.8, 2-19-05-Long time since I touched the guide, and decided a 3 day weekend should be sufficient time for me to finish my homework, my school projects, and add a lot more info in this guide about the game. Also Team of Colonel is going to get released in 2/28/05, currently wondering if I should make a guide for that while working on this guide. Version.75, 2-06-05-Noticed something bad about the chip part, had to fix it, and add more stuff. Version.7, 1-22-05-Decided to do something after 2 weeks of school, like get back and update the guide. Version.65, 1-04-05-Decided to get back to the game, and add more stuff to the sections and walkthrough. Version.6, 12-24-04-File accepted on 21st, decided to get back to the game, add some chip lists, continue on the game, get further on it, add more information, change some and submit again. Version.5, 12-19-04-Added purple mystery data, exam week over, major information input imminent, submitted walkthrough, also pending. Version.45, 12-15-04-Now on the part where you use Protoman. Version.4, 12-13-04-Did more of the game, and walkthrough, cousin uses the an old version of this walkthrough, ah the first person I helped. School starts up again for 1 week before christmas break so less to add because less time to be used on this. Version.35, 12-12-04-Did more of the game, and walkthrough. Version.3, 12-11-04-Finished more of the game and walkthrough, and reformatted it, it looked like hell. Version.25, 12-10-04-Added Controls, Copyright Notice, Miscellaneous Tips, finished more of the walkthrough and credits. Version.1, 12-09-04-Started the game, and guide, not even half way done, I got 1 more day of school before the weekend, this version not submitted to Gamefaqs yet. ********************************************************************** III. Controls ********************************************************************** Control Pad-Take a guess, it allows you to move from place to place, and in battle, panel to panel. Also lets you perform special slashes with Variable sword, Neovarible sword, and adds an extra with Z-saber. Also is used for compressing programs. L button-In battle opens the select screen if gauge if full. Allows you to attempt to run, not always possible to run, can't run from storyline battles. At missions, this allows you to view the area. R button-Same as before, also allows you to plug in to places, and plug out. At missions, this allows you to switch members. B-button-Buster shot, charged shot, cancel button, when not in battle, it lets you run, in Gyromans case, fly over dark panels. A-button-Activate chip/P.A., select chip, confirm things, like questions, and when you get to use souls, you can charge chips to deal double damage. Start button-Opens Menu when not in battle, pauses battle if in battle. Select button-skip cutscenes, designate a preselected battlechip in folder if your MB is high enough. Serves a special purpose on Day 7. Power button-Turn on game, turn off your friends' to piss'm off, you should already know this. Volume control-Controls the volume. ********************************************************************** IV. Menu ********************************************************************** When not in battle or a cutscene, press the start button to open the menu. The menu has been around since the first game, allowing players to do various things. It also shows your current HPs, Zenny, bugfrag, and also shows your current location. Folder-Adjust your folder for more efficient killing, or switch folders, when you can. Subchips-Use various subchips such as hp recover max, unlock, sneakrun, ect. Library-See the various chips you've collected, the Program Advances you've unlocked, and ways to perform them if you did so. Status-View Megamans status, use the Navi Customizer in the near future, see what programs are in your navi cust, and I believe you may view records of how fast you killed SP navis if there is. E-Mail-Read the various E-Mail given to you by various people/navis. Key Items-Items that play a role in the game. Link-Link to Boktai 2^_^, yeah you can, or link to the other people playing Team Protoman, and in the near future, Team of Colonel. Save-Save your game, useful, so that you don't have to play it over and over just to get past a certain point. Exit-Press right and you may exit the menu. ********************************************************************** V. Walkthrough ********************************************************************** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1a. Intro and stuff(Day 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- We start the game after the events in MMBN 4, where Lan and Megaman saved the world, again. We see a cutscene about the net getting completed. Ok, It appears Lan is once again found sleeping at the beginning of the game. Anyway watch him wake up, fetch his PET, and recieve some mail. Basically, Lan is a lazy guy who doesn't wanna do his homework. Now go talk to his mom downstairs. Get some sort of a cooking recipe for stews and that's the only reason why we have to plug in soon. Head upstairs to your room and plug in. Hey, nice new animation when plugging in, reminds me of being inside a highway tunnel. {Lans comp} Ahhhhh!!!! there's no ground!!!!!!!!! Oh, it's just invisible digital ground. Phew. Well, it appears that Lans homepage has a virus infestation. Man, the naughty stuff he downloads when we aren't around >:( . Anyway, 3 battles await you. Meaning this is a tutorial, no way to skip it, but you can skip the exploding animations by pressing select. Mettaur x2 Mettaur x3 Mettaur x3 First battle, easy, select the 2 cannons, press ok, aim and delete them. Second battle teachs you to use multiple chips, same code, select the areagrab+widesword, hack away, then kill it with your buster, or wait for the selection screen for another areagrab and widesword. Third battle (re)introduces you to the mood swings of MMBN 4, including full synchro, so select what you like and remember countering an opponents attack gets you into this mode, so better try learning to use it properly, full synchro doubles the amount of damage a chip/P.A. can deal, so its very useful. Fear not about not being able to keep full synchro, you'll learn to hold on to it, it's like a guy trying to maintain his erection. XD After you're done getting rid of the viruses in Lans comp, go to the portal, I forgot the name for that teleportation pit, so I'll just call it a portal. Having gone through, see the net, and how its changed again, anyway, head on through, follow the path, grab that BMD, it contains a MiniEnrg. Go talk with Roll. Near Roll is a subchip dealer. Buy stuff if you want. Then head up, and grab that BMD, it contains 800zenny, earning zenny right now is a bit hard. Follow the path in ACDC Area 2, there's a new virus which needs a little intro, it can drop into your side, crack a panel, and that's basically it. Anyway now that you're in, keep going, there's a CopyDmg* in a BMD somewhere. Go ahead and go to the big square platform. Chat with Gutsman, and Glyde. Keep going, head right, left is not available, so keep going, head down, not on the zigzaging path, and if you did what I said, you'll find a netdealer. Hey they show what codes the chips come in, nice. Hp Memory - 1000 zenny, 3200zenny, 5000zenny Vulcan1 C (D,E) - 500 zenny Spreader *(C,D,E) - 3200 zenny Hi-cannon E - 5000 zenny Longsword C(M,S) - 6000 zenny Custsword E(L,R) - 6800 Zenny Ones in parenthesis are the chip codes, but not available from the netdealer. Well buy what you need, and head on the zigzagging path. Enter KitchenComp. This place appears to have nothing, just talk to the pink Navi, and deliver . You then get forced out of the net, and get some E-Mail, read it or not. Now go talk to Haruka, so that you can go out and get some fresh air. Now talk to Lans friends, Mayl, Dex, Yai and... Plug in Lans doghouse and check the right hand corner for a RegUp 2. Hmmm, nice, now I can make it so that I have a preselected buster powerup. If you wanted, you could've grabbed a MiniEnrg+EnergyBom P from Mayls comp, RegUp2 from Yais comp, a RegUp 1 and a HP Memory from Dex comp. Interesting note: They redid your friends comp areas to look like yours in the English version, which is a good thing I guess. Places of interest, if you wanna read up on virus busting tips, then Dexs comp might interest you, it has a message board. Anyway, go to the metroline, and you'll see a cutscene, 30 minutes go by, Yai and Mayl come, followed by a late Dex. Where the hell are we you may ask? I think we're at Scilab. Well, be careful, as you can somehow get stuck between the message board, Yai, Dex, and Mayl. Hope that was just a glitch. Well, I got out somehow. Anyway... Head to the doors of Scilab. Yay, another cutscene, the 4 enter, and some text is shown along with a black car. Hmmm. Well, can't worry about that now. Step out, and plug into a chip. You get a HP Memory from the middle, plug out and head in. Hey, you can plug in to one of those terminals, so do so. The bottom corner has a SeaSeed* chip or something like that. The top gives you, I think a bugfrag. After you're done getting stuff, plug out, go to the left of the area you used to get the cutscene, check the trash can for RegUp1, and go to the elevator. Yet another cutscene, and this one says ID, and Lan goes and looks for it. Hey what the? Is that an alarm? I knew something was up when we saw that black car. What the hell is that? Some black purplish bomb? Oh, just some sort of sleeping gas. Ok, it's the wrong time to go Treat-O-Treating here, so what the hell are those clowns doing here? Dr. Regal? He's back from the last game, and with a new mugshot too. Now why would they go take off with Lans old man like that? Ok, they said something confiscating PETs, I'm just guessing they took the PETs from the kids. We're excluded from this because the Nebula geeks are blind and can't see us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1b. Doing more stuff(Day 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, so you wake up in bed, and get forced into the net. Well, you're stuck in your house, I think Harukas being kinda protective right now. Lan has to search for data? I thought he had to look for his dad. Translations these day, aye. Just plug in, and... just go see what happened to the net. It looks kinda undead right now. Anyway, get over to ACDC area 2, see the purple navi on the big square platform, I think he was waiting for you. Now talk to him, and prepare to kick his butt!!! Mettaur x2 Bugtank?! x1 Weird name... Also, listen to the boss music in this fight, you'll hear it a lot. This battle is easy stuff, dispatch the mettaurs with vulcans or spreaders, the bugtank with cannons and watch the purple guy run away behind that shield looking door which you currently can't get through. You then get forced out of the net to save SciLab, so go lie to Haruka. Now you can go out, talk to Mayl, check for a translation error if you want, recieve a Roll chip, and a P-code. Go to Scilab, get inside, and watch some man run out of the elevator scared out of his wits. He runs pretty fast too. Now... get into the elevator. Now that you're back in the same room where Dr. Regal made his appearance, check the comp, the one where Lan was before he went paralyzed. Ok, now you have some sort of I.D. Where you currently are, plug in. The right area has a RegUp 2. The top area has a purple mystery data, which requires a unlock to grab its contents, which I just don't have the zenny to buy right now, sigh. Anyway, whether you were able to grab the stuff or not, go to where the middle aged man freaked out, and enter using your I.D. card. Now plug in next to the blue thing that appears to stick out a little. Talk to the program, then it's time to play number switch-a-roo. Make the numbers say 762, or you get a free battle with viruses. Did I mention that theres some fire viruses that arn't the dog that you'll meet here? Those things use magic teleport, then smack you on the face, and they do it in front of you. Well, I think it's possible to get a Cannon * from some GMDs, and lucky for me, I can do my first P.A, Giga Cannon 1. Ok, head down, and grab that BMD, containing a Thunder Ball P. Go back up, and head toward the upper right. Aw, why Capcom came up with this was a stupid idea. Continue onward and make the word Nap. After you're done with that stupid thing, continue, and search on the left for a HP memory. Then keep going, onto the unexplored path, until you see 2 programs. Damn, it's a double puzzle. Ok, just follow my instructions, and you'll stress less. Grab the right middle Grab the rightmost from the left side Grab the leftmost at the right side Go for the leftmost at the left side Next up is rightmost, right side Now try right middle. Results=Owl Rat Since the right side is blocked, head for the left, and step on the switch. It looks like steping on the switch unlocks the right side, so head on through. Follow the path to Scilab 2, only to find more of this stuff, man, knowing Capcom, theres gonna be like 1 or 2 more after this. New virus, Cactus, it throlls(throws and rolls) its head foward, and thats basically all it does, and you can only hurt it when its attached. Anyway... You're on your own for these things. I'm only kidding, so I made a diagram, bare with me that it's gonna suck. Good thing my friend suggested I use this order. I was stuck on it for 20 minutes, what a waste of time. 1234-5678 Those numbers represent the real thing, but I don't know what the hell they mean. So just use numbers for this. Touch positions in this order 8, 1, 6, 5, 3, and last in 8. Results= Dock Hall After you're done with it, continue onward to the right, hit the switch, and go the other way. Aw no... 3 sets is what we have to work with. Good thing there's just 2 more we have to do, reminds me of my homework assignments, (^_^) heh. Either use this or guess the answers to the ridiculous riddles. 123-456-789 Touch panel areas 7, 1, 6, 9, 4, 2, 7 in order. Answers= Hip Toe Arm After those panel thingys go down, step on that accursed button on the right. Then head to the left and hit that button, these things just add to the annoyingness factor. After your done activating those switches, go through the middle, avoid the arrows, and go to the top path, and claim a FullEnrg. Now you go through the arrows path. Avoid the single panel arrow thing, head forward to the bottom, and grab that BMD. We now have a Spreader E, good chip early on for killing up to 3 enemies since hitting 1 enemy will also hit all 8 panels around them, not very useful against bosses. Since a certain chip dealer in ACDC 2 sold Spreader * and you already had a Spreader D in your folder, it's time for a Program Advance. Hyperburst. Now, back to the walkthrough, remember that I told you to stay away from that panel thing right? It only takes you back to a previous area. So head on the right area, only to find another one of these annoying puzzle things. Ok, this one is surprisingly different. It has a program gone crazy running around, and you get some sorta cutscene. You are now in control of Lan. Go to Yuuichirous office, and check the table with cups on it. Yuuichirous office is the one where we all fell down. You now have WorkMemo, Lan says 53214, and then we regain control of Megaman. It's numbers this time, so heres a number diagram for a number puzzle. Starts like 12345, yes it's like that, and you need 53214. The touch order is 5, 1, 3, 2, 1, 4, and the empty space. Change your folder for more efficient killing if you like, save, then go forward. We see Protoman ready to fight us. Now, prepare for battle! //////////// //Protoman// //////////// Hp-300 Attacks Pretty much the same from every other games. Jumps in your area and uses a widesword slash. Has a protoshield to block your attacks, not activated often. Uses a paladin sword slash, hits up to 3 spaces forward. 20 damage He's actually a lot easier/weaker than he was in other games, he never had this little hp, well, actually to be more specific, possibly easier than the fire punching virus you fight in random battles, since his movements are a lot easier to predict. minibombs are not very accurate here, try out some cannon chips, or if you have it, activate the Zeta Cannon 1 P.A., instant kill if you manage to hit him. Or HyperBurst. Some dialogue occurs between the two, then Protoman logs out, then you get forced out again. <(>_<)> Damnit, I wanted to practice some virus busting skills here. Was that too much to ask? Well, now that you got kicked out, head on through the door to the right. Another cutscene for you to enjoy. Chaud was behind all this?! Well, we join his team, which only consisted of him and his navi before we joined "Protoman's Anti-Nebula Corps!". Interesting note: "Defeating Nebula is the one chance we have at saving me." Can't people translate properly these days? Well, head back to hometown via the metroline. Now you have the option of going on the net and trying to buy stuff from the netdealer, if you havn't already got enough stuff such as Hp memory, don't worry, he's not going anywhere, so go to sleep in your cozy bed. Well this looks like the end of Day 1, so get some rest, no, not literally, unless you have to. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2a. Liberation mission 1 (Day 2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Yawn... Wake up and recieve a call from Chaud. Then we get forced into the net. Man why can't we get do to things by ourselves, hey wait, why don't we have to do everything ourselves? What am I saying? This is good, now we don't have to think as hard. ^_^ Since there's a door in ACDC area 2, and we just got forced into the net, I think we have to go there. Recieve some E-Mail from who knows and lets keep going. Now that you're at ACDC area 2, go to the place with the door. Here's another cutscene, watch Protoman slice it apart to answer Megamans question. <(O_o)> He wasn't this strong yesterday... At least we have a new area to explore. Head on through. Ok, there's some sorta poison panels, which I believe from the cutscene that Protoman says we have to clear. Crap, we can't get out. Guess this is some sorta mission, this is really reminding me of Boktai 2, missions, bleach. Protoman says something about 3 turns to clear a panel in battle. Good luck, you'll automatically go to the chip selection screen, yes it is forced, so just kill as fast as you can. Protoman suggests you avoid fighting like this x represents dark panels o is navi x xox o is where you'll get attacked on both sides. However, attacks such as lifeswords will not miss. The way I hate fighting the most is x xo because there can be enemies 4 panels away right at the beginning. It's highly recommended that you fight a dark panel with no dark panels near it or you. Such as this xo I started on the leftmost panel, hey that's nice, I have an extra column of panels to work with. Mettaur x2 Cannon x1 Easy stuff. I switched to Protoman, and it looks like his wideslash ability can take out everything in its range. Careful when it's those stupid darkloid phases, those dark fat things are minibosses. Well I got some Zenny from liberating a panel and killing a minimoss gave me 500zenny because he was on a item panel. Miniboss only has 120 Hp, his attacks consists of a fire attack shaped like a cross, and its not too hard. Select Protoman and clear 3 panels, the battle isn't too hard, but whenever your 2nd turn comes, you better start killing faster. I got 2 points that added to my 3 total on the top right part of the screen. I used Megaman to clear 2 panels, and it looks like it used a point. Hmm, I suggest you use them wisely. Did I mention in this mission you can save using Protoman? You get a chip for clearing an area near the 2nd miniboss. You get 500 Zenny if you clear the area near the empty platform with a question mark on it. That thing gives a random prize, I was hoping for some Zenny, but I suppose healing was ok. You might wanna consider saving these things to get a miniboss killer, or some nice damage on the boss of the area. Sometimes you get attacked from the front AND behind, so watch your back. Looks like the L+R buttons make you turn around, not bad, interesting way to beef up battles Capcom, first time I had to fight 4 enemies in a single battle that surrounded me. You can also now have quadruple deletes. Did I tell you that Protoman will be using your folder? Yeah, and he has this special stepsword chip whenever you use him, nice addition, Capcom. Those dark holes make more minibosses, man, I thought we only had to deal with 2. Clear them to make your life easier. You'll notice that dark panels with little squares inside them has helpful surprises. Clearing all dark holes mean Blizzardman is no longer magically protected. Anyway, clear whatever you want, but remember to clear the seemingly broken dark panels, and when you get to the Snowman looking guy, try to kill him in YOUR turn, meaning you get to double team his @$$, but not all at once, however if you fail to kill him in your turn, he will be back with 200hp more in his turn. Won't go past 400 though, so don't worry too much. Target time 7 turns Dark holes=2 Rewards Turn 5 or less Blizzardman SP chip Turn 6-7 Blizzardman chip Turn 8 and after, most likely just Zenny /////////////// //Blizzardman// /////////////// HP-400 Attacks Snowball fury- Rolls snowballs toward you Snow drop- Drops piles of snow on your side. Rolling snowbody- He's covered in snow and he rolls himself toward you. Blizzard breath-Blows a painful freezing breath toward. Strategy, use electric chips, or a good series of combos, like vulcan to full synchro and then use vulcan 2 with 2 atk+10s. Either that or a Program Advance to kill him. After thawing him out with your team, all the remaining panels will be freed, and both Protoman and you will be plugged out. After a scene with Dr. Regal planning something, you'll see Lan and friends worry about their navis. Lans friends runs off somewhere, and when Mayls about to, Lan stops her, hmm, maybe he's just trying to calm her down, ah young Lan is growing up. ^_^ We then recieve a call from Chaud, please, not another mission. Well, it's not, but let's go to ACDC 3, I wanna go further beyond that point, who knows what treasures await us, and zenny, can't forget about that now can we? About the email you just recieved about dark chips, disregard it completely. On the way there, right before ACDC 3, you might notice that purple navi looks very familiar, yes it's the same orange navi from MMBN3, only colored purple. Once you get to ACDC 3, there's a Golden program, which lets you redo that mission you had earlier over, I say hell no for now. Do it if you want to, I wanna get on with my life. Anyway onward and go to that portal somewhere on the right, enter FurnaceComp, and get the BMD on the right area. Its a RegUp1. Top left contains another BMD, this time a HP memory, sweet. Anyway get back to ACDC 3 via the portal. Head onward, to the top left area, past where you killed Blizzardman, and talk the green program to start a cutscene about the reconstruction of ACDC area 3. Then we're forced out again, and we get a E-Mail, from Dex, who gives us his P-code. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2b. A Mini Vacation!(Day 2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Head out of the house, and to the Metro, and they talk about the beach. Head forward to the stairs after the cutscene. Lan, Dex, and Megaman chat for a while, about "forbidden art of channging clothes on the beach", then the girls show up in their swimsuits, with a floatation device. Lucky Yai, has the money to buy a jet powered inner tube. Enjoy the repeating scene that never stops unless you force it to, Dex is getting whacked by Yai, thought he was the watermelon. :) Now that fun time is done, you recieve an E-Mail. It's from Chaud, ordering us to get scout Oran island net area... See that metal looking thing between a leafless tree and a live one near the railroad tracks? Plug into it. Whoa, I thought this place got corrupted or something because it was so red. Ok, head to the left area, to island area 2. Somewhere there's a BMD containing a vulcan 2 C chip. That's all there is, now head back to island area 1, either by plugging out, or the long way. Anyway, first fork you see from the beginning take the right to aqcuire a BMD, containg Quake A. Backtrack to the fork and take the left. Then go bottom right, and if your eyesight is good enough, you'll see a purple mystery data which unluckily for me, I have no unlocks to use, I'm poor :(. Contains a Snake M if you opened it. Follow the main path, and keep going. Head up the hill, and to the top part, has a netdealer, hey he sells HP memories, aw I need more zenny. Netdealer HP Memory - 2500zenny, 6000zenny, 10000zenny Airspn1 E(C,O) - 3400zenny Recov80 *(B,K,O) - 7800zenny CircGun C(A,F) - 8200zenny Mine P(H,T) - 9900zenny Guardian O - 10500zenny *Drools* Guardian... *snaps back to reality* Ok, I think I know what the chip after hp memory is, it has something to do with wind, but since it looks like a wheel, I'll call it wind wheel. If you chose to head to the right from the hill, you'll be in ACDC area 3. So just go up and follow the main path, you'll see Protoman follow you, then go forward to confront 3 cannons only to get Megaman and Protoman assaulted by them. The attack is so powerful, it pushes them backwards. Both then plug out, because they're trying to find some way to get rid of those things. Ok, now here's the tricky part, which will confuse you if you don't know what you're doing, but not with this guide here. You now get to go on a scavenger hunt, -Go to the bamboo bushes, and get bamboo -Go down the stairs, to the place where you can hide Lan and get a fishing line&hook. -Checking the waterfall for a worm, followed by pressing a once or twice at the leftmost tree in the area, past the bridge. 10 minutes pass, Lan and friends are fishing. 30 minutes pass, they're still fishing. Wow, that's 1 big fish. Now Lan's jumping, probably all excited about what he didn't catch. Then there's an earthquake. Ok, now you have to get more stuff, check the dead tree for firewood, then the green-yellowish grass for drygrass, and last the pile of what I believe to be wood. Talk to Dex to trigger a cutscene, I think they're frying fish, damn, I swear I'm smelling fried fish here. Dex runs away to explore some place, and we're stuck putting out the fire. Now, check the E-Mail for an item from MMBN 3, the Navi customizer, and like the last 2 games, we have an undershirt, atk+1, and a speed+1. The Navi customizer tutorial automatically starts when you close the menu. Rule 1: Same colored pieces may not be touching each other. Rule 2: Pieces that have mini blocks within them must stay off the command line. Rule 3: The other pieces which are only colored and shaped with no blocks within must touch the command line. Follow the instructions to avoid NCP glitching. Now head through what used to be a wooden barrier. It looks like an abandoned cave. Ok, so Lans friends fell into a pit, and now we're going to have to play hero. First let's check the fallen mine cart for a RegUp 1. Find your way to some place where we can plug in and do so, then pay 1000 zenny for Minekey, sigh, kinda expensive at this point. Dex gives you a call about something, you then get forced out of the net, for the what time now? Head on over to the elevator, go up and use your key to open the door. The boxes of stuff over there contains a HP memory, nice. Go into the left door. Then inspect the locked door to get into a battle. ChampyEX x2 Mettaur x1 Careful these fire viruses hit twice, so good luck. After you're done with them, the door will be unlocked, followed by an earthquake, signaling that you're gonna have to hurry up, don't worry, no timer. Afterwards, head out, and upstairs to the right area to get into another battle. Cactus x2 Mettaur x1 After that, there's another earthquake. Dex calls you about something, I think hes just reminding you that he needs to be saved. Go out that door, head right, and go in the first door you see. Plug in, and grab that Tornado R chip in the BMD at the top, I also noticed that I have a second folder, edit that if you must. Plug out, and head out of that room and up the stairs if you will. Enter the room. Interact with the door to enter a battle. Bugtank x2 Fan x1 Be careful where the bombs land, you're lucky those arn't the black bomb shooters from MMBN1. Dex calls again, so proceed if you will after the call. Head down the Elevator. Enter the door. What kind of idiot would jump up and down on what appears to be a unstable machine? Whoa, is that a drill?! Hmm... Dex makes another call about stuff. Hmm, poor Dex, alone with 2 girls all to himself. XD Ok, so that demented woman is trying to kill Lans friends, we can't allow that, now can we? We must now stop them. Auto plug in. Talk to the program to get a DrilProg, which allows you to break rocks by punching them, I hope we don't have to mash the buttons like crazy. Well, break that rock by hitting the A button a few times. Continuing to the right, you'll find a conveyor belt that pumps out boulders for you to break, and the prize for getting past it a Invisibl chip and does come in a * code. Somewhere near that chip, head up, and you'll see a gray boulder, these boulders take more hits to break, but the prize is well worth it. A BMD containing a HP memory. Goodie. Near there is the black-dark greenish boulders which take, you've guessed it, much more hits. We need a stronger program than the one that program gave us. Might I suggest saving after breaking every boulder that stands still so that you restart back at the same point? Anyway continue, go up the conveyor belt and keep going until you see some sort of digial terminal. New enemies, squid like drill, it's like Drillman, only more fragile. Can also destroy any rock(s)/cubes it touches, I'll call it squiddrill. Examine it and it shuts off. I was sort of expecting a battle. It also opens the way up for you to go to the second area. Looks like nothing changed down there, so plug in the next one. Here we go! Upon arrival, break the black boulder up ahead, takes about 3 hits. Keep going, and on the conveyor belt, beware, black boulders can be produced, and luckily, they only need 3 hits. Looks like the visable BMD has a charge+1, so lets install it. After that continue onward. Next boulder is a full life gray one, takes 5 hits. Keep going. At the third conveyor belt, save, if you fall, it dumps you at the beginning, quite annoying. Next appears to be a normal boulder making conveyor belt. The belt after that is the gray and dark greenish boulder belt, shouldn't be too hard to shatter it. After getting past that problem, your reward in the BMD is a Rockcube*, enough with the rocks people!!! Next belt has a full life normal one, takes 3 hits to shatter. Turn off the panel, and move on to the next. Ok, time for more boulder shattering goodness. Well, another new enemy, Pulsebat, think Shademan from Megaman 7, and his ultrasonic attack. The first conveyor belt is easy, the top portion of it connects to an area holding a BMD containing an HP+100 for your Navi Customizer. The second one needs you to break some rocks while the belt is still moving, annoying eh? The bottom portion contains a cracked gray boulder, break it and move on, break the black- greenish boulder, and keep going. Your reward for breaking that thing, is a FullEnrg. Then, return to where you saw a conveyor belt earlier, and try to get past it, and a program gives you StopKey. Go to the conveyor belt in the bottom and keep going, time yourself so that you won't get pushed off. At the end, use it and turn off a boulder making machine. Go back until you see that program guy again, and go up, there's no more boulders if you did what I said. Now, shut that thing off. 3/4 things were shut off, and not much improvement on the situation?! Man, what kinda drill is this anyway? Plug in to what appears to be the last one. Now that you're in, try to find a pattern in the rows of boulders. When you do, try to cross. Theres nothing for you on the second to the left, so keep going, and shatter the brown boulders in your way. Go past the conveyor belts, the dark greenish ones could be a problem. So be careful, or your hard work is wasted. If you got past the conveyor belts, your reward is a HP memory. Keep going past the belts, shatter whatever is in your way, or get shoved off. Continue onward, see the dark greenish boulders, run past them, run IN the direction you would like to go works nicely, not run and touch the wall, that slows you down. Get past those things and be rewarded with a longsword S chip, and with sword S, widesword S, and your new longsword S chip, you know what that means, Dreamsword P.A. can be unlocked. Go and turn off the nearby system, no more boulders mean you can now go onward. Prepare your folder and save, its Fa- I mean Magnetman, y'know, I thought there it would be some guy obsessed with drills, like Drillman, or umm... whatever. He's back for some revenge because of what happened in MMBN 2. Anyway... ///////////// //Magnetman// ///////////// Hp-500 Attacks North-South tackle-Get tackled from front+back. Field Warp- Changes the field with extreme speed, before I could do anything, makes it so that you will eventually move away from the corners. Does this if his side is changed. Energy Ball- Launches a energy ball, its basically a different colored thunder ball with a lot more manuevering. No flinching. Magnet- Releases 2 magnets which can change its movement in a 90 degrees angle once, hard to dodge. Goes over broken panels. SuperMagnetism-A magnetic hole pops out under you and stops you from moving, this is a good time to hit him with something painful. 1-2 Program Advances finishes him. Easy way to avoid his attacks would be to crack some of YOUR panels, so that they can become regular. If you have the Boomerang chip, it may be quite useful. This guy is kinda different than last I fought him, he actually uses stuff to annoy. A Rockcube can stop the magnets/thunderballs from killing you. Or use a few boomerang, that wipes also out his special panels in addition to doing 120 damage if you actually hit him. After your rematch(es), looks like he stops the drill, and logs out. You get logged out too, so go down the elevator, and just follow the damn path will ya? When you get near the area where your friends are trapped, there's a cutscene. Auto plug in. Head to the middle, nothing in here except that. Cutscene happens when you do. Whoa, the thing turned blue, and there seems to be an alarm, hope we don't have to go through more of the boulder thingy again. Well, Magnetman comes and uses his magnet barrier to save your butt. Chaud calls, some bizzare stuff is said, Lan and Tesla have a chat about something. Get outta there afterwards, plug in near the dead tree, go to where Protoman is, watch Magnetman use a barrier, and Protoman kill the cannons. Nice teamwork eh? Megaman needs to do nothing. Just continue forward for another mission, hoo boy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2c. Liberation mission 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This mission, we have to crap, Shademan is back, but Django and Megaman used the PileDriver on him, he's supposed to be gone. Not to mention in Boktai 2, Shademan gets fried again, you get to link THIS very game to it to enjoy the purification. When linked together, you can have a Shademan killing contest. Well, since we obviously don't have any Gun Del Sol chips on hand, we can't purify this fool, do? Ah, it doesn't matter. Back to the mission, now that we have Magnetman with us, let me explain his attacks that we can use for this mission. Special chip, Lightning tackle, special ability is team barrier, and his charged shot is a magnet. Bad thing is that we kicked his butt so hard that his Hp dropped, yes you heard me, dropped from 500 to 400, and I remember when he was in MMBN 2, he had more HP than that, I think he had about 1000 when Megaman faced him. Did I mention that selecting the bottommost option allows you to recover your HP? Also he can charge electric chips with the A Button to do double damage. Target time 9 turns Dark holes=3 Rewards Turn 7 or less Shademan SP chip Turn 8-9 Shademan chip Turn 10 and after, most likely just Zenny //////////// //Shademan// //////////// HP-600 Attacks Claw Swing-Swings his claw, widesword range Noise Crush-Hits 1 panel in front of him and 3 in front of that. Flying Bat- Releases a bat, can turn once. Surprisingly, he's a LOT weaker than last we kicked his @$$. Why? No dark matter to absorb the damage. So this game, just hit him, countering him is a lot easier too, and the fact that you have 3 navis to smash him with is nice. It's even easier if you keep attacking him from the front, and have cleared his side areas. Provided you did that, you start with an extra column. Nifty eh? To kill, paralyze him, then unleash the big things, dreamsword and such. Alternative way, see the bonus panels? Save'm until you get to this freak. Get 3 mini boss killers to either kill or weaken him enough to die with a few hits. Afterward, you acquire your first soul, Magnet soul, Megaman gets to charge his shots to paralyze the enemy, and you can charge electric chips for twice the amount of damage, maybe you should make a folder designated for magnet soul, double damage is pretty good, it's like full synchro, but without the timing, it's good for you slow people. :D You then get forced out, I wanted to buy another HP memory, but oh well, guess I can do that later. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2d. 1st Soul! (Day 2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- After the team plugs out, the kids leave, meanwhile, Dr. Regal trys to get some information out of Yuuichirou, but theres a black screen. We can't see if he's getting whacked like Dex was. XD Whether he is or not, Regal seems to use something to make Yuuichirou scream, ahhhhhhh!!! or nooooo!!!, well, it's 1 or the other. We then see this ugly mugshot of what looks to be a guardian of the Aztec Empire. Ugh, can't people draw these days? We then see the gang hanging out at Yais place, then they leave, and another ugly thing, I think its a guy, comes along. You then somehow reappear near the pink squirrel statue, and are still talking. When that guy is done talking, you get plugged in. You then get an E-Mail, must be the soul unison tutorial. Bleach, just select a electric chip, and select unison, and you're in Magnet mode, just remember to watch out for wood type viruses. Tutorial battle MettaurEX x3 Select the thunder ball chip, press unison, select the other electric type chips, and press ok, they're not hard, just hold the A button and shoot the left most one if they're active. After your done with those things, the right corner has a portal, leads to squirrel area 9, the top corner has another portal leading to same place, area 2. The squirrel area has that annoying trumpet thing, if you remember those random prizes that you get in the missions, if you got invincibility, you'll know how useful it is, and the trumpet has about a infinite use of that, don't worry, it needs time to recharge, and you can kill it then. Ok, lets go and explore area 2 first. The top leads to area 3, middle of area 3 contains a BMD filled with only 100zenny, which has more portals, argh, area 3 leads to 4 and 5. Area 4 has a BMD in the middle containing 200zenny, yay... Area 4 leads to 6 and 7, 6 has a BMD containing a Gun Del Sol A^_^. Head back to 4, and get to area 7. From area 7, head to area 8, the BMD waiting for you in the top right is a HP memory, and after you get it, head back to area 3. At Area 3, head to area 5, the rightmost portal. Area 5 contains a Charge+1 at the top. Head all the way back to area 1, and head to the right portal, area 9. You can plug in and out to refill your HP if you're hurt or just lazy. Head into area 9, then to the back to get to area 10, and the middle contains a BMD filled with 300zenny. Left portal leads to area 11, middle has a BMD with 400zenny. Going left again takes you to area 13, containing a RegUp 1. Get back to area 11, and take the other route, the right one leading to area 14, head to the back and you'll find a portal that takes you to area 16, and if I heard correctly, this yellow freak probably is Gyroman. Log out, and take to the guy behind the nearby shop, you can buy your first dark chip for 2000zenny, which you can place it in your folder, now plug in that squirrel statue and let's keep moving. Woo, long paragraph. Important note, use of dark chips will drain your life. Very important note, only Megaman can use these fragments of darkness. From area 1, go to area 9, then area 10, followed by going to the right portal to get to area 12, which lets you go in the back portal, taking you to area 15 for a navi customizer part, which makes a barrier. After getting it or not, log out and plug in again, or just take the long way to area 16, and talk to Gyroman. Soon after, the yellow haired freak leaves, ah who cares about him. Check out the chip shop if you want, they sell the following... Minibomb* 300(OMG) Vulcan* 400 Barrier* 600 For such a crappy chip, minibomb costs a lot. Vulcan* is pretty good at this point, I found it quite useful. Then the cashier girl has this up for sale Yo-Yo D(E,F) 5800 Blind D(A,H,*) 6500 Icebomb A(K,Q*) 7800 Gun Del Sol 2 G(U,Y)8400 Super Vulcan S 9800 *Drools* Super Vulcan... *Snaps back to reality* Oh, was I drifting off? Sorry. Ugh, MMBN 5 has huge prices for things, earning Zenny is hard, the in battle mystery data no longer gives you 2000zenny if it lives, only 1000zenny in the early areas, and it's less common too. Anyway, with the music as it is, we have to plug in somewhere. Buy stuff if you need in the ACDC areas, theres a portal somewhere in ACDC 3 leading to some comp, which has cannonEXs in it, those things cannot be damage when their shield is used, and its advisable that you do NOT head there, that place has nothing, so head through the north left exit and recieve a phone call, it's from Chaud, oh PLEASE not another mission, and he says something. Basically, we have to go kill things. If you see any purple geeks, I mean navis, kill them!!! Also in this area, there's a portal near the netdealer, if you go in, the bottom area contains a RegUp 1, the top contains a Holy Panel*, and thats all, so go back, and find more purple things to kill, like Barney. If you remember where the 3 cannons were, there's a Magnetman copy, be warned, without the right folder, he's tough. /////////////// //MagnetmanV2// /////////////// HP-800 Attacks North-South tackle-Get tackled from front+back, only more painful, so this is priority number 1 to dodge. Field Warp- Changes the field with extreme speed, before I could do anything, makes it so that you will eventually move to the middle. Does this if his side has no magnetic panels. Energy Ball- Launches a energy ball, its basically a different colored thunder ball with a lot more manuevering. No flinching. Magnet- Releases 2 magnets which can change its movement in a 90 degrees angle once, hard to dodge. SuperMagnetism-A magnetic hole pops out under you and stops you from moving, this is a good time to hit him with something painful. Second form, looks like version 2s are back again, he has 800 hps, damn that's a LOT right now. Now, he releases 2 magnets instead of 1, invis chips surely help now, even if they only last half a regular custom gauge, try fixing your panels somehow, being able to move better. Presetting a boomerang chip seems like a good idea. You may want to have a few of those things. Damn, that was 1 hell of a tough battle, I need super armor. Win or lose, you can try again, and earn some Magnetman M chips, sorry, no SP chips, but it's good for testing folders. There is a purple navi somewhere in ACDC area 3, waste him. Battle MettaurEX x2 BomberEX 1 Then another somewhere at the right. Battle CactusEX x2 MettaurEX x1 Try top left to some place, you can fight a purple navi if you want, and theres a Navi custimizer person that sells parts, and this is what he sells if you're interested. HP+50 1300Zenny Some sorta thing 3800Zenny Mega Folder 1 4700Zenny 5 pink squares 5500Zenny HP+200 6000Zenny Super Armor 7800Zenny I really don't know what 2 of those things are, and I'm NOT going to buy them, because I'm poor, and have my money set on something else. Battle Fan x1 Pulsebat x2 Anyway, kill whatever you want, head to Island area 2, going beyond area 3 is currently prohibited. There's a purple navi just waiting to get his butt kicked near a skull gate, and another near a big blue gate. Battle CactusEX x2 MettaurEX x1 Anyway after that, keep going follow the main path, talk to purple guy, and its time to take him out with the rest of the trash. Battle Bomber x1 BomberEX X1 Vacuum X1 Before or after that, from the purple guy, head left into a portal. The bottom contains a BMD filled with a RegUp 2, nice. Top right contains a BMD with 1000zenny, finally something useful. After you finish him off, Chaud calls again, sigh what now? Well, it looks like going back to area 3, and beyond triggers a cutscene. What?! Another purple guy?! Battle PulsebatEX x2 MettaurEX x1 Easy stuff, delete them. Purple guy runs away. Then you head on through automatically, and Gyroman comes, takes a look and plugs out. Whoa, it's a waffle iron, like from MMBN 4. I wonder if there's that secret path... Nope. Well, new enemies, a tank like enemy is here. It slowly moves forward into your area and blasts the last row, or an obstacle in front of it, like Megaman, I'll call it Tank Cannon. The left path leads to the waffle iron and to a PMD, the right path leads to a BMD, holding Vulcan1*. Take it or leave it, head for the waffle iron, and out of it. Onward to Scilab 2. Here I actually got a all Panelreturn in a GMD, maybe you'll be lucky enough to get one too. Anyway, head down and left, theres a BMD waiting and its a HP Memory. Heading to the top right gives you a cutscene, there's purple clouds, Megaman trys to push through, but gets bounced back. Chaud calls, for who knows what reason. :/ After you log out, in comes Gyroman, ok, what other ideas have Capcom been using, I have no idea, but Gyroman just went from helicopter to navi, Transformers, anybody? Looks like Gyromans operator is the yellow haired freak guy. After that cutscene was over, you can head over to the lone island and on top of the hill, you find, Famous, with a new navi. Footman. Yay, American Football. /////////// //Footman// /////////// HP-700 Attacks Bouncing football-Bounces a football around your area. Offensive tackle-Charges toward you, like Burnermans charge in MMBN4, but without the burning. Team Tackle-Calls his teammates to charge toward you like the sheep viruses in MMBN4. Does this at the start of the battle. Field Goal Kick-Kicks that ball he's holding into a 2x2 area of yours. This is fun. Hell, you can make it more fun if you add some obstacles in the way. It really doesn't matter, just beat him. You should beat him with ease if you somehow managed to beat Magnetman V2. Head home, and take a snooze. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3a. It's cloudy. (Day 3) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Wake up, get an E-Mail about something, and head to the island, now, instead of taking the route to where we stopped the drill, go around, up the stairs, and enter, theres a scientist, but what's he doing here? Well, lets see, fork over 500zenny, and recieve a Dark Tornado T chip in return. Now you take the route to the drill. Well, the operator of Magnetman is here, what now? Plug in, and go to the very end of each one, and since Magnetman turned everything off, you shouldn't have much trouble, and can pick up whatever you missed. Ok, theres some weird looking battlechip at the end. Pick it up. Lets go to the end for the next one. Strangely, it has another weird chip too. Pick it up. Now for the next one, and its another one. The 4th plug in area has, you've guessed it, another one. Ok, after that, the screen turns white, and theres a cutscene. Lan hands over 4 things, must be the things we got, and she looks at her PET, and after a few seconds, Magnetman responds. Sometime later, a man, that yellow haired man comes in, hmm. Now go to Scilab, theres an old man selling a DARK SWORD Z chip. Wow. Only 500zenny. Buy it to make your collection look nicer. Theres a kid near the vending machine with a quiz, man this once, I wish it was numbers so I could understand, took me like 10 minutes to get this down. Middle, top, bottom, middle, and middle for a Dark Thunder M chip. Folks we can now do materials for our first Chaos unison, so for those of you that watched the MMBN5 trailer and saw Megaman fusing with a dark sword, yeah you can, later on, provided you unlocked the regular one first. Right now I went to the PETs on display, plug in the top one. Middle contains a HP memory. After you're done, keep going until where you saw Chaud for the first time, well just keep going straight. Here's a cutscene. Lan enters, and they have a conversation about stuff. Then we hear the alarm. Sigh, not a moment of rest for our heroes. Plug in somewhere, go past ACDC 3 and into that area 1. We then get another cutscene, Gyroman then turns into a helicopter and flys away. Aw, no, stupid clouds. Talk to the green program on your left. You will then recieve some sort of vacuum. Use it to suck up all this cloudy crap. If it gets full, dump it on the guy who gave you the stuff, he likes it. Anyway, keep sucking in the up direction, ok people, stop having sick thoughts about what I just said. Suck it up, but not in that sense. Just fill up your vacuum, Gyroman is somewhere near here. When you see him, he goes into helicopter mode, and flies off. Guess we have to keep sucking, stop thinking that way people. Nearby is a green program, guess he wants what you sucked up. Empty your vacuum, and continue. Golden clouds can have chips, bugfrags, zenny, or a virus. Thunder clouds kinda fill up about half your meter. Keep going, go to the skull gate, there you should trigger a cutscene. That freak just went to Scilab area 1. Argh. Just use your suction ability. Get your butt to Scilab area 1, that waffle iron path has too much clouds. Good thing theres a program to take what you have at the start. At the top of the path, theres a inexperienced program. Meh, we still have the one at the beginning. When you get past the waffle path, theres a skilled program, who's going to help you a bit. Gyroman, just waiting for us there, go there and trigger the next cutscene. Once again he gets up and flies away. <(>_<)> This guy just ran back to area 2, well, we have to follow. The next one, those green programs only remove about half your meter, sigh. This is hell without the proper order. Random encounters with viruses make it seem tougher, so emulator users, you may want to use a no random encounter code, or a infinite suction code when you find one. Heres a good way to do it legally, clear until you reach the first program, then clear until you reach the second, don't clear any unneeded stuff. After you did that... Clear a diagonal thunder cloud, and then the yellow one. Finally, a dumpster that takes everything once. Too bad it's only once. Feel free to reset if you screw up. Theres a useful emptier near a yellow cloud. Once you get to him save, empty and keep clearing the place. So many Thunder clouds, those things fill up half your bar. Luckily you have a reliable dumpster to dump your crap into. :D Just keep clearing and don't get frustrated. I wanted to use another word, but people take it the wrong way. Gyromans at the top, not beyond the purple clouds, so keep clearing the place, heal up, prepare your folder, and save. Time to scrap him. /////////// //Gyroman// /////////// Hp-600 Attacks Propeller-This thing can go diagonal, or like a upgraded version of Magnetmans magnets, annoying. Machine gun-He goes into helicopter mode and uses his guns. Twister-fires a twister, think a windy version of a paladin sword. The farther away you are, the more damage you'll be eating if you get hit. Flying bomber- flies across your area, and bombs get dropped, not nessasarily in a row, more randomly. Annoying, and weak, use Magnet soul to paralyze and hit him with something painful, like the Lifesword P.A. Protoman arrives, some dialogue between them, go to the purple clouds, and then Gyro turns into helicopter, blows up some dark chip, and heres Magnetman, why do I smell the words, mission? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3b. Liberation mission 3 (Day 3) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Now for this mission, we have to assasinate Cloudman? Oh well, with 4 on our team, it shouldn't be too hard right? No, it is that hard, that stupid paralysis is annoying, and you have to get to him in 9 turns for something good? That may be possible when you get a better folder. You can always retry killing him later. Guess what happened to Gyroman? Yea, same when we kicked Magnetmans butt, but he got a LOT weaker. Oh well, his flight ability could come in handy. No points needed for flying across empty panels. Gyromans special chip is the bomb drop, his charged shot is that tornado thing. Weak, not too useful. Hurts more from a distance. Gyroman starts with 250 life, kinda little to whta I had. Notice that you can't get past those panels with what looks to be little holes used to unlock doors, you're going to have to clear 2 certain box filled areas to get them, when you do, they're automatically used. If you manage to get near Cloudman, I suggest you clear the panels around him to start with an advantage. He's going to paralyze you, its annoying when you can only use 3 or less of your team. Magnetmans barrier doesn't stop you from getting paralyzed, but it does stop damage. Luckily this fool can only choose 1 of your team to paralyze per turn. I don't know why, but he shocked Magnetman twice in a row, but when my second turn came up, he was not paralyzed, hmm I wonder... Well, consider yourself lucky to have a tank on your team, he's very useful too. Save before using a bonus panel. You might want to bring the boss' hp down a little to make your life a little easier. Target time 9 turns Dark holes=4 Rewards Turn 7 or less, Cloudman Sp chip Turn 8-9, Cloudman chip Turn 10 and over, most likely just zenny //////////// //Cloudman// //////////// Hp-700 Attacks Lotsa clouds- Meat wall made of clouds, kill them with your buster. Thunder cloud- Makes a cloud that will attack all its surrounding sides, north, south, east, west, easy to dodge. Thunder Storm- Disappears, then a huge cloud appears. Ok, this freak is fat and annoying. Paralyzes you, using up your time, and this is a boss that is annoying inside the battle and outside as well. Hope your units get out of the match with at least 51 hp, so they can heal up on the next turn, and if they get hit, better hope Magnetman has an order point to save him. Be careful with this guy, Gyroman is fragile as hell, only 250 hp, while on my team, everyone else had 350 or more. I noticed that the drill chip can hit up to 3 times, maybe 4, with the length of a longsword, 60 damage per hit, totaling 180, could be quite fun to kill a boss when they only have 1 row left, a rockcube in the middle and you loaded up 3-4 drill chips. If the clouds pose a problem, you could just go right through them with Magnetmans special chip or Gyromans charged shot. Now that you somehow kicked his butt, you'll hear the gotten soul sound, yay we got Gyro soul, and soon after a purple cloud comes and kidnaps Megaman. So I'm gonna go on a wild guess, which is definitely going to be wrong and say he must've been way too attractive to some female navis to resist, so they hired some kidnappers to bring him to them. Just look at how the team trys to free him, but fail miserably, aw they grew attached and care for him. XD Well, the screen grows dark, you hear the evil music, and then we see Megaman on a torture machine, with his friends in a digital prison that looks like a wrestling arena with the ropes electrified. Roll apparently seems to scream something, like no, don't or stop. Then a black navi appears. This isn't good. Then after some text, he calls upon a dark chip and plunges the thing into his body. Megaman then screams. Wonder why they didn't do this to Megamans friends. Then some more text appears, and Dr. Regal says something. I think Megaman continues to scream, and his friends get to watch. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4a. Save Megaman!/Luxary Cruise (Day 4) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Then we black out and it looks like Lan had a nightmare. I thought he was grown up, hope he didn't wet the bed. Anyway he wakes up, and gets a phone call, but from who? Must be Chaud saying something like how he's sorry about what happened to Megaman. Otherwise I have no clue what the hell he just said. Surprisingly, when you check your PET, it'll say Megaman has 0 hp, but for that to happen, he'll have to be deleted, and judging by what happened to Megaman, they're trying to make him like what happened to Protoman in MMBN4BM. Awakening of his dark side. Also save and don't be caught off guard like me, my sister turned off my game while I was grabbing some Powerade. So then I had to restart from before Mission 3. Interesting enough, you can still replay the missions, Protoman will have 400, Megaman can use everything he's gotten to this point, and it's just redo the mission, so don't expect Magnetman to be there to help you fight Blizzardman, and he is easy, now that you have a beefed up Protoman, and hopefully a better folder. If you want to, the chip shops left shelves, contain a bubblewrap P for 4200zenny, and the middle one has a...Django D Navi chip for 7300, and it looks like he traded his Gun Del Sol for a sword, wtf? Thought he got it back in Boktai 2. -.-' Head to the metroline. Go to Scilab, from where you acquired Dark Sword, head onward. New area, nice, now plug, oh yea, we don't have Megaman anymore huh. Chaud should be near some black stump. Yes, you've guess it, talk to trigger a cutscene. Turn up the volume to max, NOW, for emulator users, to a really loud volume. It sounds like Chaud just got socked. He must've said something to really piss off Lan, because of that. He then leaves and in a hurry too, either to do something, or run away from Lan for fear of him hitting'm again. Suddenly you see Megamans picture again, either Lan must have imagined what Megaman would say, or he's losing it. Either way, let's help this poor lose-I mean fellow out. However, we should try to get whats currently available for us, go above where you regained control of Lan, it's a person with a 10 question quiz. Don't complain, I have to do all the figuring out. Man, I hate it when I have to guess. Answer top, middle, middle, top, middle, middle, top, bottom, middle, and bottom to recieve a Dark Lance W. Theres a boy above this area doing who knows what. Theres someone on the bottom selling Dark Meteor F for 3000zenny. Head to Chauds base. Wow, guess letting us borrow Protoman is his way of apologizing. Note, it's obvious that Protoman and Megaman are different, so don't expect to beef up Protoman with the Navi customizer or Soul unison, those are editable and usable for Megaman only. However, you still have full synchro. Also when Protoman gets deleted, it'll say Protoman deleted instead of Megaman deleted, expect that to change with Colonel in the Colonel version. Test out Protoman if you want, it looks like he got stronger, isn't that nice? I also was able to test out Django D chip, notice how it does not indicate any specific amount of damage on it? Ever try the Gun Del Sol, they're very similar, Django appears, a coffin lands on a nearby enemy, and beams of light circle it, dealing damage, also breaking obstacles, however you must be lined up with the enemy, meaning staying in range, like getting them to be in range of a vulcan could be the only flaw. Anyway, you can't buy HP memories with Protoman, so what do you do then? Use it for chips. Test your skills against Magnetman, or do the previous missions if you like, just make sure you get used to using Protoman, because you'll be using him for quite a while. While still getting used to using Protoman, if you havn't already, head to island area 2, examine the huge gate. After you're done, go to Scilab 3 for a few things. On the way there in Scilab 2, there's a GyromanV2, fight him for the chip if you want. ///////////// //GyromanV2// ///////////// Hp-800 Attacks Propeller-This thing can go diagonal, or like Magnetmans magnets, annoying. 60 Machine gun-He goes into helicopter mode and uses his guns. Twister-fires a twister, think a windy version of a paladin sword. Flying bomber- flies across your area, and bombs get dropped, not nessasarily in a row, more randomly. 80? A new version of this thing means his attacks are stronger, but with or without Megaman, he's easy. Only real threat is that propeller. Just be sure you have the super armor when you're Megaman, because getting in the first hit means all his attacks will work during his twister attack. Just area steal him, and drill into him. Also, be more aware of his flying bomber attack, I think I took a painful amount from that. After beating him, or getting beat up by him, which in that case is sad, but somewhat understandable. In any case, head into Scilab 3, and there's a golden program. Currently, I do not reccommend redoing the mission, but if you would want to know the area better, save, start up the mission, look around until you feel you learned your way, then restart. Bugfrag trader is somewhere in the top right. Items for sale Auto Running- 8 Bugfrag Red Fuujin Racket- 12 Bugfrag Millionaire- 22 Bugfrag Green Magma/Lava Seed- 26 Bugfrag Float Shoes- 40 Bugfrag Blue Poltergeist- 60 Bugfrag Hmm, millionaire. Maybe it makes you rich? ^_^ Wow, auto running takes SO little space, 1 square for auto running, Millionaire sounds good, it seems well worth the price, if you can get that much. Theres a current downside, you can only install it into Megaman, not Protoman. Hmm, if I were you, I'd buy it, saves you the trouble of buying it later. Anyway, go to Scilab area 4. Theres a BMD containing something which I cannot figure out at this point. There's a dark navi, not with the kind of sprite the one that jammed a Dark chip in Megaman, anyway she asks you if you would like to buy a Dark Wideshot T for a 1000zenny, as for me, I had 18640zenny, so I got it, going the long way to places does pay off after all. The middle is a link to some area which looks like that squirrel hole, I see a BMD, grab it. Hey wtf?! I can't open this accursed thing. Ah, it must be a powerup, remember this spot when you retrieve Megaman. Keep going until you see a Skull Gate, see the orange gray navi? He asks you if you would like to kick his @$$. Say Yes :D A battle quickly follows. Should be quite easy. As for that link earlier, it leads to Island area 2, useful if you didn't examine the blue gate earlier. Anyway, examine the blue gate, go through the new area. Eww... It looks dead. Based on what the people on the boards call it, it shall be named End area. There's another PMD, however, this time I have enough money for a unlock subchip, however I'm kinda lazy to plug in and out just for 1 thing. This area lets the ever annoying meteor virus return. It calls meteors to smite you, also fire enchanted. The heavy smashing virus has been upgraded to EX, can now damage other things in that column. There's also a crab in a water tornado virus, it spins around in your area, trying to follow you in a water tornado. Also there's a netdealer nearby Netdealer HP Memory -6000, 10000zenny (Not available for Protoman, because he's not your own navi.) Vulcan 3 L(M,N) - 5800zenny Mega Cannon G(F,H)- 7600zenny Barrier 100 P - 8800zenny WideBlade V(A,L) - 10000zenny Jealousy J - 12000zenny Obviously the HP memory is currently not for sale, and from the looks of things, the sword, wide blade, and longblade combination has been removed, guess Capcom wanted people sticking to the regular Dreamsword formula, according to MMBN5 TP board, they mentioned that folders can no longer revolve around P.As anymore. Back to the guide, theres a RegUp 2 on the bottom floor somewhere. After getting it, or not, continue on the main top path, you will then see a cutscene. Holy hell, Megaman is EVIL!!! Just look at those eyes. >:) Looks like Megaman is playing Jekyl and Hide, his good side stops his bad side for a moment or two. 3 purple navis appear. Megaman then leaves via plug out animation, then 9 more appear, darn, a total of 12, well, Lan gets scared and has Protoman plug out. Buy stuff if you need to, then speak with Chaud. Somewhere at the end, Chaud mentions Megaman, well, that's the only part I was familiar with. Anyway, go to the island. Find the owner of Magnetman, you know that woman that was jumping on the drill. Hope that sounds familiar incase you forgot? You recieve some sort of key item, from what happens later, I'm guessing its a ticket or something. Now that you've gotten that thing, go home, get some rest, save, and wake up. Go to Scilab, and board the ship. Must be a luxary cruise, red carpet all over, go forward for a cutscene. After you're done with that cutscene, you can explore, ooh, a special chip trader. Downside to this thing is that it uses 10 chips, instead of just 3. Good thing is that it spews out more rare chips more often. Remember that all chip traders spew out random junk/good stuff no matter how good the items you dump in. Those Guard chips seem like a good thing to select if you want. Outside, there's a netbattle machine, and there's someone with a special sprite, must be important somehow. Plug in and find a HP+50 navi cust part in the bottom. Plug out, talk to that guy with blue shirt/vest, my eyes are weak. Acquire something, he also mentioned 3, hmm. Go to the captains room, check the steering wheel. Acquire something. Now go to the ships starboard, at least I think its a starboard, its that thing that's in front of the ship, and has this golden statue stuck to it, and acquire another thing. Go inside the ship to where it had carpet, and check the pinkish chairs, I believe it's pink, my eyes are playing tricks on me. Now that you have all 3 somethings, talk to that guy again. Recieve 1000zenny for that task, nice reward no? It wasn't too hard, although I barely understood it. After recieving your reward, the middle aged man will run away. Guess he must've lost more than just the netbattle huh? I for one think he lost his dignity, his pride, and he mentioned something about 1000, hmm... The guy who told you to go around the place says something, and Lan gets excited and runs over to the guy with the unique sprite. It's time to netbattle!!! Or not, the ship suddenly shakes for some reason. Then the trouble music plays, that can't be good. Did we hit an iceburg, or did we get invaded by pirates? Head to the gray door. Aw, god damnit, stupid numbers. Here's the damned thing, took me some time to find it. SHIP CODE 11922911 Buy entering the above code, the gray room has been unlocked. Proceed. As you pass the bottom of the stairs, a cutscene is triggered. Examine the last machine, you are now able to plug in. Do so, and you are now in a new area. Guess what, it's another cutscene, Protoman walks right up to the purple navi, and that freak runs away. Follow him. The middle contains a BMD, 400zenny, kinda little, but it's free. At the top, there's a Mettaur virus, but my battle had no mettaurs CannonEX x2 Handbomber x1 After you're done eradicating those things, go into the portal. Where in the net are we?! Oh well, where we are is NOT important, just head toward the right, head up, and left to recieve some sort of subchip, which I know isn't a HP recover subchip because the recovering subchips are at the top of the list. Well, after getting the subchip or not, keep going forward and 'talk' to the mettaur to start up a battle. TankCannonEX x2 Fan x1 Take out the trash and keep going. On the left path, it leads to a RegUp 2. Goodie, after that, keep going. Talk to the virus to start up a battle. Squiddrill EX x2 thing in water tornadoEX x1 Delete them and move on. Ok, this area is different. Where are we? Trying to move anywhere results in you finding that purple navi. What a waste of time, both of us plugs out. Then we hear the trouble music get stopped, and some guy with that mugshot we saw earlier before the purple thing plug out runs off. Lan then trys to follow after, Protoman then says something and Lan stops to listen. Afterwards the ship music returns, and it looks like we can enjoy our cruise, right? Wrong. Well, you remember that we got forced out of that certain area, right? Well, head back there. The top right corner of that room contains something, I have no idea what it is. Grab that item, plug out and head to where there was a guard, hey, it's a party. The top right area contains some food. Mmm. Talk to everyone, and a cutscene will take place. Everyone will be in front of the stage for some reason. The guy at the top says some about 3. Then Lan says some stuff, and I see '0' and 8. Hmm. We then look in the net, and see 8 navis, 2 on each side, guarding something, that thing must be important if it needs that much guards. The lights go out, 8 navis are all sprawled on the ground, and the item is missing. Guess who's going to have to solve this mystery? We have to. Lan goes and questions some white guy near the exit. Everyone else questions some middle aged man. Not to mention the person who ran off is also here. Lan runs to him, probably to accuse him of stealing the item, whatever it was. Next the guy on stage jumps off and gets real close to the accused man. Inspect absolutely everything, even the tables and mirrors and talk to everyone in the room, and if you want, the clear thing can be plugged in to. At the top, Protoman is unable to access that BMD, must be a HP memory. After checking out everything and speaking to everyone, you'll be in another cutscene. This game has a lot of cutscenes doesn't it? You'll then be confronted with 3 options, just keep choosing. I just kept hitting the top option. Done with that stuff? Head to the boiler room. Check that ladder. Hey, we're outside, now what happened to poor blonde here? Try to help him, and you'll enter a cutscene. After you're done with that, head into the captains room. Hey it's that pirate, err, I think that's the guy that caused this mess. Lan then plugs in. We then have some sort of gauge, judging from the sounds I hear, and the enviroment Protoman is in, it's probably some sort of air gauge. This is ridiculous. Onward with the drowning process. Heading forward, if you run out of air in the water, your HP will drop. Hit the whirlpools, and you'll lose air. Good fun eh? Wish Capcom would stop putting us through these things. In this area, we have a submarine virus which acts like Bubbleman from MMBN 3. Annoying, well, live with it. Air bubbles replenish your air supply, but it's not a endless supply. Certain panels teleport you out of the water, good if you're low on air. Anyway, grab the BMD, maybe a Yo-Yo F in another BMD, remove the purple wall, and head on through. Keep going. Grab 2 BMDs, 1 is near a portal and a whirlpool and the other is not that protected. Next area, what the...Underwater waves? Just when you thought it couldn't get worse. Fight against the wave by using the run function against it. Luckily, there are breaks between waves. Near the first wave you see, is a BMD for Megaman, skip it and keep going. Grab the key, and use the portal to get to the surface. Go for a swim, and do the usual. After getting to a certain part, you'll be rewarded with a RegUp 3 and some air bubbles nearby. Mmm. Grab the BMD, and use the portal to get out. Head to area 3. This area has twisters that move. It's more annoying. Aw no. We need Key Data A, B, and C, C is somewhere on the right most area. Also, it's the return of the annoying electrical satilite. Obstacles such as rockcube make it go into orbit. Near where you got Key Data C, exists a wavelike force, get past it, and acquire Grass Seed A. Next item up to get is Key Data B. After all that annoyingness, go past a few more of those things to get Key Data B. To the leftmost area, contains Key Data A. Unlock the gate. Area 4. Capcom must love annoying people with these things. Plug out if you run low on air. Don't worry, we already cleared the doors and they won't regenerate. Within area 4, there's a BMD near the start, it says something about the map, once again, I have no idea, just grab it. Argh, bomb boys have returned, and are underwater too. Ok, Capcom's definitely on drugs. You'll love using vulcans on them. This place is very confusing. Just look around for Key Data, if you run low on life, plug out and plug back in. After getting washed to places, then ashore, heal up, via the cheap way, plug out and back, or using chips in battle, or the most expensive way, using subchips. Unlock the door, and go fight Napalmman. ///////////// //Napalmman// ///////////// Hp-800 Attacks Pop-Up machine gun-Pops up out of nowhere and fires. Flying fire grenades-flys them around the place, exploding in a cross pattern leaving the spot where it landed safe when it blows up. How strange, we fight a fire navi within a watery turf. He's also a LOT weaker than his MMBN 2 version. Cool him down with aqua chips, and after you're done with this talking trashcan, we then see some dialogue, and then get forced out. Forced out of not only the net, but the ship as well. Anyway, go to where we saw 12 navis, incase you forgot where it was, think island area 2, and where a blue gate used to be. We then enter a cutscene. The gauntlet of 12 all comes in, because you're here. Napalmman comes in and gives us a nice display of fireworks. ^_^ Then all 12 blows up together as if they were in synch :). Save and enter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4b. Save Megaman!/Mission 4 (Day 4) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Target turns-10 Dark Holes=5 Rewards Turn 8 or less, Full custom gauge chip Turn 9-10, Anti Navi M chip Turn 11 or more, most likely zenny. This time, we have to assassinate...Megaman? No, we can't, Capcom won't let that happen, right? They still want our money. Probably going to have to weaken him, then force him back to our side. Anyway, we have a new team member, Napalmman, and as always, kicking enemy azz results in them weakening, and in this case, a lot. Now as for Napalmmans overall. He starts with 300 hps, and when we fought him, he had 800, WOW, we must've beat him hard, his other versions in the 1st and 2nd games had more HP. His special ability is the flaming grenade, which explodes in a star pattern, can take out a total of 5 panels, seems very useful, but in battle, if you got surrounded, then it's not as useful. In battle, he has a fire vulcan which only LOOKS fire elemental, also means he has no charged shot, also holding on the buster button means you'll spam it since it stops when you stop. Since the area viruses can sometimes have some bomb boys, vulcan can be cheap fun. - His special looks like this (N--x- - N-Napalmman X-where is lands Looks good eh? It kinda is. If that thing lands on a enemy, only that enemy gets hurt, but if it lands on a empty square, then all 8 panels around it takes damage. Just remember to keep Napalmman out of the water. Water panels hurt him. This mission is quite easy, because of Napalmmans special ability. ///////////// //MegamanDS// ///////////// HP-800 Attacks Mega(crap)buster-uses his buster, can spam it like you can spam yours. Hurts for 1 damage per shot, but can do it like he maxed rapid and is firing at close range. Sword-Uses the sword chip Quake-Throws a minibomb which morphs into a quake virus and attacks, gone after that. He is weak, by the time I got to him, I had more than enough time and life to finish him off. I had fun with him in a buster showdown. He basically uses what you have. After you beat him, OMG, you deleted Megaman, well guess the series not gonna be called Megaman Battle Network anymore. Just kidding, after you beat the crap out of your navi, you recieve your reward. I got a Fullgauge*. ^_^ No navi chips, would be interesting to have a Megaman DS chip though. After that, it's a cutscene, Megaman says something while kneeling on the digital ground. He then says something, and Lan says something. Next, Megaman looks like he's trying to go Super Saiyan or something. The screen then blanks out, and we hear a shlank sound. He's in his battle stance. He then yanks out a Dark Cannon, looks like Lan is trying to tell him not to do it or something. Then it appears that the good side is trying to stop him. It's basically a fight for control of body. The good side wins, and collapses. Afterwards, we hear the got soul sound, must be Napalmmans soul. If you liked using him in battle, you'll enjoy his soul, but wait, that's not all, there is more for you to enjoy using, we soon now have access to chaos unisons. They're basically the evil side of the regular soul unisons we already have, think of this as acquiring 4 new toys for you to use. 1 minor setback, Chaos unisons require dark chips, last 1 turn, and can't be increased. Luckily, they're incredibly powerful versions of the normal union You'll be able to use it after a certain E-mail. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4c. Megaman's Back (Day 4) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyway, after a few cutscenes about stuff, you'll see Chaud with the team. After some dialogue, Raika comes in, I'm hoping it's not going to be like the last encounter. After the chat, edit your Navi customizer until you're happy, then talk to Chaud for your second folder. They say something about area 4. Must be End area 4. ======================================= =Semi-Important things to do right now= ======================================= Get/Buy the Hp memories that you couldn't with Protoman Test out your new souls, chaos included if you wish Edit your 2nd folder, or your first one since you got Rock back, like add some soul unison material, fire for Napalmsoul and the like. Ok, do the above if you want, it'll help you get used to some things, as well as strengthen your overall skills&knowledge, so it's advised to do so. On the way to End area 4, in End area 2, there's a purple navi who gives you a Dark recover 1000 H, if you choose the first option. You'll then enter a battle. Submarines x2 Wind x1 Easy, they don't have any water to hide in. After you're done slaughtering him, head onto End area 3, you really don't need instructions to get there from area 2, do you? Yes?! Fine, it's rather short. Head northeast, don't bother heading to the right, it contains a inactive portal. Well, now that you're in Area 3, notice that this place is quite confusing the first time around. If you chose to stay on the bottom path and head onto the northern path, you'll find a BMD, containing a HP memory. Nice. Well, head on the top path, a fork to the bottom contains nothing so just stay on the main path. The second fork leads to some house that reminds me of Japan. It does lead to End Area 4 though. Don't bother going past that fork. It'll just take you close to the start. You don't want that. Ok, now that you're at End area 4, ugh, there's that deadish look coming from the net. Looks so...dead. You might hate this place more than End area 3, lots of those 1 way panels. You also have a random chance of getting magnetic panels on the field when you enter a battle here. Magnet Soul negates the repel effect. Or you can just use some wood type chips. Cactus ball works well here. I actually find these panels to be fun and annoying at the same time. There's also a PMD here, and you've guessed it, I have no unlock chips to use. Also a BMD somewhere at the northern area of this place, containing who knows what. Hmm, I think it could be one of those Spin thingys. So far, if you've been following every single step of my guide, you should be able to spin white and yellow. You'll also see a currently BMD out of our reach because there's a Skull Gate blocking it. Erm, head over on the northern path, and right, not the 1 way panel to see a purple gate, here's another cutscene. Or, choose to take the bottom path, to a portal, which is a square, rather than the usual circle and get transported to the one we saw earlier which contains nothing, seems kinda pointless so just head onward to the purple gate. Searchman appears, he looks different in my eyes somehow. Then the rest of the team appears. What now? Well, some dialogue, and Protoman plugs out. Then Searchman, followed by the rest of the team. We also get forced out of the net after that. Why are we always the first or the last to do something? Why can't we be in the middle? Alright, go to Scilab. Get over to Yuuichirous work area, or try to. You'll be in a cutscene, you'll see Raika walk away from the coffe table. He must've been a little cranky before he got that. Enter the office. Check that big machine, get some data. Well, the islands have a new Footman.exe for you to kill. It's Footmanv2, kill him, don't let him beat you. ///////////// //Footmanv2// ///////////// HP-1000 Attacks- Bouncing football-Bounces a football around your area. Offensive tackle-Charges toward you, like Burnermans charge in MMBN4, but without the burning. Footmans team- Calls his teammates to charge toward you like the sheep viruses in MMBN4. Does this at the start of the battle. Field Goal Kick- Kicks that ball he's holding into a 2x2 area of yours. Special charge-Probably start appearing in v2 and later, charges in a special way into your area, and also something appears in the corner. Somehow, he got there, and my whole field blew up, painful. Does this rarely. Probably going to be doing this a lot more often when weakened. Take a moment to remember, how easily you kicked his butt. Now try doing this against a faster, stronger more hardcore version of him. He's tougher this time around. Try note that he has super armor, so unless you're going to shock him, he's not staying in 1 place. Well, head to where your friends was held captive. Another guy with a quiz, yay. Sigh, random guessing took a LONG time. Here's the answers. Answers #1. 8(middle) #2. Bottom #3. 8(middle) #4. Bottom #5. Top #6. Bottom #7. 33(Bottom) #8. Middle #9. Bottom #10. Middle #11. Middle #12. Bottom #13. 12(Middle) #14. Bottom #15. Middle Your prize for this torment is a NCP. He also faints, that's sort of fair, after what I had to go through. My head is spinning. Go to Scilab, and head for the docks entrance. Before you even get there, you'll see Raika. Talk to him/her, I dunno. Hard to tell the gender. Well, head over to that super computer in Yuuichirous place. It's another cutscene filled with dialogue. After that Raika leaves. Soon after, Lan gets something by running to the other part of the computer. After regaining control of Lan, go home. Check that doghouse near the dining table. You get some sorta clue. Get back to the mountain part of the island, plug into that 1 machine in the room before you climb a slope and see Meijin. Yes, that room. Once you're in, head east and press the A button on that east most square. Another cutscene. Hey it's one of those point things from the missions, we get something, not more points to use in missions, though that would be useful. We are then forced out of not just the net, but the mountain as well. Head to Yais boat, and select the new area. I'm gonna call it what everyone else does so they won't get confused or something. End city. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4d. The House of Horrors (Day 4) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, there really is no horrors in this chapter. If you went there, theres a plug in point near a white circle on a green thing. Top right side contains a Gel rain? T code which acts like a areagrab that does 120 if it hits, think of the chip in MMBN 3 and you'll know. Look for Raika toward the west, and check that guys desk for something, and once you're done, talk to Raika. It's another cutscene, nothing interesting, I miss a lot of stuff with my lack of knowing Japanese. Well, he runs toward the bottom. You then regain control and may want head down there, but you won't find him. So, just talk to that guy behind the desk. Oh well, who cares? At the bottom, there's a statue, plug in there too. Well, it leads to End area 2, how convienent. Well, after a long search, head to that house thing in End area 3. Before you even get there, you'll enter a cutscene, say hello to Searchman. He then says goodbye and leaves. How rude. Do whatever you want in the net, then it's time to plug out, they didn't force us out this time. Talk to that guy again behind the desk. Enter the castle, err not a castle, some building. Well, it's surrounded by water, so it's a pagoda. Ok, what the hell, you can plug into the second to the right armor on the taller side. Well, if you want a HP+100 NCP, go over to the left, it's in a BMD. Plug out...and plug in the left most helmet? Weird. Now that you're in, go over to the eastmost, or right corner. Open the BMD, and recieve a RegUp 2. Now this is getting to be quite rewarding, plug out and examine the top left most armor for a RegUp 1. Go into the next room, plug into the top right one. Top, or north, has a BMD holding a useful HP memory. Ok, plug out, and go on the 2nd floor. Well, go past Buddha, head to the 3rd floor, plug into that man, well it's not really a man, it's just a statue of one meditating. Find a green program, and create a link to your comp. Too bad we don't have the P-code to unlock the security cube. Plug out. Head southeast, and you should be near noticing that you're outside, but still in the building. Find a entrance on the left side, and enter. Climb up to the roof. The roof?! What is Lan doing on the roof?! Oh well, go behind the left fish and check it for a HP memory. Then, after that, check out the left fish eye, then the right one. Cutscene. They say something, and get something after. Go home. While heading home, notice that the chip shop now has the chip order thing, I would've found it very useful, had I more money, and the knowledge of which chip is which. But I can recognize some things. DjangoSP for 30000?! Holy...well, you can buy a Numberball N for 9500Zenny, just check the right shelf. Buy it or not, use the chip trader if you have to. After getting a load of good stuff, or a load of crap, head home. Or do a few more things, like meet Napalmmanv2 in End area 1. /////////////// //Napalmmanv2// /////////////// Hp-1000 Attacks Pop-Up machine gun-Pops up out of nowhere and fires, only now with a new one to g with the old one. 20 per hit Flying fire grenades-flys them around the place, exploding in a cross pattern leaving the spot where it landed safe when it blows up. 80 damage Giant bomb-A BIG green crosshair appears, if it locks, then all 8 squares around it and that square will be bombed. This freak likes to stay on his toes a lot. I used a side bubble and both bubbles hit him, doing 360 damage. 90*2=180(bubbles) 180*2=360(weakness) Had I been in full synch, it would've done a powerful 720. 360*2=720(full synch) Nice, the possibilities of 1 chip. He's not hard, just, avoid using things like airshot, because his machine guns absorb the damage, and are like the the chess pieces in MMBN 3, annoying, luckily they go down to refill ammo. Too bad they keep reappearing like Footmans team. Just cool him down, and you'll win. Only problem is that he won't stand still. Or you can be cheap, and throw a waterseed. You remember when I said to keep Napalmman out of the water right? Ever tried having him step in a water panel? Loses hp, so you can try it, and watch him cool down. Strange, I used a twister on grass, and it turned green, a twister on water, and it turned blue, a twister on lava, and it turned red. It always got strengthened when on element related panels. Never tried it on magnetic panels or ice panels yet. Twister chip=looks good. After you're done experimenting on him, like I was, head for a little thing near it, and run right, if you manage to go on invisible ground, you can keep going forward to a purple navi and buy a Dark Drill D for 3000Z, which only does 100, BUT it hits up to 5 times in a longsword range, well, if you did everything I said for you to do, you should have about 10 dark chips now. Alright, now for something in the future, go to a certain place under the main path, if you found the correct place, you can head down, to a new path. It leads to a portal, leading to Undernet 1. It's near the top left most area. Kill some stuff here, get newer chips, ect.. Also, there's a new navi here, and this freak disgusts me, just the way he looks, and the Undernet. Both the English and the Japanese name sound dumb, Larkman and Swallowman, respectively. /////////// //Larkman// ////////////// HP-900 (invincible while flying) Attacks Annoying bird-Fires out a white bird, acts like a smarter version of the boomerang chip. Angry crow takes flight!- some areas look like they're going to be in the area of an attack, and he flys in a weird pattern, like 8 on the side to be more precise. Flying up-Disappears, then reappears, flys toward you, and up to the ceiling. Has chip breaking ability. He likes to move, cut off his legs with something strong like a Dreamsword, then blow him away with a powered up twister or such. Note: Broken panels don't affect this freak, he has air/floatshoes. He is easier than Napalmman, you don't have to move more because of those machine guns and the bombs. After you clipped this guys wings, he says something. Looks like you can keep beating him up for Larkman S chips. Can you say, punching bag? Well, that's all you can do right now in Undernet, so plug out, and go behind Mayls house, and plug into the tree, YES, you heard me, the tree. First we can plug into a man, and now a tree?! Well, now that you're in, check the right side for a BMD containing a HP memory. After that plug out and this time, for real, head home, and plug in again. Get to ACDC area 3. Notice a orange-grayish navi looking at who knows what, could be the thing that perverted people look for on the net when they're active. Anyway, press the A button around the 3 by 3 area, most likely at the edge, a certain middle edge panel not near the gray navi. Cutscene number, who knows how many. Anyway, Megaman says something, and the screen begins shifting to the path leading out of ACDC area 3. >_> Don't bother asking me for answers on this matter. Then out of nowhere, a door magically appears in front of you, you manually go through. In the next second, you wind up with a pitch black screen. Megaman asks some question, and you can now see again. Wtf? Megaman, in the real world? Wern't we just in the net a few seconds ago? Oh well, Megaman and Lan have a little talk about something, and we see a human lady run by. Megaman stops her, probably to ask about something. After he's done, you then regain control. Check out the place, nice. However, you're still in the net. Can't enter house door, can't plug out either. You also may have to fight viruses on holy panels. Enjoy. Well, the place sure is different, a old worn down house instead of a chip shop. Check the whole place out, talk to the digital dog if you want, Dexs house not really Dexs, Yais place is a empty lot ready for something to be contructed there. There's also 3 Guardian statues, but I'm not quite sure what they're for. After you're done talking to everyone, another cutscene for us to enjoy. Megaman and Lan have another chat. After they finish talking, no we do not regain control yet, he runs off the main road, and sees 2 purple navis, and a dark navi getting joined by 3 more purple navis. When we can move again, kick all 6 of their butts. By now, you should be able to dispatch them by yourselves. They're not that hard. There's 2 in the top corner of the area, 2 by the would-be chip shop, 1 staring at the 3 Guardians, and the dark navi in the same place. After you're done wiping them out, you'll be in another cutscene. Megaman'll try to exit through the house door, only to find Searchman arrive. You may wonder why Megaman is in his battle stance when Searchman is still talking, and I am too. Now, what you need to do is find Chaud, and talk to him. Oh yeah, you can always re-enter the digital past if you want, just go to ACDC area 3. Anyway, visit Chaud, and have a talk with him, maybe it's about Searchman. He doesn't really seem to care though. After that waste of time, go home, plug in and kill viruses for Zenny or chips if you want, if not, and let Lan take a nap. Annoying day, just regained Megaman, and a lot of other things happen. You can take a nap yourself if you're tired, otherwise continue onto the next section. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5a. 3 Ninjas kick back (Day 5) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- While sleeping, we see Searchman confronting a dark navi, Megaman plugs in facing his back to the dark navi, and his front to Searchman, hmmm. Something weird is going on, Megaman uses his buster on Searchman? Megaman and the dark navi plugs out. Hmm, could've been a dream. Wake up, recieve a Email or a call, I forgot which one, and we have to do something immediately. This is getting annoying, having a task to do 24/7, but let's just do it and get it over with. Head to End Area 3, for catastrophe strikes! To get there, you have a few options, option a, from home, the long way, option B, head to End City, and plug in at the horse. I went for the horse path. Now, when you're in End Area 3, head to the house thing. When you do get there, check that purple panel. Another cutscene. After reading the dialogue for sometime, a orange gray navi plugs in and talks to Megaman about something. You then get forced out of the net. Head into the pagoda, and examine the holographic person. Plug into the nearby katana, and fight a green navi in the middle to recieve some data. You get to battle with 2 Squiddrill exs and a demonic face that uses electric. After kicking him out of the way, you'll exit out of what seems to be a cutscene, now get out of the sword and into one of those armor suits. Once you get in, go to the middle, and kick that green guys butt. I got to fight against 2 enemies that use Moonblades. After that, recieve data, get out of the armor, and into one of those helmets. Same drill as the last 2, kick that green guy. I got to fight against 2 samurai like viruses, and a bat. Now, after beating those things, return to the hologram, and watch it transform into a hologram of a samurai. Also the gate behind him opens up, feel free to go through. Keep going until you find a giant brownish statue. Interact with it and recieve something when you select the first option. Go forward to the intersection, and Lan will have to test his samurai skills by defeating 100, yes, ALL 100 of them dummies to prove his worth to Buddha which in turn allows him passage. First is white, easy, then yellow, then red, then blue, and last black. Everytime they change colors, then become faster, well for your sake, your control pad better not be broken, your timing and your hands had better be good. Everytime you manage to hit them, it looks like a charged buster shot just hit them. If you managed to smack all 100 out of the way, Buddha moves to open up a new path for you. Now, get to the roof for a cutscene. Some guy at the top is hyperactively afraid and runs away. Plug into the left fish. Well now, the music here reminds me of those restaurants down in Chinatown. Course, you shouldn't bother finding me, or that place, most likely for most people reading this, I'm too far away from you. Ok, this is strange, you need red ninja programs to get you past those spears. Those Ninja programs will use their ninja speed to get to the button. Based on this ninja disarming traps stuff, prepare to hate this part of the game like no other. Once you get to the 2nd green program, there's more, ok, we're both currently wondering what the white program does. We know that red has speed. If you continue onward, you'll see a blue one. You should keep the silver one. Once you pass the blue ninja, head right and keep going to recieve a BMD containing a speed+1 ncp. Now, head left to the 2nd trap. Hmm, it looks like silver is a jumping ninja. Take the blue one, and try not to lose him, he is a floating ninja. Keep the blue one by trading him once, then taking a lap around to get him back. Then do it again with the silver one. Now take a step forward and watch him fly to it. Next one, do some traveling, so that you wind up with the red one. At the left of the silver one, there is a HP memory available for taking. After you use the red one to disarm the trap, head onward. Sigh, area 2. First you'll need to wind up with a silver ninja. Do a lap or 2, and move on to the next. For this one, the red one will be appropriate. There is a RegUp 2 near a red one. Get the red one, and if you can't, just remember to avoid touching the blue and silver ones along the way. Anyway, touch the red one, by going all the way to the back, if that doesn't work, somethings screwed. Once you do, go to the top, and run some laps. After getting past that, the next one is simple, grab a blue ninja, and go around the red ninja. Disarm the trap, grab the silver ninja, and head north. You should know the drill by know, grab a ninja, trade a ninja in a lap, finish the lap and get him back, and free access to your destination. There's a upgraded version of Energybomb chip C somewhere near it. Now, for the next one, you'll need 2 red guys. You already have enough experience for this. Get past that, and learn that there is area 3, oh goodie. >_> Area 3 needs you to get 2 red ninja programs. There's also a HP+100 NCP somewhere on the right side. Then after you get past the spears, you'll have to get past the...water. Also a spike trap nearby, get and use a silver ninja. It has a HP memory as a reward. You'll have to get past the spikes to access a blue ninja, total 2 you can currently access. Now then, area 4, we're almost done, let's keep going. Knowing Capcom, the last area is gonna be somewhat confusing. You'll need 3 red ninjas. When you're finished, you have to do another one. Enjoy. This time, we have to get 3 blue ninjas. There's a RegUp 2 somewhere around here. Grab it if you like. If you keep going past the blue ninja nearby, you'll be able to keep both your ninjas. There's a Slasher R chip near this place if you're interested. Near that place is the final blue ninja we need. Head to your right to see it. Unfortunately, we need 2 silver ninjas. Just get them and move on. What a coincidence, a silver one is near the spiked trap too. After watching your silver ninjas get past the traps, grab the rest of the blue guys, go around in circles a few more times to the nearest green program and open the path to... Area 5! Nah, it's actually Searchman and a cutscene, now, after all this annoyance, feel free to take out your anger on him. ///////////// //Searchman// ///////////// HP-800 Attacks-Suspiciously familiar from MMBN 4. Rolling grenades-Rolls a grenade, explodes in an X shape. Aimed shot-You'll hear a tink like sound before he fires, move to avoid. He's easy, very easy for me, as I used a powered up twister to take out about 500 of his hit points. Since he doesn't have the super armor NCP in him, you can use a multihitting chip, like SuperVulcan and not worry about him moving out of the way, the thing is, you gotta time it first. Well, after Searchman loses to us, 2 clones, both looking like the real deal comes in. They're just looking really stupid standing and jumping there, and after they're done doing that, they get deleted by the real deals, and it's time to move on. You'll notice Raika near this place, he says something about 4, End area 4?, and guessing from the fact that we just fought and won against Searchman, there's gonna be a mission soon. Get out of the tower, and plug into the statue. Hopefully you still know the way, I kinda forgot it. Buy chips and Hp memories if you need, then make your way to End area 4, where the team met last. Incase you forgot which was the correct way to get to End area 4 from 3, try remembering the pagoda. Yup, we have a mission, see the color of area 4? Yea, it all points to mission in area 5. Besides it's not that bad, we'll wind up with SearchSoul, which would be good if it's similar to its counterpart MMBN 4. At the gate, another cutscene. Searchman unlocks the gate, Protoman and Gyroman have a chat, the team runs on through and Gyromans not coming for the mission. You on the other hand, are. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5b. Liberation mission 5 (Day 5) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Target time 9 turns Dark holes=5 Our target today is...Cosmoqueen, err Cosmoman. Face looks somewhat similar to a Yu-gi-oh card called Cosmoqueen. Well, if you want bugfrags, you can actually get some out of item panels, and there's so much here. Now, about Searchmans and his special abilities. His HP is nothing special, starts off with a crappy 300, while my Megaman had 540hp at that time, not counting NCP adding to that amount. His in battle charged buster is somewhat useful, his in battle chip is ok, you'll have to time it to make good use of it, it's a satellite that hits like a cross. - -x- - The range is something like the above. "x" cracks said panel, "-" is squares that take damage too from the shockwave. His special ability, which looks like it checks 3 panels, also disarms traps if you manage to clear it. Also frees the items trapped in the panels if you are successful. Now for the field, there's a LOT of item panels here, some which paralyze you for a turn, others, which just seem to hurt you for 50 are annoying. There's 1 near where you start. Cosmomans out of battle attack hurts for 80, not good. Also, if your technique isn't considered really good, and one of your teamates loses all of their HP, they'll be in recovery mode, takes about 2 full turns to recooperate, while if you didn't lose them, you would regenerate much more HP by having them sit around and select the bottommost option to recover life. This is the preferred way of recovering hit points rather than going into a battle and hoping you get some recovery chips. Oh yeah, a few hints about where to go, head for the left, it has a key. Second key is near Cosmoman, at the rightmost place. 3rd key, Searchman can clear a panel and another 2 squares away with his ability. Or, you can go find Megaboys maps, it's very useful, if he ever manages to shrink the file size. //////////// //Cosmoman// //////////// HP-1000 Attacks Ring of Saturn-Throws a ring, lands down, and it looks like its trying to orbit around something. Takes 4 spaces. Satellites with rings-Self Explanatory, plus he can throw it in the middle. Fairy Meteor Crush-A black hole opens up and drops a meteor, range is a cross. Meteor shower-fires lots of meteors out from the back row. This guy isn't hard, you have 5 navis, and with Protoman alone, I took out 690 of his life. However he can recover about 300 every one of his turns. Still not enough to save him. He's easy, just paralyze him and unleash a powered up twister, I would've killed him with Protoman alone if I didn't miss that shot. Also, there are bonus panels that can help for some extra damage. I got Cosmoman Q for that mess up. Well, after getting rid of that space trash, we'll be in a cutscene, Magnetman tries running into a purple firewall a few times, which might work if it was Footman, he can probably tackle better, and he has a team too. The team plugs out afterwards, Megaman and Searchman go last, you get the good ol SearchSoul as a reward for all this trouble. Now, about SearchSoul, it's the same as its counterpart in MMBN 4, only to use it in this game, you don't sacrifice Invis chips, you use aiming chips like MarkCannon. Another cutscene with Dr. Regal scheming something. Mwahahahaha... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5c. Undernet (Day 5) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- We start this cutscene off with Lan and Mayl having a chat, Dex and Yai come in a short while afterwards. Then some girl with a unique sprite comes in and bugs Lan about something, quickly followed by Chaud calling Lan for something. Email from Chaud about something. Chip shop has 3 new chips Quickgauge Q(H,W,*) 10000z ? K(E, W) 12000z Death Phoenix D 25000z So costly, especially the Death Phoenix one. I wonder what that chip between Quickgauge and Death Phoenix D is. Buy stuff if you want, use the chip trader if you need to, and head to Chauds, Raikas doing something at the lab, when you get there, it's another cutscene. Well, due to the fact that I forgot what it was about, hey I didn't touch the guide for more than 2 weeks. Gimme a break here. Whatever that was all about, find a plug-in area that leads to the net and plug in. Now that you're in the net, find and enter ACDC area 3. Once you've entered, find the portal to the past. Now that you're in the digital version of the past, head to where the dog used to be. Another cutscene in which Protoman shows up to tell us something. He goes away after. Whether he plugs out or runs away, I forgot, so just plug out and talk to Haruka to get something. This cutscene Haruka goes somewhere and returns with something. From my guess, that black screen with the Japanese characters might mean 10 minutes later, but luckily for us we don't have to wait that long. Well, you get something for all that waiting. You also get an E-mail, and someones P-code in it. Now, go over to Oran island, and/or test out SearchSoul and other goodies you have. When you get to the island, head over to the cave, and speak to the old man outside past the stairs. They have some sorta conversation, and once you're done, continue going in the cave, and if you go in a way that makes you wind up outside and you're near a crane like thing on the west area of the mountain, speak to the guy near it which looks like one of the freaks that kidnapped Yuuichirou. Freak face here asks you if you want a Nebula ID for 3000zenny, well I figure that he works for Nebula, looks like one of those Nebula geeks, and him trying to sell you some ID means that if you pay 3000zenny, you will have a Nebula ID. What's so special about this ID? Well, for starters, it allows you to open up those skull gates you may have come across. From what I could find, ACDC area 1-HP+200NCP SciLab area 4-Magnum V Oran Island area 2-Hp Memory End area 4-Some sort of NCP Undernet 1-Dark Plus *(A dark chip) If you did happen to buy the ID, you might as well grab all those items, besides, Dark Plus * adds 50 to the selected chip, and it helps you get closer to finishing off your collection. Anyway, plug in somewhere and make your way to Oran Island 2. There's a secret path somewhere leading to Undernet area 1. Didn't I discuss something about Undernet earlier? If you actually go to Undernet area 1, and find Larkman, you'll find he's a bit tougher this time around. ///////////// //LarkmanV2// ///////////// HP-1200 (invincible while flying) Attacks Annoying bird-Fires out a white bird, acts like a smarter version of the boomerang chip. Angry crow takes flight!- some areas look like they're going to be in the area of an attack, and he flys in a weird pattern, like 8 on the side to be more precise. Flying up- Disappears, then reappears, flys toward you, and up to the ceiling. Has chip breaking ability. Same as last time. Only his attacks like everyone elses hurt more. Also he's a bit faster, tougher, so timing is more essential here. However he shouldn't be a problem, by now you should be able to make good use of your souls, and chips, you should have taken a liking to some, and therefore developed a strategy or 2. Since there is always the possibility of a person having difficulty with this...bird like thing, I'll provide a strategy. He has no super armor NCP on, so powered up multi hitting chips, such as twister, or super vulcan can remove a good portion of his hit points, and as for dodging his attacks, there's about less than a split second before he shoots the bird. Paralyzing works well, folks. I found that paralyzing him before opening up my custom gauge to use my twisted combo guarentees good damage. Just remember to always move out of the way when he flys up high, you wouldn't want your 5 chip combo to get wasted along with your hp with 1 hit now would you? After beating him up a few times for practice, well I did, or vice versa for you, plug out, or beat Larkman up some more. Plug out and head into the caves, there's some sort of device above the main entrance, it leads to Oran Island area 1, and to some orange colored navi, speaking with him/her, whatever this thing made from data is gives you some P-code. Go to Scilab, the real world, and plug into some thing in the same room as Chaud, man my vocabulary needs work. Speaking to the second green program you see asks you a question, and based on the results, to sum it up, he asks you if you want a link to Chauds HP, the first option is yes, and the other means that talking to it was a waste of time. In case you forgot where Scilab area 3 was, it's the place where Gyroman joined you to blow away Cloudman. After searching around for a while, near where you killed Cloudman, there should be a security cube, and something you have should be able to unlock it. After you unlocked it, and have entered, you'll notice that if you move along the right side, and head toward the middle, there's a BMD that contains a RegUp 2. Ok, now that you've gotten that, or not, head south, and into the portal, you'll be in a formerly unaccessible part of ACDC area 2. Talk to the orange-gray navi, and recieve something for finding him. He says "4" somewhere in his message. Due to mostly all the areas involving the net, it has to be somewhere there right? Well, you're partially right, it can't be End area 4, or Scilab area 4, though there is Napalmman V3 on the northwest area. That leaves the only area which has a net like area, but not connected to the net, those drill things, get over there and plug into the 4th one. Since I fought NapalmmanV3, I'll just do what I usually do. /////////////// //NapalmmanV3// /////////////// Hp-1600 Attacks Pop-Up machine gun-Pops up out of nowhere and fires, still only 2. 30 per hit Flying fire grenades-flys them around the place, exploding in a cross pattern leaving the spot where it landed safe when it blows up, now, he cracks them. 140 damage? Giant bomb-A BIG green crosshair appears, if it locks, then all 8 squares and that square will be bombed. Timing is much more critical here, as his HP made a big jump from 1000 to 1600, and his attacks hurt more now, especially with his flaming grenades. Luckily for me, 2 powered up twisters took off about 720 of his life. After beating NapalmmanV3 or not, plug out and head for the fourth drill thing, look for a green program on the eastern side and talk to it. Go over to the bluish machine, and press A a few times until you get a cutscene. A door to the past appears magically, yay. Megaman says something about 11, does that door lead to 11 years into the past? Well, you're in the past of Oran Island. Have a chat with the digital people, and Megaman will tell Lan something in a cutscene. Meanwhile off in the distance, a dog wants heel navi meat. And so do you, get ready to rumble!!! Hand enemy Ex x 2 Moonblade x 1 He's easy. If you beat any of the version 2s, this is easy. Just don't start the battle with like 1 hp left. After the battle, he stays shaking in a almost going to die position. Then he just blows up and dies. For the first time, we see the dogs picture. Megaman says some stuff, and tries to get closer to doggy, but he gets knocked down. Ladies and gentlemen, we were just run over by a dog. When Megaman gets back up, search the bamboo shoots, it's the only thing you can do to help get out of this place. Yet another cutscene, this time, doggy jumps out of the bamboo shoots and knocks Megaman down again while running away. Suddenly the screen shifts down, to...Blizzardman? Didn't we melt snowball boy some time back? Well, he has doggy in a snowball, laugh if you want, both of them teleport somewhere before we can defrost him, why Blizzardman needs some digital dog is beyond me. We then recieve a phone call from an official, and Megaman plugs out after that. Head over to Chauds office, and plug into the thing Chaud is staring at. By heading deep into the labyrinth, err Chauds HP, you'll see a cutscene. It's Protoman versus 3 purple navis. Megaman runs until he's about half a screen away from Protoman. He then says something, goes forward, the evil music plays, and we see 1 more purpl navi, and behind the 4 is Shademan. I swear this guy was killed at least 3 times already, twice in MMBN 4, and he recently was beaten by us in mission 2. Well, since this dork and snowball boy are back, We'll just assume that the other 2 failures are too. Anyway, Shademan, Megaman and Protoman have a little conversation, ending with Shademan logging out for some reason, must be to save himself from getting slaughtered like last time. In the back of us, 3 purple geeks arrive to get killed in Shademans place. Protoman will take care of the 4 navis, and we get 3. By now, they should be pretty easy. From what I had to fight, may or may not vary from person to person, and version to version, here's my battles in Team Protoman. Submarine x2 SubmarineEX x1 Samurai x2 Fan x1 Mask-like virus x1 Woodnose EX x1 Satellite x1 After the last battle, watch the fireworks display made from all 7 of the opposing navis blow up together. Beautiful, isn't it? After that battle, Megaman and Protoman have a little chat, plug out afterwards, Protoman first, why are we always the last? Then it's their operators turn to chat. When they're done, Lan recieves an E-mail. This E-mail is from Lans (girl)friend Mayl, and she sends him her love in the form of a chip, Roll SP R. I'm kinda joking about the love part, but who knows, there could be a deeper relationship here that we can't see. Head to the chip shop and speak with Higsby. If you don't know who he is, just find someone with some messed up brown hair with glasses on. After you're done talking to him, head to End area 3, easiest path is in the statue. Once you're in there, head to the pagoda, and check the back of the place for something. When you've grabbed that thing, plug out, and head over to the chip shop, and if you didn't use the chip trader for a while, feel free to do so, otherwise enter in all the Numberman machine codes that you find useful, believe me, some of them are. Once you've done enough and are ready to move on, talk to Higure. Another cutscene, this time, it appears to be slightly interesting as Higure says something and gets all the customers and window shoppers to leave. Then we head over to the Numberman thingy, and says something like "Open Sesame" and it opens. Both of us head in there, and man, all those boxes are sorta being walls. From what I see, there's a chip symbol on some of those boxes, I wonder if they all have chips in them. Higsby and Lan go on through, and we discover that this looks similar to Chauds office, only less organized and clean. Dunno what happens next, but Lan runs up to Higsby extra fast to tell him something. After they finish their little conversation, the Scilab music is the now not so secret office? Now that Higure and Lans conversation is done, it's time for Lan and Chauds conversation, he mentions End area 5. When you can move Lan again, check that middle computer and recieve an HP memory for being such a thief. At End area 4, we can have a match with the newest recruit. Remember this is optional, but I did it for the chip, and he was fun to kill. Oh yea, and the chip is the same as in MMBN 4, it requires timing. /////////////// //Searchmanv2// /////////////// HP-1000 Attacks-Mostly similiar from MMBN 4 and past version. Rolling grenades-Rolls a grenade, explodes in an X shape, now faster. Aimed shot-You'll hear a tink like sound before he fires, move to avoid. 20 per hit Invis-He's learned this and can use a new trick this time. This guy has learned to use a combo, Invis+aimed shot. Remember, just because he used Invis against you doesn't mean you can't hit him. I hit him with my buster XD. He seems to get stuck if he doesn't have more than 1 column. However he can still row grenades onto you. areagrabs, triple crack, crack bomb, these would help you a bit. Basically anything to crack panels help. He enjoys moving after he rolls the grenades, so you'll have to work on your timing, or paralyze him to use powerful chip(s) to cause good damage. Whether you finish off SearchmanV2 of not, head into End Area 5, after going near where you fought the boss, you'll se Megaman run full speed to confront...Medi near the seemingly unbreable purple firewall? We then learn that the annoying girl we saw earlier is Medis operator. They then talk about some stuff, Medi checks the firewall, gets scared and hides behind Megaman. A black cloud appears and breaks the purple firewall, we all know a certain navi to have that cloud. Yeah, the flying puffball is back. Protoman then appears, and slices Cloudman. Defeated with 1 hit? Naw, he just decided to give us a generic fireworks display wihle flying back the way he came. Protoman says some stuff, Medi says"...", then "...!", and they're all looking at the direction Cloudman came from, looks like he wants revenge. He's not dead yet, just damaged, see the sparks coming from sparky over there? Well, Cloudman says "Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!" or something like that, followed by a suicidal charge toward Medi, Protoman as usual, trying to act like the hero, uses his uber speed to get in front of Medi and raise his shield. The screen then turns white, and what we see is not good. Sadly, it looks like Protoman and Cloudman are no more. The screen then changes to the teams new hideout. Chaud says some stuff, and most of the team is asking questions about something related to the situation. Chaud says something that shocks Lan. Guess what, -WE- are the new leaders, it's like when the head of a corporation steps down, the 2nd in charge steps up. But whatever they're doing in there, we can't get back in the chip shop. Since we can't get back in, there's no point in doing anything else, not to mention you CAN'T go anywhere else other than home. What is this, curfew or something?! To make matters more forced, we can't even plug into the home computer. The game developers wants Lan to take a nap, so do so. You can too if you're tired from all this, otherwise, keep going. Useless note: Medis operator, Jasmine as I believe she's called, is near Mayls house. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6a. Nightmares of The Past (Day 6) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- After Lan takes a nap, we hear someone ringing the bell. It's Jasmine, I wonder what she wants. Whatever it is, it probably has to do with the UnderNet. And this will interest you, the "lockdown" is over, feel free to go where you please. Y'know back in the new office, you might notice a semi hidden area on the right of the computers that you can plug into. The right side contains Spin Pink. Useful for spinning around pink blocks in your NCP to fit. The left side contains a RegUp 1. Plug out and head to Undernet 1, and in case your memory is terrible, try to remember where the purple firewall was. Once you get there, head beyond that point, ignore the purple navi, he's not important. Welcome to hell, err Undernet area 1. Here's a cutscene. You'll notice a green navi running full speed trying to escape the darkness, Megaman stops him and asks him about something. He also asks you a question, which I have no idea, and doesn't appear to affect you much if any at all. As you advance in this area, I'm sure you'll notice purple flames flying around the place. I've had a few touch me, it turned green and I couldn't get it off, and it has something to do with your icon flashing in battles. Be careful in battles, panels are poisoned. The ghostly flames causes glitches, maybe randomly, as I had the panel crack glitch whenever I stepped off a panel in 1 battle. The next battle I had a dudbuster, the one after that I had a stepping problem. Anyway, make your way through this area of darkness. Now that you're in Undernet area 2, remember the evil flames are still around. If you head to the left and not into the portal, you'll find a BMD, and in it is a RegUp 3, and if you manage to find a PMD, it has a Neovariable sword V within it. Hopefully the annoyances arn't enough to really hurt you, and if it is, plug out, get some Full Enrgs, only 1000 each, and plug back in. Bugfrag dealer in Undernet area 2 has this Sneakrun NCP-20BF Antiwater D (G,Q)-20BF(Don't buy, get * from numberman machine) HP+300NCP -30BF Attack+30* -50BF(expensive mega chip) GigaFolder+1 NCP -90BF BugCurse? C -100BF(Giga Chip) Also, those that played MMBN 1st, aka battle network 1, remember Skullman and his flying bones? We have Skeletons in battle doing the same, and they act like the turtle skeletons from Super Mario world when hit with something hard. Well whether you decide to buy something or not, head into Undernet area 3. Theres a attack+1 NCP in the left area, also a portal if you head north, if you head in, you'll find a RegUp 3. Near the portal is a shop. The things you can buy from this guy. HPMemory- 10000z, 15000Z, 20000z, 30000z Northwind V(D,Q,*)- 8000z! Longblade L(E,P)- 9800z! Geddon 2 W(H,T)- 10000z Meteor R- 16000Z Northwind is kinda costly, and the code this guy has isn't very useful. If you're having difficulty with your NCP, save up 13000z for later. From Undernet area 3, there's a alternate path to Undernet 2, but right now it's a dead end, it'll open up after you beat the game. Near the bottom area, you'll find a PMD, holding a NCP memory expansion. There's also another shop, but its on the right side of this place, and this is what they sell. I'm fish- 4200z Custom+1- 5500z Jungle- 6000z Reflect- 8700z Hp+400- 10000z Bugstopper- 13000z Bugstopper makes a return, and this time, it takes 3 spaces, and can be bought for 13000z, this is why I told you to save up 13000z. You can now have 5 colors in your NCP and not have a glitch. Once you've bought what you needed, head up the stairs. Oh, look, it's Medi, behind her is a firewall, Megaman and her speak a bit, then get into their battle stances and it's now time to get ready to rumble!!! //////// //Medi// //////// HP-900 Attacks Flying pills-Throws 2 pills quickly, they explode differently even with different color. ways to explode... -explodes in a vertical or a t shape, 40 damage, causes blindness. -vertical explosion, 40 damage. -horizontal explosion, probably 40 damage. Hovering...things-a red and blue thing hovers about in your area, when they join, they make your area explode. 80 damage. Blue energy-throws it horizontally, it basically leachs off of your HP and Medi gets it, 40 damage. Strategy-She's easy, very easy, if you beat Napalmman V3, this should be a walk in the park, in fact, even the viruses in Undernet 3 are tougher. After your supposedly easy victory, Gyroman comes in, with music similar to that on the title screen, only better. Then, the rest of the team comes. Your members(now that Protoman is gone, they're yours now)each makes a little speech about something. After the speech, Napalmman tries to blast open the firewall, and -phails- just like Magnetman last time. Medi then steps up to the plate, uses some sort of pulse, and opens it up. Magnetman has guard duty, so you may have to play a bit more defensively. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6b. Liberation mission 6 (Day 6) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Target time 10 turns Dark holes=5 Ready to learn who's our target today? The navi who we have to take out today is...Protoman?! Apparently, Cloudman didn't delete Protoman, looks like he just got kidnapped. Protoman says some stuff, and it looks like we have to smack some sense into him like in MMBN 4BM. If you're using Megaboys maps, this should be a LOT easier. If not, then know that key 1 is at the top of the place. The absolute top. Key 2 is at the absolute bottom, Gyroman really helps a lot here. Now, this mission will be tough, you're stuck with some weaklings. Megaman is an exception, by now, he should have more than 500HP, mine had 580, your teammates have 300(Medi), 350(Searchman), 400(Napalmman and Gyroman). As for Medis abilities, it's worse then Searchmans, Medi leaves the middle panel untouched with her out of battle ability. In battle, special ability and charged shot are both pills the charged shot is somewhat decent doing 80 damage, what is she, a nurse? Where's the syringe?! There's also a virus that returned, and is annoying as ever, the Dominerd, takes 1 damage per hit unless its mouth opens up to attack you, sword users shouldn't find these guys too hard, but for twister users getting attacked from both sides will have a tough time. I got to Protoman at turn 10, those Dominerds were really annoying. I suggest cutting them open with swords. ////////////// //ProtomanDS// ////////////// HP-1000 Attacks Shadow paladin sword-A shadow of Protoman appears and uses hero sword. Basically a longer longsword. areagrab-same as chip. Shadow widesword-Same as widesword. Shadow shield-Blocks attacks with his shadow. Teleportation-Moves really quickly, then goes into your area and uses lifeswords. Has power to destroy chips? Strategy- He's tougher than when you fought him the last time, those swords HURT along with the fact that you don't have much space. Navi chips could work, as well as combos that cover wide spaces, such as Dreamsword. If you find this guy too hard, save up all bonus panels before confronting him, have the bonus panels hit him, and follow up with all 5 being bloodthirsty. Your reward for finishing after turn 10 is 5000z, I finished in turn 13, so thats what I got. 3 of my Navis got knocked out against him. However, it changed in my second run, I almost beat him up with 1 navi and killed him with my second. Slaughtering him in turn 9-Protoman B chip turn 13-5000Z There could be other prizes, perhaps a better chip if you finish on turn 8. Ok, after beating Protoman up, or vice versa for me, we have a cutscene where Cosmoman intervenes and takes Protoman away via dark hole power. You also acquire Medi soul. Meanwhile, at Dr. Regals base, along with another cutscene we find Yuuichirou tied up near Regal. They have a little chat about some stuff. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6c. Round 2, FIGHT! (Day 6) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- After whatever that was, Lan and mom are watching TV. We then see Dr. Regal broadcasting his ugly face all across the world about his pathetic plan. After Dr. Regal is done, Lan runs off, stops and recieves something from Haruka. Head out the door, watch people argue about stuff. Recieve an Email from the unknown, use the chip trader if you have to. Plug into the tree behind Mayls house, and examine the pod. It's a cutscene, Searchman plugs in and I have absolutely no idea why the evil music is playing when we're talking to him, it's time to take him down. Searchmans battle stance makes him look like he has diarrhea or something. /////////////// //Searchmanv2// /////////////// HP-1000 Attacks-Mostly similiar from MMBN 4 and past version. Rolling grenades-Rolls a grenade, explodes in an X shape, now faster. Aimed shot-You'll hear a tink like sound before he fires, move to avoid. 20 per hit Invis-He's learned to use this and can use a new trick this time. Same as the Searchmanv2 dummy. Protoman DS was much harder than him, so if you're having a lot of difficulty with this guy, then I dunno how you got past Protoman DS. After you literally kicked Searchman outta here, Megaman procedes to shoot and destroy the pod. You then get forced out, recieve an E-Mail about Medi Soul, which I've already used in my battle against Searchman. After you read it, head to your new HQ, speak with Chaud, and head to the docks. If you chose to head to the lab, you'll see lots of people freaking out about stuff. Must be a trend. Head into the ship and out on the deck near the netbattle machine. Same thing with Napalmmans operator as with Searchman, it's time to du-du-du-du-du, du du du du duel, I mean put out the fire. /////////////// //Napalmmanv2// /////////////// Hp-1000 Attacks Pop-Up machine gun-Pops up out of nowhere and fires, only now with a new one to g with the old one. 20 per hit Flying fire grenades-flys them around the place, exploding in a cross pattern leaving the spot where it landed safe when it blows up. 80 damage Giant bomb-A BIG green crosshair appears, if it locks, then all 8 squares and that square will be bombed. NapalmmanV3 got burnt out some time ago, NapalmmanV2 is just a giant candle that needs some water. Ok, after you blew out his candles, Napalmmans operator is jumping for some reason. We automatically plug in to use the pod as target practice. Plug out, head to Scilab, plug into the flashing machine, and short circuit Magnetman. /////////////// //MagnetmanV2// /////////////// HP-800 Attacks North-South tackle-Get tackled from front+back, only more painful, so this is priority number 1 to dodge. Field Warp- Changes the field with extreme speed, before I could do anything, makes it so that you will eventually move to the middle. Does this if his side has no magnetic panels. Energy Ball- Launches a energy ball, its basically a different colored thunder ball with a lot more manuevering. No flinching. Magnet- Releases 2 magnets which can change its movement in a 90 degrees angle once, somewhat hard to dodge. SuperMagnetism-A magnetic hole pops out under you and stops you from moving, this is a good time to hit him with something painful. Same fight as the Magnetman dummy. Use double crack+boomerang if you have trouble. Same scene as Searchman, Megaman breaks the pod, maybe the pods were controlling them. Somehow Tesla appears right next to the machine after that. Well, head to End city, and into the building. Head to the top of the roof and plug in. Remember this place? Yes, so confusing, head onto area 4, no more of that ninja stuff, so annoying. Also, some of the viruses are in their EX form here. Still nothing you can't handle. Gyroman pops in at area 4, when you manage to find the pod. You know the drill, battle routine set, execute! ///////////// //GyromanV2// ///////////// Hp-800 Attacks Propeller-This thing can go diagonal, or like Magnetmans magnets, annoying. 60 Machine gun-He goes into helicopter mode and uses his guns. Twister-fires a twister, think a windy version of a paladin sword. Flying bomber- flies across your area, and bombs get dropped, not nessasarily in a row, more randomly. 80? Like all of his other teammates, he should be taken out with ease. For some reason, we don't get to blow up the pod, instead Gyroman goes into helicopter mode, flies over the pod and drops a bomb. After seeing that cutscene and plugging out, you'll recieve a call from Chaud. Head into Undernet. On the way there, you may want to fight someone that poses a decent challenge. End area 3, SearchmanV3 is just in some dead end on the bottom left area side. This battle is optional. /////////////// //SearchmanV3// /////////////// HP-1700! Attacks-Mostly similiar from MMBN 4 and past version. Rolling grenades-Rolls a grenade, explodes in an X shape, now faster. 120 per hit. Aimed shot-You'll hear a tink like sound before he fires, move to avoid. More than 20 per hit Invis-He's learned to use this and can use a new trick this time. I wasn't really prepared to face a navi with 1700 points of life, but I still manage to wipe the floor with him with a rank of 7. Fight him or not, head into Undernet. It looks No more ghosts too to toughen your battles. In Undernet 2, there's a dark navi, says something about 5, and asks you if you want to kick his @$$. I had to fight 2 tanks with 300hp each with a wind virus with 210. I earned nothing, dunno what that battle was for. In Undernet 3, by checking the right area, you'll find ProtomanV3. Before doing so, I highly suggest you save NOW, if you're planning on facing him. This battle is also optional. ////////////// //ProtomanV3// ////////////// Hp-1600 Attacks Widesword-Can jump in your area and uses a widesword slash. 140 per hit Has a protoshield to block your attacks, now activated a bit more. Uses a paladin sword slash, hits up to 3 spaces forward. 140 per hit Don't be fooled by the fact that he's not DS, he still has skill, and like every other version 3 that was fought so far, this one is a lot faster than the previous versions. Paralysis+heavy hitting combo that hits a large area is your best bet on taking him out fast. That or navi/time freezing chips. Most of the time I tried hitting him, he always seemed to be able to pull away from the rest of the hits. You're very likely to die against him, each hit doing 140, twister users just can't win since it doesn't cover range, same goes for vulcans, so use stuff like anti swords, since it retaliates with 3 slashes, 100 for each. Your reward for killing him is Protoman B chip. You'll get a ProtomanDS chip if you S ranked him. Now head to where you fought Medi, there's her clone. Scrap her if you want to, and it shouldn't be too hard if you somehow managed to beat ProtomanV3. ////////// //MediV2// ////////// Hp-1100 Attacks Flying pills-Throws 2 pills quickly, they explode differently even with different color. ways to explode... -explodes in a vertical or a t shape, 40 damage, causes blindness. -vertical explosion, 40 damage. -horizontal explosion, probably 40 damage. Hovering...things-a red and blue thing hovers about in your area, when they join, they make your area explode. 80 damage. Basically the same as the other version 2s, just time your attacks, and be a bit more careful. Use the same strategy you did last time against Medi. You honestly don't need strategy to beat her. For such an easy victory, you earn a Medi M chip. After that, head into Undernet area 4. Head to where we saw Protoman last. The place is pretty empty, so just head on through. See the special pod? Check it out, and enjoy the cutscene. Megaman shoots it, and fails miserably. Protoman comes out of the darkness, and destroys it with 1 slash. We are not impressed. We are still not impressed when he uses his jedi power combined with the darkness to push us back. Something happens resulting in Protoman looking messed up, and it turns out to be Medi, she then gets closer and uses her power on Protoman. With that and some text, a new navi comes in, no, he is not an enemy, he is Colonel, from the other version. Then it appears as if Protoman is repulsing the beams, much like the vampires would in Boktai 2. When the purple cloud appears, Colonel uses his uber speed and knocks out Protoman. Megaman uses his puny buster and destroys the cloud. We are now impressed :) Then the screen turns dark, then it comes into view again, Protoman has been cleansed. Proto soul acquired, we are now very impressed :D Screen turns white, we lose our leader status :( Oh well, Proto soul should do more than compensate. Screen turns white soon after. Then we hear the normal music, Lan&team are having a team meeting. Go home, and have a cutscene. Recieve something from mom. Lan heads up to his room. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6d. Protoman's back (Day 6) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- When we see Lan again, either he didn't go to bed, or he got up early. Recieve an Email from Chaud, he explains how to use Proto soul. Well, here's how to use Proto souls best chip, learn how to do 480 damage with a special button combination with Neo Varsword, and double the damage by charging it up which can cause up to 960. For 1 chip, that's pretty nice. Alright, head to Scilab area 3. A shortcut to Scilab 2 is from Scilab where the only place you can plug in at Chauds previous headquarters was. Once in SciLab area 3, Check the back area. It's the little 3x5 area. There should be a cutscene. A flash of light, followed by a door to the past, followed by us going through manually pretty much sums it up. We now see Tadashi Hikari, and the other guy who I believe to be Dr. Wily. After some text, Tadashi walks out the digital door, while Megaman moves out of the way. Same happens with Dr. Wily. Followed by a plug out. If you want a RegUp 1, check out the bottom of the corner of that place after getting plugged out. Head home, take a nap. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7a. Destroy Nebulas HQ (Day 7) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- After getting a few seconds of shuteye, head over to Higure-ya, it's the team, either waiting for you, most likely because you're probably late, or something's wrong with the chip shop. Speak with Chaud to get the cutscene going. Chaud mentions 3777, due to where we're going, I'm guessing that number is feet. Also, there's a helicopter waiting for us too. Aw, lookie, Lans friends are here to see him off. Mayl steps forward to say something to Lan. If you havn't guessed the meaning by now, something must be wrong with you. Screen darkens and when it's clear again, we can see ourselves in what appears to be the insides of a volcano?! Only volcanos I know of in Japan are Mt. Fuji, and that's it. Now, screen shifts to the right, showing us a glimpse of Nebula base. The tower cannons do not impress, or intimidate us. Music here is kinda weird, told ya Capcom was on drugs. Gyromans operator goes off on to scout, 10 minutes later, we recieve a phone call or send one. No response? Obviously since Capcom isn't mean enough to have him pushed into the flaming pits of Hel-err the volcano, he's probably kidnapped or his cell phone is broken. When the cutscene is over, follow the path, and head right when you see stairs. Appearently, 5 members of your team are scared. It's up to you, so head on through the nearby door, examine the chute. The rest of the team caught up, with Chaud in the lead. Ok, so we're all waiting for him to move on, but we find 2 doors. Chaud gives us a Delta Ray Edge Z, nice, and runs off with Jasmine. Go into the door with the red thing above it. Cutscene with... what is that thing? Oh, a dark chip machine, and damn, it can produce. Go ahead and plug in there. At the top corner lies a dark chip for us to have, Dark Circle R. After finishing off your dark chip collection, plug out, and go to the right side. Those dark chips look like the tic tac candy with a different color in the boxes. Going near the red beams means a cutscene. Teslas already there, ready to help disable the system, but needs your help, you automatically plug in. Welcome to factory area 1. You can switch characters with the select button, hope yours isn't broken like my friends one was, he's gonna have a tough time playing this part if he decides to buy this. Any new viruses shouldn't be too hard to handle. You'll need Magnetman to go over to the right and plug those holes in that Magnum up with a magnet. Special thing with this place in these battles, when you enter 1, just think of the times you fought Magnetman in the game, had those panels right? Well, now they work for and against you, as the panels are somewhat random. Megaman should head over to the left, and step on the switch. Watch out for bird dr-I mean digital droppings coming from above. They hurt for about 20. BMD here contains a Mega Cannon F, grab it it you need. Basically, what you have to do is alternate, stepping off 1 switch reactivates the gates. Before the 3rd cannon, you can go down for a HP memory. Only Blue boy can get it though. After Magnetman takes out the last cannon, Megaman can go through the last red gate. Once through, you'll find...Blizzardman. Hm. Wonder what he did with that dog. ///////////////// //BlizzardmanV2// ///////////////// HP-1200 Attacks Snowball fury- Rolls snowballs toward you. 100 per hit Snow drop- Drops piles of snow on your side. Rolling snowbody- He's covered in snow and he rolls himself toward you. Also drops piles of snow on your side after doing so. Ice breath-freezes 2 panels in from of him. Strategy-Paralyze+hit him with super powerful attack. For a version 2, this guy more than doubled his HP. In fact, he tripled it. While dying, snowball opens up a dark hole and tries to suck us in. Snowball goes through, and Magnetman sacrifices himself for Megaman. Tesla screams nooooo.... Be nice and talk to Tesla, and head on through. Now, at the second door, there's a cutscene. Laika gets alarmed about the Nebula geek, which is taken care of as Gyromans operator comes in and gives purple boy a piece of his mind, err fists. Lan then jacks in and now, it's time for what we do in every MMBN game, no, not try to take over the world, but to save it by plugging in to various objects and killing stuff. Ok, Factory area 2, Gyroman should take the right path, left one is a dead end right now. Find the dark cloud and examine it, Gyroman should change to helicopter mode, fly over the cloud, and bomb the dark chip. Near the blue button is a BMD with a RegUp 3 for Megaman. The blobs do roughly 25 damage here. Near the second cloud is a BMD with the NCP Oilbody, attracts fire viruses. Be on guard against apple looking virus in battles. Shoots seeds and makes the spot it hits into grass. After destroying the second dark chip in this area, have Megaman continue onward, skip the stairs and hit the blue button. Note-Blue switches mean only Blue boy(Megaman) can step on them. Yellow-Gyroman, you get the drill. Head on through the 3rd yellow gate. Save. Now. Prepare for battle after watching the dark hole swallow Gyroman. ////////////// //ShademanV2// ////////////// HP-1000 Attacks Claw Swing-Swings his claw, widesword range Noise Crush-Hits 1 panel in front of him and 3 in front of that. May cause paralysis or confusion. Flying Bat- Releases 3 bats, can turn once. What is this guy, invincible? We smoked him in MMBN 4, twice, smoked him by Django in Boktai 2, and butchered him in our second mission, and with all that, you'd think he'd be dead by now. Oh wait, he's a weak digital vampire with one strong will to live. With 1000Hp, he shouldn't take too long to finish off. Just take note that his bats act like Magnetmans magnets. Luckily, they're not as fast. After you manage to defeat him, he's in a stance that sorta reminds me of Bass in Megaman&Bass whenever he enters a stage. He then provides us with a bit of a fireworks display. He leaves behind a pile of goo. Ugh, one of the smart things that Capcom did was plug us out automatically this time. Continue onwards to level 3, and examine the red beams. A cutscene will take place. Lan and the other 2 guys plug in together. Napalmman should advance first, his firepower is needed to light that door. Repeat for the next door, then step on the switch, and change to Searchman. Have Searchman disarm the lock. Open another lock. Have Megaman grab the Hp memory from the BMD though. Check a BMD that can now be taken which holds a RedTsunamiBall A. That chip requires lava panels. There's a blue switch in the middle of the map that takes care of 2 obstacles at once. These are the 2 last things that your teammates need to take care of. It's a good thing too. Ok, switch back to Megaman after unlocking the place. Just make your way to Cloudman. When you do, use a Hp recover max if you need, and save before stepping on the platform. When you get to Cloudman, be prepared to take him down, preferably with a few Woodynose, they'll do double damage. Players in the Colonel version should find this guy short circuiting easily with Tomahawk soul. -Useless note, in the cutscene where you fight Cloudman, Searchman is watching and does nothing. ////////////// //CloudmanV2// ////////////// Hp-900 Attacks Lotsa clouds- Meat wall made of clouds, kill them with your buster. Thunder cloud- Makes a cloud that will attack all its surrounding sides, north, south, east, west, easy to dodge. Thunder Storm- Disappears, then a huge cloud appears. Note-This guy has no super armor. Strategy, the guy likes to stay on the back row huh? Swords would be nice. Boomerangs would too. I just used areagrab and blew away his hp with some twisters. Or, if you don't care about permanently losing some hp, poke him with a Dark Lance. For Colonel players, going Tomahawk soul, Chaos style can kill him easily. After beating him up and watching the cutscene where your 2 members get swallowed up by the dark hole, Cloudman blows up. So, 4 members of our team have been taken, what are we left with? Megaman, Protoman, and Medi. Opposing team, Cosmoman. Well, go get yourself a refill of subchips if you need them. If you're in need of HP memories Level 1 has a plug in point which leads to Undernet 3, and there's a netdealer near it. After restocking or not, go outside level 1, plug into the big pipe. The left side has a BMD which has a HP memory. Get it, head to level 3 and into level 4. There, you'll see more of the dark chip making machine in all its glory. Not to mention another impassable wall. Well, not gonna stay impassable, Jasmine enters from the right, Chaud enters from the left and they're going to help us. Protoman has 600Hp, so you don't have to worry about him going down too easily, Medi on the other hand, only has 400, her charge shot and in battle chip are both used like mini bombs which is sorta useless. Meaning if your folder sucks, you'll have a hard time using her. Anyway, Protoman should break the floating walls, you should know that if you remember him opening up the first mission. Medi takes care of the firewalls, and Megaman, well, only 1 switch and Cosmoman. Medi or Protoman should get the submemory on the right side. The other BMD contains a Recover 200 I chip. Make your way to Cosmoquee-Cosmoman. Save after your 2 teammates step on the final switches. Procede and face Cosmoman. The cutscene has all 4 navis talking about stuff. Cosmoman decides Medi should meet the fate of the others. Protoman teleports over to slice Cosmoman but Cosmoman takes a step back. It was a trap too, as a portal appears in front of him. Protoman gets taken, Medi tries running away, but gets taken too. Y'know, if you feel like taking some revenge out on this guy, feel free to do so in this battle. ////////////// //CosmomanV2// ////////////// HP-1200 Attacks Ring of Saturn-Throws a ring, lands down, and it looks like its trying to orbit around something. Takes 4 spaces. Satellites with rings-Self Explanatory, plus he can throw it in the middle. Fairy Meteor Crush-A black hole opens up and drops a meteor, range is a cross. Meteor shower-fires lots of meteors out from the back row. Strategy-Well, the Meteor shower is annoying when you don't have super armor, and use things like vulcans. Swords work nicely. As always, paralysis+heavy hitting combo means you're a lot closer to winning. After taking this freak down, he says something before dying, we then see Dr. Regal talking to himself. Or not, Yuuichirou is still tied up and on the floor continuing the conversation. Step up and into the room which we saw a few times in various cutscenes. Whaddya know, it's another one. After it's done, you can plug into the topmost one to redeem a Mudwave D in a PMD. Otherwise, talk to the navi sprawled on the ground. Plug out, check the middle one. It's another one of them scenes, this one opens up a secret path in the right part of the wall. Also, your naviless team is here, to cheer you on. After that, you HAVE TO check the bottommost case for 3 PETs, must be Mayls, Dex, and Yais. ****** *SAVE* ****** ****** *SAVE* ****** ****** *SAVE* ****** Before entering the stairs. If the other MMBN games taught us anything, it's save often. There's a somewhat tough boss just ahead. You wouldn't want to lose a few hours worth of gameplay, would you? Once you enter, you cannot step back out. Enter, and watch the cutscene. The team is behind you, still giving you their support. Lan steps up to the panel, and Regal does something to make a grid appear. No people, the game is not screwing up. Capcom may have made a mistake here and there, but this is not one of them. However, something is happening to the team. We are not affected, we are invincible due to something we have. To stop him, you automatically plug in. Run to the platform, and watch another cutscene. OMFG!!! It's teh ghosts of christmas past, present and futre!!! Not, it's just Blizzardman, Shademan, Cloudman, and Cosmoman. They're alive, we've killed them 2 times each, Shademans an exception, he got killed more. Regal has too many clones of these things. They figure since they can never defeat us alone, because they suck so much, they decide to gang up and fight us together. However, our team is still alive, how they got out of the portal is beyond me, Protoman and Magnetman come from the portal to kill Cosmoman, Gyroman and Napalmman want to kill Cloudman, and Shademan has to handle Searchman and Medi. And Blizzardman? Our friends are here for some payback. The 4 floating purple flames dissipate, and we are free to move on. This place is long too, sneakrun subchips are good to have here. When you get to the 7x5 platform, you'll see a blue flame in front of a giant portal. A bunch of dark flames appear and a giant red flame is formed... Prepare for battle. ///////////////// ///Nebula Grey/// ///////////////// HP-2000 Attacks Flaming arch-a stream of flames appear from a panel and onto the next one. Goes Horizontal. 80 per hit. Dark meteor-Dark flames on panels appear, also attempts to follow you. Megaman DS-A dark chip appears and summons Megaman DS, uses random dark chip. Toned down so it's not very cheap. Meaning the dark chips don't hurt as much. Nebula Dragon-transforms into a dragon, aims, flys toward you, hits and cracks a 3x3. Grasp of fury-sends his hands to grab you, also lags the area. Does this when low on life, meaning 1000 or less. Strategy-Stay far away from mini bombs and other things that need throwing, stay away from object and ground based chips such as bomb boys chips. You don't need areagrabs in this battle unless you use colorpoint. Don't use weak flinching chips, you want to destroy the blue flame ASAP. Not to mention the blue flame constantly moves. Best if you use single strong hitters. Bubblewrap is good if your folder isn't. If I managed to pick the end game boss off with a buster, along with roughly 500 hp, then using chips should be easier. If you wanna know what souls buster I used, it was Gyro. Yes, this boss can be that easy. ********************** *END GAME SPOILERS!!!* ********************** Not like it matters too much anyway, since you've already beaten the game and about to view it. After showing this wimp that you beat him with your fingers, blue flame here decides to engulf you in dark flames. Pfah. We are not impressed with this weaklings pathetic attempts. Megaman however appears to be losing to a bunch of dark flames. Lan says something and a bunch of flashes happen, screen then turns white, and in Megamans place is Hub, this is Lans brother, reborn in Megaman, now unleashed on Nebula Grey. Hub says some stuff, raises his arm, and turns the screen white. When it comes back into view, we see that he has locked the darkness within a sphere. We are very impressed. :) After locking that thing away, Hub reverts back into Rock. He appears weakened because we see him kneeling afteerwards. Unfortunately, Hubs efforts wern't enough to completely stop the darkness, the blue flame rises, rushes toward him...and is stopped by Colonel. He's flashing too, mustn't be very strong. Megaman tries to finish it off, but is too weak due what the awesome display of power. The team however, is behind us too morally, and physically strengthen him to help remove this blue trash. Colonel flies out of the way while Megaman prepares a charged shot. This attack is so powerful is destroys Nebula Grey and (crashes?) Regals Network. Looks like Regals network isn't the only thing getting destroyed. The real place is starting to explode. Colonels operator walks up to Lan, and says a few things, they step down, and Yuuichirou, finally untied goes up to talk to Regal. After Yuuichirou and Regal have their little chat, Yuuichirou collapses due to such exertions after getting untied. Regal ponders over things, and the network restarts. Regal grabs his head as if he has a headache and the screen turns black. *************** *Spoilers Over* *************** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8a. Ending (Day 10) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Days later...I think A bunch of text shows up, and we see Yuuichirou and the team at the former base. Regal shows up, and why? Capcom was on drugs I say. The normal music is still playing, even with Regal still here. Chaud dismisses the team, except for Lan. Next, his friends shows up, probably to thank him, as he did get the PETs back. The game ends like always, with Lan pluging in... You now get to view the credits. Partway there, we see the digital dog, which I wonder what Blizzardman did with him anyway. Chips you've collected and time consumed while playing will vary. Time: 37:56 Chips Standard -109 Megaclass -20 XD Gigaclass -02 Darkclass -12 Press A to continue(Not shown on screen) Enjoy the extras, watch as Megaman falls due to doggy barking and Gutsman jump. Remember to save, folks. You will also notice that on the screen where you select New game or continue, there's a Protoman icon to indicate you've beaten the game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8b. Secrets/Extras (Day 10) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You've made is this far, have you? Your folder and skills will be put through a brutal test in this section. You might expect to have to S-rank V3 navis and having to defeat their SP version, maybe even S-rank them. Then of course, we have more things, like missions. It's highly reccommended that you try to assemble a folder that is capable of doing lots of damage quickly. For now, let's take it easy. Go to ACDC area 1. Check the first blue square. Short circuit MagnetmanV3. /////////////// //MagnetmanV2// /////////////// HP-1800 Attacks North-South tackle-Get tackled from front+back, only more painful, so this is priority number 1 to dodge. Field Warp- Changes the field with extreme speed, before I could do anything, makes it so that you will eventually move to the middle. Does this if his side has no magnetic panels. Energy Ball- Launches a energy ball, its basically a different colored thunder ball with a lot more manuevering. No flinching. Magnet- Releases 2 magnets which can change its movement in a 90 degrees angle once, hard to dodge. 120 per hit. SuperMagnetism-A magnetic hole pops out under you and stops you from moving, this is a good time to hit him with something painful. 1000 Hps more than when I fought him last, this'll be a good fight. Since this guy like to immobilize us, we'll could fight back by paralyzing him with some pill powered meteors, or other multi hitting chips, such as tornado as pill power will make those chips paralyzing. Let's tackle FootmanV3 in the Island. ///////////// //FootmanV3// ///////////// HP-1600 Attacks- Bouncing football-Bounces a football around your area. Offensive tackle-Charges toward you, like Burnermans charge in MMBN4, but without the burning. 120 per hit? Footmans team- Calls his teammates to charge toward you like the sheep viruses in MMBN4. Does this at the start of the battle. They regenerate at a more annoying speed. Field Goal Kick- Kicks that ball he's holding into a 2x2 area of yours. Strategy-Don't use obstacles, he'll literally run right through them. Can fake throws. Like his other forms, him charging toward a thunderball followed by a extremely powerful twister combo will take him out. While running around in End area 3, I got lost and trying to find End area 4, I met up with Searchman SP. /////////////// //SearchmanSP// /////////////// HP-2000 >_> Attacks-Mostly similiar from MMBN 4 and past version. Rolling grenades-Rolls a grenade, explodes in an X shape, now faster. 200 per hit? Aimed shot-You'll hear a tink like sound before he fires, move to avoid. 40 per hit? Invis-He's learned to use this and can use a new trick this time. Strategy-Pfah. You can see his moves. Bubblewrap allows you to live a lot longer. He's just a faster and more hardcore version 3. End Area 4 has some green program on the top floor, I answered the first option for both and got something. After that, start filling up your library, SP chips of the enemy navis can be found by completing the missions 2 turns before the expected time. Blizzardman mission gives a Blizzardman SP chip on turn 5 under. Shademan mission gives a Shademan SP chip on turn 7 or under. Cloudman mission gives a Cloudman SP chip on turn 7 or under. MegamanDS mission gives a Full custom gauge chip on turn 8 or under. Cosmoquee-err Cosmoman mission gives a Cosmoman SP chip on turn 7 or under. ProtomanDS mission gives a Z-Saber Z chip, you'll have to S rank his SP version to get the SP chip. If you head to Undernet area 1 via End area 1, you'll notice a black navi nearby. If you talk to him, he'll ask you if you want to kick his @$$. If you chose the top option, hopefully you realize he has level 3 EX electric viruses for you to deal with. Satellite3EX x1-does 200 per hit SpaceYura3EX x2 He gives nothing because he is weak. You'll automatically recover full life after the fight if you win. Now, since we're in Undernet 1, feel free to get ready for a rematch with Larkman. ///////////// //LarkmanV3// ///////////// HP-1500 (invincible while flying) Attacks Annoying bird-Fires out a white bird, acts like a smarter version of the boomerang chip. 140 per hit Angry crow takes flight!-Some areas look like they're going to be in the area of an attack, and he flys in a weird pattern, like 8 on the side to be more precise. Flying up-Disappears, then reappears, flys toward you, and up to the ceiling. Has chip breaking ability. 140 per hit. Easy as ever with the power your folder should be packing by now. Strategy is the same as last time, doesn't look like his speed improved much. Head to End area 4. At the top floor, head south west and into the portal, fight a black navi there. He basically says the same things as the last 2. Thing is, we have a the 3 main fire viruses to kill. Take those out, and head over to Undernet 2, the regular long way. Buy whatever you need, and head over to Undernet area 3, there's a purple navi selling Roll DS for 3000z. Undernet 3, beware, you can encounter ProtomanSP randomly if you've defeated ProtomanV3. He's not too different from his V3 form. ////////////// //ProtomanSP// ////////////// Hp-1800 Attacks Widesword-Can jump in your area and uses a widesword slash. 240 per hit Has a protoshield to block your attacks, now activated a bit more. HeroSword-Uses a hero sword slash, hits up to 3 spaces forward. 240 per hit DeltaRayEdge-Tries to use Delta Ray Edge on you, when you hear a ting sound, get away from the middle of your 3x3. Damage is unconfirmed. 220 per hit? When I said ProtomanV3 was tough, think a more powerful version of him, and here he is. He can slice you with a dreamsword from the back, or the front. Use chips that cover range, like Dreamsword PA. Twister doesn't cut it against him without one of those music things to hold him in place. If your folder isn't very good, a bubblewrap preset as a defense will really help as his buster never works against you. Now, after you've defeated him or not, head into Undernet area 2 via the left way. Speak with the Golden Program to open the way to Nebula area 1. Opening up the Nebula area will also enchance the viruses you meet. If you think the enemies are too difficult, talk to the golden program and accept the left option to revert to normal. You'll need 100 fragments of power, or 100 standard chips as it means that. Megaman asks you if you're sure about entering. Press B to back out and save, otherwise head in, for a mission. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8c. Nebula Mission 1 (Day 10) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Nebula isn't defeated yet, and it's time to purify the immortal, Shademan. Err, delete him, Django purifies, we delete. Target time-12 Turns Dark holes-4 Keys needed-2 We don't have Gyroman here or Medi, but, Searchmans ability works fine. It can go up to 8 panels. Shademans attack does 80 per hit now. You'll be annoyed to know that Dominerds are back, and with 220Hp too. Also, like the Dominerds, all viruses you've fought before have been upgraded. Good luck. There's also mettaur 2s. They were never a threat, and they arn't now. Any birdy mini boss viruses you see can be easily eliminated with Magnetmans special chip. 1 Key is near your starting point, but on the left, the other on the right in the middle of the 3. Clear the 6 item panel row with Searchmans ability. Don't be surprised if your team members get wasted against some random viruses, they are powerful. I found the dark hole near Shademan extremely hard to beat. Let's just say it took me many turns to destroy. ////////////// //ShademanV3// ////////////// HP-1200 Attacks Claw Swing-Swings his claw, widesword range Noise Crush-Hits 1 panel in front of him and 3 in front of that. May cause paralysis or confusion. Flying Bat- Releases 3 bats, can turn once. Strategy-Same as last version, only 200 HP more. I find the dark hole before him 10 times harder. If you managed to beat that, this guy is no problem at all since you have 5 navis and 1200Hp to split it up equally, each navi taking off at least 240HP, and 1 turn is all you need. Alternative way, save up 4 bonus panels&hope for miniboss killers on him. After killing him, your team plugs out, and a chip comes down. Justice J mega chip. 280 per hit, hits for 5 times? Must be random hits. Mission rewards Beating the mission early nets you Blackwing W. 10 turns or less Beating the mission on time gets you ShademanDS. 11-12 turns Beating the mission later gets you 5000zenny. 13 turns or after. Nebula Area 2. Bottom BMD contains a Recover 300 Y, I got 3 of those in the mission, so meh, the other BMD is a HP memory. The PMD is a Geddon 3 A chip. Netdealer Hp Memory-20000zenny, 26000zenny, 34000zenny, 50000zenny Bugbomb R-10000zenny Noisestorm N-16000zenny V-Doll Z-22000zenny Blackwing W-28000zenny Blackwing W could be acquired in that mission we just had. But if your folder isn't so good, this is a alternative way to get the chip. To unlock Nebula area 3, we need 140 standard chips. Side note, if you want ds chips here and now without much trouble, then speak with a purple navi in Oran island area 3. He'll make your extra folder have ds chips as well as 3 dark chips. A great way to add to your library, no? Unfortunately, you can't edit the extra folder, but it saves you the trouble of hunting the chips down if you didn't get them earlier. Speak to a scientist in Scilab real world to recieve a RegUp 2. Have a random encounter with FootmanSP in Oran Island 2 if you need to. If you decided to head there, on the left of where there used to be a blue gate, the portal there leads to a black navi which will need to be beat up because he says stuff that is familiar like the others. He's a water user though. Kill him, collect the 140 standard chips required and head into Nebula area 3. They have a little talk and it's time to begin the mission. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8d. Nebula Mission 2 (Day 10) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This time, our target is Cloudman, just blow him away, people. Target time: 14 turns Dark Holes: 5 Side notes: Damn, those item panels are just filled with money. Sadly, the amount of money it contains is only mostly 100zenny each. Unfortunately, we don't have Magnetman or Protoman with us for this mission. Medi isn't really as useful as most other navis when alone. The first item panel you'll find is a trap, the first key is the bottommost panel, the second key is a item panel at a dead end. Incase you havn't noticed by now, Gyroman has the effects of all shoes, float shoes, airshoes, shadow shoes, so poison panels doesn't work. Also be careful when cleaning the middle of the map, as the item panels surrounding it can really hurt your team. ////////////// //CloudmanV3// ////////////// Hp-1300 Attacks Lotsa clouds- Meat wall made of clouds, kill them with your buster. Thunder cloud- Makes a cloud that will attack all its surrounding sides, north, south, east, west, easy to dodge. Thunder Storm- Disappears, then a huge cloud appears. Strategy-Same as last time, only he has 400 more Hp this time around, which doesn't help him much. Mission Rewards Turn 12 or under-Muramasa M Mega chip Turn 13 or 14-Cloudman DS C Mega chip Turn 15 or after-Most likely Zenny Now, onward to Nebula area 4, you'll notice a Golden program behind where Cloudman used to be, and if you select his left option, the version 2 viruses will become version 3. Goody, version 3 Dominerds making the game even tougher. At this point, a well thought out folder will really help, that or codes. 1 purple gate says you need 40 mega chips to move on, another I have no idea, another says you need 3 giga chips for a HP memory in a BMD, and that's all you can access with just under 40 mega chips. The gate after the 40 mega chip gate which has a BMD with a Z-Saber Z in it, I have no idea how to unlock it, but the gate after that one requires S-ranking of SP navis. To S-rank SP navis, you'll might want to close down the Nebula gates to ensure encounters with viruses don't bring your HP down too much. You'll need to have beaten the V3 version, and you'll need a good folder to kill the SP navi 20 seconds or under to get a S. You'll also earn the SP chip of the navi you beat, and the chip will be powered up the quicker you kill it. Note, once you've beat the V3 version, the Sp version will randomly appear AFTER you plug back in after logging out. Note, if you S-Rank the V3, you'll recieve their DS chip. Also, there is another way to recieve the DS chip after the V3. Sorta useless note, in Undernet area 4, there's a dark navi who will give you a code -91098051- for a Gun Del Sol D. That code earns you Django SP D. Which, you could've gotten earlier. In the pagoda(real world), there's a official that'll give you a Hp memory for no reason. MagnetmanV3 can be found right in ACDC area 1. Same for Sp. BlizzardmanV3 can be found in ACDC area 3. Same for SP. GyromanV3 can be found in Oran Island area 1. Same for SP. FootmanV3 can be randomly found in Oran Island area 2. Same for SP. ShademanV3 can be found in Oran Island area 3. Same for SP. CloudmanV3 can be found in Scilab area 3. Same for SP. NapalmmanV3 can be found in Scilab area 4. Same for SP. SearchmanV3 can be found in End area 3. Same for SP. MediV3 can be found in End area 4. Same for SP. LarkmanV3 can be found randomly found in Undernet area 2. Same for SP. ProtomanV3 can be found in Undernet area 3. Same for SP. Cosmoquee-err CosmomanV3 can be found in Undernet area 4. Same for SP. Version 3s SP Version HPs MagnetmanV3-1800HP MagnetmanSP- BlizzardmanV3-1600HP BlizzardmanSP GyromanV3-1400HP GyromanSP- GridmanV3-1600HP GridmanSP- ShademanV3-1200HP ShademanSP-1500HP CloudmanV3-1300HP CloudmanSP- NapalmmanV3-1600HP NapalmmanSP- SearchmanV3-1700HP SearchmanSP- MediV3- LarkmanV3-1500Hp LarkmanSp- ProtomanV3-1600Hp ProtomanSP-1800HP CosmomanV3-1500Hp CosmomanSP- Note, if you do S rank all of them, be sure to have activated all 30 P.As, otherwise, you're not going to get very far. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************************************** VI. Chip List ********************************************************************** Note: Some of the chips names were done by guessing, others, I've not found, fill me in with the names if you will. ++++++++ +Legend+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +None-Does no damage. + + NSP-Not specific, may vary. + + ??-Unknown name or chip for now, bear with me. + + *-Rarity, * is least rare, ***** being the most rare.+ + "+"-Does more depending on S-ranking time + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Chips List ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chip No. Name Stars Damage Type MB ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 001. Cannon * 40 Normal 8 002. HiCannon ** 80 Normal 24 003. MegaCannon *** 120 Normal 40 004. Airshot ** 20 Wind 6 005. Vulcan * 10 Normal 6 006. Vulcan 2 ** 10 Normal 18 007. Vulcan 3 *** 10 Normal 30 008. Spreader ** 30 Normal 10 009. MrkCan1 * 70 Aiming 18 010. MrkCan2 ** 100 Aiming 27 011. MrkCan3 *** 130 Aiming 36 012. PulseBeam1 * 70 Normal 14 013. PulseBeam2 ** 90 Normal 26 014. PulseBeam3 *** 110 Normal 38 015. TankCannon1 * 80 Normal 20 016. TankCannon2 ** 120 Normal 30 017. TankCannon3 *** 140 Normal 40 018. Wideshot * 70 Water 10 019. Wideshot2 ** 90 Water 30 020. Wideshot3 *** 110 Water 50 021. ElectricReel1 * 80 Electric 32 022. ElectricReel2 ** 100 Electric 46 023. ElectricReel3 *** 120 Electric 60 024. Cactusball1 * 30 Wood 10 025. Cactusball2 ** 40 Wood 30 026. Cactusball3 *** 50 Wood 50 027. GunDelSol1 ** NSP Normal 15 028. GunDelSol2 *** NSP Normal 25 029. GunDelSol3 **** NSP Normal 35 030. ElementalArm *** 90 Varies 39 031. Thunderball *** 40 Electric 7 032. Tornado *** 20 Wind 22 033. Noisestorm *** 20 Wind 55 034. Minibomb * 50 Normal 5 035. Energybomb * 40 Normal 11 036. Mega EnergyBomb ** 60 Normal 30 037. Crackbomb * 80 Normal 18 038. Paralyzebomb ** 90 Normal 34 039. Resetbomb *** 100 Normal 50 040. Quake1 * 100 Breaking 10 041. Quake2 ** 150 Breaking 25 042. Quake3 *** 200 Breaking 40 043. Bugbomb *** None Normal 30 044. CannonBall *** 140 Breaking 30 045. BlkBomb **** 210 Fire 55 046. Geyser **** 200 Water 38 047. Lavaseed ** None Normal 60 048. Waterseed ** None Normal 28 049. Iceseed ** None Normal 42 050. Grass seed ** None Normal 24 051. Sword * 80 Sword 9 052. Wideswrd ** 80 Sword 16 053. Longswrd *** 80 Sword 25 054. Wideblade **** 150 Sword 38 055. Longblade **** 150 Sword 40 056. CustSwrd *** NSP Sword 20 057. Varsword **** 160 Sword 60 058. Slasher *** 240 Sword 18 059. Windrack *** 100 Wind 23 060. Moonblade1 * 90 Sword 23 061. Moonblade2 ** 110 Sword 36 062. Moonblade3 *** 130 Sword 49 063. Katana1 * 60 Sword 25 064. Katana2 ** 80 Sword 37 065. Katana3 *** 100 Sword 49 066. Yo-Yo *** 50 Normal 32 067. Drill1 * 60 Breaking 38 068. Drill2 ** 70 Breaking 51 069. Drill3 *** 80 Breaking 64 070. AirHockey *** 40 Breaking 40 071. Skullchain1 * 100 Normal 34 072. Skullchain2 ** 120 Normal 50 073. Skullchain3 *** 140 Normal 76 074. Aquawhirl1 * 70 Water 30 075. Aquawhirl2 ** 100 Water 42 076. Aquawhirl3 *** 130 Water 54 077. AirWheel1 * 40 Wind 32 078. AirWheel2 ** 40 Wind 44 079. AirWheel3 *** 40 Wind 56 080. Firepunch1 * 60 Fire 12 081. Firepunch2 ** 100 Fire 28 082. Firepunch3 *** 140 Fire 44 083. FireCircle1 * 110 Fire 28 084. FireCircle2 ** 130 Fire 40 085. FireCircle3 *** 150 Fire 52 086. Side Bubble1 * 90 Water 25 087. Side Bubble2 ** 110 Water 35 088. Side Bubble3 *** 130 Water 45 089. Customshock1 ** NSP Electric 40 090. Customshock2 *** NSP Electric 55 091. Customshock3 **** NSP Electric 70 092. Boomerang *** 60 Wood 16 093. Meteor1 * 60 Fire 26 094. Meteor2 ** 70 Fire 42 095. Meteor3 *** 80 Fire 56 096. Satellite1 * 60 Electric 30 097. Satellite2 ** 80 Electric 40 098. Satellite3 *** 100 Electric 50 099. SpaceYura1 * 100 Electric 30 100. SpaceYura2 ** 120 Electric 48 101. SpaceYura3 *** 140 Electric 66 102. Woodnose1 * 100 Wood 27 103. Woodnose2 ** 130 Wood 40 104. Woodnose3 *** 160 Wood 53 105. Lance **** 130 Wood 42 106. Tsunamiball ** 160 Water 42 107. RedTsunamiball *** 190 Fire 48 108. MudTsunamiball **** 170 Wood 54 109. ComeOnRain **** 40 Water 47 110. Snake **** 30 Wood 60 111. Magnum **** 130 Aiming 52 112. Circlegun *** 100 Aiming 50 113. Timebomb1 * 100 Object 32 114. Timebomb2 ** 140 Object 54 115. Timebomb3 *** 200 Object 76 116. BoyBomb1 * 130 Object 30 117. Boybomb2 ** 180 Object 40 118. Boybomb3 *** 230 Object 50 119. Mine *** 300 Object 42 120. Rockcube * None Object 6 121. Wind ** None Wind 10 122. Fan ** None Wind 10 123. Fanfare ** None Object 20 124. Discord ** None Object 20 125. Timpani ** None Object 20 126. Silence ** None Object 20 127. Fruit1 * None Healing 24 128. Fruit2 ** None Healing 48 129. Fruit3 *** None Healing 62 130. VooDooDoll **** NSP Object 131. Metguard1 * 50 Normal 4 132. Metguard2 ** 100 Normal 10 133. Metguard3 *** 150 Normal 16 134. CurseShield1 * 130 Normal 28 135. CurseShield2 ** 160 Normal 30 136. CurseShield3 *** 190 Normal 52 137. CrakOut * None Normal 4 138. DublCrak * None Normal 7 139. TripleCrack * None Normal 10 140. Recover10 * None Healing 8 141. Recover30 * None Healing 16 142. Recover50 * None Healing 24 143. Recover80 ** None Healing 32 144. Recover120 ** None Healing 40 145. Recover150 *** None Healing 48 146. Recover200 *** None Healing 56 147. Recover300 **** None Healing 64 148. Panelsteal * None None 6 149. Areagrab ** None Normal 8 150. Gelrain **** 120 Water 52 151. Grabreturn *** 20 Normal 24 152. Grabrevenge **** 40 Normal 48 153. Panelfix ** None Normal 14 154. Geddon1 *** None Normal 34 155. Geddon2 *** None Normal 47 156. Geddon3 **** Varies Normal 62 157. SlowGauge *** None Normal 69 158. Fastgauge *** None Normal 32 159. Busterup ** None Add/Subtract 5 160. Blind ** None Normal 9 161. Northwind *** None Wind 33 162. Holypanel ** None Normal 24 163. Invis *** None Invisible 12 164. Barrier ** None None 7 165. Barrier100 *** None None 27 166. Barrier200 **** None None 47 167. Bubblewarp *** None Water 35 168. Antifire *** 200 Fire 58 169. Antiwater *** 200 Water 54 170. Antielectric *** 200 Electric 59 171. Antiwood *** 200 Wood 55 172. Antidamage *** 120 Invisible 31 173. Antisword *** 100 Sword 43 174. Antinavi **** None Normal 44 175. Antirecovery *** Varies Normal 37 176. CopyDmg ** None Aiming 12 177. LifeSynchro ** None Aiming 12 178. Attck+10 * None Add/Subtract 6 179. Navi+20 *** None Add/Subtract 36 180. Colorpoint ** None Add/Subtract 25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mega Chips List ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chip No. Name Stars Damage Type MB ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 001. SuperVulcan *** 10 Normal 75 002. NeoVarSword ***** 240 Sword 74 003. Meteorrain **** 40 Fire 73 004. Numberball **** NSP Normal 69 005. Guardian **** 200 Object 64 006. Jealousy **** 80 Normal 35 007. Poltergeist **** 150 Normal 40 008. Bugfix **** None Normal 62 009. FullCust **** None Normal 45 010. Life Aura **** None Normal 70 011. Sanctuary **** None Normal 62 012. Attck+30 **** None Add/Subtract 66 013. Doublepoint **** None Add/Subtract 50 014. Muramasa ***** NSP Sword 81 015. Anubis ***** NSP Object 86 016. Blackwing **** 20 Normal 58 017. Justiceone ***** 280 Breaking 90 018. Z-Saber ***** 100 Sword 80 019. Roll *** 20 Healing 20 020. RollSP **** ??? Healing 60 021. RollDS **** ??? Healing 60 ---- 22p. Protoman *** 130 Sword 54 23p. ProtomanSP **** 150+ Sword 79 24p. ProtomanDS **** ??? Sword 79 25p. Gyroman *** 80 Normal 32 26p. GyromanSP **** 90+ Normal 66 27p. GyromanDS **** ??? Normal 66 28p. Searchman *** 20 Aiming 42 29p. SearchmanSP **** 25+ Aiming 72 30p. SearchmanDS **** ??? Aiming 72 31p. Napalmman *** 120 Fire 38 32p. NapalmmanSP **** 150+ Fire 72 33p. NapalmmanDS **** ??? Fire 72 34p. Magnetman *** 90 Electric 25 35p. MagnetmanSP **** 100+ Electric 75 36p. MagnetmanDS **** ??? Electric 75 37p. Medi *** 80 Normal 36 38p. MediSP **** 100+ Normal 63 39p. MediDS **** ??? Normal 63 ---- 22c. Colonel *** 160 Normal 39 23c. ColonelSP **** 200+ Normal 75 24c. ColonelDS **** ??? Normal 75 25c. Shadowman *** 40 Normal 50 26c. ShadowmanSP **** 45+ Normal 80 27c. ShadowmanDS **** ??? Normal 80 28c. Numberman *** 30 Normal 33 29c. NumbermanSP **** 40+ Normal 66 30c. NumbermanDS **** ??? Normal 66 31c. Tomahawkman *** 140 Wood 41 32c. TomahawkmanSP **** 180+ Wood 81 33c. TomahawkmanDS **** ??? Wood 81 34c. Knightman *** 170 Normal 50 35c. KnightmanSP **** 220+ Normal 90 36c. KnightmanDS **** ??? Normal 90 37c. Toadman *** 80 Electric 53 38c. ToadmanSP **** 120+ Electric 69 39c. ToadmanDS **** ??? Electric 69 ---- 040. Blizzardman *** 100 Water 27 041. BlizzardmanSP **** 130+ Water 55 042. BlizzardmanDS **** ??? Water 55 043. Shademan *** 120 Normal 44 044. ShademanSP **** 140+ Normal 74 045. ShademanDS **** ??? Normal 74 046. Cloudman *** 50 Electric 60 047. CloudmanSP **** 60+ Electric 74 048. CloudmanDS **** ??? Electric 74 049. Cosmoman *** 70 Normal 50 050. CosmomanSP **** 80+ Normal 80 051. CosmomanDS **** ??? Normal 80 052. Larkman *** 140 Normal 45 053. LarkmanSP **** 170+ Normal 77 054. LarkmanDS **** ??? Normal 77 055. Footman *** 100 Normal 46 056. FootmanSP **** 150+ Normal 72 057. FootmanDS **** ??? Normal 72 058. Django *** NSP Normal 40 059. DjangoSP **** NSP Normal 68 060. DjangoDS **** NSP Normal 68 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Giga Chips List ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chip No. Name Stars Damage Type MB ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 01p. Delta Ray Edge ***** 220 Sword 82 02p. Giant Hook ***** 240 Breaking 92 03p. Forte ***** 60(wtf) Normal 95 04p. Holy Dream ***** 50 Normal 92 05p. BugCurse ***** None Normal 73 06p. Death Phoenix ***** 150 Normal 93 ---- 01c. Cross Slash ***** 220 Normal 90 02c. Meteor Knuckle ***** 100 Breaking 90 03c. Forte Another ***** 160 Normal 95 04c. OmegaRocket ***** 270 Normal 89 05c. BugCharge ***** 200 Normal 77 06c. Phoenix ***** 150 Fire 95 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Chips List ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chip No. Name Stars Damage Type MB ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 001. DarkSword ***** 400 Sword 99 002. DarkTwister ***** 50 Wind 99 003. DarkCircle ***** 300 Aiming 99 004. DarkMeteor ***** 100 Fire 99 005. DarkThunder ***** 200 Thunder 99 006. DarkRecovery ***** None Healing 99 007. DarkSound ***** None Object 99 008. DarkInvis ***** None Invisible 99 009. DarkPlus ***** None Add/Subtract 99 010. DarkLance ***** 400 Wood 99 011. DarkDrill ***** 100 Breaking 99 012. DarkWideshot ***** 300 Water 99 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret Chips List ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Please read. 01p. is secret chips for Team Protoman. So if 01p. is for the red guy with the sword, then 01c. is for Colonel version, you get the point. There are only 4 secret chips, 3 not found in the library, or regularly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chip No. Name Stars Damage Type MB ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 01b. Colonel *** 160 Normal 39 02b. ColonelSP **** 200+ Normal 75 03b. ColonelDS **** ??? Normal 75 04b. Shadowman *** 40 Normal 50 05b. ShadowmanSP **** 45+ Normal 80 06b. ShadowmanDS **** ??? Normal 80 07b. Numberman *** 30 Normal 33 08b. NumbermanSP **** 40+ Normal 66 09b. NumbermanDS **** ??? Normal 66 10b. Tomahawkman *** 140 Wood 43 11b. TomahawkmanSP **** 180+ Wood 81 12b. TomahawkmanDS **** ??? Wood 81 13b. Knightman *** 170 Normal 50 14b. KnightmanSP **** 220+ Normal 90 15b. KnightmanSP **** ??? Normal 90 16b. Toadman *** 80+ Electric 53 17b. ToadmanSP **** 120+ Electric 69 18b. ToadmanDS **** ??? Electric 69 ---- 01c. Blues *** 130 Sword 54 02c. BluesSP **** 150+ Sword 79 03c. BluesDS **** ??? Normal 79 04c. Gyroman *** 80 Normal 32 05c. GyromanSP **** 90+ Normal 66 06c. GyromanDS **** ??? Normal 66 07c. Searchman *** 20 Normal 42 08c. SearchmanSP **** 25+ Normal 72 09c. SearchmanDS **** ??? Normal 72 10c. Napalmman *** 120 Fire 38 11c. NapalmmanSP **** 150+ Fire 72 12c. NapalmmanDS **** ??? Fire 72 13c. Magnetman *** 90 Electric 25 14c. MagnetmanSP **** 100+ Electric 75 15c. MagnetmanDS **** ??? Electric 75 16c. Medi *** 80 Normal 36 17c. MediSP **** 100+ Normal 63 18c. MediDS **** ??? Normal 63 ===================== =Boktai Secret Chips= ===================== 019. Otenko ***** None Object 66 020. GunDelSol EX ***** NSP Normal 80 ======================= =Ultimate Secret chips= ======================= 021. Leaders Raid ***** 200 Normal 99 022. Lord of Chaos ***** 500! Normal 99 023. Final Gun? ????? ?? Normal 10? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** VII. Purple Mystery Data ********************************************************************** ACDC area 2 -BlkBomb R Yais comp -Cannball C Dads comp -Bugfix H Oran Area 1 -Snake M Scilab area 1 -Geyser M End Area 1 -Collecters eye End Area 4 -Varsword V Undernet area 2 -NeoVariable sword V ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** VIII. Souls, and Darkchips ********************************************************************** This'll be a list and description of how the souls work. History of souls The soul system originated back in MMBN 4, making the battles slightly more bearable, and easier, since you're not going to forced to stay with an elemental weakness through out the entire battle like in MMBN 2 and 3. In MMBN 4, this all changed when they swapped the style system for the soul system, which is an mode your navi can be powered up in, making your techniques more deadly, and opening the way up for new folders and usage of some neglected chips. The new chips also come with a dark side, possessing great power, along with a downside when used. The soul system was far more superior than the styles, although the styles enhanced Megaman, it did leave a vulnerable spot, the elemental weaknesses, the soul system replaced styles in MMBN 4 and continued to do so in MMBN 5 as the soul system granted more a much more powerful change, some automatically, some manually powering up chips to deal incredible amounts of damage, others are equipped with special abilities to make your battles easier. In MMBN 5, the souls return, and with them come the dark side, now you must choose a path, the path of light, or the path of dark, whichever one it is, may the force be with you, err chips. The dark side offers much power in the charged shots, however, timing is key, 1 mistake will create an invincible opponent, however if your charged shot is released in time, your opponent could be in trouble. Nowadays, folders revolve around souls, mainly because of the special abilities. Some may automatically power up some chips, such as Guts soul in MMBN 4Red Sun, and Napalmn Soul in MMBN 5 Team Protoman. Here's some info about the charged shots. The charged shots of the chaotic powerful dark side has 3 modes /\/\/\\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ -Green-not fully charged yet, be a pansy and let go, or try to continue your plan of using this immensive power as a possible shortcut to victory. -Purple-You'd better release it now, there's little time left... -Flashing Purple and Green- If you choose to release your attack now, you will have released Barney, nah, what you may release isn't as nearly as bad as Barney, there's a 50/50 chance you may perform your attack correctly, and the other part is releasing a invincible dark version of yourself...on your opponents side. /\/\/\\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ The only known 100% successful cures for a Flashing charged buster without resulting in the summoning of Megaman DS is as follows- -Get hit without super armor -Get deleted -Going to the custom menu, as it will be over -Using a chip you have equipped, like Invis. -Get paralyzed Megaman DS, when unleashed will use swords, cannons, I even got hit by a lifesword, and other things that are annoying such as area steal, Invis, airshot, summoning a Guardian, using Shademan and a lot of buster shots. The dark side of yourself will leave when you or the enemy, not counting Megaman DS, is defeated, or Megaman DS will leave after that turn or so. However, the IQ of Megaman DS isn't very high, and may actually wind up helping you instead of helping the enemy as it was intended to do. It was reported on Gamefaqs that Megaman DS hit a Guardian on the field, and in response to the attack, Megaman DS entire side, and his allies recieved 200 points of damage each. An interesting way to make up for your mistake. Though there is less of a downside of using the dark chips, for unison, there is still a downside. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Joining the Dark side ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have used a darkchip in battle, and not for unison, Megaman will become tainted with the darkness, and like in MMBN 4, you will be penalized by permanently losing 1hp from your maximum HP. There is no way of recovering it without resorting to cheating devices. If you have become tainted in battle, it will show on your emotion icon, and if you are defeated, your dark side will immediately join and help you, you will be invincible to all attacks with the exception of certain chips, such as area steal, Django chips and Gun Del Sol chips, as they don't have damage counters. If your dark side chooses to join you because you have 0hp, he will take control of Megaman, using his near useless buster, using lots of dark chips without the penalty because its HIM using it, not you. After about 10 seconds, game time, you will regain control of a 1HP Megaman which can easily be defeated, just hope your custom gauge is filled, as an Invis will soon be of great help. Note: If you screw up twice, there will not be 2 Megamen DS to annoy you, the new one will replace the old one. Now, onto the souls, you'll notice that all of the dark ones listed have abilities similar to their regular counterpart, only change is in the buster. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Magnet Soul Acquire-After mission 2 Use-Offer a Electric based chip for unison, such as thunderball Element-Electric Weakness-Wood based chips/attacks Charged shot-Magnetbuster, similar to the magnet like enemies of MMBN 4 Damage=40+(10 * number of per attack+1s and buster ups) Special Abilities- Magnetic pull-Activated when on the same line as the opponent and pressing back+B, your opponent will be glued on the spot, but can still attack. Electrical Energy boost-Activated by pressing and holding the A button when holding a Electric based chip to double the damage (for ex, thunderball) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chaos Magnet Soul Acquire-After Megaman's back Use-Offer a Dark electric based chip for unison, Dark Thunderball Element-Electric Weakness-Wood based chips/attacks Charged shot-The dark chip used to use Chaos Magnet Soul, which is Dark Thunderball Damage=200 per charged shot Special Abilities Magnetic pull-Activated when on the same line as the opponent and pressing back+B, your opponent will be glued on the spot, but can still attack. Electrical Energy boost-Activated by pressing and holding the A button when holding a Electric based chip to double the damage (for ex, thunderball) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gyro Soul Acquire-After mission 3 Use-Offer a wind based chip for unison, such as airshot Element-Wind Weakness-No elemental weakness Charged shot-GyroTwister, same as Gyromans twister, hits 3 panels in front, enemies recieve more damage at the end of the stick, err twister. Damage=20+(5 per attack+1 and buster ups), then multiplied by squares away, and a maximum of three. ------ Example -M123- ------ An enemy on the 3 square would get hit thrice, so they would recieve 60 damage, and 75 damage if you have an attack+1. An enemy on the 2 square would recieve 40 damage, 50 if you've a attack+1. Special Abilities Super Shoes-Automatically has the effects of floatshoes, airshoes and shadow shoes. Propeller Power-Doubles the amount of damage dealt by the next chip, activated by using a wind based chip that does damage. This power will be used on the next chip, for example you use a airshot, that gets your propeller spinning, and your twister which is next will now do 20*8*2 instead of 20*8, and because your twister is a wind chip, it uses the propeller, and activates it again. The propeller will support a normal chip, it just won't activate when one is used. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chaos Gyro Soul Acquire-After Megaman's back Use-Offer a Dark wind based chip for unison, such as DarkTwister Element-Wind Weakness-No elemental weakness Charged shot-Dark Twister, Damage=50*8 per hit, really deadly to be used as a charged shot, as you can use it again if they're not blowing up already in the same turn. Drawback is that the range is usually like its chip counterpart, and it's usually luck that they stay stuck in your range before you release the hurricane. Special Abilities Super Shoes-Automatically has the effects of floatshoes, airshoes and shadow shoes Propeller Power-Doubles the amount of damage dealt by the next chip, activated by using a wind based chip that does damage. This power will be used on the next chip, for example you use a airshot, that gets your propeller spinning, and your twister which is next will now do 20*8*2 instead of 20*8, and because your twister is a wind chip, it uses the propeller, and activates it again. The propeller will support a normal chip, it just won't activate when one is used. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Napalmn Soul Acquire-After Mission 4 Use-Offer a fire based chip, such as meteor Element-Fire Weakness-Water, and standing on water panels drains life as if you're on poison panels. Charged shot-It is a vulcan buster that does 20 damage and appears to be -look- fire based, may do more if you use a whole bunch of attack+1s and buster+1s, but currently unconfirmed. Damage=20*3 per charge? Well, you can use it in abundance and it's a good cheap vulcan, well this is a last resort type of thing that should be used after your chips. Special abilities Charge chip to launch napalm bomb, damage based on chip base toward enemy. This bomb will either land on a enemy and give them a headache with damage based on chip sacrificed, or...I just havn't tested out if, because the enemy is too stupid to dodge. FIRE power-Automatically adds 40 to every fire chip. Lava shoes-Absorbs the lava from each lava panel you touch and adds 10 to the next fire chip. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chaos Napalmn Soul Acquire-After Megaman's back Use-Offer a Dark fire based chip, such as Dark Meteor Element-Fire Weakness-Water, and standing on water panels drains life as if you're on poison panels. Charged shot-Dark Meteor Damage=100*some unconfirmed big number Your opponent could find a difficult time surviving the effects of the armaggedon, err dark meteor without using Invis. Also cracks unused panels to make up for its lack of heavy damage. This could've been really powerful if it wern't for the flinching it gives the enemy. Special abilities Charge chip to launch napalm bomb, damage based on chip base toward enemy. This bomb will either land on a enemy and give them a headache with damage based on chip sacrificed, or...I just havn't tested out if, because the enemy is too stupid to dodge. FIRE power-Automatically adds 40 to every fire chip. Lava shoes-Absorbs the lava from each lava panel you touch and adds 10 to the next fire chip. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Search Soul Acquire-Defeat Searchman in MMBN 4, and in MMBN 5 you recieve this after mission 5. Use-Offer a aiming chip, such as Markcannon Element-Aiming Weakness-No actual elemental weakness Charged shot-Buster machine gun 5*(10+(4 for each attack+1 and buster up)) Automatically locks onto the enemy and fires when charged shot is released. Can be deadly against enemies that don't have super armor. Special Abilities Shuffle-Shuffle your unselected chips in a chance to acquire better chips, was often used in MMBN 4 to set up dreamswords and other combos. Invis piercing-Invis removed from the enemy if the unison occurs after. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chaos Search Soul Acquire-After mission 5 Use-Offer a Dark aiming chip, such as Dark circle gun Element-Aiming Weakness-No actual elemental weakness Charged shot-Dark circle gun When activated a cursor goes around the enemies field clockwise, when stopped, that square and 3 squares after it, counting clockwise, is hit for 300 each. Middle panel of a 3x3 field is never affected though. Special Abilities Shuffle-Shuffle your unselected chips in a chance to acquire better chips, was often used in MMBN 4 to set up dreamswords and other combos. Invis piercing-Invis removed from the enemy if the unison occurs after. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Medi Soul Acquire-After mission 6 Use-Offer a recovery/healing chip Element-Recovery/Healing Weakness-No elemental weakness. Charged shot-Throw a pill 3 spaces forward. Explodes vertically. Very easy to dodge. Special Ability Fuse with 'abilities' in battle menu for attacks to gain abilities. You get 2 per turn. May only fuse chips that has a damage base. Ex. Works with Cannon. Ex. Doesn't work with areagrab, or Gun Del Sol. Info of Medi Soul from GarbageMonsta987. Paralysis Confusion Blind Healing-Recover amount based on chip single damage attack, Twister does 20 from its singular hit, so you recover 20. Guardian does 200, so you recover that much when you set it out on the field. Players are still able to use the chips fused with effects after Medi soul expires, but only the ones infused with the effects. Skip using the charged shot unless you're using a minibomb like folder. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chaos Medi Soul Acquire-After mission 6 Use-Offer a dark healing chip, such as Dark Recovery Element-Recovery/Healing Weakness-No elemental weakness. Charged shot-Dark Recovery, recovers 1000, doesn't miss, will do 1000 if opponent used Antirecovery, which will be quite rare. When timed correctly and used in a tight spot, the opponent will usually find themselves a opponent near full HP, or at least halfway there for the people who think having 2000Hp=powerful. The only other time where they won't is when the opponent has used Antirecovery. Special Ability Fuse with 'abilities' in battle menu for attacks to gain abilities. You get 2 per turn. May only fuse chips that has a damage base. Ex. Works with Cannon. Ex. Doesn't work with areagrab, or Gun Del Sol. Info from GarbageMonsta987. Paralysis Confusion Blind Healing-Recover amount based on chip single damage attack, Twister does 20 from its singular hit, so you recover 20. Guardian does 200, so you recover that much when you set it out on the field. Players are still able to use the chips fused with effects after Medi soul expires, but only the ones infused with the effects. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proto Soul Acquire-Blue's back, and in MMBN 4BM, after defeating Protoman. Element-Sword Weakness-Close range only. No elemental weakness. Charged shot-Widesword slash Damage-Currently unconfirmed Best sword chip-Neo Variable sword, just charge it and use the button input to deal a high amount of damage to the enemy. DoubleLifeSword: Up, B, Down, B, Up, B, can't argue with 960 from one single chip. Special Abilities Can charge sword chips with the A button to do double damage. When a player releases a charged chip, Megaman will teleport 2 spaces forward and use the powered up chip. Will not work on P.A.s, and navi chips. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chaos Proto Soul Acquire-Blue's back Element-Sword Weakness-None, 1 areagrab, and if you can time your charged shots correctly, you'll be weak against nothing. No elemental weakness. Charged shot-Dreamsword slash/Dark Sword Damage-400 Special Abilities Can charge sword chips with the A button to do double damage. When a player releases a charged chip, Megaman will teleport 2 spaces forward and use the powered up chip. Will not work on P.A.s, and navi chips. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** IX. Program Advances ********************************************************************** Ok, the basics on program advances. It all started back in MMBN 1st, where people could use program advances such as dreamsword and deal opponents 400 damage, which usually hurts more than the singular chips used to make it. With each new game, more program advances were added/removed. In MMBN 2, it became more important, as people began to use combos to deal high amounts of damage. In MMBN 3, good folders meant combos or program advances, mostly just the P.As. In MMBN 4, can you say lifesword madness? In MMBN 5, it got toned down. 1 of each program advances per battle. Just imagine someone missing their attack with dreamsword, then selecting another sword, widesword, longsword, then pressing ok only to find it's not dreamsword but a bunch of now not so useful chips. Same applies with all other P.As. Anyway, onto the meaty part of this section. P.A#1: Giga Cannon 1 Chips: Cannon A-B-C Element: Normal Damage: 400 Hits: 1 Range: Same as regular cannon. P.A#2: Giga Cannon 2 Chips: High Cannon D-E-F Element: Normal Damage: 500 Hits: 1 Range: Same as regular cannon. P.A#3: Giga Cannon 3 Chips: Mega Cannon F-G-H Element: Normal Damage: 600 Hits: 1 Range: Same as regular cannon. P.A#4: MegaVulcan 1 Chips: Vulcan1 C-D-E Element: Normal Damage: 20 Hits: 20 Range: Same as regular vulcan. P.A#5: MegaVulcan 2 Chips: Vulcan2 A-B-C Element: Normal Damage: 20 Hits: 24 Range: Same as regular vulcan. P.A#6: MegaVulcan 3 Chips: Vulcan3 L-M-N Element: Normal Damage: 20 Hits: 28 Range: Same as regular vulcan. P.A#7: Madboxer 1 Chips: Firepunch 1 O-P-Q Element: Fire Damage: 100 Hits: 8?, unconfirmed Range: Hits randomly on enemy area. P.A#8: Madboxer 2 Chips: Firepunch 2 H-I-J Element: Fire Damage: 150 Hits: Unconfirmed Range: Hits randomly on enemy area. P.A#9: Madboxer 3 Chips: Firepunch 3 E-F-G Element: Fire Damage: 200 Hits: Unconfirmed Range: Hits randomly on enemy area. P.A#10: Super Wideshot 1 Chips: Wideshot 1 L-M-N Element: Water Damage: 100 Hits: 3 piercing waves Range: 3 vertical spaces in front of you, travelling horizontally. P.A#11: Super Wideshot 2 Chips: Wideshot 2 E-F-G Element: Water Damage: 120 Hits: 3 piercing waves Range: 3 vertical spaces in front of you, travelling horizontally. P.A#12: Super Wideshot 3 Chips: Wideshot 3 S-T-U Element: Water Damage: 140 Hits: 3 piercing waves Range: 3 vertical spaces in front of you, travelling horizontally. P.A#13: SatelliteParade 1 Chips: Satellite 1 G-H-I Element: Electric Damage: 80 Hits: 1 to 3, depending on enemy movement. Range: Basically 3 Satellites moving in their usual pattern. P.A#14: SatelliteParade 2 Chips: Satellite 2 B-C-D Element: Electric Damage: 110 Hits: 1 to 3, depending on enemy movement. Range: Basically 3 Satellites moving in their usual pattern. P.A#15: SatelliteParade 3 Chips: Satellite 3 S-T-U Element: Electric Damage: 140 Hits: 1 to 3, depending on enemy movement. Range: Basically 3 Satellites moving in their usual pattern. P.A#16: Cacdance 1 Chips: Cactusball 1 H-I-J Element: Wood Damage: 30 Hits: Unconfirmed. Range: Depends on enemy position. P.A#17: Cacdance 2 Chips: Cactusball 2 B-C-D Element: Wood Damage: 40 Hits: Unconfirmed. Range: Depends on enemy position. P.A#18: Cacdance 3 Chips: Cactusball 3 S-T-U Element: Wood Damage: 50 Hits: Unconfirmed. Range: Depends on enemy position. P.A#19: Hyper Burst Chips: Spreader C-D-E Element: Normal Damage: 50 Hits: 6 Range: Same as normal spreader chip, but if it hits something, it hits for 6 times, otherwise, it doesn't hit at all. P.A#20: Dreamsword/Lifesword Chips: Sword-Widesword-Longsword(S)or Sword-Wideblade-Longblade(L) Element: Sword Damage: 400 Hits: 1 Range: 3x2 area in front of user. P.A#21: Great Yo-Yo Chips: Yo-Yo D-E-F Element: Normal Damage: 100 Hits: 2 to 3 Range: Hits all panels in front of Megaman, back row gets hit thrice. P.A#22: Hellhockey(Probably going to be pithockey in US Version...) Chips: Airhockey Q-R-S Element: Breaking Damage: 100 Hits: Depends on enemy position, airpuck travels over 18 panels. Range: Depends if enemy has super armor so they can move, and if panel modifications have been made to the area, such as area steal, broken panels or missing panels. P.A#23: PoisonPharaoh Chips: Bugbomb A-Deathmatch A-Anubis A Element: Normal Damage: Depends on how long PoisonPharaoh remains on the field. Hits: No actual "hits". Range: All enemies will be affected. Unconfirmed if they're affected when in invincibility mode(such as Larkman flying toward the ceiling, or when a enemy vanishes for a second such as the Kunai enemy). P.A#24: Cosprison Chips: Meteor3 C-Meteor3 C-Cosmoman SP/DS C Element: Normal Damage: 60 Hits: Up to 6 or 9, depends on enemy position. Range: Cosmoman appears and sends...meteors? flying forward, it can take a 45 degree turn to hit the enemy, if it's 1 row away. P.A#25: WildBird Chips: Samurai Sword 1 S-Samurai Sword 1 S-Larkman SP/DS S Element: Normal Damage: 200 Hits: Unconfirmed. Range: Unconfirmed. P.A#26: Football Chips: MarkCannon 2 F-MarkCannon 2 F-Footman SP/DS F Element: Normal Damage: 180 Hits: 1/2/4 Range: Depends on enemy position. The enemy gets hit more if they're on a "middle" panel of their area. P.A#27: NoiseCrush Chips: Pulsar 3 S-Pulsar 3 S-Shademan SP/DS Element: Normal Damage: 400 Hits: 1 Range: Think Shademans chip range, and extend the attack 2 entire columns. Also Paralyzes. P.A#28: GigaTimeBomb Chips: Timebomb 1 H-Timebomb 2 H-Timebomb 3 H Damage: 500 Hits: 1 Range: All enemies area. P.A#29: BodyGuard Chips: AntiDamage M-AntiNavi M-Muramasa M Damage: 70 Hits: 10 Range: Auto aim for enemy. Hits are distributed if more than 1 enemy. P.A#30: Piledriver(Good for killing immortals in Boktai series) Chips: Gun Del Sol 3 D-Gun Del Sol 3 D-Django SP/DS D Damage: 30 Hits: 10 Range: In front of Rockman, and if the backrow is empty, a reflector will appear to add to the enemies torment. Notes: Django uses a somewhat better version of this in his games. And you're damn lucky that you don't have to be out in the sun to use this. Well, that's all of them. Activating all of them is required to advance in Nebula area 4. ********************************************************************** X. Miscellaneous Tips/Notes/References to other games ********************************************************************** These tips may or may not later be put in newer sections, battle tips and such. Free peek inside PMDS, first buy a unlock subchip, save before you open one. Open it after, if you don't like what you get, reset, and you won't have to open it. Works for the other games. You can redo missions for chips, navis get stronger after every mission. Their ability becomes slightly better too in Searchmans case. My tips for a easier game. Battles may sometimes be easier if you enter in full synch first. Learn to time your attacks so you get full synch. To run, use the L-button in the selection screen in battle. Not always successful in later areas. Save before big battles, you wouldn't want to redo everything over again if you lost, and if it took you about an hour, would you? Try to get the GMDs in battle, they're free, and it could be useful, like money, whereas you get less than 500 per battle up to the part where Rock turns dark. At times, earning 2500 is nice. Chip traders have an auto save function, meaning it saves after you get something, make sure you don't accidentally throw a good/rare/useful chip. Slowgauge can be very helpful in the missions, since the menu automatically gets forced open when the bar is full, and you may have to kill things with your buster, so fast gauge is no longer always going to be preferred to be preset to your folder for going through the game. In netbattles, maybe, but definitly not for missions. Fastguage actually lowers your chances of victory in missions. Same applies for Fullgauge. Use all your advantages against everything you encounter, allow no mercy, unless you want that green mystery data, or are testing chips, activating program advances, testing souls, navi customizer effects, or just leaving viruses alive, just so you can study their attack pattern. Dark chips still drain your life, just like the last game, but Chaos Unisons, your Hp will remain relatively safe. So unless you're going to use Chaos Unisons, stay away from dark chips. It helps to use the boss' weakness against him, like water against fire, this does double damage, so if it's a multi hitter, a few attack+ can mean a significant increase in the amount of damage. Especially for chips like Super Vulcan and Twister. Subchips are 1 use per subchip, so use wisely, unless you have a lot of zenny and know of some good subchip dealers. Changing your Navi customizer can be a big help. Selecting 6 chips allows 1/5th more chance of getting a Program Advance ready to be unleashed on your opponents unsuspecting @$$. Undershirts allow an extra hit before you die, quite useful, it's sort of like an boost of hp, and late in the game, 1 attack can reduce your life from 300 to a measly 100, and with undershirt, as long as your hp is above 1, the next time you get hit, it will drop to 1, it was part of a invinciblity combo that worked well in MMBN 3, with wood style. Use 1-2 codes, people. I know some powerful chips come in a crappy code(Guardian O), but if you can only select a High Cannon D, and your enemy selects 2 Cannon Cs, your opponent can be dealing more damage, and as we all know, more damage done to the enemy=good. With 1-2 coded folders, you can select up to -5- chips per turn, 5 times the @$$whoop, 5 times the fun. Use things that correspond to your style of gameplay, so use swords if you like the range of panels it covers, rockcube+airshot if you like having a moving shield worth 200 points of damage hit your enemy, ect... My email is Mavrick_Hunters@Fastmail.Fm, well, I'm not used to posting/remembering email addresses or numbers, so it's close if not correct. ALSO, NO CRAP. Means no emails with any attachment/s, no advertisements, no software, no spam, and if you have several questions, throw'm all in 1 email. -Any- attachments will be regarded as spam. If you do the wrong thing and I find you, you're screwed. Here's references to other games and series not part of the MMBN series. - Above Lans bed has a poster of Otenko, from the Boktai series. - Gun Del Sol, these chips come straight from the Boktai series. - Django D/SP chip, this is like the piledriver from the Boktai series. - Z-Saber, this chip is from the Rockman Zero Series. Zero also uses this in the Megaman X series. ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** XI. Copyright Notice ********************************************************************** This faq may not, under any circumstances be hosted anywhere else other than Gamefaqs, and any site -I- allow. This faq is the property of MavrickHunters(Mavrick_Hunters elsewhere), also plagiarism is not allowed, and if you commit it, you suck terribly, much more than a certain person named Don. You can get sued for this, this'll go on your permanent record, and your family name will be disgraced. Not to mention, if you happen to plagiarize any of my work, you are 1 hell of a pathetic excuse of a person, you deserve to get literally screwed over by a dog, followed by getting getting run over by a truck, yes, run over, then thrown into a blender set to the maximum speed until you're all liquid, and mixed with the stuff they use to clean toilets with. Then I'll take a sample of your DNA, clone you, and send you to a psychotic rapist where you'll be in bondage, where he'll do unspeakable things to you until you die. But since that's not possible, I'll ensure that your ass(es) is sued to the maximum extent of the law for stealing hard work. Sites that were stupid/pathetic enough to take my guide without asking. - Currently none. The only sites, and places I allow this faq to be put up are- - Gamefaqs - My computer ^_^ - Aka Supercheats - 1Up - CheatCC - - And that's all for now, and if your site isn't on it, find my e-mail, and ask. All you have to do is ask. It's that simple, well the asking part anyway. ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** XII. Frequently asked questions (FAQ) ********************************************************************** Q. Double Team? A. Capcoms way of getting the $$$. 3 games that say Battle Network5, Capcom is going Pokemon on this. Q. How do I perform a soul unison? A. To perform certain soul unisons, select the corresponding chip type(sword=Proto soul), and select the unison button. Q. Why can't I perform a/that soul unison? A. Perhaps you are not using the correct chip, or you've already used it in battle already, or have not unlocked it. Q. Where is Zero? A. Zero is on a chip, like the Z-Saber in MMBN4. Q. What games can this one link up to? A. A reasonable amount, Boktai 2, MMBN5TOB, and MMBN5TOC. Maybe Double Team in the future, if the make a cable link so that GBA games on the DS can link to ones on the GBA/GBASP. Q. What strategy do you recommend against this boss?_(insert name)_ A. I usually do provide a half-@$$ed strategy, which should be good enough if you use it wisely. Q. This guide sucks. A. First of all, that is not a question, second of all, why are you reading this guide if it does suck, third of all, you're too stupid to actually appreciate the people making guides to help other people, and all for free, and fourth, your opinion means as much to people as bird droppings. Q. Why don't you include this (insert stuff) in your guide? A. I may or may not have tested it, I'm too lazy to, or I have enough of that already. Q. You can understand Japanese? A. Uhh, I understand very few words, like seppuku(ritual suicide), words yes, no, and that's about it. Q. What's new in this game? A. Viruses, souls unisons, chaos unisons, secret chips, add-on to the storyline, navis, and a few other surprises. Q. What's the story like? A. I have no idea, try asking some other people, like Chibi Soma, he understands more than me, however, he doesn't really like this game, as the fact that certain parts of it put him through hell. Q. Where do you get the rom? A. Do your own dirty work. Q. The gameplay at certain parts is stupid, you agree right? A. Yes, I hear Chibi Soma got quite pissed off at certain parts. Q. Can I host your guide on my site? A. If you can find my E-Mail address, we can talk. Q. This game lost the tournaments factor, that's good right? A. Yeah, less (random) stupid forced fights and scenarios. Q. It's Z-Saver, not Z-Saber. A. Look how close the V and B are. Is it not possible COA made a error? And that's not a question. Next. ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** XIII. Credits ********************************************************************** -Me, MavrickHunters(Mavrick_Hunters elsewhere) for creating this guide, for continuous playing, and neglection to do some things, such as playing other games, keeping accounts active, and over 200kb worth of typing just so I can help people out on the game. -Megaboy, those maps were very helpful, especially in the missions, also reccommended you download it if you can find it, the file size however, is quite big, 7mb took me 44 minutes to fully download it. Dsl or better=good, expect the file to take more than a few measly minutes with dial up. -Gamefaqs, for hosting this, and having boards to let people help each other out. -Gamefaqs MMBN5 boards, opinions do matter, giving me hints on what to use, and what not to use, and answering other peoples questions which in turn also gave me an answer for future problems. -CJayC, for making Gamefaqs, so people can put up faqs, like me. -Capcom of Japan, for making this game, and the rest of the series too, not to mention adding some new features too. -OmegaEuzan, supplied me with some of the chips MB, and the order of certain chips and where they belonged. -The people who kept bugging me in emails to get this thing done, or at least do some work, otherwise, there would've been no progress. -You, the reader, this is made so people can read it and get past certain areas and not fill the message boards with useless crap. End