Megaman Battle Network 5: Team Colonel Nebula Area Walkthrough By The Proud Canadian Version 1.01 July 28th, 2005 _____ _____ ' ___ ' ___________________________________________ ' ___ ' || || / -]Table of Contents[- \ || || ||___||<||||||||<------------------------------------------->||||||||>||___|| |=====| \___________________________________________/ |=====| '|||||' '|||||' I. Introduction/Greetings [INTR] II. Getting into Nebula Area [NEB0] III. Nebula 1: Liberate the Darkness [NEB1] IV. Bustin' into Nebula 3 [NEB2] V. Nebula 3: To Darker Depths! [NEB3] VI. Where Darkness reigns: Nebula 4 [NEB4] VII. Gateway to Oblivion: Nebula 5 [NEB5] VIII. Nebula 6: Lair of Lord Chaos [NEB6] IX. Nebula Area Bosses [BOSS] -Shademan [SHAD] -Cloudman [CLOU] -Blizzardman [BLIZ] -Cosmoman [COSM] -Knightman DS [KNIG] -Shadowman DS [SHDO] -Tomahawkman DS [TOMA] -Numberman DS [NUMB] -Toadman DS [TOAD] -Colonel DS [COLO] -Chaos Lord: Nebula Grey V2 [CNEB] -Chaos Lord Revisited: -Form 1: Megaman DS [CLR1] -Form 2: Bass V3/Beta [CLR2] -Form 3: Nebula Grey V3(again) [CLR3] -Bass SP/Omega [BASO] X. Version History [VERS] XI. Contacting Me [CONT] XII. Credits [CRED] To find a section quickly, press crtl+f and enter the code for that section. Example: [INTR] _____ _____ ' ___ ' ___________________________________________ ' ___ ' || || / -]Introduction/Greeting[- \ || || ||___||<||||||||<-[INTR]------------I----------------------->||||||||>||___|| |=====| \___________________________________________/ |=====| '|||||' '|||||' Welcome to my Nebula Area FAQ for Megaman Battle Network 5. This guide was written for the Team Colonel version, but it can be used for the Team Protoman version as well since the biggest difference is the team navis used in the liberate missions. I have written similar guides for MMBN3 and MMBN4, covering their extra areas as well. I guess secret area FAQs are my little niche here on GameFAQs. By the way, if you didn't find this guide on GameFAQs, please let me know (see Contacting Me section) since it shouldn't be there. Now then, this guide is all about getting you through the game's final and most challenging area, Nebula. You'll face tough Liberation missions, hordes of powerful viruses, and battle plenty of dangerous navis, including *him* before it's all said and done. Good thing I'm here to help, eh? _____ _____ ' ___ ' ___________________________________________ ' ___ ' || || / -]Getting into Nebula Area[- \ || || ||___||<||||||||<-[NEB0]------------II---------------------->||||||||>||___|| |=====| \___________________________________________/ |=====| '|||||' '|||||' Before we jump into things unprepared, let's go over a few things. Wait, before we even do that, have you defeated Nebula Grey? If not, go away, this guide won't help you yet. Going into Nebula Area without the right preparations is a bad idea. This place is worse than the Undernet so you're going to need a decent folder. What ever you used to take out Grey should be OK, as long as it wasn't made by sorting your chiplist by "Attack" and taking the top 30 results. Try to keep it within 3 or 4 codes, usually the viruses need more than one chip to bring them down and you need to have plenty of digital ammo ready. Here's what I used for most of Nebula Area. It's pretty much an altered S-Slasher, nothing special, but it gets the job done. Pulsar3 S x3 Sword S x2 Widesword S x2 LongSword S x2 FstGuage * x1 Invis * x4 AirHoc S x4 Areagrab S x3 Atk +10 * x3 Atk +30 * x1 SuperVulcan S x1 FullCust * x1 (Preset) ShademanDS S x1 ShademanSP S x1 CrossDiv C x1 (Replace with Bass Anly once you get it) Put whatever you like into your Navi Customizer. My only recommendation is that if your Max HP is below 500 you should use the NaviCust to get it higher so Megaman can take quite a few hits before being deleted. Maybe pack a couple good recovery chips in the folder too, they can't hurt (assuming your opponent doesn't have an AntiRecover :P). Jack in to the message board in Nebula's base to get into Undernet 3. Nebula Area is a stone's throw away. Head down the only way you can go and pass over 3 one-way panels, then take a left and follow one more one-way panel to Undernet 2. Continue forward and you will see a golden program. As long as you have Colonel's icon (defeat Nebula Grey) and 100 standard chips it will open a portal for you. I already had 100 standard chips before Nebula Grey so it shouldn't be too hard to get some more if you need to. Hang around the Undernet and bust some viruses for awhile, or revisit some shops and buy a few missing chips. Once you've met both requirements the program will be happy to let you into Nebula Area. You'll run headfirst into a Liberate Mission! How many times do we have to kill Shademan anyways? Django needs to finish him off for good or something... _____ _____ ' ___ ' ___________________________________________ ' ___ ' || || / -]Nebula 1: Liberate the Darkness[- \ || || ||___||<||||||||<-[NEB1]------------III--------------------->||||||||>||___|| |=====| \___________________________________________/ |=====| '|||||' '|||||' Nebula Area shows you it isn't messing around here by tossing out a tough liberate mission as soon as you enter. You've got to work your way up to Shademan, unlocking 2 barriers and cleaning up 5 DarkHoles on the way. Megaman looks a little nervous at first, being all alone. Fear not, Colonel warps in and offers his help, as well as the aid of Numberman, Knightman, and Tomahawkman. Here's a basic map to give you an idea of where you need to go: S - Start N - Darkloid Navi k - Key 1 D - Dark Hole K - Key 2 1 - Barrier 1 B - Bonus Panel 2 - Barrier 2 # - Dark Panel H - Heart C - BattleChip Z - Zenny F - BugFrag ! - Trap O - Order Points M - Miniboss 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 01 02 [#] 03 [#][#][#] [#][#][#] 04 [1][#][D][#][#][#][N][#] 05 [!] [O] [ ][1][M][#][#] [#][#][#] 06[#][#][#][B][#][ ][#][ ][#][2][#][#][#][1][1][1] [#] 07[#][M][#][#][#][#][ ][C][#][2][#][D][#][#][ ] 08[D][#][C][#][ ][ ][#][!][ ][2][#][#][M][H] 09 [H][ ][2][ ][#][#][F] 10 [B] [!] [Z][!][2][2][2][2][2] 11[k][#][ ][#][ ][#][ ][!][C][#][#][#][#][#] 12[ ][#][#][#][ ][#][ ][!][Z][ ][ ][#][#][ ] 13[O][ ][#][#][#][#][H][#][#] [ ][#][#][B] 14[#][ ][#][ ][ ][#][#][D][#] [#][#][#] 15[ ][#][ ][#][#][#][#][M][#][B] [!][#][ ] 16[#][ ][#][M][#][C][#][#][ ] [#][M][#] 17[ ][#][Z][#][ ][#][#][ ][ ] [#][D][#] 18[#][#][#][ ][#][ ][#][ ][ ][ ] [#][#][#][!] 19[ ][ ][ ][#][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [O][K][F] 20[ ][S][ ] You have 12 turns to get this mission done if you want a battlechip as a reward. 11 or 12 will get you a ShademanDS S chip, while 10 or less gives you the BlackWing W chip. The Barrier keys are located off in distant corners as usual. One is in the top left corner of the large square you start in, the other is in the center of 3 item panels at the end of the right path you can take when you get out of the starting square area. Order points are quite rare here, so you'll want to pick up as many as you can to make good use of your navis' special abilities. Oh, and one tip for the boss, actually all Liberation bosses. Be sure you remove the panels to the left and right of them. This will let you fight them with an extra row advantage, allowing attacks to connect much easier. After you complete the mission for the first time, you will recieve a bonus chip, "JusticeOne J" from an unknown donor. _____ _____ ' ___ ' ___________________________________________ ' ___ ' || || / -]Bustin' into Nebula 3[- \ || || ||___||<||||||||<-[NEB2]------------IV---------------------->||||||||>||___|| |=====| \___________________________________________/ |=====| '|||||' '|||||' Nebula 2 consists of several warp panels, a shop, and a few items. From the starting point, you've only got one path you can take. Step on the warp panel and you'll be sent to a small loop of with 3 warps. Follow the one-way panels and take the first warp to grab a Recover 300 chip. Return to the loop and take the next one to reach a section with another blue mystery data and another warp. Take that warp since it's your only option anyways and head down if you have an Unlocker with you. Return to the square with the warp and take the other way out of it. Go right to end up at a warp that leads to the shop. If you've got the cash there's some good stuff there, including a few very expensive HP Memories. When the spending spree is over go back to that fork and take the left route to wind up at yet another warp, this one leading to a gate blocking the entrance to Nebula 3. It requires 140 standard chips to pass. Ah, now this section's title makes sense, right? Chances are you won't even be close to this number yet (I was about 30 short when I got here). So go on a little busting tour of the net and grab all those shiny new chips ending in "2". Opening the Nebula Hole upgraded ALL the viruses on the net to their V2 form, in case you didn't notice. This could be a good time to use the Collect NCP. With it you will always get a chip from a battle, never money. It can be found in End Area 1, in a locked mystery data. Go fight some battles, check out all the stores and buy any standard chips you don't have, and of course pay a visit to the chip traders (located in Higsby's shop, on the boat, and outside of the mines). Head back to Nebula 2 once you have enough chips and prepare for another Liberation! _____ _____ ' ___ ' ___________________________________________ ' ___ ' || || / -]Nebula 3: To Darker Depths![- \ || || ||___||<||||||||<-[NEB3]-------------V---------------------->||||||||>||___|| |=====| \___________________________________________/ |=====| '|||||' '|||||' This time it's Cloudman who's trying to stop your advancement. We'll show him though! Tomahawkman, Shadowman, Toadman, and Numberman show up to help. It seems Colonel is busy and no word on Knightman. You'll have 14 phases to take out this area, with a completion time of 12 phases or fewer will net you a Muramasa M chip (sweeeet). 13 or 14 will get you CloudmanDS C. Now that you know what's waiting at the end of the tunnel, let's get to it! Once again, the map. Unfortunately, this area was too wide to fit on here, so I have cut out a row on each side. Don't worry, all that's missing is 4 blank panels on the end you start on, and 3 dark panels next to Cloudman. S - Start N - Darkloid Navi k - Key 1 D - Dark Hole K - Key 2 1 - Barrier 1 B - Bonus Panel 2 - Barrier 2 # - Dark Panel H - Heart C - BattleChip Z - Zenny F - BugFrag ! - Trap O - Order Points M - Miniboss 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 01 [ ] 02 [!][#][O] 03 [ ][#] [C] [ ][#][D][#][ ][ ] 04[ ][#][#][#] [ ][#][ ] [ ][!][M][F] [ ] 05[#][#][#][D][1][#][#][ ] [ ][ ][#][ ] [ ][ ] [#][#] 06[1][#][M][#][!][#][M][#] [ ][ ][#][#] [ ][ ][ ] [#][N] 07[#][ ][#] [1][#][#][#] [1][1][1] [#][#][#][#] [#][#] 08[#][#] [ ][#][O] [#][#][#] [#][#][2][2][#][#] [ ] 09[#][#] [#][#] [#][Z][Z][Z] [#][O][M][D][2][#][B] [ ] 10[ ][ ] [ ][#][#][#] [#][Z][Z][!][!][!] [#][#][#][#][#][#] [ ] 11[S][ ] [ ][#][1][#][ ][#][Z][Z][M][D][!][B] [#][#][#][!][#] [ ] 12 [1][#][#][M][#][#][Z][Z][!][!][!] [ ][ ][#][#][#] [ ] 13 [#][#][D][#][#][ ][Z][Z][Z] [#] [ ][#][M][#][2][ ] 14 [#][#][#] [ ][ ] [#][K][#] [Z][#][#] 15 [Z][H][#][#][B] [ ] [#][H][#][#][ ] 16 [k][Z][!][Z][Z][#] [#] [#] 17 [#] [Z][Z][Z][#] 18 [ ][ ] There are 2 barriers again, but this time they are used for another purpose besides simply blocking your progression. There are a few placed in spots that force you to attack certain panels, or go around them and waste time. Use Shadowman's ability to walk over dark panels to find those key quickly and make your path much easier. Oh, that's right, you don't know where they are yet... Key #1 is at the southern tip of that patch of item panels right near the first bonus panel you will reach. #2 is at the tip of that other little peninsula sticking out right before the straight path to Cloudman. Get the first miniboss and/or DarkHole out of the way and let Shadowman get to the small patch of cleared panels next to the item patch that houses key #1. Remember to make use of Toadman's melody to blast a straight line through a large area of dark panels when it's needed. You've got a long time to finish this one, so don't rush in too fast or you'll be overwhlemed. The DarkHole battles especially can be very difficult if the enemy has too much of a terrain advantage. On the other hand, many of the minibosses can be taken out in one turn when faced 1-on-1. Use this to your advantage, as a 1-Turn liberate can clear out many dark panels without spending any order points! If you make good use of your navis' powers and watch your order points, you'll be fine. After all, it gets harder than this... Finish up the mission and check out where Cloudman was. What? Another portal to a dark world? Aren't we in one? Seems we've only breached the surface of this place. The golden program will be ready to open the door right away, as far as I can tell. It mentions 140 SFrags, which you needed to get into Nebula 3 in the first place. It says something else about having the power to defeat darkness too. I'm not sure if that means there was another goal I had already met, or if the program was just trying to be mysterious and cool. This is the kind of thing you can send me a message about, OK readers? Anyways, opening this will upgrade the viruses again to V3. When you're ready, take a deep breath and enter... _____ _____ ' ___ ' ___________________________________________ ' ___ ' || || / -]Where Darkness Reigns: Nebula 4[- \ || || ||___||<||||||||<-[NEB4]-------------VI--------------------->||||||||>||___|| |=====| \___________________________________________/ |=====| '|||||' '|||||' Here we are. Nebula 4 is full of gates with various requirements. 3 of these gates are accessable as soon as you enter. 2 on the right guard items, while 1 on the left leads to another portion of the area. The gate leading into a new section of the area requires you to have collected 40 Mega class chips. Go fight some navis, or buy some Mega chips from the shops until you have enough. Another gate accessable from the start requires you to possess 3 Giga chips. These are CrossDiv C (Given to you by Baryl in Nebula HQ), BugCharge (buy from merchant in Undernet, 100 Bugfrags), and Phoenix (buy from Higsby's shop, 25000 Zenny). Behind that gate is an HP Memory. The gate right beneath it says "Defeat your enemies throughout the Cyberworld". Have you met any of those black navis that challenge you to a fight yet? There are 5 of them total and if you want the GrabRevenge N behind this gate you have to beat them all. Here's their locations: (thanks to GTspot for this info) ~Black Navi Locations~ 1. In the crane computer, access it from Oran 2. 2. Right below the raised path in End Area 1 is a dead end. Or is it? Follow the invisible path to reach a warp that will take you to Undernet 1. The black navi is nearby. 3. Around the entrance to Undernet 3 in Undernet 2 is another one hiding below a ramp (he's hard to see). 4. On the raised crossroads in End Area 4, take the ramp opposite the entrance to End Area 5 down and step into the portal. The navi is in the small section you can reach. 5. Go to SciLab 4 and get to that warp in the center of the area. He's there. Back to Nebula 4, opening the Mega gate let's you reach 2 more. The first one you will see tells you to "Drive yourself to the absolute limit". Your HP has to be 900 or more without Navi Customizer enhancements. Grab the Z Saver behind it if you can, and move on to another gate. This one asks you to get ALL SFrags. Chances are you'll need to jack out and search around for some missing chips now. Remember how the viruses were upgraded when you opened the second hole? Go beat 'em up and finish off your Standard chip collection. As usual, check stores and chip traders for some extra entries. One more thing about the collecting standard chips. You can close both of those holes in the Nebula area. Doing so will downgrade the viruses, so you can fight some lower leveled enemies to get chips you may have missed. Changing the virus level also changes what you can find in green mystery data on the net. Be sure to check out all the possible items contained in various areas of the net when looking for those last few pesky chips. Get back to Nebula 4 when you've got them all and open that gate. You can now enter Nebula 5 and start yet another Liberate mission! Before that though, check out the first new gate you see. It's waiting for you to get all the Darkchips, a rather easy request. Get them all and come back to it to claim your DjangoDS D chip. There's one more gate you can get to now, it leads up to the raised walkway. Up there is one final gate with a Giga chip in a locked mystery data behind it! Talk about security! The first one asks for all P.A.s, the second all Mega chips. _____ _____ ' ___ ' ___________________________________________ ' ___ ' || || / -]Gateway to Oblivion: Nebula 5[- \ || || ||___||<||||||||<-[NEB5]------------VII--------------------->||||||||>||___|| |=====| \___________________________________________/ |=====| '|||||' '|||||' Megaman enters Nebula 5 and is soon joined by his teammates, minus Numberman and Tomahawkman. Colonel says he was investigating something called "King Chaos". He is apparently a collection of all the hate on the net. Fun. Anyways, we've got other fish to fry. Cosmoman is guarding Nebula 6, with Blizzardman leading the charge. I was able to fit the whole map this time. I'll probably add more detail to these once this gets posted. S - Start N - Darkloid Navi a - Key 1 D - Dark Hole b - Key 2 1 - Barrier 1 c - Key 3 2 - Barrier 2 B - Bonus Panel 3 - Barrier 3 # - Dark Panel H - Heart C - BattleChip Z - Zenny F - BugFrag ! - Trap O - Order Points M - Miniboss 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 01[ ][#][#][ ][1][ ][#][#][O][#][#][#][#][#][#][ ][2][ ][#][#][ ] 02[B][#][#][2][2][2][#][Z][#][#][N][#][#][H][#][3][3][3][#][#][B] 03 [#][#][2][D][2][2][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][3][3][D][3][#][#] 04 [#][M][2][#][O][2][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][3][C][#][3][M][#] 05 [ ][2][2][#][2][ ][ ][1][#][1][ ][ ][3][#][3][3][#] 06 [ ][#][2][M][#][#][2][#][N][#][2][#][#][M][3][#][ ] 07 [ ][2][2][#][#][2][#][a][#][2][#][#][3][3][ ] 08 [#][#][2][2][#][ ][2][2][2][ ][#][3][3][#][#] 09 [D][#][2][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][3][#][D] 10 [#][#][2][#][M][3][3][3][M][#][3][#][#] 11 [b][H][2][#][#][3][#][3][#][#][3][O][c] 12 [#][3][D][3][#][ ] 13 [#][3][3][3][#] 14 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][O] 15 [C][#][ ][#][#] 16 [#][#][#][#] 17 [#][#] 18 [ ][ ][ ] 19 [ ][S][ ] 20 [ ][ ][ ] Use Toadman's song to boost an ally so they can get key 2 & 3 from behind the barriers. My strategy was to work my way up to the left first and get Key 2, then work over and get Key 3 directly across from it. After those two are opened, most of the area is available so just spread out and take out the DarkHoles. It's pretty easy to reach Cosmoman well before the 16 phase par. As for Blizzardman, he's a glorified miniboss here. Take out surrounding squares to give yourself an advantage and finish him off. Order points didn't seem too scarce this time, shouldn't have trouble with that. Remember, both Colonel and Toadman can save, so use that function every chance you get. It's great knowing you can take a few steps back if you mess up an important Liberation. I can see this mission being done in 10 turns, it's really not too hard. Finish up in 14 or less, get Anubis A. 15 or 16 gets you CosmomanDS C. As usual, 17+ yields Zenny. Colonel will announce the offical disbandment of Team Colonel, but tells Megaman to continue on. Wow, he's lazy. Anyways, no time to reminice now! After all, we're not done here! Not by a long shot... _____ _____ ' ___ ' ___________________________________________ ' ___ ' || || / -]Nebula 6: Lair of Lord Chaos[- \ || || ||___||<||||||||<-[NEB6]-----------VIII--------------------->||||||||>||___|| |=====| \___________________________________________/ |=====| '|||||' '|||||' You'll notice a gate with a flame behind it when you enter. There are 6 of these types of gates in the area, each one holds a Team Navi's DS form. Each gate requests that you S-Rank that particular teammates' Omega version. Those are the random encounter ones. Everything resets when you leave, so if you can't open all the gates, don't bother fighting any of the DS guys. Go back and S-Rank those navis. If you need a better folder I would recommend the S-Slasher from the Renowned Folder FAQ, that's what I used. Quick list of Omega/SP Navi Locations: Knightman: ACDC 1 Shadowman: Oran 1 Tomahawkman: SciLab 4 Numberman: End Area 3 Toadman: End Area 4 Colonel: Undernet 3 You must fight the Beta/V3 form of the navi and jack out before you can randomly encounter the Omega/SP. The Beta's are in a set location in the area. Run around every inch of the place until you find them, or use this: Beta/V3 Navi Locations: Knightman: Square next to Lan's home page (where you enter when you jack into his computer) Shadowman: The end of the trail on the lower level right under the walkway to the store. Tomahawkman: Square on the left side from where you enter. You have to work your way around to it. Numberman: Take the first ramp off of the high level from where you get onto it (if coming from End Area 2) and take a left (Megaman's left) as soon as you get off the declining ramp. Toadman: The only large square on the lower level with nothing on it. Close by the square right before the End Area 5 entrance. Colonel: Work your way to the back right corner of the area. He's on the empty squre there. Return to Nebula 6 when you've S-Ranked all the SPs, and open each gate to fight it's corrosponding DS Navi. Be careful, these jerks will use all kinds of chips you've made use of throughout the game. See Boss section for the full strategy on these guys. Here's how the area is set up: Chaos Lord | Toadman---| | |---Colonel | | | | | | Numberman-| | |---Knightman | | | \____________|______________/ | | | Tomahawkman | Shadowman | Entrance Yeah yeah, I know. There's more to the area than this. Continue past Toadman to reach a warp that will send you to the BugFrag trader. There's also an invisible path between Colonel and Knightman that leads to a warp connecting to the large panel beneath the whole area. There's an HP Memory down there, as well as a locked LifeAura D. Man, that chip may be the only one available in every single Battle Network game! Well, aside from some kind of Bass chip... I really like this place because it's so similar to the boss re-fight rooms in the Original, X, and Zero series games. Ah, good memories. So anyways, beat up these chumps (whatever worked for their SP version should work here) and open the main gate of purple flames. Step onto what must be the furthest reach of the net and prepare to face Chaos Lord, an accumulation of all the hate ever present on the entire world wide network. A.K.A. Nebula Grey V2. Use the boss section strategy if you need to and make junk data of this hothead. After winning a mysterious voice commends you for your work but will tell Megaman to continue fighting the evil of the world. Wow, Megaman's never heard THAT one before -_-; Oh, he'll drop MeteoKnuckle M too. Grab it and get the hell outta there. Now then, Nebula 6 still has some tricks up it's sleeve for you. The next time you go back the flames will have returned and you can fight all the DS Navis again. Your busting time on them will determine which form Chaos Lord takes when you re-fight him. Average under about 25 seconds: Megaman DS Average between 25 and 40 seconds: Bass* Average over 40 seconds: Nebula Grey *After you beat Bass here you will get Bass Anly F. You can now fight Bass Omega in a random encounter in Nebula 6 too. Defeating him there gives you Bass's icon on the title screen. _____ _____ ' ___ ' ___________________________________________ ' ___ ' || || / -]Nebula Area Bosses[- \ || || ||___||<||||||||<-[BOSS]------------IX---------------------->||||||||>||___|| |=====| \___________________________________________/ |=====| '|||||' '|||||' Nebula Area has got the toughest of everything, including bosses. There are quite a few navis waiting to battle you, so you better be ready for them! \\---------// ==Shademan==[SHAD] //---------\\ 1200 HP Fought in: Nebula 1(Liberate Mission) ~|Killer Slash|~ (200 Damage): Shademan will appear in front of you and swipe with his claws in a widesword range. Move back, hit him, or use Invis. ~|Sonic Sound|~ (120 Damage, Confusing): Shademan will open his wings and send out a powerful sound blast. It pierces invis and will confuse you if you get hit (directional controls reversed) so DODGE! Area of effect: [ ][ ][X][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][X][X][S][ ] [ ][ ][X][ ][ ][ ] ~|Bats of the Night|~ (120 Damage/bat): Shademan will send 3 bats after you. Don't worry, they're slow. They may be too much for regular buster shots, so try a charge shot or a chip to take them out. Or, like most attacks, load up an Invis chip and relax. ~|Life Drain|~ (180 Damage): Shademan will appear in front of or behind of you and use a trademark vampire attack, draining health and healing himself. I'm pretty sure its the same amount every time, 6 hits of 30 damage. Shademan's Liberate mission has a par of 12 phases. The rewards are: 10 or less: BlackWing W 11 or 12: ShademanDS S 13 and up: 5000 Zenny \\---------// ==Cloudman==[CLOU] //---------\\ 1300 HP Fought in: Nebula 3(Liberate Mission) ~|Bolt Ball|~ (120 Damage, Paralysing): The dark clouds that constantly hover on Cloudman's area will send a small charged orb out in a straight path. Easy to dodge. ~|Lightning strike|~ (160 damage): A lighter cloud will appear next to you and send out an electric shock in a "+" pattern. Area of effect: [ ][ ][X][ ][ ][ ] [ ][X][c][X][ ][C] [ ][ ][X][ ][ ][ ] ~|Dark Skies|~ (160 Damage): A large and oddly shaped clould will form on your side of the feild while a wind starts blowing you back. Hitting this moving cloud damages you. Meanwhile Cloudman will vanish and several dark clouds will appear on his side. One will be bouncing a little. Shoot it. That's Cloudman, he will keep jumping from one cloud to the next until they are all gone. At this point Cloudman will be revealed and vulnerable. Depending on where the final cloud was this could be the only time Cloudman isn't in the back row. Use this oppourtunity to smash him with some close range attacks if you have any ready. Cloudman's Liberate mission has a par of 14 phases. The rewards are: 12 or less: Muramasa M 13 or 14: CloudmanDS C 15 and up: 5000 Zenny \\------------// ==Blizzardman==[BLIZ] //------------\\ 1600 HP Fought in Nebula 5(Liberate Mission) ~|Snow Kick|~ (160 Damage): Blizzardman will kick 2 large rolling snowballs down 2 rows. They're pretty slow, easily dodged. ~|Ice Breath|~ (160 Damage): He'll get into the front column and breath 2 squares ahead damaging you if you occupy one of those squares, and creating ice panels afterwards. ~|Deadly Avalanche|~ (240 Damage): Blizzardman roles himself into a snowball and launches himself down your row, afterwards 3 mounds of snow will fall onto 3 of your panels. Pretty high damage, watch out. Blizzardman is in the Nebula 5 liberation, but only as a miniboss. He serves.. \\---------// ==Cosmoman==[COSM] //---------\\ 1500 HP Fought in Nebula 5(Liberate Mission) ~|Cosmic Ring Toss|~ (200 Damage): Cosmoman will toss a ring up in the air. It will land somewhere near you and spin around, travelling in 2x2 area. Kind of fast and considerable damage, Invis is useful as usual. Area of effect: R - Where the ring lands X - Area ring swings through [ ][X][R][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][X][X][ ][ ][ ] -OR- [ ][X][X][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][R][X][ ][ ][ ] It'll always look something like that, but in different places. ^ ~|Cosmic Crash|~ (200 Damage): Cosmo will open some kind of warp hole above you and a metoer will crash down through it right onto you. ~|Astro Satellites|~ (200 Damage): Cosmoman will stand at the back and send out 3 large ringed orbs 3 squares wide at you. The rings can be destroyed, so that should be your first option. When launched from the middle row it will sweep through all squares, so Invis or a barrier to absorb the hit will help. ~|Galactic Void|~ (200 Damage/Object): Cosmoman will disappear and a large dark "tear" will open at the back of his area. Many small pieces of debris will fly out at you. They're fast, expect to take damage if you don't have a defense ready. Cosmoman's Liberate mission has a par of 16 phases. The rewards are: 14 or less: Anubis A 15 or 16: CosmomanDS C 17 and up: 5000 Zenny \\----------------------// -------------------------------==DS Navis==----------------------------------- //----------------------\\ THe HP and attack strength of DS navis changes based on your own max HP (not counting NaviCust bonuses). "1%YourHP" is just what it says, 1% of your max HP. For example, 1% Megaman with 780 HP is 7.8 (rounded to 8). \\-------------// ==Knightman DS==[KNIG] //-------------\\ 600 + (100 x 1%YourHP) HP Fought in Nebula 6(first gate on the right side) ~|DarkSoul chip Replication|~ (Variable damage): As a DS Navi, he can and will use several chips you've used in the past. Sometimes PAs too! ~|Wreck Launcher|~ (20 x 1%YourHP): If you are standing on the same column as him when he comes out of his stonebody mode, Knightman will launch his wrecking ball at you. It moves pretty fast for it's size, be careful. ~|Wreckage Crash|~ (20 x1%YourHP): Knightman launches his weapon into the ceiling (the net has ceilings?) and 3 sets of 3 pieces of debris will fall onto your area. Watch the shadows, and avoid them. ~|Royal Leap|~ (Cracks tiles): Not really an attack, but Knightman will jump to another panel, cracking several in the process. ~|Iron Spinner|~ (30 x 1%YourHP): Knightman will spin his mace ball around himself. He only uses this if you are close by him (ie: in range), so just back off and you'll be fine. \\-------------// ==Shadowman DS==[SHDO] //-------------\\ 500 + (100 x 1%YourHP) HP Fought in Nebula 6(gate right of entrance) ~|DarkSoul chip Replication|~ (Variable damage): As a DS Navi, he can and will use several chips you've used in the past. Sometimes PAs too! ~|Ninja Blast|~ (20 x 1%YourHP): Shadowman and any copies of himself on the field will send a small explosion down the column they are standing(floating?) on. Pretty slow, easily dodged if the explosion aren't on all 3 columns. ~|Shuriken Strike|~ (20 x 1%YourHP): Performed after Ninja Blast. Shadowman will appear high above his current panel and toss down 4 ninja stars. They are fast, but keep moving and you'll be OK. ~|Katana Slash|~ (20 x 1%YourHP): Shadowman, or one of his clones, will warp in front of or behind you and slash. If it's a clone, just shoot it. If it's Shadowman, hit him with a chip attack. Or for both, just MOVE. \\---------------// ==Tomahawkman DS==[TOMA] //---------------\\ 600 + (100 x 1%YourHP) HP Fought in Nebula 6(gate left of entrance) ~|DarkSoul chip Replication|~ (Variable damage): As a DS Navi, he can and will use several chips you've used in the past. Sometimes PAs too! ~|Totem Pole|~ (Multiple effects, meteors 20 x 1%YourHP): There's a totem pole on Tomahawkman's area the whole time. It can aid him in 3 ways. First, it can send meteors at you. Second, it can make Tomahawkman invincible. Third, it can recover some of his health. Shoot it with a charge shot to stop whatever it's doing, but it can't be destroyed. ~|Boomerang Blade|~ (20 x 1%YourHP): Tomahawkman will toss his weapon out at you. It'll will turn towards you when it lines up with you on a row if you aren't on the same colomn as it. Keep that in mind and be ready to dodge it. ~|Tomahawk Strike|~ (25 x 1%YourHP): Tomahawkman will bring his Tomahawk up, and swipe at you in a Lifesword-ranged attack. It's quite slow, just move out of the way/Invis it. ~|Tomahawk Crash|~ (30 x 1%YourHP): Tomahawkman will jump up, spin around, aims at you and crashes into that panel. That panel will break, and a dustcloud will appear infront of Tomahawkman that will travel forward like this: T=place where tomahawkman made impact D=Dustcloud [_][D][_][_][_][_] [D][_][_][_][_][_] [_][D][T][_][_][_] 0.25 s later: [D][_][T][_][_][_] [_][D][_][_][_][_] [D][_][_][_][_][_] \\-------------// ==Numberman DS==[NUMB] //-------------\\ 500 + (100 x 1%YourHP) HP Fought in Nebula 6(first gate on left side) ~|DarkSoul chip Replication|~ (Variable damage): As a DS Navi, he can and will use several chips you've used in the past. Sometimes PAs too! ~|Number Balls|~ (20 x 1%YourHP): Numberman will stand at his back row and summon 3 number balls that will advance on you. The number on them is their HP. Break one or use an Invis. ~|Number Trap|~ (25 x 1%YourHP): Numberman will plant a mine in your area. When you step on it a large 2x2 panel will come down and crush you. Watch the shadow, and dodge! ~|Number Dice|~ ((5 x 1%YourHP) x number thrown ): Numberman will throw a die 3 spaces forward. It explodes shortly after landing in a 3x3 blast. You can either destroy it or run. \\-----------// ==Toadman DS==[TOAD] //-----------\\ 600 + (100 x 1%YourHP) HP Fought in Nebula 6(second gate on left side) ~|DarkSoul chip Replication|~ (Variable damage): As a DS Navi, he can and will use several chips you've used in the past. Sometimes PAs too! ~|Frog Splash|~ (25 x 1%YourHP): Toadman will toss out a small frog that will jump from one square to another, leaving a water panel behind. Not too hard to avoid. It leaves 3 water panels overall. ~|Shocking Melody|~ (20 x 1%YourHP, stunning): Toadman will open his mouth and send a moving note after you. It's pretty fast, good time for an Invis chip. ~|Jump Slap|~ (30 x 1%YourHP): Toadman will pop up behind you and smack you. The set up is pretty slow, so you can get out of the way without much trouble. \\-----------// ==Colonel DS==[COLO] //-----------\\ 600 + (100 x 1%YourHP) HP Fought in Nebula 6(second gate on the right side) ~|DarkSoul chip Replication|~ (Variable damage): As a DS Navi, he can and will use several chips you've used in the past. Sometimes PAs too! ~|Justice Slash|~ (20 x 1%YourHP): Kind of ironic to name a DS Navi's attack "Justice Slash"...Oh well. Colonel will attempt to hit you with his slash up to 3 times (he'll stop once he does). This one is a little confusing, so a diagram is in order. All of them assume Megaman is standing in his centre panel. Slash 1: Slash 2: Slash 3: [X][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][X][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][X][ ][ ][ ] [ ][X][ ][ ][C][ ] [ ][X][ ][ ][C][ ] [ ][X][ ][ ][C][ ] [ ][ ][X][ ][ ][ ] [ ][ ][X][ ][ ][ ] [X][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] Note: Slashes are not always in the same order. ~|Colonel's Army|~ (15 x 1%YourHP): Colonel will drop 2 RockCubes on your area. When you step onto the same column as one, they will turn into soldiers and attack. There's a swordsman that will slash will a longsword, and a gunner with a Vulcan-like 3-hit attack. Easily dodged, move up or down. ~|Colonel Canon|~ (25 x 1%YourHP): Colonel will activate a huge cannon and take aim, taking some time to do so. Then he'll fire. If the shot doesn't hit you it will explode in your back row. The blast will spread one square above and one square below. ~|Cape Crusader|~ ((7 x 1%YourHP)x4 damage): Colonel will take his cape off and will throw it on the panel directly infront of you.It will then move forward in a straight line. If you get hit by it, you won't be able to move, and Colonel will come up to you slashing you 4 times. Colonel will only use this if he has low HP. \\---------------------------// ==Chaos Lord: Nebula Grey V2==[CNEB] //---------------------------\\ *Special Thanks to M-giddo for this strategy* 2500 HP Fought in Nebula 6(first Chaos Lord fight) ~|Dark Raging Flame|~ (100 Damage): A purple hole will appear on a panel next to you. A dark flame will come out and will go onto the panel you are standing on, damaging you in the process. This attack will go on as long as NebulaGray isn't doing any other attack. ~|Hell Fire|~ (200 Damage): NebulaGray will spit a flame on your field. This flame will then continue to follow you for a few moments. ~|Darkchip|~ (Variable Damage): Description: NebulaGray creates a darkchip that will turn into DarkMega and he will use one of the following 4 attacks: 1) Darkthunder(100 damage) a thunderball that follows you around. It will paralyse you if you get hit. 2) Darkmeteor:(150 damage per meteor) 10 meteors will aim at your posistion, 1 at a time. 3) Darklance:(200 damage) a darklance will hit the entire left column of your field, pushing you forward if you get hit. 4) Darksword:(200 damage)DarkMega will slash a darksword. ~|Dark Dragon|~ (200 Damage): NebulaGray will turn into a Dragonlike creature, will aim at you, and then crash into that panel, damaging and cracking all the surrounding panels too. ~|Leeching Hand Storm|~ (180 Damage): Nebulgray will disappear, and then a storm of 20 hands that will hit random panels come out of the hole. If you get hit, Nebulagray gets 270 HP healed. \\----------------------// ---------------------------==Chaos Lord Revisited==--------------------------- //----------------------\\ \\-------------------// ==Form 1: Megaman DS==[CLR1] //-------------------\\ 2000 HP Fought in Nebula 6(delete DS navis with average time under 25 seconds) ~|MegaBuster DS|~ (Psh, insignificant): Megaman DS like to use this a lot. Fortunately, it's weak and doesn't stun. Not a threat. ~|Charge Attack: DarkSword|~ (400 Damage): Megaman DS will appear to charge his buster and slash with a DarkSword (2x3 range). The charge is pretty quick so this one could catch you off guard. ~|DarkSoul chip Replication|~ (Variable damage): As a DS Navi, he can and will use several chips you've used in the past. Sometimes PAs too! Watch out for Giga chips too, those'll hurt. I got CrossDiv'D once right in the center! \\----------------// ==Form 2: Bass V3==[CLR2] //----------------\\ 3000 HP Fought in Nebula 6(delete DS navis with average time between 25-40 seconds) ~|Buster Barrage|~ (200 Damage): Bass will load up his duel busters and go to town on your area, shooting randomly. It's pretty hard to dodge this, but the larger your area the more spread out his hits will be. This, his weakest attack, will take out a LifeAura, so if you plan to use one pair it with a Sanctuary or HolyPanel chip so it won't go to waste. Invis is always a good alternative. ~|Hells Rolling|~ (300 Damage): Bass will move to the back of his area and send out 4 dark wheels. The range of this attack is a little odd, I found that standing either 2 or 3 spaces in front of Bass will confirm your safety, believe it or not. Standing DIRECTLY in front of him however, seems still hurt since Bass sort of thrusts his hands forward for the attack. They are harmful to Megaman...I guess. M = Safe(?) Panels B = Bass W = Wheel range [W][W][W][W][W][W] [W][W][M][M][W][B] [W][W][W][W][W][W] ~|Dark Arm Blade|~ (200 Damage): Bass will move quickly and get right in front of you or behind you and slash with a longsword (front) or widesword (behind). He may follow that up with another slash or two, switching postions at the same time. I found this to be his hardest move to dodge. If he gets behind you and you cannot move forward it's very difficult to get out of range of his widesord since you have to move twice in a very short time. A LifeAura + Sanctuary combo will render his attack useless. Or, there's always Invis, the most useful chip ever... ~|Darkness Explosion|~ (500 Damage): Bass will generate some dark energy in his hands and move to spot B on the diagram. He will then release the energy causing a 2x3 panel area to be cracked. You will of course be hurt if you are on one of those panels. I'm not sure, but this attack may peirce invis, so be careful. You should have areagabbed Bass at least once in this battle so stay up front and you'll be out of danger. If not, the top and bottm right corners are your only option. B = Bass X = Cracked (damaged) panels [X][X][ ][ ][ ][ ] [X][X][B][ ][ ][ ] [X][X][ ][ ][ ][ ] ~|Darkness Crusher|~ (500 Damage): Bass will leap into the air and create a dark orb in his palms. The panel you are standing on will flash and Bass will toss the orb down to it, creating a massive explosion that will hit (and crack) all the surrounding panels. Ouch. This one hurts. If you're caught without a guard, move to the top or bottom row and then quickly move 2 spaces vertically when the attack is launched. As usual, you can just stand there and laugh if you have an Invis or a barrier of some kind. You may want to walk over the cracked panels and make them break so they will be restored ASAP. M = Megaman X = Cracked (damaged) panels [X][X][X][ ][ ][ ] [X][M][X][ ][ ][ ] [X][X][X][ ][ ][ ] *Beating Bass here gives you Bass Anly F. \\-----------------------// ==Form 3: Nebula Grey V3==[CLR3] //-----------------------\\ *Special Thanks to M-giddo for this strategy* 3000 HP Fought in Nebula 6(delete DS navis with average time over 40 seconds) ~|Dark Raging Flame|~ (150 Damage): A purple hole will appear on a panel next to you. A dark flame will come out and will go onto the panel you are standing on, damaging you in the process. This attack will go on as long as NebulaGray isn't doing any other attack. ~|Hell Fire|~ (300 Damage): NebulaGray will spit a flame on your field. This flame will then continue to follow you for a few moments. ~|Darkchip|~ (Variable Damage): Description: NebulaGray creates a darkchip that will turn into DarkMega and he will use one of the following 4 attacks: 1) Darkthunder(150 damage) a thunderball that follows you around. It will paralyse you if you get hit. 2) Darkmeteor:(200 damage per meteor) 10 meteors will aim at your posistion, 1 at a time. 3) Darklance:(300 damage) a darklance will hit the entire left column of your field, pushing you forward if you get hit. 4) Darksword:(300 damage)DarkMega will slash a darksword. ~|Dark Dragon|~ (300 Damage): NebulaGray will turn into a Dragonlike creature, will aim at you, and then crash into that panel, damaging and cracking all the surrounding panels too. ~|Leeching Hand Storm|~ (270 Damage): Nebulgray will disappear, and then a storm of 20 hands that will hit random panels come out of the hole. If you get hit, Nebulagray gets 270 HP healed. \\--------------// ==Bass Omega/SP==[BASO] //--------------\\ 3500 HP Fought in Nebula 6(random encounter after you beat Chaos Lord Bass) ~|Buster Barrage|~ (250 Damage): Bass will load up his duel busters and go to town on your area, shooting randomly. It's pretty hard to dodge this, but the larger your area the more spread out his hits will be. This, his weakest attack, will take out a LifeAura, so if you plan to use one pair it with a Sanctuary or HolyPanel chip so it won't go to waste. Invis is always a good alternative. ~|Hells Rolling|~ (400 Damage): Bass will move to the back of his area and send out 4 dark wheels. The range of this attack is a little odd, I found that standing either 2 or 3 spaces in front of Bass will confirm your safety, believe it or not. Standing DIRECTLY in front of him however, seems still hurt since Bass sort of thrusts his hands forward for the attack. They are harmful to Megaman...I guess. M = Safe(?) Panels B = Bass W = Wheel range [W][W][W][W][W][W] [W][W][M][M][W][B] [W][W][W][W][W][W] ~|Dark Arm Blade|~ (250 Damage): Bass will move quickly and get right in front of you or behind you and slash with a longsword (front) or widesword (behind). He may follow that up with another slash or two, switching postions at the same time. I found this to be his hardest move to dodge. If he gets behind you and you cannot move forward it's very difficult to get out of range of his widesord since you have to move twice in a very short time. A LifeAura + Sanctuary combo will render his attack useless. Or, there's always Invis, the most useful chip ever... ~|Darkness Explosion|~ (600 Damage): Bass will generate some dark energy in his hands and move to spot B on the diagram. He will then release the energy causing a 2x3 panel area to be cracked. You will of course be hurt if you are on one of those panels. I'm not sure, but this attack may peirce invis, so be careful. You should have areagabbed Bass at least once in this battle so stay up front and you'll be out of danger. If not, the top and bottm right corners are your only option. B = Bass X = Cracked (damaged) panels [X][X][ ][ ][ ][ ] [X][X][B][ ][ ][ ] [X][X][ ][ ][ ][ ] ~|Darkness Crusher|~ (600 Damage): Bass will leap into the air and create a dark orb in his palms. The panel you are standing on will flash and Bass will toss the orb down to it, creating a massive explosion that will hit (and crack) all the surrounding panels. Ouch. This one hurts. If you're caught without a guard, move to the top or bottom row and then quickly move 2 spaces vertically when the attack is launched. As usual, you can just stand there and laugh if you have an Invis or a barrier of some kind. You may want to walk over the cracked panels and make them break so they will be restored ASAP. M = Megaman X = Cracked (damaged) panels [X][X][X][ ][ ][ ] [X][M][X][ ][ ][ ] [X][X][X][ ][ ][ ] _____ _____ ' ___ ' ___________________________________________ ' ___ ' || || / -]Version History[- \ || || ||___||<||||||||<-[VERS]-------------X---------- ----------->||||||||>||___|| |=====| \___________________________________________/ |=====| '|||||' '|||||' Planned for future updates: ??? ~Version 1.01 (Submitted July 31st, 2005) -Added Megaman DS's charged DarkSword attack -Yeah, that's it ~Version 1.0 (Submitted July 28th, 2005) -First Complete version, maybe last -Fixed the DS navi HP/Attack power -Added the folder I used to get through Nebula -Fixed some more typos (WHY CAN'T I SPELL CHAOS?!?) -Finished Boss info ~Version 0.91 (Submitted July 19th, 2005) -Second version -Minor update, fixed some dumb typos and added new details to maps -Corrected sentence about not being able to get V2 chips after opening 2nd Nebula hole (DUUUUUH -.-;) ~Version 0.9 (Submitted July 16th, 2005) -First version -Covered Nebula area -Covered all but Chaos Lord bosses in Boss section _____ _____ ' ___ ' ___________________________________________ ' ___ ' || || / -]Contacting Me[- \ || || ||___||<||||||||<-[CONT]------------XI---------------------->||||||||>||___|| |=====| \___________________________________________/ |=====| '|||||' '|||||' I can be reached on the Megaman Battle Network 5: Team Colonel board if you have a question or comment. Please try to contact me there first, but if I do not respond, send an E-mail to: jake(dot)henkie(at)gmail(dot)com Please do not send me stupid questions/spam/random crap. The boards can be used for those questions, nobody likes spam, and I get to read enough random crap on LUE. If you have a correction to make, by all means let me know. I will make the correction ASAP and give you credit for it. _____ _____ ' ___ ' ___________________________________________ ' ___ ' || || / -]Credits[- \ || || ||___||<||||||||<-[CRED]------------XII--------------------->||||||||>||___|| |=====| \___________________________________________/ |=====| '|||||' '|||||' Yes, here we are, the final section. Here's where all the great people get their thanks for helping me write this FAQ. Remember, if you're reading this any site other than GameFAQs, it should not be here! Let me know right away! Anyways, on with the credits...*cue credits song* Special thanks to M-giddo for letting me use his DS navi Hp and attack power formulas, as well as his info and strategies for Nebula Grey V2 and V3. Also for reminding me about Megaman DS's charged attack. Special thanks to GTspot for giving me information about several of the gates in Nebula 4 and listing the locations of the 5 dark navis you must beat to open one of them. Special thanks to MegaBoy for once again making some AWESOME maps for this game, just like he has for the last few MMBN games. These maps really came in handy for quick references to certain item locations, when making my Liberation maps. Thanks again, man! I really can't express how essential these were to my FAQ. Special Thanks to Capcom for making this great game and continuing the Megaman legacy! This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Their respective trademark and copyright holders own all trademarks and copyrights contained in this document. Copyright 2005 Jake Henkie