______ __ __ | ____| || \ \ / / | | | | \ \/ / | |____ | || | \/\/ |____ | | | | | ## /\/\ | | | |----| | / /\ \ ____| | | | | | / / \ \ |______| |_| |_| /_/ \_\ FAQ By Snoopdigger ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------*Metroid Fusion*---------------------------- ----------------------------*2002 Nintendo*---------------------------- -------------------------------*SA-X FAQ*------------------------------ ---------------------------*Gameboy Advance*--------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note: This FAQ contains spoilers of many kinds. A plot twist where the SA-X appears I have not labeled as a spoiler, since if you are viewing this guide you should already know it and all plot elements up to the First Encounter. When I mark a spoiler, I mean a late surprise in the game. These surprises will be viewed usually after 3-5 hours of playing the game. Do not read further if you do not want to know the end-of-game secrets. Table of Contents 1. Legal Notice 2. Version History 3. Introduction 4. Game Basics 4.5 Controls 5. Plotline (Spoilers) 6. Aftermath 7. SA-X Encounters 8. FAQ 9. Conclusion 1. Legal Notice This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyright (c) 2002-2003 Patrick Handley. This FAQ/Walkthrough is only to be found on GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com). Any other website hosting this FAQ/Walkthrough, in part or in whole, will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. If you, the reader, find this being posted, in part or in whole, at any other website, contact the author immediately at patrickhandley@yahoo.com. You will be held under NO LIABILITY from that site(s). Should they plague you from upholding the law, it is your responsibility to pursue that matter legally. You may e-mail me in order to post this document on your website, but I may not post it. Do not shadow my e-mail; if I didn't say yes the first time, I will not change my mind. If I, in fact, do change my mind, it will be me who emails you. You may not print my FAQ/Walkthrough, edit it, or bowdlerize it, save for personal use. You may not, however, distribute it. If you come across a hard-copy of this FAQ, contact me at patrickhandley@yahoo.com. Reaffirming, you will be held under NO LIABILITY from that person(s). Should they plague you from upholding the law, it is your responsibility to pursue that matter legally. Oh, yeah, if you decide to steal from my FAQ, there is no limit to the things I will do to punish you. On that note, read on. 2. Version History 0.01 (1/9/03) Started work on guide. 0.1 (1/10/03) Finished formatting. Also finished Legal Notice, and toiled over Introduction until I got it done. 0.2 (1/11/03) Started work on Game Basics. Maybe I will get to controls tomorrow. 0.3 (1/12/03) Finished Controls. 0.4 (1/13/03) Created and finished section 6, Aftermath. Revised Author's Note. Worked on SA-X Encounters. 0.5 (1/14/03) No comment. 0.55 (1/15/03) Worked on Plotline. 0.6 (1/16/03) Worked more on Plotline. 0.7 (1/17/03) Trimmed up guide, ready to be submitted. 0.75 (1/18/03) I worked on Plotline. 1.0 (1/24/03) Almost finished Plotline! I added the secret message! Rejoice! 1.1 (3/20/04) After almost a year, I come back to correct some minor mistakes and read over the guide again. Nothing major. 3. Introduction Welcome to another guide by Snoopdigger. I would say that this is a very unusual guide. A special surprise was put into the game that later becomes a major part of the story, and it was called SA-X. But before we get into the SA-X, and the purpose of the guide, I would like to bring you up to speed on Metroid. A Metroid is a life-sucking creature from the planet known as SR388. Space pirates stole a Metroid for galactic terrorizing purposes, and bounty hunter Samus Aran saves the Metroid, and the galaxy with it. She later returns to SR388 to wipe out the Metroids, and succeed, eliminating all save 1, which was used for research properties. Now... ///////////////////////////////THE INTRO\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ "I'd been assigned to watch over Biologic's research team so I once again found myself on the surface of SR388. It was there that I was attacked by a life-form I had never encountered before. It was only later that I learned the identity of my attacker: the parasitic organism we now know as X. Unaware of my condition, I was returning to the station when disaster struck. Once the X had infested my central nervous system, I lost consciousness and my ship drifted into an asteroid belt. The ship's emergency systems automatically ejected the escape pod before impact. Biologic's vessel recovered it and transported me to Galactic Federation HQ. However, during the journey, the X multiplied within me, corrupting large areas of my Power Suit. It then came to light that the organic components of my Power Suit had become so integrated with my system that it could not be removed while I was unconscious. Large portions of my suit had to be surgically removed, dramatically altering my physical appearance. However, the X in my central nervous system was too embedded to be removed safely. I was given a minimal chance of survival. Then, someone found a cure. They proposed using a Metroid cell to make an anti-X vaccine. It seems that the Federation had managed to preserve a cell culture from the last infant Metroid from SR388. The serum was prepared and injected without delay. The X parasites were immediately and completely destroyed. As for me, one life ended... yet I survived, reborn as something different. Pondering this fact, I realize... I owe the Metroid hatchling my life twice over. We'll soon be arriving at the B.S.L. research station. I must prepare for docking. The ship's computer has notified me of our approach to the Biologic Space Labs, or B.S.L, research station. During my surgery, the research team sent the last batch of creatures we captured there, as well as the infected pieces of my Power Suit. After regaining consciousness, I learned that an unexplained explosion rocked the station. For some reason, this awoke a nameless fear in my heart, and now I am being sent there to investigate. My mission on the B.S.L station will be overseen by my new ship's computer. Following the commands of this blunt, computerized CO is something I have to bear, as it was a condition of my taking the ship. For someone who dislikes taking orders, this is the second time I've found myself having to do so. It makes me recall my other CO..." \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\END INTRO/////////////////////////////// This was taken from the game's intro. Everything in there is copyright Nintendo. Now, the SA-X comes in as you are descending down an elevator. It destroys everything in its path. As soon as you get to the navigation room, the computer says: ======================================================================= The Main Elevator leading to the main access shaft has been severely damaged. It will be totally unusable for some time, unfortunately. Some unknown agent is at work. Something very powerful, certainly not human. I'll report when I know more. ======================================================================= That is not all of it, but aside from all the talk about someone who destroyed the Quarantine Bay, this is a major fore-shadowing about the SA-X. After you complete the next mission, the computer will say: ======================================================================= Atmospheric stabilizers online. But many X have already made it to other sectors, it seems. In particular... Sector 2 (TRO), the tropical habitat, shows abnormalities. I suspect the X entered this sector with the help of our unseen saboteur. He or it may be in TRO now. Samus, get over there. We need to put an end to this. ======================================================================= Okay, more fore-shadowing, but the next computer talking-to has the kicker. ======================================================================= I heave learned the identity of our mystery saboteur... Samus, it's an X mimicking you. I have named it the SA-X. (You know, SA-Samus Aran, X-ified) I believe the SA-X came from a capsule containing your infected suit parts. It used a Power Bomb to escape the Quarantine Bay. That explosion breached all capsules containing all the X that started this disaster. But the SA-X is our biggest worry right now. The SA-X is mimicking you at full power. You can't face it. If you see the SA-X, just run. Don't think about fighting... You are still very vulnerable to cold, an un-expected side-effect of the Metroid vaccine. Like Metroids, you can be frozen with an Ice Beam. Of course, the SA-X is armed with the ice beam. Stay Away. If you see it, just run. ======================================================================= That's all it has on the SA-X. So now, you know. Onward. 4. Game Basics How to classify Metroid Fusion? I say it has many mixed traits. Like the good old Mario games, it's a 2-D game, flat, much like the early Sonic games as well. Each area is chopped into sections, like Zelda games. So it has a little bit of a side-scroller in it. It is a fast- paced game, relying much on reflexes. I'd say that gives it an Action quality. And it has a touch of RPG mixed with Adventure in it. In all, it has a little bit of many traits, but the result is better than perfect. Now, I don't really approve of putting anything else in, you can find all other basic info in A: The Manual, or B: Other FAQs. 4.5 Controls Most of the controls can be found in the manual, so I am devoting this section mainly to combos and techniques you will find useful. Shoot below you: Jump, push down on the control pad, and fire your Arm Cannon. You should hit what you where standing on. Cliffhanger: When you jump onto an enemy infested platform, hold A as you go by its side. You should hang onto the edge, and wait for the danger to pass. When the enemies are at the other side, roll up by pressing up on the control pad. Screw Attack without its upgrade: To do a screw attack early in the game, hold your charge beam and jump (make sure you are flipping) into the enemy. It should be destroyed. Run over blocks that crumble: Once you have the speed booster, you can charge it up and use it to run over those blocks that crumble beneath you without falling. -Provided by Superjj2003- Shine charge-when you start speed boosting, tap down and you can store the power, therefore you can now...(see below) Shinespark: press the jump button when you have a charge(shinecharge), and aim it where you want to go. What happens is you fly in whatever direction you aimed Samus, saving you the time of walking through that room, and to easily reach some speed booster blocks, items, and passages. *Shine charge and Shinespark are two different techniques* Wall jump: Execute a Wall Jump by Spin Jumping (press either right or left, then jump) into a flat surface of a wall, then tap the opposite direction and press Jump again Jump extend: When jumping simply pound A and B to repeatedly shoot and go back into a Spin Jump. This will cause you to get more distance than you would normally. Space boosting: To Space Boost, simply start Space Jumping after the Speed Booster has activated. You can see these techniques in action at this web site, on the left column under techniques http://www.metroid2002.com/fusion/ If you have any other techniques, e-mail me at patrickhandley@yahoo.com. 5. Plotline (Spoilers) If you bothered to read the author's note at the very beginning of the guide, you should know that the SA-X and all plot elements up to the First Encounter are all NOT marked as spoilers. What I have devised for this section is what the navigation computer tells you. The plotline will be revealed via these computer uplinks. I find it entertaining to watch the plot unfold just by listing to this dull computer. But, there is one more thing that gives you even more information. Sometimes, on an elevator ride, Samus will reflect on the current events. Now, read on. (Or skip to the next section) ======================================================================= Ship's Computer (just so you know, this is who is telling you everything) ======================================================================= There's Been an explosion in the Quarantine Bay. The bay currently stores capsules containing recent samples from SR388 as well as parts of your suit infected by the X parasites. The cause of the explosion is as yet unclear. Investigate. The Quarantine Bay is here. Move quickly and quietly... You are still unable to use most of your latent abilities. Don't forget that Samus. Stop at the Navigation Room on the way. Uplink from there. Is your objective clear? Now, go to the Quarantine Bay. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= The Quarantine Bay is ahead. Bio-signs are confirmed. Be careful. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= This is unfortunate news... The specimens brought back by the field team were infected by X parasites. The X can mimic its prey; any specimen could have hosted it. Before the explosion, a security sensor scanned one... The gelatinous X parasites invade and rapidly reproduce, killing the host creature. They also absorb DNA and use it to mimic the host. You were almost killed by an X infection. Only the Metroid vaccine saved your life. It seems Metroids were the main predators of the X. That's why the vaccine worked so quickly and so well. But it has also changed your cellular makeup. You will never be infected by X again. If fact, you can now absorb any free-floating X parasites without a host by merely touching them. This will replenish health and restore weapons. You may also restore latent abilities this way, so pursue free X parasites whenever you possibly can. This station is home to many species... some violent ones. We must keep the X out of the breeding environments at all costs. This is vital, Samus. I am already detecting massive bio-signs in this region. The X are gathering. This may be our chance to exterminate them, but... You are only at 10% battle capacity. Your chance of survival is extremely low. The Federation needs you alive and on duty, Samus... Is your objective clear? Now, get going. I have released the lock on level 0 hatches. Look for the blinking hatches. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= I have received news from HQ. They can support you with downloadable weapons data. Once you have this data, you'll be able to use Missiles. This will help against some enemies your beam can't hurt. Head to the Data Room for the download. The Data Room is here. Is your objective clear? With Missiles, your chance of survival climbs to 20%... ======================================================================= Samus Aran ======================================================================= That computer reminds me of a gruff Federation CO I served under named Adam Malkovich. He called me "Lady" on missions; from anyone else it would've sounded sarcastic, but Adam made it sound dignified. Out of respect and with some irony, I named the computer after him. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= The Data Room is just ahead. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= Electrical interface has knocked out the elevators on the Main Deck. This may be related to the X. I'll work on it. As for you... Try to find another way to the target. It's located her. I'm reading huge bio- signs, so I hope your Missiles work... To reload Missiles you can use a Recharge Room or absorb a specific type of X parasite. You'll see them. Try it out. Is your objective clear? Missiles are your only hope. Don't hesitate to use them. Now, find a way to the target. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= Samus, it's as I feared. The breeding environments have been invaded by X parasites. Sector 1 (SRX) shows several abnormalities on bio-sensors. Sector 1 is a simulation of the SR388 ecosystem. To get there, take the main elevator to the access shaft and use elevator 1. Is your objective clear? Use the Navigation Computer just inside for further briefing. I'm not sure, but I think that whoever allowed the X into the environment may also be linked with the earlier explosion... ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= The Main Elevator leading to the main access shaft has been severely damaged. It will be totally unusable for some time, unfortunately. Some unknown agent is at work. Something very powerful, certainly not human. I'll report when I know more. Now, listen closely. The X in Sector 1 have invaded the atmospheric stabilizers. They must want to alter the environment to their needs. They are already re-producing. Clear all five atmospheric stabilizers to stop them. Is your objective clear? Now, get moving. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= Atmospheric stabilizers online. But many X have already made it to other sectors, it seems. In particular... Sector 2 (TRO), the tropical habitat, shows abnormalities. I suspect the X entered this sector with the help of our unseen saboteur. He or it may be in TRO now. Samus, get over there. We need to put an end to this. Is your objective clear? Start moving. I'll brief you at TRO Navigation Room. ======================================================================= Samus Aran ======================================================================= As I listened to the briefing, my thoughts turned to Adam. The real Adam understood me well. He would end orders saying, "Any objections, Lady?" He knew I wouldn't disagree. That was just his way of noting our trust. I wonder if I can trust this computer too... ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= I heave learned the identity of our mystery saboteur... Samus, it's an X mimicking you. I have named it the SA-X. (You know, SA-Samus Aran, X-ified) I believe the SA-X came from a capsule containing your infected suit parts. It used a Power Bomb to escape the Quarantine Bay. That explosion breached all capsules containing all the X that started this disaster. But the SA-X is our biggest worry right now. The SA-X is mimicking you at full power. You can't face it. If you see the SA-X, just run. Don't think about fighting... You are still very vulnerable to cold, an un-expected side-effect of the Metroid vaccine. Like Metroids, you can be frozen with an Ice Beam. Of course, the SA-X is armed with the Ice Beam. Stay Away. If you see it, just run. HQ says they have Bomb data ready in the Data Room. Bombs will help you find a way out if the SA-X traps you. The Data Room is here but... it's sealed by a Level 1 hatch. You'll have to find the Security Room and release the Level 1 locks. But per safety protocols, it's not marked on the map. You'll have to find it on your own somehow, Samus. So, first find the Security Room and unlock the Level 1 hatches, them go the Data Room and get that Bomb data. Is your objective clear? Keep an eye out for the SA-X. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= Samus, we've got trouble. Releasing the security lock may have been a bad idea. The SA-X has invaded the water environment in Sector 4 (AQA) with several thousand X. With the blue hatches active, the SA-X slipped in easily. The creatures and systems in Sector 4 are already showing multiple irregularities. I'm currently investigating. I'll brief you in the Navigation Room when you arrive. Is your objective clear? Now, head for sector 4. ======================================================================= Samus Aran ======================================================================= The SA-X. An enemy with my strongest abilities. But does it have reason. Probably not. It's just a killing machine. In my current state, I can't face it head-on. The SA-X is me, only heartless. I must stop it before it learns its potential and threatens the universe... ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= This sector has taken more damage than expected... I knew the X were powerful, but still... This seems to be purposeful. We certainly can't rule out the possibility that the SA-X has a high degree of intelligence. I find the X fascinating, especially the X. ...But I digress. This sector is home to a very large creature the researchers called Serris. It is capable of moving and attacking at ultra-high speed. The more senseless and widespread destruction here may be an attribute to Serris. No doubt the SA-X released it, but I can't be sure why yet. Serris has returned often to the breeding tank here. Its natural behavior must be to go back to it periodically. It's a valuable specimen, but you have been authorized to terminate it. If you don't, I may invade other sectors. Is your objective clear? While you're moving, be careful. Some broken power nodes have electrified the water... but we can't cut the power. Doing so would affect the whole station adversely. If you touch the water, you'll be electrocuted. Conserve energy as you go. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= So Serris had been infected by the X, too... Well, as a result, you recovered another ability. At this rate, you may be able to face the SA-X yet... But that's still a ways off. HQ has more support data. This time it's Missile upgrade data. You desperately need this, but the Data Room here is sealed with a Level 4 lock, the highest security level. Let's avoid opening sensitive areas unless it's necessary. Also, the route to the Data Room in Sector 2 is blocked by still more SA-X activity. I note a deliberate activity pattern, as if it's blocking you recovery intentionally. Samus, it looks like you best option for download is in Sector 3 (PYR). You will find the PYR Data Room on you map after using a Navigation Room there. Is your objective clear? Now, head for Sector 3 (PYR). ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= Thankfully, the X have not invaded this area yet... The Data Room here is sealed by another security hatch. In order to download, you must find the Security Room here and active Level 2 hatches. This may allow the SA-X and X parasites into the area... But we are left with no choice. Your recovery is our main goal. The Data Room is here. As I explained, Security Rooms can't be shown on the map. Be careful, Samus. You will see very violent organisms here. And avoid the ultra-heated areas: you suit can't take such high temperatures, but we're working on it. Level 2 hatches are green. Release the lock and proceed to the Data Room for download. Super Missile is ready. Your firepower will triple. Is your objective clear? First activate green hatches. Then go to the Data Room. There are no ultra-heated areas on this route, so turn back if you enter one. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= I see that you encountered a rouge Security Robot. You may destroy it if you meet it again. Your safety is vital. But, as to your brief... Level 2 security locks are released, so Sectors 5 and 6 are open. That means those sectors have likely been infiltrated by X. They are much harder to stop than we initially suspected... Sector 5 (ARC) is sub- zero. You're still susceptible to cold from the vaccine side-effects, so you'll take damage if you even set foot inside there. Avoid Sector 5 for now, but in the meantime, HQ is working on data to adjust your suit for extreme temperatures. Once we have the transmission, you can download it, but... The X have destroyed all the Data Rooms you have used so far. I no longer doubt their capacity for critical thought. You'll have to use the Data Room in the night habitat, Sector 6 (NOC). Go to Sector 6 and access a Navigation Room there. Is your objective clear? Tread lightly, Samus. You are the only one who can do this. And the X may be more dangerous than we know... ======================================================================= Mysterious Man and Navigation Computer ======================================================================= Incoming Dispatch: Mysterious Man: Does Samus suspect anything? Navigation Computer: No, I do not think so. Mysterious Man: Good. Monitor her closely. Navigation Computer: Affirmative. Out. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= The Varia Suit data is here from HQ, ready to download. Get moving to a Data Room. But there's a problem... X from the sub-zero sector ARC are in Sector 6 (NOC), and they... They've been changes by the cold. If you absorb one, you'll be frozen from within. This seems like a deliberate tactic. Once you download the Varia Suit modification, you'll be out of danger. Just be extremely careful until then. The NOC Data Room is here. Remember, avoid the blue X. Use you're beam to stun them in order to get by. Is your objective clear? Be careful. They are hunting you actively now, Samus... And this area is very dark. Proceed with extreme caution. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= How did that X download the Varia Suit data? This doesn't seem to make any sense at all, unless the X... Unless the X have the ability to process data organically... At any rate, you have the Varia Suit data. Now you will be protected from extreme temperatures. More importantly, the SA-X will no longer be able to freeze you, so you can escape easier. But you're still too weak. That thing is just too much for you. You currently have no way of damaging it. But my simulations indicate that a penetrating weapon like the Plasma Beam might work. Developing modification data will take HQ some time, though. There's also a chance that you may be able to restore your Plasma Beam by absorbing a large Core-X, as you did with the Charge Beam function. As for restoring Ice Beam, I doubt it... Your current cellular makeup would reject that addition. Therefore, HQ has developed and Ice Missile upgrade. This will add a freezing effect to your Missiles. It will help. Go to Sector 5 (ARC) for the download. Is your objective clear? Now, get moving. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= You need to download data for the Ice Missile upgrade, but... As you might expect, the Data Room here is secured. Level 3 security hatches are yellow. Release the security lock and download the data as usual. And experiment with these new Missiles. They may be helpful... Is your objective clear? You know what to do. Go to it. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= Emergency in Sector 3 (PWR). The area could melt down soon, It seems the Main Boiler's cooling unit is malfunctioning. This could easily destroy the entire research station, as it would likely trigger the auto-destruct explosives. We have about 6 minutes. Hurry to Sector 3 and access the Control Room to the side of the Main Boiler room. Most of the systems in PYR are down because of this... Again, we know who to blame. The SA-X must have hacked into the system control file. What impressive intelligence. Is your objective clear? There's littlie time. Hurry to the Control room in Sector 3. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= The X mimicked a crew member... It all makes sense now. The X can absorb the memories and knowledge of their prey. What an outstanding find. HQ was very impressed. But don't you find it strange? This could have destroyed the station with the X in it, not to mention the SA-X. Unusual for a self-preserving species like the X. Unless... Your presence is an even greater threat, a threat to the existence of X elsewhere. This is only a hypothesis... Perhaps... Their survival instinct is in conflict with their newly-borrowed intelligence... Don't let your guard down yet. The X are still a threat. Samus, I see bio-signs on the Habitation Deck. Survivors? The infected crew men you saw had survived until recently. Maybe there's a chance... The signs emanate from here. Is your objective clear? I have just restored power to the Main Elevator. Use it to return and look for any survivors. ======================================================================= Samus Aran ======================================================================= Etecoons and Dachoras. I've met these intelligent creatures before. They seemed to recognize me, as well. How unusual to meet again here. In the past, they've helped me unleash abilities I didn't know I had. But where did they run to? I hope it's safe... ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= So the survivors were not human... Most unfortunate. We can now confirm the deaths of all crew members. I imagined this was the case, but I had hoped it wasn't so. I believe the X only infected the humans for knowledge... That form is too weak for battle. I am sure the others were merely food for the X... Samus, I think they are evolving, growing stronger. Some are now appearing to resist your current weapons. HQ anticipated this and sent Power Bomb data as soon as the hardware team finished it. Is your objective clear? Download it immediately. Our choice of Data Rooms is limited to this one in Sector 5 (ARC). Go. Now. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= You've been to this Data Room before, but I'll show you its position again. Is your objective clear? Now move out. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= Samus, return to your ship. I have important information. ======================================================================= Ship's Computer ======================================================================= The mail silo of the Reactor Core has gone offline. That's why all the elevators and stations are down. Elevators and hatches won't work. This doesn't bode well... If you can get to this point, you may be able to start the auxiliary power system. Then we can figure out why the main silo went offline... Is your objective clear? By the way, I asked you to return here to tell you... Some strange creatures have boarded your ship. I confirmed that they were not X hosts and gave them a berth. Do you know anything about these strange creatures? Were they the source of the healthy bio-signs earlier? Very well, then. Their presence in the midst of disaster must have some significance... I will keep them here. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= Save Rooms and Recharge Rooms are now back online, but with only auxiliary power, no elevators or hatches will work. Without the main silo online, we're still stuck. I believe the source of the problem is the vegetation you saw earlier chocking the Reactor Core components. Is your objective clear? We'll have to find the source of those roots before we can proceed. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= What? You're restored Plasma Beam functionality? ...Most unexpected. Even so, continue to avoid the SA-X. It, too, may be stronger. And you still lack a few abilities crucial to survival... Wait... Wait a second... More trouble. Hold on. ....................................................................... I've isolated the cause. There's been an explosion in the ARC Data Room... Samus, go to Sector 5. Is your objective clear? The damage is staggering. Find out what's causing it. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= It's gotten worse. The damage seems to have been caused by a creature kept here by the researchers, who named it... the Nightmare. Apparently, it was a bio-mechanism organism designed for military applications... It possesses uncommon power and can manipulate gravity. We must assume that it's an X host. We have no choice. You must find it and defeat it. I can't confirm the location. Is your objective clear? This thing is out of control. Hurry before it destroys the entire station... ======================================================================= Now, there are two conversations you can have. Conversation 1 is if you got the diffusion missile upgrade like you were supposed to. Conversation 2 is if you did the almost impossible and got to the Navigation Room without the diffusion missile upgrade. Check out some of the great FAQs on the site to see how that is done. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer (Conversation 1) ======================================================================= You upgraded your missiles? That's unusual... There was no word from HQ. A procedural error, I'm sure... Even so, I did not approve of bypassing security level 4. From now on you will use more discretion. N any case, Samus, do you remember the Security Robot you faced earlier? I believe the X have infected it. That is to say, they had claimed he organic components that for its neural network. I has entered Sector 6 (NOC). I don't know what it's planning, but let's not wait to find out. Samus, you know what to do. Is your objective clear? To Sector 6, quickly. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer and Mysterious Man (Conversation 2) ======================================================================= Navigation Computer: Samus, I'm surprised that you were able to make it back. That trick with the shinespark was very... ingenious. Mysterious Man: That's our Samus Aran! Magnificent! Truly magnificent! As a reward, let's fill her in on our plan. Hmm, computer? Navigation Computer: That is... not advisable. Mysterious Man: Bah... Navigation Computer: No more joking. Samus, get back on task. Is your objective clear? Mysterious Man: I wonder how many players will see this message... ======================================================================= Navigation Computer ======================================================================= The Security Robot seems to have gotten much stronger. This worries me. Be careful. But we have another problem. Once you're done, leave NOC immediately. The SA-X is tracing you. Is your objective clear? Don't stay longer than you must. Understood? ======================================================================= Navigation Computer and Samus Aran ======================================================================= Navigation Computer: Samus, you shouldn't have done that. You ignored your orders. You may have to pay a price for that quite soon... Samus Aran: ..... Navigation Computer: As you can see, the Federation has been secretly working on a Metroid breeding program. For peaceful application only, of course. Please understand. But perhaps you already knew of the program's existence? Certainly, you must have had doubts when you saw Sector 1. SRX, a faithful replica of the SR388 ecosystem... Ideal for raising Alpha, Gamma, Zeta, and even Omega Metroids. This research even uncovered techniques for rapid growth. Imagine... creating an Omega from a larva Metroid in days. But that research is finished. The X has smelled out its natural enemy, and one of the SA-X is on its way here... Samus Aran: ONE? ...Are you saying there is more than one SA-X? Navigation Computer: Don't be surprised, Samus. You know the X reproduce by asexual division. Because of this mechanism, there are now no fewer than 10 SA-X aboard the station. Samus Aran: ..... Navigation Computer: Samus, you must go. Get out. If you stay too long, the SA-X will destroy you. Stop only at a Navigation Room to uplink to me. I don't know how HQ is going to take this, but you need to report to them immediately. Is your objective clear? Now, get going. ======================================================================= Samus Aran ======================================================================= The real Adam would have said the same thing about the incident, but he would have softened the blow. He was relentless in criticism, but he always cared... He was not a machine obsessed with duty. No such compassion could exist in that computer... ======================================================================= Navigation Computer and Samus Aran ======================================================================= Navigation Computer: Samus, we're done here. Leave the rest to the Federation... We should be preparing to evacuate the station... Samus Aran: Are you joking?! Do they know how dangerous the X are? ...How quickly they reproduce? Navigation Computer: The Federation has taken interest in the X and the SA-X. They believe this life-form has endless potential applications. Samus Aran: This is ridicules! The X are heartless abominations! What potential could they have? Navigation Computer: It is not necessary that you understand such matters. The Federation is coming now. You should leave quietly... Samus Aran: This is madness! They won't stand a chance here! This station will devour them! What could be worth the risk!? Navigation Computer: Capturing the SA-X of course. Samus Aran: ...Are you serious? Do they really think they can succeed? Navigation Computer: It will certainly be difficult. They don't expect your help. They knew you would try to destroy the SA-X... That's why they stopped sending you support data... The Plasma Beam modification was ready some time ago, but they withheld it to keep you from engaging the SA-X. Yet somehow you restored that function on your own... They also tried to withhold the Diffusion Missile upgrade because they didn't want you to grow to powerful. But they had already sent it, and you tracked it down... Bravo Samus. Samus Aran: They must cancel this mission! Open a channel to HQ! I won't let this happen! Navigation Computer: They are already on their way. Samus Aran: Fools... ======================================================================= Samus Aran ======================================================================= As soon as the Federation ships land, the X will overwhelm them and absorb their knowledge and power of their occupants. The X are just waiting for the hunt to begin, and then they'll spread across the universe. Galactic civilization will end. The X hunger for form, knowledge, power. They mimic these perfectly. But they cannot copy the soul. They're single-minded, instinctively seeking to increase in number. There're a plague, and the Federation underestimates their threat. They X must not leave here. I must destroy them all before the Federation arrives. This station has a self-destruct mechanism. I must use it to destroy the X here and on the planet. I must send them to oblivion. Them, this station, and myself, if I have to. ======================================================================= Navigation Computer and Samus Aran ======================================================================= Samus Aran: Open the hatch! Navigation Computer: I have been ordered to confine you until the ships arrive. Samus Aran: Don't let them do this. Can't you see what will happen, Adam? Navigation Computer: ...Adam? Samus Aran: ......... Navigation Computer: ...Who is Adam? Samus Aran: ...A friend of mine. Navigation Computer: And what would this... friend advise you to do now? Samus Aran: He would know that the only way to end this is to start the self-destruct cycle. He'd know how important it is... Navigation Computer: Did this "Adam" care for you? Would he sit I a safe Command Room and order you to die? Samus Aran: He would understand that some must live and some must die... He knew what it meant. He made that sacrifice once. Navigation Computer: So, he chose life for you? Our fair warrior, Samus Aran... Adam gave his life so that you could keep yours... For the sake of the universe... Samus Aran: ......... Navigation Computer: How foolish Samus Aran: How dare you! How could you hope understand, machine. Navigation Computer: You know that detonation this station in high orbit would not guarantee the complete extinction of the X parasites, even though the station would be utterly destroyed... You would only succeed in removing the one obstacle to the galaxy's ruin... yourself. You would ignore this simple fact and choose death. When Adam decided who should live, he chose incorrectly. Samus Aran: ...! Navigation Computer: ...If you were to alter the stations orbit, then you might be able to include the planet in the vaporization field of the self-destruct detonation. Samus Aran: ...? Navigation Computer: You would have to start the propulsion sequence now. Before the Federation arrives. Samus, this is your last mission. Go to Operations Room and adjust the station's orbit path it intercept SR388. Then return to your ship and escape. Move quickly, and stay alive. That's an order! Any objections, Lady? Samus Aran: Navigation Computer: Samus Aran: Navigation Computer: Samus Aran: ======================================================================= ======================================================================= ======================================================================= MORE TO COME 6. Aftermath This will be a very short section. I would like you to know what happens to everything when the SA-X passes through sections of the space station. Dead animal will be littering the place, for starters. These can block passageways to other areas (some containing missile, power bomb, or energy tanks), but can also serve as stepping-stones. I have been notified that they wear away to a skeleton after time. This allows them to be passed easily, because they are just part of the background. Another result of the SA-X is blocked passages. These will usually look crumbled, because of a super-missile encounter. This forces you to find an alternate route. Or the opposite will happen. A passageway may be hollowed out, meaning you don't have to open the hatch, it is already been blown away. One last thing that the SA-X leaves behind is disfigured terrain. There is simply no way to describe how everything is suddenly turned chaotic after the SA-X passes through it. 7. SA-X Encounters When you first SEE the SA-X, you will be going down the main elevator for the first time. You descend down, and then it appears, looks at you, (not Samus, you as the player) and then breaks out a super missile, and blows up the doorway. First Encounter: Okay, remember that high jump/jump ball boss you just beat? Well, right after it, you will begin to see the damage that the SA-X has created. When you bomb a passageway down to the ceiling of another hallway, you shall see the SA-X walking down the hallway. Now, normally you should wait for it to pass, and then move on once it leaves. But should you decide to jump down and pick a fight with the SA-X, you will find it has three unique traits: 1. Invincibility. 2. The Ice Beam 3. Killer Aim That might make you a little leery about picking a fight, but if you are caught in the fray, know that you can shoot the blocks you came down and hide up there. The SA-X will stop chasing you and go about its business. Either way, when you leave, you will see the aftermath of the SA-X in the next room. Second Encounter The second time you will encounter the SA-X is in sector 6 (NOC). You will eventually come to a room that has a wall blocking you from going forward. When you bomb the floor, you will see pictures of bombs. That means that using a power bomb will break these. Well, bomb right by the far right wall, you go into a hidden cavity in morph ball mode. Roll all the way left, and you will see the SA-X moving through the door into the hallway. It will keep moving until it gets to the wall, and then it will roll into morph ball mode. It will then proceed to drop a power bomb. The entire wall that was blocking you will disintegrate, along with most of the floor, exposing you. It will also damage you, but not too much. Wait for it to leave, and then move on. Of course, if you want to irritate it, attack it. But it is still invincible. And it can still freeze you. And once it freezes you, it breaks out a super missile and blasts you. Ouch. Third Encounter In Sector 5 (ARC), you will meet up with the SA-X again, this time in the corridors underneath the sub-zero segment. As soon as you hear the hatch open behind you, drop a Power Bomb. Jump over the wall and go into Morph Ball mode. When the Power Bomb goes off, two passages will appear, the high road and the low road. If you take the lower passage, the SA-X will shoot the Ice Beam after you, killing you. It has the Wave Beam upgrade so it will pass through walls, and the Wide Beam upgrade. This enables it to hit you in Morph Ball mode. So, take the higher passage and keep running left. Because of the Wave Beam upgrade, its Ice Beam will go through walls. Jump over the beams that is shoots at you and get to the next room. You are safe, for now... Fourth Encounter This is the first encounter that you are supposed to engage the SA-X. But it is STILL invincible. Here is how it works. After you defeat the spider guy, you will roll along to find whom, but the SA-X on the scene. When you drop down, the SA-X will immediately start firing at you. You can freeze it with an ice missile, but that won't hold it for long. Freeze it, then run to the next room. In this room I want you to first run to the far wall. Then turn toward the door. QUICKLY, go into morph ball mode and lay a power bomb. Then press up on the control pad to put yourself into a squatting position. Fire an ice missile, even if the SA-X isn't through the door yet. By the time the missile gets there, it will be. When the power bomb goes off, head for the door on the left. When you get into the next room, use L to angle your arm blaster up-left and hit the red orb that controls the door. Turn around and fire an ice missile at the incoming SA-X. Run and hit the orbs, and make sure that your aim is perfect. The SA-X should spend all of its time jumping, and you should be able to escape to the next room. In this room, jump and pull yourself through the crack into the crevice behind the wall. DO NOT DROP A POWER BOMB UNLESS YOU WANT TO LET THE SA-X KNOW YOU ARE THERE!!! If you leave it alone it will go away, and you can continue on your business. If you let a power bomb loose, the SA-X will start killing you. But if you run to the room on the right, let the SA-X come in after you, and then go back in, you can still save yourself. You cannot beat the SA-X at this time. Fifth Encounter This is a very awkward meeting. After completing your objective, you will hear an explosion, and you will see the SA-X destroying, what, could those be Metroids?! Yes, the X now have a tool for destroying their worst enemy, Metroids. The SA-X. as it is destroying these creatures, you have to use your space-jump abilities to get to the ceiling exit. The problem is that all these creatures are exploding all around you, and you have one minute to escape. Try to keep jumping along the wall to reach the top. If you hit an exploding Metroid and stop spinning, quickly tap A to start somersaulting again. If you don't make it out in time, goodbye. Nothing you throw at the SA-X will even faze it. Final Encounter (Spoilers) When you meet up with the SA-X for the last time, you will finally be able to beat it. Just right off, it takes 12-15 charge shots to bring it down. Now, keep jumping around the room, charging your beam. When the SA-X hits the ground, it will pause for a moment of so, giving you a chance to strike. If you need time to catch your breath, hit it with an Ice Missile. After about 10 hits, it will start to look fuzzy. After 12-15 hits, the SA-X will kneel down and mutate into a giant creature. It jumps around a lot, but pauses to let you hit it. After about 5 hits, it will turn into a Core-Eye. Hit it when its eye is open with a missile. QUICKLY jump out of the way. When you hit it in the eye, it will shoot an Ice Beam at you. 3 hits will do it in. The Ice Beam data starts to float around, but you CAN NOT get it. Now, go to the Control Room and activate the 3-minute timer. Now, every hatch you open will lock behind you. Make your way to where your ship used to be. It is now gone, and the exit hatch is open. That's when an Omega Metroid appears. It takes a swipe at you, and you will kneel down with 1 energy left. That's when the Ice Beam data comes back and transforms back into the SA-X. It shoots the Omega Metroid, driving it back. The Omega Metroid swipes and hits the SA-X. It transforms back into the Ice Beam data. NOW, absorb it and you will change back into your power suit. Many people think that you have turned into the SA-X, but you have just been restored back into your omega suit. After all, that's what the SA-X spawned from, right, your power suit. Now, that's all for the Final Encounter. If you need help on the Omega Metroid, see one of the great Boss Battle FAQs on the site. (Thanks to Shervin Soltani for correcting some minor mistakes) 8. FAQ EMPTY (for now) 9. Conclusion Well, it's been a pleasure. If you know me, you know that I don't usually put much into a conclusion. It's just my nature. Well, I hope you learned something useful from reading this guide. If you have any questions, comments, ect, e-mail me at patrickhandley@yahoo.com. See ya.