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Removed submissions, and contact information. Version 1.01 ASC II title was slightly off, so I fixed that, along with a few spelling errors. Version 1.00 The FAQ is complete, and there is really no new information to add, except for what someone might send in. Expect no new updates unless user contributed information or records are sent in. Then this FAQ will be final. ========================== Introduction ========================== Welcome to my Monster Truck Madness GBA complete FAQ/Walkthrough! I saw no other FAQs at all for this game, and I just got done beating it, so why not write one up? I hope this can help any fellow monster truck racers out there who might have questions on the game, or need help beating it. First off, there is NO music in this game whatsoever, except on the main menu! Why that is I'm not sure. Maybe a memory issue or something. The rest of the in game sound is horrible too. So just do yourself a favor and mute the game and listen to something better. Ah, and now on with the FAQ. ========================== Controls ========================== Not too complicated. "Start" Pauses the game, and gives you an option to restart or quit a race. "Select" Changes your driving view to first person, regular, or zoomed out. "D-Pad" Used to steer your truck in any direction. "L" Yells Yeehaw!? "R" Blares your truck's horn loud. "A" The gas pedal. "B" Pressing B is the brake, and also the reverse button. ========================== Power Ups ========================== As in every racing game it seems these days, a few power ups are thrown into the mix to stir the action up, and make the racing more challenging. Here they are. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SPEED BOOST-(Blue Square) The speed boost gives a temporary speed boost to your truck. When you hit the square, your truck will have about a three second 40mph speed boost. Make sure you hit the square at the right angle though, because the boost of speed sends you in the direction of the angle you hit the square at. Hit the the boost at the wrong angle, and it could actually be worse than driving regularly. A very good powerup when utitlized right though. Usefulness: (7/10) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BIG WHEELS-(Orange Square) This powerup doubles the size of your wheels. This helps make you steadier, and also allows you to crush larger objects. Lasts for about ten seconds. Usefulness: (6/10) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SLIME WHEELS-(Orange Square) This power up adds a coating of slime to your wheels. This makes helps you stick to the track better (it does not make anything slippery). This ultimately improves handling and increases sharpness of turns. Helps you stick to the track so you don't go as high off jumps too, so you can go faster and not go careening into the edge of the track. Usefulness: (6/10) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TRUCK SHRINK-(Yellow Square) A very useful powerup that shrinks all other trucks. While shrunken you have better handling, but can't crush many objects, and max out at a speed of 92mph. Shrinks opponents for about 5-8 seconds. Usefulness: (9/10) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MAGNET-(Yellow Square) Another good powerup. This one turns you into a magnet that repels your opponents away from you as you drive past them. When you get near enough to them they will drive into the sides of the walls, giving you a clear path to race on. Usefulness: (9/10) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BOMB-(Yellow Square) By far the best and rarest power up. Get this one even if you have to drive out of your way to get it. This power up blows up the other trucks for a couple of seconds, turns them black, and renders them unable to drive. Sometimes this powerup alone can make or break a race. Usefulness: (10/10) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RAMPAGE-(not a powerup square, but a power up nonetheless) To get a rampage you have to crush enough objects to fill that little green bar in the bottom left corner of your screen. This bar continuously empties, so you have to crush objects pretty quick to achieve a rampage. A rampage increases your top speed by 40mph, renders you invincible to other powerups that might slow you down, and enables you to crush the largest objects. Lasts about eight seconds. Great for getting back into first place. Usefulness: (10/10) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ========================== The Monster Trucks ========================== This section gives you a brief summary of each truck and its stats. What the stats mean- SPEED-how fast your truck can go down the track in mph ACCELERATION-how quickly your truck can speed up SUSPENSION-how well your truck handles after landing a jump WEIGHT-affects how high you fly off of jumps. The lighter the truck, the higher you fly off of jumps, slowing you down-you want a heavy truck. A truck's weight also affects its physics when it hits crushable objects. A heavy truck won't bounce as far off, and handle better when crushing. MAX SPEED (not an actual rating in stars by the truck) Max speed determines the speed you max out on while racing. A speed boost and rampage can change your max speed temporarily though. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CAROLINA CRUSHER The first truck isn't actually the worst. It's actually nicely balanced, and has better speed and acceleration than two other trucks. Definitely my reccomendation for beginners. STATS Speed-2/6 Acceleration-3/6 Suspension-3/6 Weight-3/6 Max Speed-112mph =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- EXECUTIONER This truck takes a blow to acceleration and weight, but has a much better suspension. This truck is handier for tracks with more hills and jumps. Not Recommended STATS Speed-2/6 Acceleration-2/6 Suspension-5/6 Weight-2/6 Max Speed-112mph =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BULLDOZER The slowest truck! This truck is very slow, and its other stats don't make up for the slowness. Not the worst truck overall, but too slow to win many races. Not Recommended STATS Speed-1/6 Acceleration-4/6 Suspension-2/6 Weight-4/6 Max Speed-109mph =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MONSTER PATROL This the best truck you start off with once you get the hang of racing. Well balanced, and good looking, you'll be using it until you unlock the next truck. Recommended for all tracks until Grave Digger is unlocked. This truck should also be used to replace Gravedigger on the Dirt Bowl because it has better suspension and acceleration which is the most important stat for that track. STATS Speed-2/6 Acceleration-3/6 Suspension-4/6 Weight-2/6 Max Speed-112mph =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GRAVE DIGGER (Unlocked in Rookie difficulty) Wow. This truck is a major upgrade from what you've been using, especially in the speed area. It lacks on suspension and acceleration majorly though, so you'll have to master recovering from jumps. Avoid using Grave Digger on the Dirt Bowl Track. Recommened for all tracks except Dirt Bowl STATS Speed-5/6 Acceleration-2/6 Suspension-1/6 Weight-4/6 Max Speed-121mph =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NITEMARE (Unlocked on Rookie difficulty) Not much of an upgrade here because it doesn't get faster, but it has much better handling overall, so if you can't stay on the track you should be using this truck. Recommended for Dirt Bowl (If not beaten with Monster Patrol) STATS Speed-3/6 Acceleration-5/6 Suspension-5/6 Weight-1/6 Max Speed-114mph =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MAD DOG (unlocked on Intermediate difficulty) Once again it doesn't get faster, but it has good overall handling. Use it for Dirt Bowl. Recommended for Dirt Bowl STATS Speed-4/6 Acceleration-3/6 Suspension-2/6 Weight-6/6 Max Speed-118mph =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BEAR CLAW (unlocked on Intermediate difficulty) Ahh, finally we can stop using Grave Digger for nearly every race. We get Grave Digger's good speed, and a much needed upgrade in acceleration and suspension. Use this one for every track now. Recommended for all tracks STATS Speed-5/6 Acceleration-4/6 Suspension-3/6 Weight-3/6 Max Speed-121mph =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SCORPION (unlocked on Proffesional difficulty) This truck will render Bear Claw obsolete. We lose one star in weight, but make up for that in acceleration, and suspension. Recommended for all tracks STATS Speed-5/6 Acceleration-6/6 Suspension-4/6 Weight-4/6 Max Speed-121mph =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CARNIVORE (unlocked on Professional difficulty) The best truck. (besides the secret one) Carnivore renders all other trucks useless. Use it on every track. Recommended for all tracks STATS Speed-6/6 Acceleration-4/6 Suspension-6/6 Weight-5/6 Max Speed-124-mph =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NUGGET (secret truck) (unlocked from beating all 30 Time Trail races) A chicken monster truck! I think this was worth beating the Time Trials for. It is perfect in every stat, and fun to race! Recommended for all tracks. NOTE: When you race with Nugget all your opponents are also Nugget trucks, so you never really get a racing advantage. STATS 6/6 in every category Max Speed-124mph =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ========================== Rookie Walkthrough ========================== There are two types of races in MTM. Circuits (3 lappers), and rallies, which are just a long track without repeating laps. Goodluck! Note: You do not necessarily have to race the tracks in these order. Also, the tracks may not be in order of how you unlock them. If you notice an I.U. and an additional truck that means use that particular truck if unlocked. -------------------------- TRACK 1-RACEWAY -------------------------- Track Description-an easy begginner's course with a few curves, some good straight-away's, and a few small jumps. A good starting course. TRUCK-Use Monster Patrol STRATEGY Begin by hitting all the destructibles on the left side of the road to get your rampage meter more full. A couple seconds late you will notice some destructibles on the right side of the road, and hit those. Maybe you got a rampage, maybe you didn't. Keep to the left, and hit the blue speed boost if you can. After hitting the boost curve to the left or right to hit more destructibles. You should have a rampage now. This should take you to at least second place. Keep control on the next two curves and sets of jumps. Head for the middle of the track and get the speed boost when you see it. Go around the curve, off the big dirt jump, and keep to the right. Right before the next dirt jump is a speed boost; get it. This will launch you over the next couple of jumps. Stick to the middle of the track now, and look out for the bomb powerup that's coming up. Make sure to hit that, and if you do you are almost guaranteed 1st place. Keep to the right and eventually you'll hit another speed boost. Now just control your truck and stay on the track. Repeat the strategy for the next two laps, and you'll definitely win! -------------------------- Track 2-Mesa Valley -------------------------- Track Description-a long climbing desert rally course. Easy. Truck-Use Monster Patrol STRATEGY Start off by hitting everything you can on your left. There are more destructibles on your left and right side ahead, and you should easily fill your rampage meter. You should be in about 4th place. Hit the first jump and hammer to the left. Stay in the middle so you can get the slime wheel powerup, and head over the bumps. Drive on the left tire track of the course, and stick it out. Get the speed boost. You should be in third or better. Continue up the hills staying in the middle of the track. Don't miss that bomb powerup! Hit it, and you should be in first. Now just stay in control for the rest of the rally. You have first pick on all powerups now, so there's almost no chance of losing. -------------------------- Track 3- Dirt Bowl -------------------------- Track Description-a short circuit with the most twists in the game. Staying on the track is a challenge. Truck-Use Monster Patrol STRATEGY Keep to the right right away. There are plenty of crushable things to the right, so try and get a rampage. Your rampage will make your truck hard to control in all the tight turns, but don't worry too much. Staying on the middle path isn't as important as it seems. When your rampage is over you should be in fourth or better. Follow the track and stick to the right for more destructibles, or the middle for the slime wheel powerup. Coming ahead on the left side of the track is the bomb powerup, but another truck will probably get it instead of you. Recover from the bomb, head over the jump and stick to the left for the shrink powerup. You should be in 2nd or 3rd now. Another powerup is ahead, and more crushables if you stick to the left. If you get a rampage you'll be in first, but by the second lap you'll probably be in 2nd. To claim first just keep maintaining good control, and hit all the powerups you can. Eventually you'll get that top spot! -------------------------- Track 4-Lost City -------------------------- Track Description-a fairly easy course with a number of turns and jumps. Truck-Use Monster Patrol (Grave Digger, I.U.) STRATEGY- Follow the middle of the track for a while, avoiding destructibles. Staying slightly to the left, maintain your position, and get the bomb powerup ahead. You should be in or near the lead. Hopefully nobody else stole the powerup. Stick slightly to the right now for the shrink powerup. The rest of the course is fairly easy. Just maintain control going off of jumps, and you should be set for the rest of the track. -------------------------- Track 5-Panorama -------------------------- Track Description-a long winding course through along a country highway. Truck-Monster Patrol (Grave Digger, I.U.) STRATEGY- Stay on the road. Going into the grass reduces your speed alot. Stick to the right edge, and make sure to hammer to the left going off the first jump to avoid going in the grass. Grab the bomb powerup if you can on the right side of the road after the jump. Continue along, reducing your speed along corners and jumps if you can't maintain control. Hit the destructibles in your path, but don't go out of the way to crush any. By now you should probably have 1st place already. If you do, just don't go too fast around curves and jumps, maintain control, and hit powerups. You'll finish in first fo' sho'. -------------------------- Track 6-Sandy Bay -------------------------- Track Description- a short curvy course through a friendly beach area Truck-Monster Patrol (Grave Digger, I.U.) STRATEGY- Sticking to the right side of the road, follow the curving sandy path. The powerups ahead will most likely be stolen. Keep to the right, and watch out for a house partway into the track. If you hit it head on, just restart. Another house just like the last is coming up shortly, so stay to the middle or left of the track. By now you should be hitting all those umbrellas to fill your rampage meter. If you get one, it will put you ahead alot. Now keep to the left. You will see a yellow shrink powerup, and get it if you can. By now you should be in at least third. After the next set of short bumps stick to the left. You should either be hitting destructibles for another rampage, or nab the bomb powerup up ahead on the left. Either way you should be in first, and you should be able to maintain first for the rest of the track. -------------------------- Track 7-Off Piste -------------------------- Track Description-the longest course. Snowy, a rally, and slippery, it will be the hardest rally track in the game. Truck-Monster Patrol (Grave Digger, I.U.) STRATEGY- Starting off, do one of two things. Either maintain control, and head down the middle, or risk sliding off the main path in favor of hitting some cones on the right side to fill your ramapge meter. Do what you feel comfortable with. Remember to take in the slidiness of turns with the snow. The next few powerups will most likely be stolen, so don't worry. Keep to the middle as soon as you can, and hit the row of cones. Bingo, you've got a rampage! Use this boost to claim at least third place. Stick to the right now, and if you can hit the bomb powerup, it will make things easier. You should be in at least second now. Stay in the middle and maintain control on the next couple jumps. Soon you should see some building in the background. Notice the snow melts into a road. Drive in the road path for higher speed, and better grip. Up in the middle of the road is a shrink powerup. If you have it, you should have first no problem. -------------------------- Track 8-Junkyard -------------------------- Track Description-a short, muddy, winding course through a junkyard. Kind of challenging Truck-Monster Patrol (Nitemare, I.U.) STRATEGY Keep to the inside of the curves to reduce your time. Maintain control, and let off the gas once in awhile if necessary. The first two jumps were easy. On the third, which is like a double hill, you'll need to get ready to crank left so you don't go off course. Maintain control over the next two jumps. Ahead is another dual hill, and nab the slime powerup in the middle to help you get better grip. You should be in third or better. Keep staying to the inside of the curves, and get any powerup ahead that your opponents don't nab themselves. Keep in the middle of the track now. A bomb powerup will be up ahead in the middle, and you might have a tough time getting first without it. If not, continue ahead through the rest of the track with the same basic strategy. -------------------------- Track 9-Docklands -------------------------- Track Description-a course through a coastal city with a little bit of everything. Truck-Monster Patrol (Grave Digger, I.U.) STRATEGY- Race on any side of the road you like, just focus on hitting as many destructibles as you can for a rampage. You should get one early on. Try to keep away from the left side though, because there are some weird steel posts that will seriously mess your truck up, and kill your time if you hit them. You may be able to get a second rampage shortly after the first; if you do great. If not, go for any powerups that you can get. You should be in third or better. The track will soon straighten out, and turn abruptly to the right with a jump, so be prepared. Be in the middle of the road when you go off the jumps, or you'll go sailing right into the walls. By the start of the second lap you should might be in first, but don't fret if you're not. Just repeat the strategy, and you'll have first fo'sho'. -------------------------- Track 10-Downtown -------------------------- Track Description-you'll hate lamposts after this track Truck-by now you have to have Gravedigger, so use him STRATEGY- Right off the bat, stay in the middle of the track. Go down the hill, and then up the next. Usually the speed boosts are available, and get them. They'll launch you way up in place, and way fast down the hill. Hit all three of them if you can. Continue down the hill following the inside of the curves. If you do that you might be able to get the bomb powerup coming up. Whatever you do, try not to hit those dang lamposts on the side. They are very aggravating, and make an easy course pretty difficult. Up and to the right now is a magnet powerup, and it will be helpful to hit that and repel other racers away from you. Getting a rampage here is hard, but if you do it's a major boost. The rest of the course isn't hard, and again, if you're not in first by the second lap don't worry. If you're in last though, restart. That's it for the rookie walkthrough! You now have unlocked the intermediate tracks! Good job! ========================== Intermediate Walkthrough ========================== What's the difference? Well each track changes a bit, to make them more difficult. The intelligence of other racers also goes up. -------------------------- Track 1-Raceway -------------------------- Track Description-some alterations have been made, making the track slightly more difficult. Expect more curves, jumps, and destructibles lying around. Truck-Use Gravedigger STRATEGY Start off hitting all the objects on the right side, to fill your rampage meter. You should get a rampage very quickly. Keep control, and get ready for a couple of quick jumps that may throw you. After the jumps, head left. There will be a shrink powerup on this side, but don't hit the crane that's real close to it. In the middle of the track coming up is a small bulldozer. Don't hit it, because you can't destroy it. Three more jumps are right after that. Stay to the right side of the track to avoid being thrown into the grass. Immediately after those, are another set of jumps. Stay in the middle, and go fairly slow. If you do, you'll be able to get the bomb powerup, and hit first place hopefully. Keep occasionally hitting destructibles to fill up the rampage meter again. Keep following the dirt path. Up ahead is an extremely steep jump. Take the jump on the right side, and go SLOW! If you don't go slow off of the jump you'll go flying right off the track and hit the wall, slowing you down alot. Now back on the dirt path, stick to the left, and get the speed boost if you can. Up ahead are a series of mini bumps, and one jump. Stick to the right again, and go slow off the jump so you don't lose control. Up ahead is the finish, just keep this strat going for the next two laps to win. -------------------------- Track 2-Mesa Valley -------------------------- Track Description-Relatively unchanged. Truck-Use Grave Digger STRATEGY- Start off staying on the main road for a while, and past the first jump. Up ahead are two powerups; don't get the spring, it'll just slow you down. Go somewhat slow off the next jump, and hammer left to follow the flow of the track. Up ahead is a slime powerup which is helpful for the next series of mini jumps. Stick to the left of the course for awhile to get the next good powerup. I was in first place by this point already, and this track is really easy. Not much more I can help with on this one. -------------------------- Track 3-Dirt Bowl -------------------------- Track Description-Now featuring tighter curves, and more jumps. Truck-Nitemare (Mad Dog, I.U.) STRATEGY- Begin by driving on the right side of the track, hitting all destructibles to get a rampage. Ramapges are hard to control in tracks with plenty of curves, but do your best. Continue along following the inside of the curves, getting any powerups you can. Maintain control around the final stretch of curves. You should be in third by the second lap, and first before you the last lap. This one may take a few retries before you win. -------------------------- Track 4-Lost City -------------------------- Track Description-Slightly harder, with some more obstacles thrown in. Truck-Grave Digger (Bear Claw, I.U.) STRATEGY- Start off by driving in the middle of the track for some time. Nab the speed boost in the middle of track between the pillars. Keep in the middle of the track, and maintain that through the wide turn. Get the next speed boost in the middle. After the next wide turn, stay to the left for the upcomng bomb powerup. If you get it, you'll be in first. If someone else does, you'll be stuck still in fourth or fifth. Go slower over the next steep jump, and hammer left ASAP. Keep in the middle of the track, and try and get the next speed boost. Stay in the middle again, and get the shrink powerup. By now you should be in third or first. Lap two is the same, and you should definitely be in first by the end of lap two if you follow the same strategy. -------------------------- Track 5-Panorama -------------------------- Track Description-No major changes. Truck-Grave Digger (Bear Claw, I.U.) STRATEGY- Stay in the middle of the track for ideal control, and the most powerups. The A.I. tends to miss powerups here, so this is a quick and easy first place. Get the bomb, slime, and speed powerups right away, and this race is all yours. -------------------------- Track 6-Sandy Bay -------------------------- Track Description-Relatively unchanged. Truck-Grave Digger (Bear Claw, I.U.) STRATEGY- Not much to say here. This may seem hard at first, because the A.I. seems to gain a lot of ground on you right away. Just follow the inside of the curves, hit destructibles to get at least one rampage, and take advantage of powerups. You'll get first place soon enough. -------------------------- Track 7-Off Piste -------------------------- Track Description-This track gets longer, with tighter curves, and more jumps. Truck-Grave Digger (Bear Claw, I.U.) STRATEGY- You should quickly attain third place. For the rest of the track, just take into effect the snow, so turn in advance. Slow down somewhat before going off jumpst too, because that keeps you in control, and on the path where you go faster. This is a long race, but easy to keep first once you achieve it. -------------------------- Track 8-Junkyard -------------------------- Track Description-The turns and jumps are more frequent. Truck-Nitemare (Mad Dog, I.U.) STRATEGY- Keep the same turning in mind as in Off Piste, because this place is slippery. This one can be a toughie, and there isn't alot of strategy to be had in this level. Just keep in control, and take full advantage of any powerups. By third lap, you should have first in sight or secured. -------------------------- Track 9-Docklands -------------------------- Track Description-a backwards version of the rookie track. Truck-By now you should definitely have Bear Claw, so use him. STRATEGY- I think this course runs comepletely backwards from the rookie version. Once again, dodge those dreadful little metal posts on the right side. Watch out for non destructible items hidden with the destructible ones. Railcar boxes especially. Don't go out of your way to hit objects, because you'll get a rampage soon almost automatically. The rampage, if used well, will boost you right into first. To maintain first, just keep taking it easy, and fill up another rampage. -------------------------- Track 10-Downtown -------------------------- Track Description-Relatively unchanged. Truck-Bear Claw STRATEGY- Try not to hit the cars on the side of the road; they will send you flying into lamposts that really slow you down. Don't always stay on the road either. Following the insides of the track on the curb? is much of the time faster than sticking on the road. Plus you don't go any slower off the beaten path like in most other tracks. You probably will stll be in sixth place until you hit the first bomb powerup, which is quite a ways into the track already. Don't hit speed boots unless you can control how it sends you flying. I doubt you will achieve a rampage on this track, so make sure not to miss powrups like shrink and bomb. You should hit first just before the end of the first lap. Well done! You have now unlocked professional courses! On to the final stretch of the game! ========================== Professional Wakthrough ========================== Once again, the tracks change a bit, and the competition gets tougher. -------------------------- Track 1-Circuit -------------------------- Track Description-the most drastic level change yet Truck-Use Bear Claw STRATEGY- You'll notice right away a quite drastic change in level design. Right away head to the right side of the track and keep driving in the right lane to get the two speed boosts. After that, focus on hitting plenty of objects for a rampage. You should be in third or fourth. Hit one of the two powerups on either side, and dodge the crane coming up just before the road turns into a dirt path. Slow down somewhat before hitting the dirt path, and hammer left to avoid hitting a wall head on. There is plenty of junk laying around again, so get another rampage. Just hold the pad to the right to follow the curves of the track. Stay in the middle of the track to avoid hitting cranes and killing your position. I got my third rampage shortly after this point. The dirt winding road will keep going, and got a fourth rampage just before you hit the paved road again, and the second lap. As long as you don't bash into many walls, you should be in first by the beginning of the second lap. -------------------------- Track 2-Mesa Valley -------------------------- Track Description-Relatively unchanged. Truck Bear Claw (Scorpion, I.U.) Strategy There are enough things to hit to get a rampage almost immediately. This course is fairly straight, so this rampage should take you right to second or first place. Stay on the tracks to avoid losing speed in the loose dirt. Get the slime powerup to go faster over the set of mini jumps. Maintain control over the next regular jump, and don't bother getting the speed boost ahead because it most likely cause you to crash. Over the next hill in the middle of the road is the bomb powerup. If you weren't in first already, this will guarantee a win. -------------------------- Track 3-Dirt Bowl -------------------------- Track Description-Even more full of twists and hazards. Truck-Bear Claw (Scorpion, I.U.) STRATEGY- You will most likely start off strong only to be bombed by your opponent. Recover, and do your best to stay on the road, sacrificing some speed if need be. Dodge all speed pickups, unless you're a freaking master. Getting powerups like shrink is your first priority. If you don't this is going to be a really tough race. Even without trying to hit objects you should get a rampage about halfway through the lap. You should pass up the fifth place lagger, and get up to speed with the rest of the clan. By the second lap aim for being in third. You will no doubt be bombed again. If you get the slime wheels powerup, and the soon to come shrink, you should hit first. It's not hard to lose first place, so keep on the track. But with your first dibs on powerups, you should have first almost guaranteed. -------------------------- Track 4-Lost City -------------------------- Track Description-Not much different. Truck-Bear Claw (Scorpion, I.U.) STRATEGY- Start off around the left turn, and being shrunk by your opponents. Going past the pillars, either dodge them for speed, or run them over to fill your meter. Maintain control, and get the magnet powerup ahead to your left. You should soon earn a rampge, and boy is it a bolster. Without it, you'll be lollygagging in fourth or so, but the rampage should elevate you to first. A bunch of stupid small trees will litter the track now, and you need to avoid them. Often I fall back into second here. Keep in the middle of the road to dodge cranes and such. Slightly to the right now will be a bomb powerup. That will secure your victory. If not, get the upcoming speed boost in the middle of the track, and maintain control to win. -------------------------- Track 5-Panorama -------------------------- Track Description-An easy course, but hard to gain ground. Truck-Bear Claw (Scorpion, I.U.) STRATEGY- Stay in the middle for the best perks. Don't hit the speed boost ahead for various reasons. Up around the curve in mini jumps, start heading to the left of the road, but not the grass. Score the shrink powerup. The next speed boost before mini jumps is a good one to hit. You should be in fifth. Don't get the upcoming spring powerup. Stay on the right side of the road now, because over the next jump is a good speed boost. Keep to the right, and you'll see a bomb powerup. If you get it you should hit second, if not you'll be in fourth. Keep hitting the speed boosts you see. It's going to be really hard to win if you keep missing them, because there are now sharp turns to gain leverage on you opponents. A rampage is also hard to get, but if you get one you should be in first no doubt. By stage two you NEED to be in third or better, or just restart. A magnet powerup is up and to the left, and if you're close to the top two guys, you'll throw them right into the grass. There's almost nothing to screw up on now, so there's your victory! -------------------------- Track 6-Sandy Bay -------------------------- Track Description-Just a little bit harder. Truck-Scorpion (Carnivore, I.U.) STRATEGY- Start out by trying madly to fill that rampage. Once in a rampage, don't be afraid to drive off the beaten path because it won't slow you down, and you can cut corners a bit. Dodge the small dumb trees growing in the middle of the track. After the ramapge, you should be in third. Try hard to stay on the path now, because it will really slow you down if you don't. Keep your eyes open for the bomb powerup coming up. As long as you have third or better by the second lap you will have plenty of time to get first. In the second lap there will be less trucks in head of you, and better opporotunities to snag powerups. Don't get thrown of the path, and you've got yourself a victory. -------------------------- Track 7-Off Piste -------------------------- Track Description-A straight course just got curvier. Truck-Scorpion (Carnivore, I.U.) STRATEGY- Start off strong only to be bombed. Sometimes you can restart, and nab the bomb yourself. You really have to strain and keep on the beaten path. Maintain control is about all you can do for some time, but if you keep on the path expect to hit third place soon. If you don't turn sharply enough on certain turns, the other racers will pass you right up. Soon you will be shrunken, but make the best of the situation. You really need to start turning in advance to shave time off of the track. You will most likely be in a jam up of trucks some time or another. Don't let them push you off of the path. By stage two you NEED to be in fourth or better. About halfway through stage two is a bomb powerup, and this can make or break the race sometimes. Dodge speed pickups. The fake thing is in this course the A.I. turns just fine, but when you turn, your back end fish tails, and ends up losing speed. This is hard to overcome, and this is one of the most challenging races. Don't feel bad if you restart a few times. This is the longest race, and losing control once you get first can mean ending up soon back in third. By stage three you should be in third or better, and not far behind anyone. Soon after you hit stage three is a shrink pickup, and this is usually where I hit first place. You might not, but keep on trucking. You'll win eventually by skill or luck. -------------------------- Track 8-Junkyard -------------------------- Track Description-A little harsher. Truck-Scorpion (Carnivore, I.U.) STRATEGY- Don't go too fast off of the first jumps, and hammer left after the second. This is a short course, but take the time to memorize it, and practice each turn. If you don't it'll be more difficult than it needs to be. Most powerups will be stolen by your opponents, but collect any that you can. By the second lap be in at least fourth. You might hit second or so, but places are really easy to lose. Just get used to the track, and eventually you'll be able to ace it. -------------------------- Track 9-Docklands -------------------------- Track Description-More railcars and objects have been thrown in. Truck-Scorpion (Carnivore, I.U.) STRATEGY- Right away you should be in fifth place. Cut corners as best as you can. Going off the jumps, you need to be well aware of those deadly railcars in your path. Coming up shortly in the middle of the track is a helpful bomb powerup. Opponents quickly gain ground on your short leads. You'll hit first quick if you don't run into anything, but lose it shortly. To overcome this, you need to take full advantage of powerups. This course isn't very hard if you get the bomb, and dodge those railcars. -------------------------- Track 10-Downtown -------------------------- Track Description-Nearly the same course, but with steeper slopes. Truck-Scorpion (Carnivore, I.U.) STRATEGY- This course is easy if you don't run into lampposts every other second, so make a habit of dodging those. Cutting corners helps tons in this course, so do it. Powerups help too, but if you came this far, you should have no problem attaining first place. Amazing Grace! You just beat the game! Have fun playing with your newly unlocked truck, Nugget! For more fun play time attack mode, and crack those records. ========================== Time Attack ========================== Time attack mode is the next best thing to the career in this game. You have one lap to race, and you can pick any truck you have unlocked. Your goals is to beat the track record, and then eventually beat and improve your own records. Have fun with it! ========================== Track Records ========================== This section lists each track, the difficulty, and my personal records. Note: I did most of these BEFORE I got Nugget, so they may not be all that amazing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Circuit (Rookie) -1:32.51 Circuit (Intermediate) -1:12.69 Circuit (Professional) -1:24.94 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lost City (Rookie) -1:27.13 Lost City (Intermediate) -1:15.73 Lost City (Professional) -1:21.91 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sandy Bay (Rookie) -1:16.35 Sandy Bay (Intermediate) -1:40.49 Sandy Bay (Professional) -1:25.22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Docklands (Rookie) -1:34.80 Docklands (Intermediate) -1:14.06 Docklands (Professional) -1:22.32 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Downtown (Rookie) -1:31.28 Downtown (Intermediate) -1:37.64 Downtown (Professional) -1:14.37 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mesa Valley (Rookie) -3:15.42 Mesa Valley (Intermediate) -3:10.90 Mesa Valley (Professional) -3:03.61 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Panorama (Rookie) -3:53.62 Panorama (Intermediate) -2:56.23 Panorama (Professional) -3:13.45 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Off Piste (Rookie) -3:28.18 Off Piste (Intermediate) -3:57.44 Off Piste (Professional) -3:36.71 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dirt Bowl (Rookie) -0:54.64 DIrt Bowl (Intermediate) -0:53.49 Dirt Bowl (Professional) -0:47.69 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Junkyard (Rookie) -1:07.77 Junkyard (Intermediate) -0:59.46 Junkyard (Professional) -0:50.74 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================== Questions and Answers ========================== Q: Why does this game have no music? A: Well it does at the main screen, but then the rest of the game is strangely devoid of music. I really don't know, but my best guess was maybe some memory shortages. If you know the real answer, please tell me. Q: What is the best truck in the game? A: The best truck is Nugget, a chicken truck who has maxed stats. You unlock him by beating all tracks on time trial. Q: What is the hardest track in the game? A: This is different for everybody, but some of the harder ones are Junkyard, Off Piste, and Dirt Bowl. ========================== Legal ========================== This Monster Truck Madness Complete FAQ/Walkthrough may not be reproduced under any circumstances unless permission is granted by ME, Gregor Wilke. This FAQ is Copyrighted (C) 2008 by Gregor Wilke. This FAQ has MY permission to be hosted on the following sites- Gamefaqs.com Supercheats.com Gamespot.com IGN.com Honestgamers.com Neoseeker.com Plagiarism, illegal distribution, and illegal hosting of this FAQ should not be done under any circumstances. Just follow the laws people. I spent long hours writing this FAQ, and deserve every ounce of credit for creating it. I do not mind however, the copying of this FAQ to your desktop, or printing of the FAQ for your quicker access. As long as you're not distributing it for profit or your own personal benefits. ========================== Credits ========================== Thanks to http://www.network-science.de/ascii/ for their ASC II generator! Thanks to Gamefaqs.com for hosting this FAQ, and inspiring me to write it! Thanks to all future contributors of this FAQ! Thanks to all who take the time to read it!