Rockman EXE 5 Team of Blues & Colonel e+ Card Guide/FCRockman Guide --------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents --------------------------------------------------------------------- i..... LEGAL I..... Introduction II.... How to Transfer e-Cards to EXE5 III... e+ Battle Cards IV.... Promotional Cards V..... Forte Cross Rockman FAQ VI.... e+ Item Cards VII... Where to look and buy Rockman EXE 5 e+ Cards VIII.. Questions and Answers IX.... E-Card Quantities X..... Credits XI.... Contact --------------------------------------------------------------------- i. LEGAL - READ THIS! --------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is the joint copyright of Nigoli and Nathan Austin (Zajin), 2005. Under no circumstances may it be reprinted, in part or in whole, by any entity for any use other than personal reference, and no work used for profit or public exhibition may be based upon it (this references formatting and exact content). You may not resell this work, or redistribute it in a modified fashion; please contact us if you wish to host this file on your site. We henceforth acknowledge the copyright of Capcom to the name Rockman, and all associated characters. All copyrights and trademarks not explicitly expressed herein are respected. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------- This Guide is strictly for the Japanese version of Megaman Battle Network 5; people that have the English version do NOT need to read this guide, and doing so is not advised if you own the English version. Capcom of America or Nintendo of America hasn't had a deal for e-Reader Cards for the English version. Since the e-Reader is pratically dead in America I've started this guide to balance out the great features in Japanese versions of Team of Blues and Team of Colonel. --------------------------------------------------------------------- II. How to Transfer e-Cards to EXE5 --------------------------------------------------------------------- To Trasnfer e+Cards to Rockman EXE 5 you will need the following: 1.. e-Card Reader+ Note: Normal Japanese e-Reader/English e-Reader will NOT work for scanning an EXE5 e+ Card. If you do so you will get an error on the e-Reader stating Region Error 2.. 1 Gameboy Advance is REQUIRED; the other can be a GBA, an SP, or a DS. 3.. 1 copy or Rockman EXE 5 Team of Blues or Team of Colonel 4.. 1 GBA Link Cable 5.. EXE5 e+ Cards Once you have all the above start up the e-Card Reader+ and use the first option--"Card Read". Scan a card in, SLOWLY, the a picture will come up showing the above effect, and if it's a battle card it will show the name of card, ID Number of Card, and show how much MB it's worth on EXE5. For an Item Card it will show the name of Card and the ID Number of the Card. Whichever is scanned on the bottom dialog, it will want to connect to Rockman EXE 5; specifically, to Rockman EXE 5's STATUS screen. On Rockman EXE 5 Team of Blues or Team of Colonel, go to the Rockman Status Screen with the Navi Customizer and the Time Records. A new menu will pop up asking you if you want to transfer the data onto EXE5 (first option). As for on the e+ Card Reader you will see the dialog has changed on the bottom stating that it has connected to EXE5. Once you are through that on EXE5 if you accept the data, the e+ Card reader will transfer the card data to onto the game. Once the data transfer is complete the e-Card Reader will say it has finished and exit out; however, EXE 5 will ask you if you want to save, you can choose "No" if you are going to trasnfer more cards if you want to, and if you choose "Yes" you don't have to goto the Save menu to save once the e-Card is transfered. EXE5 will bring you to a special e-Card Menu where you can see what effects you have on (not exclusive to those given by cards). You can go to this menu by being in the Rockman Status Menu and hitting Right twice. It will state the following values on the left side menu, which is "Parameter", and their meanings are shown below them, indented: Attack - Buster power. Charge Shot does 10x this number. Max 5 without cards. Rapid - Buster speed. Max 5 without cards. Charge - Buster charge rate. Exponential increase in speed. Max 5 without cards, though anything above 5 will make very little difference. Custom - Amount of Chips that you get to use per turn in battle. Max 8. Mega Folder - Amount of Mega-class chips (Navi chips, generally) allowed in your Folder at any one time. Giga Folder - Amount of Giga-class chips (Delta Ray Edge being an example) allowed in your Folder at any one time. Soul Time - Time that Soul Unisons are retained. Chaos Soul Unisons will NEVER last more than one turn! As for the right side menu, this is "Ability", which shows all abilities, Card-inherent or otherwise, that Rockman has at present. Examples being Super Armor, Under Shirt, I'm Fish, and such. For the two selectable menu buttons, the top one will allow you to enable/disable Cards. It will bring you to a list of the current Cards downloaded, and will also show the card's name, MB required, abilities, and parameters. Be aware that even if something is disabled, it will still use MB; you must REMOVE it to free space. To remove a card, hit the bottom of the two-button menu referred to earlier. Once you do this, the same menu from the ON/OFF selection will appear; this time, you select something, and the game will ask if it is OK to delete the card's effect. This is the only way you can regain MB, and you may be here often. There is a max of 80 MB of memory available for card use at any time. For Trasnfering an Item Card you can again use the Rockman Status Menu to trasnfer certain Chips, Zenny and BugFrags for FREE and there is no MB for Item e+ Cards. Meaning they can be used freely (though only once). For e+ Cards that give us a different Elemental Body and if we wanted something like more HP or more attack power on the buster without having your Element changed, we have to swipe the Elemental Body we don't want first, then swipe it with a the Elemental Body we do want. It should override the previous body that was set (FCR will reset Body status). If you have a card which has Up Rising or Down Rising parameters to your HP, and this number is a percentage, you will want to scan it AFTER the static HP parameter cards are scanned. Doing so will make your maximum HP much higher than it would were the scanning order reversed. An example: If you have a card which raises max HP by 100, and a card which raises max HP by 50%, you will want to scan the card which raises HP by 100 first, then the card that raises it by 50%. A side note before we start the e+ Battle Card Effects list for each card: if we have Bug Stopper in our Navi Customizer for any e+ Battle Card that gives a "Bug" Ability, like HP Battle Bug or Custom Battle Bug, the Bug Stopper will make them go away; the only thing it won't do is make Down Rises on e+ Cards go away, for instance something like Charge-1 or Air Shoes OFF. It's pretty nice if you have a e+ Card like Gospel that has 4 or 5 different Down Rise abilities that are just Bugs and one Up Rising ability that gives HP+600. --------------------------------------------------------------------- III. e+ Battle Cards --------------------------------------------------------------------- There are a total of 100 e+ Cards in two different e+ Card series, divided up by 50 (Part 1 and Part 2). eCard Listing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ================================================================== = A001 7 MB = PARAMETERS = ABILITIES = = Mettaur =---------------=-----------------------= ========================== * HP + 40 = * Float Shoes OFF = ================= * B+Left uses = = Mettaur Guard = ========================= ================================================================== = A002 12 MB = PARAMETERS = ABILITIES = = Bolkelgia =---------------=-----------------------= ========================== * HP + 60 = * Float Shoes OFF = = * Attack + 1 = * Buster Bugs NULLED = = * Fire Body ========================= ================= ================================================================== = A003 15 MB = PARAMETERS = ABILITIES = = Ghosler =---------------=-----------------------= ========================== * HP - 80 = * Float Shoes = ================= * Charge Shot uses = = Invisible (chip) = ========================= ================================================================== = A004 10 MB = PARAMETERS = ABILITIES = = Swording =---------------=-----------------------= ========================== * Attack - 1 = * Charge Shot uses = = * Rapid -1 = Long Sword = = * Charge -1 ========================= ================= ================================================================== = A005 18 MB = PARAMETERS = ABILITIES = = Kiorushin =---------------=-----------------------= ========================== None = * Float Shoes = ================= * Air Shoes = = * Movement Bug = ========================= ================================================================== = A006 10 MB = PARAMETERS = ABILITIES = = Abaru Boy =---------------=-----------------------= ========================== * HP + 100 = * Tango Support OFF = = * Aqua Body = * I'm Fish = = * Rapid + 5 ========================= ================= ================================================================== = A007 10 MB = PARAMETERS = ABILITIES = = Cheuton =---------------=-----------------------= ========================== * HP - 20% = * Quick Gauge = ========================================= ================================================================== = A008 5 MB = PARAMETERS = ABILITIES = = Billy =---------------=-----------------------= ========================== * Elec Body = * Under Shirt OFF = ================= * Charge Shot uses = = Thunder Ball = ========================= ================================================================== = A009 9 MB = PARAMETERS = ABILITIES = = Candevil =---------------=-----------------------= ========================== * Fire Body = * B+Left DISABLED = = * Aqua Body = * Self Recovery = = * Rapid + 5 ========================= ================= ================================================================== = A010 12 MB = PARAMETERS = ABILITIES = = Daijan =---------------=-----------------------= ========================== * HP + 130 = * Rush Support OFF = = * Wood Body = * Beat Support OFF = ================= * Tango Support OFF = ========================= This covers the first ten of fifty cards of the first "Part". In total, there are one-hundred cards, split down the middle into two "Parts". Part 1: 50 Battle, 20 Item -> Done: 10 Battle Part 2: 50 Battle, 20 Item -> Done: 0 Battle --------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Promotional Cards --------------------------------------------------------------------- These Cards are very valuble, you can only get these cards by following events or in merchandise you buy. There are 10 Battle e+ Cards and 2 Item e+ Cards that can give you additional Battle Chips that cannot be gotten through playing the regular game, as well as some other various cards. ================================================================== = ????? 55 MB = PARAMETERS = ABILITIES = = Dream Virus =---------------=-----------------------= ========================== * HP + 10% = * First Dream Aura = ================= * Custom Damage Bug = ========================= ================================================================== = ????? 60 MB = PARAMETERS = ABILITIES = = Gospel =---------------=-----------------------= ========================== * HP + 600 = * Kokoro Bug = ================= * Battle HP Bug = = * Custom HP Bug = = * Status Bug = ========================= ================================================================== = ????? 50 MB = PARAMETERS = ABILITIES = = Serenade =---------------=-----------------------= ========================== * HP - 20% = * Charge Shot uses = ================= Reflect = = * Chip Recovery = ========================= ================================================================== = ????? 55 MB = PARAMETERS = ABILITIES = = Proto =---------------=-----------------------= ========================== * HP + 100 = None = = * Custom - 3 ========================= = * Giga Folder = = + 2 = ================= ================================================================== = ????? 59 MB = PARAMETERS = ABILITIES = = Forte GS =---------------=-----------------------= ========================== * HP + 300 = * Custom Screen HP = ================= Bug = = * Status Bug = ========================= ================================================================== = ????? 70 MB = PARAMETERS = ABILITIES = = Duo =---------------=-----------------------= ========================== * HP + 40% = None = = * Mega Folder ========================= = + 1 = = * Giga Folder = = + 1 = ================= ================================================================== = ????? 70 MB = PARAMETERS = ABILITIES = = Forte XX =---------------=-----------------------= ========================== * HP + 400 = * Float Shoes = ================= * Air Shoes = = * First Barrier 200 = = * Battle HP Bug = ========================= ================================================================== = ????? 70 MB = PARAMETERS = ABILITIES = = Nebula Grey =---------------=-----------------------= ========================== * HP - 30% = * Charge Shot uses = ================= Dark Sword (*1) = = * Battle HP Bug = = * Custom HP Bug = ========================= (*1) Dark Sword should NOT incur the Bug/HP Penalties. ================================================================== = ????? 50 MB = PARAMETERS = ABILITIES = = Papa's Bug-Fixing =---------------=-----------------------= = Program = None = * Bug Stopper = ================================================================== ================================================================== = ????? 80 MB = PARAMETERS = ABILITIES = = Hikari Saito =---------------=-----------------------= ========================== * HP - 50% = None = = * Attack ========================= = Power x 2 = = * Custom + 3 = = * Mega Folder = = + 2 = = * Giga Folder = = + 1 = ================= ================================================================== = ????? 70 MB = PARAMETERS = ABILITIES = = Forte Cross Rockman =---------------=-----------------------= ========================== See Below = See Below = ========================================= ---------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Forte Cross Rockman FAQ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Here we start off having a card called Forte Cross Rockman. It is only given out during Rockman EXE/Duel Masters Promotional Double Feature Movies. There are two promotional cards given in a plastic silver back; one having the special Forte Cross Rockman Card and one having some DM Card which is not at all an e+ Card. It also comes in a special plastic sleeve that says in Blue writing "ROCKMAN EXE THE MOVIE", and it has the DM phoenix with Rockman's Emblem on in the middle of it. The card's back in not like any normal EXE5 e+ Card. It has Rockman's Emblem and two Spikes on the sides as if Rockman's Emblem is over Forte's Emblem. If you do not understand the purpose of the Emblems, these hold Rockman's, Forte's, Blues', and select other Navi's "true" power, as explained by none other than Forte himself in the anime. The abilities of this card are different for Team of Blues and Team of Colonel. This card is perhaps a very special card, it also turns Rockman into a Forte-like appearance. It's no Soul Unison change at all, it's a permanent effect to Rockman until you delete the e+ Card like any other Battle e+ Card out there. Although it has no MB amount on the card, it takes up 70 MB. Anyways, it's still one cool card and you can have something minor for the last 10MB to back yourself up. One other thing that's cool about this card once you have it scanned, if your going to do a NetBattle with this Card on, on your freind's GBA on the top of the sceen where it states the enemy name, it will say FCRockman (in Japanese). I LOVED how they did that with this card ^^,. Anywho here are the Effects for Forte Cross Rockman: TEAM OF BLUES: TEAM OF COLONEL: + Charge Shot becomes + Charge Shot becomes Shooting Buster. Hell's Rolling. + HP +200 + HP +20% + Super Armor + Float Shoes + Normal Body (negates Elementals) - Mega Folder -2 + Triple Buster There's only one effect here which should sound unfamiliar, and that is "Triple Buster". For clarification, Triple Buster makes your Buster shot cover the row you are on, as well as the rows above and below you; simply put, if you stand in the middle row, you can hit anything on the screen! There's much more this special card can do for us. The card allows us to face Forte in Oran Island Area 3. Once we try to enter the deadend in the Northeast corner a cutscene will take place out of nowhere. Netto and Rockman sense a huge energy coming for them, and the Tension music comes on. We then see Forte come out of a Nebula Hole in the front of the area. Forte deadpans about Rockman's power being "nothing but a cheap, worthless imitation", and promptly attacks you to prove this. --------------- Forte - 1500 HP --------------- This battle is a very easy one, as Forte is very weak. He will do Shooting Buster, which is very hard to avoid. I suggest using something like Bubble Wrap or maybe one of the Barriers for trying to dodge each shot in case you take a wrong turn dodging his shots. Right after he may do Dark Arm Blade, either move up or down. His range of the sword is great, so try to just move back and up. He will also do Hell's Rolling to you which is the easiest to dodge. You can stay in the front row in the middle and the dark wheels shouldn't hit you, but right after he does that he could just try to do the Dark Arm Blade again; incidentally, this would trap you between the Rolling or his sword. My suggestion for Team of Blues users would be to use Magnet Soul or Gyro Soul and use any battle chip that can stun him right before he does his attack. Hopefully you'll get a Counter Hit, and be able to cause severe damage to him. Magnet Soul is very, very useful here, as using Back+B can and will stun Forte if you pull it off correctly. For Team of Colonel use Shadow Soul using the Kawarimi Magic with Back+B, or use Colonel Soul with the Charge Shot and just wait for him to try to do his Shooting Buster and Hell's Rolling on you. Attack Summary: Shooting Buster: 100 damage, non-stun. Hits random panels in a semi-tracking fashion. Difficult to dodge. Move like mad and pray. Bubble Wrap or a Barrier chip can help greatly here. Dark Arm Blade: 150 damage, stun. Hits either like a Wide Sword or a Long Sword. Forte can use this multiple times in quick succession, so be careful. Hell's Rolling: 200 damage per blade, non-stun. Easy to dodge; either sit in the very front center of your area, or stand back and move opposite the direction the blade is coming from, and then quickly move forward. ----------------------------------------- and ForteV2 in Nebula Hole Area 4. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. e+ Item Cards ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's a list of all the Item Cards and what they give you: ================================================================== = 136-E001 = ?????????????????????????? = ================================================================== = Acquire 1,000 Zenny. = ======================================================= ================================================================== = 136-E002 = A Present From Mayl = ================================================================== = Acquire the following Battle Chips: = = - Roll R = = - Recovery 300 Y = = - Barrier 200 W = ======================================================= ================================================================== = 136-E003 = ?????????????????????????? = ================================================================== = Acquire 5,000 Zenny. = ======================================================= ================================================================== = 136-E004 = A Special Sale From Miyuki's Shop = ================================================================== = Acquire the following Battle Chips: = = - Skeleton 1 C = = - Skeleton 2 A = = - Skeleton 3 G = ======================================================= ================================================================== = 136-E005 = Masa's Sales From Today = ================================================================== = Acquire 2,000 Zenny. = ======================================================= ================================================================== = 136-E006 = Raoul's Charm = ================================================================== = Acquire the following Battle Chips: = = - Thunder Ball * = = - Anti-Electric * = = - Custom Bolt 1 V = ======================================================= ================================================================== = 136-E007 = Pocket Change of a Millionaire = ================================================================== = Acquire 10,000 Zenny. = ======================================================= ================================================================== = 136-E008 = Collection of Gospel's Leader = ================================================================== = Acquire 15 Bug Fragments. = ======================================================= ================================================================== = 136-E009 = ????????????????????????????? = ================================================================== = Acquire 3 Enemy Search. = ======================================================= ================================================================== = 136-E010 = The Prime Health of Inukai Takeo = ================================================================== = Acquire 3 Full Energy. = ======================================================= ================================================================== = 136-E011 = Recommended Chips of a Scholar's Apprentice = ================================================================== = Acquire the following Battle Chips: = = - Topuu * = = - Panel Return * = = - Holy Panel * = ======================================================= ================================================================== = 136-E012 = Cost of Narcy Bide's Clothing = ================================================================== = Acquire 8,000 Zenny. = ======================================================= Some help with names of the Item Cards would be appreciated, if anyone would be so kind. I'm rather uncertain on most of them. This covers the first twelve of twenty cards of the first "Part". In total, there are forty cards, split down the middle into two "Parts". Part 1: 50 Battle, 20 Item -> Done: 12 Item Part 2: 50 Battle, 20 Item -> Done: 0 Item ---------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. Where to look and buy Rockman EXE 5 e+ Cards ---------------------------------------------------------------------- e+ Cards Packs or Cases can be anywhere on markets in Japan. One way to get these cards without having to go all the way to Japan is Yahoo JP Auctions. You will need to find a importer for Yahoo JP that can bid on auctions since most JP Auctions will NOT ship internationally. Keep in mind that EXTRA fees will be incurred even if losing an auction. My suggestion is to find an auction for a Buy It Now price to win instantly. Don't win for a Pack, if you're wanting to get a bunch a cards in a Part. You're going to want a case with 30 Packs. You will get doubles, but I'm sure people around here that get into the e+ Card sets and have doubles from the cases. I'm sure people are going to want to trade dupes to complete their sets to be complete. If you're just wanting any ability in EXE5 then you shouldn't really have to worry about having a complete set, you get a LARGE variety of cards in a case. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Questions and Answers ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Who's Forte? A. "Bass", for you English version players. Q. Will Bass Soul be in the English MMBN5? A, First of all, this NOT Bass Soul. This is called Forte Cross Rockman. It will most likely NOT be in MMBN5. END OF STORY. Q. How many versions of this FAQ will there be? A. About 3 to 4. Once I'm done with getting all the cards translated and thinking of a way to put the attributes of the cards into this FAQ (once this is all done it will be a fairly large FAQ). I also need to complete my Forte Encounter Walkthrough. Q. How many Cases/Boxes of e+ Cards do you own? A. Nigoli: 6 as of now, Rockman EXE 4 E-Card Part 2, 3, 4, Rockman EXE 5 E-Card Part 1 (Getting Part 2 this month), Rockman Zero 3 Part 1, & 2. I'll own everything but the rare Rockman EXE 4 E-Card Part 1. Zajin: Only two. Rockman EXE 4 E-Card Part 4, and Rockman EXE 5 E-Card Part 1. Nigoli so outclasses me. ;_; Q. Will you sell me Cards or Doubles. A. Both: NO! The only thing I will do is trade, I won't take money for dupes as of now. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IX. E-Card Quantities ---------------------------------------------------------------------- N/A, Coming Next Version ---------------------------------------------------------------------- X. Credits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Capcom of Japan for making Rockman and e+ Cards for me to write about. =) Zajin - A good friend, I'm glad I got you into the whole E-Card thing. Glad to know another good Rockman fan. CJayC - For accepting my guide, saves, and making gamefaqs what it is today. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- XI. Contact ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Nigoli may be contacted at the below email address: HikariNetto AT gmail NO_SPAMY com Zajin may be contacted at the below email address: duminas AT gmail NO_SPAMMY com The rule for getting the address out of there should be obvious. ;)