Mother 3 text translation, the prologue. by nikkuchan: Please post this wherever you'd like, but don't try and take credit for it. This translation is only of the important stuff, as translating every random villager's dialogue would make a text-file translation too confusing. If you want to wander around and talk to things and enjoy the randomness, then get me a script dump so a proper translation can be done. Starting a new game: Just like Earthbound, you start off by naming all your characters, favorite food, and your special ability. The characters appear as you name them, so it's not a problem knowing who you're naming. Just a note that this translation will use all the default names. Here are the names in order: Lucas (the name actually comes out as Luka, but since the translation of the M3 site says Lucas, I'm gonna use that) Klaus Flint Hinawa Boney Fluffy Omelets Love When you name you characters, to get the default name, select the option in the bottom left corner of the screen (or select the alphabet and name them yourself). The option in the bottom right will confirm (or hit start to move there). Then you get 3 options, text speed, window flavor, and end. The bottom one is end, and you can just hit that, because the default text speed is actually quite fast (and you can speed through it so it doesn't matter too much anyway). Anyway, here we go: [the opening cuts to black screens with text] Welcome to MOTHER3 world Nowhere Island Tatsumairi village Beyond Teri Forest Hinawa's father, Alec's house [end black-screen cut thingy] Klaus: -Lucaaaaas! How long are you gonna sleep? -Wake up! Let's play! -C'mon, wake up! -Drago brought it's baby along! -It's so cute! Come on! [When you try to leave the house] Hinawa: -Are you planning to go out and play in your pajamas? -Go and get dressed. [here is your first yes-no question. The first selection (on the left) is yes, and the second is now. Simple, eh?] [no (いいえ)] - Then stay here in your pajamas all day. [say yes(はい) and get dressed, then leave the house] [Talk to the frog] Frog: -A story extends only as far as one's memory. -Remember and memories recall each other -and become memories. -If you don't record your memories, you'll end up forgetting them. -so -please tell this frog your memories up till now. -This is what humans called "saving." -Okay, -*ribbit* (it's actually "pyon" which means hop, but I like ribbit better), would you like to save? [after you save] Frog: -Be careful on your journey. -Give my regards to the next frog you meet. [When you find Klaus] Klaus: -Hahahahaha! Ah, I'm worn out. -I've been playing fighting with Drago and the others all day. -Join the fun, Lucas! -Try "ramming" Drago here. Alec: -Klaus! -Lucas doesn't know "ramming" yet. -Lucas! -Imagine pressing a "B-button" (I don't wanna take the time to make this sound good) -Press this "B-button" for a while then let go. -With that, you should be able to do a "dash." -If you aim at Drago, and "dash," -That's called "ramming!" -Klaus! Demonstrate for him once. -Yes! That's the way to do it! -Next is Lucas! Give it a go! -You can't achieve much with such a stern face. -Remember to not be so tense. -Okay, loosen your shoulders. Relax, relax! [ram Drago then talk to Klaus] Klaus: -Drago enjoys it more the harder you hit it. Okera: -Outta the way, outta the way! The great Okera coming though!! (okera actually means mole cricket, but I'm keeping Okera as it's name) -I heard play-fighting and couldn't keep quiet! -I'll take anybody any time! -If you get in my way, you won't get off easy! Fighting: Fighting is easy because the options are aided by easy-to-understand pictures. The music note is fight, the box is item, the plus is guard, and the arrow is run (there is also an ability option which will be brought up later. Ok, on to the fight [When the fight starts] Okera has appeared [Okera's attacks] -Okera does a biting attack! [when you win you just get experience points (it's the number, not so hard)] Okera: -You guys are tougher than I thought. -I'll accept a challenge from you guys anytime. -Next time we meet will be at the big stadium "Okera Hall!" -I'm looking forward to it.... Bro. Hinawa: -I just stepped on a mole cricket. I wonder if it's okay. -Dinner's ready, everyone. -Lucas, Klaus, I made your favorite fluffy omelets. Klaus: -Dinner, dinner! Fluffy omelets! Hinawa: -You too, dad. Alec: -Well then, -Everybody, it's time to learn how to "save." -Talk to the frog. ..... This is "saving." -It's not hard work, so talk to the frog often. -"Saving" is a good thing. -"Saving" is also free. -Well, it's time for me to return to our story. -Heeeey! Wait for meeeee! -You left some fluffly omelets for me, right?! [back at home] Klaus: -What kind of food do you like, mama? -What? Fluffy omelets? -So, it's the same as us? We get along great! Hinawa: -We'll be heading home once you're done eating. -We'll have to go through the forest to get home, -So we have to head out early. Alec: -The kids are able to come back here by themselves sometime, aren't they? -Lucas, you're alright, ain'cha? Hahahahaha! [Hinawa goes outside] Flint, Just like you said, since the kids came here they've been running about the hills and fields without tiring. Klaus, like always, is full of energy, and a reckless child. Lucas is still a bit sheltered, but the two of them can't seem to stop playing. My father seems sad parting with his grandsons as he hasn't seen them in such a long time, but we've decide to get today before the evening. It's been awhile since I've breathed the fresh mountain air. It feels so good. You're always covered with the smell of sheep in Tatsumairi Village; It'd be nice if you could get some of this fresh air, too. Next time we come here, we should leave the sheep with the neighbors and come together as a family. Klaus, Lucas, and I always thinking about you. When we get back tonight, I'll make the best fluffy omelets I can for you. Yours and you children's, Hinawa