Rockman Zero 3 Boss FAQ by Zidanet_129 Rockman Zero 3 and all related contents and images are originally copyrightedto Capcom. ------------------------------ Table of Contents 1. Prologue 2. Boss List 3. Intro Stage 4. The First Four and Baby Elves 5. Old Bosses Revisited 6. Visit of an Old Friend/Foe 7. The Last Four 8. Final Showdown 9. Fighting a Mirror!? 10. Versions Update 11. Legal Stuff & Credits ------------------------------ 1. Prologue (^1) Another attempt of mine at making a Rockman Zero FAQ..... Been a while. To find the part you need help with, hit Ctrl + F to open the Find... Window, and type in "^x" and replace the "x" with the desired number of topic that you need help with. For example, to find strategies against the Baby Elves. Also, there are several minor parts in this FAQ that are marked with a question mark. They are still unconfirmed, but most of this FAQ is pretty accurate, at least I believe. :P In the "Attacks" part of every Boss, I'll include an attack that is called the "EX Skill". These attacks only appear if Zero has a Rank of A or S when he enters the stage. Now, enjoy. ------------------------------ 2. Boss List (^2) The following is a complete list of the Bosses. The names in the brackets are the ones I'll use when referring to these bosses. - Omega - Blazin' Flizard - Chilldre Inarabitta - Hellbat Silt - Deathtants Mantisk - Purie + Kurie - Necromances Anubistepp V (Anubis) - Hanumachine - Blizzard Staggeroff - Copy X MK-2 - Kyubit Foxstar - Glacher Le Cactank - Volteel Biblio - Tretesta Cerberian - Purie + Kurie (Re-fight) - Dark Elf-Omega - Original Zero ------------------------------ 3. Intro Stage (^3) Location: Frozen Base Boss: Omega HP: 2 Bars Weakness: None Strong Against: None Difficulty: Easy Attacks: Laser Claws: Omega sends out two claws that will launch 6 laser waves before returning to him. The order of where the rings are launched are topleft, bottomright, top, right, topright, top. Laser Balls: Omega sends out three energy pellets that will bounce off the floor before disappearing. Avoid with care. S/A Attack: None. (Since you can only be a Rank F Hunter at this time) Overall Strategy: Not very much against this boss. Just charge up your Z-Saber and slash away at him with full power whenever you have a space. He's extremely vulnerable while using his Laser Claws: Dash away from the first, jump over the second, slash, Dash under the third and the fourth (left for third and right for fourth), slash again, then avoid the other two, and slash yet again. Do this twice and he should be down. Spoils: - Nothing ------------------------------ 4. The First Four and the Baby Elves (^4) These guys are the first group of enemies you'll fight. They're the weaker four of the Weil Hachishinkan, but they're still strong enough to give Zero some trouble if you don't have enough skills. (P.S.: I'll list these enemies in the order that I like to fight them. You don't necessarily have to follow this order.) ------------------------------ Mission 1 Location: Marine Base Boss: Childre Inarabitta HP: 2 Bars Weakness: Fire Strong Against: Lightning Difficulty: Normal Attacks: Ice Drill: Inarabitta jumps up HIGH and crashes down with Ice Drills on his head. The Ice Drill will spread into 4 directions as Inaribatta lands, so get ready to jump over them. Blasting Mines: Inarabitta will climb the wall to the surface of the water and place mines there. They blow up after a while, and their fragments slowly sink into the bottom. Touching the fragments WILL hurt you, so stay away as much as possible. Homing Missile: Inarabitta will fire 4 missiles that will try to go after Zero. Climb the wall and Dash-jump over them to avoid getting hit. You can also take them out with your weapons, but it's generally not recommended since it's SUCH a good chance to attack. EX Skill "Zaneidan": Launches a HUGE shard of ice at Zero. Fortunately, that thing only travels straight, so you can simply climb the wall to avoid it. Overall Strategy: Finally a REAL Boss. And you're fighting him underwater. Isn't it just fun? Basically, just charge up your Z-Saber (if this is your first time playing, you won't have the Fire Chip, but the Charged Saber hurts him anyway) and avoid his attacks while waiting for chances to attack. When he jumps up, stay in place for a short while and Dash out of the way as Inarabitta falls back down. Immediately turn and hit him with the Saber. When he starts to launch the Homing Missiles, climb the wall and Dash-jump off the wall towards him as the first Missile is about to hit Zero. You should be able to avoid all 4 of his Homing Missiles this way. Launch your Saber if it's fully Charged. Spoils: - "Ice" Body Chip: Turns Zero blue and changes all his charged attacks Ice-Elemental. - EX Skill "Zaneidan": Using the Z-Saber, hold down Down on the D-pad and press B to launch a Sonicboom. Combine it with the Ice Chip to allow it to fly an unlimited distance and freeze enemies it hits. ------------------------------ Mission 2 Location: Boss: Hellbat Silt HP: 2 Bars Weakness: Ice Strong Against: Fire Difficulty: Easy Attacks: Teleport: I absolutely HATE this attack. Hellbat will just appear out of nowhere, pull its wings over its body, and disappear again. It's purely an attack that makes you waste your Charged attacks. Bat Launch: Reminds me of Karasuman from C: SotN. Hellbat basically hovers in midair and launches a whole crap load of bats at your direction. I think you can take them down with your attacks. Supersonic: It's like ALL bats MUST have this attack. Hellbat launches 6 sonicbooms at 6 directions. They will reflect off the wall once before disappearing. It seems like Hellbat cannot be damaged while this attack is being launched. Lightning Balls: Hellbat stands on the ground (doesn't happen too often) and launches 3 Lightning Balls at your direction at 3 heights. They will bounce off the wall once before disappearing. EX Skill "Rakusaiga": Hellbat makes a crap load of copies of itself in midair and one of them will materialize into Hellbat himself. It will then launch a lightning bolt that will hit the floor and send Lightning Balls off horizontally. Overall Strategies: Ooh, this guy is fun to play with. Get your Z-Saber charged and the Ice Body Chip equipped, then slash away. Make sure you DON'T attack unless Hellbat launches an attack first. This will ensure that you don't waste your Charged Z-Saber on his Teleport. When he appears in midair, in the center of the screen, he'll launch the Supersonic. Dash under him and keep dashing to the right (or left) all the way to the end of the room. Stay down using the Dash so the reflected Sonicboom will pass over Zero's head. You can dash under Hellbat while he's ready to launch the bats. He'll just stay there and launch his little bats while you whack him hard from behind. Don't bother trying to attack Hellbat when he's using his EX Skill. Just try your best to avoid getting hit. Spoils: - "Lightning" Body Chip: Turns Zero yellow and changes all his charged attacks Lightning-Elemental. - EX Skill "Rakusaiga": While in midair, hold down Down on the D-Pad and press B to launch a downward stab. If combined with Lightning Body Chip, two Lightning Balls will be launched to the left and the right when Zero hits the ground. ------------------------------ Mission 3 Location: Boss: Blazin' Flizard HP: 2 Bars Weakness: Lightning Strong Against: Ice Difficulty: Normal Attacks: Boomerang: Flizard pulls off his neck-thing and launches it as a Boomerang. It will bounce off the walls 3 to 4 times before returning to Flizard. Flamethrower: Flizard launches a wave of flames in front of him. Its tip can reach HIGH in the room. Stay on the top of the wall to avoid it. EX Skill "Burst Shot": Flizard will jump to the center of the room and launch fireballs all over the room. Stay on the left corner and jump over the ones that come at you directly. Overall Strategies: Another fun boss to be played with. What you want to do is to charge up your Z-Saber with Lightning Body Chip equipped while avoiding his attacks. Don't rush to him too quickly, since you may get hit by his Boomerang. The Flamethrower is possibly the only thing you'll have to worry about (besides not being stepped on when he falls from his jump). When it happens, climb the wall and stay on the top. Avoid the Burst Shots as I described above. He's open for attacks during the Burst Shot sequence and Flamethrower (from behind, of course). Spoils: - "Fire" Body Chip: Turns Zero into a shade of orange and changes all of his Charged attacks into Fire-Elemental. - EX Skill "Burst Shot": Charge up the Z-Buster and equip the Fire Body Chip. The Charged Buster shot will turn into a fireball, which bursts and deals some extra damage when it makes contact. ------------------------------ Mission 4 Location: Moss-covered base Boss: Deathtants Mantisk HP: 2 Bars Weakness: None Strong Agaist: None Difficulty: Hard Attacks: Scythe Launch: Mantisk launches one of his blades flat to the other side of the room, and it will return while extended. Dash under the blade when it's coming and jump over it when it's going back. Rolling Blade: Mantisk jumps onto a wall and launches a spinning blade across the room. The blade will travel to the wall, go down to the floor, roll across to the wall Mantisk is on, and return to him. Jump over it when it's on the floor. Spinning Blade: Mantisk jumps in front of Zero and launches a spinning blade that travels across the room to the opposite wall, climbs the wall, and falls back to Mantisk. Jump over it when it's coming for Zero. EX Skill "Thousand Slash": Now this one is easy as hell to avoid. Mantisk shoots a few laser beams into the ceiling, which will cause a huge rock to fall down in front of Mantisk. He will then slash it 3 times, causing a piece of rock to fly in different angles to the opposite wall. Just climb the wall to avoid getting hit. Overall Strategies: This guy is annoying. Simple as that. Especially when he has NO Elemental Weakness. If you have the Leg Chip that makes you invincible while Dashing, USE IT. It'll save your butt in this battle. Basically, charge up your Z-Saber AND Recoil Rod while avoiding Mantisk's attacks. When you see an opening (usually when the Blades are returning to him and WON'T hurt you on their way), SLASH. If he's making an attack that you don't think you'll have time to evade, knock him stupid with the Recoil Rod to buy you some time. Luck plays an important role in this battle. Spoils: - "Light" Body Chip: Now this Chip is interesting. It turns Zero green and makes him lighter. How light? Light enough that the quicksands (or metal pool with the same effect) won't drain Zero down, and the cracked floors won't go collapsing under Zero. - EX Skill "Thousand Slash": Using your Recoil Rod, mash the B button to launch a round of slashwaves. ------------------------------ Mission 5 Location: Neo Arcadian Missile Boss: Baby Elves: Kurie and Purie HP: 3 Bars Weakness: None Strong Against: None Difficulty: Normal Attacks: Flight: Aww, how cute. They fly in a wave pattern while trading places. Dash under them when they're at the higher parts of the wave pattern. Solar Clash: I'll take that "cute" comment back. They glow in bright gold and clash against each other, causing a small explosion and sends an energy pellet to 8 directions. They trade places after this attack. Heat Ashes: Only used by urie. It will fly in midair and cause ashes to fall down on you. Sneak between the ashes to avoid getting hit. Freeze Prisms: Only used by urie. It will launch 4 Freeze Prisms down to the floor. They will then travel half-way across the room, make a flip in the center of the room, and fly off. Stay away from them and jump over whenever available. EX Skill: None Overall Strategies: They're not that hard to beat, despite of their insanely high HP. Each slash from your Charged Z-Saber takes 1/4 of their life gauge out, which means 12 slashes will finish them off. Now, hopefully, you have the Auto-Charge Head Chip. Equip it, and use Z-Saber and Recoil Rod for this battle. Make sure you use Control Type C, since it's very convenient in this particular battle. Attacking either one of them will make their life gauge go down, so attack the one you feel like attacking. The strategy here is to jump and attack one of them, switch weapon (using the R Button in Control Type C), evade the attack, and attack the other one. Switch weapon after doing so. Repeat and the Baby Elves should be down in no time. Spoils: - Nothing ------------------------------ 5. Old Bosses Revisited (^5) These guys were Bosses destroyed by Zero back in Rockman Zero. They apparently got revived by Dr. Weil and now they're seeking revenge against Zero. Funny thing is, they still stay in their forretresses and wait for Zero to kick their asses. <_< ------------------------------ Mission 6 Location: Boss: Blizzard Staggeroff HP: 2 Bars Weakness: Fire Strong Against: (?) Difficulty: Easy Attacks: Ice Beam: Staggeroff launches an Ice Beam that pushes Zero back. The Ice Beam also has little snow crystals in them, and they will attach onto Zero to slow him down. If you have a certain number of these little crystals on you, you basically become immobilized. Ice Spikes: Staggeroff launches four Ice Spikes off his shoulder. He may do this more than once. Ice Bomb: Staggeroff throws an Ice Bomb on the floor. It will freeze up and make an ice trap on the part of the floor it landed on. When it's freezing up, Zero will get frozen if he's too close to it. EX Skill "Blizzard Arrow": Staggeroff launches the Ice Beam. However, this time, Blizzard Arrows will replace the snow crystals and damage you if you touch them. Also, the part of the wall that the beam touches will turn into ice traps too, so make sure you climb the wall BEFORE the Ice Beam reaches there. Overall Strategies: Funny how he's not too different than the RMZ1 one. He's fast, so utilize your Dash ability. Using the Charged Z-Saber with Fire Body Chip will make a quick end for him. When he lands from his jumps, cold wind will appear, so don't stay too close or you may get frozen up. Spoils: - EX Skill "Blizzard Arrow": Charge up the Z-Buster while the Ice Body Chip is equipped. Launch the Z-Buster and 3 Blizzard Arrows will fly out. ------------------------------ Mission 7 Location: Forest Base Boss: Hanumachine R HP: 2 Bars Weakness: Lightning Strong Against: Ice Difficulty: Normal Attacks: Flame Tackle: Hanumachine R engulves itself in flame and starts charging around the room. There are two ways that this attack can be launched. Hanumachine R can either charge diagonally and crush the rocks he hits, or he can simply dash across the room 5 times while crushing rocks. Jump/dash over/under him to avoid getting hit. Monkey Summon: Hanumachine R pulls some hair off and blows them. The hair will morph into 3 little monkeys that hops after you. If you get caught by them, they'll blow up after a short while. Simply attacking with your weapons will take care of them. Rod Slam: Hanumachine R takes his Flaming Rod and whips it down onto the floor to try to hit you. Just dash away from Hanumachine R when you see him pull out his rod. Rod Pogo: Hanumachine R jumps above Zero and does a downward pogo attack using his Flaming Rod. Dash away from it. EX Skill "Tenretsujin": (Unconfirmed, please help) Overall Strategies: Funny how he's not too different than the RMZ1 one either. He's fast and he messes the room up after about 1 minute. Try not to prolong this battle, as lengthening the battle won't do you any good. Utilize the holes in the rock beds that he creates with his attacks, and attack him with Charged Z-Saber enhanced by Lightning Body Chip as much as possible. Spoils: - EX Skill "Tenretsujin": Hold down Up on the D-pad and press B. Zero will do a skyward slash. It can be enhanced with the Fire Body Chip to become a cheap Ryuenjin-wannabe. ------------------------------ Mission 8 Location: Desert Boss: Necromances Anubistepp V HP: 2 bars Weakness: Ice Strong Against: Lightning (?) Difficulty: Normal Attacks: Rolling Staff: Anubistepp throws his Staff, which rolls on the ground in a spot, and flies back to him as he appears on the other side of the screen, Stay to the far side from him and wait for the Staff to return to him before attacking. Coffin Crush: Yarrgh. Now this attack is stronger and faster than the original Pillar Crush back in RMZ1...... Anubistepp dives under the sands and make two Coffins appear. Lightning passes through them (won't hurt you) and they quickly ram into each other, crushing Zero in the process. These coffins could appear quite a few times, but the last set will ALWAYS appear on the two ends of the screen to ensure they catch Zero in between. Try to wall-climb or even Double-jump over them. They WILL hurt, trust me. Zombie Summon: Anubistepp summons two Zombies at a time to try to cling onto Zero. It will hurt him a little, but they SERIOUSLY slow Zero down. Destroy the Zombies with your weapons before they even get close to you. EX Skill "Crawl Shield": Anubistepp throws his Staff, but instead of spinning in place, the Staff actually rolls to the other side of the screen before flying back. Jump over it (as low as possible without taking the hit) and quickly hide below Anubistepp to avoid the Staff on its returning trip. Overall Strategies: Ok, now THIS guy has improved since his last version (Necromances Anubistepp III) got destroyed by Zero. He even managed to change his weakness, and powered up his Pillar Crush to Coffin Crush. Attack him with Charged Z-Saber enhanced with Ice Body Chip whenever possible. However, this battle is actually one of thos battles in which the Recoil Rod will prove to be useful. Attack him directly from below using the Charged Recoil Rod while waiting for his Staff to return from either attack will deal some nice damage and shorten this battle. Enhanced wall-jumping speed with Dashes will be very important while trying to get out of his Coffin Crush's way. Spoils: - EX Skill "Crawl Shield": Charge up your Shield Boomerang. Hold down Down on the D-pad and release the attack. The Shield Boomerang will roll on the ground (instead of flying like a normal boomerang) and return to Zero as soon as it reaches a certain distance. ------------------------------ 6. Visit of an Old Friend/Foe (^6) And you thought you got rid of him. Here, you'll have to fight this X-wannabe again. And he didn't exactly change too much from the previous version either, except for the fact that Angel X doesn't appear again (WHEW!). ------------------------------ Mission 9 Location: Top of Neo Arcadia Boss: Copy X MK-2 HP: 3 Bars Weakness; None Strong Against: None Difficulty: Normal Attacks: Element Transform: X changes his armor's colors into the corresponding Element (Blue for Normal, Light Blue for Ice, Red for Fire and Green for Thunder). Slide Kick: X sorta does a slide like Original Megaman's, but this one can hurt Zero. Simply jumping over him will do the trick. Flying Dash: Sorta like Slide Kick, but this one is executed in the air. X will change his altitude as Zero moves up and down, so just stay in place until X is really close then jump up to the wall to evade it. Or you could climb the wall and fall when X gets close. Charge: X will start having thos "Charge Bubbles" going on around him. The Charge can be broken if you make him flinch by delivering a hard hit, but if he successfully charges up, Zero might be in some trouble, since Charging up can evolve the next 4 Attacks into VERY strong versions. Triple Shot: Only used with Normal Element. X will either jump up and shoot 3 shots at an angle of 45 degrees downwards, or just shoot them while standing on the ground. Dash under them if launched in the air, jump (wall-climb if necessary) over them if launched on the ground. Fire Wave: Only used with Fire Element. X fires a Fire Wave that kinda resembles the Silver Tomahawk Weapon from MM6 (goes down a bit then raises up). Jump over it or Dash under it depend on its altitude. Ice Shot: Only used with Ice Element. X fires an Ice Ball like Blizzack Staggeroff's. This one doesn't make Ice Crystals on the floor (whew), BUT it spreades out when it hits the wall or the floor. Keep dashing around and jump between the ice shards. Thunder Spark: Only used with Thunder Element. X fires two Spark Balls that move slowly so watch closely while trying your best to avoid them. They'll follow your altitude, but they won't travel backwards. Which is good. Color Shot: Only used with Normal Element Charged up. X will fire a BIG Normal Shot that has soe colorful energy balls revolving around it. Getting hit by this HURTS. ???: Only used with Fire Element Charged up. To tell the truth, I have yet to see this one. If someone saw this before, please tell me about it. Ice Tornado: Only used with Ice Element Charged up. X will fire a Storm Tornado (MMX reference) that's Ice-Elemental. Stay on the wall until this passed. Wave Spark: Only used with Thunder Element Charged up. X will fire a Thunder Wave that moves on the ground slowly but deadly. Dash-jump over it. EX Skill "Recovery": Oh goddammit. Just when you think you've lowered Copy X's HP down to about 1/3 of the last gauge, he just Summons this huge blue Aura, making him totally immune to all Zero's Attacks (and touching the Aura will hurt Zero). While being protected by his Aura, Copy X REGENERATES his HP by one full gauge. Thank God he uses this only once per Battle. Overall Strategies: Damn, he's back. Good thing he pissed Harpuia off so the Guardians are no longer against us. Anyway...... X starts the Battle by summoning his cool Battle Suit that can change his Elements anytime. The Elements he chose wouldn't let you do more damage with the Weakness Element, but they tell you what kind of special attack he will use. I have listed all the attacks and ways of evading them, so just keep moving around to avoid getting hit while charging up your Z-Saber and slash him when you get a chance. This is not a really long fight, but prolonging it will make it more painful to finish. Spoils: - EX Skill "Reflect Laser": Charge up your Z-Buster with no Elemental Body Chip equipped ("Light" and "Hard" are Non-Elemental). When you launch your Z-Buster, a laser will be fired. It will bounce off the walls of the room. ------------------------------ 7. The Last Four (^7) After defeating Copy X MK-2, you're informed that there are still more enemies to fight before you can infiltrate Neo Arcadia deep enough to get rid of Omega and the Dark Elf. Well, pack your weapons, and let's go kick some more asses! ------------------------------ Mission 10 Location: Boss: Glacher Le Cactank HP: 2 Bars Weakness: Fire Strong Against: Thunder Difficulty: Easy Attacks: Icicle Drop: Well, not HIS attack. But there ARE icicles forming on top of this room, and moving under the fully-grown ones will cause them to fall. Just Dash under them if it's necessary, or you can break them with your weapons. Cactus Flail: Cactank throws one of his hands at you. It will fall onto the ground, and slowly retreat back to him. Dash away from it, and NEVER, EVER Dash back towards him in attempt to land another attack on him. It won't work. Ice Darts: Cactank hangs himself onto the ceiling of the room and starts shaking about. He will launch 3 pairs of Ice Darts while shaking. The first set and the last set will land close to him, while the second set will land fairly close to the end of the room. Stay far away from him and jump over the second set of Ice Darts. EX Skill "Circle Shield": (Unconfirmed...... Does he even HAVE an EX Skill?) Overall Strategies: Ahh yes. This guy is fat. Almost as fat (and therefore slow and silly-looking) as that elephant from RMZ1. Anyway. His attacks are VERY easy to avoid, so focus on Charging up your Z-Saber and whack him as much as possible. Fire Body Chip will make this battle about 20 times easier. DO stay away from him until you're sure you can land an attack though. If he interrupts your attack, Dash away, charge up, then come back. The room isn't really too small, so you should have enough space to avoid getting hit. Spoils: - "Spike" Leg Chip: Allows Zero to walk on slippery surfaces without slipping. Fairly useless if you ask me. - EX Skill "Circle Shield": Charge up the Shield Boomerang and let go of it. The Shield will revolve around Zero for a short period of time before returning to him. If you can do a jump at the right time, you can make the Shield revolve Zero for as long as you like it while still attacking ANY enemy that dares to come in contact with it. ------------------------------ Mission 11 Location: Neo Arcadian Library Boss: Volteel Biblio HP: 2 Bars Weakness: Ice Strong Against: Fire Difficulty: Easy Attacks: Lightning Tail: Volteel's head appears from one of the four holes in the room, and his tail appears from another and launches a lightning ball that slowly approaches Zero. Distract its direction and jump/dash over/under it. Lightning Floor: Holy crap. Volteel charges up the WHOLE FRIGGIN' ROOM, making ALL the floor electrified. Good thing that this only lasts for a short while, so one jump that doesn't take you to the ceiling should be able to stall for this attack to pass. Lightning Whip: Volteel charges up his tails and throw them at you like whips. Simply jump over them. EX Skill "V-Shot": Volteel raises his tail and fires two blasts of lightning that fans out in a sideway-V fashion. Get closer to him so you won't get hit. Overall Strategies: This guy is simply too easy to be a Boss. Even a sub-boss could be harder to fight than this guy...... When he's swimming around semi-transparent, you can't hit him and he can't hit you, so let him be. When he pokes hs head out of a hole, attack it with Charged Z-Saber enhanced with The Ice Body Chip, while jump out of his Lightning Tail's way. To tell the truth, he never lived long enough to show me attacks other than Lightning Tail when I fight him. Which means that, unless you prolong this battle, you probably won't even get to see any of his attacks other than Lightning Tail. (And hell, doesn't his evil giggle annoy ANYONE? I'm not even sure if Ground Scarvich from MMX6 was the Boss with the most annoying sound effects anymore......) Spoils: - "Shadow Dash" Leg Chip: When Zero Dashes while using this Leg Chip, he will turn into a shadow. NOTHING can harm him while he's Dashing, unless it's a spiked pillar or something, which will instantly kill him. <_< - EX Skill "V-Shot": Equip the Lightning Body Chip and the Z-Buster. You'll realize that ALL of Zero's Z-Buster shots will be doubled and they'll fan out in a sideway V-shape. Deals double damage to the enemies if both shots hit. ------------------------------ 8. Final Showdown (^8) Ahh yes, so you've reached the deepest part of Neo Arcadia, and also the last part of this game. And, very cliched, you WILL have to fight 8 bosses AGAIN, before you can take on the Final Boss(es) of this game. ------------------------------ Final Showdown Part 1 Location: Bosses: (In the order of Top-left, Top-right, Bottom-left, Bottom-right) - - - - For all Boss strategies please refer to their corresponding Missions. ------------------------------ Final Showdown Part 2 Location: Bosses: (In the order of Top-left, Top-right, Bottom-left, Bottom-right) - - - - For all Boss strategies please refer to their corresponding Missions. ------------------------------ Final Showdown FINAL Part Location: Neo Arcadia Control Center Boss: Golden Omega HP: 3 Bars Weakness: None Strong Against: None Difficulty: Normal Attacks: Sword Draw: Omega draws that HUGE sword and holds it over your head. After a while, it will fall on you. This process will repeat 3 times, and the last one will cause rocks to fly out of the floor and damage Zero if they hit him. Trick the sword to fall on the far left side of the screen while you pummel Omega on the right side of the screen. Laser Claws: Omega sends out two claws that will launch 6 laser waves before returning to him. The order of where the rings are launched are topleft, bottomright, top, right, topright, top. This time it comes out faster. Laser Balls: Omega sends out three energy pellets that will bounce off the floor before disappearing. Avoid with care. This will be much faster than the original version you experienced from the Intro Stage. EX Skill: None (I think) Spoils: - None ------------------------------ Location: Burning Control Center Boss: Giant Omega HP: 3 Bars Weakness: None Strong Against: None Difficulty: Normal Attacks: Electromag Ball: Launched by the red head. Omega launches an orange ball which will trap Zero and bring him close to Omega. Omega will slowly drain Zero's HP when the ball is attached to Omega's head. Jump/Dash to avoid getting caught. If you DO get caught, mash the D-pad to struggle out of it. Laser Shot: Launched by the red head. Omega launches 3 Laser shots on the ground. One close to him, one halfway over the battlefield, and one all the way to the left of the battlefield. Jump over the shots, as the burst on the floor is the only thing that can hurt you. Buster Shot: Launched by the blue head. Omega launches 3 HUGE Buster pellets at Zero. Dash-jump over them, or just Dash throuh them if you happen to have Shadow Dash Leg Chip equipped. HS Shot: Launched by the red head (what exactly DOES the blue head do!?). Omega fires a Heat-seeker shot that turns several times in mid-air before disappearing by either falling into the hole or moving out of the left side of the screen. Jump and Dash to trick it into the hole or to the left side of the screen. It won't go back up, but it CAN go to the right. Overall Strategy: Holy bloody hell this guy is huge. And hey, look at those heads...... Aren't they X and Zero? Oh well. Giant Omega's only weakness is the purple part on his head, so charge up your Z-Saber and attack it as frequently as possible. ------------------------------ 9. Fighting a Mirror!? (^9) Finally, we're up to the last Boss of this game...... And you're fighting YOURSELF! Well, more like a possessed body of Original Zero. Beat him quickly, or you'll have to start all the way back from Golden Omega if you get killed! ------------------------------ FINAL Mission Stage: Underground Research Center Ruins Boss: Original Zero HP: 2 Bars Weakness: None Strong Against: None Difficulty: Very Hard Attacks: Triple Slash: Basically, just your normal Z-Saber slashes. They CAN connect, so DO NOT get caught in them. Charged Saber: And you think YOUR Charged Z-Saber is powerful. HIS is SO powerful that it sends rock falling off the ceiling. (Wait, is there even a ceiling in THIS area?) Z-Combo: Ahh yes. Zero's classical combo that we all miss so much. Original Zero fires two Charged Z-Buster shots, followed by a sonicboom from the Z-Saber. This attack has been there since the days of Rockman X2...... Rakuhouha: Don't tell me you think you've seen all of Original Zero's old attacks. This one has been Zero's Giga Attack ever since Rockman X4. (Although it kept on getting its name and form changed) Original Zero smashes the ground and sends 5 energy balls fanning out. DO NOT get hit by these! Jump out of the way. Ryuenjin/Tenshouzan: Original Zero does an uppercut with his Z-Saber just like how your EX Skill turns out. Be glad he doesn't have the Fire Body Chip. Energy Barrier: This attack is launched the same way as Rakuhouha, but the effects are totally different. Energy beams surround Original Zero when this attack is used, and for the time duration this attack is activated, Original Zero cannot be attacked. Good thing he can't move either. Yeah, what's the bloody point here? EX Skill: (Unconfirmed) Overall Strategies: Yarrgh. You're fighting YOURSELF, and he's more powerful than you are. Z-Saber shouldn't be your primary weapon of this battle, despite of its strong attack. Instead, settle for Z-Buster or Shield Boomerang. Charge them up, and launch them whenever Original Zero leaves an opening for you to attack. Staying far away from Original Zero will make your life slightly easier, though not too much. If you have the Leg Chip that makes you invincible while Dashing (or better yet, the Ultimate Shoes Leg Chip), use them well to save your life here. After you've defeated Original Zero, a cutscene will occur, and you'll have to slash him with your Z-Saber again to end the cutscene. Congradulations! You've beaten Rockman Zero 3! Now go and enjoy those little Mini Games after the Credit Roll. <_< ------------------------------ 10. Version Updates (^10) V 0.8 (May 29, 2004): Completed basic parts of the Guide. Missing info will be added in the next update. ------------------------------ 11. Legal Stuff & Credits (^11) This FAQ is Copyrighted to Zidanet_129. To contact me for flames/complaints/compliments/suggestions, please e-mail me at Special Thanks to: Anyone who helped but didn't get credits (Claim it on the Board!) Whitedragon Nall (for the direct translation of the Bosses' names.) Unknownthing (for the Chips that the Bosses spoil)