_____ _ | __ \ | | | |__) |__ | | _ ___ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ | ___/ _ \| |/ / _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '_ \ | | | (_) | < __/ | | | | | (_) | | | | |_| \___/|_|\_\___|_| |_| |_|\___/|_| |_| _____ _ _ | ___| | | | | | |__ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ __ _| | __| | | __|| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '__/ _` | |/ _` | | |___| | | | | | __/ | | (_| | | (_| | |_____|_| |_| |_|\___|_| \__,_|_|\__,_| _ _ _ \ \ / / (_) \ \ / /__ _ __ ___ _ ___ _ __ \ \ / / _ \ '__/ __| |/ _ \| '_ \ \ \/ / __/ | \__ \ | (_) | | | | \__/ \___|_| |___/_|\___/|_| |_| O---------------------------------------O | Pokémon Emerald Version | | An FAQ/Walkthrough | | By KeyBlade999 | | | | Total Size: 739 KB | | Current Version: v2.00 | | Previous Update: 9:58 PM 10/25/2011 | O---------------------------------------O -1. Donations******************************PKMN-1**************************** While I do write all of my guides for free, it does take a lot of time and effort to put them together. If you're feeling generous and want to show your appreciation, I am gladly accepting donations. I don't know exactly what the donations will be used for, but just know that you would definitely be helping me make more quality FAQs! Even the smallest donation amounts are appreciated, and are a great way to say how much you appreciate the work I do. If you do decide you'd like to donate, please send the donations through PayPal at the e-mail address listed below. Thank you so very much for considering this!! keyblade999.faqs@gmail.com 0. Contents***********************************PKMN0************************** __________________________________________________________ / | \ | Section Title | CTRL+F Tag | | | | >----------------------------------< >---------------------< | -1. Donations | **PKMN-1** | | 0. Contents | **PKMN0** | | 1. Intro | **PKMN1** | | 2. Version History | **PKMN2** | | 3. Legalities | **PKMN3** | >----------------------------------< >---------------------< | 4. Walkthrough | **PKMN4** | | I- Stone Badge | **PKMN41** | | II- Knuckle Badge | **PKMN42** | | III- Dynamo Badge | **PKMN43** | | IV- Heat Badge | **PKMN44** | | V- Balance Badge | **PKMN45** | | VI- Feather Badge | **PKMN46** | | VII- Mind Badge | **PKMN47** | | VIII- Rain Badge | **PKMN48** | | IX- Pokémon League | **PKMN49** | | X- Miscellaneous New Stuff | **PKMN410** | | XI- The Battle Frontier | **PKMN411** | | XII- Nintendo Events | **PKMN412** | \___________________________________|______________________/ 1. Intro***********************************PKMN1***************************** Welcome to yet ANOTHER mainstream Pokémon FAQ by me, once again. This one is on the GBA Hoenn Pokémon game expansion, Pokémon Emerald Version. Enjoy. 2. Version History***********************************PKMN2******************* v0.00 - General format laid down. Finished Contents, Intro, and Legal. 11:33 PM 10/20/2011 v0.30 - Finished Sections I, II, III, and IV of the walkthrough. (I've been out of school and had lots of time.) I'm working on heading for Route 111 post-Lavaridge (into the desert). This FAQ is already almost 200 KB large. 12:16 AM 10/22/2011 v0.50 - Finished Sections V and VI of the walkthrough. This FAQ is now about 400 KB large. (Yeesh...) 12:03 AM 10/24/2011 v1.40 - Finished Sections VII, VIII, and IX of the walkthrough. Lack nothing but Kyogre, Groudon, and Steven (for Section X). This FAQ is actually now over 650 KB. >_> 11:58 PM 10/24/2011 v2.00 - Finished Sections X and XI of the walkthrough, thereby finishing up the mainstream GBA Pokémon FAQing for me. It has been quite a journey thus far, having documented three whole generations in the past six months (not counting D/P in 2010). Anyhow, this now became my largest mainstream Pokémon FAQ, bypassing HG/SS by about 121 KB. O_o ~~ Start-End Time: 6 days. ~~ File Size : 739 KB. ~~ Time of Update: 9:58 PM 10/25/2011. 3. Legalities***********************************PKMN3************************ This FAQ may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any website or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. © 2011-2012 Daniel Chaviers (aka KeyBlade999). If you would wish to contact me concerning this or my other FAQs, use this e-mail: keyblade999.faqs@gmail.com, or PM me on the GameFAQs message boards. O-----------------------------------O O------------------------------------O | Allowed sites for my FAQs | | Forever-Banned Sites | O-----------------------------------O O------------------------------------O | GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) | | CheatCC (www.cheatcc.com) | | Neoseeker (www.neoseeker.com) | | www.cheat-database.com | | SuperCheats (www.supercheats.com) | | Cheat Index (www.cheatindex.com) | | | | Cheat Search (www.cheatsearch.com) | | | | www.panstudio.com/cheatstop | | | | Game Express (www.gameexpress.com) | | | | Mega Games | | | | Cheats Guru (www.cheatsguru.com) | O-----------------------------------O O------------------------------------O 4. Walkthrough***********************************PKMN4*********************** +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++ ++ Section I- Stone Badge **PKMN41** ++ ++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Okay, turn on the game and choose to do a "New Game", assuming this is your first playthrough, or you're starting a replay. If you have your own file started, WRONG SECTION. Anyhow, you'll get the basic introduction from the Hoenn Pokémon professor, Professor Birch, about Pokémon and your goal in this game - to get the eight Hoenn League Badges, beat the Elite Four, and obtain "all" 386 Pokémon (not counting glitches, as of Black/White, it is actually 649). You soon get to choose your gender, which will determine your rival. I will reference to this person as "your rival" or something similar. Choose your name and let your adventure begin... ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Littleroot Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) You shall begin in the back of the moving van - obviously, are you the new kid in town. Of course, we aren't going to end up on some freakish journey like Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance. Anyhow, once the truck stops, move to the right and outside. You'll find your mother outside. She will take you into your new house to set the clock given to you. This clock is one of the newer features (in series placement), for the general part. It can determine many things, including Pokémon encounters and Berry growth. Of course, it is much harder to manipulate the clock in this game like you can in Generations IV and V, so just set it accurately. While you are up here, examine the PC in the corner and withdraw the free Potion. Once you do, go downstairs and leave to go visit your neighbors. Your rival's mother will greet you when you come inside their home. Head upstairs to find your rival. In short, your rival states their goal to fill the Pokédex and become a great Trainer. They will leave soon after you speak with them. Follow suit. Outside, try heading north and out of town. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 101 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ___________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------| | Zigzagoon | Normal | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Uncommon | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | |===========================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |___________________________________________________________________________| First up - about the above table. On the upper "half" (above the === divider), you'll find the potential wild Pokémon encounters for the location. You will learn of the species, the Pokémon's type, and the rarity of it, ranging from common to one-time. This table is meant to accommodate level ranges once I learn of them, as well any precise encounter rates. The lower "half" lists the non-special Trainers of the route, usually in the approximate order of the encounters, but only their Pokémon. Each Trainer takes up one line unless noted otherwise. Anyhow... You'll find Professor Birch on Route 101, being chased around by a (Lv. 2) Poochyena. >_>; Anyhow, you are to examine Birch's bag to select your starter... ~~ Treecko is of the Grass type. It evolves at Lv. 16 to Grovyle, and at Lv. 36 to Sceptile, both of which are of the Grass type. They are weak to Fire, Ice, Bug, Poison, and Flying. They have advantages over Rock, Water, and Ground. It will be at an advantage in the first and eighth Gyms, while being in trouble come the fourth and sixth Gyms. Treecko is therefore okay for the average player, because this Pokémon will sweep through the Gyms early on, but begins to weaken a little come halfway through the journey. ~~ Torchic is of the Fire type. It evolves at Lv. 16 to Combusken, and again at Lv. 36 to Blaziken, the latter two of which are of the Fire/Fighting type. Torchic is weak to Water, Ground, and Rock, with advantages over Grass, Ice, Bug, and Steel. Its evolutions are additionally weak to Psychic and Flying, with a nulled weakness to Rock; and additional advnatages over Rock and Normal. Torchic will be advantageous in none of the Gyms; Combusken and Blaziken will have advantages in the first and fifth Gyms. Torchic will have trouble in the first and eighth Gyms; the other two may have trouble in the sixth and eighth Gyms. Torchic is going to be one of those that are good for veteran players, due to the challenge this Pokémon brings early on. ~~ Mudkip is of the Water type. It evolves at Lv. 16 to Marshtomp, and again at Lv. 36 to Swampert. The latter two are Water/Ground types. Mudkip is weak to Grass and Electric, with advantages over Fire, Rock, and Ground. The others are weak to Grass (4x) only; immune to Elecrtic; and are advantageous over Fire, Rock, Ground, Electric, and Steel. Mudkip will have an advantage in the first and fourth Gyms; the others will be good for the first, third, and fourth Gyms. Mudkip will have trouble in the third Gym; the others will have trouble in none of the Gyms. Mudkip henceforth is a great Pokémon for a beginner, because of its lack of weaknesses and lack of inability to work well in Hoenn Gyms. However, rival battles will be extremely tough on this Pokémon about 1/3 of the way through, due to evolutions. Okay, once you have selected your starter Pokémon, you may begin your first battle. ___________________ | BOSS: Poochyena \ |____________________\_______________________________________________________ | Level: Level 2. | | Type : Dark. | | Moves: - Tackle | | - Leer | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Please don't worry about the moveset above; it is just a inference of the | | moves; it'll have a Normal-type move and a stat-reducer. Anyhow, as your | | first battle, you needn't know that Poochyena is weak to Bug and Fighting | | nor that it is immune to Psychic. No... Simply use your attacking move | | and finish it. | |____________________________________________________________________________| After winning, you end up in Prof. Birch's lab, back in Littleroot. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Littleroot Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Once you arrive, Professor Birch will explain a few things to you. Soon thereafter, he'll let you keep the starter Pokémon used against the Poochyena (it wouldn't be a starter if you couldn't keep it, would it?). He'll finally also tell you that you should find and fight his son/daughter, your rival, on Route 103. 'Kay, leave the lab and exit Littleroot to the north. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 101 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ___________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------| | Zigzagoon | Normal | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Uncommon | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | |===========================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |___________________________________________________________________________| Now is when you actually begin to encounter wild Pokémon. How does one do this? Simply by walking into the bushy grass. Unlike Black/White, the grass will not differ in itself, so just walk in for some battling. Hm. Nothing much here. That's fairly typical of early Routes in the games. Nothing much to mention, except that you'll want to begin leveling up your starter Pokémon by fighting some battles. Anyhow, continue north to Oldale Town. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Oldale Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ___________________ | Oldale PokéMart \ |____________________\________________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Awakening .......................................................... $250 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head on over to the red-roofed building, the Pokémon Center. The Pokémon Center is where you can fully heal your Pokémon, and even learn if they have Pokérus, for free; you simply need to talk to the nurse at the desk. On the east side of the ground floor, you'll also find a PC, which you can use to store Pokémon you don't need and to store items. Upstairs is the multiplayer center, which I think cannot be used right now, but you can later trade and battle Pokémon with others. Exit when done and you can find the blue-roofed building. This one is the PokéMart. Here, you can buy items. For now, buy two or three Potions. You won't need the status items until later. Next, head into the southeastern house and speak with the man there to obtain a free Potion. Be sure to heal your Pokémon at the Pokémon Center. You cannot exit west onto Route 102, so head north to Route 103. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 103 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ___________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------| | Zigzagoon | Normal | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | |===========================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Marill Lv. 15 | | Tentacool Lv. 15 | | Magikarp Lv. 5, Magikarp Lv. 15, Tentacool Lv. 10 | | Plusle Lv. 15, Minun Lv. 15 | | Skitty Lv. 15 | | Shroomish Lv. 15, Roselia Lv. 14 | | Makuhita Lv. 15 | | Voltorb Lv. 15 | |___________________________________________________________________________| (NOTE: The Trainers above are unavailable until you can use the Surf HM out of battles.) Now would be a good time to start leveling your Pokémon up. You'll want to have it be, optimally, Level 7 before heading north. When you finish leveling, head back to Oldale and heal if you need to. Return to Route 103, and continue north, through the grass, to find your rival. Speak to him/her and, after a quick conversation, you get your first Trainer battle. __________________________________ | BOSS: PKMN Trainer May/Brendan \ |___________________________________\_________________________________________ | Pokémon: Torchic [if you chose Treecko] (Lv. 5) Fire <--, | | Mudkip [if you chose Torchic] (Lv. 5) Water <--+-- Only one. | | Treecko [if you chose Mudkip] (Lv. 5) Grass <--' | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | For practice, we'll go over weaknesses. | | | | Torchic is weak to Rock, Water, and Ground. | | | | Mudkip is weak to Grass and Electric. | | | | Treecko is weak to Fire, Ice, Flying, Bug, and Poison. | | | | All you can do here is use your starter Pokémon. Luckily for you, your | | opponent doesn't have a non-Normal move, so he/she cannot do double damage | | to you. However, you also should use your Normal move. Taking all things | | into account, a move of your starter's type will only do 75% of the normal | | damage against your opponent's starter. So stick with the Normal move. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After you win, your rival will speak shortly and leave. Follow suit - go south back into Oldale Town. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Oldale Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ___________________ | Oldale PokéMart \ |____________________\________________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Awakening .......................................................... $250 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Heal up at the Pokémon Center and head to the south. Your rival will be near the Route-Town border, telling you of the ledges you can jump over to quickly head back to Littleroot. Continue south to Route 101. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 101 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ___________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------| | Zigzagoon | Normal | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Uncommon | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | |===========================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |___________________________________________________________________________| Jump over the ledges and continue south to Littleroot Town. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Littleroot Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Once you come back to town, head over to Professor Birch's lab. Birch and your rival will be there, with the former being ecstatic over the fact that you beat the latter. O_o Some more talking, you'll get the Pokédex. This magnificent item can document all 386 species of Pokémon in the world (minus Sinnoh and Unova - with them, it is 649). Whenever you catch or otherwise get to own a Pokémon, its data, such as weight and description, are added to the Pokédex, even after you get rid of said Pokémon. Pokémon you've only seen in the wild or from other Trainers are added, but only let you see the sprite and the locations it is found in. Anyhow, soon after getting the Pokédex, your rival will come up to you and hand over five Poké Balls. Pokéballs (this is the generic term) are these items in which you hold and store Pokémon. They are commonly bought at PokéMarts and come in many varieties. Anyhow, leave and go north to Route 101. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 101 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ___________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------| | Zigzagoon | Normal | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Uncommon | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | |===========================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |___________________________________________________________________________| So, we're here. With five Poké Balls. Hint hint. If you don't know how to catch a Pokémon, let's explain. First, you will NEED to encounter it in the wild - if it is from a Trainer, it won't work (unless you are hacking). In the battle, begin by simply damaging the Pokémon until you think another hit will KO the Pokémon. At that point, normally you'd want to give the Pokémon a status (a skill you likely don't have) that doesn't deal damage (Paralysis and Sleep). Throw the Pokéball and there you go. On this Route, you'll probably want to catch a Zigzagoon and a Poochyena. The former is due to the ability Pickup; the latter is for actually raising along with your starter. You don't HAVE to do this - I managed my second playthrough on my starter, Treecko - but it may be worth considering. Anyhow, continue north to Oldale Town. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Oldale Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ___________________ | Oldale PokéMart \ |____________________\________________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Awakening .......................................................... $250 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head on over to the Pokémon Center and heal up. Drop off any undesired Pokémon. Head on over to the PokéMart next and stock up on some Poké Balls - about a dozen will suit you for a good time. Head north to Route 103 to catch a Wingull, if you want. When you're ready, exit to the west onto Route 102. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 102 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ___________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------| | Zigzagoon | Normal | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Uncommon | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Ralts | Psychic | Rare | | Seedot | Grass | Rare | | Lotad | Water/Grass | Rare | |===========================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Poochyena Lv. 5 | | Wurmple Lv. 4 (x2) | | Zigzagoon Lv. 5, Taillow Lv. 3 | | Zigzagoon Lv. 4, Shroomish Lv. 4 | |___________________________________________________________________________| Further info on Trainers' Pokémon: each individual line represents a single battle unless otherwise noted. Any (x#) denotes that there are (#) Pokémon of that same species and level in the Trainer's team - it is not necessarily applicable to moveset, stats, etc. Anyhow, the Route is fairly linear. Head west, fighting Trainers, to the grass. Head north for another Trainer or two through the grass. Further north, you'll find some Berry trees. Much like G/S/C, D/P/Pt, and HG/SS, these trees hold Berries. These Berries can have varying effects. For example, the Pecha Berries here heal Poisoning, and the Oran Berries, also here, heal 10 HP. There are many more varieties - I think there were 50-ish. Additionally, in the loamy soil where the trees were, you can plant more Berry trees - however, it will take time. Not necessarily effort, just time. You will probably want this to become a habit - planting one of each Berry picked so it can grow for harvesting next time you come through the Route. Anywho, continue west to find a ledge. Go south to find a Potion. Return north onto the main Route, then west into Petalburg City. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Petalburg City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Petalburg PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Awakening .......................................................... $250 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Orange Mail ......................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head on over to the Pokémon Center and restore your Pokémon's health. Go to the PokéMart if you need to, etc. When you want to, head into the Gym. Inside, you'll find Norman, your father, who is also the fifth Gym Leader of the Hoenn region. Speak with him and he'll converse a little with you. Soon, a kid, Wally, comes in. He wants a Pokémon that will accompany him to his home in Verdanturf Town. Your father will hand over a Zigzagoon and a Poké Ball, then send you along with Wally to make sure the capture goes well. Once you leave, you'll be taken back to Route 102. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 102 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ___________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------| | Zigzagoon | Normal | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Uncommon | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Ralts | Psychic | Rare | | Seedot | Grass | Rare | | Lotad | Water/Grass | Rare | |===========================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Poochyena Lv. 5 | | Wurmple Lv. 4 (x2) | | Zigzagoon Lv. 5, Taillow Lv. 3 | | Zigzagoon Lv. 4, Shroomish Lv. 4 | |___________________________________________________________________________| Once you enter, you and Wally will take to the grass. After some looking around, Wally is jumped by a Pokémon. The Pokémon is a Lv. 5 Ralts (lucky... you don't understand how rare that is.). Anyhow, the battle is out of your control. Watch the method for a generic capture and Wally will indeed get a Ralts. He'll become overjoyed and you will return to the Gym with him. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Petalburg City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Petalburg PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Awakening .......................................................... $250 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Orange Mail ......................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Back at the Gym, Wally will thank you and Norman before leaving. Norman then tells you to fight the Gym Leaders throughout the Hoenn region before revealing that he himself is a Gym Leader. However, he will not battle you yet. He is the fifth Gym Leader, and the one mostly training the Normal type. Anyhow, leave the Gym and you'll meet a man in sunglasses, saying that he is seeking talented Trainers in the Hoenn region. He'll leave. Head west to Route 104. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 104 (South) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Taillow | Normal/Flying | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Zigzagoon Lv. 5, Seedot Lv. 7 | | Magikarp Lv. 9 | | Zigzagoon Lv. 7 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| While you are here, be absolutely sure to capture a Taillow. Taillow is one of those semi-generic Normal/Flying Pokémon; yet, it is useful if at least for the Fly HM. I always try to make a Normal/Flying Pokémon part of my team, mostly due to the multiple resistances and immunities. Also while playing Emerald, I tend to capture a Marill. It is a rather useless Pokémon as far as battles go. So why? Well, HM slaving. See, the thing is, HM moves are necessary for game progress, but SUCK in battle quite often. Therefore, the less good ones with them, the better. You do this with HM slaves, which can reduce the HM users in your party to two instead of three or four. Anyhow, this Route is also pretty linear. To the southwest, on the beach, you can find two Trainers there. The other Trainer is to the north. You'll want to battle her - you'll get $1,400 for winning! Anyway, finish up your business here, ignore the cottage, and head northwerst into the Petalburg Woods. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Petalburg Woods ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Silcoon | Bug | Uncommon | | Taillow | Normal/Flying | Rare | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Cascoon | Bug/Poison | Uncommon | | Shroomish | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Slakoth | Normal | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Wurmple Lv. 3 (x4) | | Poochyena Lv. 9 | | Nincada Lv. 6 (x2) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Once you enter the forest, head west to the find Trainer with four Wurmple. :/ Not exactly the best idea... Grab the Parlyz Heal on the way. Continue east to another grassy area. North of here, you'll find a Team Aqua member taking the Devon Goods from one of Devon's researchers. (Team Aqua, as well as Team Magma, are the evil criminal organizations of the Hoenn region, much like Team Rocket (Kanto and Johto), Team Galactic (Sinnoh), and Team Plasma (Unova).) Anyhow, you'll fight this Grunt. It is a fairly simple battle against a Lv. 9 Poochyena. Unless you've actually evolved a Torchic by now, neither one of you has a type advantage over the other. So wail on the opponent. After the battle, you'll receive the Great Ball from the Devon Researcher. The Great Ball has a catch rate 1.5x that of the regular Poké Ball. Sweet. Continue west to find two split grassy patches, one of which has an Ether in it. (An Ether restores 10 PP.) The other takes you towards the end of the forest, but you will battle a Trainer on the way. Continue along the path, past the next Trainer, and north, out of the forest, onto Route 104. (Again.) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 104 (North) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ________________________________ | The Pretty Petal Flower Shop \ |_________________________________\___________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Red Plant ........................................................ $3,000 | | Tropical Plant ................................................... $3,000 | | Pretty Flowers ................................................... $3,000 | | Colorful Plant ................................................... $5,000 | | Big Plant ........................................................ $5,000 | | Gorgeous Plant ................................................... $5,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ | Pokémon and Trainer Data \ |_____________________________\_______________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Taillow | Normal/Flying | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Zigzagoon Lv. 9 | | Lotad Lv. 6, Shroomish Lv. 6 | | Lotad Lv. 6, Seedet Lv. 6 | | Magikarp Lv. 5 (x2), Magikarp Lv. 7 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Once you exit Petalburg Woods (am I the only one thinking of Paper Mario 2 by now?), head west to find some Berries. Grab them and speak with the kid nearby to receive TM09, Bullet Seed. Bullet Seed is a Grass-type move that has low power, but hits multiple times. Due to the low power, it would be best placed on a Grass type. Now, what are TMs? TMs, or Technical Machines, are these items that can teach moves to Pokémon that they often wouldn't learn otherwise. These moves can often be very powerful - as with TM50, Overheat. However, the downside to using a TM is that it can only be used once (unless you play Black/White). HMs, or Hidden Machines, are specialized versions of TMs. They, too, can teach moves, often powerful ones, like Surf. However, HMs have an unlimited number of uses, but they can only be found once. HMs can also be used outside of battles once you get the corresponding Gym Badge. Nearby, you'll some Berry trees. One has Oran Berries; the other, Cheri Berries. The former heals 10 HP; the latter cure Paralysis. Also nearby is the Pretty Petal Flower Shop. Shop in there if you wish, but the stuff can't be used for a while until you can make a Secret Base. Also be sure to speak with one of the girls in there to obtain the Wailmer Pail, an items helps out with Berry growing. What is truly odd, though, is that is has an infinite water supply (you never end up refilling it). O_o Finally, also speak to one of the girls here to receive one Berry daily. Exit when you're done there and head east. You'll find encounter a Rich Boy (with $1,400). Further along, on the bridge, you'll find two Trainers for a double battle. A double battle is a 2-on-2, often in which you supply two Pokémon. In these, your Pokémom both gain EXP. You can choose a Pokémon to target, so you can gang up on one (my strategy). It's really not worth mentioning, except that you must have two Pokémon in your party to participate, in which case all of the double battles, save for one, are optional. Go further north to find some Berry trees. As you go, make sure to speak with the Fisherman near the water to battle some of the useless Magikarp. Also speak with the old lady nearby for a Chesto Berry, an item that heals the Sleep status. West from here, you'll find Rustboro City. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Rustboro City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Rustboro PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Let's begin by finding the PokéMart north of you. Here, you can shop for stuff as usual, most notably, the Super Potions. Super Potions will heal 50_HP, rather than the Potions' 20 HP. You'll get 2.5x the effect at just 2.3x the cost. Further north is the Pokémon Center. Heal as usual. Next up, go into the building to the west of the Pokémon Center. Speak with the man inside to obtain HM01, Cut. If you don't understand HMs and TMs, see paragraph two of the "Route 104 (North)" section above. This move will let you to cut down small trees outside of battle - I believe one was in the southeast portion of Route 104 (North), in fact. In battle, it isn't that useful, mostly seeing as you cannot get rid of it for a better move until far later. Just to note, you cannot yet actually use Cut out of battles - you'll need the Stone Badge. Return to the Pokémon Center's front entrance and head to the fountain, to the north of which is the Pokémon Trainers' School. You can read about SOME of the status conditions on the chalkboard (it notably forgets to mention Pokérus). Also speak to the teacher to soon receive a Quick Claw, an item that, when held by a Pokémon in-battle, it might let the Pokémon strike first. Okay, next, head to the Rustboro Gym. We aren't going there YET, though. Head east and into the house. There, you can trade a Ralts for a Seedot (it is named Dots, and holds a Chesto Berry). It is your personal choice, although I recommend against it. Heal up if you still haven't done so, then head west into the rocky Rustboro Gym. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Rustboro Gym ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | No Pokémon are to be found in this location. | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Geodude Lv. 10 | | Geodude Lv. 8 (x2) | | Geodude Lv. 8 (x2) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| A truly simplistic Gym. Head forward to find the first Trainer. Further along, closer to Roxanne, are two Trainers, which you could walk in-between for a double battle (unless you have one Pokémon, in which they battle you one at a time). When you defeat the three Trainers, return outside to heal if necessary, then return to speak to Roxanne. The battle will begin after that. ____________________________ | BOSS: Gym Leader Roxanne \ |_____________________________\_______________________________________________ | Pokémon: Geodude (Lv. 12) Rock/Ground | | Geodude (Lv. 12) Rock/Ground | | Nosepass (Lv. 12) Rock | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Geodude are weak to Fighting, Water (4x), Grass (4x), Steel, Ice, and | | MAYBE Ground. They're immune to Electric. | | | | Nosepass is weak to Fighting, Grass, Water, Steel, and Ground. | | | | Recommendations: A Lv. 16+ starter will do it for you. If you lack such, | | and chose Torchic, you'll probably have to use a Shroomish, Seedot, or | | Lotad, or an evolution of the aforementioned, that you caught earlier. If | | didn't even do that... Erm... I can't really help you there. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| For winning, you will be given the Stone Badge. You'll also obtain TM39, Rock Tomb, in addition to the ability to use Cut outside of battles. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++ ++ Section II- Knuckle Badge **PKMN42** ++ ++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Rustboro Gym ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Once you have obtained the Stone Badge, leave the Gym. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Rustboro City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Rustboro PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Outside, heal up at the Pokémon Center, then head towards the large building to the west of the Rustboro Gym, the Devon Corp. Building. You'll see a Team Aqua member flee, with the researcher you saved back in the Petalburg Woods chasing him. Go to the northern part of the town to find the man, who will tell you that the thief - the Team Aqua member - stole the Devon Goods. Head east to Route 116. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 116 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Whismur | Normal | Common | | Taillow | Normal/Flying | Common | | Nincada | Bug/Ground | Common | | Skitty | Normal | Common | | Poochyena | Dark | Uncommon | | Abra | Psychic | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Wurmple Lv. 8, Nincada Lv. 8 | | Shroomish Lv. 9 | | Shroomish Lv. 8, Lotad Lv. 8, Geodude Lv. 8 (x2) | | Geodude Lv. 9 | | Ralts Lv. 9, Marill Lv. 9 | | Machop Lv. 9 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| I highly recommend catching a Nincada. Why do I do so over the Abra? Well, firstly, it is easier to catch. But, seriously, it has a unique evolution. It will evolve SIMULTANEOUSLY into Ninjask and Shedinja (you get both) at Lv. 20. The former is VERY fast. The latter has one HP, but can only be hit with five move types: Fire, Flying, Rock, Ghost, and Dark. Of course, Abra's evolutions are EXCEPTIONALLY awesome. I highly recommend him over Ralts. This Route has quite a few Trainers. The Route mainly heads east, although you can take a few different paths that diverge and merge to and from the main path to find a few different Trainers. Follow the path eastward. Once you reach the end of the ledge, a house should be to the north. Go towards it, but ignore it and cut down the Cut tree nearby to be able to reach some more Trainers. Return eastward to find a cavern, with an old man next to the entrance. He will tell you that his Wingull, Peeko, has been Poké-napped by someone, most likely to be the Team Aqua guy with the Devon Goods. Enter the cave. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Rusturf Tunnel ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Whismur | Normal | Guaranteed encounter | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Poochyena Lv. 11 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| As you enter, head north to find an item upstairs. Go south a bit, then east to find the thief/Pokénapper/Team Aqua Grunt from earlier. You can also see the Wingull, Peeko, he stole, too. As you near him, he'll back away. Unfortunately for him, you can't really retreat in this cave without Rock Smash, so you'll have to speak with him to battle his Lv. 11 Poochyena. Again, nothing special. Remember, though: Poochyena are weak to Fighting and Bug, and immune to Psychic. After you beat him, the Grunt shall flee, leaving Peeko and the Devon Goods behind. The old man, Briney, will enter to take back Peeko before leaving. You should follow suit. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 116 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Whismur | Normal | Common | | Taillow | Normal/Flying | Common | | Nincada | Bug/Ground | Common | | Skitty | Normal | Common | | Poochyena | Dark | Uncommon | | Abra | Psychic | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Wurmple Lv. 8, Nincada Lv. 8 | | Shroomish Lv. 9 | | Shroomish Lv. 8, Lotad Lv. 8, Geodude Lv. 8 (x2) | | Geodude Lv. 9 | | Ralts Lv. 9, Marill Lv. 9 | | Machop Lv. 9 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head north-northwest and Cut down the tree to enter this path if you didn't do so earlier. You'll find a few more Trainers here. Regardless, head west into Rustboro City. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Rustboro City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Rustboro PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Repeat Ball ...................................................... $1,000 | | Timer Ball ....................................................... $1,000 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Once you arrive, the Devon worker will take back the Devon Goods, talk a bit, and hand you another Great Ball. You'll then be taken to the Devon Corp. building, which is, in essence, the Hoenn version of the Kanto Silph Co. You'll be taken to the top floor to speak with the boss, Mr. Stone. Mr. Stone will thank you for saving the man, then give you a letter to deliver to Steven Stone on Dewford Island. You are also to deliver the Devon Goods to Captain Stern in Slateport City. As a reward for probably doing this work, you are given the Pokénav, a device containing the Hoenn map, Pokémon Contest data, and Trainer data. Return to the ground floor and leave. When you do, a Devon Researcher will exit the building to upgrade your Pokénav with a feature absent in Ruby and Sapphire. It is the Match Call. Similar to the VS. Seeker of FireRed and LeafGreen, it will let you rematch others. In the Match Call list, an envelope icon will appear next to trainers who want to rematch you, although this won't happen until after the fifth badge. Heal up at the Pokémon Center, then head on over to your rival. Let the battle begin! __________________________________ | BOSS: PKMN Trainer May/Brendan \ |___________________________________\_________________________________________ | Pokémon [if you chose Treecko]: Lotad (Lv. 13) Grass/Water | | Torchic (Lv. 15) Fire | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Pokémon [if you chose Torchic]: Slugma (Lv. 13) Fire | | Mudkip (Lv. 15) Water | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Pokémon [if you chose Mudkip]: Wingull (Lv. 13) Water/Flying | | Treecko (Lv. 15) Grass | |=============================================================================| | Torchic is weak to Water, Rock, and Ground. | | | | Lotad is weak to Flying, Bug, and Poison. | | | | Slugma is weak to Water, Rock, and Ground. | | | | Mudkip is weak to Grass and Electric. | | | | Wingull is weak to Rock and Electric (4x). It is immune to Ground. | | | | Treecko is weak to Fire, Ice, Flying, Poison, and Bug. | | | | Recommendations: | | ~ Wingull/Marill -> Torchic, Slugma | | ~ Taillow/Swellow -> Treecko, Lotad | | ~ Mudkip/Marshtomp -> Wingull | | ~ Shroomish/Breloom -> Mudkip | | ~ Shedinja is a good alternate for all but the Fire types. | | All participating Pokémon should be Lv. 16+. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After the battle, heal up in the Pokémon Center, then head south, back onto Route 104. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 104 (North) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ________________________________ | The Pretty Petal Flower Shop \ |_________________________________\___________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Red Plant ........................................................ $3,000 | | Tropical Plant ................................................... $3,000 | | Pretty Flowers ................................................... $3,000 | | Colorful Plant ................................................... $5,000 | | Big Plant ........................................................ $5,000 | | Gorgeous Plant ................................................... $5,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ | Pokémon and Trainer Data \ |_____________________________\_______________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Taillow | Normal/Flying | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Zigzagoon Lv. 9 | | Lotad Lv. 6, Shroomish Lv. 6 | | Lotad Lv. 6, Seedet Lv. 6 | | Magikarp Lv. 5 (x2), Magikarp Lv. 7 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go south, across the bridge, then west and south, back into the Petalburg Woods. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Petalburg Woods ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Silcoon | Bug | Uncommon | | Taillow | Normal/Flying | Rare | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Cascoon | Bug/Poison | Uncommon | | Shroomish | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Slakoth | Normal | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Wurmple Lv. 3 (x4) | | Poochyena Lv. 9 | | Nincada Lv. 6 (x2) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head east this time and Cut down the tree. You'll be able to find a Miracle Seed, which powers up Grass moves by 10%, by speaking to the woman you can find along this path. Then simply head south and out. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 104 (South) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Taillow | Normal/Flying | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Zigzagoon Lv. 5, Seedot Lv. 7 | | Magikarp Lv. 9 | | Zigzagoon Lv. 7 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Next, head into the cottage that you'll find south-ish of you. Inside, you will find Mr. Briney and Peeko running around. Speak with Mr. Briney to be allowed onto Dewford Island. I hope you noticed the way the travel occurred. That means that you'll be later able to traverse these waters, which will happen. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Dewford Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) There is not much to speak of here when you initially arrive. A Fisherman on the beach to the east is capable of handing over an Old Rod, though. Alas, this Rod is infamous for its incredible ability to catch the useless Pokémon (pre-evolution), Magikarp. In the words of AstralFire, another GameFAQs user, "Great. A Magikarp stick." Next, go into the house east of the Pokémon Center and speak with the man within to receive the Silk Scarf. This hold item will power up Normal-type moves by 10%, I think. Also go into the house north of the Pokémon Center to find a kid inside, who will give you TM36, Sludge Bomb. Go to the Pokémon Center and heal up. Bring along Kirlia, Kadabra, Swellow, or Shedinja to the Gym. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Dewford Gym ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | None can be found here. | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Meditite Lv. 13 | | Meditite Lv. 13, Machop Lv. 13 | | Machop Lv. 13 | | Makuhita Lv. 13 | | Meditite Lv. 13 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head north, then as far east as possible. Defeat the Trainer located in the small alcove to the south. Go north, then east for a double battle. Return to the opening and go north to find two split paths. Take the eastern one, then head north. You'll find two more openings. Go through the lower one for a Trainer battle. Head northeast from there to find the last Trainer. Go to the northwestern portion of the Gym to find the Gym Leader. ___________________________ | BOSS: Gym Leader Brawly \ |____________________________\________________________________________________ | Pokémon: Machop (Lv. 16) Fighting | | Meditite (Lv. 16) Fighting/Psychic | | Makuhita (Lv. 19) Fighting | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Machop and Makuhita are weak to Flying and Psychic. | | | | Meditite is weak to Flying and Ghost. It will use Focus Punch almost every | | single turn. To counter this, attack every turn. Why does this work? See, | | you have to charge up for Focus Punch during one turn; if you are hit on | | this turn, it was naught but a waste of effort. | | | | Recommendations: Most any Pokémon you normally can have at this point, so | | long as it is not Normal, Dark, Rock, Ice, or Steel, work fine here. To be | | specific, Psychic (ie. Kadabra) and Flying (ie. Swellow) work best. Your | | starter works just as well, as does Shedinja. Participators should be | | Lv. 18+. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| For winning, you will obtain the second Hoenn Badge, the Knuckle Badge. You also obtain TM08 (Bulk Up), the ability to use the Flash HM out of battle, and all traded Pokémon will obey you (up to Lv. 30). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++ ++ Section III- Dynamo Badge **PKMN43** ++ ++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Dewford Gym ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Once you finish the Leader, get out of there. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Dewford Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Heal up at the Pokémon Center, then head north to Route 106. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 106 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | None are found here. | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Tentacool Lv. 11 | | Magikarp Lv. 10 (x2), Tentacool Lv. 7 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| On this Route, it is worth considering catching a Magikarp or a Tentacool. Both Pokémon become quite useful once they evolve. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Granite Cave ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | 1F Pokémon Listings | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Makuhita | Fighting | Common | | Zubat | Poison/Flying | Common | | Geodude | Rock/Ground | Uncommon | | Abra | Psychic | Uncommon | | | | | | | | | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | B1F Pokémon Listings | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Makuhita | Fighting | Common | | Zubat | Poison/Flying | Common | | Aron | Rock/Steel | Uncommon | | Abra | Psychic | Uncommon | | Sableye | Ghost/Dark | Uncommon | | | | | | | | | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | B2F Pokémon Listings | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Zubat | Poison/Flying | Common | | Aron | Rock/Steel | Common | | Abra | Psychic | Common | | Sableye | Ghost/Dark | Uncommon | | | | | | | | | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Steven's Room Pokémon Listings | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Makuhita | Fighting | Common | | Zubat | Poison/Flying | Common | | Aron | Rock/Steel | Uncommon | | Abra | Psychic | Uncommon | | | | | | | | | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: No Trainers are found here. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| <= 1F => Go forward and speak with the Hiker to obtain HM05, Flash. Flash, in a battle, will lower the opponents' accuracy. Outside of battle, as long as you have the Knuckle Badge, it can light up dark areas. Grass Pokémon can learn it, or at least some of them. Abra also can learn it, if you have caught it. Anyhow, onto Pokémon. Abra remains a fairly decent substitute for Ralts's chain, although it is tougher to train. Makuhita makes for a fairly decent Fighting Pokémon. Aron, on later floors, is okay, depending on your personal strategy. Geodude is a must have, as is Sableye, the Pokémon with no weaknesses and three immunities. Only one other Pokémon, as for the fifth generation (Black/White) is like this: Spiritomb. Saming typing, as well. Anyhow, follow the linear path and head down the ladder. <= B1F => Use Flash to light it up here. Go north to find a sandy slope. You can't go up it yet because you need a Mach Bike to do so. Continue along to an opening to the south, in which is a Poké Ball. Return north and east to a ladder. Climb down. <= B2F => Continue along the path, ignoring the rocks (you can deal with them later on). When you pass by an oddly-colored rock, go up the stairs and examine to find an Everstone, which, which held, prevents evolution. Go east to the ladder. <= B1F => Go west to the ladder. <= 1F => Go along the path and into the small room. There, you'll find a man. Speak to him to learn that he is Steven Stone, the desired recipient of the letter given to you by Mr. Stone. After some talking, you'll be given TM47, Steel Wing, a decent move for your Swellow or another Flying Pokémon. Exit the room, hop over the ledges, head east and out of the cavern. (Or use an Escape Rope, if you have one.) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 106 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | None are found here. | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Tentacool Lv. 11 | | Magikarp Lv. 10 (x2), Tentacool Lv. 7 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Return to Dewford Town. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Dewford Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Okay, we have a bit more traveling to do before going to Slateport. Let's go to Mr. Briney's and return to his cottage on Route 104. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 104 (South) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Taillow | Normal/Flying | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Zigzagoon Lv. 5, Seedot Lv. 7 | | Magikarp Lv. 9 | | Zigzagoon Lv. 7 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go northwest into the Petalburg Woods. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Petalburg Woods ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Silcoon | Bug | Uncommon | | Taillow | Normal/Flying | Rare | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Cascoon | Bug/Poison | Uncommon | | Shroomish | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Slakoth | Normal | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Wurmple Lv. 3 (x4) | | Poochyena Lv. 9 | | Nincada Lv. 6 (x2) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go along the forest path out of the forest. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 104 (North) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ________________________________ | The Pretty Petal Flower Shop \ |_________________________________\___________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Red Plant ........................................................ $3,000 | | Tropical Plant ................................................... $3,000 | | Pretty Flowers ................................................... $3,000 | | Colorful Plant ................................................... $5,000 | | Big Plant ........................................................ $5,000 | | Gorgeous Plant ................................................... $5,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ | Pokémon and Trainer Data \ |_____________________________\_______________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Taillow | Normal/Flying | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Zigzagoon Lv. 9 | | Lotad Lv. 6, Shroomish Lv. 6 | | Lotad Lv. 6, Seedet Lv. 6 | | Magikarp Lv. 5 (x2), Magikarp Lv. 7 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go east, across the bridge, and north to Rustboro City. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Rustboro City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Rustboro PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Repeat Ball ...................................................... $1,000 | | Timer Ball ....................................................... $1,000 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Heal up if needed, then head to the Devon Corp. building. Head to the third floor and speak with Mr. Stone. As a reward for delivering the Letter, you'll be given the EXP. Share. The EXP. Share is an item that allows a Pokémon to receive ~50% of the EXP. from a battle, despite the fact that it did not participate. This is quite good for raising Pokémon on the side, or for those, like Magikarp and Abra, that are tough to level up otherwise. Don't think you'll use it in such a manner? Well, put it on your lead Pokémon, who will then get bonus EXP.! Anyhow, leave Devon Corp. and head south, out of the city. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 104 (North) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ________________________________ | The Pretty Petal Flower Shop \ |_________________________________\___________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Red Plant ........................................................ $3,000 | | Tropical Plant ................................................... $3,000 | | Pretty Flowers ................................................... $3,000 | | Colorful Plant ................................................... $5,000 | | Big Plant ........................................................ $5,000 | | Gorgeous Plant ................................................... $5,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ | Pokémon and Trainer Data \ |_____________________________\_______________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Taillow | Normal/Flying | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Zigzagoon Lv. 9 | | Lotad Lv. 6, Shroomish Lv. 6 | | Lotad Lv. 6, Seedet Lv. 6 | | Magikarp Lv. 5 (x2), Magikarp Lv. 7 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go south, across the bridge, then southwest to the Petalburg Woods. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Petalburg Woods ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Silcoon | Bug | Uncommon | | Taillow | Normal/Flying | Rare | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Cascoon | Bug/Poison | Uncommon | | Shroomish | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Slakoth | Normal | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Wurmple Lv. 3 (x4) | | Poochyena Lv. 9 | | Nincada Lv. 6 (x2) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head east this time and Cut down the tree. You'll be able to find a Miracle Seed, which powers up Grass moves by 10%, if you did not grab it earlier. Then simply go south and outside of the woods. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 104 (South) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Taillow | Normal/Flying | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Zigzagoon Lv. 5, Seedot Lv. 7 | | Magikarp Lv. 9 | | Zigzagoon Lv. 7 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Speak with Mr. Briney and head on over to Dewford. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Dewford Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) When you make landfall, head over to the Pokémon Center and heal up again if you need to. Speak with Mr. Briney again and sail to Slateport City. (Well, you actually make landfall on Route 109, south of Slateport.) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 109 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | None are to be found in this location. | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Wingull Lv. 12, Machop LV. 12 | | Wingull Lv. 13 | | Marill Lv. 13 | | Zigzagoon | | (In Beach House) Azurill Lv. 12, Marill Lv. 12 | | (In Beach House) Goldeen Lv. 13 | | (In Beach House) Wingull Lv. 11, Tentacool Lv. 11, Machop Lv. 11 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| When you arrive on the beach, you have access to quite a few Trainer battles. Take advantage of these - if you beat Brawly, you can handle these that are ~5 levels lower than his own. Specifically worth mention is the beach house on the northwestern corner. Inside, beat the three Trainers and speak with the man to the north to receive six Soda Pops, which are Super Potions x1.2, for free. Sweet. (Literally and metaphorically.) While you're on the beach, speak to the two Tubers in front of Mr. Briney's boat. They will hand over the Soft Sand, a hold item that powers up the power of Ground-type moves by 10%. Anyhow, finish up any business you may have here, then continue north into one of Hoenn's two port cities, Slateport City. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Slateport City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Slateport PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | Harbor Mail ......................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| __________________________________________________________ | Slateport Markets \ The ~~ divides individual shops. \ |______________________\____________________________________\_________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Azurill Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Marill Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Skitty Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< | TM10 (Hidden Power) .............................................. $3,000 | | TM43 (Secret Power) .............................................. $3,000 | >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< | Protein .......................................................... $9,800 | | Iron ............................................................. $9,800 | | Carbos ........................................................... $9,800 | | Zinc ............................................................. $9,800 | | Calcium .......................................................... $9,800 | | HP Up ............................................................ $9,800 | >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< | Red Brick .......................................................... $500 | | Yellow Brick ....................................................... $500 | | Blue Brick ......................................................... $500 | | Red Balloon ........................................................ $500 | | Blue Balloon ....................................................... $500 | | Yellow Balloon ..................................................... $500 | | C Low Note Mat ..................................................... $500 | | D Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | E Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | F Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | G Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | A Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | B Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | C High Note Mat .................................................... $500 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| When you arrive at the city itself, go to the outdoor market to the west. Here, you can find some various shops selling the items above. One such shop -- the one selling TMs 10 and 43 -- will not open until you receive the respective TMs later on, I think. Further north of the market, you'll find the Contest House. Unlike the single Contest building in Gen. IV, there are four of these in Hoenn for each ranking. You participate in a certain category, blah blah blah. This is the kind of stuff the game tells you. Learn it yourself. My point is that you cannot do a Contest yet - this one is too highly ranked. However, be sure to go inside and speak with the girl on the west side to obtain the Pokéblock Case. There is also a Name Rater and a Pokémon Fan Club in town. Visit them at your own discretion. Okay, now let's get on with it. Heal up at the Pokémon Center and buy some stuff at the PokéMart, most notably the Great Balls (remember, 1.5x catch rate). Also buy a Harbor Mail - you'll need it later. Leave yourself at least $50. Head southeast to find a bunch of Team Aqua members near the Museum. Enter the harbor building and speak with the man inside, Dock, to learn that Captain Stern went to the museum. (Do people actually name their kids like this?) Head to the museum - where the Team Aqua members were near - and go inside. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Slateport Museum (Slateport City) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | None are to be found in this location. | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Carvanha Lv. 15 | | Zubat Lv. 14, Carvanha Lv. 14 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Pay the $50 and speak with the first Team Aqua member you can find in here on the first floor to obtain TM46 (Thief). Go upstairs and speak with the man there, Captain Stern. After a short conversation, you'll fight two battles. After the battle, the leader of Team Aqua, Archie will come up. After a quick threat for you not to mess with them again, they leave. Captain Stern will thank you and talk some more before leaving. Follow suit. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Slateport City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Slateport PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | Harbor Mail ......................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| __________________________________________________________ | Slateport Markets \ The ~~ divides individual shops. \ |______________________\____________________________________\_________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Azurill Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Marill Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Skitty Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< | TM10 (Hidden Power) .............................................. $3,000 | | TM43 (Secret Power) .............................................. $3,000 | >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< | Protein .......................................................... $9,800 | | Iron ............................................................. $9,800 | | Carbos ........................................................... $9,800 | | Zinc ............................................................. $9,800 | | Calcium .......................................................... $9,800 | | HP Up ............................................................ $9,800 | >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< | Red Brick .......................................................... $500 | | Yellow Brick ....................................................... $500 | | Blue Brick ......................................................... $500 | | Red Balloon ........................................................ $500 | | Blue Balloon ....................................................... $500 | | Yellow Balloon ..................................................... $500 | | C Low Note Mat ..................................................... $500 | | D Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | E Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | F Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | G Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | A Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | B Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | C High Note Mat .................................................... $500 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| As you exit the Museum, the man with the sunglasses from Petalburg City will meet you again. He'll introduce himself as Scott, then register himself into your Pokénav Heal up and head north to Route 110. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 110 (Grassy Portion) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Gulpin | Poison | Uncommon | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Electrike | Electric | Common | | Plusle | Electric | Rare | | Minun | Electric | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Plusle Lv. 14 (x2), Minun Lv. 14 (x2) | | Nuzleaf Lv. 14, Lombre Lv. 14 | | Electrike Lv. 14, Voltorb Lv. 14 | | Abra Lv. 15 | | Magnemite Lv. 15 | | Tentacool Lv. 11 (x2), Wailmer Lv. 14 (x2) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Ahhh... Route 110. This one really brings back memories. This was the Route where I caught my first Shiny Pokémon, Gulpin, back on Sapphire Version. It was purple rather than green. Of course, at the time, I had no idea its special quality. I ended up trading it to Pokémon XD, then later resetting that game... with Gulpin still on there. >_< *ahem* Anyhow, much like the other games, this is the Cycling Road Route. You cannot access this Road now, because you lack a Bike, and there is no glitch to access it early like in R/B/Y/G. You will find Professor Birch on the Route fairly early on. He'll be looking for your rival, then register himself into the Pokénav. You can go north to find a path going west (to Route 103 and some Trainers). When you're done there, go east to the grassy part of Route 110. Soon, you'll come across your rival for a battle! __________________________________ | BOSS: PKMN Trainer May/Brendan \ |___________________________________\_________________________________________ | Pokémon [if you chose Treecko]: Wingull (Lv. 18) Water/Flying | | Lombre (Lv. 18) Grass/Water | | Combusken (Lv. 20) Fire/Fighting | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Pokémon [if you chose Torchic]: Lombre (Lv. 18) Grass/Water | | Slugma (Lv. 18) Fire | | Marshtomp (Lv. 20) Water/Ground | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Pokémon [if you chose Mudkip]: Slugma (Lv. 18) Fire | | Wingull (Lv. 18) Water/Flying | | Grovyle (Lv. 20) Grass | |=============================================================================| | Combusken is weak to Water, Ground, Flying, and Psychic. | | | | Lombre is weak to Flying, Bug, and Poison. | | | | Wingull is weak to Electric (4x) and Rock. It is immune to Ground. | | | | Marshtomp is weak to Grass (4x). It is immune to Electric. | | | | Slugma is weak to Rock, Water, and Ground. | | | | Grovyle is weak to Fire, Ice, Flying, Bug, and Poison. | | | | Recommendations: | | ~ Water-type -> Slugma, Combusken | | ~ Swellow -> Combusken (alternate), Lombre, Grovyle | | ~ Electrike/Graveler/Golem -> Wingull | | ~ Breloom -> Marshtomp | | All participating Pokémon should be Lv. 21+. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After the battle, your rival will fork over the Itemfinder. This, much like the Dowsing MCHN of other games, helps you find invisible items. Also, further along the Route, you'll find an Elixir. Anyhow, continue along the Route, battling Trainers and wild Pokémon. Sooner or later, make your way into Mauville City. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mauville City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Mauville PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Guard Spec. ........................................................ $700 | | Dire Hit ........................................................... $650 | | X Accuracy ......................................................... $950 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _______________________________ | Mauville Game Corner Prizes \ |________________________________\____________________________________________ | Item ............................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | TM13 (Ice Beam) ............................................. 4,000 Coins | | TM24 (Thunderbolt) .......................................... 4,000 Coins | | TM35 (Flamethrower) ......................................... 4,000 Coins | | TM29 (Psychic) .............................................. 3,500 Coins | | TM32 (Double Team) .......................................... 1,500 Coins | | Mudkip Doll ................................................. 1,000 Coins | | Treecko Doll ................................................ 1,000 Coins | | Torchic Doll ................................................ 1,000 Coins | |_____________________________________________________________________________| As you enter town, go into the first house you can and give the girl inside a Harbor Mail. In return, you receive a Coin Case, which allows you to play at the Game Corner. Next, go into the southeasternmost house and speak with the man inside to get HM06, Rock Smash. This is a weak (20 Power) Fighting-type move that may lower the target's defense. However, when you get enough Badges, you can use it to break rocks (such as those in the Granite Cave) outside of battle. In the building to the north, you can obtain a Bike. There are, in fact, two Bikes. However, you can only have one of them, but you can swap them here when you wish. The Acro Bike is slower, but allows Bunny Hopping (hold A when you are stationary), Wheelies (hold A while moving), and side hops (A + the D-Pad). The Mach Bike is much faster and can go up those sandy slopes, one of which you saw in the Granite Cave. Once you get a Bike, head to the Cycling Road for some battling and training. I won't list that though - it's not even needed. Whenever you're done, head back to Mauville and heal up at the Pokémon Center. Go to the Gym and you'll find Wally out front, complaining about how his uncle won't let him fight the Gym Leader. You soon get noticed for a battle. ____________________________ | BOSS: PKMN Trainer Wally \ |_____________________________\_______________________________________________ | Pokémon: Ralts (Lv. 16) Psychic | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Ralts is weak to Bug, Ghost, and Dark. It resists Fighting and Psychic. | | | | Recommendations: Your starter can handle this, regardless of whether it | | may or may not be Combusken/Blaziken. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After defeating Wally, he'll decide to head home. As he does, Wally's uncle realizes that you are the Trainer who helped Wally catch Ralts. He'll converse some, then leave. Scott then comes up and speak to you as well. Heal up at the Pokémon Center, then speak to the man next to the Gym. This man will teach Rollout to a Pokémon - it a five-turn Rock-type move that will double in power each turn until it misses. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mauville Gym ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | No wild Pokémon are to be found here. | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Meditite Lv. 17 (x2) | | Electrike Lv. 17, Voltorb Lv. 17 | | Zigzagoon Lv. 17, Gulpin Lv. 17 | | Illumise Lv. 17, Volbeat Lv. 17 | | Magnemite Lv. 17, Voltorb Lv. 17 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| When you enter, battle the two Trainers in front of you. Hit the switch nearby, then head north and east. Stomp on the switch and battle the Trainer nearby. Head south and east, ignoring the switch, and battle those two Trainers. Hit the switch near THEM. Head west and north to Wattson. ____________________________ | BOSS: Gym Leader Wattson \ |_____________________________\_______________________________________________ | Pokémon: Voltorb (Lv. 20) Electric | | Electrike (Lv. 20) Electric | | Magnemite (Lv. 22) Electric/Steel | | Magneton (Lv. 24) Electric/Steel | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Voltorb and Electrike are weak to Ground. Beware Voltorb's Selfdestruct. | | | | Magnemite and Magneton are weak to Ground (4x), Fire, and Fighting. They | | are immune to Poison. | | | | Also be wary: all four Pokémon have the move Shock Wave. It is a move of | | 70-Power (105 with STAB), is Electric, and WILL NOT MISS. | | | | Recommendations: Marshtomp, Graveler, or Golem at Lv. 23+ shall manage | | this battle beautifully. If such is not possible, Combusken is good for | | damage, while Grovyle can do defense (Grass resists Electric). Odds are, | | that with Grovyle, you'll have to tough it out. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| For winning, you'll be given the Dynamo Badge, TM34 (Shock Wave), and the ability to use Rock Smash outside of battle. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++ ++ Section IV- Heat Badge **PKMN44** ++ ++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mauville Gym ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Time to leave. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mauville City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Mauville PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Guard Spec. ........................................................ $700 | | Dire Hit ........................................................... $650 | | X Accuracy ......................................................... $950 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _______________________________ | Mauville Game Corner Prizes \ |________________________________\____________________________________________ | Item ............................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | TM13 (Ice Beam) ............................................. 4,000 Coins | | TM24 (Thunderbolt) .......................................... 4,000 Coins | | TM35 (Flamethrower) ......................................... 4,000 Coins | | TM29 (Psychic) .............................................. 3,500 Coins | | TM32 (Double Team) .......................................... 1,500 Coins | | Mudkip Doll ................................................. 1,000 Coins | | Treecko Doll ................................................ 1,000 Coins | | Torchic Doll ................................................ 1,000 Coins | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Heal up at the Pokémon Center, then head west onto Route 117. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 117 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Common | | Marill | Water | Uncommon | | Volbeat | Bug | Rare | | Illumise | Bug | Common | | Seedot | Grass | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Zigzagoon Lv. 15, Makuhita Lv. 17 | | Same Trainer -+-> Whismur Lv. 11, Zigzagoon Lv. 11, Taillow Lv. 11, | | '-> Aron Lv. 11, Poochyena Lv. 11, Makuhita Lv. 11 | | Doduo Lv. 17 | | Doduo Lv. 17 | | Dustox Lv. 16, Beautifly Lv. 16 | | Same Trainer -+-> Wingull Lv. 11, Marill Lv. 11, Goldeen Lv. 11, | | '-> Skitty Lv. 11, Shroomish Lv. 11, Roselia Lv. 11 | | Ralts Lv. 17 | | Meditite Lv. 17 | | Doduo Lv. 17 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| A major landmark on this Route would be the Pokémon Daycare, that building just to the northwest of the City-Route border. Here, you can drop off a Pokémon or two and leave it here. For every step you take, the Pokémon will gain 1 EXP. The Pokémon will gain levels, too. However there is a cost: $100 + ($100 times the number of levels gained). If you leave a male and female Pokémon here, you can also come back later to receive a Pokémon Egg. The mechanics (in-game, of course, not scientific) are better explained in other FAQs. When you get on the Route, go south to find a double battle and some Berries. Go to the Daycare and west to find three more Trainers past the two ponds. Defeat them and go north. Cut down the Cut tree to get a Revive. At the flower patches, go into the south garden and through the trees to find a free Great Ball to the right. After that, simply exit the garden and head west. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Verdanturf Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _______________________ | Verdanturf PokéMart \ |________________________\____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Nest Ball ........................................................ $1,000 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Burn Heal .......................................................... $250 | | Ice Heal ........................................................... $250 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | X Special .......................................................... $350 | | Fluffy Tail ...................................................... $1,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Once you arrive, head on over to the Pokémon Center and heal up. While here, speak with the kid to be able to teach a Pokémon Fury Cutter. Then head over to the Contest House. Here, you can speak with the woman at the desk to get a Contest Pass, which permits entrance into Contests. You'll have to start here, for now, if you want to do it at all. Finish up anything you might have here, then head north to the Rusturf Tunnel. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Rusturf Tunnel ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Whismur | Normal | Guaranteed encounter | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None, I think. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go west and you'll find an alternate exit. Outside, in the clearing, it seems someone has lost their glasses. Using the Itemfinder (or by manually checking every tile), find the Blackglasses. Show them to the guy, who then realizes these glasses are not his, so you get to keep them. (FYI, you can't find his glasses.) Anyhow, the Blackglasses power up Dark-type moves. Also pick up the HP Up on the east side. Get back in the Tunnel. There, from the fork from earlier, go north and west to find two people that have been separated by some cracked boulders, as you may have seen earlier soon after obtaining the Stone Badge. Anyhow, break a rock and the couple will be reunited, with the man giving you HM04. HM04 contains Strength. Strength is an 80-Power Normal-type move that is fairly powerful, but lacks side effects. Later on, when you can use it outside of battle, you'll be able to push the large, rounded boulders around. Go east, then south to Verdanturf. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Verdanturf Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _______________________ | Verdanturf PokéMart \ |________________________\____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Nest Ball ........................................................ $1,000 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Burn Heal .......................................................... $250 | | Ice Heal ........................................................... $250 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | X Special .......................................................... $350 | | Fluffy Tail ...................................................... $1,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Finish up any business, such as healing, then go east to Route 117. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 117 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Common | | Marill | Water | Uncommon | | Volbeat | Bug | Rare | | Illumise | Bug | Common | | Seedot | Grass | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Zigzagoon Lv. 15, Makuhita Lv. 17 | | Same Trainer -+-> Whismur Lv. 11, Zigzagoon Lv. 11, Taillow Lv. 11, | | '-> Aron Lv. 11, Poochyena Lv. 11, Makuhita Lv. 11 | | Doduo Lv. 17 | | Doduo Lv. 17 | | Dustox Lv. 16, Beautifly Lv. 16 | | Same Trainer -+-> Wingull Lv. 11, Marill Lv. 11, Goldeen Lv. 11, | | '-> Skitty Lv. 11, Shroomish Lv. 11, Roselia Lv. 11 | | Ralts Lv. 17 | | Meditite Lv. 17 | | Doduo Lv. 17 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head east into Mauville. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mauville City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Mauville PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Guard Spec. ........................................................ $700 | | Dire Hit ........................................................... $650 | | X Accuracy ......................................................... $950 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _______________________________ | Mauville Game Corner Prizes \ |________________________________\____________________________________________ | Item ............................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | TM13 (Ice Beam) ............................................. 4,000 Coins | | TM24 (Thunderbolt) .......................................... 4,000 Coins | | TM35 (Flamethrower) ......................................... 4,000 Coins | | TM29 (Psychic) .............................................. 3,500 Coins | | TM32 (Double Team) .......................................... 1,500 Coins | | Mudkip Doll ................................................. 1,000 Coins | | Treecko Doll ................................................ 1,000 Coins | | Torchic Doll ................................................ 1,000 Coins | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head on over to the Pokémon Center to heal up - the next one is a while away. As such, also shop a bit. When you're ready, head north to find Route 111. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 111 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | For now, you cannot find any Pokémon here. | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Sandshrew Lv. 19 | | Roselia Lv. 18 | | Shroomish Lv. 18 | | Numel Lv. 18 | | (Gabby & Ty) Whismur Lv. 17, Magnemite Lv. 17 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| As for the "Gabby & Ty" note above: this means the reporters Gabby & Ty can appear on this Route, and have this party at the time of encounter IF YOU ARE FOLLOWING THE WALKTHROUGH - IF NOT, IT WILL LIKELY BE DIFFERENT. Head northward, and Smash the rocks. You might to pick up the Elixir you'll find on the ground as you proceed to do this. Continue along to find the interviewers, Gabby & Ty. Battle and defeat them, then have a one-word interview with them. Continue northward and you'll find the desert. This place cannot be (legally) entered until later on, when you obtain the Go Goggles after finishing the fourth Gym. Continue west to find Route 112. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 112 (South) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Numel | Fire/Ground | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Nuzleaf Lv. 18 | | Taillow Lv. 17, Lombre Lv. 17 | | Geodude Lv. 16, Geodude Lv. 17 | | Numel Lv. 16, Machop Lv. 17 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| A fairly short and linear Route. Go west, then north and up the staircase, defeating the Trainers as you do so. Once you get onto the mountain, you'll find a Cable Car nearby, as well as some Team Magma members blocking it. Instead, go west to the Fiery Path. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Fiery Path ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Slugma | Fire | Uncommon | | Torkoal | Fire | Common | | Numel | Fire/Ground | Common | | Koffing | Poison | Common | | Grimer | Poison | Rare | | Machop | Fighting | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Quite the linear place, eh? Anyhow, we might as well mention some Pokémon. Koffing is notable for having only one weakness, Psychic, because its ability nullifies Ground. Numel is quite good once it evolves, though, like Slugma's evolution, it has a double weakness. Torkoal would be recommended for a more defensive player, but it's your choice. Anyhow, go north, west, north, east, and south to find the exit. As you do so, notice the rounded boulder you find on the way. This is a Strength boulder, moved by using HM04 (Strength) out of battle. Anyhow, finish up your business and leave. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 112 (North) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Numel | Fire/Ground | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Numel Lv. 18, Slugma Lv. 18 | | Shroomish Lv. 19, Roselia Lv. 18 | | Machop Lv. 19 | | Electrike Lv. 17, Makuhita Lv. 17, Wailmer Lv. 17 | | Wingull Lv. 17, Roselia Lv. 17, Numel Lv. 17 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| On the northern half of Route 112, grab the Berries nearby and head east. Go north after defeating two Trainers, then speak to the guy near the tree to obtain TM43, Secret Power, which is a fairly decent battle move, and can also be used on trees like the one nearby to make Secret Bases. Further along, go to the house to heal up. Near siad house is a girl who will give you a Razz Berry, and another once daily. Head west, finish off some more Trainers, then you'll hit Route 113. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 113 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Slugma | Fire | Common | | Spinda | Normal | Common | | Skarmory | Steel/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Trapinch Lv. 19 | | Aron Lv. 18 (x2) | | Koffing Lv. 18, Ninjask Lv. 18 | | Baltoy Lv. 18, Sandshrew Lv. 18 | | Koffing Lv. 17 (x2) | | Aron Lv. 19 | | Numel Lv. 19 | | Marill Lv. 17, Lombre Lv. 17 | | Skarmory Lv. 17, Swellow Lv. 19 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Ahhh... Ash... So beauti -- *coughs* Anyhow... Skarmory is quite the good Pokémon. Its typing negates two Steel weaknesses, Fighting and Ground (the latter to immunity) and negates Flying's weakness to Rock and Ice. In fact, it only has two weaknesses, Fire and Electric, each just a 2x weakness, with two immunities (Poison, Ground), and many resistances: Normal, Grass (1/4), Flying, Psychic, Bug (1/4), Ghost, Dragon, Dark, and Steel. Well worth the effort. Also worth noting is Spinda. It can learn some decent Psychic moves to help counter its Fighting weakness. However, that is not the real notable thing about it. The true notability comes from its number of Forms - I think it over eight million or billion. If you can collect them all ... you are a hacker. The Route has ash falling from the sky, mostly because it is at the base of Mt. Chimney, an active volcano. Anyhow, continue westward and you will soon come across a house. Inside, speak with the man to obtain the Soot Sack. The Soot Sack collects soot, which you collect by walking through sooty grass, which can then be traded for various items. Continue westward. You'll soon come across some mounds. One contains TM32 (Double Team) if you examine it. Further westward is Fallarbor Town. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Fallarbor Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Fallarbor PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | X Special .......................................................... $350 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Guard Spec. ........................................................ $700 | | Dire Hit ........................................................... $650 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Hm. Go into the Pokémon Center to heal up (and maybe get ash all over the place). Also here, in front of the PC, you'll find Lanette, the manager of the Hoenn Pokémon PC Storage System -- basically, she does what Bill does in Kanto and Johto, but without getting into wacky experiments. :) Also of note is a person in the Pokémon teaching Metronome, a move that allows the user to use a random move. For example, a Water-type might use Flamethrower or something. Risky but sometimes worth the empty slot. Exit and you'll also find the Super Rank Contest House, which can only be competed in by Pokémon who have beaten a Normal Rank Contest in Verdanturf Town. Exit when done, then go to the crater near the southwestern house and examine its set to obtain a Nugget. Then go into the northwestern house to find the Move Tutor's home. For a Heart Scale, you can reteach a Pokémon a move it has forgotten - fairly key in Daycare raising. Finish up your business, then head west to Route 114. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 114 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Lotad | Grass/Water | Common | | Lombre | Grass/Water | Common | | Nuzleaf | Grass/Dark | Rare | | Seviper | Poison | Uncommon | | Swablu | Normal/Flying | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Barboach Lv. 19 | | Nuzleaf Lv. 19 | | Magikarp Lv. 16, Goldeen Lv. 17, Barboach Lv. 18 | | Marill Lv. 18, Lombre Lv. 18 | | Roselia Lv. 18, Graveler Lv. 20 | | Sandshrew Lv. 18, Nuzleaf Lv. 18 | | Aron Lv. 19 | | Slugma Lv. 18, Wingull Lv. 18 | | Geodude Lv. 18, Numel Lv. 18 | | Lombre Lv. 18, Marill Lv. 18 | | Geodude Lv. 18, Machop Lv. 18 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| As you arrive onto the Route, head west and into the house. Speak with the kid inside to earn TM28, Dig. Dig is a decent Ground-type attack, in which the user goes underground for one turn to attack on the next. During the underground time, as of Gen. III, only Earthquake and Fissure can hit. It also has a use in the Regi-hunting sidequest. Leave and head west. Speak with the man next to the Poochyena to get TM05, Roar, a move that causes the opponent's Pokémon to switch, or causes a wild battle to end. Go south to the bridge. Defeat the two Trainers before it, one mid-way acorss, and another at the end. Head into the grass and head south of the rocks and head to find another Trainer, and a building. Inside, you'll find Lanette again, who will hand you a Lotad Doll. Exit and talk to the kid near the grass to get a random Berry daily. Go through the grass, heading south, to find a Pokémaniac. Defeat him and examine the rock behind him for a Carbos (increases Speed EVs by 10). Go up the stairs nearby to and you'll find a rock. Smash it and pick up the Protein (Attack EVs +10) at the end. Turn around and follow the path. It is quite linear and contains the rest of the Trainers. Enter the cavern when you reach it. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Meteor Falls ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Zubat | Poison/Flying | Common | | Solrock | Rock/Psychic | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None for the moment. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| When you enter, go up the stairs nearby, then go west and across the bridge. You'll find a Scientist, in addition to a few Team Magma members. They'll speak some, then Team Aqua arrives. After a conversation, both will leave. Next, go downstairs, west, north, and upstairs to find a Moon Stone. Then head downstairs, south, east, upstairs, across the bridge, and out. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 114 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Lotad | Grass/Water | Common | | Lombre | Grass/Water | Common | | Nuzleaf | Grass/Dark | Rare | | Seviper | Poison | Uncommon | | Swablu | Normal/Flying | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Barboach Lv. 19 | | Nuzleaf Lv. 19 | | Magikarp Lv. 16, Goldeen Lv. 17, Barboach Lv. 18 | | Marill Lv. 18, Lombre Lv. 18 | | Roselia Lv. 18, Graveler Lv. 20 | | Sandshrew Lv. 18, Nuzleaf Lv. 18 | | Aron Lv. 19 | | Slugma Lv. 18, Wingull Lv. 18 | | Geodude Lv. 18, Numel Lv. 18 | | Lombre Lv. 18, Marill Lv. 18 | | Geodude Lv. 18, Machop Lv. 18 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head north, then east, to Fallarbor. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Fallarbor Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Fallarbor PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | X Special .......................................................... $350 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Guard Spec. ........................................................ $700 | | Dire Hit ........................................................... $650 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Heal your Pokémon, then leave heading east. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 113 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Slugma | Fire | Common | | Spinda | Normal | Common | | Skarmory | Steel/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Trapinch Lv. 19 | | Aron Lv. 18 (x2) | | Koffing Lv. 18, Ninjask Lv. 18 | | Baltoy Lv. 18, Sandshrew Lv. 18 | | Koffing Lv. 17 (x2) | | Aron Lv. 19 | | Numel Lv. 19 | | Marill Lv. 17, Lombre Lv. 17 | | Skarmory Lv. 17, Swellow Lv. 19 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head east to Route 112. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 112 (North) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Numel | Fire/Ground | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Numel Lv. 18, Slugma Lv. 18 | | Shroomish Lv. 19, Roselia Lv. 18 | | Machop Lv. 19 | | Electrike Lv. 17, Makuhita Lv. 17, Wailmer Lv. 17 | | Wingull Lv. 17, Roselia Lv. 17, Numel Lv. 17 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go south, then southwest into the Fiery Path. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Fiery Path ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Slugma | Fire | Uncommon | | Torkoal | Fire | Common | | Numel | Fire/Ground | Common | | Koffing | Poison | Common | | Grimer | Poison | Rare | | Machop | Fighting | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go backtracking along the very linear path and out to the southern part of Route 112. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 112 (South) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Numel | Fire/Ground | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Nuzleaf Lv. 18 | | Taillow Lv. 17, Lombre Lv. 17 | | Geodude Lv. 16, Geodude Lv. 17 | | Numel Lv. 16, Machop Lv. 17 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head east upon exiting the Fiery Path to find the Cable Car station freed. Go inside, and into the Cable Car. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mt. Chimney ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | No wild Pokémon are found here. | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Zubat Lv. 20 | | Numel Lv. 20 | | Same Trainer -+-> Numel Lv. 18, Numel Lv. 22, Zubat Lv. 22, | | '-> Poochyena Lv. 20 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Once you exit the upper station, go east and upstairs. Here, you'll find Team Aqua and Team Magma battling it out, most or all using Poochyena. O_o Anyhow, go west and north, battling some Team Magma Grunts on the way. You will then find the leader of the Team Magma, Maxie. He will speak of the stolen Meteorite from Meteor Falls and explain how it will cause the volcano to erupt, A little more talking, and a battle begins. _________________________________ | BOSS: Team Magma Leader Maxie \ |__________________________________\___________________________________________ | Pokémon: Mightyena (Dark) Lv. 24 | | Zubat (Poison/Flying) Lv. 24 | | Camerupt (Fire/Ground) Lv. 25 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Mightyena is weak to Fighting and Bug. It is immune to Psychic. | | | | Zubat is weak to Psychic, Ice, Rock, and Electric. It is immune to | | Electric. | | | | Camerupt is weak to Water (4x), Rock (?), and Ground (?). It is immune to | | Electric. | | | | Recommendations: | | ~ Starter -> Mightyena | | ~ Graveler/Golem/Kadabra/Alakazam -> Zubat | | ~ Tentacruel/Gyarados/Starter -> Sharpedo | | Participating Pokémon should be Lv. 26+. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After the battle ends, Maxie will whine momentarily before he and Team Magma pack up and leave. Team Aqua's leader, Archie will come up to you and thank you for your help before leaving themselves. Go to the machine and examine it to find a Meteorite. Now, time to return it to its rightful owner. Go to the Cable Car station and down to Route 112. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 112 (South) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Numel | Fire/Ground | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Nuzleaf Lv. 18 | | Taillow Lv. 17, Lombre Lv. 17 | | Geodude Lv. 16, Geodude Lv. 17 | | Numel Lv. 16, Machop Lv. 17 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Exit the Cable Car station, then head west into the Fiery Path. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Fiery Path ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Slugma | Fire | Uncommon | | Torkoal | Fire | Common | | Numel | Fire/Ground | Common | | Koffing | Poison | Common | | Grimer | Poison | Rare | | Machop | Fighting | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go north, west, north, east, and south to find the exit. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 112 (North) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Numel | Fire/Ground | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Numel Lv. 18, Slugma Lv. 18 | | Shroomish Lv. 19, Roselia Lv. 18 | | Machop Lv. 19 | | Electrike Lv. 17, Makuhita Lv. 17, Wailmer Lv. 17 | | Wingull Lv. 17, Roselia Lv. 17, Numel Lv. 17 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go east, north, and west to Route 113. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 113 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Slugma | Fire | Common | | Spinda | Normal | Common | | Skarmory | Steel/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Trapinch Lv. 19 | | Aron Lv. 18 (x2) | | Koffing Lv. 18, Ninjask Lv. 18 | | Baltoy Lv. 18, Sandshrew Lv. 18 | | Koffing Lv. 17 (x2) | | Aron Lv. 19 | | Numel Lv. 19 | | Marill Lv. 17, Lombre Lv. 17 | | Skarmory Lv. 17, Swellow Lv. 19 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head west to Fallarbor. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Fallarbor Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Fallarbor PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | X Special .......................................................... $350 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Guard Spec. ........................................................ $700 | | Dire Hit ........................................................... $650 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Here, head into the Pokémon Center to heal up, then into the southwestern house. Speak with Prof. Cozmo inside to be able to hand him the Meteorite that is useless to you otherwise. In return, you obtain TM27, Return, a move that will gain power as the user grows more friendly to you. Leave heading east. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 113 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Slugma | Fire | Common | | Spinda | Normal | Common | | Skarmory | Steel/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Trapinch Lv. 19 | | Aron Lv. 18 (x2) | | Koffing Lv. 18, Ninjask Lv. 18 | | Baltoy Lv. 18, Sandshrew Lv. 18 | | Koffing Lv. 17 (x2) | | Aron Lv. 19 | | Numel Lv. 19 | | Marill Lv. 17, Lombre Lv. 17 | | Skarmory Lv. 17, Swellow Lv. 19 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head east to Route 112. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 112 (North) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Numel | Fire/Ground | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Numel Lv. 18, Slugma Lv. 18 | | Shroomish Lv. 19, Roselia Lv. 18 | | Machop Lv. 19 | | Electrike Lv. 17, Makuhita Lv. 17, Wailmer Lv. 17 | | Wingull Lv. 17, Roselia Lv. 17, Numel Lv. 17 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go south, then southwest into the Fiery Path. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Fiery Path ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Slugma | Fire | Uncommon | | Torkoal | Fire | Common | | Numel | Fire/Ground | Common | | Koffing | Poison | Common | | Grimer | Poison | Rare | | Machop | Fighting | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go backtracking along the very linear path and out to the southern part of Route 112. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 112 (South) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Numel | Fire/Ground | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Nuzleaf Lv. 18 | | Taillow Lv. 17, Lombre Lv. 17 | | Geodude Lv. 16, Geodude Lv. 17 | | Numel Lv. 16, Machop Lv. 17 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go into the Cable Car. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mt. Chimney ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Okay, upon exiting the Cable Car, head south and into the Jagged Pass. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Jagged Pass ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Spoink | Psychic | Common | | Numel | Fire/Ground | Common | | Machop | Fighting | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Geodude Lv. 20, Baltoy Lv. 20 | | Shroomish Lv. 19, Oddish Lv. 19, Swablu Lv. 19 | | Zigzagoon Lv. 20, Taillow Lv. 20 | | Shroomish Lv. 21 | | Magnemite Lv. 21 | | Poochyena Lv. 22, Numel Lv. 22 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| This is just your basic southward-bound path in which you can take multiple routes. You can use two different methods - jumping over the ledges, or hopping along the small rocks via the Acro Bike. Either way, fight a few Trainers and exit when you hit the bottom. By the way, when your here, take a bit of caution around the Team Magma Grunt (last Trainer on the list). Speak with him and note his location. Leave when desired. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 112 (South) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Numel | Fire/Ground | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Nuzleaf Lv. 18 | | Taillow Lv. 17, Lombre Lv. 17 | | Geodude Lv. 16, Geodude Lv. 17 | | Numel Lv. 16, Machop Lv. 17 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Ignore the ledges to the east for the moment and head west to Lavaridge. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Lavaridge Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Lavaridge PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Burn Heal .......................................................... $250 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _________________________ | Lavaridge Herbal Shop \ |__________________________\__________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Energypowder ....................................................... $500 | | Energy Root ........................................................ $800 | | Heal Powder ........................................................ $450 | | Revival Herb ..................................................... $2,800 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Let's begin by first heading to the Pokémon Center to heal. While we are here, open up a slot in your party so we can put something there in a moment. Outside, go near the hot spring and speak with the old lady near the sand beds. She will give you a Pokémon Egg. This particular Egg will eventually hatch into a Lv. 5 Wynaut, a Psychic type and the pre-evolution of Wobbuffet. Eggs simply hatch by walking around - nothing special required. Finally, the man in the back of the Herbal Store will hand over a Charcoal, an item that raises Fire-type moves' power by 10%. The next house will have a person inside teaching Mimic to a Pokémon; Mimic merely copies the last move used by the opponent. Train some and grab some Water/Rock/Ground types - we're heading to blazing Fire-type Gym. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Lavaridge Gym ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | No wild Pokémon can be found here. | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Slugma Lv. 22 (x2) | | Slugma Lv. 23 | | Numel Lv. 23 | | Numel Lv. 23 | | Kecleon Lv. 23 | | Numel Lv. 23 | | Slugma Lv. 23 | | Meditite Lv. 23 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| This Gym's puzzle consists of going through various sand pits/launches between the top and bottom floors. Begin by taking the western drop. Battle the Trainer to the right of launch, then return through the launch to the entrance. Go north to find a drop. Jump down in this one, then go south and west. There is an opening north of here, but there are two Trainers in the mist as well. From them, head left to find two drops. Pick one and go east to find some more Trainers. Head north to find a launch, with a Trainer east of it. Jump in the launch. Go north for a drop, to the east of which you'll find a Trainer. Jump into the drop to the north. Defeat the Trainer to the northeast. Take the launch nearby. From the sand drop used to get here, use one to the east. Head south and into the sand. Jump off the ledge to the south, jump into the sand. By this point, you should be in the same "cell" as Flannery. Speak with her to begin. _____________________________ | BOSS: Gym Leader Flannery \ |______________________________\______________________________________________ | Pokémon: Numel (Lv. 24) Fire | | Slugma (Lv. 24) Fire | | Camerupt (Lv. 26) Fire/Ground | | Torkoal (Lv. 29) Fire | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Slugma and Torkoal are weak to Water, Rock, and Ground. | | | | Numel and Camerupt are weak to Water (4x), Rock (?), and Ground (?). Both | | are immune to Electric. | | | | The Slugma enjoys to use Sunny Day to power up the move Flamethrower, the | | former of which will power up Fire while weakening Water. Torkoal can use | | Body Slam (Normal; 30% chance of Paralysis), Overheat (225-Power with STAB | | (it is therefore Fire)), and Attract (those affected will only have a 50% | | chance of doing something). Sunny Day is assumed. | | | | Recommendations: Any Water or Rock type Pokémon at Lv. 30+ is preferred. | | Examples include Marshtomp, Gyarados, Tentacruel, Graveler, and Golem. | | That actually composes the majority of the non-traded Pokémon that would | | work best here. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Once you have won, you'll receive the Heat Badge, TM50 (Overheat), the ability to use HM04 (Strength) out of battles, and all traded Pokémon up to Lv. 50 will obey you completely. Four down, four to go! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++ ++ Section V- Balance Badge **PKMN45** ++ ++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Lavaridge Gym ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) After defeating Flannery, take the eastern drop, head south, take eastern launch, then leave. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Lavaridge Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Lavaridge PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Burn Heal .......................................................... $250 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _________________________ | Lavaridge Herbal Shop \ |__________________________\__________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Energypowder ....................................................... $500 | | Energy Root ........................................................ $800 | | Heal Powder ........................................................ $450 | | Revival Herb ..................................................... $2,800 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| As you leave the Gym, you'll run into your rival. They will speak with you some, notably mentioning that you should fight your father in Petalburg. You will also receive the Go-Goggles from them. The Go-Goggles allows you to enter sandstorms, such as the one on Route 111. Hint hint. Heal up and head east onto Route 112. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 112 (South) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Numel | Fire/Ground | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Nuzleaf Lv. 18 | | Taillow Lv. 17, Lombre Lv. 17 | | Geodude Lv. 16, Geodude Lv. 17 | | Numel Lv. 16, Machop Lv. 17 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Drop off of the ledges to the east of Lavaridge, grabbing the Nugget as you go. When you reach the bottom, head to Route 111. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 111 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Baltoy | Ground/Psychic | Rare | | Cacnea | Grass/Ground | Uncommon | | Sandshrew | Ground | Uncommon | | Trapinch | Ground | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Sandshrew Lv. 19 | | Roselia Lv. 18 | | Shroomish Lv. 18 | | Numel Lv. 18 | | (Gabby & Ty) Whismur Lv. 17, Magnemite Lv. 17 | | (In Desert) Sandshrew Lv. 22, Baltoy Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Baltoy Lv. 21 (x2), Sandshrew Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Sandshrew Lv. 23 | | (In Desert) Marill Lv. 22, Sandshrew Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Sandslash Lv. 23 | | (In Desert) Marill Lv. 22, Lombre Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Sandshrew Lv. 22, Sandslash Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Taillow Lv. 22, Nuzleaf Lv. 22 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| When you enter from Route 112, then hit the desert, pick up the nearby Stardust, an item with no known use aside from being sold for money. Head north to the other end of the desert, then go east to find a Trainer in the northeastern corner. Head south for another two, with another three further south. Further south, you'll find TM37, Sandstorm. Sandstorm (ie. the weather in the desert here) will damage all Pokémon, except Rock/Ground/Steel types, for five turns. Head northwest to the southern-Route 111 entrance to the desert we used. To the northeast, you MIGHT find a tower. It is there sometimes, and sometimes not. If it is not there, wait a while a return. You'll need Rock Smash and the Mach Bike to finish this area, the Mirage Tower. Return to the non-deserty portion of Route 111, then southward to Mauville. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mirage Tower (Route 111) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Sandshrew | Ground | Common | | Trapinch | Ground | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Upon entering, head east and north. You'll find a ladder in the northeastern corenr of the room. Climb up. Head west to find cracks in the floor, much like Sky Pillar before it. If you walk over them, you'll fall to the below floor. The only way to avoid such is to use the Mach Bike with a head start, then at full speed. Follow the path to a ladder. Head on up. Here, go west and north to two sets of rocks. Use Rock Smash and go up the next ladder. On the top floor, Rock Smash the rock blocking the stairs, then go up to find two fossils. Only one can be taken at the moment. ~~ The Claw Fossil on the right will yield an Anorith when it is brought back to life. Anorith is a Bug/Rock Pokémon that evolves into Armaldo at Lv. 40. It is weak to Water, Steel, and perhaps Ground. It has a type advantage over Grass, Dark, Psychic, Fire, Flying, Ice, and Bug. ~~ The Root Fossil on the left yields Lileep when resurrected. It is a Grass/Rock Pokémon that evolves at Lv. 40 into Cradily. It is weak to Ice, Fighting, Bug, and Steel. It has a type-based advantage over Water, Rock, Ground, Fire, Ice, Flying, and Bug. I prefer this one, due its relatively high Defense and Sp. Defense, and its decent moves. We'll resurrecting these Pokémon shortly. For now, leave the Tower. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 111 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Baltoy | Ground/Psychic | Rare | | Cacnea | Grass/Ground | Uncommon | | Sandshrew | Ground | Uncommon | | Trapinch | Ground | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Sandshrew Lv. 19 | | Roselia Lv. 18 | | Shroomish Lv. 18 | | Numel Lv. 18 | | (Gabby & Ty) Whismur Lv. 17, Magnemite Lv. 17 | | (In Desert) Sandshrew Lv. 22, Baltoy Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Baltoy Lv. 21 (x2), Sandshrew Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Sandshrew Lv. 23 | | (In Desert) Marill Lv. 22, Sandshrew Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Sandslash Lv. 23 | | (In Desert) Marill Lv. 22, Lombre Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Sandshrew Lv. 22, Sandslash Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Taillow Lv. 22, Nuzleaf Lv. 22 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go south to Mauville City. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mauville City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Mauville PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Guard Spec. ........................................................ $700 | | Dire Hit ........................................................... $650 | | X Accuracy ......................................................... $950 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _______________________________ | Mauville Game Corner Prizes \ |________________________________\____________________________________________ | Item ............................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | TM13 (Ice Beam) ............................................. 4,000 Coins | | TM24 (Thunderbolt) .......................................... 4,000 Coins | | TM35 (Flamethrower) ......................................... 4,000 Coins | | TM29 (Psychic) .............................................. 3,500 Coins | | TM32 (Double Team) .......................................... 1,500 Coins | | Mudkip Doll ................................................. 1,000 Coins | | Treecko Doll ................................................ 1,000 Coins | | Torchic Doll ................................................ 1,000 Coins | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Heal up at the Pokémon Center, then head west onto Route 117. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 117 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Common | | Marill | Water | Uncommon | | Volbeat | Bug | Rare | | Illumise | Bug | Common | | Seedot | Grass | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Zigzagoon Lv. 15, Makuhita Lv. 17 | | Same Trainer -+-> Whismur Lv. 11, Zigzagoon Lv. 11, Taillow Lv. 11, | | '-> Aron Lv. 11, Poochyena Lv. 11, Makuhita Lv. 11 | | Doduo Lv. 17 | | Doduo Lv. 17 | | Dustox Lv. 16, Beautifly Lv. 16 | | Same Trainer -+-> Wingull Lv. 11, Marill Lv. 11, Goldeen Lv. 11, | | '-> Skitty Lv. 11, Shroomish Lv. 11, Roselia Lv. 11 | | Ralts Lv. 17 | | Meditite Lv. 17 | | Doduo Lv. 17 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head west to Verdanturf Town. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Verdanturf Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _______________________ | Verdanturf PokéMart \ |________________________\____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Nest Ball ........................................................ $1,000 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Burn Heal .......................................................... $250 | | Ice Heal ........................................................... $250 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | X Special .......................................................... $350 | | Fluffy Tail ...................................................... $1,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head north to the Rusturf Tunnel. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Rusturf Tunnel ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Whismur | Normal | Guaranteed encounter | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None, I think. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go north, then west to find some Rock Smash rocks. Break them to pieces, then go west and south to exit onto Route 116. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 116 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Whismur | Normal | Common | | Taillow | Normal/Flying | Common | | Nincada | Bug/Ground | Common | | Skitty | Normal | Common | | Poochyena | Dark | Uncommon | | Abra | Psychic | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Wurmple Lv. 8, Nincada Lv. 8 | | Shroomish Lv. 9 | | Shroomish Lv. 8, Lotad Lv. 8, Geodude Lv. 8 (x2) | | Geodude Lv. 9 | | Ralts Lv. 9, Marill Lv. 9 | | Machop Lv. 9 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| When you arrive, speak with the Devon researcher you've saved several times for an award. Then head west towards Rustboro City. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Rustboro City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Rustboro PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Repeat Ball ...................................................... $1,000 | | Timer Ball ....................................................... $1,000 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| First and foremost, heal up if you need to. Then head to the Devon Corp. building. Head to the second floor and speak with one of the scientists there to learn that he has created a machine that revives Pokémon from fossils. Give him one, leave the room, then re-enter the room. Speak with the man to receive the Pokémon in the fossil, as described in the Mirage Tower section a bit above here. Then head to the third floor and speak with Mr. Stone to receive your EXP. Share for delivering his letter if you have not yet done as such. That's it, I guess. Leave to the south. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 104 (North) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ________________________________ | The Pretty Petal Flower Shop \ |_________________________________\___________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Red Plant ........................................................ $3,000 | | Tropical Plant ................................................... $3,000 | | Pretty Flowers ................................................... $3,000 | | Colorful Plant ................................................... $5,000 | | Big Plant ........................................................ $5,000 | | Gorgeous Plant ................................................... $5,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ | Pokémon and Trainer Data \ |_____________________________\_______________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Taillow | Normal/Flying | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Zigzagoon Lv. 9 | | Lotad Lv. 6, Shroomish Lv. 6 | | Lotad Lv. 6, Seedet Lv. 6 | | Magikarp Lv. 5 (x2), Magikarp Lv. 7 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go south, across the bridge, then west and south, back into the Petalburg Woods. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Petalburg Woods ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Silcoon | Bug | Uncommon | | Taillow | Normal/Flying | Rare | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Cascoon | Bug/Poison | Uncommon | | Shroomish | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Slakoth | Normal | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Wurmple Lv. 3 (x4) | | Poochyena Lv. 9 | | Nincada Lv. 6 (x2) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head east this time and Cut down the tree. You'll be able to find a Miracle Seed, which powers up Grass moves by 20%, assuming you STILL haven't grabbed it yet. Then simply head south and out of the forest. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 104 (South) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Taillow | Normal/Flying | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Zigzagoon Lv. 5, Seedot Lv. 7 | | Magikarp Lv. 9 | | Zigzagoon Lv. 7 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Let's head eastward, into Petalburg. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Petalburg City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Petalburg PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Awakening .......................................................... $250 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Orange Mail ......................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| *whew* Starting to want the Fly HM, aren't you?... ... You're gonna to need to wait a while longer. Anyhow, heal up at the Pokémon Center and bring your strongest Pokémon. Your father trains the Normal type, so most Pokémon will do fine. Pokémon that resist Normal (Ghost, Rock, Steel) are especially recommended, but definitely not needed. Head into the Gym. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Petalburg Gym ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | No wild Pokémon are found here. | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Swellow Lv. 26 | | Delcatty Lv. 27 | | Spinda Lv. 27 | | Wigglytuff Lv. 27 | | Slakoth Lv. 27 | | Zangoose Lv. 27 | | Vigorth Lv. 27 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| This Gym is quite easy to figure out. At the start, you just choose a room, go in, fight the Trainer, then go through another door. Repeat until you find your father. Of course, I'll be decent enough to provide a map. I think it works... (FYI, numbers indicate Trainers from top to bottom as in the above table.) G Gym Leader's room / \ A C Attack booster, Critical-Rate booster. (#6, #7.) / \ / \ C D R Confusion room, Defense booster, recovery room. (#3, #4, #5.) \ / \ / S % Speed booster, Accuracy booster. (#1, #2.) \ / E Entrance room. When you reach Norman's room, battle him. ___________________________ | BOSS: Gym Leader Norman \ |____________________________\________________________________________________ | Pokémon: Spinda (Lv. 27) Normal | | Vigoroth (Lv. 27) Normal | | Linoone (Lv. 29) Normal | | Slaking (Lv. 31) Normal | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | All four Pokémon are weak to Fighting. They lack real resistances, save | | for their immunity to Ghost. | | | | Spinda prefers to try to Confuse you, but lacks anything special. | | | | Vigororth is very strong and fast, and cannot be put to Sleep. | | | | Linoone can max its Attack while halving its HP with Belly Drum. Not worth | | mention otherwise. | | | | Slaking can only attack every other turn. It also has the move Facade, | | which causes it to become twice as powerful if you Burn, Paralyze, or | | Poison the user. It also has high Defense and Attack already, so watch it. | | | | Recommendations: Something like Graveler, Golem, or Skarmory will work | | wonders. You could instead use your starter or some other powerful | | Pokémon. There are many ways to do this, anyhow. Regardless, any | | participating Pokémon should be Lv. 32+. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| For defeating your father, you get the Balance Badge, TM42 (Facade), and the ability to use Surf outside of battle. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++ ++ Section VI- Feather Badge **PKMN46** ++ ++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Petalburg Gym ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Once you defeat Norman, Wally's father will take you from the Gym, handing you HM03, Surf, outside. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Petalburg City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Petalburg PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Awakening .......................................................... $250 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Orange Mail ......................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| HM03 contains Surf. Surf is a 95-Power Water-type move that hits both of your opponents in a double battle. To compare it, it has the same power as either Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, or Flamethrower. Seeing as you have five Badges, you can use it outside of battle to Surf across water. Neat. Seeing as we can Surf now, Surf across the water to the east of the Gym to find a Max Revive, which revives a Pokémon from the Fainted/KO status with full HP. Surfing across the water on the southwestern side of the city will yield an Ether. Okay, heal up and exit east onto Route 102 - we have to go backtrack for a very useful item. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 102 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ___________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------| | Zigzagoon | Normal | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Uncommon | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Ralts | Psychic | Rare | | Seedot | Grass | Rare | | Lotad | Water/Grass | Rare | |===========================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Poochyena Lv. 5 | | Wurmple Lv. 4 (x2) | | Zigzagoon Lv. 5, Taillow Lv. 3 | | Zigzagoon Lv. 4, Shroomish Lv. 4 | |___________________________________________________________________________| Go east to Oldale Town. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Oldale Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ___________________ | Oldale PokéMart \ |____________________\________________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Awakening .......................................................... $250 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Continue south to Route 101. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 101 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ___________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------| | Zigzagoon | Normal | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Uncommon | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | |===========================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |___________________________________________________________________________| Jump over the ledges and continue south to Littleroot Town. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Littleroot Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Here, you enter your house and speak with your mother. You should be given the Amulet Coin. The Amulet Coin is a magnificent item, especially late in-game. If this item is held by a Pokémon that participates in a Trainer battle, the money earned from the battle doubles. For example, the Elite Four should yield about $50,000 total with the Amulet Coin. So, yeah, a penny for your thoughts. :) Anyhow, let's back-backtrack to Petalburg. North to Route 101, please. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 101 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ___________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------| | Zigzagoon | Normal | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Uncommon | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | |===========================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |___________________________________________________________________________| Go north to Oldale. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Oldale Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ___________________ | Oldale PokéMart \ |____________________\________________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Awakening .......................................................... $250 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go west to Route 102. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 102 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ___________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------| | Zigzagoon | Normal | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Uncommon | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Ralts | Psychic | Rare | | Seedot | Grass | Rare | | Lotad | Water/Grass | Rare | |===========================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Poochyena Lv. 5 | | Wurmple Lv. 4 (x2) | | Zigzagoon Lv. 5, Taillow Lv. 3 | | Zigzagoon Lv. 4, Shroomish Lv. 4 | |___________________________________________________________________________| Go west to Petalburg. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Petalburg City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Petalburg PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Awakening .......................................................... $250 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Orange Mail ......................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| 'Kay, we're back. Go into the building next to the Gym and speak with the man inside, who just happens to be Wally's father. After a short conversation, you will be given HM03. HM03 contains Surf. Surf is a 95-Power Water-type move that hits both of your opponents in a double battle. To compare it, it has the same power as either Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, or Flamethrower. Seeing as you have five Badges, you can use it outside of battle to Surf across water. Neat. Well, let's begin testing it out. Head west to Route 104. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 104 (South) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Taillow | Normal/Flying | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Zigzagoon Lv. 5, Seedot Lv. 7 | | Magikarp Lv. 9 | | Zigzagoon Lv. 7 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Get onto the beach here. Teach a Pokémon (Marshtomp, Swampert, Tentacruel, Gyarados, etc.) Surf, then face the water. Press A and you can Surf on the water! Let's head south to Route 105. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 105 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Marill Lv. 26 | | Tentacool Lv. 26 | | Sandshrew Lv. 25, Sandslash Lv. 25 | | Taillow Lv. 25, Wingull Lv. 25 | | Sandshrew Lv. 25 (x2) | | Wingull Lv. 25, Marill Lv. 25 | | Carvanha Lv. 26 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go south and fight the first, then the second Trainer you find. Continue south to find a small island on the left. Get on it and defeat the Trainer. Surf onto the water to the west to find another bit of land. Defeat the Trainers upon it and Surf north to find a Trainer. Return to the first chunk of land, then Surf east. Continue south to a Trainer. Defeat the Trainer, then head southwest to find a small piece of land with an Iron (+10 Defense EVs). Pick it up, then go further south to Route 106. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 106 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Tentacool Lv. 24 (x2) | | Wailmer Lv. 26 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After defeating Swimemr Kyla, head south to find a Protein (+10 Attack EVs). Continue south to Dewford. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Dewford Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Heal if needed, then Surf east to Route 107. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 107 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Wingull Lv. 25, Goldeen Lv. 25 | | Carvanha Lv. 26 | | Goldeen Lv. 25, Tentacool Lv. 27 | | Tentacool Lv. 24 (x2), Wingull Lv. 24 | | Goldeen Lv. 26 | | Staryu Lv. 26 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head eastward to Route 108. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 108 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Goldeen Lv. 26 | | Carvanha Lv. 26 | | Horsea Lv. 25, Marill Lv. 25 | | Same Battle --+-> Manectric Lv. 24 (x2), Swellow Lv. 24, Wingull Lv. 24, | | '-> Tentacool Lv. 24, Machop Lv. 24 | | Tentacruel Lv. 26 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| As you continue along this Route, you'll find a ship, an abandoned ship at that. There isn't a ton you can do here for now, but go on in anyhow. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Abandoned Ship (Route 108) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Wailmer, Horsea, Zigzagoon, Electrike; each Lv. 25 | | Spheal Lv. 25, Machoke Lv. 25 | | Marill Lv. 24 | | Sandslash Lv. 26, Marill Lv. 26 | | Volbeat Lv. 25, Illumise Lv. 25 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head into the ship. When you get to the room with a cabin and a broken door, go through the broken door for a double battle. Head north and through the door. Go into the room to the left to find a Harbor Mail. Exit and head down the staircase. Defeat the Trainer nearby. Enter the southwestern cabin to find an Escape Rope, then go into the broken-door cabin to find a Dive Ball. Go up the northwestern staircase. Defeat the Tuber here, then enter the northern cabin to have a double battle. Go further south for another. Continue south and leave the room. Go through the entrance in the southwestern corner of the room. Go upstairs and into this room. Grab the Storage Key and leave. Return to the room with the Sailor. Enter the northeastern room to find TM13, Ice Beam. Nothing else to do but ... ABANDON SHIP! :D ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 108 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Wailmer, Horsea, Zigzagoon, Electrike; each Lv. 25 | | Spheal Lv. 25, Machoke Lv. 25 | | Marill Lv. 24 | | Sandslash Lv. 26, Marill Lv. 26 | | Volbeat Lv. 25, Illumise Lv. 25 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Surf east to Route 109. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 109 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Machop Lv. 14 | | Zigzagoon Lv. 14 | | Azurill Lv. 13 (x2) | | Wingull Lv. 12 (x2), Machop Lv. 12 | | Azurill Lv. 12, Marill Lv. 12 | | Goldeen Lv. 13 | | Wingull Lv. 11, Tentacool Lv. 11, Machop Lv. 11 | | (Sea Route) Dustox Lv. 27, Beautifly Lv. 27 | | (Sea Route) Skarmory Lv. 25 (x2) | | (Sea Route) Wailmer Lv. 25, Tentacruel Lv. 25 | | (Sea Route) Goldeen Lv. 24 (x2), Wingull Lv. 24 | | (Sea Route) Tentacool Lv. 25, Carvanha Lv. 25 | | (Sea Route) Marill Lv. 26 | | (Sea Route) Marill LV. 26 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Continue Surfing eastward, then onto the island to the north. Defeat the couple, then go south for another island. Defeat the two Trainers here, then head north to find a find a PP Up (increase max PP by ~20%) on the island. Go north for another battle, then another to the west, the two to the north. Continue north into Slateport. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Slateport City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Slateport PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | Harbor Mail ......................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| __________________________________________________________ | Slateport Markets \ The ~~ divides individual shops. \ |______________________\____________________________________\_________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Azurill Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Marill Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Skitty Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< | TM10 (Hidden Power) .............................................. $3,000 | | TM43 (Secret Power) .............................................. $3,000 | >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< | Protein .......................................................... $9,800 | | Iron ............................................................. $9,800 | | Carbos ........................................................... $9,800 | | Zinc ............................................................. $9,800 | | Calcium .......................................................... $9,800 | | HP Up ............................................................ $9,800 | >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< | Red Brick .......................................................... $500 | | Yellow Brick ....................................................... $500 | | Blue Brick ......................................................... $500 | | Red Balloon ........................................................ $500 | | Blue Balloon ....................................................... $500 | | Yellow Balloon ..................................................... $500 | | C Low Note Mat ..................................................... $500 | | D Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | E Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | F Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | G Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | A Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | B Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | C High Note Mat .................................................... $500 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Okay, heal up here if you need to. Do the Hyper Rank Contests if you want to (and have a Pokémon that's finished a Super Rank Contest). Then head north to Route 110. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 110 (Grassy Portion) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Gulpin | Poison | Uncommon | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Electrike | Electric | Common | | Plusle | Electric | Rare | | Minun | Electric | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Plusle Lv. 14 (x2), Minun Lv. 14 (x2) | | Nuzleaf Lv. 14, Lombre Lv. 14 | | Electrike Lv. 14, Voltorb Lv. 14 | | Abra Lv. 15 | | Magnemite Lv. 15 | | Tentacool Lv. 11 (x2), Wailmer Lv. 14 (x2) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head north on the ground to the fork. Go west and onto Route 103. We have some battlin' to do. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 103 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ___________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------| | Zigzagoon | Normal | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | |===========================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Marill Lv. 15 | | Tentacool Lv. 15 | | Magikarp Lv. 5, Magikarp Lv. 15, Tentacool Lv. 10 | | Plusle Lv. 15, Minun Lv. 15 | | Skitty Lv. 15 | | Shroomish Lv. 15, Roselia Lv. 14 | | Makuhita Lv. 15 | | Voltorb Lv. 15 | |___________________________________________________________________________| (The Trainers above are from west to east, opposite of how we're going.) Cut down the Tree nearby to find a Black Belt and Guitarist. Defeat them and head west to find a PP Up. Continue your westward journey on the main Route to find another four Trainer. You'll have to go west in the water to find the last two. Once you're done here, return to Route 110. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 110 (Grassy Portion) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Gulpin | Poison | Uncommon | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Electrike | Electric | Common | | Plusle | Electric | Rare | | Minun | Electric | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Plusle Lv. 14 (x2), Minun Lv. 14 (x2) | | Nuzleaf Lv. 14, Lombre Lv. 14 | | Electrike Lv. 14, Voltorb Lv. 14 | | Abra Lv. 15 | | Magnemite Lv. 15 | | Tentacool Lv. 11 (x2), Wailmer Lv. 14 (x2) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head northward into Mauville City. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mauville City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Mauville PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Guard Spec. ........................................................ $700 | | Dire Hit ........................................................... $650 | | X Accuracy ......................................................... $950 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _______________________________ | Mauville Game Corner Prizes \ |________________________________\____________________________________________ | Item ............................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | TM13 (Ice Beam) ............................................. 4,000 Coins | | TM24 (Thunderbolt) .......................................... 4,000 Coins | | TM35 (Flamethrower) ......................................... 4,000 Coins | | TM29 (Psychic) .............................................. 3,500 Coins | | TM32 (Double Team) .......................................... 1,500 Coins | | Mudkip Doll ................................................. 1,000 Coins | | Treecko Doll ................................................ 1,000 Coins | | Torchic Doll ................................................ 1,000 Coins | |_____________________________________________________________________________| As you enter Mauville, you'll find Wattson standing in one of the intersections in the city. Speak with him to learn of the other part of town, New Mauville. He wants you to shut off the generator there. He'll give you the Basement Key. Okay - heal and head south to Route 110. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 110 (Grassy Portion) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Gulpin | Poison | Uncommon | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Electrike | Electric | Common | | Plusle | Electric | Rare | | Minun | Electric | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Plusle Lv. 14 (x2), Minun Lv. 14 (x2) | | Nuzleaf Lv. 14, Lombre Lv. 14 | | Electrike Lv. 14, Voltorb Lv. 14 | | Abra Lv. 15 | | Magnemite Lv. 15 | | Tentacool Lv. 11 (x2), Wailmer Lv. 14 (x2) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Find the water near the Cycling Road checkpoint and Surf on it. Surf to the east somewhat and you will find a cave. Go inside. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) New Mauville (Route 110) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Magnemite | Steel/Electric | Common | | Magneton | Steel/Electric | Rare | | Voltorb | Electric | Common | | Voltorb (item ball)| Electric | Three times | | Electrode | Electric | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None are found here, I believe. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head north to the large gate. Examine it and choose to use the Basement Key to open it up, then head down. Here, you can now find wild Pokémon. The point of this is to open the doors by pressing buttons of the corresponding color (ie. blue to blue). Hit the nearby blue button and head west. Push the yellow button, then head west and north. Ignore the blue button and head east, then north to find an Escape Rope. Return south, head east, north, and east to find an Ultra Ball. Return to the Escape Rope's previous location and stomp on the blue button. Head north, then east to find a Lv. 25 Voltorb. Ignore the yellow switch it was on top of and head west and north. The western item ball you soon come across is a Parlyz Heal; the eastern one is a Lv. 25 Voltorb. Ignore the yellow switch and continue north and east. Go south at the fork to find two item balls. The western one is a Lv. 25 Voltorb; the eastern one is a Full Heal. Step on the yellow switch, then return to the fork and head east. You soon will find the generator room. Grab the item nearby (a Thunderstone), then step onto the red switch. Next, go west, south, step on the blue switch, go north, west, south, east, step on the yellow switch, go west, south, east, north, east, south, west, and upstairs. Leave. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 110 (Grassy Portion) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Gulpin | Poison | Uncommon | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Electrike | Electric | Common | | Plusle | Electric | Rare | | Minun | Electric | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Plusle Lv. 14 (x2), Minun Lv. 14 (x2) | | Nuzleaf Lv. 14, Lombre Lv. 14 | | Electrike Lv. 14, Voltorb Lv. 14 | | Abra Lv. 15 | | Magnemite Lv. 15 | | Tentacool Lv. 11 (x2), Wailmer Lv. 14 (x2) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Surf west and north to the mainland, then continue north to Mauville. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mauville City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Mauville PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Guard Spec. ........................................................ $700 | | Dire Hit ........................................................... $650 | | X Accuracy ......................................................... $950 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _______________________________ | Mauville Game Corner Prizes \ |________________________________\____________________________________________ | Item ............................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | TM13 (Ice Beam) ............................................. 4,000 Coins | | TM24 (Thunderbolt) .......................................... 4,000 Coins | | TM35 (Flamethrower) ......................................... 4,000 Coins | | TM29 (Psychic) .............................................. 3,500 Coins | | TM32 (Double Team) .......................................... 1,500 Coins | | Mudkip Doll ................................................. 1,000 Coins | | Treecko Doll ................................................ 1,000 Coins | | Torchic Doll ................................................ 1,000 Coins | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go and talk to the Wattson now that you've turned off the New Mauville generator. He'll hand over TM24, which teaches Thunderbolt, a 95-Power Electric-type move that has a chance to Paralyze. Okay, back to business. Heal up and head east onto Route 118. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 118 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Electrike | Electric | Common | | Manectric | Electric | Uncommon | | Linoone | Normal | Uncommon | | Zigzagoon | Normal | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Kecleon | Normal | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Roselia Lv. 14 (x2), Shroomish Lv. 14 | | Zigzagoon Lv. 14, Aron Lv. 14, Electrike Lv. 14 | | Tentacool Lv. 16 | | Magnemite Lv. 15, Whismur Lv. 15 | | (Gabby & Ty) Magnemite Lv. 27, Loudred Lv. 27 | | Tentacool Lv. 25, Carvanha Lv. 25 | | Taillow Lv. 25, Swellow Lv. 25 | | Wingull Lv. 26 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head eastward and battle the Trainers. Surf across the water and speak to the fisherman next to the water. Tell him "Yes" to get a Good Rod. Continue east to find an opening in the ledge. Head east some more towards it, defeating the Trainer on the beach. Go through the gap to meet Steven, who will converse with you shortly. Cross the grass to the east. Go further east onto Route 123. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 123 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Wrong side of the Route for that. | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Gloom Lv. 26, Roselia Lv. 26 | | Beautifly Lv. 26, Dustox Lv. 26 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Begin by heading east, nearly to the ledges, and you'll see an item ball behind a fence. Go through the gap in the fence to grab this Ultra Ball. Further east, you will find a set of Twins (for the second battle on this list). Return west, then north to the house. Nearby is a Trainer, as well as a dozen Berry trees, yielding four to eight Pomeg, Qualot, and Grepa Berries altogether. You can go into the house and speak to the man to receive two random Berries (for example, I received the Tamato and Hondew Berries when I played this for the FAQ). Speak to the woman and tell her a certain phrase to earn another Berry... - GREAT BATTLE: Spelon Berry. - OVERWHELMING LATIAS: Watmel Berry. - COOL LATIOS: Durin Berry. - SUPER HUSTLE: Belue Berry. - CHALLENGE CONTEST: Pamtre Berry. When you're done, head west onto Route 118. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 118 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Electrike | Electric | Common | | Manectric | Electric | Uncommon | | Linoone | Normal | Uncommon | | Zigzagoon | Normal | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Kecleon | Normal | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Roselia Lv. 14 (x2), Shroomish Lv. 14 | | Zigzagoon Lv. 14, Aron Lv. 14, Electrike Lv. 14 | | Tentacool Lv. 16 | | Magnemite Lv. 15, Whismur Lv. 15 | | (Gabby & Ty) Magnemite Lv. 27, Loudred Lv. 27 | | Tentacool Lv. 25, Carvanha Lv. 25 | | Taillow Lv. 25, Swellow Lv. 25 | | Wingull Lv. 26 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head west to the fork, then head north a bit. Go through the grass above the ledge to find a Hyper Potion. Then return to the fork and head north to find Route 119. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 119 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tropius | Grass/Flying | Uncommon | | Kecleon | Normal | Rare | | Zigzagoon | Normal | Common | | Linoone | Normal | Common | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Ninjask Lv. 25 | | Wurmple Lv. 24, Silcoon Lv. 24, Beautifly Lv. 24 | | Volbeat Lv. 25, Illumise Lv. 25 | | Wurmple Lv. 27, Cascoon Lv. 27, Dustox Lv. 27 | | Surskit Lv. 26 | | Nincada Lv. 28, Ninjask Lv. 28 | | Same Trainer -+-> Magikarp Lv. 29, Carvanha Lv. 29, Feebas Lv. 26, | | '-> Tentacool Lv. 20 | | Gloom Lv. 26, Roselia Lv. 26 | | Breloom Lv. 27 | | Goldeen Lv. 26 | | Swellow Lv. 26 | | Slugma Lv. 25, Numel Lv. 25 | | Ninjask Lv. 25, Koffing Lv. 25 | | Swellow Lv. 25, Tropius Lv. 25 | | Manectric Lv. 26 | | Ninjask Lv. 26 | | Koffing Lv. 25 (x2) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| A fairly long and linear Route, Route 119 has a bunch of very tall grass and Trainers. Begin the grassy are in front of you by battling the Trainer above cyclist. Then head west to a set of trees, then north to a Trainer. Northeast of there is a Super Repel. Go south for a Trainer. Head south one/two tiles, then east, past the trees in the middle, to find two Trainers. Defeat them and head north. Glad that wasn't "toxicodendron radicans" (poison ivy) yet? After you get out of it, head north to the house. Get on the water to its west. Head west/northwest to find some land. Get on it and defeat the Fisherman. Head up the stairs and go to the northwest corner of the land to find a Zinc (Sp. Defense EVs +10). Get back on the water and return to the house. Go along the lower road when possible and go through the grass to find some Berries. If you have an Acro Bike, go along the small white railing by using side hops. On that land, go to the northern fork and at the end. Examine the lone flower near the mountain Secret Base entrance to obtain a Calcium. Then get back to the other side and go along the higher road. Go north, battle the Trainer, then go west across the bridge. Head north some more to find a Trainer and some tall grass. Take the eastern, grassy path at the fork. Once you reach the stairs, go east to find an Elixir. Go up the stairs and fight the hidden Trainer. Go upstairs again, head west, battle the other Trainer, go down the muddy slope, and grab the Hyper Potion. Return to the upper level and simply head north to find the Weather Institute. Go inside. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Weather Institute (Route 119) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Castform | Normal | One-time | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Carvanha Lv. 28 | | Zubat Lv. 27, Poochyena Lv. 27 | | Poochyena Lv. 27 | | Zubat Lv. 27, Poochyena Lv. 27 | | Poochyena Lv. 26, Carvanha Lv. 26, Zubat Lv. 26 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Assuming you did Routes 118, 123, and 119 in a completionist manner, your party is probably quite weakened. When you head inside, go west to find a bed. Take a nap in it. Also be sure to deposit a "trash" Pokémon or HM slave into the PC. You'll find some Team Aqua members here inside the Institute, with two on the lower floor and three on the top. On the western side of the top floor is one of the team's main administrators, who you get the honor of defeating. ________________________________ | BOSS: Team Aqua Admin Shelly \ |_________________________________\___________________________________________ | Pokémon: Carvanha (Lv. 28) Water/Dark | | Mightyena (Lv. 28) Dark | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Carvanha is weak to Electric, Grass, Fighting, and Bug. It is immune to | | Psychic. Additionally, it has the Rough Skin ability, meaning that if you | | physically attack it, the attacker loses ~6.25% of their HP. | | | | Mightyena is weak to Fighting and Bug, and is immune to Psychic. | | | | Recommendations: There's not really anything too specific you need to go | | with here. Your starter should be just fine, although Combusken and | | Blaziken are weak to Water (from Carvanha), which is best countered with a | | Fighting move. Regardless, those participating should be around Lv. 33. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After the battle, there will be a brief conversation, then the team will pack their bags and leave. The owner of the Institute will then thank you by giving you a Castform. Castform comes at Lv. 25, and has no evolutionary chain. It is of the Normal type. However, unlike most Pokémon, it can change type. This depends on the weather. If it is Sunny, Castform is Fire; Rainy, Water; Hailing, Ice. Castform will also come with the item Mystic Water, which increases the power of the holder's Water-type moves by 10%. Heal up in the bed on the lower floor and leave. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 119 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tropius | Grass/Flying | Uncommon | | Kecleon | Normal | Rare | | Zigzagoon | Normal | Common | | Linoone | Normal | Common | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Ninjask Lv. 25 | | Wurmple Lv. 24, Silcoon Lv. 24, Beautifly Lv. 24 | | Volbeat Lv. 25, Illumise Lv. 25 | | Wurmple Lv. 27, Cascoon Lv. 27, Dustox Lv. 27 | | Surskit Lv. 26 | | Nincada Lv. 28, Ninjask Lv. 28 | | Same Trainer -+-> Magikarp Lv. 29, Carvanha Lv. 29, Feebas Lv. 26, | | '-> Tentacool Lv. 20 | | Gloom Lv. 26, Roselia Lv. 26 | | Breloom Lv. 27 | | Goldeen Lv. 26 | | Swellow Lv. 26 | | Slugma Lv. 25, Numel Lv. 25 | | Ninjask Lv. 25, Koffing Lv. 25 | | Swellow Lv. 25, Tropius Lv. 25 | | Manectric Lv. 26 | | Ninjask Lv. 26 | | Koffing Lv. 25 (x2) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head across the bridge to your east, then begin to head north. As you do, you will be stopped by your rival, who shortly talks with you before starting a battle. __________________________________ | BOSS: PKMN Trainer May/Brendan \ |___________________________________\_________________________________________ | Pokémon [if you chose Treecko]: Pelipper (Lv. 29) Water/Flying | | Lombre (Lv. 29) Water/Grass | | Combusken (Lv. 31) Fire/Fighting | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Pokémon [if you chose Torchic]: Lombre (Lv. 29) Water/Grass | | Slugma (Lv. 29) Fire | | Marshtomp (Lv. 31) Water/Ground | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Pokémon [if you chose Mudkip]: Slugma (Lv. 29) Fire | | Lombre [versus Brendan] (Lv. 29) Water/Grass| | Pelipper [versus May] (Lv. 29) Water/Flying | | Grovyle (Lv. 31) Grass | |=============================================================================| | Combusken is weak to Water, Ground, Flying, and Psychic. | | | | Lombre is weak to Flying and Bug. | | | | Pelipper is weak to Rock and Electric (4x). It is immune to Ground. | | | | Marshtomp is weak to Grass (4x). It is immune to Electric. | | | | Slugma is weak to Rock, Water, and Ground. | | | | Grovyle is weak to Fire, Ice, Flying, Bug, and Poison. | | | | Recommendations: | | ~ Tentacruel/Gyarados/Marshtomp/Swampert -> Combusken, Slugma | | ~ Breloom/Grovyle/Sceptile -> Marshtomp | | ~ Swellow/Skarmory/Combusken/Blaziken -> Lombre, Grovyle | | ~ Starter/Electrode/Magneton -> Wingull | | All participating Pokémon should be Lv. 35+. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After the battle, you'll receive HM02. HM02 contains Fly. Fly is a high-power Flying move that has the user Fly up on the first turn (rarely to be damaged, save for Thunder), then deal damage on the second. When it can be used outside of battle, you can use it to Fly to any previously-visited town or city. Go south and downstairs after the conversation following the battle, then Surf very far south to find a Leaf Stone, which can evolve certain Pokémon (for example, it evolves Gloom into Vileplume). Go back north, then continue along the path to Fortree City. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Fortree City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ____________________ | Fortree PokéMart \ |_____________________\_______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | Wood Mail ........................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________ | Fortree Furniture Shop (Left) \ |__________________________________\__________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Small Desk ....................................................... $3,000 | | Pokémon Desk ..................................................... $3,000 | | Heavy Desk ....................................................... $6,000 | | Ragged Desk ...................................................... $6,000 | | Comfort Desk ..................................................... $6,000 | | Brick Desk ....................................................... $9,000 | | Camp Desk ........................................................ $9,000 | | Hard Desk ........................................................ $9,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| __________________________________ | Fortree Furniture Shop (Right) \ |___________________________________\_________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Small Chair ...................................................... $2,000 | | Pokémon Chair .................................................... $2,000 | | Heavy Chair ...................................................... $2,000 | | Ragged Chair ..................................................... $2,000 | | Comfort Chair .................................................... $2,000 | | Brick Chair ...................................................... $2,000 | | Camp Chair ....................................................... $2,000 | | Hard Chair ....................................................... $2,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| When you finally arrive, heal up at the Pokémon Center, then head over to the PokéMart. The Pokémon has now_stocked Ultra Balls, which have a catch rate 2.0x the basic Poké Ball - 1.3x the Great Ball. Now, into the trees. *makes a Tarzan yell* Anyhow, one of the top houses has a woman inside. If you guess the correct hand the coin is in three times, you get TM10 (Hidden Power). The correct order is "right, right, left". The house to its west has a trade in it -- your Volbeat for her Plusle. Hmmm... Kind of tough to say. Both suck, generally, but Plusle IS hard to find. Another house up here has a man inside that teaches a Pokémon Sleep Talk, which will allow you to use a random move when your Pokémon is asleep ("random" as in it is in your moveset, but you cannot choose). Finally, the last house has a boy inside. Speak with him and his Wingull will fly off. This will have some stuff later on. Now, to the Gym! *bump* It seems that a strange force is keeping out of here. Hm... Anyhow, let's just continue to Route 120, which is to the east. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 120 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Kecleon | Normal | Rare | | Marill | Water | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Mightyena | Dark | Common | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Common | | Seedot | Grass | Rare | | Absol | Dark | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Roselia Lv. 28, Wailmer Lv. 28 | | Swablu Lv. 29 | | (Gabby & Ty) Magneton Lv. 30, Loudred Lv. 30 | | Wingull Lv. 28, Natu Lv. 28 | | Castform Lv. 30 | | Manectric Lv. 30 | | Koffing Lv. 28, Ninjask Lv. 28 | | Meditite Lv. 28, Makuhita Lv. 28 | | Sableye Lv. 30 | | Lotad Lv. 28, Lombre Lv. 28, Nuzleaf Lv. 28 | | Seedot Lv. 28, Nuzleaf Lv. 28, Lombre Lv. 28 | | Surskit Lv. 27 (x3) | | Koffing Lv. 28, Ninjask Lv. 28 | | Baltoy Lv. 27, Sandshrew Lv. 27, Sandslash Lv. 27 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| (For the moment, you can only get the first three Trainers.) One Pokémon truly worth mentioning here is Absol. Absol is a Dark-type Pokémon. It has two weaknesses (Fighting and Bug), one immunity (Psychic), and two advantages (Psychic and Ghost). Absol is simply quite the cool-looking Pokémon, but also will have some major advantages later on (seventh Gym, Elite Four). Get Absol. Anyhow, when you hit the Route, head east and north to the Cut trees. Go along this path and examine the last tile to find a Rare Candy. Continue along the main Route onto the bridge to find Steven. Speak with him some, then he'll use the Devon Scope to reveal a Kecleon to you. (Hmm... Silph Co. and Devon Corp.; Silph Scope and Devon Scope. Sounds a bit... uncreative.) ______________________________ | Special Encounter: Kecleon \ |_______________________________\_____________________________________________ | Level: Level 30. | | Type : Normal. Will change based on the last move it is hit with, though. | | Moves: - Fury Swipes | | - Faint Attack | | - Psybeam | | - Screech | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | A fairly basic fight. Kecleon can be weak to any type at a certain time | | because of its ability to change types (though not at its will), so you'll | | be best on referring to your knowledge or a Type Chart. Anyhow, this one | | is worth catching - it is a higher level than the others here, right? | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After the battle, Steven will hand over the Deven Scope, then leave. You should go back to Fortree City. On the way back, you should goo south from the first Cut tree, through the grass, and down the stairs to find a Kecleon there. ______________________________ | Special Encounter: Kecleon \ |_______________________________\_____________________________________________ | Level: Level 30. | | Type : Normal. Will change based on the last move it is hit with, though. | | Moves: - Fury Swipes | | - Faint Attack | | - Psybeam | | - Screech | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | A fairly basic fight. Kecleon can be weak to any type at a certain time | | because of its ability to change types (though not at its will), so you'll | | be best on referring to your knowledge or a Type Chart. Anyhow, this one | | is worth catching - it is a higher level than the others here, right? | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Then Surf onto the water, go south, into the cave (Scorched Slab), and grab TM11, which is Sunny Day. Sunny Day powers up Fire, weakens Water, makes Solarbeam have no charge turn, and makes Thunder have a mere 50% chance of hitting. Anyhow, return to Fortree. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Fortree City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ____________________ | Fortree PokéMart \ |_____________________\_______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | Wood Mail ........................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________ | Fortree Furniture Shop (Left) \ |__________________________________\__________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Small Desk ....................................................... $3,000 | | Pokémon Desk ..................................................... $3,000 | | Heavy Desk ....................................................... $6,000 | | Ragged Desk ...................................................... $6,000 | | Comfort Desk ..................................................... $6,000 | | Brick Desk ....................................................... $9,000 | | Camp Desk ........................................................ $9,000 | | Hard Desk ........................................................ $9,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| __________________________________ | Fortree Furniture Shop (Right) \ |___________________________________\_________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Small Chair ...................................................... $2,000 | | Pokémon Chair .................................................... $2,000 | | Heavy Chair ...................................................... $2,000 | | Ragged Chair ..................................................... $2,000 | | Comfort Chair .................................................... $2,000 | | Brick Chair ...................................................... $2,000 | | Camp Chair ....................................................... $2,000 | | Hard Chair ....................................................... $2,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Heal up at the Pokémon Center, then head over to the Gym. When you reach the force that blocked you earlier, simply use the Devon Scope to reveal another Kecleon. ______________________________ | Special Encounter: Kecleon \ |_______________________________\_____________________________________________ | Level: Level 30. | | Type : Normal. Will change based on the last move it is hit with, though. | | Moves: - Fury Swipes | | - Faint Attack | | - Psybeam | | - Screech | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | A fairly basic fight. Kecleon can be weak to any type at a certain time | | because of its ability to change types (though not at its will), so you'll | | be best on referring to your knowledge or a Type Chart. Anyhow, this one | | is worth catching - it is a higher level than the others here, right? | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Enter the Gym. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Fortree Gym ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | No wild Pokémon are to be found in this location. | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Skarmory Lv. 30 | | Doduo Lv. 27, Skarmory Lv. 27, Tropius Lv. 27 | | Swablu Lv. 27 (x3) | | Swellow Lv. 29, Xatu Lv. 29 | | Doduo Lv. 29, Pelipper Lv. 29 | | Tropius Lv. 30 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| This Gym has a series of turning figures. You'll understand what I mean soon enough. Go to the first one... (The diagrams are merely meant to show the figures, not their actual positions, okay?) _| Stand below the left offshoot, then go right. Go through the next one | as you did before, then battle the Trainer. Go to the next one to the north. _____ Stand to the right of the lower offshoot and head west. Defeat the two | Trainers. Go north. |_ _| Stand in the northern corner of the longer figure and move east. Go to | | the southern corenr of the shorter one and go west. Go around the block | and push the figure southward. The longer figure is in its original spot. Move the figure to the right. Go north and walk forward to go through. (No drawings here.) Anyhow, you'll find a big figure to the east, and a small one to the west. Go to the smaller T-shaped figure. Get on the left side of the door and go west to move it into another position. Go to the larger one get between the small pieces of the door. Go north to make the door open. Go around to the T-shaped door and walk down into it. Go to the big door again and go east on the longer part of it to make it move. Get between the smaller pieces and head north to go into the opening on the right, to Winona. ___________________________ | BOSS: Gym Leader Winona \ |____________________________\________________________________________________ | Pokémon: Swablu (Lv. 29) Normal/Flying | | Tropius (Lv. 29) Grass/Flying | | Skarmory (Lv. 31) Steel/Flying | | Pelipper (Lv. 30) Water/Flying | | Altaria (Lv. 33) Dragon/Flying | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Swablu is weak to Ice, Rock, and Electric. It is immune to Ghost and | | Ground. | | | | Tropius is weak to Ice (4x), Rock, Fire, Flying, and Poison. It is immune | | to Ground. It can use SolarBeam (two-turn, high-power Grass move) and | | Sunny Day (Fire strengthened, Water weakened, SolarBeam one-turned). | | | | Skarmory is weak to Fire and Electric. It is immune to Ground and Poison. | | It is worth noting its resistances: Grass (1/4), Bug (1/4), Normal, Ghost, | | Flying, Psychic, Dark, Steel, and Dragon. Be careful. It also knows the | | no-miss Flying move Aerial Ace. | | | | Pelipper is weak to Electric (4x) and Rock. It is immune to Ground. | | | | Altaria is weak to Ice (4x), Dragon, and Rock. It is immune to Ground. Do | | not use a Rock, Electric, Poison, Fire, and Steel - it knows Earthquake. | | | | Recommendations: | | ~ Graveler/Golem/Electric-type -> Swablu, Pelipper | | ~ Fire-type -> Skarmory, Tropius | | ~ Someone with Ice Beam -> Altaria | | Generally, an Electric type (ie. Manectric) and an Ice Beam user (I think | | Gyarados is fine, or Tentacruel?) will work fine. Levels should be 35+. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| For winning, you will earn your sixth Badge, the Feather Badge. You will be given TM40, Aerial Ace, a 60-Power no-miss Flying-type move. Finally, you get to use Fly out of battles, and all traded Pokémon up to Lv. 70 will obey you. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++ ++ Section VII- Mind Badge **PKMN47** ++ ++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Fortree Gym ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) We're done here - leave. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Fortree City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ____________________ | Fortree PokéMart \ |_____________________\_______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | Wood Mail ........................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________ | Fortree Furniture Shop (Left) \ |__________________________________\__________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Small Desk ....................................................... $3,000 | | Pokémon Desk ..................................................... $3,000 | | Heavy Desk ....................................................... $6,000 | | Ragged Desk ...................................................... $6,000 | | Comfort Desk ..................................................... $6,000 | | Brick Desk ....................................................... $9,000 | | Camp Desk ........................................................ $9,000 | | Hard Desk ........................................................ $9,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| __________________________________ | Fortree Furniture Shop (Right) \ |___________________________________\_________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Small Chair ...................................................... $2,000 | | Pokémon Chair .................................................... $2,000 | | Heavy Chair ...................................................... $2,000 | | Ragged Chair ..................................................... $2,000 | | Comfort Chair .................................................... $2,000 | | Brick Chair ...................................................... $2,000 | | Camp Chair ....................................................... $2,000 | | Hard Chair ....................................................... $2,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Restore your party's health at the Pokémon Center and do any last-minute shopping you may have. Finish any other business you have left, then head east onto Route 120. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 120 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Kecleon | Normal | Rare | | Marill | Water | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Mightyena | Dark | Common | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Common | | Seedot | Grass | Rare | | Absol | Dark | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Roselia Lv. 28, Wailmer Lv. 28 | | Swablu Lv. 29 | | (Gabby & Ty) Magneton Lv. 30, Loudred Lv. 30 | | Wingull Lv. 28, Natu Lv. 28 | | Castform Lv. 30 | | Manectric Lv. 30 | | Koffing Lv. 28, Ninjask Lv. 28 | | Meditite Lv. 28, Makuhita Lv. 28 | | Sableye Lv. 30 | | Lotad Lv. 28, Lombre Lv. 28, Nuzleaf Lv. 28 | | Seedot Lv. 28, Nuzleaf Lv. 28, Lombre Lv. 28 | | Surskit Lv. 27 (x3) | | Koffing Lv. 28, Ninjask Lv. 28 | | Baltoy Lv. 27, Sandshrew Lv. 27, Sandslash Lv. 27 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Continue to the bridge where you met Steven. After this, head south for a Trainer, east for two, north for two, east for a Revive, and east to find a Trainer near the grassy maze. There should be some Aspear Berries north from here, if you use Cut. Go into the grass maze. Head southeast to a Trainer, then go west for another. Go through the grass to the south to find a Nugget. Go to the ledge further south, past which you'll find a bridge. Cross it. Go south to another battle. Go further south to find a fork. Go west to find some Berries. Go up the staircase nearby, and further north to another battle and more grass. Go through the grass and upstairs. Defeat the Ruin Maniac up here, then return to the pond from earlier. Surf across for a Full Heal. Return to the fork and go east to the next Route. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 121 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Kecleon | Normal | Rare | | Shuppet | Ghost | Common | | Poochyena | Normal | Common | | Mightyena | Normal | Common | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Gloom | Grass/Poison | Rare | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Duskull Lv. 28, Shuppet Lv. 28 | | Dustox Lv. 29, Beautifly Lv. 29 | | Kecleon Lv. 29, Seviper Lv. 29 | | Spinda Lv. 30, Slaking Lv. 30 | | Makuhita Lv. 25, Wingull Lv. 25, Tropius Lv. 25 | | Poochyena Lv. 25, Electrike Lv. 25, Shroomish Lv. 25 | | Manectric Lv. 29 | | Pikachu Lv. 30 | | Manectric Lv. 29, Shiftry Lv. 29 | | Loudred Lv. 29, Vigoroth Lv. 29 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head east to find two Trainers, with another further east. Further east from her, you'll find some Team Aqua members running off to the south. Ignore them for now. There will be a building to the north, the Safari Zone. Let's go in. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Safari Zone (Route 121) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Southeastern Section (Entrance) | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Girafarig | Psychic/Normal | Common | | Natu | Psychic/Flying | Uncommon | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Common | | Gloom | Grass/Poison | Rare | | Wobbuffet | Psychic | Uncommon | | Pikachu | Electric | Rare | | Doduo | Normal/Flying | Uncommon | | | | | | | | | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Southwestern Section | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Girafarig | Psychic/Normal | Common | | Natu | Psychic/Flying | Uncommon | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Common | | Gloom | Grass/Poison | Rare | | Wobbuffet | Psychic | Uncommon | | Pikachu | Electric | Rare | | Doduo | Normal/Flying | Uncommon | | | | | | | | | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Northwestern Section (Need Mach Bike) | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Rhyhorn | Rock/Ground | Common | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Common | | Pinsir | Bug | Rare | | Gloom | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Doduo | Normal/Flying | Uncommon | | Dodrio | Normal/Flying | Rare | | | | | | | | | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Northeastern Section (Need Arco Bike) | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Natu | Psychic/Flying | Uncommon | | Xatu | Psychic/Flying | Rare | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Common | | Gloom | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Heracross | Bug/Fighting | Rare | | Phanpy | Ground | Common | | | | | | | | | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: I think none are here. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| The Safari Zone is simply a place where you can catch rare Pokémon. To start, go into the building and pay $500. Inside, you simply run around on the grass or water to battle Pokémon. However, you have a limited number of steps you can take in here before you leave. To catch Pokémon in a battle, you are not using your party. No, instead, you simply can get closer or use bait (I think). The former will increase the Pokémon's chance of fleeing AND of being captured; the latter does the exact opposite by reducing both. Now, you probably should throw a Safari Ball first to see if you get lucky. If not, get closer and throw. However, try not to use up too many Safari Balls - they, too, are limited. For the record, a good strategy to save steps is to repeatedly use Sweet Scent. Exit whenever you get done. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 121 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Kecleon | Normal | Rare | | Shuppet | Ghost | Common | | Poochyena | Normal | Common | | Mightyena | Normal | Common | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Gloom | Grass/Poison | Rare | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Duskull Lv. 28, Shuppet Lv. 28 | | Dustox Lv. 29, Beautifly Lv. 29 | | Kecleon Lv. 29, Seviper Lv. 29 | | Spinda Lv. 30, Slaking Lv. 30 | | Makuhita Lv. 25, Wingull Lv. 25, Tropius Lv. 25 | | Poochyena Lv. 25, Electrike Lv. 25, Shroomish Lv. 25 | | Manectric Lv. 29 | | Pikachu Lv. 30 | | Manectric Lv. 29, Shiftry Lv. 29 | | Loudred Lv. 29, Vigoroth Lv. 29 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go south of the Safari Zone and onto the water. Surf southward onto Route 122. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 122 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go around to the mountain's south side to find Mt. Pyre, the burial place for the Pokémon that have died. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mt. Pyre (inside) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Duskull | Ghost | Uncommon; only on 4F - 6F | | Shuppet | Ghost | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Rhyhorn Lv. 31 | | Spoink Lv. 31 | | Hariyama Lv. 31 | | Manectric Lv. 31, Delcatty Lv. 31 | | Wobbuffet Lv. 26, Kadabra Lv. 26, Natu Lv. 26 | | Skitty Lv. 26, Zigzagoon Lv. 26, Poochyena Lv. 26 | | Ralts Lv. 26 (x2), Kirlia Lv. 26 | | Shuppet Lv. 32 | | Hariyama Lv. 32 | | Sableye Lv. 32 | | Wobbuffet Lv. 32 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head on upstairs. When you hit 2F, go south for two Trainers. Go south to fight the Black Belt. Go west for a double battle. Pick up the item nearby, an Ultra Ball. Go north to find a staircase. Go up. Battle the two Trainers in front of you, then go west to find a Trainer in front of the stairs. Pick up the item to the south, a Super Repel. Go upstairs. On 4F, defeat the Trainer and go up the stairs. Do the same for 5F. On 6F, you'll find two Trainers ot the east. Defeat them, then go downstairs to find TM30, Shadow Ball, a very good Ghost-type move. After grabbing it, go down the hole to the left. On 5F, pick up the Lax Incense. This item's main use is to be held by a male Wobbuffet when bred with a female Wobbuffet - this allows you to get a Wynaut in the Egg. Take the southern hole. On 4F, grab the Sea Incense. When breeding a Marill/Azumarill with another Marill/Azumarill, let the male hold it and the Egg should contain an Azurill. Fall down the holes back to 1F. Then go out the western exit. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mt. Pyre (outside) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Vulpix | Fire | Common | | Shuppet | Ghost | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go east, through the grass, upstairs, west, through the grass, then down the stairs. You'll be able to get TM48, Skill Swap, which swaps the Pokémon's abilities for the battle. Once the fog rolls in, you'll want to using the Itemfinder a bit more - there are a few items left around up here, especially on the tombstones. Anyhow, once the fog rolls in, go and grab the obvious item ball for a Max Potion. I know the gold tombstone furthest west has an Ultra Ball if you examine it; the one to its south, near the grass, yields a Max Ether. Go upstairs to the summit. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mt. Pyre (summit) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Duskull | Ghost | Uncommon | | Shuppet | Ghost | Common | | Chimecho | Psychic | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Carvanha Lv. 32 | | Zubat Lv. 32 | | Poochyena Lv. 30, Zubat Lv. 30, Wailmer Lv. 30 (x2) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Up here, you'll find several Team Aqua members. Get the first one to move away from his spot. Defeat him and go along the path. Examine the southwestern gold tombstone to get a Zinc. On the opposite side is some grass. The second guy has nothing special. The duo have some grass to tehir west/northwest. There is also some to their east/northeast. In this part (the northeastern grass), you'll find a little trail-off of grass aiming south. Examine its last tile to find a Rare Candy. Proceed to the peak and you'll find Archie and Maxie, the leaders of Team Aqua and Magma respectively. They both have stolen the Red and Blue Orbs, the orbs that balance the land and water. You know what happens when these get taken apart from each other? All hell will break loose. After they flee, you'll receive a Magma Emblem that Team Magma left behind. It must have some use... Leave the Mt. Pyre area. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 122 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go south to Route 123. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 123 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Kecleon | Normal | Rare | | Shuppet | Ghost | Common | | Poochyena | Normal | Common | | Mightyena | Normal | Common | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Gloom | Grass/Poison | Rare | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Solrock Lv. 34 | | Koffing Lv. 31, Castform Lv. 31 | | Duskull Lv. 30, Shuppet Lv. 30 | | Zangoose Lv. 30, Seviper Lv. 32 | | Mawile Lv. 29, Roselia Lv. 29, Pelipper Lv. 29 | | Same Trainer -+-> Swellow Lv. 28, Trapinch Lv. 28, Wailmer Lv. 28, | | '-> Magneton Lv. 28, Shiftry Lv. 28 | | Electrike Lv. 30, Loudred Lv. 30 | | Pelipper Lv. 30, Xatu Lv. 30 | | Kadabra Lv. 30, Lunatone Lv. 30 | | Machoke Lv. 30, Makuhita Lv. 30 | | Absol Lv. 27 | | Pinsir Lv. 27 | | Roselia Lv. 26, Gloom Lv. 26 | | Beautifly Lv. 26, Dustox Lv. 26 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head east and Cut down the tree. Take the northern path at the fork to the east to fight a Trainer; take the middle for a double battle. Return to the main route and you'll find a girl near some Berry trees. She'll give you TM19 (Giga Drain) if you have a Grass-type Pokémon in your party. Also pick up the Pecha, Rawst, and Sitrus Berries. Head west and cross the grass. Fight the two Trainers, then continue west. You will soon come to a ledge. Go north (don't cross the ledge) to fight a Trainer in the grass. Continue north to find a ledge. Jump down it. Go west to find a side path to the north. Go to its end to find a Trainer. Go south and over the ledge. Go east to find two more Trainers. Head west to the ledge and the Revival Herb. Go over the ledge and battle the two Trainers in the middle. Grab the PP Up and go over the ledge. Everything else was already covered in the previous Route 123 above. Fly to Lavaridge. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Lavaridge Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Lavaridge PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Burn Heal .......................................................... $250 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _________________________ | Lavaridge Herbal Shop \ |__________________________\__________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Energypowder ....................................................... $500 | | Energy Root ........................................................ $800 | | Heal Powder ........................................................ $450 | | Revival Herb ..................................................... $2,800 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Let's begin by first heading to the Pokémon Center to heal, then head onto Route 112 to the east. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 112 (South) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Numel | Fire/Ground | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Nuzleaf Lv. 18 | | Taillow Lv. 17, Lombre Lv. 17 | | Geodude Lv. 16, Geodude Lv. 17 | | Numel Lv. 16, Machop Lv. 17 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go down the ledges and up the stairs. Go into the cable car to the east to get to Mt. Chimney. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mt. Chimney ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | None. | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Numel Lv. 21 | | Shroomish Lv. 21 | | Meditite Lv. 21, Makuhita Lv. 21 | | Marill Lv. 21 | | Geodude Lv. 21 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Rather simple. Defeat the Trainers here, then head into the Jagged Pass to the south. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Jagged Pass ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Spoink | Psychic | Common | | Numel | Fire/Ground | Common | | Machop | Fighting | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Geodude Lv. 20, Baltoy Lv. 20 | | Shroomish Lv. 19, Oddish Lv. 19, Swablu Lv. 19 | | Zigzagoon Lv. 20, Taillow Lv. 20 | | Shroomish Lv. 21 | | Magnemite Lv. 21 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| When you arrive with the Magma Emblem in your backpack, the ground here will shake, and will continue to shake as you go down the ledges. It will open up a new entrance into the earth, where that Team Magma member was before we got the Heat Badge. Anyhow, go on in. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Team Magma Hideout (Jagged Pass) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Geodude | Rock/Ground | Common | | Graveler | Rock/Ground | Uncommon | | Torkoal | Fire | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Poochyena Lv. 29 | | Numel Lv. 29 | | Mightyena Lv. 29 | | Baltoy Lv. 28, Numel Lv. 28 | | Baltoy Lv. 28, Zubat Lv. 28 | | Numel Lv. 29, Mightyena Lv. 29 | | Zubat Lv. 29 | | Poochyena Lv. 29 | | Zubat Lv. 29 | | Zubat Lv. 29 | | Mightyena Lv. 29 | | Baltoy Lv. 29 | | Baltoy Lv. 29 | | Numel Lv. 29 | | Zubat Lv. 29 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Follow the path from the entrance. You'll find three boulders in the shape of a triangle. Push the bottom boulder west, then push the northwestern west, too. Go along the path to Grunt. Defeat him and go to the next area. Go east to a staircase. Head down them to find a Grunt. Defeat him and go west. Defeat the Grunt you find over here. Go down the staircase to the south to find two more Grunts. Defeat them and go down the next staircase. Then go down the smaller staircase and go west. You'll find a doorway to the north and a some stairs to the south. Go through the doorway. Go north and up the stairs to the double battle Grunts. Head north grab the Full Restore. Go back down the stairs and go east for some more steps. Ascend them and battle the two Grunts up here. Also grab the nearby Max Elixir. Go back down the stairs and east to another staircase. Ascend to find a doorway. Inside, you'll find a Grunt and a Rare Candy. Return to the doorway/staircase room from earlier. Go downstairs and you'll find a doorway. Go through to find a Grunt all of the way west from the entrance. Then head south, downstairs, and go east to a doorway. Head inside to find a Grunt (northeast corner) and PP Max. Return to the previous room and downstairs to find a Grunt. Head west to find another doorway. Go north from the doorway to find a Nugget, then go on through. As you go inside, head down the staircase in front of you. At the bottom, head west and along the path to the Grunt. Go north to the next two Grunts. Continue along the path to an Admin you'll have to battle. _________________________________ | BOSS: Team Aqua Admin Tabitha \ |__________________________________\__________________________________________ | Pokémon: Numel (Lv. 26) Fire/Ground | | Zubat (Lv. 30) Poison/Flying | | Mightyena (Lv. 28) Dark | | Camerupt (Lv. 33) Fire/Ground | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Numel is weak to Water (4x), Rock (?), and Ground (?). It is also immune | | to Electric. This also applies to Camerupt. | | | | Zubat is weak to Psychic, Rock, Ice, and Electric. It is immune to Ground. | | | | Mightyena is weak to Fighting and Bug, and is immune to Psychic. | | | | Recommendations: There's not really anything too specific you need to go | | with here. Your starter should be just fine, although Grovyle or Sceptile | | may have a bit of trouble with Numel if they have all Grass moves... which | | they shouldn't, anyhow. Of course, your Surf Pokémon (if you've been | | raising it) or just a Water-type will work fine. Level should be 36+. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After defeating her, go west to find a Max Revive. Go along the path and you'll soon find Maxie. When you meet him, Maxie will use the Blue Orb, awakening the continental legendary Pokémon, Groudon. Maxie is planning to tame it for his own nefarious purposes. Groudon thinks different and just takes off. Maxie then decides it was all your fault and engages you in battle. ________________________________ | BOSS: Team Aqua Leader Maxie \ |_________________________________\___________________________________________ | Pokémon: Mightyena (Lv. 37) Dark | | Crobat (Lv. 38) Poison/Flying | | Camerupt (Lv. 39) Fire/Ground | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Mightyena is weak to Fighting and Bug. It is immune to Psychic. | | | | Crobat is weak to Psychic, Ice, Rock, and Electric. It is immune to | | Ground. | | | | Camerupt is weak to Water (4x), Rock (?), and Ground (?). It is immune to | | Electric. | | | | Recommendations: | | ~ Starter -> Mightyena | | ~ Graveler/Golem/Kadabra/Alakazam -> Crobat | | ~ Tentacruel/Gyarados/Starter -> Camerupt | | Participating Pokémon should be Lv. 40+. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After the battle, Maxie will flee. You should head east from where Maxie was and through the doorway. Pick up the item on the left, the Escape Rope, and use it. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Jagged Pass ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Spoink | Psychic | Common | | Numel | Fire/Ground | Common | | Machop | Fighting | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Geodude Lv. 20, Baltoy Lv. 20 | | Shroomish Lv. 19, Oddish Lv. 19, Swablu Lv. 19 | | Zigzagoon Lv. 20, Taillow Lv. 20 | | Shroomish Lv. 21 | | Magnemite Lv. 21 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| We still have one problem left -- Team Aqua. Fly to Slateport City. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Slateport City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Slateport PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | Harbor Mail ......................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| __________________________________________________________ | Slateport Markets \ The ~~ divides individual shops. \ |______________________\____________________________________\_________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Azurill Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Marill Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Skitty Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< | TM10 (Hidden Power) .............................................. $3,000 | | TM43 (Secret Power) .............................................. $3,000 | >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< | Protein .......................................................... $9,800 | | Iron ............................................................. $9,800 | | Carbos ........................................................... $9,800 | | Zinc ............................................................. $9,800 | | Calcium .......................................................... $9,800 | | HP Up ............................................................ $9,800 | >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< | Red Brick .......................................................... $500 | | Yellow Brick ....................................................... $500 | | Blue Brick ......................................................... $500 | | Red Balloon ........................................................ $500 | | Blue Balloon ....................................................... $500 | | Yellow Balloon ..................................................... $500 | | C Low Note Mat ..................................................... $500 | | D Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | E Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | F Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | G Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | A Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | B Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | C High Note Mat .................................................... $500 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Heal up at the Pokémon Center, then head northeast. Speak with Captain Stern, who is being interviewed by Gabby and Ty. He'll speak that he made a discovery on Route 128, an underwater cavern that may have had extinct Pokémon in it or something. Then Archie will speak over the loudspeakers - they're taking the sub! You'll be taken into the harbor, where you'll see Archie flee in the submarine; before doing so, though, he reveals the location of their hideout: Lilycove City. Stern will speak some more. Leave and Fly over to Fortree. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Fortree City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ____________________ | Fortree PokéMart \ |_____________________\_______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | Wood Mail ........................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________ | Fortree Furniture Shop (Left) \ |__________________________________\__________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Small Desk ....................................................... $3,000 | | Pokémon Desk ..................................................... $3,000 | | Heavy Desk ....................................................... $6,000 | | Ragged Desk ...................................................... $6,000 | | Comfort Desk ..................................................... $6,000 | | Brick Desk ....................................................... $9,000 | | Camp Desk ........................................................ $9,000 | | Hard Desk ........................................................ $9,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| __________________________________ | Fortree Furniture Shop (Right) \ |___________________________________\_________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Small Chair ...................................................... $2,000 | | Pokémon Chair .................................................... $2,000 | | Heavy Chair ...................................................... $2,000 | | Ragged Chair ..................................................... $2,000 | | Comfort Chair .................................................... $2,000 | | Brick Chair ...................................................... $2,000 | | Camp Chair ....................................................... $2,000 | | Hard Chair ....................................................... $2,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Restore your party's health at the Pokémon Center if you didn't do so earlier, then head east to Route 120. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 120 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Kecleon | Normal | Rare | | Marill | Water | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Mightyena | Dark | Common | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Common | | Seedot | Grass | Rare | | Absol | Dark | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Roselia Lv. 28, Wailmer Lv. 28 | | Swablu Lv. 29 | | (Gabby & Ty) Magneton Lv. 30, Loudred Lv. 30 | | Wingull Lv. 28, Natu Lv. 28 | | Castform Lv. 30 | | Manectric Lv. 30 | | Koffing Lv. 28, Ninjask Lv. 28 | | Meditite Lv. 28, Makuhita Lv. 28 | | Sableye Lv. 30 | | Lotad Lv. 28, Lombre Lv. 28, Nuzleaf Lv. 28 | | Seedot Lv. 28, Nuzleaf Lv. 28, Lombre Lv. 28 | | Surskit Lv. 27 (x3) | | Koffing Lv. 28, Ninjask Lv. 28 | | Baltoy Lv. 27, Sandshrew Lv. 27, Sandslash Lv. 27 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Simply go along the Route as before to Route 121. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 121 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Kecleon | Normal | Rare | | Shuppet | Ghost | Common | | Poochyena | Normal | Common | | Mightyena | Normal | Common | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Gloom | Grass/Poison | Rare | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Duskull Lv. 28, Shuppet Lv. 28 | | Dustox Lv. 29, Beautifly Lv. 29 | | Kecleon Lv. 29, Seviper Lv. 29 | | Spinda Lv. 30, Slaking Lv. 30 | | Makuhita Lv. 25, Wingull Lv. 25, Tropius Lv. 25 | | Poochyena Lv. 25, Electrike Lv. 25, Shroomish Lv. 25 | | Manectric Lv. 29 | | Pikachu Lv. 30 | | Manectric Lv. 29, Shiftry Lv. 29 | | Loudred Lv. 29, Vigoroth Lv. 29 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head east to the Safari Zone. Go south of there, grabbing the Zinc near the stairs as do. Cross the grass and battle the Trainers to the north. Pick up the Revive nearby, then go north to where you can find the grass. Go west to find a Trainer and a Carbos nearby. Go back north, then east, then across the grass to find another Trainer. Go southeast for another two. Use the Itemfinder near them to find a Max Revive. Go further east to find the major shopping/port city of Hoenn -- Lilycove City. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Lilycove City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ____________________________________ _____________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (2F) (Left) \ / Trainer Basics #1 | |_____________________________________\________________/______________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Full Heal .......................................................... $600 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Burn Heal .......................................................... $250 | | Ice Heal ........................................................... $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Fluffy Tail ...................................................... $1,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _____________________________________ _____________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (2F) (Right) \ / Trainer Basics #2 | |______________________________________\_______________/______________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Max Potion ....................................................... $2,500 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | Max Repel .......................................................... $700 | | Wave Mail ........................................................... $50 | | Mech Mail ........................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________ ______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (3F) (Left) \ / Effort Value (EV) Boosters | |_____________________________________\_______/_______________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Protein .......................................................... $9,800 | | Iron ............................................................. $9,800 | | Carbos ........................................................... $9,800 | | Zinc ............................................................. $9,800 | | Calcium .......................................................... $9,800 | | HP Up ............................................................ $9,800 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _____________________________________ ___________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (3F) (Right) \ / In-Battle Stat Boosters | |______________________________________\_________/____________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Special .......................................................... $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Dire Hit ........................................................... $650 | | Guard Spec. ........................................................ $700 | | X Accuracy ......................................................... $950 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________ _______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (4F) (Left) \ / Technical Machines (TMs) #1 | |_____________________________________\______/________________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | TM38 (Fire Blast) ................................................ $5,500 | | TM25 (Thunder) ................................................... $5,500 | | TM14 (Blizzard) .................................................. $5,500 | | TM15 (Hyper Beam) ................................................ $7,500 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _____________________________________ _______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (4F) (Right) \ / Technical Machines (TMs) #2 | |______________________________________\_____/________________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | TM17 (Protect) ................................................... $3,000 | | TM20 (Safeguard) ................................................. $3,000 | | TM33 (Reflect) ................................................... $3,000 | | TM16 (Light Screen) .............................................. $3,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ________________________________________ ______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (5F) (Top-Left) \ / Secret Base Decorations #1 | |_________________________________________\___/_______________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Pichu Doll ....................................................... $3,000 | | Pikachu Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Marill Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Jigglypuff Doll .................................................. $3,000 | | Duskull Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Wynaut Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Baltoy Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Kecleon Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Azurill Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Skitty Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Swablu Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Gulpin Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________ ______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (5F) (Top-Right) \ / Secret Base Decorations #2 | |__________________________________________\__/_______________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Pika Cushion ..................................................... $2,000 | | Round Cushion .................................................... $2,000 | | Zigzag Cushion ................................................... $2,000 | | Spin Cushion ..................................................... $2,000 | | Diamond Cushion .................................................. $2,000 | | Ball Cushion ..................................................... $2,000 | | Grass Cushion .................................................... $2,000 | | Fire Cushion ..................................................... $2,000 | | Water Cushion .................................................... $2,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ___________________________________________ ______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (5F) (Bottom-Left) \ / Secret Base Decorations #3 | |____________________________________________\/_______________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Ball Poster ...................................................... $1,000 | | Green Poster ..................................................... $1,000 | | Red Poster ....................................................... $1,000 | | Blue Poster ...................................................... $1,000 | | Cute Poster ...................................................... $1,000 | | Pika Poster ...................................................... $1,500 | | Long Poster ...................................................... $1,000 | | Sea Poster ....................................................... $1,500 | | Sky Poster ....................................................... $1,500 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________________ ______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (5F) (Bottom-Right) \ / Secret Base Decorations #4 | |_____________________________________________V_______________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Surf Mat ......................................................... $4,000 | | Thunder Mat ...................................................... $4,000 | | Fire Blast Mat ................................................... $4,000 | | Powder Snow Mat .................................................. $4,000 | | Attract Mat ...................................................... $4,000 | | Fissure Mat ...................................................... $4,000 | | Spikes Mat ....................................................... $4,000 | | Glitter Mat ...................................................... $4,000 | | Jump Mat ......................................................... $4,000 | | Spin Mat ......................................................... $4,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _______________________________ _______________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (Roof) \ / HP-Restoring Drinks | |________________________________\___________________/________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Fresh Water ........................................................ $200 | | Soda Pop ........................................................... $300 | | Lemonade ........................................................... $350 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________ ________________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (Clear-out Sale) \ / More Secret Base Decorations | |__________________________________________\/_________________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Mud Ball ........................................................... $200 | | Fence Length ....................................................... $500 | | Fence Width ........................................................ $500 | | Tire ............................................................... $800 | | Breakable Door ................................................... $3,000 | | Solid Board ...................................................... $3,000 | | Sand Ornament .................................................... $3,000 | | Stand ............................................................ $7,000 | | Slide ............................................................ $8,000 | | TV ............................................................... $3,000 | | Round TV ......................................................... $4,000 | | Cute TV .......................................................... $4,000 | | Wailmer Doll .................................................... $10,000 | | Rhydon Doll ..................................................... $10,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ^ Got cash? Anyhow, head on over to the Pokémon Center and heal up. Inside there, you'll find one woman that can change based on your Trainer ID. The one about Contests is asking for certain PokéBlocks; the quizzy one will ask a random question and give you an item and the chance to make your own if you're right; the favor lady will want a certain item, for which, you'll get a different item. Anyhow, exit and go northeast to find your rival. Time for our last forced battle with them. :/ Somewhat disappointing for a final battle. __________________________________ | BOSS: PKMN Trainer May/Brendan \ |___________________________________\_________________________________________ | Pokémon [if you chose Treecko]: Tropius (Lv. 31) Normal/Flying | | Ludicolo (Lv. 32) Grass/Water | | Pelipper (Lv. 32) Water/Flying | | Combusken (Lv. 34) Fire/Fighting | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Pokémon [if you chose Torchic]: Tropius (Lv. 31) Grass/Flying | | Ludicolo (Lv. 32) Grass/Water | | Slugma (Lv. 32) Fire | | Marshtomp (Lv. 34) Water/Ground | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Pokémon [if you chose Mudkip]: Tropius (Lv. 31) Grass/Flying | | Slugma (Lv. 32) Fire | | Pelipper (Lv. 32) Water/Flying | | Grovyle (Lv. 34) Grass | |=============================================================================| | Tropius is weak to Fire, Flying, Poison, Ice (4x), and Rock. It is immune | | to Ground. | | | | Combusken is weak to Water, Ground, Flying, and Psychic. | | | | Ludicolo is weak to Flying and Bug. | | | | Pelipper is weak to Electric (4x) and Rock. It is immune to Ground. | | | | Marshtomp is weak to Grass (4x). It is immune to Electric. | | | | Slugma is weak to Rock, Ground, and Water. | | | | Grovyle is weak to Fire, Ice, Flying, Bug, and Poison. | | | | Recommendations: | | ~ Tentacruel/Gyarados/Swampert -> Combusken, Slugma | | ~ Breloom/Grovyle/Sceptile -> Marshtomp | | ~ Swellow/Skarmory/Combusken/Blaziken -> Tropius, Grovyle | | ~ Swellow/Skarmory -> Ludicolo | | All participating Pokémon should be Lv. 37+. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After winning, you can enter the nearby Dept. Store. On 1F, you can obtain a Lotto Ticket. In this, you are given five numbers, and then rewards based on the number of matches with your Pokémon's ID numbers. The big prize, with a one-ID chance of 1/100000 (0.00001%), is the Master Ball. Upstairs from here, you can get a lot of different items. On the top floor, a woman will teach a Pokémon Substitute. Exit whenever you get done. South of the Pokémon Center is the Master Rank Contest House. East of the Dept. Store is the Move Deleter's house - he will delete any move in your Pokémon's moveset, including HM moves. On the path southeast of the Contest House is a Max Repel. East of the Move Deleter's house is an man who will give you TM44 (Rest). The man to the east outside will give you a random Berry daily. There is little else to mention here, I think. Head east of the Dept. Store, down the ledges, east, then Surf up into the cavern. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Team Aqua Hideout ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Electrode(item ball)| Electric | Two-times | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Poochyena Lv. 32 | | Carvanha Lv. 32 | | Zubat Lv. 31, Carvanha Lv. 31 | | Poochyena Lv. 31, Zubat Lv. 31 | | Carvanha Lv. 32 | | Zubat Lv. 32 | | Carvanha Lv. 32 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| When you enter the cave, go north and onto land. Defeat the Grunt to your north, then exit to the northeast. Oh, I just LOVE these warp panel puzzles. You'll find two warps in this room. Take the eastern one and you'll find a Max Elixir. Return and take the otehr panel. Head to the middle of the room to find three Grunts. There is a warp to take near the two Grunts that could've been double battled (#3 and #4 on the above list). THAT WILL BE LATER, JUST NOTE THIS ONE. Take the southwestern warp. You'll find three more warps in this room. Take the east one, then middle, then west. You'll find a room with four item balls. The two easternmost ones are Lv. 30 Electrodes. The westernmost ones are a Nugget and a Master Ball. A Master Ball is truly the ultimate Pokéball, and the only one that has a 100% chance rate (aside from the transferring ones seen in Gens. IV and V). Step into the panel nearby, take the east panel, then middle, then west, then the one above the middle one. Here, go onto the panel we noted earlier. Go through the opening here to find a Grunt in this room. Take the warp nearest the Grunt. Take the Nest Ball here, return through the warp, and take unused warp here. Go through the opening in this room to find a Grunt. Defeat him and go through the doorway to the right. Defeat the Grunts nearby and take the warp nearby. Time to battle another Admin. ______________________________ | BOSS: Team Aqua Admin Matt \ |_______________________________\_____________________________________________ | Pokémon: Golbat (Lv. 34) Poison/Flying | | Mightyena (Lv. 34) Dark | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Golbat is weak to Psychic, Ice, Rock, and Electric. It's immune to Ground. | | | | Mightyena is weak to Fighting and Bug, and is immune to Psychic. | | | | Recommendations: Your starter works fine here. However, if you have | | Sceptile, be wary around Golbat, or just switch to Graveler/Golem. Your | | level should be Lv. 38+ by now. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After the battle, Archie gets away in the sub. *sigh* Take the lower warp panel in the room. Go through the opening nearby, then Surf across the water to leave. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Lilycove City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ____________________________________ _____________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (2F) (Left) \ / Trainer Basics #1 | |_____________________________________\________________/______________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Full Heal .......................................................... $600 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Burn Heal .......................................................... $250 | | Ice Heal ........................................................... $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Fluffy Tail ...................................................... $1,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _____________________________________ _____________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (2F) (Right) \ / Trainer Basics #2 | |______________________________________\_______________/______________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Max Potion ....................................................... $2,500 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | Max Repel .......................................................... $700 | | Wave Mail ........................................................... $50 | | Mech Mail ........................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________ ______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (3F) (Left) \ / Effort Value (EV) Boosters | |_____________________________________\_______/_______________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Protein .......................................................... $9,800 | | Iron ............................................................. $9,800 | | Carbos ........................................................... $9,800 | | Zinc ............................................................. $9,800 | | Calcium .......................................................... $9,800 | | HP Up ............................................................ $9,800 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _____________________________________ ___________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (3F) (Right) \ / In-Battle Stat Boosters | |______________________________________\_________/____________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Special .......................................................... $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Dire Hit ........................................................... $650 | | Guard Spec. ........................................................ $700 | | X Accuracy ......................................................... $950 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________ _______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (4F) (Left) \ / Technical Machines (TMs) #1 | |_____________________________________\______/________________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | TM38 (Fire Blast) ................................................ $5,500 | | TM25 (Thunder) ................................................... $5,500 | | TM14 (Blizzard) .................................................. $5,500 | | TM15 (Hyper Beam) ................................................ $7,500 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _____________________________________ _______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (4F) (Right) \ / Technical Machines (TMs) #2 | |______________________________________\_____/________________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | TM17 (Protect) ................................................... $3,000 | | TM20 (Safeguard) ................................................. $3,000 | | TM33 (Reflect) ................................................... $3,000 | | TM16 (Light Screen) .............................................. $3,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ________________________________________ ______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (5F) (Top-Left) \ / Secret Base Decorations #1 | |_________________________________________\___/_______________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Pichu Doll ....................................................... $3,000 | | Pikachu Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Marill Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Jigglypuff Doll .................................................. $3,000 | | Duskull Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Wynaut Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Baltoy Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Kecleon Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Azurill Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Skitty Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Swablu Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Gulpin Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________ ______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (5F) (Top-Right) \ / Secret Base Decorations #2 | |__________________________________________\__/_______________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Pika Cushion ..................................................... $2,000 | | Round Cushion .................................................... $2,000 | | Zigzag Cushion ................................................... $2,000 | | Spin Cushion ..................................................... $2,000 | | Diamond Cushion .................................................. $2,000 | | Ball Cushion ..................................................... $2,000 | | Grass Cushion .................................................... $2,000 | | Fire Cushion ..................................................... $2,000 | | Water Cushion .................................................... $2,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ___________________________________________ ______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (5F) (Bottom-Left) \ / Secret Base Decorations #3 | |____________________________________________\/_______________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Ball Poster ...................................................... $1,000 | | Green Poster ..................................................... $1,000 | | Red Poster ....................................................... $1,000 | | Blue Poster ...................................................... $1,000 | | Cute Poster ...................................................... $1,000 | | Pika Poster ...................................................... $1,500 | | Long Poster ...................................................... $1,000 | | Sea Poster ....................................................... $1,500 | | Sky Poster ....................................................... $1,500 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________________ ______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (5F) (Bottom-Right) \ / Secret Base Decorations #4 | |_____________________________________________V_______________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Surf Mat ......................................................... $4,000 | | Thunder Mat ...................................................... $4,000 | | Fire Blast Mat ................................................... $4,000 | | Powder Snow Mat .................................................. $4,000 | | Attract Mat ...................................................... $4,000 | | Fissure Mat ...................................................... $4,000 | | Spikes Mat ....................................................... $4,000 | | Glitter Mat ...................................................... $4,000 | | Jump Mat ......................................................... $4,000 | | Spin Mat ......................................................... $4,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _______________________________ _______________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (Roof) \ / HP-Restoring Drinks | |________________________________\___________________/________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Fresh Water ........................................................ $200 | | Soda Pop ........................................................... $300 | | Lemonade ........................................................... $350 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________ ________________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (Clear-out Sale) \ / More Secret Base Decorations | |__________________________________________\/_________________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Mud Ball ........................................................... $200 | | Fence Length ....................................................... $500 | | Fence Width ........................................................ $500 | | Tire ............................................................... $800 | | Breakable Door ................................................... $3,000 | | Solid Board ...................................................... $3,000 | | Sand Ornament .................................................... $3,000 | | Stand ............................................................ $7,000 | | Slide ............................................................ $8,000 | | TV ............................................................... $3,000 | | Round TV ......................................................... $4,000 | | Cute TV .......................................................... $4,000 | | Wailmer Doll .................................................... $10,000 | | Rhydon Doll ..................................................... $10,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Heal up at the Pokémon Center, then head east onto Route 124, heading east. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 124 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Marill Lv. 34 | | Gyarados Lv. 34 | | Tentacool Lv. 33, Wingull Lv. 33 | | Chinchou Lv. 34, Carvanha Lv. 34 | | Wailmer Lv. 34 | | Tentacool Lv. 33, Wailmer Lv. 33 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head east to find two Trainers. Defeat them and head east to another Trainer, south to some rocks, west to find a double battle, and east to another Trainer. Further east is some house. Inside, you'll be allowed to exchange from colored shards for evolution stones. You'll need Dive to collect the shards, though. Go south to find another Trainer, then east will be Mossdeep City. On the way into the city, you'll find a man on the shallow water that can teach Dynamicpunch (Fighting; 50% accuracy; will confuse target). Further east is Mossdeep City. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mossdeep City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Mossdeep PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Net Ball ......................................................... $1,000 | | Dive Ball ........................................................ $1,000 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Full Heal .......................................................... $600 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Max Repel .......................................................... $700 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Once you enter the city, head on over to the Pokémon Center to heal. Next, speak with the man west of the Pokémon Center to get a King's Rock. This item will possibly cause the foe to flinch. It also can cause Poliwhirl and Slowpoke to evolve into Politoed and Slowking, respectively, when held by one of them during a trade. Next, get onto the dirt path heading southeast. When possible, go down the stairs and east to find a Net Ball. Return to the main path and head east to find Scott. He'll converse shortly with you. Enter the house to the right and speak with the girl inside. Fly back to Fortree and go into the house you earlier sent the Wingull from to get a Mental Herb. Return to the Mossdeep Wingull house. Go northwest to find another house, in which you can obtain the Super Rod. Okay, head into the Gym. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mossdeep Gym ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | None. | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Kirlia Lv. 36 | | Kadabra Lv. 36 | | Girafarig Lv. 36 | | Xatu Lv. 36 | | Girafarig Lv. 36 | | Kadabra Lv. 36 | | Natu Lv. 36 | | Wobbuffet Lv. 36 | | Ralts Lv. 36 | | Spoink Lv. 36 | | Meditite Lv. 36 | | Kirlia Lv. 36 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| When you enter the Gym, step onto the yellow switch. Defeat the Trainers and get onto the nearby warp. Step onto the switch nearby to move the Trainer so he is facing the other one. Defeat them in a double battle, then step onto the yellow switch. This should make an opening to get to the other part of the room. Defeat both Trainers and go along the new pathway. You'll find two warp panels. Warp back to the Gym's entrance and take the warp on the left. You'll then trip the yellow switch. Two Trainers are nearby; another one is past the purple switch you'll step on; the final one is south along the path to the green switch (hit it twice), then go back up to find the Trainer. Defeat him. You'll find a warp nearby. Trip the switch twice and then go into the warp. Take the panel on your left, then step onto the blue switch. Defeat the two Trainers. Step on the blue switch twice more and go along the left path. Above you is a Trainer. Defeat him by himself, or use the orange switch to have a double battle. Hit the orange switch thrice. This should move the statues on the other side of the remove so you can get to the warp. Walk around the statues, battling the Trainers as you go, and you'll find a blue switch. Hit it four times to get to the other blue switch, which you need to hit once. This should move the statue and Traienr to the right; head in that direction. Hit the warp to find the room where you used the green switch to move statues. You'll have an open path to the next and final warp. Use it to reach the Gym Leaders. _________________________________ | BOSS: Gym Leaders Tate & Liza \ |__________________________________\__________________________________________ | Pokémon: Claydol (Lv. 41) Ground/Psychic | | Xatu (Lv. 41) Psychic/Flying | | Lunatone (Lv. 42) Rock/Psychic | | Solrock (Lv. 42) Rock/Psychic | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Claydol is weak to Grass, Ice, Water, Bug, Ghost, and Dark. It is immune | | to Electric. It also knows Earthquake. | | | | Xatu is weak to Rock, Ice, Electric, Ghost, and Dark. It is immune to | | Ground. | | | | Lunatone is weak to Water, Grass, Dark, and Ghost. It is immune to Ground. | | | | Solrock is weak to Water, Dark, Ghost, and Grass. It is immune to Ground. | | It knows SolarBeam, Flamethrower, Psychic, and Sunny Day. WATCH IT. | | | | Recommendations: There are a few preferred methods. You could use the more | | obvious Ghost/Dark Pokémon. Water is also a good choice. All in all, it | | will mostly come down to your own Pokémon. Levels should be Lv. 43+. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| For winning, you will be given the penultimate Hoenn Badge, the Mind Badge. You will be given TM04 (Calm Mind), and the ability to use Dive outside of battle. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++ ++ Section VIII- Rain Badge **PKMN48** ++ ++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mossdeep Gym ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Leave. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mossdeep City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Mossdeep PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Net Ball ......................................................... $1,000 | | Dive Ball ........................................................ $1,000 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Full Heal .......................................................... $600 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Max Repel .......................................................... $700 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head to the northeasternmost part of town, the Space Station. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Space Station (Mossdeep City) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | None. | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Zubat Lv. 32 | | Mightyena Lv. 32 | | Baltoy Lv. 32 | | Mightyena Lv. 26, Mightyena Lv. 28, Numel Lv. 30 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Fairly simple on the first floor. Defeat the Trainers there and head up the staircase. Here, you'll find Maxie and Tabitha, two of the main authority figures in Team Magma. You and Steven will be teaming up for this 2-on-2. Steven's Party: Metang Lv. 42 (Steel/Psychic) Skarmory Lv. 43 (Steel/Flying) Aggron Lv. 44 (Rock/Steel) ______________________________________________________________ | BOSS: Team Magma Leader Maxie and Team Magma Admin Tabitha \ |_______________________________________________________________\_____________ | Maxie's Pokémon: Mightyena (Lv. 42) Dark | | Crobat (Lv. 44) Poison/Flying | | Camerupt (Lv. 44) Fire/Ground | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Tabitha's Pokémon: Camerupt (Lv. 36) Fire/Ground | | Mightyena (Lv. 38) Dark | | Golbat (Lv. 40) Poison/Flying | |=============================================================================| | Mightyena is weak to Fighting and Bug. It is immune to Psychic. | | | | Camerupt is weak to Water (4x), Rock (?), and Ground (?). It is immune to | | Electric. | | | | Crobat and Golbat are weak to Ice, Rock, Psychic, and Electric. They're | | immune to Ground. | | | | Recommendations: Nothing special. Steven practically has it covered. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After winning, Team Magma will flee, and Steven will tell you to visit him at his house. Leave the building. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mossdeep Gym ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Leave. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mossdeep City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Mossdeep PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Net Ball ......................................................... $1,000 | | Dive Ball ........................................................ $1,000 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Full Heal .......................................................... $600 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Max Repel .......................................................... $700 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head into Steven's house, the one northwest of the Pokémon Center. Inside, you will be given HM08. HM08 contains Dive. Dive is a Water-type move that is slightly weaker than Surf. The user will go underwater on one turn (remaining impervious to all damage, except from Surf), then strike on the next. Once you obtain the proper badge, you can use it to go underwater, using those dark spots, like those on Route 124, outside of battle. Okay, we are going to be doing quite a bit of legendary hunting. Buy a BUNCH of Ultra Balls, firstly. Then go and catch a Wailmer and level it up until it becomes a Wailord. Then find some dark water to the south, Dive down into the water, and enter the "grass" and try to catch Relicanth. You will also need a Pokémon with Dig. FROM HERE ON OUT, I WILL BE LISTING THE PROCESS OF OBTAINING THE THREE REGI'S. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO THIS - IF YOU WOULD WISH TO SKIP THIS, GO ON DOWN TO THE MOSSDEEP SECTION A LONG WAYS BELOW. (Just CTRL+F those ~ lines a few times.) If you ARE going for them, go south of Mossdeep onto Route 126. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE LONG REGI-CATCHING SECTION BEGINS HERE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 126 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Marill Lv. 33, Spheal Lv. 33 | | Gyarados Lv. 34 | | Luvdisc Lv. 33 (x2) | | Staryu Lv. 33 (x2) | | Carvanha Lv. 34 | | Staryu Lv. 34 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| South, I say! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 127 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Swellow Lv. 32, Skarmory Lv. 32 | | Manectric Lv. 32, Linoone Lv. 32 | | Magikarp Lv. 15, Magikarp Lv. 25, Gyarados Lv. 35 | | Carvanha Lv. 31, Tentacruel Lv. 34 | | Wailmer Lv. 30, Tentacool Lv. 31, Sharpedo Lv. 32 | | Staryu Lv. 33 (x2) | | Machoke Lv. 34 | | Wingull Lv. 26, Staryu Lv. 34 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| South, I say! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 128 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Staryu Lv. 35 | | Gloom Lv. 34, Azumarill Lv. 34 | | Shiftry Lv. 34, Nosepass Lv. 34 | | Tentacool Lv. 31 (x2), Wailmer Lv. 36 | | Staryu Lv. 34 | | Seaking Lv. 35 | | Tentacruel Lv. 35 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| South, I say! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 129 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | | Wailord | Water | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Spheal Lv. 33, Sharpedo Lv. 33 | | Wingull Lv. 26, Staryu Lv. 34 | | Wingull Lv. 27, Staryu Lv. 33 | | Chinchou Lv. 34 | | Sharpedo Lv. 34 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| South, I say! Then west. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 130 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | | Wynaut(Mirage Isle)| Psychic | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Gyarados Lv. 34 | | Goldeen Lv. 33, Spheal Lv. 33 | | Tentacruel Lv. 33, Wailmer Lv. 33 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| I say "West"! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 131 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Spheal Lv. 34 | | Staryu Lv. 34 | | Pelipper Lv. 34 | | Seaking Lv. 34 | | Luvdisc Lv. 34 | | Wingull Lv. 33, Tentacruel Lv. 33 | | Azumarill Lv. 35, Wingull Lv. 33 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| I say "West"! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Pacifidlog Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I say -- *shot* When you finally arrive, head into the Pokémon Center and heal up. Go into the southeasternmost house and speak with the man inside. If you're lucky, this man will tell you that he sees Mirage Island. If he does, yay. You can find this place on Route 130. It is SWARMING with Wynaut and some Leichi Berries. Anyhow, Surf west onto Route 132. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Routes 132 through 134 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Sharpedo Lv. 34 | | Azumarill Lv. 34 | | Horsea Lv. 33, Seadra Lv. 33 | | Luvdisc Lv. 33 (x2) | | Gyarados Lv. 33 | | Same Trainer -+-> Magikarp Lv. 19, Gyarados Lv. 21, Gyarados Lv. 23, | | '-> Gyarados Lv. 26, Gyarados Lv. 30, Gyarados Lv. 35 | | Swellow Lv. 33, Breloom Lv. 33 | | Pelipper Lv. 33, Camerupt Lv. 33 | | Roselia Lv. 33, Medicham Lv. 33 | | Kecleon Lv. 33, Loudred Lv. 33 | | Graveler Lv. 33, Ludicolo Lv. 33 | | Bagon Lv. 34, Manectric Lv. 34 | | Machoke Lv. 33, Spheal Lv. 33 | | Natu Lv. 33, Swellow Lv. 33 | | Seaking Lv. 34, Sealeo Lv. 34 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Begin by taking every possible lowest path. It is that simple through Routes 132 and 133. Once you hit an nearly-square island, you'll also hit Route 134. Get on the southwesternmost tile, go up two, and Surf west. You'll reach some calm, dark water. Dive. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Underwater ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Go southward for a while. You'll soon come to a rock with some dents in it. This is "visual Braille". Wonder who's the jerk who thought THIS up? Anyhow, the message reads "Go up here." Resurface via Dive. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Sealed Chamber ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Here, you'll find ten rocks with these indentations. They read, from left to right, top to bottom: "ABC" "DEF" "." "GHI" "JKL" "," "MNO" "PQRS" "TUV" "WXYZ" Those are the Braille translations. On the northern side of the room, on the wall, you'll find some Braille reading "Dig here." Use the move Dig while facing the center of the tiles to open up a door. In the second room are six stones, arranged similarly to those you saw on Routes 105, 111, and 120. They read... "In this cave we have lived." "We owe all to the Pokémon." "But, we sealed the Pokémon away." "We feared it." "Those with courage, those with hope." "Open a door. An eternal Pokémon waits." On the northern side of the room is another message: "First comes Wailord. Last comes Relicanth." Put Wailord as the lead member of the party, and Relicanth as the sixth. Examine the Braille again and the three doors blocking the Regis shall open. Use Dig to leave. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Underwater ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Surf out of the chamber and resurface. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Routes 132 through 134 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Sharpedo Lv. 34 | | Azumarill Lv. 34 | | Horsea Lv. 33, Seadra Lv. 33 | | Luvdisc Lv. 33 (x2) | | Gyarados Lv. 33 | | Same Trainer -+-> Magikarp Lv. 19, Gyarados Lv. 21, Gyarados Lv. 23, | | '-> Gyarados Lv. 26, Gyarados Lv. 30, Gyarados Lv. 35 | | Swellow Lv. 33, Breloom Lv. 33 | | Pelipper Lv. 33, Camerupt Lv. 33 | | Roselia Lv. 33, Medicham Lv. 33 | | Kecleon Lv. 33, Loudred Lv. 33 | | Graveler Lv. 33, Ludicolo Lv. 33 | | Bagon Lv. 34, Manectric Lv. 34 | | Machoke Lv. 33, Spheal Lv. 33 | | Natu Lv. 33, Swellow Lv. 33 | | Seaking Lv. 34, Sealeo Lv. 34 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Fly to Lavaridge. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Lavaridge Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Lavaridge PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Burn Heal .......................................................... $250 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _________________________ | Lavaridge Herbal Shop \ |__________________________\__________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Energypowder ....................................................... $500 | | Energy Root ........................................................ $800 | | Heal Powder ........................................................ $450 | | Revival Herb ..................................................... $2,800 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head east onto Route 112. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 112 (South) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Numel | Fire/Ground | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Nuzleaf Lv. 18 | | Taillow Lv. 17, Lombre Lv. 17 | | Geodude Lv. 16, Geodude Lv. 17 | | Numel Lv. 16, Machop Lv. 17 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head east to Route 111. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 111 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Baltoy | Ground/Psychic | Rare | | Cacnea | Grass/Ground | Uncommon | | Sandshrew | Ground | Uncommon | | Trapinch | Ground | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Sandshrew Lv. 19 | | Roselia Lv. 18 | | Shroomish Lv. 18 | | Numel Lv. 18 | | (Gabby & Ty) Whismur Lv. 17, Magnemite Lv. 17 | | (In Desert) Sandshrew Lv. 22, Baltoy Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Baltoy Lv. 21 (x2), Sandshrew Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Sandshrew Lv. 23 | | (In Desert) Marill Lv. 22, Sandshrew Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Sandslash Lv. 23 | | (In Desert) Marill Lv. 22, Lombre Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Sandshrew Lv. 22, Sandslash Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Taillow Lv. 22, Nuzleaf Lv. 22 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go into the desert, then as far south as possible. You will soon find a large, open rock. Go inside. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Desert Ruins ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Regirock | Rock | One-time | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| This Braille in this room says... "Left, left, down, down. Then use Rock Smash." From the center of the Braille, go east two tiles, south two, then use Strength to open up a door. Go inside to find Regirock in the center of the room. Save and battle it. _______________________________ | Special Encounter: Regirock \ |________________________________\____________________________________________ | Level: Level 40. | | Type : Rock. | | Moves: - Superpower | | - Curse | | - Rock Throw | | - Ancientpower | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Regirock is weak to Water, Ground, Grass, Fighting, and Steel. It has a | | type advantage over Fire, Ice, Bug, and Flying. It resists Normal, Fire, | | Poison, and Flying. | | | | There are several ways to go about this. You should try damaging it as | | little as possible each turn, until you think the next move will cause a | | KO. Next, put a non-damaging status on it (Paralysis or Sleep). You can | | fire Ultra Balls are it. The only way to make it better, aside from | | wasting the Master Ball, is to use False Swipe. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Once you're done here, leave. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 111 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Baltoy | Ground/Psychic | Rare | | Cacnea | Grass/Ground | Uncommon | | Sandshrew | Ground | Uncommon | | Trapinch | Ground | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Sandshrew Lv. 19 | | Roselia Lv. 18 | | Shroomish Lv. 18 | | Numel Lv. 18 | | (Gabby & Ty) Whismur Lv. 17, Magnemite Lv. 17 | | (In Desert) Sandshrew Lv. 22, Baltoy Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Baltoy Lv. 21 (x2), Sandshrew Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Sandshrew Lv. 23 | | (In Desert) Marill Lv. 22, Sandshrew Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Sandslash Lv. 23 | | (In Desert) Marill Lv. 22, Lombre Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Sandshrew Lv. 22, Sandslash Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Taillow Lv. 22, Nuzleaf Lv. 22 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Fly to Petalburg. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Petalburg City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Petalburg PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Awakening .......................................................... $250 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Orange Mail ......................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head west to Route 104. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 104 (South) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Taillow | Normal/Flying | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Zigzagoon Lv. 5, Seedot Lv. 7 | | Magikarp Lv. 9 | | Zigzagoon Lv. 7 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Let's head south to Route 105. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 105 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Marill Lv. 26 | | Tentacool Lv. 26 | | Sandshrew Lv. 25, Sandslash Lv. 25 | | Taillow Lv. 25, Wingull Lv. 25 | | Sandshrew Lv. 25 (x2) | | Wingull Lv. 25, Marill Lv. 25 | | Carvanha Lv. 26 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Continue south and really hug the west side. You'll then eventually come to an island. Cross it and head west and north to the Island Cave. Go inside. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Island Cave ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Regice | Ice | One-time | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| For this puzzle, make a lap around the room, sticking to the walls at all times. After finishing a lap in respect to the Braille, a door will open. Go through. You'll find Regice inside. Save and battle it. _____________________________ | Special Encounter: Regice \ |______________________________\______________________________________________ | Level: Level 40. | | Type : Ice. | | Moves: - Superpower | | - Curse | | - Icy Wind | | - Ancientpower | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Regice is weak to Fire, Fighting, Rock, and Steel. It has a type advantage | | over Grass, Flying, and Ground. | | | | There are several ways to go about this. You should try damaging it as | | little as possible each turn, until you think the next move will cause a | | KO. Next, put a non-damaging status on it (Paralysis or Sleep). You can | | fire Ultra Balls are it. The only way to make it better, aside from | | wasting the Master Ball, is to use False Swipe. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After the battle, leave. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 105 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Marill Lv. 26 | | Tentacool Lv. 26 | | Sandshrew Lv. 25, Sandslash Lv. 25 | | Taillow Lv. 25, Wingull Lv. 25 | | Sandshrew Lv. 25 (x2) | | Wingull Lv. 25, Marill Lv. 25 | | Carvanha Lv. 26 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Fly to Lilycove. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Lilycove City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ____________________________________ _____________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (2F) (Left) \ / Trainer Basics #1 | |_____________________________________\________________/______________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Full Heal .......................................................... $600 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Burn Heal .......................................................... $250 | | Ice Heal ........................................................... $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Fluffy Tail ...................................................... $1,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _____________________________________ _____________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (2F) (Right) \ / Trainer Basics #2 | |______________________________________\_______________/______________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Max Potion ....................................................... $2,500 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | Max Repel .......................................................... $700 | | Wave Mail ........................................................... $50 | | Mech Mail ........................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________ ______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (3F) (Left) \ / Effort Value (EV) Boosters | |_____________________________________\_______/_______________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Protein .......................................................... $9,800 | | Iron ............................................................. $9,800 | | Carbos ........................................................... $9,800 | | Zinc ............................................................. $9,800 | | Calcium .......................................................... $9,800 | | HP Up ............................................................ $9,800 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _____________________________________ ___________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (3F) (Right) \ / In-Battle Stat Boosters | |______________________________________\_________/____________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Special .......................................................... $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Dire Hit ........................................................... $650 | | Guard Spec. ........................................................ $700 | | X Accuracy ......................................................... $950 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________ _______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (4F) (Left) \ / Technical Machines (TMs) #1 | |_____________________________________\______/________________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | TM38 (Fire Blast) ................................................ $5,500 | | TM25 (Thunder) ................................................... $5,500 | | TM14 (Blizzard) .................................................. $5,500 | | TM15 (Hyper Beam) ................................................ $7,500 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _____________________________________ _______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (4F) (Right) \ / Technical Machines (TMs) #2 | |______________________________________\_____/________________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | TM17 (Protect) ................................................... $3,000 | | TM20 (Safeguard) ................................................. $3,000 | | TM33 (Reflect) ................................................... $3,000 | | TM16 (Light Screen) .............................................. $3,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ________________________________________ ______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (5F) (Top-Left) \ / Secret Base Decorations #1 | |_________________________________________\___/_______________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Pichu Doll ....................................................... $3,000 | | Pikachu Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Marill Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Jigglypuff Doll .................................................. $3,000 | | Duskull Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Wynaut Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Baltoy Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Kecleon Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Azurill Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Skitty Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Swablu Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Gulpin Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________ ______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (5F) (Top-Right) \ / Secret Base Decorations #2 | |__________________________________________\__/_______________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Pika Cushion ..................................................... $2,000 | | Round Cushion .................................................... $2,000 | | Zigzag Cushion ................................................... $2,000 | | Spin Cushion ..................................................... $2,000 | | Diamond Cushion .................................................. $2,000 | | Ball Cushion ..................................................... $2,000 | | Grass Cushion .................................................... $2,000 | | Fire Cushion ..................................................... $2,000 | | Water Cushion .................................................... $2,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ___________________________________________ ______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (5F) (Bottom-Left) \ / Secret Base Decorations #3 | |____________________________________________\/_______________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Ball Poster ...................................................... $1,000 | | Green Poster ..................................................... $1,000 | | Red Poster ....................................................... $1,000 | | Blue Poster ...................................................... $1,000 | | Cute Poster ...................................................... $1,000 | | Pika Poster ...................................................... $1,500 | | Long Poster ...................................................... $1,000 | | Sea Poster ....................................................... $1,500 | | Sky Poster ....................................................... $1,500 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________________ ______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (5F) (Bottom-Right) \ / Secret Base Decorations #4 | |_____________________________________________V_______________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Surf Mat ......................................................... $4,000 | | Thunder Mat ...................................................... $4,000 | | Fire Blast Mat ................................................... $4,000 | | Powder Snow Mat .................................................. $4,000 | | Attract Mat ...................................................... $4,000 | | Fissure Mat ...................................................... $4,000 | | Spikes Mat ....................................................... $4,000 | | Glitter Mat ...................................................... $4,000 | | Jump Mat ......................................................... $4,000 | | Spin Mat ......................................................... $4,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _______________________________ _______________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (Roof) \ / HP-Restoring Drinks | |________________________________\___________________/________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Fresh Water ........................................................ $200 | | Soda Pop ........................................................... $300 | | Lemonade ........................................................... $350 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________ ________________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (Clear-out Sale) \ / More Secret Base Decorations | |__________________________________________\/_________________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Mud Ball ........................................................... $200 | | Fence Length ....................................................... $500 | | Fence Width ........................................................ $500 | | Tire ............................................................... $800 | | Breakable Door ................................................... $3,000 | | Solid Board ...................................................... $3,000 | | Sand Ornament .................................................... $3,000 | | Stand ............................................................ $7,000 | | Slide ............................................................ $8,000 | | TV ............................................................... $3,000 | | Round TV ......................................................... $4,000 | | Cute TV .......................................................... $4,000 | | Wailmer Doll .................................................... $10,000 | | Rhydon Doll ..................................................... $10,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| West, I say! *is shot again* ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 121 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Kecleon | Normal | Rare | | Shuppet | Ghost | Common | | Poochyena | Normal | Common | | Mightyena | Normal | Common | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Gloom | Grass/Poison | Rare | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Duskull Lv. 28, Shuppet Lv. 28 | | Dustox Lv. 29, Beautifly Lv. 29 | | Kecleon Lv. 29, Seviper Lv. 29 | | Spinda Lv. 30, Slaking Lv. 30 | | Makuhita Lv. 25, Wingull Lv. 25, Tropius Lv. 25 | | Poochyena Lv. 25, Electrike Lv. 25, Shroomish Lv. 25 | | Manectric Lv. 29 | | Pikachu Lv. 30 | | Manectric Lv. 29, Shiftry Lv. 29 | | Loudred Lv. 29, Vigoroth Lv. 29 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| West some more. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 120 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Kecleon | Normal | Rare | | Marill | Water | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Mightyena | Dark | Common | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Common | | Seedot | Grass | Rare | | Absol | Dark | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Roselia Lv. 28, Wailmer Lv. 28 | | Swablu Lv. 29 | | (Gabby & Ty) Magneton Lv. 30, Loudred Lv. 30 | | Wingull Lv. 28, Natu Lv. 28 | | Castform Lv. 30 | | Manectric Lv. 30 | | Koffing Lv. 28, Ninjask Lv. 28 | | Meditite Lv. 28, Makuhita Lv. 28 | | Sableye Lv. 30 | | Lotad Lv. 28, Lombre Lv. 28, Nuzleaf Lv. 28 | | Seedot Lv. 28, Nuzleaf Lv. 28, Lombre Lv. 28 | | Surskit Lv. 27 (x3) | | Koffing Lv. 28, Ninjask Lv. 28 | | Baltoy Lv. 27, Sandshrew Lv. 27, Sandslash Lv. 27 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head west, then west at the fork, then north. You'll find another rock configuration similar to the previous two, save that is in a grassy setting. Go into the cave. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Ancient Tomb ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Registeel | Steel | One-time | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Exmaine the Braille, then head to the very center of the room. Use Flash and a door will open. Enter the room. You'll find Registeel inside. Save and battle it. ________________________________ | Special Encounter: Registeel \ |_________________________________\___________________________________________ | Level: Level 40. | | Type : Steel. | | Moves: - Superpower | | - Curse | | - Metal Claw | | - Ancientpower | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Registeel is weak to Ground, Fighting, and Fire. It is immune to Poison. | | It resists all other types, except Water and Electric. | | | | There are several ways to go about this. You should try damaging it as | | little as possible each turn, until you think the next move will cause a | | KO. Next, put a non-damaging status on it (Paralysis or Sleep). You can | | fire Ultra Balls are it. The only way to make it better, aside from | | wasting the Master Ball, is to use False Swipe. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After the battle, leave. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 120 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Kecleon | Normal | Rare | | Marill | Water | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Mightyena | Dark | Common | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Common | | Seedot | Grass | Rare | | Absol | Dark | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Roselia Lv. 28, Wailmer Lv. 28 | | Swablu Lv. 29 | | (Gabby & Ty) Magneton Lv. 30, Loudred Lv. 30 | | Wingull Lv. 28, Natu Lv. 28 | | Castform Lv. 30 | | Manectric Lv. 30 | | Koffing Lv. 28, Ninjask Lv. 28 | | Meditite Lv. 28, Makuhita Lv. 28 | | Sableye Lv. 30 | | Lotad Lv. 28, Lombre Lv. 28, Nuzleaf Lv. 28 | | Seedot Lv. 28, Nuzleaf Lv. 28, Lombre Lv. 28 | | Surskit Lv. 27 (x3) | | Koffing Lv. 28, Ninjask Lv. 28 | | Baltoy Lv. 27, Sandshrew Lv. 27, Sandslash Lv. 27 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Okay, that's done with. Fly back to Mossdeep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE LONG REGI-CATCHING SECTION ENDS HERE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mossdeep City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Mossdeep PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Net Ball ......................................................... $1,000 | | Dive Ball ........................................................ $1,000 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Full Heal .......................................................... $600 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Max Repel .......................................................... $700 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Okay, we're going to do another optional thing, but it is very short. Heal up at the Pokémon Center, then go down the stairs. Surf north a while and... ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 125 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Wingull Lv. 33, Machoke Lv. 33 | | Seaking Lv. 34 | | Luvdisc Lv. 34 | | Tropius Lv. 33, Xatu Lv. 33 | | Manectric Lv. 33, Machamp Lv. 33 | | Swablu Lv. 32, Numel Lv. 32 | | Tentacruel Lv. 36 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ...you will be able to find Shoal Cave. Go inside. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Shoal Cave (Route 125) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Zubat | Poison/Flying | Common | | Golbat | Poison/Flying | Rare | | Snorunt | Ice | Uncommon (B2F only) | | Spheal | Water/Ice | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| When you enter, go along the eastern path. This man is asking for some Shoal Shells and Shoal Salt - four of each, in fact. The former can only be found when the water is high; the latter, only when the water is low. I think it will change every nine hours, unless the battery has dried, like mine. Mine is therefore stuck on the low spell. <= LOW TIDE STUFF => If the water is low, go downstairs and north into the next room. Go upstairs, east at the fork, and then downstairs. Examine the mound to the east to find a Shoal Salt, and the item to the east is an Ice Heal. Go up the multiple staircases and up the ladder. Go west, across the bridge, south, across the bridge to the east, north, and down the ladder. Go west and through the doorway. Go west, north, and east to find some Shoal Salt. Return to the doorway's location, go south, and grab the Shoal Salt. You go back through the doorway. Head east, grab the Shoal Salt, push the Strength boulder, and go down the ladder. Here, in this icy area, you may find Snorunt. Go across the ice heading south twice. Get on the row above the bottom and go west, north, north, west, south, south, east, north. Get beside the land rock, go north, west, north, east, south. Get south of the westernmost rock; head north, east, south, west, north, west, south, west, north, east, and south. This item is TM07, Hail. You are now done. Leave when desired. <= HIGH TIDE STUFF => My games' batteries are very old and have dried out, all amazingly stuck on low tide. I would appreciate some info - my contact info is in the Legal section. Leave when done. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 125 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Wingull Lv. 33, Machoke Lv. 33 | | Seaking Lv. 34 | | Luvdisc Lv. 34 | | Tropius Lv. 33, Xatu Lv. 33 | | Manectric Lv. 33, Machamp Lv. 33 | | Swablu Lv. 32, Numel Lv. 32 | | Tentacruel Lv. 36 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Fly to Mossdeep. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mossdeep City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Mossdeep PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Net Ball ......................................................... $1,000 | | Dive Ball ........................................................ $1,000 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Full Heal .......................................................... $600 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Max Repel .......................................................... $700 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Heal up and we'll do one more thing - the Abandoned Ship. Fly to Dewford. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Dewford Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Heal if needed, then Surf east to Route 107. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 107 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Wingull Lv. 25, Goldeen Lv. 25 | | Carvanha Lv. 26 | | Goldeen Lv. 25, Tentacool Lv. 27 | | Tentacool Lv. 24 (x2), Wingull Lv. 24 | | Goldeen Lv. 26 | | Staryu Lv. 26 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head eastward to Route 108. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 108 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Goldeen Lv. 26 | | Carvanha Lv. 26 | | Horsea Lv. 25, Marill Lv. 25 | | Same Battle --+-> Manectric Lv. 24 (x2), Swellow Lv. 24, Wingull Lv. 24, | | '-> Tentacool Lv. 24, Machop Lv. 24 | | Tentacruel Lv. 26 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| As you continue along this Route, you'll find a ship, an abandoned ship at that. Go on in. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Abandoned Ship (Route 108) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Wailmer, Horsea, Zigzagoon, Electrike; each Lv. 25 | | Spheal Lv. 25, Machoke Lv. 25 | | Marill Lv. 24 | | Sandslash Lv. 26, Marill Lv. 26 | | Volbeat Lv. 25, Illumise Lv. 25 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head into the ship. When you get to the room with a cabin and a broken door, go through the broken door for a double battle. Head north and through the door. Go into the room to the left to find a Harbor Mail. Exit and head down the staircase. Defeat the Trainer nearby. Enter the southwestern cabin to find an Escape Rope, then go into the broken-door cabin to find a Dive Ball. Enter the south-central door, Surf onto the water, and Dive. Go west, through the northern doorway, and surface. Enter the southeastern door. Get one square south of the northeastern corner, then face north and press A to find the Room 1 Key. Also grab the Water Stone. Use the Room 1 Key to enter the southwestern door. Grab TM18 (Rain Dance). Get one square east and north of the western hole. Face west and examine the tile to get the Room 4 Key. Enter the northwestern cabin now. Examine the trash can to find the Room 6 Key. Go into the northeastern cabin. Grab the Luxury Ball. Next, go into the cabin to the west via the hallway. Get two squares south and west of the southern trash can, face east, and examine the tile to find the Room 2 Key. Enter the south-central cabin. Grab the Scanner. Get onto the water, Dive, go east, and surface. Exit the cabin. Go up the northwestern staircase. Defeat the Tuber here, then enter the northern cabin to have a double battle. Go further south for another. Continue south and leave the room. Go through the entrance in the southwestern corner of the room. Go upstairs and into this room. Grab the Storage Key and leave. Return to the room with the Sailor. Enter the northeastern room to find TM13, Ice Beam. Nothing else to do but ... ABANDON SHIP! :D Fly to Slateport City. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Slateport City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Slateport PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | Harbor Mail ......................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| __________________________________________________________ | Slateport Markets \ The ~~ divides individual shops. \ |______________________\____________________________________\_________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Azurill Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Marill Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Skitty Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< | TM10 (Hidden Power) .............................................. $3,000 | | TM43 (Secret Power) .............................................. $3,000 | >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< | Protein .......................................................... $9,800 | | Iron ............................................................. $9,800 | | Carbos ........................................................... $9,800 | | Zinc ............................................................. $9,800 | | Calcium .......................................................... $9,800 | | HP Up ............................................................ $9,800 | >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< | Red Brick .......................................................... $500 | | Yellow Brick ....................................................... $500 | | Blue Brick ......................................................... $500 | | Red Balloon ........................................................ $500 | | Blue Balloon ....................................................... $500 | | Yellow Balloon ..................................................... $500 | | C Low Note Mat ..................................................... $500 | | D Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | E Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | F Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | G Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | A Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | B Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | C High Note Mat .................................................... $500 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go into the harbor and speak with Captain Stern. As a reward for the Scanner, you can receive either a Deepseatooth or a Deepseatooth. When a Clamperl holds one of these during a trade it will evolve into a different Pokémon. The former causes evolution to Huntail; the latter, Gorebyss. Fly back to Mossdeep (don't worry, we're done). ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mossdeep City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Mossdeep PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Net Ball ......................................................... $1,000 | | Dive Ball ........................................................ $1,000 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Full Heal .......................................................... $600 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Max Repel .......................................................... $700 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Heal up if needed, then head south onto Route 127. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 127 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Swellow Lv. 32, Skarmory Lv. 32 | | Manectric Lv. 32, Linoone Lv. 32 | | Magikarp Lv. 15, Magikarp Lv. 25, Gyarados Lv. 35 | | Carvanha Lv. 31, Tentacruel Lv. 34 | | Wailmer Lv. 30, Tentacool Lv. 31, Sharpedo Lv. 32 | | Staryu Lv. 33 (x2) | | Machoke Lv. 34 | | Wingull Lv. 26, Staryu Lv. 34 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Surf west and you'll find some shallow, lighter water. Atop it is a Zinc. Grab it and head south to find some shallow water, two Trainers, and some trees. Defeat the Trainers and pick up the nearby Rare Candy. Surf east, weaving around the rocks as you go. You'll find some more shallow water with three Trainers. Defeat them and head south along the darker water. You'll find another Trainer as you go along. You'll soon find some shallow water. Defeat the Black Belt nearby, then head east to find a Trainer near the rocks. Head further east to find a large dark patch of water. Dive. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Underwater ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Follow the trench south for a while. Eventually, you'll come across a doorway. Go inside and you'll find the sub Team Magma/Aqua stole back in Slateport. Surface. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Seafloor Cavern ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Zubat | Poison/Flying | Guaranteed encounter | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Poochyena Lv. 36 | | Carvanha Lv. 36 | | Zubat Lv. 36 | | Carvanha Lv. 36 | | Mightyena Lv. 35, Golbat Lv. 35 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go north and through the door. Go west and break the Rock Smash rock. Push the Strength boulder nearby down one tile. Go east and push that one east one tile. Go north to find a Grunt. Go through the door to the north. Push the Strength boulder one tile north. Go east and push it two tiles. Go west and push it one tile. Break the rock after pushing the boulder. Go north and push it. Go west, break the rock, push the boulder, and go through the doorway. Exit out of there. Push the boulder south, break the rock to the east, push the boulder to the east, and go into this northeastern room. Go east, and then Surf onto the eastbound current, then the northbound current, then eastbound current. Then head west and north through the door. You'll find a boulder configuration like this... 1 2 3 Push boulder 8 west two tiles to be above 9. Push #6 west one 4 5 tile. Push #2 up once, then push #2 east twice. 6 7 8 9 Continue north to fight a Team Aqua Admin. ________________________________ | BOSS: Team Aqua Admin Shelly \ |_________________________________\___________________________________________ | Pokémon: Sharpedo (Lv. 37) Water/Dark | | Mightyena (Lv. 37) Dark | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Sharpedo is weak to Electric, Grass, Fighting, and Bug. It is immune to | | Psychic. Additionally, it has the Rough Skin ability, meaning that if you | | physically attack it, the attacker loses ~6.25% of their HP. | | | | Mightyena is weak to Fighting and Bug, and is immune to Psychic. | | | | Recommendations: There's not really anything too specific you need to go | | with here. Your starter should be just fine, although Combusken and | | Blaziken are weak to Water (from Carvanha), which is best countered with a | | Fighting move. Regardless, those participating should be around Lv. 44. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After the battle, continue into the next room. Here is another configuration: 12 34 Push boulder 9 up. Push boulders A, B, and C down. Push #6 up. 567 Push #5 left. Push #2 and #3 up. Push #6 left or right. Go 8 9 through the door. ABC Go along this steamy path, picking up TM26, Earthquake, a VERY powerful Ground move, on the way. You'll find a Pokémon in the water at the end of the path. Archie will appear. He will converse on this legendary Pokémon, Kyogre, among other things. Then another battle begins. _________________________________ | BOSS: Team Aqua Leader Archie \ |__________________________________\__________________________________________ | Pokémon: Mightyena (Lv. 41) Dark | | Crobat (Lv. 41) Poison/Flying | | Sharpedo (Lv. 43) Water/Dark | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Mightyena is weak to Fighting and Bug. It is immune to Psychic. | | | | Crobat is weak to Psychic, Ice, Rock, and Electric. It is immune to | | Electric. | | | | Sharpedo is weak to Grass, Electric, Fighting, and Bug. It is immune to | | Psychic. Beware using physical moves - Rough Skin will take off 6.25% of | | your HP. | | | | Recommendations: | | ~ Starter -> Mightyena | | ~ Graveler/Golem/Kadabra/Alakazam -> Crobat | | ~ Breloom/Electric-type/Starter -> Sharpedo | | Participating Pokémon should be Lv. 45+. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After the battle, there will be a short conversation, then silence falls on the cavern. The Orb Archie stole at Mt. Pyre will radiate light. The legendary Pokémon will approach you and then depart. Archie will then receive a call from one his minions -- a severe rainstorm is occurring outside. Archie reveals that this was the plan, but the minion reveals it to be much worse than previously expected. Maxie of Team Magma will then come in, taking you both outside. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 127 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Swellow Lv. 32, Skarmory Lv. 32 | | Manectric Lv. 32, Linoone Lv. 32 | | Magikarp Lv. 15, Magikarp Lv. 25, Gyarados Lv. 35 | | Carvanha Lv. 31, Tentacruel Lv. 34 | | Wailmer Lv. 30, Tentacool Lv. 31, Sharpedo Lv. 32 | | Staryu Lv. 33 (x2) | | Machoke Lv. 34 | | Wingull Lv. 26, Staryu Lv. 34 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Outside, it truly is pouring down, and pouring down hard, complete with thunder and lightning. Suddenly, the sun comes out from behind the clouds, radiating mass heat upon the earth. Then the thunderstorms begin again. Steven then Flies in, telling you to meet him in Sootopolis. Surf north on Route 127, while checking your Pokénav. When you get level with Sootopolis, Surf west to it, then Dive into the trench in front of it. Go into the small cavern and surface to find Sootopolis. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Sootopolis City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _______________________ | Sootopolis PokéMart \ |________________________\____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Max Potion ....................................................... $2,500 | | Full Heal .......................................................... $600 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Max Repel .......................................................... $700 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Shadow Mail ......................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Once you enter the city, you'll be greeted by a friendly scene of Kyogre and Groudon hashing it out. All they do, though, is wiggle back-and-forth. (Tickle fight, anyone?) Surf to the western coast to find Steven. He'll guide you to the Cave of Origin, telling the old man nearby to move it. Go inside. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Cave of Origin ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Go forward and through the door, then down the ladder. You'll then meet Wallace. He'll tell you that you should go and find Sky Pillar to find the third legendary Pokémon to sort out this mess. Back outside... ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Sootopolis City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _______________________ | Sootopolis PokéMart \ |________________________\____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Max Potion ....................................................... $2,500 | | Full Heal .......................................................... $600 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Max Repel .......................................................... $700 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Shadow Mail ......................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ... Steven doesn't know where this Sky Pillar is. But I do. Fly to Pacifidlog Town. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Pacifidlog Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Surf east onto Route 131. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 131 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Spheal Lv. 34 | | Staryu Lv. 34 | | Pelipper Lv. 34 | | Seaking Lv. 34 | | Luvdisc Lv. 34 | | Wingull Lv. 33, Tentacruel Lv. 33 | | Azumarill Lv. 35, Wingull Lv. 33 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Continue Surfing east while hugging the northern side. You'll soon find a path going north. Go along it, between those rocks, into the "cavern". ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Sky Pillar ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Sableye | Ghost/Dark | Common | | Golbat | Poison/Flying | Common | | Claydol | Ground/Psychic | Common | | Banette | Ghost | Uncommon | | Altaria | Dragon/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Ummm... It is a fairly linear path. The only thing worth mentioning is that, on one floor, you'll end up at two cracks on the floor. Stand on one to fall to the floor below to continue going. On the top, you'll find the legendary Pokémon, Rayquaza. Walk up to him and wake him up. This will cause an earthquake, weakening the below floors. Rayquaza then leaves to Sootopolis. Fly there now. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Sootopolis City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _______________________ | Sootopolis PokéMart \ |________________________\____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Max Potion ....................................................... $2,500 | | Full Heal .......................................................... $600 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Max Repel .......................................................... $700 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Shadow Mail ......................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| When you arrive, Rayquaza will appear and quell the brawling between the two legendary rivals, causing the weather to return to normalcy. Speak with Wallace afterward to get HM07, Waterfall. It is an okay Water-type move that, after obtaining the next Badge, you'll be able to use to scale waterfalls out of battle. You'll probably also notice that Archie and Maxie have left. Steven thinks that they went to Mt. Pyre to return the Red and Blue Orbs. Anyhow, head up to the Pokémon Center (east coast). Heal. While there, be sure to note the person teaching Double-Edge (high-power Normal move, but has recoil damage). West coast yields the PokéMart. Go upstairs to the top. Go left and into the house to find a guy that gives TM31, Brick Break, a very decent Fighting-type move. Return to the Gym and Surf west to find a woman who gives you two (usually rare) Berries daily. Heal up and head into the eighth, and final, Gym. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Sootopolis Gym ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | None. | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Luvdisc Lv. 40 | | Goldeen Lv. 40 | | Luvdisc Lv. 39 (x2) | | Feebas Lv. 39 (x2) | | Goldeen Lv. 39, Wailmer Lv. 39 | | Azurill Lv. 35, Marill Lv. 37, Azumarill Lv. 39 | | Clamperl Lv. 35, Corphish Lv. 37, Lombre Lv. 39 | | Carvanha Lv. 39, Sharpedo Lv. 39 | | Seaking Lv. 40 | | Azumarill Lv. 40 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| In this Gym, your goal is to only step on each tile of ice one time to cause the stairs to activate and allow you up. Each tile must be stepped on once, thereby cracking it. If you step a cracked tile, you fall through to a lower level where the Trainers are. By messing up Puzzle #3, you'll be able to fight all ten Trainers in one smooth sweep. Puzzle #1 - up, left, up, right, right, up, left. Puzzle #2 - up, left, left, left, up, up, right, right, down, right, right, down, right, right, up, up, left, left, left. Puzzle #3 - up, left, left, left, left, left, up, up, up, right, down, right, down, right, up, up, right, down, right, down, right, down, right, up, up, right, down, right, down, right, up, up, up, left, left, left, left, left After finishing the third puzzle, you'll find Juan. Battle him. _________________________ | BOSS: Gym Leader Juan \ |__________________________\__________________________________________________ | Pokémon: Luvdisc (Lv. 41) Water | | Crawdaunt (Lv. 43) Water/Dark | | Sealeo (Lv. 43) Water/Ice | | Whiscash (Lv. 41) Water/Ground | | Kingdra (Lv. 46) Water/Dragon | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Luvdisc is weak to Grass and Electric. | | | | Sealeo is weak to Grass, Electric, Rock, and Fighting. | | | | Whiscash is weak to Grass (4x) alone. It is immune to Electric. | | | | Crawdaunt is weak to Grass, Electric, Bug, and Fighting. It is immune to | | Psychic. | | | | Kingdra is weak to Dragon only. | | | | Recommendations: Got a Grass Pokémon? Preferable level: 46+. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| For winning this last and final Gym battle, you'll receive Hoenn's eighth Gym Badge, the Rain Badge. You will be given TM03, Water Pulse. You also get to use HM07 (Waterfall) outside of battle, and all Pokémon, regardless of their level, will obey with without question. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++ ++ Section IX- Pokémon League **PKMN49** ++ ++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Sootopolis Gym ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) And so, we have all eight Gym Badges. Only one thing is left: the Pokémon League. Exit the Gym. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Sootopolis City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _______________________ | Sootopolis PokéMart \ |________________________\____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Max Potion ....................................................... $2,500 | | Full Heal .......................................................... $600 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Max Repel .......................................................... $700 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Shadow Mail ......................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| So, we have all eight Gym Badges. You are ready for the Elite Four challenge. This walkthrough will close soon. But first, I want to show a bit in Meteor Falls, a place where you might find something you deem useful. Fly to Fallarbor. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Fallarbor Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Fallarbor PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | X Special .......................................................... $350 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Guard Spec. ........................................................ $700 | | Dire Hit ........................................................... $650 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head west to Route 114. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 114 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Lotad | Grass/Water | Common | | Lombre | Grass/Water | Common | | Nuzleaf | Grass/Dark | Rare | | Seviper | Poison | Uncommon | | Swablu | Normal/Flying | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Barboach Lv. 19 | | Nuzleaf Lv. 19 | | Magikarp Lv. 16, Goldeen Lv. 17, Barboach Lv. 18 | | Marill Lv. 18, Lombre Lv. 18 | | Roselia Lv. 18, Graveler Lv. 20 | | Sandshrew Lv. 18, Nuzleaf Lv. 18 | | Aron Lv. 19 | | Slugma Lv. 18, Wingull Lv. 18 | | Geodude Lv. 18, Numel Lv. 18 | | Lombre Lv. 18, Marill Lv. 18 | | Geodude Lv. 18, Machop Lv. 18 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head west, go south across the bridge and go through the grass, heading south, to find some stairs. Go along their path to Meteor Falls. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Meteor Falls ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | 1F Pokémon Listings | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Zubat | Poison/Flying | Common | | Solrock | Rock/Psychic | Common | | | | | | | | | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | 2F Pokémon Listings | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Zubat | Poison/Flying | Common | | Golbat | Poison/Flying | Common | | Solrock | Rock/Psychic | Uncommon | | | | | | | | | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Secret Room Pokémon Listings | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Bagon | Dragon | Common | | Solrock | Rock/Psychic | Common | | Lunatone | Rock/Psychic | Common | | | | | | | | | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Hariyama Lv. 40, Medicham Lv. 40 | | Altaria Lv. 38 (x2) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go on over to the bridge, then north. Surf onto the water, then go up the Waterfall. Go north and through the door. Upstairs, go along the path and down the ladder. Go southwest and up the ladder to find TM23, Iron Tail. It is a fairly powerful Steel-type move; however, it only has 75% accuracy, and it will often like more. Go down the ladder and north to find another. Go up and you'll find an old couple. Defeat them and continue up the stairs to the east to find the ever-rare Dragon Tamer. Defeat him and go down the ledges while hugging the left side. Go down the ladder. Go and Surf on the water. You'll soon find a doorway. Go through to find the Secret Room. Here, you can find one of the rarer Pokémon of the game, Bagon. Bagon is one of a very few Dragon types in the whole series. It will evolve at Lv. 30 into Shellgon, and at Lv. 50 into the Hoenn Dragonite, Salamence. It can learn many types of moves, and is _WELL_ worth raising. You can also cross the water to find TM02, Dragon Claw, a good starting move for any Dragon type. Leave the cave when you're done. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 114 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Lotad | Grass/Water | Common | | Lombre | Grass/Water | Common | | Nuzleaf | Grass/Dark | Rare | | Seviper | Poison | Uncommon | | Swablu | Normal/Flying | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Barboach Lv. 19 | | Nuzleaf Lv. 19 | | Magikarp Lv. 16, Goldeen Lv. 17, Barboach Lv. 18 | | Marill Lv. 18, Lombre Lv. 18 | | Roselia Lv. 18, Graveler Lv. 20 | | Sandshrew Lv. 18, Nuzleaf Lv. 18 | | Aron Lv. 19 | | Slugma Lv. 18, Wingull Lv. 18 | | Geodude Lv. 18, Numel Lv. 18 | | Lombre Lv. 18, Marill Lv. 18 | | Geodude Lv. 18, Machop Lv. 18 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Fly to Mossdeep. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mossdeep City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Mossdeep PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Net Ball ......................................................... $1,000 | | Dive Ball ........................................................ $1,000 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Full Heal .......................................................... $600 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Max Repel .......................................................... $700 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Heal, then go south onto Route 127. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 127 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Swellow Lv. 32, Skarmory Lv. 32 | | Manectric Lv. 32, Linoone Lv. 32 | | Magikarp Lv. 15, Magikarp Lv. 25, Gyarados Lv. 35 | | Carvanha Lv. 31, Tentacruel Lv. 34 | | Wailmer Lv. 30, Tentacool Lv. 31, Sharpedo Lv. 32 | | Staryu Lv. 33 (x2) | | Machoke Lv. 34 | | Wingull Lv. 26, Staryu Lv. 34 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Simply head south while hugging the east side. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 128 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Staryu Lv. 35 | | Gloom Lv. 34, Azumarill Lv. 34 | | Shiftry Lv. 34, Nosepass Lv. 34 | | Tentacool Lv. 31 (x2), Wailmer Lv. 36 | | Staryu Lv. 34 | | Seaking Lv. 35 | | Tentacruel Lv. 35 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| While hugging the east side some more, you'll soon some to a branch of water heading east. Go along it and continue in a generally-eastward direction to soon come to a waterfall. Climb up it and you'll arrive in Ever Grande City. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Ever Grande City (South) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Head east to find the Pokémon Center. Heal up here. Next, you'll probably want to Fly to Lilycove to stock up on supplies. Why? Well, if you head north and into the cavern, you'll find the last trial before all those who wish to challenge the Pokémon League, Victory Road. Head inside when ready. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Victory Road ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | 1F Pokémon Listings | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Makuhita | Fighting | Uncommon | | Hariyama | Fighting | Common | | Zubat | Poison/Flying | Uncommon | | Golbat | Poison/Flying | Uncommon | | Aron | Steel/Rock | Rare | | Lairon | Steel/Rock | Uncommon | | Whismur | Normal | Rare | | Loudred | Normal | Uncommon | | | | | | | | | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | B1F Pokémon Listings | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Hariyama | Fighting | Common | | Golbat | Poison/Flying | Common | | Lairon | Steel/Rock | Common | | Mawile | Steel | Rare | | | | | | | | | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | B2F Pokémon Listings | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Sableye | Ghost/Dark | Common | | Golbat | Poison/Flying | Common | | Lairon | Steel/Rock | Common | | Mawile | Steel | Rare | | | | | | | | | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Roselia Lv. 45 | | Magneton Lv. 43, Muk Lv. 43 | | Claydol Lv. 45 | | Swellow Lv. 42, Mawile Lv. 42, Kadabra Lv. 42 | | Sandslash Lv. 42, Tropius Lv. 42, Ninetales Lv. 42 | | Kecleon Lv. 42, Wailord Lv. 42, Graveler Lv. 42 | | Claydol Lv. 43, Lanturn Lv. 43 | | Medicham Lv. 43, Claydol Lv. 43 | | Skarmory Lv. 43, Sableye Lv. 43 | | Dodrio, Kadabra, Shiftry, Electrode; each at Lv. 42 | | Lunatone Lv. 43, Solrock Lv. 43 | | Sableye Lv. 43, Aron Lv. 43 | | Torkoal Lv. 42, Ludicolo Lv. 42, Medicham Lv. 42 | | Cacturne Lv. 43, Pelipper Lv. 43 | | Gardevoir Lv. 43, Slaking Lv. 43 | | Slaking Lv. 43, Dusclops Lv. 43 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| <= 1F => Once you enter Victory Road, head north, upstairs, and across the bridge. You then get to fight Wally... ____________________________ | BOSS: PKMN Trainer Wally \ |_____________________________\_______________________________________________ | Pokémon: Altaria (Lv. 44) Dragon/Flying | | Magneton (Lv. 41) Steel/Electric | | Roselia (Lv. 44) Grass/Poison | | Delcatty (Lv. 43) Normal | | Gardevoir (Lv. 45) Psychic | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Altaria is weak to Ice (4x), Dragon, and Rock. It is immune to Ground. | | | | Magneton is weak to Ground (4x), Fire, and Fighting. It is immune to | | Poison. | | | | Roselia is weak to Fire, Flying, Ice, and Psychic. | | | | Delcatty is weak to Fighting. It is immune to Ghost. | | | | Gardevoir is weak to Dark, Bug, and Ghost. | | | | Recommendations: | | ~ Someone with an Ice move/Salamence -> Altaria, Roselia | | ~ Groudon/Graveler/Golem/Swampert -> Magneton | | ~ Your starter -> Delcatty | | ~ Swampert/Grovyle/Sableye -> Gardevoir | | Those participating should be Lv. 50+. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After finish off Wally, go north for a battle. Return across the bridge and go downstairs. Go west and north, then further along the path to a battle. Return to where you fought the first Trainer and head downstairs. <= B1F => Follow the path to a Strength boulder. When you hit it, ignore it and head down the path to the left. You'll find another boulder. Push it west. Take this path to the first Strength boulder. Push the boulder east and head along the southbound path. Continue along to find some Rock Smash rocks and Strength boulders. Destroy the rocks. Push the western boulder to the south. Push the other one to the north. Go along the newly-found path to a Trainer. Go along the path and upstairs. Cross the bridge to your east and head downstairs. Climb up the ladder. <= 1F => Grab the PP Up and return downstairs. <= B1F => Jump over the ledge to the west. Go north to find a Trainer, then go back south to find a ladder. Go down. <= B2F => Go north for a battle. Then Surf onto the water. Get on the ledge nearby and go upstairs. Follow the path to an open area. You can go either up or down. Head up to find a ladder. Climb. <= B1F => Grab TM29 (Psychic) and descend the ladder. <= B2F => Continue south to find another Trainer, then west for another two. Go across the nearby bridge to find a Trainer. Go further along to the water. Surf acorss to find a ledge with a Trainer and an item (Full Heal). Return to the water and Waterfall on the western waterfall. Continue Surfing eastward and jump on the ledge you come across. Ascend the ladder. <= B1F => Go west and defeat the Trainers. Go west and around the corner for another Trainer. Go back around the corner and south to find two Rock Smash rocks and two Strength boulders. Smash the rock, push the boulder south, and break the other rock. Go along the path to find a ladder. Ascend it. <= 1F => Go up the stairs and cross the bridge east of you. Go downstairs at the other end and head east. Around the corner are three Trainers. Continue along the path to the exit. Now, go forward! The Pokémon League awaits you! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Ever Grande City (North) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________ | Ever Grande City PokéMart \ |______________________________\______________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Max Potion ....................................................... $2,500 | | Full Restore ..................................................... $3,000 | | Full Heal .......................................................... $600 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Max Repel .......................................................... $700 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| And so, you have arrived. Head north into the main building. Here, you'll find a Pokémon Center on the west side, and the PokéMart on the eastern. You'll want to heal first. Next, head over to the PokéMart. I suggest having stocks of the following: - Hyper Potion x20 - Max Potion x10 <--- Only if your Pokémon have 250+ HP. - Full Restore x15 - Revive x15 Now, we also want to construct our team for the Elite Four challenge. I suggest this team, to which I'll make many references during the strategies, with the usual references offered in the parentheses. - Your starter (Variable) - Regice (By Name) - Ninetales/Torkoal/Camerupt (Fire type) - Sableye/Absol (Ghost/Dark, Dark type) - Registeel (By Name) - Salamence (with varying move types) (Depends on moveset) - Pokémon Levels should be 55+. Once you are ready, speak with the men in front of the doorway. They will check your Badges and then let on through. "Trainer! Believe in yourself and go forth!" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Elite Four Headquarters (Ever Grande City (North)) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> First up is Sydney, the master of Dark type. ___________________________ | BOSS: Elite Four Sidney \ |____________________________\________________________________________________ | Pokémon: Mightyena (Lv. 46) Dark | | Crawdaunt (Lv. 48) Dark/Water | | Shiftry (Lv. 48) Dark/Grass | | Cacturne (Lv. 46) Dark/Grass | | Absol (Lv. 49) Dark | |=============================================================================| | Mightyena is weak to Bug and Fighting. It is immune to Psychic. It can use | | Crunch (Dark) and Take Down (Normal) to damage you. | | | | Crawdaunt is weak to Bug, Fighting, Electric, and Grass. It is immune to | | Psychic. It can use Surf (Water), Crunch (Dark), and Slash (Normal) for | | damage. | | | | Shiftry is weak to Bug (4x), Fighting, Fire, Flying, Ice, and Poison. It | | is immune to Psychic. It can use Extrasensory (Psychic) and Fake Out | | (Normal; first turn only) to damage you. | | | | Cacturne is weak to Bug (4x), Fighting, Fire, Ice, Flying, and Poison. It | | is immune to Psychic. It can use Faint Attack (Dark) and Needle Arm | | (I think Grass?) to damage you. | | | | Absol is weak to Fighting and Bug. It is immune to Psychic. It can use | | Slash (Normal) and Aerial Ace (Flying; no-miss) for some damage. | | | | Recommendations: If you have something with a Fighting/Bug move that is | | not a Psychic or Ghost type, use that. Otherwise, you'll probably want to | | use Registeel. FYI: your Fire type is advantageous over Shiftry and | | Cacturne; your starter may be like that (if so, it pwns all) or have an | | advantage over Crawdaunt. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head into the next room, where you'll find the ghastly (or should I say Gastly?) Phoebe. ___________________________ | BOSS: Elite Four Phoebe \ |____________________________\________________________________________________ | Pokémon: Dusclops (Lv. 48) Ghost | | Banette (Lv. 49) Ghost | | Sableye (Lv. 50) Ghost/Dark | | Banette (Lv. 49) Ghost | | Dusclops (Lv. 51) Ghost | |=============================================================================| | Both Dusclops are weak to Ghost and Dark. They're immune to Normal and | | Fighting. The Lv. 48 one can use Curse and Shadow Punch (Ghost) for damage | | and Confuse Ray for confusion. The Lv. 51 Dusclops can use Ice Beam (Ice), | | Earthquake (Ground), Shadow Ball (Ghost), and Confuse Ray. | | | | Both Banette are weak to Ghost and Dark. They're immune to Fighting and | | Normal. One can use Faint Attack (Dark), Shadow Ball (Ghost), Spite (lose | | PP), and Will-O-Wisp (Burns). The other can use Psychic, Shadow Ball | | (Ghost), Toxic (badly Poisons), and Skill Swap (swaps abilities). | | | | The Sableye lacks all weakness. It is immune to Psychic, Fighting, and | | Normal. It can use Psychic, Shadow Ball (Ghost), Faint Attack (Dark), and | | Attract (1:1 odds of attacking/not attacking). | | | | Recommendations: Sableye for all, actually. Registeel makes decent | | back-up (the MANY resistances), except against the Lv. 51 Dusclops. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go into the next room (you'll probably want to heal a little), in which you'll find the frigid Glacia. ___________________________ | BOSS: Elite Four Glacia \ |____________________________\________________________________________________ | Pokémon: Glalie (Lv. 50) Ice | | Sealeo (Lv. 50) Ice/Water | | Sealeo (Lv. 52) Ice/Water | | Walrein (Lv. 53) Ice/Water | | Glalie (Lv. 52) Ice | |=============================================================================| | Both Glalie are weak to Fire, Fighting, Rock, and Steel. The Lv. 50 Glalie | | can use Ice Beam (Ice) and Crunch (Dark) to directly damage you, as well | | as Hail to damage non-Ice types for five turns. The Lv. 52 Glalie can use | | those moves, as well as Shadow Ball (Ghost). | | | | Both Sealeo are weak to Fighting, Rock, Grass, and Electric. The Lv. 50 | | Sealeo can use Ice Ball (Ice), Surf (Water), Body Slam (Normal; 30% chance | | of Paralysis), and Hail. The other can use Dive (Water; two-turn), Hail, | | Blizzard (Ice), and Attract. | | | | Walrein is weak to Fighting, Grass, Rock, and Electric. It can use Surf | | (Water), Blizzard (Ice), Body Slam (Normal; 30% chance of Paralysis), and | | Sheer Cold (30% chance of a OHKO). | | | | Recommendations: | | ~ Registeel -> Glalie | | ~ Something with a Fighting/Electric move (such as Registeel with Zap | | Cannon) for the rest. Otherwise, use Sableye. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Further on, in the next room, you'll find the Dragon user, Drake. __________________________ | BOSS: Elite Four Drake \ |___________________________\_________________________________________________ | Pokémon: Shelgon (Lv. 52) Dragon | | Flygon (Lv. 53) Dragon/Ground | | Kingdra (Lv. 53) Water/Ground | | Altaria (Lv. 54) Dragon/Flying | | Salamence (Lv. 55) Dragon/Flying | |=============================================================================| | Shelgon is weak to Dragon and Ice. It can use Rock Tomb (Rock), Crunch | | (Dark), and Dragon Claw (Dragon) for damage. | | | | The Flygon is weak to Ice (4x) and Dragon, and it is immune to Electric. | | It uses Crunch (Dark), Dragonbreath (Dragon), Flamethrower (Fire), and | | Earthquake (Ground). | | | | Altaria is weak to Ice (4x), Dragon, and Rock. It is immune to Ground. It | | can use Fly (Flying; two-turn), Take Down (Normal), and Dragonbreath | | (Dragon) for damaging you. | | | | Kingdra is weak solely to Dragon. It can use Surf and Body Slam for damage | | purposes. | | | | Salamence is weak to Ice (4x), Dragon, and Rock. It is immune to Ground. | | It can use Fly (Flying; two-turn), Flamethrower (Fire), Dragon Claw | | (Dragon), and Crunch (Dark) to damage you. | | | | Recommendations: Regice, Registeel, or Sableye. Preferences decline as I | | go from left to right. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After this battle, heal your Pokémon to the fullest of your ability. Go into the next and final lengthy staircase to find none other than Steven Stone, the champion of the Elite Four, at the end, awaiting your challenge. __________________________ | BOSS: Champion Wallace \ |___________________________\_________________________________________________ | Pokémon: Wailord (Lv. 57) Water | | Ludicolo (Lv. 56) Water/Grass | | Gyarados (Lv. 56) Water/Flying | | Tentacruel (Lv. 55) Water/Poison | | Whiscash (Lv. 56) Water/Ground | | Milotic (Lv. 58) Water | |=============================================================================| | Wailord is weak to Grass and Electric. It can use Water Spout, Double | | Edge, and Blizzard for damaging. | | | | Ludicolo is weak to Poison, Bug, and Flying. It can use Giga Drain and | | Surf for damage purposes. | | | | Gyarados is weak to Electric (4x) and Rock. It is immune to Ground. It can | | use Earthquake, Surf, and Hyper Beam for damaging purposes. | | | | Tentacruel is weak to Electric and Psychic. It is not really special. | | | | Whiscash is weak to Ground (4x), and is immune to Electric. It can use | | Surf and Earthquake for damaging purposes. | | | | Milotic is weak to Grass and Electric. It knows Ice Beam, Surf, Toxic, and | | Recover. | | | | Recommendations: | | ~ Grass Starter or Registeel with Zap Cannon -> Wailord, Milotic | | ~ Registeel with Zap Cannon -> Tentacruel, Gyarados | | ~ Grass Starter -> Whiscash | | ~ Salamence/Skarmory -> Ludicolo | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After the battle, your rival will come in with some unnecessary information about Wallace you could use to beat him, which you have done, and therefore, this info is never disclosed. :/ Professor Birch will then come in to examine your Pokédex. Steven will then take you into the next room to register you and your current team into the Hall of Fame. And so, the credits roll... (BTW, reload your saved file and head downstairs to receive the S.S. Ticket.) ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE BEATEN THE MAIN STORYLINE OF POKEMON EMERALD VERSION! ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++ ++ Section X- Miscellaneous New Stuff **PKMN410** ++ ++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Flowchart: `--> The Other Fossil `--> More to the Safari Zone `--> The Regis `--> Latias and Latios `--> Kyogre `--> Groudon `--> Rayquaza `--> Beldum `--> New Mauville `--> Shoal Cave `--> Abandoned Ship `--> The S.S. Tidal `--> Steven Stone - Time for a Battle! =============================================================================== The Other Fossil =============================================================================== Remember way-back-when, about half-way through the game, when we found the Claw and Root Fossils within the Mirage Tower? Remember how one disappeared? After the Elite Four, we can get it. Fly to Fallarbor. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Fallarbor Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Fallarbor PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | X Special .......................................................... $350 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Guard Spec. ........................................................ $700 | | Dire Hit ........................................................... $650 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head west to Route 114. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 114 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Lotad | Grass/Water | Common | | Lombre | Grass/Water | Common | | Nuzleaf | Grass/Dark | Rare | | Seviper | Poison | Uncommon | | Swablu | Normal/Flying | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Barboach Lv. 19 | | Nuzleaf Lv. 19 | | Magikarp Lv. 16, Goldeen Lv. 17, Barboach Lv. 18 | | Marill Lv. 18, Lombre Lv. 18 | | Roselia Lv. 18, Graveler Lv. 20 | | Sandshrew Lv. 18, Nuzleaf Lv. 18 | | Aron Lv. 19 | | Slugma Lv. 18, Wingull Lv. 18 | | Geodude Lv. 18, Numel Lv. 18 | | Lombre Lv. 18, Marill Lv. 18 | | Geodude Lv. 18, Machop Lv. 18 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head into the first house on the Route. You'll find an opening on the north side of hte area. Go through to find the Desert Underpass. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Desert Underpass (Route 114) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Ditto | Normal | Common | | Whismur | Normal | Common | | Loudred | Normal | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head all of the way east to the edge of the room to find the Fossil from earlier you did not grab. As with the other one, you'll need to bring it to the second floor of the Devon Corp. in Rustboro City. =============================================================================== More to the Safari Zone =============================================================================== Okay, after finishing the Elite Four, some new Pokémon are available in two new areas to the Safari Zone. I'll simply list the updated data. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Safari Zone (Route 121) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Southeastern Section (Entrance) | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Girafarig | Psychic/Normal | Common | | Natu | Psychic/Flying | Uncommon | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Common | | Gloom | Grass/Poison | Rare | | Wobbuffet | Psychic | Uncommon | | Pikachu | Electric | Rare | | Doduo | Normal/Flying | Uncommon | | | | | | | | | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | South-Central Section | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Girafarig | Psychic/Normal | Common | | Natu | Psychic/Flying | Uncommon | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Common | | Gloom | Grass/Poison | Rare | | Wobbuffet | Psychic | Uncommon | | Pikachu | Electric | Rare | | Doduo | Normal/Flying | Uncommon | | | | | | | | | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | North-Central Section (Need Mach Bike) | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Rhyhorn | Rock/Ground | Common | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Common | | Pinsir | Bug | Rare | | Gloom | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Doduo | Normal/Flying | Uncommon | | Dodrio | Normal/Flying | Rare | | | | | | | | | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Northeastern Section (Need Acro Bike) | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Natu | Psychic/Flying | Uncommon | | Xatu | Psychic/Flying | Rare | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Common | | Gloom | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Heracross | Bug/Fighting | Rare | | Phanpy | Ground | Common | | | | | | | | | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Northwestern Section | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Sunkern | Grass | Common | | Mareep | Electric | Common | | Aipom | Normal | Uncommon | | Spinarak | Bug/Poison | Uncommon | | Hoothoot | Normal/Flying | Rare | | Snubbull | Normal | Rare | | Stantler | Normal | Rare | | Gligar | Ground/Flying | Rare | | | | | | | | | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Southwestern Section | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Aipom | Normal | Common | | Teddiursa | Normal | Common | | Sunkern | Grass | Uncommon | | Ledyba | Bug/Flying | Uncommon | | Hoothoot | Normal/Flying | Rare | | Pineco | Bug | Rare | | Houndour | Dark/Fire | Rare | | Miltank | Normal | Rare | | | | | | | | | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: I think none are here. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| =============================================================================== The Regi's =============================================================================== Fly to Mossdeep City. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mossdeep City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Mossdeep PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Net Ball ......................................................... $1,000 | | Dive Ball ........................................................ $1,000 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Full Heal .......................................................... $600 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Max Repel .......................................................... $700 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Buy a BUNCH of Ultra Balls. Go catch a Wailmer and level it into a Wailmer. Then find some dark water to the south, Dive down into the water, and enter the "grass" and try to catch Relicanth. You will also need a Pokémon with Dig, as well a few HMs for the quest in general. Leave to the south. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 126 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Marill Lv. 33, Spheal Lv. 33 | | Gyarados Lv. 34 | | Luvdisc Lv. 33 (x2) | | Staryu Lv. 33 (x2) | | Carvanha Lv. 34 | | Staryu Lv. 34 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| South, I say! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 127 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Swellow Lv. 32, Skarmory Lv. 32 | | Manectric Lv. 32, Linoone Lv. 32 | | Magikarp Lv. 15, Magikarp Lv. 25, Gyarados Lv. 35 | | Carvanha Lv. 31, Tentacruel Lv. 34 | | Wailmer Lv. 30, Tentacool Lv. 31, Sharpedo Lv. 32 | | Staryu Lv. 33 (x2) | | Machoke Lv. 34 | | Wingull Lv. 26, Staryu Lv. 34 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| South, I say! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 128 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Staryu Lv. 35 | | Gloom Lv. 34, Azumarill Lv. 34 | | Shiftry Lv. 34, Nosepass Lv. 34 | | Tentacool Lv. 31 (x2), Wailmer Lv. 36 | | Staryu Lv. 34 | | Seaking Lv. 35 | | Tentacruel Lv. 35 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| South, I say! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 129 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | | Wailord | Water | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Spheal Lv. 33, Sharpedo Lv. 33 | | Wingull Lv. 26, Staryu Lv. 34 | | Wingull Lv. 27, Staryu Lv. 33 | | Chinchou Lv. 34 | | Sharpedo Lv. 34 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| South, I say! Then west. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 130 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | | Wynaut(Mirage Isle)| Psychic | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Gyarados Lv. 34 | | Goldeen Lv. 33, Spheal Lv. 33 | | Tentacruel Lv. 33, Wailmer Lv. 33 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| I say "West"! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 131 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Spheal Lv. 34 | | Staryu Lv. 34 | | Pelipper Lv. 34 | | Seaking Lv. 34 | | Luvdisc Lv. 34 | | Wingull Lv. 33, Tentacruel Lv. 33 | | Azumarill Lv. 35, Wingull Lv. 33 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| I say "West"! ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Pacifidlog Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I say -- *shot* When you finally arrive, head into the Pokémon Center and heal up. Go into the southeasternmost house and speak with the man inside. If you're lucky, this man will tell you that he sees Mirage Island. If he does, yay. You can find this place on Route 130. It is SWARMING with Wynaut and some Leichi Berries. Anyhow, Surf west onto Route 132. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Routes 132 through 134 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Sharpedo Lv. 34 | | Azumarill Lv. 34 | | Horsea Lv. 33, Seadra Lv. 33 | | Luvdisc Lv. 33 (x2) | | Gyarados Lv. 33 | | Same Trainer -+-> Magikarp Lv. 19, Gyarados Lv. 21, Gyarados Lv. 23, | | '-> Gyarados Lv. 26, Gyarados Lv. 30, Gyarados Lv. 35 | | Swellow Lv. 33, Breloom Lv. 33 | | Pelipper Lv. 33, Camerupt Lv. 33 | | Roselia Lv. 33, Medicham Lv. 33 | | Kecleon Lv. 33, Loudred Lv. 33 | | Graveler Lv. 33, Ludicolo Lv. 33 | | Bagon Lv. 34, Manectric Lv. 34 | | Machoke Lv. 33, Spheal Lv. 33 | | Natu Lv. 33, Swellow Lv. 33 | | Seaking Lv. 34, Sealeo Lv. 34 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Begin by taking every possible lowest path. It is that simple through Routes 132 and 133. Once you hit an nearly-square island, you'll also hit Route 134. Get on the southwesternmost tile, go up two, and Surf west. You'll reach some calm, dark water. Dive. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Underwater ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Go southward for a while. You'll soon come to a rock with some dents in it. This is "visual Braille". Wonder who's the jerk who thought THIS up? Anyhow, the message reads "Go up here." Resurface via Dive. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Sealed Chamber ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Here, you'll find ten rocks with these indentations. They read, from left to right, top to bottom: "ABC" "DEF" "." "GHI" "JKL" "," "MNO" "PQRS" "TUV" "WXYZ" Those are the Braille translations. On the northern side of the room, on the wall, you'll find some Braille reading "Dig here." Use the move Dig while facing the center of the tiles to open up a door. In the second room are six stones, arranged similarly to those you saw on Routes 105, 111, and 120. They read... "In this cave we have lived." "We owe all to the Pokémon." "But, we sealed the Pokémon away." "We feared it." "Those with courage, those with hope." "Open a door. An eternal Pokémon waits." On the northern side of the room is another message: "First comes Wailord. Last comes Relicanth." Put Wailord as the lead member of the party, and Relicanth as the sixth. Examine the Braille again and the three doors blocking the Regis shall open. Use Dig to leave. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Underwater ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Surf out of the chamber and resurface. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Routes 132 through 134 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Sharpedo Lv. 34 | | Azumarill Lv. 34 | | Horsea Lv. 33, Seadra Lv. 33 | | Luvdisc Lv. 33 (x2) | | Gyarados Lv. 33 | | Same Trainer -+-> Magikarp Lv. 19, Gyarados Lv. 21, Gyarados Lv. 23, | | '-> Gyarados Lv. 26, Gyarados Lv. 30, Gyarados Lv. 35 | | Swellow Lv. 33, Breloom Lv. 33 | | Pelipper Lv. 33, Camerupt Lv. 33 | | Roselia Lv. 33, Medicham Lv. 33 | | Kecleon Lv. 33, Loudred Lv. 33 | | Graveler Lv. 33, Ludicolo Lv. 33 | | Bagon Lv. 34, Manectric Lv. 34 | | Machoke Lv. 33, Spheal Lv. 33 | | Natu Lv. 33, Swellow Lv. 33 | | Seaking Lv. 34, Sealeo Lv. 34 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Fly to Lavaridge. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Lavaridge Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Lavaridge PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Burn Heal .......................................................... $250 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _________________________ | Lavaridge Herbal Shop \ |__________________________\__________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Energypowder ....................................................... $500 | | Energy Root ........................................................ $800 | | Heal Powder ........................................................ $450 | | Revival Herb ..................................................... $2,800 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head east onto Route 112. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 112 (South) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Numel | Fire/Ground | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Nuzleaf Lv. 18 | | Taillow Lv. 17, Lombre Lv. 17 | | Geodude Lv. 16, Geodude Lv. 17 | | Numel Lv. 16, Machop Lv. 17 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head east to Route 111. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 111 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Baltoy | Ground/Psychic | Rare | | Cacnea | Grass/Ground | Uncommon | | Sandshrew | Ground | Uncommon | | Trapinch | Ground | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Sandshrew Lv. 19 | | Roselia Lv. 18 | | Shroomish Lv. 18 | | Numel Lv. 18 | | (Gabby & Ty) Whismur Lv. 17, Magnemite Lv. 17 | | (In Desert) Sandshrew Lv. 22, Baltoy Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Baltoy Lv. 21 (x2), Sandshrew Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Sandshrew Lv. 23 | | (In Desert) Marill Lv. 22, Sandshrew Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Sandslash Lv. 23 | | (In Desert) Marill Lv. 22, Lombre Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Sandshrew Lv. 22, Sandslash Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Taillow Lv. 22, Nuzleaf Lv. 22 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go into the desert, then as far south as possible. You will soon find a large, open rock. Go inside. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Desert Ruins ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Regirock | Rock | One-time | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| This Braille in this room says... "Left, left, down, down. Then use Rock Smash." From the center of the Braille, go east two tiles, south two, then use Strength to open up a door. Go inside to find Regirock in the center of the room. Save and battle it. _______________________________ | Special Encounter: Regirock \ |________________________________\____________________________________________ | Level: Level 40. | | Type : Rock. | | Moves: - Superpower | | - Curse | | - Rock Throw | | - Ancientpower | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Regirock is weak to Water, Ground, Grass, Fighting, and Steel. It has a | | type advantage over Fire, Ice, Bug, and Flying. It resists Normal, Fire, | | Poison, and Flying. | | | | There are several ways to go about this. You should try damaging it as | | little as possible each turn, until you think the next move will cause a | | KO. Next, put a non-damaging status on it (Paralysis or Sleep). You can | | fire Ultra Balls are it. The only way to make it better, aside from | | wasting the Master Ball, is to use False Swipe. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Once you're done here, leave. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 111 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Baltoy | Ground/Psychic | Rare | | Cacnea | Grass/Ground | Uncommon | | Sandshrew | Ground | Uncommon | | Trapinch | Ground | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Sandshrew Lv. 19 | | Roselia Lv. 18 | | Shroomish Lv. 18 | | Numel Lv. 18 | | (Gabby & Ty) Whismur Lv. 17, Magnemite Lv. 17 | | (In Desert) Sandshrew Lv. 22, Baltoy Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Baltoy Lv. 21 (x2), Sandshrew Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Sandshrew Lv. 23 | | (In Desert) Marill Lv. 22, Sandshrew Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Sandslash Lv. 23 | | (In Desert) Marill Lv. 22, Lombre Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Sandshrew Lv. 22, Sandslash Lv. 22 | | (In Desert) Taillow Lv. 22, Nuzleaf Lv. 22 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Fly to Petalburg. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Petalburg City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Petalburg PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Awakening .......................................................... $250 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Orange Mail ......................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head west to Route 104. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 104 (South) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Marill | Water | Common | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Wurmple | Bug | Common | | Taillow | Normal/Flying | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Zigzagoon Lv. 5, Seedot Lv. 7 | | Magikarp Lv. 9 | | Zigzagoon Lv. 7 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Let's head south to Route 105. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 105 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Marill Lv. 26 | | Tentacool Lv. 26 | | Sandshrew Lv. 25, Sandslash Lv. 25 | | Taillow Lv. 25, Wingull Lv. 25 | | Sandshrew Lv. 25 (x2) | | Wingull Lv. 25, Marill Lv. 25 | | Carvanha Lv. 26 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Continue south and really hug the west side. You'll then eventually come to an island. Cross it and head west and north to the Island Cave. Go inside. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Island Cave ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Regice | Ice | One-time | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| For this puzzle, make a lap around the room, sticking to the walls at all times. After finishing a lap in respect to the Braille, a door will open. Go through. You'll find Regice inside. Save and battle it. _____________________________ | Special Encounter: Regice \ |______________________________\______________________________________________ | Level: Level 40. | | Type : Ice. | | Moves: - Superpower | | - Curse | | - Icy Wind | | - Ancientpower | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Regice is weak to Fire, Fighting, Rock, and Steel. It has a type advantage | | over Grass, Flying, and Ground. | | | | There are several ways to go about this. You should try damaging it as | | little as possible each turn, until you think the next move will cause a | | KO. Next, put a non-damaging status on it (Paralysis or Sleep). You can | | fire Ultra Balls are it. The only way to make it better, aside from | | wasting the Master Ball, is to use False Swipe. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After the battle, leave. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 105 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Marill Lv. 26 | | Tentacool Lv. 26 | | Sandshrew Lv. 25, Sandslash Lv. 25 | | Taillow Lv. 25, Wingull Lv. 25 | | Sandshrew Lv. 25 (x2) | | Wingull Lv. 25, Marill Lv. 25 | | Carvanha Lv. 26 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Fly to Lilycove. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Lilycove City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ____________________________________ _____________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (2F) (Left) \ / Trainer Basics #1 | |_____________________________________\________________/______________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Full Heal .......................................................... $600 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Burn Heal .......................................................... $250 | | Ice Heal ........................................................... $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Fluffy Tail ...................................................... $1,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _____________________________________ _____________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (2F) (Right) \ / Trainer Basics #2 | |______________________________________\_______________/______________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Max Potion ....................................................... $2,500 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | Max Repel .......................................................... $700 | | Wave Mail ........................................................... $50 | | Mech Mail ........................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________ ______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (3F) (Left) \ / Effort Value (EV) Boosters | |_____________________________________\_______/_______________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Protein .......................................................... $9,800 | | Iron ............................................................. $9,800 | | Carbos ........................................................... $9,800 | | Zinc ............................................................. $9,800 | | Calcium .......................................................... $9,800 | | HP Up ............................................................ $9,800 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _____________________________________ ___________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (3F) (Right) \ / In-Battle Stat Boosters | |______________________________________\_________/____________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Special .......................................................... $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Dire Hit ........................................................... $650 | | Guard Spec. ........................................................ $700 | | X Accuracy ......................................................... $950 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________ _______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (4F) (Left) \ / Technical Machines (TMs) #1 | |_____________________________________\______/________________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | TM38 (Fire Blast) ................................................ $5,500 | | TM25 (Thunder) ................................................... $5,500 | | TM14 (Blizzard) .................................................. $5,500 | | TM15 (Hyper Beam) ................................................ $7,500 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _____________________________________ _______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (4F) (Right) \ / Technical Machines (TMs) #2 | |______________________________________\_____/________________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | TM17 (Protect) ................................................... $3,000 | | TM20 (Safeguard) ................................................. $3,000 | | TM33 (Reflect) ................................................... $3,000 | | TM16 (Light Screen) .............................................. $3,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ________________________________________ ______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (5F) (Top-Left) \ / Secret Base Decorations #1 | |_________________________________________\___/_______________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Pichu Doll ....................................................... $3,000 | | Pikachu Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Marill Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Jigglypuff Doll .................................................. $3,000 | | Duskull Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Wynaut Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Baltoy Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Kecleon Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Azurill Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Skitty Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Swablu Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Gulpin Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________ ______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (5F) (Top-Right) \ / Secret Base Decorations #2 | |__________________________________________\__/_______________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Pika Cushion ..................................................... $2,000 | | Round Cushion .................................................... $2,000 | | Zigzag Cushion ................................................... $2,000 | | Spin Cushion ..................................................... $2,000 | | Diamond Cushion .................................................. $2,000 | | Ball Cushion ..................................................... $2,000 | | Grass Cushion .................................................... $2,000 | | Fire Cushion ..................................................... $2,000 | | Water Cushion .................................................... $2,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ___________________________________________ ______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (5F) (Bottom-Left) \ / Secret Base Decorations #3 | |____________________________________________\/_______________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Ball Poster ...................................................... $1,000 | | Green Poster ..................................................... $1,000 | | Red Poster ....................................................... $1,000 | | Blue Poster ...................................................... $1,000 | | Cute Poster ...................................................... $1,000 | | Pika Poster ...................................................... $1,500 | | Long Poster ...................................................... $1,000 | | Sea Poster ....................................................... $1,500 | | Sky Poster ....................................................... $1,500 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________________________ ______________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (5F) (Bottom-Right) \ / Secret Base Decorations #4 | |_____________________________________________V_______________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Surf Mat ......................................................... $4,000 | | Thunder Mat ...................................................... $4,000 | | Fire Blast Mat ................................................... $4,000 | | Powder Snow Mat .................................................. $4,000 | | Attract Mat ...................................................... $4,000 | | Fissure Mat ...................................................... $4,000 | | Spikes Mat ....................................................... $4,000 | | Glitter Mat ...................................................... $4,000 | | Jump Mat ......................................................... $4,000 | | Spin Mat ......................................................... $4,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _______________________________ _______________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (Roof) \ / HP-Restoring Drinks | |________________________________\___________________/________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Fresh Water ........................................................ $200 | | Soda Pop ........................................................... $300 | | Lemonade ........................................................... $350 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________________ ________________________________ | Lilycove Dept. Store (Clear-out Sale) \ / More Secret Base Decorations | |__________________________________________\/_________________________________| | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Mud Ball ........................................................... $200 | | Fence Length ....................................................... $500 | | Fence Width ........................................................ $500 | | Tire ............................................................... $800 | | Breakable Door ................................................... $3,000 | | Solid Board ...................................................... $3,000 | | Sand Ornament .................................................... $3,000 | | Stand ............................................................ $7,000 | | Slide ............................................................ $8,000 | | TV ............................................................... $3,000 | | Round TV ......................................................... $4,000 | | Cute TV .......................................................... $4,000 | | Wailmer Doll .................................................... $10,000 | | Rhydon Doll ..................................................... $10,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| West, I say! *is shot again* ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 121 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Kecleon | Normal | Rare | | Shuppet | Ghost | Common | | Poochyena | Normal | Common | | Mightyena | Normal | Common | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Gloom | Grass/Poison | Rare | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Duskull Lv. 28, Shuppet Lv. 28 | | Dustox Lv. 29, Beautifly Lv. 29 | | Kecleon Lv. 29, Seviper Lv. 29 | | Spinda Lv. 30, Slaking Lv. 30 | | Makuhita Lv. 25, Wingull Lv. 25, Tropius Lv. 25 | | Poochyena Lv. 25, Electrike Lv. 25, Shroomish Lv. 25 | | Manectric Lv. 29 | | Pikachu Lv. 30 | | Manectric Lv. 29, Shiftry Lv. 29 | | Loudred Lv. 29, Vigoroth Lv. 29 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| West some more. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 120 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Kecleon | Normal | Rare | | Marill | Water | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | | Mightyena | Dark | Common | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Common | | Seedot | Grass | Rare | | Absol | Dark | Uncommon | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Roselia Lv. 28, Wailmer Lv. 28 | | Swablu Lv. 29 | | (Gabby & Ty) Magneton Lv. 30, Loudred Lv. 30 | | Wingull Lv. 28, Natu Lv. 28 | | Castform Lv. 30 | | Manectric Lv. 30 | | Koffing Lv. 28, Ninjask Lv. 28 | | Meditite Lv. 28, Makuhita Lv. 28 | | Sableye Lv. 30 | | Lotad Lv. 28, Lombre Lv. 28, Nuzleaf Lv. 28 | | Seedot Lv. 28, Nuzleaf Lv. 28, Lombre Lv. 28 | | Surskit Lv. 27 (x3) | | Koffing Lv. 28, Ninjask Lv. 28 | | Baltoy Lv. 27, Sandshrew Lv. 27, Sandslash Lv. 27 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head west, then west at the fork, then north. You'll find another rock configuration similar to the previous two, save that is in a grassy setting. Go into the cave. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Ancient Tomb ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Registeel | Steel | One-time | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Exmaine the Braille, then head to the very center of the room. Use Flash and a door will open. Enter the room. You'll find Registeel inside. Save and battle it. ________________________________ | Special Encounter: Registeel \ |_________________________________\___________________________________________ | Level: Level 40. | | Type : Steel. | | Moves: - Superpower | | - Curse | | - Metal Claw | | - Ancientpower | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Registeel is weak to Ground, Fighting, and Fire. It is immune to Poison. | | It resists all other types, except Water and Electric. | | | | There are several ways to go about this. You should try damaging it as | | little as possible each turn, until you think the next move will cause a | | KO. Next, put a non-damaging status on it (Paralysis or Sleep). You can | | fire Ultra Balls are it. The only way to make it better, aside from | | wasting the Master Ball, is to use False Swipe. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After the battle, leave. =============================================================================== Latias and Latios =============================================================================== This happens after beating the Elite Four once. Firstly, go to your house in Littleroot. Examining the TV will let you know that a "bzzt"-colored Pokémon is flying around Hoenn. Your mom will ask what color it was. Tell her - it determines whether you find Latias or Latios. This Pokémon is known as a roaming Pokémon. It has no specific Route it is found upon. This Pokémon, Latias or Latios (Red/Blue colors, respectively), actually change Routes every time you do. Therefore, you'll want to get lucky by getting in a city, which has a Route nearby, which has the Lati's Route next to it. Once this happens (check the Pokédex to make sure, if you've seen the Pokémon already), go into the grass on the Route. You'll eventually find the Lati. Now, much like the Beast trio (G/S/C/FR/LG/HG/SS), the Spirit trio (D/P/Pt), and the Storm duo (B/W), this Pokémon will run away as soon as it can. How does one prevent this? Try doing the battle with a Wynaut/Wobbuffet, as their ability prevents leaving, as does the move Mean Look. If this is unavailable to you, you can always use the Master Ball, which is the preferable use for it. If that is not good for you either, you'll probably want to use the always-good False Swipe-plus-Paralysis combo with Ultra Balls, or Timer Balls if the battle gets THAT long. Keep in mind both Latias and Latios are of the Dragon/Psychic type. =============================================================================== Kyogre =============================================================================== First, Fly to Fortree City. (After finishing the Elite Four.) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Fortree City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ____________________ | Fortree PokéMart \ |_____________________\_______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | Wood Mail ........................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________ | Fortree Furniture Shop (Left) \ |__________________________________\__________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Small Desk ....................................................... $3,000 | | Pokémon Desk ..................................................... $3,000 | | Heavy Desk ....................................................... $6,000 | | Ragged Desk ...................................................... $6,000 | | Comfort Desk ..................................................... $6,000 | | Brick Desk ....................................................... $9,000 | | Camp Desk ........................................................ $9,000 | | Hard Desk ........................................................ $9,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| __________________________________ | Fortree Furniture Shop (Right) \ |___________________________________\_________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Small Chair ...................................................... $2,000 | | Pokémon Chair .................................................... $2,000 | | Heavy Chair ...................................................... $2,000 | | Ragged Chair ..................................................... $2,000 | | Comfort Chair .................................................... $2,000 | | Brick Chair ...................................................... $2,000 | | Camp Chair ....................................................... $2,000 | | Hard Chair ....................................................... $2,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Exit to the west onto Route 119. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 119 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tropius | Grass/Flying | Uncommon | | Kecleon | Normal | Rare | | Zigzagoon | Normal | Common | | Linoone | Normal | Common | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Ninjask Lv. 25 | | Wurmple Lv. 24, Silcoon Lv. 24, Beautifly Lv. 24 | | Volbeat Lv. 25, Illumise Lv. 25 | | Wurmple Lv. 27, Cascoon Lv. 27, Dustox Lv. 27 | | Surskit Lv. 26 | | Nincada Lv. 28, Ninjask Lv. 28 | | Same Trainer -+-> Magikarp Lv. 29, Carvanha Lv. 29, Feebas Lv. 26, | | '-> Tentacool Lv. 20 | | Gloom Lv. 26, Roselia Lv. 26 | | Breloom Lv. 27 | | Goldeen Lv. 26 | | Swellow Lv. 26 | | Slugma Lv. 25, Numel Lv. 25 | | Ninjask Lv. 25, Koffing Lv. 25 | | Swellow Lv. 25, Tropius Lv. 25 | | Manectric Lv. 26 | | Ninjask Lv. 26 | | Koffing Lv. 25 (x2) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go south, across the bridge, and into the Weather Institute. Inside, go to the second floor and speak with the scientist near the computer. He'll tell you where some heavy rainfall is. Wherever this happens, go there to find a patch of dark water. You'll need to Dive there. The location is known to be at one of these places: - Route 105 (south of the Island Cave) - Route 105 (east of the largest island with Trainers) - Route 125 (northwest of Shoal Cave (north-northwest of Mossdeep)) - Route 127 (north of the island with the three Fishermen) - Route 127 (south of the island with the three Fishermen) - Route 129 (southeastern corner) - Route 129 (center-ish part of the Route, near a Swimmer) When you Dive down, go into the cavern and across the water to another cave entrance. Save and prepare to battle Kyogre. (Just use the False Swipe-Paralyze strategy.) =============================================================================== Groudon =============================================================================== First, Fly to Fortree City. (After finishing the Elite Four.) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Fortree City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ____________________ | Fortree PokéMart \ |_____________________\_______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | Wood Mail ........................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _________________________________ | Fortree Furniture Shop (Left) \ |__________________________________\__________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Small Desk ....................................................... $3,000 | | Pokémon Desk ..................................................... $3,000 | | Heavy Desk ....................................................... $6,000 | | Ragged Desk ...................................................... $6,000 | | Comfort Desk ..................................................... $6,000 | | Brick Desk ....................................................... $9,000 | | Camp Desk ........................................................ $9,000 | | Hard Desk ........................................................ $9,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| __________________________________ | Fortree Furniture Shop (Right) \ |___________________________________\_________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Small Chair ...................................................... $2,000 | | Pokémon Chair .................................................... $2,000 | | Heavy Chair ...................................................... $2,000 | | Ragged Chair ..................................................... $2,000 | | Comfort Chair .................................................... $2,000 | | Brick Chair ...................................................... $2,000 | | Camp Chair ....................................................... $2,000 | | Hard Chair ....................................................... $2,000 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Exit to the west onto Route 119. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 119 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tropius | Grass/Flying | Uncommon | | Kecleon | Normal | Rare | | Zigzagoon | Normal | Common | | Linoone | Normal | Common | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Ninjask Lv. 25 | | Wurmple Lv. 24, Silcoon Lv. 24, Beautifly Lv. 24 | | Volbeat Lv. 25, Illumise Lv. 25 | | Wurmple Lv. 27, Cascoon Lv. 27, Dustox Lv. 27 | | Surskit Lv. 26 | | Nincada Lv. 28, Ninjask Lv. 28 | | Same Trainer -+-> Magikarp Lv. 29, Carvanha Lv. 29, Feebas Lv. 26, | | '-> Tentacool Lv. 20 | | Gloom Lv. 26, Roselia Lv. 26 | | Breloom Lv. 27 | | Goldeen Lv. 26 | | Swellow Lv. 26 | | Slugma Lv. 25, Numel Lv. 25 | | Ninjask Lv. 25, Koffing Lv. 25 | | Swellow Lv. 25, Tropius Lv. 25 | | Manectric Lv. 26 | | Ninjask Lv. 26 | | Koffing Lv. 25 (x2) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go south, across the bridge, and into the Weather Institute. Inside, go to the second floor and speak with the scientist near the computer. He'll tell you where a severe drought is. Wherever this happens, go there to find Terra Cave. The location is known to be at one of these places: - Route 114 (top of the northwestern waterfall) - Route 114 (southern portion, near Meteor Falls) - Route 115 (atop the northernmost stairs) - Route 115 (atop a slope further north of there (needs Mach Bike)) - Route 116 (top of the stairs and east of the Rusturf Tunnel) - Route 116 (top of the stairs in the small area where you found Blackglasses) - Route 118 (west of the water) - Route 118 (east of the water, near Route 119) When you reach the cavern, go on inside. Save and head up to Groudon. Good luck. =============================================================================== Rayquaza =============================================================================== I think you'll need to first finish the Elite Four. Once you do, Fly to Pacifidlog Town, but only after obtaining the MACH Bike. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Pacifidlog Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Surf east onto Route 131. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 131 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Spheal Lv. 34 | | Staryu Lv. 34 | | Pelipper Lv. 34 | | Seaking Lv. 34 | | Luvdisc Lv. 34 | | Wingull Lv. 33, Tentacruel Lv. 33 | | Azumarill Lv. 35, Wingull Lv. 33 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Continue Surfing east while hugging the northern side. You'll soon find a path going north. Go along it, between those rocks, into the "cavern". ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Sky Pillar ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Sableye | Ghost/Dark | Common | | Golbat | Poison/Flying | Common | | Claydol | Ground/Psychic | Common | | Banette | Ghost | Uncommon | | Altaria | Dragon/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| <= Outside => Begin by going through the doorways to the actual tower. <= 1F => Head to the northeastern corner. <= 2F => You'll find a series of cracks on the floor to the south. If you stay on them too long, you'll fall to the previous floor. To prevent this, you'll need to go across FAST, like Mach Bike fast. When you find the two rows of cracks, line yourself up so you WON'T hit the rock on the right (remember, hitting that = stop. Stop = fall.) and sweep yourself to the far southern side. From the very bottom row of tiles, go west to the wall. With the next configuration, go nort using the third column of tiles, third from the left. Then go through the doorway. <= 3F => Proceed to the northeastern corner. <= 4F => First set of cracks: Use the leftmost row and head south. Second set of cracks: This is more complicated. You'll want to take the middle row. When you're riding, notice the rock. That single empty tile will NOT provide enough room for full speed (ie. hit a crack, you fall). Therefore, before hitting the rock, but when you ARE on the empty tile, head north and bump into the rock wall. Third set of cracks: Now, you are in a weird position. The point is that you actually do want to fall through the cracks, but only the two that are next to each other. It'll take some timing. <= 3F => Go through the doorway. <= 4F => Go through the doorway. <= 5F => Go through the doorway. <= 6F/Outside => Here, I found something odd. Using a walk-thru-walls cheat, and then landing on one of the holes up here you cannot normally reach, you'll hit the entrance doorway of the below floor. No matter which one you use. O_o Another, also using the WTW cheat, is when you walk on the blue tiles (supposed to be the sky), it acts like the rain puddles you find east of Fortree. O_O Anyhow, continue north to find none other than Rayquaza. SAVE and begin the battle. _______________________________ | Special Encounter: Rayquaza \ |________________________________\____________________________________________ | Level: Level 70. | | Type : Dragon/Flying. | | Moves: - Fly | | - Rest | | - Extremespeed | | - Outrage | |=============================================================================| | Rayquaza is weak to Ice (4x), Dragon, and Rock. It is immune to Ground. | | It resists Fire, Water, Grass, and Electric. It has an advantage over | | Dragon, Grass, Bug, and Fighting. | | | | There are several ways to go about this. You should try damaging it as | | little as possible each turn, until you think the next move will cause a | | KO. Next, put a non-damaging status on it (Paralysis or Sleep). You can | | fire Ultra Balls are it. The only way to make it better, aside from | | wasting the Master Ball, is to use False Swipe. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| =============================================================================== Beldum =============================================================================== Fly to Mossdeep. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mossdeep City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Mossdeep PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Net Ball ......................................................... $1,000 | | Dive Ball ........................................................ $1,000 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Full Heal .......................................................... $600 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Max Repel .......................................................... $700 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head into the northwesternmost house, Steven's house. After beating the Elite Four, you'll find a Pokéball here. Inside it, you'll find a Level 5 Beldum, which cannot be found anywhere else. Beldum is of the Steel/Psychic type. It evolves at Lv. 20 into Metang, and again at Lv. 45 into Metagross. =============================================================================== New Mauville =============================================================================== This can be done after obtaining five Badges. Head to Mauville City. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mauville City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Mauville PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Guard Spec. ........................................................ $700 | | Dire Hit ........................................................... $650 | | X Accuracy ......................................................... $950 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _______________________________ | Mauville Game Corner Prizes \ |________________________________\____________________________________________ | Item ............................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | TM13 (Ice Beam) ............................................. 4,000 Coins | | TM24 (Thunderbolt) .......................................... 4,000 Coins | | TM35 (Flamethrower) ......................................... 4,000 Coins | | TM29 (Psychic) .............................................. 3,500 Coins | | TM32 (Double Team) .......................................... 1,500 Coins | | Mudkip Doll ................................................. 1,000 Coins | | Treecko Doll ................................................ 1,000 Coins | | Torchic Doll ................................................ 1,000 Coins | |_____________________________________________________________________________| As you enter Mauville, you'll find Wattson standing in one of the intersections in the city. Speak with him to learn of the other part of town, New Mauville. He wants you to shut off the generator there. He'll give you the Basement Key. Okay - heal and head south to Route 110. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 110 (Grassy Portion) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Gulpin | Poison | Uncommon | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Electrike | Electric | Common | | Plusle | Electric | Rare | | Minun | Electric | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Plusle Lv. 14 (x2), Minun Lv. 14 (x2) | | Nuzleaf Lv. 14, Lombre Lv. 14 | | Electrike Lv. 14, Voltorb Lv. 14 | | Abra Lv. 15 | | Magnemite Lv. 15 | | Tentacool Lv. 11 (x2), Wailmer Lv. 14 (x2) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Find the water near the Cycling Road checkpoint and Surf on it. Surf to the east somewhat and you will find a cave. Go inside. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) New Mauville (Route 110) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Magnemite | Steel/Electric | Common | | Magneton | Steel/Electric | Rare | | Voltorb | Electric | Common | | Voltorb (item ball)| Electric | Three times | | Electrode | Electric | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None are found here, I believe. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head north to the large gate. Examine it and choose to use the Basement Key to open it up, then head down. Here, you can now find wild Pokémon. The point of this is to open the doors by pressing buttons of the corresponding color (ie. blue to blue). Hit the nearby blue button and head west. Push the yellow button, then head west and north. Ignore the blue button and head east, then north to find an Escape Rope. Return south, head east, north, and east to find an Ultra Ball. Return to the Escape Rope's previous location and stomp on the blue button. Head north, then east to find a Lv. 25 Voltorb. Ignore the yellow switch it was on top of and head west and north. The western item ball you soon come across is a Parlyz Heal; the eastern one is a Lv. 25 Voltorb. Ignore the yellow switch and continue north and east. Go south at the fork to find two item balls. The western one is a Lv. 25 Voltorb; the eastern one is a Full Heal. Step on the yellow switch, then return to the fork and head east. You soon will find the generator room. Grab the item nearby (a Thunderstone), then step onto the red switch. Next, go west, south, step on the blue switch, go north, west, south, east, step on the yellow switch, go west, south, east, north, east, south, west, and upstairs. Leave. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 110 (Grassy Portion) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Gulpin | Poison | Uncommon | | Oddish | Grass/Poison | Uncommon | | Electrike | Electric | Common | | Plusle | Electric | Rare | | Minun | Electric | Uncommon | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Uncommon | | Poochyena | Dark | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Plusle Lv. 14 (x2), Minun Lv. 14 (x2) | | Nuzleaf Lv. 14, Lombre Lv. 14 | | Electrike Lv. 14, Voltorb Lv. 14 | | Abra Lv. 15 | | Magnemite Lv. 15 | | Tentacool Lv. 11 (x2), Wailmer Lv. 14 (x2) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Surf west and north to the mainland, then continue north to Mauville. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mauville City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Mauville PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $250 | | Awakening .......................................................... $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Super Repel ........................................................ $500 | | X Speed ............................................................ $350 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | | Guard Spec. ........................................................ $700 | | Dire Hit ........................................................... $650 | | X Accuracy ......................................................... $950 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _______________________________ | Mauville Game Corner Prizes \ |________________________________\____________________________________________ | Item ............................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | TM13 (Ice Beam) ............................................. 4,000 Coins | | TM24 (Thunderbolt) .......................................... 4,000 Coins | | TM35 (Flamethrower) ......................................... 4,000 Coins | | TM29 (Psychic) .............................................. 3,500 Coins | | TM32 (Double Team) .......................................... 1,500 Coins | | Mudkip Doll ................................................. 1,000 Coins | | Treecko Doll ................................................ 1,000 Coins | | Torchic Doll ................................................ 1,000 Coins | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go and talk to the Wattson now that you've turned off the New Mauville generator. He'll hand over TM24, which teaches Thunderbolt, a 95-Power Electric-type move that has a chance to Paralyze. =============================================================================== Shoal Cave =============================================================================== Fly to Mossdeep. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Mossdeep City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________ | Mossdeep PokéMart \ |______________________\______________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Net Ball ......................................................... $1,000 | | Dive Ball ........................................................ $1,000 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Full Heal .......................................................... $600 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Max Repel .......................................................... $700 | | X Attack ........................................................... $500 | | X Defend ........................................................... $550 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Okay, we're going to do another optional thing, but it is very short. Heal up at the Pokémon Center, then go down the stairs. Surf north a while and... ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 125 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Wingull Lv. 33, Machoke Lv. 33 | | Seaking Lv. 34 | | Luvdisc Lv. 34 | | Tropius Lv. 33, Xatu Lv. 33 | | Manectric Lv. 33, Machamp Lv. 33 | | Swablu Lv. 32, Numel Lv. 32 | | Tentacruel Lv. 36 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ...you will be able to find Shoal Cave. Go inside. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Shoal Cave (Route 125) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Zubat | Poison/Flying | Common | | Golbat | Poison/Flying | Rare | | Snorunt | Ice | Uncommon (B2F only) | | Spheal | Water/Ice | Common | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: None. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| When you enter, go along the eastern path. This man is asking for some Shoal Shells and Shoal Salt - four of each, in fact. The former can only be found when the water is high; the latter, only when the water is low. I think it will change every six hours, unless the battery has dried, like mine. Mine is therefore stuck on the low spell. <= LOW TIDE STUFF => If the water is low, go downstairs and north into the next room. Go upstairs, east at the fork, and then downstairs. Examine the mound to the east to find a Shoal Salt, and the item to the east is an Ice Heal. Go up the multiple staircases and up the ladder. Go west, across the bridge, south, across the bridge to the east, north, and down the ladder. Go west and through the doorway. Go west, north, and east to find some Shoal Salt. Return to the doorway's location, go south, and grab the Shoal Salt. You go back through the doorway. Head east, grab the Shoal Salt, push the Strength boulder, and go down the ladder. Here, in this icy area, you may find Snorunt. Go across the ice heading south twice. Get on the row above the bottom and go west, north, north, west, south, south, east, north. Get beside the land rock, go north, west, north, east, south. Get south of the westernmost rock; head north, east, south, west, north, west, south, west, north, east, and south. This item is TM07, Hail. You are now done. Leave when desired. <= HIGH TIDE STUFF => My games' batteries are very old and have dried out, all amazingly stuck on low tide. I would appreciate some info - my contact info is in the Legal section. Leave when done. =============================================================================== Abandoned Ship =============================================================================== This cannot be fully finished until finishing the seventh Gym, I believe. Fly to Dewford Town. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Dewford Town ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Heal if needed, then Surf east to Route 107. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 107 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Wingull Lv. 25, Goldeen Lv. 25 | | Carvanha Lv. 26 | | Goldeen Lv. 25, Tentacool Lv. 27 | | Tentacool Lv. 24 (x2), Wingull Lv. 24 | | Goldeen Lv. 26 | | Staryu Lv. 26 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Eastward to Route 108. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Route 108 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Goldeen Lv. 26 | | Carvanha Lv. 26 | | Horsea Lv. 25, Marill Lv. 25 | | Same Battle --+-> Manectric Lv. 24 (x2), Swellow Lv. 24, Wingull Lv. 24, | | '-> Tentacool Lv. 24, Machop Lv. 24 | | Tentacruel Lv. 26 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head eastward, hugging the northern side, and you'll soon find an abandoned ship. Go inside. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Abandoned Ship (Route 108) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Tentacool | Water/Poison | Common | | Wingull | Water/Flying | Common | | Pelipper | Water/Flying | Rare | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Wailmer, Horsea, Zigzagoon, Electrike; each Lv. 25 | | Spheal Lv. 25, Machoke Lv. 25 | | Marill Lv. 24 | | Sandslash Lv. 26, Marill Lv. 26 | | Volbeat Lv. 25, Illumise Lv. 25 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Head into the ship. When you get to the room with a cabin and a broken door, go through the broken door for a double battle. Head north and through the door. Go into the room to the left to find a Harbor Mail. Exit and head down the staircase. Defeat the Trainer nearby. Enter the southwestern cabin to find an Escape Rope, then go into the broken-door cabin to find a Dive Ball. Enter the south-central door, Surf onto the water, and Dive. Go west, through the northern doorway, and surface. Enter the southeastern door. Get one square south of the northeastern corner, then face north and press A to find the Room 1 Key. Also grab the Water Stone. Use the Room 1 Key to enter the southwestern door. Grab TM18 (Rain Dance). Get one square east and north of the western hole. Face west and examine the tile to get the Room 4 Key. Enter the northwestern cabin now. Examine the trash can to find the Room 6 Key. Go into the northeastern cabin. Grab the Luxury Ball. Next, go into the cabin to the west via the hallway. Get two squares south and west of the southern trash can, face east, and examine the tile to find the Room 2 Key. Enter the south-central cabin. Grab the Scanner. Get onto the water, Dive, go east, and surface. Exit the cabin. Go up the northwestern staircase. Defeat the Tuber here, then enter the northern cabin to have a double battle. Go further south for another. Continue south and leave the room. Go through the entrance in the southwestern corner of the room. Go upstairs and into this room. Grab the Storage Key and leave. Return to the room with the Sailor. Enter the northeastern room to find TM13, Ice Beam. Nothing else to do but ... ABANDON SHIP! :D Fly to Slateport City. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Slateport City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Slateport PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | Harbor Mail ......................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| __________________________________________________________ | Slateport Markets \ The ~~ divides individual shops. \ |______________________\____________________________________\_________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Azurill Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Marill Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Skitty Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< | TM10 (Hidden Power) .............................................. $3,000 | | TM43 (Secret Power) .............................................. $3,000 | >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< | Protein .......................................................... $9,800 | | Iron ............................................................. $9,800 | | Carbos ........................................................... $9,800 | | Zinc ............................................................. $9,800 | | Calcium .......................................................... $9,800 | | HP Up ............................................................ $9,800 | >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< | Red Brick .......................................................... $500 | | Yellow Brick ....................................................... $500 | | Blue Brick ......................................................... $500 | | Red Balloon ........................................................ $500 | | Blue Balloon ....................................................... $500 | | Yellow Balloon ..................................................... $500 | | C Low Note Mat ..................................................... $500 | | D Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | E Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | F Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | G Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | A Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | B Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | C High Note Mat .................................................... $500 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go into the harbor and speak with Captain Stern. As a reward for the Scanner, you can receive either a Deepseatooth or a Deepseatooth. When a Clamperl holds one of these during a trade it will evolve into a different Pokémon. The former causes evolution to Huntail; the latter, Gorebyss. Okay, that is it for this. =============================================================================== S.S. Tidal =============================================================================== Once you beat the Elite Four, you can go to the S.S. Tidal. This boat is free transport between Slateport, Lilycove, and, with a certain Nintendo Event, Southern Island. After one trip, the Battle Frontier will be next. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Slateport City ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ______________________ | Slateport PokéMart \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Poké Ball .......................................................... $200 | | Great Ball ......................................................... $600 | | Potion ............................................................. $300 | | Super Potion ....................................................... $700 | | Antidote ........................................................... $100 | | Parlyz Heal ........................................................ $200 | | Escape Rope ........................................................ $550 | | Repel .............................................................. $350 | | Harbor Mail ......................................................... $50 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| __________________________________________________________ | Slateport Markets \ The ~~ divides individual shops. \ |______________________\____________________________________\_________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Azurill Doll ..................................................... $3,000 | | Marill Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | | Skitty Doll ...................................................... $3,000 | >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< | TM10 (Hidden Power) .............................................. $3,000 | | TM43 (Secret Power) .............................................. $3,000 | >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< | Protein .......................................................... $9,800 | | Iron ............................................................. $9,800 | | Carbos ........................................................... $9,800 | | Zinc ............................................................. $9,800 | | Calcium .......................................................... $9,800 | | HP Up ............................................................ $9,800 | >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~< | Red Brick .......................................................... $500 | | Yellow Brick ....................................................... $500 | | Blue Brick ......................................................... $500 | | Red Balloon ........................................................ $500 | | Blue Balloon ....................................................... $500 | | Yellow Balloon ..................................................... $500 | | C Low Note Mat ..................................................... $500 | | D Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | E Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | F Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | G Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | A Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | B Note Mat ......................................................... $500 | | C High Note Mat .................................................... $500 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go into the harbor and say you will go to Lilycove. You will now be in the S.S. Tidal. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) The S.S. Tidal ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | None. | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Luvdisc Lv. 45 (x2) | | Azumarill Lv. 45 | | Manectric Lv. 44 (x2) | | Same Trainer -+-> Skitty Lv. 22, Skitty Lv. 12, Skitty Lv. 30, | | '-> Skitty Lv. 36, Skitty Lv. 40, Delcatty Lv. 42 | | Zangoose Lv. 45 | | Roselia Lv. 45 | | Tentacruel Lv. 44, Machoke Lv. 44 | | Machop Lv. 43, Machoke Lv. 43, Pelipper Lv. 43 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Begin by entering the first cabin to find a double battle. Go into the cabin next to it to find your cabin. Here, you can heal your Pokémon and make landfall. The next cabin has another battle, as does the fourth cabin, and the one behind cabin one, and the back of cabin two, and the back of cabin three. In the back of cabin four, you can get TM49 (Snatch). Downstairs are two Sailors to battle. Search the northwestern trash can to find some Leftovers. This item restores some of the holder's HP in battle. You're done here. =============================================================================== Steven Stone - Time for a Battle! =============================================================================== ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Meteor Falls ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) _____________________________________________________________________________ | 1F Pokémon Listings | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Zubat | Poison/Flying | Common | | Solrock | Rock/Psychic | Common | | | | | | | | | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | 2F Pokémon Listings | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Zubat | Poison/Flying | Common | | Golbat | Poison/Flying | Common | | Solrock | Rock/Psychic | Uncommon | | | | | | | | | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Secret Room Pokémon Listings | >--------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------< | Pokémon Species | Pokémon Type | Pokémon's Rarity | |---------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------| | Bagon | Dragon | Common | | Solrock | Rock/Psychic | Common | | Lunatone | Rock/Psychic | Common | | | | | | | | | |=============================================================================| | Trainers' Pokémon: Hariyama Lv. 40, Medicham Lv. 40 | | Altaria Lv. 38 (x2) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Go on over to the bridge, then north. Surf onto the water, then go up the Waterfall. Go north and through the door. Upstairs, go along the path and down the ladder. Go southwest and up the ladder to find TM23, Iron Tail. It is a fairly powerful Steel-type move; however, it only has 75% accuracy, and it will often like more. Head north to find Steven in an alcove. Speak to him to battle. _____________________________ | BOSS: PKMN Trainer Steven \ |______________________________\______________________________________________ | Pokémon: Skarmory (Lv. 77) Steel/Flying | | Aggron (Lv. 76) Steel/Rock | | Armaldo (Lv. 76) Bug/Rock | | Cradily (Lv. 76) Grass/Rock | | Claydol (Lv. 75) Ground/Psychic | | Metagross (Lv. 78) Steel/Psychic | | | | RANDOM TRIVIA - All of his Pokémon are exactly 20 Levels higher than they | | were back in Ruby/Sapphire. | |=============================================================================| | Skarmory is weak to Fire and Electric. It is immune to Ground and Poison. | | It can use Steel Wing (Steel), Aerial Ace (Flying; no-miss), Spikes | | (damage upon switching), and Toxic (badly Poisons). | | | | Aggron is weak to Fighting (4x), Ground (4x), and Water. It is immune to | | Poison. It can use Earthquake (Ground), Solarbeam (Grass; two-turn), | | Thunder (Electric; 50% accuracy when sunny, 100% when rainy), and Dragon | | Claw (Dragon). | | | | Armaldo is weak to Water, Steel, Fighting, and Ground. It uses Water Pulse | | (Water; may confuse), Slash (Normal), Acnientpower (Rock), and Aerial Ace | | (Flying; no-miss). | | | | Cradily is weak to Ice, Fighting, and Steel. It uses Giga Drain (Grass), | | Sludge Bomb (Poison), Ancientpower (Rock), and Confuse Ray. | | | | Claydol is weak to Grass, Ice, Water, Bug, Ghost, and Dark. It is immune | | to Electric. It can use Psychic and Earthquake to damage you. | | | | Metagross is weak to Fire and Ground. It is immune to Poison. It can use | | Psychic, Earthquake (Ground), Hyper Beam (Normal; rest on next turn), and | | Meteor Mash (Steel). | | | | Recommendations: | | ~ Fire-type or Groudon -> Skarmory, Aggron, Armaldo, Metagross | | ~ Registeel -> Cradily | | ~ Starter or Sableye -> Claydol | | ~ Kyogre, Rayquaza, and Salamence are good back-ups. | | Participators should be Lv. 75+. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Don't exit yet - if you didn't get Dragon Claw's TM, may as well try for it... Go down the ladder and north to find another. Go up and you'll find an old couple. Defeat them and continue up the stairs to the east to find the ever-rare Dragon Tamer. Defeat him and go down the ledges while hugging the left side. Go down the ladder. Go and Surf on the water. You'll soon find a doorway. Go through to find the Secret Room. Here, you can find one of the rarer Pokémon of the game, Bagon. Bagon is one of a very few Dragon types in the whole series. It will evolve at Lv. 30 into Shellgon, and at Lv. 50 into the Hoenn Dragonite, Salamence. It can learn many types of moves, and is _WELL_ worth raising. You can also cross the water to find TM02, Dragon Claw, a good starting move for any Dragon type. Leave the cave when you're done. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++ ++ Section XI- The Battle Frontier **PKMN411** ++ ++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Battle Frontier ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ____________________________ | Battle Frontier PokéMart \ |_____________________________\_______________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Ultra Ball ....................................................... $1,200 | | Hyper Potion ..................................................... $1,200 | | Max Potion ....................................................... $2,500 | | Full Restore ..................................................... $3,000 | | Full Heal .......................................................... $600 | | Revive ........................................................... $1,500 | | Max Repel .......................................................... $700 | | Protein .......................................................... $9,800 | | Iron ............................................................. $9,800 | | Carbos ........................................................... $9,800 | | Zinc ............................................................. $9,800 | | Calcium .......................................................... $9,800 | | HP Up ............................................................ $9,800 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _______________________ | Old Lady BP Trading \ |________________________\____________________________________________________ | Move Taught ........................................................ Cost | |=============================================================================| | Body Slam ......................................................... 48 BP | | Counter ........................................................... 48 BP | | Defense Curl ...................................................... 16 BP | | Dream Eater ....................................................... 24 BP | | Endure ............................................................ 48 BP | | Fire Punch ........................................................ 48 BP | | Ice Punch ......................................................... 48 BP | | Icy Wind .......................................................... 24 BP | | Mega Kick ......................................................... 48 BP | | Mega Punch ........................................................ 24 BP | | Mud-Slap .......................................................... 24 BP | | Psych Up .......................................................... 48 BP | | Rock Slide ........................................................ 48 BP | | Seismic Toss ...................................................... 24 BP | | Snore ............................................................. 24 BP | | Softboiled ........................................................ 16 BP | | Swift ............................................................. 24 BP | | Swords Dance ...................................................... 48 BP | | Thunder Wave ...................................................... 48 BP | | Thunderpunch ...................................................... 48 BP | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ______________________ | BP-Trading Vendors \ |_______________________\_____________________________________________________ | Item Name .......................................................... Cost | |=============================================================================| | Blastoise Doll ................................................... 256 BP | | Bright Power ...................................................... 64 BP | | Calcium ............................................................ 1 BP | | Carbos ............................................................. 1 BP | | Charizard Doll ................................................... 256 BP | | Chikorita Doll .................................................... 80 BP | | Choice Band ....................................................... 64 BP | | Clefairy Doll ..................................................... 48 BP | | Cyndaquil Doll .................................................... 80 BP | | Ditto Doll ........................................................ 48 BP | | Focus Band ........................................................ 64 BP | | HP Up .............................................................. 1 BP | | Iron ............................................................... 1 BP | | King's Rock ....................................................... 64 BP | | Kiss Cushion ...................................................... 32 BP | | Kiss Poster ....................................................... 16 BP | | Lapras Doll ...................................................... 128 BP | | Leftovers ......................................................... 48 BP | | Mental Herb ....................................................... 48 BP | | Meowth Doll ....................................................... 48 BP | | Protein ............................................................ 1 BP | | Quick Claw ........................................................ 48 BP | | Scope Lens ........................................................ 64 BP | | Smoochum Doll ..................................................... 32 BP | | Snorlax Doll ..................................................... 128 BP | | Togepi Doll ....................................................... 48 BP | | Totodile Doll ..................................................... 80 BP | | Venusaur Doll .................................................... 256 BP | | White Herb ........................................................ 48 BP | | Zinc ............................................................... 1 BP | |_____________________________________________________________________________| When you enter the building, you will obtain a Frontier Pass. This replaces the Trainer Card page (which is still accessible from the Frontier Pass) and shows your current BP, earned symbols, and a map of the Battle Frontier. Next, head north to a more open area. Go east to find the Pokémon Center and the PokéMart. Three houses are to the north of the aforementioned. The man in the house on the right will examine your lead Pokémon's nature, stating its best advantages. The left house simply has a group of kids speaking of the Battle Frontier. From the Pokémon Center, go west to three northbound paths. Take the middle of them northward to some stairs. Go west of them to find a house, in which you can trade BP to learn certain moves. Most notable are the Elemental Punches. From there, go upstairs to find the Battle Dome. Ignore it for the moment to find a small house to the east. You'll find Scott, that stalker from Hoenn. Here, speaking to him can net you certain items: - Silver Shield (win 50 matches) - Gold Shield (win 100 matches) - Lansat Berry (win all Silver Symbols) - Starf Berry (win all Gold Symbols) Exit and head east to find a small building. Go inside to trade your Skitty for a Meowth. Seeing as Meowth is NOWHERE in this game, and Skitty is crappy... From here, go in front of the massive building nearby, the Battle Tower, to find a building downstairs and west of there. Inside, you'll find some more items to trade BP for. From there, go east, past the steps, and along the path to find the Battle Pyramid. You'll pass by a house. Inside, you can find the Battle Frontier records that you've set and so on. From the Pyramid, go south to find a house. Inside, you'll be allowed to gamble you BP away once you earn three Silver Symbols. Go south to find an old lady near a weird tree. Water it to fight a Sudowoodo at Lv. 40. *sighs* That Gold/Silver nostalgia really hits hard, eh? From there, head south and Surf onto the water. Go down the waterfall and west to find a platform with an entrance in it. This is the Artisan Cave. Much as it implies, the only Pokémon here is Smeargle, which cannot be found anywhere else, not even FireRed or LeafGreen (it was meant to - check the coding in FR/LG for the Altering Cave in the Sevii Islands). Go into this Artisan Cave and head to the northeast corner. Go up the ladder and get the Carbos near the exit. Outside, jump the ledge to the records house. Now, we are going to semi-thoroughly cover the seven places of the Battle Frontier, west to east, starting with the Battle Factory. NOTES: You can play the areas with Single, Double, Multi (CPU partner), or Link Multi (human partner) battles. Only Single Battles net Symbols. Additionally, the Multis are allowed solely in the Battle Tower. You only get three Pokémon, and they cannot be legendaries or Eggs. With the Open Level, your Pokémon's highest level will be equal to that of all of your opponent's three. With Lv. 50, all of those you face are of Lv. 50, and yours are at/below Lv. 50. O===========================================================================O | Battle Factory | O===========================================================================O In this area, you can use Pokémon inside the Battle Factory, and yet, none of yours, making it the most random of them all, and the one that demands the most flexibility, adaptibility, and strategy. You'll want to try a lot of variety. Three Grass-type Pokémon are far from a good choice; why not try a Fire, Water, and Grass combo? Try looking at the movesets, too -- remember, some Pokémon can learn odd moves. For example, Kyogre knows Thunder and Groudon knows Solarbeam, moves that have super-effectiveness against them. Also try trading between battles to get the optimal team for you. In fact, the more trading you do, the more powerful the Pokémon you can get will get. There are some descriptions you may want to note for this area that can help you know how the opponent will battle: O==========================================O================================O | Battle Style | Foe's Tactic | O==========================================O================================O | "Based on total preparation." | User stat-boosters. | O------------------------------------------O--------------------------------O | "Depend on the battle's flow." | Combination of two tactics. | O------------------------------------------O--------------------------------O | "Flexibly adaptable to the situation." | Weather-controlling moves. | O------------------------------------------O--------------------------------O | "Free-spirited and unrestrained." | Unpredictable. | O------------------------------------------O--------------------------------O | "High risk, high return." | Recoil moves. | O------------------------------------------O--------------------------------O | "Impossible to predict." | Varied attacks. | O------------------------------------------O--------------------------------O | "One of endurance." | Restorative/defensive moves. | O------------------------------------------O--------------------------------O | "Slow and steady." | Status-causing moves. | O------------------------------------------O--------------------------------O | "Weakening the foe to start." | Opponent stat-decreasers. | O==========================================O================================O After finishing 20 Trainers in a row, you'll face the Frontier Brain, Nolan. I cannot give a real strategy here - his three Pokémon are also randomized. Once you defeat him, you'll get the Knowledge Symbol. After you finished 35 Trainers, including Nolan from earlier, where applicable, you'll face him again. Again, he'll have a random party. You'll get the Golden Knowledge Symbol for winning. O===========================================================================O | Battle Dome | O===========================================================================O Here, you register three Pokémon to battle with you in each round. However, when it is time to battle, you'll be limited to two of the three. Before battling, you can check out your opponent's information, and that of the other Trainers in the tournament. You'll be allowed to see a description of them, which sort of determines their ranking of strength and likelihood to win, as below: O==========================================O===========O | Description | Ranking | O==========================================O===========O | The best candidate to be a champ! | 1 | O------------------------------------------O-----------O | A sure-finalist team. | 2 | O------------------------------------------O-----------O | A likely top-three finisher. | 3 | O------------------------------------------O-----------O | A candidate team to finish first. | 4 | O------------------------------------------O-----------O | A team with top-class potential. | 5 | O------------------------------------------O-----------O | The dark horse team this tournament. | 6 | O------------------------------------------O-----------O | A better-than-average team. | 7 | O------------------------------------------O-----------O | This tournament's average team. | 8 | O------------------------------------------O-----------O | A team with average potential. | 9 | O------------------------------------------O-----------O | A weaker-than-average team. | 10 | O------------------------------------------O-----------O | A team looking for its first win. | 11 | O------------------------------------------O-----------O | One win will make this team proud. | 12 | O------------------------------------------O-----------O | Overall, a weak team. | 13 | O------------------------------------------O-----------O | A team with very low potential. | 14 | O------------------------------------------O-----------O | A team unlikely to win the tournament. | 15 | O------------------------------------------O-----------O | The team most unlikely to win. | 16 | O==========================================O===========O Once you have won 19 battles in a row, you'll fight Tucker. _______________________________ | BOSS: Frontier Brain Tucker \ |________________________________\____________________________________________ | Pokémon: Salamence (Dragon/Flying) | | Charizard (Fire/Flying) | | Swampert (Water/Ground) | |=============================================================================| | Salamence is weak to Dragon, Rock, and Ice (4x). It is immune to Ground. | | | | Charizard is weak to Rock (4x), Water, and Electric. It is immune to | | Ground. | | | | Swampert is weak to Grass (4x), and is immune to Electric. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After defeating Tucker, you'll earm a Tactics Symbol. You'll fight him again after finishing off 39 Trainers in a row. _______________________________ | BOSS: Frontier Brain Tucker \ |________________________________\____________________________________________ | Pokémon: Swampert (Water/Ground) | | Latias (Dragon/Psychic) | | Metagross (Psychic/Steel) | |=============================================================================| | Swampert is weak to Grass (4x), and is immune to Electric. | | | | Latias is weak to Dragon, Ice, Ghost, and Bug. It is immune to Ground. | | | | Metagross is weak to Fire and Ground. It is immune to Poison. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After this, you'll get the Golden Tactics Symbol. O===========================================================================O | Battle Pike | O===========================================================================O In here, with every other room, you will get to choose a path. With each one, a good or bad event will occur. The woman in the room you are in will help with this. She'll speak of a path, then she'll speak a phrase that helps you know what is next. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "A Trainer? I sense the presence of people..." This means that the path she spoke of either has a Trainer or a healer in it. (Likely to be the former, though.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I seem to have heard something..." Either a double battle, or a break room. (Likely to be the former.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Distinct aroma of Pokémon wafting around it..." Either you'll find a maze with wild Pokémon, or a tough Trainer. (Again, it is likely to be the former.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I felt a wave of nostalgia coming from it..." Just take a different path. Just do it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "A terrifying event, yes, a horrible one, is about to befall you..." You'll be taking on the Pike Queen Lucy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After finishing 14 rooms, you'll be notified that you'll fight Lucy, regardless of the chosen path. Try a random path though - you might find a healer beforehand. _________________________ | BOSS: Pike Queen Lucy \ |__________________________\__________________________________________________ | Pokémon: Seviper (Poison) | | Milotic (Water) | | Shuckle (Bug/Rock) | |=============================================================================| | Seviper is weak to Psychic and Ground. | | | | Milotic is weak to Electric and Grass. | | | | Shuckle is weak to Water, Steel, Fighting, and Ground. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| For winning, you'll get the Luck Symbol. After finishing 70 rooms, you'll fight again. _________________________ | BOSS: Pike Queen Lucy \ |__________________________\__________________________________________________ | Pokémon: Seviper (Poison) | | Gyarados (Water/Flying) | | Steelix (Steel/Ground) | |=============================================================================| | Seviper is weak to Psychic and Ground. | | | | Gyarados is weak to Electric (4x) and Rock. It is immune to Ground. | | | | Steelix is weak to Fire, Fighting, Ground (?), and Water. It is immune to | | Electric. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| For winning, you'll get the Golden Luck Symbol. O===========================================================================O | Battle Tower | O===========================================================================O Ahhh... The ever-repetitive Battle Tower, always in the games since Gold and Silver. Here, you will register three Pokémon before fighting. They, in addition to not being mainstream (ie. Kyogre is not allowed, but Zapdos is) legendaries or Eggs, cannot be holding the same item (unless that is no item whatsoever). You'll simply fight seven Trainers in a row, healing between battles. You'll get BP after the streak of seven. After fighting 34 battles in a row, you'll fight the Frontier Brain, Anabel. _______________________________ | BOSS: Frontier Brain Anabel \ |________________________________\____________________________________________ | Pokémon: Alakazam (Psychic) | | Entei (Fire) | | Snorlax (Normal) | |=============================================================================| | Alakazam is weak to Bug, Ghost, and Dark. | | | | Entei is weak to Water, Rock, and Ground. | | | | Snorlax is weak to Fighting. It is immune to Ground, and cannot be | | Poisoned. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| For winning, you'll get the Ability Symbol. You'll fight again after beating 69 Trainers in a row. _______________________________ | BOSS: Frontier Brain Anabel \ |________________________________\____________________________________________ | Pokémon: Raikou (Electric) | | Snorlax (Normal) | | Latios (Dragon/Psychic) | |=============================================================================| | Raikou is weak to Ground. | | | | Snorlax is weak to Fighting. It is immune to Ground, and cannot be | | Poisoned. | | | | Latios is weak to Dragon, Ice, Ghost, and Bug. It is immune to Ground. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| For winning, you'll get the Gold Ability Symbol. O===========================================================================O | Battle Pyramid | O===========================================================================O When you enter, you can register three Pokémon for your party. However, before doing this, speak with the guy next to the computer near the bridge. If he says you'll get Paralyzed, bring Ground Pokémon; Poisoned, Steel; Burning, Water. He is speaking of the wild Pokémon in the Pyramid. Once you enter the main Pyramid, it will be dark, and you cannot use Flash. Instead, much like Brawly's Dewford Gym, you need to defeat Trainers and wild Pokémon to make it brighter. DON'T FIGHT ALL OF THEM. You'll want to get to the seventh floor; you proceed through the floors using the blue warps. I prefer to try and search randomly, and if I get caught into a battle, oh well. The Trainers do have a use - speak with them after the battle to learn the direction in which you can go to find an item or the warp. After finishing the Pyramid three times, you'll fight the Frontier Brain, Brandon. ________________________________ | BOSS: Frontier Brain Brandon \ |_________________________________\___________________________________________ | Pokémon: Regirock (Rock) | | Registeel (Steel) | | Regice (Ice) | |=============================================================================| | Regirock is weak to Fighting, Steel, Grass, Water, and Ground. | | | | Registeel is weak to Fighting, Fire, Ground. | | | | Regice is weak to Fighting, Fire, Steel, and Rock. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After this, you'll get the Brave Symbol. You'll battle again after finishing the Pyramid ten time in a row. ________________________________ | BOSS: Frontier Brain Brandon \ |_________________________________\___________________________________________ | Pokémon: Articuno (Ice/Flying) | | Zapdos (Electric/Flying) | | Moltres (Fire/Flying) | |=============================================================================| | Articuno is weak to Rock (4x), Fire, Steel, Ice, and Electric. It is | | immune to Ground. | | | | Zapdos is weak to Rock and Ice. It is immune to Ground. | | | | Moltres is weak to Rock (4x), Electric, and Water. It's immune to Ground. | | | | *cough* Use Graveler/Golem. *cough* | |_____________________________________________________________________________| For winning, you'll get the Golden Brave Symbol. O===========================================================================O | Battle Palace | O===========================================================================O Perhaps the most annoying place in the Battle Frontier (and the history of Pokémon) is this place. Here, you cannot choose the moves your Pokémon uses; instead, it will be determined by their nature. How? Well, there are three move groups: attack, defense, and support. "Attack" refers to the damaging moves; "Defense", the stat-boosting moves; "Support", stat-lowering moves or statusing moves. Below is the likelihood a Pokémon will use a move of a certain group in the battle, depending on its nature. It is on a scale from 1 (not likely) to 5 (quite likely). O===========O================O=================O=================O | Nature | Attack Group | Defense Group | Support Group | O===========O================O=================O=================O | Adamant | 3 | 3 | 3 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Bashful | 3 | 5 | 1 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Bold | 3 | 2 | 5 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Calm | 4 | 5 | 1 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Careful | 4 | 5 | 1 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Docile | 5 | 2 | 2 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Gentle | 2 | 5 | 1 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Hardy | 5 | 1 | 3 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Hasty | 5 | 3 | 1 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Impish | 5 | 1 | 3 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Jolly | 3 | 1 | 5 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Lax | 3 | 1 | 5 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Lonely | 2 | 3 | 5 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Mild | 4 | 5 | 2 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Modest | 3 | 4 | 2 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Naive | 5 | 2 | 2 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Naughty | 2 | 5 | 1 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Quiet | 5 | 2 | 2 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Quirky | 5 | 2 | 2 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Rash | 3 | 1 | 5 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Relaxed | 3 | 1 | 5 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Sassy | 5 | 1 | 1 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Serious | 3 | 1 | 5 | O-----------O----------------O-----------------O-----------------O | Timid | 5 | 1 | 3 | O===========O================O=================O=================O You clear the Battle Palace and earn BP by finishing off seven Trainers in a row. Once you clear it thrice, you'll fight Spenser. ________________________________ | BOSS: Frontier Brain Spenser \ |_________________________________\___________________________________________ | Pokémon: Crobat (Poison/Flying) | | Slaking (Normal) | | Lapras (Water/Ice) | |=============================================================================| | Crobat is weak to Psychic, Rock, Ice, and Electric. It's immune to Ground. | | | | Slaking is weak to Fighting, and immune to Ghost. | | | | Lapras is weak to Grass, Electric, Rock, Fighting, and Steel. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| For winning, you'll get the Spirits Symbol. You'll fight Spenser again once you clear the Battle Palace six times in a row. ________________________________ | BOSS: Frontier Brain Spenser \ |_________________________________\___________________________________________ | Pokémon: Arcanine (Fire) | | Slaking (Normal) | | Suicune (Water) | |=============================================================================| | Arcanine is weak to Water, Rock, and Ground. | | | | Slaking is weak to Fighting, and immune to Ghost. | | | | Suicune is weak to Grass and Electric. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After winning, you'll get the Golden Spirits Symbol. O===========================================================================O | Battle Arena | O===========================================================================O Here, register your three Pokémon and let's begin. In this place, you have three turns to defeat the opponent, and you cannot use moves that change Pokémon, nor can you do so manually. If you fail to KO in three turns, you'll be given points on the following categories, with the highest winning the match: Mind - Stay on the offensive to raise this. Skill - Use powerful moves to raise this. Body - Have more HP than your opponent to raise this. The Battle Arena will be cleared after finishing off seven Trainers in a row. Do so four times in a row to find Greta. ______________________________ | BOSS: Frontier Brain Greta \ |_______________________________\_____________________________________________ | Pokémon: Heracross (Bug/Fighting) | | Umbreon (Dark) | | Shedinja (Bug/Ghost) | |=============================================================================| | Heracross is weak to Fire, Flying (4x), and Psychic. | | | | Umbreon is weak to Fighting and Bug. It is immune to Psychic. | | | | Shedinja, thanks to Wonder Guard, can only be hit with Fire, Flying, Rock, | | Ghost, and Dark. The power won't matter, either - it only has 1 HP. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| For winning, you'll get the Guts Symbol. Finish the Battle Arena eight times in a row to fight Greta once more. ______________________________ | BOSS: Frontier Brain Greta \ |_______________________________\_____________________________________________ | Pokémon: Umbreon (Dark) | | Gengar (Ghost/Poison) | | Breloom (Grass/Fighting) | |=============================================================================| | Umbreon is weak to Fighting and Bug. It is immune to Psychic. | | | | Gengar is weak to Ghost, Dark, and Psychic. It is immune to Ground, | | Normal, and Fighting. | | | | Breloom is weak to Flying (4x), Fire, Ice, Poison, and Psychic. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| For winning, you get the Golden Guts Symbol. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++ ++ Section XII- Nintendo Events **PKMN412** ++ ++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Flowchart: `--> Ho-oh/Lugia `--> Deoxys `--> Mew `--> Latias/Latios (the other one) You can check http://www.pokemon.com/ for various events. I'm quite sure that these are the only four events for Pokémon Emerald, but you never know... =============================================================================== Ho-oh/Lugia =============================================================================== For this, you'll need the item "Mystic Ticket". Using this, use the S.S. Tidal at Slateport to sail to Navel Rock. Enter it and you'll find a ladder. Go down and north. Here, you'll find a split path - left is for Ho-oh; right is for Lugia. Be sure to save before the battle. FOR GOODNESS SAKE, SAVE BEFORE THE FREAKIN' BATTLE! ____________________________ | Special Encounter: Ho-oh \ |_____________________________\_______________________________________________ | Level: Level 70. | | Type : Fire/Flying. | | Moves: - Recover | | - Fire Blast | | - Swift | | - Sunny Day | |=============================================================================| | Ho-oh is weak to Rock (4x), Electric, and Water. It's immune to Ground. | | It resists Grass (1/4), Bug (1/4), Fighting, and Steel. | | | | There are several ways to go about this. You should try damaging it as | | little as possible each turn, until you think the next move will cause a | | KO. Next, put a non-damaging status on it (Paralysis or Sleep). You can | | fire Ultra Balls are it. The only way to make it better, aside from | | using the Master Ball, is to use False Swipe. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ____________________________ | Special Encounter: Lugia \ |_____________________________\_______________________________________________ | Level: Level 70. | | Type : Psychic/Flying. | | Moves: - Recover | | - Hydro Pump | | - Swift | | - Rain Dance | |=============================================================================| | Lugia is weak to Ghost, Dark, Ice, Rock, and Electric. It is immune to | | Ground. It resists Fighting (1/4), Grass, and Bug. | | | | There are several ways to go about this. You should try damaging it as | | little as possible each turn, until you think the next move will cause a | | KO. Next, put a non-damaging status on it (Paralysis or Sleep). You can | | fire Ultra Balls are it. The only way to make it better, aside from | | using the Master Ball, is to use False Swipe. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| After defeating Ho-oh, examine the spot where it was to find a Sacred Ash. Lugia has nothing beneath it. =============================================================================== Deoxys =============================================================================== For this, you'll need the item "Aurora Ticket". Sail to Birth Island using the S.S. Tidal. Save before leaving - it might be better this way. Here, you'll find a rock. Walk up to it and it will move. NOW, FOLLOW MY DIRECTIONS EXACTLY: - Go south one tile and west one tile to touch the rock. - Go four tiles east, then north to the rock. - Go south until the rock is DUE east of you. Go to it. - Go north until you step onto the grass. Go west to the rock. - Go east to the rock. - Go west until the rock is directly in front of you. Go south to touch it. - Go south one tile, then west to the rock. - Go east to the rock. - Go west to the rock. Once this all occurs, the rock will turn red and transform into the Pokémon known as Deoxys. _____________________________ | Special Encounter: Deoxys \ |______________________________\______________________________________________ | Level: Level 30. | | Type : Psychic. | | Moves: - Swift | | - Psychic | | - Pursuit | | - Knock-Off | |=============================================================================| | Deoxys is weak to Dark, Ghost, and Bug. It resists Fighting. | | | | There are several ways to go about this. You should try damaging it as | | little as possible each turn, until you think the next move will cause a | | KO. Next, put a non-damaging status on it (Paralysis or Sleep). You can | | fire Ultra Balls are it. The only way to make it better, aside from | | using the Master Ball, is to use False Swipe. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| =============================================================================== Mew =============================================================================== For this, you'll need the "Old Sea Chart". With this, sail with the S.S. Tidal to Faraway Island. There, you'll find little. Go into the forest to find Mew. You'll need to corner it and outsmart it before getting to battle it. Once you do, you can proceed to capture it. __________________________ | Special Encounter: Mew \ |___________________________\_________________________________________________ | Level: Level 30. | | Type : Psychic. | | Moves: - Pound | | - Mega Punch | | - Metronome | | - Transform | |=============================================================================| | Mew is weak to Dark, Ghost, and Bug. It resists Fighting. | | | | There are several ways to go about this. You should try damaging it as | | little as possible each turn, until you think the next move will cause a | | KO. Next, put a non-damaging status on it (Paralysis or Sleep). You can | | fire Ultra Balls are it. The only way to make it better, aside from | | using the Master Ball, is to use False Swipe. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| =============================================================================== Latias/Latios (the other one) =============================================================================== For this one, you'll need to have completed this event already on a Ruby or Sapphire cartridge that did use the Eon Ticket. Mix records with Emerald and that cartridge. Go to the Petalburg Gym and speak with your father to receive the actual Ticket. Then use the S.S. Tidal to reach Southern Island. Here, you'll find a stone with writing on it. Pick up the Soul Dew nearby and read the writing on the stone. Now, do you remember what color/Lati Pokémon you got after the Elite Four? Remember how the color "red" got you Latias and "blue" got you Latios? Well, you'll be up against the one you did NOT get. _______________________________________ | Special Encounter: Latias or Latios \ |________________________________________\____________________________________ | Level: Level 50 (I think). | | Type : Dragon/Psychic. | | Moves: - Luster Purge | | - Psychic | | - Recover | |=============================================================================| | These Pokémon are weak to Ice, Dragon, Ghost, Bug, and Dark. They are | | immune to Ground. They resist Fire, Water, Electric, Grass, and Fighting. | | | | There are several ways to go about this. You should try damaging it as | | little as possible each turn, until you think the next move will cause a | | KO. Next, put a non-damaging status on it (Paralysis or Sleep). You can | | fire Ultra Balls are it. The only way to make it better, aside from | | using the Master Ball, is to use False Swipe. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ +++ +++ This is the end of KeyBlade999's +++ +++ Pokémon Emerald Version FAQ/Walkthrough. +++ +++ +++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ________________ | ____________ | | | | | | | | | | |____________| |________________________________________ | |____________| |_________________________ | | | | | | |\ /\ /| | | | | | | | \ / \ / | | | |____________| | | | (_) (_) | | |________________| |_| |_| ___ ___ ___ /'__`\ /'__`\ /'__`\ /\ \_\ \ /\ \_\ \ /\ \_\ \ \ \___, \ \ \___, \ \ \___, \ \/__,/\ \ \/__,/\ \ \/__,/\ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \ \_\ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ KeyBlade999