Metroid: Zero Mission FAQ/Walkthrough By: acdcgamer316 Version 1.2 (Final) --TABLE OF CONTENTS-- 1.) Introduction, Version History, and Disclaimer >1.1: Introduction >1.2: Version History >1.3: Copyright and Disclaimer 2.) Controls 3.) Items, Expansions, etc. >3.1: Items >3.2: Expansions >3.3: Doors >3.4: The Map >3.5: Blocks 4.) Special Abilities 5.) The Walkthrough >5.1: The Beginning >5.2: Norfair >5.3: Kraid's Lair >5.4: The Varia Suit and More >5.5: Ridley's Lair >5.6: Prepare >5.7: Tourian, the Metroids, and Mother Brain >5.8: Chozodia >5.9: Payback and Power Bombs >5.10: Getting 100% >5.11: The Finale 6.) Glitches 7.) Unlocks 8.) Credits 9.) Contact Info 10.) Closing == 1.) Introduction, Version History, and Disclaimer == -- 1.1: Introduction -- Hey everyone, I'm acdcgamer316, and I'm your tour guide- hey, what?! Who said this was a freaking tour guide?! This is a GAME for God's sake! Oh well... otherwise, this is an FAQ/Walkthrough/Strategy Guide/Whatever for Metroid: Zero Mission, the GBA remake of the original game Metroid, the first game in the series. This is also my first FAQ, so forgive me if there are any errors on here. There are definitely similarities and differences in the games, such as Zero Mission being made with a modified Metroid Fusion game engine, having save points, a mini-map, and the stacking beam system as well as items from Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion, all of which wasn't in Metroid. However, despite these differences, this game is great, although unfortunately it's VERY short compared to the other games (you can beat it in about 2-3 hours). Still, this game is great even if it's short, and it's still great for all you speed runners out there. Please be warned as this guide will NOT be spoiler-free. If you are looking for a spoiler-free guide, then turn back now. Otherwise, I hope this guide proves useful to you! -- 1.2: Version History -- Version 1.2 (Final) (July 22, 2009) Wow, almost two whole years since I abandon-I mean last updated this guide. This is essentially the ?final? version of the walkthrough, and I do not plan on updating it any more. Anyways, I removed my contact information and made a couple of changes to the guide that needed to be fixed the most. I know this isn?t perfect, but hey, nothing is, and I?m glad that it?s at least accurate. Or so I think. Version 1.1 (July 26, 2007) I got an email from Yumata explaining a new strategy for beating Imago, and I fixed a small error on this section. Version 1.01 (July 11, 2007) Not a big update, but I've added a couple of sites to my allowed list and have changed a few words. Version 1.0 (July 5, 2007) The first version of this FAQ. The entire walkthrough is included and SHOULD be 100% complete, but I'm sure that there are errors within it that will be fixed in future updates. -- 1.3: Copyright and Disclaimer -- This file is Copyright (c) 2009 acdcgamer316, all rights reserved. This guide may not be reproduced in any way, whether fully or partially. This guide may not be published on any Web site besides the following sites: Any other Web site that's not on this list will need the author's permission to publish this FAQ on it. Publishing this guide on a Web site without the author's permission is illegal, as well as using this guide in any way to make profit. Do not copy or edit my work in any way, and don't claim it as yours. I do not tolerate this at all, since this is known to many as plagiarism, so have some common sense and don't do it. If you want to use this guide for your own personal use, though, I?m completely fine with that. == 2.) Controls == The controls in Zero Mission are the exact same as in Fusion, although there are some added things that make it a bit different. I'll explain the controls first, then the new things later. A: Jump/Confirm Selection B: Fire Weapon/Drop Bomb/Cancel Selection L: Aim diagonally/Go to Sleep Mode when paused R: Activate Missiles/Power Bombs D-Pad: Move, aim up, or duck (in-game)/Move Selection (in menu) Start: Pauses the game Select: Switches between Missiles and Super Missiles {Differences between Fusion and Zero Mission} Some differences now between Zero Mission and Fusion are... 1. In Fusion, you had recovery time between wall jumps. In Zero Mission, you don't anymore (same as Super Metroid), so you can actually keep wall jumping off of the same wall. Otherwise, you do the same controls to wall jump in both games. 2. Zero Mission is faster-paced and looks detailed than Fusion. 3. Super Missiles are back, which you can switch between these and Missiles with the Select button. In Fusion, you had a stacking Missile system, just like the stacking Beam system. 4. It is possible to use the speed booster at certain times while in Morph Ball in Zero Mission. You couldn't do such a thing in Fusion. 5. While using the Screw Attack in Fusion, you were invincible to practically every enemy attack or enemy in the game. In Zero Mission, you can get hit while using the Screw Attack, so be careful. 6. There are no X Parasites in Zero Mission (obviously); instead you get the same pickups as in Super Metroid to recover energy and weapons. 7. In Fusion, you could get 20 Energy Tanks and I believe 84 Power Bombs, but in Zero Mission, you can only get 12 Energy Tanks and 18 Power Bombs. 8. Morph Ball bombs and Power Bombs in Zero Mission take much less time to explode than in Fusion. == 3.) Items, Expansions, etc. == -- 3.1: Items -- Listed here are the items in the game. [Beam] Power Beam: Sorry about the name, but I'll just let that name apply to anyone who has played Metroid Prime. Otherwise, this is Samus's starting weapon. It's weak at first, and will only travel for a short distance before dissipating, just like in the original Metroid. Long Beam: The first beam upgrade you get, this weapon is slightly stronger than the Power Beam, and it will now travel until it hits something. Charge Beam: This isn't really a beam, but will allow you to charge your beam so you can fire a stronger shot. Ice Beam: This beam will stack with the Long Beam (unless you didn't get it, which is possible), and will now freeze enemies in place so you can use them to get to previously unreachable places. Wave Beam: This beam will strengthen your beam weapon as well as allowing your beam to shoot through walls, although it will shoot through enemies. The Wave Beam will also cause your beam to widen a bit, kind of like the Spazer Beam from Super Metroid. Plasma Beam: You first get this item as Unknown Item #1. However, after getting your suit back, this upgrade will activate and will stack on top of your other beams to maximize its potential. Not only will your beam be MUCH stronger, it will pass through enemies as well as retaining the Wave and Ice Beams' ability to pass through walls and freeze enemies. [Missile] Normal: These are your standard concussive weapons. They are used for enemies your beam can't hurt and are also used to open red doors. Collect Missile Tanks to increase your missile capacity. Total: 250 Super: These are much stronger than normal missiles. They can be signified by being much bigger than a regular missile and having a green head. They are 3 times as powerful as missiles, but unfortunately are rare. Collect Super Missile Tanks to increase the number of Super Missiles you can carry. Total: 30 [Bombs] Normal: Your average bombs from all the Metroid games. You have infinite bombs, but you can only drop 4 at a time, and if you are in Morph Ball form and are on top of a bomb when it explodes, you will do a bomb jump, which is basically being propelled up a short distance. Power: These are MUCH stronger than normal bombs. Not only do they fill up the entire screen (and slightly beyond it), they will basically kill anything in its radius except for bosses. Unfortunately, you have a limited number of these, so use them wisely. Total: 18 [Suit] Power Suit: This is your starting suit in the game. It is yellow in color and is your weakest suit, but it's the only one you have at first. You can walk around in water, but unfortunately you won't be able to move well. You can add many items on to this suit. Varia Suit: Along with turning your Power Suit to a dark orange color, the Varia Suit will reduce the amount of damage taken from enemies as well as protecting you from superheated areas and acid. Unfortunately, you can't move around well in acid just like in water. Gravity Suit: The best suit in the game, originally as Unknown Item #3. This suit reduces damage from enemies or enemy attacks even more, and lets you move around in water, or any liquid for that matter, as if you were on land. You also will be protected against lava, but not the green acid in Tourian. [Misc.] Morph Ball: The first item you get in the game, this item will let you travel through places too small for Samus to fit. Press down on the D-pad to turn into the Morph Ball. Just like the Power Suit, you can add on to it. Power Grip: This nifty little item will allow Samus to grab onto the edges of platforms, etc. so you can climb up to places easier. Speed Booster: This cool item will allow you to run faster (I like to call it "speed boosting" in the walkthrough) as well as run through enemies and Speed Booster blocks. When you collect this, you can also do a very special move in the game called the Shinespark, which I will explain later. Hi-Jump (and Jumpball): This item will just about double Samus's jumping height, allowing her to reach areas that she couldn't jump to before. This also allows your Morph Ball to jump as well, which negates the need to Bomb Jump. Screw Attack: The famed weapon of the Metroid series... this item is GODLIKE!!! This will turn Samus's spin jump into a complete deadly attack, which will kill just about anything that she happens to jump into as well as breaking through Screw Attack blocks. With the Screw Attack, you can basically go anywhere in the game that you couldn't explore with any other item. Space Jump: This GREAT item was once Unknown Item #2, but when activated, this will allow Samus to spin jump an infinite number of times until you hit the ground or get hurt. This completely negates the need to wall jump, and will allow you to reach places that not even the Hi-Jump could reach. This item also works best with the Screw Attack, turning you into a killing machine!!! -- 3.2: Expansions -- This section is for the various expansions in the game. Energy Tank: These will increase the amount of total energy you can have by 100, signified by a red square that will appear next to the amount of energy you have, and are extremely useful throughout the game. Try to get all of them or as many as you can! Total: 12 Missile Tank: These increase the amount of Missiles you can carry by 5, and are the most common expansions in the game. You will run into a LOT of these, even if you don't completely follow my guide. Get as many or all of them if you can also! Total: 49 Super Missile Tank: These are rare, but will increase the amount of Super Missiles you can carry by 2. These are GREAT against just about anything, and the more the better! Total: 14 Power Bomb Tank: These are the rarest tanks in the game, but increase the amount of Power Bombs you can carry by 2, just like Super Missiles. Total: 8 -- 3.3: Doors -- There are several kinds of doors in this game, some which can only be opened in some ways. Blue Doors: These can be opened by anything. Red Doors: These doors are stronger than blue doors, and it takes a Missile to open them. Please note that red doors will become blue when unlocked. Green Doors: These doors are stronger than red doors, and can be opened with a Super Missile. These will also turn blue when unlocked. Yellow Doors: Stronger than green doors, it takes one Power Bomb to open them. These doors will turn blue as well. Grey (Locked) Doors: These doors can't be opened by any of your weapons. Instead, you'll need to complete an event in the room to open them, such as defeat an enemy, a group of enemies, or even a boss. If the grey door is flashing, then you can open it. -- 3.4: The Map -- It's very important to use your map in this game. To help you out, I'll show you the features of it. BLUE SQUARES represent areas you've been to. GREEN SQUARES represent hidden areas you've been to. RED SQUARES represent superheated areas. RED CHOZO marks on the map represent Chozo statues you've used, while BLUE CHOZO marks represent you've been to them but haven't gotten the item they had yet. BLUE, RED, GREEN, and YELLOW, sides of a map represent the respective doors on the map. CIRCLES on the map mean that there's an expansion in that area that you haven't gotten yet. DOTS on the map represent that there's an expansion in that area that you have gotten. S or M rooms represent save or map rooms. Areas with tubes coming out their top or bottom represent elevators, while tubes coming out the sides represent rooms that go into other regions of the game. -- 3.5: Blocks -- There are also many kinds of blocks in this game, which you should know while reading through this FAQ. Regular Blocks: These are symbolized by a crack that runs through them; can be broken by any weapon you have. Some of these you run into regenerate, while others don't. Bomb Blocks: These blocks are symbolized by a red circle in the middle of them, and one bomb, a power bomb, or in some cases, the screw attack will destroy them. These can regenerate, also. Missile Blocks: Symbolized by having a picture of a missile on them, it takes one missile or a super missile to destroy these. Super Missile Blocks: Similar to missile blocks, except only super missiles can destroy these. It takes one to destroy it. Crumbling Blocks: These are symbolized by a bunch of grey circles on it. These crumble right when you stand on it, dropping you to whatever is below, and will immediately regenerate, which is annoying if you're trying to get somewhere without touching these. Delayed Crumbling Blocks: These are the same as crumbling blocks, except you can stand on them shortly before they crumble. They're usually there to give you a harder time when you're trying to get to an item, expansion, etc. Power Bomb Blocks: These are similar to bomb blocks, except only power bombs can destroy these. Screw Attack Blocks: Symbolized by a spiraling symbol, these can only be broken with the screw attack. == 4.) Special Abilities == Wall Jump: Just like some of the previous Metroid games, you can wall jump in Zero Mission as well. Just spin jump toward a wall, and once you touch it, immediately turn the opposite direction and press A to jump off the wall. This is useful for speed runners since you can get to places faster and easier this way. Shinespark: Possibly the most popular special ability in the Metroid series, the shinespark is definitely one to master for getting expansions as well as for speed running. First, this requires the speed booster, so if you don't have that yet, then forget about being able to shinespark. If you do however, then follow this. First, run until you start speed boosting, then press down to duck. This will cause Samus to store the charge, which is signified by her still glowing as if she were still in a speed boost. This charge does not last long, however, and after a few seconds, you will lose the charge if you don't do anything, but you can still run around and jump while you are. When you are charging, stand still, and then press A to jump into the air, stop, and then literally FLY straight up, killing anything and breaking any speed booster blocks in your way. If you have done this, you have successfully shinesparked! However, that is not all. When you jump and stop in the air, IMMEDIATELY press the D-Pad in any direction you want, and this will cause Samus to fly in that direction. If you happen to run into a hill while shinesparking, you will immediately start a speed boost again, and you can then charge again and do ANOTHER shine spark. Note: If you have the Hi-Jump while charging, you can jump while in Morph Ball form to shine spark, which is the only way to use the speed booster while in Morph Ball. Bomb Jump: Simply lay a bomb and be on top of it to Bomb-Jump. If you go a bit to the side while doing this, you will be propelled in that direction, so be careful! == 5.) The Walkthrough == Finally, we're at the walkthrough! Well, if you've read the above, or if you're used to the Metroid games, then you should be ready to play this game. However, as a little warning, read the following... I said this before, but I'm going to say it again. Be aware as this guide is NOT spoiler-free. If you are looking for a spoiler-free guide, turn back now. You have been warned. PLEASE NOTE that this walkthrough is for those playing under Normal difficulty. If you're following this walkthrough and are playing the game under a different difficulty, I will assure you that you will be confused in some parts of the game. So, if you want to follow this guide correctly, I recommend you start a new game under Normal difficulty. That is all. -- 5.1: The Beginning -- "Planet Zebes... I called this place home once, in peaceful times, long before evil haunted the caverns below. Now, I shall finally tell the tale of my first battle here... My so-called Zero Mission." -Samus Aran After seeing the above message, you will start out in Brinstar. [Brinstar] You will start out on a small platform. After being able to control Samus, move left and jump onto the platform. Drop down, move to the shrine, and collect the MORPH BALL. Isn't that cool, just a few seconds into playing the game, and you already get your first item? Otherwise, it's time to use your new item. To get out, double-tap down on the D-pad to morph, and roll through. Press up on the D- pad to return to normal form, and go through the door on the right, which will take you to a small room. Ignore this room for now and go through the right door again. Drop down and run through to avoid 3 shriekbats from attacking you from above. Go through the tunnel with the morph ball, return to normal, and then jump onto the Chozo statue's glowing hand. Turn into morph ball form to have the statue "tell" you where to go next, which will be pretty high up in a room to the left of the shaft ahead of you. The statue will then sit down, recharge your energy, and will let go, giving you access to the shaft ahead. Go through the door. We're now in the first shaft, which I will call the blue shaft. Before we go up however, go through the door on the right to your first save room. Go on the platform to save, then return to the shaft. Start jumping the platforms, killing the zoomers on your way. Avoid the Rippers (those brown flying turtles), since you can't kill them in any way for some time, until you get to the first door on your left. Go through the door. Avoid the shriekbat (or kill it), then kneel down and shoot the blocks that are in your way. Use your morph ball to roll through the tunnel, avoid 2 more shriekbats, and go through the door on your left. You'll now be in a room with a Chozo statue with a marble in its hand. Shoot the marble to expose another upgrade, the LONG BEAM! With it, your beam is now stronger and will shoot farther until it hits something! Recharge your energy here if you want, then leave the room. Back in here, jump on the ledge and shoot the blocks in your way (you can hit all of them now with the long beam), then go up into a small room. Roll through the tunnel, then shoot the blocks and go up until you reach a hallway. Now, our goal here is the right door, but it's currently locked, so you'll need to go through the door on the left. Go left while jumping the platforms and avoiding the acid, and go through the door. In this room, there are two face statues that you will see right now. This room isn't very significant right now until later in the game, so come back later. Go back to the hallway. Back in here... hey, the door just turned grey! Otherwise, go across the hallway, through the tunnel on the right... and a hopper will ambush you from the ceiling! Shoot it with all you got until it dies, and it will cause the grey door to flash, meaning it's unlocked. Go through. In this small room, use the morph ball and roll onto the Chozo statue's hand, where it will direct you east of the shaft. If you're low on energy, the statue will recharge you at this point, so don't worry. Otherwise, go through the door. We're now at the top of the shaft. Go down until you see the door on the right blocked by several blocks. We couldn't get to these before at first because the Power Beam couldn't shoot far enough. Shoot the blocks, go through the tunnel, and through the door. Go through the hallway to the next room. We're now in another shaft, except that this one is brown, so I will call it the brown shaft for future reference. The first blue door on your right is a save point, and I recommend you save now. Otherwise, go through the door on the bottom, also on your right. In this room... hey, what's that rumbling? Forget it now, but continue until you reach a small shrine, with an item on it! Go get your first tank of MISSILES (5), then go back to where you entered... until a spiked creature blocks your way! Time for your first boss... well, miniboss battle! --MINIBOSS: Spiked Worm-- Difficulty: 1/10 This guy isn't really that hard, but it's annoying since that if you don't kill him fast enough, he'll leave the room, along with a pretty nice upgrade that you should get right now. Otherwise, once his head appears after blocking you off, get your missiles ready, because he'll open his eye once he appears. Shoot him, then he'll open and close his spiked mandibles and then charge at you. Move out of the way, then wait for him to come back up, where he'll open his eye again. Shoot it, then one of the "walls" will begin to shake, sending out spikes. They won't really hit you if you stay out of the way, but they will leave refills if you shoot them, which I recommend if you run out of missiles. After he stops sending out spikes, he'll charge down at you again, but now he'll move to where you are instead of charging straight down the middle. Get out of the way again, and shoot his eye a third time to kill him, where piece by piece he'll be destroyed, leaving a set of refills that you should pick up, along with the CHARGE BEAM! With it, you can charge your beam up and kill some enemies more easily, you can also damage some bosses this way. Otherwise, go back to the shaft. Note: If you don't kill him now, you'll have to fight him later, but if you saved in the shaft just before this room, then you could always restart and try again. Back in the brown shaft, go back to the save point and save (if you want), then continue upwards, watching out for regular Zoomers and the stronger brown ones. Go through the red door on your right. In this hallway, avoid the small flying creatures (I believe they're called Mellows) and go through the door on your right. Go through another small hallway and another door on your right. In here, jump on the platform and jump on the ledge to your left. The wall here is fake, so go through and destroy the Mellow nest and collect a MISSILE TANK (10). Go back and jump the platforms to your right, destroying more Mellow nests. Go through the door on your right into another hallway. Go through the door on your right again. In here, a wall blocks your way. Shoot it, but shoot the bottom two blocks and get the hidden MISSILE TANK (15) there. Kill the shriekbats (or avoid them), then continue across the platforms until you reach your first ENERGY TANK (1)! Otherwise, continue to the door at the end, shooting the blocks on your way. In this small shaft, the door at the bottom goes to Brinstar's map room. Otherwise, go through the left door just above you. In here, the door just ahead of you goes to another save point, so save and go through the left door at the top of the room. In here, jump up and go through the tunnel, and go through the red door on your left. Shoot the Chozo statue's marble and collect the BOMBS, then use them on the bomb blocks below you. Go through the tunnel, where you'll reach a hidden room. Use your bombs to bomb through the blocks and bomb jump to a MISSILE TANK (20). Go back to the room you came from. The door behind you becomes grey... otherwise, go through the tunnel to the door... which is ALSO grey. Great, no way out! WRONG. See that grey pillar to your left? Bomb it to release a bunch of tiny parasites, where they will latch onto you. Get them all onto you (you'll gradually take damage, but don't worry), then use a bomb to kill them all, unlocking the doors. Go through the door on your right. Back in this room, save again, then go back into the shaft. Go down and go through the door on the left (above the map room) to get back to the hallway. Continue through the hallway, then in the next room, you may either bomb the grey blocks here to get to another Chozo statue (which will give you the location of the next item you should get, which is in Norfair), or you may continue. If you need to recharge, then I recommend going down to the statue. Otherwise, continue left, watching out for parasites that fall from the ceiling. Go through the room with the Mellow Nests (don't worry, they're no longer there) and go through the door on your left. You'll be in another small hallway. Go into morph ball form and start bombing the left area of the floor to expose a hole. Go down into a hidden area with a Missile Tank. Now, you'd probably need the Power Grip to get this one, but you can get it right now in case you forget to get it later. Now, there's a small block on the left side of the little tunnel where the Missile Tank is. On top of it, use your morph ball to roll off the side, and then drop a bomb when you get right next to that small block to destroy it. Go back on top of the Missile Tank, then use your morph ball to roll off the side again, then hold right as you're falling to enter the tunnel and get the MISSILE TANK (25). Do this quickly because the block you just bombed regenerates. Otherwise, continue back up and through the door on your left, through the hallway, and back into the shaft. In here, continue through the door on your left. Back in the blue shaft, drop down and keep on the right side. Once you reach a thin metal platform, drop again, still keeping to your right, however this time in Morph Ball form. You should enter a small tunnel, where you will find two rippers floating around and a Missile Tank. Bomb the floor and wall jump to collect the MISSILE TANK (30) above you, then continue right through the tunnel, watching out for the rippers. If you're having trouble wall jumping, then read the Special Abilities section to get help. Back in this shaft, keep going right until you stop. Drop a bomb to expose an opening to get out. Go through the door on your right. Back here where you got the Charge Beam, continue right, past the shrine where you got your first Missile Tank to what appears to be a wall blocking your way. Roll into the tunnel with your morph ball, then use a bomb to destroy the wall. Keep going right and go through the door. You'll now be at an elevator. Use it (stand on it and press down on the D-pad) to get down to Norfair. -- 5.2: Norfair -- [Norfair] After witnessing a cutscene where Mother Brain "sees" Samus in the elevator, you'll regain control. Go down left or right (it doesn't matter), then drop a bomb to blow up a block. Drop down, where the crumbling block will... crumble. You'll drop to the bottom of the room. Our goal was that item in the eastern area of Norfair, but we can't get to it yet. Go through the right door to get to a save point, so save here, then go back to the elevator room and to the door on your left. In here, continue left until you get to a metal platform with a Missile Tank above you. Watch out for the lava here, because it's more lethal than acid. Kill the fire geemer (also called a Sova) here, and then do this. Line yourself up to one of the spaces right next to the Missile Tank, go into morph ball form, and then just start bombing, and keep mashing that B button. Sooner or later the bombs will start to propel you up to the ceiling. Right when you reach the ceiling, move to get the MISSILE TANK (35), then continue going left. When you reach a "wall," kneel down and shoot 2 times to expose a tunnel for you to go through. Go left and through the door. In here, get on the elevator and go up to get to Crateria. [Crateria] This place seems a bit... dark. Otherwise, go through the right door. Does that music seem familiar to you? It's basically a little gloomier version of the opening theme to Super Metroid, in case you were wondering. In here, you'll be in a water-filled room. First, drop down into the water until you hit the ground, then face left. See that block in front of you? Shoot it, then shoot (or bomb) the wall (aim down when you're doing this) until you expose a hidden tunnel. Keep going left and try not to hit the metal fish (called a Skultera) or else you'll take 30 damage, which is a lot for how much energy you have right now. Anyway, once you reach the wall, shoot it and collect the hidden MISSILE TANK (40), then get out and go back to the door you came from. Jump the platforms (If you get to one with a wall in the way, bomb the wall to destroy it) until you get to a tunnel to your left. Go up. You'll be in the Chozo Ruins area of Crateria. Use your bombs to move along the tunnels until you get to a block which you can't destroy. Go slightly left and use a bomb to drop down to another tunnel, then go right and through the door. There's a Missile Tank here, but we'll get it shortly. Continue right to a slightly corroded Chozo statue, and shoot the marble it holds to get UNKNOWN ITEM #1. It currently does nothing right now, but it will cause those blocks you saw earlier to flash. Recharge here if you want, then start going left. You can now destroy the flashing blocks, which is good. Before you leave, shoot the block closest to the door, drop down, and collect the MISSILE TANK (45) here. To get out shoot out the blocks on your left side and jump out. Go through the door. Now that the block here is flashing, bomb your way through the tunnels toward it, then drop a bomb to destroy it. Once you get out, go to your left, jump the platforms, and go through the door to your left. Uh oh, the door turns grey behind you. Continue going forward... what the?! Crumbling blocks?! You'll be dropping down a big shaft. Once you reach the bottom, shoot the wall on your left to expose a hidden tunnel. Go inside, shoot out more blocks, and when you can't go left anymore, shoot up to reveal a little path. Use the morph ball to roll through the tunnel, and then the crumbling block will drop you down to another tunnel on your left. Keep holding left once you drop down, because you'll land on another crumbling block, and you'll also enter a hidden tunnel. In this room, jump up and get the POWER GRIP in the statue's hands, then jump up and grab onto the side of the edge, then climb up. Roll back through the tunnel. Back in the large shaft, the statue in here will begin to rise. Use bombs to get out, then wait for the statue to stop rising, where a bunch of platforms will appear. Use your new Power Grip to jump the platforms (or just wall jump) and back up to the doors, and go through the door on your left. In here, jump more platforms and keep going left, destroying blocks in your way. Go through the left door. Out here, jump alllllllllllllllll the way down here and you'll get to.... your ship! Your ship is probably one of the best save points in the game because not it recharges your energy and weapons you have as well as saves your game. Save here, then go through the door on your right. Avoid the ripper here, then use your Power Grip to jump the ledges. Roll into the tunnel here, then use a bomb to destroy the flashing block here. Drop down, avoiding another ripper, and go through the door on your right. We're now back in the elevator room, basically making a circle around Crateria. Go back down to Norfair. [Norfair] Back in here, drop down. Don't go through the door yet, but instead, jump up and roll into the tunnel on your left to get to a room below you. Go through the door. In here, jump all the platforms, killing all the enemies in your way and avoiding the lava, until you reach a MISSILE TANK (50). Go back to the door which you just came from. In here, jump up and roll through the tunnel and go through the door on your right. Back in this hallway, go right and through the door to the elevator room. In here, go right to the save point. Save, then go through the door on your right again. In this large room, jump the platforms (we couldn't get through here without the Power Grip), drop down, jump more platforms, and drop down again, going right the entire way, and go through the door on your right. In this shaft, start jumping up here and go through the first door on your left. Now, see why we got the Power Grip? This room would be a MAJOR pain in the ass to get through without it. Otherwise, start jumping the small platforms, and BE CAREFUL of falling into the lava below. If you fall in, QUICKLY jump up to the closest platform, and keep jumping the platforms until you get to the door on your left. Shoot the Chozo statue's marble for... the ICE BEAM! With this cool weapon, we can now freeze enemies and use them as platforms for a short while to get to previously unreachable areas! Cool... Now, recharge here if you want, then roll through the tunnel underneath the statue, and lay bombs at the wall to get through. Freeze the ripper here and use it as a platform to get to the other side. Go through the door. In this small shaft, the door ahead of you is a save point, so go ahead and save. Otherwise, start going up until you reach some rippers. Freeze them and jump on them to get to the platform at the top of the room. Go through the door. In here, a jumping creature (called a Squeept) will jump out of the lava. Freeze it, then jump on it and onto another platform, where another Squeept will jump out. Freeze it and roll onto the Chozo statue's hands to find out where the next item's location is, which is in Kraid's Lair. You'll be recharged at this point, freeze more Squeepts on your way to the door as platforms to jump over the lava, and go through the door. Freeze the rippers here to get to the ledge, then stop. There's a hidden Missile Tank in the wall ahead of you. Jump up and shoot the wall to expose it, and then freeze the ripper. Jump up and grab the MISSILE TANK (55), then drop down, destroy the block, and go through the door. We're at the top of this shaft now. Continue right to a set of crumbling blocks, which will bring you back down. Continue to the bottom door on your left and go through. Back in here, start going until you see a Squeept come out of the lava. Wait for it to dive back into the lava, then shoot the floor above where it comes out. It will jump back out, this time through the gap. Freeze it, jump on it, and go right to reach a MISSILE TANK (60). Go left, jump the platforms, and go through the door on your left. Save if you want, then go back to the elevator room. Remember those rippers along the middle of the room? Freeze them so you can get back to the elevator, and use it to get back to Brinstar. [Brinstar] Well, we're done with Norfair for now. Continue left to the door and go through. Back in the brown shaft, go up and go through the first door on your left to get back to the blue shaft. In the blue shaft, drop down until you see a small metal platform on the left side of the shaft. Jump on top and use a bomb to get into the tunnel, and roll through to a hidden room. In here, kill the shriekbats and parasites (use bombs) here, then continue left to a set of crumbling blocks. Kill more parasites and a shriekbat here, then kill the zoomers here so you can go through to another set of crumbling blocks. Drop down and kill the shriekbat, then collect the MISSILE TANK (65) in front of you. You'll see a Super Missile Tank here as well, but you can't get to it yet. Go back to the shaft. After getting the Missile Tank, if you haven't gotten the Missile Tank in the other hidden tunnel here before (MISSILE TANK (30)), you should probably do so now. If not, then go through the door at the bottom of the shaft, on your left. Recharge at the Chozo statue if you want, then stop once you roll through the tunnel. See where the first shriekbat is? Aim at the ceiling right next to it (to its right) to expose an Energy Tank. Kill the shriekbats so you won't be annoyed as much to get the Energy Tank. Now, remember the trick I showed you by bomb jumping to get to MISSILE TANK (35)? You'll be doing the same thing to get the Energy Tank, except you just need to line yourself up with it. Start bombing like crazy until you get propelled up to the ceiling. Get the ENERGY TANK (2), then go through the door on your left. Back in this small hallway, roll underneath the platform and start bombing the floor to expose the shaft below you. Drop down and go through the door on your right. In here, take the elevator down to Kraid's Lair. -- 5.3: Kraid's Lair -- [Kraid's Lair] Recognize that music? Yep, it's definitely a remixed version of the music from Kraid's Lair from the original Metroid. Otherwise, we're in a pretty long shaft right now. Drop down and enter the first door on your left, which is a save room. Save here, then go into Morph Ball form and bomb jump along the left wall. Keep holding left while you drop, you should enter a hidden tunnel. Drop bombs while going through to destroy the blocks in your way, then jump along the platforms to a MISSILE TANK (70). Wow, that's a lot of missiles right now. Otherwise, go back to the save room. Save again, then go back to the shaft. Go through the red door in front of you. In here, keep going right, avoiding the acid here, and get the MISSILE TANK (75) that's in plain sight. Keep going right, killing the hoppers in your way, and go through the door. In here, go into Morph Ball form. See the discolored block in the ground? Use a bomb to destroy it, and go down to some sort of launcher... drop a bomb to get to it, then roll inside and drop a bomb to activate it. It will shoot you up through the small shaft here, killing anything in your way. When you hit the ceiling, don't go onto the ledge. Instead, pass it and roll into the tunnel on your left as you fall down. Go through and get to the MISSILE TANK (80), then use the crumbling block to fall back down. Use the launcher again to take you back up, and fall onto the ledge on your left. Use the Power Grip to jump along the walls, killing the slugs (called Zeelas) in your way, until you get to a wall with a blue block inside it. Aim and shoot the blue block, then jump to the opening and grab onto the side of the ledge. Jump to the top, and go through the door. In this room, jump up and destroy the blocks, and then grab onto the green platform and roll through. There's a magnetic rail system above you, but you can't use it now because it's shut off. Continue going left and go through the door. Another small shaft. Destroy the blocks and drop down, laying a bomb right next to the blue block you'll pass by. Use the launcher to launch you up to the ceiling, and don't go back to the door you just came in from. In the shaft, hold right so you can roll into the tunnel where the blue block was, and lay another bomb at the end to destroy another block to get through. Kill the Zeelas here so you can get through easier, and go through the door. The door turns grey behind you... great. See that platform ahead of you? Use the Morph Ball and roll into it. Sparks of electricity will appear around you and the button above you, activating the magnetic rail system! Now, shoot the red button above you to cause the rail to come towards you. Once the rail reaches you, jump up and grab onto it, where the rail will take you to the other side of the room as well as to an ENERGY TANK (3)! Go through the door. Save here, then go through the door on your right. Back in the shaft, go right, where a crumbling block will drop you to a door below you. Go through. There's nothing in this hallway, go through the door on the left. Uh oh, the door turns grey behind you... oh well. Use the magnetic rail system to go to the other side of the room... when SOMETHING appears out of the acid! Time for another miniboss battle! --MINIBOSS: Acid Worm-- Difficulty: 3/10 This boss isn't hard, but he can sure be annoying. First off, his weak point is that glowing red spot on him. To hurt him, stay on the INSIDE platform, and wait for him to come out of the acid. When he opens his mouth for a split second, he's going to come out of the acid and attack you, so use the magnetic rail system to get to the other side of the room and he'll latch on to the platform where you just were. He'll be stuck there, so unleash your missiles at him (you have 80, so don't worry) until he gets back in the acid. After getting hit enough times, he'll open his mouth and start shaking the room, where the acid level will rise and then return to normal. Go onto the outside platform when this happens, and watch out, because he'll attack RIGHT after the acid level stops changing. Use the magnetic rail system again and shoot him until he dies. Be careful near the end, because when the Acid Worm is low on health, he'll lunge MUCH faster at you. If you're low on missiles, stick to the outside area of the room, next to the doors, where he'll lunge out of the acid and spit projectiles at you. Shoot them for refills if you need them, then get back to fighting. Once he dies, the acid level will lower and the doors will unlock. After you kill him, stay in the room and jump down to where he was, and drop some bombs to blow up the blocks below you into a little room. Go left, jump the platforms, jump and shoot the left wall, where a tunnel will be exposed. Roll through into a hidden room, jump on the platform, and collect the MISSILE TANK (85) here, and watch out for the zeelas here. Go back into the Acid Worm's room, and then go through the left door. Back in this small shaft, use the launcher to get to the top of the room and go through the door. In here, use the now-active magnetic rail system to get to the other side of the room easily. Go through the door. In this shaft, go to the bottom of the room and go through the door, and go through the hallway, back to the elevator room. Go ahead and use the save point, then drop down to the bottom of the elevator room, down past the blue blocks. Go through the door on your left. Several hoppers inhabit this hallway. Kill them and go through the door. The red door in this room goes to the Map Room, so go there if you wish. Otherwise, use the launcher to get to the top of the room, and go through the door on the right. There's a Missile Tank here as you can see, but it's tricky to get to. First, kill all the hoppers in this room to make your life easier, then do this. Go on the platform with the red button on it, roll into a morph ball, and then lay a bomb on the button. Go left IMMEDIATELY afterwards, and drop another bomb next to the button right after the first bomb explodes. The moving rail should pick you up, going to the Missile Tank. Press A when the rail gets to the LEFT tunnel to drop off the rail, and drop down to the MISSILE TANK (90). Go through the door on your right. Back in the elevator room, go up, save, then see the other red door across the door below the save room? Ignore it for now. Instead, go through the blue door on your left, across from the red door. In this room, destroy the blocks and roll through the tunnel. Use the magnetic rail system to go across the room, and destroy the blocks that get in your way. Go through the door. Our goal in this room is the door below us, but instead, go up and through the door above. The door turns grey behind you, and you'll have to fight a giant hopper. It takes quite a lot to kill him, but missiles should be fine. He'll turn from green, to yellow, and then to red, and then will die. Don't let him touch you at all costs, for he does 58 damage EVERY TIME you hit him, so beware of that. Once he dies, continue up and DO NOT roll into the tunnel yet, for another giant hopper is below you. He cannot jump because of the small tunnel he's in, so stay to the right of the tunnel, wait for him to come to you, and then aim down and shoot through the tunnel at him until he dies. Once you kill him, the doors unlock and it's safe to go through. Roll through the tunnel and go through the door. Back in this room, roll through the tunnel and get the MISSILE TANK (95) here, then go to the door which you used to get here. Drop a bomb on the thin area of the floor to destroy it, and go into the acid... which actually is fake. There's no acid here. Drop ALL the way down this shaft until you reach the bottom of the room (you might get hit by a ripper or a zeela), and go through the door on your right. There's nothing special in this hallway, so go through the door on your right again. Go through the red door in the next hallway. In this room, kill the hoppers and jump up to the elevated area of the room. Bomb the green flooring and use the launchers to destroy the walls that block your way to use the magnetic rail system to get the Missile Tank here. Once all the walls are destroyed, shoot the red button to bring over the rail, then use the rightmost launcher to use the rail and get to the MISSILE TANK (100) here. Go through the door on your left back into the hallway. In the hallway, see the cracked piece of floor near the left door? Use a bomb to destroy it, and drop down the tunnel into the room below. In this hidden room, there's more of those symbolized blocks, but we can't destroy them yet. Use a bomb to destroy the cracked piece of floor, then drop down another tunnel to the bottom of the room. Go to the right, then don't go through the door because the Chozo statue in that room can't be reached that way. Instead, shoot the block above you, jump up and shoot the block to expose a tunnel. Roll into the tunnel and into the statue's room. In here, shoot the statue's marble and get UNKNOWN ITEM #2. Recharge here, then destroy the now-flashing block and leave the room. Back in this room, go to the door on your left to get to a save room, then come back here. See the flashing block above you? Shoot the two missile blocks blocking it with, well... missiles, then destroy the block. Roll into the tunnel, go left, jump up, and go through the door on your right. In this green hallway, kill the Reos (larger versions of Mellows) and hoppers in your way, and go through the door at the end. Save here, then go through the door on your right. See the cracked piece of floor here? Use a bomb and drop through the tunnel. In this room, face left and shoot the flashing block on your left, then grab the side of the ledge and get up. Shoot the right flashing block on your right if you want, and watch out for the red zeelas here, they're more dangerous than the yellow ones. Also, their eyes will become projectiles and will hit you when the red zeelas die. Go through the door on your left. In this hallway, you'll encounter an eye door. I wonder what it's guarding... otherwise, shoot a missile when the eye opens and it will explode, revealing a red door. Blast it with a missile and go through. Now you'll see a cutscene of a giant lizard... WHAT THE HELL?! IT'S KRAID!!! HE will open his eyes and then roar at you!!! Time for a boss battle! --BOSS: Kraid-- Difficulty: 5/10 Kraid is big... but not too hard. First, he'll roar at you. Shoot a couple of missiles into his mouth! Yes, that's how you damage him. Once he closes his mouth, shoot a charged beam shot or a missile at his upper eye, and then he'll open his mouth again. Shoot more missiles into his mouth, and he should turn from green to brown. His attacks include throwing his claws at you, which you can shoot for refills, and slashing you if you're close. Once he's taken enough damage, he'll shoot his belly spines at you, taking out almost the entire floor, leaving a small platform. Keep shooting Kraid in the mouth, but watch out when he tries to slash you, so drop onto one of the spines or use the upper ledge to hang on to. If you fall off, use the belly spines to get back up. Be careful though, because they don't last forever! Once they disappear, Kraid will shoot another set, which can hurt you, so be careful. Once Kraid has taken enough damage again, he'll shoot his top belly spine, taking out the platform. You'll need to use this to be able to shoot Kraid easily, so you'll probably be ending up on the ground more since they do disappear. Kraid will be red at this point, which means he's close to death. Shoot him with a few more missiles until he dies, where he'll sink into the floor and slash around like an idiot (although he can't hurt you at this point. You'll drop to the ground since the spines disappear, but don't worry. You've beaten Kraid! Now a cutscene will appear, showing those two face statues you saw before. Kraid's statue's eyes will light up at this point, signifying you've beaten him. After Kraid dies, he'll leave a bunch of refills. Get them, and then go to the left wall. See those 3 blocks? Go into Morph Ball form and use a bomb to destroy them, and go into the room ahead. Shoot the Chozo statue's marble and you'll get the SPEED BOOSTER! Recharge, drop down, and run into the little space below the statue and start running. You'll soon pick up speed, destroying the right wall in Kraid's room (which are actually Speed Booster blocks), and blowing into the red zeela room. Keep running down the room and shoot open the door, and run past the crumbling blocks and through the wall. Now that you're here, jump the platforms and go through the door on the top right of the room to save, then drop down and go through the lower left door. In here, run and jump the platforms, past the lavafall (you will get hurt, but don't worry), and go to the ledge on the other side. Kneel down and shoot the wall, go into Morph Ball form and roll left to get a MISSILE TANK (105), then go back through the door you came from. In the shaft, go through the upper left door. In here, take the magnetic rail, face right, and arm your missiles, because a bunch of Reos will start to chase you. Just fire your missiles until you kill all the Reos, or else they'll knock you off the platform you're heading to and down the lavafall in the room you just went to. Otherwise, roll into the tunnel at the end, use a bomb to destroy the block, and go through the door. We're now back in the elevator shaft. Before we go back to Brinstar, however, we need to get 1 more item here before we leave. Remember that red door on the right I told you to ignore earlier? It's time to go in there. In this room, start running until you build up a speed boost. You'll then run past the crumbling blocks. When you get to the end of the crumbling blocks, jump. You should kill the Reos in your way as well as destroy a couple of speed booster blocks guarding an ENERGY TANK (4). Get the Energy Tank, then shoot the red button above you and take the magnetic rail back to the door. Back in the elevator room, go up and take the elevator back to Brinstar. -- 5.4: The Varia Suit and More -- [Brinstar] After seeing a cutscene involving a Space Pirate mothership in space and Ridley, you'll be back in the elevator room to Kraid's Lair in Brinstar. The wall on your right will collapse, and zoomers will come out. Kill the zoomers, and then go through the red door on your right. Use the morph ball and roll into the Chozo statue's hands to find out what item you need to get next, which is in Norfair. You'll be recharged, then released from the statue's grip. If you know where to go, go alllll the way back to the Norfair elevator (use the hidden tunnel between the shafts as a shortcut), then go down to Norfair again. [Norfair] In here, go to the door on your right. Save, then go back to the elevator room. Go to the left side and shoot the right door, because you're going to need a running start for a speed boost. Start running right, then shoot the right door in the save room right when you get in. Once you start a speed boost, press down on the D-pad to duck when you get to the end of the platform in the next room. Press A to jump and stay there in mid-air for a split second, then IMMEDIATELY press right once you press A to do a shinespark right through several walls. Keep holding down right on the D-pad, because you're about to run into a hill, where you'll start your speed boost again. Shoot the door ahead and keep running, where you'll break through several speed booster blocks below you in the next room. Drop down and go through the door on your left, blast through the blocks and sovas here, then go to the edge of the floor you're on and start running right again, building up another speed boost. You'll break through more speed booster blocks on the ground. Drop down and enter the door on your left. In here, kill the Gerutas here (Norfair version of the Reo) and go though the door on your left. Shoot the Chozo statue's marble for the HI-JUMP!! With this, you'll jump almost twice as high as you could before, and you can jump with the Morph Ball now, which pretty much negates the need to bomb jump. The tunnel below the Chozo statue DOES go somewhere, but we can't go in that room yet because it's superheated. Otherwise, leave the room and go back to the shaft. Back in here, jump up to cling on the edge of a block, then roll through the tunnel and drop down to get a MISSILE TANK (110). Drop allll the way down now, and shoot the wall to your left to reveal a path. Jump up and go through the door on the upper left. You know what to do... roll into the statue's hands to reveal another item's location. Once you regain control, jump up and go through the door at the top. In here, move right to find a launcher! Use a bomb and you'll be launched back up to the upper area of the shaft. Drop down and go through the door on your left, and go back to the elevator room. Back in here, take the elevator up to Brinstar. [Brinstar] Go all the way back to the brown shaft. In the brown shaft, go all the way up until you reach a door on your right at the top of the shaft. Go through it. This hallway is crawling with zoomers. Kill them so they won't annoy you, and keep going right. Shoot the light red spot on the metal robot things to raise them, then roll under them. Use a bomb to destroy the cracked blocks, then you'll find four tunnels. Go through the top one (the others just drop you into acid) and ignore the zoomer that hits you. Drop onto the platform and onto the ground, and some sort of nest is blocking your way. Jump up, shoot the block that's blocking the tunnel above the nest thing, and roll into the tunnel, where you'll drop down on the other side. Go through the door. Go through the right door in this hallway to save, but come back after you have. Kill the waver (the flying thing) if you want, then start shooting the ceiling until you shoot away some blocks that you can jump through. Now, stay on the RIGHT side of the ceiling area, because the left side is crumbling blocks. Freeze the waver when it's between you and the ledge that you need to jump to, then use it as a platform to get to the edge. Shoot the blocks, go up, and through the door on your left. 2 more of those nest things are in your way, but don't worry! Parasites will drop down on the ceiling and eat away at the nests, clearing a path for you. Remember to bomb them if enough cling on to you and start to gradually damage you. Otherwise, jump onto the metal girder, and when you drop down, jump up again, because the block you'll land on is a delayed crumbling block. Do the same thing with the next block, and then fall through the third crumbling block onto a platform. Jump the crumbling platforms to another metal girder, roll into the tunnel, and keep holding left when the crumbling block drops you. Bomb the grey blocks so the parasites can fall down and destroy the nest thing ahead of you, then go through the red door. Another Chozo statue! Shoot the marble it's holding and you'll get the VARIA SUIT! Your suit will flash and then turn dark orange, and you'll now be protected against acid, superheated areas, and even the damaging parasites! You'll also take less damage from enemies. Once you get the Varia Suit, go through the door. Walk on the metal block to find that it's a crumbling block, but let it drop you into the acid. Since you're wearing the Varia Suit, you can't take damage from acid anymore, so you're safe. You'll soon see an Energy Tank below you, but how will you get to it? Look for two large grey stones on the ground, and shoot the metal floor between them to find that it's a block. Drop down, kneel, and shoot ALL of the blocks to your left to make a tunnel you can roll through. Go through the tunnel and get the ENERGY TANK (5), then leave and go through the door on the right. Back in the hallway, go to the save room and save, then go through the door on the right. Another hallway. Keep going right and get the MISSILE TANK (115) in front of you, then drop into the acid right before the tunnel. Bomb the blocks here, then roll into the tunnel, get the parasites on you, and go down the area where you bombed the blocks. Go right and go next to the nest thing, where 3 or 4 of the parasites will transfer onto the nest and destroy it, leaving a path for you. Roll through the tunnel. After getting out of the tunnel, jump up and into the Chozo Statue's hands for another item location, in Norfair again. Continue right, watching out for metal shriekbats, which are just a little stronger than green ones, and through the door. You're now at the shaft near where you got the bombs. Drop down and go through the door just above the map room to get back into the hallway. Continue down the hallways until you get to the brown shaft, then go down and get to the elevator room, and take the elevator down to Norfair again. [Norfair] Remember the shinespark trick you did to get to the Hi-Jump? We're going to do the same thing again. Blast through both sets of speed booster blocks until you get to the room with the Hi-Jump. In the room with the Hi-Jump, remember that tunnel below the Chozo statue that I told you earlier to ignore? The Varia Suit gives you protection against superheated environments, so it's safe to go in the next room now. Roll through the tunnel. Okay, bomb the blocks ahead of you, then stop right after the space where the second block was, and lay a bomb to destroy some blocks above you. Jump up and go left, and bomb the left wall to go through. Jump across to the next platform and freeze the squeept that appears, then go through the door. This is a large room. First clear out all the blocks with your beam and then bomb the blocks your beam couldn't destroy, then kill all the mellas (Norfair version of the mellow) in the air. Go back to the door, shoot the block that regenerated, and start running and you'll start speed boosting. Jump when you get to the end of the ledge, and you'll jump through some speed booster blocks and land on the other side. If you land in the lava, you'll have to try this again. Otherwise, go through the door. You'll be facing a giant hopper again. Just barrage it with missiles and it'll be dead in no time. Go through the door to find a save point. Save here, then go through the door on your left to a hallway. Go through the door on the left again. Another superheated area. First, move forward and freeze the respawning enemy that comes out of the pipe, and then go up, roll along the platform, and use the frozen enemy as a platform to get on the ledge. Drop down, freeze the ripper, and use it as a platform to get up on another ledge. Drop down again and freeze the squeept that jumps out of the lava, and then use that as a platform to get on the last ledge. Go through the door. You'll be in a small shaft. The red door goes to Norfair's Map Room, so go ahead and use that. Otherwise, jump into the lava, which is actually fake. Jump down through the fake floor near the left (you should probably kill the purple sova in there), and then shoot out the wall to your right. Avoid the turbo rippers here, then drop down and go through the door on your right. This room... is weird. How can these bubbles support Samus's weight? Oh well. Jump across the bubble platforms, watching out for lava dragons, sovas and gerutas, and go through the door on the other side of the room. In here, go toward the right side of the room, go into Morph Ball form, and use bombs to find an opening in the floor. Shoot out the rest of the opening to get through, and go through the door on your right. In here, freeze the squeepts you see jumping up to use them as platforms (or simply jump across), and stop once you get to a low alcove. Use your beam and shoot the left side of it and claim a MISSILE TANK (120), then go to the other end of the room and get another MISSILE TANK (125). You now have half of the Missile Tanks! Otherwise, go back through the door that you entered from. Back in this hallway, jump back up through the opening you made and through the door on your right. This hallway has a bunch of tentacles and gerutas, some of the gerutas have been entangled in the tentacles. Use missiles to blast through everything and to get to the other side of the room. Go through the door. Go through the door on the right first in this hallway to find a save point. Save, then come back here and shoot out the left side of the floor to find an opening. Drop down into the lava, which is fake. Go through the door on your left. In here, you'll find another giant hopper. First, bomb the thin wall so you can fire at it (and unfortunately, it will be able to attack you), then blast it with a bunch of missiles until it's dead. If you need room, bomb the other thin wall, then go through the red door once you're finished. If you need to, you can just run past the giant hopper and go through the door. In here, blast the Chozo statue's marble for... the WAVE BEAM! This cool weapon powers up your beam a little bit and can shoot through walls, which is great for what's coming next. This item also widens your beam a bit, giving you a slightly better chance to hit something. Otherwise, recharge here and go back through the door. It seems the giant hopper is back... looks like you have to bomb the wall and let it att- WAIT! You just got the wave beam! Show the giant hopper what you're made of by blasting it with your wave beam. The beam will just travel through the wall and hit it, so you're safe. Keep blasting it until it's dead, then go through the door at the other end of the room. Save again, then go through the door on your right. It would've been impossible to get through here without your new Wave Beam. Jump across the lava, carefully avoiding the respawning enemies, then start running. Shoot all the debris that appears in front of you, and you'll soon start speed boosting. Keep running until you break through a bunch of speed booster blocks, then go through the door. In here, the door turns grey behind you... and there's a GIANT WORM RIGHT THERE! You must hit its belly to hurt it, so what are you waiting for? Go through the tunnel, drop down, and move to the right, and you'll end up underneath it. Aim up and shoot it with several shots of your beam to kill it, then use the tunnel to get up to where it was. Continue right and move into morph ball form, where you'll encounter ANOTHER giant worm. However, you can't get underneath this one. The slug will charge at you, so move left and drop bombs behind you, where the slug will run over them and they will explode underneath it. Drop enough bombs and you'll kill it, but if it manages to go ALL the way left, shoot it with some missiles to move it backwards, where it will charge at you again. Go into Morph Ball form again and drop more bombs until it dies. The doors will then unlock, but DON'T leave yet. Shoot your beam at the ceiling, and an Energy Tank will be exposed, but it's blocked by a missile block. Shoot it with your missile and jump to get the ENERGY TANK (6), then move all the way left for a running start, since the next room requires the Speed Booster to get through. Start running and continue through the door on your right. If you did this correctly, you'll destroy some speed booster blocks under you. Now that you did, go up and use your Morph Ball to get the MISSILE TANK (130) that's in plain sight, then drop down and go through the door on your left. In another tentacle and geruta-filled hallway, arm your missiles and start shooting through this mess. Go through the door at the end. In here, the door will turn grey behind you, and you'll hear some weird noise. Roll into the tunnel and you'll be dropping through some crumbling blocks. Use your bomb to get out of the wall and you'll find yourself in a room with one of those giant worms that's been completely overwhelmed by some parasitic plant, which is probably the source of those tentacles in those hallways. Otherwise, the plant will fire spores in all directions to try to hurt you, so avoid them if you can. Freeze the winged ripper (Yeah, I know. Like it can't fly without those wings...) right when it changes the direction its facing on either side of the room, then jump on it and start shooting the tentacles with missiles or charged beam shots. Beware that the ripper will not be frozen as long as other enemies, so keep your beam ready. Otherwise, once you break through one side of tentacles, the worm will change color a bit, so focus your attention on the other side of the tentacles, and do the same thing as you did with the first set of tentacles. The plant will not be strong enough to hold the worm, and then the worm will fall down into the ground. The doors will be unlocked at this point, so continue and go through the door on your right. You'll now be in the elevator room to.... Ridley's Lair. Use it and go down. -- 5.5: Ridley's Lair -- [Ridley's Lair] You will see another cutscene of the Space Pirate mothership landing on Zebes... and Ridley flying by, most likely going back to his lair. Otherwise, once you regain control of Samus, you should go up the elevator. Why? The right door goes nowhere, the left door takes you to a hallway with a green door that you can't open yet because you have NO Super Missiles. However, there is a Save Room here, so go ahead and save your game. However, in the room with the green door, go up and you'll see the worm making a cocoon... looks like it dug itself down here. Otherwise, go back up the elevator to Norfair. [Norfair] We won't be here for very long. Go back to the room where the worm was to find the hole it has dug. Drop down into the hole and continue down into Ridley's Lair. [Ridley's Lair] Continue down and you'll find an empty cocoon... uh oh, it looks like the worm is gone. Otherwise, continue left, which is where the worm probably went. Hmm... the hole stops here. Continue left and you'll drop down into a big room, with the door grey. Great. Otherwise, what are those eggs doing here? That's odd, there are probably enemies in those eggs... so go ahead and shoot them. Continue left and you'll find a Super Missile Tank behind a wall of... whatever that is. Unfortunately, you have nothing that can get through it! That sucks... well, go ahead and destroy the all the eggs, but once you destroy the left egg... AHHHH!!! The worm transformed to an incredibly large bee known as Imago!!!! Looks like that worm WAS an enemy after all... time to kill it! --MINIBOSS: IMAGO-- Difficulty: 6/10 This bee is annoying. I'm not even kidding. Not only does it fly fast, but its only weak point is its stinger, and it is HARD to avoid it when it charges into you. Otherwise, the bee should move slowly at you when it first appears, so blast its stinger with missiles before it flies off. Make SURE you are close by, or the bee will just fly by you really fast. If you're close, the bee will charge at you slowly, moving faster while it moves across the room. That is your best opportunity to shoot it. It will start out purple, then turn yellow, and then finally red. Once it turns yellow, its stinger will start firing projectiles at you, which is hard to avoid if you're in front of the bee. When it turns red, the bee's stinger will fire faster, so watch out. If you run out of missiles, go for charged beam shots, and keep shooting it until the bee's stinger falls off and explodes. The bee will then run off... but it's not over yet! Run left toward the Super Missile Tank... when the bee will charge at you and make one last strike, breaking through that wall guarding the Super Missile Tank and exploding, leaving behind refills. New Strategy by Yumata: I have an easy strategy for the killer bee. When you fall through into the room with the killer bee, immediately run all the way to the barrier blocking you from the super missiles and go into ball form. The bee will fly right over you, stand up and pound missiles into its back, once it flies up into that alcove on the right, run all the way left and repeat. When it turns yellow it can hit you in ball form, so jump over the stinger and make it fly to the right, then slam it with missiles. When it's red, you can go all the way to the left again in ball form and it will fly right over you. Shoot it. Sometimes when you are all the way to the left, it will just keep hovering over you. Roll out to the right a little and quickly go back to the left. It should fly to the right. That's actually pretty interesting, I never tried it before. I corrected a few typos you made on your strategy, but thanks for telling me! Go get your first SUPER MISSILE TANK (2)! After you get it, the door will unlock, so go through. Back in this room, there are a bunch of red and blue violas circling around a tiny platform. Kill them if you want, then continue right. The block below you is a missile block, so blast it with a missile to go through. Roll through the tunnel to get back through the hallway, and then arm your super missiles with the Select button. You fire them the same way as missiles, so don't worry. Shoot a super missile and feel its raw power as it shakes the entire room as well as opening the green door, but don't go through yet. First, go through the door at the right to save first, then go through the green door (it will be blue after you shoot it with the super missile). In this hallway, you'll encounter these flying creatures called Holtz that will dive bomb you. Kill them with your beam, then continue left, past the Desseegas (Ridley's Lair version of hoppers) and go through the red door at the end of the room. Note: If you stay far enough away from the desseegas, they will make a weird face. Pretty hilarious. There's an Energy Tank on the other side of this hallway, but BE CAREFUL. The flooring in the middle of the room is actually fake, so watch where the blue viola is going (or coming from, there are some below in the room below this hallway that come out), then time your jump well and grab the ENERGY TANK (7). Continue left, through the door. If you don't make it, you can always go left from the room you drop in, through the hallway, up the shaft, and then go right through another hallway (which will be the next room), but I'm going to continue as if you jumped over and got the Energy Tank. Two holtz and a BUNCH of red and blue violas occupy this hallway. Bomb the metal girder to your left, but get ready, because that's where ALL of the violas are, and chances are a LOT of them are going to come out. Just keep shooting with your beam until you are sure there are none left, then roll through the tunnel, bomb the other metal girder, and go through the door on your left. In this shaft, drop down. The first door on your left is a Save Room, and the door on your right is the room you would've dropped to from the Energy Tank room. Save, then roll through the tunnel, jump up, and grab the MISSILE TANK (135) in front of you. Continue through the tunnel, then go through the red door on your right to the Map Room in Ridley's lair. After getting the map, go through the door on your right. In this long hallway, go forward until you spot a small gated walkway above you. Shoot the side with your beam, then jump in. Go right to give yourself a running start, then start running left until you start speed boosting. When you get to the end of the walkway, duck to store your charge, shoot the regenerated blocks, then jump onto the hill on the left side of the room. Shoot the door to open it, then QUICKLY shinespark to the left to start another speed boost. Immediately fire when you enter the Map Room to open the door, and when you run through, you'll immediately break some speed booster blocks, dropping down through the fake lava into a hidden room. Shoot the door, go to the right side of the room, and start running left. Since you'll be getting a speed boost from this, store your charge when you get to the left side of this room, then shinespark up through some speed booster blocks that will regenerate. Go into Morph Ball form and roll through the tunnel, pressing right as you drop down (or else you'll fall through some crumbling blocks), then go back into normal form after you go through the tunnel. You'll land on a delayed crumbling block, so jump up once you land on it, then roll into the tunnel. Now, when you fall down the next tunnel, return to normal form. Use your power grip to hold onto the left hole in the wall, then aim right and shoot the missile block that's in your way with a missile. Jump and roll into this tunnel. Now, the next part is even trickier. First, jump up into the upper tunnel, then drop down the other side. Go left a bit and return to normal form once you start falling to crumbling blocks, shoot the block to your left and keep pressing left on the D-pad. You'll then cling onto the metal girder. Roll into the tunnel and roll past the delayed crumbling block to a MISSILE TANK (140), then immediately roll back or else you'll fall through the crumbling block. Now, go back onto the delayed crumbling block, IMMEDIATELY return to normal form and aim up. Shoot out the blocks in your way, then shoot a missile at the missile block, then jump up to cling onto another edge. Roll into the tunnel, wait for the regular blocks to regenerate, then stand on them. Shoot the wave beam through the regular blocks, then 3 missiles at the 3 missile blocks in your way, then jump up and get the other MISSILE TANK (145). Fall through the crumbling blocks at the bottom, go left, then start a speed boost and exit this room. Back in here, store your charge at the right wall, then shinespark straight up to return to the shaft here. Go through the right door and through the map station again. Back in the hallway, to save time and have some fun, go back onto the gated walkway. Get a running start first, then do a speed boost until you reach the end of the walkway. Store the charge, drop down onto the elevated platform below, but this time, do a shinespark to the right. You will fly by the ENTIRE room, killing all the respawning hornets and holtz that get in your way as well as getting a MISSILE TANK (150) on your way through. Once you hit the end of the room, go through the door. You'll be in a save room, so save your progress, then go through the door on your right. You'll be in the eastern shaft of Ridley's Lair. Jump the platforms, but ignore the first left door. Go through the left door above it. In this long hallway, kill all the desseegas and respawning hornets in your way, then continue to the left end of the room. Once you get there, don't go through the door. Instead, shoot the grey bridge to destroy it, then jump in. You'll fall in some lava, so immediately jump out and roll through the tunnel. Bomb the grey bridge here and you'll fall in. The lava here is fake, so don't worry. Kneel down and shoot the right wall to expose a MISSILE TANK (155). To get out, jump out of the pit and roll to the right end of the tunnel, and lay a bomb to make an opening above you, then stand up and shoot up to make more of an opening, and then jump out of the pipe. Go through the door on your left. In here, roll through the tunnel, but lay a bomb once you get to the large room with a Missile Tank there to blow the tunnel's ceiling up. Kill the flying red violas here and get the MISSILE TANK (160), then jump up, roll into the left alcove, and lay a bomb to make another path. Jump up again, and shoot the block to your right with a super missile (it was a super missile block), and roll through the tunnel. When you get to the end, lay a bomb next to the spiraling grey stone structure to open up the room. Shoot the center grey block and get the exposed SUPER MISSILE TANK (4), then leave the room and go through the left door. In this room, freeze the blue viola on the right side of the platform, jump on it, then jump up to get the MISSILE TANK (165), then freeze another viola on the left side, drop down onto it, then jump across onto the ledge and go through the door. In this hallway, kill all the desseegas and go through the door. Get the SUPER MISSILE TANK (6) in plain sight, then see the right part of the ceiling where it gets lowered? Jump and hold right to cling onto the edge of a hidden tunnel. Roll through, shoot the block, and get the exposed MISSILE TANK (170), then go through the door on the left. There are two Missile Tanks in this room. First, roll through the tunnel in front of you, then return to normal to cling onto the edge of that tunnel. Then, jump up and grab the right edge of the tunnel the Missile Tank is in, then roll in and grab the MISSILE TANK (175). Then, drop down the right side of the tunnel, return to normal, and shoot the block in front of the next Missile Tank, cling onto the edge, and quickly roll into the tunnel and get the other MISSILE TANK (180). Use the crumbling blocks to drop down to the bottom of the room, then use the launcher to launch yourself back to the platform where the door is. Go through the door. Back in here, go through the door on your right, then go through the hallway and through the door on your right again. Here, you can now drop down into the shaft. Go through the door on your right. Here, keep running until you start speed boosting, where you'll run through a wall and the enemies behind it. Go through the door. In here, run until you reach an elevated part of the ground, then aim down and shoot to make an opening. Drop down and run to your right to an ENERGY TANK (8), then go back through the door you came from. Back in here, shoot the wall ahead of you and go back through the door on your left, then go through the door on your left again. Save at the Save Room, then go through the left door. In here, go left, jump on the platform, where a crumbling block will cause you to fall into the main room. Go left, where you'll encounter another eye door. This one is stronger, however, and will fire a burst of energy at you when its eye opens. However, its still pretty easy to take it down. Either 3 missiles or 1 super missile will take it out, then go through the door. Hmm... Ridley's room seems to be empty, and the doors aren't locked, either. Go through the door on your left. Here, shoot the Chozo statue's marble to get UNKNOWN ITEM #3. I highly recommend you recharge here, then blast the flashing block behind the statue, go through the invisible tunnel, and get the ENERGY TANK (9) in front of you, then go back through the door. Uh oh. Back in Ridley's room, NOW the doors turn grey. Go to the right door and turn around when... OH MY GOD!!!! IT'S RIDLEY!!! Time to take him down! --BOSS: Ridley-- Difficulty: 7/10 Ridley is just about as annoying as the Killer Bee, but still, he's not impossible to take down. He will first land on the platform, breaking the sides of it, so you can fall into the lava, so beware of that. Once he drops down, he will start shooting fireballs at you. Keep firing your beam to get rid of them, then he will start to fly. Shoot all your super missiles at him if you can, then switch to missiles. He will first start to swing his tail at you, first in a circle, then will fling it at you. Keep firing at him until he moves, and keep on the center platform. If he's above you and is swinging his tail around in a circle, he will then use his tail like a drill and fling it down at you, moving from side to side, so be careful. If he's at a distance he will also shoot large fireballs, which you can shoot for refills. He will turn from brown to light brown, and then to a bright red color. Once he's bright red, he's close to dying, but he'll still fling his tail and go all out on you. A couple more missiles will bring him down. Another cutscene of the statue room will appear, now Ridley's eyes will light up. After the cutscene, Ridley will sink down onto the floor, similar to Kraid. With one final cry, Ridley will die, leaving behind refills, and the doors will unlock. Go through the left door to recharge if you want, then go through the right door. Back in this room, use your beam to freeze the respawning hornet in the air, then use it as a platform to get to the ledge above you. Shoot the flashing platform, then go through the hidden tunnel and drop down back to the entrance. Go through the door. Save at the Save Room again, then continue going right. Use the speed booster to blast through the enemies in your way in the purple hallway, then go through the right door. Back in this green hallway, continue going right, past the holtz and respawning hornets (or you could take the path you used to get to the Energy Tank here earlier, which is a safer route), then roll through the tunnel in the wall and go through the door. Back in the eastern shaft, go up and destroy the flashing block, then go through the hidden tunnel and drop down into the upper area of the shaft. Keep going up and go through the door at the top of the shaft. In this large room, go left past the violas until you get to a pipe with respawning hornets. Go to their left, and jump when one appears, let it go left a bit then freeze it with your beam. Jump on the frozen hornet onto a ledge with a MISSILE TANK (185) on it, drop down and go left through a path until you get to some holtz. Kill them, then make your way left until you see a block in the floor. Shoot it with a missile, then bomb the floor below it, then roll through the invisible tunnel until you drop from the ceiling. Go through the door on your left. We're back in the elevator room. Time to say goodbye to Ridley's Lair, and go up to Norfair. -- 5.6: Prepare -- [Norfair] Back in this room, the right wall will collapse, but this time, run by the pipe with respawning enemies and go through the red door. Uh oh. Looks like someone came to this Chozo statue before we did... because it's destroyed. Unless it was a Torizo... oh well. Roll through the tunnel behind it, then shoot the floor to reveal the room below it. Drop down, past the thin ledge, then start running left, making a speed boost while you're running. You'll then run past the elevator to Ridley's Lair, through some speed booster blocks, until you break some speed booster blocks below you, revealing a launcher! Go in it, and it will launch you ALL the way up through the western side of Norfair, until you hit the ceiling of a hidden room. Go through the door on your left. There's a Missile Tank and a bunch of turbo rippers here. We can't get to the Missile Tank YET, but shortly we can. First, go through the red door on your left. Shoot the Chozo statue's marble to reveal the Metroid logo. Yay. Wait, WHAT?! That isn't just the Metroid logo! That's an item! It's... it's... OH MY GOD!!! IT'S THE SCREW ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!! Now your spin jump will turn into an attack, creating sparks of electricity around you. Now, this attack isn't just like any other attack... it will kill almost EVERY enemy you happen to jump into!! AWESOME!!! Anyway, the Screw Attack breaks screw attack blocks too, so you can just about explore anywhere you want now. Go through the door on your right. Back in here, it's time to test the raw power of the Screw Attack by spin- jumping into those turbo rippers!! Watch in awe as it kills all of them in ONE hit. W00t!!! Otherwise, screw attack into the metal girder above you to get that MISSILE TANK (190), then go through the door on your right. Here, screw attack into the right side of the floor to break through, then do it again on the floor below you. Go through the green door on your right. In here, screw attack across this long hallway, and shoot the rock wall to reveal a tunnel. Keep going until you reach the end of the room, then go through the door. In here, shoot the floor to reveal an opening, then jump into the fake lava pit. Go through the door on your left. Here, go past the enemies until you get to a respawning pipe, then lure the respawning enemy to the left. Freeze it in mid-air, then jump on it (do NOT screw attack into it!), then jump onto the platform to get a SUPER MISSILE TANK (8). Exit through the door you came from. Back in here, shoot through the floor and exit, but come back in to restore the block in the floor. Run all the way to the right, then open the door and run left to start speed boosting. In the hallway, store your charge at the end of the ledge and then shinespark to the left to go across the room much easier, passing through the rock wall, some platforms (which were speed booster blocks) and even some enemies. Go through the door at the end. Back in here, screw attack through the right side of the ceiling into the room above you. Go through the right door, save, and keep going right. Uh oh, 3 giant hoppers are here! No problem, just use your screw attack to kill all 3 of them in one hit each. Go back through the superheated rooms to the Hi-Jump room, then go to the eastern shaft and start going up. Use the screw attack to go through the walls on each side of the shaft if you need help going up, then go into the blue door, above the door to the room which you went through to get to the Ice Beam. You should be in a superheated area. Use your screw attack to get past the enemies while jumping along the platforms, and get the MISSILE TANK (195) at the end. Go back through the door. Back in the shaft, go back to the room below the room used to get to the Ice Beam, then go back to the elevator room. Back here, screw attack through either side of the elevator and go back up to Brinstar. [Brinstar] Before we continue our mission, let's get some more expansions here while we're at it. Back in this room, go to the blue door at the other end, but stop. Open the door, and go to where the elevated ground is. Make a running start toward the door so you can start speed boosting, then store the charge once you get the speed boost in the brown shaft. Once you get the speed boost, kneel down and store the charge, then IMMEDIATELY go back to the room to the right. Once you're in, open the door, then go to the BOTTOM of the small hill. Morph into a ball and then shinespark left, through the left wall in the brown shaft into the hidden tunnel which had a Missile Tank in it. Once you start boosting again, press down to store the charge again, stay on the right side, and lay a bomb to destroy the floor below you. Once you've dropped down, do another shinespark to the left, going through the wall in the middle, through the blue shaft, and into the room with the hidden Missile and Super Missile Tanks. Since you just broke through the speed booster blocks, this is the ONLY way to get this Super Missile Tank. Get the SUPER MISSILE TANK (10) here, and go back to the brown shaft. Back in the brown shaft, go to the top, and you see those rippers up there? Either freeze them to jump on them or wall jump to get to the tunnel up there, then go down to get the MISSILE TANK (200) in plain sight. Wow, 200 missiles! You should be proud of yourself. After that, bomb through the area which the Missile Tank was on and go through the rest of the tunnel, back into the blue shaft. Back in the blue shaft, go all the way up and through the blue door on the left at the top of the room. Back in here, recharge at the Chozo statue if you want, then keep going left, across the hallway, back to the face statue room. In here, the door turns grey... but don't worry! Just go left a bit, and you'll see the statues' eyes flashing. The statues' mouths will then open up, and their eyes will close, opening a path to the door on the left. The doors will then unlock. Go through the left door. Here is the elevator room, time to take it down to Tourian. -- 5.7: Tourian, the Metroids, and Mother Brain -- [Tourian] After seeing a gruesome cutscene of some metroids sucking the rest of the life energy from the now-dead space pirate (the music is the intro to Super Metroid, in case you were wondering), you'll arrive in Tourian. After you go down the elevator, go through the only door here on your right. Save here (you'll need it, trust me), then continue through the door on your right. This is probably the room where you saw the cutscene, because you'll see a dead space pirate on the floor, although he's facing up (the space pirate in the cutscene was facing down). Otherwise, continue going right, through the door. Another dead space pirate on the floor. Drop down, avoiding the energy rings (called Rinkas), through the door on your left. Uh oh, the door turns grey behind you! Now this is when hell begins. Continue going left until a metroid appears. Freeze it, then shoot it with 5 missiles or a super missile QUICKLY (this is the only way to kill it), or else the metroid will thaw out pretty soon after you freeze it. If it latches onto you, it will drain your health at a fast rate. Lay a bomb to blast it off of you, then freeze it and shoot it with missiles. After you kill it, the doors will unlock. Continue going left. The door turns grey behind you again. Ok, that's it. The doors will always lock behind you for a while, and that means there are metroids in the room. In this room, jump down, where you'll encounter 2 more metroids. Again, do the same thing with the first metroid: Freeze them, then fire 5 missiles or 1 super missile. Go through the door at the bottom. 4 metroids inhabit this hallway. Watch out for the rinkas and lava, then kill the metroids and move on. 4 metroids will be in this room also. Shoot them and continue, watching the rinkas and other metroids that try to gang up on you, then go through the door on the right. If you start to get low on health, screw attack the rinkas for refills. There are no metroids (the door won't lock) in this room, so be glad. Go through the door on your right for a Save Room, then screw attack through the floor. Watch out for the green rinkas in this room, they're twice as strong as red ones. Go through the door at the bottom of the room. Uh oh, 6 metroids are in this shaft! Kill them one by one, then go through the door at the bottom of the shaft. Ok, in this room, lay a bomb to destroy the floor below you to expose the rest of the room, but get ready, because another 6 metroids are waiting for you. If you're getting too annoyed, just use super missiles on them to kill them in one hit, then go through back up and through the door on the left. Save here, then go into the hallway. Start shooting all the rinkas here for refills, because you'll need to fully replenish your health and weapons for what's coming up. After you've fully healed and have replenished all your missiles and super missiles, save again, then go through the hallway and through the red door. Here you are, in the final room of Tourian. To get through, you'll need to destroy the regenerating wall things, or zebetites, in front of you so you can get to Mother Brain. If you don't kill the zebetites fast enough, they'll start to regenerate, requiring you to shoot more missiles. Super missiles do kill these things faster, but don't use them. While avoiding the shitload of rinkas and energy blasts the turrets fire (the screw attack destroys them), keep going left, through the zebetites. You'll then go into lava filled rooms, so watch out. When you finally get through the last zebetite, jump up and roll through the tiny hole in the wall, where it will close behind you, locking you in with the Mother Brain! --BOSS: Mother Brain-- Difficulty: 9/10 Mother Brain is just.... AHHHHH! The VERY small platforms and lava give you a hard enough time, but then there's the turrets and rinkas that just make your life MUCH harder. Otherwise, start shooting missiles at the glass. You'll need 20 missiles to break it, then Mother Brain will start attacking you. Her eye is her only weak point, so I hope you saved your super missiles. Shoot super missiles in her eye when it opens, then watch out when it closes, because when she starts to glow purple, she will fire an energy blast at you. Jump between platforms while you're doing this, then shoot her in the eye again when it opens. It should take about 6 super missiles to kill her, but if you run out of them, then use missiles. If the rinkas are giving you too much trouble, freeze them. Otherwise, screw attack into the rinkas and energy blasts to get rid of them (the rinkas still leave behind refills if you need them). Once you've blasted Mother Brain with enough missiles, she will die! Yay! You've finally killed her! Your reward is now a 2-minute countdown to get the hell out before Tourian blows up! Once the timer starts, immediately run left and go through the door, because obviously you can't go out the other way. You'll now be in the Tourian escape shaft, which is pretty much hell. Why? All the platforms in here are small, and they're ALL delayed crumbling blocks. Well, almost all of them. The ones that are connected to the walls aren't so if you happen to fall down, go to either side of the shaft, then continue going up until you get to the elevator. Take it up to Crateria. [Crateria] Now, this is different than in the original Metroid, because you would've beaten the game when you took the elevator. Not in Zero Mission! Once you get up, immediately go right, where you'll be in another shaft. Jump the platforms (they're not crumbling blocks) until you reach a ledge on your right, then shoot the pillars in front of you to go through. Keep running right, then once you jump over a gap, shoot the pillar and door in front of you, and go to the left until you reach the edge of the floor. Start running right, where you'll start speed boosting when you run through the door. You'll now be in the area where your ship is, but keep running, because the only thing that's keeping you from escaping is a set of speed booster blocks. Once you break through them, immediately jump onto your ship, where you'll get in and you'll escape! You'll then see a cutscene of Tourian blowing up. Samus will take off her suit, revealing her face. Congratulations, you've just beaten the game! Sit back, relax, get a Coke, and- wait! Space Pirate ships will then appear out of nowhere, shooting at Samus. She will then escape, but then when all seems safe, a Space Pirate ship shoots out of nowhere at the ship, hitting it, where it will crash-land back into Zebes, destroying it. Fortunately, Samus escapes, but she doesn't have her Power Suit! You'll now be armed with only a pistol at this point, and you have no ship to escape the planet now. Your only choice will be to infiltrate the Space Pirate mothership that landed... -- 5.8: Chozodia -- [Chozodia] You'll now start with only 99 energy left as of this point, but don't worry, because there are no enemies... yet. Otherwise, drop down and continue left. In this area, jump up and grab the ledges (you'll still have the Power Grip), then drop down and go left. To go through this tunnel, simply walk left, where Samus will automatically start to crawl through it. Go left again. In this area, you'll see the mothership entrance and some space pirates inside of it, but don't worry, because they can't see you. Continue left, then kneel down and shoot the wall to expose a hidden tunnel. Crawl through it. You'll now be inside the mothership. Jump up and go through the tunnel, where you'll see some space pirates overhead. Keep going through the tunnel, and you'll be in the Map Room. Download the map, then go left into a Save Room. You'll soon realize that these save points are different, because they will now replenish your health (and ammunition, if you had missiles) as well as save your progress. Save, then jump up and crawl through the tunnel into the next room. Okay, it's time you know how the pistol works. It will automatically charge, but non-charged shots will basically just open doors. Charged shots, however, will stun the space pirates for almost a second, giving you time to get away from them if they happen to chase you. The only way they will die right now is if one happens to accidentally shoot another space pirate, so be glad they can kill each other. Otherwise, drop down, where the alarm will activate, and all the space pirates in the room will chase you. The shutters in front of you will close, so jump up onto the platform next to you, crawl through the tunnel, then jump the platforms and go right, stunning the space pirate in front of you. Go through the door, then immediately crawl through the tunnel and jump up onto the platform. The alarm will stop since the space pirate can't find you, then the shutter to your right will open. Continue right and go through the door ahead. Note: Recognize that music when the space pirates are chasing you? It's a remix of the Crateria music from Super Metroid. Ok, you'll be in a room with lasers. Do NOT touch the lasers if you can, because they will activate the alarm again. Jump onto the platform near the laser in front of you, then go over it, then go into the tunnel. It will end, but shoot the right to blow away the wall, and the floor of the tunnel you're in. You'll drop down and will trip the laser, causing the alarm to go off, but you have no choice. Jump up and go through the upper right door, watching out for space pirates. In this room, go through the hallway and jump the platforms, watching out for the space pirate in the little alcove to your right. Shoot the cracked block, go through the tunnel, and go through the door. In here, go right, where crumbling blocks will drop you into a room. There's a space pirate at the bottom, so immediately start jumping the platforms and go through the door at the top of the room. Here, immediately jump over the wall and stay on the left side, and wait for the space pirate to leave. DO NOT SHOOT THE WALL, or else the wall will be destroyed and the space pirate will chase you. If this happens, leave then come back, then wait for the space pirate to leave the room. The shutter to your left will open, so go left and jump up to the next room. In here, you'll be near a hangar that has some space pirate ships. Crawl through the tunnel on your left into the next room, then go left to drop through some crumbling blocks. The door on your right goes to a Save Room, so save now to heal and save your progress, then go back to this room and go through the tunnel on your left, and jump up the ledges until you reach the top of the room. Go left, drop down the platforms, and go through the door on your left. In here, shoot the cracked portion of the floor to make an opening, drop down, and get ready, because there's a space pirate down there. Stun it if you can, then crawl through the tunnel on your right. You'll now be in a different area of the hangar. Immediately start aiming down and shoot the cracked area of the floor ahead to make an opening. Drop down, and shoot the cracked area of this floor, then drop down again. Shoot the cracked floor again and go right. Drop down into the area below, watch out for the 2 space pirates down here, then go left, through the tunnel, and through the door. Go left and you'll drop down some crumbling blocks into a small room. The shutter has you locked in, but the space pirates can't find you, so the shutter will eventually open. Go through the door on your left. In this shaft, watch out for the searchlights. If you touch the center of them, they will make the alarm go off, so avoid them if you can. Otherwise, if the space pirates chase you or not, go up, ignore the first door on your right, and go through the door at the top of the shaft, also on your right. In this room, shoot the block and jump up, go left, and aim up. Shoot the cracked area of the ceiling to make an opening. Jump up and go through the door on your left. In here, shoot the wall ahead of you and jump down, into the space on your right if the space pirates are chasing you until they eventually leave. Otherwise, jump back up and shoot the other wall, then go through the door. You'll be in another save room, so save and go left. In this laser-filled room, drop down and start running left. Once you see the first horizontal (left to right)set of lasers, jump up and carefully jump over the lasers onto the platforms, but don't jump up too high because there's also a laser above you. There's a good chance you'll trip a laser, so don't worry if you do. Once you go all the way left, jump up and go right, but watch out for these platforms now, because they're delayed crumbling blocks. Go right and crawl through a tunnel, then jump up, go left, jump across another platform, and jump onto the ledge on your left. Drop down onto another ledge and go through the door. In here, immediately jump up and you'll see a hidden alcove. Jump up and go all the way right so the space pirate doesn't see you, then wait for him to leave. In this shaft, jump down, where another space pirate will see you, then start going through the tunnel to another room. In here, drop down and shoot the cracked wall on your right, dropping you and several space pirates down the VERY long shaft below. Go through the door on your left once you reach the bottom, where you'll pass through a glass tube. Keep running, and immediately shoot the door at the left end of the hallway and go through. You'll now be in the Chozo Ruins area of Chozodia. Drop down to the bottom of this large room and go left until you reach a tunnel. Crawl through it to another room. In here, shoot the brown block to destroy it, then jump up and go left. Shoot the brown wall in front of you to destroy it, then crawl through and shoot the block in front of you, and go through the door. In this hallway, immediately jump up into the alcove above you and go right into the shaded area. The space pirate will just run by without seeing you. The alarm will deactivate at this point, so drop down and go through the door on your left. You'll now be in another Save Room, thank god. Save, then go through the door on your left. Go left through this hallway into the next room. There will be more searchlights in this room. Avoid them, and start going left. Crawl through the tunnel, go left, crawl through another tunnel, then jump up and start going right. Jump up again, go left, and jump and go left again. Jump up onto another ledge, and go right. Jump the gap and go through the door ahead of you. In here, drop down and go through the door at the bottom of the room. In here, start running, shooting the brown blocks while you are, then jump up and go through the door. In here, jump up and go onto the ledge above you, then wait for the space pirate to enter. Once he gets onto the area with brown blocks, shoot the brown block on your right to destroy all of the brown blocks, where the space pirate will drop through. If you didn't do this, he would turn around and see you, so be glad you did. Wait until the alarm deactivates, then the shutter behind you will open. Go through the door on the upper left. In here, jump onto the ledge and go through the door above you. In this shaft, there will be these eye things blasting a yellow beam, with a white center. Like the searchlights, the alarm will sound if you touch the white area, so try not to. If you trip the beam, the alarm will go off, and they will start shooting energy blasts across the room. Jump up through the shaft and go through the door at the top. In here, go to the tunnel and start crawling through, shooting the blocks in your way. Keep crawling, because you're crawling on delayed crumbling blocks. If the space pirates weren't chasing you, don't worry, because the space pirates below you shouldn't be able to see you. Otherwise go left, where some crumbling blocks will drop you. Another space pirate will see you, however, but if they are already chasing you, then it won't matter. Go through the door on your left when you land. In here, ignore the shaded area in this hallway, because the space pirate will go through the door, but will come back through a hidden tunnel. Go through the door on your left. In here, shoot the wall to expose a hidden door, then go through. In this room, crawl under the brown block and drop into the shaded area and DUCK, or the space pirate following you will see you. Once he can't find you, the alarm will deactivate and he will go back through the door you just entered from. Destroy the brown block so you can jump onto the platform above, then jump the platforms and go through the door at the top of the room. In this hallway, go into the shaded area if the space pirates were chasing you until the alarm turns off, then go through the door on your right. Here, jump up through the shaft, where you'll see a Power Bomb Tank in the room above you! Go through the door on your left. In here, drop through the crumbling blocks, then jump the platforms and go through the hidden door on your left that will appear once you reach the top of the room. It's a Save Room, so save your progress, then go through the door across from the Save Room. Back in this room... huh?! The Power Bomb Tank is gone! Go right and jump onto the ledge to find a space pirate taking it somewhere... otherwise, go through the tunnel, jump up, go right, and go through the door. In this shaft, there's more of those eye things. Avoid them if you can, but if you set the alarm off, then yeah... you know what happens. Otherwise, drop to the bottom of the room, crawl through the tunnel, and you'll be in another shaft with another eye thing. Jump up and go through the door on your right. In here, there are space pirates on platforms, so you're pretty much going to be seen, even if you try to hide from them in the shaded areas below the platforms. Otherwise, continue going right and go through the door at the end. In this shaft, go up until you see a tunnel on your left. Crawl through it to the next room. In this room, keep going through the tunnel until you get out, then stun any space pirates near you and go left, through the door. Jump the platforms in this room and go through the door at the top. In this room, go left, drop down, and start going left again. There are space pirates in the alcoves above you as you go, and one will actually jump up to where you're going, but the others will drop down to chase you. Keep going, then jump the platforms at the end. Shoot the blocks as you crawl through the short tunnels, then jump onto the ledge at the end and IMMEDIATELY shoot the brown block to your left to destroy the entire ledge you just jumped from. The space pirates will just fall to the bottom of the room, where they can't get to you. The alarm will shut off, and the shutter behind you will open. Go right and go through the door. You'll now be in another Save Room. If you've managed to get here, then congratulations, because that's the end of all those space pirate chases. Save, then go through the door on your right. You'll now be in a room filled with water. It's kind of soothing to hear that peaceful music... otherwise, jump up, go left, and through the door. You'll now see a cutscene showing a temple with a painting of a Chozo holding an orb, with 4 orbs around it with a symbol of the Chozo in the painting. It then shows a flashback of a younger Samus with a Chozo at the temple, then changes to adult Samus. She will then open her eyes. When you went through the door, you'll be in the temple shown in the cutscene. The 4 orbs will channel energy to the orb the Chozo painting is holding, and the 4 orbs will disappear. The center orb will then come to "life," showing an image of Samus! --BOSS: Chozo Painting-- Difficulty: 6/10 This really isn't a boss battle, more of a "test." Otherwise, the Chozo Painting will just sit there with the orb with Samus's image on it. If you shoot the orb while it's showing an image of Samus, you will get hurt, so be careful. Did you see the symbol of the 4 orbs around the painting? Once the orb changes from an image of Samus to that symbol, shoot a charged pistol shot to "damage" the painting, and the symbol you just shot will travel to one of the orbs, restoring it to normal. You have to return all 4 of the orbs to normal to beat this boss, in case you were wondering. Otherwise, now the hard part begins. The Chozo Painting will then come to life as a ghostly figure, moving around the room with the orb. Don't touch the orb, or else you'll get hurt, and wait for the orb to change to the Chozo symbol again before you shoot. Watch out when the place where the painting was glows, because it will then send down a bolt of lightning at you. After 2 hits, the painting will still send down lightning bolts at you, but this time, if the painting flashes a couple of times, once the lightning bolt hits the floor, electricity will travel through the floor and walls, so watch out. The statue will then move around faster, and you'll have less time to shoot the symbol, as well as you'll be attacked by lightning bolts more. By the third hit, the painting will move around the room like crazy, and you'll have only a split second to shoot the symbol when it appears. After you hit it the fourth time, the painting will flash, then return to the center where it was, and the four orbs will glow. You've just beaten this boss! Note: Anything that will get you hurt or will hurt you here will do 50 damage, so be careful! Once you've beaten the Chozo Painting, the orb will glow white and will show an image of Samus again. Go to the center of the floor, and the orb will change from Samus without her Power Suit to an image of her wearing her bulkier version of her Power Suit (or Varia Suit). Cutscene! An energy ring will then surround Samus and travel upwards, then you'll be taken to the Status screen (the one you see in the Pause menu when you press R). You'll now have your suit back, and all of your items will return, but that's not it! Your Unknown Items will change! Unknown Item #1 will become the PLASMA BEAM, Unknown Item #2 will become the SPACE JUMP, and Unknown Item #3 will become the GRAVITY SUIT! Congratulations! The Plasma Beam will make your beam MUCH stronger, and it will pass through enemies. The Space Jump will allow you to spin jump again and again, basically making you able to go anywhere you want. It's friggin AWESOME with the Screw Attack! The Gravity Suit will give you 100% movement in liquids such as water, you'll take less damage from enemies, and you're now protected against lava! Press A to go through all the items, and you'll be shown in the temple with your new suit! The discovery theme from Super Metroid will play, and a message will say that you have obtained your Fully-Powered Suit. Your suit will then flash, then turn purple, and new music in Chozodia will play, which is an even more remixed version of the Brinstar theme. Otherwise, with your new items, space jump to the top of the room and roll through the tunnel. The pillar below you will then drop down, and you'll never be able to come to this room again... oh well. You'll then be dropped by crumbling blocks into the hallway you used to get here. -- 5.9: Payback and Power Bombs -- Back in here, you'll drop back into the room, with the pillar behind you. 2 space pirates will also appear, and the alarm will go off, but don't run! Instead, show them what you're made of by blasting them with your plasma beam, then go back down. Another space pirate will appear, kill him, and the alarm will turn off! Go back through the door on your left. Back in the Save Room, go ahead and save, then go back through the door on your right. Back in here, shoot the thin area of the floor in front of you with missiles (they were actually missile blocks), then drop down into the water, go all the way left, then begin running right. You'll then start a speed boost, and you'll run through a set of speed booster blocks to a SUPER MISSILE TANK (12). Then, jump the platforms and go right, through the door. Back in this shaft, drop down until you land or see a ledge on the left side. Go on it, then jump up and shoot the top portion of the wall with a missile to destroy a missile block. Roll through the tunnel and get the MISSILE TANK (205) here, then continue left and you'll drop back down into the water area of the room you were just in. Shoot the block and go back down, go left, then start running right again to start speed boosting. Instead of going, however, store the charge once you get to the opening in the ceiling (where the block you just shot was), then jump up and shinespark left onto a hill. Press down to store the charge again once you start running, then jump up onto a ledge on your right. Shinespark into the hill, then immediately store the charge again, then jump onto another ledge on your left. Do the same thing here, then go up onto the ledge on your right, shinespark to the hill, and start running. Once you get into the next room, however, store your charge and screw attack down onto the ledge on your left near the Missile Tank you just got to earlier. Shinespark into the hill, store your charge immediately afterwards, then jump down onto a small platform on your right. Once you do, shinespark to your right, and you'll break through a bunch of speed booster blocks, going outside, and then into a hidden room, where you'll then shinespark into an ENERGY TANK (10) before you hit the wall. To get out, go left, start running until you start speed boosting, then store your charge before you hit the wall, then shinespark left, blasting through the speed booster blocks again, back into the shaft. Don't worry if you have trouble pulling this maneuver off, because this Energy Tank is one of the hardest to get in the game. Back in the shaft, drop down and go through the door at the bottom of the room. This room is full of lava, but don't worry, because you have the Gravity Suit! Screw attack through the blocks to the bottom, then roll through the tunnel on your right, jump through, and get the SUPER MISSILE TANK (14) sitting there. After that, go left through the lava pit, jump up onto a ledge, drop down, then jump up again and roll through the tunnel on your left. Back in the shaft with the eye thing, drop down and go through the door at the bottom. In here, go to where the shutter is, then go left to drop through some crumbling blocks. Kill the space pirates and go through the door on your right. Back in here, bomb the brown blocks to destroy them, then drop to the bottom of the room. Kill the space pirates here, then shoot the left wall to reveal a Super Missile Tank. Shoot the missile block guarding it, then get the SUPER MISSILE TANK (16). You now have half of the Super Missile Tanks! Find your way back to the mothership area of Chozodia (Use your map if you get lost), then go back to the hangar room (the one with the space pirate ships) In the hangar room, go through the left door at the bottom of the room, next to the locked door blocking access to the ships. Back in here, drop down onto a ledge, not to the bottom of the room. Shoot the right wall with a bunch of missiles, then jump across and go through the tunnel. Go through all the rooms, back to the Map Room. In the Map Room, go through the red door. In the hallway, go right, but stop before you get to the green door. Look for a cracked area in the ceiling, then shoot your beam upwards to expose a Super Missile Tank. Shoot the missile block guarding it and get the SUPER MISSILE TANK (16), then go back to the hangar room. Back in the hangar room, go up and roll through the tunnel. In this hallway, ignore the elite space pirates (the black ones) and go through the door on your left. In this room, jump your way along the platforms and run through a small tunnel, where you'll come across a work robot (recognize this, Super Metroid players?) Shoot it with missiles to move it (or just let it walk VERY slowly), then drop down, space jump, and go through the left door. In here, drop down and go through the left door at the bottom of the room. In this hallway, use bombs to go through the tunnels here, then go through the door ahead. Jump up through this room and go through the door at the top. In this room are bombus, small electrical... things that shoot bursts of electricity at you. If they hit the floor, that area will be electrified for a bit. Otherwise, only missiles and the screw attack can kill them, but just screw attack into them. Otherwise, drop down through the floor on the right side and go through the door. In here, go along the path, screw attacking the space pirates on your way (lol, they're screwed anyway), and go through the door at the top. We're at what seems to be the ship's cockpit. Otherwise, there's a save room on the right, so go ahead and save. Otherwise, return to the bottom of the room, and go left, where you can barely spot a hole at the end. Drop down it into the room below. Roll down the tunnel, where you'll drop into another room. In here... AHA! So THAT'S where the space pirate with the Power Bomb Tank is! Otherwise, go left, bombing the blocks in your way, then bomb the cracked area of the tunnel to drop down. Go through the door. Uh oh, it seems that the Power Bomb Tank was important to the space pirates, because there are lasers guarding BOTH sides of the tank in front of you. So, who cares? Either space jump up to the ceiling and drop down between the lasers onto the Power Bomb Tank, or just trip the laser and get your first POWER BOMB TANK (2). Congratulations! Although it's strange that the power bomb was the last item in the game, you can now open yellow doors and break Power Bomb blocks! Speaking of yellow hatches, go into Morph Ball form, lay a power bomb, and watch it fill the entire room (and slightly beyond it) as it opens the yellow door and/or kills all the space pirates in its radius! Go through the yellow door you just opened. Now, you have a choice. You can either follow the next section to get the rest of the expansions to get 100% on your game, or just skip it and go to the final section. -- 5.10: Getting 100% -- In here, lay another power bomb to blow two holes open in the ceiling (which were sets of power bomb blocks), then jump up and grab the POWER BOMB TANK (4) in plain sight. Beware of the space pirate that's up there, too, then head back to the hangar room, using the path you took to get to the cockpit from there, until you reach a yellow door. Open it with a power bomb, and go inside. In here, shoot the middle wall section to expose a Super Missile Tank and a pair of bomb blocks guarding it. Be CAREFUL once you bomb the bomb block, because it will open up the floor underneath you, dropping you into a room with a bunch of space pirates in it. Kill the space pirates, then space jump up and get the SUPER MISSILE TANK (20). Go through the green door on your right. In here, drop down and go through the door on your right. In here, lay a Power Bomb to blast all the blocks around you, and look for a missile block in the ceiling. Blast it, then jump up. Move the work robot with some missiles if you have to, then jump up and get the SUPER MISSILE TANK (22) here. Go back to the hangar room. In here, go through the lower left door, then drop down onto a ledge, but not at the bottom of the room. Blast the right wall with missiles, then roll through the tunnel. Using your map to help you, go back to the Map Room. Back in the Map Room, continue right to the room with the green door and the hidden Super Missile Tank you got earlier. If you haven't done so yet, go through the green door. Back outside, go to the room to the left of the room that you started in without your suit, and go to the northwest corner of it. If you already saw, a circle on the map indicated there's an item here. Jump up onto a ledge on the left wall and shoot to reveal a Power Bomb Tank, then lay a power bomb to destroy the power bomb block guarding it, then get the POWER BOMB TANK (6), then continue rolling left. You'll now be back inside the mothership, in the lower right room next to the first room with lasers. Once the crumbling block drops you, lay a bomb to get out of the wall, then go through the door to get back into the first laser room. Remember the glass tube we went by earlier? Go back there, using your map to help you find your way. To answer your question, for those who have played Super Metroid, then yes, the area beyond this glass tube IS explorable. Just lay a power bomb to shatter it, and you can explore the rest of the room, just like when you could explore the rest of Maridia when you shattered the glass tube in Super Metroid. Otherwise, drop down, go right, then drop down to the bottom, then lay a Power Bomb to blow open a part of the wall. Now, go left, then start running right to start speed boosting, then store your charge once you get to the shaft. Jump on top of the pedestal and quickly shinespark up. You'll then fly WAY up through this long shaft, killing some space pirates on the way, and you'll get a POWER BOMB TANK (8) before you hit the ceiling. Drop back down and go back to the glass tube room. Back in here, go back up and drop down into the left side, then lay a power bomb to expose a tunnel in the left wall, then drop down. In this shaft, go down, killing bombus on your way, and land on the bottom. The right door leads to a Save Room, so go ahead and save, then go left. Huh? Somehow red zeelas (yes, from Kraid's lair) are crawling in this hallway. Kill them if you want and go through the left door. In this shaft are more bombus. Screw attack down into the bottom, then go through the door at the bottom. A seemingly empty hallway... but if you wait long enough, a brown zoomer will crawl through the ceiling! Go up to find there are hidden tunnels here, then kill all the other brown zoomers here and find your way to get a SUPER MISSILE TANK (24). Go back down into the hallway and go through the left door. Before you go through the left door, lay a power bomb to expose another tunnel system. Find your way through to get another SUPER MISSILE TANK (26), then go back to the hallway with the red zeelas in it. In here, kill all of the zeelas, then from the left side, start running right until you start speed boosting, then store your charge once you get to the center of the shaft, then shinespark straight up. You'll then fly through several speed booster blocks to an ENERGY TANK (11), then you'll end up in the small hallway to the left of the glass tube. Go back to the Chozo Ruins area, to the room with the 3 tunnels in it. There are three small tunnels here, but you only went through the bottom one because you were being chased earlier. Otherwise, go to the top tunnel and roll all the way to the right. In the rightmost space, shoot missiles into the ceiling until you destroy a missile block, then jump up and get the POWER BOMB TANK (10). After doing this, go back to the glass tube room. In here, go back down to the shaft with the Save Room next to it. Save if you want, then continue left towards the end, with that tunnel system that had the Super Missile Tank there. Remember that door I told you to ignore? Go through it. Go through the hallway here and you'll end up back in Crateria! [Crateria] In this hallway, open the yellow door with a power bomb, then go through. You'll end up back in the water room with the skulteras. Go left, then back up to the tunnel area with the flashing block. Get out, then space jump right until you find a yellow door. Open it and go through to get back to Chozodia. [Chozodia] In here, keep running left until you drop through a hole. You'll then land into a seemingly empty room, but lay a power bomb to expose a Power Bomb Tank guarded by a missile block. Destroy the missile block with a missile, of course, get the POWER BOMB TANK (10), then destroy the other missile block on the lower right side of this room for a shortcut back to the left side of the Chozo Ruins area. Don't go into the tunnel, though. Instead, go back the way you came to the large room in Crateria. [Crateria] If you didn't see it earlier, there was a Super Missile Tank above the yellow door in this room, as well as some other tanks. First, use the hallway in Chozodia to speed boost, then stop and store your charge once you get outside. Quickly space jump up to the ledge, then shinespark right, where you'll run into a hill and start speed boosting again, running through the set of speed booster blocks and collecting the SUPER MISSILE TANK (28). Only one more to go! Otherwise drop down to the bottom of the room and go left until you hit a pillar, then use a power bomb to expose some screw attack, crumbling, and speed booster blocks in the ground. You'll also see a Missile Tank here. First, go back to the Crateria-Chozodia hallway you used just a bit earlier to get the Super Missile Tank, then start speed boosting. Again, store the charge once you get outside, then go into Morph Ball form and drop onto the ledge below you. After you hit the ledge, press A and shinespark left with the Morph Ball, going through the speed booster blocks. You'll then drop through some crumbling blocks, but hold left as you drop so you won't land on another set of crumbling blocks, and get the MISSILE TANK (210). Then, fall through the crumbling blocks and roll to your right, through a hidden tunnel. Now, go back to the large room where you ship used to be. It's now raining here. Otherwise, start space jumping and go toward the left side of the room until you find a circle on your map. The item here is a Power Bomb Tank, but we need to use the Speed Booster to get it. How? Go a couple of rooms right, where the elevator to Norfair is. Go a bit to the right, then lay a Power Bomb to blow up the two power bomb blocks so you can get enough running distance to start speed boosting. Then, go right, then start running left, where you'll start speed boosting. Shoot the door so you can keep running, and you'll run through the lower wall in the next room with the two rippers. Shoot the door in front of you to get through. Once you get to the room where your ship was, store your charge, then jump onto the ledge ahead of you. Stay on the rightmost side, then go into Morph Ball form and shine spark upwards, to the left. You should clear all of the speed booster blocks. Once you do, jump up and get the POWER BOMB TANK (14) in the tunnel. That's it for the items on Crateria. After getting the Power Bomb Tank, go right and take the elevator down to Norfair. [Norfair] Back here, go back to the elevator room to Brinstar, and start running right until you start speed boosting. Use the shinespark method I showed you to go across the large room to the right of the elevator room, and break the speed booster blocks to drop down. Go through the door on your left. In here, don't run left then run right to go through the next set of speed booster blocks. Instead go through the green door on your left. In here, shoot the wall (or screw attack through it) and keep going left until you go through the last thin wall you see. Start shooting up, and destroy the topmost block to get the exposed MISSILE TANK (215). Go through the door on your left. In here, it would've been hard to get the Super Missile Tank without the Space Jump. Otherwise, lay a bomb on the green section of the floor to destroy it, try not to fall through the crumbling blocks below. If you do, just go right, killing the lava dragons here, and shoot through the section of floor that's right next to the door (Hey, I rhymed! Lol), then go left. Space jump across the gap and get the last SUPER MISSILE TANK (30) in the game. Otherwise, use your map to help you and go down to the shaft next to Norfair's Map Room. In here, drop down the fake lava pit into the lower part of the shaft, then drop down the real lava pit. Use a power bomb to find the missile block down here, then destroy it and go through the door on your left. In here, jump up and roll through the tunnel to your right to find a Missile Tank. Use a bomb, then quickly return to normal form and grab onto the ledge, then fire a missile at the missile block, then jump up and get the MISSILE TANK (220). Go back into the main part of the shaft, then drop down onto the first ledge on your left. Lay a power bomb to find 3 missile blocks on the left wall of the shaft. Destroy them and roll through the tunnel into another shaft, then jump up and get the POWER BOMB TANK (16) on the pedestal. After you get the Power Bomb Tank, look towards your map. See the horizontal row of rooms that you happen to be in? Starte heading to your right, staying in this row of squares. don't go down or up even one square on the map, until you reach the end of the path you?re on. Then, shoot the floor and go into the opening, then go left, back into the hidden room where we got SUPER MISSILE TANK (8). Go to the very end, then lay a power bomb to break some blocks near the top of the wall. Roll through the tunnel, then keep going left to reach a MISSILE TANK (225). That's it for the items in Norfair. Using your map to help you, go back down to Ridley's Lair. [Ridley's Lair] There are two more Missile Tanks we need to get here. First, go to the eastern shaft, next to the long hallway you shinesparked through. Back in the shaft, drop down all the way into the bottom of the shaft, go back into the hallway that you shinesparked through before, then jump into the gated walkway on the right side of the hallway. Run until you start speed boosting, then store the charge. Immediately go to the save room, open the door on your right, then shinespark into the stairway on the right of Save Room and start running again. Once you get into the eastern shaft again, store your charge, then jump onto the ledge where the first blue door on your left is, then shinespark to your right, where you'll break through a part of the shaft's right wall. Go to the edge of the wall you just broke through, then start running right. Go through the door. You can clearly see the Missile Tank above you, but keep running until you reach the right side, then store your charge. Roll underneath the pillar, then shinespark straight up. Once you reach the top, lay a bomb to destroy the stone pillar ahead of you, then drop down and start going left while the pillar is being destroyed. Once you go past the vertical stone pillar separating the two sides of the room, start space jumping. Wait for the stone structure to completely dissolve, then go left and drop down to the MISSILE TANK (230). Run to the right of the room, then exit through the door. Once you start speed boosting, stop and store your charge. See the small partial opening in the ceiling? Align yourself underneath it, then shinespark straight up. You'll go through a bunch of speed booster blocks and will end up in front of a hidden door. Open it, start running, and go into the next room. In here, keep running and shoot the large block with your beam, then the smaller block with a missile while still running, and you'll run through several speed booster blocks. However, jump RIGHT before you hit the elevated section of ground, and you'll boost through enough speed booster blocks to reach the Missile Tank. It'll take you many tries unless you're good at this, but once you successfully pull it off, get the MISSILE TANK (235) on the pedestal its on and then run back through the door, speed boosting while you're running, so you can break through the wall and back into the shaft. That's all the items here, so go back to the elevator and take it up to Norfair. [Norfair] Back here, go back to the western shaft, right next to the Map Room. Back here, go all the way up to the top of the shaft, then lay a power bomb to find a missile block on the left wall. Destroy it, then roll into the hidden tunnel and continue left, where you'll end up back in Kraid's Lair. [Kraid's Lair] We're back in the easternmost Save Room. Use the screw attack to break through the wall, then save here. Go back to the elevator room. Back in here, go through the blue door on the left, right below the Save Room. Back in this hallway, roll through the first tunnel, then drop down into the acid, where you should see some blocks. Shoot through them, then run right, shooting more blocks in your way, until you reach a tunnel, where you should BARELY start speed boosting. Immediately press down to store your charge, then shinespark left, into the hill, where you'll start speed boosting again. Once you get over the hill, press down to store your charge, go into Morph Ball form, and shinespark to the right, into the hill again. You'll start speed boosting in Morph Ball form, going through the tunnel, through some speed booster blocks, to a MISSILE TANK (240). Go back to the elevator room, and take it up to Brinstar. [Brinstar] Back in this room, go left. Here, jump onto the ledge... which is a launcher! Roll into it and lay a bomb, where it will launch you through the shaft, through the hallway, even through the ceiling, into a hidden room. Hold right as you fall down, and get the MISSILE TANK (245), then drop back down and go through the door on your left. Back in this room, go onto the platform you were on when you started the game, and lay a power bomb to expose a hidden launcher underneath the platform. Use it to launch you up to Crateria. [Crateria] Once you hit the ceiling, hold left to land on the floor, then go through the door on your left. An empty hallway, go through the door on your left. In this shaft, go up until you reach a piece of debris blocking the way. Lay a power bomb to blast away some of the debris, then jump up and go left, drop down and go through the green door on your left. Okay, we're at the elevator you used to escape from Tourian, take the elevator down to Tourian. [Tourian] Wow... look at this. It seems Tourian wasn't completely destroyed... well, there are actually two expansions that somehow got here, so go down the destroyed escape shaft and go through the door on your right. We're now in the... well, remains of Mother Brain's room. Otherwise, lay a bomb on where Mother Brain was to find a super missile block. Destroy it and drop down into a hidden room, and get the last POWER BOMB TANK (18) in the game. Jump back up and screw attack across the room. Avoid the green acid here (this is the only room that has it in the game), because this acid can damage you, even though you have the Gravity Suit. Otherwise, go back to the Save Room and save here if you want (everything to the right of this Save Room actually didn't get destroyed somehow), then continue to the room just past the Save Room you just entered, the one that had all those rinkas in it. Start running, then jump just before you hit the elevated floor in front of you, and through the door. Back in Mother Brain's room, keep using the space jump as you fly through this room, through the remains of the walls that the zebetites were, and through the door. Back in the destroyed escape shaft, keep space jumping, and you'll soon go through the left wall of the shaft, and you'll end up in a hidden room. Use a power bomb to destroy the debris, and get the exposed and the last MISSILE TANK (250) in the game. Otherwise, head back up and take the elevator back to Crateria. [Crateria] Back here, head back to the water room with the Skulteras. Back in this room, head right and take the door to your right. Run through the hallway and go back to Chozodia. [Chozodia] Ok, we have just one more expansion to get... and if you've gotten all the other expansions, you'll know that it's an Energy Tank. First, go ALL the way back to the cockpit room. Save at the save point here, then go up. Roll into the tunnel here, and lay a bomb to destroy part of the ceiling. Go up and through the door at the top of the room. In this room, lay a power bomb to destroy the left wall, then roll through the tunnel and lay another power bomb (or just lay bombs) to destroy the right wall, then go through the door. In this hallway, just run through for now, then go through the door. In the next room, go to the center wall, then open the door and run left. Once you start speed boosting, jump a tiny bit, and if you get it right, you should blast through the elevated area of the floor, where you'll fall into a hidden room. Go back up, run right again, then run left, where you should barely start speed boosting. Press down to store your charge, then drop down into the hidden room. Drop off the right side of the ledge and then press A just before you hit the laser, then shinespark right, flying between the lasers above and below you, into the right wall. After doing this, get the last ENERGY TANK (12) in the game. If you're having trouble getting this Energy Tank, then carefully space jump between the lasers to the right side. Be careful though, because if you trip a laser, then a shutter will close in front of the Energy tank, blocking you from getting it, so you'll have to leave, come back, and try again. After you get the Energy tank, then go back to the final save room, next to the cockpit room. After you've saved, pause the game. If you have 1299 energy (12 Energy tanks), 250 missiles, 30 super missiles, and 18 power bombs, then you have all the items in the game, giving you a 100% total on your file. Congratulations! However, we're not done with the game yet! -- 5.11: The Finale -- After you've saved in the final save room, go up and take the door at the top of the room, back into the hallway where you claimed your last Energy Tank. Back in here, go through the right door, into the next room. In here, jump up and shoot the cracked part of the center wall, then roll into it and go right. Delayed crumbling blocks will take you down to the bottom of the wall. Once you reach the bottom, lay a bomb to destroy a block on the right side, getting you to the other side of the room. Go through the red door, into the last area on the map. You'll now be in a dark room... and the door turns grey behind you. Everything is silent, but what's that metallic sound? Stay on the left side of the room, where something HUGE will enter from the right side. Once it stops, the lights turn on, revealing Ridley! Wait, that's not Ridley! Say hello to the REAL final boss of the game, Ridley Robot (I didn't use the name Meta Ridley because that name was already taken in Metroid Prime, lol)! However, the fight will depend on if you have a 100% game file or not. --BOSS: Ridley Robot (Non-100% Game File)-- Difficulty: 7/10 Ridley Robot will take up almost all of the room, on the right side. You'll have very little room to move, so be careful when you're moving. Otherwise, his head will block his chest area, which is his weak point. Jump up to raise his head, then start shooting the glass covering on his chest with either missiles or super missiles. Ridley Robot will attack you in two ways. He'll either raise his arm to slash at you (Jump to avoid it) for a pretty high 75 damage, or he'll shoot a bunch of fireballs at you from his mouth, two at a time. Space jump along the wall between the fireballs to avoid them, then start shooting missiles. It'll take 10 missiles or 2 super missiles to destroy the glass covering. Once you've destroyed the glass covering, Ridley Robot will no longer shoot fireballs at you, instead he'll have two more attacks as well as keep slashing you. If his eye starts flashing, he will start shooting lasers at you at different areas of the room. It's hard to judge where they'll go, so you'll most likely get hit. After he starts shooting lasers, he'll open an area in his back and will shoot 3 missiles at you, shoot them for refills. Otherwise, start shooting his chest area to really start damaging him now, going from silver, to purple, and then to red. It should take only about 4-5 super missiles to kill him, but it will require more hits if you're using missiles. Keep shooting his chest until you kill him. --BOSS: Ridley Robot (100% Game File)-- Difficulty: 10/10 Holy shit... if you have a 100% game file, then Ridley Robot will literally be hell. Not only will his attacks hit harder (his slash attack is TWICE as strong now), but he'll also have about twice as much health, requiring about twice as many missiles or super missiles to kill him. Otherwise, he has the same attacks. Do NOT touch him or let him slash you, or you'll take a whopping 150 DAMAGE. Yes, that's right, an Energy Tank and a half of your health. It will take about 35 missiles or about 6-8 super missiles to destroy the glass covering now, and about another 40-50 missiles and around 10 super missiles to kill him. Go all out on him if you can, using the missiles he fires for refills in case you need them. Otherwise, keep hitting him at every opportunity you get until he dies. After Ridley Robot "dies," he'll fall to the floor. Get the large energy refills he leaves behind, then go throu- hold on. The door is still locked! A couple of seconds later, Ridley Robot's eye will start glowing red, beeping. He just activated the self destruct system in the ship, and the alarm will go off. You have 5 minutes to escape the ship. Wait... you don't have a ship! Remember the hangar room here? It's time to go back there. Once the timer starts, the door will unlock. Go through. Back in here, shoot the top of the center wall to expose an opening, then drop down the crumbling blocks and shoot left while you're dropping and roll back through the left side, then continue through the door. The door turns grey behind you... Ok. Every door you go through will turn grey when you go through them, just to let you know. Go back through the hallway and kill the 2 space pirates in front of you, then go through the door ahead. Back in here, a closed shutter blocks your way! Oh well... you're screwed, right? Wrong. Shoot the ceiling to expose a hidden tunnel, then jump up and roll left through it, where a crumbling block will drop you into the room, past the shutter. Jump up and shoot the blocks in your way, then roll through the tunnel ahead, and go through the door. Back in the cockpit room, bomb the floor to get through, and drop down to the bottom. Roll through the tunnel on your right, and go through the door. Screw attack through this room to kill the space pirates in your way, and go through the door at the bottom. In this room, roll through the tunnel, then shoot the cracked area above you and jump up. Screw attack and kill the space pirate and the bombus here if you want, otherwise go through the door on your left. Fall through this small shaft and kill any space pirates in your way, then go through the door once you reach the bottom. In here, go into Morph Ball form and lay a power bomb to go through the first tunnel, then lay another power bomb and go through the second tunnel and through the door. Screw attack up this shaft and go through the door at the top. You'll drop down into this large room. Screw attack your way through the path, then fire missiles at the work robot to blast it forward to get out of the tunnel faster. Continue through the path and go through the door at the end. In this room, screw attack the bombus and the space pirate here, then go through the tunnel on your right. We're now in the hangar room. Drop down into the room, then go left to where the locked door is, where you'll confront two elite space pirates! They are much stronger, faster, and have more health than regular space pirates, and only your beam can hurt them. Start firing away at them. It'll take 10-12 regular shots to kill them, or about 5-6 charged shots, but stick to regular shots, since they tend to jump around a lot, making you miss, and you can kill them faster this way. Otherwise, once you've killed both of them, the locked door will FINALLY open. Go through to the space pirate ship, where its door will open and a space pirate will jump out! Kill him, then jump into the ship, where you'll turn it on and fly out of here, killing a space pirate who tries to stop you, but fails miserably. You'll then fly out of the mothership, where it will start to shake and glow, and then explode. After leaving the planet, the ship will fly by, showing Samus through the window. Congratulations, you've just beaten Zero Mission! Now, you can FINALLY sit back, relax, and get a Coke (or a Pepsi, if you like those), and watch the credits go by. If you've followed this guide, then the ending screen should say you've gotten 100% of the items, as well as the "See You Next Mission" message, but the picture depends on how long it took you to beat the game. After going back to the main menu (I believe you need to reset the game to return), you will unlock the NES version of Metroid as well as being able to play Zero Mission again on Hard Mode (go to your game file, go to Start Over or whatever it is, and select Hard Mode, beware as it will delete your old file, so if you want to keep the data before, copy it to another file), as well as the Image Gallery. Otherwise, do what you want, for there's more stuff to unlock! (See the Unlocks section for more info.) I just added this in case you'd like to know... I played through the game while making this FAQ to get just about all of the information you see in this walkthrough, and it took me 5:15 to beat the game on that file. Lol == 6.) Glitches == So far playing this game, I have only found two glitches in this game. Glitch 1: Early Super Missiles Where: Hidden room to the left of the blue shaft in Brinstar Remember SUPER MISSILE TANK (10)? You can get this pretty far before you're supposed to get your first Super Missile tank. After you get the Hi-Jump, go back to the room next to the elevator to get down to Norfair in Brinstar. Since you can now jump with the Morph Ball, use the same method you used to get to this Super Missile tank, and voila! You now have Super Missiles before you even get the Varia Suit! This is currently the only way that I know to sequence break in the game. Glitch 2: Weird jumping glitch Where: Any room with blue violas (not sure if it works with red violas) Okay, this glitch is weird, but if it works for you... great. Otherwise, freeze a blue viola and spin jump onto it. What happened? When I landed on the frozen viola, the game still thought I was in the air, and I was "falling," when I really wasn't. I tried to press A to jump, instead I just spin jumped. Just change direction (or just randomly press buttons) to fix this glitch, where you'll return to normal and stand. == 7.) Unlocks == Listed here are all the unlocks that you can well... unlock in the game. Image Gallery and NES Metroid: Beat the game for the first time (doesn't matter what difficulty) Hard Mode: Beat the game on Normal mode. Metroid Fusion Image Gallery: Link a GBA with Zero Mission in it with another GBA with Fusion in it. Sound Test: Beat the game for the first time on Hard mode. == 8.) Credits == Well, this is my credits list, and full credit goes to anyone listed here for what they've done. I'd like to thank the following... Nintendo and Intelligent Systems, for making such a great remake of the first and truly great game of the Metroid Series. Foxhound3857, his Super Metroid FAQ helped me find the names of the enemies throughout the game, so he gets full credit for that. Yumata, for the strategy he had for defeating Imago (which I incorrectly called the ?Killer Bee?). CJayC, for making one of the most helpful and greatest web sites ever! And finally... you, for reading my guide. == 9.) Contact Info == Since I am not planning to update this any more, I am no longer providing my email address. == 10.) Closing == Well, that's it for this FAQ. Thanks for reading it, and I hoped it helped you out through this game. I'm thinking about making an FAQ for Metroid Prime, so don't think that this will be my only one. Otherwise, see you next mission! == Copyright (c) 2009 acdcgamer316. All rights reserved. ==