Play Novel Silent Hill Translation of Cybil's Scenario Version 1.05 - Last updated 11/03/2016 Written by and Copyright 2008-2016 Toby Normoyle (loc182) This is a translation of Cybil's scenario for the Game Boy Advance game, Play Novel Silent Hill. This game was made by Konami and released only in Japan during the spring of 2001. Unfortunately, there appear to be no plans for an English release, so this translation became necessary. WARNING: This translation assumes knowledge of ALL things Silent Hill. Although Cybil's scenario does not have very much in common with the original game several plot elements are referenced. So if you have not yet played the original Silent Hill on PlayStation then be warned that some of the story will be given away. Plot points from other Silent Hill games are also referenced in section four of this document as relevant. Japanese text support is necessary to properly display this document. If the following line is displayed properly then you have the proper language support: プレイノベル サイレントヒル PLAY NOVEL SILENT HILL (Note: You will probably need to change the encoding on your browser to Japanese manually to view this page. I also recommend setting the font to FixedSys as that is what was used to write this translation.) Table of Contents 1. How to Use this Translation 2. Translation of Cybil's Scenario 3. Credits 4. Translation Notes 5. Contact Information and Update History 6. Copyright Information 1. How to Use this Translation Welcome to the translation of Cybil's scenario! This translation is designed not only to bring you an English version of the game, but also to guide you through the game to each of Cybil's six endings. Before you attempt to use this translation I highly recommend that you first take a look at the Playing Guide for Play Novel Silent Hill, which is also available on GameFAQs. It explains exactly how the game works, and will help you to better understand the format and some of the terms used in this translation. Important note for Cybil only: As Harry's scenario was generally written from his perspective it was easy to write everything in plain text. Conversely, Cybil's scenario contains both narration and Cybil's thoughts. I would have loved to use italics for everything that is one of Cybil's thoughts, but alas, this was not possible in a plain text environment. So anything that represents one of Cybil's thoughts will be indented in this translation. Once you are ready to jump into the translation, you just need to read along as you play the game on your Game Boy Advance. In order to make it as easy as possible to follow along the following features have been integrated into this translation: -Chapter and Area subdivisions- The actual game is divided into chapters and areas, so the translation has been divided in the same way. All 10 chapters from Cybil's scenario are present, in order from the Introduction to Chapter 9. Within each chapter the areas are then divided from one another. Each area is numbered using the numbering system from the official Konami guide book. This numbering system works well, and by remaining consistent owners of that book will not be confused. These numbers can be found at the beginning of each area on the far right of the screen, and will appear in this format: "Chapter #-Area #". Directly below these numbers a description of the background picture associated with the area on the flowchart will also appear. Although many areas have the same background picture on the flowchart, this can still help you to figure out where you are in the game to a degree. -Block Names and Event Descriptions- At the beginning of every block, the block name and event description will appear along with the Chapter number in both Japanese and English. By using these pieces of information you can always figure out exactly where you are in the game. All you need to do is compare the Japanese in the translation with what you see on the loading screen or the flowchart in the game. By doing so you will be able to figure out exactly where you are, even if you do not understand Japanese. (Note: The event description for a block will always be enclosed in Japanese quotation marks when a game is loaded, but not when viewed on the flowchart. For this reason I have not placed Japanese quotation marks around any event descriptions for the first (or only) block in any area that can be accessed with the flowchart.) -Page breaks and pictures- Within each block of each area all page breaks have been faithfully reproduced. So if there are 13 pages of text in a certain block in the game then you will find 13 pages here in the translation. A description of the current background picture will appear in parenthesis with the first page of each block, and all picture changes will be noted with the page that the change occurs on. Additionally, movies and important events will be noted in a similar fashion to help make it easier to keep your position in the game and in the translation in sync. (Please note that sometimes the format of the text on a specific page will vary between the original Japanese in the game and the translation. This is particularly true with any text that represents Cybil's thoughts, as this text will always be indented in the translation.) -Area transitions- When you reach the end of an area or make a choice you will be told exactly which area you should move to next. This will be done using the same numbering system that appears at the beginning of each area. So if you are told to "Go to 1-1" at the end of an area, then that means you just need to go to Chapter 1, Area 1. All the areas are in order, so you can either scroll to the correct area, or use the find function to get there. (Unfortunately the find function will not always work so well, as several of the numbers are similar. For example, a search for 3-5 might also take you to any areas that direct you to go to 3-5 before it will actually take you to Area 3-5.) -Digital Trading Cards- Once you reach an ending, the translation will tell you exactly which digital trading cards you should receive. So now you should be all set to jump into the translation and use it to enjoy Play Novel Silent Hill on your Game Boy Advance. Please remember to check out the Playing Guide if you need any help with the technical aspects of the game. Finally, if there is a piece of this translation that you strongly disagree with then please see Section 4, Translation Notes, before writing as the issue may have already been addressed. 2. Translation of Cybil's Scenario _______________________________________________________________________________ 序章  「出動」 Introduction 繋がらぬ電話 (Not on flowchart) Introduction "Dispatch" The phone call that won't go through Page 1 (Black) "Hello...hello!?" The phone had suddenly gone dead. She tried to call back right away; however, the call would not go through. Page 2 "Perfect...I wonder what is going on." Her co-worker Sally saw Cybil's flushed face, and could not help making a joke. "It's because you are so hostile. I bet they just don't want to talk to you anymore." Page 3 "Hostile? Perhaps, after all I do always say what's on my mind." Saying this, Cybil smiled. Page 4 The peaceful town of Brahms. The population is small, and perhaps for this reason there has not been an incident worth calling an incident for several years. As for the officers on the night shift, they generally pass the time by staring at newspaper clippings or chatting with colleagues at other departments. Page 5 Even now, with nothing notable appearing in the local news, Cybil was just having a meaningless conversation about this and that with a friend in the Silent Hill police department. But then suddenly, the line had gone dead. Page 6 And they had not called back. Page 7 "...The call won't go through." "Maybe this is happening because someone is trying to tell you not to waste all your time chatting? How about settling down and taking your feet off the desk?" Cybil does not care for Sally's big sister-like attitude. Page 8 (Cybil seated in police station) Cybil calls the Silent Hill police station one more time. "Odd," Cybil thought. It seems as if this might be the result of the telephone lines having been severed or something. Page 9 (Cybil walking out of police station) Cybil leaps from her chair, causing it to spin, reaches for the helmet on top of a locker, and with it in hand prepares to leave the room. Page 10 "Wait! Just where do you think you are going at this hour?" Sally has a look of "you have got to be kidding" on her face, and then she absentmindedly allows the coffee cup she was holding in her right hand to fall to the floor. Page 11 "Ahhhh! Hot!" "You can take care of that yourself." Cybil mumbles this in her head, and in the next moment ran out of the room. Page 12 (Black) Cybil straddles the motorcycle in the garage, inserts the key, and revs the engine. The sound of the exhaust resonates in the small space. She pulls out onto the road, and increases her speed as she is bathed from head to toe in the uncomfortably warm wind. Page 13 (Cybil on motorcycle) Starlight falls upon her from the clear starlit sky. It doesn't look like the weather could have caused the problem with the phone lines. Page 14 Cybil tightly holds onto the handlebars and continues to increase her speed. At this hour there should not be any other cars heading to Silent Hill. The road has been lit in front and behind only by streetlamps since she reached this mountain road, and there is no sign of anyone in the area. Page 15 (Cybil behind Harry's jeep) However, after a while she was able to see the tail lights of a vehicle swaying far off in the darkness in front of her. There is a cliff on one side of the road. Whether they realize that or not, the vehicle is heading toward the same destination as Cybil at high speed. Page 16 "Normally I would pull this guy over." Cybil mutters this, increases her speed, and catches up with the four-wheel drive jeep in no time. Page 17 As she passes it, Cybil glances inside the jeep for a moment, quickly smiles, and then blasts in front of it. The jeep quickly becomes smaller and smaller in the side mirrors of her motorcycle. Page 18 (Road, flickering) .................. Page 19 And then... She started to notice that she could not keep her eyes focused. "Sleepiness? No, I have been on the night shift for a while, and should have gotten plenty of sleep this afternoon." Page 20 Her body becomes one with the motorcycle, and it slices through the darkness. "Maybe it was foolish to wear short sleeves..." Although it was rather warm when Cybil left the station, now her skin feels so cold that it is like the cold is cutting into her. Page 21 Her eyelids are heavy. Her mouth has become dry. "What's wrong with me," she lightly shakes her head left and right. Against her will, her right hand turns the grip that will cause her to accelerate. The needle is buried, and madly shakes back and forth. Cybil then stared straight forward. Page 22 (Alessa in road, arms crossed) But it was already too late. In the middle of the road a girl stood, with her arms raised to shield her from the light. (View moves side to side) Page 23 (Black) Cybil slammed on the brakes. The last thing she saw was the rapidly approaching rock wall on the side of the road... Go to 1-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第一章  「到着」 1-1 雪の降る街 (Cybil walking in street) Chapter 1 "Arrival" The snowy town Page 1 (Black) Hita... Hita... (Onomatopoeia for the feeling of cold) Page 2 Something cold is touching Cybil's cheek. Cybil slowly opened her eyes. Page 3 "Where am I..." She is not yet able to stand up. She does not seem to be hurt; however, her body will not do as she commands. Nevertheless, she is fully conscious. Page 4 Large snowflakes are falling all over her body. She is lying face down in the middle of a wide street. "I wonder just how long I have been here like this?" Page 5 After waiting for the nerves throughout her body to return to normal Cybil lumbered to her feet. Her body was sluggish, like when she wakes up, and she was unable to think straight. Page 6 (Cybil walking in street) "Silent Hill" That is what is written on the sign on the sidewalk. In addition to the out of season snow the area is enveloped in thick fog, which generally makes her destination look differently than it normally would. The motorcycle that she came here on was also nowhere to be found. Page 7 With nothing else to do, she decided to rest in the cafe facing the street. 第一章  「カフェ」 「無人の店」 Chapter 1 "Cafe" The empty cafe Page 8 (Cafe) The inside of the cafe is dead silent. She does not see any customers or employees. This destroys her hopes of getting something warm to drink, so she lets out a sigh. Page 9 "First I must get in contact with the other officers back in Brahms." Cybil picks up the receiver from the phone on the corner of the counter, but not a single sound can be heard from the speaker. Page 10 It seems like somehow the heavy snowfall, which could be called abnormal weather, has damaged the communication systems. There is no doubt that this is the reason why the call got cut off at the (Brahms) station. Page 11 Cybil looks around the inside of the cafe. "Ah..." She gasps without thinking about it. Page 12 (Cafe alternate angle with Harry on bench) She can see a man lying down on one of the long bench seats lined up along the windows. "A customer? No, this place isn't open." She moves near him and looks down at his sleeping face. His face is twisting in agony, as if he is having a frightening dream. Go to 1-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第一章  「カフェ」 1-2 眠っている男 (Cafe alternate angle with Harry on bench) Chapter 1 "Cafe" The sleeping man Page 1 (Cafe alternate angle with Harry on bench) Cybil hesitates. A ) She waits for the man to wake up. Go to 1-3 B ) She wakes the man up. Go to 1-4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第一章  「カフェ」 1-3 男が起きるまで待つ (Cafe alternate angle with Harry on bench) Chapter 1 "Cafe" Cybil waits for the man to wake up Page 1 (Cafe alternate angle with Harry on bench) Cybil was relieved to know that she was not the only person in the town. She sat down at the counter and waited for the man to awaken. Page 2 After a bit Cybil thought that the man's breathing had become troubled. As she thought this he forcefully sat up. Movie: Harry wakes up in Cafe 5 to 2 Page 3 (Cybil standing in the center of the cafe) Cybil moved over to the man until she was able to look down at him and then folded her arms. She was relieved. That was how she honestly felt. Page 4 "It looks like you have come around." "Who are you?" The man asked this while heavily shaking his head. Page 5 "I'm Cybil. Cybil Bennet. All communication with this town suddenly went dead. This worried me, so I came here to investigate." Page 6 "I'm...Harry Mason. I brought my daughter to this town for some sightseeing, but on the way there was an accident and I lost consciousness... Oh, yeah, Cybil...You haven't seen a little girl in this town have you?" 第一章  「カフェ」 「小さな女の子?」 Chapter 1 "Cafe" A little girl? Page 7 (Cybil changes) For a moment Cybil could not hide her astonishment, but then because of her profession she quickly feigned a more resolute attitude. Page 8 "A little girl... No, I haven't seen her..." "When I came to after the accident my daughter was nowhere to be seen. The passenger door was open and she was gone. Page 9 Cheryl...uh, sorry, my daughter's name is Cheryl... She is a timid child, so it is hard to imagine that she headed out into this weird town alone. Plus I was there in the driver's seat... And since she gave me no warning it just doesn't make sense. Page 10 Are you familiar with this area? There is no sign of anyone, and what is going on with the snow at this time of year... Just what in the world has happened in this town?" Harry spoke while sighing. Page 11 "I'm afraid I don't know either. I still haven't seen anyone other than you. It's like the town is as silent as a graveyard, left without even the means to contact any neighboring towns." "I see." Page 12 (Cybil Changes) "So you also had an accident? I thought it was a good idea to head to the police station in this town alone on my motorcycle, but... I guess I was going a little too fast. Page 13 A girl suddenly jumped out into the road...I am pretty sure it was a girl...I almost hit her. I cut the handlebars hard in order to avoid her... After that I can barely remember anything...... Page 14 When I came to I was lying in the street in front of this cafe. So naturally I came in here to get out of the snow. And then I found you sleeping there..." Page 15 "I...was having some kind of a terrible dream. As for if I made it here on my own I don't remember at all... Just what in the world has happened in this town... What is going on with everything?" Page 16 "Well, the situation is definitely strange. I will head back to Brahms for reinforcements, and then return here. How about you?" Cybil stood and fixed her collar with resolute fortitude. Go to 1-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第一章  「カフェ」 1-4 男を起こす (Cafe alternate angle with Harry on bench) Chapter 1 "Cafe" Cybil wakes the man up Page 1 (Cafe alternate angle with Harry on bench) Cybil approaches the man and holds her arms out in a way that suggests that she is going to shake his shoulders. Movie: Harry wakes up in Cafe 5 to 2 Page 2 (Black) At that moment the man woke up with a look of surprise on his face. He shook his body in a way to brush Cybil's hands away, and then stared at her. Page 3 (Cafe) (Cybil appears) "Human? Are you human?" Cybil makes an effort to compose herself and then sits down on a nearby chair. "Of course I am. Were you having a bad dream or something?" Page 4 The man finally regains his composure as well, and then he adjusts his position on the bench seat. "...Sorry. I was attacked by mysterious monsters before I came here." "Mysterious...monsters?" Page 5 "Ah, yeah... It may have been just a dream... I think that it was real. It was all vague and unclear... Who are you?" Page 6 "I'm Cybil. Cybil Bennet. I am a police officer in the neighboring town of Brahms. All communication with this town suddenly went dead, so I came here to investigate." Harry's expression changed slightly to one of relief. Page 7 "I should have said so sooner but, I'm Harry Mason. I am a writer. I had decided to come here for my first vacation in a while." Harry shrugged his shoulders and looked at Cybil with a serious look on his face. Page 8 "But when I arrived here I got separated from my daughter. She is a little girl, seven years old with black hair. Her name is Cheryl... You haven't seen her have you?" Page 9 "Sorry, but I haven't..." "...I see. Just where did she go? She is not the type to just act on her own..." Page 10 "When I came to I was lying in the street in front of this cafe. As for how I got here, I don't remember at all." "That sounds a lot like what happened to me... Well, anyway..." Page 11 Harry stands up and glances at the out of season snow that continues to fall. Go to 1-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第一章  「カフェ」 1-5 拳銃を男に渡す (Gun in Cybil's hand) Chapter 1 "Cafe" Cybil gives the man a handgun Page 1 (Cybil standing in the center of the cafe) "I've got to look for Cheryl... There is no way I can just leave her here alone." Page 2 (Gun in Cybil's hand) "I see. Well, I'll give you this then. You never know what might happen under these circumstances. If you feel threatened then pull the trigger without hesitating." Page 3 She gives Harry a handgun loaded with live ammunition. Page 4 "But you...will you be alright?" Harry asks worriedly. "I'm not like the average girls around here. I have undergone the proper training." Page 5 Cybil placed her hand on the exit door, but then she turned and faced Harry again. Page 6 "Harry. Don't go shooting me by mistake or anything. I haven't had any training on how to stop bullets." Page 7 She smiled after saying this, opened the door of the cafe, and then headed out into the thick fog. Go to 2-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「脱出への道」 2-1 八方塞がり (Street, heavy fog) Chapter 2 "The Path to Escape" No way out Page 1 (Street, heavy fog) Cybil looks back and sees that the cafe has disappeared into the fog. Having lost her motorcycle, Cybil can only wander about on foot and alone in the eerie town. Page 2 "It's too quiet. There is no sense of anyone at all. I would like to hail a taxi or something, but there is not a single car running." Page 3 At some point Cybil had began to run. Above all she must get out of Silent Hill. However, after running for a bit Cybil's hopes were crushed. Page 4 (Destroyed street) All the roads leading out of town were cut off, and it was as if the entire town was floating in the air. There was no way for anyone to enter the town. Page 5 "Haaaah..." Cybil sighs deeply. She then decides to try going back the way she came. After running for a bit she comes to another steep valley like before. It is wide and impedes her passage. Page 6 And then she became sure that it was not possible to escape from this place. Page 7 Cybil felt like a bird in a cage as she walked apathetically and aimlessly through the falling snow. Page 8 It was not long before a black, wriggling object appeared in her field of vision. 第二章  「脱出への道」 「霧の向こうの小さな影」 Chapter 2 "The Path to Escape" The small shadow off in the fog Page 9 (Alternate street) (Groaner appears) " that?" From off in the fog, the four-legged thing moved at a slow pace as it gradually closed the distance between it and her. Page 10 And then as soon as it detected Cybil it began to ferociously run toward her, scattering the fog as it moved. Go to 2-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「脱出への道」 2-2 獰猛な化け物に襲われて (Alternate street) Chapter 2 "The Path to Escape" Attacked by the ferocious monster Page 1 (Alternate street) (Groaner appears) The monster... A ) attacked Cybil. Go to 2-3 B ) just ran away. Go to 2-4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「脱出への道」 2-3 シビルに襲い掛かる化け物 (Alternate street with close up of Groaner) Chapter 2 "The Path to Escape" The monster attacks Cybil Page 1 (Alternate street with close up of Groaner) "KYA!" Cybil just manages to duck in time and the fierce monster passes over her head. It continues forward just a little bit, and then turns around. It is clear that it is coming after Cybil. Page 2 Cybil places her hand on her belt to draw her handgun. She utters, "Oh!" She had just given her handgun to Harry not long ago. She went pale. Page 3 Cybil forcefully stands up and begins to run with all her strength. The sound of the monster's footsteps and its panting close in on her as it persistently chases her from behind. Page 4 (Street, heavy fog) She stomps on the pavement as she moves forward. In the corner of her eye Cybil sees buildings appear out of and disappear into the fog, and at some point she ends up losing her bearings and becomes unsure of her location. She then notices that she no longer senses the presence of the monster. Go to 2-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「脱出への道」 2-4 そのまま走り去る化け物 (Alternate street) Chapter 2 "The Path to Escape" The monster just runs away Page 1 (Alternate street) The monster just moves right past Cybil, and then continues away from her. "Clearly... Clearly it is headed somewhere with some purpose." Page 2 Various concerns run through the back of Cybil's mind. Instinctively, she begins to chase after the monster. Page 3 However, its speed is fast and it does not appear possible for Cybil to be able to catch up to it. Additionally, the thick curtain of fog is also making her pursuit difficult... Page 4 Cybil continues to run for a while, but ends up completely losing sight of her target. Go to 2-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「脱出への道」 2-5 落ち着きを取り戻す (Alternate street) Chapter 2 "The Path to Escape" Calming down Page 1 (City street, heavy fog) She stops and leans against an antique lamppost and presses on her chest. She waits as the time between her continuous white breaths gradually increases, and then begins walking again. Go to 2-6 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「カフェを後に」 2-6 込み上げる不安 (Alternate street) Chapter 2 "After Leaving the Cafe" Rising uneasiness Page 1 (City street, heavy fog) Cybil... A ) calms herself down. Go to 3-1 B ) is overcome with hopelessness. Go to 3-6 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第三章  「警察署」 3-1 警察署を探して (Front of Police Station) Chapter 3 "The Police Station" Searching for the Police Station Page 1 (City street, heavy fog) Being unable to escape from Silent Hill, Cybil then worried about what she should do next. Since all the people have vanished she cannot even talk to anyone about what is happening here. Page 2 "I should look for the police station. Even if the person I was talking on the phone with earlier isn't there, I might be able to get some other information there." She has visited this town many times. Following the thread of her memory, she begins walking along the complicated intersecting streets. 第三章  「警察署」 「POLICEの文字」 Chapter 3 "The Police Station" The word "POLICE" Page 3 (Front of Police Station) "Just how long have I been walking?" As she saw the word "POLICE" appear from out of the fog her entire body was completely exhausted. Page 4 (Inside of Police Station) She opens the glass door at the entrance and heads inside. As she does this she sees that no one is here, which is just as she had expected. The lack of any sound is painful to her ears. Page 5 After she walked around the reception area for a bit she moved toward a room that the door had been left open for. The plate beside the door says "Meeting Room". Page 6 Compared to the same room at the Brahms station, this one is quite small. She looked around the room. Go to 3-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第三章  「警察署」 3-2 会議室の中で (Inside of Police Station) Chapter 3 "The Police Station" Inside the meeting room Page 1 (Inside of Police Station) "Ah......" A ) The phone is off the hook... Go to 3-3 B ) Someone is here... Go to 3-4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第三章  「警察署」 3-3 外された受話器 (Inside of Police Station) Chapter 3 "The Police Station" The dangling telephone receiver Page 1 (Inside of Police Station) Two long simple folding tables are lined up next to each other in this room, which is about 140 square feet in size. Page 2 Folding chairs surround the tables. The disorderly state of the chairs makes the empty station seem unnatural. Page 3 A telephone is on top of the small wooden desk that has been placed in the corner of the room. The telephone receiver is dangling in the air just above the floor, as if it had fallen off. It is bouncing up and down. Page 4 "I wonder if this the phone that I was connected to?" Cybil hangs the receiver up, but then picks it back up again and places it against her ear. "Of course it is not working." Page 5 The problem is that the police station is completely empty. Even Cybil, who had been skeptical about the condition of the town up to this point, now had to accept things as they were. She thought, "Something terrible has happened here." Page 6 There is a phone. A scribbled memo has been placed next to it. (Telephone mini-game) (38*2647*) Page 7 (Black) "...Da......" Page 8 Cybil hastily repositioned the telephone receiver. Page 9 "...Da...ddy..." Page 10 "Cheryl! This is Cheryl, right? I am looking for you. Can you hear me?" Page 11 " me..." The telephone is muddled, so Cybil cannot hear it very clearly. "Cheryl! I am coming to help you now! Tell me where you are!" Page 12 " the......elementary school......" Page 13 The phone went dead. Go to 3-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第三章  「警察署」 3-4 人の気配? (Inside of Police Station) Chapter 3 "The Police Station" The presence of a person? Page 1 (Inside of Police Station) Cybil senses someone... Somewhere in this small room... Page 2 Underneath the lined up tables... Behind the folding chairs... Cybil cautiously checked all the places that someone could hide in, but... It does not appear that anyone is here. Page 3 The faded ceiling fan is blowing air down towards Cybil. That might have been what made her so sure someone was here, or perhaps it was just her imagination. Page 4 She is uneasy. She wants to talk to someone, to anyone. These feelings might be what made Cybil think that someone was here. Go to 3-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第三章  「警察署」 3-5 警察署を後に (Inside of Police Station) Chapter 3 "The Police Station" Leaving the Police Station Page 1 (Black) "What was that all about?" Cybil left the police station. Cybil is once again in the city streets where the snow is falling. "That's right..." Cybil recalled her conversation with Harry. Page 2 (Close up of Harry in cafe) (Oh, yeah, Cybil...You haven't seen a little girl in this town have you?) Page 3 "A little girl... Yes...Cheryl. I wonder if I will be able to rescue her unharmed in this town which has become a nest of monsters..." Page 4 But Cybil is a police officer. To find and protect Cheryl is her responsibility and her mission. Page 5 Realizing this Cybil could not sit still, and in the next moment she was gone. Go to 4-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第三章  「警察署での再会」 3-6 警察署を捜し求めて (Inside of Police Station) Chapter 3 "Reunion at the Police Station" Seeking out the Police Station Page 1 (City street, heavy fog) Being unable to escape from Silent Hill, Cybil then worried about what she should do next. Since all the people have vanished she cannot even talk to anyone about what is happening here. Page 2 "I should look for the police station. Even if the person I was talking on the phone with earlier isn't there, I might be able to get some other information there." She has visited this town many times. Following her the thread of her memory, she begins walking along the complicated intersecting streets. 第三章  「警察署」 「どれくらい歩いたのか」 Chapter 3 "Police Station" Just how long have I been walking? Page 3 (Front of Police Station) "Just how long have I been walking?" As she saw the word "POLICE" appear from out of the fog her entire body was completely exhausted. Page 4 (Inside of Police Station) She opens the glass door at the entrance and heads inside. As she does this she sees that no one is here, which is just as she had expected. The lack of any sound is painful to her ears. Page 5 After she walked around the reception area for a bit she moved toward a room that door had been left open for. The plate beside the door says "Meeting Room". Compared to the same room at the Brahms station, this one is quite small. She looked around the room. Page 6 Clunk. At the same time Cybil entered the room one of the disorderly arranged folding chairs moved quite a bit. She readied herself. "Who's there?" Page 7 (Harry appears) A man jumped up right away and pointed a black handgun at Cybil. Go to 3-7 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第三章  「警察署での再会」 3-7 拳銃を向けた男 (Inside of Police Station) Chapter 3 "Reunion at the Police Station" The man pointing the handgun at Cybil Page 1 (Inside of Police Station) (Harry appears with gun) The man... A ) lowers the gun. Go to 3-8 B ) fires at Cybil. Go to 3-9 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第三章  「警察署での再会」 3-8 銃を下ろす男 (Inside of Police Station) Chapter 3 "Reunion at the Police Station" The man lowers the gun Page 1 (Inside of Police Station) (Harry appears with gun) The man slowly returns the weapon to his side. "Cybil..." "Harry!" Page 2 "Sorry. I thought that another monster had appeared. So I instantly hid behind a chair." "Me too... All this is not good for my heart, you know." Page 3 (Harry appears with pipe) "Before I came here I found a steel pipe. I will give the handgun back to you. Like you said, I might end up shooting a human by mistake." Page 4 Saying that Harry plops the handgun into Cybil's hand. Cybil nods slightly. "Have you found your daughter?" Page 5 "No..." Harry shakes his head back and forth. "I thought she might be in custody at the police station, so I came here..." Harry looks around the room and then speaks. "But just like this, there is not a single man, woman, or child here." Page 6 "Let's look somewhere else. There should be a church just over the river. Maybe she is in custody there?" Page 7 "OK." (Harry) They ran out of the police station with Harry in the lead. Go to 3-10 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第三章  「警察署での再会」 3-9 発砲する男 (Inside of Police Station) Chapter 3 "Reunion at the Police Station" The man fires Page 1 (Inside of Police Station) (Harry appears with gun) (Bang!) The bullet grazes Cybil's temple and impacts on the wall of the meeting room. Shocked, Cybil sank to the floor. Page 2 "Cybil!" All the color has drained out of the face of the man that is standing in front of the still unable to speak Cybil. It was was Harry. Page 3 "Sorry...! Are you alright?" ".........I was shocked... If you had been just a little more over then you would have hit me!" Harry sighs deeply. Page 4 "I have done an unforgivable thing. I have encountered monsters up till now. I ran in here to get away... I was sure that the monsters had come in..." Cybil thought, "Please don't mistake me for a monster." Page 5 "At any rate, I wondered if maybe someone might be here, so I came in to check it out..." "As you can see, things are like this." Page 6 The inside of the station was ominously silent. Even if the other officers were here, since there are monsters running loose outside there is no reason for the two of them to just relax and warm up in the station. Page 7 "Let's look somewhere else. There should be a church just over the river. Maybe she is in custody there?" "OK." After muttering this Harry holds the gun out to Cybil as if he has realized something. Page 8 (Harry appears with pipe) "I will give this back to you. I have had a few opportunities to use it, but this seems more suited to me." Harry says this and readies a long steel pipe that he picked up somewhere. Page 9 "I see. But you would be better off just getting used to using it." Harry has a sorrowful look on his face. Cybil gives him a contemptuous glance and then a smile appears on her face. Then she runs out of the station. Go to 3-10 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第三章  「教会へ」 3-10 ハリーと教会へ (City street, heavy fog) Chapter 3 "To the Church" Heading to the church with Harry Page 1 (City street, heavy fog) On the way to the church Harry tells Cybil about the events that occurred in the cafe while running out of breath. Page 2 "Indeed...something is wrong here." (Cybil) "I was glad to have received the handgun from you..." Cheryl doesn't have any weapons. And she is just a little girl..." Page 3 Hoping that Cheryl would be at the church Cybil carefully ran over the slippery asphalt. Go to 4-12 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第四章  「小学校」 4-1 無人の校舎 (School entrance) Chapter 4 "Elementary School" The deserted school Page 1 (Black) "There should be an elementary school on the edge of town." Cybil followed her intuition and decided that Cheryl probably headed for the school after wandering around town. Page 2 Per her training in child psychology, she has learned that if a child loses their parents or guardian then the chance is high that they will be drawn to places that they are most used to going, places where there are a lot of people. Page 3 However, ahead of her all knowledge, either a bit instinctively, or due to a sense similar that to that of a memory coming back, she believed somewhere within her heart that Cheryl was probably at the elementary school. Page 4 (School entrance) Cybil may have been drawn here by someone. As she nears the elementary school part of her shirt becomes soaked with clammy sweat. Page 5 "Is it really ok to go inside?" She asks herself this many times. 第四章  「小学校」 「後には引けない」 Chapter 4 "Elementary School" No turning back Page 6 As she reached the edge of the school grounds her conscientious sense of duty as a police officer rose up within her along with her sense of reason, and she began to walk naturally towards the school. Page 7 It is now too late for her to turn back. She readies herself, and then using both hands she pushes the door in front of her open with all her strength. Page 8 (Black) The aged building reeked of a peculiar mildew. However, its insides were much cleaner than she had expected, and Cybil found this a bit surprising. Page 9 Perhaps it was just the result of her enduring the cold wind for so long, but she had a terrible headache. Cybil pressed her fingers to her temples, and eventually began to walk aimlessly again. Page 10 (School hall, dark) Cybil opened a door leading to a long hallway. She looked through the glass windows placed in the doors of the classrooms while slowly walking. There was no sign of Cheryl. Page 11 The courtyard is to her right. The landscaping is very nice, and has been well cared for. The snow has become sleet. It does not look like it will accumulate. In the back of the courtyard there is an old-feeling clock tower; however, Cybil is not particularly interested in it. Page 12 "Hmm, I wonder how Harry is doing... I wonder if the gun I gave him has come in handy... If I cannot meet with Harry after I find Cheryl then it will be meaningless... Page 13 We should have made plans to rendezvous somewhere..." Cybil thought this, but at this point nothing could be done. Page 14 (Black) At any rate, there was her horrible headache. It is gradually getting worse, dulling her sense of time and space. A sluggishness similar to sleepiness grasps her entire body. 第四章  「小学校」 「ひどい頭痛」 Chapter 4 "Elementary School" A terrible headache Page 15 (Stairs, animated) "Perhaps I am just dreaming all of this?", Cybil thought. It is difficult for a person to tell whether they are dreaming or not while in a dream, but for her to accept these conditions is just as difficult. Page 16 She has no memory of how she got to this town, so it seemed natural for her to think that she has been in a deep sleep since the moment of the motorcycle accident until now. Page 17 "Or possibly from even before then... From the time of the phone call with the Silent Hill (police) station? Or maybe..." Page 18 While contemplating the many possibilities, Cybil climbed the stairs to the second floor of the school. Go to 4-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第四章  「小学校」 4-2 物音 (School hall, dark) Chapter 4 "Elementary School" A noise Page 1 (Black) And then... A ) She heard a melody being played on a piano. Go to 4-3 B ) She heard the scream of a little girl. Go to 4-4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第四章  「小学校」 4-3 ピアノの旋律 (School hall, dark) Chapter 4 "Elementary School" A melody on a piano Page 1 (Black) And then she heard a melody being played on a piano from one of the classrooms. Page 2 A nervous look ran across Cybil's face. And at the same time she felt relief. As if being drawn by the sound of the piano Cybil cautiously moves toward the room that the is music coming from while feeling along the wall with her hand. 第四章  「小学校」 「音楽室」 Chapter 4 "Elementary School" Music Room Page 3 "Music Room" That is what is written on the door. The beautiful melody is definitely being played by someone in this room. Cybil places her hand on the door. Page 4 And at that moment... The music suddenly stopped and the area was enveloped in silence. Page 5 (Music room) "Who's there?" She says this and then opens the door. Inside the center of the room a grand piano has been placed. The piano appears cramped within the cozy room. Page 6 No one is sitting in front of the piano. Page 7 Cybil approaches the piano. Its cover is open and the blacks and whites on the keyboard stand out. Almost like smoke, the player of the piano appears to have vanished into thin air. Page 8 "Strange..." Cybil mutters. Behind the curtains... Under the piano... Cybil looked in all the places in the room that a person could hide. Page 9 There is only one entrance to this room. There is no other way to enter this room other than by using the door that Cybil just came through. "Did they jump out of the window? No, this is the second floor. Falling from here would result in more than just an injury." Page 10 Having become a little spooked, she turned to leave the room. In the next instant Cybil's heart nearly stopped. Page 11 (Cheryl in music room) At the entrance to the music room a white faced girl was sitting still, and just looking at Cybil. She appeared to be afraid of something, and her wide eyes were filled with tears that looked like jewels. Page 12 "Cheryl...? Are you Cheryl...?" Cybil regained her composure and approached the little girl. She kneeled and softly placed her hands on the girl's shoulders, and the girl nodded. Page 13 "My name is Cybil. Your daddy is looking for you. If we don't hurry back to him... Your daddy is braving danger running around this town. Have you seen that ferocious-looking monster?" Page 14 Cybil thought of the monster that she had seen in town as she spoke. Go to 4-8 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第四章  「小学校」 4-4 少女の叫び声 (School hall, dark) Chapter 4 "Elementary School" A little girl's scream Page 1 (School hall, dark) Suddenly Cybil heard the scream of a little girl from in front of her. "What ...?" A nervous look ran across Cybil's face. "Cheryl? A scream...? ...that could mean..." Page 2 However, there was also a feeling of relief deep inside Cybil's heart. The presence of another human... Someone else who could sympathize with her about this isolated world... Page 3 Cybil begins to run. It doesn't matter to her who's voice that was, and she runs down the long hallway praying that they are okay. Page 4 And as she approached a certain room... Go to 4-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第四章  「小学校」 4-5 何かが… (School hall, dark) Chapter 4 "Elementary School" Something is... Page 1 (School hall, dark) Cybil noticed something. A ) The figure of a person. Go to 4-6 B ) Something at her feet... Go to 4-7 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第四章  「小学校」 4-6 揺れる小さな影 (School hall, dark) Chapter 4 "Elementary School" The small swaying figure Page 1 (School hall, dark) Through the small window in the door Cybil thought that she saw a small figure swaying back and forth. She stops moving. Page 2 "This is..." "Music Room" That is what is written on the door. She opens the door without hesitation and rushes into the room. Page 3 (Black) "You..." Page 4 (Cheryl in music room) In the corner of the room a white faced girl was sitting still, and just looking at Cybil. She appeared to be afraid of something, and her wide eyes were filled with tears that looked like jewels. Page 5 "Were you the one that screamed?" The little girl does not answer. Cybil swallows and looks at the little girl again. Page 6 "Cheryl...? Are you Cheryl...?" Cybil regained her composure and approached the little girl. She kneeled and softly placed her hands on the girl's shoulders, and the girl nodded. Page 7 "My name is Cybil. Your daddy is looking for you. If we don't hurry back to him... Your daddy is braving danger running around this town. Have you seen that ferocious-looking monster?" Go to 4-8 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第四章  「小学校」 4-7 足に絡まる異物 (School hall, dark) Chapter 4 "Elementary School" The thing tangled around Cybil's feet Page 1 (School hall, dark) Something is tangling and twisting around Cybil's feet. Page 2 It feels slippery, and has bound Cybil's feet like a long piece of tape. She falls down and lands hard on her butt. Page 3 " this...!" Page 4 Through her boots she can feel the jelly-like substance moving up her body. It is accompanied by a horrible smell that makes her want to vomit. "KYAA!" Page 5 She tried as hard as she as she could to free herself, but the more she struggled, the more it spread, and in no time it had moved to her upper body. Page 6 Once it gets in her mouth it will be all over. Page 7 "Please stop." The voice is a little girl's. Obeying the voice the jelly stops its movement, and appears to sink into Cybil's clothing as it dissipates. Page 8 (Close up of Cheryl in school) Cybil raises her head. "Music Room" is written on the door. The door is halfway open, and a little girl appears from inside. Her soft black hair stands out against her fair complexion. Page 9 "Cheryl...? Are you Cheryl...?" Cybil regained her composure and approached the little girl. She kneeled and softly placed her hands on the girl's shoulders, and the girl nodded. Page 10 "My name is Cybil. Your daddy is looking for you. If we don't hurry back to him... Your daddy is braving danger running around this town. Page 11 You also saw that monster just now, didn't you? If we don't get out of here soon then we will also be in danger." Page 12 Cheryl shakes her head back and forth to say "no". Cybil does not understand what Cheryl means, but continues anyway. Page 13 "I will protect you. Let's go to your Daddy. It is my duty to take you to him." Page 14 Cybil says this, takes Cheryl's hand in hers and they begin to run down the hallway. Go to 4-11 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第四章  「小学校」 4-8 シェリルへの質問 (Cheryl in music room) Chapter 4 "Elementary School" Questioning Cheryl Page 1 (Cheryl in music room) Cheryl... A ) shakes her head "no". Go to 4-9 B ) shakes her head "yes". Go to 4-10 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第四章  「小学校」 4-9 首を横に振るシェリル (Cheryl in music room) Chapter 4 "Elementary School" Cheryl shakes her head back and forth Page 1 (Cheryl in music room) Cheryl shakes her head no. Page 2 "I see. Well, at any rate something strange is happening in this town. All the people have completely vanished. If we don't get out of here soon then we might disappear as well." Page 3 Once again Cheryl shakes her head no. Cybil does not understand what Cheryl means, but continues anyway. Page 4 "I will protect you. Let's go to your Daddy. It is my duty to take you to him." Page 5 Saying this, Cybil takes Cheryl's hand in hers, and they leave the music room. Go to 4-11 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第四章  「小学校」 4-10 首を縦に振るシェリル (Cheryl in music room) Chapter 4 "Elementary School" Cheryl shakes her head up and down Page 1 (Cheryl in music room) "Yeah. You mean the one that looks like a dog? I have seen it. But he was not ferocious. He won't attack anyone or anything like that." Page 2 Cybil spoke with surprise. "It attacked me. And I had given my handgun to your Daddy... I thought I was going to die." Page 3 "But he was nice to me. And he listens to what I say." Cybil was half shocked, and sighed. Page 4 "Well, okay. It would be terrible if you got hurt. I will protect you. Let's go to your Daddy. It is my duty to take you to him." Page 5 Saying this, Cybil takes Cheryl's hand in hers, and they leave the music room. Go to 4-11 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第四章  「小学校」 4-11 闇に包まれ行く校舎 (School hall, dark) Chapter 4 "Elementary School" The school becomes enveloped in darkness Page 1 (Black) By chance... The two of them happen to look out a window. "That's..." Page 2 From where they are the visible courtyard has become completely enveloped in darkness. For it to become night so soon... Page 3 For a moment Cybil cannot believe her eyes, but then she was only able to worry about whether she would be able to meet Harry. 第四章  「小学校」 「真っ暗な廊下を」 Chapter 4 "Elementary School" Down the pitch black hallway Page 4 The two of them walk down the pitch black hallway. Because of the difference in their strides their footsteps overlap as they echo. Page 5 At the moment they approached the entrance to the school grounds Cheryl spoke directly for the first time. Page 6 "I... I don't want to leave here. I don't want to see my Daddy. If we meet there will be sadness. You should go back Ma'am." Page 7 Cybil stopped walking, and spoke while just staring at Cheryl. Page 8 "It's your Daddy. There's no reason that it would be sad for you to see him. If you stay here then you might get hurt or worse. Things would then be truly sad." Page 9 Saying that Cybil begins walking again. After a bit she stops and adds, "It's Miss, not Ma'am" and then the two of them left the school. Go to 5-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第四章  「教会」 4-12 ダリア・ギレスピー (Church) Chapter 4 "Church" Dahlia Gillespie Page 1 (Black) They open the heavy door of the church. The space inside is wrapped in warm calmness. It projects a very solemn feeling. Page 2 No churchgoers are present on any of the long benches which have been arranged facing the cross in front. Perhaps no one is here, thinking this the two of them move further in. Eventually they noticed a woman planted on a simple chair above the altar. 第四章  「教会」 「一足遅かったわね」 Chapter 4 "Church" You are too late Movie: Dahlia turns around in the church Page 3 (Church) (Dahlia appears) "You are too late." The woman mutters this and stands. "You are too late. The girl that you are looking for just left here." Page 4 The color of Harry's face changes. "Cheryl...? Was it Cheryl? She is a 7 year old girl with black hair..." The woman at the altar puts one hand up to silence Harry. Page 5 "Even without saying this you would understand. But I will tell you this much. The two of you will never see that girl again. Page 6 My predictions are often correct... That girl knows what you are planning, yes. She will head towards her goal without being found by you..." Page 7 "She is just a young girl! She came to this town and then went missing... If she did come here then why did you let her go alone?" Cybil screamed at the woman. Page 8 "Oh dear, such words. I have no obligation or reason to protect that child. And also..." She stops speaking, and then comes down from the altar. Page 9 "She was not alone. My daughter is with her." Cybil frowned. "Your daughter?" Page 10 "If those girls happened to be separated then it would certainly be a pity. What is more, my daughter would most surely not remain silent." 第四章  「教会」 「ハリーの激情」 Chapter 4 "Church" Harry's fit of passion Page 11 Harry began to speak as if the floodgates had just been opened. Page 12 "What are you getting at! I am Cheryl's guardian. I have a responsibility to protect her. Tell me where she is going!" Page 13 "The hospital. But it is useless to follow after them. If you do not want to die then you must leave this place. I am Dahlia Gillespie. If you do not wish to increase the number of corpses then do not disturb those girls...yes?" Page 14 Before Dahlia finished speaking Harry ran out of the church. "Harry! Wait!" Cybil prepares to chase after him and looks back at Dahlia. Dahlia was there trying to suppress a laugh. All Cybil saw was Dahlia's unsightly back side. 第四章  「黒」 「黒」 Chapter 4 "Black" Black Page 15 (Black) In order to resurrect myself I will need your body. Please understand this... (Alessa) Page 16 I understand. That is why I came here, and came to see you. (Cheryl) Page 17 To think of these seven years... I never once was able to get out of bed and couldn't even move... (Alessa) Page 18 However, everything is going according to plan and I was able to be reunited with you. (Alessa) Page 19 But they will come after us. What should we do... (Cheryl) Page 20 Let me... Let me take care of everything... (Alessa) Page 21 ........................... Go to 5-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「再びカフェ」 5-1 カフェに向かい歩き出す (Street, dark) Chapter 5 "Cafe, again" Walking toward the cafe Page 1 (Street, dark) "Just what time is it now?" Cybil curses the fact that she forgot her watch at the Brahms station. "It is probably late at night." She no longer feels the headache or sleepiness from just before. Page 2 Holding Cheryl's cold hand Cybil focuses her mind on locating Harry. Page 3 She figured that Harry was no longer in the cafe, but wonders if maybe he left a memo or something there for her. Page 4 Compared to Harry, Cybil should know the geography of Silent Hill better because of her profession. However, because of the darkness and thick fog that limit her field of vision she is in a situation in which it is difficult to know even her current position. Page 5 She had encountered a strange monster on her way to the school, so now she did not have much confidence in being able to find her way back to the cafe. 第五章  「再びカフェ」 「白みを取り戻した空」 Chapter 5 "Cafe, again" The sky became light again Page 6 The sky began to get light while Cybil walked and contemplated the route to the cafe. This made her think that perhaps time is rapidly passing in this town alone. Although the fog was present as ever to decrease visibility, she could see a lot better now. Page 7 (Cafe exterior) And then, before she knew it the cafe was right in front of her. Page 8 "...Something isn't right." Cybil feels a sense of discord within her. However, her feet continued on, as if guided by strong power, to the inside of the cafe. 第五章  「再びカフェ」 「ひどい有様の店内」 Chapter 5 "Cafe, again" The horrible sight inside the cafe Page 9 (Dead Air Screamer on Cafe floor) Cybil led Cheryl through the entrance of the cafe. The inside of the cafe had been ravaged. The glass windows facing the street were broken and several tables were knocked on their sides, so Cybil could not move any further in. Page 10 "...oh my god." "I wonder if Harry is alright?" A red pool of liquid reflects vividly in Cybil's eyes. She prayed that it was not Harry's blood. Page 11 "Harry! It's me. It's Cybil. I found Cheryl. If you are here then please come out." There is no answer. Cybil had began to step forward, but then gasped with an "Uh". Page 12 "Just this..." The corpse of a brown colored monster that Cybil has never seen before lies in the center of the pool of red liquid. Page 13 Several shells were scattered about, which meant that Harry probably had a battle here. Page 14 Since Harry was no longer here she guessed that he defeated this monster and then left to search for Cheryl. "Is he hurt?" Go to 5-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「再びカフェ」 5-2 荒らされた店内 (Dead Air Screamer on Cafe floor) Chapter 5 "Cafe, again" The ransacked cafe Page 1 (Dead Air Screamer on Cafe floor) Cybil... A ) began to search the area. Go to 5-3 B ) cautiously moved towards the monster. Go to 5-4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「再びカフェ」 5-3 何か手がかりは… (Dead Air Screamer on Cafe floor) Chapter 5 "Cafe, again" Some kind of clue... Page 1 (Dead Air Screamer on Cafe floor) Thinking that perhaps there was a memo, Cybil began her search with the counter; however, there did not appear to be anything there. "Maybe Harry left here in a hurry after being attacked by the monster." Page 2 Cybil looked at Cheryl. With the bloody scene in front of her Cheryl was surprisingly calm. From time to time she looked out the window as if she were concerned about something. Page 3 "Well, your Daddy is not here. Let's look somewhere else." Cybil took Cheryl's hand, and without a word they rushed out into the snowy street once again. Go to 6-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「再びカフェ」 5-4 化け物の死骸の辺りを (Dead Air Screamer on Cafe floor) Chapter 5 "Cafe, again" The area around the monster's corpse Page 1 (Dead Air Screamer on Cafe floor) Cybil cautiously searches the monster. There is no doubt about it, the bullets lodged inside the monster's body were the ones loaded into the handgun that she had given Harry. Page 2 "Normally these should have gone all the way through..." The bullets told a tale about the endurance and hardness of the monster. Page 3 The bullets scattered about on the floor supported this, as they gave Cybil the feeling that they had just hit the hard skin of the monster and then bounced off. Page 4 Other than this there did not appear to be anything else out of the ordinary. Page 5 "Well, your Daddy is not here. Let's look some place else." Cybil took Cheryl's hand, and without a word they rushed out into the snowy street once again. Go to 6-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「病院への道」 5-5 ハリーの背中を追って (Harry leaning on a car) Chapter 5 "The Path to the Hospital" Chasing after Harry Page 1 (Harry leaning on a car) Once Cybil caught up to Harry he was having a difficult time breathing. Page 2 " alright...?" "That woman... Dahlia or something..." Harry placed one hand on his chest, stopped in the street, and placed his other hand on a car. Page 3 "I...don't know for sure, but... I have a feeling that that wasn't the first time that I met that woman... Long ago...I think I met her somewhere..." Harry says this and begins coughing. Page 4 "Harry, you don't look so good." "Cybil... The air seems to have gotten thin here or something... I just have to deal with it..." "Harry..." Go to 5-6 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「病院への道」 5-6 ハリーの様子 (Harry leaning on a car) Chapter 5 "The Path to the Hospital" Harry's condition Page 1 (Harry leaning on a car) Harry... A ) begins to talk again. Go to 5-7 B ) begins coughing violently. Go to 5-8 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「病院への道」 5-7 再び話し出すハリー (Cybil walking in street) Chapter 5 "The Path to the Hospital" Harry begins to speak again Page 1 (Cybil walking in street) (Harry appears) "Well, it's alright... A town in which snow is falling... The name Dahlia... And her daughter is with my daughter... The fact that they are together..." He lifts his head, and looks at Cybil. Page 2 "Something... There is something that I think I know, but... it's on the tip of my tongue but I cannot remember it..." Cybil softly places her hand on Harry's shoulder. "You're tired Harry. Let's rest for a bit..." Page 3 Harry brushes Cybil's hand away, and then begins walking while pressing one hand to his chest. "Harry..." Page 4 Cybil once again follows behind Harry's frozen back. 第五章  「病院への道」 「古びた看板」 Chapter 5 "The Path to the Hospital" The old signboard Page 5 (Hospital gate) Unable to make out the letters on an old signboard Cybil tries squinting. "Alchemilla Hospital" is written in faded paint. Page 6 "In this building...Cheryl and Dahlia's daughter are in here...?" (Cybil) The hospital looks like ruins, and an eeriness is present that makes one hesitant to even step inside. Page 7 Cybil just happens to notice an object that looks like a pedestal next to the door. On top of it plates of four different colors have been placed. Cybil reads the message inscribed on the pedestal aloud. Page 8 "The chosen ones must be moved to the chosen places Once the task is complete, the guidepost leading to chaos shall appear" Page 9 Use the L and R buttons to select a plate. Use the d-pad to move the selected plate. (Plate game) Page 10 (Black) Harry opened the door. 第五章  「病院」 「言われるままに来たが…」 Chapter 5 "Hospital" Although they came as told... Page 11 (Hospital reception) Inside the hospital it is dark, and it seems that if one does not walk carefully then they would stumble. Page 12 Pictures hanging on the walls, withered plants on the receptionist's desk, and other furnishings can be faintly seen. Page 13 "Is your... Is your daughter really in this place?" "...I don't know, but... all we can do is trust that woman from before... We don't have any other clues." Harry spoke not expecting a reply. Page 14 He slowly turned the knob of a nearby door. It appears to be locked. He lets out a long sigh. Page 15 "Wait Harry. Let's split up and search. I will start from the top floor and search heading down. You start from the bottom. Then we will meet up in the middle. That way we won't lose each other." Page 16 Harry looked woeful. "Sorry...I wish there was something I could do to thank you..." "Once we find your daughter then you can take me out to dinner or something." Cybil smiled brightly. Page 17 Cybil immediately began to run toward the wall at the end of the corridor. Once she arrived on the third floor, which should be the top floor of the building, she caught her breath and then began to search for the girl. Go to 6-6 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「病院への道」 5-8 激しく咳き込むハリー (Harry leaning on a car) Chapter 5 "The Path to the Hospital" Harry coughs violently Page 1 (Harry leaning on a car) "Cough! Cough...!" Harry began to cough violently again. "Are you alright? You look like you are in pain..." Page 2 Blood flows out from the spaces between the fingers of the hand that Harry placed over his mouth. "Harry...!" Page 3 Harry wiped his hand on his pants without surprise. "It's nothing to worry about. Please don't look at me like that." Page 4 "But...your pants are stained black with blood!" Cybil stared at Harry's face. He looks lonely, and even more worn down than when they first met at the cafe. Page 5 "Since coming here my physical condition has been deteriorating. Once I realized this I even found scratches all over my body. Page 6 It's because all I am thinking of is Cheryl. That is why I am not feeling the pain." Page 7 Saying that Harry pulled up one of his pant legs. Around his calf there was a long dark red scar. It was a painful looking wound, one that would be impossible to ignore. Page 8 "Harry..." Go to 5-7 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第六章  「教会」 6-1 鳴り続ける鐘 (Church) Chapter 6 "Church" The continuously ringing bell Page 1 (City street, heavy fog) Ding...Dong... A church bell is ringing. The bell rings forcefully, almost as if it had been waiting for them to leave the cafe. Page 2 "There are still...other people here." Cybil's eyes glittered. "This might be Harry's way of telling me where he is." Page 3 And even if it is not Harry, if there is someone still here in town then she would like to meet them. And hear what they have to say. Page 4 Cybil's feet naturally pointed toward the church. Expecting to find a clue to escaping and reuniting with Harry, she tightly gripped Cheryl's hand and began to run. 第六章  「教会」 「ダリア・ギレスピー」 Chapter 6 "Church" Dahlia Gillespie Page 5 Once they arrived at the church the ringing stopped, and the large door at the entrance began to open from the inside. Page 6 Cybil then thought that perhaps someone had been watching her movements all this time. She looked up at the top of the church and then began to look around nervously until a voice saying "This way" brought her back to her senses. Movie: Dahlia turns around in the church Page 7 (Church) (Dahlia appears) Cybil faced the eerie woman from a distance. The woman once more called out to Cybil: "This way" Cybil mysteriously moved towards the woman. Page 8 "Were you the one ringing that bell?" "Ku ku ku..." (Onomatopoeia for a chuckle) The woman's face suddenly twisted and she began laughing loudly. She saw Cybil's perplexed expression, but thought nothing of it and just waved her hand left and right in front of Cybil's face. Page 9 "I have been waiting for you. You have come just as I expected." Cybil cocked her head to the side. "Do you live here?" The woman nodded and then looked at Cheryl. Page 10 "You have done well to come here. You know, don't you? That it was my doing that caused... And you were hesitant to come alone, weren't you? But in the end I was able to meet you. It is all thanks to that woman." Page 11 "I don't understand what you are talking about." Cybil's words may or may not have reached her, but that woman began to laugh loudly again. "Hey, tell me. Why are there no people here? Why are all the exits from town blocked?" Page 12 "I do not know either. But shouldn't you be asking that girl instead?" Cybil had a look of "What?" on her face. She looked at Cheryl. Cheryl face was tearful, and she shook her head back and forth. Page 13 Cybil looked back at that woman and shouted at her. "Stop all this nonsense! We have been pursued by monsters and nearly killed. If I was not protecting this child then who knows what would have happened to her by now." Page 14 "The path of the Wiseman...the fool guided to this land through astrology. Everything has been preordained. There is nothing that I can do. You are not holding that child's hand. That child is holding yours." Page 15 Her anger showing, Cybil went to open her mouth. But at that moment the woman blocked her. Page 16 "I am Dahlia Gillespie. With that in hand I wonder where you will end up going. I have nothing for you, and nothing to tell you. Page 17 You must escape from the demon's grasp as soon as possible. You must find the means to do so for your own sake. There is nothing I can do now. I will pray for your safety. ...Cybil Bennet." Page 18 Cybil was shocked to be called by name. As she watched Dahlia quickly depart she was unable to speak. Page 19 (Black) After Dahlia disappeared behind a door Cybil regained herself. She tightly held Cheryl's hand and they left the church. 第六章  「教会を出て」 「話し出すシェリル」 Chapter 6 "Leaving the Church" Cheryl begins to speak Page 20 (City street, heavy fog) Right after they left the church Cheryl began to speak. Page 21 "Hey...Miss? I am fine by myself now. This is not my first time coming here, and I have met that lady we just saw before." Cybil stops in surprise. Page 22 "What do you mean?" "I, I have a place that I want to go. But I can only go alone. If you are with me, I won't be able to go, and then something terrible is sure to happen." Page 23 "Something terrible? Why? Your Daddy is looking for you. Until I get you back to your Daddy I cannot leave your side." Page 24 "You're wrong. My Daddy must not find me. Someone is waiting for me. In order to meet that person I..." Go to 6-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第六章  「教会を出て」 6-2 分からず屋のシェリル (City street, heavy fog) Chapter 6 "Leaving the Church" Obstinate Cheryl Page 1 (City street, heavy fog) Cybil let out a short sigh. A ) She snaps at and scolds Cheryl. Go to 6-3 B ) She kindly admonishes Cheryl. Go to 6-4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第六章  「教会を出て」 6-3 思わず声を荒げるシビル (City street, heavy fog) Chapter 6 "Leaving the Church" Cybil raises her voice without realizing it Page 1 (City street, heavy fog) "Just stop it and be quiet!" Cybil snapped at Cheryl. Page 2 "A child like you should not be left alone in a dangerous town like this. Please do not be so difficult. I am a police officer. It is my job to return you to your Daddy. Please understand." Go to 6-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第六章  「教会を出て」 6-4 優しく語り掛けるシビル (City street, heavy fog) Chapter 6 "Leaving the Church" Cybil kindly speaks to Cheryl Page 1 (City street, heavy fog) "Hey wait... Come on Cheryl." Cybil made an effort to calmly end Cheryl's speaking. Page 2 "You must have just had a bad dream or something. But something more frightening is actually occurring in this town. Come on, please take my hand." Page 3 Cheryl placed her small hand into Cybil's palm. "I will protect you no matter what. So you are safe, okay?" Go to 6-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第六章  「教会を出て」 6-5 シェリルの決意 (City street, heavy fog) Chapter 6 "Leaving the Church" Cheryl's resolution Page 1 (City street, heavy fog) Once more, Cybil began to walk down the foggy street with Cheryl in tow. At first Cheryl resisted holding Cybil's hand as hard as she could, but once she realized this was futile she reluctantly followed along behind Cybil, while wiping away her tears. Page 2 Cheryl muttered something so that it could not be heard. Go to 7-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第六章  「探索」 6-6 病院の中は (Hospital corridor, dark) Chapter 6 "Searching" The inside of the hospital is... Page 1 (Hospital corridor, dark) Cybil begins to walk along the concrete wall that is dimly lit by the outside light. Several doors are on the left and right of the passage. Page 2 Each door has a 3 digit number plate on it, and without even looking inside she can tell that they are hospital rooms. Page 3 "Cheryl! If you are there come out... Your Daddy is looking for you!" Cybil's voice just reverberates and then fades into the air. Page 4 She places her hand on the knob of one of the doors and turns it. It appears to be locked. Page 5 Maybe Cheryl is in one of the rooms and locked it from the inside. But if Cybil's voice cannot reach her... "Just how should I search for Cheryl?" Page 6 "...That's it......" Go to 6-7 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第六章  「探索」 6-7 シェリルの探索 (Hospital corridor, dark) Chapter 6 "Searching" Searching for Cheryl Page 1 (Hospital corridor, dark) Cybil thinks of something. A ) If I use the key... Go to 6-8 B ) If I use the hospital intercom... Go to 6-9 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第六章  「探索」 6-8 扉の鍵を順に… (Hospital corridor, dark) Chapter 6 "Searching" First to find the key... Page 1 (Hospital corridor, dark) "The key... The key to the hospital rooms should be at the reception area. Then I can open the doors and search each room for her." Go to 6-10 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第六章  「探索」 6-9 院内放送を使えば… (Hospital corridor, dark) Chapter 6 "Searching" If I use the hospital intercom... Page 1 (Hospital corridor, dark) "The hospital intercom... Most hospitals have a speaker installed in each room. A hospital of this size should definitely have such a thing installed. Page 2 I'll head back to the reception area on the first floor and then look for the room with the intercom equipment. If something happens down there then I can get help from Harry." Go to 6-10 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第六章  「探索」 6-10 病院1階へ引き返す (Hospital corridor, dark) Chapter 6 "Searching" Cybil heads back to the first floor of the hospital Page 1 (Hospital corridor, dark) "To realize this after coming up to the third floor... ............" Cybil races back down the stairs that she just ran up in order to return to the first floor. Go to 7-16 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「シェリルと二人」 7-1 シェリルの呟き (City street, heavy fog) Chapter 7 "Together with Cheryl" Cheryl's muttering Page 1 (Black) ......... A ) Let's go... Go to 7-2 B ) Goodbye... Go to 7-11 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「用水路」 7-2 水のせせらぎ (Cheryl leaning over the edge) Chapter 7 "Aqueduct" The murmuring of water Page 1 (Black) After walking for a bit the two of them started to notice that the murmuring of water had began to interfere with their conversation. "Ah" Cheryl stopped walking. Page 2 (Aqueduct) Water was splashing up from the strong current in the old aqueduct through the white fog. Due to the bad weather, the water level had risen up to the fortified concrete embankment. So rather than an aqueduct, it was more like an overflowing river that was in a dangerous state. Go to 7-3 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「用水路」 7-3 水流の中で揺れる人影 (Aqueduct) Chapter 7 "Aqueduct" The figure bobbing in the current Page 1 (Aqueduct) "What's that..." A ) A girl is drowning. Go to 7-4 B ) A boy is drowning. Go to 7-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「用水路」 7-4 溺れた少女 (Cheryl leaning over the edge) Chapter 7 "Aqueduct" The drowning girl Page 1 (Alessa in aqueduct, animated) A girl stood alone in the current. She was fighting the strong current, and appeared to be holding on to a fragile protrusion with all her might. Page 2 (Cheryl leaning over the edge) "Miss! Look!" Cheryl screamed, broke away from Cybil's hand, and then began to run toward the girl. Page 3 (Cheryl standing on the edge) "Cheryl! That's dangerous!" Cybil instantly chased after her. A stone barrier runs parallel to the aqueduct. It is about shoulder-width and about the height of a child. Page 4 Falling to the right from this barrier could result in injury, and falling to the left would probably result in being swallowed up by the current. Page 5 Cheryl nimbly ran along the top of the narrow barrier. "Wait! That is dangerous!" Her words were ineffective. Using her innate physical prowess, Cybil got on top of the barrier; however, she could not run along it as nimbly as Cheryl. 第七章  「用水路」 「必死のシェリル」 Chapter 7 "Aqueduct" Desperate Cheryl Page 6 (Cheryl leaning over the edge) By the time Cybil caught up to Cheryl she was lying prone on top of the barrier and reaching out towards the embankment trying to grasp the girl's hair. Page 7 "That's dangerous! You will fall in! It's too much for you." "We will save this girl. Help me Miss! Please!" Page 8 Cybil lightly jumps down onto the embankment side and is again surprised by the strength of the current. Cheryl is leaning out halfway and looks as if she could fall at any moment and be swallowed by the dark waters. Page 9 "Cheryl, you stay right there and don't move. I will be sure to save her." Cheryl says nothing and just stares as Cybil. Page 10 Cybil's footing is quickly being eaten away by the strong current. As long as snow continues to pour into the entire town the aqueduct will certainly continue to overflow. Page 11 The water is up to Cybil's knees. As the water pulls at her legs Cybil reaches her hand out toward the girl. The girl's face is covered in the white splashes, so Cybil cannot see it very well. Page 12 (Close up of Cybil grasping a hand) "Everything's all right, don't worry." Cybil shouts out to give the girl hope. But the girl just appears to be caught on the protrusion like a rag, and perhaps that is the best way to describe her. Page 13 Cybil eventually grasps the girl's left arm and is relieved a little. "Everything is fine. Trust me." Cybil says kindly. Page 14 However, the current of the water is faster than she had imagined. Pulling the girl against the current will not be easy. There is nowhere to grab on, so she cannot put any strength into it. The freezing cold is robbing her body of its warmth and her fingertips are going numb. Page 15 "Miss! It is impossible! You too will be swept away by the current!" Page 16 Cheryl calls out to Cybil from behind. Cybil has a maternal feeling that she must save this girl, even if it means she will end up getting swept away. 第七章  「用水路」 「滑り落ちたシビル」 Chapter 7 "Aqueduct" Cybil slips Page 17 "It will be ok...just a little more..." At that moment... Cybil unfortunately loses her footing and falls into the current. Page 18 And at the same time she sees the face of the drowning girl for the first time. Page 19 ".........Eh..." Page 20 (Alessa standing on the edge) As Cybil is swallowed by the merciless current, she looks up and sees another girl on the barrier. There the unfamiliar girl looks down at Cybil with no expression on her face. Page 21 She didn't understand it. She couldn't believe anything. Still holding the arm of the girl she is swallowed in the dark waters and then loses consciousness. Go to 7-6 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「用水路」 7-5 溺れた少年 (Cheryl leaning over the edge) Chapter 7 "Aqueduct" The drowning boy Page 1 (Andy in aqueduct, animated) A boy stood alone in the current. He was fighting the current, and appeared to be holding on to a fragile protrusion with all his might. Page 2 (Cheryl leaning over the edge) "Miss! Look!" Cheryl screamed, broke away from Cybil's hand, and then began to run toward the boy. Page 3 (Cheryl standing on the edge) "Cheryl! That's dangerous!" Cybil instantly chased after her. A stone barrier runs parallel to the aqueduct. It is about shoulder-width and about the height of a child. Page 4 Falling to the right from this barrier could result in injury, and falling to the left would probably result in being swallowed up by the current. Page 5 Cheryl nimbly ran along the top of the narrow barrier. "Wait! That is dangerous!" Her words were ineffective. Using her innate physical prowess, Cybil got on top of the barrier; however, she could not run along it as nimbly as Cheryl. Page 6 (Cheryl leaning over the edge) By the time Cybil caught up to Cheryl she was lying prone on top of the barrier and reaching out towards the embankment trying to grasp the boy's hair. Page 7 "That's dangerous! You will fall in! It's too much for you!" "We will save this boy. Help me Miss! Please!" Page 8 Cybil lightly jumps down onto the embankment side and is again surprised by the strength of the current. Cheryl is leaning out halfway and looks as if she could fall at any moment and be swallowed by the dark waters. Page 9 "Cheryl, you stay right there and don't move. I will be sure to save him." Cheryl says nothing and just stares as Cybil. Page 10 Cybil's footing is quickly being eaten away by the strong current. As long as snow continues to pour into the entire town the aqueduct will certainly continue to overflow. Page 11 (Black) The water is up to Cybil's knees. As the water pulls at her legs Cybil reaches her hand out toward the boy. The boy's face is covered in the white splashes, so Cybil cannot see it very well. Page 12 "Everything's all right, don't worry." Cybil shouts out to give the boy hope. But the boy just appears to be caught on the protrusion like a rag, and perhaps that is the best way to describe him. Page 13 Cybil eventually grasps the boy's left arm and is relieved a little. "Everything is fine. Trust me." Cybil says kindly. Page 14 However, the current of the water is faster than she had imagined. Pulling the boy against the current will not be easy. There is nowhere to grab on, so she cannot put any strength into it. The freezing cold is robbing her body of its warmth and her fingertips are going numb. Page 15 (Cheryl leaning over the edge) "Miss! It is impossible! You too will be swept away by the current!" Cheryl calls out to Cybil from behind. Cybil has a maternal feeling that she must save this boy, even if it means she will end up getting swept away. Page 16 "It will be ok...just a little more..." Got it. Cybil gets a firm grasp on the boy's arm, and then successfully pulls his small body up. Page 17 (Black) "Haa...Great... Are you ok?" The boy does not answer right away, and just takes troubled breaths over and over. It is not surprising because he just nearly drown. Page 18 The boy remained crouched for a bit, but then finally began to speak. " were the one that pushed me in..." From seeing the look of surprise on Cybil's face the boy changed his words. Page 19 "Not you. Her! It was that child!" The boy rushes at Cheryl. Before Cybil could even think to stop him the boy grabbed Cheryl's arm and pulled her towards the current. Page 20 (Cheryl and Andy on the edge) "What are you doing! Stop it now!" (Cybil) "What do you know! Why don't you tell her to stop!" (Andy) Cheryl falls into the water and begins to be swept away by the strong current. Page 21 She would have to question the boy later. Cybil stomps as she runs along the concrete to keep up with Cheryl. "Cheryl!" Page 22 Ah... Cybil's weak shouts were replaced by the sound of the water splashing. She slips and ends up in the whirlpool of the strong current, and is swallowed in the dark waters along with Cheryl. Go to 7-6 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「暗黒」 7-6 黒の世界 (Light coming from between elevator doors) Chapter 7 "Darkness" World of black Page 1 (Black) ......... Page 2 Everything is dark. There is not even a single sound. Cybil cannot tell whether her eyes are open or closed. The hand gripping Cybil's hand suddenly moved. Page 3 (I, I may have used you Miss...) Page 4 Cybil made a face like "Wha?" and immediately asked: (What are you saying?) Page 5 (That's why I was against it. You are a good person, so I didn't want to get you wrapped up in this. But in the end I have made you suffer. I guess that is the same thing as getting you involved?) Page 6 Cybil smiles. (I have said it many times, but it is my job to get you back into your father's custody. Getting me involved, or whatnot, it is not a problem.) Page 7 ('re wrong...Miss) Silence flows between the two of them. (As for what Daddy will do and so on, those are issues that do not even compare to what I am dealing with. My own personal issue... It's something that I should never ever tell anyone, something very important. Page 8 I have thought about it for so long. I have been confused by it for so long. However, maybe I can tell you about it Miss. The reason why there is no one in town. The reason why I don't want to see my Daddy. And also, my true...) Page 9 Once again, there is silence. (Your true? Your true what?) (Do you know something?) (Cybil) However, that question is not answered. 第七章  「暗黒」 「エレベーター」 Chapter 7 "Darkness" Elevator Page 10 (Light coming from between elevator doors) And then, the low sound of a motor runs through the floor and causes a slight quiver in Cybil's stomach. To her front she has only a glimpse of a single shaft of light. The light thinly extends up and down, and eventually expands to the left and right, revealing a small room. It is an elevator. Page 11 (Elevator, flickering) The elevator doors have opened wide, and it sits ready, almost as if it has come for Cybil. Cybil and the girl are lit by its light... Page 12 And then... Cybil felt the grip of the girl that she was holding on to become weak. Page 13 "No weight. An illusion? No, the two of us are definitely holding hands." Cybil looked toward the girl. Page 14 Her entire body was paralyzed with a chill. Powerlessly, Cybil sank down in that very spot. Her vision is hazy. The color drains from her entire body. Page 15 The girl is not there in the light. The thing that Cybil is holding on to... It is... Go to 7-7 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「暗黒」 7-7 握り締めていたものは (Elevator) Chapter 7 "Darkness" The thing that Cybil was holding on to was... Page 1 (Elevator, flickering) Cybil suppressed a shriek. "This..." A ) It was a green jelly-like object. Go to 7-8 B ) It was a slightly dirty, but familiar doll. Go to 7-9 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「暗黒」 7-8 緑色のゼリー物質 (Jelly in Cybil's hand) Chapter 7 "Darkness" A green jelly-like substance Page 1 (Jelly in Cybil's hand, flickering) It was an unknown green jelly-like object. Page 2 Cybil instantly stands up. It drips down in strands through the spaces between Cybil's fingers, connecting her hand with the tiles of the floor. Page 3 She was unable to do anything but watch, and when the final drop hit the floor Cybil then powerlessly kneeled down. Page 4 "What was that girl's name?" It was a name she had said many times, but for some reason Cybil could not remember it. Cybil closed her eyes and remained there, frozen. Page 5 ......... Go to 7-10 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「暗黒」 7-9 あの日の人形 (Doll in Cybil's hand) Chapter 7 "Darkness" The doll from that day Page 1 (Doll in Cybil's hand, flickering) It was a slightly dirty, but familiar doll. Page 2 Countless blue fireworks went off in front of Cybil's eyes. Memories of the past... Unforgettable memories... Memories that should have been tightly sealed away within her... Page 3 She was holding the doll tightly... Cybil had hidden in the closet... Through the crack, a familiar scene... Page 4 Her parents, shot in the head and... The blood soaked carpet... The low laugh of a man... Page 5 She held the doll over her mouth, to suppress the urges to scream that assaulted her from time to time. And so, she had somehow survived. Page 6 ...she had survived. Page 7 "Why is the doll from that time here? Why? Why is it here?" Page 8 It was the reason she became a policewoman, that incident. That incident had largely impacted her future. Page 9 Cheryl was gone, and all that was left was the unpleasant feeling of memories she thought that she had forgotten. Go to 7-10 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「エレベーター」 7-10 下り続ける箱 (Cybil in elevator) Chapter 7 "Elevator" The ever descending box Page 1 (Cybil in elevator, flickering) "I'm losing my mind..." She sobbed alone inside the elevator. The town, along with the lives of several people, had been swallowed up within the devil's dark garb. Page 2 Inside the small box she calmed her breathing while shaking her shoulders hard. "First of all I should look for Harry. And then work with him to escape from this wretched world." Page 3 Quite a bit of time passed since the "1" lamp had gone out on the floor display. From the vibrations she could tell that she was descending, but even still, this had gone on for too long. Page 4 Staring at the display of "B1", she had pushed her back against the wall and slumped. Is there something in the basement of this building, deep in the ground? And if Cybil was brought here, then what was the reason? Go to 8-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「襲撃」 7-11 途方に暮れた二人 (City street, heavy fog) Chapter 7 "Assault" The two of them, at their wit's end Page 1 (City street, heavy fog) Cybil and Cheryl wandered the town, literally with no destination. Their cheeks were numb, so they no longer even felt the cold pelting of the snow. Page 2 From time to time Cybil would look back to check on Cheryl. The girl just followed Cybil with her head down. Page 3 "Are you hungry?" She asked this because she thought Cheryl might be sulking, but Cheryl just muttered "I'm fine". 第七章  「襲撃」 「シェリルの疲労」 Chapter 7 "Assault" Cheryl's fatigue Page 4 After walking for a bit the girl suddenly stopped. "I'm tired" (Cheryl) Cybil's strength had began to fade, so she thought that this could be the case with Cheryl as well. Page 5 "I must not compare my body with Cheryl's small one." The two of them sat down on a bench on the sidewalk. Page 6 (Cybil and Cheryl sitting on a bench) Thanks to the nearby tree towering above the bench the snow could no longer fall directly on them. Page 7 As soon as Cheryl sat down on the bench she fell asleep. She is probably very tired from all the uncertainty and stress. Go to 7-12 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「襲撃」 7-12 冷え切ったシェリルの体 (Cybil and Cheryl sitting on a bench) Chapter 7 "Assault" Cheryl's cold body Page 1 (Cybil and Cheryl sitting on a bench) Cybil... A ) held the girl's body close so that she would not freeze. Go to 7-13 B ) began to look for a safe building to rest in. Go to 7-14 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「襲撃」 7-13 シェリルを抱き寄せて (Cybil and Cheryl sitting on a bench) Chapter 7 "Assault" Cybil holds Cheryl close Page 1 (Cybil and Cheryl sitting on a bench) She holds the girl's shoulders close, and while stroking her head Cybil is struck with the feeling that the warmth is being absorbed out of her. Page 2 "Sudden sleepiness... Even though we are out of the snow at this rate we will freeze to death. If a human's body temperature drops below 98.6 then they will fall into a dangerous state. Page 3 Even if the ambient temperature does not drop below freezing a human can still freeze to death." Cybil recalled a lecture that she had attended long ago. Page 4 However, even though she knew this Cybil's body was gradually refusing her will, becoming one with the hard wood of the bench, and getting heavier. Page 5 "Cheryl is... Cheryl is awake. Even though her eyes are closed, from the expression on her face it looks like she is staring at me." Page 6 Like sinking to the bottom of the ocean... Cybil's consciousness grows distant... Go to 7-15 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「襲撃」 7-14 安全な建物がどこかに (Cybil and Cheryl sitting on a bench) Chapter 7 "Assault" Is there a safe building somewhere? Page 1 (Cybil and Cheryl sitting on a bench) Cybil stared at Cheryl's small body for a bit. Page 2 Even though they were out of the snow Cheryl's clothes were not warm enough for the mid-winter temperatures. If unlucky, then she might be deprived of even her life. Page 3 (Street, heavy fog) "Perhaps there is someplace warm somewhere?" Cybil leaves Cheryl sleeping on the bench and walks around to the nearby houses trying the doors. Page 4 "No good, the door is locked. And this one too. And this one as well...they're all locked." Page 5 The doors are sealed on all the houses lining the area. There might be someone inside, but there is no way to check. Page 6 (Entrance to antique shop) After walking for a while Cybil discovers a garage door that is partially open. Page 7 The inside cannot be said to be warm, but it is probably better than that bench. Cybil quickly returns to Cheryl. Page 8 (Cheryl sleeping on bench) Cheryl is sleeping on the bench just as she was before. "Cheryl, please get up. You'll catch cold out here. I found a good place. Let's go there." Page 9 She lightly tries shaking Cheryl's body. There is no reaction. "Cheryl...?" Page 10 "Impossible." Cybil places her right hand on Cheryl's chest. "Impossible...this cannot be..." Page 11 Cheryl's heart is not beating. Page 12 And also, her small body has no warmth at all. "This cannot be... In such a short time... Why..." Page 13 (Black) Cybil carries Cheryl's body, and looks around to see if there is a hospital nearby. "Wait. Calm down. Page 14 On the edge of town, there should be a large hospital. I've got to hurry. There may not be any doctors there, but there may still be some medicine. Page 15 Within the scope of my knowledge perhaps I can do something." Cybil thought this. And then began to run. Page 16 However... As soon as she began to run Cybil felt something wrong with her own body. It was very sudden, and she felt pain that she could not understand. Page 17 Like morning sickness... She is filled with a desire to vomit. It is as if some living thing that is not her is living inside her... Go to 7-15 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「襲撃」 7-15 ………………………。 (Cybil and Cheryl sitting on a bench) Chapter 7 "Assault" ........................... Page 1 (Black) "My body feels weird... Page 2 My body feels weird... Page 3 My body feels weird... Page 4 My body feels weird... Something...I don't know what, but... Something evil is here. Somewhere inside me... Page 5 Beginning to make a nest. One cell at a time... Beginning to consume me... And yet it doesn't hurt... Page 6 My body is on fire. My body is on fire. My eyes feel like they are going to melt... My eyes hurt. My eyes are on fire. 第七章  「襲撃」 「暗沌」 Chapter 7 "Assault" Chaos Page 7 Laughing. Coming from my stomach. A slightly dirty doll. Where are my parents? Have they already escaped? Page 8 Since when...? Why here? A wheelchair... Something...I don't know what, but... Something evil is here. Somewhere inside me... Page 9 Beginning to make a nest. One cell at a time... Beginning to consume me... And yet it doesn't hurt... Page 10 My body is on fire. My body is on fire. It feels like fire is going to shoot from my eyes... My eyes hurt. My eyes are on fire. Page 11 (Close up of doll) Laughing. Ha ha. Coming from my stomach. A slightly dirty doll. Where are my parents? Have they already escaped? Page 12 Since when...? Why here? I am sitting in a wheelchair. A roar... The dark sky... Something is spinning. Page 13 (Harry on black background) He has me. That man's name is... He said it was Harry. Definitely, Harry is what... He said it was... Page 14 My hand is on my hip. Hard... Cold... Aah... I try taking it out. Is this how I hold it? Shoot. Please shoot. The man in front of you. If I destroy him? Page 15 It was a merry-go-round. If I thought that many eyes were watching. Ha ha. If I pull the trigger. Something seems to have torn the man's flesh. Page 16 Wait...please wait. I must not shoot that man. In this world he is my only... friend... Page 17 Kill me. I can no longer control myself. My body is acting on its own. Kill him. Kill. You must kill him. Page 18 (Black) Something small has passed through me. It doesn't hurt. It hurts. My clothes are soaked. I will die. Protect the girl. Page 19 I fall to the ground. I bounce once and cannot move. Is this my body? Why? I cannot control it. Page 20 Some small creature... It got inside me at some time? It bites through my belly. And leaves me." Page 21 ........................... 第七章  「襲撃」 「シビルを揺らす手」 Chapter 7 "Assault" The hand that shakes Cybil Page 22 (Cybil on the ground) "In my fading consciousness, I can see Harry shaking me. Page 23 Harry has stopped moving. He looks at me and weeps. Then he begins to move toward something off in the distance that looks like a dimly shining girl. Page 24 I am ok... I can still move. The thing that came out of me is heading for its next target. Page 25 And I know who that will be. Page 26 (Harry walking away, flickering) If I cannot let Harry know this then something horrible will happen. But I cannot speak. It is because a bullet went through the side of my lung... So I cannot put any power into my voice. Page 27 Harry has began to run. I am not yet dead. But he thinks that I am. Page 28 Even if I must crawl, I must move on. Cheryl is in danger. I must get there first... Harry will get there soon enough. But I must get there before then, and I must stop him." Go to 8-6 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「少女の影」 7-16 足音 (Hospital corridor, dark) Chapter 7 "A figure of a girl" Footsteps Page 1 (Stairs, animated) On her way down the stairs Cybil heard footsteps as she was passing the second floor. (Harry...?) Page 2 The second floor is the same as the third, there is a central corridor with doors lined up on both walls. "Harry? Is that you Harry?" Page 3 (Hospital corridor, light) There is a large window at the end of the hall. White light from the foggy outside is reflecting off the floor. Without realizing it Cybil squinted. Page 4 But... Someone is standing in front of the window. Page 5 (Alessa's silhouette appears) From the shape of the outline of the human visible in the darkness Cybil can tell that it is not Harry... It looks like a girl. 第七章  「少女の影」 「動けぬシビル」 Chapter 7 "The Figure of a Girl" Cybil cannot move Page 6 Cybil just stared at the figure, and was unable to move for a bit. Just like a frog being stared down by a snake, all her movements were sealed. Page 7 "Cheryl...?" Who knows how long it was before she said that. The girl did not answer, and began moving toward Cybil, as if she was gliding... Page 8 Slowly, she continued moving toward Cybil... Page 9 Eventually the girl twisted her body and jerked her right hand. She made her hand into a fist, created a large bullet of light, and then looked at Cybil. Page 10 (Ball of light flashes on Alessa's silhouette) "Wha...?" "Watch out! Cybil! Get down!!" It is Harry's voice. At the moment Cybil drops down the bullet of light slices through the air, and impacts into something behind her. Page 11 (Alessa's silhouette disappears) (Well, that takes care of them...) 第七章  「少女の影」 「消えた少女」 Chapter 7 "The figure of a girl" The girl vanishes Page 12 (Harry on floor) The girl vanishes. Cybil turns and sees Harry laying face down, holding his hand to his chest. Page 13 "Harry!" He is struggling as hard as he can to reach his hand out to Cybil. Cybil rushes over to him, and sits him up. Page 14 "Harry..." "......I thought that something... was wrong... the time I realized... too...late..." "Harry! Don't talk!" Harry's body becomes heavy. Page 15 "Cybil...I'm... done for... Please...won't you... help... Cheryl..." "That girl from before. That wasn't Cheryl, was it?" Page 16 "...that...was......" Go to 7-17 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「少女の影」 7-17 怪我を負ったハリー (Harry on floor) Chapter 7 "The Figure of a Girl" Harry has suffered an injury Page 1 (Harry on floor) "Harry! Hold on!" Harry... A ) stops moving. Go to 7-18 B ) talks about the girl... Go to 7-19 C ) opens his eyes wide. Go to 7-20 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「少女の影」 7-18 絶命するハリー (Harry on floor) Chapter 7 "The figure of a girl" Harry dies Page 1 (Harry on floor) "...Harry...? Harry!" Harry did not speak or respond again. Page 2 Cybil, who had been unable to accept the incomprehensible events that had occurred around her up to this point, was unable to believe that the man in front of her was dead. Page 3 The wind seems to be blowing outside. Page 4 Cybil stared at her hands, which had become covered with blood. Instead of trying to wipe them off, she firmly grasped her handgun. Page 5 Something like a kind of resolution arose in Cybil's stern look. "Cheryl. I must find her, and then take her home." Go to 8-12 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「少女の影」 7-19 少女について語るハリー (Harry on floor) Chapter 7 "The Figure of a Girl" Harry talks about the girl Page 1 (Harry on floor) "That girl was... not...Cheryl..." Harry then begins coughing, and at the same time vermilion liquid spatters about. "Harry! Don't talk anymore!" Page 2 Harry is crying. "...zha...t...that was......... not Cheryl at...all" His words seemed to have something like a desire imbedded somewhere within them. Go to 7-18 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「少女の影」 7-20 大きく目を見開くハリー (Alessa in hospital corridor) Chapter 7 "The figure of a girl" Harry opens his eyes wide Page 1 (Harry on floor) Harry calls forth the last of his strength and opens his eyes wide. "...Cybil...look out...!" The dim corridor is lit with blindingly bright light, and Cybil's shadow extends forward. Page 2 (Alessa in hospital corridor) (Ball of light is flashing) Cybil turns... and notices the girl has another bullet of light in her hand. "Stop it... Cheryl...... no more..." Page 3 Summoning the last of his strength Harry crawls towards the girl. And when he sees her face in the light, a mysterious look appears on his face, as if he has remembered something and realized something. Page 4 "...why...are you..." The girl swings her arm down and at the same time Harry's scream echoes. Page 5 (Flashing stops) The area flashes with light. Harry is gone, and the floor tile where he was has been burned black. Page 6 (Flashing begins again) Now only Cybil and the girl are in the corridor. Go to 7-21 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「少女の影」 7-21 少女と対峙するシビル (Harry on floor) Chapter 7 "The Figure of a Girl" Cybil faces the girl Page 1 (Alessa in hospital corridor) (Ball of light is flashing) Cybil gasps. A ) She flees with all her might. Go to 7-22 B ) She must fight. Go to 7-23 (Ending B-3) _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「少女の影」 7-22 気力を振り絞り逃げる  (Alessa in hospital corridor) Chapter 7 "The Figure of a girl" Cybil flees with all her might Page 1 (Alessa in hospital corridor) (Ball of light is flashing) "I have to run. That is not a human. It is not something that I stand a chance against." Page 2 (Black) Cybil summons all the strength she can muster and begins to run down the hall. "The stairs... Were the stairs really this far away?" Page 3 No matter how much she runs she gets the feeling that she is not moving forward. "Is the floor moving? And is this because of that girl's power?" Page 4 Light flashes from behind Cybil. It hits the wall and cracks it. The tiles have come off. A scene that she has not seen before approaches right in front of her eyes. Page 5 From black to white... However, it is not a sacred flame, but the fires that light Hell. Her clothes, hair, and skin are enveloped in a great light. Page 6 She cannot look back. If she looks back she will die. However... Page 7 She is at her limit. "Sorry Harry. Sorry..." Go to 9-2 (Ending B-1) _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「少女の影」 7-23 勇気を出して戦う  (Alessa in hospital corridor) Chapter 7 "The figure of a girl" Cybil summons her courage and fights Page 1 (Alessa in hospital corridor) (Ball of light is flashing) "I have to fight. I cannot run from this." Cybil felt this instinctively. Page 2 She suddenly charged at the girl. Once again a ball of light began to grow large in the girl's hand. Page 3 At the moment that the girl raised her hand high, Cybil knocked her to the ground before she could fire. Page 4 (Cybil choking Alessa on the floor) Cybil then forcefully straddled the girl, placed both hands firmly around her neck and continued to choke her. Page 5 Her pupils were paralyzed by the bright light, but now as darkness quickly filled the area she would only have to wait for her vision to return. Page 6 But there is no time. The girl is putting up serious resistance. However, the girl's arms are gradually losing their strength as they push around Cybil's shoulders. Page 7 Finally Cybil's eyes become adjusted to the light. She can faintly see the outline of the girl's bare face. Page 8 And then, the girl speaks in a faint voice. Page 9 "...but I only wanted to save you..." Page 10 "Wha?" Cybil heard the girl correctly. "Wanted to save? Save me? Page 11 Who are you? Impossible...? are...?" Page 12 She can see the girl's face. As the image of the girl fills Cybil's eyes her consciousness gradually grows distant. Page 13 Her body becomes heavy... She has the desire to tell someone about who the girl is, but cannot... Page 14 (Black) Cybil's consciousness grows distant... The End B-3 You will now receive the following Digital Trading Cards: 15. Harry 27. Cemetery _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「闇に映える業火」 8-1 B1のランプ  (Otherworld hall) Chapter 8 "The hellfires shimmering in the darkness" The B1 lamp Page 1 (Black) Eventually the elevator begins to gradually slow its descent, and at the same time that it comes to a complete stop the B1 lamp lights up. And then its doors open... Cybil dully felt this series of movements. Page 2 (Otherworld hall) With the doors open, the light that illuminates the passage that extends in front of her pours into the elevator. Page 3 As Cybil begins to walk forward it almost looks like that light is supporting her from behind. It is cold. Although she is just walking down a corridor that is like one in a jail, Cybil's heart beats irregularly. 第八章  「闇に映える業火」 「一つのドア」 Chapter 8 "The hellfires shimmering in the darkness" A single door Page 4 (Final door) Eventually a single door appears. The passage ends with this door. Perhaps all the mysteries of B1 will lie in this room? Page 5 (I didn't want to get you wrapped up in this.) The voice of the girl flitted about in the back of Cybil's mind. "What was the girl's goal? And where is Harry? Perhaps Harry has come here in the same manner as well? Or?" Page 6 She had a feeling that by opening this door the many questions whirling about in her head would all be put to rest. Cybil summoned forth her courage and placed her hand on the door. "Ah...!" Page 7 It is hot, and Cybil immediately takes her hand off the knob. Something is burning beyond this door. It is impossible to open this door by hand. Just from touching the door the palm of Cybil's hand stingingly hurts. 第八章  「闇に映える業火」 「ドアを蹴り続けて」 Chapter 8 "The hellfires shimmering in the darkness" Cybil kicks the door over and over Page 8 She kicks the door with all her might. With a hopeful feeling, she continues to kick the door over and over with the thick sole of her boot. Finally the knob breaks, and the door forcefully opens inward. At the same time hot wind singes Cybil's hair. Page 9 (Final area, burning) And then Cybil saw it. The room is about as large as a movie theater. Fire has spread all throughout, and it has began to collapse. Page 10 Beyond the debris and flames a man is holding something to his chest and heading toward another exit in order to get out. And just as he reached the exit the vigorously burning flames lit the side of his face. Go to 8-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「闇に映える業火」 8-2 炎に浮かぶ男の横顔  (Staircase to freedom) Chapter 8 "The hellfires shimmering in the darkness" The profile of the man visible in the flames Page 1 (Final area, burning) It was... A ) unmistakably Harry. Go to 8-3 B ) an unfamiliar man. Go to 8-4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「闇に映える業火」 8-3 間違いない…ハリーだ   (Final area) Chapter 8 "The hellfires shimmering in the darkness" There is no is Harry. Page 1 (Final area, burning) And it was unmistakably Harry. Page 2 "Harry!" Cybil's voice was a scream. Without backing away, she ran into the room, which had become hell-like. A piece of rubble enveloped in flames fell right in front of her. "KYA!" Page 3 Cybil had fallen back on her behind, but instantly stood up, moved around the obstacle and proceeded further into the room. However, she had lost Harry. "Harry!" She once again yelled out his name. Go to 8-5 (Ending A) _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「闇に映える業火」 8-4 ハリーではない…   (Final area) Chapter 8 "The hellfires shimmering in the darkness" It is not Harry... Page 1 (Final area, burning) It is not Harry. It is a slightly plump middle aged man. Page 2 That man is holding what looks like a white paper bag to his chest and is running out of the room. Page 3 "Wait!" Cybil screams. The man glances toward her, but continues rushing out. Page 4 Cybil begins to run in order to chase him, but almost stumbles over something and then stops in her tracks. Go to 8-5 (Ending A) _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「闇に映える業火」 8-5 少女を抱きかかえて   (Alessa laying in final area) Chapter 8 "The hellfires shimmering in the darkness" Cybil carries the girl Page 1 (Final area, burning) Someone is collapsed at her feet. Page 2 (Alessa laying in final area, burning) A girl dressed in white clothing is lying face down, and her back moves up and down along with her breathing. Cybil stops, kneels down, and places her hand on the girl's shoulder. Page 3 "Are you ok? If you stay here you will be burned to death. Hurry and get up!" The girl just remains face down and does not even try to look up. Page 4 Cybil forcefully lifts the girl's shoulders up, and then her face freezes. The girl is the one that she was just traveling with... Page 5 The girl's name suddenly rises up within her memory. "Cheryl." Page 6 "Cheryl...why are you here...!" Cybil carries Cheryl's small body and heads for the exit. 第八章  「闇に映える業火」 「早く脱出しなければ」 Chapter 8 "The hellfires shimmering in the darkness" They must escape quickly Page 7 Cheryl has suffered serious burns on her entire body. If they don't get out quickly then not only Cheryl, but Cybil as well will be burned to ash. Page 8 Black smoke rises from Cheryl's white clothing. The girl is just barely conscious, and her face is pale. Part of her hair is burned, and her right cheek is red and swollen. Cybil sheds tears. Page 9 The sounds of explosions resound from all directions, and the floor shakes and rumbles. Cybil holds the burned girl close to protect her and runs. Page 10 In order to save the faint life in front of her Cybil risks her own life. Cybil devotes herself completely to her current goal. And she considers this to be her duty. 第八章  「闇に映える業火」 「湧き上がる謎」 Chapter 8 "The hellfires shimmering in the darkness" The question that grows within Cybil's heart Page 11 Cybil avoids debris as she heads towards the exit. At the same time she thinks. Page 12 The man she just saw... He seems to have just abandoned this girl. And if that is the case... 第八章  「闇に映える業火」 「白い階段」 Chapter 8 "The hellfires shimmering in the darkness" The white staircase Page 13 (Staircase to freedom) Cybil finally arrives at the exit, and places her foot on the white staircase that extends in front of her. And then she races up it. Page 14 From behind the loudest explosion yet occurs. A sea of fire is just behind Cybil, and is closing in on her. Page 15 As she climbs the long staircase Cybil has the goal of reaching the light coming from above the ground. Or perhaps she just senses that it is her last hope, so she runs stronger and faster up the stairs. Cybil glances down at Cheryl's face. The End A You will now receive the following Digital Trading Cards: 20. Key 22. Music Room 25. Aqueduct 26. Elevator _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「伝達」 8-6 最後の力   (Cybil walking, half bent over) Chapter 8 "Convey" The last of her strength Page 1 (Black) Cybil somehow manages to stand up, but staggers and falls back down onto the floor. Page 2 However, she decides to summon the last of her strength in order to save the girl that she was moving with for a bit, Cheryl. Page 3 She stands up again. And her entire body is beset with severe pain. But Cybil does not fall down. She presses her left hand to her chest and begins to walk with great effort. Page 4 She follows the trail of the evil creature that came out of her, and escapes from the amusement park through the open door of a garage dump. Page 5 (Cybil walking, half bent over) "A long staircase to the basement... Just where does it lead to?" She rests her hand on the wall, and from time to time squats down where she is standing, as she continues forward via her strong will. 第八章  「伝達」 「私を導く存在」 Chapter 8 "Convey" The presence that guides me Page 6 (Underground corridor) Eventually a long corridor appears in front of her. The passage spreads out like a blood vessel of the town's underground. "Who could have made this? Am I being led somewhere? Page 7 It's too late... My legs are unsteady and color is disappearing from my view. A monochrome underground passage... And from time to time a storm of mixed noise..." Page 8 (Background begins flashing red) A warm breeze ruffles Cybil's blond hair. Somewhere far off, at the end of this passage, something is burning. Page 9 It's dangerous. However, it's because it is dangerous that Cybil must all the more face it. The girl is being held prisoner. Page 10 Up to this point Cybil did not notice a single signal from the girl that she was with, and for this reason she is angry with herself. Page 11 "When did I run into that small monster? At the school? The cafe? Or the bench? Page 12 I tried to kill Harry. What of the unseen force that tried to make me stop him?" 第八章  「伝達」 「爆発」 Chapter 8 "Convey" Explosion Page 13 It's hot. The basement is shaking. Is it an earthquake, or is Cybil hallucinating? Page 14 An explosion. Light flashes from the front. And at the same time her cheeks become covered in heat. "It is close. Not far now. Something is happening. Page 15 The door at the end of the passage is slightly open. If I can get in there..." Go to 8-7 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「伝達」 8-7 炎上する扉   (Dark staircase) Chapter 8 "Convey" The door in flames Page 1 (Black) Cybil thinks. A ) I can still make it in time...I've got to hurry. Go to 8-8 B ) Wait, should I go in there... Go to 8-9 (Ending C-2) C ) Things will happen as they will... Go to 8-10 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「伝達」 8-8 誰かがいる…   (Dark staircase) Chapter 8 "Convey" Someone is here... Page 1 (Black) "I can still make it in time. Someone is here. I sense them. I have made it here. I can still make it in time." Page 2 Cybil collapses. With just only a bit further to go Cybil realizes that she is not breathing. Page 3 "The oxygen is..." Instead, her skin is burned to ash by the flames. Page 4 Cybil crawls, she continues to crawl and when she finally reaches a door... A man is in the center of the room... An unfamiliar girl is passing something to Harry... The scene fills Cybil's eyes. Page 5 (Final area, burning) Harry holds something dearly, at his chest... It is a baby. Harry holds it as if it is his own... Or maybe he is thinking of it as Cheryl... He smiles a bit. 第八章  「伝達」 「永遠に続く…」 Chapter 8 "Convey" It will go on forever... Page 6 "It's a mistake..." Perhaps Cybil was the only one to realize this? "He must not accept that baby... It will go on forever... With the spinning of the world and time... Page 7 The baby represents the beginning. It is a devil. Look into its eyes and you can tell. Page 8 Look closely into its eyes. Harry. The baby's eyes are..." Page 9 Cybil was unable to convey this to him. She could not even move, much less speak. Page 10 The nightmare will begin again. A nightmare that cannot be stopped, even when it is known to be a nightmare. Cybil is headed to her death... Her vitality is rapidly fading. Go to 8-11 (Ending C-1) _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「伝達」 8-9 よく考えて…   (Dark staircase) Chapter 8 "Convey" If I think it over... Page 1 (Black) "Should I go...? Someone is trying to kill me... Page 2 I must not go. I must not obey. I will stop. I have now realized... That this is madness." Page 3 Cybil crumbles in the spot where she was standing. Flames burn through her clothes. And then they jump to Cybil's body. Page 4 It's hot. But she can no longer move. The entire passage that Cybil is in is enveloped in flames. She does not even know any way to get out. There is not even a place for her consciousness... Page 5 ........................... Page 6 The next day, in an article from a Brahms region paper: Page 7 "Early this morning a burned corpse that is thought to be a woman's was discovered on a path in the north Brahms forest. Page 8 The body has severe external injuries, and parts of it were reduced completely to ash. It appears that identification of the body will take quite some time. Page 9 Additionally, in the area around the body there was no sign of fire, and no trace of gasoline, kerosene, or other oil based substances. For this reason the Brahms Police Department is hurrying to identify the body, and has launched a full scale investigation into the cause of death..." The End C-2 You will now receive the following Digital Trading Card: 2. Cybil _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「伝達」 8-10 とにかく進みましょう…   (Final area) Chapter 8 "Convey" At any rate I should continue on... Page 1 (Black) "At any rate I should go. If I stay here I will be burned to death." Cybil continues forward while breathing feebly. Page 2 (Final area, burning) When Cybil finally reaches a door... A man is in the center of the room... An unfamiliar girl is passing something to Harry... The scene fills Cybil's eyes. Page 3 Harry holds something dearly, at his chest... It is a baby. Harry holds it as if it is his own... Or maybe he is thinking of it as Cheryl... He smiles a bit. Page 4 "It's a mistake..." Perhaps Cybil was the only one to realize this? "He must not accept that baby... It will go on forever... With the spinning of the world and time... Page 5 The baby represents the beginning. It is a devil. Look into its eyes and you can tell." Page 6 Summoning the last of her strength Cybil stands. She must tell him. She must tell Harry of his mistake. Page 7 One of Cybil's arms has already caught fire, and indigo smoke is rising from it. "Harry..." Page 8 Cybil staggers towards Harry. Harry is just beyond her extended left arm. Page 9 "Look closely at its eyes... Harry... At the baby's eyes..." Is what she had planned to say, but all that came from her mouth were unintelligible shrieks. Page 10 Once Harry takes notice of Cybil he is surprised, places the baby at his feet, and walks over to Cybil. (Harry...listen... that baby is...) Page 11 Harry takes the hand gun from his hip. "I thought I killed you... But yet you are still alive!" "No. I am Cybil. A real person. Page 12 Even though I cannot speak, even though I have been shot in the chest, even though one of my arms is burning... I am still alive." Page 13 Bang... Cybil hears the familiar sound of gunfire. At the same time she felt a severe impact on her forehead. Page 14 (Harry standing over Cybil with the gun) Only vivid red suddenly returned to what had been a monochrome world. There is no strength in her body. Her body falls like a doll's, and her broken face forcefully hits the ground with a smash. Page 15 "I can see Harry. He is walking this way. Behind him... Behind him I see a baby. It is looking at me..." Page 16 (Black) Harry gently closes Cybil's eyes with the palm of his hand. That was his final consideration for her... Go to 8-11 (Ending C-1) _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「伝達」 8-11 終わりから始まりへ   (Dark staircase) Chapter 8 "Convey" From the ending to the beginning Page 1 (Black) The world is ending. Looking at it subjectively, the act of one's body dying is the same as the world dying. Page 2 When their five senses no longer provide information, humans know the end of the world. Page 3 The world is within the self, and also a part of the self. Page 4 However, when Cybil lost consciousness for the last time... She knew a completely different truth than what she was expecting. The End C-1 You will now receive the following Digital Trading Cards: 3. Cheryl 29. Her Fate _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「決意」 8-12 開かなかったはずの扉   (Harry on floor) Chapter 8 "Resolution" The door that should not have been opened Page 1 (Black) "Just who was the girl...? Cheryl? Or... Was it that woman's daughter...? Page 2 Concerning the incidents that have occurred in this town... No, they cannot be called incidents, but instead concerning this enigmatic situation, I have not found one piece of conclusive evidence and that irritates me. Page 3 And there is uneasiness about the loss of my only partner. She must be frightened somewhere, Cheryl. That eerie figure of the girl..." Page 4 Several feelings of discontent run throughout Cybil's mind. Page 5 "That Dahlia might know something. However...the destination that she indicated is this place. Rather than returning to the church it would be best to search here." 第八章  「決意」 「鍵を取りに」 Chapter 8 "Resolution" Going to get the key Page 6 (Door in hospital) Cybil had returned to the first floor to get the key to the hospital rooms, but then she noticed a door that had been left open. Page 7 Creeeeek...creeeeek... The door sways on its hinges as the result of wind blowing from somewhere. Page 8 This draws Cybil's attention, and she moves toward the door. "This is..." Page 9 This door was unmistakably locked and not open just before. Cybil looks in the doorway...and at the same time gasps. Go to 8-13 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「決意」 8-13 扉の中は…   (Door in hospital) Chapter 8 "Resolution" Inside the door there is... Page 1 (Door in hospital) "Ah..." A ) There is a staircase leading to the basement. Go to 8-14 B ) There is a blinding light. Cybil covers her eyes in reaction to it. Go to 8-15 (Ending B-2) _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「決意」 8-14 地下へ伸びる階段   (Dark staircase) Chapter 8 "Resolution" The staircase leading to the basement Page 1 (Dark staircase) There was not a room there. Just inside the doorway there was a staircase leading to the basement. It is not lit, so from her position Cybil cannot judge how far down it goes. Page 2 Upon first glance, Cybil senses that this door was not opened by Harry. "From the inside... Someone...came up the stairs..." Page 3 And then she became sure of this. Page 4 There was a large bloodstain on the knob on the inside of the door... Go to 9-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「墓地」 8-15 懐かしい匂い (Cybil in cemetery) Chapter 8 "Cemetery" A nostalgic scent Page 1 (Cybil in cemetery) The blinding light falls all over Cybil's body. Cybil lost her ability to see instantly, and had no idea whether her eyes were opened or closed. Page 2 As Cybil's sight finally began to return to her, she felt the wind on her skin. From these two senses she could tell that she was now outside. Page 3 She doesn't sense any people... The chirping of birds... A nostalgic scent... In front of her an area of flowerbeds spreads out. It is a scene that she has seen somewhere before. Page 4 Cybil begins to walk. And then, at some point she began to run. She passes through the trees, and once she climbed a small hill her field of vision once again expanded. Page 5 There is a cemetery. Cybil finally remembers. This is the place where her grandparents are resting. When she was young, her parents often brought her here. Page 6 (Mother Alessa with mourners) Next to her grandparents graves... Many people in black have gathered. The sobbing of the people dressed in mourning clothes can be heard. Page 7 Everyone is familiar. Page 8 Her mother and father... Her three year younger sister... "What's wrong? Did something happen?" None of them answer. Page 9 The police chief of Brahms... Fellow officers... And Sally... "Hey, Sally? Who passed away?" None of them answer. Page 10 (Close up of gravestone) The sacred ceremony is proceeding without delay. A magnificent casket is brought out by several men, and then it is gently lowered into a hole that was prepared in advance. Page 11 Sally is whispering to Cybil's mother in a low voice. "I told her just think about what might happen... I recommended that she use a car for transportation. Page 12 When pulling over violators many accidents have happened... I just cannot believe that this could have happened to her..." Sally says this and then falls silent. Page 13 "What? What are you saying? I am right here. Notice me..." Page 14 Cybil tries as hard as she can to try and make someone notice her but no matter what she does no one does. Page 15 Her name has been engraved on the tombstone. "Am I dead? Am I dead? Someone tell me..." Page 16 (Mother Alessa with mourners) Between the people dressed in black... There is a girl wearing a white one piece dress standing on the dark green grass, only half visible. Page 17 She is just a figure, and only half of her face can be seen, but it is a familiar one. Page 18 Everything becomes bathed in white. The girl's face sways as if it were floating in the air. And then the girl softly calls Cybil's name. Page 19 Before long, nothing else appeared in Cybil's eyes. The End B-2 You will now receive the following Digital Trading Cards: 5. Dahlia 14. Groaner _______________________________________________________________________________ 第九章  「決闘」 9-1 階段を下り続けて (Black) Chapter 9 "Resolution" Continuing down the staircase Page 1 (Dark staircase) Cybil descends the long staircase while keeping one hand on the wall. Page 2 "For what reason did someone make this? This staircase leading to the bowels of the earth, extending down from the first floor of what seemed like a normal hospital." She is paying very close attention to make sure not to lose her step. Page 3 She gets the feeling that she has been descending for quite a long time. Suddenly, the staircase ends and flat ground is then under her feet. Cybil almost tripped without realizing it. 第九章  「決闘」 「何かが燃えている」 Chapter 9 "Resolution" Something is burning Page 4 (Underground corridor, flashing red) It is hot. Somewhere something is burning. To her front... Page 5 Far off in front of her a small red light can be seen. The red light is swaying... It wriggles like a hand waving someone to come forth. Page 6 After the chilly lobby the heat is unimaginable... The extraordinary heat feels almost as if magma from within the earth has arisen, and because of it Cybil has to bend down as she walks from time to time. Page 7 That room is not far now... Cybil's sleeves have caught fire. The fire is gradually spreading around her footing, and Cybil's entire body is engulfed in flames. Page 8 She may or may not have realized this... Cybil continues forward. 第九章  「決闘」 「ダリアとアレッサ」 Chapter 9 "Resolution" Dahlia and Alessa Page 9 (Dahlia and Alessa in final area, burning) As she entered the room she noticed two people, Dahlia and a girl dressed in blue. The two of them are facing each other amongst the blazing flames, staring at each other's expressions. Page 10 When the two of them notice Cybil's presence they turn to face her. Dahlia looks surprised and the girl looks calm. Their expressions are in great contrast to each other. Page 11 Not a single word was spoken. Page 12 Cybil approaches the two, reads something in the eyes of the girl, pulls her gun from a pocket, and then places the muzzle against Dahlia's forehead. Page 13 ........................... Go to 9-2 (Ending B-1) _______________________________________________________________________________ 第九章  「カフェ」 9-2 降りしきる雪 (Cybil walking in street) Chapter 9 "Cafe" Steadily falling snow Page 1 (Cafe) (Cheryl appears) When she came to Cybil was sleeping on a small bench in the cafe. Cheryl is standing next to her, gazing out the window at the steadily falling snow. Page 2 A bike is waiting outside of the cafe for Cybil. Its engine is running. Page 3 (Cybil walking in street) Cheryl...smiles brightly at Cybil, opens the door of the cafe, and disappears into the fog. Cybil runs out after her. The End B-1 You will now receive the following Digital Trading Card: 19. Telephone 3. Credits This translation would not have been possible without the following: The official Konami guide for Play Novel Silent Hill: This book was written by Yusuke Yokoi and published by Konami. The ISBN number is 4-575-16265-5 and I highly recommend purchasing it if you have the chance. It is completely written in Japanese, but the flowcharts and pictures make it a worthwhile purchase even if you do not read Japanese. Plus this book is the only way I know of to see scenes and text from The Boy's Spring scenario. The makers of this game. All I have done is change the appearance of what they wrote. What you will read is still their words, just written with my pen. My dear friend Ikuko Tanimura, who kindly answered all my questions regarding Japanese that I was not 100% sure on. Her efforts truly helped to make this translation much more robust. 育子が最高だぜ! Amy Balot, for keeping interest in Play Novel Silent Hill alive for so long and working hard to help fans all over the world to play it. Finally, I would like to give special thanks to the following people from the Play Novel Silent Hill board for keeping the conversation interesting in the distant, distant past: Silent Hill Junkie Silenthiller Laguu11 code24 Blue Phoenix Hopefully you will all come back now that we have something to discuss again! 4. Translation Notes This section contains notes on the translation. It is divided into four sections: General, Specific, Progress, and Final Thoughts. The "General Notes" section contains notes that apply to the entire translation. In contrast, the "Specific Notes" section is filled with specific notes on individual items in the translation. As I made notes while I worked on the translation, this section is probably a lot longer than it should be. The section on the progress of the translation is an explanation as to why this translation took so long to complete. The "Final Thoughts" section just contains a few of thoughts! General Notes: As I write the English translation of this I have found myself altering the tense a verbs from time to time for stylistic reasons. I don't feel that this hurts the work in any way, after all, attempting to literally translate is not a good idea! So if you see something in the translation that says "a picture falls" and you know that the Japanese is literally "a picture fell" please don't contact me about it. Both descriptions of the picture have the same meaning in context. While I am confident much of this translation, I would be lying if I said that there were not a few things that I was little concerned about. I am in the process of working with friends in order to clear up any potentially questionable translations, so I am hoping that within a short time my mind will be at ease and I can be happy with 100% of this translation. Right now I am confident that none of the potentially questionable translations have an overly negative effect on the work, as anything important was already taken care of before the initial release. So if you do see something that you do not agree with please check them notes and then contact me if you still think that something is wrong. I occasionally will truncate a sentence if the meaning of the part I cut out is inferred and including it in English makes the sentence flow poorly. In Japanese men and women speak slightly differently. This makes it a little easier to determine just who is talking in some of the conversations in Play Novel Silent Hill. Since this is lost in translation, literally, I have included the names of the speakers in parenthesis after their lines when I feel that it might be difficult to determine who is speaking. In the question areas the Japanese text often contains no final punctuation unless there are two sentences for one of the choices. In these cases only the first sentence will have a period, and the second will not. In the translation I have added periods as I feel that they are appropriate. In Play Novel Silent Hill quotation marks are often used they would be in English, and parenthesis are used to denote whispers. I have used the same system in the translation. But please keep the following in mind: - Single lines from a character can often cross multiple pages. So there will only be one set of quotation marks or parenthesis surrounding the entire block of text. - If there is a noticeable pause in a character's lines then I will go ahead and use full sets of quotes or parenthesis around the lines that come before and after the pause. (This generally only affects lines that are Cybil's thoughts.) - Cybil's thoughts will appear with quotation marks around unless she is recalling something that another character with the game has said. In this case parenthesis will be used instead. - In addition to quotes or parenthesis, all of Cybil's thoughts will be indented two spaces. I would have preferred to just type her thoughts in italics, but alas, such an option is not present when working with plain text. One of the biggest challenges with the translation of Cybil's Scenario was determining which lines represent Cybil's thoughts and which ones were narration. Odds are there are cases in which I may have made narration into one of Cybil's thoughts and vice-versa. (In fact, I can certify that I have changed narration to Cybil's Thoughts in some places because it just sounded better that way.) I do not believe that any of these potential "errors" hurt the work, but if you notice a case of this that you feel is a problem then feel free to let me know. Many times the lines of different characters appeared with no spaces in between of them in the Japanese in Play Novel Silent Hill. To avoid confusion I have added line breaks between the lines of different characters. I have added Cybil to several of the Event Descriptions to make the English flow better. (Some of the Event Descriptions have Cybil in them in the original Japanese as well.) I changed the tense of many of the verbs in the Event Descriptions to the gerund (-ing) form if I felt that this made the English sound better. Specific Notes: Introduction, Block Name The Block Name of the introduction is a single Japanese word, which can be translated as "Going into action" or "Dispatch". I originally chose "Going into action", but then Blue Phoenix corrected a silly mistake of mine regarding the Japanese and suggested "Dispatch". I initially rejected this suggestion, as I never really thought of Cybil being "dispatched" to Silent Hill. However, the more I thought about it the more I began to wonder if perhaps Dahlia (or Alessa) had possibly summoned Cybil to Silent Hill. Some of Dahlia's dialog in Cybil's scenario provides some support to this theory, so in an homage to Blue Phoenix I changed this Block Name to "Dispatch". Introduction, page 11 Sally yells "hot", which means she must have gotten some of the coffee on her. I was just going to use the "Ahhh!", but then I thought back to the last time that I ate pizza just a little too soon and realized that sometimes English speakers yell "Hot!" as well : ) Introduction, page 15 The "Whether they realize that or not" in the final sentence on page 15 refers to whether or not the driver of the jeep realizes that there is a cliff on one side. At the moment I cannot think of a more clear way to write this sentence, so I have left it as is. Chapter 1 A fair amount of the text in this chapter is identical to the text in Chapter 2 of Harry's scenario. For the most part any changes are minor, with the exception of Area 1-4, which contains a fair amount of differences. Area 1-1, page 1 The words are the first page are Japanese onomatopoeia for the feeling of cold. As there was no real translation that I could find, I just left them as is and made a note. Area 1-4, page 4 The Japanese says that the man (Harry) adjusts his position on the sofa. Naturally, I have changed "sofa" to "bench seat", as that is what Harry is sitting on in the game. Area 1-5, page 6 Oddly enough "bullets" became "live ammunition" in the Japanese here. (When compared with the same line in Harry's scenario.) I chose not to include this change, as just "bullets" sounds best to me. Area 2-1, page 3 The Japanese is more like "Cybil's goal was cut-off", but I just did not like how that sounded in English so I changed it to "Cybil's hopes were crushed". Area 2-3, page 1, Area 4-7, page 4, and Area 8-3, page 2 KYA and KYAA are both Japanese onomatopoeia for screams. While there are translations available, I did not use them as I feel that they look a little too much like confirmations when written. Area 2-3, page 4 I added the "She then notices that" to the final sentence on this page to make it connect better with the sentence before it. Area 2-4, page 1 The final sentence here is very interesting as it suggests that Alessa/Cheryl is concerned only with using the monsters against Harry, and not Cybil. Area 3-3, Event Description The Event Description for this area is literally "The phone receiver that is off the hook". The Japanese is elegant and succinct, the English is sadly not. So I changed "off the hook" to "dangling", as this accurately describes the the state of the receiver without sounding so clunky. Area 3-3, page 1 In Japan, room sizes are often measured based on the number of tatami mats that would fit in them. Tatami mats are the straw mats placed on the floor in more traditional style rooms in Japan, and are generally about 3 x 6 feet in size. The Japanese on this page originally said that this was a room about the size of 8 tatami mats. I converted this to square feet, as that is the common method used for measuring rooms in American English. Area 3-3, page 2 and Area 3-6, page 6 The Japanese is literally "pipe chairs" here. "Pipe" of course refers to the construction of the chairs. I chose to use "folding chairs" as the chairs in the associated picture are clearly that type of chair, and are often constructed using "pipes". Area 3-3, page 2 In the final sentence on this page the Japanese is more along the lines of "feel the unnaturalness of the empty station". I felt that "unnaturalness" was just a clunky word, so I modified the sentence to use "unnatural". Area 3-3, page 4 The Japanese here is more along the lines of "I wonder if they were talking on this phone?" I did not feel this English conveyed what Cybil was really thinking, so I changed the sentence accordingly. Area 3-3, page 12 The sentence fragment present in the original Japanese makes it impossible to accurately interpret what Cheryl is saying. She could be saying "the first (something) in the elementary school" or "the (adjective + est) in the elementary school". Sadly not enough words are present to be sure, but I would go with the latter if I had to make a choice. I have to wonder just what she was trying to say though... One thing is certain, she is definitely not talking about what floor she is on. If that were the case then a different Japanese word would have been used. Area 3-9, page 2 The "still" in the second sentence was added to make it flow better. Area 4-1, Event Description The Japanese here is literally "school building". However, in English I believe that school is enough, as building is implied in this reference. Area 4-1, pages 1 and 3 If the player came through Area 3-3 on their path to this area then text on pages 1 and 3 does not make a lot of sense as Cybil already knows that Cheryl is in the elementary school. Area 4-1, page 6 and Area 4-11, page 5 Much like in Harry's scenario, the Japanese here refers to the school gate. In Japan schools and their grounds are generally surrounded by fences, and there is always at least one gate that allows access to the school grounds. That gate is what the Japanese here refers to. However, since Midwich Elementary has no fence around it, as is the style with many American schools, I chose to translate "school gate" as "entrance to the school grounds". Area 4-1, pages 12-13 I changed the parenthesis around Cybil's thoughts here to quotation marks because the Japanese clearly states that she is thinking these lines. Area 4-3, pages 13-14 and Area 4-6, page 7 I would have really preferred to use the plural "monsters" here, but it is fairly clear that Cybil is thinking about the lone Groaner that she encountered in Chapter 2. Cheryl's response in Area 4-10 also supports this. Area 4-11, pages 6 and 9 In Japanese, the words for (older) brother (お兄さん - Oniisan), (older) sister (お姉さん - Oneesan), aunt (おばさん - Obasan), uncle (おじさん - Ojisan), grandmother (おばあさん - Obaasan), and grandfather (おじいさん - Ojiisan) are often used to refer to people of specific ages. (The -san suffix can be replaced with -chan for each of these words as well. Generally the -chan is used by more familiar people or children, and often has a more playful feel to it.) These references usually replace the words "you" or "I", but can also be used in a similar fashion to English pronouns. Generally speaking, (older) brother and (older) sister are for men and women that appear to be in their late teens or 20's, aunt and uncle are for people that look like they are older than 30 but not elderly, and grandmother and grandfather are for those who outwardly appear to be old. Such usage of these terms is not completely alien in English. The use of the word "brother" by the character Desmond on the show "Lost" is fairly similar, although he uses this term to address all males regardless of age. Throughout her scenario Cybil refers to herself as "older sister" when speaking with Cheryl. This tells us that Cybil still considers herself to be young, which is completely reasonable as she is only 28 and does look and act young and vibrant. Most of the time I just translate these references as "I", as there is really no better English equivalent. (Some might argue that "Your big sister..." would work, but I do not feel that this is an appropriate or accurate interpretation of お姉さん or お姉ちゃん in these cases.) That said, there are a few places in which these references are important as they contribute to Cybil's character development. One of the best examples of this is on page 6 of Area 4-11. Here Cheryl calls Cybil "aunt" (Obachan) and then on page 9 Cybil corrects Cheryl saying: "I'm an "Oneesan", not an "Obachan". I suspect that Cheryl chose "aunt" because she sees Cybil as a mature, adult authority figure rather than as a young woman. I also do not believe that Cheryl did this to hurt Cybil in any way. This particular reference is also very interesting because it tells us one more thing about Cybil: she is at least somewhat self-conscious of her age. I personally think that this goes a long way to humanize her character. For this reason, I felt that it was crucial to find a good way to interpret the "Oneesan" and "Obachan" used in this exchange, as well as the later uses of "Oneesan" or "Oneechan" by Cheryl. I quickly came up with "Miss" for "Oneesan" and "Oneechan", but I was at a loss as to what to use for "Obachan". However, as luck would have it, not long after I reached this dilemma I happened to catch the episode of Will & Grace in which Grace got upset because a clerk at a store called her "Ma'am". It was the perfect substitute for "Obachan", and throughout the translation I use "Miss" for "Oneesan" or "Oneechan" and "Ma'am" for "Obachan" when I feel that those words should be translated. Area 4-12, page 6 The "knows what you are planning." in the second line is inferred from the Japanese. As for the final "yes", it represents the final ね in the Japanese, and I chose it also to make the sentence sound more like something that Dahlia would say. Area 4-12, page 20 I find this request for permission/offer to stop Harry and Cybil by Alessa to be quite delightfully creepy. I believe Alessa does this because she knows that Cheryl knows love, and thus most likely does not have it in her to do what is necessary to stop Harry and Cybil. (We see Cheryl's compassion in the lower branch of Chapter 4 when Cheryl saves Cybil from the jelly monster.) Area 5-1, page 1 The sentences about it being late at night and Cybil no longer feeling sleepy seem to contradict each other; however, since Cybil works the night shift these sentences actually make perfect sense. Area 5-1, page 6 I changed the pronoun used in the Japanese here to "route to the cafe" as I felt that it made the sentence flow better. Area 5-1, page 13 I changed "bullets" to "shells" because people rarely see bullets in a place where someone has recently fired a gun. Although the reason that actual bullets are present on the ground is explained in Area 5-4, I just cannot conceive Cybil seeing the bullets on the ground before the spent shell casings. Area 5-3, page 3 and Area 5-4, page 5 The use of "somewhere" and "some place" on these pages is accurate to the Japanese. I think it is kind of neat that they made an effort here to "spice up" the similar sentences. The Japanese in the final sentences on these pages refers to Cheryl as being "silent". This is another case in which Japanese grammar makes for clunky English, so I went with "without a word". Area 5-4, page 2 I found Cybil's comment here very interesting, as I have friends in law enforcement, and the bullets that they use in their handguns are not designed to go through things. They are instead designed to get inside things and then do a lot of damage. However, I read somewhere that the original Silent Hill was set sometime in the late 70's to early 80's, so it is possible that bullet technology was not what it is today. Area 5-8, page 2 I added "fingers" here to make this sentence more clear. Area 5-8, page 7 I changed "notice" to "ignore" here as I thought it was a better word choice. Area 7-4 and Area 7-5 In both these areas the Japanese word for "fence" is used to describe the stone barrier that Cheryl and then Cybil run along. I chose "barrier" over "fence" as it just seemed much more appropriate. Area 7-4, page 5 and Area 7-5, page 5 The Japanese here refers to the top of the barrier as a narrow "passage". Once again, I did not feel that this was an appropriate word to use, so I used "top of the barrier" instead. Area 7-6, pages 3-9 This whole section is quite a tease, as for a moment the game taunts the player with real answers regarding a few of the bigger mysteries of Silent Hill. Area 7-6, page 9 Here the whispered conversation between Cybil and Cheryl ends. What is really strange here is that after Cybil whispers "Your true? You true what?" her next question is not enclosed in parenthesis in the Japanese. Based on the way it is written, it seems like they mean that this question, "Do you know something?", is one of Cybil's thoughts and not spoken or whispered. However, the final line on this page makes it seem like Cybil actually whispered or spoke her final question. So I went ahead and added parenthesis to this question, as it would make sense to me for Cybil to ask the first question as a reaction to Cheryl's bewildering speech, process the information she has received to some degree, and then ask the second question. Area 7-6, page 10 I replaced the word "abdomen" with "stomach" as "abdomen" is rarely used in American English outside of the medical or scientific communities. Area 7-14, page 11 The Japanese says that Cheryl's heart has stopped, but I went with "is not beating" for stylistic reasons. I also wished to avoid any confusion with the English exaggeration. Area 7-14, page 17 The use of the word "morning sickness" to describe how Cybil feels here most likely has no implied meaning at all... However, its use still makes me wonder if she may have been pregnant at one time in her life, but then lost the baby. While it is possible that Sally or her younger sister may have just described morning sickness to her, this is really something that only someone who has experienced it would use to reference a similar feeling. (I doubt that Cybil actually has any children, as she never mentions anything about having children of her own, and none are present at her funeral in Area 8-15.) Area 7-15, pages 7 and 11 I find the mention of the doll and Cybil's parents rather odd here, as the player would not have encountered the explanation for either of them on their way to this area. I suppose maybe this is just done to reward players for taking different paths through the scenario, or possibly, it is done to passively reinforce the idea that all of this is a nightmare that repeats over and over? Area 7-15, page 16 The final line from this area has been removed after discussing it with my Japanese friend as we could not come up with an absolute translation for it. It is "それを。", and could unfortunately have many meanings. Area 7-15, page 25 Cybil claims to know who the parasite will target next. I am not certain who she thinks it will be, but I suspect it is either Harry or Cheryl. I think it may be Harry because the parasite obviously wants to kill Harry. But since I do not believe that Cybil understands Cheryl's true nature at this point, I wonder if she suspects that the parasite will target her in order to make Cheryl kill Harry. Area 7-16, page 12 The Japanese (and my English) and the picture contradict each other here. Area 7-23, page 11 At this point Cybil is most likely seeing that the girl she is choking is Cheryl. Area 7-23, page 12 In the Japanese the sight of the girl filling Cybil's eyes and her consciousness are said to be inversely proportionate to each other. While I would have loved to work "inversely proportionate" into the English, it never sounded right. Area 8-1, page 6 I changed "guesses" to "questions" as guesses just didn't feel right. Area 8-4 The plump man mentioned in this area is most likely Dr. Michael Kaufmann. Area 8-5, page 11 (Event Description) The Event Description here is literally "Mystery that springs forth". I did not like this English so much, so I talked to Ikuko about the true meaning of this phrase. After some discussion we decided that "The question that grows within Cybil's heart" was the best English we could use. Area 8-6, page 4 I just combined the two sentences on this page into one to make it flow better. Area 8-15, page 9 Here the Japanese words used to describe one's seniority within an organization are used. As these terms are generally not used in American culture I left them out. Thus "Seniors" and "Juniors" became "Fellow officers" and the comment about Sally having started at the police department at about the same time as Cybil was omitted. Area 8-15, page 10 The men carrying the casket her are described as "頑張そう". I chose to leave this out as all the interpretations I could come up with hurt the sentence overall. (The general meaning here is that the men looked to be exerting some strength to carry the casket.) Area 9-1, page 5 Odds are the Japanese version of the "come here" hand signal is being referenced here. Both the Japanese and American versions of this signal use similar motions, the only difference is that your hand and fingers are pointing up in the American one and down for the Japanese one. Area 9-2, page 1 The Japanese says "sofa", but I still say "bench"! Besides, we all know that there are no sofas in Cafe 5 to 2! A few notes on the progress of the translation: The translation of Harry's Scenario began in 2002, but I did not seriously look at any of Cybil until late 2007. Once again I took far more time to complete the translation than I should have, but since this one only took a few months I do not feel so bad : ) July, 2007 - Completed the translation of Harry's Scenario. Doing so took most of my free time in the month of July, so I decided that Cybil could wait. August, 2007 - After a few minor updates to the guide on Harry I and a week or so of having fun again I chose to go to work on Cybil. Spent the weekend of the 11th and 12th transcribing the Japanese text from the game. Phase 1 complete! Then I began working on the first pass of the translation, but progress was slow as I had a lot going on. September, 2007 - Thanks to a move not much time was spent on the translation, but as I settled in to my new place I got back to the first pass and completed it on the 11th. Phase 2 complete! Unfortunately this was the last time I looked at the translation in September, as I needed to upgrade and overhaul another guide that I wrote. October, 2007 - Finally got back into the translation and sent a list of questions/confirmations to Ikuko. Then I finally began writing the final version of the translation. Sadly I only spent one day doing this... November - December, 2007 - Spent only a couple random days writing the final version. Sadly I just could not stay interested, so just the first two chapters were completed. December 26-29, 2007 - Once again went back to work, and managed to maintain focus and interest. Completed the first draft of the final version on the 28th, but then decided to send a new list of confirmations off the following day. December 30-31, 2007 - Began the revisions by rewriting several translations that just didn't feel right as well as the notes. With the exception of the few items on the final confirmation list the translation was completed at this time. January 11, 2008 - Got the first list of confirmations back. Happily all was well and no changes needed to be made : ) January 28, 2008 - Got the rest of the confirmations back. Integrated them, and gave everything one last read through before submitting! Final Thoughts: Well, here we are at around 3 PM on the last day of 2007. Or for those in Japan it is already 8 AM on the first. I am quite happy to have finally completed this translation, despite the efforts of all the Grand Theft Auto III's, Panzer Dragoon RPG's, Ridge Racer's, Blue Dragon's, and Resistance: Fall of Man's to distract me. (To be honest, had there been no Grand Theft Auto III on the PlayStation 2 then I might have finished this translation back in 2002!) Sadly, I am not as pleased as I was when I completed the translation of Harry's scenario though. It is not that I think this translation is bad or anything, I just do not know if I understood it as well as I should have when I worked on it. To quote Lisa Simpson, in some ways I felt almost like I was undergoing a "dumbening" as I translated Cybil's scenario. Perhaps my only purpose in knowing Japanese was to translate this game, so as I made progress on the translation the ability began to leave me? (Well, I hope that is not the case, or I am going to have a hard time playing Gran Turismo 5 Prologue again!) And who knows, maybe this translation is just fine and I am being too hard on myself as usual? In either case, time will tell. So I hope that all the readers of the translations of Harry and Cybil's scenarios enjoy them, and I am sorry that I cannot attempt to localize them into any more languages. (Outside of English and Japanese I only know a small amount of French, not nearly enough to even have a conversation!) Happily I can report that a few people are working on localizations in other languages, so just be patient a little longer! Now I will leave you with a few answers regarding these translations that have been posed to me over the years: - You said back in 2003 that you were planning to release the translation in individual chapters. Why was this not done? Two reasons. First, I was afraid that I might not be able to keep up with the time schedule when I got to some of the longer chapters. Second, I was worried that the Konamunists might hit me with a cease and desist order midway through the project. The thought of getting started on the project only to be told that I could not finish it was just too much for me. (Konamunists = A term of endearment I created to refer to Konami when they do something that upsets when they dropped their awesome logo back in late 2003 for the boring one that they still use today.) (Please note that I have nothing against Konami or communism!) - Why did it really take so long to finish the translations? In the case of Harry, I was just easily distracted by other games and television. As for Cybil, I think that the depressing nature of her scenario pushed me away. I really had to be in the right mood to even look at her scenario once I understood it. - How did learn about and find all the blocks within each area? I was really just lucky when I learned the existence of multiple blocks within an area, as I stumbled on this by happening to turn the GBA off at the right time. Or more correctly, I was unlucky, as then the arduous task of turning the GBA on and off after reading each page followed said discovery. Happily, long before I either went mad or wore out the power switch on my GBA SP I was able to access the game the game in a way that did not support saving. I used this method to the game until it displayed "Save Error". Then I would go back to the GBA SP, play to the same point, cycle the power once, and record the newfound Block Name and Event Description. - How did you create the save with all the Digital Trading Cards? After confirmed that all the cards were a part of the game program and not data downloaded from Konami's servers when playing one of The Boy scenarios I used a Game Shark to copy several saves with various cards unlocked. Then I compared the saves with a hex editor to until I figured out which values needed to be changed to have all the cards unlocked. After years of using other people's Game Shark codes it was nice to sort of be able to give something back! - How did you get this game? Oddly enough, my copy of Play Novel Silent Hill was imported to the US while I was still living in Japan. An American friend owed me money and asked if I would accept a used, but complete copy of Play Novel Silent Hill to settle the debt. So in an odd twist of fate the game returned to Japan to reach me. And of course, it is still in my possession today. (Just removed it from the GBA SP, hopefully for the last time!) 5. Contact Information If you need to contact me about something in this guide I can be contacted at: toby at Naturally the word "at" represents the @ symbol. This is done to help avoid spam. You can also send me a message via GameFAQs. I try to always respond, but unfortunately I don't check either of these addresses more than once a month. So please be patient after sending me a message. Also, apologies to anyone who sent a message to the old Excite email I used to list here. That service cancels the mailbox after 90 days of disuse, which resulted in the loss of many messages. Please feel free to contact me if you feel strongly that there is an error or bad translation in this file. I am confident that everything is accurate, but nobody's perfect and I have been away from Japan for far too long. Also do not hesitate to let me know if there is an error regarding a picture or a page number, or anything like that. I have gone through this guide several times and I believe that I have caught everything, but again, nobody's perfect. I don't mind questions or concerns about the translation and its contents, but please no hate mail of any sort. It is just not worth anyone's time... Update History: 01/28/2008 - First submission to GameFAQs. 11/03/2016 - Updated the contact info. 6. Copyright Information Play Novel Silent Hill Translation of Cybil's Scenario Version 1.05 - Last Updated 11/03/2016 Written by and copyright 2008-2016 Toby Normoyle. (loc182) This work may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for free distribution per the conditions noted below. Otherwise, it may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly for profit. Use of this guide in such a manner is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Posting Information: - You can post this guide on your site as long as it is free for anyone to look at, you do not modify it, and your site generally concerns Silent Hill. (I would prefer not to see this appear on general cheat code sites, it really just belongs on Silent Hill related ones.) - If your site charges an access fee or requires users to signup in order to view this guide then you may not post it. - Updates will only be posted at GameFAQs. - Konami may use this guide for profit, but if done so I would really appreciate being given credit. Also, I would prefer to see the guide used in a way so that PSP owners get it as a free download, or as a part of Silent Hill Origins. (I guess it would be the PS2 version of that game now.) All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.