===================================DISCLAIMER================================== I have decided not to allow websites other than Gamefaqs (www.gamefaqs.com), IGN (faqs.ign.com) & Gamespot (www.gamespot.com) to host my FAQs from now on. Please don't ask, because I will not grant permission. It's just that too many sites don't keep their version of my FAQ up to date which makes for a lot of hassle in my mailbox. So if anyone sees this FAQ on any site other than those mentioned above, please let me know and I will take care of the situation, thanks. Just to make things crystal clear for some people, this FAQ is not to appear anywhere at the following URLs: http://www.cheatcc.com http://www.cheatindex.com This document Copyright 2004,2017 Daniel Engel =============================================================================== Metroid Fusion FAQ November 29, 2017 Daniel (DEngel) Engel dan.engel.2017 [AT] gmail [DOT] com ############################################################################### (A) TABLE OF CONTENTS ############################################################################### Table of Contents (A) This Table of Contents (B) Controls (C) Story (D) Items (E) Walkthrough (F) Ending (G) Item Checklist (H) Thanks (I) Experimental ############################################################################### (B) CONTROLS ############################################################################### The controls for this game are very simple, and are as follows: Left/Right - Moves your character [Samus] left or right. Up - Angles your gun vertically, also used to climb up ledges when hanging from them. Down - Used to crouch or morph into a ball form. A - Jumps. B - Fires your weapon. L - Angles your gun diagonally upward while held. R - Hold this down and press B to fire missiles once you get them. Start - Map screen, you can also check your status from here or engage sleep mode on the GBA. Select - Not Used. Wall Jump - You can jump off of a wall if you jump towards it, then press the opposite direction and the jump button as you touch the wall. The timing can be difficult but with a little practice it will become an important skill. Screw Attack - Before you have the item that lets you do this any time you can actually do it with the charge beam. Just charge a shot and [spin] jump into an enemy. Super Jump - Once you have the speed booster you can do one of two helpful moves with it, this is one of them. Run until Samus starts flashing, then press down to stay charged up for a brief period. Now hold up and jump to make Samus shoot straight up into the air with blinding speed. Shoulder Charge - This is the other move that the speed booster lets you perform. Basically you charge it up just like the super jump, then you need to move left/right and jump into the air before pushing A and the direction [left/right] you want to travel in. ############################################################################### (C) STORY ############################################################################### (Taken from the game's intro) "I'd been assigned to watch over Biologic's research team so I once again found myself on the surface of SR388. It was there that I was attacked by a life-form I had never encountered before. It was only later that I learned the identity of my attacker: the parasitic organism we now know as X. Unaware of my condition, I was returning to the station when disaster struck. Once the X had infested my central nervous system, I lost consciousness and my ship drifted into an asteroid belt. The ship's emergency systems automatically ejected the escape pod before impact. Biologic's vessel recovered it and transported me to Galactic Federation HQ. However, during the journey, the X multiplied within me, corrupting large areas of my Power Suit. It then came to light that the organic components of my Power Suit had become so integrated with my system that it could not be removed while I was unconscious. Large portions of my suit had to be surgically removed, dramatically altering my physical appearance. However, the X in my central nervous system were too embedded to be removed safely. I was given a minimal chance of survival. Then, someone found a cure. They proposed using a Metroid cell to make an anti-X vaccine. It seems that the Federation had managed to preserve a cell culture from the last infant Metroid from SR388. The serum was prepared and injected without delay. The X parasites were immediately and completely destroyed. As for me, one life ended... yet I survived, reborn as something different. Pondering this fact, I realize... I owe the Metroid hatchling my life twice over. We'll soon be arriving at the B.S.L. research station. I must prepare for docking. The ship's computer has notified me of our approach to the Biologic Space Labs, or B.S.L, research station. During my surgery, the research team sent the last batch of creatures we captured there, as well as the infected pieces of my Power Suit. After regaining consciousness, I learned that an unexplained explosion rocked the station. For some reason, this awoke a nameless fear in my heart, and now I am being sent there to investigate. My mission on the B.S.L station will be overseen by my new ship's computer. Following the commands of this blunt, computerized CO is something I have to bear, as it was a condition of my taking the ship. For someone who dislikes taking orders, this is the second time I've found myself having to do so. It makes me recall my other CO..." ############################################################################### (D) ITEMS ############################################################################### When you defeat enemies they leave behind one of three coloured X parasites: Yellow - Restores some health. Green - Restores some missiles. Red - Fully restores health and missiles. ############################################################################### (E) WALKTHROUGH ############################################################################### Bricklayer J. Gastronomy What I consider to be major plot spoilers are marked in the FAQ with large ********* *SPOILER* ********* ****** *HERE* ****** tags so they should be pretty hard to read by mistake. Also when I refer to pink or green rooms, I'm talking about their colour on the map screen. Similarly a 2x3 room for example would refer to a room on the map that's 2 units wide and 3 units tall. --------------------------------- B.S.L Research Station: Main Deck --------------------------------- After the intro your ship will inform you that there has been an explosion in the Quarantine Bay, it will then mark the area on your map. It also tells you to stop at the Navigation Room on the way and uplink from there. Simply head left through this empty room to the next room. Work your way left through the next empty room to end up in a vertical shaft. Jump up the platforms making note of the red door halfway up as you left through the door at the top of the shaft. Go left through the empty hallway to end up in another vertical shaft. Go left to enter the Navigation room, these rooms show up as N's on your map. After being warned of bio-signs in the Quarantine Bay the door on your left will open, enter the room beyond. Work your way to the top of this dim shaft and enter the door on the left up there. Drop to the bottom of this short shaft and enter the Quarantine Bay on your left. Kill the lone enemy here and let the X parasite get you, then exit this room and return to the Navigation Room. The computer will give you the following lengthy message: "This is unfortunate news... The specimens brought back by the field team were infected by X parasites. The X can mimic its prey; any specimen could have hosted it. Before the explosion, a security sensor scanned one... The gelatinous X parasites invade and rapidly reproduce, killing the host creature. They also absorb DNA and use it to mimic the host. You were almost killed by an X infection. Only the Metroid vaccine saved your life. It seems the Metroids were the main predators of the X. That's why the vaccine worked so quickly and so well. But it has also changed your cellular makeup. You will never be infected by X again... In fact you can now absorb any free-floating X parasites without a host by merely touching them. This will allow you to replenish health and restore weapons. You may also restore latent abilities this way, so pursue free X parasites whenever you possibly can. This station is home to many species...some violent ones. We must keep the X out of the breeding environments at all costs. This is vital, Samus. I am already detecting massive bio-signs in this region. The X are gathering. This may be our chance to exterminate them, but... You are only at 10% battle capacity. Your chance of survival is extremely low. The Federation needs you alive and on duty Samus..." All locks on Level 0 hatches get released at this point, so go right to the shaft beyond. Work your way halfway up the shaft and head through the door on your right. Kill the enemy here and proceed right to the Save Room to save your game, press up on the platform there to save. Go right to the next room and kill the enemy on your right, then climb the shaft and kill another enemy on the way to the top. Go right to the next room at the top and use the Navigation Room computer to learn about downloadable weapons data from HQ. You can now get missiles if you proceed to the Data [D] room north of you on the map. In the next room jump up the short shaft and go right to the next room. Use the elevator here to continue your journey to the Data Room, along the way Samus will reflect. "That computer reminds me of a gruff Federation CO I served under named Adam Malkovich. He called me "Lady" on missions; from anyone else, it would've sounded sarcastic, but Adam made it sound dignified. Out of respect and with some irony, I named the computer after him." Enter the room on your left and use the Recharge Room [R] on your left if you need it. Otherwise enter the Navigation Room above it and proceed left to the Data Room. Step up to the machine here to download your missile data, you use missiles by holding R and pressing B to fire them. Return right to the Navigation Room to hear about a new problem: "Electrical interference has knocked out the elevators on the Main Deck. This may be related to the X. I'll work on it. As for you... Try to find another way to the target." Now that you have missiles you should know where to get them if you run out, enemies should now leave behind a green X parasite that will restore missiles if you grab it. You can also go to any Recharge Room to get your missiles back. Jump right across the gaps in the large room then fire one missile at the panel on the right wall to open up a passage. Take the passage right and use three missiles to take out the creature beyond. Head right to fall down another passage, work your way down until you see a ladder on your right. Climb it and continue falling down, grab the missiles on your right when you see them to increase your total to 15. Head left to what looks like a dead end and fire a few shots at the top bump of the left wall to uncover some more missiles. Now that you have 20 missiles you can head right until you reach the L-shaped room. Head right at the top and save your game then return to the bottom of the previous room. Use three missiles to destroy the eye creature on the door, then restore your health/missiles and save your game. Enter the room beyond the eye creature and get ready to finally get some more energy. Hang off the first ledge and hold left to get the proper footing before jumping off the wall to the next ledge. Use this technique to get up to the top and head right for your first energy tank. Drop right and get ready to fight your first boss. MORPH BALL BOSS Fire a missile at the bubble creature to get it to land and take on a grounded form. You can't damage the boss if he's facing away from you, otherwise try to hit him with missiles as they do more damage than your basic shots. Fire one at a time, as usually the boss will counter-attack shortly after in one of three ways. The first involves him charging at you in ball form and is easily avoided by jumping over him. The second attack sends flames along the ground towards you, jump to one of the ledges to avoid this and jump off the wall over the boss. The last attack is a fast-moving blue wave of energy that you can jump over but you need to know when it's coming first. The boss should do a small swipe with one of his claws before throwing the wave so be on the lookout, otherwise keep attacking him until he reverts to his bubble form. He will release some energy and missile parasites for you to collect, so grab them as you shoot him three more times (when he's not flashing) to beat him. Now simply jump up and touch him in his final form to get the Morph Ball ability. Head left and use the ball to work your way through the passage, making sure you shoot [from the ladder] the one wall you can't pass through. Continue left and save your game, then go to the Navigation room above you for further instructions. "Samus, it's as I feared. The breeding environments have been invaded by X parasites. Sector 1 (SRX) shows several abnormalities on bio-sensors. Sector 1 is a simulation of the SR388 ecosystem. To get there, take the Main Elevator to the access shaft and use Elevator 1." Destroy the enemy barrier guarding the Recharge Room below you and use the room before using the Save Room below. Continue left past the Navigation room south-west of you, ignore the room on your left for now and use the ball to enter the room midway up the shaft on the right. Collect the missiles here and head to the top of the shaft in the previous room. In the room on your left you'll want to use the ball to continue left towards the elevator. Take the elevator down and watch... ********* *SPOILER* ********* ...as what appears to be a clone of Samus blasts through a wall and the door you just came through before disappearing. ****** *HERE* ****** Head left to reach the Sector 1 elevator and take it down to the sector. -------------------------------- B.S.L Research Station: Sector 1 -------------------------------- Go right to the Navigation Room to receive the map for the area and the following update. "The Main Elevator leading to the access shaft has been severely damaged. It will be totally unusable for some time, unfortunately. Some unknown agent is at work. Something very powerful... certainly not human. I'll report when I know more. Now, listen closely. The X in Sector 1 have invaded the atmospheric stabilizers. They must want to alter the environment to their needs. They are already reproducing. Clear all 5 atmospheric stabilizers to stop them." Continue right and use the Save and recharge rooms before entering the large room beyond. Drop to the bottom and kill any enemies as you enter the door on your right. Kill the small blue blob enemies and the large one here for some energy, then use missiles to get rid of the barrier to the next room. Use the metallic ledge to get to the top part of this rocky room, then head right and down to reach a trapped enemy. Use your missiles to destroy it and clear the first atmospheric stabilizer, then go right to the next room. Destroy the grounded enemies here first, then run past the flying ones to lure them to the ground. They then start to slowly fly back up, you should use this chance to fire straight up at them while they're vulnerable. Also use the ball to enter the pipe on the right for an energy tank before entering the next room. Shoot through the first wall and work your way up past some enemies, shoot the ground above you to continue your climb. Head right and jump OVER the thin ground below the pipe as you'll fall right through it, then destroy the enemy to clear another atmospheric stabilizer. With two out of five of these out of the way you can exit this room and drop to the bottom of the shaft. Head right until you reach the Save Room and use it, then return left two rooms. Head left midway up the shaft and jump the charging enemies here, then you can shoot them in the back to beat them. In the shaft beyond you'll want to go left at the top, use the ladder above you to safely cross the lava and get the missiles. Return to the shaft and work your way to the bottom while avoiding the enemies, then go right to the next room. Beat or jump over the enemy here then go right to the next room. Use the ladders to reach the atmospheric stabilizer in the top right corner and clear it of the enemy before going right to the next room. Kill/avoid the enemy as you go right two rooms, jump up the platforms in the third room. Use the ladder above you to reach the atmospheric stabilizer and clear the enemy from it before going left to the next room. Kill the enemy and grab the missiles, then return to the previous room. Drop to the ground and head right to the next room, then work your way up the shaft to the top. The enemies can only be hurt by missiles so destroy them if they get in your way. Go left at the top and shoot the flashing button to open the gate and continue left. Use the ladder above you to head left and shoot through the wall, then continue left to the shaft. Drop through the ground under you and go left past some enemies to the Save Room. Return to the shaft and climb the ladder, then use missiles to get rid of the barrier and enter the room for a boss battle. CHARGE BEAM BOSS Head left and shoot the ball that the statue is holding to reveal the boss, then try to avoid its shots as it follows you around. Hit its red eye with a missile when it appears and repeat until its dead, then grab the Charge Beam. Go back to the Save Room to save your game, then return to the boss room and go through the door at the top right. Shoot the ground above you and go through the door above, then work your way to the right side of the room. Use the ball to go left and work your way up to the atmospheric stabilizer, use missiles like usual to clear the enemy from it. Now you should work your way right to the Save Room, then use your map to go towards the Navigation Room near the elevator. Use the Save Room before you get there and then get your new instructions. You need to head for Sector 2 now so take the elevator back up, Samus will reflect once again. "As I listened to the briefing, my thoughts turned to Adam. The real Adam understood me well. He would end orders by saying, "Any objections, Lady?" He knew I wouldn't disagree. That was just his way of noting our trust. I wonder if I can trust this computer too..." Head right to the Sector 2 elevator and take it down to that sector. -------------------------------- B.S.L Research Station: Sector 2 -------------------------------- Go right to the Navigation Room for an update. ********* *SPOILER* ********* "I have learned the identity of our mystery saboteur... Samus, it's an X mimicking you. I have named it the SA-X. I believe the SA-X came from the capsule containing your infected suit parts. It used a Power Bomb to escape the Quarantine Bay. That explosion breached the capsules containing all the X that started this disaster. But the SA-X is definitely our biggest worry right now. The SA-X is mimicking you at full power. You can't face it. If you see the SA-X, just run. Don't think about fighting... You are still very vulnerable to cold, an unexpected side-effect of the Metroid vaccine. Like Metroids, you can be frozen by an Ice Beam. Of course, the SA-X is armed with the Ice Beam. Stay away. If you see it, just run. HQ says they have Bomb data ready in the Data Room. Bombs will help you find a way out if the SA-X traps you." ****** *HERE* ****** The Data Room is sealed with a Level 1 lock, so you need to find the Security Room first to release all Level 1 locks. Unfortunately the Security Room isn't marked on your map, so use the Recharge and Save Rooms on your right before you do anything. Drop to the bottom of the shaft and shoot the ground below you to continue right, then climb to the top of this side of the shaft and go right to the next room. Kill the enemies if you need to as you go right to the shaft beyond. Work your way to the top and go left to the Security Room, then drop down and use the console to unlock all Level 1 locks. Return to the large shaft room, then enter the blue door midway down on the right if you need some energy/missiles. Otherwise head left at the bottom of the shaft and continue your path to the Data Room. Get your bomb data and return to the previous room. Use bombs in the top right corner to get some missiles, then drop to the bottom of the shaft. You'll notice that the door on your right is now stuck closed so you need to find a new route to the Navigation Room. Head left to the wall and use a bomb to drop into a hidden passage, then head right for a Save Room. Go left from here to reach a vertical shaft, then set a bomb on the single block to make a tower appear. Shoot the single square in the left wall from the tower to open a gap, then pass through it to find some missiles. Set a bomb on the single square on the bottom floor [not the one sitting on the floor] to get a tower to appear, then jump to the missiles. Use bombs to work your way down the shaft in the previous room, then go left to the next room. Just drop down this short shaft and enter the next room, then use bombs to make your way to the bottom left corner of the next room. Roll to the right wall and use a bomb to open up a tunnel, follow it for some missiles and shoot the ground above you to get out again. Head right to the next room and use bombs to uncover a tower to get over the one seemingly impossible wall. Go right through the next two rooms to reach a Save Room, then return to the shaft that you quickly passed through. Enter the second door on your right and destroy the enemies inside for energy before going right until you reach a Save Room. Continue right for an energy tank, then bomb the floor to your left to uncover a passage. Drop down and use missiles on the barrier, then get ready for a boss battle. HI-JUMP/JUMP BALL BOSS This boss jumps around a lot and tries to land on you, you need to watch out for his jumps where he floats down slower than usual. When this happens you want to fire 1-2 missiles straight up into him from below, then hopefully get out of his way before he lands on you. After you repeat this a few times the boss will take on the familiar near-death bubble form that the past bosses have used when they are close to death. Just fire a total of 4 missiles at the boss between flashing intervals and you can collect the Hi-Jump/Jump Ball. Return to the Save Room, then head left until you reach another destroyed door. Bomb the floor beside it and drop to the room below where you'll watch the SA-X open a door below you and leave through it. Shoot the ground at the right wall and go left to the shaft room. Enter the second door from the bottom on the left wall, then use the ladder to get the missiles and return to the shaft. Use the dead creatures as platforms as you work your way to the very top of the shaft, then use some bombs to reach the door to the next room. Kill/avoid the enemy as you enter the next room, then kill/avoid another enemy and jump from the enemy to the ledge above you. Use bombs to enter a hidden passage on your right for some missiles, then jump to the tunnel above the one that you entered and use bombs to return to the previous room. Hold left and you should land on the top platform safely, then roll left and bomb your way into the room. Go left through the middle door in this room, then jump the enemies as you get the missiles beyond. Return to the shaft and go left at the top, then use the Recharge and Save Rooms before using the Navigation Room to get your new instructions. You need to head for Sector 4 now where the SA-X is causing trouble so take the elevator back up. On the way up Samus will reflect once more. "The SA-X. An enemy with my strongest abilities. But does it have reason? Probably not. It's just a killing machine. In my current state, I can't face it head-on. The SA-X is me, only heartless. I must stop it before it learns its potential and threatens the universe..." Head right to the Sector 4 elevator and take it down to that sector. -------------------------------- B.S.L Research Station: Sector 4 -------------------------------- Go left to the Navigation Room for an update. "This sector has taken more damage than expected... I knew the X were powerful and destructive, but still... This seems to be purposeful. We certainly can't rule out the possibility that the SA-X has a high degree of intelligence. I find the X fascinating, especially the SA-X. ...But I digress. This sector is home to a very large creature the researchers called Serris. It is capable of moving and attacking at ultra-high speed. The more senseless and widespread destruction here may be attributable to Serris. No doubt the SA-X released it, but I can't be sure why yet. Serris has returned often to the breeding tank here. It's natural behavior must be to go back to it periodically. It's a valuable specimen, but you have been authorized to terminate it. If you don't, it may invade other sectors." The computer also warns you that there are sections of electrified water that you should be on the lookout for. Use the Recharge and Save Rooms on your left, then head left through the room beyond and take the left door. Run past the small room and climb up the shaft in the next room, then bomb the blocks under the ladder and use it to go left. Drop to the platform below the chains, then continue left and jump through a gap in the ceiling to a hidden area. Head right and use the Save Room when you reach it, then return to the previous room and use wall jumps to get up the short shaft. Use bombs on the horizontal block to uncover a tunnel, then bomb the left wall when you reach it. Finally roll left and use another bomb to find some missiles. Climb the small ladder and fire a par of missiles left to uncover a passage, enter it and work your way down to a good sized-platform. Jump the gap and jump straight up while shooting right to reveal a passage. Enter it for some more missiles, then drop to the ground and return to the Save Room. Head back down to the large room with the water, then go left to the next room. Try not to fall in the water as you take the top left door to the next room, if you do fall you need to use missiles on the large fish. Use the ladders to work your way to the door at the top of this room, then get the energy tank beyond. Return to the previous room and enter the door midway town for a Save Room. Head to the bottom of the previous room and go right to the fish room, then take the bottom left door to the next room. Shoot the large block above you and jump up to the small tunnel, then use a bomb to get rid of the blocks below the ladder. Use the ladder to reach the other side and jump through the gap in the ceiling to reach a hidden area. Climb the ladder all the way up and roll through a hidden passage on your left to find some missiles. Return to the large water room below and use bombs on the left wall to continue left to the next room. Shoot the large block above you and work your way to the top of the shaft by climbing the ladders and shooting/bombing blocks that get in your way. Use the Save Room at the top and bomb the crack in the right wall to enter the room beyond, then bomb the block there to continue to the next room. Ignore the skeleton as you go right to the next room, then climb the shaft and drop right to the barrier. Destroy the barrier like usual and enter the next room ready for the boss battle. SPEED BOOSTER BOSS Climb up to the floating platform and walk around to get the battle to begin, then parts of the platform will crumble and the boss will appear. He has no attacks really, all you need to do is try and make sure that he doesn't touch you. The boss moves VERY fast when flashing so just try your best to avoid him until he slows down again. Then you should fire a missile at his head, as you can't damage him anywhere else. After being hit the boss will speed up again and often try to hit you with a horizontal charge across all platforms at once. After five hits the boss will take on its weakened bubble form, so just hit it with five more missiles between flashing intervals to end the battle. Now you can grab your Speed Booster and take the top right door to the next room. Run all the way right and bomb the wall on your left, then shoot the enemies as you go left. Finally run right to drop down into the hidden area you visited earlier. Head right for the Save Room, then head back left to the large vertical shaft. Enter the blue door on your left and run all the way left, then use the pump to lower the water level and get your missiles below. Return to the shaft and go right to the next room, then kill the enemies on the ground. Run all the way right to the next room for some missiles. Run all the way right from this room and return to the Navigation Room for more instructions. "So Serris had been infected by the X, too... Well, as a result, you recovered another ability. At this rate, you may be able to face the SA-X yet... But that's still a ways off. HQ has more support data. This time it's Missile upgrade data. You desperately need this, but the Data Room here is sealed with a Level 4 lock, the highest security level. Let's avoid opening sensitive areas unless it's necessary. Also the route to the Data Room in Sector 2 is blocked by still more SA-X activity. I note a deliberate activity pattern, as if it is blocking your recovery intentionally. Samus, it looks like your best option for this download is in Sector 3." So you'll want to use the Recharge and Save rooms before going to Sector 3. -------------------------------- B.S.L Research Station: Sector 3 -------------------------------- Go right to the Navigation Room for an update. "Thankfully the X have not invaded this area yet... The Data Room here is sealed by another security hatch. In order to download, you must find the Security Room here and activate Level 2 hatches. This may allow the SA-X and X parasites into the area... But we are left with no choice. Your recovery is our main goal." The computer also warns you to avoid ultra-heated areas, also there are none of these areas on the route to the Security Room so treat them as dead-ends if you find one. Use the Recharge and Save Rooms, then go right to the next room. When you reach the door below you'll want to shoot/bomb the ground to get to the ground floor of the room, then open the left door and shoot all the debris on your right. Run left through the door and gain enough speed to break through the blocks in the next room, then press down before you hit the green door to stay charged. Quickly use a super jump between the two rightmost columns of the blocks above you and you should destroy them, then you can shoot the blocks left of them and jump up there. Use a bomb in the small gap on your left and roll left to the Security Room. After you release all Level 2 locks go right to the previous room, then clear out the enemies before running right and jumping to break through the blocks and reach the door. Enter the room beyond and go right to the next room. Jump to the ledge above the barrier and kill the enemy before going right to the wall, you should fall down to the ground floor. Now you'll want to open the barrier and wait as close to the left door as possible before running right to the next room and the wall there. If you got enough speed you should destroy a few blocks of the ground on your way, then you can go back left a little and fall into a hidden passage. Go right to the shaft and start climbing up it, then go left at the top and bomb the third block from the bottom in the left wall. Enter the passage for some missiles, then roll to the left wall and shoot the blocks on your right. Enter the new tunnel and use a bomb when you can't go any farther. Enter this new tunnel and use a bomb once again when you get stopped. Go up and enter the door on your right, then kill the enemies as you go right to the Data Room. Now that you have super missiles you'll want to head back left until you fall down a hole in the ground, then go right for a Save Room. Continue right until you reach some enemies, then kill them and use your super missiles to get more missiles. Return left and use the Recharge and Save Rooms, then climb out the hole again and go left. You should see some debris falling from the ceiling so head through the door on your right and a robotic boss should appear. ROBOT BOSS The most important part of this battle is to stay on the ladder above you, this way the boss can't touch you directly. He will move horizontally and make small jumps but none of these should hit you. He will also fire a bomb every so often, these can hit you if you're too close to him when he fires one. Otherwise just hang above the bomb when it stops moving, this way the resulting columns of fire should miss you completely. Just fire a missile down at the light-grey middle section of the machine, and avoid the bomb. Repeat this for about ten hits and the battle will end with the boss escaping. You'll want to use the Recharge and Save rooms before following the path that the boss opened up for you. Kill the enemies as you go left to the next room, then drop down and kill the enemy as you use a bomb to continue left. When you see the narrow tunnel above you set a bomb below it to make a tower appear. You can then set bombs above you to uncover an Energy Tank. Continue left to the shaft beyond and use the Recharge and Save rooms before you use the Navigation Room for an update. "I see that you encountered a rogue Security Robot. You may destroy it if you meet it again. Your safety is vital. But as to your brief... Level 2 security locks are released, so Sectors 5 and 6 are open. That means those sectors have likely been infiltrated by X. They are much harder to stop than we initially suspected... You're still susceptible to cold from the vaccine side-effects, so you'll take damage if you even set foot inside there [Sector 5]. Avoid Sector 5 for now, but in the meantime, HQ is working on data to adjust your suit for extreme temperatures. Once we have the transmission, you can download it, but... The X have destroyed all the Data Rooms you have used so far. I no longer doubt their capacity for critical thought. You'll have to use the Data Room in the night habitat, Sector 6 (NOC)." Take the elevator back up on your way to Sector 6, then watch as... ********* *SPOILER* ********* A mysterious transmission takes place. "Mystery person: Does Samus suspect anything? Computer: No I do not think so. Mystery person: Good. Monitor her closely. Computer: Affirmative. Out." ****** *HERE* ****** Head right to the Sector 6 elevator and take it down to that Sector. -------------------------------- B.S.L Research Station: Sector 6 -------------------------------- Go right to the Navigation Room to receive your new instructions. "The Varia Suit is here from HQ, ready to download. Get moving to a Data Room. But there's a problem... X from the sub-zero sector ARC are in Sector 6 (NOC), and they... They've been changed by the cold. If you absorb one, you'll be frozen from within. This seems like a deliberate tactic. Once you download the Varia Suit modification, you'll be out of danger. Just be extremely careful until then. Remember, avoid the blue X. Use your beam to stun them in order to get by." Use the Recharge and Save Rooms on your right, then shoot the enemies in the next room as you go right to the next. Drop to the bottom of the room and bomb the flat part in the left wall, then follow the tunnel for some missiles. Use missiles on the barrier and bomb the flat part of the right wall for another tunnel, this one leads to an Energy Tank. Set a bomb in the top right corner and follow the tunnel that appears to reach the Energy Tank, then return to the previous room. Enter the door at the top right, then shoot/avoid the X as you run to the next room. Shoot/avoid some more X as you drop to the bottom of the shaft and go right to the next room, then work your way to the bottom of the room. Avoid/shoot the X and take the left door, then run left while shooting X so that you break the blocks with your speed booster. Drop down and run left for an energy tank in the room beyond, then return right until you reach a Save Room. Return left to the Energy Tank room and use bombs on the platform to reveal a tunnel, then follow it to the next room. Go to the right wall and use a bomb to get into the tunnel below, then head left to see the SA-X enter the room. Quickly head right to the wall and wait as it uses a power bomb and continues right, then follow it and hold right as you fall down a passage and grab a ledge. Wait until the SA-X leaves through the door below you before dropping down and using the same door. Kill the enemies and shoot the blocks on your left to reach the room beyond, then go left to the Save Room. Work your way to the bottom of the previous room and destroy the blocks in the bottom left corner. Bomb that same corner and roll left to a hidden area, then kill the enemies and use bombs in the top right corner for some missiles. Return to the previous room and continue right towards the Data Room. Destroy the barrier with missiles when you reach it and enter the Data Room. Watch the X take the powerup and escape, then follow him right and get ready for a boss battle. VARIA SUIT BOSS This boss has no attacks really, it just tries to bump into you to cause damage. This makes the battle quite easy, in fact the trickiest part is realizing that your missiles are useless. You'll want to use charge beam shots on the boss until it takes on the near-death bubble form. You can then use your missiles to finish it off and get your Varia Suit. Go right until you reach the room with the X, they will now heal you so you don't need to shoot them. Climb to the top of the shaft and go left to the next room, then jump over the crumbling blocks beside the missiles as you collect them. While falling be sure to hold left so you grab the ledge midway down and enter the tunnel. Kill the enemies and shoot the flat part of the ceiling for more missiles. Fall to the bottom of the shaft and go right until you reach the Save Room, then return to the previous room and climb the shaft before going right to the next room. Kill/avoid the enemies as you climb the short shaft and go left to the next room. Kill the lone enemy and follow the tunnel left to the large room, then enter the door in the top left corner. Take the door above you right to the next room, then go past all the X and enemies to what looks like a missile room. However when you get close the missiles will take off and fly away, bomb the wall behind them for some real missiles. Now return to the Navigation Room [use the Recharge and Save Rooms first] for more instructions. "How did that X download the Varia Suit data? This doesn't seem to make any sense at all, unless the X... Unless the X have the ability to process data organically... At any rate you have the Varia Suit data. Now you will be protected from extreme temperatures. More importantly the SA-X will no longer be able to freeze you, so you can escape easier. But you're still too weak. That thing is too much for you. You currently have no way of damaging it. But my simulations indicate that a penetrating weapon like the Plasma Beam might work. Developing modifications data will take HQ some time, though. There's also a chance that you may be able to restore your Plasma Beam by absorbing a large Core-X, as you did with the Charge Beam function. As for restoring Ice Beam functionality, I doubt it... Your current cellular makeup would reject that addition. Therefore HQ has developed an Ice Missile upgrade. This will add a freezing effect to your missiles. It will help. Go to Sector 5 (ARC) for the download." Take the elevator back up and go left to use the Sector 5 elevator. -------------------------------- B.S.L Research Station: Sector 5 -------------------------------- Go right to the Navigation Room to get an update on your goal. "You need to download data for the Ice Missile upgrade but... As you might expect, the Data Room here is secured. Level 3 security hatches are yellow. Release the security lock and download data as usual. And experiment with those new Missiles. They will be helpful..." Use the Recharge and Save rooms on your right, then drop down the shaft and land on the ledge midway down. Kill the enemy and shoot the block in the top right corner of this alcove, then fire a missile into the gap before rolling right to the next room. Drop to the ground floor and head right past the enemies, then climb the ladder above and work your way to the bottom right corner. In the next room you'll want to avoid the armoured enemies as they try to charge into you. Once you've gone as far down as you can go use bombs to go further, then enter the door on your left. Kill the enemies here and open the door to the previous room, then run all the way right and use your speed booster to destroy some blocks in the previous room. Finally work your way to the ground floor and use a bomb to continue right to the next room. Use a bomb to take out the walls, then kill the enemies and go right to the next room. Drop down the shaft and bomb the middle of the floor, then drop down and take the door on your left. Use the Save Room and go left, then go left past the next room. Go left from this small room to reach the Security Room and open the level 3 locks. Head right and work your way up the shaft, most of the 2x2 blocks crumble away if you walk on them so avoid them. Near the top you'll have to shoot above you to continue to the door. Use the Save Room here and continue to the Data Room. Now that you have Ice Missiles you'll want to run right and shoot the ground, then drop down and hug the right wall to land on the ladder. Use an freeze the flying enemy near the left door, then use it as a platform to reach that room. Ignore the fake energy tank in this room and use bombs in the left corner to get the real Energy Tank. Return to the shaft and fall to the bottom, then go left a room. Let the X change the enemy here, then freeze it and shoot the ceiling above it to get up to the next room before going left. Kill the enemy on the left here and avoid the X so the enemy below changes, then shoot the left door and run left across the frozen enemy and through the speed booster blocks in the next room. From here you can find your way back to the Navigation Room, be sure to shoot the right wall to get past speed blocks above you when you reach them. Once you reach the large shaft near the Navigation Room, you'll want to freeze the enemies near the left wall to reach some missiles in the room up there. Now you can use the Recharge and Save rooms before heading to the Navigation Room for your next instructions. "Emergency in Sector 3 (PYR). The area could melt down soon. It seems the Main Boiler's cooling unit is malfunctioning. This could easily destroy the entire research station, as it would likely trigger the auto-destruct explosives. We have about 6 minutes. Hurry to Sector 3 and access the Control Room to the side of the Main Boiler room. Most of the systems in PYR are down because of this... Again, we know who to blame. The SA-X must have hacked into the system control file. What impressive intelligence." This is your first timed task so quickly run left and take the elevator up, then go right a room and down to Sector 3. You can always check the map screen to stop the timer though if you need to take a break. ------------------------------- Sector 3 Revisited: Boiler Room ------------------------------- Run right to the large shaft and drop to the ground floor, then go right a room and kill the enemy to reach the other side of the gate below. Wait by the door and use your speed booster to destroy blocks in the room on your right, then drop down and continue right to the shaft. Drop to the bottom of the shaft and go left a room, then use the ladders above to avoid the lava and fire below. Work your way left and kill the enemies so they don't knock you off the ladder, then enter the door beyond. Kill the enemies on the ladder and jump right from the top of the ladder to reach the next door. Kill/avoid the enemies in here as you go right to the small shaft, then freeze the enemies there to reach the door above. Jump across the platforms in the next room and kill the ladder enemy, then work your way up and left to the next door below. Jump over the crumbling platform and continue left, then work your way up and left to an enemy barrier. Kill it and enter the Control Room, shoot the scientist here to reveal his true enemy form. WIDE BEAM BOSS This boss is very easy because he starts out in the weakened bubble form, simply fire missiles at his eye until he dies and get your Wide Beam. Then use the console below to activate the cooling unit. Work your way back to the long shaft and take the right green door, then bomb the top of the platform for some missiles. Bomb the bottom right corner and freeze the enemy beyond to reach the door above, then drop to the ground floor in the next room. Jump to the first platform and work your way right, using frozen enemies as platforms because the real platforms crumble if you land on them. Jump from the last platform to the Energy Tank above, then take the nearby tunnel left for some missiles. Return to the shaft and go to the very top before taking the left door. Bomb the middle of the left wall here and make your way back to the Navigation Room. When you reach the shaft just before be sure to take the left door midway up. Use the ladder to cross the lava and shoot the enemies on the way. In the next room you should bomb the left wall after getting the missiles. Shoot all the blocks here and use the speed booster to run to the left wall and super jump through the speed booster blocks above. Shoot the blocks on your right until you reach the right wall, then bomb the floor for a tower. Use it to continue upwards, and shoot more blocks to reach the Energy Tank. Use the Recharge and Save Rooms before getting your instructions from the Navigation Room. "The X mimicked a crew member... It all makes sense now. The X can absorb the memories and knowledge of their prey. What an astounding find. HQ was very impressed. But don't you find it strange? This could have destroyed the station with the X in it, not to mention the SA-X. Unusual for a self-preserving species like the X. Unless... Your presence is an even greater threat, a threat to the existence of X elsewhere... This is only a hypothesis... Perhaps... Their survival instinct is in conflict with their newly-borrowed intelligence... Don't let your guard down yet. The X are still a threat. Samus, I see bio-signs on the Habitation Deck. Survivors? The infected crewman you saw had survived until recently. Maybe there's a chance..." Power to the main elevator has now been restored so go left and take the elevator out of sector 3, then take the main elevator back to the Main Deck. ------------------------- Main Deck: Power Restored ------------------------- Once you get off the elevator speed boost past the wrecked wall and through the blocks for some missiles. Now head for the first Save Room and use it before going to the top of the shaft left of you. Take the left door for an elevator, go right at the top for another Save Room. Go left past the elevator and freeze the two enemies above you to make it to the top of the shaft, then go left to the next room. Run left to the gate, then shoot the block on your right and fall through it. Open the gate on your right and shoot the wall on your left, then speed boost all the way left to break through the blocks there and end up in the bottom left corner of this room. Jump against the left wall to enter a hidden passage, then freeze the enemies to reach the top of the new room. Go right at the top and step on the pad to free the survivors, then return to the middle floor of the room and drop through the blocks below to reach some missiles. Return to the nearest Save Room, then take the elevator down where Samus will reflect. "Etecoons and Dachoras. I've met these intelligent beings before. They seemed to recognize me, as well. How unusual to meet again here. In the past, they've helped me unleash abilities I didn't know I had. But where did they run to? I hope they're safe..." Now you can proceed to the Navigation Room below for an update. "So the survivors were not human... Most unfortunate. We can now confirm the deaths of all crew members. I imagined this was the case, but I had hoped it wasn't so. I believe the X only infected the humans for knowledge... That form is too weak for battle. I am sure the others were merely food for the X... Samus, I think they are evolving, growing stronger. Some are now appearing that resist your current weapons. HQ anticipated this and sent Power Bomb data as soon as the hardware team finished it. Download it immediately. Our choice of Data Rooms is limited to this one in Sector 5 (ARC). Go. Now." Head straight to Sector 5 now. ------------------------------- Sector 5 Revisited: Power Bombs ------------------------------- Use the Navigation Room to reach the Recharge and Save Rooms beyond, then drop to the bottom of the shaft to your right. Take the left door and kill the enemies before jumping to the missiles from [2 squares left] below. Now head for the Data Room to get your Power Bombs, then go right and fall down the shaft. Go left to the Save Room, then go right a room and use a power bomb. Drop down the hole and go left, then Jump the wall in this room and use bombs midway up the next wall to continue left. Kill the enemies in here and use bombs to reach the power bombs. Use a power bomb to escape above, then use another one to open up a shaft above you. Freeze the enemies to climb to the top, then get the power bombs in the room on your right. Use the nearby Save Room before heading right, then use a power bomb to get past the barrier. Head up a little in the room beyond, then work your way left to another barrier that you'll use a power bomb to get past. Wait on the ledge in the room beyond, then freeze the enemy when it's one square away from turning around and coming back towards you. Jump on him in ball form but don't land on the squares in front of or behind him as you'll fall right through them. Roll through the tunnel and wait at the next ledge, try to freeze this enemy closer to the left side of his patrol. Then slowly roll right to see the first of four blocks that crumble away. Jump from there to the enemy and then jump to the tunnel beyond, DO NOT roll off the end of the tunnel yet. The first three blocks below you will crumble if you land on them so be sure to jump over them when you jump off the ledge, then get your power bombs. Head for the 3x4 room above and take the bottom left door there. Kill the enemy above and use a bomb in the top right corner to reach some missiles up there. Use the Save and Recharge Rooms before the Data Room to get your next instruction. "Samus, return to your ship. I have important information." ------------------------------ Main Deck Revisited: Power Out ------------------------------ Once you return to the Main Deck and take the main elevator up, it will stop halfway. Shoot right and work your way right through the tunnels, then use the ball jump to reach a hidden passage when you reach the wall. You will end up in a room with... ********* *SPOILER* ********* frozen Ridley inside it. ****** *HERE* ****** Walk up to it and it will crumble away as an X parasite heads right. Go right and fall through the floor to another hidden passage. Use a power bomb to reveal a passage on your left, then follow it to the end and search above you for some power bombs. Head right and kill the enemies in your way as you travel to the next room. Use a power bomb in front of the blocks here to find some missiles. Follow the passage and shoot above you to leave the tunnels, then return to your ship and save before getting your next instructions. "The main silo of the Reactor Core has gone offline. That's why all elevators and station systems are down. Elevators and hatches won't work. This doesn't bode well... You may be able to start the auxiliary power system. Then we can figure out why the main silo went offline... By the way I asked you to return here to tell you... Some strange creatures have boarded your ship. I confirmed that they were not X hosts and gave them a berth. Do you know anything about these strange creatures? Were they the source of the healthy bio-signs earlier? Very well, then. Their presence in the midst of this disaster must have some significance... I will keep them here." Go left to the wall and use a power bomb to continue left, then roll left and work your way down the shaft to the door at the bottom. In the next room jump up and shoot the top of the orange vines so that you can use them as a platform to reach the other side of the room. Drop down to the door right below you, then use missiles on the enemies in the next room and get the energy tank halfway. In the room beyond you'll want to kill the enemies and shoot the ground near the walls to work your way to the bottom. Get the missiles halfway down by bombing from their right. At the bottom you'll want to climb up the left wall and destroy the barrier above to reach the boss. SPACE JUMP BOSS This boss has an attack where he shoots three fireballs at you that slowly burn out, otherwise he moves left and right and tries to grab you when he gets close. Just jump over him to prevent this, then when he tries to do the fireball attack a large red area drops out of his mouth. Attack that area with about 4 missiles and repeat until his legs fall off. Now the boss will jump around and drop particles on you, you need to try and hit him from below with missiles when he's not spinning. Repeat this until he takes on the familiar bubble form. Finally defeat the bubble form like usual and grab the Space Jump. Now you can use your space jump to jump up the shaft and go left to restore the power. After restoring power continue left to the Navigation Room and get more instructions. "Save Rooms and Recharge Rooms are now back online, but with only auxiliary power, no elevators or hatches will work. Without the main silo online, we're still stuck. I believe the source of the problem is the vegetation you saw earlier choking the Reactor Core components. We'll have to find the source of those roots to proceed." Head left past the gate and use the Save Room at the bottom of the large room. Now use the space jump to reach a tunnel just below the top left corner of the large room. Follow it to a plant infested area of sector 2, then get ready for a tough part. -------------------------- Sector 2 Revisited: Plants -------------------------- The SA-X is below you, so you'll need to run away from it and keep freezing it to keep it from chasing you and shooting you. Basically fire one ice missile at a time at it, and when it starts to thaw fire another. Do this while running left past all the barriers and bombing the first wall you come to, then hide behind a wall on the far left and the SA-X will leave you alone. Return to the previous room and fire a missile at the square just left of the moving vine in the floor. Drop in the gap and use bombs to reach the passage below, then take it left to the next room. Jump up the shaft and shoot the vines on the left side, then continue to shoot the ground below to reach the door. Head left to the large room and go to the left end of the room, then jump up and shoot the wall on your right to find some power bombs. Jump to the top of the room and enter the door there, then use the Save Room. Head right through the next two doors, then shoot above you to open a passage. Jump up the passage and destroy the barrier as you get ready for the boss beyond. PLASMA BEAM BOSS This boss is annoying, there are flowers along the ground that will try to chew on you if you fall into them so try your best to keep away from them by standing on either of the platforms. This won't be easy though as some flowers in the ceiling are raining particles at you constantly that knock you off the platforms. Luckily the space jump helps you avoid both hazards. As for damaging the boss, just fire missiles straight at him until the boss's head falls off. Now you must avoid the high and low shots that it fires at you as you continue to fire missiles at it. Eventually the boss will take on the bubble form so you can attack it like usual. Just know that every time the bubble is hit it will fire a shot at you, then once dead you can grab the Plasma Beam. Go right to the next room and return left to the Save Room. Return to the shaft and climb to the top, then take the door on the right. Head right to the wall and jump towards it and grab the ledge of a hidden tunnel. Roll through it and jump up the passage in the room beyond, then shoot left to find an energy tank. Return to the VERY bottom of the shaft and use the Save Room below, then work your way left to the other large shaft. Climb up and take the first door on your left, use the space jump and brute force to reach the power bombs. Then fall down the hidden passage below them and use bombs to get more power bombs. Work your way to the pink 2x4 room, then take the blue door above to the next room. Use bombs midway up the wall to reach some missiles beyond. Now use the Save and Recharge Rooms before using the Navigation Room for more instructions. "What? You've restored Plasma Beam functionality? ...Most unexpected. Even so, continue to avoid the SA-X. It, too, may be stronger. And you still lack a few abilities crucial to survival... Wait... Wait a second... More trouble. Hold on. ...I've isolated the cause. There's been an explosion in the ARC Data Room... Samus, go to Sector 5. The damage is staggering. Find out what's causing it." Head straight to the Sector 5 now. --------------------------- Sector 5 Revisited: Damage? --------------------------- Once inside head for the Navigation Room for an update. "It's gotten worse. The damage seems to have been caused by a creature kept here by the researchers, who named it... the Nightmare. Apparently, it was a bio-mechanical organism designed for military applications... It possesses uncommon power and can manipulate gravity. We must assume that it's become an X-host. We have no choice. You must find it and defeat it. I can't confirm the location. This thing is out of control. Hurry before it destroys the entire station..." Use the nearby Save Room, then head for the nearby 3x4 room. Freeze the enemies to make it to the top and shoot the left door, then kill all enemies on your right. Now speed boost left toward the open door and use a shoulder charge to fly through the blocks in the next room, then grab the power bombs. Head for the red door at the top of the 2x5 room, then walk right through the destroyed door and shoot up to reveal a passage. Follow it up and use a power bomb to reveal yet another passage, then follow that one to the top and open both gates from below. Finally bomb the left side of the wall to open a gap below and use more bombs to get some power bombs. Drop down the shaft and use the first door on your right, then go right until you reach the door to Sector 3. Use a bomb on the ceiling by the door, then jump up there and shoot the block on your right and get some power bombs. Return to Sector 5 and go right from the red door until you reach a wall at the top of a shaft, then bomb the floor and fall down to the door at the bottom. In the next room you'll want to ignore the door on your right and work your way up to a door that leads left, then climb the shaft in the room beyond and go right. Shoot the ceiling midway through the room and take the top left door, then kill the enemies and use a power bomb to get some more power bombs. Return to the previous room and go to the very top [third door on the right], then use a power bomb to reveal a passage on your left. Follow it to the door and jump about 4 squares before the tunnel ends to land in a passage above you, then roll left and use a bomb to get some power bombs. Take the passage below left to the Recharge Room, then go right until you reach the Save Room. Return to the previous room and take the right door just below you, then head right in the new room and up to a door. Go towards the energy tank here, but stop before you enter the tunnel. Jump straight up and bomb the wall to reveal a tunnel, then take that tunnel over to the energy tank. Now get ready for your boss battle against the Nightmare, then roll left to fall into the battle. GRAVITY SUIT BOSS (NIGHTMARE) For the first part of the battle you'll want to hang off the ladder to lure the boss up to your level then drop down and fire some missiles diagonally so they hit the circular part of the boss. Repeat this while dodging the lasers [not hard] until the boss starts increasing the gravity. Now you need to run underneath it and fire missiles at the circular area [jump if needed] until it stops controlling the gravity. For this next phase you need to avoid the boss as it tries to crash into you, then it will start moving slowly toward you. Jump to the ladder at this point and fire missiles rapidly at the boss's face if they bounce off you're too high/low so adjust your height. Repeat until the boss takes on the bubble form, then easily finish it off like normal and grab the Gravity Suit. Go near the door to get it to open, then run from the right wall all the way left and through the blocks in the next room. Use the nearby Recharge and Save Rooms, then go to the bottom of this right green side of the map. Shoot the door on the right and kill the enemies on your left, then run all the way right and through the blocks in the next room. Duck after the blocks to store your charge, then do a super jump between the blocks and grab the power bombs. Return to the green shaft left of you, and grab the ledge on the right wall. Jump to the left wall and shoot a missile at the square directly across from the gap on the other wall. Enter the tunnel and slowly roll across the platforms to reveal the weak spots, then jump them to reach the energy tank. Return to the shaft and run all the way right through sector 4, then jump at the top of the hill to pass through the blocks. In the next room go right to the Save Room, then return to the previous room and drop to the door below you. Instead of opening it go left to the wall and jump up to a hidden passage left, then grab the power bombs beyond it. Return to the shaft and take the door on your right, kill the enemies inside and get the missiles at the right end of the room. Return to the shaft and drop to the very bottom, then take the right door and use a power bomb in the glass tubes. Fall down and kill the enemies, then grab the missiles. Return to the shaft and take the left door, then bomb the ceiling of the left glass tube. Fire missiles above you and work your way to a ledge on the upper right and use bombs to reach power bombs beyond it. Head all the way left from here to the far left wall and use bombs on the blocks on your right to go down. Bomb the third grey block from the left and fall through the gap, then bomb the block below you and fall some more. Kill the fish on your right and roll through a hidden passage through the rock towards the fish. Bomb the block below and fall towards the fish on your left, then bomb the left block and kill the fish. Roll left and bomb the block below you to fall into the security room, then open the level 4 locks. Work your way up the right wall of the shaft on your right to a ledge, then roll through a hidden tunnel there to a short shaft. Work your way towards the bottom and use a power bomb to kill the enemies, avoid the X that they release until some of it causes two gold enemies to appear on your right. Use missiles to enter that area and then use them to kill the enemies. This will open the door below and in the room beyond you'll find an energy tank in the top right block. Return to the Save Room, then drop to the bottom of the shaft beside it and head right until you reach another shaft. Climb that shaft and take the door at the top, then go right to the 2x3 room. Bomb the blocks on your right to reach the Save Room beyond, then return to the previous room and climb to the top. Freeze the mine enemy before he raises the mine to reach the top right door, then just go right past the next room. Kill the enemies here and use your speed boost to run left to the 2x3 room and break some blocks, then fall through the gap and take the right door. Head right until you reach the shaft, then work your way up it using the space jump, the ladders and frozen enemies. You'll need to freeze the highest enemy and use missiles on the blocks above in order to keep climbing and enter the left door. Bomb the walls in here and go left to the next room, then drop down and take the right door to get your Diffusion Missile upgrade. Return to the previous room and use a diffusion missile to freeze the mine enemies, then go through the tunnel and take the bottom left door. Destroy the barrier beyond and bomb the wall below the wires for some missiles. Head for the pink 3x3 room and use a bomb on your left to open a tunnel, follow it left and use another bomb to drop into an area below. Finally use a power bomb and roll left for some power bombs. Use the Save and Recharge Rooms before using the Navigation Room for your next update. "You upgraded your missiles? That's unusual... There was no word from HQ. A procedural error, I'm sure... Even so, I did not approve of bypassing security level 4. From now on you will use more discretion. In any case, Samus, do you remember the Security Robot you faced earlier? I believe the X have infected it. That is to say, they have claimed the organic components that form its neural network. It has entered Sector 6 (NOC). I don't know what it's planning, but let's not wait to find out." Now you'll want to head for Sector 6. ---------------------------------- Sector 6 Revisited: Security Robot ---------------------------------- Enter the Navigation Room on your right for your next instructions. "The Security Robot seems to have gotten much stronger. This worries me. Be careful. But we have another problem. Once you're done, leave NOC immediately. The SA-X is tracking you." Use the Recharge and Save Rooms, then head right to the pink 1x4 shaft and take the door below you left. Kill the enemies and use a power bomb at the left wall to continue left. Drop down the shaft and go to the next room, then walk right and fall to the room below. Take the left door and drop down the shaft beyond, then go left to the next room. Shoot the ground to get to the very bottom of this shaft, then go left to a door that you can't open yet. Return to the previous room and take the right door halfway up for a Save Room. Return right to the room that you fell into and get ready for a boss battle. WAVE BEAM BOSS Use a power bomb as soon as you enter the room to reveal a ladder above you, also notice that the water below you is electrified. The boss is the Security Robot that you fought earlier and his weakness is the same, that is firing down at the middle of the boss when it's not attacking. However this time the boss fires homing missiles at you, so you should fire normal shots at these from the side to get rid of them. The boss also jumps at you, but this time he can jump high enough to knock you off the ladder above so try to keep your distance. Attack him until he takes on the bubble form, then beat him like any other boss. Just beware of the shots that it fires when you hit it and grab the Wave Beam once its dead. Go right a room and use your wave beam to open the gate, then grab the missiles beyond. Return to the Save Room below you, then head for the gate that you couldn't open before farther down. Open it with your Wave Beam and continue left to the main deck. ------------------------------------ Main Deck Revisited: Restricted Zone ------------------------------------ Roll left and drop down, then go left to the Save Room. Head left until you reach the shaft, then enter the door above and notice the room shaking. Return to the room below to find... ********* *SPOILER* ********* The SA-X setting all the Metroids free. ****** *HERE* ****** The ceiling should collapse, which allows you to jump up the shaft to the door at the top within 60 seconds. After the short scene you'll want to go right to the Navigation Room for an update. ********* *SPOILER* ********* "Samus, you shouldn't have done that. You ignored your orders. You may have to pay a price for that quite soon... Samus: ... As you can see the Federation has been secretly working on a Metroid breeding program. For peaceful applications only, of course. Please understand. But perhaps you already knew of this program's existence? Certainly, you must have had doubts when you saw Sector 1. SRX, a faithful replica of the SR388 ecosystem... Ideal for raising Alpha, Gamma, Zeta, and even Omega Metroids. This research even uncovered techniques for rapid growth. Imagine...creating an Omega from a larval Metroid in days... But that research is finished. The X has smelled out its natural enemy, and one of the SA-X is on its way here... Samus: ONE? ...Are you saying there is more than one SA-X? Don't be so surprised, Samus. You know that the X reproduce by asexual division. Because of this mechanism, there are now no fewer than 10 SA-X aboard the station. Samus: ... Samus, you must go. Get out. If you stay too long, the SA-X will destroy you. Stop only at a Navigation Room to uplink to me. I don't know how HQ is going to take this, but you need to report to them immediately..." ****** *HERE* ****** Now head right and take the elevator up to sector 1 where Samus will reflect. "The real Adam would have said the same thing about that incident, but he would have softened the blow. He was relentless in his criticism, but he always cared... He was not a machine obsessed with duty. No such compassion could exist in that computer..." Go through the door and climb to the top of the next room, wait on the pillar and fire a diffusion missile to reveal an energy tank. Work your way through the rest of the room and continue right until you reach a Save Room. Return to the previous room and bomb the floor to fall into the room below, then use power bombs to kill the enemy on your left. Avoid the X by moving left, it should then cause an enemy to spawn on the ceiling. Kill that enemy and avoid the X once again, a golden enemy should appear now. This enemy can only be harmed by shooting it in the back with missiles, this is easiest to do when it jumps into the air. Once the enemy is dead the door on your right will open, enter it for some power bombs. Return to the Save Room before climbing to the top of the shaft, then use a bomb on the right wall to continue your climb. Kill the enemy and enter the door, then use power bombs to kill the enemies below you. Beat the two golden enemies that appear next to open the door, then enter the door and head up for a Save Room. Drop to the bottom of the shaft and take the left door, then freeze/avoid the enemies as you continue left. Destroy the barrier and open the door, then enter the room for the next boss battle. SCREW ATTACK BOSS Walk toward the boss to get it to start moving, then the battle will begin. This boss is actually really easy, it's just a matter of constantly firing missiles at it while trying to avoid some of its attacks. If you keep this up the boss will easily die long before you do. Attack the bubble form like usual and grab your Screw Attack. Use the Save Room at the bottom of the right shaft, then climb the ladder above you and fire a diffusion missile right at the door to create a tunnel. Use the tunnel to reach the door, then open the gate in the next room and continue right. Use the screw attack to break through the floor, then follow the passage until you end up in the pink area of Sector 1 once again. Go right to the shaft and climb to the top, then go left to the short 1x2 shaft. Bomb the right wall at the bottom of the shaft and the blocks above the gap on your left, then go left to the Save Room. Use your speed booster to run all the way right to the new room that you opened with the bombs. Before you fall down the gap there press down to store your charge, then fall down and shoot the enemy below you so you don't lose the charge. Finally run right to the wall and do a super jump, then use the space jump to get up to the top and shoot left to find some power bombs. Return to the Save Room and use it, then get ready for a very tricky maneuver. You'll need to use your speed booster as you run right to the 1x2 shaft, then you'll need to duck there to store your charge and quickly use the space jump to jump up to the left door. However you need to do this without releasing your charge which basically involves only pressing left to move on the ground but as soon as you're in the air don't press any directions or you'll use the charge. If you've done this part successfully then you'll need to quickly open the door at the top and do a shoulder charge left to the next room. Be sure to hold left while doing this because when you hit the ramp you'll continue running left, then duck before you drop to the small indent and store the charge. Finally go left to the wall and do a super jump straight up to an Energy Tank. Take the top right door in the 2x2 room and jump to the ladder above, then fire a missile left. Enter the tunnel and use bombs to continue left to some missiles. Go to the Save Room right of you, then enter the hole in the right wall to reach a hidden shaft. Use the space jump to reach the top and grab some missiles there. Head for the pink 3x2 room and use the space jump to get some missiles on the left end of the room, then drop into the lava and roll right to get some more missiles. Take the green door to the right of the Recharge and Save Rooms, then use the screw attack to reach some power bombs above. Use the Recharge and Save Rooms before using the Navigation Room for an update. ********* *SPOILER* ********* "Samus, we're done here. Leave the rest to the Federation... We should be preparing to evacuate the station... Samus: Are you joking?! Do they know how dangerous the X are? ...How quickly they reproduce? The Federation has taken an interest in the X and SA-X. They believe this lifeform has endless potential applications. Samus: This is ridiculous! The X are heartless abominations! What potential could they have? It is not necessary that you understand such matters. The Federation is coming now. You should just leave quietly... Samus: This is madness! They won't stand a chance here! This station will devour them! What could be worth the risk!? Capturing the SA-X, of course. Samus: ...Are you serious? Do they really think they can succeed? It will certainly be difficult. They don't expect your help. They knew you would try to destroy the SA-X... That's why they stopped sending you support data... The Plasma Beam modification was ready some time ago, but they withheld it to keep you from engaging the SA-X. Yet somehow you restored that function on your own... They also tried to withhold the Diffusion Missile upgrade because they didn't want you to grow too powerful. But they had already sent it, and you tracked it down... Bravo, Samus. Samus: They must cancel this mission! Open a channel to HQ! I won't let this happen! They are already on their way. Samus: Fools... As soon as the Federation ships land, the X will overwhelm them and absorb the knowledge and power of their occupants. The X are just waiting for the hunt to begin, and then they'll spread across the universe. Galactic civilization will end. The X hunger for form, knowledge, and power. They mimic these perfectly. But they cannot copy the soul. They're single-minded, instinctively seeking to increase in number. They're a plague, and the Federation underestimates their threat. The X must not leave here. I must destroy them all before the Federation arrives. This station has a self-destruct mechanism. I must use it to destroy the X here and on the planet. I must send them to oblivion. Them, the station, and myself, if I have to. Samus: Open the hatch! I have been ordered to confine you until the ships arrive. Samus: Don't let them do this. Can't you see what will happen, Adam? ...Adam? Samus: ... ...Who is Adam? Samus: ...A friend of mine. And what would this ...friend advise you to do now? Samus: He would know that the only way to end this is to start the self-destruct cycle. He'd know how important it is... Did this "Adam" care for you? Would he sit in a safe Command Room and order you to die? Samus: He would understand that some must live and some must die... He knew what it meant. He made that sacrifice once. So he chose life for you? Our fair warrior, Samus Aran... Your Adam gave his life so that you might keep yours... For the sake of the universe... Samus: ... How foolish. Samus: How dare you! How could you hope to understand, machine? You know that detonating this station in high orbit would not guarantee the complete extinction of the X parasites, even though the station would be utterly destroyed... You would only succeed in removing the one obstacle to the galaxy's ruin...yourself. You would ignore this simple fact and choose death. When Adam decided who would live, he chose incorrectly. Samus: ...! ...If you were to alter the station's orbit, then you might be able to include the planet in the vaporization field of the self-destruct detonation. Samus: ...? You would have to start the propulsion sequence now. Before the Federation arrives. Samus, this is your last mission. Go to the Operations Room and adjust the station's orbit path to intercept SR388. Then return to your ship and escape. Move quickly, and stay alive. That's an order! Any objections, Lady?" ****** *HERE* ****** Now you'll want to use the Save Room before returning to the Main Deck. --------------------------- Main Deck Revisited: Finale --------------------------- Head for the a Save Room before going to the 2x3 room near the target area on your map to start a boss fight. SA-X BOSS You can only hurt the boss with charged beam shots so don't bother with anything else. You can also only hit it with these shots when it's on the ground. So you'll want to fire a shot then jump away from the boss while charging, land to fire another shot and repeat as necessary. The boss will eventually pause on the ground before growing into a second form. This form is actually quite weak as it only takes around five hits to beat it. The boss just jumps around and tries to land on you, you need to fire charged shots at its head to deal damage. Once beaten the boss will take on the bubble form, so beat it with missiles whenever it shows its eye and watch out for the shots that it fires when hit. After the battle take the top left door to the target room, once inside activate the new orbit and the three minute countdown. Now use your map if you need it as you return to your ship, once there a boss battle will begin. Let the boss attack you when the battle begins, this will then cause... ********* *SPOILER* ********* The SA-X to appear and try to save you, it will get killed in the process though and let you absorb it to return to full power. ****** *HERE* ****** Now above all else you need to avoid the boss's claws as they do lots of damage, plus leave you motionless briefly. Basically the best tactic is a hit and run, where you run towards the boss, fire one charged shot diagonally at its chest and retreat before the claws hit you. This not only helps you do maximum damage while keeping yourself safe, it also stops the boss from walking towards you. Repeat this until the boss changes purple, then later red. After this point the boss is close to death, so keep attacking. Once dead your ship will appear, so quickly enter it before the timer runs out and enjoy the ending. ############################################################################### (F) ENDING ############################################################################### ********* *SPOILER* ********* "That perfect military mind... The wisdom of Adam Malkovich continued to serve even after death. Until today, I had no idea that the minds of leaders and scientists were frequently uploaded to computers. My incredible reunion with Adam may have saved the universe... But how will the beings of the universe view our resolve? I doubt they will understand what we did...the danger we barely averted. They will hold tribunals and investigations. They will hold us responsible. Adam understood this, and he spoke to me in my anger... "Do not worry. One of them will understand. One of them must." I've reflected upon his words, and I see the wisdom in them. We are all bound by our experiences. They are the limits of our consciousness. But in the end, the human soul will ever reach for the truth... This is what Adam taught me. Just one detail still bothers me. This ship can only be started manually. Yet, before I faced the Omega Metroid, the ship moved on it's own, guided by someone's hands. Is it possible? Adam...? Lady, what's troubling you? You wonder how I started the ship? Just think about it. They [the Etecoons and Dachoras] lent me a hand..." ****** *HERE* ****** ============== ITEM CHECKLIST ============== Here are checklists for all the Energy Tanks, Missiles, and Power Bombs that you can pick up in the game and any requirements you need to meet before getting them. You can get any missed items after getting the screw attack, but before visiting a Navigation Room. If you visit one, then the doors that lead into sectors will be locked. You can also get missed items after beating the game once as all doors get unlocked at that point. ----------- GAME TOTALS ----------- - 100 Items - 20 Energy Tanks - 48 Missiles - 32 Power Bombs -------------------- Main Deck [13 ITEMS] -------------------- ENERGY TANKS [3] #01 At the top right corner of the large pink room at the right side of the map where you fight the morph ball boss. #02 Once you have the screw attack work your way to the bottom of the morph ball boss room. In the room just before you will find a large pile of blocks, use your screw attack in the ceiling on your right and continue to the top right corner of the room. Stop before the hole that would lead down to the boss, then fire a pair of missiles straight up to open a passage. Follow the passage up and right to the energy tank. #03 In the green 4x1 room near the space jump boss, the energy tank is in plain view. MISSILES [7] #01 On your way to the morph ball boss you'll fall down a green 1x5 shaft, the missiles are at the bottom in plain view. #02 From #01 above go left to what looks like a dead end and fire a few shots at the top bump of the left wall to uncover the missiles. #03 Above the first Navigation Room, you need the Morph Ball. #04 At the top of the elevator [once you can use it again] that leads to the other 6 minor elevators go left and use the Speed Booster. #05 Once you rescue the survivors in the top left part of the map you can easily fall to the bottom of that room for these missiles. #06 Once the main elevator breaks down you'll find the missiles in the green 1x2 room on your way out in plain view. #07 In the green 2x5 room before the space jump boss at the bottom right corner of the map. The missiles can be found halfway down the room, just bomb from their right to reach them. POWER BOMBS [3] #01 When you return to this area and the elevator breaks down, once you go right and fall into a tunnel below use a power bomb. This will open up a tunnel on your left, follow it to reach the power bombs. The power bomb room is located directly above the sector 2 elevator. #02 Once you have power bombs and access to the main deck go to the green doors at the top of the pink 1x4 shaft. Use a power bomb on the barrier and take the right door, then jump to the ledge and jump to a hidden tunnel above. Follow it right and down to the power bombs. #03 You'll actually reach this power bomb from Sector 6, but make sure you've already been to the restricted zone on the main deck before. Once back in the restricted zone use your speed booster as you run left along the bottom section, then store your charge before you hit the far left wall. Finally do a super jump from behind the left pillar in the foreground to get the power bombs above. ------------------- Sector 1 [12 ITEMS] ------------------- ENERGY TANKS [3] #01 Between the second and third 2x2 rooms at the top of the map in plain view, just roll into the pipe below to reach it. #02 Once you have the wave beam and enter this sector go through the door right of the elevator. Climb to the top of the room beyond and wait on the pillar, then fire a diffusion missile to reveal the energy tank. #03 Once you have the space jump go to the lowest Save Room in the pink area and use it, then get ready for a very tricky maneuver. You'll need to use your speed booster as you run right to the 1x2 shaft, then you'll need to duck there to store your charge and quickly use the space jump to jump up to the left door. However you need to do this without releasing your charge which basically involves only pressing left to move on the ground but as soon as you're in the air don't press any directions or you'll use the charge. If you've done this part successfully then you'll need to quickly open the door at the top and do a shoulder charge left to the next room. Be sure to hold left while doing this because when you hit the ramp you'll continue running left, then duck before you drop to the small indent and store the charge. Finally go left to the wall and do a super jump straight up to the energy tank. MISSILES [6] #01 Enter the 3x2 room and use the ladder above to cross the lava and get the missiles beyond. #02 In plain view, go to the pink 2x2 room in the bottom right corner of the map. Enter the top left door and grab the missiles there. #03 From the 2x2 room left of the rightmost save room go left to the next room. Jump to the ladder above and fire a missile left, then enter the tunnel and use bombs to continue left to the missiles. #04 Go to the rightmost save room, then enter the hole in the right wall to reach a hidden shaft. Use the space jump to reach the top and grab the missiles there. #05 Enter the 3x2 room and use the space jump to reach missiles at the left end of the room. #06 Enter the 3x2 room and use the gravity suit [or lots of energy] as you drop into the lava and roll right for the missiles. POWER BOMBS [3] #01 Once you have the wave beam and enter this sector go to the room left of the nearest Save Room. Bomb the floor to fall into the room below, then use power bombs to kill the enemy on your left. Avoid the X by moving left, it should then cause an enemy to spawn on the ceiling. Kill that enemy and avoid the X once again, a golden enemy should appear now. This enemy can only be harmed by shooting it in the back with missiles, this is easiest to do when it jumps into the air. Once the enemy is dead the door on your right will open, enter it for some power bombs. #02 Once you have the screw attack go to the Save Room at the bottom of the pink area, then go right to the shaft and bomb the right wall at the bottom and the blocks above the tunnel. Return to the Save Room and use your speed booster to run all the way right to the new room that you opened with the bombs. Before you fall down the gap there press down to store your charge, then fall down and shoot the enemy below you so you don't lose the charge. Finally run right to the wall and do a super jump, then use the space jump to get up to the top and shoot left to find the power bombs. #03 Take the green door to the right of the Recharge and Save Rooms, then use the screw attack to reach the power bombs above. ------------------- Sector 2 [17 ITEMS] ------------------- ENERGY TANKS [3] #01 Near the first boss room in the bottom right corner of the map in plain view. #02 Go to the top of the green 1x7 shaft in the middle of the map and take the right door, then jump towards the right wall in the next room to find a hidden tunnel. Follow it to the next room and jump straight up at the right wall, then shoot left to find the energy tank. #03 Go to the top of the 1x2 security room at the top of the map, then use your screw attack to enter a room on your left. Make sure you don't land on any blocks in this room because you'll fall right through them, otherwise use the space jump to reach the energy tank in the top left corner. MISSILES [9] #01 Use bombs on the far right wall beyond the middle blue door on your map to find the missiles. #02 Once you have the hi-jump take the middle door in the pink 2x4 room left for the missiles. #03 Once you have the bombs roll through the tunnel in the bottom right corner of the pink 2x4 room. Grab the ledge on the right and use bombs in the tunnel to reach the missiles. #04 Go to the pink 2x2 room beside the data room, then enter the gap in the top right corner to find the missiles. #05 Go to the green 1x6 shaft at the left side of the map, then shoot the left wall from the platform up there to reveal a gap. Enter the gap and bomb the floor to reveal a tower, then use the tower to get the missiles. #06 Go to the green 2x3 room in the bottom left corner of the map, then bomb your way into the small area in the bottom left corner. Roll right to the wall and use a bomb, then follow the tunnel you uncovered to reach the missiles. #07 Go to the green 2x2 room at the bottom left corner of the map, then use the ladder above to cross the water and reach the missiles on the other side. #08 Go to the green 2x2 room at the bottom left corner of the map, then bomb the floor near the left wall in the bottom left corner of the room. An elevator should appear, you can then use it to reach the door on your left. Use a power bomb in the next room to destroy a block, then bomb the floor for an elevator that you can use to reach the missiles. #09 Return to the hi-jump/jump ball boss room at the bottom right corner of the map once you have the screw attack and use it in the top right corner to reveal a door. Go to the bottom left corner of the room beyond and use a power bomb to reveal the missiles and speed blocks above. Now use your speed boost as you run left from the bottom right corner. Store the charge before you reach the left wall, then jump up and do a shoulder charge right through the speed blocks and collect the missiles. POWER BOMBS [5] #01 Once you have the space jump you can jump up the green 2x4 room in the middle of the map and shoot the wall on your right midway up to find the power bombs. #02 You need the space jump to reach the door midway up the left side of a green shaft below the pink 2x4 room. Use your space jump inside to reach the power bombs, you'll take some damage but you should get them. #03 In the same room as #02, just fall through the passage directly below those power bombs and use a bomb to reveal these ones. #04 Go to the top of the 1x2 security room at the top of the map, then use your screw attack to enter a room on your left. Make sure you don't land on any blocks in this room because you'll fall right through them, otherwise use the space jump to reach the power bombs at the left side of the room. #05 Return to the hi-jump/jump ball boss room at the bottom right corner of the map once you have the screw attack and use it in the top right corner to reveal a door. Go to the bottom left corner of the room beyond and get ready for some tricky moves. Use your speed boost as you run right, then store the charge before you hit the wall. Now do a screw attack to the platform above so you don't lose the charge, then quickly do a shoulder charge into the ramp beside you. Continue to hold left as you do this because Samus will continue running at full speed when she hits the ramp. Once you run across the crumbling bridge store your charge before you hit the next wall. Repeat this process for 3 more bridges, then as you cross left over one more at the top of the room you'll need to store your charge before you hit a small ridge. Quickly jump over the ridge and do a final shoulder charge at the ramp on your left, you should then run right through some speed blocks and into the power bombs. ------------------- Sector 3 [16 ITEMS] ------------------- ENERGY TANKS [3] #01 After the robot boss follow the path that it opened up for you. Kill the enemies as you go left to the next room, then drop down and kill the enemy as you use a bomb to continue left. When you see the narrow tunnel above you set a bomb below it to make a tower appear. You can then set bombs above you to find the energy tank. #02 Once you have the varia suit go to the pink 2x4 room and enter the middle door on your left, then go left to the missile room. Destroy the wall and the blocks beyond, then use your speed booster as you run left. Do a super jump at the far left wall, and work your way up to the energy tank above by shooting the walls and bombing the floor to find a tower. #03 Once you have the ice missiles go to missile #02 above and destroy the right wall. Freeze the enemy to reach the door above and freeze the enemies in the room beyond to reach the energy tank in the top right corner. MISSILES [7] #01 Once you beat the robot boss go right of the recharge room below him and get the missiles in plain view. #02 Once you have the varia suit go to the pink 2x4 room and enter the middle door on your left, then go across the ladder to reach the missiles in the room beyond. #03 Go to the top of the pink 1x7 shaft and take the left door, then bomb the left wall to reach the missiles. #04 Go to the bottom of the pink 1x7 shaft and take the right door, then bomb the middle of the floating block for the missiles. #05 Once you have the ice missiles go to missile #02 above and destroy the right wall. Freeze the enemy to reach the door above and freeze the enemies in the room beyond to reach the top right corner, then take the tunnel above to reach the missiles. #06 Go to the bottom right of the pink 2x4 room, then go right a room. Use your speed booster as you shoot blocks and run left to the green room. Then shoot the ground to find a hidden room below you, shoot the ceiling in the upper right corner to find the missiles. #07 Once you have the screw attack take the top right door of the pink 2x4 room, then work your way right to the long green corridor. Shoot up until there's a gap in the ceiling and use your screw attack on the right wall up there to enter sector 1. From here you need to use your speed booster as you run all the way left to sector 3 again, then store your charge before you hit the screw attack blocks. Do a screw attack to break the blocks and quickly do a shoulder charge left to get the missiles. POWER BOMBS [6] #01 Once you have power bombs, go to the pink 1x7 shaft and enter the small room midway up the left side of it. Use a power bomb there and enter the tunnel that appears to reach the power bombs in the room beyond. #02 Once you have the gravity suit, go to the lowest pink 1x2 room on the map and use a power bomb at the bottom. Enter the gap that you opened on your left and work your way right and up to the top right corner of the lava maze before going clockwise around the edge of the room to the power bombs. #03 Once you have the screw attack, go to the bottom of the pink 1x7 shaft and work your way right to the green 3x3 room. Then use your screw attack in the bottom right corner to find a door. Use your speed boost as you run through the door, then store the charge in the next room and do a super jump against the right wall to reach the power bombs in mid jump. #04 From #03 above continue your super jump to the top of the shaft, then hold left as you fall. Finally use your screw attack as you head left up and over the wall to reach the nearby power bombs. #05 Once you have power bombs go to the green 1x5 room at the top of the map, then use your speed booster as you go left to the next room. Store your charge and do a shoulder charge through the blocks on your left, then use a power bomb and follow the tunnel above you left to the power bombs. #06 You'll actually reach this power bomb from Sector 5, but make sure you have the space jump first. In Sector 5 head for the red door at the top of the 2x5 room, then walk right through the destroyed door and shoot up to reveal a passage. Take the door in the new passage and go right to Sector 3, then use a bomb on the ceiling by the door. Jump up there and shoot the block on your right to reveal the bombs. ------------------- Sector 4 [15 ITEMS] ------------------- ENERGY TANKS [2] #01 Go to the pink 2x2 room left of the 3x3 room, then enter the top left door and follow the winding room to the energy tank through a door at the top. #02 Once you open the level 4 locks, work your way up the right wall of the shaft in the next room to find a ledge. Roll through a hidden tunnel there to a short shaft beyond, then work your way towards the bottom and use a power bomb to kill the enemies. Avoid the X that they release until some of it causes two gold enemies to appear on your right. Use missiles to enter that area and then use them to kill the enemies. This will open the door below and in the room beyond you'll find an energy tank in the top right block. MISSILES [9] #01 On your way to the speed booster boss you'll enter a green 1x3 shaft, midway down the shaft you can walk through the left wall just above a ladder. Inside the room beyond you'll find the missiles in plain view. #02 After the speed booster boss you'll go right to a green 1x3 room, when you use your speed booster be sure to hold right as you fall into the room below. Alternatively you can reach this spot in the room from below but you'll need to use wall jumps. Either way drop to the ledge on your left, and use bombs on the strip of blocks above you to open a tunnel that leads left. Follow it and bomb the wall where it ends to reach the missiles. #03 From missile #02 above jump to the tunnel above you and follow it left, then drop down a little before heading right. Jump the gap and jump straight up in the alcove before shooting right. Follow the tunnel you opened right to reach the missiles. #04 Once you've used the pump in the blue door room at the left side of the map, drop to the ladder on your left and jump to the missiles on your right. #05 Once you've used the pump in this sector use your speed booster in either the pink 3x3 room as you run left or the pink 4x2 room as you run right. Either way you'll end up in a green 2x1 room, work your way through the water above to reach the missiles at the left end of the room. #06 Once you've used the pump in this sector head for the 2x2 room below the Save/Recharge/Navigation rooms. Take the bottom left door and use missiles on the barrier, then bomb the wall below the wires for the missiles. #07 Once you have the gravity suit go to the pink 1x5 shaft. Take the middle of the three doors that lead right. Kill the enemies inside and get the missiles at the right end of the room. #08 Once you have the gravity suit go to the bottom of the pink 1x5 shaft, then take the right door and use a power bomb in the glass tubes. Fall down and kill the enemies, then grab the missiles. #09 Once you have the screw attack go to the top of the pink 2x3 room, then go right until you reach the 1x3 room. Use your screw attack on the enemies and barrier to reach the missiles. POWER BOMBS [4] #01 Once you have the power bombs go to the pink 3x3 room, from the right door use a bomb on your left to open a tunnel, follow it left and use another bomb to drop into an area below. Finally use a power bomb and roll right for the power bombs. #02 Once you have the gravity suit go to the pink 1x5 shaft. Go left to the wall below the top doors and jump up to a hidden passage left, then grab the power bombs beyond it. #03 Once you have the gravity suit go to the bottom of the pink 1x5 shaft, then take the left door and bomb the ceiling of the left glass tube. Fire missiles above you and work your way to a ledge on the upper right and use bombs to reach power bombs beyond it. #04 Once you have the screw attack go right through the middle door of the pink 2x3 room to the room beyond, then use your speed boost and store the charge before you hit the right door. Finally do a super jump below the spot in the ceiling where you can see a small gap in the rocks [near the right door] to reach the power bombs. ------------------- Sector 5 [15 ITEMS] ------------------- ENERGY TANKS [3] #01 Once you have Ice Missiles you can freeze the enemies in the shaft right of the Data Room. Just before you reach the top you can enter a door on the left. Ignore the fake energy tank here and use bombs in the left corner to get the real Energy Tank. #02 In the room right before the Nightmare/Gravity Suit boss in plain view. Before you enter the tunnel, jump straight up and bomb the wall to reveal another tunnel. Take that tunnel over to reach the energy tank with ease. #03 Once you have the gravity suit return to the green shaft left of you and grab the ledge on the right wall. Jump to the left wall and shoot a missile at the square directly across from the gap on the other wall. Enter the tunnel and slowly roll across the platforms to reveal the weak spots, then jump them to reach the energy tank. MISSILES [4] #01 Use the ice missiles to freeze enemies on the left side of the large 3x4 room near the recharge room. Use the enemies to climb to the top and enter the room on your left for the missiles. #02 Once you have level 3 locks opened you can enter the left door at the bottom of the left-most shaft. Kill the enemies inside and jump below the missiles from left 2 squares to reach them. #03 Once you have level 3 locks opened you can enter the right door at the bottom of the left-most shaft. Kill the enemy above you and use a bomb in the top right corner. Jump up there and shoot to uncover the missiles. #04 Go to the bottom of the green 1x5 shaft and use the ball to enter a hidden tunnel at the left wall. Use the space jump to reach the top and shoot the raised part of the ceiling to find the missiles. POWER BOMBS [8] #01 After getting your power bombs from the data room head for the room right of the lowest Save Room. Use a power bomb and drop down the hole, then work your way left for the power bombs. #02 From power bomb #01 use a power bomb to travel upwards, then use another one to open up a shaft above. Freeze the enemies as you climb the shaft and enter the room at the top for the power bombs. #03 Near the top of the 2x5 room you'll need to use a power bomb to get past a barrier on your left. Wait on the ledge in the room beyond, then freeze the enemy when it's one square away from turning around and coming back towards you. Jump on him in ball form but don't land on the squares in front of or behind him as you'll fall right through them. Roll through the tunnel and wait at the next ledge, try to freeze this enemy closer to the left side of his patrol. Then slowly roll right to see the first of four blocks that crumble away. Jump from there to the enemy and then jump to the tunnel beyond, DO NOT roll off the end of the tunnel yet. The first three blocks below you will crumble if you land on them so be sure to jump over them when you jump off the ledge, then get your power bombs. #04 Once you have the space jump go to the 3x4 room and freeze the enemies to make it to the top, then shoot the left door and kill all enemies on your right. Now speed boost left toward the open door and use a shoulder charge to fly through the blocks in the next room, then grab the power bombs. #05 Once you have the space jump head for the red door at the top of the 2x5 room, then walk right through the destroyed door and shoot up to reveal a passage. Follow it up and use a power bomb to reveal yet another passage, then follow that one to the top and open both gates from below. Finally bomb the left side of the wall to open a gap below and use more bombs to get the power bombs. #06 Once you have the space jump go two rooms left of the Nightmare boss room. Take the middle of the three left doors and use a power bomb to find the power bombs. #07 Once you have the space jump go to the first room mentioned above and go to the very top [third door on the right], then use a power bomb to reveal a passage on your left. Follow it to the door and jump about 4 squares before the tunnel ends to land in a passage above you, then roll left and use a bomb to get some power bombs. #08 Once you have the space jump go to the room below the first room mentioned in #06 above. Shoot the door on the right and kill the enemies on your left, then run all the way right and through the blocks in the next room. Duck after the blocks to store your charge, then do a super jump between the blocks and grab the power bombs. ------------------- Sector 6 [12 ITEMS] ------------------- ENERGY TANKS [3] #01 In the pink 2x2 room use missiles on the barrier and bomb the flat part of the right wall for a tunnel that leads to the energy tank. Set a bomb in the top right corner and follow the tunnel that appears to reach the energy tank. #02 On your way to the Varia Suit boss, you really can't miss it, three rooms left of the Save Room. #03 Once you have the screw attack go down the pink 1x4 shaft at the top of the map, then enter the bottom left door. Clear the room of enemies and blocks, then use your speed booster as you run right to the shaft. Store the charge there, then do a shoulder charge right to the next room and get ready for some frustration. Basically this room is filled with towers that you can uncover, some stretch vertically and block your path, and others stretch horizontally and cover up the gaps. Once you've built the bridge without any vertical towers blocking you simply run all the way right. Your speed boost should kick in near the end, but keep holding right and run right off the bridge, you'll break the bottom speed block and grab hold of the ledge. Now just climb up and roll to the energy tank. I find the best way to build the bridge is to stand with one foot off the edge of the first gap, then fire a shot right. Do the same thing facing left on the first gap. Face left on the right side of the second gap and back up a tiny bit before firing. Finally fire from both sides of the third gap to complete the bridge. MISSILES #01 Two rooms right of the Recharge Room drop to the bottom and bomb the flat part in the left wall, then follow the tunnel for the missiles. #02 From the Save Room left of the Varia Suit boss, go to the bottom of the room on your right and destroy the blocks in the bottom left corner. Bomb that same corner and roll left to a hidden area, then kill the enemies and use bombs in the top right corner for the missiles. #03 Once you have the Varia Suit go right to the second shaft and climb to the top, then go left to the next room. Jump the crumbling blocks in front of the missiles to get them safely. #04 From missile #03 above fall through the crumbling blocks and hold left while falling so you grab the ledge midway down and enter the tunnel. Kill the enemies and shoot the flat part of the ceiling for the missiles. #05 Once you have the Varia Suit go to the 1x4 shaft at the top of the map, then enter the door in the top right corner. Go past all the X and enemies to what looks like a missile room. However when you get close the missiles will take off and fly away, bomb the wall behind them for the real missiles. #06 Once you have the Wave Beam, go right a room and use it to open the gate to the missiles. POWER BOMBS [3] #01 Once you have the screw attack go to the pink 1x4 shaft at the top of the map, then take the left door near the bottom. Clear the room of enemies and use your screw attack to clear the blocks on the ground, then open the left door and use your speed booster to run right towards the opposite door. Store your charge and do a shoulder charge through the open door on your left and through the blocks and enemies beyond. Shoot the blocks below you and fall to the ground floor. Now use your speed booster as you run right and store the charge when you can, then quickly go left to the third 2-block wide section of floor. Position yourself on the right side of it and do a super jump straight up. If done correctly you should pass through a column of blocks, then you can hold right and grab the power bombs. #02 In the same room as #01 above, go to the bottom left corner and get ready for a difficult series of tasks. You'll first need to speed boost to the right wall and store the charge before you hit it. Second, do a screw attack as you jump to the platform above so you don't lose the charge. Finally do a shoulder charge at the ramp on your left, this will make Samus run at full speed. Quickly start doing space jumps left before you hit the line of blocks as you'll fall right through them. If all goes well you should be using space jumps in the air at max speed. Now drop through the speed blocks above the power bombs. #03 Go to the green L-shaped room and use your screw attack at the top to enter a room on your right. You can also fall down the L-shaped room and go right a room, then use your screw attack in the ceiling to reach the new room. Either way once in the new room kill all enemies but one, then jump to the ledge and use a bomb in the ceiling. This should create a tunnel to the power bombs, then you should wait until the enemy is entering the gap near the power bombs. Quickly fire a diffusion missile so that the enemy is frozen in the middle of that gap, now you can roll over it to reach the power bombs without falling through the blocks below. ############################################################################### (H) THANKS ############################################################################### Many thanks go out to the following contributors. Excrono Jack Dangers Kap'n_Kakakaway Matthew Bryant ############################################################################### (I) EXPERIMENTAL ############################################################################### For a little while now I've had a paypal link in all my FAQs at the very bottom here. Mainly as a small experiment since a few other FAQ authors have also had the same idea. I had a few people email me before I put this link in because they wanted to send money, so it's here for those people. For the record I've received about $87 (which works out to a bit more in Canadian lol) last I checked, so I've been getting cases of pop and making some excellent progress on a few FAQs. If you don't want to send money or can't then send me an email, it's nice to hear what people thought about my work and there's always room for improvement. My email address and paypal address for those that want to contribute are both dan.engel.2017 (AT) gmail (DOT) com Many thanks, and I hope you continue to use my work! ~Dan