---------------------------------- Megaman Zero 2/Rockman Zero 2 FAQ ---------------------------------- Hello, this is my FAQ of Megaman Zero 2. This is my first FAQ and I know it’s not very detailed but I am new at this so bear with me. Made by Ryuuga ------- Index ------- 1. Weapon's 2. Menu Guide 3. Walkthrough and Boss Strategy’s 4. Elf's Location and Mission info all-in-one 5. Element's 6. Item's 7. Form's 8. Form strength statistics 9. EX Ability’s 10. Secret's 11. Legal Information/ Copyrights 12. Credit 13. Future Updates --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Info on this FAQ. Hello everybody, I made this FAQ to people so that they can enjoy this game and have an easy time going through the game, finding the secrets and elves. I have done my best to explain in detail so that it’s easy to understand for anybody, please bear with me if you find an error both game wise and spelling wise. Have fun with this game and please show support to Capcom by buying this game. God Bless Capcom for creating my favorite platform games ever, the Megaman games and these 2 new ones, MMZ 1 and 2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- 1. Weapon's ----------------- -------- Z-Saber -------- INFO : This is Zero's main weapon and you start with this weapon. The Z-Saber is an energy saber that can cut through any anything. Gained: You start the game with this weapon. Level 1: normal slash You start at level 1. Level 2: 2xcombo slash Just keep attacking to gain this level. Level 3: 3xcombo slash Just keep making a 2xcombo to gain level 3. Level 4: level 2 charged slash Just keep attacking to get this level. Level 5: Faster charge Just use charge attacks a lot and you will eventually gain the last level. EX Ability’s Rising Blade Dash Lance Ice Piercer Wave Maker ---------- Z-Buster ---------- INFO: The Z-buster is one of Zero's main weapons, although not that strong it is still very useful as a long range weapon when you need to kill something unreachable with the Z-Saber or the other weapons. Gained: You start the game with this weapon. Level 1: Normal buster + level 1 charged shot You start at level 1 Level 2: Level 2 Charge Keep on blasting those enemies with normal shots and charged to get this level Level 3: Faster Charge Just use a lot of big charges; it takes some time to get this level so take a break if you feel tired. EX Ability’s Laser Shot Ice Splitter Shot Spark Splitter Shot Fire Blast ------------------------------------------ Grappling Hook (Don't know real name yet) ------------------------------------------ INFO: The grappling hook can be used to get to places otherwise unreachable. You can also pull things out of places impossible to get to. Gained: Gained from the engineer at the beginning of the game when you reach the Resistance base. Level 1: normal attack You start at level 1 Level 2: Level 1 Charge = Spear spin Just attack enemies to gain this level Level 3: Faster Charge Just keep on attacking enemies with both normal and charged attacks to gain this level. EX Ability’s Energy Absorber ----------------- Shield Boomerang ----------------- INFO: The shield boomerang deflects enemy bullets and can be thrown at enemies to cut them up in half. Gained: Gained from the engineer at the beginning of the game when you reach the Resistance base. Level 1: Charged spin, spins around about 1/3 of half a screen You start at level 1 Level 2: Level 2 Charged Spin, spins almost half a screen. Keep attacking enemies to get this level Level 3: Level 3 Charged Spin, spins a bit longer than the edge of half a screen Keep attacking enemies to get this level ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: I am not so good at determining these kinds of things so my calculations may be wrong, if anyone has the exact measurements and would like to share with me, then by all means contact me through mail. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EX Ability’s Shield Converter --------------- 2. Menu Guide --------------- I will explain the menu here and how it’s used First Screen: Zero's Status At the lower left, you will notice Zero's Energy bar, lives and Rank At the upper Right you will notice Zero's Energeen crystals collected at the bottom. His Rank Title right above, and his Game play hours at the top. In the Upper left to the Lower right are his weapons/elementals/elf's menus. The top one is his weapon selections the one below is his Sub weapon selection The one below that is his Elemental selection the below that is to use the elf's you selected when talking to Ciel on what elf's you want to have. the one below that is used after completing a mission. When completing a mission, you can choose to revisit that stage, however if you don't feel like going through the whole stage again, simply choose the bottom option in this menu and you will exit that stage. Kind of like the EXIT item in the MMX games. If you press R. You will get to the Forms and EX-Skills section. It is here you can select your form and EX-Ability's. In the right side of the menu, you will see a explanation of each form and EX-ability. Pressing R again will take you to the Controls section Pick your favorite choice of controls. I use A for the top setting and B for the lower setting. Press R one last time to see the elves menu. Here you can see the elves you have collected so far and an explanation of each elf on the right side of the screen. That's it for the explanation. Hope it helped you. ------------------------------------ 3. Walkthrough and Boss strategies ------------------------------------ NOTE: I will list how many elves’ you can get in each stage, however please refer to section 4 to see how to get them. NOTE: This is about Energy bars. There are 3 different life bars in this game Yellow : 32HP = 32HP Green-Blue: 32HP = 64HP White : 32HP = 96HP So if a boss has a Green-Blue bar, he has 64HP and if it’s White he has a total of 96HP Zero can have a maximum of 64HP with the help of Elves. I will list the bar and hp a boss has in each boss strategy. However, each boss has their difference in defense, so some take more hits than others to be defeated even though their HP is the same. ----------------------- Opening Stage = Desert ----------------------- Elf’s : 5 Enemies: X-Droid with Blaster, Green Spinning Tower, Green Spike ball, Golem (Sub-Boss), Eagle, Scorpion (Boss) When the game starts, the first thing you see is the intro in witch Zero is walking in the desert with a cape around him to cover from the sand blowing at him due to the desert storm. Text then starts to roll and when it finishes, Zero notices an army of X-Droids marching against him, he throws his cape away and the game starts. Now let’s get down to business. If you are good at this game and can deal with very little damage throughout the whole stage. In order to get a Rank A or S so that you can get EX-Skills for the bosses you defeat. It is required to get at least an A or S rank in this stage to get an EX skill in the next mission. So start of by equipping your saber, and setting the controls so that only R needs to be pushed to use your sub weapon. This is done by entering the Menu and pressing R to see the control panel. Now tap the down button down and select setting B. Unless you are better at pressing B+R to use a sub weapon. Now kill the running mavericks until Zero says something, this should net you enough kills to get you an A or S rank. Now follow on the stage and take care of the Green Towers, I suggest using the Z-Buster for this bot as getting to close could cause damage to you, also watch out for the spikes they throw. Continue on until you face a Large bot, this is the Golem, now here is the deal. -------- GOLEM 1 -------- His attack pattern is very simple, he will either shoot from his left cannons or his right cannons (From your point of view). if he shoots from the left, simply stand at the left end of the screen and they will not harm you. If he shoots from the right get close to him and they will pass you like that. I highly suggest you use your buster and charge it up and hit him from long range because, if you get to close his cannon holsters will hit you, and hitting him with your saber requires to be a rather good player. If you choose the saber, wait until he fires shots at you and when they pass you, simply jump as high and as close to him as you can, attack and quickly press back while in air, to prevent damage. If you use the Buster, simply stand at the edge of the screen to the left, charge your weapon and fire it at his head, his body is impossible to hit. HP: 16 4 Saber attacks to kill it 16 Buster attacks to kill it 8 Charged Buster attacks to kill it ------------------ Continue on and you will soon encounter a second Golem -------- GOLEM 2 -------- This is the same Golem with the same attacks, however this time the terrain is different, you will start by standing on a little patch of land while the Golem is on a larger patch of land. I highly recommend the Buster here cause of the terrain. The tactic is quite simple. if he shoots from his left cannon stand on the left edge of your small patch of land and they won’t hit you, if he shoots from his right, jump to his land and they won’t harm you. Simply charge you’re Buster and shoot him, 8 charged shoots will kill him HP: 16 4 Saber attacks to kill it 16 Buster attacks to kill it 8 Charged Buster attacks to kill it ---------------------------------------------------------- Continue on after defeating him and you will soon encounter the main boss of the stage, however, watch out for the eagles’ cause they can be a nuisance. When you reach the Scorpion the battle begins. --------- Scorpion --------- This guy has 4 attacks NOTE: You can destroy his Pincer by dealing it sufficient damage, this can be done when he waves it at you or when he throws it at you. Difficulty Rate: * 1.One is his tail witch he uses to make a hole in the ground, if he stands still and moves his tail, simply dash to the right edge of the screen or dash to the scorpions head and whack him with your Saber. While the tail makes a hole in the ground. 2.If you get to close to him, he might wave his Pincer at you so be careful. Mind you that he also does this when you are far away. 3.If he opens and closes his Pincer, that means he is about to throw it to the opposite side of the screen, so dash to the right and when it comes at you, jump over it and attack his head and it should return back to him, simply jump over it to avoid getting hit. 4.His last is also fairly simple, but he also sometimes fire 3 gun shots so be careful not to get hit by them, simply jump over them to avoid them. Strategy I would advise you to destroy his Pincer so that you won't have trouble beating this guy. You can attack it when he covers his head or when he throws it after you. If he throws it at you, can attack it MAX 2 times. Before it reaches the right side, and a second after it begins returning to the scorpion. If you try for a third time, you will 100% get hit. Its impossible so don't try. It needs four attacks from your saber and it’s a goner. Anyways, this boss isn't so hard, simply attack its head when you can and its finished. However watch out not to get hit by its shots when you are to close, so pay attention to this boss and don't underestimate it. BOSS INFO: 1 energy bar (Yellow) 9 Saber attacks to kill the Scorpion 4 Saber attacks to kill the Pincer 32 Buster attacks to kill the Scorpion 12 Buster attacks to kill the Pincer 10 Charged Buster attacks to kill the Scorpion 4 Charged Buster attacks to kill the Pincer Pincer Hp: 12 Body Hp : 32 ---------------------------------- When you defeat the scorpion the mission has been completed. If you killed the marching mavericks in the beginning of the stage as I instructed you to do, you will get a A or S rank, also depending on how quickly you finished the stage, and how many times you got hit, if you didn't defeat the mavericks, getting an A or S rank in this stage is impossible. Anyways, Zero walks on in the desert and then collapses. A Robot shows up (He also stars in the first MMZ game, however, if you didn't play that game then I won't spoil it.). Picks Zero up and drops him at the Resistance Base. Congratulations on your first Mission Soldier. ---------------------------------- Waking up in the Resistance Base. ---------------------------------- Items: Shield Boomerang, Grappling Hook, Updated Menu After the Desert encounter, you will then see the General/Boss of the Resistance, this man is dressed in Pink/Purple so it’s rather easy to find him. Anyways, the man will be speaking to his Army, and when they leave, you will see Ciel for the first time, she will be speaking to the General, but they get interrupted by a soldier that rushes in and tells them that they found Zero. Ciel then rushes to the medic’s room to check up on him. In the Medics Room, Zero gets nursed and Ciel and the Doctor/Weapon Scientist greets him. After they are finished, it is then possible for you to control Zero once more. If you enter the menu, you will notice a complete change in it. Look at the Menu Section for more info. Anyways, head out of that room and enter the right room with the title on top of the door saying "CMD"(Commander) And speak with the purple Reploid. After talking to him, take the right exit and enter the "LAB" door, and speak with the Weapon Scientist (Reploid in green cloak) to get 2 new weapons, you’re Shield Boomerang and a Grappling Hook. Exit the room and enter the door beside it "CIEL". When you enter the room, Ciel will stand up and walk over to you, and speak to you. After finishing the discussion(Notice the shinning thing in the green capsule, this is an important fact of the game). Return to the "CMD" room and the General will be speaking to his army, however they will leave shortly, The Commander will call you and brief you on the missions and the current situation. When you have the chance of answering him, choose the top option. He will then show you 4 faces, each of these are missions. However, before you start any mission, I suggest you go back to the desert and level you saber up to level 3. This will allow you to perform the triple combo slash witch deals heavy amounts of damage. If you decide to do this, press B to decline missions and stop talking to the Commander. Now stand in the circle and press "UP". You will be given 2 options, choose the last and then the first, then the top choice to get to the desert. The level 3 saber is really essential to almost every boss and enemy so its rather good to have. When this is done, or if you didn't feel like doing it. Stand on the circle and press "UP". Choose the first answer and then choose your mission. The left one is easiest in this case so pick that one. ----------------------------------------------- 1st Mission "Hewligg Urobokkle" Stage = Jungle ----------------------------------------------- Items : E-Tank Elves : 8 (However, one can't be gotten until you get the Flame Chip and the "Rising Slash" EX-Ability) See Elf's Location for more info on this one) EX-Ability: Laser Shot Mission: Save 5 Soldiers and dispose of "Egyptian Snake" Enemies: Bee, Purple Bee, Mole, Morningstar Bot, Spider, Wall Face(Sub Boss), X-Droid with lightning Dagger, Egyptian Snake (Boss) This stage is long but not that hard, watch out for those bees, they are weak but don't underestimate them, they are hard to hit, so watch out, I suggest hitting them from distance with you’re Buster. Watch out for the moles as they pop out from the ground, they also shoot drills so be careful, and be careful with the Morningstar bots, stand on the ground and wait for them to throw the Morningstar at you, now jump into them and slash them with your saber. A neat trick I found was that if you shoot your hook at them while their covered with the shield, you can remove their shield from them, shoot the hook and don't let go when it hits and get stuck on the shield, pull by pressing Right/Left to remove the shield. Now wack them with the buster or the hook. When you reach a large chasm and a blue like thingy hanging on thin air, grab your hook, cause the blue things are actually used for getting across the chasm with your hook, attack it to get the hook stuck but never release the button cause the Zero will let go and fall down. You can press UP/DOWN to pull your self up or down. Pull yourself down and when you reach the peak of swinging to the right way, let go of the button and Zero will jump to the small column of land. This time you will have to jump a little forward and shoot as the blue thing isn't close enough. When you get a hold of it, swing to the right and let go, you will now face a vertical mountain. The Hook is your friend in this stage, I suggest you hold on to it for awhile. Get up on the lifting pods until you see the second Morningstar Bot, the first is in the bottom. Use your hook to remove the second bots shield and then kill him with either your buster or Hook. This way, you won't get in to close contact with them avoiding damage so far. However it might be a little hard to move since he keeps attacks as soon as you are in sight, so if you can't remove the shield, stand on the left edge of the pod to avoid damage, now take your buster and shoot him to get rid of him. The last bot is on top of the mountain. I suggest grabbing your saber and when you reach the top by using the pod, he will attack you, quickly jump into his range and slash him to pieces. You will meet the spiders and a captured elf. Be sure to kill the spiders as this is the only place they are at. Go through the gate and you will encounter the Sub-Boss. --------- Sub-Boss --------- This bot has 2 simple attacks. 1. A laser gets shot from its eye and deflects from the ceiling, wall and ground whenever it hits them. When it hits the ceiling. it will hit patch of land you stand on, simply jump over it to avoid contact. Just stand still near the right wall if it hits the spiky ground and it won't hit you 2. Is a jumping ball that is aimed at you, one hit with your saber will end its life. Strategy. Simply attack its eye with your buster to end its life. And dodge its attack and you will be fine. HP: 11 11 Buster attacks to kill it 5 Charged buster attacks to kill it ----- There is a secret area behind this boss if you jump dash to left wall, slide down and you will eventually enter a new screen with a couple of energeen crystals. Now go down and go through the gate, jump over the moveable block and keep going, watch out for the droids and the spiky floor. When you see an allied Soldier, speak to him by pressing "UP", keep going and you should see one right behind the first, talk to him and go up. There should be a moveable block blocking the third soldier. Grab your hook, shoot it on the block and move it out of the way, enter the area and save the soldier. The next block you see will earn you the E-Tank, see item's section for more details. Anyways, continue on until you see a third moveable block, Jump on it and dash-jump to the right upper wall. But watch out for the little block with spikes underneath it, witch is right on top of you. When you get up there, be cautious, cause there is a falling ceiling of spikes. Continue on and save the fourth soldier. Go on until you see a block and a gate, stand near the gate and move the block down the chasm, go down, save the soldier and enter the gate, you are now right before the boss. Good Luck. ------------------ Hewligg Urobokkle ------------------ This battle goes over a snake moving in waves from left to right. Hewligg Urobokkle has several attacks. 1. He smashes his hands into the snake and they show up where you were last standing. This is very easy to dodge so when he does it, quickly dash over to him and perform a triple combo slash. 2. If you get to close to him he will wave his hands and attack you, this is a long range attack, so quickly get away from him. This is usually seen when you attack him after he does attack nr 1. 3. The snake becomes stiff and Hewligg transforms into a real snake and dashes at you. Jump over him and get close to where he stops. Attack him and he should have lost more than his first energy bar. 4. The snake will take the form of stairs after this. He has 2 attacks at this fase. One is where he sets a spring going down each stair. And another is where every second purple bubble stuck on each block of the snake shoots a purple plasma and then every first shoots a purple plasma. Like this. 1 2 1 2 1 2 His final attack evolves around the blocks making a square with the boss on top like this B xx1 x x2 x x xx When this happens, have Zero stand next to the boss and slash away, but if the block underneath him blinks, you will be hurt. So wait on top the X2 until the x1 doesn't blink then quickly jump to x1 and slash away. It will then return to attack one, and go on from there. However, if you have the triple slash, it should be over at fase 4. HP: 64 X will show up and talk to Zero, after this, the stage is finished. Congratulations on defeating the boss, if you defeat him at rank A or S, you will get an EX-Ability from him. INCOMPLETE ----------------------------------------------- 4. Elf’s Location and Mission info all-in-one ----------------------------------------------- Missions & Elf List Additional info on elf's: The type of elf you get is easy to foretell. The elf is split into three categories as you already know. Red = Nurse Green = Animal Blue = Hacker When you see an elf spirit after defeating an enemy or by rescuing them from capsules, they have one of the three colors listed above, so it’s easy to find out what elf category they are. Just wanted to tell you incase you didn't notice. NOTE: For each captured elf, their is an explanation of where they are and hot to get them, if there is an enemy name, simply kill a couple of that type to get your elf. --------------------------------------------- mission nr, "boss name", stage = name --------------------------------------------- ---------------- Resistance Base ---------------- Total: 4 elves’ NOTE: One or more missions are required to be completed to gain the first 3 listed elves. Opening does not count. The 4th elf is gained through a quiz by the old reploid after the Neo Arcadia Ruins. (You get to this place after finishing the first 4 missions) Captured Elf Type = Small Nurse Elf (Take the elevator to the top floor "R" and climb above the left tower and jump down to the left side of it.) Talk to guard elf Type = Small Nurse Elf (Take the elevator to the 5th floor and go to the right tower, talk to the guard to get this elf.) Captured Elf Type = Small Hacker Elf (Take the elevator to the 1st floor and enter room "1F-b, the captured elf is in here.) Old Reploid Type = Small Hacker Elf (After having defeated at least one boss during the second wave of missions, go talk to the old reploid on floor 3 left of the elevator, and answer him this way. Top, Top, Bottom, Top, Bottom, Top to get this elf. Why is this old man so persistent in wanting poor Zero to listen to him?) ------------------------------------------------------- Opening mission "Scorpion Bot" Opening Stage = Desert ------------------------------------------------------- Total: 5 4: Monsters 1: Captured Green spinning tower Type = Small Hacker Elf Green spike ball Type = Small Hacker Elf 2nd Golem Type = Small Hacker Elf Green Eagle Type = Small Animal Elf Captured Elf Type = Medium Nurse Elf (This one is below the last spinning tower you meet after destroying the 2nd golem.) Missions given by General. Missions listed below are taken from left to right when choosing missions ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1st Mission "Hewligg Urobokkle" (Left Most) Stage = Jungle Stage ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mission: Dispose of Hewligg Urobokkle and save 5 soldiers (See "Soldier Location") 1st Mission Total: 8 Monsters: 5 Captured: 3 Captured Elf Type = Medium Nurse Elf (From where you got captured elf 1, use the ability you got from Phoenix and combine it with the flame chip, burn the leaves and you should see a path on top of the tree's. At the place where you got captured elf 1, go there, burn the leaves, follow the path and you should see the captured elf) Mole Type = Medium Hacker Elf Yellow Bee Type = Small Animal Elf Purple Bee Type = Small Animal Elf Captured Elf 1 Type = Small Hacker Elf (Climb on top of the 2nd tree you encounter in the jungle, the elf is right to the left of the tree hidden in the trees, but it’s still visible for you to see. Not that hard to miss.) Spider Type = Small Animal Elf Captured Elf 2 Type = Small Nurse Elf (Look in "Additional info on this stage") Sub Boss Type = large Animal Elf Additional info on this stage. To get the 2nd captured elf witch is located on a small summit as soon as you enter the building. if you Dash-Jump from the place where the spider is you should reach a wall, to the right side of that wall is a summit with the captured elf. In order for you to get this elf you will need the Grappling hook. 1. You dash jump from the ledge below the one stated above and then hit the elf with the hook by attacking it, takes some practice but it’s possible. 2. Stand on the edge as stated in (1) and dash-jump. Try 2 hit the edge of the small summit with the hook, if you succeed, pull yourself up and claim your elf. Both methods have been tested by me and they work. Soldier Locations 2 are located a couple of screens after the sub boss, 1 is above them that seems to be trapped. However you can remove the big block by using your grappling hook. Attack the block with your hook and when it gets stuck press the <-pad. towards you and you can then go rescue the soldier by speaking to him. You can't miss the fourth soldier as he is visible underneath the falling ceiling of pikes near the end of the stage. The fifth soldier is right before the battle with the boss, just before the door to the boss is a pit and a block to the left of it. Move the block down the pit and jump down, jump to the left and save the soldier. Soldiers total = 5. You can get an E-Tank here, see "Items" section. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd Mission "Polar Kamubears" (2nd from left) stage = North Pole Stage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Dispose of Polar Kamubears and destroy 4 Ice machines 2nd Mission Total: 7 Monsters: 4 Captured: 3 Fish Type = Small Hacker Elf Captured Elf Type = Small Nurse Elf (It’s on top of those small ice chunks on the second pool of water) Bulldozer Type = Medium Animal Elf Spinning Pipe shooter Type = Medium Animal Elf Golem Type = Medium Hacker Elf Captured Elf Type = Medium Nurse Elf (Right on top of the right exit after defeating the Golem) Captured Elf Type = Small Hacker Elf (After the Golem, enter the building, climb up until you reach a downwards slope, go to the edge of it and jump-dash to the right wall (Be careful not to hit the spike wall, the elf is right on top of the spike wall), you should be able to see the captured elf from there, it’s very easy to get) Ice Machine Location The First 2 are located before the Golem and the last are located after the 2nd Golem 1. The first machine is located right below the second bulldozer you encounter that has 2 ice blocks 2. The second machine is located down in a pool of water, it’s not to hard to miss, unless you dash-jump away and then not notice the little pool. 3. The third machine is located after the going through the right exit when defeating the golem, climb up until you reach the 3rd X-droid, from there Dash-jump to the left (It’s a little hard because of the ice floor, but if you stand still and dash-jump you should have no problem. 4. The fourth is a little hard to reach but it’s possible, from where you enter the building, after defeating the golem, keep on moving until you get to a big upwards slope, you should see an opening to the upper left. You have to stand still in order to dash-jump to that place. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd Mission "Phoenix Magmaneon" (2nd from right) Stage = Fire Factory ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission: Destroy 4 sub bosses and Phoenix Magmaneon 3rd Mission Total: 8 Monsters: 5 Captured: 3 Flying bomb Type = Small Animal Elf Captured Elf Type = Small Hacker Elf (In order to get this elf, you must hit a flying bomb so that it hits the wall near the beginning of the stage and explodes, making your path for the elf.) Sub Boss Type = Small Animal Elf Captured Elf Type = Large Nurse Elf (This elf is located right before the first gate, you have to hit one of the bombs so that it hits the blue ceiling that comes right before the metal ceiling. Climb up the hole and you should see the captured elf) Captured Elf Type = Small Nurse Elf (See *1) Fire Golem Type = Medium Hacker Elf Note: This Elf can be gotten after Phoenix is killed as well (After getting *1 "See above and below", you must continue onwards above the blue bow like wall, you should come across a gap with a pink pipe floor, you have to lure a bomb over and destroy this floor, jump down and face this enemy) Flying blue cannon Type = Small Animal Elf (This enemy is located in a secret area as well, you know where you destroyed the blue ceiling in order to get the captured elf, well keep on climbing from that spot in order to reach this enemy). Wall crawlers Type = Large Hacker Elf Note: This Elf can be gotten after Phoenix is killed as well (See *2) Additional info NOTE: In order to encounter Phoenix, you must destroy all 4 sub bosses, once the fourth is destroyed you will meet Phoenix right after. The four bosses are found by following the course of the stage. *1 This elf is found in a maze of pink pipes, to get to this area, you have to get to the area with large columns with spikes on their sides, near the end the end of this area is a an X-Droid trapped in a small space with blue walls, destroy the walls with the flying bombs and climb down to reach the pink pipe maze. Destroy all side walls until you can't anymore, now destroy the ceiling above you and climb up, destroy your right wall, and you should see a gigantic blue wall like box. destroy the pink wall to the left of it and climb in to see the captured elf. Flying blue cannons *2 The Crawlers are found crawling on a wall where there's a lot of molted lava on some buckets and a long ladder. This side quest consists of 4 phases. Note: All phases require z-buster with at least level 1;). 1. destroy all the green crawlers, they are very slow making them rather easy 2. Red Crawlers are faster and a little harder to hit, if you miss some and they don't comeback after going up the second time, exit that scene through the bottom door and return, it might take a couple of tries but you can do it;). 3. Blue crawlers, these are very fast, do like above and keep trying. 4. ATTENTION: You must charge a z-shot and aim precisely in order to hit this one. It appears from the bottom right and disappears at top right, keep trying and you will be rewarded with an elf. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 4th Mission "Panther Furacross" (Right most) Stage = Train Stage ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mission: Save as many boxes as you can and destroy Panther Furacross 4th Mission Total: 4 Monsters: 2 Captured: 2 Captured Elf Type = Small Nurse Elf (At the beginning of the stage, jump "You can't fall;" down to the left and get the elf.) Spike wheel Type = Small Animal Elf Purple pyramid Jumper Type = Small Hacker Elf Captured Elf Type = Small Hacker Elf (This elf can be acquired after the little quest to save the boxes from the yellow flying bots. Go further from there and when you reach the first train you can enter, go down, and you should see the captured elf.) Additional info. Save the Boxes The easiest way to save all of them is to stand on the two top boxes. if they come from the sides simply slash them once to kill them. If they come from above, go to the opposite side and then kill them. x x x Z Z x ___ | | | ------- | | | | | | Z = Where Zero should stand X = Where flying bots appear from Hope this helps. Note: I don't think you need to save all or any of them, but you might get a better rank if you do save them all. I will investigate more on this matter unless someone contacts me regarding this topic. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th Mission "Golem, Fire Golem, Ice Golem" Stage = Neo Arcadia Ruins --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission: Save resistance soldiers and General 5th Mission Total: 4 Monsters: 2 Captured: 2 Bat Type = Small Animal Elf X-droid with electric dagger Type = Small Animal Elf Captured Elf Type = Medium Nurse Elf (You can get this by moving the first block you see down to the lower floor right below it, move until you can't anymore and then jump on it, you should be able to see another block to the upper right, use the grappling hook and shot to the upper-right, don't jump or anything just stand near the edge of the first block, shot the hook, pull it, and jump up to the ledge and claim your elf.) Captured Elf Type = Medium Nurse Elf (Continue on with the stage until you see the third moveable block, you basically should know the routine now, shoot the hook and grab it, pull and jump into that tiny place to get your elf.) ---------------------------------------------------- 6th Mission "Kuwagust Ankatou" Stage = Aerial Fleet ---------------------------------------------------- Mission: Destroy enemy battleship 6th Mission Total: 4 Monsters: 0 Captured: 4 NOTE: I have explained in detail below on how to get these elves’ as it’s extremely hard. No spoilers or anything is mentioned below. Also, you cannot return here after finishing the stage, so get them here while their cold LOL. Captured Elf Type = Medium Nurse Elf (OK this was a real pain to realize how to get, the first you get is inside the pink plane, so don't fret if you thought you missed one where the flying beetles were. I will explain how to get this now, however make sure that you have at least a level 2 Shield Boomerang and the ice elemental equipped. When you first enter the plane, climb down the ladders and the first thing you should encounter is a mini tower with a ring and a electric ball in the middle, ignore this one and keep going until you see the second like this. Don't destroy it yet, climb down the ladder and shoot a charged boomerang and hit the mini tower, NOW DASH UNTILL YOU SEE A GATE AND A LADDER ATOP OF IT, DASH-JUMP UP TO THAT LADDER, you have to be very fast to do this, get to know the place very well and then go for it. After getting up, enter the gate, defeat the golem and go through the second gate to claim your elf.) Captured Elf Type = Small Hacker Elf (To get this one, continue onwards after defeating the golem, "Look above" and you should come to a pit with three beetles, go through the gate on the bottom of the pit, you should see an opening on top of you, continue to the right and you should see a tower, use the boomerang with ice elemental. Now dash to the gate and climb up, you should be able to see the elf. incase you are wondering how to get down again, climb up and you should see a gate, destroy it and jump down.) Captured Elf Type = Small nurse elf (This one is also a little hard to get from where you destroy the tower to get the second captured elf, continue on till you get to the third tower. NOTE. You have to freeze the first tower to get to the second, and the freeze the second to get to the third, however just before the third tower, is a wall of electricity then a morning star bot and a second wall of E right behind him, and then the third tower arrives. You can't dash to the third since the bot is in the way, so kill him and the walls should appear since the second tower regenerates. Grab your Z-Buster and shoot it to get to the third. Now wait for it to regenerate and freeze it. Go up the wall and into the next purple room, quickly dash to the right wall and you should see the elf and a 4th tower, dash-jump up and attack at the same time to hit the elf and the tower, wait for the elf to come down and attack the tower again. and proceed down and left.) Captured Elf Type = Small Hacker Elf (After the looooong battle, proceed from the gate and go right, don't go down the ladder yet, keep going left until you reach a dead end, t here is a box right above you with a captured elf on top of the box, destroy the box and save your elf. Finally something easy.) Wheeeew, I took a rest after completing this stage, and I advise you to do so to. Anyways good job on getting the elves The next four missions appear now, and you must talk to Ciel to start the missions. I will be taking them from left to right once again. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th Mission "Burbble Hekerot" (Left-most) Stage = 2nd Jungle ------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Locate General and destroy Burbble Hekerot 7th Mission Total: 8 Monsters: 2 Captured: 6 Green Larva Type = Medium Animal Elf Pit Jumper Type = Small Animal Elf Captured Elf Type = Small Hacker Elf (Burn the leaves down at the beginning of the stage and climb the tree, follow the hidden road to get to it.) Captured Elf Type = Medium Hacker Elf (This one is hard and irritating to reach. A note to remember is that when you grab something with your grappling hook, never let go of the button or he will let go. Ok when you reach the blue boxes that are used for the hook, climb them until you reach the top cliff, it’s the one near the entrance to the ruins. Now dash jump to the last blue box to land on top of it, continue till the second and stand still. Now do a normal jump to see more blue boxes atop of you. Simply follow them to reach your elf. Captured Elf Type = Medium Nurse Elf (This one was rather easy to miss, but its right below the entrance to the ruins, just go through the little wall and you will reach it.) Captured Elf Type = Small Nurse Elf (This one is hard to see and tricky to get. When you first enter the ruins there is a fork you can choose to go up or down. It doesn't matter what you choose, but at the second fork, go up, and go forward until you reach a moveable block. Get on top of it and equip your hook, jump and attack straight up and hold the button down, pull yourself up and you should see the captured elf. jump to the little piece of wall to the right and keep on jumping while attacking to destroy the block. Climb up and claim your elf.) Captured Elf Type = Small Nurse Elf (Continue onwards until you reach a large energy crystal, to the left of it is a Morningstar bot, and a wall behind him, climb the wall and you will find a hidden path, the elf is in here.) Captured Elf Type = Small Hacker Elf (This one is easy to get, but also easy to mess up, so use your Z-buster. When you reach an intersection where you can go up or right, go right. You should meet 4 breakable boxes, in this order XX Oss_ M Z X| | | ___________|c|---- | e| ssss--- Z = Where Zero Stands X = Breakable boxes O = Box to destroy s = Spikes e = Elf C = Pit/chasm Destroy O and move M with your hook, jump down c and land on M. jump to E and get your Elf. Hope you can see and understand my pitiful drawing NOTE: You can now go and gain the last elf in the Resistance base from the old reploid. You can also get the last E-Tank here, see "Items" section. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 8th Mission "Leviathan" (2nd from left) Stage = Leviathans Base ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mission: Destroy Leviathan 8th Mission Total: 6 Monsters: 4 Captured: 2 Captured Elf Type = Small Nurse Elf (At the beginning of the stage, go left and slide down to the first opening. Claim your captured elf. However there is nothing below so don't slide or jump down, just go up and continue the stage Blue Wolf Type = Small Animal Elf Snowball Maker Type = Small Animal Elf Yellow bomb Type = Small Animal Elf Captured Elf Type = Small Nurse Elf (When you get to a place where you have to go down some slopes and the road is filled with landmines, don't go down yet, instead stand at the edge of the highest slope and dash-jump to the right wall, to see the elf, now that you know where it is, go up again and this time, try to hit it with your Hook while dash-jumping and wait for it to flow down to you.) Green landmines Type = Small Animal Elf (When going down the slopes, just kill all of the mines and you are sure to get the elf.) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 9th Mission "Harpuia" (2nd from right) Stage = Crashed Air force ---------------------------------------------------------------- Mission: Destroy Harpuia 9th Mission Total: 6 Monsters: 2 Captured: 4 Captured Elf Type = Medium Nurse Elf (When you reach a pit with spike's on the bottom and a hole in the left wall with a energeen crystal. Jump to the right wall and you should reveal a hidden path, your elf is in there.) Captured Elf Type = Small Nurse Elf (Ok, this one is a really pain to get. But I managed to get it and I am sure you can to. First to locate it. when you start the stage keep going on until you reach you very first intersection, go up and you should encounter an invincible purple ground spinner, jump over it and you should reach a wall. that goes like this E __ |__ Z|_ |_ |_ | | | | | The lines is the mountain you are to climb and E is of course the elf. You can probably see the pain just by looking at the picture however since I found it impossible. I will pinpoint to where I got and used my Hook to attack the captured elf and wait for it to come down. That’s my strategy and that’s how it became possible for me. It’s a pain but you can do it. Just get under the elf and attack it. Good luck. HINT: Become an expert at dash-jumping Captured Elf Type = Small Hacker Elf (This one is gotten after going down in the first intersection. Simply go down and you should come across it. However watch out for those spikes.) Monster Creator Type = Small Animal Elf (This one is encountered right after getting the elf above. Keep following the track and you should meet a square shaped flying monster that stands still in the air. Attack it with your Z-buster to make it spit out oddly shaped flying things, kill them and you will eventually gain this elf. In order to go on, just jump down to the spikes, invisible blocks are down there, to see them, keep attacking this thing. However be careful since at some places, there are no blocks.) Captured Elf Type = Small Hacker Elf (After passing that monster, keep going and you should come across a large chasm, jump down to the left and you should get a life capsule, now jump right, but be careful since there are spikes this time. When you land on the little patch of land. Slide down on this side to reach a gate. Go in, destroy the golem and go through the gate to receive your elf X-Crawler Type = Small Animal Elf (You encounter these after jumping down from that gate.) ------------------------------------------------------------ 10th Mission "Fefnir" (Right most) Stage = 2nd Fire Factory ------------------------------------------------------------ Mission: Destroy Fefnir 10th Mission Total: 4 Monsters: 2 Captured: 2 Morningstar Bot Type = Medium Animal Elf Captured Elf Type = Small Hacker Elf (Where you meet 3 Morning star bots right below each other and a ladder to the right of them. Near the top of the ladder are 2 large pipes, jump into them and hack like crazy to release the elf.) Fire/Ice/Lightning bot Type = Small Hacker Elf Captured Elf Type = Medium Nurse Elf (After meeting the 2nd ion cannon(X-droid sitting in a green cannon and firing a number of large plasma turrets) there should be a ladder under him climb down and jump to the right, claim your elf.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11th Mission "Slime Bot" Real name (???) Stage = Rebuild Neo Arcadia ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission: 11th Mission Total: 3 Monsters: 1 Captured: 2 Captured Elf Type = Small Nurse Elf (When you reach the first chasm in this stage, jump down and there should be path to the right and one down, go right and there should be an X-droid. Destroy it and dash jump to the right wall, climb up and get your elf.) Green ion cannon Type = Small Animal Elf Captured Elf Type = Small Nurse Elf (When you meet the first Fire/ice/lightning elemental robot. You should be able to see the elf right above it.) -------------------------------------------------- 12th Mission "Fefnir Tank" Stage = Fefnir's Base -------------------------------------------------- Mission: Destroy Fefnir Tank 12th Mission Total: 3 Monsters: 1 Captured: 2 Orange wall tank Type = Small Animal Elf Captured Elf Type = Small Nurse Elf (After passing all of those pagodas at the beginning of the stage, you will go underground where you will encounter orange wall tanks, when you jump down the large chasm, go left and you will have to jump down again, however climb up the left wall instead of going down and you will see the Captured Elf.) Captured Elf Type = Small Nurse Elf (You can't miss this one, it’s behind a Morningstar bot right before the gate that leads to a place with "Rising Lava".) -------------------------------------------------------- 13th Mission "Ray Leviathan" Stage = Leviathan's base 2 -------------------------------------------------------- Mission: Destroy Ray Leviathan 13th Mission Total: 3 Monsters: 0 Captured: 3 Captured Elf Type = Small Nurse Elf (This elf is above the second ice chunk. Climb the ice chunk and dash jump to the left wall. Now dash-jump to the right and shoot the hook so that it hits the right wall, pull yourself up and jump up to the captured elf.) Captured Elf Type = Small Nurse Elf (When you exit the first pagoda, enter the second and climb up the ladders, you will see the captured elf along the way.) Captured Elf Type = Small Hacker Elf (After going through the very first gate in the game, it's in the second pagoda. Jump on the ice chunk and the water will rise, now just follow the course and the captured elf will appear.) -------------------------------------------------- 14th Mission "Harpuia Jet" Stage = Harpuia's Base -------------------------------------------------- Mission: Destroy Harpuia Jet 14th Mission Total: 4 Monsters: 2 Captured: 2 X-droid with Blaster Type = Small Animal Elf Captured Elf Type = Small Hacker Elf (After getting through the first pagoda you are supposed to go up using the flying pods, however keep going right until you see a large chasm. Slide down until you get to the elf.) Captured Elf Type = Small Hacker Elf (Inside the second pagoda, destroy the tower and climb up, go left and there should be a fork, one way up and one down, jump down to the left side to get this elf.) Green flying shield bot Type = Small Animal Elf (This enemy is located above the third pagoda.) Congratulations. You have gathered all Elves’, I hope I explained well enough were they are and how to get them. Anyways the game doesn't end here and I will include a thorough walkthrough in the future but for now enjoy. -------------- 5. Element's -------------- Ice Chip You Gain this chip after defeating Polar Bear (North Pole Stage). INFO: This element freezes your enemy and are vulnerable during this process USED: Charge your weapon and attack your enemy, remember to equip chip. Thunder Chip You gain this chip after defeating Black Panther (Train Stage) INFO: This element stuns your enemies for awhile and is invulnerable during this process. USED: Charge your weapon and attack your enemy, remember to equip chip. Fire Chip You gain this chip after defeating Phoenix (Fire Factory Stage) INFO: This element burns your enemy and makes their energy gradually fall during this process, however they are not paralyzed while burnt. USED: Charge your weapon and attack your enemy, remember to equip chip. ----------- 6. Item's ----------- E-tanks 1. The first E-Tank is gotten in the Jungle area. This item can be gained at this stage after having defeated the sub boss, continue onwards until you see a soldier, above him and a little to the left, there should be an x-droid, destroy it and move the block to the right of the droid down to the pit (To move a block, you have to use the hook, attack the block so that the hook gets stuck, press the left D-pad so that it falls down the pit). jump down and land on the pit. Dash-jump to the left and land on the little land to acquire this item. 2. The second E-Tank is gotten in the 2nd Jungle Area After defeating the sub boss, go through the gate and you should see a breakable box with spikes right beside it. Climb the box and go through the passage, and you should come to a room with spiky floors and 3 breakable boxes. Destroy the one that touches the ceiling and the one below it. Now stand on the remaining box and hit the moveable box with your hook and move it out of the way, go and claim the last tank. ----------- 7. Form's ----------- NOTE: No special rank is needed to get these, simply do what is needed to get the form and that’s all there is to it. Form : Zero Color : Light Red Ability: You can use all skills with this armor, weapons can be leveled up and nothing changes. Gained : You start with this armor/form Form : Energy Color : Yellow/Gold Ability: Increases chance of enemy dropping energy and energeen crystals Gained : Simply collect 25 or more life capsules (The ones that replenish your health.) Collect them from monsters or find them. Form : X Color : Blue Ability: Increased strength when using Z-Buster. Gained : Shot 50 or more enemies during a mission. Form : Defense Color : Light Green Ability: Raises Defense Gained : Kill 20 or more with the shield Boomerang Form : Erase Color : Pink Ability: Allows you to destroy gun shots with your Z-saber and Shield Boomerang. Gained : Reflect 30 gun shots or more with your Shield boomerang. Form : Active Color : Orange Ability: Allows you to do the jump-spin-slash ability and dash-spin-attack from Megaman Zero 1. Gained : Kill 20 or more enemies by doing a slide-slash . Form : Power Color : Purple Ability: Z-Saber always makes a big slash Gained : Simply pull ANYTHING with your Grappling hook 30 times or more. Remember that you must PULL whatever you GRAPPLE. Form : Rise Color : Grey Ability: Third slash goes upwards. Gained : Kill 20 or more by jumping and slashing your enemies. Form : Proto Color : Dark Green Ability: Raises attack power of your Z-buster, however all weapons return to level 1. Gained : Simply complete the game once to get it in normal mode or hard mode to get it. Form : Ultimate Color : Dark Red Ability: Allows you to do the charged attack of the saber by first pressing Right/left then down and then attack. Gained : Ok, here's the deal, I have seen in some places that they say you have to use all your elves in any mission, half of it is true, but because of all all the elves and the lack of missions, you don't have to use them in missions, in fact, you can use them in the room Ciel is and you can use all of them there ----------------------------- 8. Form strength Statistics ----------------------------- This section simply shows the strength of each weapon with each and every form available, I conducted the research on the Golem witch has 16 HP. So, 4 saber attacks will kill the golem and so fourth with the other weapons. Form: Zero :Attack Power Z-Saber : 4 Z-Buster : 1 Grappling Hook : 2 Shield Boomerang : 5.3333 Z-Buster/Charged level 1 : 2.6667 Z-Buster/Charged level 2 : 5.3333 Z-Saber/Charged : 8 Hook/Charged : ? Form: Energy Z-Saber : 4 Z-Buster : 1 Grappling Hook : 2 Shield Boomerang : 5.3333 Z-Buster/Charged level 1 : 2.6667 Z-Buster/Charged level 2 : 5.3333 Z-Saber/Charged : 8 Hook/Charged : ? Form: X Z-Saber : 4 Z-Buster : 2 Grappling Hook : 2 Shield Boomerang : 5.3333 Z-Buster/Charged level 1 : 4 Z-Buster/Charged level 2 : 5.3333 Z-Saber/Charged : 8 Hook/Charged : ? Form: Defense Z-Saber : 2 Z-Buster : 1 Grappling Hook : 2 Shield Boomerang : 5.3333 Z-Buster/Charged level 1 : 2.6667 Z-Buster/Charged level 2 : 5.3333 Z-Saber/Charged : 8 Hook/Charged : ? Form: Erase Z-Saber : 4 Z-Buster : 1 Grappling Hook : 2 Shield Boomerang : 5.3333 Z-Buster/Charged level 1 : 2.6667 Z-Buster/Charged level 2 : 5.3333 Z-Saber/Charged : 8 Hook/Charged : ? Form: Active Z-Saber/ : 4 Z-Buster : 1 Grappling Hook : 2 Shield Boomerang : 5.3333 Z-Buster/Charged level 1 : 2.6667 Z-Buster/Charged level 2 : 5.3333 Z-Saber/Charged : 8 Hook/Charged : ? 1. jump-spin-slash : 2.6667 2. dash-spin-slash : 2.6667 1&2. Each hit does 2.6667 to enemies however, since Zero does several attacks it gets up to lots of damage with this skill Form: Power Jump/Z-Saber : 4 Z-Buster : 1 Grappling Hook : 2 Shield Boomerang : 5.3333 Z-Buster/Charged level 1 : 2.6667 Big saber slash : 4 Z-Buster/Charged level 2 : 5.3333 Z-Saber/Charged : 8 Hook/Charged : ? Form: Rise Z-Saber : 4 Z-Buster : 1 Grappling Hook : 2 Shield Boomerang : 5.3333 Z-Buster/Charged level : 2.6666 Z-Buster/Charged level 2 : 4 Z-Saber/Charged : 8 Hook/Charged : ? Form: Proto Z-Saber : 4 Z-Buster : 2 Grappling Hook : 2 Shield Boomerang : 5.3333 Z-Buster/Charged level 1 : Can't charge. Z-Buster/Charged level 2 : Can't charge. Z-Saber/Charged : Can't charge. Hook/Charged : ? Form: Ultimate NOTE: The special attack is the same as the charged saber attack. Z-Saber : 4 Z-Buster : 1 Grappling Hook : 2 Shield Boomerang : 5.3333 Z-Buster/Charged level 1 : 2.6667 Special attack : 8 Right/left + down + attack Z-Buster/Charged level 2 : 5.3333 Z-Saber/Charged : 8 Hook/Charged : ? ? = I am having trouble determining the attack power of the Hook/charged since it deals multiple blows to the enemy, however, I did some research and if I am correct, then each hit for a charged attack does the same hit point as a normal attack from the hook. Meaning, a normal attack does 2hp, the charged attack hits (Lets say) 4 times, 4*2 = 8. So if you do a full attack you should be able do deal 8 hp to an enemy. I am still unsure of this and I promise to try and find out how much damage it exactly deals, but it’s very hard to find out, so chances are small. I have now finished the strength statistics for each form, Hope this helps you find what you think is strongest and best for your favorite weapon. ------------------ 9. EX Ability’s ------------------ Note: In order to get these abilities, you have to defeat the bosses at the rank of A or S anything below will make you not gain the ability, and you can't get it if you defeat the bosses at rank B, so you have one chance only. Note: I have made all these names by myself, I don't know a speck of Japanese to know their real name "YET". But I will do my best to find the real names of these skills. EX Ability: Laser Shot Gained: To get this ability, you must be at rank A or S. And you get it from defeating the Egyptian Snake (Jungle Stage) Effect: Shots a piercing laser that goes through any normal enemy. Used : To use the laser shot, you must equip it in the menu, and it can only be used by the Z-buster level 2. (Remember to charge your weapon to use it) EX Ability: Ice splitter Shot Gained: Get this ability by defeating Polar bear (North Pole Stage) Effect: Shoots an arrow of ice that’s splits into tree smaller arrows after hitting its target. Used : To use Ice Splitter shot, you must equip it in the menu and you must also equip the ice elemental, or it will not work. Works with Z-Buster level 2 only. (Remember to charge your weapon to use it) EX Ability: Rising Blade Gained: Defeat Phoenix (Fire Factory Stage) Effect: Make a rising slash with a blade engulfed in flames that will burn anything it touches, if your fire chip is equipped of course, otherwise his normal blade will show instead of it being engulfed by fire. Used : Equip in menu and press up + Z-Saber attack to perform, if fire chip is equipped, you will perform the same attack, but the blade will be engulfed in flames EX Ability: Spark splitter shot Gained: Defeat Black Panther (Train Stage) Effect: Sends an electric spark towards an enemy and when hit, it splits into 2 parts, one going up and one down. Used : Equip it in menu along with the Lightning elemental in order to use. Used by Z-buster at least level 2. (Remember to charge your weapon to use it) EX Ability: Dash Lance Gained: Defeat the boss of the Aerial Battle Stage Effect: When dashing and you attack, Zero will lunge the saber forward and create a lance like energy to pierce his enemies Used : Simply equip it in the menu and dash + attack to use it. If equipped with the lightning elemental, the lance will be engulfed by electricity. EX Ability: Energy Absorber Gained: Defeat Frog (2nd Jungle) Effect: When you grapple an enemy, just keep on holding them, don't let go, and Zero will start to replenish his lost health Used : Equip it in the menu, and grapple your enemy and hold the button until you gain health. Your grappling hook can be any level it wants to, simply do a normal attack. You don't need any particular elemental to use this. EX Ability: Ice Piercer Gained: Defeat Leviathan (Leviathans Base) Effect: Jump and attack your enemy from above to pierce them into 2. Used : Equip it in the menu, and jump up above your enemy and press down + attack to pierce them with your saber. If equipped with ice chip, Zero's saber will become a blade of ice that pierces any monster (Except bosses). EX Ability: Wave Maker Gained: Defeat Harpuia (Crashed Air force) Effect: Sends a energy wave at your enemies Used : Equip it in the menu and press Down + attack while standing to send the wave against your enemy, no element will work with it. EX Ability: Fire Blast Gained: Defeat Fefnir (2nd Fire Factory) Effect: Shots a ball of fire that explodes when it touches a wall or enemy dealing extra damage Used : Equip it in menu along with the Fire chip to use it. Needs a level 2 charged Z-Buster or level 3 Ex Ability: Shield Converter Gained: Defeat Slime boss (Neo Arcadia Rebuilt) Effect: Turns enemy bullets to small energeen crystals. Used : Equip it in the menu. In order to turn bullets to crystals you have to be at close range, and you must bring the shield forth right before the bullets hit you. it's very risk as most of the time you might get hit rather than making crystals, at least it was hard for me, so never use it in missions. ------------- 10. Secret's ------------- ---------- Hard Mode ---------- To get this mode, simply complete the game once and when you start a new game, hold L down and start the new game, it should be confirmed with a ringing tone. ----------- New Game + ------------ This is gained after completing the game once, let the credits roll and you will after be asked to save your game. What you have during the new game +. Forms Elves Used elf's ability's EX-Skills Empty E-Tanks Crystals for feeding elves What you don’t have during new game +. Elementals Leveled weapons Full E-tanks -------------- Ultimate Form -------------- To gain this Form, simply use all of your elves before the game is finished to start with this form in your menu. See "Form's" section for more info on this matter. ---------------------------------- 11. Legal Information/Copyrights ---------------------------------- Thanks for using my FAQ and I hope you found it useful to completing this game. The FAQ has yet to be finished but I will do my best to complete it so that everybody can enjoy this game to its fullest. If anybody has something they want to submit or something that is wrong in this FAQ, please send me a mail immediately so I can change the error. Also if you have questions regarding the game, feel free to ask me by mail. Copyrights. This game was created by Capcom and their Megaman Team, I am in no way affiliated with them and this FAQ was solely made by me to help other users. I have no rights to the Megaman Game, I am nothing but a writer wanting to help gamers with this game. This FAQ was made by Ryuuga and is meant to be used in Gamefaqs.com only, unless I allow it into other sites. My mail is cless41@hotmail.com Copyright © 2003 by Ryuuga all rights reserved ------------ 12. Credit ------------ Ratix0 I want to thank and give credit to Ratix0 from the Gamefaqs MMZ2 message boards for allowing me to use the real names of the MMZ2 bosses, instead of the crappy one's that I came up with. Reeve & Slash Even though they never replied back to my mails after having asked them if it's ok for me to use their Forms requirement, I want to thank them none the less for finding out on how to get them. I’m sorry for having taken it just like that, and slightly editing on it. I hope it is ok for me to use it, but please don't refrain from telling me to remove it, if it isn't ok with you guys. Nonetheless, many thanks to Reeve & Slash. -------------------- 13. Future Updates -------------------- FAQ on every stage as well as boss strategies Index on all Forms (Defense, attack power ect.) Elf Info