Easy Folder FAQ ========================================================== By: Yababa(Darren Wang) BassHimToDeath(Rik Serrano) Megaman Battle Network 5 Team Protoman/Team colonel and all related contents and images are originally copy-righted to Capcom. ---------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents ---------------------------------------------------------- Use Control+F to search for what you want ---------------------------------------------------------- A) Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------- B) Changes From Battle Network 4 B1) Program Advance B2) Liberation Missions B3) Dark Chips B4) Chaos Unisons B5) Random Synching --------------------------------------------------------- C) Proper Folder Construction C1) Basis C2) Support C3) Defense C4) Fluidity C5) Combos C6) Flinching C7) Cosmo Prison C8) Body Guard --------------------------------------------------------- D) Soul Unisons/Double Soul D1) Team Protoman Soul Unisons/Double Soul D2) Team Colonel Soul Unisons/Double Soul D3) Team Protoman Chaos Unisons D4) Team Colonel Chaos Unisons --------------------------------------------------------- E) Megaman's Emotional Status E1) Anxious E2) Full Synchro E3) Anger E4) Dark E5) Karma System --------------------------------------------------------- F) SP/DS Navi Chips F1) SP Navi Chips F2) DS Navi Chips. --------------------------------------------------------- G) EZ Folders G1) Toxic Bolt G2) Sputnik Battery G3) Radar Command G4) Dainslef G5) Ophidian Bullet G6) Lightning Bug G7) ------------------------------------------ H) FAQS!!! ------------------------------------------ I) CREDITS!!!!! ------------------------------------------ J) SPECIAL THANKS!!!! ------------------------------------------ K) Legal Stuff ------------------------------------------ L) Contact Us |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| A) Introduction |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| The main part of this game, is folders. Folders are basically the best thing in the game, and people can spend hours making folders. Every folder is unique in it's own way, and each can be played with great style. This FAQ introduces great folders that do not need any rare chips. They can still be played with good style and are just as powerful, and you can win netbattles easily with them. Please bare in mind when reading this FAQ, that there is no perfect folder. Each folder has it's flaw, weakness, or whatever. This FAQ contains a lot of Spoilers. If you don't give a **** about it, please read on. |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| End of Section A; Introduction |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| =============================================================================== |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| B) Changes from Battle Network 4 |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| B1) Program Advances The system has changed in Battle network 5. In the earlier series, you could use multiple copies of the same program advance in each battle. Meaning you can no longer base your folder's strategy on one program advance. For example, if you have 4 copies of the chips to create the Program AdvanceLifesword, you can only use one. The rest of the swords will turn into useless crap, since you cannot form the same Program Advance twice in a battle. Why did Capcom decide to do this? I have no idea. But this does make Netbattling a bit more challenging. Yet, it also makes folder building harder now. Which is why there are less folders than in all the other Battle Network series. (Bass does not agree :P) B2) Liberation Missions This is a new system that's introduced in the game. This is a mission that involves strategy and skills. In liberation missions, You get a number of navis on your team. And you get to get to use each one team member, and they all have different abilities. The missions are kind of annoying, but they are quite fun in the end. B3) Dark Chips Dark Chips were somethig new that was introduced in Battle Network 4. Dark Chips were Battle Chipsthat dealt a great amount of damage in one hit. But these chips have their side effects. For each dark chip you use, you lose 1 hp permanently. Aside from that, you lose some Karma(explained in E5). Making Megaman's soul darker and darker each time, finally, making him 'evil'. In Battle Network 4, Dark Chips would appear at the bottom of your screen when ever Megaman's emotional status turned to Anxious(section E1). But the system has changed in Battle Network 5. Now, you actually obtain them as chips, and you can put them in your folder! cough* chaosunisonn cough*. B4) Chaos Unisons As stated in B3, you can put Dark Chips in your folder. You can also perform Soul unisons with Dark Chips. These are known as Chaos Unisons. When you preform Chaos Unison, your charged attack becomes the Dark Chip you sacrificed to preform it!! But there's a catch. When you are charging for a charge shot, the energy ball flashes from green to purple, and it keeps repeating. You can only fire a charged shot when the energy ball is glowing purple. But if you release the B button when the energy ball is glowing green, three things will happen: 1) You lose your Chaos Unison 2) Megaman DS suddenly pops out of your body. 3) He and your opponent start an allied assult, and you get yourself PWNED. PS. Chaos Unisons only last one turn, or else it will be too cheap. B5) Random Synching In this version, you can no longer gain Full Synchro(E2) randomly by using multi-hitting chips or performing multiple deletes. |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| End of Section B; Differences from Battle Network 4 |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| =============================================================================== |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| C) Proper Folder Construction |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| C1) Basis This is the MOST important thing in a folder. ANY folder. People who are new to the series tend to throw in a bunch of half decent chips, and call it a good folder. Well, it's not even half way there. A good folder, or at least any folder needs a basis, or a main strategy. A folder with: Doublepoint,Supervulcan,atk+30,atk+10,atk+10 with Full Synchro(E2), AKA Silver Bullet combo, would have that, as their folder basis. So the rest of the chips in their folder would be to support that Combo. C2) Support Support would be the chips that make the main combo/basis more easier to pull off. For example, in a Silver Bullet folder, you might want to put some panel grabs inside, so you can row lock them, making it much easier to hit them with your combo. Support is very important in your folder. It increases the fluidity and makes your strategy or combo easier to pull off. A folder will run very poorly if it doesn't have any support inside. C3) Defense Defense is also very important. When you are battling against a human player, you cannot expect to dodge all their attacks. Unlike the Navis ingame, humans actually have a brain. Some people think that they can simply dodge any attack, well the truth is, there are alot of attacks that you cannot dodge, even if you are extremely skilled at the game. What? You can dodge everything? Prove it. Wideshot from the middle panel, dodge that. Varsword using Sonic boom from the middle panel, dodge that. Widesword from the middle panel when you're column locked, dodge that. You get my point don't you? Defense is needed to protect yourself when you are trying to execute a combo or set up your strategy. Some defensive chips would be: Invis, Blinder, Barrierr, Life Aura. C4) Fluidity. Some people, usually those new to the game, think that a good folder is just a bunch of powerful chips thrown together, well it's not. A Good folder, has to have 8/10 or above in the fluidity section. It helps very much to limit the chip code down to 1, unicode. But, a good folder not only has to be uni-coded, it also needs to have a fluid strategy, meaning that the chips in your folder don't clash and ruin the fluidity. C5) Combos A combo is when you use 2 or more chips together and they have an amazing effect. For example, if you use a Rockcube chip, it does almost nothing. But if you use an Airshot at it, it shoots the Rockcube down the row, and it can hit the opponent, dealing 200 damage. This is called a combo. 2 useless chips can be very powerful when used in the correct way. C6) Flinching Flinching is when you use a chip, it hits them, and then they become transparent for a few seconds. This is flinching. You should always consider this when building a folder. You don't want to have too many flinching chips inside. This can cause your folder to run very slowly. C7) Cosmo Prison Now, many people have been trying to build folders around this PA. But this PA is not a good one. Why? Because Unenhanced, CosmoPris deals 540 max, 360 min. On the other hand, CosmoMan (not CosmoManSP, but just plain old CosmoMan) can deal 210-350 damage, and one Asteroid3 can deal more damage than the entire PA (Meggido) - and fire-element too. Therefore CosmoPris sucks. Although it does do decent damage powered up, PAs are not generally meant to be powered up. The best possible powerup for Cosmo Prison is DblPoint + CosmoPris + Atk+30 (remember, CosmoPris is three chips), and that means that each hit deals 60+60+30 damage, or 150. 150*6=900. 150*9=1350. Sure, with Full Synchro, that reaches 2700, but be honest with yourself, is it really going to happen? First of all, you would HAVE to get Full Synchro the turn before you use CosmoPrison; but since CosmoPris powered up is five chips that means you're going to have to get REALLY lucky with Custom+1 or Custom+2 (can't use SearchSoul or NumberSoul but you need to get CosmoPrison and a chip or two for Full Synchro and have them all ready to use). Now, a SuperVulcan with DblPoint and Atk+30 (and some form of paralysis)... Let's see how that measures up. 60+10+30=100. 100*12=1200 max - for THREE chips. Which means, of course, that Full Synchro is that much easier to get. Or maybe a Meteors3 with no powerups at all, courtesy of Megiddo? Around 800 damage? 1600 with Full Synchro (a bit hard to pull off but it CAN happen)? Really, the only thing you're getting out of CosmoPris that you can't get out of anything else is the time-freeze, and it's really not worth the work and luck it takes to set up. C8) Body Guard Many people have also tried to base their folders on this PA called Body Guard. Although it can do 3200 MAX damage, it's still a bad PA. PAs are not meant to be powered up, they are meant to deal some decent damage by themselves. And the components of the PAs can do more damge than the PA itself. The Muramasa can do 999 MAX damage. And the Anti-Navi chip can steal one of the oponents navi chips and take it as your own. And the fact that Body Guard Time Freezes to announce the action, which makes it flawed, since you can Time Freeze Counter it. C9) Holy Dream There was an extremely powerful Combo in BN4 called the Final Judgement. Which was Holy Dream plus alot of power ups. This type of folder is no longer effective due to the lack of support and the "one of the same PA per battle rule". This folder used Life Swords as support in the previous version. Now, you can't anymore. |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| End of section C, Proper Folder Construction |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| D) Soul Unisons/Double Soul |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| Soul unison was a new system that was introduced in Battle Network 4. You can perform Soul Unison by sacrificing a chip of the corresponding element. For example, the element of Magnet Soul is Elec, so you would sacrifice an Elec chip to use Magnet Soul. Soul unisons give you the look as if you just fused with the Navi. Soul Unison allows you to use the Navi's ability for 3 turns. You cannot gain an emotional status while in a Soul. D1) Team Protoman Soul Unisons/Double Soul --------------------- Magnet Soul --------------------- Element: Elec Charge Shot: A magnet that pulls the opponent foward, and paralyzes when it hits. Abilities: You can press <--+B to make the enemy paralyzed for 2 seconds, you also gain the ability to charge Elec chips to do double damage. While in Magnet Soul, you take double damage from Wood Chips. Cannot double Time-Freezing Chips and PAs --------------- Gyro Soul --------------- Element: Wind Charge Shot: A tornado that hit's 3 times Abilities: When you are using Gyro Soul, you gain the abilities: Airshoes, and Float Shoes. Also, when you use a Wind chip, the propeller on your back starts turning, and the next wind or normal chip you use gets doubled damage!! Cannot double Time-Freezing Chips and PAs -------------------- Napalm Soul -------------------- Element: Fire Charge Shot: a Fire Vulcan that hits 3 times. Special Abilities: When you step on a Magma Panel, instead of losing HP, you gain +40 to your next Fire chip. And you can also Charge a Fire chip to shoot a Napalm Bomb, which does the damage of the chip times two. While in Napalm Soul, you take double damage from Aqua Chips. Cannot double Time-Freezing Chips and PAs ----------------- Search Soul ----------------- Element: Scoping Charge Shot: An automatic aiming scope gun, and it pierces Invis and Blinder. Special Abilities: Invis and Blinder is removed upon Unison. And when you open the custom window, you can shuffle the chips in your screen, meaning you have more chance of drawing PA's. -------------------- Meddy Soul -------------------- Element: Recovery Charge Shot: Throws a capsule 3 squares ahead. Special Abilities: You can attach different kinds of effects to Chips, you can add paralyzation, confusion, blinding, Hp drain, and recovery. Cannot add any pills to PAs ------------------------ Proto/Blues Soul ----------------------- Element: Sword Charge Shot: Wide Sword, 'nuff said. Special Abilities: You can charge Sword Chips to do a step sword. This lets Megaman step foward 2 squares, and use the sword chip with doubled damage. Cannot charge PAs and Time-Freezing chips. D2) Team Colonel Soul Unisons/Double Souls ----------------- Knight Soul ---------------- Element: Breaking Charge Shot: Royal Wrecking Ball, and ball that attacks all the panels around Megaman. Abilities: Megaman gains 2 second invincibility when using a chip. And he can charge Breaking chips to do double damage. Cannot charge PAs and Time-Freezing chips. ----------- Shadow Soul ----------- Element: Invisible Charge Shot: Long Sword, 'nuff said. Abilities: Megaman gains the abilities of Float Shoes and Airshoes, and can activate Anti-Damage any time by pressing <--, B. Also, you can charge sword chips to do a Back stab, which is when Megaman steps to the panel behind the opponent and attacks them. Cannot charge PAs and Time-Freezing chips. ---------------------- Tomahawk Soul ---------------------- Element: Wood Charge Shot: A 2x3 area Tomahawk cut. Abilities: Grass Stage appears upon unison. When you are stepping on a Grass Panel, you slowly recover Hp. When you use a Wood Chip on a Grass Panel, the Wood chip does Double Damage. Cannot double PAs and Time-Freezong chips. While in Tomahawk Soul, you take double damage from Fire chips. ----------- Toad Soul ----------- Element: Aqua Charge Shot: A paralyzing homing note. Abilities: You gain the ability to hide in Water Panels. And when stepping on a Water Panel, your Aqua Chip automatically gets a +30. You can also charge Aqua chips for double damage. While in Toad Soul, you take double damage from Elec Chips. Cannot Charge PAs and Time-Freezing Chips. ------------------ Colonel Soul ------------------ Element: Obstacle Charge Shot: Screen Dive. A green slash that cuts 3 squares ahead. Abilities: When an opponent is in the same row of an obstacle, a soldier pops out of it and paralyzes you. On the Custom Screen, you can choose Non-Time-Freezing standard chips and make it your Charged Shot during the next turn. D3) Team Protoman Chaos Unisons ------------- Magnet ------------- Element: Elec Charge Shot: Dark Thunder Abilities: You can press <--+B to make the enemy paralyzed for 2 seconds, you also gain the ability to charge Elec chips to do double damage. While in Magnet Soul, you take double damage from Wood Chips. Cannot double Time-Freezing Chips and PAs --------- Gyro ---------- Element: Wind Charge Shot: Dark Tornado Abilities: When you are using Gyro Soul, you gain the abilities: Airshoes, and Float Shoes. Also, when you use a Wind chip, the propeller on your back starts turning, and the next wind or normal chip you use gets doubled damage!! Cannot double Time-Freezing Chips and PAs -------------------- Napalm -------------------- Element: Fire Charge Shot: Dark Meteor Special Abilities: When you step on a Magma Panel, instead of losing HP, you gain +40 to your next Fire chip. And you can also Charge a Fire chip to shoot a Napalm Bomb, which does the damage of the chip times two. While in Napalm Soul, you take double damage from Aqua Chips. Cannot double Time-Freezing Chips and PAs ----------------- Search ----------------- Element: Scoping Charge Shot: Dark Circ-Gun Special Abilities: Invis and Blinder is removed upon Unison. And when you open the custom window, you can shuffle the chips in your screen, meaning you have more chance of drawing PA's. -------------------- Meddy Soul -------------------- Element: Recovery Charge Shot: Dark Recover Special Abilities: You can attach different kinds of effects to Chips, you can add paralyzation, confusion, blinding, Hp drain, and recovery. Cannot add any pills to PAs ------------------------ Proto/Blues ----------------------- Element: Sword Charge Shot: Dark Sword Special Abilities: You can charge Sword Chips to do a step sword. This lets Megaman step foward 2 squares, and use the sword chip with doubled damage. Cannot charge PAs and Time-Freezing chips. D2) Team Colonel Chaos Unisons. ----------------- Knight ---------------- Element: Breaking Charge Shot: Dark Drill Abilities: Megaman gains 2 second invincibility when using a chip. And he can charge Breaking chips to do double damage. Cannot charge PAs and Time-Freezing chips. ----------- Shadow ----------- Element: Invisible Charge Shot: Dark Invis. Abilities: Megaman gains the abilities of Float Shoes and Airshoes, and can activate Anti-Damage any time by pressing <--, B. Also, you can charge sword chips to do a Back stab, which is when Megaman steps to the panel behind the opponent and attacks them. Cannot charge PAs and Time-Freezing chips. ---------------------- Tomahawk ---------------------- Element: Wood Charge Shot: Dark Lance. Abilities: Grass Stage appears upon unison. When you are stepping on a Grass Panel, you slowly recover Hp. When you use a Wood Chip on a Grass Panel, the Wood chip does Double Damage. Cannot double PAs and Time-Freezong chips. While in Tomahawk Soul, you take double damage from Fire chips. ----------- Toad Soul ----------- Element: Aqua Charge Shot: DArk Wide Abilities: You gain the ability to hide in Water Panels. And when stepping on a Water Panel, your Aqua Chip automatically gets a +30. You can also charge Aqua chips for double damage. While in Toad Soul, you take double damage from Elec Chips. Cannot Charge PAs and Time-Freezing Chips. ------------------ Colonel Soul ------------------ Element: Obstacle Charge Shot: Dark Sound Abilities: When an opponent is in the same row of an obstacle, a soldier pops out of it and paralyzes you. On the Custom Screen, you can choose Non-Time-Freezing standard chips and make it your Charged Shot during the next turn. |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| End of Section D, Soul Unisons / Double Soul |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| =============================================================================== |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| E) Megaman's Emotional Status |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| Megamans emotion is very important in a battle. It will change, depending on how well you are operating him. E1) Anxious When you are operating Megaman very poorly, his emotion will turn to Anxious. For a more accurate description, receive a large amount of damage (200+), although that may also cause the Anger(E3) status. Being constantly hit with chips while not fighting back can cause you to enter the Anxious status (time stopping multi hitting chips work best). This status prevents Megaman from performing Soul Unison or Chaos Unison. There are two ways to leave Anxious mode: 1) Keep using Recovery Chips 2) Counter, and enter Full Synchro(E2) E2) Full Synchro Full Synchro is a status in which the next chip you use deals double damage. This x2 effect takes place after attack boosters. In the previous game, entering Full Synchro can be done by repeatedly hitting your opponent (random synching), or countering your opponent. In this game entering Full Synchro is a little bit harder to accomplish. Countering is the only way to enter Full Synchro without the Emotion Bug. Full Synchro can be on even after battle. There are two ways to leave Full Synchro: 1) Use a chip 2) Get hit E3) Anger Being hit several times in can cause the Anger status. Anger gives Megaman the SuperArmor effect, and the next chip used deals double damage the same way as Full Synchro. Unlike Full Synchro, it does not last after battle. There are two ways to lose Anger: 1) Use a chip 2) Wait a few seconds (take some time to chill) E4) Dark Using a dark chip will taint Megaman's soul with evil permanently remove 1 HP from Megaman’s base HP, and glitch him for the remainder of the battle. In addition to those effects, your Karma shall decrease In this status, Megaman gains a one time Undershirt effect for that battle. When Megaman reaches 1 HP, he turns into Dark Mega (for example use DarkInvis or Chaos Shadow charged shot). When in this status, Soul Unison and other status effects cannot be done. Turning to the dark side is not worth it anymore as you can only have three dark chips in your folder. E5) Karma System Every Megaman has 1000 Karma when you begin the game (1000 is max). Using 1-3 dark chips in a single battle shall reduce Megaman karma by 1. Reaching I believe 980 karma shall allow you to start battles with the Dark status. Meaning entering 20 battles and using at least 1 dark chip in each of those battles will earn you the right to use DS chips(F2) and other chips of darkness such as BlackWing and BugCharge. Not using a dark chip in a battle will increase your karma by 1. Having the SoulCleanser NCP installed and not using a dark chip in a battle shall increase your Karma by 2. |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| End of Section E, Megaman’s Emotional Status. |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| =============================================================================== |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| F) SP/DS Navi Chips |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| In addition to Navi chips there are two other versions of Navi chips: SP and DS chips. F1) SP Navi Chips SP Navi chips are special chips that get stronger depending on how fast the respective Omega navi was S-ranked under 30 seconds. For single hitting SP Navi chips, power is increased by 10 for every 2 seconds the Omega navi was S-ranked under 30 seconds. For multi-hitting SP chips, same rules apply but power is increased by 5 instead of 10. SP chips do maximum damage if the Omega Navi was S-ranked under 10 seconds (+100 for single hitting, +50 for multi hitting). There are 2 SP chips that have their own way of being powered up: RollSP and DjangoSP. RollSP is powered up by 5 for every HolyPanel on your side of the field. 10 HolyPanels means it does maximum damage (3x80 damage). DjangoSP is powered up by 10 for every turn the chip has been in your custom menu. 10 turns means it does maximum damage (250 damage). F2) DS Navi Chips DS Navi chips are special chips that may only be used by those with 980 karma or below. Meaning you must start a battle with Dark status in order to use DS Navi chips. DS Navi chips increase in power for everytime you flinch. Single hitting DS chips increase by 10. Multi-hitting DS chips increase by 5. Flinching 10 times in battle makes the DS chips do maximum damage (+100 for single hitting, +50 for multi-hitting). |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| End of Section F, SP/DS Navi Chips |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| =============================================================================== |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| G) EZ Folders |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| There is a small problem with folders in the RFF/FFF. As much as they are the best folders made, getting a particular chip for those folders is a rather large nuisance. This FAQ was created for those less fortunate to obtain chips such as AreaGrab *, Blinder *, NumberBall * and etc. There shall be quite a selection of folders to use, and some of these may not be as powerful as those in the RFF/FFF, but they are actually fun to use since most netbattles don't end within 2-4 turns. These are casual play folders and are easy to build if you ask BassHimToDeath for chip locations. The folders shall and must be labeled as Netbattle, Ingame, S-Rank, and/or Liberation. It also shall and must be stated on whether or not a folder is Soul based. G1) Toxic Bolt by Yababa Toxic bolt (ToP) ------------------------- 2 Bugbomb A 4 Voltz 3 A 2 Geddon 3 A 1 Anubis A 1 Darkthunder M 4 Thunder* 3 Seaseed* 3 Slowgauge* 3 Areagrab A 3 Blinder A 3 Invis* 1 Full cust* [Preset] ------------------------- Preffered souls: Magnet Strategy: Go into magnet soul as quickly as you can by sacrificing a thunder*. Now throw a sea-seed. There. You have finished your setup. Stand in your middle panel and fire a Voltz 3 after charging it. It's very hard to miss with this chip, as long as you stand in your middle panle when firing it. If it hits, it should do a nice 560 damage. This combocan be done four times. The Poisan Pharoah PA can be used to speed things up. The slow gauges are also there to slow down each turn, making poisan more painful.And since you've got a geddon 3, you can time your numberball very accurately. Pros: Poisan+a 560 damage that can be done 4 times. Very little setup requiered. Even if Magnet soul is gone, you can still win easily Cons: Poisan Pharoah and Voltz3 can't be on the field together Tomahawk soul folders can PWN you. ------------------------------------- G2) Sputnik Battery By Commiesk ------------------------------------ Netbattle Folder ------------------------------------ 4 Thunder * 3 SeaSeed * 4 SpShake3 T 4 Vdoll T 3 PanelGrab * 4 Invis * 1 FullCust * preset 3 Metagel T 1 Attack +30 * 1 ToadmanSP T 1 Toadman T 1 DarkThunder M ------------------------------------ Bolted Mines By xSHARDx ------------------------------------ 1 Thunder * 3 SeaSeed * 4 SpShake3 T 4 Mine T 2 PanelGrab * 4 Invis * 1 FullCust * preset 3 Fan* 3 Metagel T 1 ToadmanSP T 1 Toadman T 1 DarkThunder M Prefferd Souls: Magnet, Chaos Magnet ------------------------------------ Strategy: Go MagnetSoul, toss a SeaSeed, and you are set. Now for damage, toss a VDoll, on your opponent back column, and let loose a charged up SpShake3. The SpShake itself will deal 400 damage, and an extra 400 when it hits the VDoll. PanelGrab to get out of any locking and the ToadmanSP and DarkThunder are for extra damage. As for the Bolted Mines, same strategy basically, but with this folder, you are trying to panic the enemy with Mines, SPShake3, and Fan. The opponent won't have a second to move in for their combo. Pros -decent amount of damage -fluid -SeaSeed improves accuracy as well as increase damage Cons -lack of VDoll damage makes the other SpShakes more required -fastgauge makes you lose time to charge up the SpShakes -soultime +1 should be used --------------------------------------------------- G3) Radar Command By EskimoMario550 (ToC) ------------------------------------ Netbattle Folder ------------------------------------ 4 Pulsar3 C 4 BoyBomb1 C 1 ColonelSP C 1 CosmoManSP C 1 CrossDive C 3 CannonBall * 3 RockCube * 4 PanelGrab * 4 Invis * 1 Attack+30 * 1 FullCustom *[pre] 1 DarkPlus * ---------------- Preffered Souls: Chaos Number Strategy: The main focus of the folder is to toss a CannonBall to break the back middle row, after which you drop a BoyBomb in front of the hole (push it with the buster if necessary) at the end of the enemy area and use a Pulsar3 to Pulsate off it paralyzing the enemy and leaving the open for the Bombs impending explosion. The RockCubes are for CosmoManSP's Poltergeist effect. CannonBall is to put a hole in the back panel in the middle row so the BoyBomb will stay in the middle panel and hit all enemy panels. ColonelSP, CosmoManSP, and CrossDive are all support damage, and Dark Plus aids CosmoManSP's Power. PanelGrabs make the Boybomb easier to place and limits enemy movement. Pros: -Good defense -Fluid -Enough support damage Cons: -Not accurate if your opponent steals panels before you use PanelGrab -Can be a bit slow to pull off if unlucky -Barriers and auras will ruin strategy ------------------------------------------------- G4) Dainslef By BassHimToDeath ------------------------------------ Netbattle and Ingame Folder ------------------------------------ 4 CustomSword L 4 MoonBlade3 L 3 Timpani L 3 AreaGrab L 2 Sword L 3 Wideblade L 3 LongBlade L 2 SlowGauge * 3 Invis * 3 Lance* ------------------------------------ Preffered Souls: Proto Strategy: Just use a SlowGauge and enter ProtoSoul. Use several charged up swords and a CustomSword last for some good damage in a single turn. Life sword is there for an extra 400 damage. Moonblade 3 litterally can't miss, just Step sword from the front panel and let Moon blade 3 off. Pros: -bleeding from the MoonBlades -very fluid and accurate -great amount of damage Cons: -LongBlades may miss -more ProtoSoul folders -getting locked can get you killed ------------------------------------------- G5) Ophidian Bullet By XionTeikiatsu (ToP) ------------------------------------ Netbattle Folder ------------------------------------ 4 CircleGun A 4 BugBomb A 3 Geddon3 A 3 CustomBolt1 A 4 PanelGrab * 4 Invis * 2 SlowGauge * 1 Anubis A 1 Jealousy J 1 FullCust * preset 1 DarkCircle R ------------------------------------ Prefferd Souls: Chaos Search & Search Strategy: First turn, enter SearchSoul and PanelGrab the middle panels, then FullCust. Shuffle out for the PoisonPharoh PA and place it on your opponent middlepanel to rowlock. From there, hit them with whatever you have left and use the extra Geddon3 for more poisoning. SlowGauge to help the CustomBolts and prolong poisoning. Pros: -good against Invis and Barrier/Aura users -enough support damage -fluid -maximum accuracy Cons: -FloatShoes NCP needed to stop draining from poison panels -shuffling does not guarentee the chips needed to win -relies on a PA for most damage ------------------------------------- G6) Lightning Bug By BassHimToDeath ------------------------------------ Netbattle and Ingame Folder ------------------------------------ 3 ElecReel1 V 4 Volts3 V 1 NeoVari V 4 Thunder * 3 SeaSeed * 2 RockCube * 4 PanelGrab * 2 PanelReturn * 3 SlowGauge * 3 Invis * 1 FullCust * [preset] ---------------------- Prefferd Souls: Magnet Strategy First turn, enter MagnetSoul, toss a SeaSeed and any other non attack chips you chose, go back into the Custom Menu. Activate SlowGauge when you can and hit your opponent with the most shocking chips. PanelGrabs help with those that steal panels from you. If used properly, you can completely lock your opponent with the MagnetSoul abilities: Back B and MagBolt. Much practice isn't even needed to master this pretty cheap combo. Pros -2 charged up Volts with Ocean Panels deal enough damage to kill -SlowGauge helps with Invis users -really cheap combo Cons -requires a bit of a set up -can be inaccurate against certain folders -TomahawkSoul PWNS this folder G7) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 Pulsar3 S 4 CactusBall2 S 4 DrillArm2 S 4 RockCube * 3 AreaSteal S 3 Invis * 1 FullCustom *[Preset] 3 Attack+10 * 1 Attack+30 * 1 Double Point* 1 ShadeMan S 1 ShadeMan SP S PreferredSouls: Colonel, Number Strategy: AreaSteal the enemy once. Once that is done, put a RockCube just behind the, Arms Change with a Pulsar3, than Pulsate the cube, than while the enemy is paralyzed quickly use any CactusBall Chips followed by DrillArms and Attack+ Chips add to the damage level. The ShadeMen work excellently with the Paralyze Trick. Number Soul can also be used to sift through some chips to prepare the setup for the strategy. Full Custom for Chip scrummaging. BigNoise could be used as a finishing move but is not recommended if the enemy has enough HP to survive. Well that explains just about everything about this folder. Custom+3, and ChargeMax strongly advised. Basic Field Setup: [0][0][0][0][1][1] [0][0][0][0][3][2] [0][0][0][0][1][1] 0=Your Panels 1=Enemy Panels 2=Fanfare Trumpet 3=RockCube Pros: + All Non-Flinching damage + The opponent will be paralyzed for about 3/4's of the match, thus hindering enemy resistance + Utilizes Colonel Souls abilities (actually only one ability) + FastGuage no longer a threat + BigNoise could be used as a finisher + Anything else I missed Cons: - Requires a bit of setup - ChargeMaxNCP required - Anything else I missed |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| H) FAQs!!! Q: We already have the Renowned Folder FAQ, why have another one? A: Well, this FAQ is for people that cannot get the rare chips that the Folders in the RFF require, this FAQ consists of powerful easy to build folders. Q: I have a good folder, how do I send it to you? A: You can submit it in the Folder Submission topic on the ToP message board. |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| I) CREDITS!!!!! ---------------- Us, for writing this FAQ. EskimoMario550 for giving us the idea for this FAQ Gelmax, for info. about the Cosmo Prison. These people built the folders for this FAQ: Yababa commiesk xSHARDx BassHimToDeath EskimoMario550 XionTeikiatsu |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| J) SPECIAL THANKS!!!! -EskimoMario550 for giving us the idea for this FAQ -The people who helped build folders for this FAQ -Us, for writing it. -You, for reading it. -CJayC for creating this awesome site |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| K) Legal Stuff This FAQ belongs to us, BassHimToDeath(Rik Serano), Yababa(Darren Wang). This FAQ may NOT be posted on any place other than GameFAQs. Unless you ask us first. |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| L) Contact us. BassHimToDeath: Email: chaoticbass@yahoo.com AIM: TGS is BHTD Yababa: Email: evilhades13@hotmail.com AIM: devillaser |>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>|<|>| Done