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(2) Copyright Notice (3) Version History (5) Samus's Moves, Abilities, & Suits (6) Samus's Story So Far (7) Controls (8) Questions and Awnsers (9) Special Thanks To (10) List of Site Who Can Use My FAQ/Walkthrough (11) Walkthrough 0.1 Docking Bays 0.2 Main Deck (1) 0.3 Operations Deck (1) 0.4 Main Deck (2) 0.5 Boss Arachnus-X 0.6 Main Deck (3) 0.7 Sector 1 SRX (1) 0.8 Sector TRO (1) 0.9 Boss Pogo-X 0.10 Sector 4 AQA (1) 0.11 Boss Seriss 0.12 Sector 3 PYR (1) 0.13 Boss Security Robot (1) 0.14 Sector 6 NOC (1) 0.15 Boss Fat-X 0.16 Sector 5 ARC (1) 0.17 Sector 3 PYR (2) 0.18 Boss Human-X 0.19 Main Deck (4) 0.20 Sector 5 ARC 0.21 Main Deck (5) 0.22 Boss Spider 0.23 Boss Vegy-X 0.24 Sector 5 ARC (2) 0.25 Sector 4 AQA (2) 0.26 Sector 6 NOC (2) 0.27 Restricted Zone 0.28 Restricted Laboritory 0.29 Sector 1 SRX (2) 0.30 Boss Ridley 0.31 Main Deck (6) 0.32 Boss SA-X 0.33 Boss Omega Metroid ****************************************************************************** (1) Usage Notice ****************************************************************************** This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal private use. It may not be placed on any wed site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. If you see any mistakes, there will probably be plenty, just e-mail me at ghn466@yahoo.com. You can e-mail me anything just as long as you stick to the Metroid Fusion topic, and put Metroid Fusion in the subject or else I won’t awnser you. ****************************************************************************** (2) Copyright Notice ****************************************************************************** Copyright Bobby Hoffman 2004 ****************************************************************************** (3)Version History ****************************************************************************** Version 1.00 The full FAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.02 I put in a section saying whitch sites can use my FAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.05 I fixed the version mistake and updated the sites of who could use my guide Version 1.06 Fixed the part where there were two parts about the websites. Version 1.08 Updated contact information Version 1.10 Fixed yet more annyoning mistakes Version 1.20 Updated Questions & Awnsers ****************************************************************************** (5)Samus's Moves, Abilities, and Suits ****************************************************************************** Missiles -------------------------------------------------------- Hold R and fire to launch missiles. Morph Ball -------------------------------------------------------- Samus can curl up into a little ball to reach tight areas Hi-Jump-Morph Jump --------------------------------------------------------- Samus can jump higher and she can even jump in ball mode. Speed Booster ------------------------------------------------- Run until Samus starts to run really fast and glows. Super Missiles ---------------------------------------------------------- A stronger missile that may kill some enemies in one hit. Varia Suit ----------------------------------------------------------- A suit that protects you from extreme temperatures. Power Bomb ----------------------------------------------------------- A more powerful bomb that can uncover more things. Space Jump ----------------------------------------------------------- A jump that allows you when spinning to jump multiple times in the air. But don't hit the A button rapidly, because you will get no where by doing that. Hit it when you reach the peak of your jump, to gain more alltitude. Gravity Suit ----------------------------------------------------------- This suit allows you to move in water like you were in land. It also protect you from lava. Wave Beam ----------------------------------------------------------- This beam can go through anything. Corkscrew ----------------------------------------------------------- This automaticilly turns on when you are spinning, you can now kill pretty much any enemy,with it except for bosses unless it is the SA-X. ***************************************************************** (6) SAMUS’S STORY SO FAR ***************************************************************** (TAKEN DIRECTELY FROM INSTRUCTION BOOKLET) In Cosmic year 20X5, a Galactic Federation exploration vessel discovered an unknown organism on SR388. The hovering creature was a Metroid, an entity that exhibited frightening parasitic, energy-absorbing properties. Some time later, gifted bounty hunter Samus Aran was dispatched alone to engage the Zebesian Space Pirates who abducted the Metroid specimen for use as a weapon. On Zebes, Samus also encountered the biomechanical Mother Brain, leader of the Space Pirates, and dispatched her in a bitter fight. From then on, Metroids were viewed as a highly dangerous life form. Eventually, Samus Aran was sent to SR388 to exterminate the last remaining Metroids-but only after an entire Federation platoon was wiped out in an earlier attempt.At the end of her battle on SR388, one Metroid hatchling was born before Samus’s eyes and it imprinted upon her as a mother figure. Samus took this larval Metroid, the last in the universe, to the Galactic Space Academy for observation and research.This research revealed several possible applications of Metroid-based technology for the betterment of humanity. The unique energy absorption properties of Metroids could be harnessed when they were artificially reproduced in captivity.Just when it seemed as if peace might prevail in the galaxy, Space Pirates returned for the Metroid hatchling and took it back to Zebes. Samus followed the Pirates back to Zebes and fought to exterminate their threat and save the last Metroid. In the final battle with Mother Brain, the hatchling saved Samus,giving up its life in the process. Samus succeeded in defeating Mother Brain, but the universe lost the promise of using Metroids for the power of good. ************************************************************************ (7)CONTROLS ************************************************************************ (TAKEN FROM INSTRUCTION BOOKLET) Up *USED FOR AIMING STRAIGHT UP *CLIMB LADDERS *DEACTIVATE MORPH BALL DOWN *CROUCH R BUTTON *SWITCH TO MISSILES OR POWER BOMBS L BUTTON *AIM UP OR DOWN SELECT+L+R DEACTIVATE SLEEP MODE *CLIMB DOWN LADDERS *DOWN 2 ACTIVATE MORPH BALL A BUTTON *JUMP *SPIN JUMP WHILE RUNNING *RELEASE LADDERS B BUTTON *FIRE BEAM OR MISSILES *DROP BOMBS IN MORPH MODE *DROP POWER BOMBS ************************************************************************ (8)QUESTIONS&ANWSERS ************************************************************************ Q:i wanted to get 100% by collecting all the stuff but i can get one of the power bomb upgrades. On the map its about in the middle twords the bottom right a little, (theres a save point 3 squares to the left. You have to do a speed run on some blocks just below where it is, so im guessing ud do the power jump move (where u run charge up then jump really hard) but there is no space to do the move!!! its imposible, can u charge up ur jump some other way? Wrote PacMan5486iii@aol.com A:Go to the Save Room and run full speed until you get to that room and as soon as you get in the room push down and your power will remain with you for a short while. While it is still with you corkscrew down to the bottom of the room to kill the enemy and then go all the way over so you are touching the wall and do the thing where you jump up really hard. Q:I need your help on metroid fusion. I am on the part where u fight nightmare. i already beat him. so i got to this place where u go under water and u half to run thorugh the wall but u cant run back because there is not enough room. and i saved it so im stuck. can u please email me back and tell me what i have to do. i hope u know where im at i just got the gravitey suit. Wrote Alex7Salazar@yahoo.com A:Go through the door and then go back through it into the boss room. Go to the far right wall, turn around and run full speed to the left while fireing your gun. Q:i am at the last bost when i am going to my ship how do u kill it Wrote Alex7Salazar@yahoo.com A:You have to let it claw you and get the ice data when the S.A.-X. appears. Then just shoot it with your ice beam. Q:Thanks for the great walk through for Fusion! But I'm stuck in sector 5. Looking at the map (pressing "start") I'm at the lower right area of the map at the "save" point. I've downloaded the Ice Missile data an am now to proceed to the navigation room....but I can't get out of this area. If I go left from the start point, I come to a room with growing green things that I can't pass, even if I freeze them I can't blow them up. If I go right, I freeze the growing green thing and enter a room above which will take me to another room with speed blocks but due to the rooms nature, I can't get enough speed to break through. To the right of the green thing I froze is a room with a large ceiling and ladder on the right wall. I climb the ladder all the way up, freeze one of the floating creatures, jump on it to an area to the left. In that room contains an energy bar. OK, I've (I think) tried everything to get out. What am I missing? Wrote Bob1Gordon@aol.com A:Thanks for using my guide. If you've beat nightmare here is what you do. Go left out of the save room and go to the bottom left door in the big room with water half filling it. Go through it and go to the bottom and go through the door on the right. You will be in a room with more water some fish and some space pirates. Go to the door on the bottom left, but make sure you kill all the enemies. Go to the door on the bottom left but don't go through it. Run full speed to the right and keep fireing your beam you will go through the door and break through the wall. But don't stop keep running full speed. ************************************************************************ (9) Special Thanks To ************************************************************************ First My thanks goes to Nintendo for another great Metroid game. Next My cousin Adam for recommending a great game. ************************************************************************ (10)List of Sited Who Can Use My FAQ/Walkthrough ************************************************************************ http://www.gamefaqs.com http://faqs.ign.com http://www.neoseeker.com http://www.gamespot.com http://www.cheatcc.com http://www.cheatplanet.com ************************************************************************ (11)WALKTHROUGH ************************************************************************ 0.1 Docking Bays ************************************************************************ The computer CO will tell you that you’ll arrive at the research center and must prepare for docking. Once you get there the CO will say you are to go to the Quarantine Bay and investigate an explosion. 0.2 Main Deck (1) ************************************************************************ To get there go to doors left and up all the way to the top of the shaft and go left another two doors and uplink at the Navigation Room. The computer will tell you the Quarantine Bay is ahead and to be careful for bio-signs are confirmed. When he gets done talking go left one door up to the top of the room and left another door and then down and left again. Finally you’re at the Quarantine Bay walk all the way over and shoot the hornoad and absorb the x. Go back to the navigation and uplink. From there go to the area with the boss, the target. To get there go right one door up the shaft and through the first door on the right. Go right one door again and save it. From there go one more door right and up the shaft and go through the door at the top because the other door is blocked for right now. Uplink to the computer and he will tell you about your missile upgrade. (Whoopee) from there go right one door and up the shaft and through the door and up the elevator. On the way up she will talk about her other CO Adam. 0.3 Operations Deck (1) *********************************************************************** Go to the doors in the middle and left two doors and upload the missiles. Up link the CO and he will tell you that electrical interference has knocked out the power on the Main Deck elevators. Leave the Navigation room and jump on the two platforms on the air and shoot the red glowing thing and go through the door. Shoot the little nest thing and drop down the drop blocks. From there jump over the ledge and shoot the cracked wall fall down and shoot the zombie and then fall through the break blocks. Go left and fall through more break blocks yea, next climb the ladder and fall down go left a bit and do more falling and pick up the missile tank. Go left and fall down yet some more next go to the left and you will see two ledges on the second ledge on the top corner shoot it with your beam to get another Missile Tank. Then go right and through the door. 0.4 Main Deck (2) ************************************************************************ You’ll find yourself on the Main Deck once again; go up and to the right to save it. Go back down the shaft to where you came in and go right, shoot the red thing with three missiles collect the red-x and move onward through the door. Once inside you will have to jump up some ledges be sure to collect the energy tank and the hidden one before you drop down to Arachnus X shoot the wall above the hole with a couple missiles go right and pick up the energy tank, go back and prepare for the battle with Arachnus X. ************************************************************************ 0.5 Arachnus X ************************************************************************ You need to shoot him with a lot of missiles and if you run out use your beam. When it turns into a core X pick up the free-floating X and shoot it with 3 missiles and absorb your rightfully earned morph ball. ************************************************************************ Morph into a ball down twice and roll through the hole. In the next room jump over the bricks jump up to the ledge morph into a ball and go through the door. Jump up the ladders while morphing into a ball when necessary, on one of the ladders you have to shoot the blocks in the wall with your beam, roll through and shoot the zombie researchers and roll through the wall and you’ll be back on the Main Deck. 0.6 Main Deck (3) ************************************************************************ Go from the wall go up to the first door and shoot the nest ball three times with missiles. Recharge and exit the room and go down and take the door on the right to the save room, save it if you want. Go left another door come down the shaft and uplink at the Navigation Room. He tells you to go to sector one SRX so onward. From the Navigation Room go one door left up to the top of the shaft and through the door on the left. Jump across the gap morph into a ball and go through the door, keep going left until you reach the elevator go down it. When your going down the elevator you will see the Sax bust through the wall and destroy the hatch with a super missile. When you get down all the way you will hear the power go out go left through the door and down the elevator to Sector 1 SRX. 0.7 Sector 1 SRX ************************************************************************ Uplink at the Navigation Room and he will tell you that the Atmospheric Stabilizers are off-line because the X are trying to alter the environment to their needs. So you have to get them back on-line. From the Navigation Room go past the save and recharge rooms, use them if you want go out and down to the bottom door and through the hallway and shoot the green thingy with three missiles. Go to the next room and you’ll see an X in the Atmospher ic Stabilizer climb up the wall using the ledge go to the other side of the floor and climb down to the bottom and shoot the X with three missiles in the opening. Go through the newly opened door and when your in that hallway and kill all the enemies when the floating things in the air form shoot the with missiles if you want. Once you destroy them shoot the thing that’s blocking your way to the Energy Tank morph into a ball and collect it, finally head through the door into the shaft before you go down go to the door on the right. You’ll find another Atmospheric Stabilizer. Shoot the wall in front of you and go up to the next level walk all the way over and shoot the ceiling above you and jump up make sure you shoot the enemies. Don’t walk over the floor that has a single layer because if you do you’ll fall through so go all the way over and aim up at the X shoot it with three missiles and leave the room. Go down the shaft and through the first door on the left and walk all the way through the hallway shoot the arachnus along the way. Go through the door on the end and down the shaft through the door on the bottom. Through the next room and inside the next you should find that the Atmospheric Stabilizer is offline so here’s how to destroy it. Climb across the ladder on the ceiling and down to the other side of the wall then jump up on the ladder on the wall and shoot the X with three missiles and go through the door on the bottom right. Go through the next to rooms and into the big room to clear yet another Atmospheric Stabilizer. Jump up to the top using the support things go to the ledge on the right and hop up on the ladder rungs on the ceiling and shoot the X with three missiles as usual. Go back up to the ledge and through the door on the top left and collect the missile tank. Go back out and through the door and through the door on the bottom right. Climb up the shaft and go left through the door shoot the shutter opener and through the other door on the left and you’ll be in a room with some water kill all the enemies then climb up on the ladder rungs and go all the way to the left shoot three times grab on to the ledge and go through the door into the room and fall through the break blocks when your at the bottom you can go let two doors to save it. Go back up and shoot the door blocker and you’ll be in a room with an old friend holding your prize shoot it and walk up to it cautiously but before you can collect it will turn into a core X. Shoot it with a missile when you see a hole in it shoot it but as soon as you shoot it jump up or else you will get hit by your new beam. Once you defeat the X you will get charge beam, once collected go up on the platforms and through the door and to get out of this room shoot up at the ceiling and grab the ladder rungs, the turn to the wall and shoot it with a few missiles for another missile tank, then go through the door. Finally the last Atmospheric Stabilizer! Yesss!!! To get this little booger go to the bottom left hand corner and climb up at the small ledge shoot at the wall towards the X and your beam will break through shoot it with either 3 charges or missiles. Finally head back to the Navigation Room. Go through the door on the bottom right and through the next room and into the shaft if you want you can go into the save room on the right. In the Save Room shoot the little crack and roll through then wall kick to get the Missile Tank at the top. Then go left one door and to the top of the shaft and left four doors and up to the recharge, save, and into the Navigation Room. He tells you to go to Sector 2 TRO to investigate. To get there go through the door on the left up the elevator and through two doors and down the elevator to Sector 2 TRO. 0.8 Sector 2 TRO (1) ************************************************************************ He tells you about the mystery sabotage, the SA-X. He tells you to go get your bomb data but the hatch is a level one hatch. So you have to go to the Security Room, to unlock the hatches. to get to the Security Room from the Recharge Room go right one door and you'll find yourself in a big room, go down and ingnore the door in the middle. Go to the bottom of the room and then go to the top right door. Go through the small hallway, through the door and up to the top of the next room. Shoot the door at the top and unlock the level one hatches; SCORE!! To get to the data room from the security room go through the door and to the bottom of the room, then go back through the hallway. Go to the bottom left door, go through the hallway and through the door on the other end. you should be in a big room, jump up on the ledge and go all the way to the left to upload your bombs in the data room. Head back out to find that the SA-X has blocked your way out. Go to the ledge on the middle right and it should be cracked, lay a bomb to go to inside to get a missile tank. Go back outside and to the bottom seft of the room and lay bombs until you get to the other side. Lay a bomb and drop through the hole to the next room. You can go to the door on the right to save it but other wise ho to the door on the left. Morph into a ball and go through the passage using a bomb to get over the block and blowing up one in your way and make your way down blowing up blocks as you go. Finally go through the door at the bottom. Go down to the bottom of the room and through the door. Blow up the block in the bottom of the room with bombs. Fall through the break blocks and blow up the part down on the bottom below the block. Roll through, shoot the worm and get the missile tank. Shoot above the missile tank to get out. Now blow up the block that is above where you got the missils tank and go through the door on the right. Go through the room and once you get stuck in between the pillars lay bombs three spaces away and a metal pillar will rise up and you can go up to the other side through the door. If you go through the door on the right and through the next you'll be in a save room. save it if you want. From the room that goes up, from the bottom door go up to the third door on the right and go through it. Walk through the room and go through the door on the right. From there go through the next door on the right and you should be in a save room. Save it if you want, go right through the door and through the door. In the next room collect the energy tank and then bomb the floor that is next to the door, you should fall through to a room with a door blocker. Shoot it with three missiles and proceed to the boss. 0.9 Pogo-X ************************************************************************ This boss is easy, when it jumps up and opens the part down by its feet shoot it with as many missiles as you can, but get out of the way before it touches the ground or else you'll be forced into ball mode and you will have to lay bombs before it sucks all your health. Once you finally destroy it the Core X will appear, shoot it with 4-5 missiles and it willbe dead. Collect the X and get your Hi-Jump and your Jumpball abilities. ************************************************************************ Go back through the little room where you fell through and get to the save room. Save it if you want and then go left to be back out in the room and through the door in there. Go through the hallway with the one dude in there and you'll find that the SA-X has sealed the door shut so lay some bombs next to the door to drop down to the room below. Rool all the way over and you will find the SA-X in there, wait until he leaves and then roll all the way back over and lay some bombs to drop down and then go through the door and out into the room. Your only way out is up. Go up and jump up on the cocoon things and go to the top jumping on the cocoons as needed. When you get to the part with a block roll into a ball and lay a bomb to go through then jump up in ball mode and lay a bomb and go through the door. In the next room go through the next door and jump up, grab the ledge and use it to jump up on the next one and roll into a ball. Collect the missile tank, roll through the ledge peice on the top stay in a ball and roll through the small entrance. You will be back in the room where you started. Go to the top left to the recharge,save, and navigation rooms. Save it and see what the Adam has to say. He says that you have trouble and that releasing the security locks might have been a bad idea, because the SA-X and the X have made it into Sector 4 AQA. He tell you to head out for Sector 4. Go up the elevator and go right one door, once you get up the elevator. Go down the elevator. Go down the elevator to Sector 4. 0.9 Sector 4 AQA (1) ************************************************************************ Go to the Navigation Room and he will tell you that your objective is to destroy Serris so it doesn’t invade other sectors. From the Recharge Room go left one door to find yourself in a big room, work your way over to the door on the left go through the small room and through the other door. Climb up to the top roll into a ball jump up and lay a bomb, go across the ladder on the top all the way to the other side. Work your way over to the other side using the platforms to get across. Finally go through the other door and you’ll be in another big room. Go through the room to the top left door. You’ll be in a room going up to the top left door and save it in the Save Room. Leave the Save Room and go right until you can only go up, then go up go through the little hole and through the door to get the Energy Tank. Go back out to the Save Room and drop down and go through the door. Go right through the other door in the next room. Then in the next room with the platforms go to the one that’s up at the top step up on that and jump up to the hidden area. Go left all the way until you reach a door leading to a Save Room, save it if you want. Then go wall kick up and then once at the top roll into a ball jump up and lay a bomb to get rid of the blocks blocking your way. Then roll over and lay another bomb and get up but stay crouching and shoot a missile to reveal a Missile Tank. Go back to the room with all the water tanks, then go through the door on the bottom left. Once inside blow up the stuff blocking your way to the ladder on the ceiling. Get the stuff out of the way and go all the way over. Lay some bombs next to the fake wall on the left and roll through. If you go through the door on the left that will be the Pump Room for lowering the water level. Remember where it is. Shoot directly above the door you just came in and climb the ladder and grab onto the ladder on top and go all the way across. Then once on the little ledge shoot directly above you to get rid of the blocks. Finally once you get to the Save Room, save it and then you should see a little crack, shoot it with your beam and roll through to the boss. Walk through the little room, you’ll have to go into the water to get to the other side then go through the door and up the wrecked room and you will have to beat the door blocker to get through the door at the top. Finally you get to battle Serris. 0.10 Serris ************************************************************************ Serris is sort of easy. Just get up on the ladder on the ceiling and go all the way to the right. When he gets out of super speed mode you have to hit it in the head with a missile. When you do hit it, Serris will go super speed again and you have to wait, again. Shoot him with missiles 3-6 times and he will be dead. Then shoot the core X with 6 missiles absorb it and the speed boost power will be yours. ************************************************************************ There is only a little bit left to do. Once you beat him go through the door at the top right and go all the way right until you come to a tiny opening and shoot the enemys as you go through. Once you shoot the all go all the way left until you can’t anymore and run you should speed boost just in time to fall through the boost blocks. Remember the Water Pump Room? Well go there and run as soon as you get in the door. You will break through the break blocks and then you will have to stop yourself. Lower the water level, and you can explore if you want, but other wise you should leave Sector 4, because there is nothing to do in here yet. When you uplink the computer he will tell you to go to Sector 3 PYR to download your Super Missile upgrade. Take the elevator up to the Main Deck and go left to Sector 3. 0.11 Sector 3 PYR ************************************************************************ Upload to map for Sector 3. He tells you that you will have to release the Security Lock to get to the Data Room. So from the Recharge Room go down to the bottom of the room and go through the door on the right and then run out of the room back to the room to the left shooting as you go. Then you’ll go through the door and blast through the wall. When you break through go back against the wall and run at full speed. Once you start glowing jump up at the ceiling at the top left corner and you’ll break through. Roll into a ball and roll through to the other side and unlock the Security Locks for the Level Two Hatches. Now the enemys will be in this Sector now only making your job more difficult. Leave now but shoot the enemys that are in your way and then go back to the door and run full speed to the right and jump up when you reach the little hump in the floor.go all the way back to the room on the right only go up one level to the first weird creature and kill it with your missiles, once you kill it go all the way over to the wall and you will fall down. Shoot the glowing thing and go to the door on the left but don’t go through it. Then run full speed to the right to break some boost blocks and then go back to the left and you will fall down through the break block. From the room you fell in go up the shaft and left through the only open door. Roll into a ball and blow up the top block roll through then lay another bomb where the bigger block is and it will be gone jump up there and roll all the way to the left until you can’t go anymore and the lay a bomb. Jump up and go to the left. Keep going left and you will reach the Data Room. Download your Super Missile data and go left until the room starts shaking. Go back to the Data Room door but get up on the ladder quickly because you are about to fight a rogue Security Robot. 0.12 Security Robot Encounter 1 ************************************************************************ Stay up on the rungs on the ceiling and shoot the Security Robot in the middle. This is the only way to hurt him, other wise the missiles will just bounce right off him. When he shoots the black fire bombs out stay over the top of them so you don’t get hurt. Keep repeating this process until the robot glows and jumps up out through the ceiling. ************************************************************************ To get out do the same as he did jump up through the newly made path in the ceiling. Follow the hallway all the way to the left using missiles on the enemies and bombs on the blocks that are in your way. Go through the door on you left down a little and over through back to the main part of Sector 3. Go back to the Recharge, Save, And Navigation Rooms and here is what Adam has to say. He says that he sees that you encountered the Rogue Security Bot and you may destroy it if you meet it again. He also tells you that you need to go to Sector 6 NOC to download your Varia Suit Data. Take the elevator up to the Main Deck and go to the right to take the elevator to Sector 6. Once you leave the room to go to the elevator you will see a little scene where you see Adam talking with somebody. 0.13 Sector 6 NOC (1) ************************************************************************ Once in Sector 6 talk to Adam and he will show you where the Data Room is. From the Recharge Room go right one door and into a room where you will see all these little creatures buzzing around shoot them and go through the other door on the right. Go down and shoot three Super Missiles at the thing and go past it and up through the door on your right. Next you will be in a room with a Blue X hole L while you’re running and fire it will stun it momentarily and you will be able to get though the door on the other side. In the next room there is another Blue X shoot it and go all the way to the door on the bottom, and of course go through it. Now you are in a large room where you go to the right and three blocks are blocking your way. Shoot the top two but not the bottom one because if you do a Blue X will come out and take your health. Go down the ladder and shoot the break through wall and go over but be careful because there are three Blue X waiting for you so try to get past them as best as you can. Go down the ladder on the left and go through the door on the bottom. There will be a few more Blue X so hold L and shoot them and keep going. Left until you come to a door your bottom right. Go through it and you will see those flying creatures once again. Shoot them absorbing the X as best as you can. Go through the door on the other side and Save it in the Save Room. I keep going in and out of the Save Room to shoot the little bugers to get more health. But you can do what you want. Go back out the Save Room and to the left until you reach another hatch. Go through it and once inside grab the Energy Tank and lay some bombs where you picked it up you should fall through and in this room go through the door o down there. Now do this carefully, go all the way to the end of the room which is blocked off. Roll into a ball and lay a bomb you will fall through roll in the tiny place and to the door where the SA-X will enter. Follow him over to the wall, when he lays a power bomb roll back to the door quickly so you won’t get hit by the blast. Wait a few seconds after the bomb then go to the right get out of you hiding spot, go through the blasted wall. If you walk over far enough you will fall through the break blocks, when you are falling through them hole right to grab the ledge down below and avoid being seen by the SA-X. When he goes through the door, fall down the rest of the way and go through the door and you will see more flying creatures, shoot them and continue onward. To continue onward to the door though you must shoot the wall in front of you and roll into a ball and through the door on your left. Go through the door on your left again to save it in the Save Room. Once you save it go back out and shoot the block on the floor, drop down and shoot all the blocks on your right. Keep shooting the Blue X if you don’t want to get hit. Go through the door and into a room with some more flying things, shoot them and continue to the right and you will see a door blocker. When it opens it’s eye shoot it and it will be dead. Get the Red X and go through the door. And into the Data Room to see that Fat X is taking your Varia Suit Data. Follow it through the door on the right and prepare for a fight. ************************************************************************ 0.14 Fat X ************************************************************************ This boss is super easy. Charge your beam because this is the only way to hurt it. Once it turns into the smaller Core X shoot it with 6 Missiles and absorb your rightfully earned Varia Suit. ************************************************************************ No the deal is to get out of here. Go through the door on the right and the next door ont the right. Go up the little room and climb up the ladder to the top. You can save it if you want to at the door to the right at the bottom of the ladder. Once you get to the top you have to go through the door on the left. Once you get in the next room get the Missile Tank but jump so you land on top of it. Once you fall through the break blocks hold the d-pad to the left so you grab the little space on the left wall. Roll through and you will find nothing yet. Find the part of the ceiling where there are no jagged spots and fire a missile up, if you don’t uncover the Missile Tank the try moving over a little. Once you have the Missile Tank fall all the way down and go through the right hatch and up the ladder again and through the door on the right this time. You will be in a small room where you have to climb up a ladder to get to the top. Go through the door and you will be in a room very close to where you started. Once in that room jump up and roll through to the one of the main rooms. The go to the door on the upper left and up the little room with the ledges sticking out and go thought the door at the top left. Go through the doors on the left until you reach the Recharge Room. Go to the Navigation Room and Adam will tell you to go to the only Data Room left, which is in Sector 5 ARC. So you can download your Freeze Missile data. So take the elevator up and go left to take the elevator down to Sector 5 ARC. 0.15 Sector 5 ARC (1) ************************************************************************ Once you are down the elevator talk to Adam at the Navigation Room and he will show you the location of the Data Room and say that you must release another Security Lock. To get to the Security Room from the Recharge Room go into the next room but you will have to go down the room and on the ladder and the left side, make sure you are at the top and then fire two missiles at the wall on the other side. Once you make a hole roll through to the other side and go through the door on the right. Now you will be in this huge room, so to get to the Data Room go all the way to the right and to do that you will have to go over to the middle and up to the ladder, climb it and once you are at the top go to the right and fall down. Once you are at the bottom go through the door on the bottom right, and in the next and then you will be in this big room. So to get to the Security Room first before the Data Room you have to go over to the red door and then down and over to the left and then to go down again you must jump and shoot straight down and then we will have to go down through the hole. Once you get down the hole you just made go all the way left through the door and shoot the three enemies inside go to the shutter and then run to the right at full speed firing your beam as you run. When you break through the boost blocks you will have to go to the left, drop down again. Shoot the enemy and roll into a ball to lay a bomb against the block in your way. Roll through an go through the door on the other side. Once through the door lay a bomb against the wall and then shoot all the enemies. Once you did that go through the door and you will be in a room where you have to ho down yet some more. When you are at the bottom lay a bomb in the middle of the floor so you fall through. When you hit bottom go through the door on the left and save it if you want when you are in the Save Room. Go in the next room on your right and jump over the little things in you way. Once to the other side go through the door and through the next door. When you get through that door you will be in the Security Room. Once you unlock the door that blocks your way go through it and when you are in the room go up to the top by jumping from ledge. When you get to the part with the ladder on the wall shoot the blocks over head and jump up to the top. Once you are up there you may think you are stuck, but you aren’t all you have to do is walk over to the left and fire up. Jump out of there and go through the door into the Save Room. Save it if you want. Go through the door and then go into the room with the shutter, put the shutter up and then shoot all the enemies and go through the door. When you get out the door go up a little and through the door below the red door. Go in open the shutter and go through the door to the Data Room. Finally upload your data. You will find out that you can’t go back out the same way you came because the shutter closes. So once you upload your data go through the door on your right and shoot the floor below you and fall through. Once you are at the bottom go over to the right roll into a morph ball and jump up while holding the right button. Roll through and walk all the way over to the right and shoot directly up. The things will break and you can jump up. Shoot the enemy but don’t absorb the X. Because it will turn into another enemy. But don’t kill this one either, because if you get close enough it will jump up high and when gets to about the highest point use you new missiles to freeze it. Then jump on it and get up on the ledge. You will see another enemy, shoot it to kill it but don’t take the free floating X because it will turn into one of those guys that you can only kill with corkscrew. When it gets below the indent in the ceiling freeze it and jump on it. While you are on it shoot the ceiling above you with a missile to discover a Missile Tank. Grab it and go back out in the first room. You were in, climb up the ladder and freeze the flying guy at the top so you are able to jump on him to get to the door on the other side. Go through the door and shoot the fake Energy Tank when it starts to fly around. To get the real Energy Tank lay a bomb against the wall on the far left. And go through to get the real Energy Tank. Once you have it leave the room and go to the bottom of the room and go through the door at the bottom left. Shoot the thing when it materializes and jump on it and shoot directly above you to go through the door on the bottom left. Once through the door go left. Shoot the enemy in the room, and when you do it will rematerialize again so shoot it but don’t take the X so it can make that small thing big. When it does freeze it and go all the way to the right but stay on the top platform. The run to the left at full speed while firing at the same time. You will break through a wall in the room and then hit another, and when you do climb up to the top to get to the door. To get out of here go all the way to the top left and to get there you will notice your rout is blocked off by the boost blocks so just roll into a ball and lay a bomb to roll through the wall into the room and wall kick to get to the top. Fire with your beam to the left and jump on to it so you can grab a hold and roll through and now you can go through to the other side so you can get to the top left corner of the room and go through the door and you will be back in the same room except this thing keeps buzzing around in the background. Weird!. You will be back in there so go up the ladder and over to where you rolled into the room. Go through the door and the next one then got to the top of the room go into the Recharge Room. I would save it if I were you once you save it go and see what Adam has to say. He says that there is an emergency in Sector 3. That the Main Boiler is going to melt the whole research station if you don’t go and fix it within 6 Minutes. Take the elevator up as usual and go over the right one door and go down the elevator. Link up with Adam and he will show you where the Main Boiler is. It is in Sector 3 and it is all the way at the bottom left corner. 0.16 Sector 3 PYR (2) ************************************************************************ To get there from Sector 3 Recharge Room go right one door and all the way down to the bottom right corner and go through the door. Then go up to top of the room and through the door and into the room where the thing is attached to the ceiling and floor. Shoot it with three missiles and then roll into a ball and laying bombs to get thought the ball maze. Go through the door. Then go all the way down the shaft and through the door on the left. You will be in this room with hot lava on the floor so grab onto the rungs on the ceiling as needed to get pas the lava. When you finally reach the other end go through the door and freeze the heads on the ladder rungged wall so you can get up to the door at the top right. In the next room just go across it and to the other door. When you are in this next room the heads will appear in the wall again. This time freeze the bottom one when it sticks it’s head out all the way, and freeze the top one when it sticks it’s head out half of the way jump on them and go through the door. Now you will be in a room with lava on the floor again. Jump on the platforms and shoot the head at the top when it is in all the way then jump on it and go up to the next level and the go up one more level. Jump over the break blocks that get in your way and then fall down and go through the door to the next room and then go through the other door in to the next room. To get to the door go to the top right and go through the door. Get ready to fight the Human X. ************************************************************************ 0.17 Human X ************************************************************************ This boss is easy just shoot it with three missiles and then it will turn into a core x which you have to shoot it with 6 missiles and only when it opens it’s "eye" ,after you shoot it jump right away or get hit by the wide beam. Absorb the X and get your wide beam ability back. ************************************************************************ Once you beat it be sure to activate the cooling unit so the station doesn’t blow up. To get out just go back the same way you came in. When you reach the Navigation Room Adam will tell you that you need to go to the Habitation Unit on the Main Deck. So go up the elevator and to the main one and up you go. 0.18 Main Deck (4) ************************************************************************ Go to the left until you reach the sealed hatch. When you do run back to the left at top speed and you will discover a missile tank, grab it and go through the sealed hatch. From there go right two doors and down to the navigation room. Go through the up to the top of the shaft room and to the left and up the elevator to the Habitation Unit. The save room is on the left, save it if you want and then go through the door on the right. Freeze the wall creatures when they come out all the way then jump up on them and go through the door on the top. Go all the the way over to the block by the shutter and lay bombs and fall through. Shoot the wall in your way and go all the way to the left and lay some more bombs on the block in your way. Then jump into the wall and go up the shaft and to the right. Jump on the switch and the door will open. The Ectoons and Dochoras will come out and go to your ship. Go back to the navigation room and Adam will say that you have to go to Sector 5 to upload your power bomb data. So go down the main elevator and to the right and down the Sector 5 elevator. 0.19 Sector 5 ARC (2) ************************************************************************ Talk to Adam and he will just show you where the data room is again. To get there from the recharge room go right one door and down to the bottom of the next room and go to the right two doors. You will be in a big room, work your way over to the door on the bottom right. Go through it and then go in the data room. Go to the right and shoot the floor below you and fall all the way down. Go through the door on the bottom left. Lay a power bomb and fall through. Go to the left and hurry and jump over to the other side of the ledge and roll into a ball. When the SA-X goes back to the door go over to the wall and lay a poert bomb when the SA-X is far enough so he won't see it and roll through to the door. Lay a bomb against the wall and get the powerbomb tank. Lay a powerbomb and go through the door on the left. Now go through the door on the left again, and then go up to the top of the room and up into the next room. Go to the right into the save room. Save it if you want. go right and lay a power bomb to get rid of the thing blocking you way then go right again and go the top of the room and go through the door on the left. Work your way to the door on the bottom left go through that door and then go through the next door. Go to the top of the next room and go to the navigation room. Adam tells you to return to your ship because he has important information. Go up the elevator and to the main elevator. It will stop halfway up, and when it does shoot at the wall to the right. Roll into a ball and jump into the hole and roll to the right. Kill the dudes with your charge beam, and roll into a ball and jump up and roll into the wall and you will be in the room with the frozen dragon roll towards it and an X will pop out and dissepear. Fall down the hole and once again shoot the dudes with your charge beam. Go back all the way to the left but don't go off the ledge. Shoot above you and jump up, then shoot above you again. Now you will be on the Main Deck. 0.20 Main Deck (5) ************************************************************************ Go down until you can't go down any more. Then go to the right to your ship and stand under the middle of it until rays come down and pick you up. Adam will tell you that the Main Reactor Core is down and that you have to find out what is causing the power outige. He also tells you that the Ecetoon and Dochoras have borded your ship. Now to get to the auxziliry power thing go all the way to the left until you hit the wall and then lay a power bomb. Go through the new found opening and roll into the ball and go down the ladder and to the right. Lay some bombs and fall through and go through the door and fall down to the bottom and go down to the bottom and then climb up the right and to the door on the top. Go through the door and shoot the zebesian space pirate with your charge beam and pick up the energy tank, then go all the way over shoot the other pirate. Go through and lay bombs on the far right wall and lay some bombs until you open a hole and fall through and shoot the pirate. Lay some more bombs on the far left wall and fall through and shoot the pirate again. Go to the far right wall and lay some more bombs and fall through and shoot the pirate again. Then lay a bomb on the far left wall and fall through again and shoot the pirate and go over to the far right wall and lay a bomb and fall through again and go to the black block and lay a bomb and fall through and roll to the right and fall through the break block and lay a bomb. Go left to the ladder and go up to the top and shoot the wall. Roll through and lay bombs. Shoot the door blocker and prepare for a fight with the Spider. ********************************************************************* 0.21 Spider ********************************************************************* This boss may be hard for some of you. When he opens up the part underneath him at it with missiles. When the fire comes out pick a corner roll into a ball, to avoid being picked up and dropped. If you do get picked up try to wriggle free by moving the d-pad around furiously, because if you do get dropped you will lose a lot of health. When it is space jumpping around when you knock it's legs off try to avoid the things it spits out, and when it stops momentarily shoot it with your missiles. When the Core X comes out shoot it with 6 missiles. Absorb the X to get your Space Jump. ********************************************************************* Space Jump up to the top of the room where you will see that a new passage has oppened go to the left and turn the Auxiliary power on. Go through the door on the left and talk to Adam and he will say he tells you that you have to find the source of the vegitation to get it back online. Go to the left and fall down in the big room and go down to the bottom left door and save it in the save room. Now go up the left wall until you come to the vegitation blocking you way. Land on the platfom, jump up and shoot the vegitation until you can get through and roll to the other side. Lay a power bomb to get rid of the vegitation in your way and roll through to the other side again. There is a break block, but don't fall down yet. Get ready with you freeze missiles because this next part is tricky, because the SA-X is down there by the door and you have to escape him. So freeze him and run through the door. When you get though jump over the plant and quickly roll into a ball and lay a bomb against the wall. When the SA-X comes in roll over to the plant and quickly get up and freeze him with more missiles. Run to the door and hold L and fire your beam up at the things to open the shutters while running and jumping over the plants. When you get into the room with the wall and the space behind it jump over the wall and hide on the other side. When the SA-X comes in just stay where you are and don't fire and he will leave. Whooooo that was a close one if you ask me. When he leaves go back out the door and go right next to the plant. Lay some bombs and when a block goes away jump up and fire a few missiles down it to uncover more path. Fall down it and go over until you reach the ground and go left to the door. Go through it and space jump to the top of the room. Kill the little bug things and shoot the vegitation so it is out of the way. Go to the top left so you are standing on top of the vegitation, jump and while aiming straight down fire with your beam. You will uncover a secret path to the door. Go through it and go through the door in the next room too. Now jump up and over the thing in your way. Go to the far left part of the room, but don't go through the door. Instead space jump against the wall and you will be in the upper part of the room. When you get up there you will see wall dividers in you way. Shoot the first on on the top and then the next one on the bottom. Kill the enemies and get the power bomb tank. Go up to the top and go through the door and kill the bug and go through the door on the right and kill the bug and shoot at the ceiling above you. Go up there shooting the vegitation when it gets in your way, and killing the bugs when neccesary. Go over to the right until you hit a wall and then shoot the vegitation above you. Kill the door blocker and go through, the door and get ready for Vegy-X. *********************************************************** 0.22 Vegy-X *********************************************************** This boss was so easy i could have died laughing about it, but i didn't, other wise I wouldn't be typing this right now. To beat this boss simply shoot it with missiles until it starts shooting plasma beams at you. If it comes out the top simply duck to avoid, and if it comes out the bottom jump to avoid it. Shoot it with missiles until the Core-EYE-X comes out. Shoot with a missile when it opens it's "eye" and then jump right away to avoid being hit with the plasma beam. NOTICE if you fall in the water plants just simply hole a to get out, DON'T RAPIDLY HIT A AS YOU WILL BE STUCK. Finally when you beat it absorb the X and out the door you go. *********************************************************** Once you beat this boss you will find out that the power is back on.(Hmmmmmmmm I wonder if this was the cause of the power stopping vegitation we saw earlier.) Well anyway go through the door after you beat the boss and go to the bottom of the room ignoring the locked up bugs if you want. Go through the door and run all the way to the left and go through the door. Kill the bug and jump up to the to and go through the door on the right. Kill the little enemies and go the the wall on the far right. Jump against if while holding Right on the d-pad. and roll through to find that the room is empty too, or so you think. Go over to the far right wall then face to the left, jump up and shoot the little overhang thing and get the energy tank. Go back out the the room with the anyoning little flying things and go through the door on the left now. Shoot the enemies, roll into a ball and roll through. Lay a power bomb and fall down. Now just fallow the map to get to the recharge, save, and navigation rooms. Talk to Adam and he will tell you to go to Sector 5 ARC because there has been an explosion in the data room. Go up the elevator and to the left to the Sector 5 ARC elevator. 0.23 Sector 5 ARC **************************************************************** Talk to Adam and he will tell you that the damage has gotten worse, and the it is caused by a creature the researchers kept there name Nightmare. You have to go and find Nightmare and destroy him. From the recharge room go straight down and go through the two doors until you get in the big room. Once in the big room go to the right until you reach the busted door. Go through the broken red door and stay up on top and go through the door on the right. You will be in a room with the ceiling enemies so kill them if you want, but go to the right until you reach the door. Go through it and shoot the floor below you and fall down. Go into the water still falling and go through the door at the bottom. Once in the door you will see a space pirate, kill it and move on and kill the other one. Go to the door, but don't go through it and jump up to the top and go to the left until you come to another door. Go through it and kill the pirate using the ledges to get up to the top and dry land. Go through the door and go all the way to the right and kill the ceiling things with your missiles and the shoot up at the ceiling with your beam. Jump up the newly uncovered path and go to the right but don't go into the busted door yet. Instead go to the door on the top and save it in the save room. Now go through the busted door and kill the enemies and go up top to the door blocker. Shoot it and go through the door. To get the energy tank go on that ledge and roll into a ball. Jump up and lay a bomb a path will appear. Roll through, get the energy tank and then roll over to the left. You will fall through break blocks and when you do prepare to fight Nightmare. ************************************************************* 0.24 Nightmare ************************************************************* This boss was so hard for me at first I almost quit trying to beat him I got so frustrated. But I kept trying and finally beat the little brat. To beat him when he is moving up and down I charge my beam up and jump on the ladder and then quickly jump down, run below him and fire at the circular thing. When the room gets all wavy like get under him and use your charge beam to shoot the circle thing again. When that gets destroyed his metal face plate will fall off. When it does you will see the slimy face that he has. Anyway jump up at the ladder so that you are able to fire missiles and hit him in the middle of the face so that the slime grows redder. When the Core-X finally comes out shoot it with six missiles and get you very rightfully earne Gravity Suit. ************************************************************* Go to the far right wall and the go through the door at full speed so you will break through the speed boost wall. Go through the door on the other side and go down to the door at the bottom. Go all the way down and to the door on the far left but don't go through it, and make sure you kill all the enemys. Run at full speed to the right while firing your beam to open the door and go through the wall, but don't stop running when you break the wall keep right on going, and when you reach the spot where you can't run any more jump up to break through the wall. 0.25 Sector 4 AQA (2) ************************************************************ Go through the door on the right and then through the next door on the right to save it in the save room. Go back out and go through the door below and go through it and then go all the way to the right to get a missile tank. Go back out and drop to the bottom and go through the door on the left. Once inside go to the left until you reach the little tunnel thing. Lay a power bomb inside to see that you have to fire up with missiles to get up. Once in there grab the ledge to get the screen up higher. Kill the enemies and on the top right shoot the stuff in your way to go through and get a power bomb tank. Go back out and to the left and fire at the black stuff to roll through to the other side and shoot the annoying things that get in you way and lay some bombs at the black blocks on the far left to fall through. Once you have done so shoot the fish and lay a bomb on the third black square from the left wall. Once you fall down lay a bomb and fall through while still in a ball jump up while holding right on the d-pad to go through the wall. Lay another bomb on the black square and fall down. Jump up and blow up the black square on your left and roll through to find another secret. Shoot the fish and lay a bomb on the black square and you will be in security room. Unlock the red hatches and go through the door and go up to the top of the room and go through the door at the top and go to the right until you reach a room with more mutated space pirates kill then and go through the door on the right. Go up to the top shooting the little creatures as needed. and go through the door on the right. Go through the next door and you will be in a room that is kind of big. Shoot the blocks that are in your way, go up and to the right until you are stopped by one spike ball thing. Get away from it until it grows smaller and then jump up and shoot it with a freeze missile and go over to the right. Go to the right until you get stopped by a mutated nest. Run back to the left shooting your beam so you can get past the doors. Run until you fall through boost blocks and when you do go through the door and run to the other side to go through the door. When you do a lot of spike things will come up and form from free floating x. Freeze them and jump up to the top. When you can't go up anymore shoot the ceiling directly above you with a missile or 2 and jump up there roll into a ball and shoot the door. Go through this room and to the next room go down to the bottom left and get your diffusion missile upgrade. Come back outand charge up your missile up and fire it at the wall so it freezes the spike balls when they are little. Roll through go through the door at the top right and go to the top left door in the next room and you will be in the recharge, save, and navigation rooms. Go to the navigation room and talk to Adam, he will be surprised that you upgraded your missiles and gets mad that you opened the level 4 locks. He tells you that you will have to use more discreation. He tells you that you have to go to Sector 6 NOC to stop the newly X infected Security Robot that you faced earlier. Go out the door up the elevator and to the right and go down the elevator to Sector 6 NOC. 0.26 Sector 6 NOC (2) ********************************************************************* Talk to Adam and he will tell you that the Security Robot seems to have gotten stronger and to be careful, and that you will have to leave immediately because the SA-X is tracking you. So from the recharge room go through four doors to the right and then go to the door on the middle left, and lay a power bomb to discover a hidden area. Go through the door and shoot the bugs and go through the door on the bottom right. Once you get through drop down and go to the left and go to the other door on the left and drop down and go through the door on the right and save it in the save room. Go back out and shoot the floor on the left to fall through. Go through the door on the bottom left and go all the way over to the shutter and you will find that if you turn your volume up you can hear this annoying thing saying WARNING NO ENTRY WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION. It gets pretty annoying after a while so I turn my volume down. Remember the room with the water on the floor? Well go back there and lay a power bomb to uncover ladder rungs on the ceiling. You should jump up on them and get ready to fight the Security Robot yet again. ********************************************************************* 0.27 Security Robot (2) ********************************************************************* This boss was pretty easy for me. All I did is just fired my beam at the missiles he fired at me and when he runs and hits the stairs and bounces back I shot him with as many missiles as I could and just repeated the process until the Core-"eye"-X comes out. You know the drill shoot it in the "eye" and then jump right away to avoid the wave beam. ********************************************************************* Once you destroy it get the X and go to the right and open the shutter with your new beam. Get the missile tank and go back to the place where the shutter blocked you path. Once you get to the shutter shoot the opener with your beam and go over to the left, roll into a ball and go through to the other side. Roll all the way over to the left and fall down, you will now be in the Restriced Zone. 0.27 Restricted Zone ********************************************************************* Go left through the door and save it or else. Then go through the door on the left and through the next door too. Go through the next door and you will now be in the Restricted Laboritory. 0.28 Restricted Laboritory ********************************************************************* You will see metroids in breeding tanks, cool, but weird. Go through the door and up to the next door on the right. You'll see yet more metroids, but they are evovled. Go through the door and to the right wall. You will hear a door open below and that can only mean one thing. The SA-X is in the Restricted Laboritory. He came to destroy his natural enemies, the metroid. Go back down to the first room with the small metroids because you hear shooting, that my friends is the SA-X trying to kill all the metroid. When the ceiling falls down space jump up to the door on the top right and go through it. BUT DON'T GET HIT BY THE FLOATING METROIDS BECAUSE IF YOU DO YOU WILL STOP SPINNING, and did I mention that you have 60 seconds to get to that door and get out of there? Well I just did so you better hurry. Go through that door and then the next door to the navigation room. Adam will say that you will pay a price for that and bla bla bal, and finally he tells you about there being more than one SA-X now because the reproduce by asexual division. He tells you to leave and uplink at the next navigation room. Go to the right and up the elevator. Samus will talk about the real Adam and how he would have softend the blow about the metroids. Now you will be in Sector 1 SRX. 0.29 Sector 1 SRX (2) ************************************************************** Ok so your up the elevator now, go through the door on the right and space jump up to the top of that pillar thing. Charge up a diffision missile and fire it at the wall to uncover to your enjoyment an energy tank. Take it and go down to the bottom of the room on the right side of the pillar. Go to the far right wall freezing the little floating dudes that get in you way, and finally you will have to go through the door on the top right. Go through it and go to the right shooting and jumping on the platforms, 1 to stay out of the acid and 2 to kill the little ball sucking things. Work your way over to the door and go through it and then go through the door on the right again to save it. I highly recommend you doing so. Go back out of the save room and go up to the top of the room, once up there climb all the way up the ladder, so you roll into a ball, roll through and lay a bomb against the wall on the right. You will uncover a ladder go up it and shoot the space pirate and go through the door. Lay two power bombs in this room to get rid of the pillar and two kill the drooling grasshoppers, once doing so don't absorb the X. Because they will form golden pirates. Now to kill these guys charge your beam up and get close enough to one of them so they jump to the other side, once they have their backs turned fire you beam at them. Repeat the process until they are dead. Once they are go through the door on the left and go up to the door on the top left and save it. Now go to the door on the bottom left and go all the way over to the left and kill the door blocker and go through, to find yourself facing a boss. Ridley. *********************************************************** 0.30 Ridley *********************************************************** This boss might be hard for some of you, that is why I told you to save it when you had the chance. So to beat this boss charge you beam up and shoot him and he will cry out in pain. If he picks you up with his tallons shoot him with two charge beams and he will let you go.When he spits fire balls out at you dodge them. Simple as that, no? When he is doing the jackhammer with his tail, just run under it when it's up in the air. When the Core-X comes out shoot it with 6 missiles and absorb the X, recieving your totally cool Corkscrew attack. *********************************************************** When you beat this boss go back to the right and to the main room and then go up and to the door on the middle right and go through that door and through the other one on the other end. Remember the door that looked as if it were sealed off by the wall. Lay a power bomb next to the wall and then get up on the ladder and fire three missiles at the newly discovered spot. Go in the door and corkscrew the floor, fall through and work your way over to the door on the bottom right, go through it and space jump at the wall so the go bye bye because of the corkscrew. When you come up to the wall with the shutter make the little hole in the wall with your corkscrew and then shoot the shutter opener and roll through. Go through the door and jump up to the top of the room and go through the door on the left and go up to the recharge, save, and navigation rooms. Adam will say that your work here in the station is done and that you must leave the rest to the federation. Samus gets all ticked off and starts asking questions. When all the talking stops go over to the doors and you will find out that they are locked. Talk to Adam again and Samus will say to Adam to open the hatch, and Adam will say that he has been ordered to confine you until the Federation arrives. Then Samus will say don't let them do this can't you see what will happen Adam? Silence for a while until Adam finally speaks and says who is Adam and Samus tells Adam that here friend the real Adam would know that the self destruct mechanism is the only way to destroy the SA-X and that some must live and some must die. Then the computer will say that it was very foolish, and Samus will say how dare you!! how could you hope to understand you machine. Now we are getting somewhere, Adam the real Adam tells you to go to the Operations Deck for your last mission and aim the station towards the planet and blow both the station and the planet up to kill all the X permenatly. Now go to the elevator and up to the top and go to the main elevator and go up it, you will now be on the Main Deck. 0.31 Main Deck (6) ***************************************************** Okay you know what to do go up to the Operations Deck and to get there go right until you can only go down and go through the navigation room and and up to the first door on the right. Go to the right past the save room and go up to the next navigation room go through it and up to the door and up the elevator to the Operations Deck. Jump up to the door to find that it is sealed. Prepare to fight the SA-X head on. ***************************************************** 0.32 SA-X ***************************************************** The SA-X was hard for me at first. To beat him I shot him with my chargebeam and dodged his corkscrew and kept repeating the process until he got mutated and just kept shooting it with my charge beam and dodging it when it jumped up and landed. When the Core-X comes out shoot it when the "eye" comes out and jump right away to avoid the ice beam. Once you beat it follow the X up and it will leave. ***************************************************** Go up to the door on the top left and start the destruct cycle and go back to you ship but you will find that it is not there. Go over to the far right wall and an Omega Metroid will appear, prepare to fight it because it is the only way out. ***************************************************** 0.33 Omega Metroid ***************************************************** This boss was pretty hard for me at firs but I finally beat it. Now let it take a slash at you and you will find that you have one health left and you can't get up. The SA-X will come in and start shooting the metroid and get turned into the X again. Absorb it to get all your health back and the suit from Super Metroid. Now shoot this guy with your ice beam and try not to get hit when he slashes at you. If he does you will kneel down and to get up faster. Kill it and your ship will come in. Get in and leave so you don't get blown up with the planet and station. There will be some ending talking and then the credits will roll. Congrats on beating the game!