Naruto (GBA) Walkthrough and Reference Guide by SK ( sk[at]gt[dot]rr[dot]com ) Version 1.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ==Table of Contents== 1. [Version History] 2. [Intro] 3. [Characters] 4. [Controls] 5. [Walkthrough] 6. [Enemy reference] 7. [Boss reference] 8. [Items] 9. [Jutsu reference] 10. [FAQ] 11. [Thanks & stuff] ===================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ==1. [Version History]== +Version 1.02: 24 May, 2003 is now allowed to use this guide. +Version 1.01: 20 May, 2003 Corrected some formatting errors. +Version 1.00: 16 May, 2003 First release. Walkthrough is complete, references are somewhat complete. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ==2. [Intro]== Naruto is a great action/platform game based on the anime and manga by KISHIMOTO Masashi. It's a quick play, but, although others may not agree, has great replay value. If you enjoy the game, I suggest you give the manga a read. It's currently available in America in Shonen Jump by Viz. This guide intends to be a full walkthrough, strategy guide, and reference for Naruto for the Gameboy Advance. Corrections, suggestions, and comments are appreciated and encouraged! If you have a better way of doing something, tell me! My contact information is at the end of the document. Anyway, thanks for reading this, and good luck with the game! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ==3. [Characters]== +UZUMAKI Naruto Naruto is one of the two characters that can be used at the beginning. He is not as fast as Sasuke or Kakashi, but his chakra charges faster than Sasuke's, and his jutsu are more powerful. +UCHIHA Sasuke Sasuke is one of the two characters that can be used at the beginning. His speed is his only real merit, because his jutsu are so weak. Playing as Sasuke gives the hardest game. +HATAKE Kakashi Kakashi is unlocked after winning the game with Naruto and Sasuke. He jumps the highest and moves most quickly. He also charges his chakra the fastest. His jutsu are powerful, and he is by far the easiest game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ==4. [Controls]== A: Jump B: Attack B(Hold): Charge chakra R: Throw projectile R(Hold): Use scroll Direction(Left or right, tap twice): Dash Down(Hold): Crouch. Use with left or right to crawl. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ==5. [Walkthrough]== +Level 1 - Bridge Stage 1 Items found: Leaf Village Symbols (7) Throwing Needles (1) Kunai (1) Enemies found: Chuunin (4) Female ninja (2) Crow (1) Allies found: Sakura Walkthrough: A Chuunin will almost immediately come running at you. Take care of him, then head to the right. Kill the female ninja, grab the throwing needles, kill another ninja. Drop yourself down into the hole to get the leaf symbols. When you get out of the hole, kill the crow before he attacks you. Going right again, there are two more Chuunin to beat before dropping into the next hole. You can go left in the hole to get some kunai if you'd like, but be sure to go to the right and have Sakura heal you. Outside the hole, kill the Chuunin on the edge, then head right a little more to the boss fight. Boss: Ebisu & Konohamaru In this fight, Konohamaru stays on the ground using "camouflage" and attempting Sexy no Jutsu. Ebisu goes between the two tree platforms and the ground, usually behind Konohamaru to yell at him. If you're using Naruto, just use Harem no Jutsu to defeat him instantly. Otherwise, avoid Konohamaru and wait for Ebisu to come to the ground. When he does, throw projectiles at him and try to hit with a jutsu or two. This battle isn't too hard, so you should be able to defeat the pair quickly. Stage 2 Items found: Leaf Village Symbols (7) Kunai (1) Throwing Needles (1) Enemies found: Snake (1) Female Ninja (1) Crow (1) Chuunin (4) Allies found: Hinata Walkthrough: Crouch and throw shuriken to kill the snake right off the bat. Head to the right, killing the female ninja and picking up throwing needles. Throw needles at the crow and snake, then crawl down underground. Take care of the chuunin to your left, then keep going. Hinata heals you in the large cave area, and there's another chuunin to take care of. Jump over to get the leaf symbol, then head back to the right. When you get to the wall, dash up, then go to the platform on the left to kill two chuunin and grab some leaf symbols. Finished? Good, now head over to the boss fight on the left. Boss: Ino Ino is a two-trick pony. She either jumps around throwing things at you or attempts her mind control jutsu. When she uses her jutsu, try to jump over her spirit. If it hits you, Shikamaru and Chouji come out to do some damage. You can't take her jutsu more than a couple of times, or, with the combination of her projectiles, you'll be out quick. Dodging the spirit isn't too hard, though, so after some fist-fighting and jutsu, you should have her beat. +Level 2 - Mountain Stage 1 Items found: Lightning Scroll (1) Leaf Village Symbols (7) Help books (2) Kunai (1) 1UP (1) Enemies found: Chuunin (3) Female Ninja (2) Crow (1) Snake (3) Allies found: Sakura Iruka Walkthrough: Take care of the chuunin that is there to begin with, then dash up the wall to the right. Pick up the lightning scroll, then hold R and release to destroy the rock wall. Drop straight down, and use the scroll on the rocks in the small crawlway to get the leaf inside. Drop down and to the left, blowing up the walls, grabbing the leaf symbols, and killing the enemy, then dash up the wall at the left. That will take you up to the top of the level, where you'll basically start over. Dash up the wall again and jump across to kill the chuunin. Blow up the wall on the left side of the platform to find Sakura waiting to heal you. There's a kunai up here, too. After getting healed, drop down to fight a female ninja, then dash up the wall. There's a crow and another chuunin, so take care of them. Drop down to fight a female ninja, then head over to the right, down, and start making your way to the left. You'll blow up a few walls and kill three snakes. Jump over the spikes, grabbing the leaf, then jump onto the top of the forking crawlways. Crawl through to get a leaf symbol, then dash up the wall, jump to the right, blow up the rock wall to find Iruka with a 1UP, then crawl through the hole after you blow up the rocks. Dash up the right wall, go to the left to get the last leaf symbol, then head over to Chouji. Boss: Chouji Chouji is a joke. Just use higher level jutsu to wear him down. After a while, he'll use his multi-size jutsu. Just dash up one of the sides to wait it out and let your chakra refill. Oh, and he throws potato chips at you, too. Stage 2 Items found: Lightning Scroll (1) Leaf Village Symbols (7) Throwing Needles (1) Kunai (1) Enemies found: Chuunin (2) Female Ninja (2) Jounin (1) Snake (2) Crow (5) Allies found: Hinata Walkthrough: Go across the bridge to get the scroll. Destroy the wall and fight the chuunin, making sure not to fall down into a pit. Grab the leaf before continuing. Destroy the next wall and fight the female ninja. Again, grab the leaf and go on. Another female ninja. Beat her, grab the leaf--be careful, the pits are in different places than the last two--and go on. Kill the Chuunin and the Jounin. Drop down to get the leaf, and while you're down there, kill a snake and get healed by Hinata behind the wall. Go back up, dash up the wall near the arrow, but go to the left. With throwing needles in hand, get ready to kill five crows. Once you've passed them all, drop down to get a kunai, a leaf behind a wall, and a leaf behind some rocks at the bottom. Head out through the crawlway, kill the snake, and head through the level to fight Shikamaru. Boss: Shikamaru Shikamaru fights hand-to-hand mostly, but he throws projectiles occasionally. Most of the time, he's trying to get close enough to use Shadow Copy no Jutsu. When he tries to use it, you'll have a split-second to dash or jump out of his range. Take advantage of that. If you avoid his jutsu and use a couple of your own jutsu, he shouldn't be very hard. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +Level 3 - Meadows Stage 1 Items found: Earth Scroll (1) Leaf Village Symbol (7) Throwing Needles (1) Kunai (1) Enemies found: Chuunin (6) Jounin (2) Bat (7) Snake (6) Female Ninja (1) Crow (4) Allies found: Sakura Walkthrough: Run across the top of this level, defeating 4 chuunin, a Jounin, and a couple of crows. After that, destroy the far left light patch of ground with the Earth Scroll. Drop down, kill the bats, take the leaf, go right. Kill some snakes until you get to the open area. Grab the throwing needles, get healed by Sakura, and kill the bats. Go out through the crawlway, and dash up the wall. Go to the left, kill the female ninja, dash up the tree to get the leaf, and go back around through the tunnel. You'll fight two crows, two chuunin, and a Jounin. There's a kunai along the way. There are two light patches of ground to destroy. Each hole has a critter or few and a leaf symbol. Got them all? Okay, charge up your chakra and get ready for Rock Lee! Boss: Rock Lee Right off the bat use a couple of high level jutsu. Lee will call Gai-sensei to come heal him. Your chakra will recharge a bit during this, so whenever you regain control, use a couple of high level jutsu again. When you're out of chakra, you'll have to start fighting hand-to-hand. Lee will often go for his Initial Lotus, but you can dodge that rather easily. A somewhat easy strategy is to dash in, get a few punches in, then dash out. Repeat. Lee isn't that tough. Stage 2 Items found: Earth Scroll (1) Leaf Village Symbol (7) Kunai (1) Throwing Needles (1) Shuriken (1) Enemies found: Bat (4) Female Ninja (3) Chuunin (4) Snake (3) Assassin (2) Jounin (1) Allies found: Anko Hinata ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walkthrough: Grab the Earth Scroll. Go hunt yourself 2 Chuunin, two female ninja, and an assassin by the tree. Grab those throwing needles too. Uncover the first hole to the left and hop in. Go right to the leaf, then left, but just use the Earth Scroll twice to take the bats and female ninja out of commission. Dash up the wall now to get a leaf. Jump off onto the tree to get a 1UP from Anko. The next hole just has a leaf. The next has a couple of snakes and a kunai. If you prefer the kunai to the throwing needles, go grab it. The next hole is the way we have to go. Kill the two bats and head right. Dash up the right wall, then dash up the left, but jump off before you get stuck with the shuriken again! Go run cleanup again. Two chuunin, an assassin, and a Jounin this time. First hole to the left has a leaf by the entrance, Hinata in the middle, and another leaf on the other side. Also, there are two snakes in there. Next hole has a leaf. Head on to Haku. Boss: Haku Use a jutsu at the beginning. Haku throws needles very quickly, so it's hard to find a chance to use a jutsu. Haku has two jutsu. The first is an ice explosion under you, which you can dodge. For the other, Haku dashes at you, and if he grabs you, you'll be the victim of Ice Mirrors for major damage. Fortunately, you can dodge that one too. When you need to use a jutsu, rush Haku and knock him down. Immediately start charging after that. Haku's main strength is his speed, but you can beat him as long as he doesn't hit you with too many needles and jutsu. +Level 4 - Forest Stage 1 Items found: Fire Scroll (1) Throwing Needles (1) Leaf Village Symbol (7) Shuriken (1) Kunai (1) Enemies found: Worm (5) Snake (4) Assassin (7) Allies found: Sakura Kurenai ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walkthrough: Grab the throwing needles and use them to kill the green worm hiding in the tree above the Fire Scroll. After he's done, grab the scroll. Drop down through the fake spikes to the left to get a leaf symbol. Now dash back up, burn the tree, and kill the worm. Burn the next tree to be greeted by an assassin and a snake. Dash up the next wall and head left past an assassin to get a leaf. Now head back right, grab a leaf, kill the assassin, and jump to the next tree. A leaf, an assassin, and Sakura are hanging out here. Drop down to the lower level and kill an assassin. Go left, kill a worm, grab the leaf, and drop through the fake spikes. Kill the snakes, burn the trees, and be rewarded with a 1UP by the beautiful Kurenai. Head back up and go the way the arrows point. There's a worm to kill before the drop. Burn the tree and defeat the assassin. Head up and burn another tree. Kill the worm before jumping down through the fake spikes. Grab the leaf, and the kunai if you want, and get back up to kill the assassin. Dash up and to the left to get the last leaf in this stage, and go fight Kiba. Boss: Kiba & Akamaru If you're Naruto, use your Level 3 Red jutsu. Naruto will fart and use Uzumaki Naruto Rendan for an instant victory. If you aren't using Naruto, get ready for an annoying fight. Use your high level jutsu to open with, because you probably won't get a chance to charge chakra often. Kiba turns his dog into a clone of himself. When he's done this, they can use a highly damaging move that is somewhat hard to dodge. The only thing you can do is try to beat up on them. If you hit Akamaru enough, he'll turn back into a dog, and the team will not be able to use their hard-hitting jutsu. Just hope your initial jutsu work well, and that you can get good hits in. Stage 2 Items found: Fire Scroll (1) Leaf Symbol (7) Shuriken (1) Kunai (1) Enemies found: Worm (8) Snake (2) Assassin (8) Female Ninja (4) Allies found: Hinata Walkthrough: Dash left to get the Fire Scroll and kill the worm that drops. Drop down, burn some trees, kill some snakes, and jump over the spikes. Head up and to the right, kill a worm and burn the tree. On the other side, there's an assassin, a worm, and a leaf. Head left. Kill the assassin and burn the tree. Kill the three worms with the Fire Scroll, then dash up and to the left. Grab the leaf after defeating the female ninja. Heading right again, there's a female ninja. After finishing her, grab the leaf and kill another female ninja. Jump across the gap to another female ninja and leaf. Drop down to the left with the assassin and a leaf. Next, head to the right to kill a worm. Burn the tree, kill the assassin, you know the drill. After the last tree is Hinata waiting to heal you. Now go drop down, being careful of the spikes and the assassin. Grab the kunai if you want and head right. Two assassins later, dash up the wall to grab a leaf. Jump across to the left to kill a worm and yet another assassin. Dash up and to the right, and get ready to fight Rock Lee again. Boss: Rock Lee Same as the previous fight. I don't even know why they repeated him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +Level 5 - Leaf Village 1 Stage 1 Items found: Throwing Needles (1) Water Scroll (1) Leaf Village Symbol (7) Kunai (1) Enemies found: Chuunin (5) Jounin (5) Crow (2) Assassin (2) Walkthrough: Go to the right and grab the needles. Jump over the fire and dash up to the ledge on the right to grab the water scroll. Put out the fires and jump up to the platform on the left. Kill the chuunin and grab the leaf. Jump over to the next platform, kill the chuunin, and drop down. Go left, putting out the fire on the way. Kill the two Jounin and get the leaf. Go left some more. Go through the crawlway and kill the Jounin and take the leaf. Head back outside and go through the crawlway on the right. Get rid of the Jounin, then go over the top of the platform to get the leaf on the other side. Head back over to the left. Go to the next floor up. Kill the Chuunin. Go up to the next floor and get the Chuunin. Next floor up is a female ninja, and there's another female ninja on a platform to your left. Go to the right and drop down and to the left to get another leaf. Put out the fire and jump up to the platform on the right. Kill the crow and take the leaf. Back down and to the right you go. Over to the left past the gap is an assassin and a kunai. Take the kunai if you'd like, and head down and to the right. Beat the Jounin, and throw projectiles at the Chuunin on the other side of the wall to kill him. Crawl under and keep heading right. Dash up the wall and get off at the next floor. Kill the assassin and get the leaf. Go up all the way now to kill a crow and fight Shino. Boss: Shino Use your jutsu at the beginning of the fight. Shino will send bugs after you, so you'll have to dodge them or use the water scroll to knock them out of the air. The former is better, since you'll want to save your chakra for a jutsu. When you've run out of chakra, just jump in and start swinging. Shino can be easy, or difficult depending on how much damage your jutsu do and the actions Shino takes. Stage 2 Items found: Water Scroll (1) Throwing needles (1) Leaf Village Symbol (7) Kunai (1) Enemies found: Crow (8) Jounin (1) Female Ninja (4) Chuunin (4) Assassin (3) Walkthrough: Immediately kill the two crows with jump attacks. Go right and under the crawlway to fight a Jounin and get the Water Scroll. Head up and kill the female ninja and grab the throwing needles. Go back to the left, dash up the wall, and jump off to get the leaf. Dash up again to the top left of the screen to kill a crow and get another leaf. Jump across the gap, staying on the top level, to the next platform. Kill the chuunin and the two crows and get the leaf. Go back to the left and drop to the next level. Kill the chuunin. Go right and kill the assassin. Grab the leaf and kill the assassin and female ninja. Drop down and head to the left. Kill the female ninja and get the leaf. Go back to the right and dash up the wall. Kill the two Chuunin. Head up and right to kill three crows. Drop down one level and get the leaf. Drop down another level to kill the assassin. Put out the fire and get the leaf. Now go to the right and kill the female ninja. Head up the couple of platforms. There's a kunai on the top level. Now go to the right for the boss fight. Boss: Neji Neji really isn't that hard. Use your jutsu at the beginning of the match to knock his health down, then just dash in and keep hitting him. His punches drain chakra, but since you've already done damage to him, you don't need to use more jutsu. You'll both be eating away at each other's health, but you'll come out ahead since he had less to start with. If he uses his jutsu, he can get in some major damage, so you'll have to beat him to the punch, pun intended. I know, I'm horrible. Leave me alone. +Level 6 - Leaf Village 2 Items found: Wind Scroll (1) Leaf Village Symbol (7) Green Scroll (1) Shuriken (1) Enemies found: Snake (2) Female Ninja (2) Assassin (4) Chuunin (4) Jounin (2) Allies found: Sakura Kakashi Walkthrough: Drop down all the way and kill a snake on the right. Then grab the Wind Scroll and go back to the left. Use the wind scroll to get to the top level. Kill the female ninja there and grab the leaf. Drop down a level and kill the assassin. Crawl down and fight the Chuunin and the Jounin. Grab the leaf. Now go back to the left and use the wind scroll to get you to the platform on the right. Crawl through and use the scroll again to bring you up to the left. Kill the Chuunin and get the leaf. Jump across to the right. Fight the Chuunin and get healed by Sakura. Now go back inside the building and to the right. Use the scroll to bring you up. Now use the scroll again to get you across the gap. Kill the assassin and get the leaf. Head down and right, now. Kill the Chuunin and Jounin. Go to the right and through the crawlway. Kill the snake and grab the leaf, the green scroll, the shuriken, and get the 1UP from Kakashi. Go left and up. There's an assassin on the left. Kill him. Use the scroll again to get you up to the top left. Kill the female ninja and get the leaf. Use the scroll to get you across the gap. Drop down and head past the assassin to the leaf. Now go fight the boss. Boss: Temari Temari's pretty difficult. She sends small whirlwinds in your direction faster than you can start charging chakra, so it's hard to get a jutsu off. At least at this point in the game, you have your fourth-level jutsu. That will help a WHOLE lot. When you jump in for close range combat, she'll knock you with her fan or use her jutsu, which sends a tall whirlwind toward you that only Kakashi can jump over. Don't even try projectiles. Like Shino, though, she can either be easy or hard. It all depends what the computer does with her. Stage 2 Items found: Leaf Village Symbol (8) Wind Scroll (1) Throwing Needles (1) Kunai (1) Enemies found: Assassin (3) Female ninja (3) Chuunin (4) Crow (8) Jounin (4) Allies found: Hinata Walkthrough: Jump across the gap to kill the assassin and get a leaf. Go down and left to get another leaf. Kill the female ninja and chuunin. Grab the Wind Scroll and use it to get up and left for another leaf. Use the scroll twice more to bring you upright and then up-left. Kill the two crows and the Chuunin. Get the leaf. In the top right, there is another Chuunin and crow. Drop back down and get the throwing needles. Kill the Chuunin and Jounin. Use the wind scroll to bring you up and left to kill the assassin. Use the scroll again to get you across to the next platform. Grab the leaf and use the wind scroll again to the left. Kill the crow and drop down on the left so Hinata can heal you. Get across the gap to kill the Jounin and the crow. Drop down and kill the assassin. Drop down and go right to kill the Jounin and female ninja. Up and left is a kunai if you want it. Up and right is another leaf. Up and left will bring you to a point with a Jounin, a crow, and a leaf. Head right and drop down to get another leaf. Kill the two crows and the female ninja. Then use the wind scroll to get past the obstacle and to the boss. Boss: Kankurou Kankurou uses his puppet to attack. His jutsu animates the puppet to give it long range to attack you. A hit to Kankurou will end the jutsu. He isn't a very hard battle. Just make sure you end his jutsu quickly and that your jutsu don't miss. +Level 7 - Hokage Monument Stage 1 Items found: Leaf Village Symbol (7) Wind Scroll (2)* Earth Scroll (1) Kunai (1) *:There is another Wind Scroll near the beginning of the stage behind some rocks. It's not needed. Enemies found: Chuunin (3) Female ninja (4) Allies found: Sakura Gai-sensei Walkthrough: Dash up and to the left to get a leaf. Drop down to kill a Chuunin and a female ninja. Use the wind scroll from where the female ninja was to get the leaf on a small platform above. Jump down getting the next leaf on the way. Use the wind scroll to bring yourself across to the next column. Grab the leaf and Earth Scroll on the way. Kill the two Chuunin. Drop down to the bottom. Use the scroll on the left rocks to find Sakura. Go left some more to get a leaf. Now going right, jump across the gap to get the leaf. Dash up and to the right. Kill the two female ninja. To the left, there is a kunai. Drop to the level below the Kunai to get a 1UP from Gai-sensei. Use the scroll and continue to the right. Grab the leaf. Head to the boss fight. Boss: Haku Same as before, but you have 4th-level jutsu this time around! Woohoo! Stage 2 Items found: Wind Scroll (1) Throwing Needles (1) Leaf Village Symbol (8) Fire Scroll (1) Kunai (1) Enemies found: Chuunin (5) Jounin (3) Female Ninja (2) Allies found: Hinata Walkthrough: Kill the Chuunin. Drop down and to the left. Kill the Chuunin. Grab the wind scroll and throwing needles. Use the scroll to reach the top left of the level where a leaf awaits. Dash up and right and kill the Chuunin. Wind Scroll up to get the leaf. Drop down to the left and get the leaf under the falling bridge. Use the scroll to get back up. Kill the Chuunin and Jounin. Go down to the right and kill the female ninja. Jump across to get the leaf. Dash up to the left to get a leaf and kill a female ninja. On the right, kill a Jounin. Go to the top platform and get the Fire Scroll. Kill the Chuunin and get the leaf. On the next level down, there is a Jounin, a leaf, and Hinata. On the ground, there is a kunai. Anyway, get up to the "arrowed" path. Dash up to get the leaf on the left. Now head on over to the boss fight. Boss: Zabuza Zabuza has some crazy water techniques and can throw his sword like a boomerang. Use your 4thlevel jutsu to knock his life down, then just beat on him. He's not too tough. Also, Kakashi can use Dog Summoning for major damage. The dogs will hit Zabuza, then Kakashi will follow up with Chidori. Boss: Orochimaru You start out with zero chakra here. The best way to build some is to get in a corner and throw projectiles. That will keep him away from you. When he uses a jutsu, one of the following will occur: a snake will come from the bottom, a snake will come from the left, or a snake will come from the right. If you're lucky, you can get away from those. Whenever you can, use 4thlevel jutsu. When his health is low enough, try to use the Rock Lee strategy. It's a tough fight, but if you win, then you've won it all. Good luck! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ==6. [Enemy reference]== +Chuunin Mostly fights using hand-to-hand, but occasionally throws kunai. An attack combo should take one out. +Female Ninja Mostly throws projectiles, but occasionally fights hand-to-hand. The opposite of the generic chuunin. Can be defeated with an attack combo. +Jounin Uses hand-to-hand combat. When killed, a Jounin leaves a health pack. It takes a few combos to get rid of them. +Assassin Sometimes they drop from above. Can roll into a ball to move. Uses hand-to-hand combat and can be taken out with a combo. +Crow Fly back and forth, occasionally diving down to attack. One hit should do one in. +Bat Move back and forth, occasionally vertically. One hit. +Snake Moves back and forth in a set area. One hit. +Worm Falls from the tree and wriggles on the ground. One hit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ==7. [Boss reference]== +Ebisu & Konohamaru In this fight, Konohamaru stays on the ground using "camouflage" and attempting Sexy no Jutsu. Ebisu goes between the two tree platforms and the ground, usually behind Konohamaru to yell at him. If you're using Naruto, just use Harem no Jutsu to defeat him instantly. Otherwise, avoid Konohamaru and wait for Ebisu to come to the ground. When he does, throw projectiles at him and try to hit with a jutsu or two. This battle isn't too hard, so you should be able to defeat the pair quickly. +Ino Ino is a two trick pony. She either jumps around throwing things at you or attempts her mind control jutsu. When she uses her jutsu, try to jump over her spirit. If it hits you, Shikamaru and Chouji come out to do some damage. You can't take her jutsu more than a couple of times, or, with the combination of her projectiles, you'll be out quick. Dodging the spirit isn't too hard, though, so after some fist fighting and jutsu, you should have her beat. +Chouji Chouji is a joke. Just use higher level jutsu to wear him down. After a while, he'll use his multi-size jutsu. Just dash up one of the sides to wait it out and let your chakra refill. Oh, and he throws potato chips at you, too. +Shikamaru Shikamaru fights hand-to-hand mostly, but he throws projectiles occasionally. Most of the time, he's trying to get close enough to use Shadow Copy no Jutsu. When he tries to use it, you'll have a split-second to dash or jump out of his range. Take advantage of that. If you avoid his jutsu and use a couple of your own jutsu, he shouldn't be very hard. +Rock Lee Right off the bat use a couple of high level jutsu. Lee will call Gai-sensei to come heal him. Your chakra will recharge a bit during this, so whenever you regain control, use a couple of high level jutsu again. When you're out of chakra, you'll have to start fighting hand-to-hand. Lee will often go for his Initial Lotus, but you can dodge that rather easily. A somewhat easy strategy is to dash in, get a few punches in, then dash out. Repeat. Lee isn't that tough. +Haku Use a jutsu at the beginning. Haku throws needles very quickly, so it's hard to find a chance to use a jutsu. Haku has two jutsu. The first is an ice explosion under you, which you can dodge. For the other, Haku dashes at you, and if he grabs you, you'll be the victim of Ice Mirrors for major damage. Fortunately, you can dodge that one too. When you need to use a jutsu, rush Haku and knock him down. Immediately start charging after that. Haku's main strength is his speed, but you can beat him as long as he doesn't hit you with too many needles and jutsu. +Kiba & Akamaru If you're Naruto, use your Level 3 Red jutsu. Naruto will fart and use Uzumaki Naruto Rendan for an instant victory. If you aren't using Naruto, get ready for an annoying fight. Use your high level jutsu to open with, because you probably won't get a chance to charge chakra often. Kiba turns his dog into a clone of himself. When he's done this, they can use a highly damaging move that is somewhat hard to dodge. The only thing you can do is try to beat up on them. If you hit Akamaru enough, he'll turn back into a dog, and the team will not be able to use their hard-hitting jutsu. Just hope your initial jutsu work well, and that you can get good hits in. +Shino Use your jutsu at the beginning of the fight. Shino will send bugs after you, so you'll have to dodge them or use the water scroll to knock them out of the air. The former is better, since you'll want to save your chakra for a jutsu. When you've run out of chakra, just jump in and start swinging. Shino can be easy, or difficult depending on how much damage your jutsu do and the actions Shino takes. +Neji Neji really isn't that hard. Use your jutsu at the beginning of the match to knock his health down, then just dash in and keep hitting him. His punches drain chakra, but since you've already done damage to him, you don't need to use more jutsu. You'll both be eating away at each other's health, but you'll come out ahead since he had less to start with. If he uses his jutsu, he can get in some major damage, so you'll have to beat him to the punch, pun intended. I know, I'm horrible. Leave me alone. +Temari Temari's pretty difficult. She sends small whirlwinds in your direction faster than you can start charging chakra, so it's hard to get a jutsu off. At least at this point in the game, you have your fourth-level jutsu. That will help a WHOLE lot. When you jump in for close range combat, she'll knock you with her fan or use her jutsu, which sends a tall whirlwind toward you that only Kakashi can jump over. Don't even try projectiles. Like Shino, though, she can either be easy or hard. It all depends what the computer does with her. +Kankurou Kankurou uses his puppet to attack. His jutsu animates the puppet to give it long range to attack you. A hit to Kankurou will end the jutsu. He isn't a very hard battle. Just make sure you end his jutsu quickly and that your jutsu don't miss. +Zabuza Zabuza has some crazy water techniques and can throw his sword like a boomerang. Use your 4thlevel jutsu to knock his life down, then just beat on him. He's not too tough. Also, Kakashi can use Dog Summoning for major damage. The dogs will hit Zabuza, then Kakashi will follow up with Chidori. +Orochimaru You start out with zero chakra here. The best way to build some is to get in a corner and throw projectiles. That will keep him away from you. When he uses a jutsu, one of the following will occur: a snake will come from the bottom, a snake will come from the left, or a snake will come from the right. If you're lucky, you can get away from those. Whenever you can, use 4thlevel jutsu. When his health is low enough, try to use the Rock Lee strategy. It's a tough fight, but if you win, then you've won it all. Good luck! +Gaara Gaara likes to stay in one place. When he puts up his sand shield, don't bother attacking. Just use it as an opportunity to regain chakra. When he attacks, he uses sand hands from the ground. Just try to use level four jutsu and get in attacks when you can. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ==8. [Items]== +Help book Give information about something. +Leaf Village Symbol Collect all 100 to unlock sound test. +Shuriken A horizontal projectile. +Kunai A horizontal projectile. +Health Pack Restores health. +Throwing Needles One needle flies horizontally while the other flies at a 45 degree angle. +Lightning Scroll Destroys rocks. +Earth Scroll Destroys soft spots in the ground. +Water Scroll Puts out fires. +Wind Scroll Creates a whirlwind that can be used to jump higher. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ==9. [Jutsu reference]== +Naruto Level 1 Red Name: Sexy no Jutsu Effect: Stuns Ebisu. Level 1 Yellow Name: Harem no Jutsu Effect: Kills Ebisu in one jutsu. There's one more person you can use it on, but I don't want to spoil it. Figure it out. ;) Level 2 Red Name: Failed Bunshin no Jutsu Effect: Nothing. Level 2 Yellow Name: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu Effect: Naruto clones himself, and all clones throw shuriken in the direction you're facing. Great to use if you're in a corner! Level 3 Red Name: Fart Effect: Use against Kiba. Naruto will automatically follow-up with Uzumaki Naruto Rendan. Level 3 Yellow Name: Uzumaki Naruto Rendan Effect: Naruto dashes in the direction you're facing. If he touches the enemy, he will use the move for good damage. Level 4 Red Name: Kyuubi Healing Effect: Kyuubi heals some HP. Level 4 Yellow Name: Kyuubi Attack Effect: Kyuubi heals some HP, and Naruto attacks from the middle of the screen in the direction you're facing. Excellent damage. +Sasuke Level 1 Red Name: Two-Shuriken Throw Effect: Sasuke throws two shuriken straight across the screen. Level 1 Yellow Name: Four-Shuriken Throw Effect: Sasuke throws four shuriken. This has a higher vertical range than the Two-Shuriken Throw. Level 2 Red Name: Grand Fireball no Jutsu Effect: Sasuke creates an inferno similar to Street Fighter's Dhalsim's Yoga Flame. Level 2 Yellow Name: Grand Fireball no Jutsu+ Effect: Same as the other, except Sasuke shoots small fireballs simultaneously. Level 3 Red Name: Spinning Fireballs Effect: Sasuke shoots a fireball in every direction. Level 3 Yellow Name: Spinning Fireballs+ Effect: Sasuke shoots more fireballs in every direction. Level 4 Red Name: Lion Rendan Effect: Sasuke dashes at his enemy. If he connects, he launches them into the air for a combo. Level 4 Yellow Name: Lion Rendan+ Effect: Does more damage than the original Lion Rendan. +Kakashi Level 1 Red Name: Come Come Paradise Effect: Kakashi reads Come Come Paradise. Level 1 Yellow Name: Come Come Paradise Effect: Kakashi sits down to read Come Come Paradise. Level 2 Red Name: 1000 Years of Pain Effect: Kakashi disappears, then reappears behind his opponent. He sends the enemy flying with a blow to the rear end. Level 2 Yellow Name: 1000 Years of Pain Effect: Same as the other with more damage inflicted. Level 3 Red Name: Failed Dog Summoning no Jutsu Effect: Kakashi summons a small puppy. Level 3 Yellow Name: Dog Summoning no Jutsu Effect: Kakashi summons dogs to attack his opponent. Use against Zabuza for major damage, as Kakashi will follow up with Chidori. Level 4 Red Name: Chidori Effect: Kakashi builds up a large amount of chakra in his hand, rushes towards the enemy, and stabs using the chakra for major damage. Level 4 Yellow Name: Chidori+ Effect: Same as Chidori, but damages all enemies onscreen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ==10. [FAQ]== +Where can I get the ROM? -I don't know. Don't ask me where to get the ROM. +How do you get Kakashi? -Beat the game with Naruto and Sasuke to unlock Kakashi. +Do you get to fight Gaara? -Yes. After you beat the game with a character, you unlock a set of nighttime missions. The last three bosses, instead of being Haku, Zabuza, and Orochimaru, are Temari, Kankurou, and Gaara. +What's the point of the leaf symbols? -If you collect all 100, you unlock sound test mode. With sound test, you can listen to the music, play the voices, and play the game sounds. +That's it? That's all you get? I risked my life for those things, and all I get is that sound test?! -Yup. But you had fun getting it, eh? +What's the Picture Mode all about, then? -It lets you see pictures of characters you've fought or found. You unlock it after beating the game with someone. +How do I get 4th-level jutsu? -In Leaf Village 2, Stage 1 there is a Jounin(green ninja) on a platform. Behind him is a crawlway. Inside, there's a snake, a leaf symbol, a 1UP, a shuriken, and a huge green scroll. Grab that scroll, and 4th-level jutsu are yours for eternity. +How can I contact you? -Well, if you have a question, correction, or comment related to this guide, feel free to email me at sk[at]gt[dot]rr[dot]com. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ==11. [Thanks & stuff]== Thanks to: TOMY, for making such a great game KISHIMOTO Masashi, for writing such a great manga Nintendo, for making the wonderful Gameboy Advance GameFAQs, for hosting this FAQ This guide is allowed to be posted on the web at or This guide is also allowed to be given from person to person as long as it is kept in this exact form. Distribution on the web is still prohibited. Naruto and related characters and trademarks are property of KISHIMOTO Masashi, not me. Please don't kill me with your big lawyer guns. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. If you find this guide on a website other than one of the authorized, please email me. If you'd like to use this guide, email me. Copyright 2003 Blake Royer sk[at]gt[dot]rr[dot]com