|||||| ||| ||| |||||||| ||| ||| || || ||||||| || || |||||| || || || || || || || || || || || ||| || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || |||||| |||||||| |||||||| || || || || || || || || || ||| || || || || |||||| || || |||||||| || || |||||| ||||||| || || || || |||||||| |||||| ||||||| |||||||| |||||||| ||||||| ||||||| || || || || || || || || || ||| || |||||||| || || || || |||||| || || || || || || || || || ||| || || || ||||||| || |||||||| ||||||| ||||||| A Comprehensive Walkthrough for: ~ Onimusha Tactics ~ Written By Vaetrus Created Date: June 9 Last Updated: June 24 =V=<=-=-=<=-=-=V=<=-=-=<=-=-=<-|FAQ/WALKTHROUGH|->=-=-=>=-=-=>=V=-=-=>=-=-=>=V= <-| Table of Contents |-> [1.0] |Introduction [1.1] | Author's Note [1.2] | Instructions on Use [1.3] | Version History & Updates [2.0] |Game Overview [2.0.01]| Game Basics & Controls [2.1] | Storyline [2.2] | Character Guide [2.2.01]| Onimusha [2.2.02]| Oboro [2.2.03]| Hikoichi [2.2.04]| Bomaru [2.2.05]| Hanpeita [2.2.06]| Tsubame [2.2.07]| Kabuki [2.2.08]| Magoichi [2.2.09]| Yoichi [2.2.10]| Okuni [2.2.11]| Kotetsu [2.2.12]| Ekei [2.2.13]| Shura [2.2.14]| Ageha [2.2.15]| Saizo [2.2.16]| Kaidomaru [2.2.17]| Kotaro [2.2.18]| Sanjuro [2.2.25]| Non-Player-Characters (NPCs) (Coming Soon) [2.2.30]| Genma Guide (Coming Soon) [2.3] | Battle Walkthroughs [2.3.01]| Genma [2.3.02]| The Battle For Iga [2.3.03]| The Young Chief Of Saiga [2.3.04]| Shigisan Castle: The Struggle for Treasure [2.3.05]| The Assault On Saiga [2.3.06]| [2.3.07]| [2.3.08]| The White Tiger Camp [2.3.09]| The White Tiger Camp: Conclusion [2.3.10]| Human Or Genma? [2.3.11]| Striptease At Himeji Castle [2.3.12]| [2.3.13]| [2.3.14]| [2.3.15]| [2.3.16]| [2.3.17]| The Person Of Destiny [2.3.18]| The Phoenix Camp [2.3.19]| The Phoenix Camp: Conclusion [2.3.20]| A strange-looking man appears [2.3.21]| Hamamatsu Genma Farm [2.3.22]| The Battle of Nagashino [2.3.23]| The Skull Cup [2.3.30]| The Phantom Realm (Coming Soon) [2.4] | Weapons List [2.4.01]| Swords [2.4.02]| Spears [2.4.03]| Axes [2.4.04]| Bows [2.4.05]| Guns [2.4.06]| Ninja [2.5] | Armor List [2.5.01]| Heavy [2.5.02]| Thin [2.5.03]| Ninja [2.6] | Accessory List [2.7] | Ability List [2.8] | Item List [2.9] | Genma Recipes (Coming Soon) [3.0] |FAQs & Contact Information [4.0] |End Credits ==================================<-|[1.0]|->================================== <-| Introduction |-> This is a FAQ/Walkthrough for Onimusha Tactics by Capcom. There's a section for pretty much everything. And there's also a comprehensive plan for each and every battle. =====================<-|[1.1]|->===================== <-| Author's Note |-> So, I'm Vae, or Vaetrus. I've been playing RPGs for the last 20 years. RPGs and strategy games. I've gotten really really really, trust me, really GOOD. So don't think to lecture me. And I'm really lazy so I may sneak peaks at faqs to find out whether I should upgrade this or that, or to find out the shortcuts through a place. I hate finding out that something I used up was one of a kind in the game. And I really hate replaying a game for some small stupid reason. So when I looked at GameFAQs and picked a guide, I usually choose the largest. It was horrible. So I'm making one myself. It'll have pretty much everything you might ever need to know. Enjoy. =====================<-|[1.2]|->===================== <-| Instructions on Use |-> Need something, just skim the table of contents, and search for the right section header. If you don't know how to search, use CTRL+F, and type in the numbers into the area. It's really well organized, at least in my opinion, and not too overly complicated. Make sure to add in the square brackets when you search. So CTRL+F then type in [0.0], and sub in your own numbers. Oh and this guide is exactly 79 characters wide. So think twice before printing this as is, you might want to re-open it with a longer width, just so you might save a couple dozen or so pages. But I wouldn't know, I'm never gonna print any GameFAQs guide anywayz. =====================<-|[1.3]|->===================== <-| Version History & Updates |-> [06.09.06]---Walkthrough created with TOC and all major sections ---First 18 episodes excluded because I finished it too long ago ---Episode 19 is done. With all lists filled to that point in game ---Sections 1, 3, and 4, are done ---Also the first two sub-sections of section two are done [06.10.06]---Added episode 18 & 20 ---Started new save, filled in the first 4 episodes ---Finished character descriptions ---Added more info and items to all lists [06.11.06]---Added episode 21 ---Two more character bios were added [06.12.06]---Added episode 22 ---New character bio ---Couple of new items ---Separated weaps & armor into types ---Added armor type into character bios [06.17.06]---Uploaded onto GameFaqs ---Redid whole thing, due to use of tab (GAWCK!!!) [06.20.06]---More items ---Episode 23 this time [06.21.06]---Redid final credits ==================================<-|[2.0]|->================================== <-| Game Overview |-> It's a war/strategy game, with some rp storyline. Not very hard. But done pretty well. Onimusha came out long ago, then a sequel came out. And now this, for gba. The game is split into episodes, each of which are a separate battle. Not counting the phantom realm, which consists of many battles with only prep time right before the first one. But that's a separate section. [2.0.01] Game Basics and Controls So like other battle/war games, you use your units, and attack enemy units until one team fulfills the winning/losing conditions. You can't go back to old battlefields, and you can't train, for the first 10 or so episodes anywayz. So either start the battle/episode, or save, or quit. Before battles, you create some items, and equip items onto people who might die. There's no money or currency. All new and better items are obtained by combining stones the nme drops. During battle, you first select your units. Then select an action. Attack, Special, Item, Issn, or Done. Each are pretty self explanatory. Only one action per character per turn. Special uses up SP btw, and item uses up an item. And Issn takes place of done, and thereby allows a boosted counter attack. You can't use issn and attack or use a special ability. So pick. Unlike other games, there is no advantage to attacking from behind or the sides. And there's no regular countering either, unless of course you explode upon death and there's blast damage. Dying takes you out of the battle, and might do more, I'm not sure. I've never lost anyone, nor have I lost a single battle. You can also see all equips and skills of anyone on the field. To prevent surprises I guess. It also allows you to check anyone's stats. Items are easy to come by, so don't be afraid to use healing stuff. You move first, then the enemy, then you. There's no speed to determine order here. =====================<-|[2.1]|->===================== <-| Storyline |-> Onimaru returns to his home town Iga, to find genma crawling all over the place. He is then told that he's a descendant of the Oni clan. Him and his sister. The genma, demons basically, are commanded by a man named Nobunaga. Nobunga, Genma King, is attacking everyone and wreaking havoc all over the lands. You then vow to kill him. And that starts your quest... Oh and if you win, you are the infamous Onimusha. If not, some loser who dies. =====================<-|[2.2]|->===================== <-| Character Guide |-> I've taken all the battle characters, ordered by when you get them. There's a small description, plus some info that might come in handy. I initially had initial stats as part of it, but I'm not sure whether your levels affect a new teammate. So I've taken it out. Oh and Lv.0 means default when I got them. [2.2.01] Onimusha My strongest character, since he has to appear in every battle. Due to the fact that only he wears the genma gauntlet. Not the slowest, or fastest. But definately good, well rounded. Good def, and atk. Plus he has that ranged spell. You might think that since you lose if he dies, you keep him in the back, No. He's my first and foremost guy. He has really nice hp, but just make sure that there's a healer, or he has items just in case. I've never lost him as of yet. Now his Oni attack, it doubles all his stats, but he gets 0 movement. So make sure he's near the enemy so that when it's your turn again, the Onimusha will attack back for outstanding damage. And you can't control the onimusha, so he'll have no skills to use, or even let you choose the target so there's a downside. Weapon: Swords / Armor: Heavy / Movement: 5 Abilities: Shock (Lv.1) Onimusha Attack (Ep. 20) [2.2.02] Oboro The best ally after she gets recovery. Just let her hang in the back and finish off weaker guys for you. Too bad she doesn't have much hp or sp. So you have to be strategic with her. Her atk with swords will never be that high either, or her def, But I still tend to use her. Since she has can help out in many situations that others can't. Weapon: Swords / Armor: Thin / Movement: 5 Abilities: Minor Recovery (Lv.?) [2.2.03] Hikoichi Another swordsman. Not much to say about him. You will get many swordhands. His abilities aren't much to be proud of either. Later on, he'll just become another sword to you. I tend not to use spells unless he can't attack that turn. Because dealing damage is more important to me, plus I usually plan it so that there aren't any real threats to any of my guys. But during moments that you can spare it, use a spell and gain a nice 10xp. Weapon: Swords / Armor: Heavy / Movement: 4 Abilities: Defender Mode (Lv.2), Weakling Mode (Lv.?) [2.2.04] Bomaru Your first spear, and with Triple Strike, makes him very useful. One of the few spearmen, he's very useful in packed places. Especially if you're holding down a bridge or something, and need to get that attack in. His dodge is a great xp skill. The fact that it can work on five people, means that if you use it right, you'll get a minimum of 96 xp a battle from that alone. So very easy to level. Recover health will come in handy. Since I hated to carry care medicine and never use it. Recover will return a unit's norm status. Weapon: Spears / Armor: Heavy / Movement: 4 Abilities: Dodge (Lv.3), Recover Health (Lv.15) [2.2.05] Hanpeita Your first bowman. His arrows of status change don't help much. Since it only takes about one or two hits to kill a guy, or three sometimes. But that's later on. At first, the sleep will be useful Since sleeping guys take damage and don't wake. I think sleep lasts for four or five turns, usually, not sure. But as a ranged unit, he can take out units on cliffs or across rivers. Poison useful since it weakens the enemy. They reduce it to 1/4 dmg per norm attack if poisoned. Weapon: Bows / Armor: Heavy / Movement: 4 Abilities: Arrow of Sleep (Lv.2), Arrow of Poison (Lv.?) [2.2.06] Tsubame At first she will have weak stats all around. Her only good point is her movement. She can help move to finish off an enemy. Her spell is really helpful, but her sp restricts it to one or two usage. Later on, she can help by stealing items. As a ninja she will learn killing moves and become a fast silent killer. But she is too easily killed for my liking, so I either have her in the back ready, for a finisher or as a ranged unit. Oh and I love her strike thunder. There aren't many ranged spells that hurt many genmas at once. So around when I first got her, I tended to use their spells alot, even if it's just for a one genma. Now her second skill, it's not a spell, it's a boosted attack. So that means that you have to be in line of sight with the enemy to use it. Unlike strike thunder, where all you have to do is stand in range with the enemy. Weapon: Ninja Stuff / Armor: Ninja / Movement: 6 Abilities: Strike Thunder (Lv.?), Lightning Flash (Lv.16) [2.2.07] Kabuki He has the weirdest stance out of all the players, I'm sure. But he has great, health and attack. So he's a good wingman for Onimaru. Not much else to say for him. Strongman is a good stat boost, use it only if the guy who gets the boost will get the kill otherwise it's a waste. Just use him as a charger. Paralyze is not only a immobiliser, but a strat skill. Use it when you'll need the extra turn or so to move into place or to get that one guy away. Weapon: Swords / Armor: Heavy / Movement: 4 Abilities: Strongman Mode (Lv.?), Paralyze (Lv.?) [2.2.08] Magoichi Your first, and only gun for a long time. With me, he leveled up really fast, since guns have a farther range than bows. But the downside is that they have to be in a straight line of sight. Like a real gun or cannon or bomb. But that doesn't cause too much of a hassle, as I usually keep him close to the front, and have him shoot diagonally between allies. Target Mode was probably the reason he leveled up so fast for me. As I usually got him a level per episode. Too bad he has really low sp. Which makes waiting for Tiger Salvo seem so long, but worth it. Weapon: Guns / Armor: Heavy / Movement: 4 Abilities: Target Mode (Lv.?), Blind Mode (Lv.?) Tiger Salvo (Ep.7) [2.2.09] Yoichi Your second bowman. Not much to say. His abilities are better but bow attacks are usually low. Plus they don't have much def either. So overall, not useful men, but in specific circumstances they are powerful allies. So keeping him in the back to do finishing moves allows others to advance. Arrow spells tend to do about 10-50 extra damage, which is why I save them... and then not use them at all because it's faster with other guys. Weapon: Bows / Armor: Heavy / Movement: 4 Abilities: Arrow of Wind (Lv.?), Phoenix Arrow (Lv.16) [2.2.10] Okuni Another spear. So useful for clumps. But she isn't very powerful. And her sp is low so that recovery can only be used once. And I tend to use triple strike more often. If you can time and can spare it though, partial recovery will help her level up faster. Another good point is that she can move. Which makes getting her into position for a triple strike for a triple kill fun. But take recovery into account, because it heals 200hp minimum to five people, right from when you get her. So it's a good trump card. Weapon: Spears / Armor: Thin / Movement: 5 Abilities: Partial Recovery (Lv.0), Nightmare (Lv.15) [2.2.11] Kotetsu Yet another swordsman. Pretty much another Kabuki. Once you get a good amount of these guys, battles will fly by. The only bad thing about these swordsman is that they tend not to move very far each turn. But they can all take a hit or two. So don't be afraid to let them take some damage. And they dish out decent too, so that two or three hits kills any regular genma. The good thing about head butt, is that it moves the enemy back, so that you have more room to manoeuver. Weapon: Swords / Armor: Heavy / Movement: 4 Abilities: Stupid Mode (Lv.?), Head Butt (Lv.14) [2.2.12] Ekei He looks strong, and he is. Plus his large hp and you have a blocker. His sp is low though, and he doesn't learn his skills that early. But enemies tend to clump, and two more more spears together will make a winning team. In tight situations you can use him as bait, or as the tank who wins it. When you get cross flash, it'll be like omg. Goes three squares all four ways. And does equal dmg to triple stab. That's four turns worth of dmg! Weapon: Spears / Armor: Heavy / Movement: 4 Abilities: Cross Flash (Lv.17) [2.2.13] Shura Another sword hand. Above average speed and agi. Lower hp and atk. Atk is low for even a sword. So don't expect too much. Be sure to have a stronger weapon for Shura, so that the killing that genma that's far, is easily done. Phoenix will top God of Wind or Sleep when you get it. Phoenix beats those by about 50 dmg. So nice. But you will get better weaps that have better skills. Weapon: Swords / Armor: Heavy / Movement: 5 Abilities: Confuse (Lv.?), Phoenix (Lv.17) [2.2.14] Ageha A sword hand of destiny. So, more useful. And she's fast. But like the other girls, weak in def and hp. So only use her for killing turns and don't let her be too vulnerable. She grows fast though and gets better attack. So she will become a small powerhouse, or assassin. Oh and straight to hell isn't 100%. So if it fails, it will do absolutely nothing. So be aware of that and don't rely on it too much. And when you get the ripper, my first used, dealth 300+ dmg. Weapon: Swords / Armor: Heavy / Movement: 6 Abilities: Cast a Spell (Lv.0), Straight to Hell (Lv.15) Phoenix Ripper (Ep.17) [2.2.15] Saizo A good thing about Saizo is that he starts off with stealing. so you can start stealing from the moment you get him. Otherwise, I tend not to use him much. His movement is avg, he's not very strong in atk or def. And he has no ranged skills. Plus his health isn't that high. So he's pretty much just a pickpocket. But a ninja pickpocket, which means he can do ranged attacks with shurikens, stars, or knives. And his damage will pretty much rival a bows as well. Weapon: Ninja Stuff / Armor: Ninja / Movement: 5 Abilities: Forced Search (Lv.0) [2.2.16] Kaidomaru Pretty much a twin to Kotetsu. But higher int and lower agl. Otherwise, even the same skill, head butt. So that means he'll grow fast, and kill fast, and be a good force to be reckon with. A weird note is that he takes extra damage from magic attacks. Because physical attacks are reduced by your defense. Magic usually always deals the same to everyone. Kaidomaru though takes extra. Weapon: Axes / Armor: Heavy / Movement: 4 Abilities: Head Butt (Lv.0) [2.2.17] Kotaro A new ninja, a smart one this time. With a really nice ability. His stats are lower than Tsubame, cept for agl. Which means he can evade better. But basically I love how fast and agile and useful ninjas can be. They don't have a min range, and can do long range. They can also steal. And move fast. And use long range attack spells. Which is what I do when I pair up Kotaro and Tsubame as a team. Weapon: Ninja Stuff / Armor: Ninja / Movement: 6 Abilities: Flame Thrower (Lv.0) [2.2.18] Sanjuro Another slow, but strong, sword hand. I don't know why you can't get more ninjas or spearmen or archers. I would love some more bows to use. I mean a hail of bows from behind works wonders in a war. But these swordmen are just pawns basically. Strong and sturdy pawns, but pawns none-the-less. Weapon: Swords / Armor: Heavy / Movement: 4 Abilities: Deadly Poison (Lv.0) [2.2.25] Non-Player-Characters (NPCs) COMING SOON! [2.2.30] Genma Guide COMING SOON! =====================<-|[2.3]|->===================== <-| Battle Walkthroughs |-> [2.3.01] Genma Enemy: Genma Pawn (3x) Ally: Onimaru NPC: Sandayu Description: Tutorial basically. Onimaru has just came home. It's a genma scout party. Sandayu takes out one. And you should gain your first level up at the end. Strategy: Just follow the instructions. Then attack them to death. You just need to attack each twice, and they'll die. If you really want to use the spell, move to one side till they stand together, then hit the both of them together for a double hit. Finish one off before going onto the other. [2.3.02] The Battle for Iga Enemy: Genma Pawn (4x) Jaid Nobunga Ally: Onimaru, +4 NPC: --- Description: Nobunaga leaves. And you never see him on the battle field till way way later. I mean, just look at his equipment and spells. Absolute Death, dealing instant death to a group. Major Recovery gives back lots of hp to many units. Even halfway through the game nobody has 999hp and that kind of stuff. Not even you. Anywayz, you want to be the Onimusha of the Oni clan. And your fellow mates from Iga will join you to kick ass. And a mystery man will also come in right when the genma move, and take a shot at Nobunaga. Strategy: Don't be stupid and arrogant. Choose everyone to fight. Approach slowly. Don't rush in and lose someone. With five units, you can beat two enemies each turn. That makes it over in four or so turns. Oh and when I played I re-ordered them to be the same as they were introduced. This makes it slightly easier. As Onimaru and Bomaru take the one on the right, and the others the ones on the left. And still leaving Onimaru and Bomaru in range to assist. The Jaid will be the hardest, but three to four hits will get him. [2.3.03] The Young Chief Of Saiga Enemy: Genma Pawn (4x) Musaid (2x) Gozales Ally: Onimaru, +4 more NPC: Tsubame Description: Hideyoshi leaves this time. That Magoichi seems like an ass right? But he has a reason. Which you'll find out soon. Anywayz, you now get to meet the musaid and gozales. Musaid is just a better jaid. And there's an even better one too. Tsubame the ninja joins when the genma start to move. And you see Hideyoshi again, but you just don't get to fight him until near the end. Strategy: Again pick everyone to fight. Again not too hard a fight. Take them out as they come at you and hold your ground near the steps. So that they can only attack from the front. This time I ordered them: Onimaru, Hikoichi, Oboro, Bomaru, Hanpeita. This way the swords take the hits, spear and bow attack from the rear. And Tsubame will take on the musaids. Be careful, these new genma are a step up in strength and power then before. [2.3.04] Shigisan Castle: The Struggle for Treasure Enemy: Musaid (2x) Jaid (3x) Gozales Ally: Onimaru, +5 more NPC: Magoichi, Matsunaga Description: Magoichi shows himself even worse in this match. Greed is all he seems to be about huh? Anywayz, speed down the slope fighting off genma until you get to gozales. Btw, Matsunaga dies, no matter what. So don't worry about saving him. And Magoichi leaves after the explosion. So he's useless in that he never attacks. Strategy: This time you get to use Tsubame. Now you might think this battle is really tough, but know that genma don't level. So all gozales have all the same stats, same as musaid and jaid have their specific stats. So you've defeated each of these genma before. Take it slow. And gang up on the genma. And by now you have some herbs, and maybe Partial Recovery. Use them if needed. Using everyone, again take it slow, with the good defenders or high hp people in front. *** Episodes 5 to 17 will be done later. As I finish the game. *** [2.3.18] The Phoenix Camp Enemy: Ore Nanaid (6x) Bi-Gozales (2x) Ally: Onimaru, Ageha, +6 more NPC: --- Description: Battle to break the phoenix barrier to the temple. Of course you now know what they're up to, letting all hell break loose, and you have Phoenix Ripper. Even if you can't use it until she's like level 16 or 17. Balahagi, the genma lord, is pretty smart and sneaky. So as you approach the bridge, be aware that four more genma appear after the first four. Strategy: Use two spears for the bridge, plus both archers, and your only gun. The spears take the hits, since they can, and they can do triple hits to the genma. The bows and guns will be behind them. After the bridge your range guys can take out the final nanaids, and draw their fire so everyone else can sneak to the gate. Lead with Onimaru and Ageha, because everyone else will have probably taken some damage. If you need to, then bring Oboro along to heal. Or Okuni. Either works. Don't be afraid to use up your sp as well. This one isn't all that easy. But that being said, there are much easier & harder ones. [2.3.19] The Phoenix Camp: Conclusion Enemy: Ore Nanaid (4x) Bi-Gozales (3x) Balahagi Ally: Onimaru, Ageha, +6 more NPC: --- Description: Final battle for the Phoenix barrier. Kinda hard. Since the nanaid are defensive and attack from afar and above. The gozales with their hp, block the only route. And when you get to Balahagi you can only attack from one side. Defensively, it's well done. Strategy: Use archers and gunman for the nanaid. So have them head left and shoot from the side. Use one or two spearmen to block and take out the gozales. Onimaru, Ageha, and another strong fighter should then take out Balahagi. He has alot of health, so make sure you move the range units to help from the sidelines. If injured, move that unit back and another in its place. Because nanaids shoot straight, gozales and Balahagi will be trapped on the cliffs by your units. So heal if needed. And note, spears can attack upward. [2.3.20] A strange-looking man appears Enemy: Genma Bushi (13x) Magnossoss Ally: Onimaru, +6 more NPC: Kaidomaru Description: You are stopped by the genma navy. Which is seven land units. But await the surprise. Well, it's no surprise. Only seven chosen and you can see the NPC right there, :P. I mean each battle has a max of eight allies, so... there was bound to be one more. Anywayz he appears on the fourth turn. And bushi appear in pairs on turn seven and eight and nine. Strategy: The bushi aren't very strong. And if you use the bridges well, then you won't have any problems. So make sure you have a spear and a range unit. For magnossoss and his black-ness, just rush him. Two (for strong guys) to five (weak guys) hits should kill him. Don't let Onimaru get anywhere near him though, or you lose because of the losing condition. [2.3.21] Hamamatsu Genma Farm Enemy: Gnomezop (5x) Balamzop (2x) Magnossoss Ally: Onimaru, +6 more NPC: Kotaro Description: What a surprising interlude huh? At least I was. So now you can turn Oni and fight with stronger stats, but will gain no xp. And this oracle seems to know so much... Anywayz, a genma farm. That means there's hundreds of genma just living underneath. And then this Fuma ninja just runs in, and collapses all them holes. Strategy: I would suggest to just range it. You're uphill and have all these ninjas and gunmen and archers. Or you can use your strongmen and take the battle to them. But watch out. The babies grow up, while the adults have paralyze. So it's gotta be a rush or you might end up having your whole team frozen and beated to a pulp. So couple of tips: paralyze lasts about 7 turns, don't clump. And stop dead, or leave stranded, works wonders. But if you are the close combat kinda person; genma who use status effects are very very weak in attacks and damage. So by now you can probably take a couple dozen hits or so and do fine. [2.3.22] The Battle of Nagashino Enemy: GenmaGatling (5x) Genma Bushi (3x) Ally: Onimaru, +7 more NPC: --- Description: Genma Gatling Guns. Wow. But they look weird don't they? I mean, I would have thought they were more missles with the size of those holes. And you get Sanjuro, a Takeda samurai. I can't believe how badly defended they are though. So anywayz, gatling guns, real ones, are really strong and have great range. Oh and have horrible defense, physical and definately magical. Strategy: So, you need really fast units on this one. Ninjas definately. One thing I would suggest to avoid is trying to out range the guns. That or rushing it with your units. That didn't work during WWII and it won't now. So be strategic. Now the guns only have a range of five. So count five from each gun, and it can't hit you. Now the guns, they shoot in crosses, so that means it's a range and multiple hit ability. And each shot is really 4 shots. Oh, but first, draw the bushi out and kill them first. Then you can focus on the real battle. Now normally you would only want one guy to get hurt, but not this time. You have to group your units. So that when they get hit, the damage is spread over the group, and not the one guy. Now for me, I used Ageha and Shura to God of Wind the guns from the inside. While on the outside, I used Wedge Knifes to assist. [2.3.23] The Skull Cup Enemy: Genma Bushi (8x) Filmereck (4x) Ally: Onimaru, +7 more NPC: --- Description: A skull cup? But the prediction did come true. The Onimusha is fighting a battle there. So it was a self fulfilling prophecy. But you must now rush off after fighting guns to fighting eyes. I definately did not see that coming. What is this Nobunga doing huh? Strategy: So these new genma are pretty much vampires. But they need to be close to use it. Just like the bushi need to be close to get you. So I took all my range guy. At first, you would think to rush it with fast guys, but the movement room is very narrow. And since I only have six units that can attack from range, not counting status spells, I added Okuni, just for her recovery. Now each eye has 35sp so that means that it can only steal seven times. So if you feel like going for it, then use your axemen and spearmen. They will have the most hp to take the hits. So if you feel like using force over brains or finesse or strategy then go ahead. But I used ranged units oh and did I mention, Stop Dead, which is the ability of the Wedge Knife is actually paralyze? And Okuni can heal up to five units at once. So this wasn't that hard of a mission at all. Though it is really cheap to get extra units during turns six and seven. So I ended up with perfect attack and survival, like I always do. For another crushing victory. But whatever you plan, just take out the filmerecks first. Because they can take up to 420hp that they heal themselves with. That's twice their health. [2.3.30] The Phantom Realm COMING SOON! =====================<-|[2.4]|->===================== <-| Weapons List |-> All stats are compared to the weakest weapon of that type. But since you will always have a weapon (not removable), does it matter? So the stat is compared to the lowest you can have, so practically zero. The soul number is the number required to upgrade it. So if you have that much and you have that item, then you can enchance it. Btw, weapons change name at +4, the final form. So there is no +4. And the description changes when a new skill comes out. ! - Means that it has a skill, !! - Means that the skill upgrades [2.4.01] Swords ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name | Stat | Soul | Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Short Sword | -- | -- |Common type of short sword | Katana | 10 | -- |Normal sword used by samurai | Samurai Sword | 25 | -- |A sword carefully crafted by artisans | Spirit Sword | 20 | 800 |An ashen bladed sword in the form of a wyvern | Spirit Sword+1|! 26 | 1600 |A wyvern-like sword with the power of the wind | Spirit Sword+2|! 32 | 2400 |A wyvern-like sword with the power of the wind | Spirit Sword+3|! 38 | 3200 |A wyvern-like sword with the power of the wind | Ultimate Sword|! 44 | FULL |A ferocious sword with the power of the wind | Tiger Fang | 25 | 1000 |A sword like the fang of a bloodthirsty beast | Tiger Fang+1 |! 32 | 2000 |Sword technique whose victims fall into a coma | Tiger Fang+2 |! 39 | 3000 |Sword technique whose victims fall into a coma | Tiger Fang+3 |! 46 | 4000 |Sword technique whose victims fall into a coma | Tiger's Fury |! 53 | FULL |Sword technique whose victims fall into a coma | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2.4.02] Spears ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name | Stat | Soul | Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spear | -- | -- |Normal spear | Sickle Spear | 05 | -- |Features a scythe for increased attack power | Great Spear | 15 | -- |Its blade along is over 30 inch long | Long Spear | 12 | 1000 |A light, powerful spear | Long Spear+1 |! 17 | 2000 |A spear with greater attack penetration | Long Spear+2 |! 22 | 2600 |A spear with greater attack penetration | Long Spear+3 |! 27 | 3200 |A spear with greater attack penetration | Tornado Spear |! 32 | FULL |A spear with greater attack penetration | Dragon's Tooth |! 16 | 1200 |A fearsome red pike | Dragon's Tooth+1|! 22 | 2400 |Attack even enemies repulsed on impact | Dragon's Tooth+2|! 28 | 3200 |Attack even enemies repulsed on impact | Dragon's Tooth+3|! 34 !| 4000 |Attack repulsed enemies to the front and back | Dragon Fang |! 40 !| FULL |Attack repulsed enemies to the front and back | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2.4.03] Axes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name | Stat | Soul | Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Broadaxe | -- | -- |Has enough destructive power to smash jewels | Battleaxe | 15 | -- |An axe made for use in battle | Rockbreak | 10 | 1000 |Axe better suited to striking then slicing | Rockbreak+1 |! 16 | 2000 |Axe excellent for knocking down enemies | Rockbreak+2 |! 22 | 3000 |Axe excellent for knocking down enemies | Rockbreak+3 |! 28 | 4000 |Axe excellent for knocking down enemies | Rock Crusher|! 34 | FULL |Axe excellent for knocking down enemies | Fire Axe | 24 | 1200 |An axe with a flame-like red tip | Fire Axe+1 |! 29 | 2200 |Crimson axe great for pulverizing enemies | Fire Axe+2 |! 35 | 3400 |Crimson axe great for pulverizing enemies | Fire Axe+3 |! 42 | 4800 |Crimson axe great for pulverizing enemies | Inferno Axe |! 50 | FULL |Crimson axe great for pulverizing enemies | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2.4.04] Bows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name | Stat | Soul | Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wooden Bow | -- | -- |A simply-constructed bow with little power | Longbow | 05 | -- |A standard bow | Moonglow Bow | 10 | 1000 |A sublime, crimson bow | Moonglow Bow+1|! 12 | 2000 |Bow believed powered by the god of thunder | Moonglow Bow+2|! 14 | 3200 |Bow believed powered by the god of thunder | Moonglow Bow+3|! 17 | 4400 |Bow believed powered by the god of thunder | Lunar Avenger |! 20 | FULL |Bow believed powered by the god of thunder | Lustrous Bow | | |Strangely grotesque bow | Lustrous Bow+1| | | | Lustrous Bow+2| | | | Lustrous Bow+3| | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2.4.05] Guns ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name | Stat | Soul | Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Handgun | -- | -- |A gun fired with one hand | Musket | 03 | -- |A standard gun also known as a 'Nakazutsu' | Grenade Gun | 08 | -- |A big gun with enchanced power | Kunitomo Rifle | 05 | 2500 |A medium-size gun that enchances your skill | Kunitomo Rifle+1|! 07 | 2500 |A medium-size gun with well honed accuracy | Kunitomo Rifle+2|! 09 | 2500 |A medium-size gun with well honed accuracy | Kunitomo Rifle+3|! 12 !| 2500 |A medium-size gun with well great accuracy | Kunitomo Sniper |! 15 !| FULL |A medium-size gun with well great accuracy | Blast Gun | 11 | 2700 |A long, heavy rifle with enchanced power | Blast Gun+1 | 14 | 2700 |A long, heavy rifle with enchanced power | Blast Gun+2 | 17 | 2700 |A long, heavy rifle with enchanced power | Blast Gun+3 | 21 | 2700 |A long, heavy rifle with enchanced power | Blaster Cannon |! 25 | FULL |A rifle with ferocious impact | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2.4.06] Ninja ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name | Stat | Soul | Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ninja Dagger | -- | -- |A small sword used by ninja | Ninja Sword | 15 | -- |A standard ninja sword | Shadow Blade | 21 | 800 |A ninja sword with a dull, platinum sheen | Shadow Blade+1 | 24 | 1600 |A ninja sword with a dull, platinum sheen | Shadow Blade+2 | 27 | 2400 |A ninja sword with a dull, platinum sheen | Shadow Blade+3 |! 31 | 3200 |With hooks for stealing enemy possessions | Kiss of Shadows |! 35 | FULL |With hooks for stealing enemy possessions | Ninja Star | 11 | -- |A throwing knife used by ninja | Wedge Knife | 17 | -- |A powerful, wedge-shaped throwing knife | Windmill Knife | 15 | 1100 |8-blade throwing knife of great power | Windmill Knife+1|! 17 | 2200 |Throwing knife that blocks enemy movement | Windmill Knife+2|! 19 | 3300 |Throwing knife that blocks enemy movement | Windmill Knife+3|! 22 !| 4400 |Powerful throwing knife blocking enemy movement| Typoon Knife |! 25 !| FULL |Powerful throwing knife blocking enemy movement| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =====================<-|[2.5]|->===================== <-| Armor List |-> Armor is different from weapons. You can do without armor. But I don't know why you would do so... Again soul is the soul required to enchance and upgrade. Btw soul inc is usually predictable. Armor never changes name or description. [2.5.01] Heavy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name | Stat | Soul | Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Half Plate | 10 | -- |Simple, mass-produced protective gear | Double Plate | 18 | -- |Sturdy upper body armor worn by warriors | Commander Suit| 24 | -- |Sturdy armor worn by generals | Southern Armor| 28 | -- |Solid armor introduced by southern barbarians | Lion Armor | 32 | -- |Strong armor that enchances abilities | Combat Armor | 30 | 800 |Armor with emphasis on defense | Combat Armor+1| 32 | 1600 |Armor with emphasis on defense | Combat Armor+2| 34 | 2400 |Armor with emphasis on defense | Combat Armor+3| 37 | 3200 |Armor with emphasis on defense | Combat Armor+4| 40 | FULL |Armor with emphasis on defense | Wing Armor | 38 | 1000 |Strong, easily manoeuvrable armor | Wing Armor+1 | 40 | 2000 |Strong, easily manoeuvrable armor | Wing Armor+2 | 43 | 3000 |Strong, easily manoeuvrable armor | Wing Armor+3 | 47 | 4000 |Strong, easily manoeuvrable armor | Wing Armor+4 | 50 | FULL |Strong, easily manoeuvrable armor | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2.5.02] Thin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name | Stat | Soul | Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kimono | 08 | -- |Don't expect too much defense power! | Sacred Clothes | 15 | -- |Clothes for psychic who exorcises demons | Yin-yang Wear | 25 | 900 |Protected by the power of Yin and Yang | Yin-yang Wear+1| 28 | 1700 |Protected by the power of Yin and Yang | Yin-yang Wear+2| 31 | 2500 |Protected by the power of Yin and Yang | Yin-yang Wear+3| 36 | 3300 |Protected by the power of Yin and Yang | Yin-yang Wear+4| 41 | FULL |Protected by the power of Yin and Yang | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2.5.03] Ninja ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name | Stat | Soul | Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ninja's Wear | 15 | -- |Clothes for espionage rather than defense | Chain Mail | 18 | -- |Protective Ninja gear woven from chains | Secret Attire | 20 | 700 |Very tough Ninja wear | Secret Attire+1| 23 | 1500 |Very tough Ninja wear | Secret Attire+2| 26 | 2300 |Very tough Ninja wear | Secret Attire+3| 30 | 3100 |Very tough Ninja wear | Secret Attire+4| 34 | FULL |Very tough Ninja wear | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =====================<-|[2.6]|->===================== <-| Accessory List |-> You can't add souls into accessories. And it's one per person. And it equips on the middle spot. Note that some items can only be equipped onto certain people, And some people can only equip certain items. M - stands for max ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name | Effect | Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Bracelet | MHP+100|Max.HP increases when worn | Power Helmet | ATK+10 |Attack power increases slightly when worn | Defense Helmet | DEF+10 |Defense power increases slightly when worn | Evasion Helmet | AGL+10 |Evasive power increases slightly when worn | Wise Helmet | INT+10 |Intelligence increases slightly when worn | Angel's Robe | --> |Evasive power increases when worn | Telescope | --> |Improve your Attack hit ratio | Issen Gauntlet | --> |Increase the chances of Issen | Victory Gauntlet| DEF+15 |Slightly increase your defense power | Strike Gauntlet | --> |Increase the chances of a critical hit | Spirit Band | --> |Precent malfunctions | Twisted Band | --> |Increase the chances of warding off an attack | Lucky Talisman | --> |Increase the chances of obtaining an implement | Crystal Bracelet| --> |Halve SP consumption | Recovery Tag | --> |Recover once from the inability to fight | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =====================<-|[2.7]|->===================== <-| Item List |-> These items equip in the last two lines. And stuff that restore your ability, like herb or magic, are very easy to come by. So use them if needed. And trust me, unlike most games where I never use potions or energy stuff, I do so alot in the phantom realm. But in normal storyline battles, you usually want to use that turn to do something more productive. And if you don't heal, then hide the unit behind others. Enemies only attack the closest one. Always. Or Onimaru if he's only another space away. M - stands for max ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name | Effect | Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Herb | HP+100 |Nutritious herb restoring your HP | Medicine | HP+250 |Based on medicinal herbs restores some of your HP | Magic Water | SP+25 |Magic solution restoring a little of your SP | Magic Potion | SP+50 |Mature magic water restoring your SP | Care Medicine | --> |Helps you recover from malfunctions | Power Orb | MHP+5 |Incease max. HP slightly | Magic Orb | MSP+2 |Incease max. SP slightly | Power Secrets | ATK+1 |Incease attack power slightly | Secrets of Wisdom| INT+1 |Incease intelligence slightly | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =====================<-|[2.8]|->===================== <-| Ability List |-> Only abilities you will use will be listed. I might add all abilities, when I finish the guide and start the extras. (S) - Single, (M) - Multiple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name | SP | Description | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arrow of Poison | 12 |Induce the effect of poison on 1 enemy | Arrow of Sleep | 15 |Induce the effect of sleep on 1 enemy | Arrow of Thunder| 16 |Wind attack on a single enemy | Arrow of Wind | 18 |Thunder attack on a single enemy | Assassin | 25 |Kill 1 enemy instantly from a distance | Blind Mode | 08 |Reduce 1 enemy's hit ratio | Cast a Spell | 10 |Technique for attacking 1 enemy with spells | Cross Flash | 18 |Shoot out a shockwave in all four directions | Confuse | 15 |Technique for attacking 1 enemy with confusion | Deadly Poison | 10 |Technique for attack 1 enemy with poison | Defender Mode | 08 |Increase 1 ally's defense power | Dodge | 08 |Increase multiple allies evasive power | Double Flash | 32 |Shoot out a shockwave to the front and back | Flash | 22 |Shoot out a shockwave to the front | Flame Thrower | 12 |Fire attack(S) on distant multiple enemies | Forced Search | 05 |Plunder the possessions of 1 enemy | Full Smash | 30 |A full-power attack on 1 enemy | God of Wind | 08 |Wind attack on a single enemy | Head Butt | 10 |Send 1 enemy flying in the air | Leave Stranded | 10 |Leave 1 enemy stranded at one place | Lightning Flash | 25 |Thunder attack(M) on distant multiple enemies | Major Shock | 30 |Shockwave attack on distant multiple enemies | Minor Recovery | 10 |Restore HP to 1 ally(S) | Nightmare | 15 |Send 1 enemy to sleep or put a spell on him | Onimusha Attack | -> |Use half of Max. SP to become Onimusha | Paralyze | 15 |Technique for attack 1 enemy with paralysis | Partial Recovery| 20 |Restore HP to multiple allies(M) | Phoenix | 08 |Fire attack on a single enemy | Phoenix Arrow | 16 |Fire attack on a single enemy | Phoenix Ripper | 35 |Technique for slashing 1 enemy 3 times | Pocket Search | 03 |Rob the possessions of 1 enemy | Shock | 12 |Shockwave attack on distant multiple enemies | Smash Down | 15 |A high-power attack on 1 enemy | Sniper Attack | 20 |Attack 1 enemy's vital point from a distance | Stop Dead | 20 |Leave 1 enemy stranded and attack | Straight to Hell| 20 |Likely to kill 1 enemy instantly | Strike Thunder | 12 |Thunder attacks(S) on distant multiple enemies | Strongman Mode | 08 |Increase 1 ally's attack power | Stupid Mode | 08 |Reduce 1 enemy's evasive power | Target Mode | 08 |Increase multiple allies hit ratios | Tiger Salvo | 35 |Shoot 8 times at 1 enemy from a distance | Triple Stab | 12 |Stab up to 3 enemies lined in a row | Weakling Mode | 08 |Reduce 1 enemy's attack power | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =====================<-|[2.9]|->===================== <-| Genma Recipes |-> COMING SOON! ==================================<-|[3.0]|->================================== <-| FAQs & Contact Information |-> Any questions, comments, or constructive criticism, you can contact me at Vaetrus (at) hotmail (dot) com {Vaetrus@hotmail.com} Don't spam, or send me useless stuff. And please read the guide throughly before asking. Oh and if you do send a legitimate question, please note that I reserve the right to add it to my guide for the aid of future readers. If you'd wish to remain anonymous or have credit given, plz give a name, and tell me your preference. Oh, and if there is no reply within at least 5 days, try again. I sometimes can't get online to check. And also, I get Crushing Victory every time, cept those Total Victory, so unless you get plenty of Total Victories, don't send strat tips. But if you do see something is amiss, plz feel free to contact me. ==================================<-|[4.0]|->================================== <-| End Credits |-> All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Onimusha Tactics is owned by Capcom Co., Ltd, 2003 all rights reserved. Capcom is licensed by Nintendo. This file is copyright me, Vaetrus. Copyright, 2006. I give no permission for anyone to post, or upload, in whole or in part, this document anywhere other than stated here: GameFAQs {GameFAQs.com} NeoSeeker {NeoSeeker.com] SuperCheats {SuperCheats.com} You may make use this guide for personal enjoyment only. That means, no profit of any kind (monetary or otherwise) can be derived. Any violation of these rules will result in severe retribution by me. If any violation of these rules are found, plz contact me. And note that anything heresaid in this faq, is my opinion. And all sources of information is found through the game, Where I did the research myself. ================================== THE END ==================================