MegaMan Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar/Falzar Rockman.EXE 6 Dennoujou Greiga/Faltzer FOLDER BUILDING FAQ By: TemjinZero (Aaron Loh) Version: 1.0 E-mail: Date: June 30th, 2006 NOTE: Just because my e-mail address is there, doesn't mean I'm going to answer your e-mails. I'll only look at ones that are EXTREMELY RELEVANT TO THIS FAQ, AND NO OTHERS. If you send me a question about gameplay...or any sort of thing I deem not related to this FAQ, your e-mail will be ignored. Thank you, and have a nice day. =============================================================================== VERSION HISTORY: =============================================================================== 06/23/06 - Finally, after all the folder ratings, decided to write my first ever FAQ. 06/29/06 - Finally, after all the procrastination, started writting my first ever FAQ. 06/30/06 - Finished writting my first FAQ ever. Holy crap is it longer than I thought it would be... kinda amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it, huh? ^_^ =============================================================================== Note: For easy user reference, use the find command (Ctrl+F) to jump to the section you want. Table of Contents: A. Foreword 1. Introduction 1A. Introduction to Folders 2. General Guidelines 2A. Folder Limitations 2B. Regular and Tag chip systems 2C. Beginnner's Tips for building up a good folder - With Examples 3. Advanced Folder Development 3A. Suggestions for building better folders 3B. Netbattling Folder tips 4. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 5. Legal Infomation 6. Credits =============================================================================== =============================================================================== A. Foreword =============================================================================== Welcome, to the last installment of the MegaMan Battle Network series(or Rockman.EXE for those who prefer the Japanese title), MegaMan Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar/Cybeast Falzar for the GameBoy Advance. As this is my first FAQ, I hope that what I've written here will be of some use to the many players who play this game. Hopefully, this FAQ will be informative enough to merit me writting future FAQs, for who knows what. Before I get started, I'd like to thank a few people (or...maybe a lot of people) who have helped the MMBN community along the way. Thanks go out to the Original ONB (you guys know who you are), The UnderSquare, for being the largest MMBN community and most complete database of MMBN information, and GameFAQs, for bringing everything together. (Was that too cheesy? I can't help it... I just write like that.) OK, ON WITH THE FOLDER FAQ! =============================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================== --------------------------- 1A. Introduction to Folders --------------------------- Well, here goes. The Folder, the main tool/asset availible in all MMBN games. You start every Battle Network game with one, and its pretty hard to imagine how the game would have turned out without it. The Folders of the MMBN series are essentially a tool that allows MegaMan access to many special attacks that he could not otherwise perform on his own. Its a kind of scary thought, if you had to play through every Battle Network game using your MegaBuster alone. Folders allow a player not only to perform attacks more powerful than your regular Buster, but they function as an outlet of strategy and creativity, giving the MMBN series its own unique edge in gameplay. The purpose of this FAQ is to familiarize players with the Folder, to provide tips and suggestions for building Folders in the game, and to give players who already know some folder building techniques even more info. That said, let's begin! =============================================================================== 2. General Guidelines =============================================================================== When building a folder, its important to know of your limitations and the full extent to which you can manipulate the folder to suit your play style. Every player is different, and there's no one set way of building folders, so it is important to be flexible, to be open to new ideas, and most importantly of all, to try out new things! There's always some new ideas springing out that have the potential to become very powerful, so be creative! ---------------------- 2A. Folder Limitations ---------------------- For those of you who have played previous versions of MMBN, you'll notice (or at least I think so) that folders have become more and more restrictive since the first Battle Network game (BN 1, 10 of a kind of a chip in your folder max? o_O). In each chip's data, there's a MB number, this determines how many copies of a certain chip you can include in the folder, as well as Regular and Tag systems, which I'll get into later. In this game, the Folder Limitations are the following: - 30 chips total in a Folder - For chips from 0-19 MB, 5 copies max of that chip can be placed in Folder, regardless of code. eg. I can have 2 Cannon A, 2 Cannon B, and 1 Cannon C or I can put in 5 Cannon A chips. - For chips from 20-29 MB, 4 copies max of that chip can be placed in Folder, regardless of code. - For chips from 30-39 MB, 3 copies max of that chip can be placed in Folder, regardless of code. - For chips from 40-49 MB, 2 copies max of that chip can be placed in Folder, regardless of code. - For chips from 50+ MB, 1 copy max of that chip can be placed in Folder, regardless of code. - * Default setting, you are allowed only 5 Mega-Class chips in your folder. - * Default setting, you are allowed only 1 Giga-Class chip in your folder. * These can be changed, by using Navi Customizer programs, you can increase the number of Mega-Class and Giga-Class chips your folder can carry. Even so, you are still restricted to the number of copies as per the MB rules above. -------------------------------- 2B. Regular and Tag Chip systems -------------------------------- We've had the Regular Chip system since MMBN 2, but a new recent addition to the series is the Tag Chip system. Before I explain that, I'll go over the Regular Chip system first. As stated above in the Folder Limitations section, each chip has a MB value that goes with it. This not only determines the number of copies you can put in of a chip, but also, whether or not you can set that chip in your Folder as a Regular Chip or Tag Chip. Regular Memory, listed at the top of the Folder, next to the Folder's name determines the amount of memory availible to set a chip as a Regular Chip. When a chip is set up as a Regular Chip (while editing folder, press select, a menu should pop up, prompting you to either Tag chips, or set a Regular chip, select Regular option, and pick the chip you want as a Regular chip), that chip will always appear as the first chip in the Custom Window in every battle. It will be boxed in red, signifying that it is a Regular Chip. When you start the game out, you'll have only 4 MB of Regular Memory. You can increase this value throughout the game by collecting Regular Memory UP items (RegUp). By increasing your Regular Memory, you'll be able to set larger and larger chips, up to 50 MB in size, as a Regular chip! The setting of a Regular chip is important, since it allows you to automatically "draw" the selected chip, instead of allowing the game's random shuffling and waiting to churn out the chip you want. This is crucial for some folders to begin their setup, or even allow more frequent and consistent draws of combos. However, say you select Cannon * to be a Regular chip, and you have a total of 12 MB in Regular memory. You will not be able to select a second Cannon chip to Regular, even though you have used only half the availible Regular Memory. This is because you are only allowed to set a single chip at any one time per folder as a Regular Chip. Next up is the Tag system. The Tag system you receive as a key item in the game. The Tag system allows you to select two chips to be tagged. To set up Tag chips, much like Regular chips, press select while editing your folder and select the Tag option to Tag chips. Tag chips are another great asset to all folders. Using the Tag system, you can select two chips, same or different, doesn't matter, to be tagged. Once the chips are set up as Tag chips, they will always appear next to each other in the Custom Window in battle. For instance, I have Sword * and LongSword * set up as tag chips. For this example, I'll have only one copy of each in my folder. So when Sword * appears in the Custom Window, the chip right next to it will always be LongSword *. Even in cases where the Sword * is the last chip shown in the Custom Window, the LongSword * will follow it once you use some other chips. Unlike Regular Memory, the Tag Memory cannot be increased. By default, the maximum capacity of Tag'ed chips cannot exceed a total of 60 MB, so for example, you could tag two FlashBomb1 chips together, but you couldn't tag a FlashBomb1 and a FlashBomb2 chip together because they exceed 60 MB together. As well, only two chips in each folder can be set as Tag chips, and no more than that. Also important to note, a chip set as a Regular chip cannot also be a Tag chip, and vice-versa. NOW! FINALLY, ONTO ACTUAL FOLDER BUILDING. Now that the important facts have been covered, we can proceed with real folder building. ------------------------------------------------- 2C. Beginner's Tips for Building Up a Good Folder ------------------------------------------------- You'll notice when you start the game out, your folder isn't exactly a bundle of powerful, game-breaking, super-combo-able chips. Heck... aside from mediocre chip frequency, its quite the pile. So what should be done first? Well, there's a rule in MMBN about battles and Folders. What's that you say? Well, you can either select all the same kind of chip per Custom Window turn, For example, I can select Cannon A, Cannon B, Cannon C, and Cannon * all at the same time... or select all the same code of chip, for example: I can select Cannon B, Vulcan1 B, StepSword B, Protoman B, and Blastman B all at the same time... The two rules don't mix, unless you're picking 5 Cannon A's at the same time. Otherwise, if you tried to do this: I select Cannon A, Cannon B, and then Vulcan... (WRONG!) The above is an example of what you can't do. Why is all of this important to Folder Building? It teaches the two basics around which most, if not all, Folders are built. What are they you ask? 1. Folder Chip Codes 2. Folder Chip Frequency For many people starting out new in the game, this can be... quite a challenge. For starters, your starting folder, isn't the greatest example of what a good folder should look like. That's your first problem. Second is the lack of chip selection availible at the very start of the game. How to fix this issue so early in the game? Well, lets follow the two basic rules of Folder Building. As soon as you can get on the Net, battle around a bit in CentralArea 1, deleting Mettaurs, and collecting either Reflect 1 A or C coded chips. Being within the 0-19 MB range, make sure you get 5 of either A or C code. What's so great about this? Well, these Reflect chips will help UNIFY your Folder! See those Recovery10 L chips? They sure stand out like a sore thumb. Why not get rid of them for something that will lessen the number of different Chip Codes your folder contains, allowing you to select more chips per Custom Window. Why do you want to get the maximum 5 copies? So you can "draw" that chip more often so your victories in battle become more of a sure thing, rather that leave that up to fate, and programming code designed to randomly shuffle your folder for each battle. For those who don't really believe me, its time for some math/statistics! (Cry all you want, but the truth is, you'll never escape it!) So, using stats from the start of the game, you draw a total of 5 different chips at the start of a battle, only drawing new ones when a Custom Window opens up after using some of the first ones from the first turn. Say we include only 1 Reflect 1 A chip to the folder. With a total of 30 chips in a folder, our Reflect 1 A chip is one of those thirty chips, thus only a 1/30 chance of drawing it in the opening Custom Window. What happens if we put 2 in instead of 1? Now, there's 2 of them in 30 chips, that's a 1/15 chance of drawing it in the opening Custom Window. We just doubled our chances! So what does it look like with all 5 copies in? 5 Chips out of 30, makes a 1/6th chance of drawing it in the opening hand! This means you'll very frequently draw a Reflect 1 A chip to use in battle on your opening hand! Of course, this is just an example and this holds true for basically every chip. Why is that good? Because you can now deal more damage per turn? Why is that good? Because you can now delete viruses faster! Why is that good? Because when you delete faster, you get better rewards in battle, that leads to better chips and powerups for MegaMan! Why is that good? ...If the above weren't good enough reasons... I don't understand your logic. ^_^' Now that we've sorted out that whole Frequency issue, onto Code Unity. Since Program Advances are not the main subject of this FAQ, I'll assume you know them. Example of Code Unity...gone awry: "HAH, I HAVE THE PA'S GIGACANNON 1, GIGACANNON 2, AND GIGACANNON 3 IN MY FOLDER, I'M UNSTOPPABLE!!!" ...see that before? Has that thought ever crossed your mind? Has anyone ever told you... you're probably gravely mistaken? They were probably right. So what is wrong with that scenario? Why is it a bad thing to have all 3 GigaCannon PAs in a single folder? Program Advances are supposed to be ultimate, all powerful attacks right? Yes... and yet... so very wrong. GigaCannon 1 is made up of Cannon A, Cannon B, and Cannon C (You can use Cannon *, but that doesn't change my point). GigaCannon 2 is made up of HiCannon L, HiCannon M, and HiCannon N, or HiCannon *. GigaCannon 3 is made up of M-Cannon R, M-Cannon S, and M-Cannon T, or M-Cannon *. What's wrong? That's a minimum of 6 different chip codes right there. How is that bad? Remember that rule earlier, how you can select chips of the same type or same code? That applies heavily here. To highlight this issue, I'll use an example. Say you have Cannon * set as a regular chip, and no tag chips set. Here's a possible opening Custom window with the above PAs included in this "sample" Folder. The other chips in the folder don't really matter here, because there are so many codes already. Cannon * [Reg], HiCannon M, Cannon A, M-Cannon T, HiCannon * As you can see, none of any of the program advances are availible to you on your opening turn. Infact, in order to be able to pull off one of the PAs, you'll have to give up using another! That just hurt the core of your folder pretty badly, not being able to use one of its most powerful attacks. So, since we're going for a pretty bad case scenario here, lets say you decided to sacrifice GigaCannon 1 in hopes of pulling off GigaCannon 2 and GigaCannon 3. You select Cannon A and Cannon * to be used, and wait for the next Custom Window, and it shows up like this: HiCannon M, M-Cannon T, HiCannon *, Cannon B, M-Cannon * What luck. Still no PAs, and it looks like in order to be able to pull it off, we'll need to sacrifice some more chips. Now, the Cannon B is a good choice, since we ditched Cannon * and Cannon A already. However... Back to the probability: We've used 2 of 30 chips on the first turn, now we want to assemble 2 of the 3 PAs this Folder had intended. If we ditch Cannon B, there's a chance that the next chip drawn will be an M-Cannon R or S, or a HiCannon L or N. Hold it right there... we have one copy of each of those chips in the folder. We've used two chips, and we have another 5 in our "hand". So that leaves 22 remaining chips in the folder. With those 4 chips there, our odds are 2/11 that we'll pull one of the necessary chips for a PA. ...those odds stink. If we select, say the HiCannons too, we can draw 3 new chips, hoping to form GigaCannon 3! But, then, the odds are 2/22 remaining chips, or 1/11. Even though we'll draw 3 new chips, who's to say that it'll be a M-Cannon? Based on probability alone, this is a terrible strategy. Why? Because Chip Codes determine the fluidity, or flow of a folder. Why not the frequency of chips? Well, we can't have 30 M-Cannons in a folder, so that cuts down our options. Now, assuming, we had a Uni-Coded folder, that is, a folder that uses all chips of a single code (when I say single code, I mean a single letter code, like L, and * coded chips), and for our main attacks, we chose the PAs DestroyPulse and LifeSword. In this case, the rest of the chips that make up this folder are important, so they'll also be J or * coded. So for example, a opening hand like this: Sword *, LongSword *, ElecPulse 1 J, ElecPulse 3 J, ElecPulse 3 J Doesn't look all that great, does it? How is this better though? There are two distinct ways this is better. 1. Uni-Coded. For this case, I feel interesting in forming DestroyPulse, so I'll select Sword *, LongSword *, and one of the ElecPulse 3 J chips to be "fodder" while I load up new chips. The advantage here is that I can easily select more than just one or two chips to be foddered off for new chips! 2. With PAs like this, it is possible to to include more than one copy of that PA's forming chips! Unlike GigaCannon 1 for example, where in best case scenario, I could have Cannon A, Cannon B, Cannon C, and 2x Cannon *, for LifeSword for example, I can have a maximum of 4 COPIES of the PA in there. So getting rid of some parts of the PA while I have more copies of it further in the Folder isn't going to hurt me at all! Of course, I don't discourage people from using GigaCannon 3 in their folders. Though, a word of advice, if you do. Just make sure everything else in that folder is either R, S, T, or * coded. To sum it up... Uni-Coded folders? Good. High Chip Frequency Folders? Good. Both? GREAT! =============================================================================== 3. Advanced Folder Development =============================================================================== So, now you've gotten through a good chunk of the game, or maybe even beaten it. You want to S-rank those SP navis faster? Maybe even take on some friends in NetBattles? Well, you're probably going to have to tune up that folder! ------------------------------------------- 3A. Suggestions for Building Better Folders ------------------------------------------- Unlike most of the regular random battles, or storyline battles. Most folders, even Alphabet Soup ones (folders with more than 3 codes) will suffice. However, if you're feeling the need to set a few SP Navi records, or even take on the "terrifying" Bass BX, or the big beef themselves GregarSP or FalzarSP, that Alphabet Soup just isn't quite as tasty as it once used to be. What to do? First of all, simplify that folder down to the two basic rules of folder building as discussed in section 2. So you've done that... what now? Well... does your folder have a strategy? Does it have varied chips? Are you making the most out of that folder? Are there Defensive Chips in there, along with offensive chips? Etc... etc... There are lots of possible folders, and probably a whole lot more will be created with each day. However, that concern I leave to the Renowned Folder Team to work on. My job is to give some tips on how to make better folders! So... how do we make that "better folder"? Let's start with a strategy. Before you toss a stack of chips that are uni-coded with good frequency into a pile called a "Folder", determine if there is any common theme between the chips. For example, combining something like Fanfare * with Recovery 300 J is probably a good idea. This would develop into a highly defensive/passive folder that takes enemy attacks, shurgs them off, and the comes back with a finisher once they're exhausted out of chips. So what's not good? An example I guess would be using Wind and Fan chips at the same time. Aside from wind element chips blow off Barriers and Auras, this combo of chips wouldn't do anything else, and there are better chips for such effects. Thanks to elemental_guy2 on the GameFAQs forums, I now have a good example. The use of a Guardian chip with lots of Entire Field Area hitting chips. Unless, of course, you enjoy smacking yourself with 200 breaking, super- piercing damage a lot. Another example, contributed by Tibiaking, the use of Mine and AreaSteal. Allowing you to step on the mine you just planted. Ouch. Last but not least, from USSJ_Gotenks, Fan + AreaSteals. Wow...what a waste of time. So, now we've seen examples of redundant strategies. Those are probably tips on what to avoid when folder building, or playing. Once you've decided on a strategy, or a method for which your Folder achieves victory. Then you need to pick out chips that will advance you towards that goal. Then, you want to get to the step of refining the folder. Ensuring the folder covers a large enough spectrum not to have a single chip that can rip it apart, but not so large that your folder becomes a Jack-of-all-Trades kind of folder. Example: The "Over-Focused Folder": 4x Sword * 4x WideSword * 4x LongSword * 3x WideBlade B 3x LongBlade B 5x AreaSteal * 3x Invis * 3x WhiteCapsule * 1x ProtoManSP B What's wrong with that folder? It has great chip frequency, and pulls off LifeSword and DoubleHero PAs fairly well with the whole Sword/Protoman theme. ...that would be the problem. That's about all it does. Sure you can S-rank a whole bunch of Navis with it, but not terribly quickly or efficiently. The "Wide-Load" Folder: 2x Sword * 2x WideSword * 2x LongSword * 2x ElecPulse1 J 2x ElecPulse2 J 2x ElecPulse3 J 3x WhiteCapsule * 1x FastGauge * 1x FullCustom * 1x AntiDamage * 1x AntiNavi * 1x AntiSword * 1x JusticeOne J 2x ElementSword J 2x IceSeed * 2x AquaNeedle1 J 1x Judgeman * 1x JudgemanEX J 1x JudgemanSP J Would you look at that. LifeSword, DestroyPulse, paralysis elements, BodyGuard, Ice-Freezing elements. Its like the works. This folder must handle ALL TYPES OF FOLDERS! Right!? ...Right? On paper... it does. In real combat, that's a whole other story. This folder does indeed have the "potential" to deal with anything and everything. The problem here is that it is trying to do exactly that. In a sense, too many good strategies and concepts crammed into a folder do not make it "even more powerful than anything else out there". This folder would suffer the weakness of not coming across its components frequently enough to merit a great success. When it does work, it works, but the probability of a perfect battle with it is fairly low. This folder is just spread out too thinly, and actually lacks defensive elements to shield it from being disrupted. Any further thinly spread to accomodate for defense, and this folder would be completely one-of's. Which leads to the next point of Advanced Folder building. Compromise. You can't do everything. When making folders, there needs to be a compromise between defensive elements, offensive elements, and supportive elements. Finally, making the most out of the Regular and Tag systems. Generally, when you set a Regular chip, you'll only need one of it. Most prefered for being preset is FastGauge * or FullCustom *. Both chips help combo folders sift through faster to find the key setup components of the folder to initiate their combos. As for Tag'ed chips, the chips you tag can be one-of's too. Why? They come together. Generally, the best two chips to tag together are ones that form a PA. Examples would be tagging Sword and WideSword together. This way, when you draw one of the swords, you'll also draw the other, and then the last component can be Preset as a Regular chip, or high in frequency. This helps make room for utility in folders, to make them a touch more diverse. --------------------------- 3B. NetBattling Folder Tips --------------------------- Hmmm, a section of Folder Building apart from the rest, specifically for NatBattling? Are NetBattles really that different? The fact is, they are. Your opponents are mono-strategied computers, but adaptive and quicker human opponents. This is where you'll need to pull out ALL the stops. First, a quick defintion. The "Metagame". The "Metagame" as I refer to it is the most common trend of folders around. The Metagame of the MMBN series would lie in the Renowned Folder FAQ, where the accumulation of all powerful folders is. These folders define the Metagame, in essence, they dictate the power level and tech (resources) that are key to consistent victories. By looking at the folder "Einherjar's Judgement" designed by H0tSh0tZ1627, this folder literally defines the metagame, simply due to its raw power. --------------------------- 3 ElecPulse1 J 3 ElecPulse2 J 2 ElecPulse3 J 2 Sword * 2 WideSword * 2 LongSword * 3 KillerSensor1 J 1 JusticeOne J 4 AreaGrab * 1 Fastgauge * (Preset) 2 Recover300 J 1 Judgeman J 1 JudgemanEX J 1 JudgemanSP J 1 Killerman * 1 SaitoBatch J --------------------------- Crosses: Elec, Slash, (FullSync may be best) Notice, first, this folder doesn't use the ever traditional defense chip, Invisible *. Why not? Consider a mirror match of the folders. ElecPulse chips cut through Invis defenses, canceling them out and rendering them useless. This, coupled with the Rush Navi Customizer Program, makes Invis hardly worth anything. The folder quickly forces opponents into paralysis, and then bombards them with large amounts of damage and then re-paralyzing them to set up for the next attack. A very fluid and oppressive folder. How does this folder define metagame? Its the strongest folder availble to players. How has it changed the way we play MMBN? For starters, hardly anyone uses Invis * defense chips anymore. This folder simply renders them useless. As such, folder design has changed to meet that, and many folders don't carry Invis * in maximum quanitites anymore. Looking to win some NetBattles with some friends? Be on the look out for this folder. In a sense, this is the strongest folder designed as of yet. However, if a folder could be designed to be even stronger than this, then the metagame would change very quickly. =============================================================================== 4. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) =============================================================================== Q: Rate my folder! A: ...Eventually. I DO HAVE A LIFE Y'KNOW. Q: How can my folder suck OMGWTFBBQ, YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO RATE A FOLDER! A: ...right... how are you enjoying your alphabet soup there? I say your folder isn't too good because there are too many codes, or the frequency of a main combo is too low to pull off successfully. You may have S-ranked BassBX and GospelSP for all I care, but in the end they're just predictable bits of programming code, programmed with simple strategies. If you can beat a human player with that same folder, while they use something like Einherjar's Judgement, then... I just don't really know what to say, unless, that other guy can't play MMBN games. Q: You missed something/didn't cover something! Can you add it? A: ...might have. If you're nice about it, e-mail me and I'll update the FAQ. Q: Will you build me a good folder? A: No. I leave this to your own creativity. I will however, rate your folder, and offer constructive criticism and support should you post it on the GameFAQs message boards. Q: Can I e-mail you my folder for rating? A: Heck no. Q: My question isn't here! Can you add it? A: Sure... but be polite about it. Oh... and RELEVANT TOO. =============================================================================== 5. Legal Information =============================================================================== MegaMan Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar/Cybeast Falzar (Rockman.EXE Dennoujou Greiga/Faltzer) - are copyright of Capcom. This FAQ is Copyright 2006 TemjinZero (Aaron Loh, UltimaOmegaWeapon on GameFAQs Forums). This FAQ may only be hosted on the follow locations: GameFAQs ( and The UnderSquare ( This FAQ may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. For those of you who didn't get that, it means you're breaking the law. If you want my advice on the matter, DON'T DO IT. You're only sticking your own neck out into the fryer. =============================================================================== 6. Credits =============================================================================== Woohoo, now the part where I thank everyone! Special Thanks go out to: - Nuz, I used your Battle Chip FAQ's data to compile examples quickly, don't know how I'd have done it without that info. Thanks for such a complete database! - My good friend, zidanet129, thanks for the Program Advance FAQ... that helped compile example folders! - Another good friend, Asakura Yoh, for EXE 6's RFF, and all the work he's put in! - H0tSh0tZ1627, for your folder, Einherjar's Judgement, and The UnderSquare, the game would not be the same without The UnderSquare. - elemental_guy2, Tibiaking, USSJ_Gotenks, for providing some great examples of combos gone wrong right when I needed them! - GameFAQs, for the uniting the entire community of fellow gamers under a common banner... sorta thing. :D - Capcom, Mr. Keiji Inafune, EXE Development Team for making a series of such awesome games! - The Original ONB (I mean everyone), my first MMBN home away from home. >:D - The Community! For driving me insane with Alphabet soup folders, leading to my eventual madness that led to this FAQ/Article. - Er... I suppose everyone else I may have missed. End of FAQ...