============================================================================== Rockman/Megaman Zero 2 BOSS FAQ. v1.2F - by Dev [devhatesyou(AT)gmail.com] ============================================================================== VERSION HISTORY: *v0.8: Released 06/12/2003 - Initial release. Had a few bad grammar mistakes and all the names were off because only the JP version of the game was released at the time, and I'm very Japanese illiterate! *v1.0: Released 10/17/2003 - Second release. English version of Zero 2 has been released since the first "published" version of this FAQ. So, I decided to do an update. Fixed most of the grammar mistakes (I think!), and added the translated (Capcom official translation) character names and ability/form names (when forms are mentioned). Basically, I just tuned up the names of things to fit the English release of Megaman Zero 2 as well as fixing grammar and adding a few minor things. *v1.1: Released 10/19/2003 - Third release. Added a Rank mini-guide/faq and a few other minor revisions, including Elemental weaknesses that some bosses have, and a few additions to the FAQ section; notably about Elpizo's name. *v1.11: Released 10/20/2003 - Whoops! I let a couple things slip, like marking Harpuia's Elemental Weakness as Thunder when it should have been Ice! It's all better now. *v1.2F: Released 10/31/2003 - Final Version. It's finished. I've added a few minor things. I will no longer be updating this FAQ. Oh, and happy Halloween, if that's your thing. =-------= Sections: =-------= 1. FAQ (S1) 2. Boss Strategies & Info. (S2) 3. Ranking Guide (S3) 4. Credits. (S4) 5. Copyright. (S5) Tip: Use the Find function to quickly skip to a section labelled in the parenthesis by a small section code. ****************************************************************************** =--------= (S1); FAQ: =--------= Q: Harpuia; Male or female? A: He's a guy. He has real girly sounding voice clips, though. As proof, in the first Megaman Zero, Leviathan says something about a "pretty boy" in reference to Harpuia. Stop the debate! Go play Megaman Zero through once again. She refers to Harpuia as the "pretty boy", and Fefnir as the "combat geek" (or similar). I'm pretty sure that the English MegamanZero2 manual has him listed as a male as well. Q: What kind of name is "Elpizo"? (Elpis in JP version) A: I've recently been informed that Elpizo is indeed a real word in greek, with a meaning roughly translated to English as "to hope". Perhaps this is what Capcom had in mind when naming him. Someone to give hope to the reploid resistance in their neverending quest to, uhh... not get... "retired". Q: I don't have 's charge attack that you suggest! Should I? A: Not really a boss question, but it is relevant to fighting them. You don't HAVE to level your weapons so that you can execute charge attacks... but it helps quite a lot. An easy way to build these without effecting your ranking is to select going back to an area you've already cleared the boss from. In that area just kill enemies with that weapon until it levels. For example kill the first 2 X-Clones and spike towers in the opening level over and over after you've cleared it. You can MAX all weapons in this area in less than 45 minutes. Remember to use the ability you've recently gained from that weapon to perform the kills. For example, if you've got your Z-Buster at level 2 you must use fully charged shots to get it to level 3 (which will decrease buster charge time when achieved). You can't level any weapon to MAX by simply using the initial attack mode except for the Shield Boomerang which only has 1 attack (charge up and release) and only gains distance as it levels. I only recommend levelling the Z-Saber and Z-Buster up, personally. The usefulness of the Chain Rod and the Shield Boomerang really don't change drastically as they level up -- I find the Charge Attack on the Chain Rod to be completely useless. It's weak and leaves you immobile for quite some time. Glorified Grappling Hook. Similarly, the Shield Boomerang is for the most part useful as just a Shield to deflect buster pellets. Unfortunately, weapon levels don't carry over to New Game+, so if you choose to level up every weapon, well, that's your choice. Luckily, level 3 is the MAX for the Chain Rod and Shield Boomerang, so you don't waste too much time. Why do it? Well, we'll take the Z-Saber as a prime example. At level 1 your Z-Saber only has a single slash, and no charge attack. At level 2 it's a two hit combo from standing stance, and no charge attack. At level 3 you get a three hit combo from standing stance, and still no charge. At level 4 you have the same 3 hit standing combo and you can charge the Z-Saber up for a powerful attack. At level 5 (MAX) you keep the same 3 hit standing combo AND your Z-Saber charges up for the charge attack faster. It's well worth the time spent -- At least for the Z-Saber and Z-Buster, anyway. Q: What are A/S attacks? A: A/S attacks are moves only performed by bosses if your rank/level is A or S; The highest two ranks. To get these ranks you must maintain a high average score for missions completed -- Complete them fast, with no damage taken, no cyber elves used, and the objective completed as well as you can do like protecting Ciel with the Shield Boomerang in the air raid mission. Note also that you can only get the EX Skills off of bosses if you have rank A or S WHEN YOU'RE FIGHTING THEM, although you can get Zero's Forms regardless of your rank -- you just have to meet the requirements. You only need to keep rank S or A in one game to get all your EX Skills, really, though. Since they do carry over to New Game+, as do forms. I won't cover how to get Forms in this FAQ, however, since is it not directly related with bosses. You should check the Ranking mini-guide/FAQ, section 3, for more information on how ranking works. Q: Explain acquiring EX Skills in detail and what I should watch out for? A: Alright... as noted above, you MUST have rank A or S at the time of fighting a boss to acquire their EX Skill. Not afterwards. Secondly, you can only get the EX Skills during the boss' SPECIFIC mission, not during the latter part of the game in the last level where you fight the six non-guardian bosses all over again. Now that we've got that out of the way, I'd like to tell you what to watch out for. Watch out for using too many cyber elves. If you go after Ultimate Form before first acquiring all EX Skills, you're screwed. Due to design flaw, even on a New Game+, you lose points due to cyber elf use in a previous game and will never be able to achieve rank A or S if you used too many. So, in short, acquire all EX Skills before going after the Ultimate Form or going crazy with Cyber Elf usage. Before someone asks me how to get Ultimate Form, you just need to know this; The first mission you complete after having used all elves, you'll recieve it on the scoring screen. Simple, huh? Oh, and to "Command the charge attack", you need to do a fighting-game style input which is different depending on the weapon. For the Z-Saber, quarter circle forward to down + attack. For Z-Buster, quarter circle down to forward + attack; Do the down to forward motion twice before hitting attack for a fully charged shot, or only once for a first level Z-Buster charge shot. For the Chain Rod it's forward, quarter circle down to forward + attack. For the Shield Boomerang, it's quarter circle down to forward + attack. Q: What carries over to a New Game+? A: EX Skills, Forms, Energy Crystals, Permanent Cyber Elf effects (extra life energy, double item efficiency, the several animal elf effects, and the two E-tanks you get exclusively from cyber elves), Cyber Elves -- Elves used in previous games stay used; to be brief you keep all elves you had and their status, used or not, and their exact growth status. Unfortunately, elves used in a previous game still deduct from your rank scores still. So make sure you get all EX skills before going after Ultimate Form. Weapon levels, energy filled into the energy tanks, and elemental chips do not carry over to a New Game+, but they are all easy enough to acquire. Q: I think the new Zero series look sucks. What do you think? A: It's purely opinion thing. Capcom states that it's just different a artistic style. I personally prefer the new Zero series style's look. Never did like the gigantic hands/feet look that the older series had in their robots/reploids all that much. Q: Are there any notable differences between the Japanese and North America versions? A: Not a boss question... but, aside from language? No. Not as far as I can tell, and I've played both to completion. Difficulty is exactly the same. The game itself is exactly the same except for the little bit of blood in the JP version that was hard to notice anyway. However, you still see the same robotic insides when you chop them in half. It's a pretty faithful translation which didn't cut anything as far as I can tell. There's some of the "engrish" in the NA release that Capcom is famous for, of course. This really isn't a difference between the games, but just me poking fun at bad translations! It's mostly due to a forgotten word here or there. It's not as bad as some other translations. Q: What control setting do you use? A: I use type B, which is A:Jump B:Fire L:SubWeapon R:Dash. I also use Attack Mode C, which has B as main weapon and L as switch weapon (toggle). This is my personal favorite setup for Attack Mode since I loathe hitting L to attack (Mode B) or holding L+attacking to use my other weapon (Mode A). It's an easy to use setup. Q: (AT) in the e-mail addresses instead of @? What's up with that, d00d? A: It's an anti-spam measure. I'm sure you can appreciate not recieving up to 10 spam mails a day about "sexual enhancing products", or worse. ****************************************************************************** =---------------------------= (S2); Boss Strategies & Info: =---------------------------= Index; Gigantic Metal Scorpion (GMS) Hyleg Ourobockle (HYL) Poler Kamrous (POL) Phoenix Magnion (PHM) Panter Flauclaws (PAN) Kuwagust Anchus (KGA) Burble Hekelot (BUR) Fefnir (FEF) Leviathan (LEV) Harpuia (HRP) Rainbow Devil MK2 (RD2) Fefnir v2 (FV2) Leviathan v2 (LV2) Harpuia v2 (HV2) Kuwagust Anchus & Herculious Anchortus (K&H) Elpizo (ELP) Elpizo, second form (EL2) Again, use find coupled with the abbreviation code to find what you're looking for without much effort. A note on my boss strategies: Many of my strategies call for for fully charged weapon attacks which require higher level weapon skill. Be sure to MAX at least your Z-Buster and Z-Saber skills for max boss killing efficiency. Read above for more on that in the FAQ section. On Hard Mode, you can't level weapons, so you can't use elemental attacks except with the Shield Boomerang. I never use cyber elves. So your experience on how hard bosses are may differ since using certain permanent effect cyber elves will make the game significantly easier (and will also kill your chance at EX Skills that you don't have!). Note also that the Zero series differs from the tradional Megaman/Rockman and X series in that bosses don't typically give you things that another specific boss is weak to. You have the Elemental Chips which can slightly increase damage if the target is vulnerable to that elemental, but nothing that's really similar to the olden days of Metal Man's buzzsaw blades killing poor Wood Man in a few shots. Funny side note; Some bosses are cut in half for their death animation if you kill them with the Z-Saber -- see those robotic insides! Harpuia and the other two guardians are obviously not included, since they don't really die. They just accept defeat for now and teleport away. Perhaps at some point in the series they may become allies or playable characters. =----------------------= Gigantic Metal Scorpion: =----------------------= (GMS) Difficulty Rating: 1/5. Energy: 1 bar. Item Acquired: None. EX Skill: None. Elemental Weakness: None. You won't have an elemental chip at this point in the game to try, anyway. This is the first boss in the game. It covers about 1/3rd of the left side of the screen. It constantly moves right, meaning you constantly have to keep moving right with it or be damaged via contact. Attack #1: Gigantic Metal Scorpion's first attack is to smash it's tail into the ground just to the right of the center of the screen. This creates a hole which you can fall in. You'll see his tail arching back and preparing to strike when it's about to do this, so don't worry. It's easy to dodge. Attack #2: Gigantic Metal Scorpion will shoot 3 buster pellets, just like X-Drones. You can jump over these! This is a good opportunity to slash it in the head with the Z-Saber. Attack #3: Gigantic Metal Scorpion sends the "magnet pincer" out like when the boss first appeared, except now it'll act like a boomerang. It will snap the pincer three times, and then shoot it out. It will change color during this time as a clear indicator that it's time to act. To dodge it, go to the right side of the screen as it comes left to right, and jump over it while holding left. Now you can get in a slash or two before it returns. When it's on it's way back right to left, dash jump over it while holding right to avoid it. A/S Attack: None! You can't be Rank A os S in the first level. Even on a New Game+, you're always rank F. This is very basic. Dodge its attacks as noted above and slash it in the head with the Z-Saber -- which does more damage than your Z-Buster does right now. Even your first level charge Buster shot doesn't do as much as a normal Z-Saber hit. If you're not comfortable with using the Z-Saber yet because you're new to the Zero series, charge up Z-Buster shots and send them at the head. Note that sometimes the Scorpion will block Z-Buster shots and Z-Saber slashes with the magnet pincer when it holds it out in front of it's head. I recommend getting familiar with use of the Z-Saber quickly, as it's a crucial weapon in defeat of most bosses, and a great weapon for most combat. =---------------= Hyleg Ourobockle: =---------------= (HYL) Difficulty Rating: 3/5. Energy: 2 bars. Item Acquired: None. EX Skill: Laser Shot - Charged Z-Buster shot is a Laser that goes clean through enemies and continues to damage, unlike a normal buster shot. Elemental Weakness: None. This is the first boss I recommend you face -- he's a good warmup for the medium difficulty bosses in Zero 2. He is the Snake pictured in the leftmost choice of levels when you're first presented with a choice. He is a snake-like reploid, obviously. The platform you are on if you'll notice, is also shaped like a snake. It will "slither" up and down and even and reform into many different shapes, some of which will be difficult to stay on without falling into the pit below. Attack #1: Hyleg Ourobockle will jump and attempt to stomp the platform piece you are on. Move out of his way to avoid it. Attack #2: Hyleg Ourobockle will stick his arms into the purple orb in the middle of the current platform piece he is in and the arm will come out of another purple orb and attempt to grab you. Look out. This is a good opportunity to slash him with the Z-Saber. Attack #3: Hyleg Ourobockle will flail his arms at you. Easy to dodge, just move when you see him winding it up. Then give him some Z-Saber combo loving as a token of your appreciation for wasting his own time. Attack #4; Hyleg Ourobockle will make the block platform snake diagonal in either direction, the purple orbs in the blocks will shoot lasers, the odd ones will, and then the even ones will. Hyleg Ourobockle will also toss a "slinky" (falls down stairs!) down the blocks, which can be sabered to destroy it. He will then make the snake platform a vertical straight line for a couple seconds (jump up them as if jumping up a wall) and then reform them into a random order. Electricity will pass through the blocks and damage you if you are on the one that is glowing. I find the best way to deal with this is stand on the block next to Hyleg Ourobockle and combo him with your saber, even if you'll take a hit, the half+ bar of damage you'll cause by a three hit combo is worth it. The blocks will then drop and it will be back to the part where the blocks bob up and down in a slither-like motion and snake repeats the above attacks and the A/S attack if applicable. Like the start of the battle. A/S Attack: Hyleg Ourobockle will solidify the block snake which you fight on into a straight line, arch, and then duck and slide across it. You will be damaged if you touch him. Dash jump over in the opposite direction he is heading to avoid damage. The easiest way to beat him is to have your Z-Saber at level three or higher. You can combo him for big damage during the "laser" part of Attack #4, when he's stomping (attack #1), and when he misses with his arm flail (attack #3). After he performs the A/S attack, he usually goes into Attack #4. =------------= Poler Kamrous: =------------= (POL) Difficulty Rating: 1/5. Energy: 2 bars. Item Acquired: Ice Chip. EX Skill: Triple Shot - Ice Shot which spreads in three. Elemental Weakness: Fire. This is the second boss from the left, in the four selectable levels you get after returning to the resistance base after the opening level. He is an easy kill. He is also very large, taking up nearly half the screen he's on. Attack #1: Poler Kamrous creates a small pillar with a spike on top of it and sends it to the wall on the side you're at. You can destroy the spike and stand on top of the pillar to blast at him with your Z-Buster. He will make up to two of these. Jump up the wall to avoid it, then jump down and shoot the top off to use it as a platform. If you have the fire chip and a MAX level Z-Buster, this fight is pretty much over before it begins. Attack #2: Poler Kamrous ambles in your direction while swinging his claws. He keeps going until he reaches the wall, where he will destroy any ice pillars you may or may not have been using for platforms. This is very easy to dodge, just stay on the wall, and then dash jump over him when he gets close. He's slow but tall and wide, so get as much distance from your jump as you can. If you have the Fire Chip equipped and fire your fully charged Z-Buster into him while he's walking towards you, he'll stop in his tracks and barely continue move at all before you're ready to fire another off. Attack #3: Poler Kamrous creates and throws a ball of ice which explodes upon impact and has small shards which fly in all directions for a short distance before disappearing. Don't be near the center of the screen if you wish to avoid damage. A/S Attack: Poler Kamrous creates a tall ice pillar, and then smashes it. Shards go flying in two waves. To avoid, dash to the opposite side of the screen when you see him create such a pillar, then jump up the wall to the top for the first wave, and drop to the floor for the second wave. As you can tell by my descriptions of his attacks, he is a very easy boss -- easiest in the game in my opinion. I recommend using MAX level charged Z-Buster along with the Fire Chip and X Form if you have it. Using the pillars that he slides across the floor at you as platforms once you shoot or slash the spiked top off, you will have no problem killing him. =--------------= Phoenix Magnion: =--------------= (PHM) Difficulty Rating: 5/5. Energy: 2 bars. Item Acquired: Fire Chip. EX Skill: Tenshouzan - Pressing up+attack with Z-Saber as weapon causes Zero to fly into the air and swing the saber in an uppercut style motion. If you use fire chip, it also has a flame effect which can burn down the leaves in forest stages. Elemental Weakness: Thunder. This guy is tough. He has many attacks and many are annoying to deal with. The weapon of choice is the Z-Saber, though if using the Thunder chip strategy, you can use the Z-Buster, as well. Use Active Form if you've got it as well. The Speed increase and the flipping slash are of good use here. He is the the third selection from the left in the first block of selectable bosses. Attack #1: Phoenix Magnion will dodge your attack and fly to the opposite end of the screen. Watch for a lens flare effect rippling across the screen and get ready to time a jump. A big burst of fire will come, horizontally, across the screen. Dash jump over it to avoid damage. Attack #2: Phoenix Magnion appears on the bottom, center part of the screen. He will do nothing. Slashing at him makes him disappear in a flash or dash off (Attack #1) and perform either #1, #3, #4, #5 or the A/S attack. Doing nothing has the same effect, but it's best to slash at him to force him into an attack mode to improve your time ranking and because the lesser number of magma bursts you have to dodge, the better. That is, unless you have the Thunder Chip. If you have the Thunder Chip and are using it, wait for him to go into an attack mode while charging an attack. Note that you need level 4 Z-Saber or Level 2 Z-Buster to take advantage of the Thunder Chip method as only charge attacks are imbued with the elemental attribute. Attack #3: Phoenix Magnion appears, above ground level and in the screen center. Usually this is your chance to get a free, easy hit, which makes him disappear in a flash and reappear to perform Attack #2, the ready position. If you delay, however, he will shoot 3 waves of flame stingers. Stand directly underneath him to avoid these if you weren't fast enough. Attack #4: Phoenix Magnion appears above ground level and a bit left or right of the center. As in attack #3, this is usually your chance to get a free hit in. However if you delay, he will swoop down and try to grab you. If he does grab you, he'll fly with you to the center of the screen and hold you. He then summons ghostly images mavericks from the X series which appear and smash into you. Simply slash Phoenix Magnion to avoid this attack, just like #3. It's a free hit! Otherwise it can be a painful attack that can nearly kill a full-health Zero (with no vitality-up cyber elves used, of course). UPDATE: I've been informed by an anonymous source that the images are, in order; Vile, Agile, Bit, and Colonel. I was pretty sure I saw Sigma in there. I'll have to take pictures and then take a closer look sometime. I may be wrong though as I didn't really play the X series much except for the first X. Attack #5: Four images of Phoenix Magnion appear, two on the ground (these are the outermost), and two in the air (the innermost). Only one of these images is the real Phoenix Magnion. They will each lash out with their tail which will damage if it touches you. Hitting the real one ceases the attack and causes him to go back to Attack #2, but it's quite random where the real Phoenix Magnion will appear. This is his most deadly attack. When you see the four images appear, act fast! Dash in one direction while slashing quickly, trying to get to an end of the room to avoid this attack. If you're lucky, you'll avoid damage and maybe hit the real Phoenix Magnion. If not, at least you didn't take any damage! If using the Thunder Chip, just dash out of the way while holding your charge. Attack #6: The view shakes. After a few seconds, Bursts of Lava will rise vertically. To avoid them, stand on one of the vertical pillars seperating where you can and can't see lava under the bridge you fight Phoenix Magnion on. I recommend Phoenix Magnion be in Attack mode #2 for you to do this since it's hard enough to dodge one, let alone two of his attacks at a time. This isn't an attack of Phoenix Magnion himself, but rather an environment effect that can be deadly if timed poorly. It hurts, so start preparing for it when the view starts shaking. Depending on the last machine you destroy, this may be easier to dodge. due to more space between the lava or less lava grating altogether. A/S Attack: Phoenix Magnion will only perform this attack when he is below half energy, and only if you are Rank A or S. Phoenix Magnion, from Attack mode #2, will dodge your attack, disappear (without the usual fade-out flash attached), and then reappear on either side of you as a fiery outline which will rush at you, grab you, throw you into the air, catch you and then blast off and smash you into the ceiling causing considerable damage. He will make several (2-4) dashes at you, disappearing between each. To dodge this, dash away from him to the wall, dash jump upwards when he disappears. and continue doing this. Usually, he'll appear in the air and be no threat for the second dash, but if he appears on ground, keep dashing towards the other side of the room. After this attack is complete, he'll appear in the middle doing #2 like usual. As you can see, he has quite a few attacks. To defeat him, follow the attack guide above to learn how to dodge his attacks. If he does Attack #2, #3, or #4, slash at him (unless using the Thunder Chip strategy). After #2, he'll go into another attack mode, and in #3 and #4, he'll take an easy hit. If he dashes off, get ready to jump the incoming fire volley. If he disappears and the four image attack starts appearing, follow the advice I gave for that. If he disappears going into the A/S attack below half hp, dash off in the opposite direction, hop onto the ledge with the door, and then dash jump through the air. Speed is the key here, so if you have the Active Form that gives the Jumping-Flipping and Dash-Rolling slash (those moves were Z-Saber level up attacks in the first Zero game) as well as boosting your speed to four stars, use it -- it is very helpful here due to the speed. Use an E-tank if you have to, as you should have gotten one in Hyleg Ourobockle's stage. El Miaourg writes, "Phoenix can dodge attacks, right? well, he can't dodge two attacks done one right after another, and he's not really smart, so he will dodge whatever you send him first. So you can do two things: Either have your Z-Saber charged, shoot a single weak bullet, and when he reappears slash him, or, charge your boomerang and throw it at him. He'll phase out and dodge it, *BUT*... when he reappears there's a good chance that it will hit him! =D And, just in case it doesn't hit him, you can have your Z-Saber ready to give him a sparkling welcome." =---------------= Panter Flauclaws: =---------------= (PAN) Difficulty Rating: 4/5 Energy: 2 bars. Item Acquired: Thunder Chip. EX Skill: Spark Shot - Thunder Chip charged Z-Buster shot has a spark effect that divides into 2 parts, up and down vertical, upon impact with an enemy. Elemental Weakness: Ice. This feline is pretty tough, but not anywhere near as tough as the Phoenix Magnion. He also has many attacks, although most are easier to dodge than the Phoenox Magnion's. The fight takes place on the top of two side-by-side trains which will move horizontally back and forth throughout the fight. The charged Z-Buster is the weapon of choice. He's the rightmost choice of the first block of bosses. Attack #1: Panter Flauclaws jumps into the air towards the train that he ISN'T on and three green spinning slashers appear and head down diagonally, one towards the train you're on, two towards the one you aren't. Stand closest to the gap between trains to avoid it. Blast him when he lands and jump to the other car. Attack #2: Panter Flauclaws jumps into the air, does a couple flips, and then tries to drop kick you. Dash out of his way during the kick, and blast him when he lands. Attack #3: Panter Flauclaws jumps straight up, and throws out three purple slashers which go forward as he drops to the traintop. The slashers stay stationary a second, move forward very slightly and then go back to him. Attack #4: Panter Flauclaws' hands glow with purple sparks which he throws forward. You can either jump these or slide down the side of the train to avoid. Attack #5: Panter Flauclaws quickly throws two purple slashers out in a boomerang-style. They don't go very far. Just don't be on the same train as him. A/S Attack: Panter Flauclaws' hands glow with green sparks, he then bows down and touches the train he is on, which becomes electrified and will hurt you if you touch it. He will glow orange while the train is electrified and cannot be harmed during this time. Try to time a shot to land just as this attack ends, since he usually leaps into the air when he's finished doing this attack. He's a fairly hard boss compared to most others in Zero 2. The easiest way is to kill him is to jump up the ledges between trains while he does his attack, and charge your Z-Buster. Use the Ice Chip if you have it for extra damage, and the X Form as well. Like Phoenix Magmion, using his weakness doesn't really change his rythym or slow him down -- it just does more damage. You'll get little windows of time inwhich to shoot him with your Z-Buster. Utilize these and he's not very hard. Just beware if you're rank A/S. If his hands start to glow green, get to the train opposite his quickly or you're going to get zapped and fall down!... and for the love of god, don't be caught jumping between the trains for the last hit since you will lose control at that instant, fall in, and die. Be on top of a train for your last hit on this quick-moving feline or it might just prove fatal! =--------------= Kuwagust Anchus: (Anchortus?) =--------------= (KGA) Difficulty Rating: 3/5. Energy: 2 bars. Item Acquired: None. EX Skill: Sengatotsu - Dashing while attacking with the Z-Saber with this ability equipped causes Zero to do a piercing lunge with the saber. Not really useful. I'd rather use a normal dash slash since it's almost infinitely better due to faster travel speed and recover time. Elemental Weakness: Ice. "Don't expect you can go back easily, Zero! I know you have released the bomb..." is what he blurts out as his opening line. I guess we finally figured out who set us up the bomb. Ok, ok... Head to www.allyourbase.com if you didn't "get it". Anyway, he's a medium difficulty boss -- and is the brother of Herculious Anchortus from the first Zero. He has four attacks in total (including the A/S attack). The best weapon to use is the charged Buster -- again, the X Form is great. Attack #1: Kuwagust Anchus flies across the screen three times. If he touches you, you will be caught in his pincers and he will chomp on you. Tap button to get out of this quickly. Simply jump over him to avoid. He usually makes three passes of this before going into... Attack #2: Kuwagust Anchus jumps into the center of the screen and funnels a tornado through his pincers. Again, if he sucks you in, he'll do an explosive move which kinda hurts. To avoid this attack, dash away from Kuwagust Anchus while jumping. Attack #3: Kuwagust Anchus will again jump to the center of the screen. This time, he will extend his four arms which shoot lasers horizontically. I'll use an example to explain this; If all four arms are on the bottom, dash jump over the lasers to avoid. Use your judgement and timing to get through the lasers unharmed. A/S Attack: Kuwagust Anchus funnels a tunnel which pushes you, he then jumps rushes towards you with a trail of purple sparks. Dodging this attack is sketchy. You need to dash against the wind getting as close to him as you can before he jumps off, and keep pushing, then when he starts to rush, SHOOT YOUR REGULAR BUSTER PELLETS as fast as you can and let the wind take you back at a normal speed. When he starts above you, dash into the wind while firing to get away from him. It takes timing and practice to get perfect, and it's a real pain in the ass. Did I mention he won't be damaged when doing this attack? Your shots are done simply to dodge the attack. He is a fairly straightforward to fight. Equip the Ice Chip for starters. Charge a shot, jump over him, blast him with it, charge an attack, jump over him, let him come back and jump again, and blast again. Charge again, let him jump to the center, blast him while jumping and dashing away from him as he tries to suck you in. Charge and send blasts at him while he shoots his lasers and you dodge them. Repeat. If he does the A/S attack, you better get that timing down if you want to avoid it! When he dies, he says "Brother... I'm sorry, I failed to avenge you!". Furthurmore, he shows up later with a reconstructed version of Herculious to battle you, which is proof enough to support the facts! =-------------= Burble Hekelot: =-------------= (BUR) Difficulty Rating: 3/5 Energy: 2 bars. Item Acquired: None. EX Skill: Energy Chain - Attach the Chain Rod to an enemy and gain Energy with it as long as you keep it attached to the enemy. While the enemy lives, of course. This can be useful if you find yourself taking a lot of damage in the stages, I suppose. Elemental Weakness: None. Tip: You can burn down the leaves with the Fire chip for more visibility. Burble Hekelot is a medium difficulty boss that likes to bounce around the screen a lot. He has quite a few attacks. He's a fat little frog robot. Even smaller than Zero unless he eats a caterpillar. Attack #1: Burble Hekelot jumps into the trees and the screen and leaves begin to shake. 3 robot caterpillars come out of the tree. A yellow and two greens. He will then drop down. If he eats a green one, he will become larger and absorb the next hit for no damage (shrinks back to normal afterwards). If he eats the yellow one, he will become a large frog and perform attack sequence #2. The caterpillars will damage you if you touch them as usual, so lookout. Use Z-Saber to take the caterpillars out. The yellow one takes 2 or 3 slashes. Attack #2: When Burble Hekelot eats a yellow caterpillar, he will become very large. He has two different attacks in this mode. One, he shoots bubbles that will "ensnare" you -- make you move slower and lose jump height. Which goes hand-in-hand with his other attack in this mode... Turning into a ball and rolling around the screen. When he is rolling he cannot be harmed. Pay attention to which wall he rolls up (and into the tree). Jump up and dashjump off the wall to avoid it, he will come back down rolling on the opposite side for a second time, faster now, and then go up the tree again. A few seconds later, he will try to fall on the spot where you are and crush for you a lot of damage. Simply dash to avoid it. When he falls, slash or shoot him! or he'll roll into a ball again or shoot bubbles. When you do hit him, he'll turn back into the small frog. As with him eating a green caterpillar, he will take no damage for this hit, but he will turn back into the small frog which can be damaged after being hit twice. If only hit once, he'll sometimes start to shoot drills out which will fly at you. These are best destroyed by Z-Saber slash combos. Attack #3: Burble Hekelot (as the default, small version) jumps into the tree and hangs upside down out the middle. He shoots his hands out twice, and depending on how close you are to the center they will shoot out in a different direction on each side. Use dash to avoid it. If you're near the walls, dash inward. If you're near the middle, dash to out towards the wall. After he's done with these two hand attacks, he'll drop down to the middle of the screen, on the ground. A perfect opportunity to shoot or slash him. A/S Attack: Burble Hekelot tilts his head back, and then shoots his tongue out in a straight line. Jump up the wall to avoid it. If he grabs you, he'll damage you and gain energy back. Hang on the wall till he pulls his tongue back, then drop down and give him a charged Saber slash or Buster shot, or, if you feel up to it, a Saber combo. He can't be harmed while the tongue is out, so wait until he pulls it back in. Burble Hekelot is fairly simple if you pay attention to the caterpillars when they drop. The yellow ones have a bit more energy and take more punishment then the green ones, and also morph him into an annoying attack mode. Make sure to kill the yellow caterpillars first. Also, pay attention to the tongue attack if you're rank A or S. You can get get easy hits in after he performs Attacks #3 and the A/S attack. However, if he grabs you with the tongue, you're going to be losing quite a bit of energy and he's going to be gaining it. Use the Z-Saber or Z-Buster to take him out. The Z-Saber can combo him nicely, just like with Hyleg Ourobockle. I personally only use the Z-Saber to kill him, now, but the Z-Buster can be quite effective, too. Just not for killing the caterpillars. =----------------= "Fighting" Fefnir: =----------------= (FEF) Difficulty Rating: 3/5 Energy: 2 bars. Item Acquired: None. EX Skill: Blast Shot - Fire Chip enhanced Z-Buster charge shot is explosive. Elemental Weakness: Thunder. Fefnir is one of the three remaining "Guardians" of the copy-X from the first Zero game. His attacks are mostly fire based. He has MANY attacks, though most just involve shooting blasts of fire. I have no idea why he has the title of "Fighting". Ask Capcom. Attack #1: Fefnir jumps through the air and smashes his fist into the ground, which causes a jagged spire to stab up through the ground or a shockwave to travel across the ground. Move back and jump if a shockwave appears. Attack #2: Fefnir jumps through the air and shoots a blast of fire straight down. Dash to avoid it. Attack #3: Fefnir jumps toward you, stops midair, and fires a blast of fire diagonally at you. Jump it. Attack #4: Fefnir charges up his blaster, it becomes larger and shoots two sparkly blasts of fire which explode into particles mid-air. Dash to the other end of the screen to avoid it. Attack #5: Fefnir jumps overhead and shoots several small blasts of fire downward. Dash to where he jumped from to avoid it. Attack #6: Fefnir shoots two small blasts of fire straight at you. Dash under them, and towards Fefnir to avoid. Attack #7: Fefnir shoots a large blast of fire straight at you. Jump it. Attack #8: Fefnir jumps toward you, stops midair, and fires three small blasts of fire diagonally at you. Dash away to avoid. Attack #9: Fefnir charges forward, grabs you, throws you into the air, jumps up, grabs you mid air, and slams you into the ground. Dash away from him to avoid it. A/S Attack: Fefnir only performs this attack below half energy, and only when you're rank A or S. Fefnir flares up with a fire aura. He cannot be damaged. The ground opens all over the screen and magma spikes emerge from the openings. Stand just between the openings to avoid it. There are three waves of this attack. He will then go back into normal attack mode where he can be damaged. Avoiding this attack is much like avoiding the Magma Phoenix lava environment attack, but you have to do it three times and it's a bit harder to judge where to stand. A lot of attacks, huh? He's actually fairly easy. Use charged Z-Buster shots with the Thunder chip, and hit him whenever you get a chance. General rule is to dash away when he jumps over you. The X Form is, as always, an asset. The A/S attack is the only real danger here. =----------------= "Fairy" Leviathan: =----------------= (LEV) Difficulty Rating: 3/5. Energy: 2 bars. Item Acquired: None. EX Skill: Sharp Edge - Press down+attack while jumping with Z-Saber. Ice Chip enhances it with an ice effect. Elemental Weakness: Fire. Although she doesn't show any evidence of being weak to it like other bosses (no animation), I assure you that she does take some more damage from it. Leviathan is the second of the three remaining guardians of the copy-X. She has fewer attacks than Fefnir but is more deadly. The fight takes place in water, and she constantly swims around in it. Is it just me, or is there a different voice actor in this game for her than there was in the original Zero? Anyway, she seems to have a "thing" for Zero... in a really strange way. I have no idea why she has the title of "Fairy". Ask Capcom. Attack #1: Leviathan swings her staff in a counter clockwise motion. Cannot harm her during this attack. Dash away from her to avoid it. Attack #2: When you are underneath her, Leviathan sometimes tries to impale you with the staff with a downward thrust. Dash to avoid. Attack #3: Leviathan swims to the center of the screen and holds her staff out. The tip of it flies off and after you, the staff regrows the tip and she sends two more out. Dash along the bottom of the screen to avoid it. Attack #4: Leviathan twirls her staff and spiked ice particles appear in a circle, which she then sends out. It "expands" and becomes a larger circle. Stand underneath her when she starts this attack to set its course, then dash away as it starts to move. Attack #5: Leviathan swims left to right creating spiked ice particles which she sends down at you. Z-Saber slash the ones that come down above you. She will execute attack #2 after she sends them down, and if you're rank A or S, she usually goes into that attack after performing the impale move. A/S Attack: Leviathan creates a whirlwind in the middle of the screen which sucks you in, and sends several staff tips out. Dash left to right while doing small jumps occasionally to dodge the staff tips. When she is done, the whirlwind will stop pulling you and she will crash straight down, creating spiked ice tips which fly in all directions. Dash as far away as you can and jump between the set of ice spikes closest to the ground to avoid them. Don't try to jump between the higher set because she'll be there soon and you're likely to make contact with her, meaning damage for you. She is not very hard unless you have rank A or S. That attack is quite hard to avoid. The charged Z-Buster (preferably backed with X Form and Fire Chip) is the weapon of choice once again. You can also use the Fire Chip and charged Z-Saber slashes, but you need to get close. She's not very predictable, so that's your choice. =-------------= "Sage" Harpuia: =-------------= (HRP) Difficulty Rating: 5/5 Energy: 2 bars. Item Acquired: None. EX Skill: Kougenjin - Press Down + Attack with the Z-Saber to shoot a saber wave. Too bad it doesn't have the range, speed, and damage that Harpuia's saber waves do! Elemental Weakness: Ice. Harpuia is the third and toughest remaining guardian of copy-X from the original Zero. He is almost the same fight that he was in the original Zero, only with a few twists that aren't very nice at all! He's one of the hardest bosses in the game in this first form. I have no idea why he has the title of "Sage". Ask Capcom. Attack #1: Harpuia swoops through the air and sends a saber wave down diagonally which covers about 1/4 of the width of the screen. Dash to the opposite side to avoid it. If you don't hit Harpuia after this attack, he will either go into Attack #3 or continue to swoop around and send these saber waves down at you. Attack #2: After being hit, Harpuia will drop to the ground, and perform one of two attacks. The first is he will flash and turn almost completely green and rush at you and slash. Sometimes if he hits you he will toss you into the air and slash you there. Jump over him in the opposite direction he's going avoid that one. The second is like in the original Zero, he will send a forward, an upward diagonal, and another forward saber wave at you. Just jump the first one, wait for the second one to pass over you and jump the third one. After this, we will either fly into the air and send the traditional downward diagonal wave which you should jump to avoid (and go into attack #1 which involves the swoop/saberwave), or he will perform the green rush inwhich should jump over him in the opposite direction he is heading. Attack #3: After a swoop, Harpuia may stop and extend his hands. Little drills will come out and head your way, stopping now and then and glowing with purple sparks. He will send up to six if not interrupted by a swift slash or shot, and then go into Attack #4. Just hit him. Attack #4: During a swoop, Harpuia may stop mid air. His hands glow with purple electricity. Lightning bolts will rush down to your current position from the top of the screen. Slash or shoot him quickly to end this attack. He will either do this move seperately or as a follow-up to Attack #3, inwhich case he doesn't stop midair, he just does it from the spot he was producing drills at. A/S Attack: Harpuia only performs this below half health and only when you're rank A/S. Harpuia will glow with a blazing green aura like Fefnir and Leviathan do do for their A/S attacks (only, green instead of red or blue) and then sends massive width white colored saber waves straight down while flying left to right. The first wave will cover the center of the screen, so stay on a side for that, then he will leave massive waves right below him as he airdashes from side to side on the screen. Dash to the side that he is going to after the first wave in the center until he ceases this attack. If you dash in sync with him, following him, you'll dodge all of these waves with proper timing. Whew. You may have to use an E tank or two here (second one comes from Burble Hekelot's stage!). Dodge his attacks the best you can and get Z-Saber or Z-Buster hits in whenever you can. Luckily, he only has two energy bars for you to deplete, and with the Ice Chip, it's an easier task. =----------------= Rainbow Devil MK2: =----------------= (RD2) Difficulty Rating: 3/5. Energy: 3 bars. Item Acquired: None. EX Skill: Filter Shield - Turns buster bullets into crystals when 'dodged' (I assume blocked by Boomerang Shield). Elemental Weakness: None. He's back! (from Megaman Zero) Only this time, he's a bit tougher. Sparkling Jelly cyclops with a piece of machinery in it's head, Rainbow Devil. I don't think Bill Cosby would want to advertise HIM on TV! He first appeared in the original Megaman/Rockman Zero in as a boss in one of the Neo Arcadia stages, and is back in a slightly tougher form in this game. He has an EX Ability for you as well, so try to do well if you don't have it yet. Attack #1: Rainbow Devil throws a straight punch at you. He cannot be harmed while doing this. Just dash out of the way or jump up the wall if there's not enough room. Attack #2: Rainbow Devil spirals up into the air and turns into a sort of "dragon" head which collides with the floor and turns into 4 globs of jelly which bounce around, and will damage you if you touch them. They only bounce once and then return to the piece with the machine in it. Jump up the wall and stay as high as you can get to avoid the bouncing blobs, and then drop down and get a shot in while the pieces return to reform the Rainbow Devil. Attack #3: Rainbow Devil's body swirls around and throws out little globs of jelly which have an explosion effect upon impact. The globs then head back towards the Rainbow Devil. Jump up the wall to avoid. Good opportunity to get a shot in. This is just like an attack he has from the first Zero, except that they didn't have the explosion attack. Attack #4: Rainbow Devil turns into a blob which slides along the floor quickly. Stay on the wall. A/S Attack: Rainbow Devil flails his arms about and then stomps along the floor toward you causing debris to fall. The small pieces won't harm you, but the large ones will. Try to avoid them (and him!) until he stops, as he cannot be harmed when he's doing this. Avoid his attacks and use charged Z-Buster attacks to take him out. He is the first boss that has three full energy bars, but he's not very hard compared to Harpuia or Leviathan which you defeated before him. =--------= Fefnir v2: =--------= (FV2) Difficulty Rating: 3/5. Energy: 3 bars. Item Acquired: None. EX Skill: None. Elemental Weakness: Thunder. Fefnir transforms into some freaky tricycle tank with four cannons. He covers about 1/4 of the rightmost side of the screen and is always moving left, meaning you must move as well or be hit... just like the Scorpion boss at the beginning of the game, except the opposite direction. He has four cannons which can be destroyed, and I recommend you do so. Starting with the lower ones. You don't have to, but it puts him into an easy-to-dodge attack mode until he's defeated which equals better ranking for lack of damage taken. Attack #1: The four cannons will act as flamethrowers. If the lower ones are flaring up, stay leftmost to avoid. Attack #2: The two top cannons shoot two bombs out which will continue to burn after they explode, so let them impact (you should be in between where they explode) and then jump the left fire that is left burning when enough room clears for it. Attack #3: Depending on how many cannons are left after Attack #2 is executed, each cannon will fire out a fire ring in this order; Bottom left, top left, bottom right, top right. Simply jump the bottom ones and avoid being touched by the top ones. Attack #4: When all four cannons are destroyed, the broken cannons will fire small fire rings, sort of like attack #3. Easy to dodge, and this is why I recommend you destroy all cannons. A/S Attack: The bottom right cannon fires several streams of 3 fire rings. To dodge them, dash left as they approach you, then quickly bank right and dash jump over them until it stops. Destroy the lower cannons and this attack will never be performed again. Fairly easy. Easier than Fefnir himself was, anyway. To do the job I recommend you use; Laser Shot EX Skill, Level 3 Z-Buster, Thunder Chip, and X Form if you have it. To start, I recommend destroying the cannons first. So de-equip your Thunder Chip, and Equip Laser Shot EX (because Laser Shot won't work if a chip is active). The alternate to Laser Shot when destroying the back row cannons is to use charged Z-Saber hits, but this is pretty dangerous and not very effective in comparison. Once you destroy the bottom cannons, there is little danger of being hit. After the bottom cannons are out, destroy the top cannons using the same method. Now re-equip the Thunder Chip. Simply jump to avoid the bottom small fire rings which will shoot out of the damaged cannons, and wait for the top fire rings to pass over you while shooting fully charged Thunder Chip Z-Buster shots at Fefnir's head. The fire rings come in a very predictable pattern that is easy to dodge, and the best part is that once the cannons are out this is all he can do. K writes, "When facing Fefnir v2 after the second set of bosses, the Shield Boomerang helps considerably since it does damage to all 4 cannons as well as the body itself if done correctly." ... This is THE strategy for hard mode since you can't use the EX Skill Laser Shot in hard mode due to the whole lack of a charged Z-Buster problem. It'd also be good if you don't have the EX Skill Laser Shot -- and lets face it, not everyone will since it requires you to defeat Hyleg Ourobockle with an A or S rank. =-----------= Leviathan v2: =-----------= (LV2) Difficulty Rating: 4/5. Energy: 3 bars. Item Acquired: None. EX Skill: None. Elemental Weakness: Fire. Again, she doesn't show any visual signs of being weak to it, but it does do more damage. Leviathan, again. This time, she turns into a gigantic robotic stingray-looking thing with her head on the top part. She has some fairly hard to deal with attacks due to the fact the ground is ice and you're in the water as well -- a double handicap for you. Attack #1: Leviathan pulls back off the screen and then rushes across it horizontically at the same vertical elevation you were at when she comes back on screen. There's a variation of this attack which has her trailed by blue spear tips which swerve and go down a bit then continue horizontally towards and then trail off the screen, and she doesn't rush across the screen at your vertical level when she does the second variation. The spear tips will damage you if you touch them, of course. When doing the second variation, she appears 1/3rd the way up the room vertically, always. She will restation on the other side of the screen after this attack. Best to jump up and down the wall when she does this. Attack #2: Leviathan shoots out three ice spears downward diagonally which bounce off of the ground and go upwards diagonally. You can either jump these or go to the other side of the screen. Attack #3: Leviathan shoots an ice beam straight from her head to the other side of the screen. This ice beam leaves behind spiked ice balls which float to the bottom of the screen and become ice spikes, which float upwards and will disappear after a few seconds. Both of these can be destroyed. Attack #4: Leviathan sends out two ice dragons that follow you around and can be destroyed by attacking them in the head. Like her dragon attack in the original Zero game, only two dragons this time. A/S Attack: Leviathan sends out two ice dragons. Instead of following you, they try to create a box of ice blocks to trap you in and when their paths meet the heads disappear. If you get touched by them along their path, you will be hurt. If caught inside, you must quickly Z-Saber your way out and jump as high as you can get because Leviathan always performs Attack #1 to change what side of the screen she's on after this. Charged Z-Saber is the choice weapon, along with Fire Chip and Power Form if you've got it. You can only damage her by shooting/hitting her in the head. It's best to jump up the wall as high as you can get when she switches sides as you never know which variation of the screen-changing rush move she'll do. Keep the Z-Saber charged and keep hitting her in the head as opportunity allows. Use E-Tanks if you have to. If you're not on screen with her, the noise she makes will clue you in to what move she is doing if you can't see her (except her screen changing moves both have the same sound), and you can act accordingly. You'll have to get to know these sounds and match them with the above moves though, since they're quite hard to describe! =---------= Harpuia v2: =---------= (HV2) Difficulty: 3/5. Energy: 3 bars. Item Acquired: None. EX Skill: None. Elemental Weakness: Ice. Harpuia's second form. Notably easier than the first if you know the patterns. He turns into a sort of bird-like bomber plane. He will appear on either the very far right or far left of the screen with the exception of the swoop attacks. Attack #1: Harpuia sends two sets of five missiles out. They drop a bit and then launch forward to your current elevation level. Stand near him so you can see where they stop. Jump the first one and the second one will most likely be fired at higher elevation level so you can let it go over you, then let the third be launched at ground level, jump it, and so on. Get slashes in with your charged Z-Saber while dodging. Attack #2: Harpuia creates a vertical whirlwind and tries to use it to pull you into one of the holes on the very far left or right edges of the screen. Dash the opposite way he is going to avoid. This attack is usually performed after #1. Attack #3: Harpuia disappears and you'll see him swooping towards you in the background, trying to connect the 'claws' of the bird-like plane to you. To avoid, dash out of the way when it nears. Attack #4: Harpuia swoops low horizontally. Dash under in the opposite direction that he is heading to avoid. Attack #5: This attack is performed after Attack #1. Harpuia creates two balls of energy on his "talons" which extend via strands of energy to cover all the vertical screenspace from his position to the ground. To avoid, simply dash underneath him and stand close to the pit on the side he is on once you see the first energy ball appear and start extending. Its really a very simple attack to dodge, but you must act quickly. A/S Attack: Harpuia tosses a light purple energy ball a bit forward of his "beak" which turns into a vortex, which then sucks in and spits out debris. If you are hit by any debris whether it's being sucked in or spit out, you will be hurt. When you see him toss that ball forward, dash to the side of the screen opposite him and wait there with Z-Saber ready to slash any pieces of debris that might be spit out in your direction. Harpuia's second form is a lot easier than his first. Use charged Z-Saber attacks backed by the Ice chip with Power Form if you have it. Just learn how to dodge his attacks, which have more bark than bite. You'll defeat him easily if you could best his first form. =-------------------------------------= Kuwagust Anchus & Herculious Anchortus: (or, the beetle bros.) =-------------------------------------= (K&H) Difficulty: 3/5. Energy: 3 bars. Item Acquired: None. EX Skill: None. Elemental Weakness: Ice. In the final stages, just like in most other Megaman/Rockman games, you have to fight some or all of the bosses again. Instead of fighting just Kuwagust, he will appear along with Herculious Anchortus from the original Zero. While this combination of the two may seem intimidating, it is not at all hard to beat this duo. Attack #1: Herculious rises to the center of the screen and extends his four arms, of which the end of will each shoot a buster pellet in your direction. Kuwagust will be in the air in the background, spinning. Pay attention to what side Kuwagust is on, as he'll jump down to that side when Herculious is done his attack, and Herculious will be briefly on the other side before he jumps into the background and spins around. This attack is fairly hard to dodge, so if you want to try, stand underneath where Kuwagust is in the background with Boomerang Shield equipped and held forward. Wait for Herculious to fire the first shot and then start walking towards the other side of the screen. When it's all clear (you MAY take a hit -- it's really random, the order in which he fires his busters) go into inventory and switch your Boomerang for Buster so you don't accidently toss the shield and get stuck in place like a sitting duck, then move beside Herculious and wait for him to jump into the background. Kuwagust should be jumping into the middle and will soon begin his solo attack sequence, attack #2. Attack #2: Immediately following Attack #1, Kuwagust jumps into the center of the screen and funnels a tornado through his pincers which pulls you inward to him. If he sucks you in, he'll do an explosive move which kinda hurts. Dash away while jumping to avoid. You can also shoot charged shots by quickly flicking the control towards him and releasing the fire button, and then resuming the dash and jump away from routine. After this, he'll jump to the side of the screen opposite of where Herculious is in the background, and Herculious will come out of the background and onto the other side. If you're in his path, dash under him when he jumps. They will then go onto Attack #3. Attack #3: After Attack #2, Kuwagust & Herculious, each on a seperate side of the screen will jump into the air and air-dash across the screen. Each to opposite sides on different vertical levels. Dash under the lower one and get your charged slash in on one of them when they land. After one to three passes of this, they will do the A/S attack if you are rank A/S, or go back to Attack #1 if you are not. A/S Attack: The brothers jump, stop midair, extend chains from their arms and connect in the middle of the screen. Live electricity flows through these arms as they slowly spin around the room in a circular motion which can change direction -- either clockwise or counterclockwise. To avoid, use the Z-Saber and jump in between them so that you won't touch the arms, and slash at the center piece of their connection, which temporarily turns off the electricity. Continue this, mindful of the fact they may or may not change which direction they are going (clockwise or counter-clockwise) and act accordingly. After this attack, they both drop to opposite sides and the attack cycle starts all over again with #1. They can't be harmed during this attack. Equip the Ice Chip right away. Get in hits after every attack sequence of theirs with a charged Z-Saber, and try to get in charged Z-Buster shots during Kuwagust's solo attack sequence. You should have no problem with this fight if you have MAX Z-Saber and Z-Buster levels for quick charge attacks. WARNING: When you deplete all of their energy, they won't simply die. They will jump to the sides of the screen, jump straight up, and then rush forward in an air-dash, both at the same vertical level. Jump them and then they will ram into each other, say a few lines and THEN finally blow up. Just jump that attack! =-----= Elpizo: =-----= (ELP) Difficulty: 5/5 Energy: 2 bars. Item: None. EX Skill: None. Elemental Weakness: None. Elpizo is transformed by the Dark Elf and cyberelf babies who enter him into a more combat suited reploid with a rapier-like sword and heavy looking armor. This is one of the toughest battles in the game due to the sheer speed at which Elpizo executes attacks and switches between them. Attack #1: Elpizo leaps back, and then leaps forward over your head. Just dash in the direction he's coming from to avoid it. Attack #2: Elpizo strikes a pose, holding his rapier upwards in a blocking position, then holds it forward, and finally rushes forward quickly stabbing at the air madly. Jump over him to avoid this. He can't really be harmed until you jump over him. Shoot him in the back with a charged Z-Buster shot after you jump him. Attack #3: Elpizo jumps straight up, stops midair, and throws a circle of dark colored orbs at you that will try to follow and attach to you, suck life, and then go back to Elpizo and give life back to him. To dodge it, quickly dash away from it, and when it reaches ground level, jump over it so it shoots past you. If it does, it will go off screen and disappear. Attack #4: Elpizo stands still, and opens a dark vortex which causes either an X-Drone or a rolling mechanical spiked ball to appear out of it. He can't be harmed when doing this, unfortunately. Attack #5: Elpizo holds his sword up in the air and dark shards shoot out which go in many directions. In addition, these shards become shockwaves which travel all the way to the wall when they impact with the ground. Stand right beside Elpizo to avoid it. Attack #6: Elpizo assumes a defensive pose and shouts something. He can't be harmed when he does this. A/S Attack: Elpizo throws his sword forward, which stops, spins midair and then stabs into the ground, creating a column of light which shoots out debris. Dash away from Elpizo and stay out of range of the debris until it stops. If you're in between him and this column of light, you're most likely in for some hurt. When debris stop spewing from the ground, the sword flies back to Elpizo and will hurt you if you touch it. You cannot get past this column of light without being hurt (it will hurt you just like touching anything else), so don't be anywhere near Elpizo when he tosses his sword and it starts spinning. As you can see, he has quite a few attacks, and as noted before, he's very quick -- think Quickman if you've ever played Megaman/Rockman 2. Only faster, better, stronger... and now I'm sounding like a certain 70s? TV show. Use the Z-Buster for this fight and charge up attacks to send whenever you see an open shot opportunity in between dodging his attacks. When he is defeated, you'll fight... =--------------------------= Elpizo, second form: (or, Elpizo/Dark Elf Fusion) =--------------------------= (EL2) Difficulty Rating: 1/5. Energy: 3 bars. Item: Proto Form* EX Skill: None. Elemental Weakness: None. Ladies and gentlemen... get ready for the -easiest- and most disappointing final boss that I think I have ever seen in a Megaman/Rockman game. Elpizo turns into a gigantic metallic butterfly which is initially in the middle of the screen, but can teleport left or right of that initial spot. There are two cybernetic "fish" which circle him and sometimes come out and make you dodge them. I think the "fish" represent the baby elves, but don't quote me on that. Moving along, this is an EASY fight! Almost as easy as Poler Kamrous. You should have no problem if you could win the previous fight. Attack #1: The two "fish" face each other in the foreground and a create green stream, which fuses in between them. This creates a dark eye circled in a green aura which slowly circles around the area it was created until it goes around in larger circles and then finally disappears. Just stay out of range of it. Attack #2: Elpizo phases out and reappears either left or right of the center, in the air. Attack #3: A stream of golden orbs erupt from Elpizo's hands to the ground, and create spiked blocks which are sent to smash against the walls and will damage you if the spikes touch you. However, they are not very tall and are easy to jump over. Do so. Attack #4: A stream of green orbs erupt from the Elpizo's hands to the ground. Circular objects float towards Zero. Slash them with your Z-Saber. Attack #5: Elpizo and cybernetic fish pour golden orbs directly below the butterfly onto the ground, which creates a platform with spikes on the sides which swerves around the butterfly upwards and then back down before it blows up. It is useless due to the fact you can just jump and charged slash him. Just don't get hit by the spikes on the side while you take this free opportunity to get in a few good hits. Attack #6: The two cybernetic fish come out and make passes at you. Jump the first one and dash under the second. A/S Attack: This is his only dangerous attack, and only for rank A/S. He shoots many golden orbs in your direction which travel at a respectable speed, and this attack commences with no warning. To best avoid it, get as far away as you can and jump / dash under / jump up wall as they come at you. He is very easy. Use charged Z-Saber attacks and jump slash the head. Only need to watch for the A/S attack, if you are rank A or S. Somehow, I don't think the developers intended for you to jump slash him, given the presence of the platform move... maybe they should have elevated him a bit higher. Oh well. Enjoy the ending!... and the sweet remix of the opening level music in the credits (the one played after Zero throws his cloak off.) Note; * = Must save the game after credits and start a new game using that save file to get this item. ******************************************************************************* =------------------= (S3); Ranking Guide: =------------------= Rankings in Megaman/Rockman Zero 2 determine whether bosses perform A/S attacks or not, and whether you recieve the EX Skills after defeating them. To recieve the EX Skill from a boss, you must have rank A or S *while fighting* that specific boss, not afterwards. In this mini-FAQ on ranking, I will answer some common questions about ranking and how it is determined. What I *won't* list is the individual codenames for Ranks. That would simply take too long to discover them all, and for little reason since they are just names. In order of highest to lowest, rankings are: S, A, B, C, D, E, F. The actual differences between ranks are noted above. Ranking is broken down into 6 sections; * Mission - How well you performed your objective. In different stages the objective differs, and not all stages actually have an objective, and thus give an automatic 20. I will go into detail on these below. Max 20/100 pts. * Clear Time - How fast you cleared the stage. The faster the better. Max 20/100 pts. * Enemy - How many enemies you killed. Generally, killing everything in your path should get you the full 15 points. Max 15/100 pts. * Damage - How much Damage you took. Try to take none for the full 15 points, although some missions will allow you to take some damage and still retain the full 15 point value. Max 15/100 * Retry - How many times you died and had to retry. 15 points for no deaths. Max 15/100. * Elf - How many cyber-elves were used (Note; Permanent cyber elves ALWAYS deduct from the point they are used and every mission after that, and it can take you into NEGATIVE for this section!). Use none for the full 15 points. Max 15/100. As you can see, it's based on a 100 point/percent score. Generally, an average of 90 or so would get you an A rank. Whereas ~93 or more average will get you an S rank. S rank is really only for bragging rights, though. Now, onto those mission objectives... Not all missions have objectives. For example, Burble Hekelot's stage has no objective, so you'll always get the 20 points for his stage. I will list the stages that have specific objectives you must complete in order to get the 20 points. Hyleg Ourobockle stage - Rescue the soldiers with the portable trans server for the full 20 points. There are six in total, but only five that you must find and press up on the d-pad to rescue. The one at the boss room is automatically rescued. Poler Kamrous stage - Destroy all four computer/cooling units for the full 20 points. Phoenix Magnion stage - Destroy all four machines. Though, you have to destroy them all anyway in order to meet Phoenix Magnion. So maybe this is redundant. Panter Flauclaws stage - Protect the cargo from the Mechaniloids who try to take it. Saving every single crate will net you the full 20 points. Kuwagust Anchus stage - Protect Ciel while she disarms the bomb. Make sure she doesn't get hit for a full 20 points. Shield Boomerang is your friend. Harpuia stage (Crystal Cave) - Spare all "controlled/brainwashed" resistance soldiers. Don't kill them. Jump over them/avoid them for the full 20 points. If you're trying for A/S Rank, and you really only NEED it for one game to get all the EX Skills since they carry over to New Game+... here are some tips; - Rush through the stage. Don't go for cyber elves or anything else. You can come back and do it later, and even if you can't there's always New Game+. With my knowledge of how to get things from playing the JP version, I started a new game on the NA English Zero 2 with the intention of only getting the EX Skills in my first game. I went for forms/cyber elves in the second. After I had all other forms and elves, I used all my elves to get the Ultimate Form. This is a good solid way for all of you who want to get all the items in the shortest amount of games. - Don't get hit -- it's difficult, but practice. After all, that's what my boss strategies are for -- avoiding the bulk of the damage from bosses, who are usually the #1 contributor to lowering your Damage and Retry score. This game is all about learning the patterns of enemies, and your reaction time. 15 points for no damage, although some missions as noted above do allow exceptions. - Complete the objectives when neccessary -- it's 20 easy points! - Don't die. Not even once. Again, practice. 15 points for not dying. - Try to kill all the enemies you come across while constantly moving... Active Form helps due to speed. This helps your Enemy ranking up to its 15 point potential. - Don't use Cyber Elves!!! They lower your automatic 15 score in the Elf category. ******************************************************************************* =------------= (S4); Credits: =------------= - Capcom, for making another great game in the quality "Zero" series that is now in English! (Yay!) - El Miaourg (mei_ming61(AT)hotmail.com), for extra info for the Phoenix Magnion strategy which involves using the Shield Boomerang. - K (rmnv5(AT)prodigy.net), for a strategy to use on Fefnir v2 which involves the Shield Boomerang. - Irate people who don't understand the Ranking system, for prompting me to put a mini-FAQ for the rankings in here. Hopefully there will be less questions in regard to Ranking and acquiring EX Skills. It's really quite simple. - Alucard3666(AT)aol.com for the Phoenix Magnion strategy involving the use of the Thunder chip, which prompted me to add boss elemental weaknesses. I never had much problem defeating bosses without elements, but I admit that it does make the ones with weaknesses somewhat easier due to less endurance via dodging needed. - Peter Skoutari (petrossiscool(AT)hotmail.com) for the information about Elpizo's name which helped it make sense. ******************************************************************************* =--------------= (S5); Copyright: =--------------= This FAQ and it's contents are Copyright (c) 2003 Dev. You may only find it on the sites listed below. You may not use this FAQ in whole or part on any other website, at all, without expressed permission, and even then only if it is posted in full with no modifications whatsoever. You may not sell this FAQ or any information contained within for profit under any circumstance. Websites which I do allow to host this FAQ are: : http://www.GameFAQs.com (and any site directly affiliated with it) : http://www.neoseeker.com Rockman, Megaman, RockmanZero/MegamanZero and all variations of such are registered trademarks of Capcom. // EOF