MM MM EEEEEEEEE TTTTTTTTT RRRRRRRRRR OOOOOOOOO III DDDDDDDD MMMMM MMMMM EEEEEEEEE TTTTTTTTT RRRRRRRRRR OOOOOOOOO III DDD DDD MMMMM MMMMM EE TTT RR RRR OO OO III DDD DDD MM MMM MMM MM EEEEEE TTT RRRRRRRRRR OO OO III DDD DDD MM MMMMMMMM MM EEEEEE TTT RRRRRRRRRR OO OO III DDD DDD MM MMMMMM MM EE TTT RR RR OO OO III DDD DDD MM MM EE TTT RR RR OO OO III DDD DDD MM MM EEEEEEEEE TTT RR RR OOOOOOOOO III DDD DDD MM MM EEEEEEEEE TTT RR RRR OOOOOOOOO III DDDDDDDD FFFFF UU UU SSSSS II OOOOO NN N FF UU UU SS II OO OO N N N FFFF UU UU SSSSS II OO OO N N N FF UU UU SS II OO OO N N N FF UUUUUU SSSSS II OOOOO N NN A Walkthrough by TNEwebmaster Site: View an HTML version of this walkthrough (copy and paste): This walkthrough is limited to be posted at: I. The Story II. The Walkthrough i. Mission 1 - Main Deck ii. Mission 2 - Sector 1 (SRX) iii. Mission 3 - Sector 2 (TRO) iv. Mission 4 - Sector 4 (AQA) v. Mission 5 - Sector 3 (PYR) vi. Mission 6 - Sector 6 (NOC) vii. Mission 7 - Sector 5 (ARC) viii.Mission 8 - Emergency in Sector 3 (PYR) ix. Mission 9 - Habitation Deck (Main Deck) x. Mission 10 - Power Bomb Download (ARC) xi. Mission 11 - Activate Auxilary Power (Main Deck) xii. Mission 12 - Destroy Vegetation Source (TRO) xiii.Mission 13 - Nightmare (ARC) xiv. Mission 14 - Bypass Security Level 4 (AQA) xv. Mission 15 - Escape Restricted Lab Detachment (NOC) xvi. Mission 16 - Find Ridley (SRX) xvii.Mission 17 - Redirect BSL Station to intercept SR388 (Main Deck) III.Boss Guides i. Arachus/Morph Ball Core-X ii. Charge Beam Core-X iii. Tube Parasite/High Jump-Jumpball Core-X iv. Serris/Speed Booster Core-X v. Rouge Securtiy Robot vi. Giant Barrier Core-X/Varia Suit Core-X vii. Wide Beam Core-X viii.Yakuza/Space Jump Core-X ix. Vine Wall/Plasma Beam Core-X x. Nightmare/Gravity Suit Core-X xi. Security Robot-X/Wave Beam Core-X xii. Ridley-X/Screw Attack Core-X xiii.Samus Aran-X/Ice Beam Core-X xiv. Omega Metroid IV. The Extras i. Energy Tanks ii. Missile Tanks iii. Power Bomb Tanks V. F.A.Q. VI. Legal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. The Story -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Samus was doing a normal extermination in SR388, when she killed an unusual creature. When the creature was killed, it released a sort of Parasite that would later be called X. Samus didn't know what had hit her, but when she was in the Starship returning the Biologic's main station and she blacked out. The Starship drifted into an Asteroid belt. Luckily the ship ejected Samus and she was saved and returned to Galactic Federation HQ, where she was put under examination. The infected parts of her Power Suit were surgically removed. Then, after being given a low survival chance due to the large amount of X Parasite in her Central Nervous System, a cure was found. There was a possibiltity that the X Parasite could be removed with cells from the Metroid DNA that that HQ had saved. The X Parasite was almost immediately destroyed. With a new appearance and a new outlook on life, we find that Samus is once again on mission at the BSL Research Station. /*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\ /*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. The Walkthrough -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ i. Mission 1: Explore Main Deck. Locate and Destroy all Bio Signs. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's been an Explosion in the Quaratine Bay that you are being sent to investigate. Also, there are huge Bio-Signs on the Main Deck. Destroy them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move Left through 2 doors. Then jump up the platforms past the one that is covered red. You can't go through that one yet. There will be quite a few platforms, then you should continue through the door at the top of the platforms. Now head forward through the empty corridor then continue to the left until you enter a Navigation Room. The computer won't tell you too much. Go to the next room. It will be darker than usual and you should go up until you reach a door on the left. Go through that and then go down a few platforms. Go through this door and you will enter the Quarantine Bay. In the Quarantine Bay, move forward over the blocks and you can shoot the Hornoad. It will release an X Parasite that is now beneficial to Samus. Now go back to the Navigation Room. Now go to Objective 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As your CO informed you, you will need to go to the region specified to destroy whatever species the X Parasite is mimicking. Continuing on your Objective, you should move right. Go through the door, and jump upward. As you move up, there will be a door on the right, go through this door by shooting it. There will be another Hornoad which you can easily kill. Move to the next room. This is a Save Room. Stand on the center platform. After a short while, it will begin the Save. In the next room, you will find the Zombie Researchers. Hit these with a blast of your beam and they will fall apart. After a moment, another X will come and bring it back to life. As you move up, you will find a door on your right. Another Navigation Room. Go to Objective 3 to get missiles, then come back to Objective 2. Now that you should have missiles, go right. There will be 2 platforms that you can cross. Now shoot a missile at the glowing piece of wall. This should knock it out and allow you to get through to your target. Now as you continue, it will be dark, so move slightly slower. There will be Parasitic Sinew. Shoot it with 3 missiles. Walk forward and you will fall through the floor. Jump up and then go down. There will be a wall that you can shoot. Fall down and shoot the Zombie Researcher. Walk forward and fall through the floor again. Move right and fall again. Climb the wall to your right, then continue to fall downward. Move to your right after falling past some broken wires. There will be a Missile Tank there. You will now be able to hold up to 15 Missiles. Hold up to 20 Missles by looking at the Missile Guide. Go back to the Right and enter the room to the Main Deck. Go to the Boss Section for this Mission for details to get to the Boss and how to defeat them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to the door on the right. Jump up to the next room after. You should find an elevator. Use the elevator to go up. At the top of this elevator, you can go to the next room on the left and continue to go straight. You should find a Recharge Room. This room with replenish all of your health and missiles to maximum. Save in the room on the left then double back to the room to the right of the Recharge Room. Jump up and move left. There is a Navigation Room, but you can skip it. Move to the next room to Upload the Missile Data. Now use the Navigation Computer. Now go back and finish Objective 2. +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* ================================================================================ ii. Mission 2: Explore Sector 1 (SRX). Restore all Atmospheric Stabilizers. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The CO briefing will tell you that you need to clear the atmospheric stabilizers because the X are trying to adjust the climate of SRX to their needs. Also, there is a mystery sabeteur and they are the ones who let the X into the breeding environment. Spoiler: The Myster Sabeteur is an X mimicking Samus Aran at full power. Your CO will name it the SA-X. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you defeat Arachnus, go left using your new Morph Ball Technique (DOWN twice). Now go through this room and hang from the exit. Then climb your way through to the next exit, climb the wall and use your beam to shoot out the weak material blocking your way. Now continue through and you will find more Zombie Researchers. Kill them and continue left. On the lower level you will find a Save Room straight ahead. If you go up you will find a Recharge Room and a Navigation Room. As your CO made you aware of, the breeding environments were attacked by the X Parasites and now you have to go to Sector 1 to disable them. Make your way left and down and as you continue, you will notice that the area looks familiar. This is because you explored it in Mission 1 Objective 1, but now that you have Morph Ball, you will be able to make your way through to the elevators on that side. As you are making your way down the elevators, you will see a sequence that makes it look like the old Samus is blowing things up, but this is actually X Parasite mimicking the old Samus (Your CO calls it SA-X). Now, when you reach the bottom of the main elevator, you will have to go left and go down another elevator to get to Sector 1 (SRX). Now you will have to go to the Navigation Room to learn Objective 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disable all 5 stabilizers is your mission. Save and Recharge and then begin by Now, go through the larger room and go to the bottom. On your right there will be a door that you can go through. There is an Amoeba in this room and if you kill the little ones and absorb the X, you won't have to face the bigger ones. Kill it will rapid fire of your gun and missiles. Stabilizer 1 As you continue, go up, right, and back down. There will be a Stabilizer on your left. Destroy it by shooting it with 3 Missiles. Stabilizer 2 Now, go through the doors and you will come to a falling way, where you could go down, but for now just go straight. Shoot your way through and take out these Hornoads. Go up and left to where your next Stabilizer will be floating above you. Fire another 3 missiles at it to put it back online. Stabilizer 3 Go down 1 level, then enter a door on your left. Run down the corridor killing or avoiding the Motos. When you get to the exit, you will enter a room that goes down, but there are lots of Zebesian Space Pirates that have been taken over by the X. Hit each of these with a Missle to kill them, or fall as fast as possible to avoid them. At the bottom of this passage, you will find a door. Enter it and jump to the rock in the middle of the room. Then, climb across the ceiling and jump to the middle platform. Jump to the next two platforms and jump to the wall and climb up it to shoot the Stabilizer with 3 missiles and put it back online. Stabilizer 4 Make your way to the ground below you, and you will run into some Hornoads. Kill these and exit to the door on your right. Kill the Moto in the next room and continue. Walk through the next room and go right. Jump from Metal Bar to Metal Bar to make your way up and then jump to the ceiling and climb across to shoot the Stabilizer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exit through the door in the Lower right hand corner of the room and then make your way up. Kill the Zebesian Space Pirates to replenish your life energy and missles. Go to the next room and shoot the red light on the ceiling to continue to the next room. Kill the Scizor on the ground and ceiling and then climb the ceiling ladder until you reach the end. Shoot the wall to open a path to the next room. Next, fall through the floor and enter the room straight ahead. Shoot the Hornoads and Save. Double back and kill the Living Door. You will find the Mission Boss in the next room. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After defeating the Boss, leave the room through the door in the upper right- hand corner of the room. In the next room, you will find nothing, but if you hoot the ceiling a passage will open up. In the next room you will find the last Stabilizer. Stabilizer 5 Go right, then down. The X will turn into Hornoads so be careful af them. Morph Ball under the smaller area on the left. There will be an opening on the stabilizer on the other side of the wall. Shoot the wall to break it down and shoot the Stabilizer with 3 missles to put all of them back online. Leave the room in the lower left hand corner of the room and remember to Save on your way back to the Navigation Room. +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* ================================================================================ Mission 3: Explore Sector 2 (TRO). Bypass Security Level 1 and Obtain Bomb Data. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot of info from your CO. You learn of the SA-X. You can't face the SA-X because you are vulerable to cold and it possesses the Ice Beam Ability. Your first objective is to recover, and that must start by downloading data. To download the prepared Bomb Data, you will have to venuture throughout TRO attempting to find the Security Room. Download the Bomb Data, and try and exterminate the X. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting off you will have to find and release the Security Lock. It is located in the upper-most right-hand area of TRO. Go there to release the Security Lock and then go to the Data room for dowload. Along the way you will run into Keyhunter Larvae, which can take quite a bit of your life energy. After downloading, there will be an explosion and your path back will be blocked by a crumbled door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb the the wall opposite the crumbled door and you should drop down. There will be a Save Room here. Reo will be flying at you, shoot them with some missiles and kill the Keyhunter Larvae and you can move to the next room where you will find a maze type of puzzle. Morph Ball into it and then use your Bombs to perform a Bomb Jump. Continue through the maze until you get to a new environment that is kind of blue. Jump into the second section. Bomb the floor to make a column appear. The Puyo here are annoying and jump high, but if you shoot them a few times, they will release X. The third secton has a few more Puyo and a door. The door will take you through to a room with many other rooms. The one across from the entrance will take you to a room filled with Puyo and then to a Save Room. The door up and on the left is a room that have 2 Missile Tanks in it but you can't get either right now. The one closest to the entrance door, up and to the right is an empty room that will come in later. The highest room that you can reach on the right is another empty room that will be useful later, but the one right below it will take you to the boss. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a Dessgeega at the beginning of this room that will shoot back at you if you try to damage it. Missiles work best to avoid a spree of darts coming back at you. The next room's floor will break when you shoot it, but going to that room is virtually pointless because you will only find Keyhunter Larvae and a dead end. The area above this room looks breakable... and it is but you will need Power Bombs to break it. The room that goes straight across will lead you to an Energy Tank, and if you bomb the floor... The Boss! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get back to the main room where you can now jump up on the Keyhunter Larvae. The Keyhunters have entered a cacoon state, which is good for jumping on, but bad when they hatch. For now jump up until you reach a narrow strip where you need to Morph Ball and then Jumpball to Bomb your way on. In the next room there will be a Reo and then a Dessgeega. Jump up to the left here and you can Morph Ball back to the first room. You should visit the Missile Tank Locations here. Make your way back to the Navigation Room. +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* ================================================================================ Mission 4: Explore Sector 4 (AQA). Terminate Serris. Lower Water Level. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The water environment of AQA has been invaded because you bypassed the Security Lock. Your CO and the federation have begun to calculate and understand that the X may have high intelligence. Serris lives in Sector 4 and can attack at "Ultra High-Speed." Destroy it and then lower the Water Level. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go through the first room, there will be a second tiny room, then a rather large room (3x3 Map Units). You will have to make your way to the top of the first narrow passage going up, then Jumpball at the top and Bomb your way throughand there will be a ton of Scizor. Destroy them and leave through the door that is found at the top left part of the room. There will be more Scizor for you to destroy in the next room. Make sure to check out the Expansion Tanks as you can find 2 Missile Tanks and an Energy Tank before you continue. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Destroy the Scizor on the ceiling and then shoot the 2x2 block above you and it will crumble. Bomb the bar of blocks along the ceiling and you will find an over head area that you can climb over the water on. Watch another Scizor and make sure that he doesn't knock you into the water. A wall will block your progress, but it looks like you can go up... well, you would think, but there is nothing in the room above you. Bomb the wall in the way. Next room will be one with a blue bar above you. Those are Pit Fall Blocks. The 2x2 block above you will crumble when shot, shoot it get to Serris. Up and then across to the left. Shoot the block above you. Kneel and shoot the blue 2x2 infont of you. Climb up, go across. Once again more Pit Fall Blocks. The last block on the floor breaks. Shoot it or Bomb it. 2 4-Unit blocks to break through and a Save Room. A cracked blocked will lead to a narrow tunnel where you will Bomb a beam of chain blocks. The hatch will give way to the place where Serris is supposed to be, but he isn't. You will only find some ominous looking bones... which in fact are not Serris's if you got your hopes up too soon. Hopefully you got the Energy Tank in the next room or it will taunt you now. More precise timing will be required for the Living Door battle in water. I suggest Charge Beam shots considering it will take it out in 2 hits, instead of 3. Ahhh! It's Serris! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time to lower the water level so leave through the upper right-hand door and then experiment with your new Speed Boost by blasting through the blue blocks at the end of this corridor. Make it back to the 9 Map Unit room and then move back to the left. There was a door on the left where you went up to engage Serris, now go through that door and Speed Boost all the way to the Computer Console that controls water level. Lower it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go down and get the Missile Tank and then fall through the other side. Now, go up to the top of the room and then back over to an 8x2 Map Unit room. Morph Ball through the passage that is in front of you when you entered the room. Destroy the Scizor along the floor of the room and then Speed Boost from Left to Right. Another Missile Tank. If you got the Missile Tank, you will have to go back to the far left side and Speed Boost back right. Continue doing so and you will will be back in the beginning of Sector 4. A Mini-Boss. Go to the Navigation Room for instructions on Mission 5. +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* ================================================================================ Mission 5: Explore Sector 3 (PYR). Bypass Security Level 2. Download Super Missile Upgrade. Disable rouge Security Robot. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your CO will inform you that HQ has developed a Missile Upgrade, tripling your Missile Power. Unfortunately, your path in Sector 2 is blocked, and Security Level 2 prevents passage to Sectors 5 and 6. Sector 3 (PYR) is your destination. There are no organisms in PYR for the moment, but you have to release the Level 2 hatches to access the Data Room. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the map, the Security Room is the lower of 2 Map Unit bars under the Navigation, Save, and Recharge Rooms. If you Speed Boost coming out of the Recharge Room, and don't jump at all, you will move straight into Speed Blocks that will leave you in the lowest portion of the room on the right. Speed Boost from this point to the left and then through into the next room and then through the wall. There will be several blocks in the upper left-hand corner of this corridor. Speed Boost straight intothis mass of blocks and you will find they are breakable. Bomb the upper left block and Morph Ball yourself into the Security Room. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Come out of the Security Room and if you Speed Boost immediately coming out you can avoid the enemies that are now circumventing around you. Jump into the wall to destroy the Speed Boost blocks. Go back across to the right-hand side of the Main Room. Jump up to where a Fune will jump out at you. Destroy it and then fall down some Pit Blocks near the base of where the Fune was. Open the gate and then Speed Boost left to the next room and more Pit Fall blocks should open up. Go through to a large narrow vertical room. Missile Guide . Go to the top of this vertical room and you should find a room where the left wall crumbles in 2 places. Bomb the upper one and then go through. Bomb the blocks and a 2x2 Unit should crumble. Jumpball up and bomb again and go up. Download the Super Missile Data and come back to this room. There will be a hole in the floor. Missile Guide. Go to the far left side of the room. The area will begin to shake. Move back right into the room next to the Data Room and then when you come toward the Data Room. Boss Guide. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump on the beams of rock that the Security Robot caused to fall. Jump up, move left and then down destroying the Side Hoppers and unnamed weird creatures that will try toattack you with their sharp claws. Go down, destroy the Side Hopper, then Jumpball and bomb the block out of the way, then clear more Side Hoppers. There is a pattern of blocks on the ceiling in the center of this room. Refer to the Energy Tank Guide. +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* ================================================================================ Mission 6: Explore Sector 6 (NOC). Obtain Varia Suit. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With Security Lock 2 disabled you can now access Sectors 5 and 6. Sector 5 is Sub-Zero so don't enter until you are able to download the Varia Suit Data from Sector 6 the Night Habitat. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first room you find you will have to destroy several Eeleyes. Go down in the next room and then back up to the hatch in the upper right. Missiles and Energy Guides. Go throught this room by going down, across, then back up. In the next room you will encounter the first Blue X. Be sure that you shoot is with your beam to stun it. In the next room you will run into another one. You should contine down to the bottom right hatch because you will need the Varia Suit to properly advance without seriously risking your safety. As you move to the next area you will run into a wall with crumbling blocks. Be sure not to shoot the bottom one because otherwise you will unleash a Blue X. From here on there will be many hiding, so watch yourself. After the wall of blocks there will be a sticky wall on the right that you can climb down. Shoot the 4 blocks that are on your left. It's a shortcut to the door that lies in the lower left hand corner of the room. Energy Tank in the next room. Bomb the elevated floor and you will find a hole and fall through some Pit Fall blocks to the next room. Enter the hatch on the right side. You wil come to a wall that will require Power Bombs... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb the ground and then fall down. Roll all the way back to the left and you will see SA-X enter. Stay as far as you can to the left and don't move. This way you will avoid its Power Bomb. Give it about 20-30 seconds to get out of the way, then you can follow it. In the next room you will find more Eeleyes and Grubs. Shoot or bomb your way through to the hatch. Save and then go down. Missile Guide. Shoot carefully through the blocks as many Blue X are hidden inside of them and then go through the hatch. Defeat the Eeleyes then the Living Door. It only takes one hit now! Boss Guide. +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* ================================================================================ Mission 7: Explore Sector 5 (ARC). Bypass Security Level 3. Download Ice Missile Data. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Headquarters has developed the Ice Missile Data. You are being sent to Sector 5 (ARC) for the download which happens to be behind a Level 3 Security Hatch. You will once again have to disengage the Security Lock and then go to the Data Room for Download. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exit the Recharge Room and then go down. There will be a ledge on the right side of a sticky wall. The top block before an upper ledge is breakable. Then there is a Missile Block. Break both and Morph Ball through. In the next room, go up and and back down into the next room. You'll end up in a narrow vertical room (2x5 Map Units). Go down until you get to some Speed Boost blocks. Speed boost from the third room down on the left toward the blocks. Keep going down and Bomb your way toward the hatch on the right side, at the bottom. I'm not sure of their names, but get through this room with all of the X hosts in it then in the next room, fall down, shoot the floor and fall again. Save then move left until you release the Security Lock. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to the next room and go up to the top and back through. Go to the Data Room for download of the Ice Missile Upgrade. This begins to get complicated. After download, fall down a long ways. Then go through the door. A Kago will mutate and become much taller. Freeze it with an Ice Missile and jump up. Through the hatch on the left you will find a single Zeela. Kill it and the X will reform into another Zeela. Kill it again, but DON'T ABSORB IT. Wait and it will mutate the Kago. Freeze the Kago and then you can activate a Speed Boost to get through Speed Boost Blocks on the other side of the left hatch. Make your way up to where you blasted through Speed Blocks. Shoot the block in front of you when you are under these blocks and then shoot another crumble block to get back up and around. Go back to the Navigation Room. +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* ================================================================================ Mission 8: Locate cause of boiler malfunction. Terminate site organism. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emergency in SECTOR 3 (PYR). Where Mission 7 lacked in excitement, this will definitely make up for it. X Parasites have accessed the Main Boiler's cooling unit and will activate auto-destruct explosives if you aren't quick. Get over to the Main Boiler and fix the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make your way down through PYR to the bottom of the long vertical room on the right side of the map. There are two Level 2 Security Hatches here. If you haven't already gotten the Missile Tank in the room on the right do so, then go to the left. Go across the lava and then make your way up and around avoiding the Funes and Nahimes (Funes with eyes that breathe fire). Remember that even though your Varia Suit protects you from the ultra heated enviroment, you are still not safe from the lava, that will still take you Energy. When you reach the Living Door, you can blast through it and in the next room you will find a Boss! +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* ================================================================================ Mission 9: Return to Main Deck. Explore Habitation Deck. Search for surviors. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that you stoped the "scientist" you find that the X absorb the memories and knowledge of their prey as well as their form. Power has been restored to the Main Elevator. There appear to be bio-signs on the Habitation Deck. Go up to the main deck and investigate. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go up the main elevator and make your way up to the bio-signs. You will need Power Bomb/Screw Attack to get through that X Barrier so just go up to the Habitation Deck. Save and then enter the room. Use your Ice Missiles to freeze the Fune and Nahime to get up to the highest door. Then go in. A gate... well, shoot the 2x2 Block in front of the gate. There are 2 Pit Fall blocks there. Fall through them and then shoot the left wall. It should crumble then Speed Boost through the 2x2 block that was behind that wall. When you Pit Fall through those blocks, you should find that the wall on the left is actually a passage. Freeze the Funes and you will come out at the top on the right. Access the control panel and the gate will open and you will see the Etecoons and Dachoras. They will run away. Now check the Missile Guide and head back down to the Navigation Room. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Samus will give a brief speech about the Etecooms and Dachoras. If you were wondering and didn't play Super Metroid, they taught Samus Wall Jump and Shine Spark. When you get to your CO, you will be informed what was feared. Everybody's dead. Most Unfortunate. Well, we have to try and get to the bottom of this and stop the X, so we must head back to Sector 5 (ARC) for Power Bomb Download. Power Bombs good, having to get all 32 Power Bomb Tanks... Bad. Check the Missile Guide as you head back to Sector 5. +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* ================================================================================ Mission 10: Return to Sector 5 (ARC). Download Power Bomb Data. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The X are growing stronger, therefore you must as well. Power Bombs will help you in this task. Go to Sector 5 for download. Get back to Sector 5 and get to the Data Room. You've been here before. Power Bombs blow up the entire screen and then some. Pretty great when you need to find hidden Missile Tanks. Spoiler: The Shadow that is floating around behind you and making that funny noise is a Bio-Chemical creature called The Nightmare. You will have to defeat him at one point a little later. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the download fall down past the flying turtles and into the room on the left. Power Bomb the floor and then run to the left. You will have to lay a Power Bomb after you jump over a large barrier and do it quickly because here is SA-X again. Avoid its Ice Beam as you run into the next room and find your first Power Bomb Tank. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On your way back, be sure to check the Power Bomb Tank Guide. Go back to the Navigation Room. +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* ================================================================================ Mission 11: Return to your ship. Futher explore the Main Deck and activate the Auxilary Power. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to your ship because your CO has important information for you. Back at your ship, your CO will inform you of the Etecoons and Dachoras boarding the ship. Then, it will also tell you why the Elevator died out on you. It seems that the Main Silo has gone offline. Go to the location (a very distance dot off in the middle of nowhere) to activate Auxilary Power so that you can at least use Save and Recharge rooms. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go back up the main elevator. It will stop part of the way up, therefore you will have to lay a Power Bomb to find an alternative root back to your ship. There is a narrow tunnel that will give way to another dimly light passage. The room is full of Seerook; annoying creatures that stop when you get close to them. Use your Ice Missiles to Freeze them, then destroy them. Jumpball up at the end of this room then in the next room you will find a frozen statue of Ridley. He isn't actually there. That Core-X that floats away is the one that you will have to fight later. Morph Ball to the area under the Ridley Remains. Follow this room to the end, but watch out for those creatures on the ceiling for they are spitting out acid that fall on you and the Seerook that are on the ground. Destroy the Seerook and then Speed Boost through to the next area. Lay a Power Bomb here and you will find the passage that leads up to the Main Deck and a Missile Tank. Get back to your ship. Objective 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our friends the Etecoons and Dachoras boarded the ship. That's great isn't it? We have to go deal with the power failure. Go to the Auxilary Power Silo and turn it on. More easily said than done. Go back to the Docking Bays then where that Keyhunter is (yes, they hatched, Power Bomb your way through on the left side. Morph Ball through where you can and then shoot your way through to a large room. There are some vines on the ceiling that you can shoot through and walk across. Go through the door on the top right. Shoot the Zebian Space Pirates that you meet and collect the Energy and Missile Tanks. The maze is rather easy, and if you get stuck a Power Bomb should guide you the right way. After you defeat the Living Door, be sure not to run through to the next room without getting the Red X. Now you meet the Boss. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Really practice your Space Jump, because it will become invaluable very shortly. Space Jump up to the top of this area and there is a passage that moves back to the left. Go to the Auxilary Power Station and then to the Navigation Room in the room just beyond. +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* ================================================================================ Mission 12: Further explore Sector 2 (TRO). Destroy vegetation source. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After activating Auxilary Power, your Save and Recharge Rooms are working again, but the hatches and elevators are still down. The vegetation is choking the Central Reactor Silo. Find the source and destroy it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter the main room with the Reactor Silo. Save in the lower right and then Space Jump up to the upper left. Avoid the flying Keyhunters. There will be an entrance that you can Morph Ball through. Lay a Power Bomb to get through more vines then, an SA-X race. With Ice Missiles, you can freeze it, but it won't stay frozen long. Run into the next room and jump over the vines that come up out of the floor. Now, kneel Down and prepare Ice Missiles. When the SA-X jumps over to shoot you, hit with Ice Missles, then lay a Power Bomb and run through to the next room freeze the SA-X as it runs through to the next room, then shoot the gate activations. Continue to fire Ice Missiles back at it to keep it frozen. When you open the third gate run to the next room and jump up over to the other side of that wall. The SA-X will walk in, then turn around not knowing your there. It might take a couple of tries to master this. I'm sorry if you didn't save back by the Reactor Silo, because now you have to go all the way back to the start of Mission 11. Objective 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leave your hiding place and go back to the room with all of the gates. Shoot the third block from the entrance with a Missile, or just lay a Power Bomb to find the block. Now, shoot the rest of the blocks and fall down. Lay a Power Bomb where all those vines are and go through the door on the left. Power Bomb Guide. Having been here before, you should know the area pretty well. Go through to that very large empty room. Space Jump to the top of the room and then Save. Skip through the next verticle room and onto the next where you should quickly set off a Power Bomb. Now set another off where you find a lot of vines. Defeat the Living Door and fall to your next Boss Battle! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leave and test out the Plasma Beam on these Keyhunters. As you did in Mission 3, go back to the main room and (instead of climbing up the cocoons) Space Jump up the shaft until you reach the Navigation Room. +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* ================================================================================ Mission 13: Locate Disturbance Source. Engage and Terminate Biochemical Organism Nightmare. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A good portion of ARC has been destroyed by Nightmare. It has the power to manipulate gravity and will be a formidable opponent. Stop it before it destroys the station. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move through ARC toward the Data Room, but when you reach the door, notice the Level 4 Security Door has been destroyed. Go through it and continue to destroy enemies and you will find yourself fall down a farely long shaft that is filled with water. There's a long room with some Zebian Space Pirates in it. Terminate them and continue up and out of the water then through to a large room containing many of those leaping creatures that cling to the walls. Go to the very top of the room on the right to Save and then the door below it to find another room with a Living Door on the top. Kill it, go to the Energy Tanks Guide, and then fight Nightmare. +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* ================================================================================ Mission 14: Bypass Security Level 4 without Authorization. Download Diffusion Missile Upgrade against HQ will. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are told to head to a Navigation Room. Well, that's not really an option, now is it? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After facing Nightmare, you can move through water with no resistance, so go back to the long corridor where there were Zebian Space Pirates. Speed Boost through the door on the right and then continue through to Sector 4. There you will be able to Speed Boost through a wall and into the next room. There will be a long vertical room where you will have to go to the very bottom. Take the door on the left and in the center you can lay a Power Bomb to find Missile Blocks above you. Shoot those and then jump up on the far right side. Kill the creatures here, then bomb the block out of your way and continue left. Kill the creature in your way and lay another Power Bomb. There are 4 blocks there, but only 2 of them will break. Go through the block on the right. There is an invisible hole on the right wall in the middle after breaking through 1 more block. Go through this. Lay another Power Bomb and you should make it through to the Securtiy Room where you should release the Security Lock. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go back to the long vertical room and then go to the room on the right. Move up and through the Level 4 Security Door there. Save in the next big room then move to the top right. To get around the Puffers you will need to go around one and then freeze the other from a distance. Go back across to the right and then Speed Boost back to this room. You should barely end up making it through some Speed Boost Blocks here. Go across to the right and you should end up in room with a lot of Puffers. If you are quick enough, you should be able to Space Jump to the top before they form the actual creature. Power Bomb through the Zoomers then Download the Diffusion Missile Upgrade. Proceed to a Navigation Room. +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* ================================================================================ Mission 15: Return to Sector 6 (NOC). Destroy the Security Robot. Breach the Resricted Laboratory and escape Lab Detachment. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your CO isn't angry yet, but you are about to really make it angry. Go to Sector 6 where you will need to destroy the Security Robot and obtain the Wave Beam which sends your beam through walls. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go through NOC until you get to the first vertical room. There will be 2 hatches, one on the right and one on the left. Take the one on the left and the far wall is made of Power Bomb Blocks. Go through and make your way down until you get to a camera and a gate. If you have your sound on, you will hear the same annoying voice that said "EMERGENCY IN SECTOR 3" only now it's saying "WARNING! NO ENTRY WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION!" You can download this sound at this link! ( I recorded it just for my readers! Now, continuing with the walkthrough, you can go back up to the room your Boss! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use your Wave Beam to open the gate and then go to the second level of the Restricted Lab and then back to the first. As you can see the Federation was breeding MORE metroids. You almost exterminated them, but now they have come back. A resiliant species they are. Anyway, you will find an SA-X shooting try to destroy the Restricted Lab. You will have 60 seconds before detachment so Space Jump to the top quick. This is kind of tricky only because the Metroids knock you back down. +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* ================================================================================ Mission 16: Locate and Terminate Ridley. Proceed to Navigation Room. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your CO is angry with you now. You ingnored your orders and "you may have to pay a price for that quite soon..." The Metroid breeding program is done. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go up the elevator and be sure to fire some Diffusion Missiles to freeze the turtles and locate an Energy Tank. Go through this room and you will find a room with many Amoebas. Kill them and continue to the next room where you should move up. In the next room, kill the creatures on the floor with your beam/Power Bombs, then destroy the Gold Zebian Space Pirates with your Charge Beam and hit their back. Save in the upper left room of the next area and then go down to the lower left to find a Living Door and Ridley. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get back to the room after the Amoeba room and locate the door on the right side. Use Diffusion Missiles to break through some Missile Blocks. Go through the hatch and using your screw attack get back to the Navigation Room in Sector 1. +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* ================================================================================ Mission 17: Alter the BSL Research Station orbit to intercept SR388. Battle and destroy an SA-X. Return to your Starship. Engage and Terminate an Omega Metroid. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Federation is going to try and capture the SA-X. Really dumb. Well, we find out that your CO is actually a computerized version of Adam... well, at least we will in a bit. For now we only know that it's Adam and he is going to cheer us on as we take down the X by destroying both the BSL Reasearch Facility and the Planet SR388. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have to go to the Operations deck which is right above the download center where you first got Missiles. Go there and fight the SA-X. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set the course for SR388 by going up to the top left. Then, you have 3:00. Return to your ship and battle the Omega Metroid. /*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\ /*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Boss Guides -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i. Boss Guide for Mission 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the Main Deck, kill anything in your way and go up and you should find a Save Room. Now going back to where you re-entered the Main Deck, you should go right. Here you will find yourself jumping from Hanging Platform to Hanging Platform. As you are moving along this path, you should find an Energy Tank that will increase you Max. Life to 199 Points. After collecting that, you will fall some distance and fight the Boss. ================= Phase 1: Arachnus ================= Start off by firing a bunch of Missiles. If you have 20, just keep firing away. You can use them all except 3, because you will need those for the second phase. Remember that you can only attack his front, because his shell protects his back. Now as the Boss throws attacks, you should jump up and hang by the gaps in the walls, but fire as soon as you fall to inflict maximum damage. ========================== Phase 2: Morph Ball Core-X ========================== When the creature itself has been destroyed, you must face the X Parasite that was controlling it. These X that control bosses are called Core-X. There will be 6 Yellow or Green X Parasites that you can absorb floating around. Get those and fire Missles at the Core-X. 3 Missiles will kill it, but you can only shoot a Missile at it after it is done glowing. When the outer edge is white, it is invulnerable. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii. Boss Guide for Mission 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ====================== Phase 1: Torizo Statue ====================== This isn't really even a phase, just shoot the ball in the Statue's hand and you have defeated it. =========================== Phase 2: Charge Beam Core-X =========================== The Core-X will fire a Charge Beam shot at you, but before doing so it will open its "eye." Shoot 4 Missiles into this "eye" to destroy it. Tip: Jump immediately after shooting the "eye" because it will fire a Charge Beam shot after you hit it. Objective 4. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii. Boss Guide for Mission 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To get to the boss, you will have to blast through a Living Door and then through to the open room where you will see the developing Core-X. ================================= Phase 1: Tube Parasite: Long Jump ================================= The Tube Parasite likes to jump, but once in a while it will jump and then slowly come down, opening it's mouth to a spongy palisade that is vunerable to intense blasts. Shoot missiles and charge beam shots into it to destroy its inner parts. If it begins to leech attack you, lay bombs. ================================== Phase 2: Tube Parasite: Short Jump ================================== The Parasite will lose enough tissues that it will instinctively begin to try and protect itself, closing its leech aparatus by 50%. Continue attacking with missiles to destroy the creature. ================================== Phase 3: High Jump/Jumpball Core-X ================================== This Core-X will require 5 missile shots, though the drill is the same: attack, kill, absorb. When you are done, go to Objective 4 to be guided back to the Navigation Room. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv. Boss guide for Mission 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this room, jump up to the platform in the middle of the room, above the water. Serris will enter the room and cause crumbling of parts of the platforms. =============== Phase 1: Serris =============== Serris is a fast moving serpent creature. The best place that you can go (in my opinion) is the third platform from the left. Shoot Serris's head 5 times with Missiles or Charge Beam shots to destroy it and reveal the Speed Boosting Core-X. =========================== Phase 2: Speed Boost Core-X =========================== 5 more missiles are required to destroy it. Remember to stay out of the water at all costs. Go to Objective 3 to continue the mission. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v. Boss Guide for Mission 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==================== Rouge Security Robot ==================== Jump to the ceiling and fire missiles down into its center components to inflict damage. It will spit out metal balls that will release Fire Walls that will grow and recede. Try to get the robot to follow you left and run into the left wall, that gives you more open time to fire missiles down into it. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi. Boss Guide for Mission 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================= Phase 1: Giant Barrier Core-X ============================= Missiles don't seem to work too well, so you will have to use your Charge Beam. Shoot it with 5 Charge Beam shots. ========================== Phase 2: Varia Suit Core-X ========================== 6 Missiles and you will get the Varia Suit data that the X stole from the Data Console. Go back to the Navigation Room for Further Briefing on the next Mission and remember to visit the Missile Tank Locations. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii. Boss Guide for Mission 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================= Phase 1: Scientist X-Host ========================= Shoot him. He is the evidence of the conclusion that HQ and your CO is about to make. ========================= Phase 2: Wide Beam Core-X ========================= It will take 5 Missiles in the "Eye." This Core-X will restore your Wide Beam giving you 3 shots at once instead of 1. Isn't that nice? In Super Metroid this was called Spazer Beam, for those Metroid Veterans, however it only split the beam in 2, not 3. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- viii. Boss Guide for Mission 11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================== Phase 1: Yakuza - Fire Spitting/Grabbing ======================================== Yakuza is a big spider. It will begin by throwing some fire at you. Three fireballs will land, one on either side of you and the other in the middle. Go to one side and when you see him, Jumpball to the other side. Yakuza will continue to move diagonally around the screen but as long as you are in a Morph Ball in the corner, he won't be able to grab you. When he gets sick of missing you, he will open up a soft inner fire-producing organ. Shoot it with as many Ice Missiles as you can fire off. It will slowly become injured and will eventually move on the the next stage. ============================================= Phase 2: Yakuza - Junk Throwing/Body Slamming ============================================= After you have hit it enough times, you will have to avoid its Junk throwing and Body Slamming. I'm not sure if it swallowed its dead arms or what, but he will continually spit stuff at you until you have hit it MANY times with Ice Missiles. ========================== Phase 3: Space Jump Core-X ========================== Dispose of this Core-X as those in the past. Objective 3. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ix. Boss Guide for Mission 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================= Phase 1: Vine Wall - Pollen Release/Drain ========================================= The Vine Wall will just sit there as you pound on it. Set off Power Bombs to keep the Pollen off and bombard the Vine Wall with Ice Missiles. ====================================== Phase 2: Vine Wall - Plasma Beam/Drain ====================================== Like before, stay out of those Flowers that drain your life. Also, continue to set off Power Bombs. They may not be destroying the Pollen, but they still do a TON of damage and in addition to a constant array of Ice Missiles, you shouldn't have to fight the Vine Wall long. =========================== Phase 3: Plasma Beam Core-X =========================== This is another Beam function, so you will have to wait with the Missile until it opens its eye. 5 or 6 shots to destroy it. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x. Boss Guide for Mission 13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================== Phase 1: Nightmare - Beam Blast =============================== The first phase goes rather quick, but you have to shoot Missiles/Charge Beam shots at the spinning generator between its claws. ================================================== Phase 2: Nightmare - Beam Blast/Gravity Distortion ================================================== After it gets angry, it will distort the gravity in the area and cause you Missiles to fall as soon as the are fired. Continue pounding the generator with Charge Beam shots until it breaks. Tricks to this: Jump as high as you possilbly can, because Nightmare follows your path. Always charge your shot as quickly as you can. When he comes very close to the wall, you can Morph Ball and avoid it. ========================================= Phase 3: Nightmare - Beam Blast/Body Slam ========================================= Now, the protective covering of its face will break free. Use the gripping wall on the left to shoot as many Missiles as you can at its face. When it gets to the wall, it will begin to levitate around, then Space Jump around to try and avoid it. This will repeat until its death. ============================ Phase 4: Gravity Suit Core-X ============================ The fourth and final phase is just like every Core-X before it and will grant you free motion in water. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xi. Boss Guide for Mission 15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================= Phase 1: Security Robot-X ========================= Shoot it in the same way you did the last time, directly in the center, but it will shoot missiles at you instead of fire walls this time. Beware the water for the broken electrical lines on the robot have electrified the water. ========================= Phase 2: Wave Beam Core-X ========================= Shoot 4 Ice Missiles in the "Eye" of this Core-X to collect the Wave Beam funtion, allowing you to shoot your beam through walls. Objective 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xii. Boss Guide for Mission 16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================= Phase 1: Ridley-X ================= I doubt this is the last time we will see our friend Ridley, however, we do find Ridley was infected with the X Parasite in this latest edition of the game. This is a true test of your rapid fire power because you will have to unload a huge amount of missiles to kill him. Remember to move around, because his attacks are rather easy to avoid. Also, him holding you is an effective way to get some accurate missile strikes in, but don't stay longer than you need because for every 3 seconds you are in his grasp, he does more than 100 damage. ============================ Phase 2: Screw Attack Core-X ============================ The most powerful upgrade in the game, you will need to fire about 6 missile shots at the Core-X to get the upgrade. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xiii. Boss Guide for Mission 17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================== Phase 1: Samus Aran-X ===================== This is the battle you've been waiting for. You should have quite a few Energy Tanks, or there will be no battle. The SA-X still hurts you massively with it's Ice Beam, but Screw Attack makes you invulnerable as long as you are electrified. Charge Beam shots are the only way you are really going to damage it. Charge while you are in the air and then fire when you come back down. Continue this pattern until you enter Phase 2. ================= Phase 2: Mutant-X ================= A giant mutated creature that will jump and try to body slam you; avoid this and fire Charge Beam Shots. ======================== Phase 3: Ice Beam Core-X ======================== Fire 6 Missile Shots into the eye and destroy the Core-X. Objective 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ========================= Final Boss: Omega Metroid ========================= The Omega Metroid will come out and you will have to get hit once and be brought back down to exactly 1 Energy Point remaining. Then, the SA-X you just killed will reform, shoot it with the Ice Beam and be killed again. In the Free-Floating form you have the ability to process the X's Ice Beam data. By absorbing the Ice Beam Core-X, you are now able to shoot the Charge/Wave/Plasma/Ice Beam Shot at the Omega Metroid's stomach. It isn't that difficult, but be careful, for it will sometimes triple swipe if it thinks it has the opportunity. Make sure that you keep firing at it Charge and regular shots. It will back off if you hit it enough times. Good Luck! /*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\ /*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\ ================================================================================ IV. The Extras ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i. Energy Tanks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>MAIN DECK<<<<< *-* [ --- ] *-* The first Extra Energy Tank that you will come into contact with is directly before your first Boss Battle. *-* [ Missiles ] *-* Immediately following the first Energy Tank, walk to the end of the platform, and shoot the ceiling with a missle, then a blast of your beam. This will cause 2 blocks to disaappear and allow you to jump up to a gap in the ceiling. Walk forward to a hidden room with an Energy Tank in it. NOTE: If you miss this Energy Tank and need to come back and get it at the end of the game, there are some Screw Attack blocks that are in the corrior after where you defeated Arachnus. *-* [ --- ] *-* On your way to the Auxilary Power Station, pick up this Energy Tank that you literally can't miss. >>>>>SECTOR 1 (SRX)<<<<< *-* [ Morph Ball ] *-* You will come to a room in Sector 2 that has some Hornoads and in it. There will be an Energy Tank clearly visible in the ground. Go to the left from where the Energy Tank is and right after you fall to a lower elevation in this room, shoot the wall with your beam. There will be a metal tube that you can Morph Ball through and you can get this Energy Tank which will help very much for when you have to battle earlier bosses. *-* [ Diffusion Missiles ] *-* After escaping the Restricted Lab Detachment, you should find a room at the top of the elevator with lots of turtles in it. Shoot at Diffusion Missile in this room and you should find an Energy Tank! >>>>>SECTOR 2 (TRO)<<<<< *-* [ --- ] *-* Right before you fight the boss of Sector 2 and fight for your Hi-Jump and Jumpball abilities, you will find an easily gotten Energy Tank sitting on an elevated platform right before you enter the Boss's Chamber. >>>>>SECTOR 3 (PYR)<<<<< *-* [ Bombs, Jumpball ] *-* In the arangement of blocks on the ceiling in the room up and left from the room where you battled the Security Robot for the first time there is an Energy Tank. To get it early on, Bomb the lower block of either side and then bomb the upper one while the bottom is missing. When the lower one returns to position, you should be able to Bomb the block in the center and shoot up the center of these blocks to reveal the Energy Tank. >>>>>SECTOR 4 (AQA)<<<<< *-* [ Morph Ball ] *-* In the fourth room from the Recharge Room, you will find a tank with Skulltera in it. If you go through this door and then go up, left, and then up, Morph Ball right, you will find an Energy Tank. >>>>>SECTOR 5 (ARC)<<<<< *-* [ Morph Ball, Power Bomb ] *-* Right before you fight Nightmare, set off a Power Bomb and you will find a path to the visible Energy Tank. >>>>>SECTOR 6 (NOC)<<<<< *-* [ Bombs, Jumpball ] *-* Bomb the right wall of the second room in NOC. There will be an opening and the room that it leads to will have and Energy Tank inside of it. Lay a Power Bomb or Bomb the wall to reveal 3 openings. The top opening is the one that you will have to enter, so if you use Bombs you will have to Jumpball from the Second ledge. *-* [ --- ] *-* You will run into this Energy Tank along your way down to get the Varia Suit. You can't miss it. +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii. Missile Tanks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>MAIN DECK<<<<< *-* [ --- ] *-* Before fighting the first boss, you go through a maze in the dark. You fall several times, climb a wall, shoot a wall to get through, etc. One of the times that you fall, you will fall past some blue fixtures that seem to be disconnected. When you fall past them, move to your right to find an Missile Tank. *-* [ --- ] *-* After getting Missile Tank 1, go to the left, fall down a short ways and go left. You will end up in a seemingly empty room. Shoot the wall and you will find that an Missile Tank was in the wall. *-* [ Speed Boost ] *-* Run from above the entrance to the Quaratine Bay all the way to the Main Elevator the left wall there will break apart allowing you to get a Missile Tank. *-* [ --- ] *-* On your way back to your ship in Mission 11 you should pick up a Missile Tank near the Docking Bay. >>>>>SECTOR 1 (SRX)<<<<< *-* [ --- ] *-* When you put the 4th Stabilizer back online in the the first Sector, you can enter a door in the upper left hand corner of the room. In it, you will find a Missile Tank. *-* [ Morph Ball, Wall Jump ] *-* In the save room to the right of where you fought the Charge Beam Core-X and adjusted the 5th Stabilizer, you will find that the third block up on the right wall is breakable. If you want to get this Missile Tank right away, you can jump, and in mid-air Morph Ball against the wall to get in, and in the secret room you will have to Wall Jump many times to get to the top. This sounds kind of hard, but it really isn't that difficult once you master the Wall Jump. If you find you aren't that Metroid talented yet, you can come back later with the Space Jump. *-* [ Bombs, Speed Boost ] *-* On the Habitation Deck, from the top, shoot the middle floor tile, and then shoot the middle of the second level as well then you will find a Missile Tank on the lowest level in the middle. >>>>>SECTOR 2 (TRO)<<<<< *-* [ Morph Ball, Bombs ] *-* Exit the Data Room here. There will be a ledge straight ahead, there, lay a bomb. The block should explode and lead way to more blocks. There is a Missile Tank here. *-* [ Morph Ball, Bombs ] *-* When you are on your way back from defeating the Tube Parasite, there will be a room with Dessgeega in it right before you make it back to the Navigation Room. Bomb the innermost area of the right-hand Morph Ball tunnel and you will find a Missile Tank there. >>>>>SECTOR 3 (PYR)<<<<< *-* [ Bombs, Jumpball ] *-* There is a narrow verticle room on the right side of the map and at the top of it there is a room on the left. Enter this room and you will find the left wall will crumble in 2 places. Go through the second, and you will find a Missile Tank. *-* [ --- ] *-* At the bottom of a narrow verticle room in PYR, there is a room on the right. There is a large platform in the middle that you can shoot the top of to find a Missile Tank. *-* [ Super Missiles ] *-* After downloading the Super Missiles, there will be a hole in the floor after you exit the room on the left. You will find Save and Recharge Rooms and then a Room with 2 Side-Hoppers, an X-Barrier and a Missile Tank. *-* [ Varia Suit ] *-* There is a passage that is ultra heated on the left side of the map right under the Navigation/Save/Recharge Rooms. Go across it to the end room and you will find a Save Room. Remember if you fall in to not panic, but to get out of the lava as quickly as possible. >>>>>SECTOR 4 (AQA)<<<<< *-* [ Bombs ] *-* In the first main room of Sector 4 you will find a place to jump to the ceiling. Go to the end of the corridor that leads right and you will then either have to Wall Jump or Space Jump to the top. Bomb your way through and then Bomb the next wall that you come to. Come out of Morph Ball and then use your beam to shoot the wall where there is a small crevice. There will be a Missile Tank there. *-* [ Missiles ] *-* After getting the last Missile Tank, Morph Ball again and Jumpball up and Bomb the wall. You should find a Missile Block. Shoot it with a Missile and continue through. Shoot the wall on the right side of this next area. The wall should crumble and reveal the Missile Tank that was teasing you before. *-* [ Speed Boost ] *-* Immediately after lowering the water level in AQA, you will find a Missile Tank. *-* [ Speed Boost ] *-* When you are on your way back to the Navigation Room after lowering the water level, you will Speed Boost through a set of blocks and there will be a tank of water above you. In it, there will be a Missile Tank. >>>>>SECTOR 5 (ARC)<<<<< *-* [ Bombs, Jumpball ] *-* In the room at the bottom of the first shaft outside of the Recharge Room you will find a hatch on the right that is secured by 2 yellow hatches. Once you have bypassed Security Level 3 you can get a Missile Tank by Jumpballing up to the ceiling along the right side. A block will crumble, then shoot the block on the right side to reveal the Tank. >>>>>SECTOR 6 (NOC)<<<<< *-* [ Bombs ] *-* Bomb the left wall when the second room in NOC. You will go back to the first room and there will be a Missile Tank there. *-* [ Bombs ] *-* Under the Save room in the lower left part of the map, you will find a bunch of breakable blocks, some of which contain Blue X. If you break the ones along the left side you can Bomb the wall and roll into a secret room. There will be a bunch of Grubs that you will have to kill then in the upper left you can Bomb the end of a Morph Ball passage. Then shoot or Bomb the block behind it to reveal a Missile Tank. *-* [ --- ] *-* After getting the Varia Suit, go up a verticle passage and then to the left. There will be a Missile Tank here, but you should avoid falling through the Pit Fall Blocks. *-* [ Morph Ball ] *-* Right after you get the previous Missile Tank, fall through the Pit Fall blocks and grab on to the ledge on the left side. Inside are 3 Grubs. Destroy them and shoot the ceiling to find a Missile Tank. *-* [ Bombs ] *-* In the beginning part of NOC, you will run into a hatch along the right side that will lead to a room with many Blue X in it. In the next room you will meet a Mock Missile Tank. Evil huh? Destroy it (missiles) and then Bomb the wall at the base and you will find a Missile Tank on the other side. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii. Power Bomb Tanks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>SECTOR 1 (SRX)<<<<< *-* [ Missiles ] *-* After you escape from the Restricted Lab, there is a room with turtles, then an Amoeba room, then another room where the floor breaks with your beam. Go down to the room below and kill the creature in the enclosed block. Then let the Free-Floating X form into a ceiling creature that you can kill with your Ice Missiles. Then avoid the Free-Floating X again and you will find that they will form a Gold Zebian Space Pirate. Kill it will a Charge Beam Shot to the back. The door on your right will open and you will find a Power Bomb Tank in that room. >>>>>SECTOR 2 (TRO)<<<<< *-* [ Space Jump ] *-* There is a large, empty, blue room that lies in TRO. If you Space Jump up and then shoot the wall, you will find part of the wall gives way to a Power Bomb Tank. *-* [ Ice Missiles, Space Jump ] *-* (2 TANKS) In the main room where you can go up to get to a Navigation Room, there was a Keyhunter Cocoon. After it hatches, you can get through to the other side. There are floating turtles that you can freeze to get past the pit fall blocks. When you get the visible Power Bomb Tank, stay there and fall to get another. >>>>>SECTOR 4 (AQA)<<<<< *-* [ Speed Boost ] *-* There is a long corridor where there are very few creatures along the bottom in the South-East area of AQA. You should be able to Speed Boost across the room, press Down to Shinespark, then press A to leap straight up to get the Power Bomb Tank. >>>>>SECTOR 6 (NOC)<<<<< *-* [ Power Bombs ] *-* Lay a Power Bomb in the room after you run from SA-X just after getting Power Bombs. There is a clearly visible Power Bomb Tank there. /*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\ /*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\ ================================================================================ V. F.A.Q. ================================================================================ If you have a question, e-mail me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How many Energy Tanks is "quite a few" in reference to beating the SA-X? A: If you are talking about defeating the SA-X, especially for the first time, I would take no fewer than 12. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: In Mission 14 Objective 1, there is a reference to an invisible hole... where is it? A: I went back and tried to clarify, but if you still need help here is an attempted map that I created to try and help: | B|========| B| | |========| | |__|========| | |===========| |<------ The hole is here. |====| ______| |_______|====== -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\ /*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\/*-*\ ================================================================================ VI. LEGAL ================================================================================ &^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^ This walkthrough is copyrighted in its legal entirety to TNEwebmaster of The NintendoEncyclopedia, 2003. This walkthrough can not be reposted or linked to any other page of any other site unless permission is granted to do so. Contact at &^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^&^