Earthbound FAQ/Walkthrough By Kodos86 This document copyright, 2001, of Kodos86. 7/01/02 Platform: SNES Version 2.0 I know the game is old, and the SNES is almost dead, but I don’t care. I felt like doing a guide for one of my all time favorite SNES games. It’s also a change of pace after doing guides for nothing but shooter games. NOTE: Much of the information in the charts is from the Nintendo Guide. WARNING: This guide contains SPOILERS. There isn’t any way around it. ============================================================================= 0. T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ============================================================================= 0. Table of Contents 0.1. Updates 1. Basics 2. Walkthrough 3. Weapons Chart 4. Protection Chart 5. Goods Chart 6. Food Chart 7. Condiments Chart 8. Medicines Chart 9. PSI Chart 10. Enemies Chart 11. Stores 12. 1/128 Items 13. Broken Machines Chart 14. Prayer Effects 15. Credits 16. Legal Mumbo Jumbo/Contact Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.1. U P D A T E S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.0 (7/1/02): Added sections on the stores, 1/128 items, prayer effects, and broken machines. Also added a little bit more to the walkthrough. Version 1.1: Updated my e-mail address. Version 1.0: Initial update. ============================================================================= 1. B A S I C S ============================================================================= A few important setup things ---------------------------- As you probably know, Earthbound lets you name your 4 main characters, as well as a few other things. For this guide, I will use the default names. The following is the list for the default names used in this guide: Boy = Ness Girl = Paula Genius = Jeff Prince = Poo Dog = King Food = Steak Fave Thing = Rockin Also, I can’t reproduce the Greek letters used for the PSI, so I’ll use the letters that look most like them. Thus: Alpha = A Beta = B Omega = O Sigma = E Upsilon = Y Basic Knowledge/Tips -------------------- Here’s a few tips to remember: 1. Keep your party well equipped. 2. Purchase plenty of food. 3. Always avoid getting red swirls for starting battle. 4. Always try to get green swirls for starting battles. 5. Conserve PSI. ============================================================================= 2. W A L K T H R O U G H ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Onett ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you get through the beginning cinema, Ness is awakened by a huge crash. Head out of the house, being sure to grab the Cracked Bat from your sister’s room. Head down the path from your house, and head along it to the meteorite (which looks like a pizza). You get can’t up to it, but talk to Pokey. Return to your house, and go back to bed like your mother tells you. You are awakened by a knocking sound. Go to the front door, and in steps Pokey (God, he looks like a pig). He asks you to help him find Picky. Say yes, and then talk to King to get him to come with you. Head outside and back to the meteor. This time, there are enemies along the way, but they aren’t very dangerous. Once you get to the meteor, talk to Picky, and he will follow you. As you leave, a column of light will appear over the meteor and out comes Buzz Buzz, an alien. Head back towards your house and on the way you will be attacked by Starman Jr. Boss: Starman Jr. ------------------------------ HP: 200 PP:999 The Starman Jr. only uses PSI attacks, but they are blocked by Buzz Buzz’s PSI shield. Just keep bashing Starman, and eventually he’ll die. It is impossible to take damage here. Continuing on, head to Pokey’s house (to the left of Ness’s house). Inside, Pokey’s parents will yell at them, blah blah blah. Pokey’s mom then kills Buzz Buzz after Pokey's Dad goes off to Pokey and Picky's room to ra-, erm, yell at them. Talk to Buzz Buzz, and you will receive the Sound Stone. Exit the house, and the sun will come up. Head down the path past your house, into the city of Onett. On the way, go over to the wooded area by the Library. Go through the trees to reach the secret clubhouse, were you will receive a Mr. Baseball Hat. As you reach Onett, go to the drugstore to stock up on equipment, and then buy a lot of burgers from the Burger Barn. Head straight down the road, and you should reach the arcade. Head into the arcade, and a Shark will immediately attack you; it’s an easy win. Most of the Sharks in here will fight you if you talk to them. I recommend doing so, to gain experience. When you’re ready, talk the Shark by the back doors. Beat him, and head through to Frank. Talk to him to start the next boss battle. Boss: Frank ------------------------------ HP: 63 PP: 0 Frank is the first boss that is in any way dangerous, but don’t worry. After every few times you take damage, you should replenish your health. Bash him the other times. Keep fighting, and you should win, after which he will sic his robot on you. Boss: Frankystein Mark II -------------------------------- HP: 91 PP: 0 Now it’s time to thrash Frank’s robotic pal. Frankystein can do some damage, but after every attack, he will have to take a breather to blow off stream. Just rotate between bashing him, and replenishing health. After beating the two, go to the mayor’s office, where the mayor will give you the Key to the Cabin. Restock on supplies, and go back up the path, and head left when you reach the library; you should reach the cabin. Use the key, and head through to the caves. The caves are filled with 3 main enemies: Black Antoids, Attack Slugs, and Rowdy Mice. The Attack Slugs are incredibly weak, but usually attack in groups. The Black Antoids are nasty, and attack in groups. The Rowdy Mice are normally weak, but often use SMASH attacks. If you look through the caves you can find a few items, but throughout this guide, I will generally use the most direct route. Head all the way to the end of the first floor, and go up the rope. Then, go up the rope at the edge of the second floor. Go through the opening on the 3rd floor, which takes you outside. Use the magic butterfly outside to regain your PSI, and head forwards, which takes you to another stretch of caves. NOTE: You should have Rockin A by now. If not, continue fighting the enemies in the next few sections to get it before the boss. The next few sections are straightforward. Check the light at the end to start a boss battle. Boss: Titanic Ant --------------------------------- HP: 235 PP: 102 The Titanic Ant is the first “hard” boss that you end up fighting. He is flanked by 2 Black Antoids, which will waste all their PSI on lifeup. Use your Rockin A attack to damage all of them at once. Rotate between attacking and recovering health, and keep using Rockin. Use regular attacks once he puts up his shield. After beating him, you will reach the Shining Spot. Head through where the Ant was, to reach Giant Step. You will be healed, and the melody will be recorded. Head back through the caves, to the cabin. NOTE: Once you have beaten a shining spot boss, the enemies in that area will then flee from you. Outside of the cabin, a cop will yell at you for trespassing, and tell you to come to the police station (but he's too dumb to arrest you). First, go to the store, and stock up on food, and be sure to save. Head down to the police station (to the lower right of Onett), where Captain Strong will challenge you to a fight. You must beat 5 of his best officers, as well as him. Bosses: Crooked Cops ---------------------------------- HP: 75 PP: 0 You must fight five Crooked Cops, one at a time. They are weak, but can wear you down. Use bash attacks, and replenish your health when required. You should trounce them easily, but the fight isn’t over yet... Boss: Captain Strong --------------------------------- HP: 140 PP: 0 You’ve whipped his cops, so now you must battle Captain Strong himself. He has several powerful attacks. Go out on full force, using Rockin A, and recovering when necessary. With the cops defeated, Capt. Strong will tell the cops to let you into Twoson. Leave the station, and head to the edge of Onett. Head past the roadblocks, and down the path to Twoson. On the way, stop in the little house to grab an Exit Mouse. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twoson ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first thing you’ll want to do here is rest at the hotel, and then head to the Department Store. There, you should be sure to get whatever weapons/equipment you need, as well as a Teddy Bear and plenty of food. Then head down to the Polestar Preschool, where you should talk to Paula’s parents. Then, head over to Burglin Park. You buy some stuff here, but you don’t really need much of the things here. Go over to the house to the left of the park, and Mr. Everdred will attack you. Boss: Mr. Everdred ---------------------------------- HP: low PP: 0 He may be a boss, but you shouldn’t have any trouble here. Mr. Everdred is rather weak, and will easily be defeated with a combination of Rockin A and bash attacks. After trouncing Everdred, go down the road to where the houses of Apple and Orange Kid are. Go to Apple Kids house, and talk to him. Give him the food and the $200 he requests. When you leave the house, his mouse will hand you a receiver phone. Save, and head down the path to the right, which leads to the Peaceful Rest Valley. Head through the caves, which have a few enemies in them, to reach the Rest Valley. Peaceful this Valley isn’t, as it has plenty of enemies. The Li’l UFO’s are weak, but can give you colds. The Spinning Robos can also be deadly. You will also find Mobile Sprouts (weak), and the Territorial Oaks, which will burst into flames upon death. Head up the Valley, until you see the Pencil Statue. Check it (press L by it) and head back to Twoson. On the way, Apple Kid will call you. Go to Burglin Park, and you will find Apple Kid, who gives you his new invention, the Pencil Eraser. Restock on supplies, and head back to the Statue. The Pencil Eraser will erase the statue, and you can continue. Head up until you reach the bridge. Cross, and head down around to another bridge. Cross again, and head along the relatively straightforward path, to Happy Happy Village, which has been painted blie by insane cultists. The Happy Happy Village has a few Insane Cultists running around that will attack you, but it’s relatively safe. Save at the drugstore, and head through the cave next to the store. It leads to cabin where Paula is being held. Talk to her, and you will receive the Franklin Badge, which deflects lightning attacks. Exit the cabin, and Pokey will have a few enemies attack you. Return to Happy Happy Village. By the way, you should grab some Fresh Eggs from the self-service stand (you can take them for free), as they grow into Chickens, which sell for $110). Head into the Cult Office, near the middle of the village. Inside are many Cultists. Talk to the cultists to get them to move. Most of them will not respond, but some will. Of those that do respond, they will either move out of the way, or fight you. Head through the room, and upstairs to Mr. Carpainter. Talk to him, and he will hit you with lightning, which is deflected. Then the battle begins. Boss: Mr. Carpainter -------------------------------- HP: 262 PP: 70 Ha! This battle is pathetic! Carpainter will use lightning attacks on you, but they will be reflected by the Franklin Badge, and hit him. His other attacks are regular attacks, which don’t do much damage. Just keep hitting him with all you’ve got, and you should win in no time. After being defeated, Carpainter will give you the Jail Key, and say that the Evil Mani Mani statue was controlling him. Return to the cabin, and Paula will join you. Return to Happy Happy Village, and restock on supplies. Now, go into the cave on the right of the area. The cave has some relatively tough enemies, and Paula is rather weak. Keep fighting, and returning to the hotel to heal her. The Mole Playing Roughs the cave are easily killed with Freeze, as well as the Mr. Batties. The Mighty Bears are a different story. Fortunately, Paula will gain experience quickly in here. Head over all the way, down, and then through the path to reach the next boss. Check the shining thing at the exit to start the battle. Boss: Mondo Mole ------------------------------ HP: 498 PP: 161 Ugh. This guy is nasty. He does mega damage, and is rather strong. Use PSI Paralysis right at the beginning of the battle, or you’re going to have a REALLY hard time. Once he is paralyzed, lash out with powerful PSI and regular attacks to finish him off. With the Mole defeated, head through the opening, to the Liliputian Footsteps. The melody will be recorded, and you can leave. As with all Shining Spots, the enemies in the area will flee from you once the boss in vanquished. Return to Happy Happy Village, and head back to Twoson, via the Peaceful Rest Valley. When there, visit Paula’s parents, and head to Burglin Park. There, Mr. Everdred will give you a Wad of Bills. Go up to the Chaos Theater, and talk to the 2 guys outside to get a Backstage Pass. Go into the theater, and talk to the Runaway Four. After the short cinema, head to the manager’s office. Go up to him, and give him the Wad of Bills, to pay off the Runaway Five. Head outside, and the Runaway Five will give you a ride to the Zombie infested Threed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Threed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The town of Threed has come under siege by a nasty group of Zombies and ghosts, which means you will find them throughout the town. Save, and then head up to the left graveyard. In the upper part of it, talk to the 2 zombies blocking the way. Then head to the hotel. Talk to the man near the bus stop, and he will tell you about a dangerous woman. Head over to the hotel, and you should see her heading to the hotel. Follow her into the hotel, and into the hotel room, where her Zombie friends will give you a whuppin. You awake in a locked underground room. Paula then sends out a psychic call, at which point you will switch to playing as Jeff. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winters ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff is reached by Paula’s psychic call, whom you will play as for the time being. Look around in the boarding school for items, and then go downstairs to Maxwell Labs. He gives you a key; go to the lockers and try to use it. Go back to him, and he will give you the Bad Key Machine. Go back to the lockers, and open them to grab various goodies. Exit the school, and Tony will help you over the fence. Go into the drugstore, save, and talk to the woman in the store. She will sell you a pack of gum for $1. Talk to the monkey in the corner, who will then join you. Exit the store, and head along the paths down the edge of the North Shore, where the Tessie Watching Club is set up. Enter the tent to the far left, and go to sleep. When you wake up, go to the edge of the shore, and the Bubble Monkey will get Tessie to surface. Hop on Tessie, who will give you a ride to the South Shore. Head down, and enter the cave, into the Brick Road Maze. There are enemies here, but none of them are deadly. Search through the entire maze (it is rather simple) to grab all the items lying around in there, including a Stun Gun. At the end, save, and exit the cave. Outside, Brick Road (the maze designer) will let you rest. Then, head down to another cave. The Pond Cave, which you have entered, contains a Shining Spot, but right now you should concentrate on getting out. The only enemies that are actual threats here are the Mushrooms; the others are weak. Head all the way through, and at the coiled rope in the third room, use the Bubble Gum. Bubble Monkey will float up, and let down the rope. Go up the rope, and through the exit to the left. Outside, Bubble Monkey will leave you, and head after another monkey. Around the Stonehenge ahead, are several Cave Boys. Cave Boys are mean and do a lot of damage. Do your best to head past the Stonehenge without attacking them; if you do, use Bottle Rockets to send them back to the Stone Age. Make your way past the area, and head into the building to the south (Dr. Andonut’s lab). Talk to him, and he will tell you to use the Sky Runner to get to Threed. Head in, and wait through the cinema that starts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Threed (again) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sky Runner crashes into where Paula and Ness are being held. Use the Bad Key Machine to open the door, and move out. Restock on supplies, and get some weaponry from the arms dealer by the pizza place. Then, head to the fields south of the town, where you should see a big purple tent. As you approach it, you will discover that the tent happens to be alive, and will attack you. Boss: Boogie Tent ---------------------------------- HP: 617 (about) PP: ? The Boogie Tent is rather easy, and he should die easily. Lash out at him with powerful PSI attacks, as well as Bombs and Bottle Rockets from Jeff. It should die easily. After defeating the Boogie Tent, it will leave behind a garbage can, which contains Fly Honey. After grabbing it, wander around town for a bit, and Apple Kid will call you about his new invention, Zombie Paper. Wait a bit longer, and the Mach Pizza man will deliver you the paper. Head to the Zombie Relief Tent, and use the Zombie in there to place it on the floor. Go to sleep in the hotel, and during the night, the Zombies will flock to the tent, and get trapped on the paper. The passage in the left graveyard that had been blocked by 2 Zombies is now open, so head through to the Underground Road. The road is filled with various undead foes, most of whom are vulnerable to fire. The Zombie Processors are dangerous, as, although easily killed with PSI Freeze, they can possess you with ghosts that will remain with you, and attack in subsequent battles. Head all the way to the end of the road (there is only one way), and you will be greeted by the Mini Puke. Boss: Mini Puke --------------------------------- HP: 749 (about) PP: ? The Mini Puke is vulnerable to PSI Fire, and easily damaged by PSI Rockin. This is another easy battle, and you should do fine. Using Bottle Rockets will also help. Continue past where Mini Puke was, and you should reach the Grapefruit Falls, which has some enemies, the majority of them weak. Head up the Falls, until you see a cave. Make your way through the small cave, to the Saturn Valley Village. Of note, the Saturn Valley People (who happen to look VERY odd), will let you use the hospital and hotel for free. Head up to the shop to stock up on gear, and talk to the Mr. Saturns on the way; one of them will tell how to get into the Belch base. Exit the Saturn Valley Village, and head to the top of the Grapefruit Falls. Head into the waterfall, where a message will tell you to say the password. End the message, and DO NOT PRESS ANYTHING on the controller. Just wait there for 3 minutes, after which you will be let into the Belch Base. The majority of the enemies here are the Foppies, which are stupid and weak, but give huge exp. points. The other enemies are blobs, which are weak against fire, and flies. There are also a few Zombies. Head to the right of the entrance, and down the ladder. Then head to the left. When you see a door, enter it, as this is the Magic Butterfly Room. Replenish your PSI, and continue left. At the end, you will fight a few blobs, and then go through the door to Master Belch. Talk to him (during which he gives off several funny burps) to start the battle. Boss: Master Belch ---------------------------------- HP: 650 PP: 0 He may seem deadly, but if you use the right trick, you won’t take one hit of damage against him. Just use the Fly Honey, and he will loose his mind eating the honey, and completely forget about the battle. Just kill him with powerful attacks. Now that Belch is dead, head through the door he was blocking, which leads back to the Saturn Valley. Go to the shop and stock up on Horns of Life. Then, go up the ladder to the hot springs, and head through the cave to the Milky Well Hole. Now things get nasty. The plant-like enemies here are not very strong, and die quickly from Fire and Freeze attacks. The problem is that the mushrooms can make you feel funky, which can cause you to attack yourself. This condition only goes away if you die or go to a hospital. Head across the path, and then down through the valley you emerge in. Finally, walk across the last stretch of cave, and check the light at the end. Boss: Trillionage Sprout ---------------------------------- HP: 1048 PP: 240 For the most part, you’ve had it rather easy with the bosses. Not any more. The Trillionage Sprout is hard. As well as being very powerful, and the fact that some of your party may be feeling funky, he has the ability to diamondize you. What happens, is, if it works, the effected person turns diamond hard, and is effectively killed. The only thing that cures it is a Horn of Life, Secret Herb, Cup of Lifenoodles, Healing Y, or Healing O. Anyway, start out the battle by protecting everybody with shields, and using PSI Fire to kill the 2 Tough Mobile Sprouts that are with him. Then, begin pelting him with Bottle Rockets, as well as your strongest PSI attacks. Keep trying, and you should win. Go through the passage the Sprout was blocking, and record the Milky Well tune. Then make your way back to Threed, where the sun has come out, and the Zombies are gone. Take a bus through the tunnel to the desert, now that the ghosts are gone. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dusty Dunes Desert ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bus stops at the end of a huge traffic jam, and lets you off. Go into the shop to stock up on supplies, and head through the desert. You will eventually get heat stroke from the heat, so be ready to use Healing or a Wet Towel to deal with the Heat Stroke. Naturally, the enemies here can’t stand Freeze or Thunder. On the way, talk to the monkey by the Monkey Cave, and also stop at the mine to give the Miner some food. At the end, just walk through the tunnel to Fourside. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourside ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that you’re in the city, you should first head up to the Monotoli Building. Take the elevator up, and go into the office to talk to Pokey. After he has his guards escort you out, exit the building. Go to the Theater, and buy a show ticket. Enter, and talk to the Runaway Five, who tell you that they now owe the theater $1,000,000 dollars. Talk to the theater owner, and exit the building. Head back to where you saw the miner in the Desert. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dusty Dunes Desert ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Mine has now developed, and digging is underway, but there is a problem. Enter the mine, and you are told that monsters starting appearing in there, chiefly among them, 5 moles. Guess who gets to go and kill them. Head all the way up to a ladder, and head from there to the first mole. Boss: Guardian Digger ------------------------------------ HP: 386 PP: 110 For some reason, all the moles insist that they're only the third strongest (have they no ambitions?). There are 5 of them, and the same strategy works for all of them. The moles have some rather deadly vicious attacks. Attack them with powerful PSI attacks, and possibly Bottle Rockets, although they all have power shields. Go across to the ladder, down all the way, over, and up all the way. Then go through the next ladder, which leads to the second mole. Head back down the ladder, and to the left, where you emerge in a squarish section, with 4 paths branching off. Follow both the upper and lower paths to reach two more moles. Then, return to the square section, and head to the left path. Head down from there to the last mole. After killing all of them, the monsters disappear. Exit the mine, and head back to Fourside. On the way, one of the miners will give you a Diamond they found. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourside ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to the Toppola Theater again, and give the Diamond to the theater, and then see the final Runaway Five show. The Runaway Five will leave, and you should now go to the Department Store, which has now opened. Be sure to get plenty of Big Bottle Rockets from the Arms Dealer on the second floor, and get gear from the fourth floor. When you’re done shopping, head for the exit. The lights will go off, and a green alien will kidnap Paula. You now need to make your way back to the office on the top floor. The store is now inhabited by enemies, but don’t worry. Get up to the office, and talk to the alien sitting at the desk. He will then attack you. Boss: Dept. Store Spook --------------------------------- HP: 610 PP: 290 The Dept. Store Spook uses some rather nasty Freeze attacks, so be prepared to heal yourself. You can use your most powerful PSI attacks to kill him, or (more preferably) blow him into space with a few Big Bottle Rockets. After the spook dies, the lights go back on, but the mayor has Paula with him. Go to Jackie’s Café near the corner of the city, and talk to the people in there. Exit the Café, and you will see a crowd around Mr. Everdred’s limp body. One of the people will move out of the way if you give him some food. Do so, and talk to Everdred. Then, enter the Café and check the panel by the counter. Suddenly, something will happen that make you wonder if Ness has been smoking or sniffing something (as if the backgrounds for battles didn't already make you question that). You are now in an alternate realm, called Moonside. The enemies are twisted nightmares, “yes” means “no”, and your movement is limited. Exit the Café, and go by the building with the fire escape. The guy that looks like a surfer is a Warp Man. Talk to him to be warped to another part of Moonside. You are sent near the hospital. Talk to the Warp Man there to be sent to another Warp Man, who will put you in a position to visit the last Warp Man. The last Warp Man looks like a guy in a suit. Talk to him to be sent to a room with no exit. You should see a guy that looks like a black shadow walking around. Talk to him, and when he asks if you can see him, say “no” (which means “yes” here). Talk to the other man in the room to be sent to the hotel. The invisible man will now follow you. Talk to the Warp Man outside the hotel to be sent near the Monotoli Building. Talk to the man in front of your path, and he will leave with the Invisible Man. Head down the path, and check the statue to fight a boss battle. Boss: Evil Mani Mani ----------------------------------- HP: 860 PP: 88 The Mani Mani Statue puts up a relatively good fight, but you should beat him with ease. Don’t bother with PSI attacks; just chuck a few Super Bombs and Bottle Rockets at him to end the battle easily. With the Mani Mani Statue destroyed, Moonside will disappear, as it was just an illusion created by the Statue. Exit the building, and the Apple Kid will call you about his Trout Yogurt invention. Then, a person from Escargo Express’s neglected class will come and tell you that he lost the invention in the desert. Buy a Skip Sandwich and a Picnic Lunch, and get the Pencil Eraser. Then, head back to the Monkey Cave in the desert. In the Monkey Cave, and you have to give various food items to the monkeys to get them to move out of the way. You don’t really need a walkthrough for this part, just get the items in the cave, and get the monkeys out of the way. The monkey who wants the King Banana will lead to a room with a pencil statue. Use the Pencil Eraser on it, and head in, where you will find Talah Rama. Talk to him, and he will give you the Trout Yogurt Machine. Also grab the items in the 2 boxes there. Exit the cave, and a monkey will teach you PSI Teleport. Then, you can return to Fourside. Go up to the Montoli Building, and talk to the maid near the door; she will take the Trout Yogurt Machine. Go into the building, and take the 2 elevators up to the 48th floor. As you make your way through the floor, Security Robots will attack you. The robots are not incredibly deadly, and can also die from one Big Bottle Rocket. Go through the door to the far left of the room. IN the next room, head through the door near the top of the room, then the left door, then the upper right door, and finally the left door. This will lead to the boss, the Clumsy Robot. Boss: Clumsy Robot ------------------------------------ HP: 962 PP: 0 The final robot on the top floor is somewhat more dangerous then the others, but not by much. Attack it with powerful PSI attacks, as well as regular attacks. I do not believe Bottle Rockets will work on him, so don’t bother with them. At the end the Runaway Five come in and pull the robot's plug (why the **** didn't Ness notice that?) The Runaway Five come in after you defeat the robot. Head through the next door to Mr. Monotoli’s office. Paula will rejoin you, and Monotoli will explain that messages to stop you had been coming from the Mani Mani Statue. Then, head over to the helipad, as Pokey takes off in the helicopter. Leave the building, and the Runaway Five will give you a ride back to Threed. In Threed, go back to where the Sky Runner had crashed. It has now been fixed, and you can use it to go to Winters. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winters ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sky Runner lands (without crashing!) in Dr. Andonut’s lab. Head out, and past Stonehenge, and enter the Pond Cave. Head over to the Shining Spot (conveniently located near the entrance) and start the next battle with a giant mushroom named Shrooom (wonder if you could get hallucinations off of him). Boss: Shrooom! -------------------------------------- HP: 1700 PP: 112 Shrooom is hard, especially since he can mushroomize you, which causes you to act weird (damn, theres so many drug references in this game. He is vulnerable to PSI Fire, and Rockin will work well too. To make the battle MUCH easier, blast him with Jeff’s Big Bottle Rockets. Now that the Shrooom is dead, you can go collect the Rainy Circle melody. Exit the cave, and return to Dr. Andonut’s lab. Now, get back in the Sky Runner, and it will take you to Summers, in which the Sky Runner crashes, and is reduced to some rubble. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to get into the Stoic Club, but they won’t let you in. Go to the port of Toto (off to the right), and check around in the houses, where one of the people will give you the Club’s phone number. Use a phone to call them, and they will let you in. Inside the club are a bunch of what appear to a bunch of potheads staring a rock. The majority of the club members are getting stoned and talking about weird issues, but one will tell you about “Magic Cake” (which is probably some new drug). Talk to the lady near the entrance, and she will tell you to come to her vendor spot to get some cake. Go there, and she will give you the Magic Cake. Apparently, the cake contains some, em, hallucinogenic material, as everything will go purple, as you land in the land of Dalaam, in the persona of Prince Poo. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dalaam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go down to the Southeast corner of Dalaam. Head up to the top of the hill, and some strange music will start. DO NOT press anything, and wait until it switches to a battle screen, with a spirit appearing there. Answer yes to all of his questions, and you will complete your Mu training. Go back to the palace, and you will gain several levels, as well as PSI Teleport B. You will then be teleported to Summers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poo has now joined you, making your group complete. Poo is a bit weak at this point, but he will grow in experience rather quickly. Head to the Museum, and go up to the guy in front of the door. Give him Poo’s Gem, and the guard will let you in, convinced that you are the biggest fools in the world (and he’s right). Inside the room, 2 Shattered Men will attack you, though you should beat them with ease (if not, then you’re pathetic). Check the hieroglyphic, and it will say how to get into the pyramid. Leave, and the man will give you a copy of the hieroglyphic. As you leave the museum, Mr. Spoon will call, and tell about an amazing thing he’s found. Teleport to Fourside, and head to the Dinosaur Museum. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourside ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Talk to Mr. Spoon in the room with the big dinosaur, and he will tell you that you can see the find, if you bring him Venus’ signature. Head over to the Toppolla Theater, and visit Venus, who will give an autographed banana peel. Go back to Mr. Spoon, and he will let you in to a room with a manhole, telling you that he found monsters and a giant rat there. Rrrrright. Head down the manhole, into some rather nasty sewers. There aren’t any alligators here, but some Stinky Ghosts and Attack Roaches have taken up residence. The Ghosts are weak against Fire, and you should use regular attacks against the roaches. Head down the ladder to the left, which takes you into some sewage. Traipse your way through the sewage, and make your way to the end of the area. At that point, get out of the sewage, and talk to the bright light. Boss: Plague Rat Of Doom ------------------------------------ HP: 1827 PP: 60 The Plague Rat of Doom has taken up residence here, and doesn’t feel like leaving. Of course, you have to kill the filthy thing. He uses SMASH attacks frequently, so be prepared to heal each other. He also uses Poison, which can be countered with PSI Healing B or higher. Lash out at him with strong PSI attacks, as well as Big Bottle Rockets. With the Rat dead, head up the ladder to Magnet Hill. After the melody is recorded, grab the Carrot Key from the box there and teleport to Dalaam. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dalaam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now it’s time for another Shining Spot. Head down to the cave with the rabbit statues; use the Carrot Key to make them disappear. Head in, which takes you to the Cave of the Pink Cloud. Inside here are some rather odd enemies, the majority of whom pack Thunder attacks. Be sure to pack the Franklin Badge, as it will reflect lightning. From the entrance, go up the first 2 ropes to the top. Then drop down the hole, and next, drop down the hole to the far left. Drop down the next hole, and head to the left. At this point, you should see the light at the end of the tunnel—which happens to be a boss. Boss: Thunder and Storm -------------------------------------- HP: 2065 PP: 70 As soon as you start the battle, use your strongest Flash attack; you will most likely kill Thunder and Storm right away. If it doesn’t, build up a power shield, and use your most powerful attacks. If they start building up energy, it means they are about to charge, and do major damage. This is still a rather easy battle. With the boss dead, head to the Pink Cloud, and record the next melody. Then, teleport to Summers. Head to the port of Toto, and the captain will let you take a cruise for $20 per person. Get on; near the end of the cruise, you will be attacked by the dreaded Kraken. Boss: Kraken -------------------------------------------- HP: 1097 PP: 176 WTF, the Kraken is a giant squid, not a sea serpent. A deadly sea serpent has just risen from the depths, and, as usual, it’s time to torch the beastie. He is vulnerable to PSI Freeze; use that to your advantage. Big Bottle Rockets will also come in handy. It’s a tough battle, but you should win if you keep fighting and healing your party. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scaraba ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After your battle with the Kraken, you will arrive in the desert land of Scaraba. Gear up on supplies, and then head down all the way to the south to reach the pyramid. Talk to the Sphinx, after which, you will have to step on the tiles in the correct order, as shown in the ASCII map below. 1/6 4 3 2 5 Don’t worry, I won’t torture you with another half-assed ASCII map. Instead, I’ll torture you with my half-assed walkthrough. Muahahaha! Anyway, there’s only one real path in the pyramid. Just head forwards through the entire pyramid. There are various enemies here, none of whom are very dangerous. Eventually, you’ll reach a coffin in front of a door. Check it, and the Guardian General will attack you. Just chuck as few Big Bottle Rockets at him, and the fight will be over. Head into the room, he was guarding, and step on the tile. Backtrack to where there had been a coffin. It has now been moved over, revealing a hole. Drop down, and grab the Hawk Eye from the pedestal. Make your way out of the pyramid, and the Starmaster will teleport in, and take Poo away, in order to teach him Starstorm. Poo will rejoin you near the end of the Deep Darkness. Talk to the native above the exit, and he will give you the Dungeon Key. Then, head to the Northwest, to the Dungeon Man. Use the key to enter him. Once inside Dungeon Man, first head to the left, and make use of the phone, and the rest bench. Head around the path, to the right, and don’t go on the elevated path. Take the third elevator from the left up to the next floor. Head around, staying off the elevated path, until you see a rope. Go up the rope, and take the next ladder to the next floor. Walk around the path to the final ladder, which takes you to Dungeon Man’s face. Talk to him, and use the hole down to the left to get out. Dungeon Man will now follow you, and help in battle. Head to the south, and try to get through the trees. Dungeon Man is too big, gets stuck, and has to leave you. Talk to the native down to the right, who tells you that you would need a submarine to reach Deep Darkness. Go to Dungeon Man, and he will tell you that he has a submarine. Make your way back to the top floor of Dungeon Man, and now use the hole down to the RIGHT, which will deposit you in Dungeon Man’s vehicle collection. Check the (yellow) submarine, which will lead to a cinema in which you use the submarine to reach Deep Darkness. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deep Darkness ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deep Darkness is a dark swamp located in the heart of the rain forest, which requires the Hawk Eye to pierce the perpetual darkness. Save, and head to the right. Be ABSOLUTELY SURE to buy several Multi-bottle Rockets from the illegal arms dealer, and then head into the darkness. Use the Hawk Eye (which will disappear) and the darkness will be lifted, allowing you to see. Be warned: while moving through deep water, you will slowly take damage. There is basically only one path is the area. Keep heading forwards, and you will eventually reach the end. Near the very end, you will see a frightening sight (sarcasm). Master Belch has returned, under the name of Master Barf. This is the absolute most pathetic boss in the entire fucking game; if you loose this battle, you are so pathetic that you should just stick your head in the oven right now. This boss is not even worthy of a boss section. Just fire a fire one Multi-Bottle Rocket at him to end this pathetic fight. Poo will then swoop in to rejoin you, and use his new Starstorm power to send the slimy fiend to his grave. Make your way forwards into the Tenda Village. Inside the Village, talk around to the people, and one Tenda will explain that he is the only one of them that isn’t shy, although there is a book for curing shyness. Exit the Tenda Village, and Apple Kid will give you a call. During the call he is apparently abducted, and the line goes dead. Orange Kid then calls you, and mentions that Apple Kid had the book for curing shyness. You need to teleport down to Winters now. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winters ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- It appears that several people in Winters have been abducted, and strange monsters have been appearing here. You need to make your way back to Dr. Andonut’s lab; check the earlier section on Winters if you don’t remember how to. Upon reaching the lab, talk to the mouse, as he will give you the Eraser Eraser. You now need to head up to Stonehenge, and enter the alien base there through a hole in the middle. Inside the base, you will come upon a strange eraser statue; the Eraser Eraser will make short work of it. The base is filled with a few robots, and some aliens. Beware of the Starmen, as they will teleport into the middle of your group. Make your way through the purple corridors, and always take the lower branches of the path. Eventually you will land in a factory like section. In here, you may find the Starman Super. It is recommended that you always fight the Starman Super, as there is a 1/127 chance he will give you the Sword of Kings, Poo’s only weapon. However, you don’t need it to win the game, and you shouldn’t expect to get the sword. Go down the ladder, and then head forwards along the single path, into a dimly lit corridor. In here, head around the path, into a room with several people in test tubes. In the next room, you will face the Starman DX. Boss: Starman DX -------------------------------------- HP: 1400 PP: 418 The Starman DX can be rather tough the first time. Put up a psychic shield to protect your group. I believe he has a psychic power shield, so don’t use PSI against him. Instead, pelt him with bash attacks, and use Multi-bottle Rockets to blow him into space. The Starman DX can bring other Starmen in the battle; however, they will all die once you kill Starman DX. Once Starman DX is dead, the base will shut down, and the enemies will disappear. The people in the test tubes (one of them being Apple Kid) are now free. Talk to Apple Kid, and he will tell you that he returned the book to the Onett library. Teleport to Onett, and head to the library. Check the entire book shelves there, as the book randomly appears in one of them. Teleport to the Tenda Village once you have the Shyness Book. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenda Village ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Give the Shyness Book to the Tenda Chief, and he will read it to all the Tendas, curing their shyness. He also gives you some Tendakraut (which apparently smells like crap). Talk to the one near the rock, and he will heave the rock off, revealing a hole with a talking rock. Drop down and through another room to the Lumine Hall. The majority of the enemies here are relatively weak, especially the Fobbys. Head up from the entrance, and around to the right. Head down the ladder there, and ahead to the third ladder in this room. From there, head left to the light that turns out to be the Electro Specter. Boss: Electro Specter -------------------------------------- HP: 3092 PP: 80 The Electro Specter is rather easy, as far as bosses go. Blast him with powerful PSI attacks and Multi-Bottle Rockets to end the battle. Head forwards into the Shining Spot, where you will record the 7th melody. Then drop the hole to the left. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lost Underworld ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beyond the caverns of Lumine Hall, lies the Lost Underworld, a land where dinosaurs still roam the earth. As usual in this game, it will be time to torch some rare animals thought to be extinct (and probably make them extinct again). Head up, and around to the second Tenda Village (this area is somewhat non-descript). The Tenda Tribesmen there will take your Tendrakraut, and let you in. Stock up on supplies here, and then talk to the Talking Rock. The Rock will give you a recap of the previous Shining Spots, and then tell you that the next one, the Fire Springs is located here. Head to the left, and then all the way down to the Southwest, and you should see the cave of the Fire Springs. Before heading in, save at the nearby refuge, and heal yourself at the nearby geyser. Then enter the Fire Springs. As you might guess from the name (unless you're really, really stupid), the Fire Springs is filled with fiery enemies, none of whom can stand freeze. The quickest way to reach the boss here is to start at the far right, and then (through the passages) make your way left, and upwards. At the end, you reach Carbon/Diamond Dog, the toughest battle yet. Boss: Carbon Dog ------------------------------------- HP: 1672 PP: 0 Protect yourself with a power shield, and then use your most powerful PSI Freeze attacks to kill the dog. Eventually, the dog will give off a light, and harden. Boss: Diamond Dog ------------------------------------- HP: 3344 PP: 154 Carbon Dog hardens into Diamond Dog, and now it’s your turn to suffer. Diamond Dog does lots of damage to you, and has a power shield. Immediately attack with powerful PSI such as Rockin and Starstorm. Also use Multi-Bottle Rockets. This may take a few tries. After the battle, head up to the Shining Spot, where you will record the final melody. You will go through a cinema with Ness as a child. Then, you will appear alone in the realm of Magicant. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magicant ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The realm of Magicant has been created by Ness’s mind (and probably some LSD or some other heavy duty drugs), after standing on the 8 power spots of the world. Thus, it is all a dream, meaning that there is some pretty wacky stuff. Throughout the first part, you can talk with various characters you met throughout the game. Go to the shop, and buy the Earth Pendant. Then, it is important that you buy as much Magic Pudding as possible: max out your storage if possible. The reason is that Magic Pudding is the only thing you can use the replenish PSI (which will be necessary for the fight against Giygas), and you will not be able to return to Magicant after defeating the boss here (ness must've used up his drug stash). After that, make your way along the path towards the red tunnel. Stop at the house of the Flying Men, to get one of them to follow you, and aid you in battle. Then, continue on to the red tunnel. At this point, enemies will start to appear. The French Kiss of Death and Electro Swoosh are not very dangerous, and the Mr. Molecules are ridiculously weak. You need to worry about the Loaded Dice (before they call for help from strong enemies) and the Carefree Bombs (because they are very deadly). Head along the path, and be sure to grab the Magicant Bat. At the end, you will reach what looks like a curled horn. Check it to warp to final section of Magicant. After checking the horn, you will be transported to the Sea of Eden. Here you have to swim through a short section of waters to a small island in the middle. There are 3 Krakens swimming around here, all of whom you should fight, as there is a 1/128 chance that one of them will give you the powerful Gutsy Bat (not that you need it, but it can be helpful). At the small island is the Mani Mani Statue- Ness’s Nightmare. Be sure you have everything you need to get from Magicant, as this area will disappear after you defeat the boss. Check the statue to start the fight. Boss: Ness’s Nightmare ------------------------------------------ HP: 1654 PP: 882 The Ness’s Nightmare is the hardest boss in the entire game, and will probably take several tries to beat. It can use any PSI attack that Ness can gain (including Rockin 0mega), as well as emit a Glorious Light, which, if successful, will kill you instantly. The Nightmare starts out with a psychic shield, so start out by using regular attacks. You need Magic Pudding here, as you will need to be able to replenish your PSI. Once it uses a power shield, start using strong PSI attacks against it. Eventually, the Nightmare will use up its PP (although you may kill it before that happens), at which time you will have the advantage, since it cannot use regular attacks. Once the Ness’s Nightmare is defeated, you will gain about 100,000 experience points, which may put you at a high enough level to gain Rockin Omega. You will then be filled with the power of the 8 Shining Spots, which increases some of your attributes. After that, Magicant (and your Sound Stone) will disappear (I guess the drugs wore off), leaving you in the Fire Springs. At that point, you will automatically teleport to Saturn Valley. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Cave of the Past ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Talk to Dr. Andonuts, and he will explain to you about the Phase Distorter, which you will use to meet Giygas. Step in, and you will come out covered in soot, as the machine is missing a key element that comes from Meteorites. Teleport back to Onett. Giygas’s forces have now overrun Onett, and will try to thwart you from reaching the meteor. All the houses are locked up, except for your house. The main dangerous enemies here are the Ghosts are Starmen, as the use Starstorm. Make your way to the meteor, and check it to grab the Zexonyte. Return to Dr. Andonuts, and give him the piece. Go to sleep, and the machine will be ready. At this point, you must stock up on any items that you will need. Get whatever weapons and protection you need, and stock up on Multi-Bottle Rockets, Horns of Life, and Magic Pudding. When are absolutely ready, talk to Dr. Andonuts, and he will let you step into the machine. DO NOT proceed unless you are absolutely ready; there is no way to return once you go through the Distorter. Enter, and it will break down in a small cave. Walk around and the Starmaster will come in, and give you Starstorm O. Walk around some more, and Dr. Andonuts will arrive. It turns out that you need to travel to the past, but doing so will turn living things into no longer living things. Dr. Andonuts will turn you into robots, and send you on your way. You arrive in the Cave of the Past, which is populated by some of Giygas’s toughest henchmen. The main dangers are the Ghost of Starman and Final Starman, both of whom use Starstorm. Make your way through the Cave (there is only one way to go), and you will eventually a strong organic looking room. This is the lair of Giygas. Head forwards, and Giygas will attack you, joined by his new henchman, Pokey (who still looks like a pig). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giygas ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This battle is rather long, but not that hard. It is broken into 3 different phases. Giygas is joined by Heavily Armed Pokey for this phase. Your first impulse will probably be to blast Giygas to hell with everything you have. Don’t do it, as any attempted damage against Giygas will bounce back and hurt you, and blast you to hell. For this phase, concentrate on Pokey. Giygas attacks with PSI Rockin A and B, so put up PSI Shield E. You may want to use Paralysis on Pokey, although he is easily defeated with a few Multi Bottle Rockets. At that point Pokey will leave the fight, and reveal Giygas’s true form. A shield no longer protects Giygas, so start attacking him with your most powerful attacks. Giygas also destroyed his mind with his power, so during the fight he keeps muttering stuff that makes no sense. Giygas uses 3 different attacks: one which works like a normal attack, one that acts like a thunder attack, and one that has the effects of Flash O. After about 2366 points of damage, the next phase will begin. During the final phase of the battle, you must use the pray option 9 times to defeat Giygas. The rest of your group should just use life-up to heal each other, or use Defend. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The End ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Giygas is defeated, your characters’ spirits will rejoin their bodies in the Saturn Valley. You can now make the ending as long or short as you want, as you can go around talking to people throughout the game. Once you’re done talking to people, go back to your house and talk to Ness’s mom to start the credits. After the cast and credits scenes go by, wait a few seconds, and Ness will back in bed, only to be awakened by a knock at the door. It is Pickey, with a letter from Pokey, who it seems will seek revenge. (Presumably, this is what the originally planned Earthbound 64 would have used for the story, had the project not been canceled by some stoner at Nintendo). ============================================================================= 3. W E A P O N S C H A R T ============================================================================= NOTE: An * next to the price means an item cannot be bought, but can be sold for half that price. For Locations: GB= Gift box, SH= shop, PE= person gives you item, EN= enemy gives you, ()= where found before repair. USED BY NESS ___________________________________________________________________________ |NAME OF WEAPON |PRICE |OFFENSE UP| ERROR RATE |COMMENTS |LOCATION| |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Cracked Bat |18 |4 | 1/16 |First weapon. | GB | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Tee Ball Bat |48 |8 | 1/16 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Sand Lot Bat |98 |15 | 1/16 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Minor League Bat |399 |26 | 1/16 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |T-Rex’s Bat |698 |48 | 1/16 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Mr. Baseball Bat |498 |38 | 1/16 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Big League Bat |3080 |54 | 1/16 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Hall of Fame Bat |*1880 |62 | 1/16 | | PE | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Ultimate Bat |2298 |68 | 1/16 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Magicant Bat |0 |80 | 1/16 | | GB | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Legendary Bat |0 |110 | 1/16 | | GB | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Gutsy Bat |*2980 |100 | 1/16 |Increases Guts| EN | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|by 127._______|________| |Casey Bat |*38 |125 | 3/4 | | EN | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| | USED BY PAULA | |___________________________________________________________________________| |Fry Pan |56 |10 | 1/16 |First weapon | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Thick Fry Pan |198 |20 | 1/16 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Deluxe Fry Pan |598 |30 | 1/16 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Chef’s Fry Pan |1198 |40 | 1/16 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Non-stick Fry Pan |1490 |50 |1/16 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |French Fry Pan |1790 |60 | 1/16 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Magic Fry Pan |*4790 |50 | 1/4 |Increase Guts | EN | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|by 100________|________| |Holy Fry Pan |3480 |80 | 1/16 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| | USED BY JEFF | |___________________________________________________________________________| |Pop Gun |*110 |16 | 0 |First weapon | GB | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Stun Gun |*150 |24 | 0 | | GB | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Toy Air Gun |215 |32 | 0 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Magnum Air Gun |0 |36 | 0 |Repair Broken | (GB) | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|Toy Air Gun___|________| |Zip Gun |425 |40 | 0 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Laser Gun |0 |48 | 0 |Repair Laser | (GB) | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Hyper Beam |850 |58 | 0 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Double Beam |*1000 |66 | 0 |Repair Gadget | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Crusher Beam |1150 |72 | 0 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Spectrum Beam |*1650 |78 | 0 |Repair Cannon | (SH) | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Death Ray |*2300 |90 | 0 | | GB | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Baddest Beam |0 |98 | 0 |Repair Harmonica |(GB) | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Moon Beam Gun |*4450 |110 | 0 | | GB | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Gaia Beam |0 |125 | 0 |Repair Antenna| (EN) | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| | USED BY POO | |___________________________________________________________________________| |Sword of Kings |0 |30 | 0 |Only weapon | EN | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| | USED BY ALL (decreases Poo’s offense) | |___________________________________________________________________________| |Yo-yo |29 |6 | 3/16 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Slingshot |89 |12 | 3/16 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Bionic Slingshot |449 |32 | 3/16 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Trick Yo-yo |998 |46 | 3/16 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| |Combat Yo-yo |1148 |54 | 3/16 | | SH | |___________________|_______|__________|____________|______________|________| ============================================================================= 4. P R O T E C T I O N C H A R T ============================================================================= NOTE: An * next to the price means an item cannot be bought, but can be sold for half that price. For Locations: GB= Gift box, SH= shop, PE= person gives you item, EN= enemy gives you, ()= where found before repair. ___________________ ______ ________ _________________________________ _____ |Item |Price |Def. Up |Comments |Found| |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Baseball Cap |19 |5 | |SH | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Bracer of Kings |0 |30 |Used only by Poo. Increases Luck |GB | | | | |by 35 and protects against Sleep.| | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Charm Coin |6000 |50 |Increases Luck by 20. |SH | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Cheap Bracelet |98 |5 | |SH | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Cherub’s Band |*1790 |70 |Protects from sleep; luck up by 20|GB | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Cloak of Kings |0 |20 |Used by Poo. Speed up by 40. |GB | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Coin of Defense |2000 |40 |Luck up by 13. |SH | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Coin of Silence |2500 |45 |Luck up by 16. |SH | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Coin of Slumber |1500 |30 |Luck up by 10. |SH | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Copper Bracelet |349 |10 | |SH | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Crystal Charm |600 |2 |Protects from Paralysis. Speed up|SH | | | | |by 15. | | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Defense Ribbon |389 |40 |Used by Paula. Luck up by 15. |SH | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Diadem of Kings |0 |20 |Used by Poo. Luck up by 30, weakens|GB | | | | |enemy PSI attacks. | | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Diamond Band |9998 |50 | |SH | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Earth Pendant |4000 |16 |Protects from Flash, Fire, & Freeze.|SH| |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Flame Pendent |3000 |15 |Protects from Fire. |GB/SH| |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Goddess Band |*1980 |80 |Protects from Sleep. Luck up by 30.|GB | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Goddess Ribbon |*6980 |110 |Used by Paula. |EN | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Gold Bracelet |2799 |30 | |SH | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Great Charm |400 |1 |Speed increases by 5. |GB/SH| |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Hard Hat |298 |15 | |GB/SH| |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Holmes Hat |59 |10 | |SH/GB| |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Mr. Baseball Cap |*199 |6 | |PE | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Mr. Saturn Coin |1000 |47 |Luck increases by 18. |PE | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Night Pendant |3000 |15 |Protects from Flash. |GB/SH| |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Pixie’s Bracelet |*1590 |60 |Protects from Sleep. Luck up by 10.|GB | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Platinum Band |6899 |40 | |SH | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Rabbit’s Foot |*1800 |3 |Protects from Paralysis. Speed up|GB | | | | |by 40. | | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Rain Pendant |3000 |15 |Protects from Freeze. |GB/SH| |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Red Ribbon |179 |25 |Used by Paula. |SH | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Ribbon |179 |25 |Used by Paula. |SH | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Saturn Ribbon |*3980 |90 |Used by Paula. Luck up by 40. |PE | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Sea Pendent |*5000 |20 |Protects from Fire, Freeze, & Flash|GB | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Shiny Coin |4000 |70 |Increases Luck by 30. |SH | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Silver Bracelet |599 |15 | |GB/SH| |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Souvenir Coin |*6000 |80 |Increases Luck by 35. |GB | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Star Pendant |*7000 |30 |Protects from Freeze, Fire, Flash,|EN | | | | |and Paralysis. | | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Talisman Coin |3500 |60 |Increases Luck by 35. |PE | |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| |Travel Charm |60 |- |Protects from Paralysis. |PE/SH| |___________________|______|________|_________________________________|_____| ============================================================================= 5. G O O D S C H A R T ============================================================================= NOTE: An * next to the price means an item cannot be bought, but can be sold for half that price. For Locations: GB= Gift box, SH= shop, PE= person gives you item, EN= enemy gives you, CH= check for item,()= where found before repair. __________________ ______ ___________________________________________ _____ |Item |Price |Comments |Found| |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |ATM Card |0 |Use to withdraw or deposit cash. |- | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Backstage Pass |0 |Use at the Chaos Theater. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Bad Key Machine |0 |Opens locked doors. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Bag of Dragonite |*1000 |Use to turn into a dragon for a single attack.|GB| |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Bazooka |*950 |Used by Jeff to hit multiple enemies. |SH | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Bicycle |0 |Lets one person ride on it. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Big Bottle Rocket |139 |Used by Jeff for a single attack. |SH | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Bomb |149 |Hits several enemies for a single attack. |SH/GB| |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Bottle Rocket |29 |Used by Jeff for a single attack. |SH | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Brain Stone |0 | |- | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Bubble Gum |1 |Give to Bubble Monkey. |SH | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Carrot Key |0 |Eliminates rabbit statues. |GB | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Chick |*25 |Becomes a chicken. |- | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Chicken |*220 |Sell for money. |- | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Contact Lens |0 |Exchanged for socks. |CH | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Counter PSI-Unit |0 |Used by Jeff to stop enemies from using PSI|(GB) | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Cup of Lifenoodles|*178 |Same as Healing O. |GB/PE| |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Defense Shower |0 |Used by Jeff to increase group’s defense. |(GB) | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Defense Spray |500 |Ups 1 person’s defense. |SH | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Diamond |0 |Used to free Runaway 5 from Topolla. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Eraser-Eraser |0 |Erases eraser statue. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Exit Mouse |0 |Takes you to exit of cave or maze. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |For Sale Sign |0 |Attracts people to buy stuff. |SH | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Franklin Badge |0 |Reflects lightning. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Hand-Aid |*19 |Fully recovers HP. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Handbag Strap |*39 |Freezes an enemy in battle for 1 turn. |GB | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Hawk Eye |0 |Lights up Deep Darkness. |CH | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Heavy Bazooka |0 |Weapon used by Jeff. |(GB) | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Hieroglyphic Copy |0 |Tells how to enter Pyramid. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |HP Sucker |*800 |Used by Jeff to add enemy’s HP to his. |(GB) | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Hungry HP Sucker |0 |Takes HP from all enemies. |(GB) | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Insecticide Spray |19 |Use to attack insect monsters. |SH/GB| |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Insignificant Item|*2 |Give to owner for a Magic Truffle. |CH | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Jar of Fly Honey |0 |Use against Master Belch. |CH | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Key to the Cabin |0 |Use to rescue Paula from the cabin. |EN | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Key to the Locker |0 |Useless. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Key to the Shack |0 |Use to open shack in Onett. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Key to the Tower |0 |Use to enter Dungeon Man. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |King Banana |0 |Moves monkey in Monkey Cave. |GB | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Meteorite Piece |0 |Used for Phase Distorter. |CH | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Meteornium |*2000 |Sell for money. |EN | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Meteotite |*4000 |Sell for money. |EN | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Monkey’s Love |0 |Freezes an enemy in battle. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Multi Bottle Rocket|2319 |Used by Jeff in battle. |SH | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Mummy Wrap |*128 |Freezes an enemy in battle. |SH/GB| |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Neutralizer |0 |Removes enemy PSI attacks from 1 person. |GB | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Pair of Dirty Socks|*2 |Freezes enemy in battle. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Pencil Eraser |0 |Erases pencil statues. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Pharaoh’s Curse |*290 |Poisons an enemy in battle. |GB | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Picture Postcard |2 |Useless. |SH/PE| |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Piggy Nose |300 |Use to find Magic Truffles. |SH | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Protractor |2 |Useless. |SH/GB| |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Receiver Phone |0 |Recieves important phone calls. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Ruler |2 |Absolutely useless. |SH/GB| |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Rust Promoter |89 |Use against robotic enemies. |SH/GB| |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Rust Promoter DX |289 |Stronger then rust promoter. |SH/GB| |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Shield Killer |0 |Used by Jeff to destroy enemy’s shield. |(SH) | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Show Ticket |30 |Use to get into Topolla Theater. |SH | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Shyness Book |0 |Use to cure Tenda Peoples’ shyness. |CH | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Signed Banana |0 |Use to get entrance to Magnet Hill. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Slime Generator |*420 |Used by Jeff to freeze an enemy in battle. |(SH) | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Snake |220 |Poisons an enemy in battle. |SH/GB| |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Snake Bag |290 |Unlimited supply of snakes. |SH | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Sound Stone |0 |Records melodies of 8 Shining Spots. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Stage Beetle |8 |Freezes an enemy in battle. |SH/PE| |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Sudden Guts Pill |500 |Increases Guts in battle. |GB/SH| |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Super Bomb |399 |Stronger then a regular bomb. |SH/GB| |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Super Plush Bear |1198 |Works as a decoy in battle. |SH/GB| |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Suporma |*50 |Plays a song about Orange Kid and breaks. |SH/GB| |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Teddy Bear |178 |Works as a decoy in battle. |SH/GB| |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Tendakraut |0 |Lets you enter 2nd Tenda Village. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Tiny Ruby |0 |Lets you enter hieroglyph room. |- | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Toothbrush |3 |Freezes an enemy in battle. |(SH) | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Town Map |0 |Shows map of current town. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Trout Yogurt |*48 |Recovers 30 HP. Poo recovers 6 HP. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Viper |550 |Poisons an enemy in battle. |SH/GB| |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Wad of Bills |0 |Rescues Runaway 5 from Twoson. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |X-Terminator Spray|630 |Eliminates all insect enemies in battle. |SH | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Yogurt Dispenser |0 |Lets you reach top floor of Monotoli Bldg. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| |Zombie Paper |0 |Used to trap Zombies. |PE | |__________________|______|___________________________________________|_____| ============================================================================= 6. F O O D C H A R T ============================================================================= NOTE: Poo recovers HP & PP differently then the rest of your group, so his recovery stats are in a different column. __________________ ______ ___ ___ _______ _________________________________ |Food Item |Price |HP |PP |Poo |Comments | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Bag of Fries |8 |24 |- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Banana |5 |25 |- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Bean Croquette |12 |42 |- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Beef Jerky |70 |150|- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Boiled Egg |9 |42 |- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Bottle of DX Water|198 |- |1 |PP-40 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Bottle of Water |4 |- |1 |PP-10 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Bowl of Rice Gruel|88 |216|- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Brain Food Lunch |800 |300|50 |Full HP/PP Recovery| | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Bread Roll |12 |30 |- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Calorie Stick |18 |60 |- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Can of Fruit Juice|4 |6 |- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Chef’s Special |298 |216|- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Cookie |7 |6 |- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Croissant |18 |60 |- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Cup of Coffee |6 |12 |- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Cup of Noodles |98 |42 |- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Double Burger |24 |96 |- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Fresh Egg |12 |84 |- |HP-6 |Eventually hatches into a chicken| |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Gelato de Resort |49 |30 |- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Hamburger |14 |48 |- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Kabob |54 |126|- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Kraken Soup |648 |FULL|- |HP-6 |Refills everyone’s HP. | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Large Pizza |238 |240|- |HP-6 |Everyone recovers HP. | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Lucky Sandwich |128 |- |- |- |Recovers HP & PP randomly. | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Luxury Jerky |210 |300|- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Magic Pudding |680 |- |40 |PP-40 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Magic Tart |480 |- |20 |PP-20 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Magic Truffle |- |- |80 |PP-80 |Found in Deep Darkness. | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Mammoth Burger |98 |204|- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Molokhieya Soup |20 |84 |- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Pasta di Summers |128 |108|- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Peanut Cheese Bar |22 |108|- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Picnic Lunch |24 |84 |- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Piggy Jelly |222 |300|- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Pizza |48 |120|- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Plain Roll |- |24 |- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Plain Yogurt |- |168|- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Popsicle |7 |18 |- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Protein Drink |38 |84 |- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |PSI Caramel |- |- |20 |PP-20 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Royal Iced Tea |78 |60 |- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Skip Sandwich |38 |6 |- |HP-6 |Makes you walk fast for 10 sec. | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Skip Sandwich DX |98 |6 |- |HP-6 |Makes you walk fast for 20 sec. | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| |Spicy Jerky |140 |252|- |HP-6 | | |__________________|______|___|___|_______|_________________________________| ============================================================================= 7. C O N D I M E N T C H A R T ============================================================================= Condiments are used with foods, and change the effectiveness of the food. ___________________ ______ ________________________________________________ |Condiment |Price |Use With | |___________________|______|________________________________________________| |Carton of Cream |4 |Trout Yogurt, Banana, Lucky Sandwich, Popsicle | |___________________|______|________________________________________________| |Jar of Delisauce |300 |Anything | |___________________|______|________________________________________________| |Jar of Hot Sauce |3 |Pasta di Summers, Pizza, Cup of Noodles | |___________________|______|________________________________________________| |Ketchup Packet |2 |Bag of Fries, Hamburger, Fresh Egg, Magic Truffle | | |,Croissant, Double Burger, Bean Croquette, Kabob| | | |,Beef Jerky, Mammoth Burger, Spicy Jerky, Luxury| | | |Jerky | |___________________|______|________________________________________________| |Salt Packet |2 |Boiled Egg, Picnic Lunch, Chef’s Special, Brain | | | |Food Lunch | |___________________|______|________________________________________________| |Sprig of Parsley |2 |Rice Gruel, Peanut Cheese Bar, Piggy Jelly | |___________________|______|________________________________________________| |Sugar Packet |3 |PSI Caramel, Rock Candy, Magic Pudding, Magic | | | |Tart, Bread Roll, Calorie Stick, Plain Yogurt | |___________________|______|________________________________________________| |Tin of Cocoa |4 |Cookie, Gelato de Resort, Skip Sandwich, Skip | | | |Sandwich DX, Plain Roll | |___________________|______|________________________________________________| ============================================================================= 8. M E D I C I N E C H A R T ============================================================================= Medicines can used to heal various ailments, instead of going to a hospital or using PSI Healing. __________________ ______ _________________________________________________ |Item |Price |Comments | |__________________|______|_________________________________________________| |Cold Remedy |22 |Cures colds. | |__________________|______|_________________________________________________| |Guts Capsule |- |Increases Guts by 1. | |__________________|______|_________________________________________________| |Horn of Life |1780 |Same effect as Healing O. | |__________________|______|_________________________________________________| |IQ Capsule |- |Increases IQ by 1. | |__________________|______|_________________________________________________| |Luck Capsule |- |Increases Luck by 1. | |__________________|______|_________________________________________________| |Refreshing Herb |80 |Same effect as Healing B. | |__________________|______|_________________________________________________| |Rock Candy |- |Increases an attribute by 1. | |__________________|______|_________________________________________________| |Secret Herb |380 |Same effect as Healing Y. | |__________________|______|_________________________________________________| |Speed Capsule |- |Increases Speed by 1. | |__________________|______|_________________________________________________| |Vitality Capsule |- |Increases Vitality by 1. | |__________________|______|_________________________________________________| |Wet Towel |24 |Cures sunstroke. | |__________________|______|_________________________________________________| ============================================================================= 9. P S I. C H A R T ============================================================================= NOTE: HP refers to the HP that are damaged or recovered with the PSI power. The HP column has been deleted for everything after Life-Up, as well as Flash. ___________________________________________________________________________ |PSI Power |Used by |PP |Target |HP |Comments | |_______________|___________|___|___________|________|______________________| |Rockin A |Ness |10 |All enemies|40-120 |Decreases an | | B |Ness |14 |All enemies|90-270 |enemies PSI shield | | Y |Ness |40 |All enemies|160-480 |by 1. | | 0 |Ness |98 |All enemies|320-960 | | |_______________|___________|___|___________|________|______________________| |Fire A |Paula |6 |Single Row |60-100 |One enemy’s PSI | | B |Paula |12 |Single Row |120-200 |shield is decreased | | Y |Paula |20 |Single Row |180-300 |by 1. | | O |Paula |42 |Single row |240-400 | | |_______________|___________|___|___________|________|______________________| |Freeze A |Paula, Poo |4 |1 enemy |135-225 |Enemy’s PSI shield | | B |Paula, Poo |9 |1 enemy |270-450 |is decreased by 1. | | Y |Paula, Poo |18 |1 enemy |405-675 | | | O |Paula |28 |1 enemy |540-900 | | |_______________|___________|___|___________|________|______________________| |Thunder A |Paula, Poo |3 |1 enemy |60-180 |Destroys an enemy’s | | B |Paula, Poo |7 |1 enemy(2x)|60-180 |PSI shield. | | Y |Paula, Poo |16 |1 enemy(3x)|100-300 | | | O |Poo |20 |1 enemy(4x)|100-300 | | |_______________|___________|___|___________|________|______________________| |Starstorm A |Poo |24 |all enemies|270-450 |Impossible to avoid. | | O |Poo |42 |all enemies|540-900 |Decreases enemy’s PSI | |_______________|___________|___|___________|________|by_1__________________| |Life-Up A |Ness, Poo |5 |1 Ally |75-125 |Recovers lost HP. | | B |Ness, Poo |8 |1 Ally |225-375 | | | Y |Ness, Poo |13 |1 Ally |FULL HP | | | O |Ness |24 |All allies |300-500 | | |_______________|___________|___|___________|________|______________________| |Heal A |Ness, Poo |5 |1 Ally |Cures colds, sleep, & sunstroke. | B |Ness, Poo |8 |1 Ally |Also cures poison, nausea, | | | | | |crying, & feeling strange. | | Y |Ness, Poo |20 |1 Ally |Also cures numbness, diamondize| | O |Poo |38 |1 Ally |& unconsciousness. | |_______________|___________|___|___________|_______________________________| |Magnet A |Paula, Poo |0 |1 enemy |Absorbs PSI from enemy/enemies.| | O |Paula, Poo |0 |All enemies| | |_______________|___________|___|___________|_______________________________| |Shield A |Ness, Poo |6 |1 ally |Cuts damage in half. | | B |Ness, Poo |10 |1 Ally |Reflects half of damage. | | E |Ness, Poo |18 |All allies |Cuts damage in half. | | O |Ness, Poo |30 |All Allies |Reflects half of damage. | |_______________|___________|___|___________|_______________________________| |PSI Shield A |Paula |8 |1 Ally |Stops PSI damage. | | B |Paula |14 |1 Ally |Reflects PSI damage. | | E |Paula |24 |All Allies |Stops PSI damage. | | O |Paula |42 |All Allies |Reflects PSI damage. | |_______________|___________|___|___________|_______________________________| |Offense Up A |Paula |10 |1 Ally |Increases offense. | | O |Paula |30 |All allies | | |_______________|___________|___|___________|_______________________________| |Defense Down A |Paula |6 |1 Enemy |Decreases defense. | | O |Paula |18 |All Enemies| | |_______________|___________|___|___________|_______________________________| |Hypnosis A |Ness |6 |1 Enemy |Puts enemy to sleep. | | O |Ness |18 |All Enemies| | |_______________|___________|___|___________|_______________________________| |Paralysis A |Ness |8 |1 Enemy |Stops enemy from moving. | | O |Ness |24 |All enemies| | |_______________|___________|___|___________|_______________________________| |Brain Shock A |Poo |10 |1 Enemy |Makes enemy feel strange. | | O |Poo |30 |All Enemies| | |_______________|___________|___|___________|_______________________________| |Teleport A |Ness, Poo |2 |All allies |Go to an area you’ve been to. | | B |Ness, Poo |8 |All allies |Requires less room. | |_______________|___________|___|___________|_______________________________| ============================================================================= 10. E N E M I E S C H A R T ============================================================================= NOTE: The enemies here are arranged by when they appear in the game. Boss characters are also included in the chart. _____________ ______ ____ ________ _________ ______________________________ |NAME |HP |PP |OFFENSE | DEFENSE |COMMENTS | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Starman Jr. |200 |999 |11 |10 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Spiteful Crow|24 |0 |5 |3 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Coil Snake |18 |0 |3 |4 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Runaway Dog |21 |0 |4 |5 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Frank |63 |0 |12 |17 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Pogo Punk |35 |0 |8 |10 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Yes Man Jr. |33 |0 |8 |9 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Skate Punk |31 |0 |7 |8 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Frankystein |91 |0 |15 |18 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Black Antoid |34 |25 |14 |13 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Rowdy Mouse |36 |0 |7 |20 |Often uses SMASH attacks. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Attack Slug |30 |6 |9 |2 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Titanic Ant |235 |102 |19 |23 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Crooked Cop |75 |0 |15 |18 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Capt. Strong |140 |0 |20 |24 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Mobile Sprout|79 |9 |17 |12 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Cranky Lady |95 |0 |16 |18 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Unassuming |73 |0 |18 |13 | | |Local Guy | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Li’l UFO |82 |0 |17 |18 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Ramblin Evil |60 |0 |15 |10 | | |Mushroom | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |New Age Retro|87 |0 |19 |14 | | | | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Annoying Old |99 |0 |20 |25 | | |Part Man | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Spinning Robo|113 |17 |21 |22 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Territorial |145 |41 |26 |30 |Bursts into flames upon death.| |Oak | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Mole Playing |103 |0 |22 |28 | | |Rough | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Carpainter |262 |70 |33 |45 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Mr. Batty |86 |0 |25 |5 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Insane Cultist|94 |0 |19 |25 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Mighty Bear |167 |0 |29 |31 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Mondo Mole |498 |161 |37 |50 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Gruff Goat |45 |0 |8 |23 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Worthless |38 |0 |11 |21 | | |Protoplasm | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Mad Duck |51 |0 |12 |24 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Cave Boy |314 |0 |21 |33 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Arachnid! |216 |0 |61 |0 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Elder Batty |294 |0 |66 |72 |Vulnerable to Flash. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Strong |417 |0 |85 |131 | | |Crocodile | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Shrooom! |1700 |112 |95 |154 |Vulnerable to Fire. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Handsome Tom |133 |16 |27 |25 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Trick or |142 |0 |30 |37 | | |Trick Kid | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Smelly Ghost |194 |50 |35 |89 |Vulnerable to Fire. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Putrid Moldy |203 |0 |36 |41 | | |Man | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Urban Zombie |171 |0 |30 |24 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Boogie Tent |617 |? |? |? | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Zombie Processer|176|0 |28 |19 |Can possess you. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Mini Puke |749 |? |45 |71 |Vulnerable to Fire. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |No Good Fly |100 |0 |23 |13 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Slimy Little |616 |0 |45 |71 |Vulnerable to Fire. | |Pile | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Armored Frog |202 |0 |108 |7 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Plain Crocodile|234 |0 |40 |55 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Zombie Dog |210 |0 |39 |51 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Violent Roach|209 |0 |30 |26 |Vulnerable to Fire and Freeze.| |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Foppy |120 |10 |29 |9 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Master Belch |650 |0 |50 |88 |Vulnerable to Fire. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Ranboob |232 |42 |41 |63 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Trillionage |1048 |240 |54 |88 |Vulnerable to Fire. | |Sprout | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Skelpion |137 |21 |41 |23 |Vulnerable to Thunder and | | | | | | |Freeze. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Criminal |250 |168 |37 |16 | | |Caterpillar | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Smilin Sphere|233 |60 |50 |65 |Explodes upon death. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Cute Li’l UFO|162 |25 |49 |32 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Crested Booka|265 |0 |53 |73 |Vulnerable to Hypnosis. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Bad Buffalo |341 |0 |164 |104 |Vulnerable to Paralysis. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Noose Man |231 |0 |47 |52 |Vulnerable to Fire. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Desert Wolf |247 |0 |57 |67 |Vulnerable to Paralysis. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Desert Coil |270 |0 |52 |80 | | |Snake | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Guardian Digger|386 |110 |59 |129 |Vulnerable to Freeze and Flash| |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Mad Taxi |253 |0 |53 |68 |Vulnerable to Paralysis. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Crazed Sign |295 |98 |64 |96 |Vulnerable to Paralysis. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Gigantic Ant |308 |81 |54 |112 |Vulnerable to Freeze. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Annoying |288 |0 |58 |77 | | |Reveler | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Scalding |190 |0 |55 |20 | | |Coffee | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Mystical Record|263 |35 |63 |78 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Musica |292 |0 |69 |85 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Enraged Fire |309 |0 |60 |81 | | |Plug | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Evil Mani Mani|860 |88 |86 |145 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Sentry Robot |372 |0 |77 |105 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Clumsy Robot |962 |0 |88 |137 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Plague Rat of|1827 |60 |71 |180 |Vulnerable to Fire and Flash. | |Doom | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Dept. Store |610 |290 |82 |135 | | |Spook | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Dali’s Clock |296 |0 |65 |66 |Vulnerable to Hypnosis. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Abstract Art |301 |60 |67 |79 |Vulnerable to Paralysis. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Robo-Pump |431 |0 |70 |113 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Overzealous Cop|325 |0 |69 |75 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Tough Guy |342 |0 |69 |75 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Shatterd Man |694 |0 |72 |92 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Tangoo |371 |5 |96 |99 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Kraken |1097 |176 |105 |176 |Vulnerable to Freeze. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Kiss of Death|333 |0 |91 |100 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Conducting |445 |238 |107 |107 | | |Menace | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Thunder & Storm|2065|70 |111 |171 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Great Crested|452 |0 |100 |110 | | |Booka | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Beautiful UFO|339 |15 |86 |87 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |High Class UFO|433 |72 |93 |103 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Guardian |470 |126 |94 |106 | | |Hieroglyph | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Fierce |516 |0 |101 |116 | | |Shattered Man| | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Guardian General|831|6 |109 |214 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Pitbull Slug |217 |11 |79 |77 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Zap Eel |370 |0 |97 |93 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Hard Crocodile|522 |0 |110 |128 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Demonic Petunia|478 |0 |102 |111 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Even Slimier |326 |0 |103 |101 | | |Little Pile | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Hostile Elder|609 |76 |134 |146 |Bursts into flames upon death.| |Oak | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Big Pile of Puke|631|0 |120 |158 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Manly Fish |500 |0 |83 |114 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Manly Fish’s |526 |210 |114 |123 | | |Brother | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Master Barf |1319 |0 |136 |177 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Whirling Robo|374 |36 |78 |90 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Military Octobot|604|0 |138 |147 |Vulnerable to Freeze. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Lesser Mook |401 |190 |76 |102 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Starman |545 |155 |103 |126 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Atomic Power |594 |0 |119 |133 |Explodes upon death. | |Robot | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Mook Senior |501 |700 |108 |122 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Starman DX. |1400 |418 |143 |186 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Starman Super|568 |310 |112 |129 |1/128 chance that it will give| | | | | | |you the Sword of Kings. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Hyper Spinning|533 |83 |122 |130 | | |Robot | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Fobby |240 |19 |98 |84 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Electro Specter|3092|80 |148 |203 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Wetnosaur |1030 |0 |126 |172 |Vulnerable to Fire. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Ego Orb |592 |0 |125 |140 |Vulnerable to Freeze. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Chomposaur |1288 |320 |139 |183 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Soul Consuming|602 |0 |131 |262 |Vulnerable to Freeze. | |Flame | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Psychic Psycho|591 |252 |124 |144 |Vulnerable to Freeze. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Major Psychic|618 |574 |145 |152 |Vulnerable to Freeze. | |Psycho | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Evil Elemental|564 |0 |121 |136 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Carbon Dog |1672 |0 |159 |174 |Vulnerable to Freeze. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Diamond Dog |3344 |154 |167 |230 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Mr. Molecule |280 |21 |118 |97 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Loaded Dice |307 |0 |146 |113 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Electro Swoosh|543 |338 |140 |156 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Carefree Bomb|504 |0 |135 |215 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Ness’s Nightmare|1654|882|172 |253 |Uses any of Ness’s PSI attacks| |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Ghost of |750 |462 |152 |170 | | |Starman | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Evil Eye |720 |400 |141 |162 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Wild ‘N Wooly|722 |212 |171 |38 | | |Shambler | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Bionic Kraken|900 |60 |155 |195 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Ultimate |768 |0 |147 |176 | | |Octobot | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Nuclear Reactor|768 |0 |147 |176 |Explodes upon death. | |Robot | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Mechanical |768 |0 |163 |81 | | |Octobot | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Final Starman|840 |860 |178 |187 | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Heavily Armed|? |? |? |? |Susceptible to Brainshock. | |Pokey | | | | | | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Giygas (1) |N/A |? |? |? |Impervious to damage. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Giygas (2) |2366 |0 |255 |255 |Susceptible to Brainshock. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| |Giygas (3) |155370|0 |255 |127 |Can only be killed with Pray. | |_____________|______|____|________|_________|______________________________| ============================================================================= 11. S T O R E S ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Onett ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drugstore --------------------------- Cold Remedy- $22 Cracked Bat- $18 Yo-Yo- $29 Cheap Bracelet- $98 Tee-ball Bat- $48 Baseball Cap- $19 Burger Store ---------------------------- Fruit Juice- $4 Coffee -$6 French Fries- $8 Hamburger- $14 Onett Bakerey --------------------------- Cookie- $7 Butter Roll- $12 Skip Sandwich- $38 Lucky Sandwich- $128 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twoson ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Department Store ----------------------------- Fruit Juice- $4 French Fries- $8 Coffee- $6 Hamburger- $14 Lucky Sandwich- $128 Skip Sandwich- $38 Bread Roll- $12 Cookie- $7 Cold Remedy- $22 Teddy Bear- $178 Fry Pan- $56 Cheap Bracelet- $96 Baseball Cap - $19 Tee-Ball Bat- $48 Slingshot- $89 Ribbon- $89 Condiment Store ----------------------- Ketchup- $2 Sugar- $3 Cocoa- $4 Cream- $4 Parsley- $2 Salt- $2 Thrift Store ------------------------------ Defense Spray- $500 Rust Promoter- $89 Travel Charm- $60 Copper Bracelet- $349 Broken Spray Can- $189 Broken Iron- $149 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Happy Happy Village ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Store ---------------------------- Cold Remedy- $22 Refreshment Herb- $80 Croissant- $18 Skip Sandwich- $38 Lucky Sandwich- $128 Fruit Juice- $4 Coffee- $6 Tee-Ball Bat- $98 Fry Pan- $56 Copper Bracelet- $349 Holmes Hat- $59 Ribbon- $89 Self-Service Store ------------------------------- Fresh Eggs- $12 Bananas- $5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Threed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bakery ------------------------------- Cookies- $7 Bread Roll- $12 Croissant- $18 Skip Sandwich- $38 Lucky Sandwich- $128 FRuit Juice- $4 Coffee- $6 Arms Dealer ---------------------------------- Toy Air Gun- $215 Bomb- $149 Bottle Rocket- $29 Rust Promoter- $89 DRug Store ------------------------------------ Cold Remedy- $22 Vial of SErum- $58 Refreshing Herb- $80 Toothbrush- $3 Calorie Stick- $18 Minor Leauge Bat- $399 Thick Fry Pan- $198 Hard Hat- $298 Insecticide Spray- $19 Copper Bracelet- $349 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winters ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drugstore ------------------------------------ T-Rex Bat- $698 Non-Stick Fry Pan- $1,490 Coin of Silence- $2500 Picnic Lunch- $24 Skip Sandwich DX- $98 Lucky Sandwich- $128 Coffee- $6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturn Valley ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRugstore ------------------------------ Insecticide Spray- $19 Beetle- $8 Refreshing Herb- $180 Peanut Cheese Bar- $22 Horn of LIfe- $1,780 Secret Herb- $380 Post Card- $2 Bionic Slingshot- $449 Travel Charm- $60 Great Charm- $400 Silver Bracelet- $599 Red Ribbon- $179 (after Magicant) Flame Pendant- $3000 Rain Pendent- $3000 Night Pendant- $3000 Piggy Jelly- $222 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dusty Dunes Desert ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRugstore ------------------------------- Wet Towel- $24 Refreshing Herb- $80 Calorie Stick- $18 Skip Sandwich- $38 Lucky Sandwich- $128 FRuit Juice- $4 Picnic Lunch- $24 Mr. Baseball Bat- $498 Thick Fry Pan- $198 Silver Bracelet- $599 Coin of Slumber- $1,500 Arms DEaler ----------------------------------- Bomb- $149 Bottle Rocket- $29 Rust Promoter- $89 Zip Gun- $425 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fourside ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bakery ------------------------------- Cookie- $7 Bread Roll- $12 Croissant- $18 Skip Sandwich- $38 Skip Sandwich DX- $98 Lucky Sandwich- $128 Street Salesman ------------------------------- Broken Gadget- $109 Broken Iron- $149 Defense Spray- $500 Rust Promoter- $89 Dept. Store ---------------------------------- FRuit Juice- $4 Coffee- $6 FRies- $8 Hamburger- $14 Double Burger- $24 Boiled Egg- $9 Bread Roll- $12 Croissant- $18 Banana- $5 Picnic Lunch- $24 Ketchup Packet- $2 Sugar Packet- $3 Tin of Cocoa- $4 Carton of Cream- $4 Sprig of Parsley- $2 Jar of Hot Sauce- $3 Salt Packet- $2 Cold Remedy- $22 Refreshing Herb- $80 Protein Drink- $38 Calorie Stick- $18 DEluxe Fry Pan- $598 Chef's Fry Pan- $1,198 Silver Bracelet- $599 Gold Bracelet- $2,799 Insecticide Spray- $19 Toothbrush- $3 Protractor- $2 Trick Yo-yo- $998 Coin of Slumber- $1500 Coin of Defense- $2000 Red Ribbon- $179 Defense Ribbon- $389 Teddy Bear- $178 Sandlot Bat- $98 Minor Leauge Bat- $399 Mr. Baseball Bat- $498 Baseball Cap- $19 Hyper Beam- $850 Bomb- $149 Super Bomb- $149 Bottle Rocket- $29 Big Bottle Rocket- $139 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restaraunt Summers --------------------------------- Pasta di Summers- $128 Kraken's Soup- $648 Royal Iced Tea- $78 Fruit Juice- $4 Coffee- $6 Grocery Store ---------------------------------- Defense Coin- $2000 Bottle of Water- $4 Secret Herb- $380 Skip Sandwich DX- $98 Lucky Sandwich- $128 Coffee- $6 Fruit Juice- $4 Drugstore ------------------------------------ Big Leauge Bat- $3080 Chef's FRy Pan- $1198 Lucky Coin- $6000 Gold Bracelet- $2799 Platinum Band- $6899 Diamond Band- $9998 Super Plush Bear- $1198 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dalaam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resteraunt ---------------------------- Water- $4 Jar of Delisauce- $300 Brain Food Lunch- $800 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scaraba ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Shop ---------------------------- Bomb- $149 Super Bomb- $399 Bottle Rocket- $29 Big Bottle Rocket- $139 Grocery Store ----------------------------- French Fry Pan- $1790 Crusher Beam- $1150 Multi-Bottle Rocket- $2139 Bazooka- $950 Bottle of DX Water- $198 Beef Jerky- $70 Secret Herb- $380 DElicacies Shop --------------------------------- Bean CRoquette- $12 Molokheiya Soup- $20 Kabob- $54 Boiled Egg- $12 Coffee- $6 Bottle of Water- $4 Hassan's Shop ----------------------------------- Wet Towel- $24 Serum- $58 Secret Herb- $380 Sudden Guts Pill- $500 Protein DRink- $38 Banana- $5 Seasoning Shop ---------------------------------- Ketchup- $2 Sugar Packet- $3 Tin of Cocoa- $4 Cream- $4 Parsley- $2 Hot Sauce- $3 Salt- $2 Snake Shop -------------------------------- Snake- $220 Viper- $550 Serum- $58 Convenience Store ------------------------------- Big Leauge Bat- $13800 Platinum Band- $1380 Defense Spray- $500 Crystal Charm- $600 Broken Cannon- $218 Pig NOse- $300 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deep Darkness ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapon Shop -------------------------------- Combat Yo-Yo- $11498 Super Bomb- $399 Multi-Bottle Rocket- $2139 Rust Promoter DX- $289 Wilderness Trader --------------------------------- Diamond Band- $5198 Charm Coin- $3000 Secret Herb- $380 Beef Jerky- $70 Cup of Noodles- $38 Protein Drink- $38 Bottle of DX Water- $198 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lost Underworld ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultimate Bat- $2298 Holy Fry Pan- $3480 Shiny Coin- $4000 Horn of Life- $1780 Mammoth Burger- $98 Luxury Jerky- $210 DX Water- $198 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magicant ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Pudding- $680 Earth Pendent- $4000 ============================================================================= 12. 1/128 I T E M S ============================================================================= This chart lists the different items you have a 1/128 chance of winning from an enemy. _________________________________ _________________________________________ | Enemy | Item | |_________________________________|_________________________________________| | Bionic Kraken | Gutsy Bat | |_________________________________|_________________________________________| | Starman Super | Sword of KIngs | |_________________________________|_________________________________________| | Chomposaur | Magic Frypan | |_________________________________|_________________________________________| | Ghost of Starman | Goddess Ribbon | |_________________________________|_________________________________________| | Major Psychic Psycho | Star Pendant | |_________________________________|_________________________________________| | Whirling Robo | Meteornium | |_________________________________|_________________________________________| | Hyper Spinning Robo | Meteorite | |_________________________________|_________________________________________| ============================================================================= 13. B R O K E N M A C H I N E S C H A R T ============================================================================= ___________________________________________________________________________ | Broken Machine | After repair | IQ Level Required | |_________________|_____________________________________|___________________| | Machine | Counter PSI Unit | 1 | |_________________|_____________________________________|___________________| | Spray | Defense Spray | 1 | |_________________|_____________________________________|___________________| | Iron | Slime Generator | 10 | |_________________|_____________________________________|___________________| | Air Gun | Magnum Air Gun | 12 | |_________________|_____________________________________|___________________| | Laser | Laser Gun | 24 | |_________________|_____________________________________|___________________| | Water Pipe | Shield KIller | 30 | |_________________|_____________________________________|___________________| | Cannon | Spectrum Beam | 32 | |_________________|_____________________________________|___________________| | Gadget | Double Beam | 34 | |_________________|_____________________________________|___________________| | Tube | Hungry HP Sucker | 36 | |_________________|_____________________________________|___________________| | Trumpet | Defense Shower | 40 | |_________________|_____________________________________|___________________| | Bazooka | Heavy Bazooka | 45 | |_________________|_____________________________________|___________________| | Harmonica | Baddest Beam | 55 | |_________________|_____________________________________|___________________| | Parabolic | Baddest Gaia Beam | 65 | | /TV Antenna * | | | |_________________|_____________________________________|___________________| * The player's guide lists 2 different items used to make the Gaia Beam, and I'm not sure which is the correct one. ============================================================================= 14. P R A Y E R E F F E C T S ============================================================================= This lists the various things that can result from using Paula's prayer option. Warm Light: Increases everyone's HP (including enemies). Very Subtle Light: Twice the effect of Warm Light. Dazzling Light: Hits everyone with a PK Flash. Mysterious Light: Heals the groups HP. Golden LIght: Maxes one characters HP. Sheet Lightning: Causes a PK Flash. Rainbow Colored Light: Brings all dead characters back to light. Mysterious Aroma: Puts everyone to sleep. Thunder: Uses Brainshock on everyone. Heavy Air: Drops groups defense. ============================================================================= 15. C R E D I T S ============================================================================= Nintendo: They made the system you’ve been playing this game on. Ape: They made the game you’ve been playing. CjayC: For making GameFAQS, and posting this guide. Nintendo Player’s Guide: The information in the charts came from here. ============================================================================= 16. L E G A L / C O N T A C T I N F O ============================================================================= This guide is copyright, 2001, of Kodos86 (that would be me), all rights reserved. This guide may not be reproduced in any means, except as a personal electronic copy, or as a personal computer print-off. This guide may not be bought, sold, or given away as a bonus with another purchase. The ONLY official site carrying this guide is Game FAQS (, and is where one can always find the most recent update. If any of you see this guide at any site other then the above, PLEASE notify me immediately (they may have permission to use it, but they might not). If you wish to use this guide on your site, contact me at I will probably allow you to use it, although there are some guidelines: 1. You must give me sole credit for the guide, and keep the guide intact. 2. You may not be profiting from this guide in any way. 3. You must have a legitimate site. 4. You must TRY to keep the guide updated (recent updates will always to found at Game FAQS). Contacting Me ------------- Please note that my e-mail address has changed. My aol account will be shut down by the end of the month, and will probably not be checked again. If you have sent an e-mail to my aol address and I have not responded yet, please send the e-mail to my new address, as otherwise the e-mail will most likely never to seen or read. Feel free to contact me at Below is my policy regarding the various kinds of messages I may recieve. Questions: I will try to answer questions you send me to the best of my ability. Please remember that I am not affiliated with Nintendo or any other video game company. Before asking me something, READ THROUGH THE GUIDE to see if your question is already answered. If your question is already answered in the guide, I will ignore it. Comments: Any comments on the guide or how it could be made better are appreciated. Valid complaints about the guide are also appreciated. Information about my guides being ripped off: If you ever see one of my guides being used illegally, please contact me immediately. Also, it helps if you have the word "plagiarism" somewhere in the subject of the e-mail. Flames: Don't waste my time with these. I will post the message on the GameFAQs boards so we can make fun of your stupidity, and then I will delete the message. The same goes for messages with horrendous grammar (ex: "hey, sup dawg. ah got a q"). Chain Letters: No, I don't believe that I will recieve large amounts of money if I forwards a stupid e-mail to several people. Neither do I believe that not sending an e-mail will give me bad luck or cause me to have unsuccesful relationships, or that I will mysteriously die because of it. Honestly, chain letters are cute for about 20 seconds, after which they become plain STUPID. Yes, I will delete them. Spam Letters: Not only is it illegal, but I have spam blocking software; don't waste your time. ~ End of document ~