------------------------------------------------------------------ -Wingnut and SplashKhat's Megaman Zero 2 Cyber Elf Faq v 0.92- You can submit stuff (like cool ascii art) to us by email Wingnut is reached at: klyoungblood(at)capitol-college.edu and SplashKhat found here: SplashKhat(at)yahoo.com Please check Gamefaqs for the latest version of this faq before emailing. And do not ask about subjects not included in this faq (such as how to boss fight, energy tank locations, cheats, codes, and how to save) Part: 0- Intro text & notes 1- Elf locations, 2- Cyber Elf Effects, 3- Credits Part 0: Intro text & notes ============================================================ Intro: Out of love for the game we present to you everything we know about the CyberElf. This is not a walkthru per say, so you will not find too much extra info other then CyberElf stuff at this time. We can confirm that using all of the CyberElves will give you the ultimate form at the end of the game. But other form's are not included here. Legal: Copyright 2003 Wingnut and SplashKhat. This work may be distributed freely as long as no fee is charged for its distribution, the text remains unaltered, and credit is given to the origional authors. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Part 1: Elf locations ============================================================ [View this in a monospaced font like Courier to see the elf tables properly.] The stages are listed in the order of the Resistance Base, then the stages as they appear in the operator's destinations list. Nurse Elves (Red) Animal Elves (Green) Hacker Elves (Blue) ................. ................. ................. . C7 . . D5 . . L1 . . D7 . . C1 . . E5 . . . E7 . . . . C6 . . . . E6 . . ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... . J7 ....... L3 . . J2 ....... D3 . . D4 ....... J6 . . .F1.N1. . . .B4.F2. . . .*****. . ................. ................. ................. .E4.M3.D1 .J3.K1. .G1.J8.***.K3.P3. .F4.K2.B1 .J1.O1. ................. ................. ................. .O3. B5 . K6 .H2. .P1.C2.I3 .E8.G3. .B2.A3.H1 .K4.J5. .... . .... ................. ................. .C5...........G4. .**.C8.***.E1.**. .**.E2.***.L4.**. ....J4.A2 .I6.... ................. ................. .I1...........M1. .K5.I4.I5 .E3.M2. .F3.B3.N2 .L2.P4. .... G2 . H4 .... ................. ................. .O2. . .A1. .C4.I2.***.D2.N3. .D6.C3.P2 .H3.A4. ................. ................. ................. Elves are arranged in progressive order of Crates found in the stage, then by those you find inside enemy's. If you do not get an elf right away try using a different weapon and/or hunt down every enemy on the stage. A-Resistance Base ------------------ You must complete at least one mission (besides the intro stage) to get the elves here A1 (Pireff): Crate, 'R'(top) floor, jump over the left tower A2 (Mikilar): 5F, talk to the guard in the right tower A3 (Iteroth): Crate, 1F(bottom) floor, room 1f-b A4 (Anurray): After rescuing the resistance members from the Harpuia stage, talk to Andrew (the old man on the third floor), answer top, top, bottom, top, bottom, top to get this pesky little elf. B-Sand Wilderness (intro) ----------------------- B5 (Arnue): After the pair of feeding Vultures, theres a Crate under one of the platforms to the right, in the falling pillar area. B2 (Itemeter): Tumbleweed enemy B1 (Stoccum): Second Electric Golem miniboss B3 (M-orina): Cactus enemy B4 (Birwin): Vulture enemy C-Forest of Dysis (Hyleg Uurobockle) ------------------------------------- C3 (Ashiro): Use a flame chip attack on the leaves to reaveal this Crate in trees. C7 (Yeppie): Continue to the left (after burning the leaves) for another Crate. C5 (Kereff): Crate on upper right ledge indoors, swing to it with the chain. C2 (Beeshot): Bee enemy (yellow) C8 (Bomserow): Queen bee enemy (purple) C1 (Menite): Mole enemy C4 (Stickah): Spider enemy C6 (Putick): Miniboss enemy D-Computer Zone (Poler Kamrous) -------------------------------------- D1 (Ishilar): Crate on top of the third floating ice block D5 (Fuppie): Crate after Ice Golem, above the doorway. D6 (Acool): Crate, on the right ledge above a spiked wall, it's easiest to get this one if you revisit the stage after defeating Camubears, as the spikes and ice dissapear. D2 (Stickie): Fish enemy D3 (Fubuffa): Plow enemy D4 (Hafmardo): Ice Golem miniboss D7 (Atti): Popup Cannon enemy E-Power Room (Phoenix Magnion) ---------------------------------- E2 (Stocttus): Crate near start in a closed area (bat a bomb enemy into the thin wall with the sabre) E7 (Grandie): Just before the pink destroyable bridge that leads to the first reactor, there's a blue peice of ceiling that can be destroyed. Climb up through the broken ceiling to get the elf in a crate. this is the 'Secret Area'. E6 (Dable): "Chaos Angel" posted this to the Gamefaqs message boards: In phoenix's stage where when you climb up or down the long ladder, a crucible (cup for molten metal) goes up and thare are a lot of green laser shooting small robots moving zig zag. Destroy 3 different colored sets of robot and a fast UFO will fly past. Good luck. It's like a mini galaxy/space invaders game. Use the ice chip on a crucible to reach this elf unharmed. [You will need to enter the 'Sub Area' for the next two. near the right door of the room with spike walls the blue wall below you is cracked, hit a bomb to open up the 'Sub Area'] E4 (Culoppe): After the cluster of bomable pink walls you will see a blue colored area below your feet. bomb the pink floor to the left of it and go down carefully! see the crate? bomb the right wall to access it. E5 (Lanite): Further along from (E4) is a gap in the blue area, destroy the pink floor above it with a bomb. Inside is a Fire Golem enemy with the elf E1 (Bomphew): Bomb enemy E3 (Beelanch): First reactor E8 (BeeStin): Flying cannon enemy at the top of the shaft in 'Secret or Sub Area'. F-Train of Neo Arcadia (Panter Flauclaws) --------------------------------- F1 (Emick): Crate down to the left of starting point F4 (Clockle): Crate after the flat car (where you protect the crates) drop down 1 car over, you'll see it on the left edge. F2 (Biraero): Spike Ball enemy F3 (M-orapp): Crab enemy G-Residential Area (Golem Trio) --------------------------------- G2 (Estan): Pull the first brown block to the right as far as you can (Stand away, shoot and hold the chain then pull). stand on it and reach up at an angle to pull out the block above. G4 (Rireff): Crate, after leaping across a couple spike pits go up and pull the above-left block out to access it. G1 (Bircarry): Flying enemy G3 (Beebite): Sword-X enemy H-Air Force (Kuwagust Anchortus) --------------------------------- The path splits midway. To reach the top part uninjured hit the generator with an ice chip attack (this will give you a short delay before it blows). Now immediatly dash-jump out to the left, the lazer will vanish before you crash, dash as fast as possible over and up the path. (You can get the one you miss by revisiting this stage after defeating Harpuia) H4 (Peatan): Upper path: Crate, 2nd room H1 (Stockel): Lower path: drop down the ladder, 2nd passage to the right H2 (Reloppe): Crate on upper ledge at the right side end of laser beam guarded room. H3 (Aterner): In the left room (after protecting Ceil) Crate in the top left corner of the map. I-Computer Facility Roof (Leviathan) ------------------------------- I1 (Mureff): Crate, down and left under the cliff from the start I6 (Remilar): Crate on high ledge on the right side of the map I2 (Stickoo): Guard Dog enemy I4 (Beefire): Snowballer enemy I3 (Bomgrow): Land Mine enemy (Back track from I6 and follow the snowball thrown at you to clear the way) I5 (Bomblow): Floating Bomb enemy J-Forest Of Notus (Burble Hekelot) ----------------------------------- J5 (Iterex): Crate in trees, again burn the leaves away with the fire chip to see it. J6 (Hafmarmn): After crossing the chain platforms turn and jump onto the highest one. its a close jump (the grass goes further then you think) Jump to the left 1 or 2 platforms, jump and grapple the platform above you and swing to the left. on the left is the crate. Very hard to reach (remember to hold jump before letting go of the chain, and you cannot climb from the sides). J7 (Mappie): Crate in a secret passage under the start of the indoor section. Dont jump up inside, just walk to the right through the wall. J3 (Mitick): If you keep going up you'll see this Crate under a narrow spiked passage that you cannot jump over (using of one of the Elves can reduce spike damage), use the chain to reach it from the passage below. J4 (Tomilar): You can see this Crate from J3, the secret passage is up on the left wall behind a Knight-X J1 (Cloctell): When you see 4 breakable boxes, 2 above, 2 on the right. break the top right one, chain the far block past the spikes and go down safely for this Crate. J2 (Kelon): Forest Grub enemy J8 (Birhang): Enemies that jump out of bottomless pits K-Crystal Cave (Harpuia) ------------------------ K6 (Charnue): A secret passage in the right wall of the first pit leads to this Crate. K1 (Miloppe): On the right side of the map, climb the wall to see this Crate on the ledge above, grapple out to the very end (try to grab the far point at an angle to gain extra height) grapple upwards to catch the rock just above screen and skillfully swing inside. K2 (Clocsule): Crate in first downward shaft, left side. Slide down the left wall to reach it safely. K4 (Itemass): After the first Glowbug/spike area fall to the left, then the middle. Slide down this wall to reach a door on the right. Through the doors is your Crate. K3 (Birflow): Glow Bug enemy K5 (Beehitt): Hopper-X enemy L-Shuttle Factory (Fefnir) ------------------------ L4 (Stoctem): Secret passage in wall left of ladder (above 3 Knight-X's, hidden by pipes) poke around for this hidden Crate. L3 (Euppie): Crate in vertical climb on the right side, use the ladder above to reach it easy. L1 (Jettah): Knight-X enemy L2 (M-orossa): Spinning 3-element enemy M-Neo Arcadia Temple (Rainbow Devil MKII) ------------------------------------------- M1 (Nureff): Crate on upper right wall where path drops. M3 (Parick): Crate on left ledge left of first spiked ceiling, after the first Spinning 3-element enemy M2 (Beellet): Cannon-X enemy N-Temple of Fire (Fefnir Tank) -------------------------------- N1 (Satick): Crate on left ledge after dropping down the shaft with wall cannons. N2 (Stocpuss): Crate after falling platforms over lava, it's in plain sight, behind a Knight-X enemy. N3 (Stickoh): Wall Cannon enemy O-Temple of Ice (Ray Leviathan) ------------------------------------- O2 (Oreff): Go under water and to the right. Jump on to the second ice block, use the chain to reach the high right wall, climb it for this Crate. O3 (Meloppe): In the second room climb the ladders above spiked floor for this Crate. O1 (Clocpull): Crate on the left in rising water area. P-Temple of Wind (Jet Harpuia) --------------------------------- P2 (Stocpell): At the right edge of the map drop down, past the two containers to this Crate below. P4 (M-oreno): In the laser beam room. Destroy the first generator and quickly jump up, to the left, then down to see this Crate. P3 (Birhelp): Jet Shield enemy P1 (Beesult): Gun-X enemy Part 2: Elf Effects ============================================================ When you use an elf, it dies and cannot be used again, ever. Using an elf in a mission takes away points from your ranking at the end of the mission. Using elves with a permanent effect costs you points on every mission you play after using it. Permanent elves are marked with a * at the end of their descriptions. Nurse Elves (Red) ........... .A . .A . A: Max health is increased by 4.* . . B . . .... .... B: Max health doubles.* .A .....A . . .C.C. . C: Completely restores health. ........... .D.C.E.C.D. D: Flies around dropping health items. ........... .D.F .F .D. E: Absorbs bullets to heal you. ... . ... .G.......G. F: Grants 2 extra lives. ...E.E.E... .G.......G. G: Restores some health. ...H .H ... .G. . .G. H: Turns into a sub-tank.* ........... Animal Elves (Green) ........... I: Increases walking speed.* .I . .J . . . M . . J: Increases ladder-climbing speed.* .... .... .K .....L . K: Decreases the speed at which you slide down walls.* . .N.N. . ........... L: Prevents being knocked back when hit.* .N.N.*.N.N. ........... M: Spikes do damage instead of killing you instantly.* .O.O.P.O.O. ........... N: Saves you from a pit once. .*.P.*.P.*. ........... O: Flies around firing bullets. .O.O.P.O.O. ........... P: Absorbs bullets, then explodes. .R.R.*.R.R. ........... R: Stick to and paralyses enemies. Hacker Elves (Blue) ........... .S . .S . S: Erases small enemies in a stage. . . U . . .... .... T: Cuts a boss's life in half. .T .....T . . .***. . U: Get double life and crystals from powerups.* ........... .V.V.W.V.V. V: Stops enemies. ........... .X.X.W.X.X. W: Slows enemies. ........... .*.W.*.W.*. X: Causes all enemies in a stage to drop power-ups. ........... .Y.Y.W.Y.Y. Y: Turns all enemies in a stage into Mets. ........... .Z.Z.W.Z.Z. Z: Grants an A rank for one mision. ........... Part 3: Credits ============================================================ SplashKhat: Elf locations, many formatting suggestions Wingnut: Elf locations and effects Chaos Angel: How to get elf E6 Planet Mega Man: Translations of the boss names, back before the game was out in English. The authors of VisualBoy Advance: For letting us turn off layers to see those hidden passages. Gamefaqs: The gamers help page paradise. And most importantly: Capcom: For making this great game.