---------------------- -Naruto: Konoha Senki- -developed by TOMY - -based on the anime - -based on the manga - -by Masashi Kishimoto- ---------------------- I just treat the title as if it said 'Naruto: Tactics' ======================================== --. Before playing the game ======================================== Unless you understand japanese lettering or you feel you'll 'trial and error' all the commands for yourself then i reccomend you read the following list of commands and brief skill/equipment list, but if you're gonna 'trial and error' the game i still highly recommend you read the skill/equipment list. ======================================== 0a. Table of Contents ======================================== 0a. Contents b. Introduction 1a. Basic Controls (Coming Soon) b. Map Commands (Coming Soon) c. Battle Commands d. Opening menu commands (Coming Soon) e. Pre battle commands f. Character menu commands g. Prebattle character menu commands h. Skills/ equipment explanation (Coming Soon) i. Brief skill list All the below segments of 'Walkthrough' are stating the scenes which include battles 2a. Battle Guide (Unfinished) A-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -FREEFIGHT (available after A-11) -7 -8 b. Secrets (Coming Soon) c. Glossary of terms 3. Credits ============================================================ 0b. Introduction ============================================================ This guide is made to help those who like me don't understand Kanji (Japanese lettering) but still want to enjoy this brilliant game, if you're looking for anything in specific, Press 'Ctrl+F' and type in the Bookmark of the subject you're looking for, for example: Look for [A-7 battle start ] to find the instructions on how to do the 7th(-7) battle in the first chapter(A). please note that i tried to make this Walkthrough as comprehensive as i can, if you feel you could add something or i'm missing something out, don't hesitate to e-mail me at: kyuubi@puregraffiti.com All help will be appreciated If i put it in the FAQ i WILL credit you ============================================================ 1a. Basic Controls ============================================================ Directional Buttons: Move selection tool Out of Battle [L][R]: Change Map During Battle [L][R]: Change selection of character (A): OK button (B): Cancel Button Out of battle (Select): Nothing During Battle (Select): Statistics Out of battle (Start): Nothing During battle (Start): Nothing ============================================================ 1b. Map commands ============================================================ They are as follows: 1-Select Area 2-Character Menu 3-Equipment 4-Save That is before you win the game, after is as follows. They are as follows: 1-Select Area 2-Character Menu 3-Equipment 4-Arena Mode 5-Link Mode 6-Save ============================================================ 1c. Battle commands ============================================================ The battle commands are as follows: 1-Move 2-Skill 3-Replenish Chakra 4-Rest 5-Wait 1-Move moves (Duh!) (When you Skill/Replenish Chakra/rest/wait, this command cannot be used) 2-Skill lets you use a move/scroll/item/spell (When you Replenish Chakra/rest/wait, this command cannot be used) 3-Replenish Chakra will exchange Stamina(HP) for Chakra (when you move/skill you cannot use this command) 4-Rest waits a turn in order to heal oneself (when you move/skill you cannot use this command) 5-Wait, makes you wait! Wow! (This command can be used immediately/after skill/ after movement/after movement and skill) For a Shadow Clone (Kage Bunshin) The battle commands are as follows: 1-Move 2-Skill 3-Wait (Note 1:Shadow Clone cannot use equipped items nor can they use all the originals skills) (Note 2:If the Shadow Clone or the original is adjacent to the target, when the other uses a move they both can use on the target while adjacent to it as well, then a extra punch will be added to the attack) eg. Key:[E]= enemy if the he attacks -> [*] [*]= Shadow clone then this dude -> [O][E][ ] [O]= the original will add in an [ ] [ ]= empty square extra punch For a Clone (Bunshin) The battle commands are as follows: 1-Move 2-Wait (Note: These cannot do damage) NOTE: After you perform an action you get 2 options, it's defaulted to the bottom option which does nothing but if you choose the top option it lets you select an item or skill to defend with. ============================================================ 1d. Opening Menu Commands ============================================================ They are as follows: 1-New Game 2-Load Game 3-View General Stats 4-Exam Note: Option 4 isn't available till you do the Exam halfway through the game. ============================================================ 1e. Pre battle Commands ============================================================ They are as follows: 1-Less thorough Character menu 2-View the battlefield 3-Begin battle 4-Save ============================================================ 1f. Character Menu Commands ============================================================ Pressing Left and Right changes selected character They are as follows: 1-Statistics 2-Current Skills 3-Equipment 4-Learn Skills ============================================================ 1g. Pre battle character menu commands ============================================================ the prebattle commands are as follows:1-Status 2-Skill status 3-Equip menu 1-This shows you your stat points [xx/xx]+xx XP for next level / XP to reach next level [xx/xx]+xx max HP / Max HP without any bonuses [xx/xx]+xx max Chakra / current chakra [xx/xx]+xx ??? / ??? [xx]+xx [xx]+xx [xx]+xx ???? power ???? [xx]+xx [xx]+xx move ???? spaces (Note:The +xx is the bonus of that stat recived from skills) 2-Shows you the skills available to you during battle, in other words the ones you've chosen. 3-This let's you rearrange your equipment so you can arrange it according to the current battle conditions. ============================================================ 1h. Skill/equipment explanation ============================================================ Realizing how important this is to the game, i've decided to start this a bit earlier than usual. So be happy! Unfortunately lacking the ability to write in japanese I am going to refer to everything from what's on the detail section. SKILLS Skills are the traits a character has which either improves their battle abilities or provides a new technique, to use a skill select the 2nd option in the battle menu and continue forth to choose a skill, to use a Counter Skill, after you finish your turn you'll be given two options, select the first option, you'll now be able to select a counter option. EQUIPMENT Equipment are the items you can equip which will allow you to do better attacks such as throw a Kunai Knife or several Shuriken, and they can also be defensive, such as healing or movement improvement. ============================================================ 1i. Skill list ============================================================ When you enter the learn skill menu you'll notice several things, as you scroll around, in the top right corner is the number of skill points distributable, you get one every level, and in the skill selection box their are three circles, I'm not sure what the white one's for but the yellow one tells you whether its a melee magic etc. skills with Red circles are skills which can be used in conjunction with another skill. you can use skill points on certain skills at a specified level, by putting skill points on a skill the overall quality of it improves one way or another.Every level gained gives you one extra spendable skill point. The list will consist of the actual names of these moves and for those only familiar with the shonen jump terminology i'll also be including their versions displayed in asterisk (To the best of my knowledge that is) for their respective character in the order displayed on the screen. Note:All plus signs before the name represent how many points I've put into that skill at LVL 50 for my main save. (Including default point distribution) Take no notice of it if you want, I only put it there to assist in choosing. IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL final skills for characters require you to find the respective scroll making them available. ----------====================---------- Naruto ----------====================---------- Skills N1 + Name: Oinge No Jutsu *Sexy no jutsu* Min Lvl: 2 Type: Ninjutsu Cost: 1 ch Power: LVL1-5x1 LVL2-10x1 LVL3-15x1 Accuracy: 60 Effects: Minimal damage and paralysis Range: 1 N2 +++Name: Kawarimi No Jutsu ** Min Lvl: 4 Type: Ninjutsu Cost: 3 ch Power: N/A Accuracy: 100 Effects: When attacked-will teleport to dodge attack Range: LVL1-2 LVL2-3 LVL3-4 N3 + Name: Shunshin No Jutsu ** Min Lvl: 1 Type: Ninjutsu Cost: 1 ch Power: N/A Accuracy: 100 Effects: Teleport further distance Range: LVL1-3 LVL2-4 LVL3-5 N4 Name: Henge No Jutsu ** Min Lvl: 3 Type: Ninjutsu Cost: 2 ch Power: N/A Accuracy: 100 Effects: For LVL1-3 LVL2-4 LVL3-5 turns you take the shape of a character, if you becom an enemy, other enemies dont attack, if you become an ally then you can join in their attacks as a shadow clone would. Range: 1 N5 + Name: Kage Bunshin No Jutsu *Doppleganger* Min Lvl: 1 Type: Ninjutsu Cost: 3 ch Power: N/A Accuracy: 100 Effects: Creates a 1 HP clone of naruto (not able to use items) Range: LVL1-2 LVL2-3 LVL3-4 N6 +++Name: Tajyuu Kage Bunshin No Jutsu *Doppleganger* Min Lvl: 10 Type: Ninjutsu Cost: 5 ch Power: N/A Accuracy: 100 Effects: Adds LVL1-1 LVL2-2 LVL3-3 extra attacks onto applied attack. Range: 0 N7 +++Name: Ninja Kumite *N/A* Min Lvl: 1 Type: Taijutsu Cost: 0 Power: LVL1-10x1 LVL2-15x1 LVL3-20x1 Accuracy: 98 Effects: Basic attack with basic damage Range: 1 N8 Name: Teate ** Min Lvl: 13 Type: ? Cost: 0 Power: 20% of max Stamina Accuracy: 100 Effects: Heals a ally Range: 1 Other N9 +++Name: Tanren Min Lvl: 9 Effects: Ups stamina by 30 per Skill LVL N10+++Name: Shuren Min Lvl: 5 Effects: Ups chakra by 1 per Skill LVL N11+++Name: Kin Tore Min Lvl: 6 Effects: Increase Strength by 2 per Skill LVL N12 Name: Ukemi Min Lvl: 8 Effects: Increases Defense by 4 per Skill LVL N13+ Name: Tai Sabaki Min Lvl: 7 Effects: Increases Speed by 3 per Skill LVL N14+++Name: Hashiri Komi Min Lvl: 15 Effects: Move distance increased by 1 per Skill LVL N15+++Name: Ningu Seibi Min Lvl: 16 Effects: No. of item slots increased by 1 per Skill LVL N16 Name: Kinobori Min Lvl: 11 Effects: Lowers stamin to chakra regeneration ratio N17+++Name: Jisen Renshuu Min Lvl: 14 Effects: Raises chance of critical by 5% per Skill LVL N18+++Name: Taijutsu Riron Min Lvl: 12 Effects: Raises power of all Taijutsus by 1 per Skill LVL N19 Name: Ninjutsu Riron Min Lvl: 17 Effects: Raises power of all Ninjutsus by 1 per Skill LVL N20+++Name: Touteki Renshuu Min Lvl: 18 Effects: Raises power of all Off items by 1 per Skill LVL N21 Name: Kusuri No chishiki Min Lvl: 22 Effects: Raises healing rate of items by 5% per Skill LVL N22+++Name: Seishin Touitsu Min Lvl: 21 Effects: Raises Accuracy of items and Ninjutsus by 5% per Skill LVL N23 Name: Kyuuyou Min Lvl: 19 Effects: Stamina healed when using REST command increases by 30 per Skill LVL N24 Name: Shinobi No Kokorie Min Lvl: 20 Effects: Amount of EXP recieved is raised by 5% per Skill LVL [Note:This skill might seem useful but its not, once you're LVL 50 this skill just becomes a waste of skill points] N25+++Name: Renda Min Lvl: 23 Effects: Gives an extra 5% (From 0) chance of performing an extra attack (Like N6 skill) per attack per Skill LVL for Taijutsus N26 Name: In Haya Musubi Min Lvl: 24 Effects: Same as N25 except for Ninjutsus rather than Taijutsus. N27+++Name: Haya Uchi Min Lvl: 26 Effects: Same as N25 except with items rather than Taijutsus N28 Name: Fuiuchi Min Lvl: 25 Effects: With each Skill LVL there is a 5% less chance an enemies counter skill will work. N29 Name: Suijo Hoko Min Lvl: 29 Effects: For every Skill LVL you can walk over 1 extra square of water as if it were regular ground. (But you may not stand on it) N30 Name: Jujou Hokou Min Lvl: 28 Effects: For every Skill LVL you can walk over 1 extra square of bumped ground as if it were regular ground.(But you may not stand on it) N31 Name: Haba Tobi Min Lvl: 27 Effects: For every Skill LVL you can walk over 1 extra square of ditch as if it were regular ground. (But you may not stand on it) N32 Name: Kyuubi No Chakura Min Lvl: N/A Effects: At the begining of your turn, if Naruto has 10 or less stamina then his Chakra will become fully replenished and his Stamina will be replenished by 50 per Skill LVL ----------====================---------- Sasuke ----------====================---------- *Undone* ============================================================ 2a. Walkthrough ============================================================ If you want to fiddle with your skill points after you level up then be my guest but if you want to use them wisely i reccomend using the list of abilities i made or the more detailed list by 'White_Reflection' also available at game FAQs ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Conversation-Opening ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- (Conversation between Naruto, Iruka and the chef) END ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Conversation-Opening cont. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- (Conversation between Naruto, Hokage, Hokage's grandson more commonly known as Konohomaru, Ebisu, who is konohomaru's teacher and Iruka) END **************************************** **************************************** A-1 Introduction **************************************** **************************************** (Conversation between Naruto and Iruka) ________________________________________ ______________A-1 Battle start__________ Enemies:None Experience: Base 100 Max Time 25 Very simple, just pick up the item by moving (Top option) on to the item itself. ________________________________________ ______________A-1 Battle end____________ (More conversation between Naruto and Iruka) END **************************************** **************************************** A-2 First real fight **************************************** **************************************** (Some conversation between Naruto and Konohomaru) ________________________________________ ______________A-2 Battle start__________ Enemies:The 3rd Hokage's grandson/Konohomaru 10-Stamina 2-Chakra 50-EXP Experience: Base 100 Max Time 25 Also very simple, just chase him down and select melee attack in the action menu (Second option) ________________________________________ ______________A-2 Battle end____________ (More conversing with Naruto and Konohomaru) END ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Conversation-Desire to become Hokage ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- (More conversing with Naruto and Hokage's grandson, as well as a little talk with Ebisu, then a display of Naruto's infamous sexy no jutsu technique, then a brief appearence of the Hokage) END ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Conversation-Brief Conversation ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- (More conversing with Naruto, Iruka and the chef) END **************************************** **************************************** A-3 a REAL fight **************************************** **************************************** (Some conversation between Iruka and Naruto) ________________________________________ ______________A-3 Battle start__________ Enemies:1 Puppet 50-Stamina 3-Chakra 10-EXP Experience: Base 100 Max Time 25 This is the first REAL battle where you'll actually have to work slightly. Here's how it goes, if you don't know which command is which, refer to Section 1c. (Press Ctrl+F then enter '1c.') Now for the actual battle, it's VERY simple, but if need be here how you can do it: 1.Move closer to him 2.Cast Shadow Clone even closer to him (Note:Shadow Clones and illusions vanish after one hit) 3.move around him with the original Naruto (The one thats closest to him) and attack him. 4.move and attack with the Shadow Clone. 5.On your next turn just attack him with whomever is left until he is dead. ________________________________________ ______________A-3 Battle end____________ (More conversation between Iruka and Naruto) END **************************************** **************************************** A-4 Multiple battle **************************************** **************************************** (Some Conversation with Iruka and Naruto) ________________________________________ ______________A-4 Battle start__________ Enemies:3 Puppets 50-Stamina 3-Chakra 10-EXP Experience: Base ??? Max Time ?? This battle is a little more complex than the last few as there are multiple enemies, notice the bridge in the middle, this game strongly revolves around tactics time and time again, never cross the bridge unlessthe majority of enemies are on your side, here's how you can do it: 1.move up-2 and left-1, then perform Shadow Clone right-2. 2.Move the Original naruto up-1 and hide the Shadow Clone behind him 3.this turn, one of the doll things should kill the Shadow Clone, if not don't worry. make sure you conserve 2 Chakra for teleporting in emrgencies. 4.Just repeatedly attack them with whatever you got (Do not use Shadow Clone, its a waste of time at this point) 5.If you get really stuck move onto the middle of the bridge, you should be attacked repeatedly by one dude doing around 9 damage, but if you rest repeatedly, you heal 18 each time, then after awhile give them beats 1 by 1, or move once, then make a Shadow Clone and give them beats quicker. ________________________________________ ______________A-4 Battle end____________ (Some Conversation with Iruka and Naruto) END ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Conversation-A group? ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- (Conversing between Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto and Iruka as well as the revelation that Naruto must work together with Sasuke and Sakura as a group) Sasuke= Boy with blue shirt Sakura= Girl with pink hair END **************************************** **************************************** A-5 Kakashi Sensei **************************************** **************************************** (Conversing between Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto and there new sensei, or teacher, Kakashi!) ________________________________________ ______________A-5 Battle start__________ Enemies:Kakashi *Non-violent* This battle may seem overwhelming at first, especially if you're familiar with the manga (or the show) and are aware of Kakashi's real power, but in this fight, he doesn't fight back so.... 1.Kill kakashi however you want. (He doesn't fight back) 2.Pick up the Item. ________________________________________ ______________A-5 Battle end____________ (Conversing between Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto and Kakashi) END **************************************** **************************************** A-6 Kakashi Sensei **************************************** **************************************** (Conversing between Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto and Kakashi) ________________________________________ ______________A-6 Battle start__________ Enemies:Kakashi *Violent* This battle is much more harder than the last, as Kakashi will fight back, and there is no item to get, you just have to beat him... 1.Move Naruto Left-1 and perform Shadow Clone technique Down-2. 2.Move Sasuke as far down as possible, without teleporting, and move Sakura Don-1 and Left-1. 3.Just wait with everbody except for sasuke who you shuold Down-1 and Right-1. 4.He should be in between Original Naruto and Sakura, If he isn't try to lure him to that spot, attack him with the Sakura first, if he teleports then wait with everybody else, if he doesn't, then just give him beats, with everbody. (Note 1:If you havent noticed Sasuke has a Special move at the top of his attack list, it can be used, then another moved may also be used with it, allowing for massive damage!) (Note 2:If he teleport's once to dodge your attack, then he can't do it again that turn, that's why you try to hit him with Sakura 1st, she's currently the weakest physically) 5.Just continually give him beats until he dies, you shouldn't actually lose this battle. ________________________________________ ______________A-6 Battle end____________ (Conversing between Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto and Kakashi) END ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Conversation-Continued conversation ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- (Even More talking with Naruto, Iruka and that Chef) **************************************** **************************************** A-Freefight **************************************** **************************************** FREEFIGHT (Definition) This is a freefight, as long as you're in this area, the Hidden leaf village, then you can come here to train when you feel it's neccesary... (Conversing between Naruto and Kakashi) Choices: A-Top=Refuse the fight END ---------------------------------------- B-Bottom=Accept Kakashi's Challenge ________________________________________ ______________A-Freefight start_________ Enemies:Kakashi *Violent* 160-Stamina 5-Chakra 125-EXP Experience: Base 100 Max Time 100 This battle is just a repeat of the last battle, just every now and then, Kakashi becomes tougher, as in more Stamina(HP) and does more damage etc. All you really have to do is keep giving him beats really, but.... 1.Move Naruto Up-1 and Left-1 then Shadow Clone Right-2. Move Sasuke Up-1 and Right-1 then, finally move Sakura Up-2. 2.Move the Original Naruto Up-2 and have everybody else wait. 3.If Kakashi doesn't move between Naruto and Sasuke then wait another turn fo everybody. 4.By now he should be in between Naruto and Sasuke, send Sakura behind him to attack, If he doesn't teleport anywhere bash him in over and over again with everybody starting with the Shadow Clone Naruto. (Note:He Can't teleport if he doesn't have 3 Chakra, highlight him before you attack to see if he has at least 3 Chakra, if he does then always attack him with Sakura first as she is or at least should be the weakest member of your team so far making him teleport, if he's still in range of Sasuke or Naruto then you can send them there to beat him up, as noone can teleport more than once per turn in this game) 5.But if he does teleport, try to get into the same position, Kakashi surrounded, that is, then attack with the Shadow Clone first, make sure you keep the Shadow Clone as far away from Kakashi as you can, Once you've surrounded him give him beats until he's KO'ed. ________________________________________ ______________A-Freefight end___________ (NOTE:I strongly reccommend you stay and train a bit either now or a few times between tracvelling from one plave to another) From here on while your in Konoha (this area) when you're selecting areas its the one in the southern parts of the forest up north. END ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Conversation-A semi-real mission ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- (Moderately big conversation with Naruto, Iruka Kakashi, The 3rd Hokage and the woman that gives you the mission) You get a choice of 2 options here, but unforetunatly i don't know what they mean, but if you pick the bottom option then the conversation ends quicker END **************************************** **************************************** A-7 Cat fight **************************************** **************************************** (Some conversation with an angry Naruto, sasuke sakura and Kakashi) ________________________________________ ______________A-7 Battle start__________ Enemies:5 cats *non-violent* 1-Stamina 0-Chakra 50-EXP Experience: Base 125 Max Time ?? This battle is all too simple, the only trouble is chasing down each of the cats without ninjutsu, for some reason whenever your in this particular area you refrain from using ninjutsu. To finish this battle you must kill :( every cat 1.The only help i can give is that if you send in one dude from one direction, then another dude from another direction, you can easily hit it, but this is probably what you would've done anyways. ________________________________________ ______________A-7 Battle end____________ (Conversing between Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto and Kakashi) END ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Conversation-A failed mission ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- (Conversation between Kakashi, the woman, Sakura, the Hokage and Naruto, just stating the fact that you didn't find her cat thing and you got to rescue it from some form of bandits) END ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Conversation-Checking the city ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- (Some conversation between Sakura, Kakashi and Sasuke) END **************************************** **************************************** A-8 Rescue the cat **************************************** **************************************** (Some conversation between Sakura, Kakashi, Naruto and Sasuke) During the conversation you will be given a choice, but it really doesn't matter which one you choose you'll still have to do a battle and the conversation is still the same length but if you pick the top option Naruto gives a wogged expression. ________________________________________ ______________A-8 Battle start__________ Enemies:5 Random Ninjas Items available: 1 Basic Kunai Items Recieved: 1 Basic Kunai 1 Smoke Bomb 1 Explosion Scroll 1.A good thing to do is to have everybody travel in a large group, including Naruto's clone and wait for them to come to you, when they are near enough you surround them doing a total of 4 different attacks on 1 guy which should kill him. Try to use Sasuke's fire breath move then charge him up, REST him and then repeat that process with naruto and sakura in between the enemy and Sasuke. 2.If the Shadow Clone dies, leave him dead appart from that, this battle is really simple, just repeatedly gang up on them baeting them 1 at a time allowing for more sufficient use of your turns. ________________________________________ ______________A-8 Battle end___________ (Conversing between Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto and Kakashi) You've rescued the cat, congrats! END ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Conversation-1st mission done ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- (Conversation between Sakura, woman, Hokage, Iruka, Naruto, and Kakashi) END ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Conversation-another conversation ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- (Conversation between Kakashi, Konohomaru, Naruto, Ebisu, Sakura, Hokage, Iruka and Sasuke) END ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Conversation-Yet another conversation ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- (Conversation between Kakashi, Konohomaru, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke) END **************************************** **************************************** A-9 Bee Swarm **************************************** **************************************** (Conversation between Kakashi, Konohomaru, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke) ________________________________________ ______________A-9 Battle start__________ Enemies:5 Bees (Or wasps, i don't know) 40-Stamina 0-Chakra 75-EXP Experience: Base 125 Max Time 150 Items available: 1 - 1 - Upgrade Items Recieved: 1 Basic Kunai 1 Smoke Bomb 1 Scroll 1.A good starting move is to move Naruto Straight left by 3 squares than Shadow Clone 1 more square left leaving the Shadow Clone invulnerable to an attack next turn. ________________________________________ ______________A-9 Battle end____________ ============================================================ 2b. Secrets ============================================================ =-ARENA MODE + FREE MODE + LINK MODE-= After you win the game and seen the credits roll, you can save it, and when you load your save up again, you'll be in Konoha and you'll notice several new options in your menu, the regular ones and two new ones in the middle, One is arena mode, the other is Link, if you desire to battle a friend, In arena mode, the 1st thing you do is choose an area, then choose up to 3 characters to fight, whoever you beat, you can use as a regular character. =-Scrolls of the final skills-= These are scrolls which only appear after you win the game, in specified levels that give a character a new/good non-action skill. It is the last selectable skill in that characters skill list. ============================================================ 2c. Glossary of Terms Used in 'Naruto' and this guide ============================================================ FREEFIGHT A FREEFIGHT is a term i use to differ the regular levels from ones that you can return to and train over and over again, prior to winning the game. (More coming soon) ============================================================ 3. Credits ============================================================ I'd like to thank the following people/company thingies: My family Tomy Masashi kishimoto Shonen Jump Playasia Nintendo Gamefaqs And everybody else that makes this possible! Copyright 2004 Victor Industries. I'd appreciate it if noone but GameFAQs uses this without my permission(not that anyone would but...), but if you choose to nab it(due to its superb finesse and stunningly good looks)you could at least keep it credited to me...