_ _ _ _ ______ _ ____ | \ | (_) (_) | ____(_) / __ \ | \| |_ _ __ _ __ _ | |__ ___ _____ ______| | | | | . ` | | '_ \| |/ _` | | __| | \ \ / / _ \______| | | | | |\ | | | | | | (_| | | | | |\ V / __/ | |__| | |_| \_|_|_| |_| |\__,_| |_| |_| \_/ \___| \____/ _/ | |__/ _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Table of Contents _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 1. - Introduction...............................................NFO01 2. - Walkthrough................................................NFO02 2.1 - Bank..................................NFO21 2.2 - Harbor................................NFO22 2.3 - Airport...............................NFO23 2.4 - Cave..................................NFO24 2.5 - Base..................................NFO25 2.6 - Launch Site...........................NFO26 3. - Bosses.....................................................NFO03 4. - Enemies....................................................NFO04 5. - Contact....................................................NFO05 6. - Disclaimer.................................................NFO06 *Please Note - This entire FAQ/Walkthrough has been designed for easy access. This means that you can use your browser's search function to find any section immediately. Just bring it up by pressing ctrl+f and search for either the section name or the code to the right. You will go right to that section. _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 1. - Introduction NFO01 _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________________________ Controls _________________________ D-Pad - Move B - Shuriken A - Jump L - Look Around R - Katana Start - Pause Select - No Use A+B - Special You will notice two bars in the top left corner of the HUD. The higher bar is your health bar. If your health bar depletes to nothing, you will die. The second bar is the tricky one. This is your special bar. It will fill up as you kill enemies. Killing enemies with your katana will make it fill up quicker than with shurikens. If you use your special by pressing A+B and your special bar is full, you will kill every enemy on the screen. If it is not full, you will simply be invincible as it slowly empties. There aren't many items in this game, not enough to warrant a complete section for them, so I will list them here. First and most important is a key that you will need to unlock the door at the end of each stage. The second is a heart and will replenish a small portion of health. The third is a blue lightning bolt which will fill up your special bar. The fourth is a yellow lightning bolt which will upgrade your shuriken. You will lose a level of your shuriken power by being hit by an enemy. Below are what each level of shuriken will do. Level 1 This one is your basic shuriken, nothing special and exactly what you would expect from a shuriken. You can throw it and it hits your enemy to hurt them. Your basic level 1 shuriken isn't powerful and won't do much damage. Level 2 The level 2 shuriken gives a nice area of effect attack. It is a little more powerful than a level 1 shuriken and you will notice it will take less hits to kill an enemy. The main difference you will see is that it shoots three shurikens at once and all in a vertical line. This makes it much easier to hit moving enemies and make jumping throw attacks. Level 3 This shuriken isn't going to give you the area of effect that the level 2 shuriken gives you but it is still more powerful which means one hit will kill most enemies. On top of that, these shurikens will go through enemies. So if you are on a platform and there are two or three enemies in front of you on the same platform, you will kill all of them with that one attack. Your other form of attack is your katana. This is a great tool as it will one hit kill most enemies you meet in the game if you jump while using your katana. If you are standing while using it, it will take two hits to kill a typical enemy. If the enemy is looking the other way, simply sneak up behind them and cut them for an easy kill. A good way to deal with small ninjas is to jump and use your katana in the air. Jumping katana attacks cover a wider area so it's much easier to kill enemies with them. Don't forget that you are in fact a ninja. This isn't exactly a stealth game but it does have some cool features that you can take advantage of. If an enemy doesn't see you, it won't attack you. This counts whether you are behind a wall or behind them. Take advantage of this and try to sneak up on enemies. Use your katana when you're behind them as it is a one shot kill weapon. The way enemies react to sound is a bit confusing as sometimes you can jump and they will hear you and attack you and other times they won't hear you and just stand around.s Another important thing to note in this game is your Kaginawa Wire grappling hook. If you have ever played Bionic Commando, you will surely understand how the grappling hook works. You can use this to swing across large gaps or onto higher platforms. Just press A while jumping to use it. If you are trying to get onto a higher platform, just swing side to side until you swing over the edge and onto the platform. One trick with the grappling hook that you will need as you progress through the game is to climb up a narrow path. Jump and grapple onto a wall. Swing away from the wall and immediately as you start swinging away, jump and grapple to the wall again. If you just jump sitting still on the wall, you will drop so make sure to swing away from the wall first. It's tough at first but you will get used to it quick and do it no problem. Just practice this when you can early so you won't have troubles later on. There are more maneuverability features in this game other than just the grappling hook though. You will notice that if you jump towards an edge of a platform, you will grab onto the edge. From here, you have three options. You can either jump onto the platform which is only really useful on the time trials. You can press down to drop back down. The other option is to press up to pull yourself up which won't draw the attention of enemies. You can also slide by crouching and pressing A. You can tap it to slide a little or hold it to slide a lot. _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 2. - Walkthrough NFO02 _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Please Note - This entire walkthrough is written on Hard difficulty. The harder the difficulty, the more enemies that will appear. The keys will also sometimes appear in different locations on easy but always the same between normal and hard. I will list at the beginning of each stage, where the key is in every difficulty but the enemy listing in each area may be off depending on which difficulty you are playing on. As for hostages, the harder the difficulty, the more hostages there will be. If you're playing an easier difficulty and you don't see one of the hostages I list here, simply move on thinking that is a hostage that isn't included in the difficulty you are playing on. _________________________________________________ 2.1 - Bank NFO21 _________________________________________________ _________________________ Stage 1 _________________________ Key Locations: Red Key EASY In second room, only suitcase in room. NORMAL/HARD In first room, in the left suitcase. Jump over the crates as the knife thug is walking to the right. Quickly run up behind him and cut him with your katana for an easy kill. Do the same over the next set of crates to kill the next knife thug. Now you will approach a door which you have to jump over. Jump over it and quickly duck waiting for the gunner thug to shoot. Once he stops, stand up and throw shurikens at him until he dies. Kill the next gunner on the next set of crates to the right. Now grapple onto the left side of the platform above. Wait for the knife thugs to meet in the middle of this platform and then swing onto the edge of it. Jump onto the platform and kill these two thugs quickly. Enter the doorway here for the first room of the stage. Slide through the hole to the right and kill this gunner. Break the suitcase with your katana for an item that fills your energy bar. Now slide over to the far left side and kill that gunner. Break this suitcase for the red key. Now leave the room the way you came in. Run to the right and fall off the platform. Kill the two knife thugs where you land and continue to the right. Jump over the next set of crates and kill another knife thug. Enter this door and kill the two knife thugs to your right. Run to the right and jump onto the higher platform at the end. Kill the gunner thug here and leave the room. Now grapple onto the platform above and kill the grenadier thug here. Fall off the left side of the platform and jump over the crates to the right. Kill the knife thug and enter the red door to complete this stage. _________________________ Stage 2 _________________________ Key Locations: Red Key EASY In lower room right above red door, only suitcase in room. NORMAL/HARD Held by small ninja in the room in the upper right corner. Kill the gunner thug on the crates to the right and upgrade your shuriken with the item he drops. Now run to the door to the right and enter it. Kill the yellow ninja in this room and leave it. Grapple onto the platform above and kill these two knife thugs. Enter the door and kill the two knife thugs here, one on each side. Jump onto the platform to the left and kill the hostage taker when he shoots at you to free the hostage. Break the suitcase in the upper right to fill up your energy meter, leave the room when ready. Walk to the far right edge of this platform and throw a couple shurikens to the right. This will kill the grenadier thug just off the screen. To make sure he's dead, hold L and move the screen to the right. When he's dead, fall off the platform to the right and kill the two knife thugs here. Jump over the next cover to the right and kill the hostage taker when the hostage is safe. Jump over another set of crates and kill the gunner thug there. Grapple onto the platform above and kill the grenadier thug up here. Avoid the attacks from the gunner thug to the right and duck to throw shurikens at him. Now jump to the platform to the left and kill the hostage taker. Drop back down to the ground and kill the three knife thugs to the lower right. Now grapple onto the middle platform with the door on it above and kill the gunner thug to the right. Enter the door on this platform. Drop down to the ground and kill the hostage taker when the hostage is safe. Once that hostage is free, grapple back to the door and go through it. Grapple to the platform above and go through that door. Kill the orange ninja in this room for the red key. Leave the room and drop down to the ground. Go through the red door to the right here to complete this stage. _________________________ Stage 3 _________________________ Key Locations: Blue Key EASY Held by large enemy to the right of where you begin. NORMAL/HARD Held by large enemy to the right of where you begin. Red Key EASY In Yellow Room, upper left corner. NORMAL/HARD In Yellow Room, upper right corner. Yellow Key EASY In Blue Room, upper left corner. NORMAL/HARD In Blue Room, upper right corner. Kill the two gunner thugs to your right and jump over the crates. Run to the right until you reach the gunner ninja and kill him quickly from a distance. Stay far away so you can avoid his attacks, this is one tough enemy. Grab the blue key when he drops it and kill the knife thug to the right. Run to the far right until you reach a door, enter it. Slide under the wall and kill the gunner thug that is hiding behind the crates. Slide until the next wall to the right and jump onto the platform above. Kill the gunner thug to the left. Slide under the next wall and kill the hostage taker when he attacks. Now leave the room the same way you came in. Jump onto the platform directly above this door and kill the gunner thug. Now jump onto the platform above this platform and enter the door here. Kill the two yellow ninjas in this room. Now just leave the room and jump onto the platform above. Kill the gunner thug to the right and drop off the platform to the right when the knife thug isn't near you. Kill him and drop down again when it is safe to kill another gunner thug. Drop to the ground once more and enter the blue room. Kill the grenadier thug to the right and then the gunner thug to the left. Jump onto the higher platform from the left and deal with the grenadier thug first. After that thug is killed, kill the gunner to the left and jump onto one of the crates on this platform to show the platforms above. Grapple onto the edge of either platform and swing onto one of them. Kill the hostage taker closer to you first when the hostage is safe. After that hostage is saved, kill the other. Jump and grapple onto the platform above in the middle of the room and you will see a gunner ninja. Jump onto an edge just as he walks away from that edge. Quickly attack him with a couple of shurikens. If he is about to attack, just drop down to save yourself, then jump back up to finish him off. When he is dead, he will drop an upgrade to your shuriken, pick it up. Grapple onto the center platform above and swing to jump onto it. Kill the gunner thug to the left and break the suitcase to the right for the yellow key. Pick it up and drop back down to the door, leave the room through the door at the bottom. Climb up the set of platforms here until you reach the red door. Walk to the left edge of the platform with the red door, crouch, and throw a couple of shurikens to the left to kill a grenadier thug on the chandelier. Drop down two platforms to the left and jump over to the next platform to the left. Kill the hostage taker there has he looks helplessly in the wrong direction. Grapple onto the chandelier above and grab the shuriken upgrade the grenadier thug dropped. Throw a couple of shurikens to the left to kill the next grenadier thug. Jump to that chandelier that that grenadier thug was on. Kill the knife thug to the left and jump onto that platform. Run to the left until you see a gunner thug, kill him with a couple of shurikens. Now run to the left and drop off the platform when you are safe from the gunner thug below. Quickly kill him and enter the yellow room. Slide under the wall to the right and kill the gunner thug here. Jump onto the platform above and kill the hostage taker as he looks to the left. Now jump onto the platform to the left and kill the gunner thug here. Also kill the grenadier thug to the far left to get him out of your way. Jump onto the platform in the middle and kill the gunner thug on the crates. Jump onto those crates to jump onto the higher platforms. There will be two gunner ninjas here, focus on one at a time. Jump onto the platforms as they walk away from the center and attack when they are as far away as possible. Avoid their attacks by dropping down a few times. After you finish off both gunner ninjas here, jump onto the center platform above from the right side to easily kill the hostage taker. Jump onto the next set of platforms and kill the grenadier thug to the left and gunner thug to the right. Break the right suitcase for the red key and the left suitcase for an energy power up. Now drop back down to the bottom of the ground and leave the room the same way you came in. Fall off the platform to the right and climb the platforms at the wall to the right. Once you reach the red door, enter it to complete this stage. _________________________ Stage 4 _________________________ Target: Kabuki (Warrior) Ninpo - Hanabi Magic Attacks - Spear - If you are close to Kabuki, he will try to attack you with his spear. There are three different heights he will attack, one being at about his head, the other at his waist, and the final by his feet. Fireball - After you hurt him enough, he will jump to the highest platform and twirl his spear which will shoot fireballs in all different directions. Movement - Kabuki's movements are simple. He will hop around on one foot to move from platform to platform. He doesn't move very quickly at all so it is easy to get away if he ever gets close. After you hurt him enough, he will jump up to the top of the stage and stand still while he does his fireball attack. From there, he will continue to just hop around. Strategy - Watch which direction he starts to move in from the top and run to the opposite side of the stage. Jump onto the first platform there and look at him. Attack him as much as possible. From here, you can jump and throw shurikens while he's on the highest platform on either far side, stand on this platform when he's level to you, or duck and throw shurikens when he's on the ground. He shouldn't get close to you by the time he jumps up to shoot fireballs around. When he starts this, fall to the ground and just run back and forth while watching any fireballs that may be near you, make sure to avoid them. Just repeat this strategy until he dies. If you need health or energy, jump to the highest platform in the stage. _________________________________________________ 2.2 - Harbor NFO22 _________________________________________________ _________________________ Stage 1 _________________________ Key Locations: Blue Key EASY In the room in the lower right corner of where you start, in the first suitcase on the left side of the room. NORMAL/HARD In the yellow room on the bottom of the screen. Red Key EASY In the blue room in the upper left suitcase. NORMAL/HARD In the blue room in the upper left suitcase. Yellow Key EASY In the room in the lower right corner of where you start, in the suitcase in the upper left corner. NORMAL/HARD In the room in the lower right corner of where you start, in the suitcase in the upper left corner. Jump over the crates to the right when the knife thug turns away and quickly kill him. Now jump onto the crates to the right and kill the grenadier thug behind the crate. Jump onto the platform above and kill the gunner thug on it. From here, jump onto the platform with the red door on it above. Jump onto the moving platform to the left and kill the hostage taker when the hostage is safe. Now jump across the platform to the upper right corner and kill another hostage taker. Jump back to the center platform and drop to the ground. Kill the knife thug to the right and enter the door in the lower right corner. Each end of the floor will have fire jets which shoot out fire straight up. Wait for the fire to stop and jump onto either platform. Jump up and kill the gunner thug on the center platform. Jump onto that platform and grapple straight up onto the higher platform. Swing onto it and kill the gunner thug. Pick up the shuriken power up here. Jump onto the platform to the left and kill the gunner thug when you can. Grapple onto the platform above and kill the grenadier on it. Jump onto the platform to the upper left here and break the suitcase for a yellow key. Now drop to where you saw the door on the right and go through it. Jump onto the platform to the right of the first conveyor belt. An orange ninja will appear on the platforms to each side of you. Kill them quickly and pick up the shuriken power up the right ninja drops. Continue to the right until you reach the second to last platform in between conveyor belts. Again, you will have another two orange ninjas spawn on both sides of you, kill them and enter the yellow door to the right. Wait for the fire jets to stop and quickly drop down. Break the suitcase in the middle of the room for the blue key. Now jump back to the platform above and go through the door again. Jump to the far left and go through the door here. Climb up the platforms to the upper right corner. Avoid that fire jet at the top and go through the door up here. Jump onto the moving platform to the right and kill the hostage taker to the right when the hostage is safe. Jump onto that platform and then onto the red platform to the right. Go through the blue door. Avoid the fire jet to the right and climb onto the platform above. Kill the gunner thug up here and break the suitcase to upgrade your shuriken. Now drop down and avoid both fire jets as you make your way to the far left. Jump onto the platform in the upper left and kill the gunner thug. Break the suitcase for the red key. Leave this room the same way you came in. Drop down all the platforms down to the ground and enter the door at the very bottom. Jump over the crates to the left and onto the crates and barrels even further to the left. Jump onto the two platforms above until you reach the platform with the red door. Go through this door to complete this stage. _________________________ Stage 2 _________________________ Key Locations: Blue Key EASY Held by the large ninja on the right side of the yellow room. NORMAL/HARD Held by the large ninja on the second center platform of the yellow room. Red Key EASY Under the blue door once you enter it. NORMAL/HARD At the end of the upper path through the blue door. Yellow Key EASY Held by the large ninja in the upper right corner of the room you start in. NORMAL/HARD Held by the large ninja in the upper right corner of the room you start in. Jump over the crates to the right and quickly kill the yellow ninja that will appear. Jump onto the platform to your right and grapple onto the platform above you. Swing and land onto the moving platform to the left and quickly kill the katana ninja to the right with your shurikens. Grab the yellow key he drops. Drop to the lower platform and then to the right. Avoid the fire jets as you run to the right on the conveyor belt to the right. At the end of the conveyor belt, jump onto the platform to the right. Now grapple onto the platform to the left and swing onto it. Kill the gunner thug with a flamethrower to the right. Now drop down to the conveyor belt to the right of the red door. Ride this platform to the far right while avoiding the fire jets. Right before the end, stop to avoid the spikes on the wall and grapple onto the platform directly above. Jump to the right to land on the ground. Kill the orange ninja as he jumps over the crates to the right. Grapple onto the platform to the far right and swing onto it. Kill the gunner ninja to the far left. When he is dead, jump onto the moving platform to the left. Jump onto the platform where the gunner ninja was and pick up the shuriken power up. Now jump back onto the moving platform and enter the yellow door in the upper right corner. Kill the frogs as they approach from both sides. Kill the grenadier thug to the left and then the gunner thug to the right. You will see small circles above you, these are little pegs that you can grapple onto. Grapple onto one of them and then swing onto the platform directly above you. Kill the gunner thug here and jump onto either platform above. Kill the two hostage takers here when the hostages are safe. Now jump onto the platform above for a boomerang ninja, kill him and grab the blue key he drops. Grapple onto the left side of the platform above and jump onto it. Kill the hostage taker on this platform while he looks in the wrong direction. Drop down to the lowest part of this room and go through the door. Drop to the ground and jump onto the platform to the left when you reach the wall. Jump onto the conveyor belt and avoid the fire jets as you make your way to the far left. Jump onto the platform with the red door and drop onto the conveyor belt to the left. Avoid the fire jets to the left and grapple onto the ceiling right before the spikes at the end of this conveyor belt. Swing onto this platform as you are grappled onto it. Jump onto the moving platform to the left. Now jump onto the platform to the far left and go through the blue door. Drop off the platform to the right and swing your katana right before you hit the floor to kill the two frogs. Climb up the crates to the left and drop down to break the suitcase for a shuriken power up. Now jump back up and to the right. Jump onto the platform here to get back to the blue door. Climb onto the platform to your right and kill the grenadier thug here. Now grapple onto one of the pegs above you in the center of the room. Swing onto the platform above the pegs and grapple onto the platform above. Kill the gunner thug to the right with the rail gun then kill the grenadier thug to the left. Go through the door on the center platform for the next room. You have to grapple and zig zag up the walls to the top of this room but be careful of the fire jet in the center of the ceiling in the center of this room. To zig zag up the wall easily, grapple onto the wall. Swing away from the wall and then jump. If you don't swing before you jump, you will just drop straight down. At the top, kill the boomerang ninja. Ride down the platform to the right and kill the gunner thug and then knife thug on your way down. At the bottom run to the left and drop off the platform at the wall. Kill the two frogs and break the suitcase for a red key. Leave the room the same way you came in and drop down to the bottom of the room here. Go through the door and ride the conveyor belt to the right while avoiding the fire jets. Go through the red door on the platform after the conveyor belt to complete this stage. _________________________ Stage 3 _________________________ Key Locations: Blue Key EASY In the upper left room, take the right path, in the suitcase at the end of the path. NORMAL/HARD In the lower left corner of the green room. Green Key EASY When entering the blue room, in the suitcase in the lower right corner. NORMAL/HARD In the upper left room, at the end of the path to the right. Red Key EASY In the green room in the lower left corner. NORMAL/HARD Held by the second large ninja in the yellow room. Yellow Key EASY In the upper left room, take the left path, in the suitcase at the end of the path. NORMAL/HARD In the blue room, take the upper left path to the end. Grapple onto the pegs in either direction above you and swing onto the higher platform in the center of this room. Jump onto the platform to the upper right and kill the hostage taker on it. Now grapple over to the platform to the left and kill the boomerang ninja. Pick up the shuriken power up that he drops. Jump onto the platform to the upper left and enter the door. Slide under the wall to the right when the fire jet stops and grapple up the walls to reach the platform in the upper left. Avoid the fire jet at the ceiling along the right wall. Drop down at the top of the platform and crouch beneath the fire jet down here. Break the suitcase for the green key. Now make your way to the door and slide under the left wall while avoiding the fire jet. Zig zag up the walls to the platform to the upper right. Break this suitcase for an energy power up. Now leave the room the same way you entered it. Now jump across the platforms to the green door in the upper right corner of this room, enter it. Fall onto moving platform below when the fire jet stops. Jump onto the higher platform to the left the first chance you get and duck from the fire jet up here. Kill the hostage take to the right when you can. Now fall back onto the moving platform and jump to the right when the fire jet there stops. Drop to the ground to the right. Slide under the wall and kill the white ninja to the left and yellow ninja to the right. Break the suitcase here for the blue key. Leave this room the same way you entered it. Make your way to the blue door which is in the far lower left corner of this room. Fall to the right while avoiding the fire jets and kill the frogs and hostage taker. Now climb back up to the door and do the same thing down the path to the left. Now jump up the platform to the left and onto the moving platform. Climb through the small hole to the right at the top and avoid the fire jet as you fall down the gap. Grab the yellow key and jump through the holes to the right. Go through the blue door when you reach it. Swing across the pegs to the yellow door in the lower right corner of this room. Fall onto the small lip off the right edge of this platform and throw shurikens at the katana ninja to the far right. Now jump across the moving platforms while avoiding the fire jets. Grab the shuriken power up the katana ninja dropped and jump onto the platform above. Avoid the fire jet and jump across the next set of moving platforms. Jump onto the small platform level with the katana ninja and throw shurikens at him until he dies. Grab the red key he drops and leave the room the same way you entered it. Now grapple onto the pegs to the left and swing onto the platform in the middle above you and enter the red door to complete this stage. _________________________ Stage 4 _________________________ Target: Hannya (Sniper) Ninpo - Toad Magic Attacks - Fire Spit - When the toad Hannya is riding on gets close to you, it will spit fire at you. Katana Spin - After Hannya falls off the toad, he will spin with his katana and either bounce around or slide along the ground. Movement - The boss will bounce around when he is on the toad. When he uses his fire spit attack, he will stop moving. When he falls of the toad, he will either bounce around or slide along the ground. He bounces with more health and will typically slide along the ground with less but don't be surprised to see him make either of these movements regardless of his health. Strategy - Keep your distance when Hannya is on the toad and just keep jumping and throwing shurikens at Hannya. If you hit the toad, it won't do any damage to Hannya. After enough damage, Hannya will fall off and jump or slide around with his katana. He will slide around more and more the further you get into this boss battle. When Hannya is off the toad, he still takes damage but you want to focus more on avoiding his attacks. Just try to avoid them and attack him while he is on the toad until he dies. _________________________________________________ 2.3 - Airport NFO23 _________________________________________________ _________________________ Stage 1 _________________________ Key Locations: Blue Key EASY Held by the large ninja in the upper left corner. NORMAL/HARD Held by the large ninja in the upper left corner. Green Key EASY Held by the small ninja in the lower right corner of the blue room. NORMAL/HARD Held by the small ninja in the lower right corner of the blue room. Red Key EASY Held by the large ninja in the upper right corner of the green room. NORMAL/HARD Held by the large ninja in the upper right corner of the green room. Run to the right and kill the yellow ninja when he appears. Now kill the grenadier thug on the crates. Jump over the crates and duck close to the hostage taker. Kill him with the katana when the hostage is safe and then kill the gunner thug to the right. Continue all the way to the right and wait for the orange ninja to run at you from the left. Kill him to get him out of the way and enter the door. In this room, you will see an orange ninja appear on both sides of you, quickly kill both of them. Now grapple onto the platform above and swing through the gap, kill the gunner thugs on each side of the screen. Grapple onto one of the pegs above you and swing to reach the higher platform. Swing onto the platform and go through the door. Swing across the ceiling with your grappling hook until you reach the platform in the upper left corner of this room. Kill the boomerang ninja from the right side of the crate here. Pick up the blue key that he will drop. Jump off the platform to the right and drop all the way to the ground. Run all the way to the right and grapple onto the platform above at the far right wall. Swing onto it and kill the hostage taker on it. Now grapple onto the platform above and swing onto it, enter the blue door. Jump onto the lower platform to the right and then quickly onto the platform with the hostage taker in the upper right. Kill the hostage taker when the hostage is safe and make your way to the lower platform. Just try to drop below the katana ninjas and kill the white ninja on the ground in the lower right corner. Pick up the green key he drops and kill the hostage taker to the left. If you want to upgrade your shuriken, kill the katana ninja to the left. If not and you don't care about points, just leave the room the way you came in while avoiding the katana ninjas. If you want the best score possible, kill these ninjas but just be careful. When you leave the room, jump off the platform to the left and kill the grenadier thug on the left side of the crate. Kill the hostage taker further to the left and fall off the platform to the right. Run to the far left and grapple onto the platform above at the left edge. Swing onto it and kill the gunner thug and hostage taker to the right. Jump to the platform to the left and kill the gunner thug to upgrade your shuriken. Now run to the left edge of this platform and grapple onto the platform above, swing onto it and kill the two knife thugs. Enter the green door to the right. Kill the gunner thug to the left and slide under the wall behind him. Now kill another gunner thug and slide under another wall. Kill the katana ninja to the left here and jump onto the right platform above. Kill the four knife thugs to the right and the gunner thug to the left with the flamethrower. Now climb the platform along the far left wall and grapple across the ceiling to the boomerang ninja. Just slide up and down your grappling hook while not swinging to avoid his boomerang and kill him. Grab the red key he drops and leave the room the same way you entered. Now drop one platform below you and run to the left for the red door to complete this stage. _________________________ Stage 2 _________________________ Key Locations: Blue Key EASY At the top of the top room of the elevator shaft in the middle. NORMAL/HARD Enter the door in the middle of the starting room, in the lower left suitcase of the first door above. Green Key EASY In the upper right corner of the starting room. NORMAL/HARD Held by the third small ninja in the blue room. Red Key EASY In the center of the room with spikes after the yellow or green room, depending which you entered. NORMAL/HARD In the center of the room with spikes after the yellow or green room, depending which you entered. Yellow Key EASY In the upper left corner of the starting room. NORMAL/HARD Held by the large ninja at the beginning of the green room. Jump over the crates to the right and kill the grenadier thug. Now grapple onto the platform above and swing onto it, kill the two knife thugs up here. Jump off the right edge and grapple onto the light on the ceiling. Swing to the right and jump over the spikes. Kill the hostage taker to the right and the grenadier thug to the left. Go through the door here. Right as you enter this room, you will see orange ninjas appear on both sides of you, kill each of them. Grapple onto the platform above and swing on it to jump through the small hole. Kill the grenadier thugs on each side of this room. Jump onto the platform above and skip this door for now. Grapple onto the pegs above and swing onto the higher, center platform. Kill the gunner thug to the right and grab the shuriken power up to the left. Now go through the door in the middle here. Jump onto the crates on either side and sit on the higher crate. Look in the opposite direction and an orange ninja will appear, kill him before he gets close. Now kill the hostage taker here. Do the same on the other side, an orange ninja will also appear. Now jump up the platforms along the left side and kill the hostage taker on the highest center platform as he looks in the wrong direction. Drop to the ground and go through the door. Drop back down the center of this room and land on the next lower platform, go through this door. Run to the left to make an orange ninja and kill him. Now run to the right to make a yellow ninja appear and kill him. Slide under the wall to the right while avoiding the exposed wires. Kill the hostage taker here when the hostage is safe. Now slide back under the wall when the exposed wires aren't shocking the area. Slide under the wall to the far left while avoiding the electric shock and kill a gunner thug. Break the suitcase for a blue key. Now slide back under the wall to the right. Go through the door in the center of this room. Drop down to the ground and go through this door. Jump straight up and grapple straight up to grab onto the ceiling. Swing to the right and grapple over the spikes. Jump onto the upper right platform here. Kill the gunner thug and the hostage taker up here. Now drop off the platform to the left and kill the grenadier thug. Go through the blue door to the far right when this room is clear. Run to the right and kill the yellow, white, and then orange ninjas that will appear quickly. The orange ninja will drop the green key, pick it up and leave the room the same way you entered it. Grapple onto the left side of the platform above you. Now jump to the left and grapple onto the light to jump over the spikes. Go through the door here and jump up the platforms to the first door you run into, go through it. Jump onto the platform to the upper right and slide under the wall while avoiding the shocks from the exposed wires. Go through the green door here. Fall off the platform to the right and kill the gunner thug. Grab the yellow key he drops. Now jump off the platform to the far right while hugging the left wall to land on some crates instead of the spikes. Jump and grapple onto the wall over the spikes. Lower yourself from the grappling hook without letting go of the wall and swing under the wall to the door to the left. Swing along the ceiling to the left until you reach a platform. Break the suitcase here and grab the red key within it. Swing over the spikes to the left and enter the door at the end. Fall to the left and kill the gunner ninja. Zig zag jump up the walls to the left to reach the top of this room. Kill the hostage taker from behind. Grapple onto the wall above the spikes and again, lower yourself without letting go of your grappling hook to swing to the yellow door, go through it. Now slide under the wall to the right while avoiding the electric shock from the exposed wires. Go through the door to the right and drop down to the ground. Go through this door and jump, grapple straight up. Swing to the right and grapple over the spikes. Go through the blue door in the lower right corner of this room. Grapple over the boxes to the right and swing along the ceiling to the far right, kill the gunner thug with the flamethrower if you want the points. Kill the boomerang ninja at the end of this path and go through the red door to complete this stage. _________________________ Stage 3 _________________________ Key Locations: Blue Key EASY In the upper right corner of the green room. NORMAL/HARD Held by the second small ninja in the stage. Green Key EASY Held by the small ninja right where you start the stage. NORMAL/HARD Held by the large ninja in the room after the blue room. Red Key EASY Held by the large ninja in the yellow room. NORMAL/HARD Held by the large ninja in the yellow room. Yellow Key EASY Held by large ninja in room after blue room. NORMAL/HARD In the upper right corner of the green room. Jump onto the crates to the right and kill the gunner thug and grenadier here. As you jump to the right side of the crates, an orange ninja will appear from the left. Quickly kill this ninja. Jump over the crates and slowly walk to the right. Kill the first hostage taker that pops up from a seat in front of you. Now run to the right and kill the next hostage taker as he pops up from the seat behiind you. Quickly kill the yellow ninja that will appear from the right and pick up the blue key he drops. Run to the left until you get back to the blue door, go through it. Slide under the walls to the left while avoiding an electric shock. Fall off the platform and a white ninja will appear to the right and a yellow ninja from the left. Kill them and go through the door to the right. Kill the gunner ninja to the left and pick up the green key he drops. Now leave the room the same way you came in and then go through the door in the upper right corner of this room. Run to the right and kill the hostage taker ahead of you when he pops up. Continue to the right and kill the hostage taker that pops up behind you. Now go through the green door to the right. Jump onto the higher platforms and kill the gunner thugs with flamethrowers up here. Break the right suitcase for the yellow key. Now break the left suitcase for a shuriken power up and leave the room. Run back to the left and go through the blue door again. Avoid the electronic shocks as you slide under the wall to the left. Fall off the platform and run to the right, go through this door. Now run to the left and jump onto the higher platform. Slide under the wall to the right while avoiding an electric shock and go through the yellow door. Kill the four knife thugs, two on each side. Now jump onto the higher platform and kill the gunner thug. Grab the red key this gunner ninja drops. Leave the room the same way you came in. Slide under the wall to the left while avoiding a shock and fall off the edge. Go through the door in the lower right corner. Now run to the left and jump onto the higher platform. Slide under the wall to the right while avoiding a couple more electric shocks. Go through the door and run safely to the right until you reach the green door. Jump over the crates to the right and kill the first hostage taker as he pops up behind you. Now inch to the right until a yellow ninja appear behind you, kill him. Inch further to the right and kill the hostage taker as he pops up in front of you. Run to the right and kill another hostage taker as he pops up behind you. Continue to the right and kill one more hostage taker as he pops up in front of you. Continue jumping over the crates to the right and kill the orange ninja as he appears to your right. Run to the right and another will appear behind you, kill him for a shuriken power up. Go through the first door and kill the orange ninja to the left for an energy power up. Now kill the white ninja to the right. Go back through the door and complete this stage by leaving the red door to the right. _________________________ Stage 4 _________________________ Target: Shadow Master Ninpo - Dragon Magic Attacks - Sword Beam - As the boss walks around in a human form, he will swipe his sword and shoot out a magic beam. If you are standing, he will shoot high so you can duck below it but if you crouch, he will shoot it along the ground. Fire Dragon - After enough damage, he will turn into a fire dragon and fly around aimlessly on the screen. Movement - When Karyuu is in a human form, he will simply walk back and forth while taking the pilot hostage. He will stop to make his sword beam attacks. When he turns into a fire dragon, he will fly around aimlessly. Strategy - Immediately, you will notice two bars for the boss instead of one, the smaller bar is the health of the pilot and if the pilots dies, the boss battle is over and you have to restart. Karyuu will begin in his human form. Now you just have to jump and attack his head with shurikens while avoiding any sword beams he shoots until he turns into a fire dragon. Avoid him as he flies around aimlessly and try to attack his head whenever you can. Just keep up this strategy until this boss dies. _________________________________________________ 2.4 - Cave NFO24 _________________________________________________ *PLEASE NOTE - You can't go any further in this game on easy mode. _________________________ Stage 1 _________________________ Key Locations: Blue Key NORMAL/HARD Held by second small ninja in yellow room. Green Key NORMAL/HARD Held by large ninja in blue room. Red Key NORMAL/HARD Held by thug in lower left corner of green room. Yellow Key NORMAL/HARD In first suitcase on left side. Jump to the right and grapple straight up over the spiks. A bat will come down towards you, quickly kill it with a single shuriken. Now swing onto the right side and swing onto this platform. Kill the bat along the left wall here that should still be on the platform waiting for you to approach it. From here, jump to either platform and kill the gunner thug on it with your katana. Now look the other way and kill the other gunner thug with your shurikens. Grapple on your way up the center of these pegs in this room until you see bats on each side of the wall. Slowly approach them to get them to move and kill them one at a time just to get them out of your way. Swing onto the pegs in the middle to reach the platform to the right, jump onto it and katana the gunner thg with a rail gun. Now grapple onto the platform above and swing to the left, break the suitcase for a yellow key. Now grapple onto the platform above and swing onto it. Kill the grenadier thug on here and free the hostage by pressing up. Swing onto the pegs above and reach the highest platform in the center, kill the gunner thug with the flamethrower here. Now this entire room should be completely clear of enemies. Drop down and hug the right wall on your way down, go through the yellow door at the bottom. Slide under the wall to the right just after the closer spider attacks. Now jump and kill this spider quickly before it attacks again. Grapple onto the ceiling and pull yourself up to kill the next spider. Run to the right and an orange ninja will appear to the left and a yellow ninja to the right. Kill them and pick up the blue key the yellow ninja drops. Slide under the wall right after the spiders attack and kill it. Kill the next spider as well, use your grappling hook to reach high enough for it. Run a little further to the right for two more small ninjas, there will be a white ninja to the left and an orange to the right. Kill them both quickly. Grab the shuriken power up the orange ninja drops. Now slide under the wall to the right and jump up these platforms. At the top, stand on the platform just to the right of the spikes under water, it is a little lower than the highest platform here. Duck and throw all your level two shurikens safely from here to kill both bats and the gunner thug. Grapple along the ceiling and kill the next bat. Get close to the gunner ninja and kill him while on your grappling hook, slide up and down on it to avoid the gunner ninja until you kill him. Fall off the platform just to the left of the platform the gunner ninja was on, kill the gunner thug here. Fall into the pit and free the hostage. Now climb up the platforms to reach the far left wall and fall down here. Go through this door down here. Jump over the spikes to the left and go through the blue door in the lower left of this room. Zig zag up the walls here to reach the platform in the upper left corner. Kill the boomerang ninja to the right and free the hostage when the large ninja is dead. Jump over the gap to the right and pick up the green key he drops. Now fall down the gap to the right and break the suitcase to fill up your energy bar. Slide under the wall to the left and zig zag back up to the top of this room. Fall along the far left wall and break this suitcase for a shuriken power up. Slide under the wall to the right and go through the door back to the main room. Climb all the way to the upper left corner of this room and through the green door. Jump and kill the bat coming down from above you with your katana. Grapple up and kill the spider and bat to the left. Now jump onto the platform to the left. When the gunner thug with the flamethrower in the lower left stops attacking, jump and kill him with your katana. Pick up the red key he drops. Grapple onto the platforms above and jump onto the center platform above, kill the spider on it. Snakes will spawn on both side platforms and they're narrow so you may want to just avoid those. Grapple onto the platform above and jump on it when the gunner thug with the rail gun stops shooting. Make sure to jump from the ledge and kill him with a jumping katana swipe. A bat will come down from both sides as well. Just jump straight up when they come near you at the same time and kill them with a katana swipe. Free the hostage there. Grapple onto one of the platforms above and then swing onto them. Grapple onto the next large platform and swing onto that one. Kill the gunner ninja on there. Free the hostage and fall down along the far right wall. Go through the green door. Jump over the gaps to the right and enter the red door to complete this stage. _________________________ Stage 2 _________________________ Key Locations: Blue Key NORMAL/HARD Held by large ninja in the room in the far lower right corner of the room you start in. Red Key NORMAL/HARD Held by thug on lower right platform from start. Yellow Key NORMAL/HARD Held by large ninja in the room in the far lower left corner of the room you start in. Jump and kill the spider directly above you with your katana. Jump across the platforms to the left and kill the gunner thug with the rail gun. Reach the far left wall and drop down here. Slide under the wall to the right and grapple along the ceiling over the spikes. Slide down and kill the spider. Now swing to the right and jump onto the platform with the door. Go through this door. There will be a katana ninja to the left, quickly kill him before his puffs of smoke get close to you. Jump over the crate to the left when the large ninja is dead and kill two bats as they attack from the left. Jump up the platform to the left and onto the moving platform. Jump onto the first platform to the right, kill the boomerang ninja there and grab the yellow key he drops. Now jump onto the next moving platform to continue up. Kill the bats as they attack from the next platform. Jump onto that platform and free the hostage. Now jump onto the next moving platform that moves up. Kill the gunner thug with the flamethrower at the top and jump down the right side gap. Continue down the next gap at the blue door and go through the door to get back into the main room. Jump onto the platform to your right and quickly kill the snake that will appear on the right side of this platform. Duck to the left and kill the two bats to the left. Jump and grapple onto the platform to the right, swing up and kill the gunner thug with the flamethrower on it. Grab the red key he drops. Grapple onto the platform to the upper right and climb onto it. Kill this gunner thug with the rail gun on it. Fall down the path to the right and kill the spider to the left by lowering yourself with the grappling hook. Grapple under the wall and go through the door to the left. Kill the two gunner thugs to the right and jump up the platforms to the left. Climb onto it and kill the snake that will appear on it. Break the suitcase for an energy power up. Now run to the right and grapple onto the ceiling above the moving platforms. Kill the two bats and spider along this ceiling from a grappling hook. Now fall onto the moving platforms and jump onto the right of the two. Kill the katana ninja to the right and pick up the blue key he drops. Jump onto the platform above you and kill the gunner ninja to the left. Slide under the wall and kill the spider in between its attacks. Go through the yellow door. Kill the yellow ninja to the left and white ninja to the right. Climb up these platforms and kill the grenadier thugs on top. Free both hostages and go back through the yellow door. Quickly jump onto the hostage cage to the left and free him. Now quickly jump to the platform to the upper left to avoid both snakes. Slide under the wall and go through the door to the left. Jump to the platform to the left and kill the snake that will appear on the right side of this platform. Grapple onto the platform to the upper left and kill the gunner thug with the flamethrower on it. Climb up the platforms now to reach the upper left corner and fall down the far left wall. Grapple and swing over the spikes to the right and go through this door. Run to the left and ride up the series of moving platforms along the left wall to reach the top of this room. Fall down the right wall at the top and go through the blue door. There will be two bats attacking from both sides, kill them and slide under either wall on the side. Jump and grapple onto the ceiling above and kill the boomerang ninja up here. Free the hostage and go back through the blue door. Now fall down the pit to the right and go through this door. Simply fall to the platform below this one and enter the red door to complete this stage. _________________________ Stage 3 _________________________ Key Locations: Blue Key NORMAL/HARD In suitcase on platform below the upper left door from where you start once you enter the door. Red Key NORMAL/HARD In suitcase in upper left corner of blue room. Yellow Key NORMAL/HARD Held by large ninja at the top of the upper right door from where you start. Grapple onto the pegs on either side of where you spawn and then onto the center set of pegs. Grapple onto the left platform and swing to the left until you reach the wall. Kill the gunner thug with the flame thrower and free the hostage. Now grapple along the platforms above you until you reach the far right wall and kill the gunner thug with the rail gun, free the hostage as well. Grapple onto the platform above and swing to the left, jump onto the platform at the gap. Jump onto the right platform and kill the three spiders. Now grapple to the left platform and kill these three spiders. Go through the door to the left. Kill the white ninja to the left first since he will attack first and then kill the yellow ninja to the right. Fall down either side and jump onto the platform in the middle. Jump down into the pit in the middle of this platform and kill the snakes. Break the suitcase for a blue key. Now jump back out of here and drop down either side even further. Kill the boomerang ninja on the ground and pick up the shuriken power up he drops. Now free both hostages and return to the door at the top of this room, go through it. Jump over the gap to the right and enter the door in the upper right corner of this room. As you enter this room, two bats will attack from each side. Kill them all and zig zag up either wall. Kill the gunner ninja at the top for the yellow key. Pick it up and go back through the door you entered this room from. Fall down the center to land on the platform you started this stage on. Grapple onto the pegs to the right and swing to the yellow door, enter it. Jump onto the platform above and fall to the right. Slide under the wall and reach the hostage. Orange ninjas will appear on both crates here, kill them and free the hostage, leave back to the left. Jump into the small hole to the upper right here and crawl to the right while killing a few snakes. At the end, kill the katana ninja and grab the shuriken power up. Free the hostage here and make your way back to where you started this room. Jump onto the ledge to the left and run to the right. Kill an orange ninja that will appear behind you, then a yellow ahead of you, then two white ninjas behind you and an orange ninja behind you. Free the hostage at the end and leave the room the same way you came in. Swing past the pegs to the left and go through the blue door in the lower left corner of this room. Grapple onto the pegs in the center of this room and make your way up, kill the bats as they appear from both sides of the screen. Kill the gunner thug with the rail gun on the first platform to the left. Now break the suitcase on the right platform there for an energy power up. Now grapple up the pegs in the middle here and jump onto the moving platform. Kill the two gunner thugs with flame throwers at the top. Free the hostage on the upper right platform and break the suitcase on the upper left platform for the red key. Now drop along the left wall and leave through the red door to complete this stage. _________________________ Stage 4 _________________________ Target: Tengu (Hunter) Ninpo - Bat Magic Attacks - Spawn Bats - This is easily the most annoying part of this boss, she will spawn a ton of bats from all over the screen to hurt you. Throw Knives - She has two knives in her hands at all times, she will randomly throw those in opposite directions and then they will return to her. Movement - The only movements will be the boss jumping from platform to platform. She will hang from the bottom part of the platform and there are three platforms she jumps onto. There is one in the center up high and then the two you will see at the top of the screen from where you start on each side. Every now and then on these platforms, she'll jump straight down and land back on the same platform instead of jumping to another. Strategy - The main problem with this boss battle is dealing with the bats. Try to make those jumping katana swipes which cover more of an area to kill several bats at once. When she jumps onto one of the lower platforms, jump and keep attacking her. Also make sure to use your energy power to do more damage safely. Just keep killing bats with your katana and attacking her with shurikens when she is low until you kill her. _________________________________________________ 2.5 - Base NFO25 _________________________________________________ _________________________ Stage 1 _________________________ Key Locations: Red Key NORMAL/HARD Held by final large ninja of stage. You will notice in this stage that there are lasers all over the place. Wait for the laser to disappear to your right and jump past it. Kill the two grenadier thugs here and jump through the two lasers when they stop to the right. Slide under the wall and crouch under the laser. Kill the tank to the right and upgrade your shuriken. Now grapple onto the ceiling and kill the gunner thug with the flamethrower to the right. Slide under the wall to the right and jump through the laser field when you're safe. Kill the boomerang ninja here and fall off the platform to the right. Kill the two tanks to the left and then run to the left. Slide under the wall when you reach it. Jump onto the higher platform and jump through the lasers when they are deactivated while killing the grenadier thug in the middle of the lasers. Slide under another wall after the lasers. Now kill an orange ninja that appears to the left and a white ninja from the right in this next small room. Slide under the wall to the left and quickly run to the right to avoid the laser. Crouch under the next laser and jump next to the tank when safe from the laser, kill it. Slide under the wall to the right. This next room is going to have a series of lasers. Just note that the laser can only hurt you at its brightest point. You will have to move slowly to the right and quickly jump away from each laser before it hurts you until you reach the far right wall, slide under it. Jump over the first laser right after it turns off and duck at the second, wait for the gunner thug to stop shooting and keep jumping towards him. Katana him to death to get past the lasers here. Slide under the wall to the right when the laser is off and move to the left to get away from the laser. Quickly kill the gunner thug to the left with the flamethrower. Avoid the lasers as you go to the left. Slide under the wall and kill the gunner ninja in this room. Wait at the next wall to time when the tank shoots right as the lower laser stops. When that happens, slide under the wall and quickly jump and grapple to the ceiling but don't go all the way to the ceiling, get close to the higher laser. When that laser turns off, jump and grapple to the far left wall of this room. When the lower laser turns off, fall off the grappling hook and slide under the wall to the left. Jump in between lasers here and just keep jumping and throwing shurikens at the gunner ninja to the left until he dies. Grab the red key he drops and go through the red door here to complete this stage. _________________________ Stage 2 _________________________ Key Locations: Red Key NORMAL/HARD Held by third left small ninja at end of stage. Fall down the gap to the right and slide past the lasers when it is safe. Once you land, quickly jump up and grapple to avoid the tank's attacks from below. Once it attacks, drop back down and land next to it when the laser turns off. Kill the tank and grab the shuriken power up. Fall down the gap in the middle and kill the orange ninjas that will attack from each side of this room. Now approach either side for a yellow ninja to appear on the edge of this platform. Kill him and fall down along the wall. Slide under the wall and avoid the lasers as you make your way to the gap in the middle. Fall down there when the laser below turns off. Now quickly slide to left side to get past this laser. Kill the tank when you land with your katana. Now break the suitcase to your right for the shuriken power up. Fall off the platforms to the left while avoiding the lasers. At the bottom, quickly jump onto the platform to the right to avoid another vertical laser. Continue up these platforms until you can fall down that gap in the middle. Grapple onto the first peg as you drop down here and lower yourself so you are just above the highest laser. As they turn off from top to bottom, lower yourself as far as you can safely and jump off. Grapple onto the next peg that you fall past and use the same technique to avoid these lasers. Once you hit the ground, kill the orange ninja to the left and then white ninja to the right. Now kill the yellow ninja from the left and orange ninja from the right. There will be one last set of ninjas so kill the white ninja from the left and a yellow ninja from the right. Pick up the red key the last white ninja drops and enter the door to complete this stage. _________________________ Stage 3 _________________________ Target: Shadow Master Ninpo - Dragon Magic Attacks - Sword Beam - As the boss walks around in a human form, he will swipe his sword and shoot out a magic beam. If you are standing, he will shoot high so you can duck below it but if you crouch, he will shoot it along the ground. Fire Dragon - He will teleport to the top of the screen and bring fire dragons down from above or up from below. When they appear from below, the middle will be clear and when they come from above, the clear area will be around the edges of the ground, but not as far to the edge as possible. Towards the end of the fight, he will send dragons from both top and bottom. At the very end, he will shoot four up from the bottom instead of two and send several waves up and down. Movement - Shadow Master will walk towards you and stop to use his sword beam attack. After a while, they will teleport and do either two things. One of the two is teleport to the top of the screen to use his fire dragon attack. The other is to teleport and fill the screen up with fake duplicates of himself. After they teleport back, they walk like normal again. Strategy - First thing is first, to hurt this boss, you have to attack his head. Just keep jumping at head height and attacking him with shurikens. When he stops to use his sword beam, just duck under his attacks and keep attacking until he teleports. When he teleports, he will either make several duplicate fake copies of himself or summon fire dragons. If he makes duplicate copies, just attack all of them because if you hit the right one, it will hurt him. If he teleports to the top, stay in the middle. If the dragons appear from below, you will stay safe. If the dragons appear from above, you will have time to avoid them. Towards the end of this battle, he will summon dragons from the top and bottom so avoid both. At the very end, he will shoot four up from the bottom instead of two and send several waves up and down. Just keep following this strategy until this boss dies. _________________________________________________ 2.6 - Launch Site NFO26 _________________________________________________ _________________________ Final Stage _________________________ Slide under either wall while avoiding the electric shock and jump onto the higher platform. Slide towards the center while keeping an eye on the electric shocks. Now zig zag up this room while avoiding the lasers. To be quick, you should grapple onto a wall twice before switching walls. Now at the top, fall down in the small gap on either side. Both sides are different so refer to the walkthrough below to know what to do in each path. If you went down the left path: Slide under the wall to the left. Jump to the higher platforms while avoiding the electric shocks. At the second set of exposed wires, jump and grapple straight up. Pull yourself up and wait for the next laser to turn off. Jump on that side and pull yourself up onto the block that you were just grappled onto. From here, jump and grapple onto the higher platform while avoiding another electric shock. Avoid the fire jet and jump onto the higher platform until you reach the large platform in the middle with the laser. If you went down the right path: Slide under the wall to the right and duck under the fire jet. When it stops, jump onto the platform to the right and duck under this fire jet. Again, when this one stops, jump onto the platform to the left. Now duck under another fire jet and jump onto either platform above, whichever doesn't have a laser active on it. From here, quickly jump to the center block and jump up to the next platform without the laser on. Jump up another platform where the laser isn't on and then onto the block in the middle. Now this is where both paths meet. Wait for the laser to turn off and jump up onto this platform. Jump and grapple onto one of the pegs in the center of this room. Swing and grapple onto one of the higer platforms. Pull yourself up onto the small platform in the center and fall into the pit in the center of it. Now jump up and grapple straight up. Grapple up a couple more sets of pegs while avoiding the lasers on your way up and attack the computer on the top platform a couple of times until you break it to complete this stage and the game. _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 3. - Bosses NFO03 _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________________________ Kabuki _________________________ Ninpo - Hanabi Magic Attacks - Spear - If you are close to Kabuki, he will try to attack you with his spear. There are three different heights he will attack, one being at about his head, the other at his waist, and the final by his feet. Fireball - After you hurt him enough, he will jump to the highest platform and twirl his spear which will shoot fireballs in all different directions. Movement - Kabuki's movements are simple. He will hop around on one foot to move from platform to platform. He doesn't move very quickly at all so it is easy to get away if he ever gets close. After you hurt him enough, he will jump up to the top of the stage and stand still while he does his fireball attack. From there, he will continue to just hop around. Strategy - Watch which direction he starts to move in from the top and run to the opposite side of the stage. Jump onto the first platform there and look at him. Attack him as much as possible. From here, you can jump and throw shurikens while he's on the highest platform on either far side, stand on this platform when he's level to you, or duck and throw shurikens when he's on the ground. He shouldn't get close to you by the time he jumps up to shoot fireballs around. When he starts this, fall to the ground and just run back and forth while watching any fireballs that may be near you, make sure to avoid them. Just repeat this strategy until he dies. If you need health or energy, jump to the highest platform in the stage. _________________________ Hannya _________________________ Ninpo - Toad Magic Attacks - Fire Spit - When the toad Hannya is riding on gets close to you, it will spit fire at you. Katana Spin - After Hannya falls off the toad, he will spin with his katana and either bounce around or slide along the ground. Movement - The boss will bounce around when he is on the toad. When he uses his fire spit attack, he will stop moving. When he falls of the toad, he will either bounce around or slide along the ground. He bounces with more health and will typically slide along the ground with less but don't be surprised to see him make either of these movements regardless of his health. Strategy - Keep your distance when Hannya is on the toad and just keep jumping and throwing shurikens at Hannya. If you hit the toad, it won't do any damage to Hannya. After enough damage, Hannya will fall off and jump or slide around with his katana. He will slide around more and more the further you get into this boss battle. When Hannya is off the toad, he still takes damage but you want to focus more on avoiding his attacks. Just try to avoid them and attack him while he is on the toad until he dies. _________________________ Shadow Master _________________________ Ninpo - Dragon Magic Attacks - Sword Beam - As the boss walks around in a human form, he will swipe his sword and shoot out a magic beam. If you are standing, he will shoot high so you can duck below it but if you crouch, he will shoot it along the ground. Fire Dragon - After enough damage, he will turn into a fire dragon and fly around aimlessly on the screen. Movement - When Karyuu is in a human form, he will simply walk back and forth while taking the pilot hostage. He will stop to make his sword beam attacks. When he turns into a fire dragon, he will fly around aimlessly. Strategy - Immediately, you will notice two bars for the boss instead of one, the smaller bar is the health of the pilot and if the pilots dies, the boss battle is over and you have to restart. Karyuu will begin in his human form. Now you just have to jump and attack his head with shurikens while avoiding any sword beams he shoots until he turns into a fire dragon. Avoid him as he flies around aimlessly and try to attack his head whenever you can. Just keep up this strategy until this boss dies. _________________________ Tengu _________________________ Ninpo - Bat Magic Attacks - Spawn Bats - This is easily the most annoying part of this boss, she will spawn a ton of bats from all over the screen to hurt you. Throw Knives - She has two knives in her hands at all times, she will randomly throw those in opposite directions and then they will return to her. Movement - The only movements will be the boss jumping from platform to platform. She will hang from the bottom part of the platform and there are three platforms she jumps onto. There is one in the center up high and then the two you will see at the top of the screen from where you start on each side. Every now and then on these platforms, she'll jump straight down and land back on the same platform instead of jumping to another. Strategy - The main problem with this boss battle is dealing with the bats. Try to make those jumping katana swipes which cover more of an area to kill several bats at once. When she jumps onto one of the lower platforms, jump and keep attacking her. Also make sure to use your energy power to do more damage safely. Just keep killing bats with your katana and attacking her with shurikens when she is low until you kill her. _________________________ Shadow Master (Revisited) _________________________ Ninpo - Dragon Magic Attacks - Sword Beam - As the boss walks around in a human form, he will swipe his sword and shoot out a magic beam. If you are standing, he will shoot high so you can duck below it but if you crouch, he will shoot it along the ground. Fire Dragon - He will teleport to the top of the screen and bring fire dragons down from above or up from below. When they appear from below, the middle will be clear and when they come from above, the clear area will be around the edges of the ground, but not as far to the edge as possible. Towards the end of the fight, he will send dragons from both top and bottom. At the very end, he will shoot four up from the bottom instead of two and send several waves up and down. Movement - Shadow Master will walk towards you and stop to use his sword beam attack. After a while, they will teleport and do either two things. One of the two is teleport to the top of the screen to use his fire dragon attack. The other is to teleport and fill the screen up with fake duplicates of himself. After they teleport back, they walk like normal again. Strategy - First thing is first, to hurt this boss, you have to attack his head. Just keep jumping at head height and attacking him with shurikens. When he stops to use his sword beam, just duck under his attacks and keep attacking until he teleports. When he teleports, he will either make several duplicate fake copies of himself or summon fire dragons. If he makes duplicate copies, just attack all of them because if you hit the right one, it will hurt him. If he teleports to the top, stay in the middle. If the dragons appear from below, you will stay safe. If the dragons appear from above, you will have time to avoid them. Towards the end of this battle, he will summon dragons from the top and bottom so avoid both. At the very end, he will shoot four up from the bottom instead of two and send several waves up and down. Just keep following this strategy until this boss dies. _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 4. - Enemies NFO04 _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________________________________________________ Thugs _________________________________________________ Thugs are your typical enemy that you will run into when playing Ninja Five-O. They come in varieties like all enemies and look like just regular thugs with guns, hence the name. They like hiding behind cover but will run towards you if they only use knives. They can easily be killed by shurikens. They will all die with three level 1 shurikens, two level 2 shurikens, or 1 level 3 shuriken. GRENADIER THUG The Grenadier Thug is the easiest to deal with. They never move so they are an easy target from long range. Even at close range all they will do is throw some explosives towards you so they are never really a major threat. I would still recommend killing them whenever you can for the points and just to save yourself the trouble of dealing with them later. GUNNER THUG The Gunner Thug likes to hide behind cover, they use a few different kinds of guns like hand guns, assault rifles, rail guns, and flamethrowers. Flamethrowers are tough to deal with as they go through cover so try to keep your distance on those. The rest of the gunner thugs are easy to deal with if you just keep your distance. HOSTAGE TAKER The hostage takers aren't much of a threat but you have to kill all of them in order to advance in a stage. They will hold the hostage in front of them. When they want to shoot is your time to attack. Kill them quickly before they use the hostage as a meat shield again. You can also sneak up behind them and kill them with ease. KNIFE THUG The Knife Thug is one of the few enemies that will move towards you when they see you. They will patrol an area and then when they see you, they will run after you to try to stab you. If you jump over them, they will throw their knife upwards at you. They will just keep pulling knives out of their pocket so this isn't going to make them any weaker, just keep note of this when jumping over them. _________________________________________________ Small Ninjas _________________________________________________ Small ninjas are the hardest enemies you will fight against. They are the same size as a thug but they are very quick and will block your lower level shuriken attacks with their katanas. They will also always appear just out of the background so you won't see them coming until they are already close. If you have level 3 shurikens, just use those as they can't block them. If you don't have level 3 shurikens, simply jump and use your katana up close to make quick work of them. ORANGE NINJA These ninjas can be a bit of a pain. They will run towards you and when they get close, they will jump making a sweeping attack with his sword. Try to run under their jumps if they get close and attack them from behind. WHITE NINJA These ninjas are easier to avoid than the others. They will simply spin with their katana along the ground. If you have a level three shuriken, just duck and throw one at them. If not, jump over them and throw shurikens at them. YELLOW NINJA These ninjas are pretty easy to kill. They will only jump onto crates but if they are on a flat platform, they will just run. They move really quickly and will run towards you. When they get close, they will try to attack you with their katana. If you jump over them, they will turn around and jump back away from you to gain some distance. They will then repeat that strategy until one of you die. _________________________________________________ Large Ninjas _________________________________________________ Large ninjas are mainly tough because of their strength. They move rather slowly so that's not an issue but their attacks can be devastating and hard to dodge. They also take much longer to kill than any other enemy in the game. Try to simply keep your distance and hit them with a couple of shurikens, then quickly run. Repeat this process until they fall. BOOMERANG NINJA The Boomerang Ninja is by far the easiest of the large ninjas to deal with. They will throw a boomerang that will fly forward and then back to them, as you would expect. They will either throw it high towards your head or low by your legs if you are crouching. Just keep standing and only duck to avoid his boomerang. Keep throwing shurikens while doing this to easily kill him. GUN NINJA These are what I personally believe are the toughest enemies in the game. They will carry around a large gun and shoot you with it. These travel quite quickly making them fairly difficult to avoid as you will likely be throwing shurikens as fast as you can at them and you can't move while throwing them. KATANA NINJA The Katana Ninja isn't too tough unless you get close. They will swipe their katana and you will see two puffs of purple smoke appear. These can be destroyed with an attack from either your katana or your shuriken but he will produce them quickly. _________________________________________________ Miscellaneous _________________________________________________ There are also a few enemies that don't pose much of a threat but can't be categorized in any of the above enemy sections. They are all really weak so they are easy to kill and are more annoying than dangerous. These will all appear only in the latter stages of the game. BAT These are some of the most annoying enemies you will encounter in the game. They are small and hard to hit so try to keep your distance and just throw shurikens at them until you kill them. They will simply fly towards you in a zig zag motion. If you don't kill them, they will fly off the screen but will reappear the next time you enter the room. FROG The frogs are fairly annoying if there are other enemies around you like thugs. They will just hop around towards you and that's about it. The only pain is that you have to crouch to hit them but some will hop quicker than others so it will be hard to hit them. If they get close, just use your katana to make quick work of them. SNAKE These aren't too annoying but can be a bit of a pain when they appear on small platforms that you are trying to jump on to. They will appear out of a small hole in the background and on the edge of a platform and just walk around on that platform. They die easy and only real way to hurt you is to walk into you. Try to kill these before landing on the platform and then jump onto it. SPIDER You will run into spiders as they hang from the ceiling. They will hang from a short web and never move making them easy kills. Their only attack is to shoot a web downwards to the left and to the right. They are only a threat if you are close to them. TANK Tanks can be pretty threatening at first but aren't too bad. They are those small yellow objects on tracks and move back and forth. They can't hurt you by touching them. Their only attack is to every now and then shoot something up that will float down in both directions. Just jump next to it in between its attacks and attack it for an easy kill. _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 5. - Contact NFO05 _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Do you have any suggestions, comments, critiques, or just a simple thanks to me? Well you could e-mail me at FrankTheTank3388@gmail.com and tell me what you think! You could tell me whatever you'd like about the game whether it's a tip not listed in this guide that you think would help a lot of people, a mistake I made, or just a simple thanks. I will try to get back to you as quickly as possible answering any questions you may have. Just make sure to include something about Ninja Five-O in the subject of the e-mail or I will delete it. Please don't send any attachments or I will immediately delete the e-mail without opening it. I have recently received a virus through an e-mail and was forced to reformat and I'm not going to go through that again. Things/How to E-Mail me about: -What you think about this guide. -If you need any additional help or clarification. -Some tips for maps or strategies that aren't in this guide. -Anything you think would be a good addition to this guide. -Make sure your subject indicates you're trying to contact me about this game. -Just a simple thanks! Things/How NOT to E-Mail me about: -Things that don't have anything to do with the game. -Anything that is already clearly discussed in this guide. -Any file attachments. -With really bad grammar! I understand that for some people, English isn't their first language but that doesn't mean you should send me something completely unreadable because you're too lazy to use punctuations or spaces. If I can't understand what you're trying to say, your e-mail will be ignored. ***Also, I would greatly appreciate it if you liked the guide, to also click on the "Liked this FAQ? Click to recommend it to other GameFAQs users." link at the top of this page! _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 6. - Disclaimer NFO06 _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyrighted © 2011 to Frank Grochowski. International Copyright laws protect this FAQ/Walkthrough. You cannot sell this FAQ/Walkthrough for a profit of any kind. You cannot reproduce this FAQ/Walkthrough in any way with out my written consent. You are however allowed to download this FAQ/Walkthrough for personal use. You can also post it on your web site as long as you give me full credit, don't change it in any way, and it is free. The latest version will always be found at: http://www.GameFAQs.com