"Rockman EXE 5: Team of Blues" Soul Guide by Zidanet_129 "Rockman.EXE 5 : Team of Blues" and all related contents and images are copyrighted to Capcom. ------------------------------ Table of Contents 1. Prologue 2. Soul List 3. What is Soul Unison? 4. The Soul Unisons 5. Chaos Unisons 6. Soul/Chaos Unison 7. Version Updates 8. Legal Stuff & Credits ------------------------------ 1. Prologue (^1) Soul Unisons are back from the previous game! This time around, the Souls don't come from Tournaments (thankfully), and they still do NOT appear with Megaman when the Battle begins. The Souls are based on their respective Navis and they grant Megaman nice Abilities that will help him throughout the whole game (well, at least the part AFTER you obtained the Souls, anyway). I have included the Souls from ToB Version in this Guide, so make sure you don't look for ToC Souls in this Guide. To find the part you need help with, hit Ctrl + F to open the "Find..." Window, and type in "^x" and replace the "x" with the desired number of topic that you need help with. For example, to find info about how Soul Unison works, you can type in "^3" and then look for the information there. Now, enjoy. ------------------------------ 2. Soul List (^2) The following is a complete list of the Souls that appear in this game. Magnet Soul Gyro Soul Napalm Soul Search Soul Meddy Soul Blues Soul Unlike the last game, you get all six Souls in one playthrough. For each Libration Mission you complete starting from the second one, you get a new Soul Unison. After getting Rockman back from his DS form, you'll gain the Chaos Unison, which is the Soul Unison with Dark Chips. Below is the list of Chaos Unisons: Chaos Magnet Chaos Gyro Chaos Napalm Chaos Search Chaos Meddy Chaos Blues ------------------------------ 3. What is Soul Unison? (^3) Soul Unison is the term that describes the process in which Rockman sacrifices Battle Chip in order to call upon one of the Souls he obtained before to support him for 3 turns. In order to Soul Unison, you have to follow the following steps: - You must have obtained the Souls (You should have obtained your first one after the second Libration Mission). - You must have the Battle Chip that correspondes to the Navi you want to Soul Unison with. (This one will be further discussed later) - In a Battle, select the Chip that's to be sacrificed. - Choose "Unison", which is under the "OK" Button. - The Soul should replace the Battle Chip and become the First Chip of your Selection. - Now you can continue and choose other up to 4 Chips. - Press OK. - Before the Battle begins, the Navi's Soul joins Rockman and gives Rockman new abilities! - The Soul Unison should last for 3 turns. Afterwards, the Soul leaves Rockman. (Of course, you CAN lengthen the time with the SoulTime NCP.) ------------------------------ 4. The Soul Unisons (^4) As you can see from the list in section 2, there are a total of 6 Souls in this games. This section lists the Souls that appear in this Version and how to Soul Unison with them. ============================== Magnet Soul Description: A Soul that shows the electrifying friendship between Rockman and MagnetMan. Soul Unison: Sacrifice an Elec-Elemental Chip. (Chips with a sign of yellow lightning. Eg. ThunderBall) Element: Elec Abilities: Charged Attack: Magnet Bolt - Draws enemy on the same row to the front and zaps the one that comes in contact with the magnet. 40 Damage +10/Atk+1, Elec-Elemental. <- + B: MagnetFreeze - Freezes up enemies on the same row with a magnetic shock. Can be blocked by Shields and Barriers. Chip Attack: Charge Elec - Elec Chips can be charged up for 2x Damage. Anti-Magnet Shoes - Rockman can stand on Repel Panels without being pushed off. Pros: - Boost of Chips' attack is always good. - Can step on Magnet Panels without being thrown off. - Can draw enemies close with the charged attack for combos. - Can freeze up the enemies for some good hard-to-aim attacks. Cons: - The MagnetBolt is weak and makes enemies flinch. - In some cases, Magnet Panels are USEFUL for evading enemy attacks and you lose this bonus with Magnet Soul. - Weak against Wood-Elemental attacks. Acquire: After second Liberation Mission (against ShadeMan) Chaos Unison: Chaos Magnet Required Chip: DarkThunder Charged Attack: DarkThunder - A moderately-slow-moving thunderball that chases enemies, paralyzes and deals 300 damage when it comes in contact with them. Range of Hit: HHHHHH HMHHHH HHHHHH (Chases after enemies.) ============================ Gyro Soul Description: A Soul that shows the gusty friendship between Rockman and GyroMan. Soul Unison: Sacrifice a Wind-Blowing Chip. (Chips with a sign of a puff of wind. Eg. Tornado) Element: None Abilities: Charged Attack: GyroTornado - Launches a tornado that hits 3 panels ahead. Chart below shows the # of hits: PPPPPP PPM123 PPPPPP #x (20 Damage + 5/Atk+1), # based on enemy's position. Chip Attack: Wind Propellers - Using a Wind-Blowing Chip will set the propellers spinning, doubling the next Wind-Blowing/Normal Chip's damage. OmniShoes: Rockman gets the effects of AirShoes, FloatShoes and ShadowShoes, making him able to move over broken/mission Panels, not break cracked Panels, and neglect all negative Panel effects. Pros: - The double-damage could lead into some sick combos. Ovarshine, that is. - The Charged attack can be aimed for some good damage. Not too strong, but useful. Cons: - If you miss with the charged attack, you're leaving yourself open for free hits. - The double-damage requires a Wind-Blowing Chip to be used Acquire: After third Libration Mission (against CloudMan) Chaos Unison: Chaos Gyro Required Chip: DarkTornado Charged Attack: DarkTornado - Launches a tornado cross centered two panels ahead. Hits 8 times dealing 100 damage per hit. Pretty sick if you ask me. Range of Hit: PPPHPP PRHHHP PPPHPP ============================ Napalm Soul Description: A Soul that shows the blazing relationship between Rockman and NapalmMan. Soul Unison: Sacrifice a Fire Chip. (Chips with a sign of burning fire. Eg. FirePunch1) Element: Fire Abilities: Charged Shot: FireVulcan - A Vulcan that hits 3 times. 3x (10 Damage +5/Atk+1), Fire-Elemental. Chip Attack: - Fire-Boost - Fire Chips gain a damage bonus of +40/hit. - Napalm Bomb - Fire Chips can be charged into homing (as in, aims for the Panel that the enemy's on) Napalm Bombs that deals 2x the Fire Chip's damage. FireShoes: Stepping over a LavaPanel will return it to Normal Panel and the next Fire Chip gets a +10 Atk bonus. Pros: - Fire+40 + multi-hit Fire Chips (I know for sure that I saw a Meteor-type Chip a while ago) = PAIN. - Combine the Fire+40 with the LavaPanels for even MORE pain. Cons: - Weak against Aqua-Elemental attacks. - If your enemy manages to avoid getting hit by the Vulcan (or has SuperArmor NCP), you'll be the burnt toast. - The Napalm Bombs can be easily avoided by moving away from the Panel. - Failing to charge up the Fire Chips properly (it happens, no matter how good you're at timing) will result in wasted Chips. - You friggin' lose HP on Ocean Panels. - The Charged Shot is weaker, most likely to balance out the sick enhancements on Fire Chip usages. Acquire: After fourth Libration Mission (against DarkRockman) Chaos Unison: Chaos Napalm Required Chip: DarkMeteor Charged Attack: DarkMeteor - Randomly drops a load of aimed Meteors on the enemies, dealing 200 damage each and breaks unoccupied Panels that they hit. Range of Hit: HHHHHH HMHHHH HHHHHH (Only hits in your area if enemy is in your area.) ============================ Search Soul Description: A Soul that shows the true but hidden (<_<) friendship between Rockman and SearchMan. Soul Unison: Sacrifice an Aiming Chip. (Chips with a sign of a crosshair. Ex. MarkCannon1) Element: None Abilties: Charged Shot: Scope Gun - Fires a cross-hair at the panel that an enemy is standing on. A 5-hit Vulcan then hits the cross-haired Panel. Invisible and underground enemies CAN be hit with this. 5x (10 Damage + 5/Atk+1) (Someone please correct me on this one) Chip Attack: None Chip Shuffle: You can shuffle your current Chips up to 3 times each turn. A button that says "Shuffle" will appear on the bottomright corner of the Custom Window. Sensor: Invisibility and Yukashita are removed during the Soul Unison sequence. (Unconfirmed) Pros: - Murders enemies who use Invisible or Yukashita. Even one hit with the Vulcan will pull them out. - Easily pulls out P.A.s by "locking" (selecting) necessary Chips before Shuffling for other Chips. For example, you can "lock" Sword and WideSword and Shuffle for LongSword. - Deadly killer for immobile enemies. Cons: - The Charged shot is crap against rapid-moving enemies. - Rockman cannot move while the Vulcan is being fired, which makes him vulnerable while shooting. - The Vulcan locks onto a Panel before firing, so you'll be the one who gets shot if the enemy just walks away from the Panel before Rockman shoot it. Acquire: After 5th Liberation Mission (against CosmoMan, I believe.) Chaos Unison: Chaos Search Chip Required: DarkCircle Charged Attack: DarkCircle - A cursor appears and circulates clockwise in enemy area, completely NOT touching the center Panel. Press A to stop the cursor and five more will appear in the next three Panels. All four Panels will get hit for 300 damage. Therefore it's good if you AreaSteal once before using it to ensure all 6 panels gets hit. Should there be a VDoll on any of the locked panels, 300 more Curse damage will be applied. Range of Hit: PPPLPP PMPLPS PPPLLL S = Stopped Cursor L = Extra Lock-on ============================ Meddy Soul (Thanks, complete credits and cookies goes to Lourde Incarnadine for the info for this Soul) Description: A Soul that shows the fusing (NO HENTAI THOGHTS PLEASE!!) friendship between Rockman and Meddy. Soul Unison: Sacrifice a Healing Elemental Chip. (Chips with two hearts. Eg. Recov10) Element: None Abilities: Charged Shot: Capsule Bomb - Throws a capsule 3 panels ahead. Should it land without beind destroyed, it will blow up and hit one panel above and under it. If it hits an enemy, it deals damage and disappears. Chip Fusion: Two colored Capsules will appear on the bottom-right corner of the Custom Window. You can choose to fuse a Capsule onto the Chip chosen. The Chip is used like normal, but depending on the color of the Capsule, additional effects will be added. (If the Chip itself already has an effect, the effects of the second Chip chosen will override the first one's effects) The Capsules' effects are as follows: - Pink: HP Recovery for you when you throw the Capsule. - Yellow: Adds Confusion to the attack. - White: Adds Paralysis to the attack. - Black: Adds Blinding to the attack. - Purple: Lourde Incarnadine confirmed that it DOES give HP bug. As in drains HP during the battle. It only works in NetBattles though, so don't use it for in-game enemies. Pros: - Fuse the Chips for some VERY annoying effects in NetBattles or Navi Battles. Megiddo from RFF is based on this Soul. - When your HP is low, recover with the Pink Capsule. - The Purple Capsule MAY have the ability to drain enemy HP...... Anyone wanna confirm this? Cons: - This Soul's Charged Shot is Bomb-based and has a rather small range, which will render the Capsules completely useless should the enemy somehow avoids getting hit. - There's a short delay before the Capsule blows up. The enemy could just break the Capsule before it blows. - You can't fuse the Capsules with P.A.s. Acquire: After 6th Liberation Mission (against DarkBlues) Chaos Unison: Chaos Meddy Chip Required: DarkRecovery Charged Attack: DarkRecovery - ...... Nothing other than healing 1000HP. Not useful if you have enough skill to dodge enemy attacks. You don't get the HP Bug from the DarkRecovery Chip by using this attack though. Range of Hit: PPPPPP PMPPPP PPPPPP (Doesn't hit enemy since it's just a Recovery......) ============================ Blues Soul Description: A Soul that shows the rivalry friendship between Rockman and Blues. Soul Unison: Sacrifice a Sword Chip. (Chips with a sign of a blue sword) Abilties: Charged Shot: WideSword - A normal Wide Sword. 80 Damage + 10/Atk+1 Chip Attack: Fumikumizan - Sword Chips can be charged to be used as Fumikumizan, or StepSwords. Which means, Rockman will teleport 2 spaces forward, then launch the Sword. The range depends on the Sword itself and the damage is 2x Chip's damage. <- + B: Reflect: Activates a REFLECTIVE Shield that deals 50 Damage per reflect. (Overrides the NCPs Shield, Reflect and KawarimiMagic.) Pros: - The WideSword from the Charged shot can be used to Counter enemies. - Charging up Variable Sword/Neo Variable will allow attacking enemies who hide behind field obstacles with the Sonicbooms. - Reflect from this Soul may be weak, but it doesn't take up the space in the Navi Customizer. - The new Sword Chips introduced in this game *coughtSamuraiSwordcough* makes this Soul MUCH more worthy than it was in EXE4. Cons: - You'll HATE it when your enemies use IaiForm (a.k.a. Slasher) agaisnt your Charged Chip attack. - You COULD run into enemies while executing the Charged Chip attack. Your Chip will be wasted and you'll take damage if that happens. - Admit it, this Soul cannot charge P.A.s (DreamSword/LifeSrd, to be more precise) so you can't really do too much damage in one hit. Acquire: At the end of the Destroy Servers Scenario, after Meddy cures DarkBlues' darkness. Chaos Unison: Chaos Blues Chip Required: DarkSword Charged Attack: DarkSword - Launches a sword slash covering a 2x3 area dealing 400 damage. Broken. Range of Hit: PPHHPP PMHHPP PPHHPP ------------------------------ 5. Chaos Unison (^5) Well, notice how the Dark Chips can actually be placed in your Folders (instead of appearing when Rockman gets worried like in EXE4) and be used as normal Chips? That's a hint about how they can be used for a special Soul Unison called Chaos Unison. The Chaos Unisons have the following effects: - Becomes available after the Libration Mission against DarkRockman. - Occurs when Rockman Soul Unisons with a Dark Chip. - The Chaos Unisons correspond to the Soul Unisons available to you. - Apparently much more powerful than the normal Soul Unisons. - Charged attacks are based on the Dark Chip that you used to Chaos Unison with. - The Chaos Unison lasts for ONE turn and cannot be increased with SoulTime NCP. - You do NOT lose 1HP permanently, like you would when you use a Dark Chip. - Should Rockman launch the Charged Shot when the charge sphere is in the color of teal (instead of the normal purplish-pink), RockmanDS will break apart from Rockman and join forces with the enemies. - RockmanDS has no HP so it can't be deleted normally - he can only be hurt by Chips that can damage but have no damage values, such as AreaSteal and such. - Rockman will return to his normal mode (no Soul Unisons) if RockmanDS breaks out. - You CANNOT switch from one Chaos Unison to another. Which means you need to wait for one turn before Chaos Unisoning (is that even a word?) using another Dark Chip. Below is a list of Chaos Unisons in this game and the Dark Chips needed for the Chaos Unison, in case if you missed them in the details about Souls: - Chaos Magnet: Dark Thunder - Chaos Gyro: Dark Tornado - Chaos Napalm: Dark Meteor - Chaos Search: Dark Circle - Chaos Meddy: Dark Recovery - Chaos Blues: Dark Sword ------------------------------ 6. Soul Unison (^6) So now we've got the basic idea of Soul Unison and what the Souls do. There ARE some important things that you may want to pay attention to, though...... - Soul Unison is available in Normal Mode (normal portrait), Anger Mode (angry-looking Rockman portrait on orange background, and Full-Synchro Mode (mask-less Rockman in "line mode"). - If Rockman gets into the Anxious Mode (worried-looking Rockman with green background), you won't be able to use Soul Unison anymore. However, I would assume that Chaos Unison becomes available at this point. - Soul Unison is also unavailable in Dark Mode (evil-looking Rockman with purple background). The Dark Mode could either be caused by using Dark Chips or being Dark enough before even entering a battle. - Chaos Unison is available as long as there's a Dark Chip that correspond to the Soul present in the Custom Window and Rockman has earned the ability to Chaos Unison. - Chaos Unison lasts for ONE Turn and CANNOT be extended with the SoulTime NCP. - You CANNOT Soul Unison using a Regular (Presetted) Chip. Yes, it's disappointing, but it's fair. - The Soul Unisons can only last for 3 Turns (turns are counted by the number of times you open your Custom Window). After the turns passed, you won't be able to Soul Unison with the same Navi again. You CAN boost the Soul Unison's time limit with the SoulTime NCPs though. - You may, however, Soul Unison with more than one Navi per battle if necessary. - You CANNOT Trade Souls with Rockman EXE 5: Team of Colonel. Stop asking. - A little off-topic, but it's generally not recommended to make a Folder based on more than two Souls, since the Soul Unisons will require sacrificing Chips and Chip usages WILL be affected. ------------------------------ 7. FAQs Q: When can I Soul Unison? A: After you've acquired at least one Soul. That is, after the second Libration Mission, against ShadeMan. Q: When can I Chaos Unison? A: After the fourth Libration Mission, against DarkRockman, after which Rockman rejoins the team but has traces of darkness hidden inside him. Q: Why can't I Soul Unison with a certain Navi? A: Many possibilities. You could be too Dark to use Soul Unisons; you may have used the Soul in the current Battle already, or you may be trying to Soul Unison using the Regular Chip. Of course, I'll set you on fire if the reason is that you haven't obtained the Soul Unison yet. -_- Q: I chose a Chip that corresponds to a Soul that I have acquired, but the Unison Button won't appear! A: Check if you have Soul Unisoned with that particular Navi before, or if you are trying to Soul Unison using a Regular (Presetted) Chip. These two situations will disable Soul Unison with the particular Navi. Q: Why can't I Soul Unison AT ALL? A: The first answer that comes off the top of my head is that you're in Worried Mode or even Dark Mode. Soul Unison CANNOT be used in these modes. Q: WHAT!!? That sucks! How can I change back from Dark Mode!? A: No way other than to fight loads of Battles. Hint: equipping the Soul Cleaner NCP will speed up this process. Q: Can I determine the orders I get my Souls? A: Unlike EXE4, the Soul Unisons in this game IS acquired in a set storyline, so they should always be in order. Q: Wait, isn't her name Medi? A: As far as I can recall, her name is spelt as "Meddy" in the game. Try getting her Deleted on a Liberation Mission and you'll see. Q: I want to trade Souls. A: You can't. Q: This Guide sucks. A: Deal with it. Write a better one if you can. Vets, this is NOT a challenge. This Guide is still improving. Q: I have extra information for you. A: If it's NOT covered in this Guide yet, e-mail me. You can find my e-mail in the last part of this Guide. I WILL credit you. ------------------------------ 8. Version Updates (^8) V 1.2 (June 19, 2005): Added and fixed some stuff. V 1.0 (January 4, 2005): Fixed the names of the Chaos Unisons and added some things here and there. Descriptions in paragraph form coming up. V 0.9 (December 19, 2004): Added more specific info about Chaos Unisons and changed the name of Medi to Meddy as that's how the game spells it. V 0.8 (December 14, 2004): Added a crap load of info about Medi Soul, thanks to Lourde Incarnadine. Also changed some formats in the Soul Unisons part. I'm not uploading this update for now. V 0.6 (December 12, 2004): Completed the Guide. The missing bits and pieces will be added once I got them figured out. People who e-mail me to contribute WILL be given full credits! (Scary, today last year was the day I completed V 0.6 of the EXE4 Soul Unison Guide....) ------------------------------ 8. Legal Stuff & Credits (^8) This FAQ is Copyright Zidanet_129 (Alan Tseng), 2004. If you want to use this FAQ, please use the whole thing instead of breaking it up. Contact me at zidanet_129@hotmail.com and get my authorization before you use it. You do NOT have my permission to add me to your MSN Contact List. I WILL Block you if I find out about the reason you add me into your Contact List. And I DON'T have time to chat with you, so do NOT expect to add me and chat with me. If you want to ask general questions about this game, DO NOT E-MAIL or MSN me. I WILL ignore you unless I find your question interesting. There are plenty of other FAQs that will answer your questions, which are VERY possibly answered to death MANY times. Special Thanks to: - CJayC, for crating GameFAQs.com and hosting this Guide on it. - Lourde Incarnadine, who pratically summerized up the whole Meddy Soul part for me. - deathfish, for supporting with the basic Charged Shots' damages for Magnet, Gyro and Napalm Soul. - Magenta Galaxy, who pointed out two fatal mistakes that I don't want to repeat again here. - Me, who wrote this Guide. - You, who actually bothered to CHECK THE FAQS! *applauds* >_>