Metroid: Zero Mission Walkthrough and FAQ by SaltyJustice If you have ANY questions about the game, guide, whatever, then mail me. I'll likely get back to you within the day. ============================================================================== Table of Contents ============================================================================== Legal Stuff Version History Movies Old Moves New Moves The Guide Secrets Wrap Up and Thanks ============================================================================== Legal Information #include I am not responsible for any effects, adverse or otherwise, that this document may have on you, your dog, or anything else you can think of. Use at your own risk. Furthermore, this document may not be copied without my direct written permission, or displayed on any web site without said permission. If you want to use it somewhere other than then you must mail me and get permission. Use for personal objectives, like copying so you can read it later, is perfectly fine. The following websites may use this document: = my site ============================================================================== Version History 1.22 Updated with two new movies. Watch em or else! 1.21 Yay! I got a new website, The movies have been relocated there. I have also fixed up some typing errors too. 1.2 Ack! Freewebs' limited bandwidth encroaches! Movies no longer available until I get a server of my own! Also added a section for after-the-powerbombs, some more Missile Tanks and such. 1.1 Added sequence breaking part, updated Ridely's lair with 3 more Missile Tanks. 1.01 Fixed some spacing issues, added some more missiles tanks in Ridely's lair 1.0 Finished Guide and sent it in to GameFAQs. Duh. ============================================================================== Movies UPDATE: The movies are now located at and also require DivX codecs to view. In order to show how to do some things in MZM, it has proved necessary to create a video showing exactly how. I cannot say how long these videos will be available, nothing is static on the internet. A movie showing me getting the Energy Tank in Chozidia A movie showing me getting the Super Missiles early A movie showing me getting some Power Bombs in Crateria near your ship A movie showing me (yay) killing the two black pirates at the end of the game on hard mode Both movies require the DivX 5.5.1 codecs to view. If I get enough requests for help with a particular item, I may make a movie about it. Send in movie requests please! ============================================================================== Old Moves Before you get started, there are some things that you should know from previous games like Metroid Fusion or Super Metroid. They aren't really that tough to figure out, and if you have previous experience you can probably skip this section. Wall Jumping: Simple to execute. Spin jump towards a wall, once you touch it press away from the wall and jump at the same time. Samus will grab the wall and spin jump off of it. Bomb Jumping: Place a bomb while in morph ball, then just before it explodes place another bomb. Place a bomb in midair. You will fall onto the second bomb and fly into the air, hitting the third bomb and getting even higher. Bomb jumping let's you get some items early but is not needed to finish the game at all. Speed Booster Blast: You may know it from its much WORSE name, "Shine Spark" *shudder* Essentially, you run until you start speed boosting (so you need the speed booster, duh) and press duck. This will cause you to flash red and allows you to store the charge. Press jump while NOT moving (if you are you will just spin jump) and any direction. Samus will then fly through the air while speed boosting in that direction. You need this to get a lot of items, so you need to master it. Furthermore, if you speed booster blast into a ramp, you will maintain the charge and keep running. You need to do this for the well hidden items. ============================================================================== New Moves Speed Booster Ball: Exactly like the speed booster blast. You need to have the high jump boots to use it. Speed boost, press duck, and then go into a ball. Press jump and then a direction, and you will speed boost in ball form. Wierd, but you need to use it to get some items too. Shown in my first movie. ============================================================================== The Guide Beginning: Okay, after you watch the intro movie, run to the left and grab the Morph Ball. Now go back to the right, past two doors and under the low ceiling. You'll see another of the new features to this game: A chozo statue that tells you where to go. Jump into its hands and go into morph ball. It will show you a place on the map that is your next destination, then it will sit down. Continue to the right and into the vertical shaft. The room to the right is a save room, save if you want to. Otherwise, jump up the shaft from platform to platform until you see a door on the left side. Go through it and run to the left. You have to duck and shoot the obstacles out under the low ceiling, then roll under it. Enter the room on the left. The chozo statue is holding the Long Beam. Long Beam: Go back to the right and onto the top of the low ceiling area. Duck and shoot the blocks away, allowing you to climb up the shaft. Run along the path until you come out of the tunnel ender a platform. Head to the left, and don't touch the acid. Enter the door on the left side. Once you see the statue, go back all the way to the right. Roll under the ceiling and kill the enemy that falls from the ceiling. Go through the door on the right. Hop into the Chozo Statue and go through the door to the right. Drop down the shaft until you see door on the right. Shoot the obstacles and roll over to it. Run through the miniature tube and through to the right. In the new shaft, you can't enter the door on the right side without some missiles, so go all the way down to the bottom of the shaft instead. Once there, go through the door on the right This room has some rumbling sounds, ignore them and go to the right. Soon you'll come to some a Missile Tank. Grab it and go to the left. The rumbling sound is actually the work of a worm critter. First MiniBoss: Ugly Spiny Worm creature The right and left bounds of the room are blocked off by spiny sections of the worm. You can't break them, but the little needles that fall off can be shot to reveal health or missiles. The eye is the point to shoot here. When it opens its eye, fire a missile into it. The boss will then swoop and try to get you. Go into morph ball and roll to the right or left. It will then retreat up to the ceiling with its eye open. You need to hit it with three missiles to kill it. It will leave behing the charge beam when it is dead. Note: Don't take too much time! If you wait too long to kill it, it will simply run away and you won't get the Charge beam. You can kill it later though, after you get the bombs. With your new charge beam, go to the left and climb back up the shaft to the red door. Hit it with a missile and go in. Run to the right until you come to a room with some strange hives in it. There is a ledge on the left side of this room: Jump on it and run through the wall to the left. You'll see another of those bug hives. Shoot it for a while until it's nice and dead, then go past it and get your Missile Tank. Now go back to the right and kill the hives on the top of the room. Go through the door on the right. Run across the little bridge and through the door on the right. This room has a solid column in it. You can shoot it and it will crumble. Make sure you destroy the bottom of the column, it hides a missile tank. Continue to the right and get the energy tank. Keep going to the right, shooting the columns in your way, and go through the door on the right side. You'll now be in a shaft. At the bottom is the map room, which you don't NEED but if you want to get the map, hey, be my guest. Climb up this shaft and go through the first door on the left. Go to the top of this room (the left is a save room) and go through the door. Roll through the opening on the top. The room on the left contains the Bomb item. Bombs: Now that you have your precious bombs, you'll notice the peculiar blocks under the chozo statue. You can bomb them, so do so and continue to the room on the left. Bomb the block, bomb jump up one level, then do it again. Grab the Missile Tank and go back to the right. Roll back through the opening, and bomb the blocks stacked on the left. Bugs will fall out: Bomb them all to death. This will open the door on the right. Go through it and down the shaft, through the right door, and down the shaft again. Go back to the room with the bridge, and bomb the stacked blocks. Drop down and go past the left door. Kill the zoomers (flying shelled critters) and go through the door on the left. Another chozo statue is there, and it will point out another map location. Go back to the right, up the shaft, and through the left door. Keep going to the left until you are back on another bridge. Shoot the ground three blocks right of the left side of the bridge. It will break and you can go down. Drop down the shaft on the right side. The Missile Tank is blocked by a bomb block. Stand on top of the platform on the right side, go morph ball and drop down. Drop a bomb in midair to blow the block away. Now jump on the structure on the left to get back on top of the platform. Now go morph ball again, drop off and hold right to get into the Missile Tank space. This may take several tries. Climb up the structure on the left, you can shoot it to make openings, and exit the room to the left. Run to the left and back into the shaft. Go all the way down the shaft and enter the right door. Go all the way right (bomb the wall in your way) and enter the door on the right. Go down the elevator into Norfair. The first time you do this, there's a cinema scene. Anyway, once in Norfair, bomb the floor and go through the door on the left. Run all the way across this room. You'll see a Missile Tank, but you can't get it yet unless you know how to Bomb Jump(See the old moves section). Go through the door on the left and up the shaft. Go up the elevator into Crateria. Once in Crateria, go to the left and shoot out the wall. Go through the door on the right. In this room, drop into the water and shoot the Hungry Looking Fish(I think that's the formal name, ha!) and shoot the free standing block on the left wall. The block will collapse, and you can shoot a little path out behind it. Inside the little hole is another irresistibly hungry fish, and if you shoot the wall on the left, a Missile Tank. Grab it and climb out of the water. Climb up the platforms and bomb the weak looking wall. Climb up the small shaft, shoot the block, and jump into a new area. It's called the Chozo Ruins but it's still part of Crateria. Go to the right and bomb the walls to get to a door on the right side. Go through. The chozo statue on the right side is holding a Mystery Item. Mystery Item #1: Now that you have the mystery item, all of the greenish blocks that have a picture of his item will begin flashing. Destroy them by shooting or bombing them. Don't forget to get the Missile Tank on the left side of the room by shooting the block directly above it. To get out of the hole (you can't jump out because of the water) shoot the left side, the wall will dissolve and let you jump out. Go back out to the left. You can now bomb the mystery block in your way and get onto the surface. Jump up the platforms and go to the left door. Run across the blocks and fall into the pit. Shoot the wall on the left and bomb out the areas around in there. There's an opening on the left side, but you have to drop from above to get to it. Inside is the Power Grip. Power Grip: You can now grab onto ledges. Go out of this room and back into the big pit area. The statue (what is it with the Chozo and statues? Geez!) will rise up and some platforms for you to grab onto will appear. Climb out of this hole and go left out of the room. Jump across and shoot blocks to get out of this room via the left door. You are now on the surface by your ship. Jump off to the left and land next to it. You can jump on top to get all your health and weapons restored, and you can save here too. Once you're done, go to the right and exit the room. Go across the room (avoid the rippers) and shoot the mystery item block to get to the right side. Exit through the door and take the elevator back to Norfair. Now in Norfair, drop down and use your brand spankin new power grip to go up the left wall into the small hole. Drop to the bottom and go through the right side door. Go to the far right of this room and get the Missile Tank. Go back to the elevator and across the long room. Use your power grip to get the Missile Tank in this room. Go back to the right under the Elevator to Brinstar. Continue right through the door, past the save room, and use the power grip to get through this room (avoid those little lava balls that the volcanos shoot, no I can't explain how they work). Exit this room on the right door. The shaft you wind up in is only describable as... Green goop. Anyway,climb up and go through the first door on the left. Hop across this room and enter the left door. Grab the Ice Beam. Ice Beam: Roll through the passage under the statue. Bomb the wall, and freeze the ripper, using its frozen carcass (that sounds so sick right now) as a block to jump up the shaft. Exit to the left. Now you're in a green bubble room. The left door is a save room. Climb up the shaft and use the rippers as steps to get to the door on the right. Go through and freeze the jumping toaster(I swear it's what it looks like, or maybe not) to use as a step. Hop into the chozo statue, and continue right. Freeze the rippers and go through the opening at the top. Shoot the right wall to reveal a Missile Tank, then exit through the right door. Now back in the gross green shaft, walk on the right and fall down (because the blocks crumble...) One thing to NOT do is go into the door on the immediate left. You will take damage every second you're in that room without the Varia suit. Instead, go back to the elevator to Brinstar. On the way, when you're in to the large room with volcanoes, on the right side is one of those bouncing toasters. Shoot out the blocks above it, then freeze it and use it as a step to reach the Missile Tank. Go up to Brinstar. Now in Brinstar, go back to the first shaft (the one directly to the right of the first chozo statue. Go down two screens from the pipe thing that leads to the parallel shaft (Confused? So am I!) to see a Ripper and some geemers. There is a small platform on the left that has a bombable block. Freeze the ripper and use it as a step, then bomb the block and go through the opening on the left. Inside this room, in addition to graphical slowdown, you see more enemies and some isolated chambers. Descend through this room (some of the floors are breakaway) and grab the Missile Tank on the left. Go to the bottom(You can't get the Super Missile Tank, yet) and exit through the right. Go all the way back to the room one room right of where you started the game. If you need a description, it has a geemer (spiky thingy that crawls on walls) and a platform of shootable blocks. You can bomb the ground here to reveal another shaft. Go down to the bottom. Go through the door on the right. Use the elevator to get to Kraid's Lair. In Kraid's Lair, take the first door on the left. This is a save room. While on the left most wall, drop a bomb and hold left. You will bounce into an invisible passage which ends in a room with a Missile Tank. Go back into the main shaft. Open the red door on the right side with a missile. Go all the way across this room, grabbing the Missile Tank in the process, and exit through the door on the right. You should now be in a room with a shaft on the right side with rippers in it. Shoot the block on the right side and fall into the cubby hole(I can't believe I just said that) and bomb the blocks above the launcher. The "Launcher" will blast you into the air when you drop a bomb inside it. Do so and smash through the rippers to get to the top of the shaft. Climb up the room by gripping the holes(That sounds... wrong) on the side and spin jumping across and shooting the top most one. Go through the door on the left at the top. Shoot the weak looking blocks and go to the left side of this room. Exit to the left. In this shaft, drop down and bomb the bluish block on the right side of the shaft. Use the launcher if you mess up. Go through the hole made by the block and open the red door. Go morph ball inside the small gap here, then shoot the red light above you. This call the slider over, which has just been powered up. Grab the slider and it will yank you across the room, grabbing the Energy Tank in the process. Exit to the right. The next room is a save room. Exit to the right (again). Drop down the shaft, and exit left. Exit left again. Now grab the slider in this room. Miniboss time! Second MiniBoss: Acid Snake This Snake is easy to beat. When it's about to attack you, it's claws will open up and it will shake a bit. Grab the slider to get to the other platform. The snake will lunge upward and smash into the platform you were just on. Drop off the slider and pump missiles into the red orb on its back. Occasionally it will gyrate (ugh) and the acid levels in the room will raise up. Just stand on the blocks at the top until the acid recedes. Rinse and repeat. With that snake dead, the acid in this room drops. Fall onto the small hole at the bottom and bomb through the floor. Go to the left across the blocks and shoot the top left wall. Roll through the opening into a room with a Missile Tank in it. Grab it and go back to the main shaft of Kraid's Lair, grabbing the Missile Tank as you go. Back in the main shaft, enter the next door on the left down (just under the save room) and shoot the blocks in your way. Grab the slider and shoot the blocks as you go across the room. Exit left. Climb up the shaft here and use the door on the right. The enemy (who likes like an M with an attitude problem) in this room is really strong, pump missiles into him as fast as you can. Climb up the left side of the room and shoot out the blocks in your way. There is another M enemy here, but you can shoot it from above by angling down and crouching. Once its dead, exit left and drop into the minishaft, grabbing the Missile Tank. Now drop to the bottom of this room. Bomb the floor here, because even though you see acid, it's not really there. Drop to the bottom and exit right. Go through the empty room and exit right. Open the missile door on the right. Run across this room until you see oddly coloured floor panels. Bomb them to reveal a launcher. Use all of the launchers in this room to destroy the blocks directly above them. Once all of the blocks are gone, shoot the red light to call the slider, then use the launcher to grab the slider while in morph ball. It will drag you across the room and you'll get the Missile Tank. Exit to the left. Bomb the weak looking floors until you wind up in front of a door. It leads to a save room. Go to the right side of this room and shoot out the ceiling blocks. Now shoot the upper right wall. It will crumble and allow you to go through the passage there. Grab the Mystery Item from the statue. Mystery Item #2 Go back to the left and roll along the ceiling, bomb the mystery block. Go up and exit to the right. Run across this room and exit right. Bomb the weak looking floor and fall into a new room. The rood crawlies here drop their eyes(GROSS!) when they die, and that hurts you somehow. Uhm. Anyway, shoot the mystery blocks and exit left. You are presented with a disgusting eye door. When it opens, shoot it with a missile. Then it dies. Okay, now exit left. In this new room, Kraid presents himself in all his fat glory. Boss: Kraid Kraid periodically shoot little nails (Nails? What kinda wussy attack is that!?) that you can shoot to reveal health and missiles. To make Kraid open his mouth, hit him in face with a missile or charge beam, then fire a missile in his mouth to damage him. After you hurt him a bit, the platforms will get destroyed and you have to use the huge spikes that come out of his stomach. Charge beams do more damage than missiles do, but it's harder to hit him in the mouth with them. Anyway, once he's dead, you can exit to the left and get the Speed Booster. Speed Booster: Stand under the statue and run to the right. You'll speed boost clear across Kraid's room into the wall, then up a ramp (in the room with the eye critters) and to a door. Make sure you shoot the door before you hit it. Keep speed boosting into the next room so you can smash through the wall. You're now at the base of a long shaft. Climb up by shooting the blue blocks on the side to make holes, or freezing the rippers, or wall jumping... You know how to climb shafts right? Do it yourself. Go through the door on the left second from the top. Go to the left side of the room (yes that is ACID falling) and shoot the left wall to get a Missile Tank. Go back to the shaft and enter the top door. Grab the slider, face right, and start unloading missiles into the flying creatures. Shoot the mystery block on the left side and roll through the passage. Open the door and go through. Shoot the blue blocks on the floor and drop down. Enter the left door. Go to the left side of this room and exit left. Use the launcher at the base of this room to obliterate the rippers. Exit right. Kill all the enemies here, and go to the top, above the red light. Drop a bomb on the light then move left about one square and drop another bomb. The slider will zoom by and your bomb will launch you up into it, allowing you to get grabbed. Press jump when you are directly above the Missile Tank to drop onto it. Exit right. Go back to the elevator and exit Kraid's lair. Once in brinstar, the wall will collapse and allow you to walk to the right. Go right to find a chozo statue which will tell you where to go next. Go back to the left through two doors until you are back in a vertical shaft. Lay a bomb on the ground on the left side about halfway along. The platform will crumble but you won't see it. Go in and you'll see a launcher. Use it and ride the blast to a Missile Tank on the top of the shaft. Go back to Norfair (I trust you can get there, there are no items pressing you right now, and I'll tell you where they are when it's most convinient for you to collect them) Now in Norfair, go to the right all the way until you're in the room with the volcanoes(From the elevator, it's two doors to the right). You'll notice a long platform here. Use it to speed boost across and through the door on the right side. Speed boost into the greenish shaft. This will cause the speed booster floor to break and let you fall into a new area of Norfair. Enter the door on the left, break the platforms and shoot the enemies. You need to clear this area out so you can speed boost through the door on the right, breaking the shaft again and allowing you to fall even farther. Enter the door on the left and go through the small hall, killing the enemies if it suits your fancy (you creepy thing you) and get the High Jump Boots. High Jump Boots: Don't go under the statue though, it's too hot and you will take damage without the Varia Suit. Go back to the green shaft. Use your new really high jumping ability to climb over the obstacle on the right. Drop down and get the Missile Tank. Drop down to the bottom of this shaft, the take the door on the left one screen up (the one on the immediate left has a big ugly maggot that you can't get past) and hop in the chozo statue. Go out of Norfair and back to Brinstar. From the Brinstar-Norfair elevator, go left through two doors, back to the paralell shaft. From where you are, stand on the far left side and open the door. Run right and crouch before you hit the wall but after you start speed boosting. Run back to the left and open the door, then go into a ball (without going through the door) and speed booster ball to the left, through the door. Hold down left during this process. Once you boost into the next screen, you'll destroy some blocks under the ground and continue into a hidden room. This room has some rippers in it. Boost through them (if you weren't holding left, you'll lose the charge here) and press down after they are dead. Go back to the right side of this room, where the ground is lower. Speed Booster Ball to the left, across the other shaft and into another secret room. This time you will smash through some more blocks and end up next to a pedestal holding a Super Missile Tank. Once you do this, go back to the right, through the secret wall, and grab the Missle Tank there. In case you don't get it, a movie of this process is available, listed at the top of the document. Go back to the shaft you started in and go to its top. Use the rippers as steps by freezing them, and enter the hole at the top. Grab the Missile Tank and go back right. Enter the door on the right. You're now in a green area. Go all the way right through this room and exit right. You're now in a room with a zoomer. Kill it and shoot the ceiling above you. Jump across the gap and grab the ledge on the left. Shoot the ceiling and jump up. Exit left. Wait patiently while the bug DESTROY THE PLANT LIFE and go through the passage. Jump across the breaking blocks and exit left. Grab the Varia Suit. Varia Suit: This suit reduces the damage you take and let's you enter hot rooms without getting hurt, and it even nullifies acid (but not lava) damage. Go back to the right and enter the acid. Shoot out the floor, then shoot the blocks on the left. Roll under here and get the Energy Tank. Go back to the blue shaft with the bugs. Drop back down and exit right. Cross this room and grab the Missile Tank, then continue right. You'll see some bugs blocked off by a pillar. Bomb the orange glowing light to make the pillar rise up. Let the bugs grab onto you, then roll left. Shoot the weak blocks under the acid, and transfer the bugs onto the plant, where they will eat it horribly and open up a passage to the right. Roll through and get into the Chozo's hands. Exit right, drop down, and go back to Norfair. From the elevator, go back to the green shaft, and climb up until you reach the door I told you not to go in. The room is hot, but your new Varia suit can handle it. Go to the left and get the Missile Tank. Now go back down the shaft the same way as before and go to the High Jump room. On the way: If you got the Super Missiles I told you about before, you can enter the green door on the left side of the room that you are supposed to clear off to use as a spped booster path. If you do this, you can cross the room and grab a Missile Tank (it is hidden in the top block of the left most pillar) and grab another set of Super Missiles from the room beyond that. You have to drop a bomb on the platform and run across before the blocks collapse. In the High Jump room, roll under the statue. Exit left. Go through this hot room and exit left. In the next room, clear off the blocks from the ramp. Speed boost along the ramp and jump off the left side to smash the wall. Exit left. In the next room, another one of those M enemies is around, so pump missiles into it and exit left. You're once again in a green shaft. Shoot out the floor on the right side. Note: If you got the Super Missiles I told you about earlier, open the door on the right. Go all the way across this room, blasting a passage out when you run into a wall, and into another green room. Shoot out the floor on the left, drop into the (fake) lava. Open the door on the left. Go all the way left. You can reach that Super Missile Tank if you freeze one of the nearby bugs coming out of the pipe and use it as a ladder. Shoot the wall on the left to reveal an opening, which is out of reach unless you bait the bug and use it as a step again: once to get on the middle platform, again to get on the left side. Grab the Missile Tank. Then go back to the green shaft you started in. Exit left, go all the way left in this room and exit left. The lava in this room is fake, go down through the fake floor and shoot the right wall. Drop down. The lava here is REAL and it's deep too. Exit right. Go all the way across this room and exit right. Kill the enemies in here (You might need missiles for some) and exit right. The lava in this room is fake too. Shoot the floor on the left and drop down. Exit left. Another blasted M Creature is here. Bomb the wall and missile it. Exit left, and get yourself the Wave Beam. Wave Beam: Exit right, kill the M Creature (your shots go through walls, so you don't have to let it out) and exit right. Climb up, shoot the fake floor and exit right. This is a save room, exit right. Run to the right, shooting as you go, so you can speed boost through the wall and enter the worm chamber. This is a peculiar looking maggot like creature, get underneath it and kill it with your Wave Beam. Go right. The second maggot is a little trickier. You have to push it back with your beams and drop a bomb under it when it charges you. Once it's dead, shoot the ceiling above its cocoon for an Energy Tank. Run to the left side of the room and use the open area as a speed booster path. Exit left while speed boosting to smash through the floor. Grab the Missile Tank. Exit left. You're again in a save room. Exit left Kill the plant life, remember to use missiles against the tough stuff, and exit left. Roll into the small hole. Miniboss time! Third Miniboss: Trapped Maggot This boss is easy. Freeze the flying ripper (which has wings... what?) and use it as a step so you can get high enough to shoot the vines holding the maggot. Use beams to shoot the spores that fly at you. When you kill it, the maggot will fall and plug a hole in the floor. Exit right and go down the elevator to Ridley's lair. Exit left for a save room, and continue left. At this point, if you got the Super Missiles earlier then you don't even need to fight the next boss. Skip the next two paragraphs, unless you want to get another Super Missile Tank. Climb up the narrow passage until you see a maggot in a cocoon. Go back up the elevator to Norfair and return to the miniboss room. The hole in the ground is now open. Drop all the way down until you come to a grey door. Go all the way left. Miniboss time! Fourth Miniboss: Super Moth This guy is simple to beat too. Stand on the far left side of the room. When he goes by you from left to right, run along behind him firing missiles to hit his stinger. Once he outruns you, run back to the left side of the room and crouch. You might get hit by a stinger on his way back. Rinse and repeat until he's dead. Grab the Super Missile Tank when he smashes into the side wall. Exit right, shoot the missile floor, and open the green door beneath you. Exit left. To save time, bomb the second panel from the right on the green part of the floor. It will open and let you roll all the way across without fighting the enemies. Exit left. This room has a trap in it: The floor tile directly in front of the Energy Tank to a depth of four are illusions. Time your jump to grab the ledge in front of the tank. Exit left. The green column in this room is hollow. Fire your wave beam into it until it goes through clean: There's about a dozen enemies in there. Bomb the base of it to get in. Exit left. Go all the way down the shaft (the door on the left about halfway down is a save room). Grab the Missile Tank on the way. Exit right. Get the map data and exit right. Go all the way across this long room. You can save time by trying to shoot the ceiling, it collapses in some places allowing a clean path. Get the Missile Tank halfway along. Exit right. Updates: This long room can also yield another two missile tanks. On the left side, about one screen in, you can shoot out a section of the ceiling to reveal a long running path. Go to the right of this path, turn left and speed boost. Store the charge just before you run off the edge, drop down, open the left door and speed booster blast onto the ramp. Run into the map room and open the door while still boosting. You'll smash through the floor and fall into the *fake* lava. Open the left door and run through, then speed booster blast up the left shaft. Roll through and go through the maze. You have to missile the block midway through. Once you reach the looped sort of area, drop down on the right side and bomb the block in your way before you fall out entirely. Grab the Missile Tank. Bomb the ceiling in about the middile of the platform. Stand up and fire your beam to remove the weak blocks, but hurry because the platform you're on will fall away. Fire a missile into the above block, then jump up and grab the edge (you may have to get off the dissolving block to avoid falling) Wait there until the blocks reform, then stand on them and fire missiles upward to clear the above missile blocks. Jump up and grab your Missile Tank. Exit the room while running and speed booster into the shaft again. Note: If you want to, you can get two more Missile Tanks. While still in the long room, you can shoot out the ceiling about 3/4rs on the right side. Use the path to charge your speed booster. Store the charge just at the edge of the platform, open the door, and run into the save room. Open the door and speed booster blast onto the diagonal part of the save room, which will let you keep running. Store the charge again on the other side of the door, then hop up the platforms until you are across from the door on a platform with a red enemy. Speed booster blast through the right wall. Open the door, run left, and speed booster into the room. Store the charge just before you hit the right wall, roll under the platform, and speed booster blast upward. Grab the wall and roll in. This part is tricky, lay a bomb on the fuse like blocks and roll right. Get under the wall quickly, before the breaking blocks catch up to you. Wall jump off the right wall and run left. Jump as the blocks break under you and grab the left wall, jump off and hold left to land back on the breaking area. Grab the top block on the left side. It's a breakable. Hold on to it for a bit until it collapses, then wall jump up the left wall without touching the ground and grab the Missile Tank. Fall down to the bottom of the room, run to the right wall, run to left and open the door while speed boosting. Speed Booster Blast into the ceiling in the small gap. Exit right, then exit left immediately. Walk as far left as you can, open the door, and run into the right room. Shoot the large square of blocks with your wave beam and shoot the smaller block with a missile (while running, don't slow down!) allowing you to smash into the wall of blue blocks. You have to jump about two blocks away from the wall, which will let you wreck the blocks and land next to the Missile Tank. Exit left while running and speed booster through the wall. Enter the second door from the bottom on the left side. Run across this room until you reach the fifth pipe from the right. It's a fake, drop into its centre and shoot downwards. The lava beneath is you is fake, it's the only fake stuff in this room. Drop into the pit and shoot the right wall for a Missile Tank. Exit left. Shoot the red enemies from the door and roll into the passage. Bomb the roof and grab the Missile Tank. There's a small hole in the wall on the left side, near the Missile Tank. Roll into it and bomb it. Roll into the passage here, bomb the blocks, and shoot the centre block to reveal a Super Missile Tank. Exit left. This next room is also a trap. Freeze the enemies and use them as a step, the ground beneath you is fake. Grab the Missile Tank and exit left. Kill the enemies in here and exit left. Grab the Super Missile Tank and exit right. The ceiling on the right is also fake, jump up and grab on, and climb up. Shoot the free floting block for a Missile Tank. Exit left. There's a small puzzle in here, the two Missile Tanks aren't hard to get. Grab them, and go back to the trapped shaft. Drop down. Go left into the save room and exit left. Cross this room and kill the gross looking eye/door with missiles. Watch out, it shoot beams, whoopee. Exit left, cross the room and exit left. Grab your new Mystery Item. Mystery Item #3: Shoot the mystery block on the left and walk through the fake wall. Grab the Energy Tank. Exit right. Run to the right door and face left. Ridley pops up. Boss: Ridley Ridley is fairly easy to kill, just remember to AVOID THE TAIL. It does the most damage of all. Begin by firing super missiles into his body. You can hit any part, just not the tail. If Ridley grabs you, fire missiles constantly into his face until you releases you. If he shoots fire, shoot the fire with your beam to wreck it and reveal health or missiles. Run back and forth across the main platform until Ridley faces you, then angle up and let him have it. If you run out of missiles, use the Charge Beam. Ridley can absorb about 10 or so Super Missiles, and if you followed this guide you have at least twelve. How to kill him in under one minute: Hope you grabbed all the Super Missiles so far. If you have around 10 that's enough. He starts by shooting fire at you, shoot it with your beam. When he stops, run under him, aim up and fire all your Super Missiles into his body. He dies right then and there. With Ridley dead, exit right. Freeze the bugs and use it as a platform to get to the top. Shoot the mystery block and go through the fake wall. Exit right. Run to the right, opening doors as you go, until you start speed boosting. When you enter a green room, speed boost through the wall and the plethora of enemies. Exit right. In this room, bomb the right most block that is the same height as the door. Drop into the small passage, grab the Energy Tank, and exit right. Climb up the shaft and exit right from the top door. Bait the bugs by jumping, then freeze one and use it as a step to get to the top of the room, which has a Missile Tank. Cross this room until you reach the end, where you can missile the floor. Roll through and exit left. Climb up and use the elevator to exit Ridley's lair. Back in Norfair, the right wall will collapse. Go through it and exit right. Go past the broken statue and roll into the hole. Shoot the ground and run left. Keep running until you speed boost into a small hole with a launcher. Use it, then exit left when you stop. Cross this room and freeze the rippers if they get in your way. Exit left, and grab the Screw Attack. Go back to the right, screw attack to kill the rippers, and grab the Missile Tank. Exit right, screw attack through the floor, and exit right. Go back to Brinstar, and from there go back to the main shaft next to where you start. Go to the top of the shaft, exit left, cross the room, and exit left. You'll be in a room with the two green statues you saw before. They open now and you can proceed to the elevator to Tourian. Tourian is straitforward, there are no items to collect. So just run through it. When you encounter a Metroid, freeze it and fire five missiles into it. If one grabs you, lay bombs until it gets off. You have to kill all the Metroid in a room to proceed. If you get low on missiles or health, you can kill the red circles to restore. Do this until you get to a different sort of room, with small lasers shooting all over. Fire missiles into the red columns, and do it quick! They regenerate their health over a short time, but once you kill one it's dead forever. Save your Super Missiles. Go left across this room. It helps to freeze the red circles and not kill them, since they don't regenerate. When you reach the Morth Brain, stand on the right most platform, freeze the circles, and fire regular missiles into the glass. Keep doing this until it chatters. Now switch to super missiles and fire them in the Brain's Eye. It will close and fire a blue beam, which you can jump to avoid. Repeat this process until the Mother Brain dies. Exit left and climb up the passage of breakaway blocks. Use the elevator to go to Crateria. Climb up and follow the passage, shooting walls in your way. Run through the door and speed boost through the wall. Climb into your ship and blast off. The next section has you without a suit. Your blaster cannot kill the Space Pirates, it can only stun them for a second. The only way to kill them is to let them shoot each other. Every time they touch you, you lose 1 Energy Tank, or 50 E if you get shot. From this point on, the save rooms restore all health and weapons too. Exit left, crawl under the ship and exit left again. Go to the bottom left and shoot the grate. Crawl to the left until you reach the map room. Exit left. Recharge your energy and crawl into the opening on the roof. Drop down, stun the pirate and run left, jumping over the platform. Go to the top of this room, stun the pirate if you have to. Exit right. Crawl under the wall and stand on top of it. Wait for the pirate to walk away, then go through the new opening to the right. Exit right. Climb up here and go around the green beams, if you touch them an alarm will sound. Crawl as far right as you can. Shoot the wall to make the whole platform break, which will force you to hit the alarms. Quickly climb up and exit top right. Climb up to the top here, stun any pirates in your way. Exit top right. When you enter this room, the floor crumbles. You'll land in front of a pirate, stun him and climb up. Exit top left. Get onto the left side of the divider and wait for the pirate to leave. Follow the path left and up, then crawl under the docking bay left. Drop down, enter the save room if you need energy, and continue left and up. Exit left. Shoot out the floor and crawl through the vent on the right. Run along the path, shooting the floor at each dead end. Run along the path until you can exit left. The floor here breaks away, so wait until the pirate leaves and the alarm deactivates. Exit left. The next room has some searchlights, if you touch them you'll be spotted and pirates will come in. Climb up the room and take the top most door on the right. Climb up here, shooting the ceiling at each dead end. Exit left, then shoot the walls to make them crumble. Exit left. Recharge your energy if you have to, exit left. Wall jump up the wall on the left, the jump from alarm to alarm. Exit left. (if you can't wall jump, drop down and run to the left, performing low leaps. Then go back right doing the same thing. You have to stay low enough not to hit the green beams or the alarm will be tripped.) Exit left, and left again. Drop down, stun the pirate hidden in the right wall, and go through the vent. Drop down, shoot the wall and fall for a long time. When you hit bottom, exit left and don't stop running/falling until you reach a room with a shaded platform. Jump up there and wait for the pirate to run by. Exit left, use the save room if you need it, exit left, and left again. More search lights, go left along the bottom of this room, snake up and exit top right. Drop down and exit right. Run along this room, shoot the blocks in your way, and exit right. Climb up and exit left. Climb up again and exit right. This room has eyes on the walls. If their yellow beam touches you, you get spotted. Remember that the beam can touch even your foot when you are hanging and still detect you. Climb up to the top and exit left. Crawl under the wall and shoot the blocks in your way. Drop down on the left. Exit left. Stand on the above platform until the pirate runs by, and follow him immediately. Shoot the left wall and exit left. Crawl under the obstruction and hide in the shaded area until the pirate leaves. Climb up and exit right. Shoot the wall and exit right. Climb up and exit left. Drop down, climb up and exit right. Note: If you are not playing on hard mode, the door on the left leads to save room, otherwise its blocked. Follow the path until you see a pirate carrying your power bombs. Follow him. Once again the walls have eyes. Avoid them, drop down, climb up again and exit right. Run right through this room, stunning the pirates if they get in your way. Exit right. Climb up the shaft one screen and go through the opening on the left side. Crawl left without stopping and exit left. Climb up and exit left. Run all the way to the left and climb up the blocks, then crawl right over the bridge. Jump off and stand next to the shutter, and shoot the bridge. Wait until the pirates give up and exit right. Use the save room if you have to and exit right. Climb up and exit left. This is now another boss. Boss: Strange Chozo Statue The Chozo Statue reflects a picture of you. Don't shoot that picture because you'll somehow hurt yourself. Wait until it turns into another picture that looks kind of like an M, then shoot it. You must do this four times. Each time it moves faster, and it occasionally shoots lightning. Once you hit it four times you get your suit back. Space jump up and go right, roll through the passage, fall down, and blast the space pirates. Run right. Drop down and shoot a missile at the odd coloured floor. Drop down, run right and speed boost through the wall for a Super Missile Tank. Note: If you want to, there's a speed booster goal here, but it can be hard to achieve. From the far left, run right and speed boost. Store the charge before you hit the wall, shoot the blocks above you, and jump up. Speed boost left, store the charge under the platform, and do this all the way to the top of the room. Exit right while speed boosting. Store the charge before you hit the wall, screw attack through it, and drop down, holding left. Land in the small alcove and speed booster left, hitting the ramp and allowing you to store the charge again. Drop down on the right side, and land on the small ledge. Speed Booster Blast through the right wall, getting an Energy Tank. A movie of this is available, listed at the top of the guide. At any rate, drop down the shaft to the bottom. Exit left. Bomb through the weak looking floor, or just screw attack down. Run right, enter the small path and follow it to a Super Missile Tank. Go left, crossing the otherwise empty room. Exit left. Drop to the bottom of this room, exit left. Drop down, kill the pirates and wait for the alarm to stop. Exit right. Drop down and bomb the floor. Kill the pirate and fire your wave beam around the left wall. Just above Samus' head height is a Super Missile Tank, fire a missile into the wall in front of it to clear a path. Exit bottom right. Go back along the path you first came through until you arrive back at the pirate mother ship. Space jump up the long shaft (or speed boost, if you want to save time) and bomb the floor. Space jump up the left and crawl into the vent. Follow the path back the way you came until you reach a red missile door. The ceiling above has a crack in it, shoot it with a missile. Roll next to the walking bot, shoot it twice, and get your Super Missile Tank. Go through the red door. Climb up and open the Super Missile door. Bomb the blocks in the center, but watch out. The floor will also fall away even though you can't see it, and there are some pirates at the bottom. Grab the Super Missile Tank, and exit right. Follow the path back the way you came until you reach another red missile door (it's marked on your map if you can't find it). Go through, climb to the top and roll through the passage. Run left, exit left (the black pirates here take a lot of damage, you should probably ignore them). Follow the snaking path and exit left. Drop to the bottom, exit left, and roll into the passage. Bomb the blocks away and exit left. Climb up and exit right, run across the room and screw attack the flying orbs. Exit right. Follow the snaking path and exit right. Run all the way left and fall down the passage there. Follow the path, bomb the blocks in your way, and follow the pirate with the power bombs. Space jump over the beams and grab your Power Bombs. Drop one and open the right door. Go in, drop a PBomb and go through the now open ceiling. Grab another Power Bomb Tank and exit left. Go back to the main area with the glass plates. Notes: This is the final item you need in the game. Now that you have the Power Bombs, you can get every Missile, Super Missile, Energy, and Power Bomb Tank in the game. If you want to go back and get all the items, skip to the end of the guide. Otherwise, keep reading. Climb up to the top right of this room. Exit right. Follow the path right until you reach a long room with a flat floor. Stand on the far right and speed booster left, jumping just before you touch the end wall. The floor on the other side of the low wall is speed booster weakened (you can bomb it to check where) and you can smash through it. You now have to space jump low under the alarm beams to the left. If you trip the alarms, you can't get the Energy Tank on the far right side of this room. Once you have it, and it will likely take several tries, go to the top and exit right. Shoot the wall in the center of the room and roll through. Open the Missile Door on the right. Boss: Mecha Ridley Mecha Ridley is a very irritating boss, and trust me on that one. His primary attack is to life his right paw, and he'll swing it (which will hit unless you are space jumping in the top right) as soon as you are in range. After you hit him a bit, he'll shoot lasers from his eyes, which you dodge by space jumping in the middle-left of the room, and fire missiles out of his back, which you can screw attack in to. If he shoots fireballs from his mouth, space jump in the middle-center to avoid them. Shoot the glass plate on his chest with missiles until it breaks, then shoot the glowing red button with Super Missiles until you run out, then Missiles. He takes a lot of damage (and he seems to take more if you collected more items, if you can confirm this then email me) before he dies. Once he's dead, the alarm will sound and leave you five minutes to evacuate the ship. Open up your map. See the ship marked on there? That's your destination. Exit left, shoot the top of the column to break it, and roll through. Exit left. Run across the room, kill the pirates, and exit left. Shoot the ceiling above you to reveal a passage. Roll through and exit left. Drop down through this room and exit bottom left. Follow the snaking path here and exit left. Roll left, open the door and exit left. Drop down and exit right. Roll to the right and drop a power bomb to speed things up, and exit right. Climb up this room and take the top right door. The path from here is straight forward, but when you get to the cargo bay you have to kill two black pirates. Once you do, the docking doors open and the ship is available. One last space pirate will pop out, kill him and jump into (literally) the ship. Watch the final scenes: You just beat the game. Going back to get stuff: Once you get the power bombs, a lot of items open up for you. Since it would be grossly cumbersome and unuseful to describe the route to each item, I'll simply state where it is and how to get it. CHOZIDIA: Go back to the glass pipe. Drop a power bomb to break it. Go down the right side of the room and power bomb through the wall. Run right and jump up the shaft. Collect the power bombs. Go back to the room where there are three horizontal passages, one above the other. In the top passage in the far right space, the block in the centre of the ceiling is a missile block. Shoot it and get a power bomb tank. Go to the long, vertical shaft in the north eastern section of the temple. The second opening from the top on the left side (it has a small ramp like structure). The top block on the left wall is a missile block. Shoot it and roll through, grab your missiles. Go back to the starting area where you first were without your suit, in the bottom right side of the map. There is a piece of the ship jutting out of the cliff face, one room left of the starting location. On the top of that ship, drop a power bomb to open a passage to another Power Bomb Tank. Go to the map room in the bottom right area of the ship. Open the red missile door, exit right, and shoot along the ceiling until you find a missile block. Grab the Super Missile Tank. From the glass pipe, drop down on the left side and bomb through the wall. Drop down the shaft here. There are three items to get: Energy Tank- Drop all the way down the shaft and exit left into a room with red crawlies on the walls. Kill em all and use this room as a speed booster ramp so you can speed booster into the room on the right. Speed Booster Blast in the centre of the room (the blocks are speed booster breakable) straight up and into an Energy Tank. Two rooms left of the room with red crawlies is a short room that seems empty. In the centre is an opening that is invisible. Jump in, kill the enemies, and grab the Super Missile Tank. One room left of the short room, you'll find a room with a lot of overhead beams arranged conspicuously. Drop a power bomb to clear an opening and use power bombs to destroy the blocks in here. There's a Super Missile Tank at the end of the short maze. The last item in Chozidia is a Power Bomb Tank. Go back to Crateria and use the Power Bomb door on the top right side of the Chozo Ruins. Run through back into Chozidia and shoot the left wall with missiles until you hit a missile block (it's just above Samus' head height) which allows you to get the Tank. CRATERIA Go to the power bomb door on the top right of Crateria. Go through and use the large area here to charge a speed boost to the left. When you are back in the Chozo ruins, store the charge and quickly space jump up the ledge above to the Super Missile Tank. Blast through the wall. Using the same long hallway to charge the speed booster, from the door drop down onto the small ledge. Go morph ball and blast left into the Missile Tank. The power bomb tank is the last item for Crateria. Go to the left of the area which formerly held your ship (you can't reach it unless you go from the Tourian side) and into the underground area. Speed booster to the right, through the wall (exactly as you did when escaping the Mother Brain's explosion) and keep running right. Stop before the small wall, storing the charge. Quickly jump right and onto the triangular hump on the ground. Go morph ball and Speed Booster Blast diagonally up and right. You'll crash into the wall where a power bomb block stops you. Bomb it and collect your power bomb tank. BRINSTAR Just one item: You may be curious about that circle on your map near the game's starting point. There's an Energy Tank in the ceiling. Just shoot the ceiling till you see it and jump up there. RIDLEY'S LAIR Actually, if you followed the guide the first time there are no items left down here. NORFAIR Go to the bottom left corner of Norfair, one room below and to the right of the map room. Before, the lava at the bottom prohibited your movement, but with the Gravity Suit, no more! Drop down and missile the left wall to create an opening. Climb up and reveal the Missile Tank in the right wall, which you need to get. Search along the left wall for a Missile Block (if you can't find it, drop a power bomb to reveal it) and enter the new room, which has a Power Bomb tank exposed. From the previous room (one right and down from the map room) go right two rooms until you're in a green shaft again. Shoot out the floor and drop down, exit right. There's two Missile Tanks in this room, one is hiddin in the top section of an overhang about halfway in, the other is in plain sight. KRAID'S LAIR Just one: From the elevator, go down and enter the second door on the left. The acid on the bottom is at one point deep and let's you enter a small passage. Shoot all the blocks in the way and speed booster right. Store the charge, run back left, and use the ramp to Speed Booster Ball to the right, allowing you smash the blocks and get the Missile Tank. Tourian: In the room one room right of the Mother Brain, use the long path to charge your Speed Booster. Store the charge, and go through the door on the left. This is tricky: Spin jump into the air and about 3 blocks from the roof (or so), shoot your beam and Speed Booster Blast in midair to the left. You'll smas through the wall into a room with a Missile Tank. The last power bomb tank is under the Mother Brain's container. Bomb the floor and grab it. That's it and that's all. All the items are listed and the walkthrough is DONE. Now go home and eat your speakers... for whatever reason. ============================================================================== Sequence Breaking Sequence Breaking is pretty easy. If you know how to bomb jump, in many cases you can break the games' sequence of events. The current sequence is: Morph Ball Long Beam Missiles Charge Beam Bombs Mystery Item #1 Power Grip Ice Beam Mystery Item #2 Speed Booster High Jump Boots Varia Suit Wave Beam Mystery Item #3 Screw Attack New Suit (Reveals mystery items) Power Bombs End of Game Here are some ways to break that sequence: Skip the Long Beam Easy enough. When you get to the section of shaft that requires you to shoot the blocks, climb up above the door and shoot the ground. It breaks away. You never need the long beam ever again. Get the Varia Suit early Once you get bombs, climb up the shaft and go to the Varia suit room. You have to do a lot of bomb jumping, but it can be done. Get the Super Missiles Early Outlined in the guide, once you get the high jumps go back to Brinstar and use the speed booster ball to get a Super Missile tank (movie at the top of the guide) Skip the Power Bombs When you get to the bridge of the Space Pirate ship, go up to the entrance to Mecha Ridley. You are stopped by a power bomb block in a room with a box. Stand on the left side of the box and jump up. There's a passage there that lets you roll through. Skip the Super Missiles When you enter Ridley's lair, go right one door and freeze a bug from the pipe. Use him as a step to climb into the hole on the left side of the ceiling. Skip the Varia Suit Get lots of Energy Tanks... then move really fast through the hot rooms... Note: The game gives you the suit anyway when you get the Gravity, so it doesn't do anything :( Skip the Screw Attack Once you kill Ridley, simple leave the way you came in, run along the long speed booster track, and speed booster blast diagonally into the hole. You can wreck the blocks in the way and still climb on through. When you are in Chozodia later on, there are Missile Block alternatives to using the Screw Attack. You might have to do some searching, but they're there. Skip the Charge Beam When you kill the ugly worm, just don't pick it up. Kill Ridley before Kraid After you get the Ice Beam, enter the green shaft on the very top. There's a missile block in the upper right corner. Shoot it out, climb in, and use bomb jumps to climb up and destroy the right wall. Climb in, get in the middle shaft, and shoot the above block. Wall jump up, go to the right, and fall all the way down the shaft. This inadvertantly lets you skip the Wave Beam too. You can now get down into Ridley's Lair and fight the Super Moth. That's all for now. There are a lot more breaks, and the next update will have more. ============================================================================== Secrets: Endings Based on how long it took you to beat the game and how many items you collect, you will get different endings and pictures of Samus. Beating the game at all will open the Gallery option in the options menu, which lets you see all the ending pictures you have so far. Endings 3+ hours 2-3 hours Below 2 hours 15% or below 100% 3+ hours 100% 2-3 hours 100% below 2 hours Hard Mode: Complete the game, then select the file that has the completed game. You may note the picture of the screw attack on the right side. Select new game and choose hard mode. Hard mode does this: You get 2 missiles/tank instead of 5 You get 1 Super Missile and PBomb/tank instead of 2 A lot of enemies are now in more powerful forms New enemies abound, usually in inconvinient places You take more damage Most enemies have more HP You get 50 energy/tank instead of 100 You get less time to escape after the Mother Brain and Mecha Ridley Those are the differences. The items are in the same places and everything is generally the same, just you have less ammo, health, and have to fight more. Also, beating the game on hard mode produces different pictures which are added to the gallery. ============================================================================== Wrap Up Thanks go out to... my Dog Fritze because he's limitless moral support Me, for making this FAQ. I know it's strange to thank yourself, but try it sometime. It feels pretty good. Other things: Take a look at my website: On that website is my current project, Super Metroid Classic, a remake of Super Metroid. You can download the beta or look at the editor and such. Take a look at another similar website or poke around the forums: I don't think there's anything else to be done or said. Quiet you!