1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 (C) Geoff Mendicino: 2004 Version 1.7 =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\==/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\==/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= MEGAMAN BATTLE NETWORK RENOWNED COMBO AND FOLDER LIST! =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\==/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\==/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= Version Updates: 1.8: NOT RELEASED VERSION Will include many of your User-Submitted Folders! 1.7: 3 Chip Debates, ArmyLock AreaLock changed names: ArmyAreaLock, Added Extra Chip Challenges section! Added 1 FAQ 1.6: Rainbow Crusher (C Unicode) and MuraMasa MAX (E Unicode), 1 FAQ, The Best Folder, Current Situation Updates everywhere, Credits Page Section! 1.5: Rockman! Literally. (M Unicode), 2 FAQs, 1 Chip Debate, How to make a folder, Grammar/Spelling Corrections in many areas. 1.4: Vampire Kiss (A Unicode) Folder, MAX Damage and MAX Health was added to ALL folders. 1 FAQ. 1.3: Gutsman's Gater Update, L Unicode Folder, G Unicode Folder, 2 Chip Debates 1.2: !LifeAura Unbreakable!, A Unicode Update, 3 FAQ, 3 Chip Debates, PerfectAura Folder (A gift from above) 1.1: Stones N Stomps, EASY FOLDERS SECTION, Mike Tyson's Revenge, 2 FAQs. 1.0: Introduction, Folder Grading, Laws to NetBattling, ArmyLock AreaLock, Zero's Resurrection, Gutsman's Gater, Disclaimer, About Me!, 6 FAQs, Closing. =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= TABLE OF CONTENTS: =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= A. Introduction B. Folder Rules /B1. The Best Folder /B2. Laws to NetBattling /B3. How to make a folder /B4. Chip Debates /B5. Chip Challenges C. The Folders /C1. ArmyAreaLock (A Unicode) /C2. Vampire Kiss (A Unicode) /C3. Zero's Resurrection (B Unicode) /C4. Stones N Stomps (C Unicode) /C5. MuraMasa MAX (E Unicode) /C6. Gutsman's Gater (G Unicode) /C7. Wild Whirlwinds (G Unicode) /C8. Zero's Shrine (L Unicode) /C9. Rockman! Literally. (M Unicode) EASY FOLDERS /C10. PerfectAura (A Unicode) /C11. Mike Tyson's Revenge (B Unicode) /C12. Rainbow Crusher (C Unicode) D. Disclaimer E. Credits Page F. About Me! G. FAQs H. Closing =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= A. Introduction =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= Hey all, WHAT THE @#$* IS UP?! Well, I'm pumped to write a FAQ, are you ready to read one!? There's not much of an introduction here, but for legal stuff, check the disclaimer, for some extra help, visit the "About Me!" section. If you don't want to read my entire masterpiece, sadly, please just read section B for a couple of pointers so you can translate some folder stuffs I do not mention in the Folder Lists. If you want to use the find command to search for something, just put in the letter/number combo with the period (like C1.), and voila! So, without further ado, I bring to you... =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= B. Folder Rules: =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= Levels go from 1 to 10 to S. 1 is the worst, S is the best. VB Level: Virus Busting Level How well this does against Virus Busting NB Level: Navi Busting Level What Busting Level I usually get from the folder. NBB Level: Netbattling Busting Level How well this does against Netbattling Busting. The key is how many times you would think you would WIN. EB Level: Easy Building Level How easy it is to build this. (1=Impossible / S=You basicly come with it) (Area)Lock: To put an enemy in a position where he cannot move, AT ALL. =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= B1. The Best Folder =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= The name "The Best Folder" was put here to attract you. There is no best folder (*cough*well, maybe except for Muramasa MAX*cough*) but this section is to inform you how I think the folders would rank in against each other. This is good for people who love stealing my/our folders or if they are trying to see if they can try to counter another folder. So, out of the 12 folders, this is how they rank, according to NetBattling Efficency, from the best down. 1. MuraMasa MAX (E Unicode) 2. ArmyAreaLock (A Unicode) 3. Zero's Resurrection (B Unicode) 4. Gutsman's Gater (G Unicode) 5. Wild Whirlwinds (G Unicode) 6. Stones N Stomps (C Unicode) 7. Rockman! Literally. (M Unicode) 8. Vampire Kiss (A Unicode) 9. Zero's Shrine (L Unicode) (1-9 are exceptionally great folders, give them all a try!) 10. Mike Tyson's Revenge (B Unicode) 11. PerfectAura (A Unicode) 12. Rainbow Crusher (C Unicode) And there you go... Or perhaps you wanted a MAX Damage ranking? Out of the 12 folders, this is how they rank, according to MAX Damage Efficency, from the most damage down. Remember, just because a folder has LOTS of damage effort, doesn't mean it's the best. Also, to get the true value of damage they inflict in battle, divide the total in half, that counts for the armour. (??? means there is an item on the field that can keep dealing damage for as long as the item still remains intact. I'll put these in order to how long I'd expect them to last on the field and how many of them you have.) MAX DAMAGE: 1. MuraMasa MAX (9990) 2. ArmyAreaLock (1120+???) 3. Rockman! Literally. (6600) 4. Zero's Resurrection (3950) 5. Wild Whirlwinds (3250) 6. Stones N Stomps (2700) 7. Gutsman's Gater (2500+???) 8. Zero's Shrine (1000+???) 9. Rainbow Crusher (2650) 10. Vampire Kiss (2120*???) 11. Mike Tyson's Revenge (2000) 12. PerfectAura (0) Attack Rating: 5000-10000: Insane! 4999-3500: Great! 3499-2500: Okay! 2499-2000: Eww! 1999-1: Bleh! 0: Who the hell made your folder? And the last, MAX Health ranking! Remember, Health is a crucial part of this game, so if you are making a folder, please make room for some sort of health. MAX HEALTH: 1. PerfectAura (3000) 2. ArmyAreaLock (2700) 3. Vampire Kiss (1560*???) 4. Stones N Stomps (1500) 4. MuraMasa MAX (1500) 4. Gutsman's Gater (1500) 4. Wild Whirlwinds (1500) 4. Zero's Shrine (1500) 4. Mike Tyson's Revenge (1500) 4. Rainbow Crusher (1500) 5. Rockman! Literally. (???) 6. Zero's Resurrection (0) Health Rating: 3000-5000: General Surgeon! 2999-2000: Witch Doctor! 1999-1500: Medic! 1499-1000: Pediatrician! 999-500: Healthy! 499-100: Intern! 99-0: Medical Malpractice! =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= B2. Laws to NetBattling. =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= -DO NOT EVER FORGET, to put any type of armor on. It'll give you potentially double health, unless the enemy gets lucky and guesses your armor's weakness, but most of the folders you see are actually Neutral. Auras are not affected by Armor, so 100 aura is still 100. -I assume you use an armor and the enemy doesn't penetrate your armor every hit he gives you. If he does, it probably won't be too much anyways, you just take normal damage. =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= B3. How to make a folder. =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= How do you make a folder? Well, I HAD to add in this section because there are certain people who miss a bunch of OBVIOUS key points of what makes up a folder. And even after I explain to them time after time on the forums, they STILL insist on not improving their folders, saying that I'm too damn strict. Well, guess what? I am strict, that's why I put the best of the best folders here. Don't like it? Tough, I'm a mean little *!@#& and there's nothing you can do about it, ahahahhaah. So what do you need enable to make a decent folder? Well, my friend, I shall give you the commendments of folder making. =~/~\~~\~/~= 1. FLUIDITY =~/~\~~\~/~= There are many levels of fluidity, but which one do I mean? All of them. Fluidity refers to how fast you can pull a combo off in the chip screen, it doesn't mean how fast you can pull it off during actual battle-time, but... A GOOD FOLDER: +Is able to pull off a pre-planned strategy with your chips in 1 to 2 turns. +Is TWO CODES AT MOST. Anything more than two codes is TOO loose, meaning you will lose a LARGE amount of chips you can pull in one turn. +Has only a couple of different chips in their folders. +FLEXABLE in MANY to ALL situations! Situations include: -StealLock and GeddonLock -Enemy has a short-range/low recovery folder. A BAD FOLDER: -Is unable to pull off a pre-planned strategy, due to too many different chips (same code or not). -Has FOUR or MORE codes. Worst Case Scenario you can only pull 2 chips, which is nothing compared to 5 chips. -Too many different chips of the same code is actually a bad thing. Too many pre-planned strategies will end up in non-flexable strategies. =~/~\~~\~/~= 2. STRATEGY =~/~\~~\~/~= You obviously need a strategy enable to play. I remember this one idiot who said, "Well, just try to make combos as you go along." So, other from the fact that you admitted you spent about 2 seconds on your folder, you are also unprepared for battle, and without thinking two moves ahead, you will suck. Of course, the remedy to this is said above, "+Has only a couple of different chips in their folders" The reason for this is that you can concentrate on a couple strategies, which automatically gives you experience, and a couple chips means you can discover every possibility between them. A GOOD FOLDER: +Has a pre-planned strategy. +Strategy is flexable to many situations in battle. +Can use the PERFECT AURA STRATEGY. (Doesn't matter what code LifeAura is in) A BAD FOLDER: -Doesn't have a strategy. -Only willing to fight in one type of panel situation. -Doesn't use PERFECT AURA STRATEGY. =~/~\~~\~/~= 3. MAX ATTACK/MAX HEALTH =~/~\~~\~/~= This emphisizes the main idea of the folder, how much damage can you deal, and how much you can recover. Thankfully, there are no AntiReco chips in this game, so you can heal without worries. This kinda screws up the game balance though, since with an extra 3000 health (6000 with armor), there aren't too many chips/PAs that will deal 8000 damage, except for the ones that keep continuing doing damage. (Anubis and LockOn) The MAX ATTACK relates to the maximum amount of damage you can deal on the opponent if every chip/PA hits. The MAX HEALTH relates to the maximum amount of health you can recover yourself with. With so many recovering folders in my list, it's a good idea to hold a couple Recov300s around your folder. A GOOD FOLDER: +Has a good balance of ATTACK and HEALTH. A BAD FOLDER: -Lacks in either ATTACK or HEALTH. =~/~\~~\~/~= 4. TEST OUT YOUR FOLDER! =~/~\~~\~/~= If you don't test out your folder against nearly all the situations there are in this game, then please, don't send it at all. And don't test against LifeVirus or Bass. They are computers and they have a set strategy, unlike NetBattles. Just because you can beat these guys or get through story mode with your folder, doesn't mean it's good. It means nothing to any good netbattler. These are the fundamentals, of course, there are MANY MANY more things that make a good folder, such as how it's Busting Level is against Viruses and Navis, but this should get you going. For examples, why not look at the unique folders in this file? Some very unique folders to me, are: /C1. ArmyAreaLock (A Unicode) Utilizes GeddonLock with a lethal, untouchable folder. /C6. Gutsman's Gater (G Unicode) Utilizes 500 DAMAGE PA with a mixture of 2 deadly pre-set strategies. /C7. Zero's Shrine (L Unicode) Utilizes Anubis, and attempts to AreaLock. /C8. Rockman! Literally. (M Unicode) Utilizes Cube Punching for MEGA Damage. /C9. PerfectAura The most extreme defense folder ever. Unfortuantly, there are no attack chips. =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= B4. Chip Debate =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= Chip Debate TOS: 1. LifeAura, undestructable?! (Perfect Aura) 2. FastGauge Vs. SlowGauge 3. Geddon2 Vs. Steal 4. Armours Vs. Armours 5. "Mine" Problems 6. Rocky! (Rock Punches) 7. Leaf Shield (LeafShld) 8. MuraMasa 9. "Bstr" Chips =~/~\~~\~/~= 1. LifeAura, undestructable?! (Perfect Aura) =~/~\~~\~/~= LifeAura. You make me smile once I found out your secret. If you are positive that your opponent's chips have ran to 0. Go ahead, and activate it. You cannot lose. Why? BusterDamage can only inflict 80, not enough to penetrate the 100 it needs, if your opponent has no chips then *gasp*, HE CAN'T HARM YOU! Of course, when two people make this strategy, well, it's going to be an impossible match. Whoever has the most health, declair the winner, if they are even, then whoever can beat up who in real life will win, how about that? BTW: I am not 100% sure if Anabus is able to PENETRATE the Aura like in the other games, probably not though. =~/~\~~\~/~= 2. FastGauge Vs. SlowGauge =~/~\~~\~/~= You might be ROFL or LYAO at this debate. Keep in mind SlowGauge is nothing that bad. FastGauge Codes: ACELN SlowGauge Codes: HKNOQ --- FastGauge Pros: +Cuts FullGauge time in half (4 seconds) +Remedies SlowGauge (for minor to major reasons) +ACEL codes are very useful. +Good for killing the wait time in Virus Busting/Navi Busting +Lasts entire battle (unless a SlowGauge is played) FastGauge Cons: -If opponent doesn't use SlowGauge to his benefit, then aren't you getting the chips at the same time anyway with no added benefits to either player? -If both opponents use FastGauge, then what the hell is the benefit of that? -It would've been nice to put this in B code, would really help Zero's B Unicode folder out. SlowGauge Pros: +Doubles FullGauge wait time!!! (16 seconds) +Remedies FastGauge (in case you don't enjoy having faster chip gaining powers) +HKNQ code with this is useful. (HKN is explained below) +Maximizes Aura/Popup usage. +Lasts entire battle (unless a FastGauge is played) SlowGauge Cons: -Why the hell would you use this in a Virus/Navi Busting Battle? -Need full benefit of 16 seconds enable for Aura usage to work well. -Would've been nice to put in A code for my A Unicode folder. --- So why the hell am I comparing SlowGauge to FastGauge? Well, first guess would be to remedy FastGauge... Well, that sucks, you're going to get the chips at the SAME TIME ANYWAY!!! So what made me spot out SlowGauge? It's because of the AURA usage. Yeah, I know, I hate Auras because of their weak power compared to MMBN2/MMBN3, but think about this, remember the BUSTER cannot take down a LifeAura, so let's say you activate a SlowGauge at the BEGINNING of the match, well, first your opponent would probably think you're an idiot or you read this guide, so either you activate a PopUp immediately (this will alert the foe though) or you wait until your opponent deals out all his chips for that turn (which takes about 2-10 seconds, hopefully) for the rest of the time, you can either activate LifeAura or PopUp and enjoy a 6-14 second type of freedom from any Buster Damage or if your opponent's kinda weak in the chips (for LifeAura), be immune to most of his chips. HK are the 2 matching codes for LifeAura and HKN are the 3 matching codes for PopUp. Pretty cool, huh? Of course, if you are AreaLocked at all, your lack of movement would probably suck, huh? But there is ONE thing that can help you out alot here. If you can keep alive the entire match and get to the point where your opponent just runs out of chips, this is where it shines right here. You WILL defeat your enemy with no doubt if you use a LifeAura with no chips left in your opponent's pocket. Amazing, huh? I just thought of that now. (But if there are two opponents with no chips left but a LifeAura on their backs...) BTW: I am not 100% sure if Anabus is able to PENETRATE the Aura like in the other games, probably not though. FastGauge now, is for fast folders, but I haven't made any of them up yet in those codes. FastGauge also remedies SlowGauge. WINNER: SlowGauge, barely because of the potential of Auras/PopUps. (BTW: "Bstr" chips basicly suck, except for MetGuard, so that's why I gave no mention) =~/~\~~\~/~= 3. Geddon2 Vs. Steal =~/~\~~\~/~= Steal Codes: AELPS Geddon2 Codes: ABEIK --- Geddon2 Pros: +Immediate "Lock" +15 second "Lock" +Comes in A and B codes Geddon2 Cons: -15 seconds Vs. Infinite loses -Also gives you the disablity of "Lock" yourself. -Repair kills the AreaLock immediately. -Steal kinda kills the AreaLock, only if the opponent is on front line. --- --- Steal Pros: +Infinite "Lock" (As long as you stand in his back line) +Comes in A and S codes +Remedy of Steal is only a large amount of time or "Steal"ing his way back, using 3 chips to go back to normal, 6 chips to put you in an AreaLock. Steal Cons: -Can be TOTALLY prevented if enemy stands on front line, no matter how many times an enemy activates it. -Needs 3 to AreaLock, assuming opponent doesn't activate it on you or finds out and stands on front line -Cannot remedy Geddon2 unless standing on front line. -Geddon2 right after a steal kills your plan anyways. --- Note: If you steal on an empty panel, it will automatically fill in as normal panels. The more you know. Well, the major con with Geddon2 is that Repair will revive the enemy's panels, while you stick yourself in a "Lock"ed situation. The major con in Steal is that you can totally block it by sticking your body in front line and that it costs 3 times as much as Geddon2 to set it off. Geddon2 gives you 30 seconds of locking your enemy, but if you stand in your opponent's backline by stealing all their panels, they will never be revived as his, but unfortuantly there aren't too many chips that can hit opponents from all the way back there, and the opponent can lock them into position with Geddon2. Of course, Steal remedies Geddon2 while Geddon2 remedies Steal, but Steal needs you to be front line enable to remedy correctly. WINNER: Geddon2, more possiblities and less weasling out of. Many folder utilize Geddon2, including: ArmyAreaLock =~/~\~~\~/~= 4. Armours Vs. Armours =~/~\~~\~/~= There are 4 difference Armours in the game... They are: Aqua Armor: 1/2 Damage (Except for Elec Chips) Fire Armor: 1/2 Damage (Except for Aqua Chips) Wood Armor: 1/2 Damage (Except for Fire Chips) (Normal) Armor: Normal Damage Obviously, the (Normal) Armor is the least helpful out of all of them, since it provides no benefits. The rest of the Armors provide 1/2 damage off unless you get hit by it's weakness... So basically, if you have all 4 of these, the best one to choose is the one that has the least used chip that penetraits the armor. In my folders here, I RARELY use Elemental Chips unless there is something special that Unfortuantly, there isn't an Elec Armor, if there was, that would be the #1 choice, since there are barely any Wood Chips, and even less USEFUL Wood Chips. My first choice would have to be Aqua Armor, even though it costs the most (30000z). The only chips that any very exp. player would choose would have to be Remobit1,2,3 and in some rare cases RingZap1,2,3 (which acts like Plasma in MMBN3). But that should only be used when you have the enemy trapped. I find Wood Armor to be my 2nd choice, there are some more chips like RedWave and BodyBurn. My last choice is Fire Armor, since there are ALOT of useful water chips, mostly the Wave and BigWave chips. WINNER: Aqua Armor... Though the entire thing seems like luck... =~/~\~~\~/~= 5. "Mine" Problems =~/~\~~\~/~= This is a short one. If you are put into Invincible Mode (take any type of damage at all or activate an Invis chip), you can run over Mines placed on the field and disarm them WITHOUT TAKING ANY DAMAGE! =~/~\~~\~/~= 6. Rocky! (Rock Punches) =~/~\~~\~/~= If you take any type of punch chip (IcePunch, GutsPnch or BstrPnch) and you punch a cube of any kind (IceCube, RockCube), then instead of breaking open the cube, you will shove the cube forward, if you hit it with an IceCube it goes the entire area, if you hit a RockCube, it only goes one square ahead. If it hits an enemy, the rock will break, and you will do 200 damage to your opponent, pretty cool, eh? Remember, IceCube goes the longer distance, but RockCube's chip puts 3 random RockCubes out on the field, which can potentially do 3 times more damage if you hit them all. For a folder that utilizes this, look at the "Rockman! Literally." M unicode folder. =~/~\~~\~/~= 7. Leaf Shield (LeafShld) =~/~\~~\~/~= Codes: CDFKQ Is Leaf Shield: Good or Bad? Leaf Shield is a special healing chip, how it's used is when you activate it, a group of leaves surround you, and the NEXT time you get hit, instead of losing life, you gain that many health points instead. It's kinda like a reverse Muramasa. You're probably thinking that that's probably the best chip in the game, or at least pretty close to one of the best... And during Virus/Navi Busting, it IS the best healing chip in the game, because the AI doesn't care what you have on (duh), it'll just keep attacking you. Unfortuantly, the ease of difficulty in this game rarely needs you to heal at all. During NetBattles, though, it's a matter of how stupid your opponent is. Anything can set Leaf Shield off, from 999 damage from Muramasa to a 1 damage Buster Shot. The problem with LeafShld is that it freezes time and displays LeafShld, so it lets the other user know that you have a Leaf Shield on. So, it's pretty much a lose situation, the opponent will shoot you once with a buster and at MAX do 5 damage, healing you 5 points. It sucks. There are no folders that utilize this feature. Virus Busting: Good. Navi Busting: Good. Net Battling: Stink. =~/~\~~\~/~= 8. MuraMasa =~/~\~~\~/~= Codes: CEGJK Is MuraMasa: Good or Bad? MuraMasa is a special attack chip, it has the range of a sword chip, only hitting the one square ahead of you. But, it's damage depends on how much damage you've taken already. A simple equation for the simple minded: Start HP - Current HP = MuraMasa Damage The potential damage for this chip is 999, if your MAX HP is 1000, but one buster shot will kill you, so using this chip takes some special timing, I prefer using it when you are at 250-400 health (from 1000 HP). That does 750- 600 damage, which is a helluva lot, more damage than any PA or chip. Remember that armour will half that damage, but you can carry up to 10 MuraMasas, so it's all good in that sense. It does good in Net Pros: +MEGA Damage, potential of 999 damage in ONE hit. +Most damage ever, and you can carry 10 of them, since it's not a Navi Chip. +MuraMasa MAX utilizes this folder, and is my favorite folder of all. Cons: -It has the range of a normal sword. -Don't expect ANYTHING near a good BL if you rely solely on MuraMasa for damage. -You get it from S-Ranking ShadowMan. It takes hours just to see him once. -You have to time your hits to make the MuraMasa effective, but you must keep enough health to stop yourself from getting deleted. Virus Busting: Bad. Navi Busting: Good for defeating the Navi, bad for a high Busting Level. Net Battling: Good. MuraMasa MAX (E Unicode Folder) utilizes this folder. =~/~\~~\~/~= 9. "Bstr" Chips =~/~\~~\~/~= These chips are chips that turn your normal Mega-Buster into a different weapon for a full turn. 9/10 cases it will be much worst than the Mega-Buster. These chips are... BstrGard (MetGuard) BstrBomb (MiniBomb) BstrSwrd (Sword) BstrPnch (GutPunch) Unless, you are playing someone who has like 10 Recov10 chips in their folder, the damage/range of these weapons suck. Even if you Area/Geddon Lock someone, after you hit someone, you have to wait 1-2 seconds enable for the enemy to get attacked again, and it takes 8 seconds for a FullGauge. Go figure. To increase this time, use a SlowGauge, for up to 16 seconds of Bstr Chips. The only time I would find any of these chips useful is: BstrGard, you can randomly fire it and hopefully you can get lucky and block an attack the enemy puts up. No folders of mine utilize this. BstrPnch, it's good for punching blocks. In fact, the "Rockman! Literally." M Unicode folder utilizes this, and ends up doing some hefty damage. But... There is a use for all these chips. BUSTER NETBATTLING! If you have any friends (hah), then try to set up a BstrChip only game, those can actually be alot of fun, there's nothing more satisfing than throwing 1000 MiniBombs at one time, but make sure you put SlowGauge on so you don't end up losing all your chips in the end. Other from that... Those chips are only good for Game Design, if you have another use for these chips, then please e-mail/IM me those uses and I'll consider putting them here! =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= B5. Extra Game Challenges FAQ =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= TABLE OF CONTENTS: I. Introduction II. Locations of the V3 Navis... The Challenges: 1. No-Chip Challenge 2. Bstr-Chip Challenge 3. IronBody Breach Challenge 4. Survival Challege III. Extra Game Tips =============== I. Introduction =============== Bored'd of this game? I don't blame you, we've got MMBN2, MMBN3, MMBN4 and soon MMBN5 and MMBN:DS. But, let's say you are a poor unfortuanate who only has the first installment of this series, and you've collected every PowerUP, every HPMemory, recieved all 176 chips, completed all trades, built all the folders listed here (a must!) and you think you are finally done with the game... Well, you are. But, there are a couple things you can do to challenge yourself, and that's why I'm here to help inspire your challenges! If you have actually completed a challenge, please E-Mail me the (game) time it took you to finish, and as long as it's not a ridiculously quick time (I beat LifeVirus using only my Buster in 30 seconds!), I'll post it under the challenges with your name on it... But, I don't expect any E-Mails because I think you are the 2nd person to ever look at this guide. Screw it. =============================== II. Locations of the Enemies... =============================== In case you forgot, here's a quick list so you don't have to scurry around. MOST CHALLENGES INCLUDE FIGHTING THE 3RD VERSION OF A NAVI. NAVIS: Bass: Randomly found in Internet Area 16. BombMan: Randomly found in Internet Area 11. ColorMan: Randomly found in Internet Area 9. ElecMan: Randomly found in Internet Area 6. FireMan: Randomly found in Internet Area 1. GutsMan: Talk to Dex in WWW Base. IceMan: Talk to Dr. Froid in WWW Base. Life Virus: Fought at the end of WWW Base. MagicMan: Randomly found in Internet Area 14. NumberMan: Talk to Higsby in WWW Base. PharoahMan: Randomly found in Internet Area 12. ProtoMan: Talk to Chaud in ACDC Town. ShadowMan: Randomly found in Internet Area 15. SharkMan: Talk to Masa in GovnComplex. Skullman: Talk to Miyu in DenTown, Block 2 in her shop. Stoneman: Randomly found in Internet Area 3. Woodman: Talk to Sal in GovnComplex. --- VIRUSES: GaiaV3 (Challenge 4): Randomly found in Internet Area 16 --- ============== THE CHALLENGES ============== ==================== 1. No-Chip Challenge ==================== Quite simple, you may only use your Mega-Buster in V3 Navi Battles. You cannot use any "Bstr" chips, of course, you can use PowerUPs and HPMemories, BUT YOU MAY NOT USE ANY ELEMENT ARMOURS (WoodArmor/AquaArmor/HeatArmor). After you delete the V3 Navi, the Busting Level TIME is your Time Trial score. Try to beat my records... (NOTE: The Life Virus and Bass puts his LifeAura down during their actual attacks, so it is possible to beat him w/ only your Mega-Buster.) (NOTE2: ACK. Anyone who can beat Bass is truly a great player.) (NOTE3: The Life Virus's time must be timed with a stopwatch, the game doesn't take the time.) (NOTE4: For all my records, to make it fair, I put a (#) after my name, telling you how many tries it took for me to get that time.) Time Trial Records (All V3): Bass: 1. Geoff Mendicino (150th Try): 0:52:71 2. Geoff Mendicino (1): Deleted. Bass had alot of Health Left. BombMan: ColorMan: ElecMan: FireMan: GutsMan: 1. Geoff Mendicino (1): 0:34:81 IceMan: 1. Geoff Mendicino (2): 0:37:59 2. Geoff Mendicino (1): 0:53:28 Life Virus: 1. Geoff Mendicino (1): 1:45:00 MagicMan: NumberMan: 1. Geoff Mendicino (2): 0:31:24 2. Geoff Mendicino (1): 0:34:24 PharoahMan: 1. Geoff Mendicino (2): 0:32:66 2. Geoff Mendicino (1): 0:50:98 ProtoMan: 1. Geoff Mendicino (2): 0:58:59 2. Geoff Mendicino (1): 0:59:18 ShadowMan: SharkMan: 1. Geoff Mendicino (1): 1:18:58 SkullMan: 1. Geoff Mendicino (1): 0:40:93 StoneMan: WoodMan: 1. Geoff Mendicino (1): 0:29:36 ====================== 2. Bstr-Chip Challenge ====================== Similar to the "No-Chip Challenge", you may only use "Bstr" chips to defeat the V3 Navis, you may not use your Mega-Buster. Of course, you can use HPMemories but YOU MAY NOT USE ANY ELEMENT ARMOURS (WoodArmor/AquaArmor/HeatArmor). (You can have PowerUPs but they are useless since you can't use your Mega-Buster.) Your folder can consist of non-Bstr Chips, but you may not use them. Bstr Chips include: BstrGard, BstrBomb, BstrSwrd, BstrPnch. After you delete the V3 Navi, the Busting Level TIME is your Time Trial score. Try to beat my records... (NOTE: The Life Virus and Bass puts his LifeAura down during their actual attacks, so it is possible to beat him w/ only Bstr Chips. (NOTE2: ACK. Anyone who can beat Bass is truly a great player.) (NOTE3: The Life Virus's time must be timed with a stopwatch, the game doesn't take the time.) (NOTE4: For all my records, to make it fair, I put a (#) after my name, telling you how many tries it took for me to get that time.) Time Trial Records (All V3): Bass: (I'm not even gonna try...) BombMan: ColorMan: ElecMan: FireMan: GutsMan: 1. Geoff Mendicino (1): 1:01:51 IceMan: 1. Geoff Mendicino (1): 0:08:23 Life Virus: MagicMan: NumberMan: 1. Geoff Mendicino (1): 0:53:54 PharoahMan: ProtoMan: 1. Geoff Mendicino (1): 1:12:66 ShadowMan: SharkMan: 1. Geoff Mendicino (2): 0:32:24 2. Geoff Mendicino (1): Deleted. SkullMan: 1. Geoff Mendicino (1): 0:11:44 StoneMan: Woodman: 1. Geoff Mendicino (1): 0:08:53 2. Geoff Mendicino (2): 0:13:53 3. Geoff Mendicino (3): 0:14:76 ================== 3. IronBody Breach Challenge ================== This isn't a very long/intresting challenge, but here you go. The challenge is to go into Internet Area 16 and run around until you meet up with TWO GaiaV3, the ones with the IronBody and Hammer. To make sure you got the right one, the battle screen should start like this on the enemy's side... [ ][ ][G] [ ][ ][ ] [ ][G][ ] The challenge is to ONLY USE YOUR MEGA-BUSTER and you may not use ANY ELEMENTAL ARMOURS (WoodArmor/AquaArmor/HeatArmor) to defeat these viruses, the catch is... YOU MAY NOT ATTACK THEM WITHOUT THEIR IRONBODY, that means when the viruses reach the front line, a moment later, they will change back into their normal orangeish form, if you hit them ONCE without their IronBody, you will automatically be disqualified. The last thing is that you may not press L or R to load up the Custom screen and you may not press the Start button at all during the match. Doing so, will disqualify you, again. The point of this is that you don't get time to rest your fingers, because if you press too quickly, they'll start getting tired, so pace is also a good thing in this game. Both Gaias have 300 HP, meaning that you'll have to press the B button 600 times. Each hit will cost you 400 HP, try not to get hurt... Good Luck. Time Trial Records: 1. Geoff Mendicino (3): 4:58:24 2. Geoff Mendicino (1): Deleted 3. Geoff Mendicino (2): Disqualified 4. 5. ===================== 4. Survival Challenge ===================== This is kinda like a challenge I've faced in BountyHunterSAx's MMBN3 Tournament, except we aren't against Alpha... This challenge is also simple. It shows how evasive and swift you are. Your challenge is to see how long you can evade an opponent's Navi Attacks for as long as you can survive. YOU MAY NOT USE ANY: -Elemental Armours (WoodArmor/AquaArmor/HeatArmor) -Chips (ANY KIND) What you do is you get a stopwatch and get in a V3 Navi NetBattle, as soon as you press the OK button in the Custom Screen (remember, no chips!), start the stopwatch. You may not press L or R at all to load up the Custom Screen and you cannot press the Start button, just so you can't cheat using a StopWatch and so you don't get a rest from evading your opponent's attacks. If you manage to defeat your opponent using your Mega-Buster, then you get a bonus 30 seconds for survival! (If you are e-mailing me, please give yourself the bonus SEPERATELY and tell me if you defeated your opponent or not.) Not all the Navis are available, since their attacks are easy to avoid. A list of acceptable Navis are below... Time Trial Records (All V3): Bass: 1. Geoff Mendicino (5): 01:15:00 2. Geoff Mendicino (2): 00:45:00 3. Geoff Mendicino (1): 00:35:00 Life Virus: Woodman: 1. Geoff Mendicino (1): 3:51:31 + Bonus = 4:21:31 ================== III. Extra Game Tips ================== Are you amazed from my 1337 Navi Busting skills? (I know you are! ^_^) Here's a couple tips that'll help you get best results! (I'm making a Navi Busting FAQ soon, don't miss it!) Table Of Contents: a. Non-Flinching Navis b. SharkMan c. Bass ====================== a. Non-Flinching Navis ====================== There are a couple of Navis that DO NOT FLINCH, meaning after you hit them with a flinch attack (like a powered up Mega-Buster or a Sword), they do not blink and you can hit them immediately, and they will still get hurt. These Navis are... 1. BombMan (not 100% sure) 2. ColorMan (not 100% sure) 3. IceMan 4. Life Virus (not 100% sure) 5. MagicMan 6. SharkMan 7. SkullMan 8. StoneMan 9. WoodMan If anyone is sure that a Navi flinches or not, please e-mail me, it'll be greatly appreciated with your credit on it. (Whoo... Big credit.) --- ===================== b. Sharkman Strategy ===================== SharkMan is a pretty hard Navi, even with the right armour on, he still does pack a little bit more damage than the rest of the Navis (except Bass), if you get hit too much, you'll get deleted just like I did the first time I played him with the Bstr-Only challenge. Here's a couple tips on avoiding/countering his attacks... 1. The first 2 seconds of the match, all the SharkMan fins are invincible, so even if you hit it, it'll still bounce off his fin. 2. At the beginning of the match, SharkMan is ALWAYS the 2nd fin. 3. If you are correctly aligned with a fin, it will charge at you like a DashAtk Bird (except faster). It will hit you for 120 HP. 4. As soon as you hit the actual SharkMan, the damage hit GFX will show and he will continue moving until he goes to the very top or bottom of the column, and then he will stop, peek his head out of the panel/water with his HP shown (you can still attack him). A second later, an AquaTower will appear, starting on your panel and it'll try to hit you. If the AquaTower hits you, you'll lose 80 HP. Remember, practice avoiding his hits before you start to try to beat him. You'll get hit often and flinch, if you aren't careful. --- ================== c. Bass Strategy ================== Bass is insanely hard to BEAT using only a Buster or using only Bstr-Chips. If you don't agree, then you didn't play Bass. First of all, you gotta wait until he takes down his Aura, while he is free to align himself to hit you with a 200 HP projectile energy ball. You cannot break the 100 Aura with only a Buster or using Bstr-Chips. Then, when he finally does a fist-pump, he'll be standing on the back column, as he takes off his Aura to massacre your sorry ass. As soon as he does a fist-pump, he launches 1 of 3 INSANE rapid attacks, each of them basically removing a limb from poor Mega. \\\ Blue Fist-Pump (Easiest Avoid Attack): Bass sticks out his hands, and a blue energy ball leaks into your panels, and follows a pattern similar to this... \\\ (X means he doesn't hit there) [8][3][2] [7][4][1] [6][5][X] Then... [X][1][6] [X][2][5] [X][3][4] Then... [6][1][X] [5][2][X] [4][3][X] And repeats... [X][1][6] [X][2][5] [X][3][4] Continued... [6][1][X] [5][2][X] [4][3][X] And his reign ends there. It might seem easy to avoid, but it goes pretty damn fast and follows a different pattern from the LockOn's virus pattern. If you get hit, you lose 300 HP. That's about 1/3rd of your full MAX life, Bass might as well rip off your arm and stomp on it. After the blue energy ball is gone, he'll give you 2 seconds before he puts his Aura back on. My strategy, is to practice avoiding this attack, by learning the pattern and playing against him. At the beginning of his attack, stand at his bald point (the X in the first diagram) and launch the attacks until the ball gets close, try to get into an other bald spot and keep laying out the attacks, don't stay there too long, a couple seconds and Bass eats you. Nothing else you can do, I would rather avoid his attacks than risking getting hit from playing aggressively. \\\ Purple Fist-Pump (HARDEST Avoid Attack): Bass gives you about 1/2 a second to bow down before him, before he turns your area into a Energy-Mine Field. \\\ He will stick his arms out and rapidly make from 3 to 7 yellow, random, energy- mines that popup immediately, giving you about a second to react to move out of the way. After 4 waves, he'll start to go faster, giving you about 1/2 a second to react and move out of the way. After 8 waves, he'll go insanely fast, and give you about 1/4th of a second to react and move out of the way. He'll quit after 12 waves, and gives you 2 seconds before he puts up his Aura again. EVERY ENERGY-MINE you touch will damage you for 300 HP, another huge chunk of life down the drain. You have the potential of getting hit 6 times, doing 1800 damage to you. That's a little bit more than enough to kill you. \\\ Yellow Fist-Pump (Semi-HARD Avoid Attack): Ahh... The famous Bass energy wave. Sucks to be Mega. \\\ He will stick his arms out and coming out of his side of the battlefield, comes the EXTREMELY fast, random green energy balls, and there are a helluva lot of these green energy balls. All I can recommend is for you to stand in the back row, and DO NOT attempt to attack Bass AT ALL, just do your very damn best to avoid all the energy balls. They come from the right side of the screen until they fall off of the left side of the screen, and it takes about 1/2 a second to cross over, just to give you a picture of the intensity of this move. I don't know how long it lasts, but including the flinch-invincibility you get when you are hit by an energy ball, you can get potentially get hit 3 times, and each hit gets 300 HP off your life. If you are the unlucky one, you'll get hit for 900 HP, leaving you 100 HP. Ouch. So... After all that, there is the entire fighting pattern of Bass, I might as well make a guide of it, hah. My suggestion, practice avoiding his attacks at first, and then try slipping in a couple of attacks until you get good enough to do a decent amount of damage between each wave. Good Luck. You'll need it. --- =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= C. Folders =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= Note: In Alpha-Order =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= C1. ArmyAreaLock =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= A - Unicode Folder Recov300 - 9X Geddon2 - 6X TimeBomb3 - 7X Lockon3 - 7X LifeAura - 1X Instruction Manuel: How this works is pretty simple. First turn, pick up an attack chip (most preferably Timebomb3) and Geddon2, the rest fill up with more attack chips (Lockon3). - If you have a TimeBomb3, activate it as soon as the match begins and move away from the opponent (row-wise) but MAKE sure you are one square away from the bomb so if you have Lockon3, you can attack him with that on his own panels. If you have Lockon3, move away from the opponent (row-wise) and activate it on enemy's terrain. - Activate Geddon2, it will last for 15 seconds (about two turns). And let the damage begin. For the rest of the chips, after your attack chip has been destroyed, go ahead and place another one, piss him off. Recov300 will keep your life up, since this isn't the quickest killing deck you can have. I don't recommend replacing Recov300 chips with Dropdown A, because Recov gets your health up, Dropdown protects your health, for 8 seconds. The LifeAura is to utilize PerfectAura, which means for non-FAQ readers: LifeAura is for when your opponent loses all his chips. Read the chip debate guide for a better explanation. The reason why I used Geddon2 over Stealing an area, is because when you steal an area, you can block it with your body. It sucks since your opponent can stay there as long as he likes, as long as he's getting the message that you are trying to AreaLock him. Pros: +3000 more potential health, 6000 if your enemy cannot penetrate your armor. +Many chips (and Buster) cannot even touch this folder, if there is a row difference and no panels between you and the enemy, only hit all PAs like x2Hero. +LifeAura penetrate with TimeBomb3. +Sword Unicode Folder is rendered dead to this folder, x2Hero is only thing that can hit you, which can be healed all in one with Recov300. +All chips can be recieved throughout the the chip trader, might take you a while, but I found all of them in there. +LifeAura Unbeatable Trick Available. Cons: -Repair will wreck you, unless you have another Geddon2, but who the heck's heard of this type of folder before? And who the heck uses Repair anyways? -If you are SUPER SLOW, Steal will wreck you, of course, you should always use your body to stop Steal from taking over your panels. -Invis3 causes a problem, that's where Recov300 shines -Horrible Virus Buster in the deep internet areas. -Takes a while to kill the enemy. MAX DAMAGE: 1120+???? (LockOn3 does from 200 damage to Infinite, depending on when it gets destroyed.) MAX HEALTH: 2700 (5400) OVERALL: This folder is very creative, and might be the new HeavyWeight Netbattle Champion! Good footwork and some smarts will combo and love you. VB Level: 1 NB Level: 6 NBB Level: S EB Level: 4 =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= C2. Vampire Kiss =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= A - Unicode Folder Drain1 - 7X 350 Drain2 - 7X 490 Drain3 - 8X 720 Wave - 7X 560 LifeAura - 1X (Replacement: Drain1,2,3 and Wave with a couple Recov300 chips, but STRONGLY not recommended) (A little noter on Drain chips: It freezes time and MegaMan dashes forward and does the amount of damage on the chip to whatever enemy/enemies you hit, and it heals you by the damage you deal. Hell, that's a pretty damn good combo!) This utilizes the A code P.A: Blood Drain Which inspired the name, "Vampire Kiss". Isn't that wonderful. ANYWAY... The PA combo is Drain1, Drain2, Drain3 and Wave, which creates an unescapable 3 line, 200 damage wave, which also heals you by 200 health (100 if enemy is wearing armor)! The LifeAura is to utilize PerfectAura, which means for non-FAQ readers: LifeAura is for when your opponent loses all his chips. Read the chip debate guide for a better explanation. Well, now that everything is explained, this folder is pretty much self- explainable. Here's the pointers: 1. When the match begins, use as many Drain chips (NOT THE PA) you need for you to keep your health at MAX, but make sure you don't miss ANY DRAIN. If you start missing Drains because your opponent is finding out what's up, then start using either the PA or if your health is high enough, use a couple Wave then go back to Drain chips. 2. Don't use Wave at all until you need it for your PA 3. If the opponent gets you in an AreaLock, either GeddonLock or StealLock, start using the PA until you get out of it. 4. Once your opponent runs out of chips (or at least when you think he's out), use the LifeAura for the PerfectAura Strategy! Pros: +BEAUTIFUL Attack+Defense Combo all in ONE CHIP, and it heals ALOT too! +PerfectAura works great here! +Very simple to use folder. +Still able to do MASSIVE damage even in an AreaLock! Cons: -MAX Damage is actually VERY low. -Still, 1500 health is great, but nothing compared to 3000, but can be readjusted with a couple Recov300 chips, but you wouldn't want to do that AT ALL! -The huge problem with this folder is MAX damage, it only makes 70 more damage over 1000 with armor. -Unless you can pull a PA off the first turn, you won't be able to S rank many Viruses. -Only the PA can destroy a LifeAura. MAX DAMAGE: 2120 (1070) Can actually be more if Drain hits 2 or more opponents at the same time. MAX HEALTH: 1560 (3120) Can actually be more if Drain hits 2 or more opponents at the same time. OVERALL: Awesome folder, the Drain really pulls off a good combo within itself, you just need to make your shots worthy, because your MAX damage you can do from this is very low, and you will probably have to rely on good alignment skills enable to win this match. If your opponent uses Recov300, you are kinda screwed here, it will take A HELLUVA LOT of good BusterShots enable to put those Recov300 chips back down, if your opponent has 10 Recov300, you are screwed, period. Unless your opponent really has to suck enable to not kill you with an extra 3000/6000 health. This should only be used in NetBattling, but it's alright for Virus NetBattling as long as you can get a PA off your first turn. If you don't, just ADD until you get the PA. This folder is pretty easy to build, except for the LifeAura, which is the last chip of the game you will get. VB Level: 8 NB Level: 9 NBB Level: 7 EB Level: 7 =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= C3. Zero's Resurrection =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= B - Unicode Folder ORIGINAL CREATOR IS ZERO.EXE FROM THE FORUMS! GO SAY HI TO HIM FOR ME. ProtoMn3 - 5X Invis3 - 4X FghtSwrd - 6X KngtSwrd - 7X HeroSwrd - 7X LifeAura A - 1X Instruction Manuel: Pretty much straight forward, except for one thing... If you mix FighterSword/KnightSword/HeroSword/ProtoMn3 all in one, you will form the very powerful PA, 2xHero! This actually loses power within all 4 chips. 580 Vs. 400 but you guarantee a hit unless the enemy is under any type of protection. Since these swords are very risky unless the enemy is under some type of hold, I would just go for the PA, and if I don't get the PA combo, just press the ADD button. This is the ideal chip combo you should look for... 2xHero + Dropdown. After you do 2xHero, you can just activate Invis3, which will protect you from any attack for quite a time. If you actually do use the swords, get on the front row to guarantee a hit. Pros: +Very effective Virus Buster. +A very powerful folder, filled with brute slicing power. +If you can get the ideal chip combo, you'll get alot of guaranteed efficentcy. +Aura Breaker! +Very simplistic folder. +400 damage PA, impossible to miss! +LifeAura Unbreakable! Cons: -1 Steal throws all your Swords off balance, even if you block with your body, you will not be able to stop him from hiding. PA time! -Only straight hitting, with the exception of Protomn3 -Aura Breaker?! Not sweet if you waste a PA on breaking a LifeAura. -Extremely Hard to build. Impossible if you are the only one with this game w/o a Game Enhancer. MAX DAMAGE: 3950 (1975) MAX HEALTH: 0 (0) OVERALL: If you can beat him down with brute force, this is absolutely wonderful. If your opponent is smart, well, hopefully you are. Can't say much except for kill him as soon as you can. A great all around folder though, I kill Viruses and NetNavis with it, NetBattling it great too, but there are others I would prefer over though. VB Level: S NB Level: S NBB Level: 9 EB Level: 1 =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= C4. Stones N Stomps =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= C - Unicode Folder Gaia1 - 5X Gaia2 - 5X Gaia3 - 5X Quake3 - 5X IronBody - 5X Recov300 - 5X The PA you are looking for is always going to be "Heavy Stomp". It does 400 damage, unavoidable, kinda like 2xHero. The combo for it is Gaia1/Gaia2/Gaia3/Quake3. Now, the chances of you pulling all four in five slots are very slim to none, that's why you have IronBody to piss your opponent off, by taking HALF damage every attack you take. The problem though, is when you use IronBody, you cannot move, but when you are only looking out for the PA only, it really doesn't matter if you take 15-30 damage each turn. Keep pressing the ADD button until you get the PA, activate it, make sure your opponent is visible, and pound him for 200/400 damage, depends if he's on that armor or not. Wash and repeat! About the Recov300, it might be nice to have a couple in, just in case you didn't first pull that IronBody you wanted, and you got AreaLocked to death or something. Pros: +Very defensive. No doubt about that. +Good PA, hits everywhere and is awesome for Virus Busting +If you cannot pull off a PA, Gaia is no doubt an incredible chip to hurt with. +Only 6 chips, nothing complicated at all. +Fairly easy to build, just hope you get alot of C chips... +All attack chips are LifeAura Breakers! +30 seconds of Iron * 10 chips of Iron = 300 seconds/5 minutes of Iron +300 times 5 is 1500. Put that in Health Points. Cons: -If you do the MAX amount of PAs you can deliver, the max damage you can give is 1000/2000 (armor or not). This is nowhere near enough damage to take care of someone with a good folder... *hint hint: RECOV CHIPS* -Very cheap in a NetBattling Match, but can be countered by a certain folder I love very much... *hint hint: A Unicode* -Imagine 2 people with this folder fighting each other. Think about IronBody's love of defense mixed with Recov300. Think of the wasted years. MAX DAMAGE: 2700 (1450) MAX HEALTH: 1500 (3000) OVERALL: Quite a fine folder, if your opponent forgets to fill himself in with Recovery chips. That damage is nothing to overlook in Virus Busting though. NetBattling again, very cheap, but I wouldn't ever doubt using this in a match, unless I was playing against my A Unicode folder... VB Level: S NB Level: 8 NBB Level: S EB Level: 5 =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= C5. Muramasa MAX =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= E - Unicode Folder Muramasa - 10X Geddon2 - 7X Steal - 8X Recov300 - 5X HAH. I've really revolutionized cheap in this one! I'll explain this simple strategy quickly. What you do at the beginning of the match is try to get as much as this chip combo... But if you don't get enough Steal Chips, you should just fill it up with Geddon2, even though you will not be using Geddon2 again. (Unless enemy uses Repair) Geddon2/Steal/Steal/Steal/Steal (Getting 2 Steals are good enough, and there are 8 in the pile) Then, when the match starts, GO TO THE FRONT LINE ASAP. Activate Geddon2, this will automatically GeddonLock the opponent. Then, activate all your Steals at the same time. If you use Steal on a missing panel, it will come back, in your favor. By this time, the opponent should be right in front of one of YOUR PANELS. Guess what time it is... It's time for you to get BLOWN! Why? Because Muramasa does damage to your opponent by how much opponent you have already taken, so if you are the first one to attack in the match, with Muramasa, then you just did a whopping 0 damage to your opponent, tax not included. So, unless your opponent has successfully done 2000 damage to you (impossible) within the 8 seconds it takes to refill a gauge, you should of had taken a hefty amount of damage. Next turn, try your best to get this chip combo... If you don't get enough MuraMasa chips, fill it up with anything else you have. Muramasa/Muramasa/Muramasa/Muramasa/Recov300 (Getting 2 Muramasa is just fine, and if you don't get the Recov300, you should have one last turn to get it before you are deleted.) After that, once you've taken enough damage, hit the opponent with a Muramasa, it hurts. Badly. It's best to activate when you are around 250-400 health. Anything lower than that risks you getting killed and anything higher than that wastes power. But since we are probably far enough in the game to use ARMOURS, the damage will only do half of the damage you've already taken. If the opponent isn't dead by then, then use the Recov300, take some more damage, and when the custom screen comes again, the Geddon2 is probably gone by now, so you have to use another one. And voila, the most lethal combo (MAX DAMAGE: 9990) I've thought up of, it's even better than the A - Unicode Folder, since it can be countered with ease. Pros: +The MAX DAMAGE is insane, ranking in at 9990 potential damage. Even if you carry 10 Recov300s, you cannot counter the insanity. +Nearly 100% fail-proof plan. The enemy HAS to attack you. +The MAX HEALTH (even though it's high) doesn't matter, at all! You thrive off your own pain! +The best damn folder I've ever thought up of. +Death Counters every folder in this list, including ArmyAreaLock, A Unicode Folder. +The ENEMIES MAX HEALTH doesn't even matter, too! Because if you have enough MuraMasas and enough damage to yourself, the opponent will not carry Recov300 if the opponent is unharmed! It takes 2 to 4 hits MAX enable to destroy an opponent. Cons: -In some cases, Steal will counter this folder, if you aren't in front of the opponent already. -If the opponent activates Geddon2 first, before you can move up front, you are SCREWED for 15 seconds. But after 15 seconds, you will be able to move up at ease and you will still probably win. -Two people using this folder would just be no fun. -Any type of object or block in the way will counter Steal, if the opponent puts it in the first row and moves to the back. -If the opponent moves NON-AJACENT to you, and you are too much of an idiot to activate Geddon2, then you can't hit the opponent, serves you right, idiot. -Repair can serve as a problem, but you've got enough Geddon2 and Steal to put the opponent up immediately. Perplexing: ?Wouldn't you think it would be wierd in a match if someone wasn't attacking the opponent, even when he's right in front of it? Not like the opponent can do much about you not attacking, anyways. (Note about Cons: The chances of any of these happening are SLIM to NONE, but you've always gotta look both ways before you make a folder.) MAX DAMAGE: 9990 (4555) MAX HEALTH: 1500 (3000) OVERALL: Beat this folder, I dare you. "No matter how feriocious your attacks may be, my pain will be your suffering." VB Level: 1 NB Level: S NBB Level: S EB Level: 1 =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= C6. Gutsman's Gater =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= G - Unicode Folder Gutsman3 - 5X Dash - 5X MetGuard - 5X Recov300 - 5X Remobit3 - 5X Lockon2 - 5X For those of you who do not know anything about MMBN2, Gater is the cheapest PA and basically ruins the game when there is a tournament full of Gater folders, why I call this Gutsman's Gater is well, this isn't a cheap PA at all, it's just the most powerful one that clocks in 500 damage! Only problem is you NEED to line up with your opponent, or else you risk wasting a great PA. What the PA GutsShoot does is Gutsman appears from behind MegaMan, picks him up, and throws him right ahead, and since MegaMan's wearing a helmet, it does 500 damage, not bad, not bad at all. With nothing very special of a selection in the G code family, you can still make good of your problems by supplying Recov300s to heal your wounds. Remember that Remobit3 is there to help you destroy the enemies' field, hopefully locking him down, you might want to protect that to an extent, also, in the middle of Remobiting, you can put your Lockon2 to damage the enemy while he is also running from a thunderbolt from above, nice combo actually, hard to evade it really. Pros: +500 damage PA, very nicely done. +A well thought out strategy can make the PA very accurate and efficent. +1500 potential extra health, nothing compared to the whopping 3000, but somewhat very helpful also. +Only uses 15 of the 30 folder chips to make potential damage of 2500 (1250 if NetBattling) +Remobit3+Lockon2 Combo = A lot of running/damage! +Awesome NAVI killer. +Good NetBattling Folder +Extremly Easy Build Cons: -If there is no damage on the enemy's field, this can be very frustrating to pull off the PA. -Not a good Virus Buster, the PA only hits one enemy, and usually there are 2- 3 viruses on the field. -Remobit3 can get shot down quite quickly, protect it if it's worth it! MAX DAMAGE: 2500+???? (LockOn2/Remobit3 does from 150 damage to Infinite, depending on when it gets destroyed.) MAX HEALTH: 1500 (3000) OVERALL: A good overall folder, good for just messing around, tinkering with, killing AI Navis just for fun, even pretty good at NetBattling, it has its highs and such. I actually wouldn't mind entering in a tournament with this folder, because 4 of those PAs will kill the 1000 health Navi! Also, it's very easy to build, any Gutsman will work for the PA, but the first 15 chips can be found in Internet Area 1. The rest are in the traders. VB Level: 7 NB Level: S NBB Level: 10 EB Level: 8 =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= C7. Wild Whirlwinds =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= G - Unicode Folder Typhoon - 5X Huricane - 5X Cyclone - 5X Repair - 5X Recov300 - 5X HeroSwrd - 5X It's a well rounded folder, methinks. It utilizes the PA: Desstorm, which includes: Typhoon-Huricane-Cyclone-Repair The PA hits ALL enemies on the grid for 200 damage, good for Virus Battling. The wind chips are pretty nice damage-wise: Typhoon does 30X3 damage: 90/45 Huricane does 30X5 damage: 150/75 Cyclone does 30X8 damage: 210/105 Only problem is hitting them needs precise aiming, it will ONLY hit two panels in front of you, and if you miss, you are well open for enemy fire in that short amount of time. What really helps this folder is the Repair. You know how I'm all like "Oh, noone can beat my A-Unicode Folder", well, Repair is added in here as part of the PA AND it can restore Geddon2, pretty nice, huh? Since the A-Unicode folder says for you to move up to the front line, hitting the enemy with the Wind Chips are very easy, since he will probably be AreaLocked himself and you can just lay out the damage just like that. Great. Now I wish I didn't make up this folder, LOL. Remember to be scarce since Repair only comes 5 times in this folder, and increasing it will take away the defensive/offensive side. HeroSwrd is for that extra damage, BUT it is the only LifeAura breaker other from the PA, so make sure you use those wisely. Recov300 is for annoying the enemy with 1500 extra health, 3000 if your armor isn't penetrated. Pros: +Great Virus Buster, but you'll have to adjust the PA chips a bit enable to fit your liking. +Wind chips do great amount of damage... +Counters A-Unicode Folder... Just as long as you lay off the PA during NetBattling. +Never go wrong with Recov300! Cons: -An opponent who stays in the backline is immune to all your Wind Chips -Steal will screw all your offensive chips. Even a BodyStealBlock will not save you. Your Buster will do the talking for you. -Using the PA during a NetBattle is ignorant... Just plain ignorant. It only does 100 damage against armor. -Only straight hits, but you've got Repair, but... It won't save you from a Steal AreaLock. MAX DAMAGE: 3250 (1725) MAX HEALTH: 1500 (3000) OVERALL: It looks good, a good combo of Defense and Attack is always good, just that Steal and going to the backline will kill you in this folder. Steal doesn't come in G code though, so either you add it in there and put your fluidity to 0, or you ignore it and hopefully you don't run into an enemy like that. (Chances are that you won't but the good folders usually have some type of Panel Change) Great for Virus Killing though, I wouldn't doubt using this folder for that! It's actually pretty hard to build this folder, especially with the Repair G and the HeroSwrds, but if you put a little hope and some pixie dust, you'll be able to make an exact replica! VB Level: S NB Level: 7 NBB Level: 8 EB Level: 6 =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= C8. Zero's Shrine =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= THIS FOLDER DOESN'T BELONG TO ME, THIS IS MY VERY GOOD FRIEND'S FOLDER: ZERO EXE (Okay, I really don't know him but he's the only one who's actually helped me with this guide.) L - Unicode Folder FstGauge - 2X Steal - 5X Recov300 - 5X Anubis - 8X FghtSwrd - 10X (Replacement: A couple FghtSwrd for BigWave) Well, I'm not teh creator of this one, so what my strategy of this folder may be different from Zero's strat. To simplify things: FstGauge is there to speed up the screen, of course. Steal is there to try to AreaLock the enemy. Recov300 gives you an extra 1500 life, 3000 if armor is not penetrated. Anubis is probably the main killer in this folder, lay it down and you'll take 4 damage per second. Quite lethal if the enemy is unable to touch it. FghtSwrd is the backup plan, just in case the Anubis isn't working that well, or, as a better solution, you double up Anubis+FghtSwrd for 4damage/sec + 100/50 damage. Not bad! So the combo I see here is to try to keep putting Anubis on the field and everytime it gets destroyed, since FstGauge should be activated, you place down another Anubis everytime, the FghtSwrd does extra damage and for some stupid enemies, it will make the enemy go back, which hopefully you have a Steal to put the enemy in a corner. My small adjustment would be to replace some of the FghtSwrd chips with BigWave, because BigWave hits all enemies with great range, for more damage, unless there is an obstacle in the way or if the wave runs over a gone panel. Pros: +First folder here to utilize Anubis, and put in a very nice manner. +The potential damage here is great, also nice for NetBattling if FghtSwrd is replaced with BigWave or Wave +Recov300, you STILL, can never go wrong. +FstGauge will keep the chips coming... Just make sure the enemy can't get too much benefit over it too. +Steal over Geddon2 will restore those panels Steal recovers. +It can very well counter the B Unicode Folder, a very great accomplishment right there! Cons: -A Unicode, how many times can I say this, will somewhat counter it. TimeBomb will destroy Anabus, the LockOn3 will attack the Anabus itself, unfortuantly. Anabus doesn't deal as much damage as Lockon3 (including the search time for the enemy), if they were both put to see who kills the 1000 HP opponent the fastest. -Steal is always countered by a BodyBlock, and there is not enough punishment to put an enemy back, so make sure you take them by surprise when you use Steal. Also can be countered by another Steal folder, and 5X isn't really enough to overtake the enemy, sadly. -Enemy reaps off FstGauge also, I know I said it, but it's not too good. -LifeAura cannot be breached with Anubis. MAX DAMAGE: 1000+???? (Anabus can do from 1 damage to Infinite) MAX HEALTH: 1500 (3000) OVERALL: A great folder with it's own unique strategy (like A-Unicode, mwahaha). A smart user who reads this and this folder can become very lethal! It's a little hard to build though, since FghtSwrd is always hard to get, especially in L code and Anubis only comes from PharoahMan VB Level: 8 NB Level: 10 NBB Level: 9 EB Level: 5 =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= C9. Rockman! Literally. =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= M - Unicode Folder BstrPnch - 8X IceCube - 10X RockCube - 6X Candle3 - 5X LifeAura - 1X (This folder might have to be adjusted to your liking, for different NetBattlers and for Virus Busting. Example: This folder actually has no pure attack, so you might want to replace some Cubes for Gaia3) A true Sylvester Stallone memorial. "OMGS!!! WTH!!!", just might be your first reaction to this folder, but of course, I don't make crappy folders on purpose. There are NO P.A.S, but there is a VERY useful combo here, which is the Punch Chip w/ IceCube, the good thing about BstrPnch, you get as many punches (whenever you choose to punch too) as you want for one turn. Yeah, I know Bstr chips SUCK, but not within this combo. Explaining the combo, you put a IceCube or RockCube on the field, and you take out some type of punch and punch the block, it goes straight forward (quick time) and if it hits an enemy, it does 200 damage, 100 if enemy has armor on. If you hit an IceCube, it will go the entire way, until it hits something or falls of the edge of the screen. If you hit a RockCube, it will only go one panel ahead, but the chip itself will put 3 randomly placed RockCubes on the field. Anyway, what your ideal chip turn should be is: BstrPnch/RockCube OR IceCube If you have an extra RockCube/IceCube, put it in your Chip Combo, the cubes will stay there until they are punched or destroyed! So it's good to stock up on them. If you are a little low on health, put a Candle3 to get health back as fast as you can get poisoned by Anubis (4 health per second). LifeAura is availble for the PERFECT AURA trick! Read the FAQs if you dunno what is the PERFECT AURA trick. Remember, DON'T THINK THE STRAT is to use BstrPnch to try to directly punch the opponent (or try not to punch your own candle, it won't send it flying). If you do, please close this file right now and ask your parents for an abortion for being an idiot. BstrPnch does 60/30 damage, which is nothing compared to the 200/100 damage w/ the combo. Pros: +Very unique folder. Doesn't help you in NetBattling, but it's still good for fighting in uniqueness. +Protects you against Steal. The cubes act as a barrier and the Steal will not be able to change the panel with the cube on it. +This folder is REALLY fun if you have two netbattlers with this folder, with the rule of nothing but using chips and the BstrPnch. +AWESOME attack damage. +First folder I made that uses Candles, depending on your opponent, this could actually be really helpful if your opponent cannot destroy it. +PERFECT AURA! +Great against Navi NetBattles and Virus Busting, if you can use this folder well. Cons: -Only straight hitting, but M code is has some other good chips like Gaia3, which is always a nice chip. -No direct damage except for a punch that does 30 damage. This is what makes it fun, but you've gotta actually show your agile skills at this game if you want to survive using this folder for the best. -Addon to the above con, A Unicode Folder really kills this folder, you can't even place the cubes/candles or reach the opponent with your crappy punch buster. -Another addon, you can't just press A and win, you have to actually move up and out all over the place enable to make this folder effective. -RockCube sucks when they can't reach your opponent, but you can always combo up with IceCube. -Any type of missing panel means you can't do any damage at all on that line. MAX DAMAGE: 6600(3300)+BstrPnch Direct Hit (If you make contact with the enemy all the time with the Cubes) MAX HEALTH: ??? (Depends how long you can keep your candles alive, but there is no direct healing from RecovXXX chips.) OVERALL: A very good folder you should be proud that I made. (Kidding.) With a unique style of fighting, you can really cause alot of damage, but only if you think you are good enough to utilize this. It's also very hard to get all the chips here, but when you do, it's a saluted accomplishment! VB Level: 9 NB Level: S NBB Level: 8 (Depends of level of skill, but this is my skill) EB Level: 2 =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= EASY FOLDERS =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= Why are there Easy Folders? Because they are made of 0% creativity and are basicly for people who are looking for a good folder to build either quickly or an extreme of a theory (such as defense). =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= C10. PerfectAura =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= A - Unicode Folder Recov300 - 10X Steal - 10X LifeAura - 10X Talk about the most cheap folder you have EVER seen in your life (EDIT: Well, MAX Muramasa is now). Well, this is it. This basicly is what an untouchable folder is. There are three main elements to this folder. Recov300: Use one every turn right before the Gauge is full to regain health. Steal: Use this as soon as the match starts, either you will get lucky and your opponent hasn't jumped forward yet, OR your opponent will block the Steal with his head, move into your opponent's column if he doesn't move forward and once he goes back (he needs go to back in most cases enable to hit you) use another Steal. Rinse and repeat until you finally AreaLock him. LifeAura: Using the PerfectAura theory, as soon as you think your opponent has no more chips left, use a LifeAura, if he's slick and actually DOES have chips left, he will attack you, well, you will have the rest of your LifeAuras to activate. Pros: +100% Defensive, thus, PerfectAura +You are the CHEAPEST MMBN PLAYER TO EVER SURFACE ON THIS PLANET! +AreaLock, barely anything can attack you from your hiding point explained above. Cons: -If your opponent uses LifeAura, you cannot touch him. FATAL FLAW. -Only offensive weapon is your Buster. How crappy. -You aren't 100% sure you are going to win, if your opponent knows this folder, he will keep charging out attacks so he might end you in one turn, but that is HIGHLY unlikely. -It will take you SO MUCH TIME TO FINISH A NETBATTLE. In some cases, NOBODY CAN EVEN WIN THE BATTLE! MAX DAMAGE: 0 (0) MAX HEALTH: 3000 (6000) OVERALL: This is the game's fatal flaw right here, what I have shown you to it's worst potential. Two people with this folder would do 0 damage to each other and will not be able to do anything about it. It's quite sad, really. But I have shown you the inner weakness of this game. Welcome, to the Matrix... VB Level: 1 NB Level: 1 NBB Level: X (This folder is not for attacking, its for annoying the opponent by being untouchable.) EB Level: 1 =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= C11. Mike Tyson's Revenge =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= B - Unicode Folder GutsPnch - 10X IcePnch - 10X Dash - 10X Pretty damn creative, huh? Well, before you automatically diss this folder right off the bat, be aware of the POWERFUL PA HERE... GutsPunch/IcePunch/Dash = 200 Damage/Straight Line Punch! Just a little info off the PA, wherever you activate it, it will hit EVERYTHING on the same line as you, everything will go GREY, so everything freezes in place. Great for Navi NetBattling and Virus Busting. Well, there's nothing much more to add to this, the rest is up to you, you can adjust this folder to be a mix between Zero's Resurrection and this, but then it loses alot of fluidity and usually turns into crap. Since this is the PA in front of you, this will be the backbone of any folder you put this combo in, and really, it's just not near enough damage. Zero's folder is so much better. Pros: +Easy Build. Most come from early storyline anyways... +Can make up to 10 combos, up to 1000/2000 damage! +New people who pick up this game and are fortunate enough to read this guide will be able to hold on to this folder until the end of the game, until they move on... +Virus/Navi NetBattling's friend! +B Code has many chips, can replace many chips. +At least it's 1 code. Cons: -No defense. -If NetBattling, 1000/2000 damage sucks. Newbs won't be able to take down you vets... Don't worry guys. -A fast mover will probably avoid up to 66% of all the PA attempts, as soon as he finds out what's up. -The PA backbone is too weak, you'll get trampled in NetBattling if this folder gets modded (or not). -Nothing destroys the LifeAura except for a wasted PA. For once, I think the Aura has finally shined in this game. MAX DAMAGE: 2000 (1000) MAX HEALTH: 1500 (3000) OVERALL: A good folder to build very early in the game, a good folder to stand by the entire storyline, a good folder to get killed in against any other semi-good folder. VB Level: 7 NB Level: 10 NBB Level: 5 EB Level: S =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= C12. Rainbow Crusher =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= THIS FOLDER HAS BEEN SUBMITTED BY: Shade_Man and FuzionDragon *coughSTEALERcough*! MEMBERS OF THE MEGAMAN RETROFACTION BOARDS! (http://megaman.retrofaction.com) C - Unicode Folder KngtSwrd - 10X Colormn3 - 5X Popup - 5X Dynawave - 5X Recov300 - 5X A cute lil' folder (^_^) sent in by the very awesome board members of "The Megaman Retrofaction". (What's up with the name though, guys?) The strategy here is explained by Shade_Man, all opinions expressed by this commercial do not share the same opinions expressed as "The Geoff Mendicino Company (C)". What you do, is you load up a Defense chip (Popup, upload first or Recov300, upload last), and the rest with attack chips, and what you do, is that you fight the opponent, like you normally would with any other chip. W00t. W00t. Pros: +Unicode Folder. +A good virus busting folder! +Decent MAX HEALTH. Cons: -Popup. -If the opponent just happens to have one Steal chip, you lose 1/3 of your folder, the KngtSwrd won't be able to reach someone in the back row. -If the opponent just happens to have one Geddon chip, you lose 1/2 of your folder, all your attack chips except for Colormn3, you probably won't be aligned to attack with KngtSwrd and Dynawave is an underground type of attack. You also lose ALL YOUR ATTACK CHIPS if your opponent is on the middle line, since Colormn3 will not be able to touch the opponent. -MAX Damage is a little low. MAX DAMAGE: 2650 (1325) MAX HEALTH: 1500 (3000) =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= D. Disclaimer =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= So, what do you expect me to say? Run around the internet, posting this beautiful handiwork with YOUR stinkin' name on it? Nah. You may NOT post this guide in ANY FORM or PUBLIC APPEARANCE. This includes but is not limited to CDs, WebSites, Public Printouts. UNLESS you request explaining where exactly my guide will appear and I accept your request. UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES, ALL THE WORK HERE BELONGS TO GEOFF MENDICINO, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED!!! This guide is only allowed on the following web sites currently: www.gamespot.com www.gamefaqs.com megamanayla.proboards1.com The most current copy can always be found in gamefaqs.com If you find this on any other website, please e-mail me, and you will get a reward for your trust and honesty. The violator will be prosecuted with the FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW. =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= E. Credits Page =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= Hey all, I know you'll be surprised by this, but, I've gotta say it. I GOT SOME HELP WRITING THIS GUIDE! All 70KB+ were of course, typed by me, but some stuffs have been contributed to me! Of course, MMBN4 has been released and barely anyone plays this game anymore, but folders are always fun to make! Here's your props! Peoples: 1. Zero EXE: He's been around ever since the release of this game in Japan. He submitted TWO folders to this guide: Zero's Resurrection + Zero's Shrine! 2. Elkano: Inspired me to write this guide, thanks alot man. 3. Shade_Man: Made the main structure of the folder: Rainbow Crusher 4. FuzionDragon: "Stole" and redid the folder: Rainbow Crusher Places: 1. MegamanAyla (megamanayla.proboards1.com): My first real MegaMan community I've joined, ever since I've been obsessing over MMBN back in March 2004. 2. Megaman RetroFaction (megaman.retrofaction.com): My second real MegaMan community I've joined, 3. GameFAQs.com: Been loyal to me and my video games since 1999, this is the least I can do to repay you, Jeff (CJayC). =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= F. About Me! =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= Oh, am I that loved? Let's see, I like long walks on the beach with aging women massaging my back with sunblock and... Oh, you don't care? You just want to use me for my MMBN knowledge? Great. You can find me on AIM at s/n: Geoff Mendicino You can find me on E-Mail at: proto22xx at yahoo.com You can only e-mail me QUESTIONS or SUGGESTIONS (more folders!) for my guide. I can help in MMBN1-4, and I am more than happy to do so, but if you start abusing my knowledge, don't get suprised when I suddenly don't appear online anymore. BTW, I really need more folders! I only have 3 folders and that's nowhere near enough. Please e-mail me your brilliant suggestions! PLEASE READ SECTION /B3 BEFORE SENDING ME ANY FOLDERS! I can also turn your crap folders into gold! =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= G. FAQs =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= Q: Unicode? What the... A: It means there is only one code for that folder, making it VERY fluid, STUPID. Q: PA? A: Program Advance. Where 3 chips magically combine together to make a new attack. Q: Hey! I made that folder! A: Haha, I stole it, go away. No, j/k, if I haven't given you credit on it, then please e-mail me your situation, and if it's someone believable, I shall give you credit. Other from that, it's my guide, they are my chip combos, ah ha. Q: Why don't you have any MultiCode folders? A: They aren't fluid, I hate it. Go make your own and suprise me, even more, try to dent my A unicode folder in a NetBattle. Q: Hey! I've got a great folder! A: Hey! I've got a FAQ! Read the "About Me!" section. Q: Would you consider this game FLAWED because of things like LifeAura and PopUp? A: Nope, not at all, I'll list the cons of both. LifeAura: -Does not double Aura damage with armor. -The effect goes away if you activate anything else that is defensive, like RecovChips or Barrier. -When you first get the LifeAura, you would have recieved every other chip, and you will see there are many chips that do 100 damage or above. PopUp: -Even if you make a little 5 damage pellet with your buster, you are wide open for fire, it's amazing how much damage you can do in 0.5 seconds -Only lasts one turn, as soon as you press L or R, the effect is gone. Either NetBattler can press that button. Q: Why are you obsessed with your A Unicode Folder? It's not so great... A: I know. Now the E Unicode Folder is the best. Q: Interupt... Doesn't that destroy your folder? A: Yeah, what a battle that would turn out to be. Nope, doesn't work in NetBattling, so "Ha. Ha." Q: Wait, what is LifeAura Unbreakable? A: A little technique that uses LifeAura at the very end of a battle, if you are still alive, you activate it when your opponent runs out of chips and voila, you cannot be harmed at all. Q: WAIT?! LIFEAURA IS FLAWED AFTER ALL? A: It'll take some keen skills to confuse an enemy into putting LifeAura before you run out of chips, like not using any chips for an entire turn, but then, people could just put MORE and MORE into the folder, kinda like the PerfectAura folder, which is an over exaggeration of what MMBN netbattling might actually end up to be. BTW: I am not 100% sure if Anabus is able to PENETRATE the Aura like in the other games, probably not though. Q: PerfectAura... Anything else I should know? A: If you do not choose any new chips and you have chips lasting from the last turn, if you press OK you will still have those chips. Q: Is PerfectAura a gift from above...? A: Perhaps... *A moment of silence* Q: What is MAX DAMAGE/HEALTH? A: MAX Attack: This is the MAXIMUM amount of attack points you can lay out with the folder. The number in the parenthesis is how much damage you actually cause if none of your attacks can pierce the enemy's armor. (Most of them do not attempt, anyways.) MAX Health: This is the MAXIMUM amount of health points you can Recover yourself with. The number in the parenthesis is how much health you actually do heal yourself with if none of your opponents attacks can pierce your armor. Q: Does MagicMan's Instant Delete work in NetBattling? A: What the hell do you think? How balanced would this game be if it actually killed a good NetBattler in just one shot. Oh, the answer is no. Q: Why are you obsessed with your E Unicode Folder? It's not so great... A: Hey, see the little "X" button on the top right corner of your screen? Press it, and never darken my FAQ's doorway with your stupidness, again. Q: How long are you going to keep updating the Chip Challenges Time Trial Scores? A: Probably until year 2005, when I'm absolutely tired of this game, but who knows, I'll always have that e-mail address and I might keep on updating more and more! =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= G. Closing =/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\= It's been fun, go away and don't steal my work. (C) Geoff Mendicino: 2004