FAQ V0.95 By Ayce ___ _____ ___ _ _____ ___ /'\_/`\( _`\(_ _)| _`\ (_)( _ )( _`\ | || (_(_) | | | (_) )| || ( ) || | ) | | (_) || _)_ | | | , / | || | | || | | ) | | | || (_( ) | | | |\ \ | || (_) || |_) | (_) (_)(____/' (_) (_) (_)(_)(_____)(____/' _______ (_____ ) /'\_/`\ _ _ /'/' __ _ __ _ | |(_) ___ ___ (_) _ ___ /'/' /'__`\( '__)/'_`\ | (_) || |/',__)/',__)| | /'_`\ /' _ `\ /'/'___ ( ___/| | ( (_) ) | | | || |\__, \\__, \| |( (_) )| ( ) | (_______)`\____)(_) `\___/' (_) (_)(_)(____/(____/(_)`\___/'(_) (_) <><>------------------------------------------------------------------<><> This walkthrough does not have every single item on it just yet. This will be updated as time goes one. But It will get you through the game with no problem. If you find an error pease send me an email at Neoaes@hotmail.com FAQ History 2.10.04 Started Writing the FAQ. Got the walthrough just past the first main boss Kraid. 6.20.07 I was bored today so I decided to play a little Zero Mission and I remembered that I have not finished this FAQ yet. So I now have the entire main game finished. But the Space Pirate Mission has not been completed. <><>------------------------------------------------------------------<><> Legal Stuff You know what I have spent a lot of time writing this out. If your wanting to use this on your site just drop me an email and ask. I was not the one who made this game so all of the legal stuff really belongs to Nintendo with out them this would not be possable. So if you want to use this on your site I will probably not care just ask first, please. <><>------------------------------------------------------------------<><> Table of Contents 1. Story 2. Walkthrough a. Part 1 Kraid b. Part 2 Ridley c. Part 3 The path to Mother Brain 3. Weapons and Special Items <><>------------------------------------------------------------------<><> 1 Story <><>------------------------------------------------------------------<><> 2A Walkthrough Part 1 Kraid When Samus materializes on the screen head to the immediate left to pick up the morph ball. Then head to the right to the next door but keep an eye out for the Scree that hang from the ceiling and drop on you. In this room just continue to head to the right there is nothing you can do at the moment. As you head to the right you will run into a wall. Just morph into a ball by pressing down x2 and roll under it. You should run into a Chozo Statue. Jump into his hands and Morph into a ball so that he will grab on to you. This will then reveal a passageway and show you your next objective. You will now notice the Chozo as the ability to heal you and refill your missile packs. So anytime you want find a Chozo and climb into his hands. Continue through the door on the right. Now your in a passageway (that we may refer to as Brinstar Shaft 1) this heads either up or to the right. If you want to save go right. Other wise keep headed up the shaft. As you climb you will come across 2 types of creatures both the Zoomers and Rippers. Zoomers are the spiky creatures that cling to the platforms, Rippers are the ones just going back and forth but at this time cannot be killed so just avoid them. Eventually you will come to a door on the left hand side, go into it. After entering you will see a wall that you cannot go under just yet. There are blocks keeping you from going anywhere. Just press down once so you can crouch down and shoot them. Now you may move under as a ball. Continue to the left through the door. Again there is a Chozo Statue, this time he is holding something. Shoot it and then grab the item left behind. You now poses the Long Beam. Head back through the door you just came from, but this time instead of rolling under the same wall you did before there is another spot just above where you were that you can shoot and roll under so you may go instead of to the right. After you roll under that passage jump up and to the left to the hidden room. And continue upwards. And then to the left, which is a narrow passageway that continues to the left for a little while then splits into a two way direction. First to trigger an event head to the left and through the door. This will bring you to a dead end that has two giant monster heads carved from rock. You will need to come this direction to fight Mother Brain at the end after you have defeated her underlings. Head back through the door on the right again and keep moving to the right. After you jump the gap and the acid pools roll into a ball and under the wall,and you will encounter a Sidehopper kill him and you will be able to go through the door on the right. You see another Chozo, by now you should know what to do with it. He will show you your next objective. Go through the door on the right and you should be back in Brinsar Shaft 1 from before. Simply head back down this hole. Until you come to a door on the right. You couldn't reach this door before but now with your Long Beam you can. Shoot the blocks and roll under the passage. This is just a small corridor that leads to the right and into another shaft (Brinstar Shaft 2). Move down to the first door to save then continue on. Head to the very bottom while avoiding the Zoomers and Rippers. Take a right through this door. You will hear some noise and see rocks falling. Don't worry about that just yet. Keep moving to the right until you find a Missile Tank grab it and go back to the left. Now right where the rocks were falling from above a giant worm like monster will attack you. **MINI BOSS**---------------------------- To kill him you must shoot missiles into his eye. But time your attack just right so that you can catch him with it open other wise you may waist a missile. The best way is if he darts towards you get out of the way. Then get directly under him and shoot a missile straight up into his eye. It should take three shots to kill him. After he dies collect the energy and missiles that he leaves behind. And most importantly pick up the Charge Beam, then keep headed left to Brinstar Shaft 2 and go up. Save at the first door on the right if you would like other wise head to the next door above which should be a red door. Shoot only 1 missile at it to gain access to the next room. Now keep running to the right jumping over acid pools don't worry about killing the flying creatures here go through the door. Yet again a short room head through this next door. This should be a fairly tall room you need to get to the highest point and head to the right. You will come across 2 monster generators either shoot missiles at them or just shoot your gun in rapid succession to kill it. Kill them both and go through the door on the right. Short room again, move through to the Right Door. Now a wall blocks your way shoot it with your gun but make sure you shoot all of the wall to find another Missile Tank. Keep moving right and you will find an Energy Tank in plain view, pick it up. And move to the right wile jumping over the acid pool. But watch out there will be walls that keep you from jumping the pits. Make sure you shoot them before making the jump. Through the door on the far right. Here is a semi short shaft leading up and down again. Go down to the red door on the left to gain access to the Brinstar Map. Then head back up to the door above the one you just came through to access this shaft. And go through it, it should be on the left again. Go to the left yet again to save or keep heading up and through the door on the top left. In this room stay on top and morph in to a ball, keep rolling to the left. And blast the red door with a missile to find a Chozo, this one contains the Bombs. Before you leave this room go under the Chozo and blast the blocks with bombs and keep rolling to the left. You will see another Missile Tank, you may need to use your bombs to blast your self upwards through the small corridor to get it blast your way up to grab it then head out again through the door on the right side, where you came from. Morph to a ball head through the passage and you will notice you can't get through the door, it has turned grey. To the immediate left of the door you will see a grey wall. Blast it with a bomb, but get ready to lay more bombs. Metriod Parasites will drop down on top of you and try to drain your life. Bombs are the only thing that will kill these pesky things. After they are killed you can now exit to the right. Go down and save if you would like move to the right then down to the 1st door on the left. You should be back in the Acid room. Go to the left through the door. Back in this room again you can finally do something. Bomb that block that is sticking up and head down and to the Left. You will now encounter a new creature, it's a waver. Continue to the left to the red door, blast it and jump in the Chozo's hands to find out your next objective. Head to Brinstar Shaft 2 and go all the way down to the bottom go through the door on the right and keep moving to the right on your way you will find a wall blocks your path. But now that you have bombs this wall cannot stand in your way. Morph and bomb it then keep moving through the door and you will find an elevator. This brings you to the Norfair. Get off the elevator to the right and bomb the ground there to find the passage to get underneath. Go through the right door to save then head through the left door. Keep going to the left avoiding and killing the Gamets and Novas. Midway through the area you will see a Missile Tank forget about for now you will grab it on your way back, keep moving to the door. (again when you come to a wall just use bombs) On the other side of the door you can only go up, and onto an elevator. Once you get up go right and through the wall and into the next room. Now you are in an aqua room. First go in the water and bomb around near the shore of the water and keep bombing. You will gain access to an alcove that has another Missile Tank in it. Then head out of the water climbing the platforms and keep to the left. And up the small passage. Now you will have to stay into Morph Ball and use bombs to make yourself jump make your way through this passage to the right. You will come to a crazy looking block that keeps you from moving any further. Just to the left of that block you can bomb to head down then to the door on the right side. This room you will see yet another Missile Tank but it's blocked by one of those crazy looking blocks. Keep moving to the right to find a Chozo. Grab the item he is holding but at the moment it is an unknown item. But you will now be able to kill the blocks with the same picture on them. So go by the door in this room and break that block and grab the Missile Tank in the water, then head through the door. Again there is that crazy block but this time you can break it so go up there and do so. Now up above move to the left climbing to the top of these platforms and into the birds mouth. Shoot the door and keep moving to the left. When you cross this bridge you will fall through. Goto the wall on the left and bomb your way through the mini maze and to keep going left. You will now see a statue holding the Power Grip. Grab it and head back to the right where you fell off the bridge. Now a totem will grow from the ground. Climb up the platforms to reach the top and head out to the left. Keep making your way to the left by grabbing the platforms and blasting the blocks. The statue blocking the door may be a bit tricky for some people, there are the breakable blocks at the top of the statue. Shoot them and the jump up there to grab the edge and press up to pull your self up there and morph into a ball automatically. Then lay a bomb to get through the next spot. And off to the next room. This next area is actually where Samus's ship is sitting. If you would like you can go in the ship to save and replenish your health. Then go to the right and on through the door. Using your new ability keep moving through to the next room. Then back down the elevator. Before you exit the blue door you can now keep headed down to get an extra missile pack if you would like other wise just go through this first door. As your headed back now you will find that missile tank that I told you to leave alone, well now is the time to grab it since you have the power grip ability. Keep moving to the right and go save your game. On to the next room. In this room you must use your power grip ability to make it all the way to the right side where the door is. At this time there is nothing you can do in this room but notice the missile tank. Once you get the ice beam you can nab it by blasting the ground where that monster is stuck. Then freeze him and use him like a platform. You are now in Norfair Shaft 1. Head upwards (since that is all you can do at this point). Go to the first door on the left. This room is very deadly when it comes to lava. Using your power grip ability move to the door on the far left. Blast the Red Door and meet the Chozo with the Ice Beam. Under this Chozo is the passage out, this also gives you the chance to try the Ice Beam to get out. Go through the door. Now go to the left one more time to save the game. Then head up the shaft using your Ice Beam to make the Rippers act as ledges and go through the door on the right hand side. In this next room you get more practice with the Ice Beam and keep going right and jump into the Chozo's hand to learn your next objective. Go through the door on the right. Keep moving right through yet another door. Now you should be back in Norfair Shaft 1. Walk on the ground here to access the the main part of the shaft and head all the way back to Brinstar Shaft 1. On your way back you may want to grab missile pack that you couldn't reach before. Back at Brinstar Shaft 1 head all the way to the bottom and go left. There is the first Chozo you came across... why don't you get him to heal you then keep going left. In this room you will see blocks that you can break with bombs to gain access to the bottom room. So get down there and take the door to the right. Jump on the elevator and head to down to Kraid. From this point on I will make the extra talk a little less, you should have gotten the hang of the game by now to understand. First door on the left you can save your game. Head out to the first red door on the right. Move to the right and grab the missile tank. Keep going right through the door. In this room blast the ground near the wall to go through once you land blast the ground again just to the right of where you landed to find the Morph Cannon. Turn into a ball and drop a bomb. When you make it to the top of where it blasts you hold over to the left so you land on the platform. Keep moving upwards using your power grip. And through the door at the top. In this room you will see a strange contraption on the ceiling. Ignore it for now and keep moving left. Now in this room I will have to explain a bit. In front of you is a wall you can break. So do so now you will have to drop down. As your falling there will be a block on the right wall you must break with bombs so you can get in that room. If you miss on the first try don't worry you can always use the morph cannon at the bottom to get back up and try again. Keep trying till you find the hidden room and then go through that red door. You should now see a machine with a place that looks perfect for a ball sized Samus to sit. So do it. This will now activate the machines that are on the ceilings. Directly above where Samus is should be a big red button, Shoot it! When the pulley comes over jump up and grab it. It will pull you across and make you grab an Energy Tank. *Note* With that pulley system if you grab on to it it pulls you across. This will also do the same thing if you are in ball form so remember that. On through the next room. Save and then keep moving to the right. Then down and to the left. Through one more room and you should be in a room of acid again. Grab the pulley to activate the mini boss. **MINI BOSS**---------------------------- The best way to beat this guy is watch him. You will see his mouth spazz out. When this happens quickly jump back onto the pully. If you timed it correctly the worm will be stuck in the block and cannot move. Here is your chance to to blast his weak spot from the other side. Keep doing this back and forth untill he changes his pattern where you will see the acid rise. So make sure you jump on the higher block when the acid goes back to normal jump on the lower level and wait for him to try and catch you again. But you are smarter than him so jump on the pully and blast him some more. Keep doing this now untill he dies. Collect the missiles and life that he leaves behind and exit left. Jump in the morph cannon and exit the upper right door. And head back to the entrance of Kraid's Lair. And head down to the next set of doors. First go through the blue one on the left. Make your way through the small corridor using the Morph ball and bombs. Now on this pully remember when I said you can go accross while in your morph ball, well do that. Get under the pully and turn into a ball. Then drop a bomb. Through the door on the left. Now your in a room that appears that you can only go up but noice on the far left there is a small alcove that is big enough for Samus to fit in. Walk over there and you will see that the acid is just an illusion you can bomb and get under there if you would like. But first go up and follow the passage way all the way around to recive a Missile Tank. Then come back to the fake acid pit. Drop all the way down and through the door at the bottom. And through one more door. Now this room you should have a Red Door on the Right but notice the cracks on the floor. You can either go through the red door or simply go down that hole. If you go to the red door you can get another missile pack just remember what you have learned about pullys and Morph cannons to gain access to it. Once you get the missiles head back to those cracks and go down by bombing. This new room you will find a new kind of crazy block that you can't break. Luckly for you there is a crack in the ground that will let you go down one more level. Once down the door to the left will let you save. Then head back to the right. If you went through the door on the right you will see a Chozo that you cannot access because of one of those dumb blocks so just go back through that door. Almost imediatly above you, there should be a bunch of blocks that can be broken. You will also see a pipe that Samus can go through to the right and gain access to that Chozo you just saw. You can now blast those annoying blocks as well. Of course this Chozo also has an Unknown item. So just be happy you have it and go out that blue door on the left again. Blast the block above and take the small passage to the left all the way. Around and through the first door you come accross. Keep moving right killing the monsters and through the door to save. Leave out the right again and you will be in a small corridor that has again... small cracks on the ground. Bomb your way down there. Move to the left but don't exit the room. As your going over you will see the platforms above. Get on them and head back to the left. Blast the crazy block and through the door on the left side. You have come to your first security door. It looks like an eye. Shoot it once the eye is open and you wil also then be able to fight your first boss. "Kraid" **BOSS Kraid**---------------------------- Kraid is very large but don't let that worry you actually quite an easy boss. Stay up on the ledge next to his head. Just put missiles right in his big mouth. He will be throwing what look like teeth or finger nails at you. These can be shot to get more missiles if needed. Eventually your platform will be destroyed. But the thing that he launches to destroy that platform gets stuck in the wall is now your new plat form. Continue shooting missiles down his throat to kill him. *NOTE* You will see that monster statue head that you saw at the beginning of the game. You must find one more boss to be able to go through that way though. Once Kraid is dead pick up everything that he dropped to replenish missiles and health. And go to the door on the left. A Chozo holds the Speed Booster for you. If you would like makes sure you heal even more once you grab the item from the Chozo's hand. Now from the Chozo's room run to the right and keep running to test out your new power. If you left yourself enough room you will run right through the wall. Continue running and I also advise shooting at the same time to open any locked doors. Run through the next couple rooms and eventually you will hit a dead end. From here go up. Using your ability to freeze enemies keep moving up to the first room on the left. Keep going to the left all the way through the acid waterfall. Morph into a ball and bomb the wall and grab the missile tank. Then go back through the door on the right. Head all the way to the top and through the door on the left or take the right and save first. Again there is a pulley. I advise using the Morph ball when getting on this pulley it will lessen the chance of getting hurt. Shoot the block when you land and continue through the blue door on the left. At this point your at a dead end (again) Below you are breakable blocks so shoot them and fall down. And go into the room on the left once you hit the bottom. Through the room to the next will be a Red Door (blast it) and finally grab the map for Kraids Lair. When you leave the room immediately morph and roll under the block and you will find another hidden Morph Cannon. Blast all the way back up to the top and head to the right. You can either waist time to get this pack of missiles (by now you have almost enough to beat the game if you grabbed the ones mentioned so it's up to you) other wise keep moving to the right. Do you recognize this? Well now your on the other side of that dead-end. Climb upwards to the red door on the right that you should have not shot yet. Do so now. In this room you must run with the speed booster and jump across the acid pit to access another Energy Tank. Jump on the pulley system to get back across. And head back out to the left and up to the elevator to Brinstar. Now you are about 35% Through the game. 3 more bosses to go. <><>------------------------------------------------------------------<><> 2B Walkthrough Part 2 Ridley Now that you are to the top of the elevator the wall to your right will explode. So why not go over through it and investigate the next room. A Chozo greets you and tells you to head to the Norfair so head over their. Go down to the door on the right. Head up and over the different sections now in front of you. But before you go through the door on the far side get your speed up so that it's maxed before you make it through the door so you will fall through the floor in the next room. Fall down and go in the room just to the left. Do the same thing. Get some running speed and head back through the door you just came in so you can fall down another level. Through this door now to the left keep moving to the left into the next room and grab the High Jump that the Chozo is holding for you. Noice under this Chozo is a path to the left,but it will lead to certain death with out the right equipment so you may head to the right and to back to the Norfair shaft. But now you can jump high enough to grab the ledge and pull your self over to grab that missile tank over to the right. Drop all the way down after grabbing the missiles and you my seem like your in a dead end again. Shoot the wall to your immediately left to open the way. Now the door right in front of you will do you no good so go up and to the left to see a Chozo and your new destination. (Watch this one because you will be headed there immediately) To get out go through the door on the top right. Jump up to the ledge and walk against the wall to find the way back up via Morph Cannon. Now head back to Brinstar Shaft 2 all the way to the top. Head out the door on the Right. In this room you will see some Large things that resemble missiles. The fist one just roll under the second you can see where there is a red strip going across it. Shoot it to make the missile move upwards. This will be important a bit later. But continue your way over to the next door on the far side. To reach the door you will have to take the pipe on the top of the screen since that giant purple blob is in your way. They cannot be killed with conventional weapons. Now that you've gone through the door your in a small room. Shoot the ceiling to find your way through. And continue upwards to the door on the left. Now you will see those Purple blobs, but you will also see the Metroid parasites. Watch as they suck the life from the blobs. So let them kill both of the blobs and then bomb the parasites. Make your way across the acid pit and you will come to where there you can bomb the a block. But you should also see the parasites on top of this block set. Bomb the block and let the parasites have their way with the blob. If they don't go over to it let the parasites jump on you then roll over to the blob and they should transfer over to it. Once the blob is killed take out the parasites. Go through the red door and grab the Varia Suit. This Decreases damage taken from enemies and prevents damage from acid and heat. Through the door you came from again now before exiting this room why don't you take an acid bath and grab the Energy tank down there. Then head back down the hole after the acid room and head to the right again and save. Move along this room grab the Missile Tank and a bit more to the right you will find a tube that you can go through. But before you do that jump in the acid pool right by that tube. You will find that you don't fall to far so bomb the blocks then come back and go through the pipe. On the other side of the pipe is one of those missile things. With parasites on the other side. Shoot the missile and let the parasites grab on to you. And to jump in the acid with them. Let them have their way with the purple blob again and move through that pipe on the other side of the blob. Climb up out of the acid to find a Chozo. Get the info from him as to what your next objective is. Now that you are impervious to heat head back to Norfair. To be specific go to Norfair Shaft. Since your in the Shaft again head up to the hot spot that you couldn't access before since you didn't have the Varia (if you want another missile pack). Then come back down here and use the speed boost to blast through the ground again on the far right side of the map. When you fall down do it one more time to go down another level. Go through this door and to the Chozo room again this time go below the Statue and into the next room. In here bomb the first wall you run in to. Now 2 spaces after that drop another bomb. And go up. Then drop another bomb in the upper left. Continue through the door on the left... In here kill all the monsters and break all the blocks you see. You will need a running start so that you can jump across the gap and through the wall. Then go through the door. Through the next room and save the game. Go through the next short room again. And make your way to the door on the far side of this passageway. Drop down then go through the Red Door to get the map for Norfiar. Go right outside this door and drop in the lava pool this one is a fake one as well. Find your way down to the next door and head to the right. Keep moving right into the very next room.(If you want a missile pack follow these instructions otherwise skip to the next paragraph). in this room bomb the floor near the door on the right and you will find a passage that leads down, you will also find a door here that you will take leading you to the right. At the end of this room will be a missile pack grab it then head back up to where you dropped down to get to this room and continue right. If you decided to skip the missiles above then just move right to the next room. In here you will see some enemy's that are tangled up in some kind of living vine. Shoot them with missiles to destroy them. But keep moving into the next room. You should find yourself in a tiny room. Bomb the floor near the door you just entered from and drop into the acid and go through the door on your left. Keep moving through this area to find a Chozo that has the Wave Beam. After grabbing this head back up the shaft and to the right into the save room. Save if you'd like. Head through the door on the right again jump the little pool then keep moving forward while shooting as you pass through the next door you will be in a room with a gian maggot looking thing. Get below it and shoot uppwards to kill it. Go up where he was sitting and head right. You will find another maggot, but this one is a bit more difficult. Get close to him and he will charge you against the wall. If you blast him he will move back. What you need to do is drop some bombs and get him to charge at you so that the bombs will blast his underbelly. You will probably have to blast him then drop bombs a couple times before he will die. Before you leave this room make sure that you grab the energy tank directly above where the 2nd maggot was sitting. You will need to use a missile to gain access to it. Now you may want to back up to the left to get a speed boost while leaveing this room to the right so that your able to get to the next area. Drop down the shaft with the speed boost and head through the left door. As usual save if you would like. Keep moving left from the save room and continue to the left one more until you reach a big square room. In here roll into a ball and move left you will then fall through the floor into a mini boss room. **MINI BOSS**---------------------------- This guy is quite easy. What you want to do is use your ice beam and freeze the guy going left to right so that you can jupm on him and use him as a platform. Then take your missiles to shoot the vines holding the boss to the top of the screen. Do this on both sides until the boss drops down and breaks the floor. Now wasn't that simple? Of course drop down into the hole he created and head right. Take the elevator down to Ridley's Lair. First thing's first. Head in the left door and save the game. Now exit to the right and continue right again if you need to refill your life or missiles. Otherwise headback up the elevator where the boss fell through the floor. He has now gone down even further. SO you can enter Kraid's lair here. After dropping down just head left untill you fall through the floor. In this big room move to the left side. Suprise! The boss that you thought was dead is back. He has now evloved from his grub state to a giant bee looking creature. Don't worry he is still very easy to beat. As soon as he shows him self he will fly to the right side of the room. Follow behind him shooting missiles at his butt. Once the the right side he will come down on top of you again and fly to the left. Then repete until he is dead. Once dead head over to the left side of the battle area and you will get your first set of Super Missles. The door will now be unlocked so head right. In this room you will need to shoot a missle down at the ground to get out. So if you don't know the spot make sure you drop bombs to find it. Then fall through the floor and blast the green door with a super missile. Keep moving left and on through the red door. Now STOP! You see that energy tank? Right in front of it is an invisible floor that is four spaces wide. You have to jump over it to retrive the tank. Keep moving to the left after you jump the hole then in this next room again keep moving left through another door. And drop down. Once hitting ground the door on the left is a save room. Leave the room and roll into a ball and head down again grab the missiles and go down and through the red door on the right. Grab the map in the map room here then follow through the right door. In this next long room you will just head to the right. Picking up another missle tank along the way. Also as you head through this room if you shoot at the celine you will find breakable walls that will allow you to proceed through this room rather fast. So of course make your way in and through the save room ahead. Now move up the shaft forgetting about the first room on the left. Do go in the 2nd room on the left. This room will have bridges do not shoot the bridges or if you do make sure you jump over them. There is a missle tank if you do into the third bridge and bomb in the corridoor to drop into the fake acid pool but you may want to just skip it if your doing a speed run. Just move on throught he door on the left side of the room. Now in this room roll into a ball and bomb the celine above you when in the narow corridoor and grab the missle tank and then head out the left door. Drop down and into the save room on the left. Continue left into the boss room. What's this? He is not here? Well keep going left then and grab the unknown item. Jump over the Chozo shoot the block and through a fake wall to get another energy tank. Now if you need to fill up your life and missiles on the chozo. Now it's time to face Ridley. **BOSS Ridley**---------------------------- There is really nothing to this boss. You should have enough energy tanks now that you can just launch an all out assault on him. Don't worry about dodging him just keep your missles out and blast him. He will go down in no time. Exit to the right and to get out of the room you will need to freeze one of those bug like creatures and jump on his back to get a boost out. Once up shoot the block and head into the save room. Move right and keep going right thougth the next few rooms. You will need to use your speed boost to do so. Eventually you will be in the room that I told you to ignore before. Now just head in the the right to be in the room with the long shaft. From here you just need to make your way up and out to up to Norfair. Just remember on the way there if you get stuck by a wall use bombs to find your way out. As soon as you come out of into the Norfair the wall on the right will crumble. Follow it's path to come to an underground tunnle that will lead you to the left. Keep your speed boost on as you move left to crash through the walls. Once at the end bomb the floor to find a cannon. Roll up and drop a bomb in the cannon. At the top head through the door on the left and proceed through ignore the missles for now. Then through the red door to recive the Screw Attack. Head back to the right now grab the missles by using your screw attack. Now you want to make your way back to basically where you started. Do you remember those 2 giant heads that are carved from rock that look exactly like Kraid and Ridley? That is where you are going. They will be marked on your map as 2 small flames next to each other one is green the other purple. The Tourain elevator is right next to it. Head there and go down the Tourian elevator. <><>------------------------------------------------------------------<><> 2C Walkthrough Part 3 The path to Mother Brain Once in the Tourain head through the first door you see. Save the game and head right. Now I just want to get this out in the open now for those of you who don't already know. When you see a Metroid just blast it with ice and then 5 missiles. If one catches you drop down into a ball and bomb the crap out of it to get it to release you. Keep moving to the right until you reach wall and can only go down. As you progress remember just avoid what you can and freeze the rest of it. Now go into the only door you see on the left. One Metroid in this room. Kill it to proceed to the left. Drop down in this shaft and you will find two Metroids. Kill them both and continue to the right. Now this room will have 4 Metroids again kill and proceed to the right. 4 More in this room then move right again. Now you have a choice head into the door on the upper right to save or just continue to the door on the bottom right. Again in this room kill all Metroids to unlock the next door. This room you must bomb the floor to find the Metroids once you kill them move to the left room. Here is another save room. I do sujust saving here. Then head out to the left. Yay! No Metroids here. Just a red door that you have to blast. You are now in the lair of Mother Brain. There are doors that can only be opened by blasting them with missles. Keep moving to the left avoiding all attacks or freezing those little buggers. Watch out for the auto guns. Usually a nice screw attack will allow you to avoid their shot. If you look like your running low on ammo go into the little pit before lava starts and sitt at the bottom where you can avoid just about all gun fire. And shoot back and forth killing the cheerio looking things to grab life and missiles. Proceed to the left. Now at Mother Brain shoot her protective glass until it breaks. Once you want to shoot her with missiles only when her eye is open. Stand back on the right block. When she glows she will shoot you with a blast. Jump to the block on the left crouch down and blast her with missiles. Go back to the blcok on the right and repete until she is dead. WARNING! WARNING! You now have 2 Minutes to get out before the whole planet is detonated. Follow the path up then once at the top keep moving right and blasting walls that are in your way. Keep moving so that your speed boost will kick in when you need it. Get in your ship and fly away. Congradulations you have now completed the game. Or have you? Sure Mother Brain is dead but what about those pesky space pirates. To be continued... <><>------------------------------------------------------------------<><> 3. Weapons and special items In order of collection. Morph Ball - Double-Tap D-Pad down to take ball form and gain access to narrow passageways. Long Beam - Fire long-distance shots with this beam. Press L + B to fire diagonally. Missile Tank - Press R+B to fire. Opens red hatches. Charge Beam - Hold B to charge, release to fire charge attack: Jump with full charge to do a screw attack. Energy Tank - Increases energy capacity. Bomb - Press B in Morph Ball form to set. Power Grip - Grab and hang from ledges and corners. Ice Beam - This beam can freeze enemies in place. You can safely stand on frozen enemies. Speed Booster - Run until speed boost begins to break certain blocks and damages enies. Hi-Jump - Increases maximum jump height. Adds Morph Ball jumping Capabilities. Varia - Decreases damage taken from enmies. Prevents damage from acid and heat. Wave Beam - This beam, which is made up of energy waves, can pass through solid objects. Super Missle Tank - Just like the Missle tanks only stronger. Screw Attack - Damages enemies while somersulting.