Megaman Battle Network 5:Team of Protoman FAQ/Walkthrough Sections 1) Controls 2) Walkthrough 3) Souls 4) Nebula Hole 5) V3 Navi Time Records 6) FAQs/Questions Hi! This is my 1st Guide here in GameFaqs. If I'm wrong at some parts please contact me at Happy reading! Version 1.0. Complete souls. Not complete with walkthrough and Nebula Hole Version 1.2. Corrected some mistakes, more walkthrough, more info for Nebula Hole Version 1.3. More updates... Added V3 time records, and say hi to the souls of ToC 1) Controls D-Pad: Moves Megaman/Lan A:Pick a chip/Talk/Inspect something B:Cancel START:Go to menu SELECT:Skip cutscenes R:Jack-in/Out L:Talk to Lan/Megaman 2)Walkthrough 2a)The Beginning...... We began the game now... the hero, asleep again(sure, he's a sleeper...). Megaman woke him up again. Start by taking the PET. A mail was sent. I dunno what is that. I could read Japanese but very little... go to your mom now. She gives you something. Send it to Akihara area 2 (ACDC area??). Well, Jack-in??? Now you'll start the VERRRY boring tutorial. Tutorial#1:Custom Window will be explained as well as chip codes. After that just smack the Mettaurs with 2 Cannons.. Tutorial#2: Now it is support chips time..Heck, just take AreaGrab and WideSword and smack 2 Mettaurs, then the last one... just do it your own way.. Tutorial#3:We'll learn about Emotion now. There is a normal megaman face near the custom screen right. that's normal emotion. If the face turns gloomy it's in the worried mode. You can't soul unison.And Full Synchro. It occurs when you counter an enemy. If you successfully counter the enemy, it'll freeze and your attack would be doubled. Okay ,just finish the Mettaurs. Follow the path to Akihara 2 and search for a zigzag path. There is a netdealer who sells HP Memory 1000Z HP Memory 3200Z Vulcan1 C 500Z Spreader* 3200Z HiCannon E 5000Z LongSword C 6000Z CustSword E 6800Z And find a portal. There, talk to the pink Navi. Then you Jack-out automatically. Then you get an E-Mail from your Dad (new pic???). Talk to your mom and invite Dex, Mayl,and Yai. Then head to Scilab. Go to your dad's office. A cutscene will occur as our friends and us.. go to Scilab a car appeared outside. After talking so much, a gas bomb appeared. All of the dudes colapsed. They're NEBULA GOONS!!! and look... who's familiar. REGAL!!! He will kidnap dad and all of your friend's PET. Good thing you are hidden... 2b)Katakana Problem! We Have to Solve This!!!! Well, finally ya woke up with your mom beside you. Such a long conversation... Jack-in. Akihara looks weird eh.. Head to Akihara 2 and fight the Heal Navi. Then head to SciLab. Before that, talk to Mayl to get Roll R and her P-Code. Go to your dad's Lab and get the ID card in his PC. Then go to the locked room. Jack-in to the big machine.Keep walking to a place that has a 3-digit letter of katakana..(I like spent many hours to do this....)The order is 762. Then... the second one I didn't really remember it because I made this a mess till I succeeded.., then the 3rd one... HELL!! 2 segments.. hurray...EVIL CAPCOM... the order is from: 1-2-3-4-5-6 to 4-2-5-3-6-1. Now click the purple thingy and head to the 2nd area. NOW THERE'S 8!!!!! ARRGH!!! The order is from 1- 2-3-4-5-6-7-8 to 8-2-5-4-6-1-7-3. Proceed..Ohhh worse.. 3 sets with 3 codes each..Why do they make it soooo complicated??? The order is 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 to 7-4-3-9-5-1-2-8-6. Press the purple buttons and shove to the next area. Then after reaching the puzzle you'll talk to the robot. seems that he won't give a clue. Head to the coffee table in the Lab and you'll get the code. You'll use Megaman again. The order is 1-2-3-4-5 to 5-3-2-1-4. Head forward until you walk to a slope. The guy with the sword, Protoman came. FIGHT HIM!!!!! PROTOMAN.EXE HP:300 Attacks: Hero Sword: Protoman will go forward and slash you with a very long ranged sword StepSword: Protoman will Step in to your area in front of you and do a WideSword Shield: Reflects your attack Strategy:.....Pathetic... just beat him. He's so weak that I didn't recieve any damage. Then go home and sleep. 2c) Frosty Mission Done? then go to the other room. Chaud is waiting. We'll have a conversation how he wants to form the Team of Protoman. Go to Akihara 2. There is the big gate there right, Protoman will just slash it and boom..... enter it. Protoman will explain how to liberate. i'll explain.. Liberating only can be done in 3 customs. You are wise if you bring Slowgauge* there.. You can be surrounded by 2 sides. So to turn left or right press L or R. Custom bar will appear automatically. All characters except megaman has it's NaviChips itself. Example: Magnetman's twin tackle attack his NaviChip attack. It will appear at the custom bar automattically. It's a special attack. The team's HP, charged shot,and the power of your special attack will increase in each Liberation Mission. Aim Phase is how many phases you should finish so you could get a special chip. If you finish a liberating boss exactly as your aim phase, like your aim phase is 4 and you finish it at 4 phases, you get the chip, if you don't succeed getting the aim phase you'll get money. Best of all, if you win it less phases from the aim phases, you'll get the SP chip. Example, you beat a liberation boss in 3 Phases even though your aim phase is 4. The dark squares are places you liberate. If you do 1 turn liberate it'll dissapear with some more dark squares. Dark holes are the thingies you have to liberate to unseal the squarey things surrounding the boss. Everytime you try to liberate a dark hole, you'll fight a miniboss:The boss that appear at a darksquare, like the beast thingie. You'll see. Mini bosses could attack you with it's special ability, so as bosses when you are on their special attack range. You also will have special attacks. Abilities: Megaman: Liberate Megabuster:attacks 2 sq forward Heal Protoman: Liberate Widesword: liberates 3 sq like widesword Save Heal Attacks: Charge: WideSword Special chip: StepSword 1st Liberation Mission Boss:BLIZZARDMAN.EXE Aim phase:7 DarkHole:2 MiniBoss:GuardianBeast HP:120 Attacks:FlameCross:Fires an attack in a + shaped style BLIZZARDMAN.EXE HP:400 Special Attack(in field, not in battle): Snowball 40dmg Attacks: Snowball Kick: Kicks 2 snow balls SnowyBreath: In the most forward row, Blizzardman blows wind and the panel that get hit will turn to ice SnowRoll: Turns to a snowball and charges to 1 row,then will drop 2 snows as obstacles Strategy: Beat him fast. If Darkloid Phase comes up he'll heal 300 HP. His Snowroll is annoying since he'll drop obstacles and block either the bottom or the upper row so you are more vulnerable towards his Snowball Kick. Use Protoman's StepSword wisely since it gives out plenty of damage. After beating this creep there's a cutscene. After it you'll get an E-Mail from Chaud. Then go to Akihara 3. The Golden Program lets you to do the Liberation Mission again. Go to the end of the place. Talk to the Prog. Watch the cutscene. 2d)The ISLAND of MINES!!! Well, after a cutscene you'll get an E-Mail from Dex. You'll get his P-Code. Go to the Metroline. Everyone's waiting... Watch a long cutscene then... You'll get an E-Mail. Then Jack-in to the siren. Go to Oran Islands area 3. Wooah,Giant Magnums!!! Protoman and Megaman gets pushed back!!! Well, Jack-out... Now we'll fish... Inspect the Bamboo, then the waterfall, the wood near the stairs(There's 2 stairs right, go to the place that there's nobody, the wood on the place..)and trees(well, I forgot which one..) After that a cutscene began again. Then search for the weird thing in the upper part of the island and the dead tree. After the cutscene, we get.....NaviCust. Aaaah finally. Now remember the trail, there is a cart blocking right. Now is NOOO. Okay, head there. There will be a cutscene where Mayl, Yai, and Dex fell to a hole....... Go to a slope where there is a siren. Jack in and buy the key for 1000Z. Go to the elevator and unlock the door. In boxes, there is a HP Memory. Just keep unlocking doors. Beware there is viruses..... You'll reach the upper part of this cave and see a girl in a very HUGE Machine. After talking, Jack- in. Well.... Later, I bet you will feel annoying... Like in Castillo... Talk to the Prog to get the Punching Program to break rocks. Just advance till you find the switch to move the 1st machine off. Second one's the same. the third one has a prog to give you the key to turn the switch off and there is a place that many rocks fall. Now it stopped and press the 2nd switch. Last one... Find the switch...Turn it off. Now just head to the place with many rocks fall and continue to the top. Save your game. MAGNETMAN.EXE HP:500 Attacks: Magnet Shot: Like a ratton. Bends when it is near you. MagnetField: He uses a magnet field leaving our normal panels in a + shape. MagnetGrab: Slowly makes a hole that paralyzes you Magnetball: A slow magnetic ball the paralyzes you. DualTackle: If his HP go low, 2 Magnetmans will try to Crunch you.. Strategy: Use many grass chips like the Saboten ball. He's slow. But his HP is annoying. Well, she is Tesla Magnet...Daughter of Gauss. After talking, continue till you find a door. A cutscene appears. After that you are called by Chaud to go to Oran islands area 3 again. There, you;ll see Magnetman that will defend and Protoman uses his StepSword to blow these up Let's liberate!!!! Dark Holes:3 Mini-Boss: Guardian Beast and Eagle Magnetman Abilities: Liberate Barrier: Prevent field attacks for a turn Heal Attacks: Charge: MagnetShot Special chip DualTackle Eagle: HP:100 Attacks: Sweep down: attacks you like diving You can't attack it while he's flying. Only when he attacks. Boss: SHADEMAN.EXE HP:600 Special Attack: Slash: Go to the closest player and slashes him 60 dmg Attacks: Slash: WideSword... well, like that. NoiseCrash:Go to your area sometimes and uses supersonic waves in a [- shape and could either stun or confuse you. Bats: Summon 4 bats to attack you. Strategy: He's ALIVE AGAIN!!!!? He's quick you know(At least.. Not as annoying like MBN4.)Use swords when he tries to slash or NoiseCrash you. That is kinda slow. After some conversation you'll get a SOUL. 2e)Fussy Clouds! After some cutscenes you'll learn soul thingies in squirrel. Like a maze, try to find Gyroman. Then after some conversation he Jacks out. After called by Chaud, go to Oran area 1 via Akihara. Find a Heal Navi, fight him and head to Oran area 3. You can fight Magnetman for his chip in Oran area 2. Well, the shop in area 2 has: HP Memory 2500Z HP Memory 6000Z AirWheel E 3400Z Recov80* 7800Z Cirgun C 8200Z Mine P 9900Z Guardian O 10500Z (sweet) There's a NCP salesman in Oran area 3. He sells: HP+50 1300Z SoulTime+1 3800Z MegaFldr 1 4700Z SelfBarrier 5500Z HP+200 6000Z SprArmor 7800Z Head to Area 1 now. Head to the other path(the when you go down you see a arrow. Like a shortcut...) Beat 2 Heal Navis. Well, go to the Oran area 3 and there you'll fight another Heal Navi. After beating em you go to the Scilab area 1. Go to area 2 and go to the clouds. A cutscene occurs and go to sleep now... Next day... Go to the island of Oran. Now you can fight Mr.Famous near the last caves Boss:FOOTMAN.EXE HP:700 Attacks: Football Kick: Kicks a ball that bounces several times Football EXPLOSION!!: kicks a ball up high. Yellow signs wil appear where will it fall CHAAARGE!!: tackle?? TOUCHDOWWWWWN!!!: well, he tries to touchdown. Very slow. But if he succeeds all your area=boom. Clones: 2 clones. Easy? Strategy: Easy. Well, I have no tactic here.. Now, Magnetman lost all of his programs and hafta jack-in to the machines again. The conveyor belt stops. You just hafta take the programs at the end of the place. Simple?? Well, now there is more cutscenes. I think Capt.Charlie, owner of Gyroman is behind this... Then head to Scilab. Talk to Chaud. after some Alarmic cutscenes lets head to Oran area 1 via you know what. At your arrival at oran, Gyroman is just in front of you and flies away... Find a prog near the brown path. Now you'll get a Vacuum Fan. It can suck clouds. If your vacuum is full there will be progs who'll empty it. There is 10 bars. Colors of clouds determine how many bars it fills: White-1 Gray-3 Black-5 Gold-1 (like a GMD. Have either iitems or viruses) Now keep chasing him till Scilab area 2. AFTER ALL DA ANNOYANCE WE WILL DEMOLISH HIM RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW! Boss: GYROMAN.EXE HP:600 Attacks: GyroBoomerang: Like MagnetShoot but can go diagonally. SpinTornado: Shoots wind 3 sq ahead. More near to him=less dmg. Farther=more dmg GyroBombs: Turns to a helicopter and shoots bombs GyroMachineGun: Turns to a helicopter and shoots bullets Strategy: He's slow. He is pathetic, and easy. KILL HIM!! THAT'S PRIORITY NO.1 After this there will be a cutscene where Gyroman dissipates the clouds. Now let's liberate the clouds!!!!! New feature to Liberating. Barriers. Find keys on Darksquares that has a square. Aim Phase:9 Dark Holes:4 HE'S DA 1 WHO CREATED THOSE STUUPID CLOUDS. GO SLASH HIM!! TURN EM TO BITS OF PUFFS!! Gyroman Abilities: Liberate Bombs Away!!!: Destroys a Darksquare Heal Attacks: Charge: SpinTornado Special chip Gyrobombs Thank God Gyroman can fly over darkpanels.. Boss: CLOUDMAN.EXE HP:700 CloudBarrier: Clouds protect Cloudman Thunder Plus: A cloud appears at your area and sends a + shaped shock ThunderTornado:Turns to a storm and spin several times Strategy: Annoying. You may use Dark Lance if you have one(Borrow from someone!!) After defeating em you'll get the GyroSoul. Then ya get hit by a cloud!!! da whole team tried to help ya, but no avail.. 2f) Darkside.. After watching sum cutscenes where Mega has been captured, go to Scilab, talk to Chaud. You get Protoman. Then go to The BIG gate on Oran 2. Now go to Scilab 3. There is a pink Navi that sells things: Autorun 8BF Fuujin Racket B 12BF Millionare 22BF Lava Seed P 26BF AirShoes 40BF Poltergeist P 60BF Go to Area 4. Fight a Navi. you'll get a key. Go back to the Oran area 2's big gate. We need to go to the 2nd End area. But were in the 1st. The netdealer here sells: Vulcan 3 L 5800Z M-Cannon G 7600Z Barr100 P 8800Z WideBlade V 10000Z Jealousy J 12000Z Near the exit, a cutscene takes place. Megaman DS? after some talking the real Megaman says Protoman has to Jack-out. then he jacked out. Talk to Chaud, go to Oran and talk to Tesla and go to sleep. 2h) PIRATED!!! Go to Scilab docks and go to the ship. After the cutscene go out and talk to the blond man. Pick yes. Inspect the steering wheel of the ship, then the very front of the ship, and lastly, go to the pink chair in the near the entrance. Go back to the blond man. see a cutscene. Get 1000Z. After cutscene, head to the locked door earlier that you would see. The code is 11922911. Jack-in to the last machine. Then you'll see a Heal Navi, he ran away. To every portal thre's a virus guarding. After you reach the Heal Navi the operator jacks out. We also. THen go to the stage. A cutscene appears again. After talking about a loss of a Booster System that costs 300,000,000Z. Then talk to everyone. Then inspect the mirror. THere will be choices. I dunno, just pick anything.. Then go to the engine room. Inspect the ladder. You will be in the Control room. Jack in to one of the machines. In area one there's 3 gates. Every gate has a lock. So go and find it. There is also water gauge here. Don't get hit by the whirlpools. To restore the gauge, take bubbles. Next area would be more complicated with winds but still the same. Area 3 is hard. Find 3 damn keys to unlock it. Head to Area 4. Find a key. Unlock the gate and fight NAPALMMAN?? Boss: NAPALMMAN.EXE HP:800 Attacks: Machine gun: guns appears, trying to shoot you NapalmBomb: Throws 2 bomb the will explode in a + sign SuperHugeNapalmBomb: Throws a bomb that will explode. The yellow signs tells you where it explodes Strategy: Kinda fun using Protoman eh?? wait till he goes to the front row or use a couple of area grabs and slash em. Now, Nenji, Napalmman's operator returns the booster system. Head to End Area 1 and Napalmman will smash the HealNavis. Time to Liberate. Dark Holes:5 Aim Phases:10 Napalmman Ability: Liberate Napalm Bomb Heal Attacks: No Charge Attacks: Vulcan Special chip SuperHugeNapalmBomb: Throws 4 sq forward. Explodes 3X3 if doesn't hit anything Boss: Megaman DS HP:800 Attacks: MegaBuster: Stupid... Sword: What else??? Mark Cannon: What else??? Strategy: DS guy keeps pelting stupid buster shots ya know. He's easy, just fast.If you win the aim phases, you'll have AntiNavi M (crap!!). In the cutscene, Megaman will break the spell of DS. And of course, get a soul. Day end.. 2i.) The END (Area??) After some chatting with the team, plus Raika, head to end area 4. Nebula, of course rules here.... go to the huge purple thing in the upper part (WARNING! THIS PLACE WILL GIVE YOU A HEADACHE!!). Everyone pops in, including Searchman. Jack-out everyone... Go to the coffee bar in Scilab. Raika is there but doesn't notice. Go to pops office and inspect the BIG computer. Lan will take sumthing. Go to the place near the docks. Talk to Raika. Go to pops office. After some talking with Raika, go home, talk to mom, and inspect the window that has the doghouse. Go to the Oran island mines. Go where Mr. Famous was. There's an empty room with only a machine right, Jack-in, then go to the upper right corner and keep mashing A. You'll find something. Oh good, a new place pops in. End city. Go there. Inspect the man's table near the pagoda and get submemory if not mistaken. Talk to Raika, then talk to the man near the pagoda with a table that you got the submemory. Go to the pagoda. Go to the roof and inspect the left fish on the behind and get HP memory. Inspect also the eye of the right fish. Go home, Jack-in to Akihara 3. Search where an official navi resides im a 3X3 square. Talk to it and inspect the middle row's 3rd panel. You will find a door. Go inside. WELCOME. YOU ARE IN THE PAST OF ACDC. Talk to everyone. Also the dog but talk to the dog first. You'll also can be attacked buy viruses. Then 6 Heal Navis appear. Beat'em all. Now go to Chaud and.. go to sleep. A cutscene will appear where a Heal Navi and MEGAMAN??? Attacks Searchman. HEY, WE'RE ASLEEP YA KNOW!!! Go to End City. Jack-in to the horse. Go to End Area 3 and inspect the back of the pagoda near the End area 3 exit. Go to the pagoda. Talk to the holographic man. Jack-in to one of the katanas and battle a green navi, then go to one of the armor and fight the green navi again. Jack-in again to the helmet, fight the green navi, and then go to the holographic man again. The locked door opened. Inspect the golden statue and pick yes. Go to the place with 4 paths. A hard like hell mini-game. Beat out 100 karate fighters. The controls are used diagonally. That what makes the game EVEN harder. Press B to attack. Go to the left fish and Jack-in to the fish. We must find Ninja Progs to pass the trap. Here's a list of ninjas so you can get past the trap. Area 1 NOTE: EVERY TIME YOU SEE A PROG, TALK TO IT FIRST BEFORE HUNTING NINJA PROGS. 1 red ninja 1 silver ninja 1 blue ninja 1 red ninja ANOTHER NOTE: TO SWITCH NINJAS, JUST RUN OVER IT. Area 2 1 Silver ninja 1 red ninja 1 blue ninja 1 silver ninja 2 red ninjas Area 3 2 red ninjas 1 silver 1 blue Area 4 3 red ninjas 2 silver ninjas 3 blue ninjas After that tiring thing let's go on to smack Searchman. He blames YOU cuz you attacked him last night. Boss: SEARCHMAN.EXE HP: 800 Attacks: SeekBomb: Rolls a bomb that explodes in a X like style HomingSniper: Homes on you and shoot you 3 times Mole: Disappears for awhile Command Satellite: Try to shoot you with a satellite. When you step on the homing mark, it'll shoot in a + sign. Cracking the homed panel. Strategy: He is easy. I beat him in 15 seconds with my ProtoDeck. After the battle, another Megaman and Searchman appears. Apparently they're Heal Navis in disguise. Searchman will do what I call BOOMING them. Go to the big purple thing in End Area 4. Searchman will dismantle it. Time to Liberate. NOTE: No Gyroman. Many item panels (squared Darksq), 3 barrier keys. Oh goody.. Aim Phases: 9 Dark Holes: 5 Searchman Abilities: Liberate Lock and Search Heal Attacks: Chg Sht: HomingSniper Special Chip: Satellite Ray (Too bad the navi chip is like MBN4..) Boss: COSMOMAN.EXE HP:1000 Attacks: Cosmo Ring: Aims to your panel and spins several times Planetary Assault: Uses several big satellites to hit you. Ultimate Planet Shower: Opens a dark hole and shoots many meteors (remember Drillman? But this one is harder to evade) Strategy: 1000 HP vs. 5 Navis??? Who do you think will win?? Well, after some conversation everyone Jacked-out except Searchman and you. Of course. Get a Soul!!! 2j) All because of a Meddling Kid!!! After a conversation of Mayl and Lan and also meeting Jasmine, an operator, go to Chaud and talk to him. Go to the door in Akihara 3. Go where the dog is. Protoman will appear and a conversation begins again. Jack-out and talk to mom. Then go to the mines. Don't go to the caves. Instead find an old guy to the slope. Talk to him. To be continued 3) Souls Magnet Soul Abilities: Magnet Field doesn't affect him. Press B and back to stun opponents in the same row Charges Elec Chips Attacks: Chg Sht: MagnetPull: Pulls your opponent to the front row. You must be in the most forward row to succeed Gyro Soul Abilities: Fields doesn't affect him Can step on cracked or empty panels Doubles wind attack after using a wind chip Attack: Chg Sht: SpinTornado: Uses a tornado 3 sq ahead. The enemy in front of him will get damaged once, and the farther the opponent's place is, more multiple damage will be formed Napalm Soul Abilities: Can step on Lava panels Charged Fire chip will turn to a SuperHugeNapalmBomb Attacks: Chg Sht: Vulcan: Shoots 3 Vulcan shots. Search Soul Abilities: Can hit enemies with Invis or chips who make opponents hide Shuffle chips every custom bar until 3 times Attacks: Chg Sht: HomingSniper: Homes on opponent then shoot em 5 times Meddy Soul Abilities: Can use fusion chips(Napalmman with a stun capsule: opponent that gets hit would be stunned) Attacks: Chg Sht: Pill Bomber: Throw a pill 3 sq ahead and explodes like widesword. If it hits the opponent it won't explode Proto Soul Abilities: Raises Shield by pressing B and back to reflect attacks like Guard. Charges Sword chips to launch a step attack with the charged sword Attacks: Chg Sht: Wide Sword: Launch a Wide Sword Knight Soul Abilities: Unknown Chg Sht: Royal Wrecking Ball: Similar to a Kunai,eh?? Shadow Soul Abilities: Increased speed, doesn't get affected by panels Chg Sht: Unknown Tomahawk Soul Abilities: Heals on Grass panel Chg Sht: Tomahawk Axe: Launches a LifeSwrd Number Soul Abilities: I dunno since I don't play Blue Moon Chg Sht: DiceBomb: Throws a dice 3 sq ahead then explodes 3X3 square If it hits an opponent it won't explode. The attack result is determined from the number of the dice thrown. Toad Soul Abilities: Hides on Aqua Panels Chg Sht: Unknown Colonel Soul Abilities: Turns any normal chip to a charged shot (Fusion Chip like Meddy Soul) Aaaah Oober goodness.. Guardian, SuperVulcan, and non- elemental chip turns to our charged shot... Chg Sht: Turns obstacles to minions (Unconfirmed) Notes: To soul unison you must sacrifice a corresponding chip type: Magnet Soul: Elec Chips Gyro Soul: Wind Chips Napalm Soul: Fire Chips Search Soul: Homing Chips Meddy Soul: Healing Chips Proto Soul: Sword Chips Knight Soul: GuardBreaking Chips Shadow Soul: Invisible Chips Tomahawk Soul: Grass Chips Number Soul: Min/Plus Chips Toad Soul: Aqua Chips Colonel Soul: Obstacle Chips Chaos Soul Unison Gives you chance to use DarkChips without HP minus 1 Must Unite with DarkChips Have correct timing or Megaman DS will join your opponent Timing: Green: Charging Red: Release now Too late: Go Megaman DS!!! 4) Nebula Hole In Undernet 3, find another path to Undernet 2. Talk to the gold prog. (You must have 100 standard chips and ended the game). All I know is there is Liberation Missions vs V3 Nebula Goons. After beating Shademan V3 at a super hard liberation mission( wonder if we fight dominerd2 with 200HP, Bark with 250HP , And a miniboss of 300 hp and finish it in 3 turns in the last darkhole...) we'll get Duo's Fist or whatever it is. A MegaChip with a whooping 280 attack, guardbreaker, hits all enemy, cracks all panels. How more valuable could it be. You can find it also at nebula hole area 2 at a GMD battle. The netdealer here sells HP Memory,BugBomb, Static, V-Doll,and Darkwing. Forgot the codes and the price. To get to Nebula hole 3 you must have 140 standard chips. 5) V3 Navi Time Record Just a little extra for my guide. Please mail your record if you have the time record faster than me. Shademan: 25:59 secs Magnetman: 22:28 secs Searchman: 13:58 secs (in the guide, it's the V2) Footman: 15:73 secs Swallowman: 16:93 secs 6) FAQs 1. Q: Where do we get this game?? A: Japan,duh 2. Q: Where to get Bass Soul??? A: I dunno 3. Q: How to get to the Nebula Hole 6? A: Beat all SP navis in S Rank