ANGEL COLLECTION 2: PICHIMO NI NAROU (Angel Collection 2: I want to become a Pichimo) FAQ/Walkthrough By Aya Sakimoto (Tokimemo) ---------------------------------------------------------- --Author's Notes: This is my first time writing a FAQ for a game that hasn't got a FAQ listed. All my other FAQs have been rejected ^^; If there are any additions, comments or questions, please email me at PLEASE NOTE: I WILL *NOT* BE TRANSLATING EVERY SINGLE WORD IN THE GAME. That will just be too time consuming, and there is a lot of dialogue. By even buying this game, I should assume you have at least some knowledge of Japanese. --Updates: 22nd August, 2006 :- Created this FAQ; contains the basic walkthrough. I'll be adding extras such as Oshare Item information later. ---------------------------------------------------------- --Introduction: Firstly, Pichimo ni Narou is the second in the Angel Collection series of games. Angel Collection is primarily simulation with the player taking on the role of a customizable character. Angel Collection is almost *always* a fashion-conscious (Or "Oshare" in Japanese) game where the aim is to become, well, as fashionable as possible. I, myself haven't played Angel Collection 1, but I assume it is the same stuff as 2. For those of you who have absolutely NO idea what the hell a 'Pichimo' is, allow me to enlighten you ^^; Pichimo is the collective term for the model girls who appear regularly in the popular fashion magazine "Pichilemon". The word Pichimo is coined by the first part of the magazine name "Pichi" and "Mo" taken from the Japanese word for model, "Moderu". These models are extremely popular with Japanese teen girls and are often looked upon as idols, like any singer or tv star. Angel Collection 2 stars three prominant Pichimo models, namely Shiori Satou, Yuka Fujiwara and Nobuko Sakuma. There are support models from Pichimo also, namely Yuu Takagi, Erina Takunaga and Maya Tsurunaga. Today, Shiori Satou, Yuka Fujiwara, Nobuko Sakuma and Yuu Takagi remain in the Pichimo lineup. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU READ THIS FAQ IN ITS ENTIRELY FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. --CONTENTS: ---------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 Characters 1.1 Title Screen 1.2 Name Entry 1.3 Your First Day at School 1.3a Waking Up: The OSHARE menu 1.3b At School: Summary of First Day Conversations 1.3c MY ROOM menu 1.4 Weekly Routine 1.5 MY TOWN 1.6 ANGEL TOWN 2.0 Pichimo Points 2.1 ARUBAITO/Helping Out: The Mini-Games 2.2 Sense Levels 2.3 OSHARE Items 2.4 KARA Items 3.0 OSHARE File 3.1 Dating the Guys 3.2 Special Events 3.3 KEITAI (cellphone) Functions 3.4 End Note/Credits 1.0 CHARACTERS -------------- The following are the main characters of Pichimo ni Narou: (Most of this I translated out of the manual, but added some stuff of my own) CHIHARU: Chiharu is the main character whom the player takes control of. She is a typical teenager girl who is very consciensious of her friends feelings. Her dream is to become a model and more specifically, a member of Pichimo. MAIKO: Maiko is your (Chiharu's) kind older sister. Maiko will often tell you of model contests in Pichilemon, and offer you advice occasionally. She also holds the lists of Oshare Items you have collected and compiles information about them. AYA TSUGIORA: Aya is a girl in your grade; she is also a first year (Ichinnen). Her birthday is the 12th of September. She seems a bit sad when you first meet her. Her dream is to become a stylist. She loves sweet things. Her clothing style is Cute/Pure. IKUMI UMENO: Ikumi is one year higher than you, making her your Senpai (upper- classman). Her birthday is the 4th of December. She is very good at sports and takes dance classes regularly. She is very loyal to her friends. She is aiming to be a model. Her clothing style is Sport Gal. NAMI SAKURAGI: Nami is two years higher than you; she is also your senpai. Her birthday is the 20th of June. She loves to study. She dreams to become a Fashion Stylist. Her clothing style is Gothic/Gothic Lolita. TOMOYA MATSUI: Tomoya is a boy in the same class as you. He has known you since elementary school. He is in the soccer team. He is friendly but his mind is almost always on soccer. MAKOTO KASHIWABA: Makoto is a boy in your grade. He is a very cool and serious person. He is perfect at studying and everything he does. He is extremely popular with the girls at the school and he is very fashionable. CHIE TAKEI: Chie is your sensei at school. She is a good teacher who empathizes with her students, and is very kind. DOCTOR SHIRAI: Doctor Shirai works at the Pichilemon offices. He is the illustrator for the magazine. He knows a lot about being a model for Pichilemon, and you can trade Pichimo points for items with him. OKAASAN: This is Chiharu's mother. She is a housewife. She offers Chiharu advice and sometimes gives her ideas. OTOUSAN: Chiharu's (extremely good looking XD) father. Sometimes visiting the living room he will give you one OSHARE POINT. 1.1. TITLE SCREEN ------------------ Upon loading up Angel Collection 2 in your GBA/DS/Whatever, you come to the title screen. There are currently two options: HAJIMEKARA (Begin) TSUZUKIKARA (Continue) If you have already finished the game, there will be a third section: OMAKE (Bonus material). Select HAJIMEKARA to start a new game, or to load a game, select TSUZUKIKARA. Note: After you have a game saved, the cursor will default on TSUZUKIKARA when you load the game. 1.2 NAME ENTRY --------------- After selecting HAJIMEKARA, you will be taken to a screen titled "ANATA NO NAMAE WA?" (What is your name?) The default name is "Chiharu", but if you know Hiragana or Katakana you can enter a different name. Alternately, if you don't know any Japanese, move the cursor to the heart that says "ABC" and you can enter a name in English. To erase a letter/kana, use the button next to the arrows which says "HASU" (erase). When you're done entering a name (or want to keep the default Chiharu) select the button in the bottom right corner which says "KETTEI" (decide). A dialogue will come up saying "KORE DE II DESUKA?" (Is this okay?). Select "HAI" (Yes) if you are happy with your input, or select "IIE" (no) to go back and change it. 1.3 YOUR FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL ---------------------------- The game will begin with your older sister Maiko waking you up for your first day of school. She will tell you that you slept late, and to hurry up and get ready for school. Chiharu rushes around getting things ready and talking about what kind of people she might meet. Your school is called "REMONE-DO GAKUEN" or Lemonade High School (Cute name LOL). 1.3a THE OSHARE MENU -------------------- You will then be given a tutorial on how to dress yourself in various OSHARE (Pronounced O-shya-re) items. OSHARE items are clothes, accessories, shoes - anything you basically wear. Here is a brief translation on how to work the OSHARE menu. The menu to begin with has four options: KO-DE (Literally "like this". You can load or save clothing sets here.) KIGAE ("Change". Change your clothes with this selection.) HEYASUTAIRU (Hairstyle. Change your hairstyle here.) MODORU (Back. This exits out of the Oshare menu.) Later on in the game, you will receive another menu item: MEIKU (Makeup. Change your makeup here.) The tutorial begins with showing you how to change your hairstyle. Opening the hairstyle menu will bring up a list of available hairstyles. To begin with, you only have one, but more hairstyles can be purchased from various salons Ive listed in the items section. Then the tutorial will move on to the KIGAE section, where another list is shown. This list is the types of clothing items you can wear: TOPPUSU 1 (Tops 1. The first layer of tops/shirts you can wear.) TOPPUSU 2 (Tops 2. The second or over layer of tops/shirts you can wear. It is not required that you wear both, but you MUST wear one from either section.) BOTOMUSU 1 (Bottoms 1. Pants and skirts are listed here. Like tops, you must wear at least one item from either bottoms 1 or bottoms 2.) REGGU (Legwear. Socks and stockings are listed here. You are not required to wear these.) SHU-ZU (Shoes. You must wear a pair of shoes every day.) AKKUSESORI 1 (Accessories. You are not required to wear these if you dont want to.) AKKUSESORI 2 (More accessories.) To wear nothing from the clothing sub menus, select the first option NASHI (nothing). To get back to the list of clothing types, select the last option MODORU (Back). You are, on no condition, able to wear your pyjamas outside of your bedroom. To return to the main OSHARE menu, select MODORU from the clothing menu. To use the KO-DE (load and save) menu, select KO-DE from the main OSHARE menu. To save a clothing set, select the clothes you want to wear BEFORE going into the KO-DE menu. Select the SECOND option TOUROKUSURU (Save) and select a slot to save. To load a saved clothing set, select the first option KO-DE WO ERABU (Choose). To overwrite, just save over an already saved clothing set. The third option in the KO-DE menu, IREKAE (replace) you can move around the order of the clothing sets by selecting one set and putting it where another is. To return to the OSHARE menu, select the last option MODORU (Back). Once you have dressed yourself, exit out of the OSHARE menu by selecting the last option MODORU (Back) - seeing a pattern here? ^o^ When you have dressed yourself, Chiharu will proclaim that she has changed, and that she is heading down to the living room, where your mother and sister are waiting. Chiharu says good morning to her sister and mother and talks about how she hopes to meet more OSHARE (fashionable) girls like herself at school. She also wishes to discover some OSHARE items (this will be covered in another chapter). Chiharu then leaves for school. 1.3b AT SCHOOL --------------- This is where you meet your new friends and teachers. Here is a summary of what happens on the first day. Upon arriving at school, Chiharu will be called to by a boy saying "ABUNAI!" (Watch out!) and she will jump back, narrowly avoiding a soccerball. The boy will apologise and approach Chiharu in which she will realise it is her long time friend Tomoya-kun. Chiharu will then scold him for being so careless and he will argue with her. She will tell him to be more careful and suggest that he should join the Lemonade High School soccer team. He will agree and say he will try his best and leave. After saying she is going to go inside, she explains about the boy you just met.(His name is Matsui Tomoya. A classmate from Elementary School.) She will also explain that he wants to be a regular on the school soccer team. Now she will go into the school building. She starts looking for her homeroom before bumping into another boy, who'se name is unknown. He will ask if she is okay, and she will say she's fine before marvelling at how awesomely cool he (apparently) is. He'll ask her if she really is okay because she looks a little strange, and she will reassure him that she's fine, then mentally scold herself for being stupid in front of him. She'll explain she wasn't wearing her glasses (... which she actually doesn't wear unless you put them on her) and he'll say its fine because of that. He'll wish her well and say goodbye. Chiharu will reflect on the bad incident and finish with saying she was glad it happened. She'll then go to class. When she sits down in class, she will notice a classmate who is very cute. She'll wonder what to do for a moment, saying she wants to talk to the girl. She'll get girl's attention and introduce herself, and the girl will introduce herself as Tsugiura Aya. Aya won't say much more and Chiharu will wonder if she said something wrong before deciding to stop talking to her. Sensei will interrupt and tell the students that class is beginning. She'll introduce herself as Takei Chie. After chatting with the class about their lesson it will soon be lunchtime. Chiharu is determined to harass Aya until she talks to her (LOL). But Aya has already left the classroom, so you will have to go and look for her. Chiharu leaves the class and enters the gym, where Aya isn't. But another girl is dancing in the middle of the gym, so Chiharu will go and watch. She will say that the girl is cool and amazing, and that she wants to talk to her but she might be too busy. The girl makes a mistake and stops on her own, scolding herself. She'll ask Chiharu her opinion about her dancing and Chiharu will agree that it is good. The girl won't be so sure but forgets about it and asks Chiharu who she is. Chiharu will reply that she is a 1st year and that her name is Chiharu. The girl will now introduce herself as Umeno Ikumi and explain that she is a second year student. Chiharu acknowledges that the girl is now Umeno-senpai, but Ikumi will say that calling her by her first name is fine. Chiharu will now converse with Ikumi about how her dance was great, Ikumi will ask if Chiharu herself dances. Chiharu says that its not the case. Ikumi offers to teach her someday and Chiharu is very grateful. Ikumi leaves and says goodbye. so Chiharu returns to looking for Aya. After looking around on the roof and upper floors she comes back down the stairs walks into a girl carrying a pile of papers. Chiharu helps her gather them up and they begin chatting. Chiharu helps her carry them to the printing room. The girl will introduce herself as Sakuragi Nami. Chiharu will introduce herself. The girls will talk about school and Chiharu will call her Sakuragi-senpai. Nami explains to her that Nami is fine, and Chiharu will then call her Nami-senpai. Nami will then go to her class. Chiharu continues her search for Aya down the hallway and finds a group of girls fawning over a guy. She recognises the boy as the cool guy she met earlier that morning. The girls around the guy get very fangirly and Chiharu is quite amazed at them. Ikumi will turn up and ask her what she is doing. Ikumi will tease her about looking at the cool guy. Chiharu will be shocked that Ikumi knows him. She will then tell Chiharu that his name is Kashiwaba Makoto and that he is the idol of Lemonade High School. Chiharu will become quite flustered as Ikumi talks about Makoto. Then she will leave and more girls will fangirl over Makoto. Chiharu will also leave. After leaving, Chiharu's cellphone will ring and she will answer it. It will be her sister Maiko. Maiko will tell her to hurry home because her Pichilemon magazine has arrived. Chiharu will hang up and return home. When she arrives home, her mother and sister welcome her before Maiko hands over the magazine. Chiharu will look at the magazine cover and says its her favorite fashion magazine. Maiko asks if she wnats to go to the magazine office to help out and Chiharu is very excited, saying she will. At the Pichilemon office, you'll meet the editor and introduce yourself. The editor will ask if you wanted to help out, and Chiharu will say yes and explain how she wants to become an OSHARENA ONNA NO KO (fashionable girl). The editor explains that by helping out you can earn OSHARE points and well, cash. Chiharu says she will try her hardest and everyone else will wish her luck. Now a pretty stupid looking guy will turn up by the name of Doctor Shirai. Chiharu will recognise him as the illustrator for the magazine (I think. He may be the photographer). After the editor explains that you will be helping out, Doctor Shirai wishes you good luck in becoming a fashionable girl. Maiko will then say it is time to leave. After bidding farewell to Doctor Shirai and the editor, you leave the office and head over to A AND C, a clothing store. Chiharu notices that it is Maiko's favorite store. She will introduce you to shop attendant. Chiharu will ask what she means by "UWASA" (Rumor). Maiko will tell her that Chiharu wants to be a fashionable girl (that was the rumor apparently). Maiko tells the attendant that you just came from the Pichilemon office, and the attendant asks why. Maiko explains and the attendant suggests that you can come help out in her store from time to time if you wish. Chiharu is excited and asks if it really is ok, and the attendant says it is. Chiharu is allowed to help out there starting from tomorrow. Maiko and Chiharu then leave the store. Arriving home, your mother welcomes you. Mother asks what happened, and Chiharu tells her about how she is allowed to help out at A AND C and the Pichilemon offices after tomorrow. Mother wishes her good luck. Mother then goes to bed, and Maiko will chat to Chiharu. Maiko will talk about how it is Chiharu's dream to be a fashionable girl/model. Maiko will explain that she will keep track of Chiharu's OSHARE Items for her in a notebook. She also explains about Chiharu's SENSE LEVEL (Sense Level is covered in another section of this FAQ). Chiharu will go up to her room and summarize the days events. It then brings you to the MY ROOM menu. 1.3c MY ROOM MENU ----------------- The MY ROOM menu is the menu you see when you wake up every day. It will have six functions. Scrolling to the RIGHT, they are: NERU - "Sleep". Stars and moon icon. You go to sleep when you select this. SE-BU - "Save". Pencil and paper icon. Save your game with this option. JYOUTAI - "State" Body icon. Check out your levels, OSHARE points, Pichimo points, Amount of OSHARE items, Amount of MEIKU items, Amount of KARA items, and the KARA items you have obtained. KIGAE - "Change". Lipstick and camisole top icon. Change your clothes. BETSU NO HEYA - "Another Room". Shoes icon. Travel to Maiko's room (First Option), or head down to the living room (second option). KEITAI - "Cellphone". Cellphone icon. Look at your cellphone. In the morning, one more option will appear: GAISHUTSU - "Go out". Door with arrow icon. Leave the house. Go to sleep and your first day will be over. 1.4 WEEKLY ROUTINE ------------------- This game works on a set of strict daily rules. Here is a general list: 7:30AM - Wake up. You will ALWAYS wake up at 7:30am, unless it is a weekend. The first thing to do will be to dress yourself. You cannot leave your bedroom unless you change out of your pyjamas, and dress yourself in the minimum requirement of clothes. 8:00AM - It will become 8AM after you have dressed yourself satisfactorily. The only place you can go in the morning on a weekday is to school. To leave the room, select the GAISHUTSU command, and select the first button "GAKKO". 8:15AM - Chiharu will go down to the living room before going to school. 12:00PM - Sometimes an event will occur at lunchtime. Pay special attention to who you are to talk to. You should learn what your friends names (Aya, Nami and Ikumi) look like if you cannot read Japanese. If you do not reach the event before 1:00PM, you will miss out and have to return to class. For more information on this, see the "Special Events" section of this FAQ. 3:00PM - School will finish at 3:30pm. From school, you have a choice of where to catch a train to. You can go to ANGEL TOWN, MY TOWN or KAERO (home). At ANGEL TOWN, you can do mostly shopping (if the stores are open) or talk to friends. At MY TOWN, you can go shopping or work. If you choose to work, when you finish it will instantly be "YORU" (Night) and you will automatically go home. 6:00PM - If you choose not to work, you can stay out until 6pm. After this, the clock will change to say "YORU" (Night) and you will go home. PLEASE NOTE: Sometimes this routine will be interrupted by friend events, friends birthdays or other events. For more information, please see the SPECIAL EVENTS section. On the weekends, the routine is different: 9:00AM - Wake up. You need to get dressed. 9:30AM - After you change, it becomes 9:30AM. You can leave the house, but you can't go to school. You can only go to MY TOWN or ANGEL TOWN. Depending on how you spend the day will be how quickly it goes. For example, if you arranged to go out with a friend on that day (see more about arranging to go out with friends in the KEITAI section) then you will go out with your friend for the whole day and immediately return home. If you work, no matter what time you work, when you have completed work, it will be YORU (Night). However, if you spend the whole day shopping, then you can choose to stay out right until 6PM (YORU) if you like. 6:00PM - "YORU" - you will automatically return home. 1.5 MY TOWN ------------ As you may have noticed, MY TOWN is where you live. It also contains most of the stores that are open throughout the whole beginning of the game. I will explain the stores moving LEFT from Chiharu's house. PARK - Next to Chiharu's house is a park. Sometimes you will see Tomoya there. CANDY STORE - This is a candy store. You can buy cheap candy here. I don't think it has any effect at all, but during an event for Aya's birthday you can buy some sweet chocolate here for her. F-MOON - An Accessory store. This store opens when you reach a certain sense level. You can buy various accessories here. PENTY'S - The interesting thing about Penty's is that it is a real Japanese fashion label (they sponsored the game, along with Pichilemon). This will open somewhere between sense level 1-10. You can buy Penty's clothes here, and also work (for more information about working, see the ARUBAITO section). A AND C - This store is already open at the start of the game. You can buy cute clothes here and also work. A-BOOKS - Nothing much in this store, but occassionally Chiharu will find an OSHARE item and receive and OSHARE point in here if you check from time to time. PICHILEMON HENSHUUBU - Pichilemon Editorial Staff Office. Here you can work and talk to Doctor Shirai and exchange Pichimo Points (see pichimo points section for more details) EKI - The Railway station. You can catch the train to ANGEL TOWN here, and on weekdays you can go back to school. The next stores begin under the EKI and head towards Chiharu's house (Right side of screen). ZONE - This is a hat store. It opens midway through the game. PINO - This is a fabric store. When you discover different KARA Items, you can come here and buy more colors for your clothes (the most is 4 for one item). For an indepth explanation, see the KARA Items section. LALA - This is a hair salon. After unlocking it, you can buy hairstyles here, but not hair colors. POMPOM - The shoe store. Will unlock after Sense Level 10. CLAIR - Makeup store. Will unlock after Sense Level 10. You can also work here. Buy hair colors from here. PACK UP - This is a handbag store. Unlocks between Sense Levels 5-10. CAFE - Unlocks after Sense Level 15. You can work here. FANCY CRAFT - Another KARA Items store. See the KARA Items section for more information. Aya, Ikumi and Nami all live in MY TOWN. They are the only three houses besides your own in MY TOWN ^^; You cannot do much in their houses as you only get invited into them on their birthdays. 1.6 ANGEL TOWN --------------- ANGEL TOWN is the neighbouring town to MY TOWN. You can catch a train here from MY TOWN NO EKI (MY TOWN Railway Station). You can also catch a train here from school. A lot of the stores in ANGEL TOWN open up very late in the game, so don't worry if it seems to drag on. The stores in ANGEL TOWN will be listed here from LEFT to RIGHT. EKI - The Railway station. Catch a train to MY TOWN here, or on weekdays, you can go back to school. DEPAATO - The Department store. There is not much here, but usually Chiharu will discover a new OSHARE item and get an OSHARE point. You can also arrange to go out with friends here (see the KEITAI section). LOVEY - An accessory store. Opens around levels 12-15. CUTE - A hair salon. Buy hairstyles from here. CROSS NET - A bag store. Buy handbags from here. JELLY - A makeup store. Opens between sense levels 15-20. Buy more makeup and hair colors here. PINO - Just the same as MY TOWN'S PINO. DANCE SCHOOL - After having the dance event with Ikumi, you can go here and do dance anytime. TZUIZOKUKAN - The Aquarium. You can go out with friends here. The following stores begin under TZUIZOKUKAN and go from RIGHT TO LEFT. EVENT HALL - The last event of the game takes place here ^^ other than that, has no use. KARAOKE - Go out with friends here. GE-MU SENTA- - Game Center. Go out with friends here. EIGAKAN - The movie theater. Go out with friends or on a date here. C HOUCE - Yes, that is how its spelled. This is a hat store. FANCY CRAFT - The same as the MY TOWN FANCY CRAFT. BLUE BLUE - For some reason this is misspelled as BULE BULE in the manual. In the game, it is BLUE BLUE. This is a shoe store. DAISY POP - A cute clothing store. Much like A AND C. Also in my town is the DESIGNER STUDIO and the STYLIST STUDIOS where Nami and Aya help out. You can also work with them from time to time. (see ARUBAITO section.) 2.0 PICHIMO POINTS ------------------- Moving on to item collecting, which is a huge part of Pichimo ni Narou. Doctor Shirai explains to you at the start that you can collect Pichimo points should you run into one of the actual Pichimo models. You may notice these girls around both MY TOWN and ANGEL TOWN if you look hard enough. Their sprites are much different looking to any of the regular townspeople. Firstly you will run into the 3 more famous Pichimo models: Shiori Satou - on the dance theater balcony Yuka Fujiwara - In the park. Nobuko Sakuma - In the street near Chiharu's house. These three will give you two Pichimo points each. Your Pichimo Point card has a total of 9 Pichimo point slots. It is much like a rewards card from like, cafes and fast food joints ^^; The last three points come from the less Pichimo models, who will give you one point each. They are all wandering around the streets of ANGEL TOWN and MY TOWN. Please note you will only see the Pichimo models occassionally. After obtaining Pichimo points, you can go to Doctor Shirai who will check your card and offer you some gifts. The types of gifts he gives you vary depending on who gave you the points. Gifts include: - KEITAI (cellphone) Wallpapers - KEITAI (cellphone) Ringtones - Tickets for Game Center, Karaoke, Aquarium and Movies to go out with your girl friends, or go on a date with Makoto or Tomoya. - OSHARE Items (Kind of boring T_T) - KARA Items - Open a store Without obtaining Pichimo points and showing Doctor Shirai your rewards card, you CANNOT ask people to go to the Game Center, Karaoke, Aquarium and Movies. More importantly, you will not be able to ask a guy to go on a date to ANYWHERE except the Department store or the EIGAKAN (Movie theater). So it is worth it to collect the pichimo points ^^ 2.1 ARUBAITO/Helping Out: The Mini-Games ---------------------------------------- Although it doesn't sound too tempting, you MUST work to progress anywhere in this game. A few things can be obtained by working: - You gain OSHARE points. It takes 100 OSHARE points to go up one Sense Level. For more information, see the section on SENSE LEVELS. - You gain cash. Although I never had a shortage of cash in the game, you cannot buy any OSHARE ITEMS (clothes, accessories, shoes etc) without cash. - Depending on where you work, usually the attendant will talk to you after you finish to inform you of where to buy a new OSHARE item. You can discover more OSHARE items this way (There are around 200 items in the game to discover). You can work at several places with their own unique minigame. Here is a explanation for each: A AND C - You can work here from the beginning. At A AND C, you will be faced with 5-6 customers who will ask for a piece of clothing by showing a picture. You have around two seconds to move your cursor to the picture and select it for them. OSHARE points for this mini-game are low, and so is the cash, but it is quick and easy for the start of the game. PICHILEMON OFFICE - You can work here from the beginning of the game also. In this mini- game, you must check over the editorial documents of 5-6 people. It is the kind of game where you have to press your button when the cursor passes over a colored strip. The speed gets faster the further you get into the game. PENTY'S - At the Penty's shop, you will serve 5-6 customers who will show you a range of up to 4 buttons you need to press in about 2-3 seconds. Its easier than it sounds. After pressing these buttons you will hand them the correct outfit. CLAIR - In this mini-game, makeup products fly towards a square, and you must press the A Button when they pass over it (A bit like DDR ^^). This game has large OSHARE points, a decent amount of cash payout and is really easy to do ^^ CAFE - In this mini-game, you must simply run across the bottom of the screen and catch plates before they hit the ground. Depending on your performance in the game, a girl who I presume is meant to be Chiharu (seriously, it doesn't say who she is lol) will tell you how your performance was. She says one of three things: DAISEIKOU! - "Big success!" This means you got EVERYTHING right. SEIKOU! - "Success!" You missed some, but got enough to do well. SHIPPAI~ - "Failure~" You didn't pass and probably won't get much cash or OSHARE points. Although at some places you can earn more OSHARE Points and Cash, it is STRONGLY advised that you rotate who you work for, as each place has an amount of OSHARE items to discover. For example, if you work at CLAIR and discover all of CLAIR'S OSHARE items, but continue to work there because it has high OSHARE points and cash, you won't discover the items the A AND C or any other stores has. You will unlock more stuff for the OMAKE section if you collect many OSHARE items (see OMAKE section). It is recommended to do your shopping BEFORE working or you will not be able to as you return home automatically after you finish work. Also, different stores have different times for you to work, so make sure you check them. Their availability also changes on weekends. 2.2 SENSE LEVELS ----------------- Sense Levels are the thing in which the time continuity in the game is based. As you gain more Sense Levels, more things open up and more events happen. The highest amount of Sense Levels you can gain is 20. YOU CANNOT GO OVER 20 SENSE LEVELS. When you reach 20, the Pichimo Model auditions will arrive and it is the final event of the game. There is 100 points to a Sense Level. To gain points, you must work as explained in section 2.1. Severaly things can happen everytime you go up a Sense Level. - New stores can open - New OSHARE items can be bought in stores - New things appear on the WEB site of your KEITAI (Cellphone) - You can speak with members of pichimo Going up a Sense Level is one of the best ways to unlock OSHARE items. 2.3 OSHARE ITEMS ------------------ OSHARE Items are items which contribute to fashion. These include: - Clothing - Accessories - Hats - Bags - Shoes The various stores around MY TOWN and ANGEL TOWN sell these and regularly update whenever you go up a sense level. However, you can unlock other OSHARE items in the following ways: - Visiting the bookstore A-BOOKS - Talking to your friends on the street - Visiting the Pichilemon Editor and Doctor Shirai - Talking to store attendants - Working. After work, a store attendant will possibly tell you about a new OSHARE item. - Your friends may give you some When working, different stores will tell you about different OSHARE items. An example: - The PENTY'S store clerk will inform you of PENTY'S OSHARE items, however the CLAIR store attendant will inform you of a TYPE of OSHARE item (Such as OVERALLS or PLEATED SKIRT) and will tell you where it is available. Thus it is beneficial for you to work at different stores regularly to obtain as many OSHARE items as possible. OSHARE items are also available for different patterns and colors, which is covered in the KARA items section. Occasionally, a friend (Aya, Nami or Ikumi) may approach you at school and ask you to go to their house after school to try on some clothes. They will usually hand over a complete set of clothes as the size doesn't fit them. 2.4 KARA ITEMS --------------- KARA items are not OSHARE items, but merely colors and patterns available to alter your OSHARE items. You can obtain KARA items from places such as: - The bookstore, A-BOOKS - Pichimo members - Doctor Shirai; for Pichimo points - Your sister Maiko - Store attendants after work To change the pattern or color of an OSHARE item, go to the stores PINO or FANCY CRAFT. Both of these stores have different KARA items, so be sure to check the two. Not all OSHARE items can be combined with KARA items. The store will list which, if any, OSHARE items are available to be altered. When adding a KARA pattern to an OSHARE item, it will only change the PATTERN, not the COLOR. Also, the original OSHARE item will remain, but you will receive the combined item extra. So it will basically create a new OSHARE item. When combining an OSHATE item with a KARA color set (KARA itself actually means COLOR), you will basically add extra colors to your OSHARE items. Like pattern KARA items, you will only be able to alter some OSHARE items. After combining the Color set with an OSHARE item, you will be able to choose from 4-6 extra colors on that particular OSHARE item. To change colors, simply open the OSHARE menu when getting dressed, select KIGAE and move to the OSHARE item you wish to wear in a different color and press the directional pad right to scroll through the available colors. Once a pattern or color is added to an OSHARE item, you cannot remove it. I can't understand why you'd want to though, because you're getting extra free stuff XD 3.0 OSHARE FILE ----------------- Your sister Maiko is keeping a file of what OSHARE items you collect, and even the ones you don't own but have heard about. To access this file, go to Maiko's room and ask her about the OSHARE FASHION FILE (the second option). The file lists the OSHARE items in alphabetical order. To move to the next alphabetical item, press the directional pad down. To scroll through the OSHARE items in a certain section, press the directional pad right. It will also show the tally of how many out of 200 OSHARE items you have collected. Normally, OSHARE items altered with KARA items do count as separate new OSHARE items. When completing the OSHARE file, you will receive many new OMAKE items to appear in your OMAKE section when completing the game. 3.1 DATING THE GUYS -------------------- Unfortunately for all you datesim fans out there, there is not a big focus on dating in this game. You can, however, date both Makoto and Tomoya if you feel the need. Easy ways to date them are: - Call them on your KEITAI and ask them out. Be aware that you won't be able to ask them out all the time. - Talk to them a lot at school. Of course, the best way to date them is to use the tickets that Doctor Shirai gives you to ask them out. Eventually if you talk to them enough, a time comes in the game where Tomoya will ask you to go to his first soccer game as a regular, and Makoto will ask you to go to an OSHARE show with him - both on the same weekend. So you are forced to choose between them. Although you will see Tomoya's soccer game or Makoto modelling depending on who you pick, it doesn't particularly affect the relationship you have with the boy you DID pick. It will, however, add OMAKE items for that guy to the OMAKE section. Also, the guys will tell you about OSHARE items that you would not have otherwise heard of on a date, so it is advisable to rotate your, well, dating of them ^^; Tomoya is mostly into boyish, sporty clothes (like PENTY'S items) and Makoto is more into fashionable clothes. 3.2 SPECIAL EVENTS ------------------- One thing that stumped me several times in this game is locating the goddamn Special Events! Typically, an event in the school grounds will have a person with a speech bubble with ellipses in it above their head (an ellipses is '...'). You will also come to several standstills in your daily life if you can't locate the special event. You will know this is happening when you go to attend work and they will tell you to go and talk to various different people first (you won't be allowed to work). This practically halts the WHOLE game because you aren't earning cash or OSHARE points. Whenever this happens, locate ALL of your friends and chat with EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. Often it will be something like you have to attend Dance School with Ikumi, or help Nami in the Design studio. If this doesn't work, talk to either Makoto or Tomoya. When it is your friends birthday, Chiharu will decide to buy them a present. You'll have to ask your other friends what to get her, then go and find the place where it will be. This part may be difficult if you cannot read Japanese, for example, on Ikumi's birthday, it is suggested that you buy her a pair of shoes. If you can't read Japanese, you won't know this when Nami tells you. The only option is to go to every single store until someone gives you the birthday present (a wrapped box). Chiharu will travel to her friends place alone and give them the present. Whenever your day stops at 12:00pm at school, it is almost definitely a special event. If you can read Japanese, then look for the person's name whom Chiharu mentions, and find that person. If not, try and search these places within the hour (which is probably impossible) anyway. - Gymnasium (Right of Chiharu's homeroom) - Ikumi will be here. - The Roof (Keep going upstairs until you reach it) - Aya will always be here. Nami will sometimes also be here. - Print Room (2nd floor; first room on the left from stairs) - Nami will be here if she isn't on the roof. Sometimes Maiko will come and inform you that there is a contest for OSHARE NO ONNA NO KO (Fashionable girl) coming up in Pichilemon. You'll be required to change your clothes, so be sure to pick something fashionable or else you won't win the contest. Maiko will take the photo and send it away for you, and in about a weeks time, you'll get the results. If you won, you'll have a full page spread, if not you may come second or third. If you didn't qualify, Chiharu will be disappointed, and you wont be on the page at all. The final event of the game is much like this, except you will be required to pick three of your best OSHARE item combinations. Eventually your grandparents will ask you to holiday at their beach house with them, in which your girl friends and the guys will head there for a holiday. Not much happens, but there is some cute CGs to add to your OMAKE collection. 3.3 KEITAI (CELLPHONE) FUNCTIONS --------------------------------- The KEITAI in this game can be highly useful, or highly useless depending on whether you want to use it or not. To open your KEITAI, select KEITAI (the cellphone icon) from your MY ROOM menu. Alternately, you can select KEITAI in the town by pressing START. The KEITAI functions are as follows: DENWA - "Phone". You can call people if they have exchanged phone numbers with you. ME-RU - "Mail". You can text message people if they have exchanged mail addresses with you. WEB - If you forget which stores recently updated, this Mobile website will tell you. KABEGAMI - "Wallpaper". You can change your KEITAI wallpaper, if you have traded any Pichimo points with Doctor Shirai for them. CHAKKU MERO - "Ringtone" If you have traded any pichimo points with Doctor Shirai for ringtones, you can change it here. YAMERU - "Stop". Exit KEITAI menu. DENWA will allow you to call friends. Usually when you call anyone, they will offer you advice about OSHARE items. The phone calls are pretty one sided and you can't select to say anything. ME-RU will allow you to send text messages (ME-RU in Japan.) to your friends. The reason you want to send text messages is because you want to ask them out. When you select ME-RU, a list of names will appear. Select the person you want to mail, and Chiharu will begin the letter, until you are required to pick which day you want to go out. The first option is NICHIYOUBI - Saturday and the second option is DOUYOUBI - Sunday. You can't go out on a weekday. Chiharu will continue the letter until you are required to decide where to go. The two places you can go without tickets are the first option - DEPAATO - department store and EIGAKAN - the movie theater. Selecting either one will allow you to go out with that person on the upcoming weekend and hopefully spot some OSHARE items. If these options don't come up, Chiharu will simply text the person asking if they had a nice day. When you get tickets for the Aquarium, Game center or KARAOKE from Doctor Shirai, you can ask people to go to these places. However I personally think the creators meant you to ask the boys out to these places. The other sections are pretty self-explanitory. 3.4 END NOTE/CREDITS ---------------------- I will eventually compile a complete list of OSHARE items and KARA items, but that may be a separate FAQ. Credits go to MINNA TANOSHII, GAKKEN and KOWA COMPANY for creating this game ^^