------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mega Man Zero 3 - Game Script v1.3 (08/07/2005) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ writer: Aaron Paul Madriñan (Aeon17x) e-mail: snoocete@yahoo.com _______________ Version History\______________________________________________________________ 1.3 (08/07/2005) - Fixed an error about Cubit Foxtar's gender: it turns out that Foxtar's a male reploid all along. Also cleaned up the whole script so that it's easier to read. 1.2 (03/03/2005) - Secret disk info added. Pretty useful once Rockman Zero 4 comes around. 1.1 (10/15/2004) - Spelling/grammar check. Also added the credits. One more thing, my good friend Sakura 26 of the MMZ3 board has set up an MMZ character list (complete with pics). Unfortunately, his site seems to be down as of late, so I have to remove the link for now until he gets it back up. 1.0 (10/05/2004) - First release. ____________ Introduction\_________________________________________________________________ This article here would be the written record of all the unskippable dialogue and actions of the characters in the game. Provided that there is demand for it, this custom FAQ will also include other miscellaneous chat which you wouldn't normally encounter in the game, and can only be accessed by doing something special (or stupid). That's pretty much it. If you think I've missed out on something and you know what it is, kindly let me know and I will do the necessary corrections. Now, that was quick and easy, on with the scripts! ___________ Game Script\__________________________________________________________________ [Intro: The game starts with a faint picture of the main characters underneath a stream of scrolling text. It summarizes what had transpired in the past two MMZ games.] "The legendary Reploid Zero awoke from a long slumber... With Ciel's Resistance he defeated Copy X, the ruler of Neo Arcadia. The terror of the Neo Arcadian regime ended, but the energy shortage remained a constant problem. Ciel devoted herself to researching new forms of energy. And Elpizo became the newly appointed Resistance leader. However, overcome by his desire for power, Elpizo awakened the Dark Elf, whose magic had once nearly destroyed the world. Elpizo, thirsting for the power of the Dark Elf, lost sight of his true duty, and was finally defeated after a fierce battle. However, the Dark Elf fled, her destination unknown... The battle over the Dark Elf had only just begun... Two months later." [Scene: The screen fades into black, and returns into a snow-filled scenery. Zero walks in from the left, together with Ciel and two Resistance soldiers.] R-Soldier: It sure is quiet... There haven't been many Neo Arcadian attacks lately. Things are almost too peaceful now... Ms. Ciel completed her research on the new energy... And if it solves the energy crisis, Neo Arcadia won't have a reason to fight us anymore. Ciel : Actually... I already informed Neo Arcadia about this new energy, the "Ciel System"... But... I haven't received a reply yet... R-Soldier: Don't worry! I'm sure their answer will come soon! There's no more reason to fight. We can live in peace! Right?! Zero : We're in the middle of a mission. So put a lid on it and walk! Ciel : *gulp!* Sorry! [A few steps later, Ciel pauses in her tracks.] Ciel : The reading is getting stronger. We're close... R-Soldier: The snow is letting up... W-wow! Look at that! [Altogether, they look toward the horizon and up at the titanic ruin of ancient metal.] Zero : Is that...some kind of ship? R-Soldier: Ms. Ciel... Did that...huge thing...fall from outer space?! Ciel : Yes...but what's more... It's giving out the same energy reading as the Dark Elf... of which there is only one in the whole world... Zero was against the idea, but I just had to find out... What could possibly be going on here? Zero : Neo Arcadia has the area ahead of us cordoned off. Ciel : What?! Zero : You guys stay here until I make sure it's safe. Ciel : Okay... Be careful, Zero... [Later, when Zero has come into Neo Arcadian territory...] Zero : Up ahead... That's where the Dark Elf reading is coming from. She knew who I was... Why would the elf who almost destroyed the world know me? Ciel : Zero? Are you there? Zero : Maintain radio silence! The enemy is near... [The scene switches back to the Ciel and the resistance soldiers.] Ciel : Oh, I-I'm sorry... R-Soldier: Get down! Neo Arcadians!Ms. Ciel, look out! [The screen darkens as the resistance soldiers try to protect Ciel from the incoming barrage of Pantheons. Ciel screams out.] Zero : No! [Harpuia teleports in.] Harpuia : Relax. They won't come to any harm. Zero : Harpuia?! Harpuia : I'm letting you off the hook this time. But you and those Resistance fighters must leave, now! Zero : You're letting us off the hook?! Harpuia : Scram! I don't have any time to mess with you now! [Harpuia teleports out.] Zero : ... Ciel : Zero... Can you hear me? Zero : Seems you're okay... Leave the rest of this up to me. I want you all to head back to the Resistance Base. Ciel : But, Zero... [Zero hears a voice coming from the area in front of him.] Zero : I've heard that voice somewhere before... Is it...calling me? [Zero continues in his mission. In the end of the stage, just before the boss door, Zero feels the building tremble, and sees a trio of Pantheons aiming for something beyond the wall. Whatever it is blasted the upper part of that wall. A disembodied, robotic hand makes a hole through the middle and pins Leviathan to the surface just beside Zero, as the ceiling above the Pantheons collapse, crushing them to death. Then Fefnir stumbles back and crouches on the floor, and the robotic hand lets go of Leviathan as she falls back to the ground.] Fefnir : Now you're askin' for it! I'll blast you to pieces! [Fefnir stands up and fires a couple of shots to the yet unknown assailant, but the robotic hand strikes him back further.] Fefnir : Ooph! [The view slides to the right and shows the enemy in full glory, as Leviathan and Fefnir lay on the floor before it.] Leviathan: *pant pant* Are you alive, Fefnir? Fefnir : What a monster... The two of us fighting together, and not a scratch. Leviathan: Omega, the evil Reploid banished from Neo Arcadia... He's pretty tough... [Zero enters the scene and stands right in front of Omega.] Fefnir : Zero?! What the heck are YOU doing here?! Zero : What is that thing? Leviathan: That's Omega. His mere existence defies reality... He's strong, but... He's not as fun to fight as you are. Hehe... I don't feel like fighting him, so he's all yours... See you later, Zero. [Leviathan teleports out.] Fefnir : Bah, that Leviathan... Grr, I can't move! We'll have to finish this another time! Hey, Zero! I'll get you and that Omega one of these days! Don't you dare die before then, Zero! [Fefnir teleports out.] Zero : Omega, huh? So you were the one who called me here? [They battle. Zero wins.] Omega : Grrr... Zero : You just don't give up, do you... [Omega was hit by a series of lightning bolts, causing his defenses to go down. Harpuia teleports in.] Omega : Gaaarrrrwl! Harpuia : So you're Omega. I'm afraid I can't let you leave this place, ever. Time for your destruction! [Harpuia unsheates his twin blades, and flies up, ready to attack. Another character appears.] ??? : Hehehehe... Omega, that will be quite enough. From this day forward... You will fight with this person as a Neo Arcadian. It's not polite, smashing a friend like that. Omega : Gaarwl... Lord...Weil... Harpuia : A Neo Arcadian?! Who is this guy?! [Dr. Weil floats down and takes his place beside Omega.] Dr. Weil : Hehehehe... I am Weil. You may call me Dr. Weil. You must know my name, Harpuia of the Four Guardians? And you...the legendary hero. Zero... Harpuia : Dr. Weil?! You're kidding me! It can't be! Why are you, who were banished from Neo Arcadia a century ago, with Omega?! Copy X : That's simple. I-I brought him. [Copy X teleports in.] Harpuia : M...Master X?! Is that you?! [Harpuia bows down to his master.] Copy X : Harpuia! Hehe, you haven't ch-changed! And th-then there's... I missed y-you, Zero... Zero : You must be... You're a copy, aren't you? Dr. Weil : Hehehe! I brought back Master X, whom you defeated long ago! To protect humanity from the chaos of this world! Copy X : Weil saved my life. I owe h-him, see... I'll take Omega back, thank y-you. Harpuia, you k-keep searching for the Dark Elf. Omega and the Dark Elf... We'll need them both for what's to come... Harpuia : But Master X! Think how many humans died because of the Dark Elf and Omega, both built by this man... How can you justify exposing humanity to such a grave danger, especially now with the energy crisis almost solved?! Dr. Weil : What's this? Are you trying to tell Master X what to do? When did you grow so bold, Harpuia? Harpuia : Weil...you... Copy X : So, Zero. You g-guys are also searching for the Dark Elf, right? Let's m-make a contest out of it! I'll sh-show you who the real hero i-is! [Copy X teleports out.] Dr. Weil : Hehehe... Now things are getting interesting, Zero! Let's see how far you get with that body! Hehehe... [Harpuia, Omega and Dr. Weil teleports out.] Zero : "With that body"...? ... Ciel : Zero... This is terrible... Zero : So you were monitoring the whole thing? Ciel : Hurry back to base. Operator? Operator : Commencing trans. [Zero teleports out.] ______________________________________________________________________________ The Resistance Base ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Operator : Transferring... Two... One... Transfer complete. Ciel : What should I do? Zero : Well, for now... Not letting Neo Arcadia have the Dark Elf... That would be priority number one. Operator : I will calculate our best course of action, giving priority to the search for the Dark Elf. I will report to Ms. Ciel as soon as the results are in. R-Soldier: Ms. Ciel, please cheer up. Everything's turned out alright before, hasn't it?! That's right. We believe in you, Ms. Ciel. And in Mr. Zero, too! Ciel : Thank you, everyone. The simulation will take a while longer to finish... I think we're going to need your help again, Zero... But you should get a little rest, first. For now... I'll save our data. :: (NO) Shouldn't you be resting? Don't overdo it. I'll manage the data. Tell me if you need anything. :: (YES) Save data where? >1 NO DATA 2 NO DATA 3 NO DATA 4 NO DATA 5 NO DATA Data saved. I'll take care of managing the data, just like always. If you need anything, let me know. One more thing... You should go see Cerveau. I hear he's finished his Secret Disk analyzer. If you find any Secret Disks that you can't analyze, ask Cerveau to have a look for you. [Zero goes to Cerveau's laboratory.] Cerveau : Hey, Zero! You're all right! I heard the news. Despite the new energy, the world is still not at peace. I never thought peace would be easy, but still...... Anyway, I just finished a new weapon for you. I also fixed your S.Boomerang! Here, take it! [You got the Recoil Rod!] [You got the S.Boomerang!] Oh, one more thing. About Secret Disks. Secret disks contain things you can't decode, right? Well, I can analyze them for you, so stop by anytime. You can also talk to me if you ever want to look at the contents of a disk we've already analyzed. Operator : Mr. Zero... Please come to the commander's room, immediately. Cerveau : Hmm? Zero, they're asking for you. Zero : This Recoil Rod looks easy to use. Thanks. [Right after Zero left, Cerveau says something behind his back.] Cerveau : The world is too much for Ciel to bear alone... Take good care of her, Zero... [In the command room.] Ciel : Sorry this took so long, Zero. Are you ready? We've simulated our options based on the information at hand. I've had the results prepared in the form of missions. The first two are... Missions to prevent Neo Arcadia getting the Dark Elf. The other two are... Guerilla attacks on Neo Arcadia to protect everyone from its threat. ...... Zero...is fighting our only option? I mean, we've developed this new energy... I thought the world would finally be at peace... Do we really have to keep fighting? Zero : Ciel... You're already doing the best you can. And you're not alone. Leave the rest to us. Ciel : Ze...Zero... Operator : Mr. Zero, we're ready. You can leave at any time. Select a mission? :: (YES) Displaying the available missions: [far left] AREA: AEGIS VOLCANO BASE BOSS: BLAZIN' FLIZARD MISSION: N.A. ARMY RECON [middle left] AREA: OCEANIC HWY RUINS BOSS: CHILDRE INARABITTA MISSION: TRACK D.E. SIGNAL [middle right] AREA: W.R. FACTORY BOSS: HELLBAT SCHILT MISSION: DESTROY FACTORY [far right] AREA: OLD RESIDENTIAL BOSS: DEATHTANZ MANTISK MISSION: FIND DARK ELF ______________________________________________________________________________ Oceanic Highway Ruins ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [Within missions, most of the transmissions the Operator and Ciel makes are sound-only; they are not on the scene themselves.] Operator : We've verified a reading similar to the Dark Elf on the ruins of an intercontinental oceanic highway... We have verified that Neo Arcadia is pursuing this. We believe it will take some time for them to reach the source of this reading. If possible, you should verify the signal, and if it is indeed the Dark Elf, protect it. Do you accept? :: (YES) [A suspicious-looking floating purple blob passes by above Zero as he appears on the landing spot.] Zero : (!) Ciel : Zero! We've just got a reading! Zero : Dark Elf detected. Beginning pursuit. [A few feet later, Zero spots Inarabitta.] Inarabitta: Who the heck're you? Heh, you must be after that Dark Elf, too. Am I right? You'll have to get past me, first! [Inarabitta jumps into his submarine.] Ciel : Can you hear me, Zero?! There's a switch up ahead that lowers the ocean's water level. Hit it and slow the mech down! [Zero continues in his mission. Later on, he meets the Dark Elf in a closed room, together with two Submarine Pantheons.] Dark Elf : Zeeeeeeerrooooo Zero : Dark Elf! Dark Elf : Stoooooop iiiiiit! [One of the Pantheons try to poke it with its spear, but the Dark Elf dodges it and strikes back by sprinkling the Pantheon with some of its elf dust, before quickly flying away.] Zero : !!! [That Pantheon transformed into a Seraph Pantheon, which immediately kills its partner and almost did some damage on Zero as well. Fortunately, Zero jumped on time.] Zero : I'll have to take care of this guy first... [Zero meets Inarabitta once again at the end of the level.] Inarabitta: What a pain you are! I thought you'd be easier to scare off than that! No more games. I'm Childre Inarabitta, of Weil's Numbers! I'll see that smug face of yours frozen with fear! [They battle. Zero wins.] Inarabitta: You're kidding me... Why is this...happening...to me?! [Inarabitta explodes. Zero teleports out.] Ciel : Zero, I'm sorry. You risked your life to go after the Dark Elf... But the Dark Elf was too fast, and we lost sight of it. I scanned that area again, but there's no reading anywhere in the vicinity. I know an apology is not enough, but I am truly sorry, Zero. ______________________________________________________________________________ Weapons Repair Factory ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Operator : We have discovered a Neo Arcadian weapons factory. They are fixing and refitting broken weaponry. It seems this is more efficient than making new ones. They have doubled weapon production recently. Destroy this factory to cut Neo Arcadia's military power. Do you accept? :: (YES) Operator : Ahead is the factory control unit. Data from cameras in the factory is sent to this unit. Destroy the cameras as you proceed. [Zero meets Schilt at the end of the level.] Schilt : Well, if it isn't the legendary hero. The Mechaniloids do all the repairs on their own. So I was just trying to enjoy a little tea break. How dare you disturb my peace and quiet! Where are your manners, sir hero? I, Hellbat Schilt, of Weil's Numbers, shall educate you. [Schilt transforms into his robot form.] Schilt : Kekeke! The first lesson a gentleman must learn in refinement is... Intruders are to die without a fuss! [They battle. Zero wins.] Schilt : Ke...keke! No manners... No manners at all! Trying to defy Lord Weil, what dismal behavior! Ke...kekekekeeee! [Schilt explodes. Zero teleports out.] Ciel : Zero... Thank you. That recycling plant will be out of operation for some time, I think. Thank you so much... ______________________________________________________________________________ Aegis Volcano Base ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Operator : The Neo Arcadian army is building up at the base in Aegis Volcano. We do not know what their intention is. Do some scouting? :: (YES) Operator : A strong energy reading detected. They are building a huge missile outside the base. The base must be here to support the construction. Ciel : Analyzing a route to the missile factory will take quite a while... Zero, what should we do?! Zero : All right. I'll buy us some time by attacking the base. Start your analysis! [Zero meets Flizard at the end of the level.] Flizard : I almost gave up on finding a foe worthy of fighting me... You look like you might at least be a minor challenge. I'm gonna enjoy this, Zero! [Flizard transforms into his robot form.] Flizard : Ssyaaaaah! Get ready for Blazin' Flizard, one of Weil's Numbers! Let's heat it up, Zerrroooo!!! [They battle. Zero wins.] Flizard : Who are you to...put out my flames? Lord Weil will get you, though... Make no mistake... He'll cover the whole world in flames, you'll see. You can't...put out the flames...of our new world... Ssyah...aaaarrgh! [Flizard explodes. Zero teleports out.] Ciel : Thank you, Zero. We failed to destroy the missile, but I believe we succeeded in delaying its construction. I will analyze the route to the missile factory as quickly as possible. Please wait a bit longer, okay? ______________________________________________________________________________ Old Residential Area ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Operator : This was a residential area where humans once lived. We sent some people to investigate... And received news that Dark Elf may have been seen. For some reason, we are unable to scan this area. We would like you to go there and investigate first-hand. Can you investigate? :: (YES) Operator : Mr. Zero! You can burn away the ivy with Flame-based attacks. The Recoil Rod's charge attack can destroy things too. Keep that in mind. [Zero meets a couple of cyber elves halfway through.] Crea : Maaama. Maaama. Hey, Prea. Mama's not here. Prea : That's right, Crea. Mama's not here. Crea : Hey, Prea. Let's look a little farther inside. Prea : That's right, Crea. Let's look a little farther inside. [The elves leave Zero behind.] Zero : ... Those must be... Ciel : Zero! I've picked up some Baby Elf readings on that portable scanner I gave you! They may be the same ones I was studying... Zero : Their mother... They must be looking for the Dark Elf. Ciel : Hey Zero, can you protect those babies? Zero : Alright. I'll find them. Ciel : Thank you, Zero... [Zero arrives at the end of the level... he listens to the conversation between Mantisk and the Baby Elves.] Crea : Who are you? You smell like Mama. Prea : Who are you? You smell like us. Mantisk : Chikachika... So these are Baby Elves? Lord Weil ordered me to find them. They really are just little elves. Are they useful? [Zero enters the room.] Zero : Hand over the Baby Elves. Crea : Oh, I know him! He pushed Mama around! Prea : I know him, too! That's the guy who pushed Mama around a century ago! Crea : You faker! Prea : You faker! Zero : Hmm? Mantisk : Chikachika... Shut up, you Baby Elves! If you don't wanna get chopped up, go into that room! Crea : Waaaaaah! Prea : Waaaaaah! [The Baby Elves leave as Mantisk ordered.] Mantisk : Those two belong to Lord Weil. You can't have them. [Mantisk transforms into his robot form.] Mantisk : I'm Deathtanz Mantisk, one of Weil's Numbers. Now, time to slice you into ribbons! [They battle. Zero wins.] Mantisk : Chikachika... Even if you defeat me here... My associates will cut the old chains that bind the world. And build... A new order... Lord Weeeeiil!!! [Mantisk explodes. On the other side of the door, the Baby Elves float around Dr. Weil.] Crea : Who are you, mister? I've seen you somewhere before. Prea : Who are you, mister? I've seen him somewhere before, too. Dr. Weil : Heheheheheee... My name is Weil. I'm the one who made your mother, the Dark Elf. You might think of me as your Grandpa. Crea : Prea, did you hear that? He's our Grandpa! Prea : I heard, Crea! He's our Grandpa! Dr. Weil : I'm looking for the Dark Elf, too. I need your help. You should come with me to Neo Arcadia. I'll give you new powers, and a new body... Crea : Okay! Let's go, Prea! Prea : Okay! Let's go, Crea! [Zero enters the room.] Zero : Wait! [Just in time to see Weil and the Baby Elves teleport away.] Zero : Darn... Ciel, can you follow their readings? Ciel : I'm sorry, Zero. That won't be possible with your scanner. Zero : ... Operator : Mr. Zero, please return to base. Commencing transfer. ______________________________________________________________________________ Area Z-3079 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Operator : Transferring... Two... One... Transfer complete. Ciel : Zero... Thank you. The reports of the Dark Elf... They were really Baby Elf sitings... [sic] I wonder what Neo Arcadia is planning on doing with them. Operator : You have completed all the missions. This next mission involves deciding what to do with a missile factory that's been newly discovered. We are currently also searching for the Dark Elf, while we look into solutions for this problem. Ciel : We have to do something about that missile right now. We had to calculate the transfer coordinates for the missile factory based on old satellite photographs... so the coordinates would be too dangerous to use as a direct transfer route. Operator : The land route to the missile factory is also dangerous, due to the scout patrols that are searching the area. We're scanning for the Dark Elf, but no luck yet. Zero : Understood. Let me know if anything changes. Ciel : All right. Oh, yeah... I'll save our data. :: (YES) Data saved. We'll contact you right away if we learn anything new. Please get some rest until then. [Scene: within the palace of Neo Arcadia. Copy X sits on the throne, while Harpuia stands on his right side.] Harpuia : Master X... Do you still trust that man...Weil? Copy X : His banishment did not follow official ch-channels. Just because what he did resulted i-in a terrible calamity... Do-does not mean that banishing him was justified. He has returned to Neo Arcadia in a legal manner. What reason-n is there to drive him out? Don't worr-rr-rry. He learned many things from his mistakes of the past. He'll do things right th-this time. Harpuia : But... Dr. Weil : Hehehe... Thank you, Master X. [Dr. Weil teleports in, floating on Copy X's left side.] Dr. Weil : I, Dr. Weil, shall never repeat my past mistakes. Never again. Yes. Hehehe... Still, to gossip about me behind my back... My, how the almighty Four Guardians have fallen! Harpuia : What?! Weil! Dr. Weil : Master X. The Dark Elf has appeared in Neo Arcadia. Area Z-3079... It's the farthest area from here. A human residential district. Harpuia : We'll go. Leviathan and Fefnir are still undergoing maintenance, but if we hurry things along a bit... Copy X : Harpuia, how long do you plan to act like you're in charge? Letting th-the Resistance get away with countless uprisings... Even letting th-the Dark Elf escape... I'm tired of useless p-people like you. The Four Guardians are going to be stepped down. Harpuia : But...Master X?! Copy X : Dr. Weil... I'm entrusting you with the leadership of our ar-armies. Will you accept? Dr. Weil : Hehehehe... Yes sir! I will capture the Dark Elf, without fail... ...Before she falls into the hands of the Resistance and becomes a threat to this world... [Scene: the Resistance Base on red alert in preparation for the incoming missile attack.] Operator : Preparations have begun for the launch of the missile. We do not know the target area, but we are attempting to hack our way in and find out. A tremendous energy is emanating from the missile. It seems that Omega is on board. Ciel : Omega?! That Omega, on the missile!? Zero : ... Ciel... Enter the coordinates you found. Ciel : That's...dangerous! Zero : Operator. Hurry up and prepare for transfer. Ciel : Zero, I'm not sure about this! Zero : I believe in you. Ciel : ... Okay... Enter... the data... Please, transfer him! Operator : Understood. Commencing transfer preparations. Transfer! [Zero teleports out.] Ciel : Zero... [Scene: Zero arrives at the missile launching zone.] Ciel : You made it! What a relief! Zero : Have you determined the missile's target? Ciel : The target is... Area Z... 3079. What?! That's a human residential district!!! Wait, that's not all... The Dark Elf is there, too! Zero : So he's trying to jump right in and take the Dark Elf... Understood. [Soon, Zero arrives on the missile itself, but it was ready to launch.] Zero : No! [Zero hitches a ride on the back of the missile.] Ciel : They launched it! Zero! Don't get any closer! Zero : I have to act now, while Omega is immobile... I'll sneak in and stop both him and the missile. Ciel : Zero!!! [Zero infiltrates the missile as it disengages its rocket parts, and meets the Baby Elves at the end of the level.] Zero : Baby Elves?! Crea : He came! The bad Reploid! Prea : He came! The nasty Reploid! Crea : Omega will rescue Mama! Don't get in his way! Leave! Prea : We'll protect him from you! Don't get in his way! Leave! [They battle. Zero wins.] Crea : Waaaaah! You horrible thing! Prea : Owwwwww! That hurt! Crea : We may have lost, but the missile will land soon! Our mission is a success! Prea : We may have lost, but we'll see our Mama soon! Our mission is a success! Zero : *gulp!* [Zero madly dashes out of the missile, as it crashes down moments later.] Omega : Grrawrrr! [Scene: Zero is lying down on the pavement of the destroyed human settlement. He quickly sits up to see Omega, the Baby Elves, AND the Dark Elf together.] Crea : Yay! Maaama! Maaama! Prea : Yay! Maaama! Maaama! Omega : Grrarraarrrr! [Omega opens up some sort of vortex with its hands, and sucks the Dark Elf in, changing his color.] Omega : Grrarraarrrr! Crea : Hey, can you beat up that bad Reploid for us? Prea : Yeah, can you beat up that fake Reploid for us? [Omega agrees with the Baby Elves, and slowly floats towards Zero. Harpuia teleports in.] Harpuia : ... We, the Reploids of Neo Arcadia... We are defenders of humanity. The only justice here. Is this wasteland what you people call justice?! Weil!!! [Harpuia attacks Omega once again with his lightning bolts, but Omega counters him with some enery balls.] Harpuia : Arrrrggh! I... I am... [Zero dashes in, even though he's hurt from the missile crash.] Zero : Harpuia! Crea : Perfect! Prea : Get him! Get him! Ciel : Zero, don't move! I'll transfer you to the base, now! Operator : Transferring! [Harpuia and Zero get out just in time, as Omega fires another barrage of energy balls.] ______________________________________________________________________________ The Resistance Base (part 2) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Ciel : Zero... I'm so happy that you're safe... Please...never do anything as crazy as that again... Zero : ... I'll think about it. By the way... How is Harpuia? Ciel : Cerveau took him to the maintenance room. He wasn't hurt very badly, but... He'll have to rest and recuperate for a while. ...Things really have gotten horrible... The operators will collect as much info as possible. Analyzing all of the information will take a while. Try to get some rest until then. Zero : I'm all right. Ciel : Then, at least... I'll save our data. :: (YES) I still don't understand how Neo Arcadia could fire a missile into an area where humans live...... even to obtain the Dark Elf... Operator : Someone has broken into our transmission circuit! It's Neo Arcadia! Zero : Put them through! [Copy X' image appears on the big screen behind them.] Copy X : Can you h-h-hear me? Members of the Resistance. And...Dr. C-Ciel. Ciel : Copy X! Copy X : We have custody of the D-Dark Elf. Let us put a-a stop to this foolish conflict. We ask that you surrender t-to us. Ciel : Surrender? Dr. Weil : Hand over the new energy you invented, the Ciel System. If you do this, I guarantee the safety of you Mavericks. Ciel : He's got to be... Dr. Weil : As a result of our analysis of the Ciel System information you so kindly sent us... We have determined that by combining it with the Dark Elf, it may be possible to generate enormous amounts of energy. This would solve the energy crisis in one fell swoop. There would no longer be a reason for us to fight. Copy X : Ciel... A single answer from you will bring peace t-to the world. Ciel : ... I can't... trust... you. Copy X : What's th-that? Ciel : You were prepared to sacrifice humans to obtain the Dark Elf! I cannot trust you after seeing that. You cannot have the Ciel System. It was built so that humans and Reploids could live in peace! Copy X : Is that...y-your answer? Fine. You have a-a monopoly on energy resources... And Zero, a Reploid with terrifying f-fighting skills... Y-you are nothing more than filthy extremists! Ciel... I was holding-ng back until now, because you were there, a human... Now, you can face the consequences, along with your Maverick friends! Operator : The transmission was cut off. [Another red alert is sounded all over the base.] Operator : The Neo Arcadian military has begun advancing on our base from multiple areas. They've launched a total offensive. Ciel : Zero...I... Zero : You believed in yourself, and fought accordingly. What comes next... is my job. Tell me which areas they are in. I will intercept. Ciel : Zero... Operator : Displaying the Neo Arcadian movements on the monitor... Select a mission? :: (YES) Displaying the available missions: [left] AREA: TWILIGHT DESERT BOSS: ANUBIS NECROMANCESS V MISSION: ENGAGE N.A. ARMY [middle] AREA: FOREST OF ANATRE BOSS: HANUMACHINE R MISSION: ENGAGE N.A ARMY [right] AREA: FRONTLINE ICE BASE BOSS: BLIZZACK STAGGROFF R MISSION: ENGAGE N.A. ARMY ______________________________________________________________________________ Twilight Desert ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Operator : We have detected Neo Arcadian units moving through the southern desert. These forces must be intercepted as soon as possible. Can you intercept? :: (YES) [Zero meets Anubis Necromancees V at the end of the level.] Anubis : I have been summoned by Lord Weil back from the netherworld to continue my reign of terror. Ancient One, it is now your turn to lie beneath the soil... Back to the earth with you! [They battle. Zero wins.] Anubis : You, of the ancient soul. You have no place in the new world Lord Weil is creating. I will enjoy viewing your torment from my grave below... Hahahahaa! [Anubis explodes. Zero teleports out.] ______________________________________________________________________________ Forest of Anatre ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Operator : We have detected Neo Arcadian units moving through the Forest of Anatre... These forces must be intercepted as soon as possible. Can you intercept? :: (YES) [Zero meets Hanumachine R at the end of the level.] Hanumachine: My body has returned from decay... For Lord Weil, who gave me life... I have returned! And now, I will take your pitiful soul. Let's see you fight like a hero! [They battle. Zero wins.] Hanumachine: An impressive fight! However... Evil must fail in the end! History will judge who the true winner was! May you perish, O Ancient God of Destruction! [Hanumachine explodes. Zero teleports out.] ______________________________________________________________________________ Frontline Ice Base ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Operator : We have detected Neo Arcadian units moving through the northern tundra... The enemy is constructing a frontline base. There seems to be a reasonable amount of time left to act. Can you intercept? :: (YES) [Zero meets Blizzack Staggroff R at the end of the level.] Blizzack : Hmph. I am impressed you made it to this base. Still... I cannot dishonor Lord Weil, the man who brought me back. I'll just have to freeze you, now. Hmph. [They battle. Zero wins.] Blizzack : *groan* Forgive me... Lord Weil... Hm...phahh! [Blizzack explodes. Zero teleports out.] ______________________________________________________________________________ Area X-2 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Operator : [middle] AREA: AREA X-2 BOSS: COPY X MARK II MISSION: INFILTRATE N.A. We have analyzed the enemy's movements... As a result we have succeeded in determining the location of the Neo Arcadian HQ. It seems that Copy X and Weil are commanding the entire army from this base. If you strike here, you may be able to stop Neo Arcadia. Are you ready? :: (YES) Ciel : Zero... Come back safely... Okay? [Zero meets Copy X at the end of the level.] Copy X : So you've come, Zero. D-do you know what you are doing? Doing? You are helping extremists! Why would a-a legendary hero help an evil army? Zero : So you're saying that we're an evil army...... and you people are fighting for justice? Copy X : Exactly right. Almost a-all humans support our cause. All humans dream of defeating th-the extremists. Zero : What value is there in the justice that complacent humans seek? Copy X : Wh-who cares about value? Neo Arcadia's doing what's right. That i-is enough proof that what we do is j-just! [They battle. Zero wins.] Copy X : N-no! Wh-why-why?! I'm a hero! I f-fight for justice! Weil! Dr. Weil! Use Omeg-Omega! Crush him in your h-hand! ??? : He is... ...no longer here. [Cyber Elf X teleports in.] Copy X : Who a-are you?! Zero : X! Copy X : X?! Y-you are my original form?! X : Weil has moved to another base. With Omega... Weil was using you for his own purpose. Copy X : Gee...g-gee... Everyone treats me l-like a fool! I-I won't stand for it! Let me show you my true power! Haaaaah!!! X : Oh no! Weil has placed a trap on your body! [Copy X tries to transform, but his body starts to malfunction.] Copy X : Gee...gagaga?! I...can't...can't move... Gagagaaa... Aaaaaaarggh! [The whole screen is flooded with white as Copy X explodes. Meanwhile, Zero and X talk to each other.] Zero : ?! X : Weil knew from the start how things would turn out, so he must have rigged a trap on him... To fulfill his true ambition... [At that moment, Dr. Weil delivers a speech to everyone in Neo Arcadia.] Dr. Weil : Hear me, citizens of the great land of Neo Arcadia... I must inform you of sorrowful news. Zero : Dr. Weil... Dr. Weil : Just now... Our hero Master X was taken by blood-thirsty extremists, and he has sadly passed away... So, in accordance with Ordinance #8, I, Dr. Weil, will become your new leader... It is time to put a stop to these extremists! ...Thank you all. I have just confirmed your approval. I will have to ask you all to do a number of things... Neo Arcadia cannot know true peace, until the extremists are eradicated! Let us all fight together, until they are wiped out! He... Hehehehe... Heheheheheee... Bwahahahahah! Zero : ...It's all going according to his plans. X : Dr. Weil... Will he try to repeat the tragedy of the Elf Wars, that ended a century ago... Zero : I'll look for Weil. I need you to help. X : Okay. I'll look for him, too... I wanted to say something. About Omega...... Zero : What is it? X : Well...never mind. I'll bring it up again when the time comes. The heart is what counts. Not the body... [X floats away.] Zero : The heart? ... [Zero teleports back to base.] ______________________________________________________________________________ The Resistance Base (part 3) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Ciel : So this is what it has come to... Dr. Weil as the ruler of Neo Arcadia... Zero : Those humans haven't been told a thing... No, that's not it. They haven't tried to learn a thing... Ciel : Lives with plenty of food and comfort... People have stopped bothering to think with their heads... There may still be some people who want to do something. If we could somehow let those kinds of people know what Dr. Weil is really thinking... We might be able to change Neo Arcadia. Operator : Who is this Dr. Weil, anyway? What has he been doing since he reappeared? If you can gather some information... We might be able to analyze it to determine where he is presently, and what he's been doing until now. Zero : Okay. Where do I need to go? Just tell me... Ciel : Yes, but first... I'll save our data. :: (YES) Operator : We've isolated locations for you to gather information. Select a mission? :: (YES) Displaying the available missions: [far left] AREA: ENERGY FACILITY BOSS: CUBIT FOXTAR MISSION: SEARCH FACILITY [middle left] AREA: SNOWY PLAINS BOSS: GLACIER LE CACTANK MISSION: RETRIEVE DATA [middle right] AREA: SUNKEN LIBRARY BOSS: VOLTEEL BIBLIO MISSION: RETRIEVE DATA FILE [far right] AREA: GIANT ELEVATOR BOSS: TRETISTA KELVERIAN MISSION: SEARCH FACILITY ______________________________________________________________________________ Energy Facility ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Operator : This is a Neo Arcadian energy plant. It is currently shut. What is so important that they had to shut down the plant in the middle of an energy crisis? The place was shut down around the time Weil appeared, so it bears investigation. Can you investigate? :: (YES) Operator : The facility's core has not yet been activated. We'll need to activate the core and reestablish facility operations to get into the deeper areas. [Zero arrives at the end of the level.] Zero : What's this? [Foxtar teleports in.] Foxtar : Teeheehee... Hey! You weren't supposed to see this place. Zero : ... Foxtar : This is a Dark Elf copy factory. We've got copies of the Dark Elf sleeping here. In other words, Baby Elves. We had the factory sealed off so nobody'd get suspicious. Now you've done it! I'll have to ensure you remain silent about this...... For-e-ver! [Foxtar transforms into his (not 'her' - props to Ryushikaze and co. for correcting me on this little fact) robot form.] Foxtar : I am Cubit Foxtar, member of Weil's Numbers! I'll make sure you never talk again! [They battle. Zero wins.] Foxtar : If I am defeated, this room will cease functioning, and the copies will all die... There will be no proof. Nobody will know the truth. And anyway... We don't actually need the Baby Elves. The Dark Elf alone will be enough to take care of the Reploids... I can already see it... The shining future, the new world Lord Weil is about to create... And I see...you, wallowing in the depths of despair! Teeheeheeeeeee! [Foxtar explodes. Zero teleports out.] Ciel : Welcome back, Zero. It appears that Weil was attempting to mass-produce Baby Elves at that factory. But I wonder... What was he planning on doing with all those Baby Elves? ______________________________________________________________________________ Snowy Plains ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Operator : Containers have fallen out of a space ship, which fell onto snowy plains. It is possible that they contain data about Omega or Weil. We sent a scouting party, but the Neo Arcadian forces are too strong, and they cannot pass. We would like you to reinforce them, and retrieve the data. Do you accept? :: (YES) R-Soldier: Ah, Mr. Zero! The enemy is waiting in ambush up ahead... There's no way we can break through. Mr. Zero, if you can make an opening, we'll follow you. [Zero arrives at the end of the level.] Zero : Is that it? [Le Cactank teleports in.] Le Cactank: Hah! That container was on Omega's ship. So you see, it's ours. Has the legendary hero stooped to thievery? How deplorable. As King of the Snow Plains, I do hereby judge your crime. [Le Cactank transforms into his robot form.] Le Cactank: I, Glacier Le Cactank, of Weil's Numbers, have reached a verdict. The punishment for thievery is death! [They battle. Zero wins.] Le Cactank: Oh...my... Not stopping at thievery, you also defy Lord Weil!? Lord Weil's new order will issue judgment upon you! Arrrrgh! [Le Cactank explodes.] R-Soldier: We've discovered data inside the container! Mr. Zero! We've recorded all of the data! I will continue searching for more data. Operator : Mission completed. Commencing transfer. [Zero teleports out.] Ciel : Zero... Thank you. I'm analyzing all of the data you recovered for us. We may be able to figure out what Weil is attempting to do, by analyzing past data. I'll do my best. ______________________________________________________________________________ Giant Elevator ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Operator : Neo Arcadia has completed a giant elevator. We do not know its purpose. They are bringing something up from deep underground. Can you investigate? :: (YES) [Zero meets Kelverian at the end of the level.] Kelverian: Grrr... So you're Zerrooo? You're so tiny, I almost stepped on yah! My name is Tretista Kelverian, of Weil's Numbers. Your neck is so tiny... I'll snap it with one chomp! Grrrrrrr! [They battle. Zero wins.] Kelverian: Huh? Zero... Where did you go? I don't see you... And my whole body hurts... Ouch... Oouuuch! Gaarrrwwwrrr! [Kelverian explodes. Zero teleports out.] Ciel : Thank you, Zero. It looks like that elevator was being used to carry mass amounts of E-Crystals. But, I wonder... What was Weil up to with all that energy? ______________________________________________________________________________ Sunken Library ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Operator : The ruins of an ancient library have been found. It's completely soaked inside, but there may still be some data around. We'd like you to search for data on Weil or Omega. Do you accept? :: (YES) Operator : First, please go to the Data Room. That room has the highest probability of containing information about Weil and Omega. [Zero reaches the Data Room.] Operator : This is the Data Room. Please search for information on Weil in that console. After searching, the data's location will be displayed. Please go to that area, and recover the data. [Push Up on +Control Pad.] Zero : Four matches... Weil, Omega, Dark Elf, Elf Wars... Specify search data. > Dr. Weil Omega Dark Elf Elf Wars [Zero gathers the data from the libraries.] [You got Weil's data!] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ File #650326 == Dr. Weil == From Neo Arcadia... Creator of Omega... Altered the Mother Elf, sparking the Elf Wars... Banished from Neo Arcadia after the Elf Wars... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zero : If we can analyze this data, we might be able to find some new information about Weil... [You got Omega's data!] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ File #815156 == Omega == The ultimate Reploid, created by Dr. Weil... Possesses incredible power when combined with the Dark Elf. Banished to outer space to avoid another Elf War... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zero : If we can analyze this data, we might find something new about Omega... [You got the Dark Elf data!] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ File #351848 == Dark Elf== Officially known as the "Mother Elf." Creator unknown. This Cyber-elf was originally created for the purpose of restoring Maverick Programs to their original state... But the Mother Elf was altered by Dr. Weil so she could be used to manipulate Reploids, by freely rewriting programs. Although the organized fighting of the Reploids manipulated by the altered Dark Elf did end the wars, this terrible power was sealed off to prevent misuse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zero : So, the Dark Elf... What's going on? ... If we can analyze this data, we might be able to find out something new about her... [You got the Elf Wars data!] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ File #945388 == Elf Wars == .........end of the.........Wars......Cyber-elves.......used.............from this.............................................Elf Wars.................... ....the us........................."Dark Elf," and copies.................... .................amplify the power..............while........................ at will.............the worst....in.......................................... .........the war.....end...............Approximately 90%..................... .......................wiped..... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ciel : Zero? It looks like that data is corrupt. I think we may be able to repair it at the base. Thank you... Zero... [Immediately after Zero collects the fourth disk, Biblio teleports in.] Biblio : Who dares intrude upon my territory? ...Ze-Zero! Heheh! So, it's you! Heheh! [Biblio transforms into his robot form.] Biblio : I am Volteel Biblio, of Weil's Numbers. What is that you've got there? Give that data back! Nooowww! [They battle. Zero wins.] Biblio : What's up with you! You're opposing Lord Weil?! Aren't you afraid of him?! You...you're crazy! Aaaaaarrrggghhh!!! [Biblio explodes. Zero teleports out.] Ciel : Zero... Thank you. I'm analyzing all of the data you recovered for us. We may be able to figure out what Weil is attempting to do, by analyzing past data. I'll do my best. ______________________________________________________________________________ The Resistance Base (part 4) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Operator : And...there. We've just finished inputting the data recovered so far. Now, to begin the analysis. Ciel : Thanks to Zero, we've collected much information. It will take some time to analyze the data, so for now... I'll save our data. :: (YES) Oh yes, that reminds me. Cerveau told me that Harpuia's condition has improved a lot. Why don't you go pay your respects? [Zero visits Harpuia in the maintenance room, who's now standing upright.] Zero : Can you stand up already? Wow, Harpuia, you're hard to keep down... [Zero walks a bit closer to Harpuia.] Harpuia : What are you up to? Why did you rescue me? Do you expect some favor in return? Zero : Perhaps. [Cerveau enters the scene.] Cerveau : Oh, you're awake. How do you feel? Harpuia : Horrible. Just the thought of being helped by you makes me nauseous. Stripped of my position, and driven out of Neo Arcadia. I'm used goods... Cerveau : That's not true. You just stood up for your beliefs, just like we do. You've made no mistakes. Harpuia : My beliefs... I can't sit back any longer... We must protect the humans from Weil. We have to stop him immediately. That... that... Weil!!! Cerveau : Wait! Your wounds are not fully healed yet! Harpuia : I am a warrior, born to protect humans. I am a proud warrior of Neo Arcadia! I don't need any help! Even if my body should fall into ruin... I will still gladly fight for humanity! [Harpuia teleports out.] Cerveau : So... Harpuia refuses to go with us. Zero : ... Operator : Mr. Zero... Come to the commander's room immediately. Cerveau : They sure run you ragged, don't they, Zero. Zero : I'll be back later. [Zero dashes back to the command room, leaving Cerveau to contemplate.] Cerveau : Zero... Harpuia...'t you dare die... [Scene: Zero at the command room.] Operator : Information analysis is complete. Ms. Ciel will report on what we've found. Ciel : Zero... I'm sorry. You gathered a lot of information for us, but... We still do not know where Weil is. But we have figured out what he might be attempting to do. Before we talk about Weil... I'll open the data file for the Elf Wars that you found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ File #945388 == Elf Wars == Near the end of the Maverick Wars, many Cyber-elves were used... The period from this time until the end of the fighting is referred to as the Elf Wars, as a result. In particular, the use of the gigantic elf known as the "Dark Elf," and copies of this elf, known as "Baby Elves," to amplify the power of the Reploids... while controlling said Reploids at will... made this the worst war in recorded history... While use of the Dark Elf brought the war to an end in four years... Approximately 90% of all Reploids, and 60% of all humans were wiped out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ciel : The technology used at this time...... the technology of using Baby Elves to control Reploids. This must be what Weil is attempting to use again. I'm sure that what Zero saw at the Dark Elf copy factory, was machinery prepared for just this purpose. Operator : ... Hehehehe... Excellent detective work, Dr. Ciel. Ciel : What? Operator : Unfortunately...... you were a little too late. Zero : Is that Dr. Weil?! Dr. Weil : Hehehe... This time, Omega is absolutely perfect. I can now manipulate all the Reploids on the planet, without using the Baby Elves, and make them do whatever I want! Hehehehe... Time to start, Omega. Now you will see, pitiful humans, what you get for banishing Dr. Weil! Taste the fear... Foolish Reploids, who banished me! Inscribe my name upon this world... The name of your new ruler! That name is Dr. Weil. The entire world is in my hands... I have the power to crush it between my fingers at any time! Operator : Heheheheheee... Bwahahahahah! Ciel : No! [A Resistance soldier comes from the right and aims his gun at them.] R-Soldier: Rrr...grrph... Ciel : This can't be happening! [And another one from the left.] R-Soldier: A new world... A new order... History is once again in motion... Zero : Ciel! Back! [More Resistance soldiers pour into the command room.] Ciel : Zero?! R-Soldier: Inscribe it upon the world... The name of our ruler... Weil! Weil! Weil! Weil! Weil! Weil! Weil! Weil! Weil! X : Both of you, freeze! [X floats from above, stands in the middle of the room, and flashes. Within a moment, every Resistance soldier in the vicinity drops back to the ground.] Ciel : Argh! X : It's okay. They're just unconscious. All I did was disable the power of the Dark Elf. But my current power can only protect those at this base. Zero : Took you long enough, X. Where's Weil? X : In Neo Arcadia's underground power system... "Sub Arcadia"! Omega is there too, transmitting the power of the Dark Elf around the world. Zero : Apparently... X and I are the only ones who can move around freely. X. Tell us the coordinates for Sub Arcadia. X : So you plan on fighting against Omega? Zero : Yes... Why? X : Nothing, I'm sure you'll be fine... Be careful, Zero. [X returns to his elf form and floats away...] Operator : I... I've verified the coordinates for Sub Arcadia on the transfer device. Zero : Transfer me. Operator : Roger. All personnel, prepare for transfer. Preparations for transfer complete. Transfer! [Zero teleports out.] Ciel : Zero... Come back safely... ______________________________________________________________________________ Sub Arcadia ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [Zero enters the teleporter at Sub Arcadia - Cyber Space.] Phantom : I never thought I would meet you again in this world. If, thanks to Omega and his ilk, the portal to Cyberspace has been opened, then fate is truly an ironic thing. Zero : Phantom...one of the Four Guardians of Neo Arcadia! But... I defeated you... Phantom : This is a shadow world, where both Reploid souls and Cyber-elves live. After you defeated me, I became a mere soul, and somehow drifted back to Cyberspace. This space, where all data flows in the end... And there I learned all truths. About Omega... The Dark Elf... And you, Zero... That's right. Everything. Zero : So...what's your point? Phantom : Exactly this. You never had what it takes to be a hero. I can't stand to look at you. Now it is time for your deletion, by my hand! [They battle. Zero wins.] Phantom : *gasp* You truly did... have the soul of a hero... Go... Cross blades with Omega, and show what that body can do! Will your blade flinch after you know the truth? Do you have what it takes...to be a hero? You must be the one to determine that! [Phantom disappears with a poof of smoke. Zero exits Cyberspace and continues to the end of the level.] Zero : Dr. Weil! Dr. Weil : Heheheheheee... How gallant you are, Zero. To play hero, all by yourself! All the Reploids in the entire world are now under my power. Humans are like pigs, dependent upon the Reploids for their very existence... You do realize, don't you, that if I feel like it, I could wipe all humans out in the blink of an eye? [Zero tries to confront him, but Dr. Weil teleports out.] Dr. Weil : Crea! Prea! Do with this one as you please! I've got some pig squeals to enjoy. The squeals of my insolent pigs, wasting their pitiful lives in idle pursuits. Would you like to know who rules this world?! Heheheheheee... Bwahahahahah! Crea : He's back! The bad Reploid! Prea : He's back! The fake Reploid! Crea : I'll rip you to pieces! Prea : I'll tear you to shreds! [They battle. Zero wins.] Crea : Prea, there's something wrong... Prea : Yes Crea, there's something wrong... Crea : I feel like I'm being stabbed with pins and needles... Prea : I feel like I'm being smashed with clubs and hammers... Mi...meeeeeee! [The two Baby Elves dissipate with a sparkle.] Ciel : Zero, are you all right? I just received some new information from X. Come back to the Resistance Base. Zero : Understood. Transfer me. [Zero teleports out.] ______________________________________________________________________________ The Resistance Base (part 5) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Ciel : Zero, it's great to see you back safe. X just sent us some new coordinates. Apparently, they indicate where Weil and Omega are. This may be the last battle... Come talk to me when you are ready. Operator : Coordinate data obtained from Original X...... has been input completely. Ciel : The coordinates lead to an abandoned research lab. According to our records, this is where Weil used to carry out his research. It's right next to the place where you were sleeping, Zero. Zero : Weil and Omega are there, aren't they. Ciel : Zero... Be careful... Zero : I will. Operator... Is everything ready? Operator : You can go at any time, Mr. Zero. Are you ready? :: (YES) Ciel : Zerrroooo! ______________________________________________________________________________ The Final Battle ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [As usual, Zero fights the eight bosses he has beaten already, before continuing into the final battle.] ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Inarabitta: You dunderhead! Lord Weil's ideals were set in motion a century ago! Who are you to complain now! Get with the times! Do you wanna get left behind? --- *ooph!* You can hurry as fast as you want... But you'll never catch up with a history that has already passed you by... You'll be trailing behind Lord Weil forever! *grimace* Arrrggh! ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Schilt : You sure are a boisterous lout. Knock quietly next time. Where are your manners? You have no right to live in this new world. So I'll see that you don't! --- Kekeke... You silly......inconsiderate..barbarian! Your type won't survive in the new world that's coming! Kekeke...kekeeee! ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Flizard : Yaaaaah! I love Lord Weil's new world! So hot! I won't let you get in the way! I'll turn you to ashes! --- Yaah...hot...so hot! I hope you writhe in pain, alone in the new world! Yaahaaah! ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Mantisk : What's the use of century-old junk in this new world? I'll cut you down and send you off to the deadlands! Chikachikachika! --- How could I, the newest and the greatest, lose to a century-old piece of junk?! Impossible... No, I don't want to die. I don't want to die! Chikachikaaaaa! ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Foxtar : What are you doing in a place like this, little boy? It's your bedtime... You mustn't see the world that lies ahead, little boy. You mustn't survive to see it! --- Arrgh... No need to throw a temper tantrum... All your struggles will be in vain. That's right. You're no hero. And you're no God of Destruction, either. There's...nothing...you...can...do... Arrrrrgh! ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Le Cactank: Hah! First thievery, now unlawful entry! How outrageous! There is no mercy for those who disrupt the order! I sentence you to death! --- What is this? You dare to defy my judgment?! Lord Weil...strike down this foolish one! Ugghhh!!! ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Kelverian : I am the guard dog of Hades! Lord Weil instructed me not to let you in. I'll bite you to chunks! Come and get it! --- H-how did this happen? Why can't I bite you to chunks? Why do I hurt all over again? Ouch. Ouch. Ouuuuuch!!! Grrauwruurrrr! ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Biblio : Hehehehe! So you're back! Back again, ready to be broken! Hehehe! I'll do it, I don't mind! --- Hehe...he... You broke me! But you won't be able to break Omega! I guarantee that! Heheheheheheeee! *groan* ______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [After all that, Zero finally makes it to the final area. In the background is a huge helmet-shaped computer, with Dr. Weil talking through it.] Dr. Weil : Hehehehe... Having fun playing the hero, Zero? Hmmm? Zero : You do understand, don't you, that I have no time for your petty games? So let's finish this for once and for all, shall we? Dr. Weil : Hehehehe... How pitiful. Of course, a Reploid like you would never understand. The joy of ruling all that you see... Only a human could possibly understand! Zero : A...human? Dr. Weil : That's right! I'm a bona fide human. The creator of Reploids... A human being! Zero : ... Dr. Weil : The desire for power. The joy of making everything work for you. You have no way of experiencing this without a human brain. It's the ultimate joy! No mere Reploid could ever understand! Zero : I bet most decent humans wouldn't understand, either. You look just like another Maverick, to me. All I gotta do is dispose of you like any other Maverick. Dr. Weil : Hehehehe... Good, good! An excellent speech, Zero! You must feel great, right?! [Omega teleports in.] Omega : Oh, oh ho, Zeeerroo! Dr. Weil : You were a fun guy, Zero! I'd like to play some more, but it's time we parted. I have some more fun surprises left in store for you... Enjoy them to the last, Zero! [Omega and Zero battle. Zero wins.] Omega : Grrr... Rarwrarr! Dr. Weil : Hehehe... Not bad, Zero. But Omega's true power is much greater than you've been led to expect. Go get him, Omega! Release the power of the Dark Elf!!! Omega : GrrrrrrRRRRRAAWRR!!! [Omega sinks beneath the ground and causes a massive explosion as he transforms into his more colossal form. They battle. Zero wins. The floor collapses, and Zero drops into a familiar environment.] Zero : What is this place? [Zero undergoes a flashback.] Zero : This is where I was sleeping... Dr. Weil : Hehehehehe! Excellent, Zero! Your power is extraordinary, for a mere fake. Zero : Fake?! [And there was another flash of light. Omega reappears... but this time he looks like Zero. Or rather, Zero looks like him.] Dr. Weil : Hehehehe... You, the legendary Reploid? You fool! Those Resistance losers just decided to call the Reploid they found here "Zero" for some reason... You may be Zero, in a way, but you are still merely a copy. You're no legendary hero at all. You're just a reproduction! Hehehehe... You thought you were a hero all along, didn't you! Never suspecting that you were a mere copy. What a joke! Omega himself is the one and only, original Zero! You're just a copy of him! Zero : The original Zero... Why is he your slave, then? Dr. Weil : Hmph! He's a bloodthirsty God of Destruction, all I did was upgrade him to draw out all his power! All right, Omega......or should I say "Original Zero"! Time to wake this pitiful fake from a century-long dream! [Omega and Zero battle. Zero wins. Omega is kneeling on the ground, seriously injured. The Dark Elf comes out and starts sprinkling stuff all over him.] Zero : You plan to... reactivate Omega? [Zero dashes in to foil its plan, but it's no use: the Dark Elf has set him up the barrier to stop any attack from him. This hurt Zero so much that he's also kneeling on the ground while Omega is being healed.] Zero : *gulp!* Dr. Weil : Hehehe... Watch, but don't interfere. Don't forget... I hold the lives of all humans and Reploids in my hand! Zero : Erk! [Omega stands up, but before it could move forward to finish Zero, Harpuia teleports in and nails a few attacks on Omega. Afterwards, Harpuia was also repelled by the Dark Elf's barrier.] Harpuia : Zero! What are you doing?! Hurry, stand up!!! [Fefnir also appears and connects a volley of fireballs at Omega.] Fefnir : Hey! I'm here to get a little payback, Omega! [And last but not the least, Leviathan lands from above and drives her harpoon through Omega a few times before the barrier deflected her.] Leviathan : Time to straighten the record! Zero : You guys! Harpuia : Weil is trying to bluff you... He can't do anything in his current state. Dr. Weil : Argh! Dark Elf! Shut them up! Dark Elf : Zeeeerroooo! Omega : What is it, Dark Elf?! [The Dark Elf starts to pulsate rapidly between violet and white, while X appears and hovers above Zero.] X : Her... The Dark Elf's curse is fading... Dr. Weil : Who's that! X?! X : That's right, Weil. Just like a century ago... I worked with Zero to defeat this Omega then... And we saved the world from your greedy clutches. Zero : Just like...a century ago? X : The defeated Omega is using your original body. That's all... Your current body may be a copy... But your heart is the real thing. All right, now's the time. While the Dark Elf's power is weak. Time to finish what you started a century ago, Zero! Dr. Weil : Zero, don't do it!!! That's your original body! Don't you feel any attachment?! Are you really prepared to spend the rest of your life in that cheap fake?! X : You can do it. You know what's truly important. Go on, Zero! [Zero proceeds to destroy Omega, and in the process of doing so, his original body as well. Omega explodes and fills the screen with white light.] ??? : Ze...ro... Zero... Wake up... Zero... [X hovers above Zero's sleeping form.] X : Can you hear me, Zero? My energy is almost all spent. I can't... stay in this world... much longer. Zero... I want to leave this world in your care. The threat Weil represents has not left this world. I want you...to protect humans and Reploids. Ze...ro... You can do it... You...can... [It was a flashback. At the present moment, Ciel, Cervaeu, and the Resistance soldiers have gathered around the spot Zero's sleeping, and are trying to wake him up.] Ciel : Zero, wake up! Zero! Ah, what a relief! I was so worried about you... R-Soldier: Mr. Zero! You've regained consciousness! What a relief... Hey! Everyone! Mr. Zero is awake! He's all right! Yahooo!!! Zero : Where is this...the Resistance Base? Who could have...? Dark Elf : Zerrroooo... [The Dark Elf is of a milkish color now, and is floating right above them.] Zero : Dark Elf? Wait, no. You are... Cerveau : She brought you back here. Dark Elf : Ze...ro... Ciel : What a warm, gentle light... Zero : Mother Elf... Has Weil's curse been broken? [The Mother Elf floats away.] Zero : Shouldn't we follow her? Ciel : She's finally free. There's still Weil, but let's let her go in peace for now. [Ciel pauses for a moment, then resumes speaking.] Ciel : X told me about you, Zero. Zero : Really... Ciel : I know you're not worried about a thing, but... Zero : ? Ciel : Even if your body is a copy... As long as your heart is your own, you are Zero. The one and only, Zero... Zero : Ciel... Thank you. Ciel : Ze-Zero! Zero : It's just me... I am...... Zero. >> THE END STAFF DIRECTOR Ryota Ito Yoshinori Kawano GAME DESIGNER Yoshihisa Tsuda CHARACTER DESIGNER Toru Nakayama CHARACTER STAFF Masaya Suzuki Akihiro Notsu Yukimasa Tamura Rie Oonishi Studio A-Cat Kenichiro Sakuno Masako Tanaka Takahiko Kimura Toshihiro Honda Kazunori Yahata BACKROUND DESIGNERS Makoto Yabe Satoru Narita Hidetaka Katsuki Hiroyuki Tamura PROGRAMMERS Kazutaka Yanagisawa Akihiro Shisido Gen Kamada SOUND PRODUCTION SOUND DESIGNER / MUSIC Ippo Yamada MUSIC Masaki Suzuki Tsutomu Kurihara Luna Umegaki VOICE CAST Yuto Kazama Rie Tanaka Hiroaki Miura Yukiko Hirotsu Hideki Ogihara Keiji Hirai Naoki Yanagi Hiro'omi Sugino Munehiro Tokita Hisao Egawa Megumi Ogata Kazuya Nakai Tetsu Inada Yuka Imai Jun'ichi Suwabe PACKAGE DESIGNER Misuho Toyonaga GAME TESTERS Akinori Murata Masahiro Ikegawa Takahiro Tokuda Seishaku Takayama DEBUGGING TEAM Kunishige Matsubara Tetsunori Matsuoka Mako Fujimoto Hideki Tanaka Kenji Miyanishi Noriko Kamikawa Takaya Kondo Masayasu Mukai SPECIAL THANKS Kunihito Takashima Shinya Ikuta Satoshi Ukai Shigeyoshi Kobayashi Mitsunori Sakano Daisuke Sasaki Takayuki Sano Tetsuya Takagi Makoto Tomozawa Hiroko Nakamura Asuka Hayashi Takeshi Horinuchi Naoto Minamide Aoni Production Kazushi Kisen Holy Peak Aksent Dramatic Department T's Factory Crysta J&L Studio Riverside Music Takehiro Kawabe Aki Tatsuno ENTIRE INTI STAFF ENTIRE CAPCOM STAFF PRODUCERS Takuya Aizu Keiji Inafune PRODUCED AND COPYRIGHT BY Capcom Thank you for playing! ____________ Secret Disks\_________________________________________________________________ Note: This is what the Secret Disks say as you look at them in their 'empty' state using Cerveau's Secret Disk analyzer. I believe the quotes are slightly different if you read them right after finishing the stage you found them, but I'm currently too lazy to replay the game and check. =/ #001 AUTO-CHARGE (Head Chip) Automatic Charge to your weapon. #002 AUTO-RECOVER (Head Chip) Automatic recovery of vitality. #003 QUICK-CHARGE (Head Chip) Boosts your charge spd. #004 FROG (Foot Chip) Slide slower down walls. #005 SPLASH JUMP (Foot Chip) Jump on water. #006 ULTIMA FOOT (Foot Chip) Can use all Foot Chip traits. #007 FILE A The beast-like Mutos Reploids defend the human race. #008 FILE B Neo Arcadia is a utopia of peace without any Mavericks. #009 FILE C Cyber-elves are smart programs for helping man and Reploid. #010 FILE D Weil altered the Mother Elf, starting the Elf Wars. #011 FILE E Pantheon are degraded, massproduced Reploid copies of X. #012 FILE F Maverick Reploids fated to die formed the Resistance. #013 FILE G Cyber-elf X was once the original X, but now he has no body. #014 FILE H The Four Guardians are Reploids made from DNA of X. #015 FILE I Elpizo was a Neo Arcadian Reploid that was seduced by Dark Elf. #016 FILE J Dark Elf was Mother Elf before Dr. Weil altered her. #017 FILE K Omega was made by Dr. Weil, but was banished to space. #018 FILE L Use of Dark Elf made the Elf Wars terribly tragic. #019 FILE M A Maverick now means somebody who fights Neo Arcadia. #020 FILE N The Sigma virus turned Reploids into Mavericks. #021 A Cyber-elf Martina was inside. #022 A Cyber-elf Milvy was inside. #023 A Cyber-elf Elphy was inside. #024 A Cyber-elf Sylphy was inside. #025 A Cyber-elf Rilphy was inside. #026 A Cyber-elf Artan was inside. #027 A Cyber-elf Zictan was inside. #028 A Cyber-elf Mott was inside. #029 A Cyber-elf Dott was inside. #030 A Cyber-elf Curiph was inside. #031 A Cyber-elf Luriph was inside. #032 A Cyber-elf Suriph was inside. #033 A Cyber-elf Tiriph was inside. #034 A Cyber-elf Yuriph was inside. #035 A Cyber-elf Beriph was inside. #036 A Cyber-elf Wiliph was inside. #037 A Cyber-elf Cyliph was inside. #038 A Cyber-elf Snoq was inside. #039 A Cyber-elf Mathiq was inside. #040 A Cyber-elf Miyaq was inside. #041 A Cyber-elf Ajiq was inside. #042 A Cyber-elf Dobuq was inside. #043 A Cyber-elf Mulaq was inside. #044 A Cyber-elf Mailla was inside. #045 A Cyber-elf Miulla was inside. #046 A Cyber-elf Cloppe was inside. #047 A Cyber-elf Sloppe was inside. #048 A Cyber-elf Putite was inside. #049 A Cyber-elf Balette was inside. #050 A Cyber-elf Maya was inside. #051 A Cyber-elf Kwappa was inside. #052 A Cyber-elf Gambul was inside. #053 A Cyber-elf Biraid was inside. #054 A Cyber-elf Birleaf was inside. #055 A Cyber-elf Pitapah was inside. #056 A Cyber-elf Pitapuh was inside. #057 A Cyber-elf Beetack was inside. #058 A Cyber-elf Beenipe was inside. #059 A Cyber-elf Archim was inside. #060 A Cyber-elf Archil was inside. #061 A Cyber-elf Byse was inside. #062 A Cyber-elf Dylphina was inside. #063 A Cyber-elf Lizetus was inside. #064 A Cyber-elf Cottus was inside. #065 A Cyber-elf Shuthas was inside. #066 A Cyber-elf Malthas was inside. #067 A Cyber-elf Ilethas was inside. #068 A Cyber-elf Enethas was inside. #069 A Cyber-elf Busras was inside. #070 A Cyber-elf Sabras was inside. #071 A Cyber-elf Roderas was inside. #072 A Cyber-elf Boomeras was inside. #073 A Cyber-elf Clokkle was inside. #074 A Cyber-elf Metoras was inside. #075 A Cyber-elf Metorika was inside. #076 A Cyber-elf Metorph was inside. #077 A Cyber-elf Metella was inside. #078 A Cyber-elf Meterom was inside. #079 A Cyber-elf Kynite was inside. #080 A Cyber-elf Surnite was inside. #081 A Cyber-elf Tenite was inside. #082 A Cyber-elf Stopalla was inside. #083 A Cyber-elf Stopina was inside. #084 A Cyber-elf Stopule was inside. #085 A Cyber-elf Stopeta was inside. #086 A Cyber-elf Stoposa was inside. #087 A Cyber-elf Hanmarga was inside. #088 A Cyber-elf Hanmarji was inside. #089 A Cyber-elf Hanmarbo was inside. #090 A Cyber-elf Aina was inside. #091 A Cyber-elf Acooi was inside. #092 A Cyber-elf Achoon was inside. #093 A Cyber-elf Anater was inside. #094 A Cyber-elf Awarne was inside. #095 80 E-Crystals were inside. #096 100 E-Crystals were inside. #097 200 E-Crystals were inside. #098 150 E-Crystals were inside. #099 40 E-Crystals were inside. #100 100 E-Crystals were inside. #101 100 E-Crystals were inside. #102 50 E-Crystals were inside. #103 80 E-Crystals were inside. #104 100 E-Crystals were inside. #105 100 E-Crystals were inside. #106 40 E-Crystals were inside. #107 500 E-Crystals were inside. #108 100 E-Crystals were inside. #109 100 E-Crystals were inside. #110 100 E-Crystals were inside. #111 Omega This Reploid has a the [sic] signature of Dark Elf. #112 D. Mantisk Uses scythes to dispose of old Reploids. #113 C. Inarbitta Can become small to boost speed. #114 B. Flizard This lizard can detach his tail and frill. #115 H. Schilt Attacks with small bat drones from his cape. #116 Crea A blue Baby Elf named by Alouette. #117 Prea A red Baby Elf named by Alouette. #118 Anubis Necromncss V Jackal 'loid revived by Dr. Weil. #119 Hanumachine R Monkey 'loid revived by Dr. Weil. #120 B. Stagrff R Elk Reploid revived by Dr. Weil. #121 Copy X MK. II A revised Copy X revived by Dr. Weil. #122 T. Kelverian Can detach the 2 heads on his shoulders. #123 Glacier Le Cactank Swings chained arms around. #124 Cubit Foxtar Fox Reploid that uses 9 remotes. #125 Volteel Biblio Eel Reploid that uses electricity. #126 P. Hunter Carries a 3 shot gun. #127 P. Guardian Carries an electric club. #128 P. Aqua Shoots a harpoon from its arm. #129 P. Fist Punches when close. #130 P. Base Rides a hovercraft, uses hammer. #131 Deathlock Mechaniloid made from old parts. #132 Gyro Cannon Floats up with a propeller. #133 Grand Cannon A cannon made for frozen terrain. #134 Tile Cannon A cannon that hides in walls. #135 P. Cannon A cannon that attacks from poles. #136 Heavy Cannon Shoots a one-ton cannonball. #137 C. Cannon Shoots 2 shots from a capsule. #138 G. Cannon Creates small Mechaniloids. #139 Eye Cannon Spots intruders and attacks. #140 Shrimpolin This foe can move quickly in sand or snow. #141 Volcaire Stores lava inside body then splits in mid-air. #142 Claveker This foe shoots from ceilings. #143 Petatria Revives if eye is not attacked. #144 Shotloid Shoots while moving in small steps. #145 Seimeran This plant Mechaniloid smells nice. #146 Lamplort Mechaniloid made to cook fish. #147 Lemingles 4 mouse-like Mechaniloids in a group. #148 Cattatank Guards with shield then punches. #149 Top Gabyoall Patrols floors and walls. #150 Snakecord Hangs from ceilings and bites when separated. #151 Gallisni Appears when alarm is tripped. #152 Crossbyne Shoots 4-way bullets and warps. #153 Flopper Explodes, damaging close units. #154 PurpleNerple This foe has a bomb underneath. #155 Mothjiro Congregates near light. #156 Batring Repels any attack when wings close. #157 Mellnet A bee-type Mechaniloid that stings. #158 Shotcounter Can block frontal attacks. #159 Sharkseal X A shark-type Mechaniloid that bites. #160 Shelluno Attacks from behind its target. #161 Icebon Produces ice underwater. #162 Shellcrawler Runs when it loses its shell. #163 Cannonhopper Shoots from ceilings and floors. #164 Weil Scientist who created Reploids. #165 Ciel Researcher specializing in energy. #166 Cerveau Engineer who makes Zero's weapons. #167 Andrew Old Reploid who likes to talk a lot. #168 Alouette Treasures a doll Ciel gave her. #169 Hibou This hungry Reploid eats E-Crystals. #170 Rocinolle Helps with wounded Reploids. #171 Perroquiet A brilliant assistant to Ciel. #172 Autruche A tall Reploid known for his dull speeches. #173 Hirondelle Flies around and gathers information. #174 Doigt Cerveau's helper and weaponmaker. #175 Menart A mischief-maker who plays hooky. #176 Pic A cynical Reploid who makes snide comments. #177 Harpuia The shrewd Green Lord leads the Rekku Army. #178 Fefnir The fierce Red Lord leads the Jin'en Army. #179 Leviathan The sly Blue Lord leads the Meikai Army. #180 Phantom The evil dark Lord leads the Zan'ei Army. ______________ Special Thanks\_______________________________________________________________ - CJayC, for creating GameFAQs, being a great and kind admin, and maintaining the greatest boards in all of the Internet (especially LUE!). - Capcom, for yet adding another masterpiece to the Zero series. I wonder what Mr. Inafune feeds his employees... - The people of GameFAQs World: Philippines, for well... uh... being there! :) - God, for being me so many blessings in life, although I can't help but keep asking for more, you still give it! You're da man...er, deity! ^_^ - DominicanZero for making such a kickass FAQ that helped me a whole lot in the game. - Sakura 26, for that MMZ character list. Great job, Sakura! Now make sure that site stands for the next few years... - Paromin, for patrolling the MMZ boards and shooting down the stupid theories as they come up. - Ryushikaze and the other folks at the MMZ boards, for pointing out that contrary to popular opinion, Foxtar (as well as the rest of Weil's Numbers) is actually male. - Lorenzo Endencio, the fat guy sitting next to me while typing this. =D For now, that's it -- thanks for reading this stuff I wrote. Good day to y'all! ______________________________________© Copyright 2004-2005 Aaron Paul Madriñan