--------------------------------------- |Minimoni. Mika no Happy Morning. Chatty| --------------------------------------- This game is for the Game Boy Advance system. Version 1, August 6th, 2002 by Wapiko (wapiko@glass-tears.net) CHAPTERS............ 1. Credits 2. Notes 3. Legal Crap 4. Character Info 5. Walkthrough 6. English words 7. Videos CREDITS............. Sei (http://morningmusume.miarroba.com) - If it wasn't for Sei, I would've never found out about this game. GameFaqs (http://www.gamefaqs.com) - for putting this up. ^.^ Arigatou gozaimasu!!! Roxy (http://www.hellominna.com) - For the member info. NOTES................ Well this is kinda a spur of the moment project I decided to do in my spare time, to be the first person to put up a FAQ for this game. Yay! Hopefully by the time I get this done I'll still be the first, LOL. So, let's move on. But one more thing. This is a game intended to teach English to Japanese kids. The whole game consists of hiragana, katakana, and English. Yay! No kanji!!! I can read the hiragana, and some of the katakana. But I can't understand it all. So if I've made a mistake, please correct me. Oh, and I haven't covered the mini-games in this. I might do an update later. ~ Wapiko-chan (FAQ started August 6th, 2002 - 10:51 am central.) http://harmonybunny.cjb.net LEGAL CRAP........... The duns: Dun plagiarize. Dun redistribute without my permission. Dun drink 3 Mountain Dews in 3 hours. Dun play this if you aren't a Mini Moni, Morning Musume, or Jpop fan, and don't want to be one. I think that sums it up. :P Oh yes. Mini Moni is © Tsunku. Most Mini Moni and MoMusu merchandise © Up-Front Agency. Um, all rights reserved? FAQ/Walkthrough © Wapiko. ======================== YOSSY, TO THE FAQMOBILE! ======================== Here I'm going to cover the characters. If I got any info incorrect, please email me at wapiko@glass-tears.net AMERICANS (population: 1) XD MIKA.... Name: Mika Taressa Todd Nickname: Mika-chan Birthday: May 28, 1984 Height: 150 cm (4'10") Sign: Gemini Bloodtype: A Ethnicity: American (Hawaii) Hobby: Soccer Talent: Piano, Guitar, speaking Japanese Favorite food: Japanese-style meal JAPANESE (population: 3) YAGUCHAN.... Name: Yaguchi Mari Nicknames: Marippe and Yaguchan Birthday: January 20, 1983 Bloodtype: A Height: 144.5 cm (4'8") Ethnicity: Japanese (Kanagawa-ken) Favorite foods: Green tea flavored things Least favorite foods: milk Hobby: Video Games, cooking Her type: A guy with a good fashion sense or a good person. Favorite words: Junsui - Purity; Shiawase - Happiness Favorite color: Red NONOCHAN.... Name: Tsuji Nozomi Nickname: Nonochan Birthday: June 17, 1987 Sign: Gemini Bloodtype: O Height: 149 cm (4'10") Ethnicity: Japanese (Tokyo) Favorite food: Aloe Yogurt Hobby: Cooking Talent: Volleyball Favorite word: Genki - happy Favorite time: Eating time AIBON....... Name: Kago Ai Nicknames: Aibon and Kagochan Birthdate: February 7, 1988 Sign: Aquarius Bloodtype: AB Height: 148 cm (4'9") Ethnicity: Japanese (Nara-ken) Favorite foods: Natadekoko (fruity dessert), pastries, ramen Least favorite foods: Japanese mushrooms, carrots Hobby: Pealing pears and eating (Mika - You're gonna get fat! Ayaka - It's very fattening.) Talent: Imitating people Strong point: Fun & Enjoyable Now, onto the walkthrough! ======================== WALKTHROUGH, whee!..... ======================== The game starts out as Mini Moni hops on a plane to America. Mika is going to America to visit her friend Kate Davis for her birthday. When you gain control of Mika, you'll be standing outside of Kate's house. A little annoying guy pops up every 10 seconds, but he goes away finally after you've been actually in Kate's house. But for now, put up with him. This game is all about finding the English words, so go ahead, find some. ..... Geez, you need me to do everything? First you're going to have to go into the menu, and select the first option. Then select the first book. How sad, everything is blacked out. :( Well let's fix that! Exit out of the menu. Walk up to the mailbox and press the A button to get the word. Do the same to the tree and door. Note: The easily amused will definitely find hearing english words in a Japanese game amusing. I know I did. Then, go talk to Nozomi (The purple-haired one) and after she explains the controls, you'll lose them. Kate will come out of her house and say hello to Mika. You have completed video 1: Konnichiwa! (Hello). You regain control of the controls again. By the way, that IS Mika's voice. :) Talk to any of the Mini Moni. Kate then introduces herself to the rest of Mini Moni, and asks them their names. However, they don't know what she says so Mika translates. They introduce themselves, and Kate repeats back their names, commenting too. For some reason, she says Aibon like Aiban...I always pronounce it Aibone. So, which is right... Anyway, you have completed video 2: Hajimemashite! (Nice to meet you!). In my opinion, Kate sounds like a Barbie wannabe.... *cough* a-anyway. After that, Kate invited you in. So, don't be shy, walk up to the door! Oh, and make Mika say door first. :P You now find yourself in Kate's living room, with her parents. The Mini Moni are in awe of Kate's house, and decide to look around the room. Go find all the English words, talk to Kate's parents, and then talk to Kate. You lose control again, and Ai wants to go see more of the house. Nozomi follows as Ai leaves the room. Mari then does the same. Mika follows suit. (NOTE: For all the English words and where to find them, look at the bottom of this Walkthrough.) Ai has gone upstairs, Mari has gone in the family room, and Nozomi is in the garage looking at the crappy American car. First, let's find Ai. There are tons of words in Kate's house. Be sure to inspect the desks upstairs for even more. The only doors accessible upstairs are in the wall, so don't miss them. There are three rooms upstairs that you can go in, the first is the bathroom, and then on Ai's sides are the bedrooms. I named the left one the left bedroom and the one on the right Kate's bedroom. Now, let's find Mari. Go downstairs and into the door on your right. Welcome to the family room. More English words in here. The fireplace might be a bit hard to find, but it's the box coming out of the wall to your left. Now, onto Nozomi. Leave the family room through the north exit and go left. There will be an entrance to the kitchen to your north, enter. Lots of English words here. Check the fridge, and the appliances. There's a plug behind the toaster. Leave the kitchen by using the exit on the right, which leads you to the laundry room. Get all the English words, and then use the north exit to enter the backyard. Get the word Flower bed, and go back inside. Now, this is the room I missed the first time, so don't make the same mistake. Next to the washing machine there's a door. Enter it. Wow, the garage! As usual, tons of English words in here. After getting them all, leave and go back to the living room. As you reach the door, that annoying little dude pops up and asks if you're sure you want to enter the living room, as you cannot go back to get more English words. (The only room accessible after entering the living room will be the kitchen.) Choose the circle (yes) and you enter the living room. Magically, it turns to night outside! Wow! Kate suggests it is time for bed, so Mika leaves the room and comes back with PJs. She says goodnight to everyone. You have completed video 4: Oyasumi! (Goodnight). Then talk to Kate's parents, leaving Kate last, and Kate announces she's going to bed early. Before doing any of this, make sure you have gotten all the English words in the living room. Now you are in Kate's room, Kate says goodnight and goes to bed. Mari talks about what to do for Kate's birthday, and says something about her sexy beam. Mika is all what? And Mari does a small version of her sexy beam! Ai says something about wanting to be Mari, I think. Mika says Kate is a sweet person and she really likes her, therefore she needs something special. More talking, bla. Goodnight! --------------------------------------------------------- Mini-game time! --------------------------------------------------------- Night turns to day, and now it is morning! The smell of sausage and pancakes, the bacon frying, that damn rooster crowing! ARGH! Oh, that's my house. You have completed video 4: Ohayo! (Good morning!). Mika wakes up and comes downstairs to the kitchen, where Kate's mom is making breakfast. Talk to everyone, then you will find yourself seated at the table. Would you like some scrambled eggs? Sorry, but you don't really have a choice. Kate says she just wants a glass of milk, but her dad says she needs to eat something. So she gets some cereal too. Now the Mini Moni come into the kitchen and say good morning. This next part, it doesn't take a brain scientist to figure out. Simply take the plates that Mrs. Davis hands you and take them to the table. After you have taken four plates, you can eat! You have also completed video 5: Onegai! (Please). Mika: Itadakimaaaasu! (Bonappetite, kinda) After breakfast, Mr. Davis has to leave for work. Kate has to leave for school. You have completed video 6: Itte irasshai! (Be back soon). Talk to everyone, and then Kate leaves. In the living room, the girls tell Mrs. Davis they want to throw a birthday party for Kate. Mrs. Davis thinks that is a nice idea, and is surprised when Mika tells her that yes, they know how to make a cake. Mika translates for the girls. You have completed video 7: Hajime yo! (Beginning). You then go into the backyard, where you get tired out from working so hard. Be sure to get the word Rope. Talk to everyone, and then Mrs. Davis asks if you are okay, and even if you aren't, you say you are. Congrats, you completed video 8: Daijou-bu? (Are you okay?) The girls are still pooped out though. But, for the fun part! Shopping! Yatta! You also completed video 9: Kaimono ni ikou! (Let's go shopping!) And the fun begins.... Ai says something about it being amusing, and Nozomi whines being hungry. At the mall, you split up into two groups of two. Mari and Mika go to the grocery store, leaving Ai and Nozomi together in the big, American mall. Ai says she'll stay with Nozomi. Nozomi sits down on the floor, and Ai asks her what is wrong. Nozomi says she's hungry! So, they go to find a food stand. Now you will be back to Mika's group. Right before you gain control again, you have completed video 10: Ichigo ga Suki! (I like strawberries.) There are many words here in the grocery store, and two rooms to the place. Try to get in on the conversations here to complete more videos. Don't pick up the eggs until you have gotten all the words, as you can't come back here. Videos to complete: 11 - Ninjin kirai. (I hate carrots.) 12 - Iranai! (I don't need it; no thanks) 13 - Daijou-bu! (I'm okay.) After getting the eggs (Sheesh, $15 for some eggs and strawberries.), you go to the toy store. But before you can do that, Mari must pay the cashier $15. She doesn't understand, so Mika translates. After the cashier person says Thank you, Mari says O-K! Mika informs her that you say, You're welcome, not O-K. So Mari says YUA UERUKAMU. You complete video 14: Okaimono! (Uh..) There's english words of course, in the toy store too. Note the Mini Moni dolls. Why can't American toy stores have those? Look at the dolls on the left side of the store last, as doing that will take you out of the store and you can't come back. When you do buy it, you find out it's $20 for the frickin' thing. Now, it's time to meet Mrs. Davis in front of the information desk, just like you said you would. But, where are Ai and Nozomi? OH NO! They're lost! Two very Japanese girls lost in a very American mall! Think of the catastrophe! And the havoc they might wreak! By the way, where are these two girls? Getting a hot dog. Or 2. Maybe even 10!! "Are you gonna eat 10 hot dogs!?!" And Nozomi unknowingly replies "Yes, yes." You have completed video 15: Nante iimashitaka? (What did you say?) Meanwhile, Mika and Mari are looking for Ai and Nozomi...explore the whole mall, take your time before looking for them. Don't talk to the hot dog vendor until you are ready to actually find them. Same goes for the guy by the escalator. Videos to complete: 16 - Shirimasen ka? (?) 17 - Genkidase! (Don't worry) 18 - Gomenasai (I'm sorry) 19 - Kanashii (I'm sad) 20 - Guai ga warui (I feel sick) 21 - Toire wa doko? (Where's the restroom?) 22 - Dame da yo! (Oh no!) 23 - Fa-suto Fu-do de (Fast food) Finally, you find them. Everyone is mad, but relieved too. Let's go home, it's time to bake the cake! Kate will be home soon. After Mika tells them to hurry up, you have completed video 24: Isoide! (In haste) Now, do as Mrs. Davis says and after that Kate comes home. Also, you complete video 25: Ima, nanji desu ka? (What time is it now?) It's party time!!! Mou, you'd think Kate would be a bit more happy after we went to all this trouble to throw her such a wonderful party. x.x Now you've completed video 26: Tanjouhi omedettou! (Happy birthday!) You regain control one last time. Be sure to get ALL the english words, as when you get them all you have completed your dictionary. ^.^ The last 3 videos will be completed now. And now, just as all good games and walkthroughs do, it is time for us to end. I hope you had fun playing this game. ^.^ BUT WAIT! There's more.... Ah yes, you didn't think I'd end this FAQ without putting in all the English words as I promised, did you??? ENGLISH WORDS....... ALPHABETICAL: A Apple - Grocery store B Banana - Grocery store Basket - Laundry room Bathtub - Kate's bathroom Bed - the bedrooms upstairs Bench - mall Bike - Garage Blender - Kitchen Book - The left bedroom Bookcase - the bedrooms upstairs Bookstore - mall Bread - Grocery store Bucket - Garage Butter - Kitchen; grocery store C Cake - Backyard Candy - Grocery store Carrot - Grocery store Cart - Grocery store Cauliflower - Grocery store Cereal - Grocery store Chair - the bedrooms upstairs Chicken - Grocery store Chocolate - Grocery store Cleanser - Garage Compasses - Kate's bedroom Crayon - Kate's bedroom Cucumber - Grocery store Cup - Backyard D Desk - the bedrooms upstairs Doll - Toy store Door - Outside Kate's home Drapes - the left bedroom Drier - Laundry room Dust cloth - Garage E Egg - Kitchen; grocery store Eraser - the left bedroom Escalator - mall F Fireplace - The family room Fish - Grocery store Flower - Backyard Flower bed - Backyard Flower shop - mall Fork - backyard Fridge - Kitchen Frying Pan - Kitchen G Gum - Grocery store H Ham - Kitchen; grocery store Hammer - Garage Hat - Garage Hot dog - mall I Information desk - mall J Jar - In Kate's living room Juice - Kitchen; grocery store K Knife - backyard L Lamp - In Kate's living room; various rooms in Kate's house Lawnmower - Garage Lettuce - Kitchen; grocery store M Mailbox - Outside Kate's home; mall Meat - Kitchen; grocery store Milk - Kitchen; grocery store Model car - Toy store N Notebook - the left bedroom O Onion - Grocery store Orange - Grocery store Oven - Kitchen P Painting - on Kate's walls Paper - Kate's bedroom Pay phone - mall Pen - the left bedroom Pencil - the left bedroom Penny arcade - mall Photograph - In Kate's living room Piano - The family room Plant - Various rooms in Kate's house Plate - Backyard Plug - Kitchen, behind the toaster Poster - mall Pot - Kitchen Potato - Grocery store Present - Backyard Q R Roast beef - Backyard Rope - Backyard Ruler - the left bedroom S Saw - Garage Scissors - Kate's bedroom Ship - Toy store Shower - Kate's bathroom Shrimp - Grocery store Sink - Kate's bathroom Skateboard - Garage Spanner (WTF!?) - Garage Spinach - Grocery store Spoon - Backyard Sofa - In Kate's living room Strawberry - Grocery store T Tableware - Kitchen Telephone - In Kate's living room Television - In Kate's living room Toaster - Kitchen Toilet - Kate's bathroom Tomato - Kitchen; grocery store Towel - Kate's bathroom Trash can - mall Tree - Outside Kate's home and her backyard U V Vending machine - mall Video game - In Kate's living room (It's a gamecube, cool!) W Wardrobe - The bedrooms upstairs Washing Machine - Laundry room Washroom - mall Water - Grocery store Window - the left bedroom X Y Z Don't care about alphabetized, eh? Just wanna know where to find what? Use this. BACKYARD Cake Cup Flower Flower bed Fork Knife Plate Present Roast Beef Rope Spoon Tree BATHROOM Bathtub Shower Sink Toilet Towel FAMILY ROOM Fireplace Piano Plant GARAGE Bike Bucket Cleanser Dust cloth Hammer Hat Lawnmower Saw Skateboard Spanner GROCERY STORE Apple Banana Bread Butter Candy Carrot Cart Cauliflower Cereal Chicken Chocolate Cucumber Egg Fish Gum Ham Juice Lettuce Meat Milk Onion Orange Potato Shrimp Spinach Strawberry Tomato Water KATE'S ROOM Bed Bookcase Chair Compasses Crayon Desk Paper Scissors Wardrobe KITCHEN Blender Butter Egg Fridge Frying pan Ham Juice Lettuce Meat Milk Oven Plug Pot Tableware Toaster Tomato LAUNDRY ROOM Basket Drier Washing Machine LEFT BEDROOM Bed Book Bookcase Chair Desk Drapes Eraser Notebook Pen Pencil Ruler Wardrobe Window LIVING ROOM Jar Lamp Photograph Plant Sofa Telephone Television Video game MALL Bench Bookstore Escalator Flower shop Hot dog Information desk Mailbox Pay phone Penny arcade Poster Trash can Vending Machine Washroom OUTSIDE KATE'S HOME Door Mailbox Tree TOY STORE Doll Model Car Ship HALLWAYS: Painting Done with the English words and onto the videos! VIDEO 01: Konnichiwa! (Hello!) VIDEO 02: Hajimemashite! (Nice to meet you!) VIDEO 03: Oyasumi! (Goodnight!) VIDEO 04: Ohayo! (Good morning!) VIDEO 05: Onegai! (Please!) VIDEO 06: Itte irasshai! (Be back soon!) VIDEO 07: Hajime yo! (Beginning) VIDEO 08: Daijou-bu? (Are you alright?) VIDEO 09: Kaimono ni Ikou! (Let's go shopping!) VIDEO 10: Ichigo ga Suki! (I like strawberries.) VIDEO 11: Ninjin kirai. (I hate carrots.) VIDEO 12: Iranai! (I don't need it; no thanks) VIDEO 13: Daijou-bu! (I'm okay.) VIDEO 14: Okaimono! (?) VIDEO 15: Nante iimashitaka? (What did you say?) VIDEO 16: Shirimasen ka? (?) VIDEO 17: Genkidase! (Don't worry) VIDEO 18: Gomenasai (I'm sorry) VIDEO 19: Kanashii (I'm sad) VIDEO 20: Guai ga warui (I feel sick) VIDEO 21: Toire wa doko? (Where's the restroom?) VIDEO 22: Dame da yo! (Oh no!) VIDEO 23: Fa-suto Fu-do de (Fast food) VIDEO 24: Isoide! (In haste) VIDEO 25: Ima, nanji desu ka? (What time is it now?) VIDEO 26: Tanjouhi Omedettou! (Happy Birthday!) VIDEO 27: DANSU de kiru? (Can you dance?) VIDEO 28: Arigatou! (Thank you!) VIDEO 29: DANSU! (Dance!) ----------------------------------------------------- Date and time: August 6th, 2002 3:43 pm