------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- [ METAL SLUG FAQ/WALKTHROUGH]---------------------- ---------------------------------[by Ice Queen Zero]--------------------------- ------------------------------------[ Neo Geo CD]------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o---------------------o STORY o---------------------o 20XX A.D. After years of preparation, General Morden begins his coup d'etat to seize control of the world from its current leaders. With his blitzkrieg of insurgency carried out by his forces and the support of effective sympathizers propping him up throughout the world, the major cities of the world fall into his grip within a mere week after Morden gave the order to attack and lose all capabilities to resist. The world is lost in a collective bat of the eye. In the face of the General's revolt, a small band of survivors from the quickly overrun Government Forces begin to form a resistance and struggle to rebuild their troop strength while biding their time til the opportunity to stop Morden arrives. Then, disaster strikes. The secret factory of the resistance shatters into pieces with a deafening blast. An attack by the General's revolutionary forces! They have finally been discovered! This truly lops off the head of the resist- ance's vanguard force that still lack sufficient military strength, and leaves a number of new, all-purpose METAL SLUG tank prototypes smoldering in the ruins or ready to fall into enemy hands. There can be no hesitation now. The Special Forces Squad Peregrine Falcons (a.k.a. PF Squad) of the Government Forces receive their orders: "Pinpoint the General's Revolutionary Force's lead position with a small unit and take it out! The stolen METAL SLUGs must be returned and kept secret or, if no other options are available be destroyed." The two soldiers selected for this mission, Marco and Tarma, know they must not fail. The battle to subdue the General waged by these two alone begins... o---------------------o WEAPONS o---------------------o H: Heavy Machine Gun - this is your most common power-up you'll find within the game. It gives you rapid-fire power of the machine gun. F: Flame Shot - the flame shot burns the enemy bad. Use this to see them catch on fire big time. S: Shotgun - the most powerful weapon in the game. It's a close range weapon that packs a serious punch and can level any enemy in only a few seconds. R: Rocket Launcher - Not as powerful as the Shotgun but it can break through a few barriers and damage the enemy. Bomb - When combat is hectic, throw one of these to even the playing field a little bit. Cannon (Metal Slug only) - This does serious damage to the enemy. o---------------------o Walkthrough o---------------------o Mission 1 Rush to the right and slay the infantrymen. Get the Heavy Machine Gun and con- tinue right and get the pig while killing more infantrymen. Soon you will see your first hostage to rescue followed by a second hostage slightly below who gives you extra Heavy Machine Gun ammo but you won't need it for long as you will soon get a Flame Shot for a few secods. Get the Heavy Machine Gun again from hostage #3 and use it to destroy the helecopter. Start moving and jumping right and shooting like crazy until you enter the Metal Slug and shoot down the hut. Destroy another helicopter with the Metal Slug this time but there is no need wait for it to destroy the hut upon crashing into it so use a cannon on the hut in the middle of the fight. Go right and destroy the danger barrell for a quick kill. Shoot down hostage #4 and save him then try to get close the tanks when you shoot them since they'll have a hard time hitting you. Wait on the left of the edge where the thrid tank was and hostage 5 and 6 come down. Continue right aslightly and shot up to rescue hostage 7 and 8. The last two hostages appear during the boss fight above.. Shoot them loose but save them later. Boss #1 Move back and forth while avoiding the bosses drop shots. For faster results, do not use cannons. Duck down next to the gun and use the bombs instead. After taking several damage, the boss will resort to using a laser beam that first hit high and it is followed by a low beam that skims across the ground. Avoid the former by ducking and avoid the latter by jumping over it or jumping onto the platform steps in reach. Go for the kill now since it won't take long. Qui- ckly rescue the last two hostages as the boss goes up in flames. Mission 1 Hostages ------------------ Seargent Major of the Army Koyama Corporal Androcles Seargent Okinu Private Iphigenia Private Lavinia Private First Class P'ei Major General Eastlake Brigader General Nakayama Master Seargent Krupskaia Private Ponomarev ------- Mission 2 Ambush the infantry and rescue the first hostage dangling above after disposing the two shielded infantrymen below. Shoot and kill the infantrymen as you jump or crawl past the electric barriers. The yellow-clad shield infantryman gives you a Flame Shot upon death. Use it to burn the infantrymen parachuting down. HA! The shields provide no protection to the infantrymen on the ground. Don't bother to get the frog before the sea infantryman shoots down part of the bri- dge. Just jump and shoot down to kill the guy and the ones after him. The hos- tage gives you a Rocket Launcher. Use it to destroy the Tan Tank for more Rocket Launcher ammo. Use it to kill the infantrymen ahead including the yellow clad one with the shield. He will drop some Bomb ammo. Shoot the boat below and ignore the Heavy Machine Gun when the boat is half-destroyed. Instead destroy the next boat and get the Rocket Launcher ammo and use it on the third boat and get the Shotgun. Now you got some real firepower. Finish off the boat. Save ammo by slicing the infantrymen first then slash the hostage free. Now start blasting the enemies away. The Tan Tank is done with two shotgun blasts. Shoot the crack between the log bridge and overpass three times to free the hostages and they will climb up to you. Time just one shot to kill the two infantrymen on the roof and free the hostage. Avoid the slow shots as they come down. Hope- fully, you got at least 11 Shotgun ammo left because that's how much it will take to destroy the big tank. Get the Heavy Machine Gun and shoot the infantry- men before they shoot rolling red bombs at you. Get inside the Metal Slug and shoot down the infantrymen and planes while you rescue four hostages in the process. You will come across two yellow-clad infantrymen who leave bomb ammo but jump out the tank and get them. Boss #2 You will confront Morden for the first time. He will be firing homing bazookas at you and in the meantime, the helicopter he rides will fire an air torpedo or drop a ton of bouncing bombs. Since there are three platforms that rise and fall, lie down while in the tank and while on the middle platform and lob bombs at the right platform and the flame from the explosion will damage the helicop- ter when it is low. This will finish the boss quickly. A couple cannons will help too. Mission 2 Hostages ------------------ Corporal Krockett Seargent Askelepios Corporal Woden Lieutenant General Oikawa Seargent Azad Private First Class Rubinsky Major General Okano Colonel Morse Private Cripps Corporal Alcmaeon Major Geneal Tyuuji Private Antigone ------- Mission 3 The general strategy here is working your way to the very top while killing every enemy in sight. But for a more detailed strategy, listen up. This level is almost like level 3 of Contra 1. As you climb, you will die if you even try to climb back down. The first hostage is at the start of the level. He gives you a Heavy Machine Gun. Hop up and hop left and kill a shielded infantryman then hop u and jump right and kill mor einfantrymen rushing in. Rescue the hostage and pick of the ones that paracute down. After defeating the helicopter the elevator comes down and you can pick off the bazooka guy on the way up. Now hop across the pit to the left and hop up and destroy the danger barrell as the barrier comes down. Shoot the up button to make it rise up then get back down in-between the enemey shots and jump across and work your way up while picking off the enemies with rolling bombs followed by the ones with mega snowballs and soon you are at the very top to face Allen. Stay as far away from Allen as possible because he can slice and kill you if you get too close with his knife. Duck down and blast him as much as possible and use a few bombs here and there. He will occassionally lob a few bombs but he should be dead before he resorts to them. With him gone, head right and save the hostage for a Rocket Launcher and pick off the drop laser tank from afar followed by lobbing a bomb to get the infantryman on the roof. Rush in and blast everything in sight and you should be getting a Shotgun soon and the hostage to rescue. Shoot the bombs to knock them down. Destroy the tan tanks and when you shoot the danger barrell, a burning infantryman will run in and blow the place up. A Metal Slug is just ahead. Take the low road and destory the tanks. Shoot the trees away and rescue the green tanks away. Finish off the last two green tanks ad move onto the boss. Boss #3 This won't be much of a fight. Squat while in the tank and lob 30 bombs into the boss as you back away from it and this fight is over. Mission 3 Hostages ------------------ Seargent First Class Pastol Corporal Gasser 2nd Lieutenant Romulus Private First Class Marinetti Private First Class Li Lieutenant Colonel Fulbright Corporal Tzu Private Strowberry ------- Mission 4 Shoot down the house and free the hostage, and rush forward and kill the infan- trymen. Rush to the house and get under the bazooka guy and shoot him from below then shoot a hole in the house. Kill the guys inside but do not destroy the Danger Barrel yet. Instead, use it to reach the Metal Slug above, free the hostage and get the monkey for points. Destroy the Danger Barrell and rush forward and kill all that are in sight. At the Danger Barrel, go up the stairs and rescue the hostage. Get out to get bombs instead of cannons. Ignore the tank below and as you move to the right shoot the cliff from underneath the tank to make it fall and shoot the tank that emerges after it. You will do this a couple more times but watch out for the grey tank where the second part is. If you lose your Metal Slug, you will get another one past the 2nd missiledozer Shoot away three cannon huts. Rush ahead and destroy all the cannons you come across carefully and you will see the boss or shall we say bosses ahead. Boss #4 They each take 13-16 bombs to destroy and it's all she wrote. Be sure to save the hostages first. Mission 4 Hostages ------------------ Brigader General Ichinose Private 'Abbas Seargent Major Adams Private Saya Private Coquelin Private First Class Ajax Private Pastolle Chief Warrant Officer Vanderbilt ????? ------- Mission 5 Rush right attacking and jumping like crazy. Rescue the first two hostages to get a Heavy Machine Gun blast everyone surrounding you. The fourth hostage gives you a needed Flame Shot. Hide behind the red car and shoot the bomb thrower and rocket thrower when safe. Destroy the green tank and two infantry- men before entering the Metal Slug above. Get the bombs from the hostage and the ones below (remember to exit the tank first). Shoot or run over the infan- trymen and soon you'll be under attack by planes launching air torpedos. If you want to save your tank, hop out of it for temporary invincibility and there is gas in case you got hit in the tank. Try to kill the helicopter before reaching the wall and when you reach the wall, avoid the missles being shot and destroy it. Some guys in a truck may try to get in the way but they are no match for you. The next part will be hell but move to the right as far as possible before losing the Metal Slug. It's best not to have it for the boss that is in front of you. Boss #5 This boss will not fall as easily as the ones before it. Stay close to the boss to avoid the missiles and drop lasers. When it "stands up", destroy the flame- thrower quickly and save the 4 hostages. Stay under the boss and finish off the boss while shooting any missiles that come at you. Mission 5 Hostages ------------------ Private Sjahrir General O'neill Seargent Kempf Seargent First Class Araki Private First Class Maubont Private Bay Colonel Autolycus Private Moroboshi First Seargent Sauken Private Chappman ------- Mission 6 Stay to the left and shoot the many scores of Infantrymen that occur as your goal is to destroy that drop laser tank. Continue killing the infantrymen as you shoot away the rocks above to free the hostage to get shotgun ammo. Rush all the way to the right and blast everyone in sight as you are on the low road. Save the hostage and the one after him for a Heavy Machine Gun but stay there and shoot everything from afar. Save the hostage for a Shotgun and shoot everything while carefully avoiding the bombs from above and then save the hostages on the high road too. Morden will destroy the area you are standing on. You will land on a ship with a gatling gun on it. Use it to destroy the planes as they try to bomb you as well as the parachuter. jump off the gun in case you are about to get shot. When yolu reach the danger barrell, save the hostages and enter the Metal Slug and destroy the barrel. Exit out to get the bombs and enter for a few seconds then exit and use the gatling gun to save the hostages and pick off the parachuters snd the guys above. Destroy the danger barrell. Re-enter the Metal Slug when you reach the surface and save the hostages. Preserve you tank by battling the helicopter on foot then re-enter. The final boss is at the top of the hill. Final Boss It takes 50 bombs and 2 cannons to end this fight. Avoid the missiles he fires and the homing missles and you should destroy him before he drops a series of bombs at you. Congratulations. Mission 6 Hostages ------------------ Private Tsugihara Colonel Job Private First Class Yoko-Shoe Private Saionji Private Yu Lieutenant Kikuni Private First Class Saturnus Private Samuelson General of the Army Velrna Private First Class Galbraith Corporal Fan Lieutenant Shih Private Allesha Lieutant Kinsey Private Bergengruen o---------------------o CREDITS o---------------------o God - creator of all Metal Slug 10th anniversary - story Whoever hosting this. You - reading this FAQ o---------------------o CONTACT ME o---------------------o I appreciate any feedback or help you can provide. My email is azulfria[at]hotmail[dot]com [at] = @ and [dot] = . Don't want any email bots. Thank you for reading -Ice Queen Zero