Pokemon Emerald Version Walkthrough By: WakkaX2 *EMAIL CHANGE*- xxi_caught_fire_165xx@yahoo.com Version: 2.1 Legal Information: This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, Private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed Publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Version History ================= June 15, 2005- Version 1.0 Initial Release written up to 3.11 June 18, 2005- Version 1.3 added sections 3.12, 3.13, and 3.14 June 21, 2005- Version 1.6 added sections 3.15, 3.16, and 3.17 June 29, 2005- Version 1.7 added section 3.18 July 6, 2005- Version 2.0 changed ToC order and added TM/HM list and Legendary Side-Quests. Elaborated more on the Elite 4's pokemon and added Ability list. December 28, 2005- Version 2.1 Oh my, i havent updated in a while well all I did here is change some gramatical errors and format issues. Table of Contents =================== I. Introduction 1.1- The Game II. The Basics 2.1- Controls a. Button Modes 2.2- Statuses 2.3- Abilities 2.4- Personalities 2.5- Catching Pokemon a. Shiny Pokemon/ Pokerus 2.6- Stats 2.7- TM/HM List 2.8- Tips III. Walkthrough 3.1- Littleroot Town a. Route 101 3.2- Oldale Town a. Route 103 b. Route 102 3.3- Petalburg City a. Route 104 b. Petalburg Woods 3.4- Rustboro City a. Route 116 b. Rusturf Tunnel 3.5- Dewford Town a. Route 106 b. Granite Cave c. Route 109 3.6- Slateport City a. Route 110 3.7- Mauville City a. Cycling Road b. Route 117 3.8- Verandturf Town a. Route 111 b. Route 112 c. Route 113 3.9- Fallarbor Town a. Route 114 b. Meteor Falls 3.10- Lavaridge Town a. Desert 3.11- Petalburg Revisited a. Route 105/ 106/107/208 b. Abandoned Ship c. New Mauville d. Route 118 e. Route 119 3.12- Fortree City a. Route 120 b. Route 121 3.13- Lilycove City a. Mount Pyre b. Route 123 c. Magma Hideout d. Aqua Hideout e. Route 124/125 3.14- Mossdeep City a. Route 127 b. Seafloor Cavern c. Route 129 d. Sky Pillar 3.15- Sootopolis City 3.16- Pacifidlog Town 3.17- Ever Grande City a. Victory Road b. The Elite 4 IV. Side-Quests 4.1- Legendaries a. Rayquaza b. Kyogre/ Groudon c. The 3 Regi's (25% done) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I. Introduction @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I discovered the site gamefaqs when I was searching the web looking for a guide to Kingdom Hearts. I was simply amazed by the quality of the guides that they had for it. And so I needed help with other games and the quality of the guides stayed true for each one except for Pokemon Emerald. I found all the guides COMPLETELY horrible and many of you agreed with me because I saw that Pokemon Emerald was one of the most requested FAQs on the site. So here I am attempting to write my first guide. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 1.1 R/S Differences !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This game has essentially the same towns, pokemon, and gyms as its Ruby and Sapphire counterparts (with the exception of the Sootopolis City Gym). The only major changes are the stories plot. It is now mandatory to go to the Sky Pillar where Rayquaza is. You can either catch Kyogre or Groudon (it depends on what the man in the Weather institute says). You can also catch Rayquaza. Also this time around neither Team Aqua OR Team Magma is good. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ II. The Basics @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I wasn't going to put this in but I thought if I really want this to be a FULL and complete guide I should add this. Well these are the basics you know the button functions and whatnot. These controls come directly from the guidebook included in the game. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 2.1 Controls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! L Button ========== Not used unless you change the button modes, then it can be used as the left button on the control pad R Button =========== If you change the button modes you can use this as the right button on the control pad. Also is used to change the text characters when chatting. Start ======= Brings up the Menu Screen Select ======== Change the order of a Pokemon's Move during battle, Use registered items with SELECT, or to arrange items A Button ========== Scroll through text when \/ appears, select a command, or to talk/ check out a person/ item in front of you B Button ========= Press down and hold to run (only when you acquire RUNNING SHOES) or cancel a command Control Pad ============= Move the cursor on Menu Screens, or moving the player around +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ a. Button Modes ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You can choose a type of control from the following 3 types Normal- Basic control type LR- You can use the L and R buttons instead of the left and right buttons on the control pad to switch menu screens L=A- You can use the L button instead of the A Button !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 2.2 Statuses !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poison ======== Gradually decreases HP during battle. If the poison isn't cured, HP will decrease even after battle *NOTE* The attacks Toxic and Poison Fang inflict a serious Poison that starts out like normal poison but the amount of damage taken is doubled each turn. Paralyze ========== The pokemon may not attack on its turn. Speed Decreases greatly Sleep ======= Pokemon goes to sleep and cannot attack unless SNORE is used. The Pokemon will wake up after a while Frozen ======== Same as above except any fire attack will unthaw it Burn ====== Gradually decreases Pokemon's HP during battle only. Also decreases attack *Confuse ========= The pokemon has a chance of attacking itself. Goes away if the pokemon is switched Faint ======= When a Pokemon's HP reaches 0, the pokemon can no longer battle **Leech Seed ============ Absorbs some HP per turn. ***Attract ========= Has a chance of not attacking the user and ONLY the user. Only works on pokemon of the opposite gender *This condition goes away if the pokemon is switched or when the battle ends ** This condition goes away when the battle ends *** This condition goes away when the user is switched or the pokemon is switched !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 2.3 Abilities !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok since R/S a new twist has been added in the games, Abilities. They grant each and every pokemon with a special ability that helps it out in battle. And here they are Air Lock ========== In Battle ----------- Weather effect are cancelled Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------- Rayquaza Arena Trap ============ In Battle ----------- Opponents cannot switch or flee, does not effect Flying Pokemon or Pokemon with the ability Levitate Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- Encounter more wild pokemon if this pokemon is in the lead Pokemon that mayn have this ability ------------------------------------- Diglett, Dugtrio, Trapinch Battle Armor ============== Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon cannot be struck by critical hits Pokemon that may have this ability -------------------------------------- Kabuto, Kabutops, Anorith, Armaldo Blaze ======= Effect in battle ------------------ When this pokemon's HP is 1/3 or less, the power of Fire type moves is increased to 1.5 Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion, Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken Chlorophyll ============= Effect in battle ------------------ When Sunny Day is in effect this pokemon's speed is doubled Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel, Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Exeggcute, Exeggutor, Tangela, Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff, Sunkern, Sunflora, Bellossom, Seedot, Nuzleaf, Shiftry, Tropius Clear Body ============ Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon's stats cannot be lowered by an opponent Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Tentacool, Tentacruel, Beldum, Metang, Metagross, Registeel, Regirock, Regice Cloud Nine ============ Effect in battle ------------------ Weather effects are ignored by all pokemon Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Psyduck, Golduck Color Change ============== Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon's type changes to that of the last attack that damaged it Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Kecleon Compound Eyes =============== Effect in battle ------------------ Raise accuracy of this pokemon's moves by 30% Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- Encounter more wild pokemon with items if this pokemon is in the lead Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Butterfree, Venonat, Yanma, Nincada Cute Charm ============ Effect in battle ------------------ If this pokemon is struck by a physical attack, there is a 30% chance the opposing pokemon will be Attracted Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- Encounter more wild pokemon of opposite gender if this pokemon is in the lead Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Clefairy, Clefable, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Skitty, Delcatty Damp ====== Effect in battle ------------------ While this pokemon is out, no pokemon can use Self-Destruct or Explosion Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Psyduck, Golduck, Wooper, Quagsire, Politoed Drizzle ========= Effect in battle ------------------ When this pokemon comes out, the weather turns to Rain Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Kyogre Drought ========= Effect in battle ------------------ When this pokemon comes out, the weather turns to Sun Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Groudon Early Bird ============ Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon wakes from the Sleep status in 1/2 normal time Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Doduo, Dodrio, Kangaskhan, Ledyba, Ledian, Natu, Xatu, Houndour, Houndoom, Griafarig, Seedot, Nuzleaf, Shiftry Effect Spore ============== Effect in battle ------------------ If this pokemon is struck by a physical attack, there is a 30% chance the opposing pokemon will be paralyzed, poisoned, or put to sleep Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Paras, Parasect, Shroomish, Breloom Flame Body ============ Effect in battle ------------------ If this pokemon is struck by a physical attack, there is a 30% chance the opponent will be Burned Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- Eggs in the party hatch in 1/2 the normal time Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Magmar, Magby, Slugma, Magcargo Flash Fire ------------ Effect in battle ------------------ When this pokemon is hit by a Fire type move, its own Fire type attacks are strengthened by 1.5 and it takes no damage. If Will-o-Wisp is the Fire type move used against this pokemon, it will Burn a non-Fire type pokemon, but will not Burn a Fire type pokemon Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Growlithe, Arcanine, Vulpix, Ninetales, Ponyta, Rapidash, Flareon, Houndour, Houndoom Forecast ========== Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon's type changes with the weather between Normal (no weather or Sandstorm), Fire (Sun), Water (Rain), or Ice (Hail) Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Castform Guts ====== Effect in battle ------------------ When this pokemon has a status effect, its Attack is raised by 1.5 Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Rattata, Raticate, Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Heracross, Ursaring, Tyrogue, Larvitar, Taillow, Swellow, Hariyama, Makuhita Huge Power ============ Effect in battle ------------------ Doubles this pokemon's attack stat Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Marill, Azumarill, Azurill Hustle ======== Effect in battle ------------------ Attack is raised by 1.5, lowers accuracy by 20% (ie: if attack and accuracy are 100, attack becomes 150, but accuracy becomes 80) Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- Encounter more high level pokemon if this pokemon is in the lead Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Togepi, Togetic, Corsola, Remoraid, Delibird, Mantine Hyper Cutter ============= Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon's attack cannot be lowered by an opponent Out of Battle Effect: The HM move Cut has a wider radius on grass Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Krabby, Kingler, Pinsir, Gligar, Mawile, Trapinch, Corphish, Crawdaunt Illuminate ============ Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- Encounter more wild pokemon if this pokemon is in the lead Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Staryu, Starmie, Chinchou, Lanturn, Volbeat Immunity ========== Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon cannot be Poisoned Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Snorlax, Zangoose Inner Focus ============= Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon is immune to flinching Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Zubat, Golbat, Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Farfetch'd, Dragonite, Crobat, Girafarig, Sneasel, Snorunt, Glalie Insomnia ========== Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon cannot be put to Sleep Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Drowzee, Hypno, Hoothoot, Noctowl, Spinarak, Ariados, Murkrow, Shuppet, Banette Intimidate ============ Effect in battle ------------------ Lower attack stat of all opponents by 1 level Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- Encounter fewer low level pokemon if this pokemon is in the lead Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Ekans, Arbok, Growlithe, Arcanine, Tauros, Gyarados, Snubbull, Granbull, Stantler, Hitmontop, Mightyena, Masquerain, Mawile, Salamence Keen Eye ========== Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon's accuracy cannot be lowered by the opponent Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- Encounter fewer low level pokemon if this pokemon is in the lead Pokemon that may have this ability Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Spearow, Fearow, Farfetch'd, Hitmonchan, Sentret, Furret, Hoothoot, Noctowl, Sneasel, Skarmory, Wingull, Pelipper, Sableye Levitate ========== Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon is immune to Ground type moves damage Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Koffing, Weezing, Misdreavus, Unown, Vibrava, Flygon, Lunatone, Solrock, Baltoy, Claydol, Duskull, Chimecho, Latios, Latias Lightningrod ============== Effect in battle ------------------ Electric type attacks in a 2 vs. 2 battle will target this pokemon Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- Receive more Entry Call calls Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Cubone, Marowak, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Electrike, Manectric Limber ======== Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon cannot be Paralyzed Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Persian, Hitmonlee, Ditto Liquid Ooze ============= Effect in battle ------------------ When a HP-absorbing move is used against this pokemon, the opponent loses as much HP as it would have gained Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Tentacool, Tentacruel, Gulpin, Swallot Magma Armor ============= Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon cannot be Frozen Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- Eggs in party hatch in 1/2 the normal time Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Slugma, Magcargo, Camerupt Magnet Pull ============= Effect in battle ------------------ Opponent steel type pokemon cannot flee or switch Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- Encounter more Steel type pokemon if this pokemon is in the lead Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Magnemite, Magneton, Nosepass Marvel Scale ============== Effect in battle ------------------ If this pokemon has a status condition, its Defense rises by 1.5 Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Milotic Minus ======= Effect in battle ------------------ When partnered with the Plus abiltiy, this pokemon's Special Attack increases by 1.5 Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Minun Nature Cure ============= Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon's status conditions are cured when switched out Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Staryu, Starmie, Chansey, Corsola, Blissey, Celebi, Roselia, Swablu, Altaria Oblivious =========== Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon cannot be Attracted Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Slowpoke, Slowbro, Lickitung, Jynx, Slowking, Swinub, Piloswine, Illumise, Wailmer, Wailord, Numel, Barboach, Whiscash Overgrow ========== Effect in battle ------------------ When this pokemon's HP are 1/3 or less, the power of Grass-type moves is increased by 1.5 Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Chikorita, Bayleef, Maganium, Treeko, Grovyle, Sceptile Own Tempo =========== Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon cannot be Confused Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Slowpoke, Slowbro, Lickitung, Slowking, Smeargle, Spoink, Grumpig, Spinda Pickup ======== Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- After a battle, this pokemon may have an item if it held none before the battle. (There is a FAQ by me about the possible items picked up by this ability on this site) Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Meowth, Phanpy, Aipom, Tediursa, Zigzagoon, Linoone Plus ====== Effect in battle ------------------ When partnered with a Minus ability, this pokemon's Special Attack increases by 1.5 Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Plusle Poison Point ============== Effect in battle ------------------ If this pokemon is struck by a physical attack, there is a 30% chance the opponent will be poisoned Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Nidoran(m), Nidorino, Nidoking, Nidoran(f), Nidorina, Nidoqueen, Seadra, Quilfish, Roselia Pressure ========== Effect in battle ------------------ Opponent pokemon use 2 pp instead of 1 for each attack Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- Encounter more wild pokemon if this pokemon is in the lead Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Aerodactyl, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-oh, Dusclops, Absol, Deoxys Pure Power ============ Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon's attack stat is doubled Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Meditite, Medicham Rain Dish =========== Effect in battle ------------------ During Rain, this pokemon recovers 1/16 (rounded down) of its total HP Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo Rock Head =========== Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon does not take recoil damage Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Geodude, Graveller, Golem, Onix, Cubone, Marowak, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Aerodactyl, Sudowoodo, Steelix, Aron, Lairon, Aggron, Relicanth, Bagon, Shellgon Rough Skin ============ Effect in battle ------------------ If this pokemon is struck by a physical attack, the opponent takes 1/16 of its total HP damage Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Carvanha, Sharpedo Run Away ========== Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon can flee any battle except trainer battles Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Rattata, Raticate, Doduo, Dodrio, Ponyta, Rapidash, Eevee, Sentret, Furret, Snubbull, Dunsparce, Aipom, Poochyena Sand Stream ============= Effect in battle ------------------ When this pokemon comes out, the weather turns to Sandstorm Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Tyranitar Sand Veil =========== Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon is immune to Sandstorm damage and has increased evasion during a Sandstorm Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- In a Sandstorm, encounter less wild pokemon if this pokemon is in the lead Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Sandshrew, Sandslash, Diglett, Dugtrio, Gligar, Cacnea, Cacturne Serene Grace ============== Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon has double the chance of a move's additional effect occuring Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Chansey, Togepi, Togetic, Dunsparce, Blissey, Jirachi Shadow Tag ============ Effect in battle ------------------ Opponent pokemon cannot run or switch out, except with Baton Pass Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Wynaut, Wobbuffet Shed Skin =========== Effect in battle ------------------ Each turn, there is a 1/3 chance that any status effects on this pokemon will be cured Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Metapod, Kakuna, Ekans, Arbok, Dratini, Dragonair, Pupitar, Silcoon, Cascoon, Seviper Shell Armor ============= Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon cannot be struck by a critical hit Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Shellder, Cloyster, Lapras, Omanyte, Omastar, Corphish, Crawdaunt, Clamperl Shield Dust ============= Effect in battle ------------------ Prevents additional effects from attacks that cause damage Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Caterpie, Weedle, Venomoth, Wurmple, Dustox Soundproof ============ Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon is not affected by sound based attacks: Grasswhistle, Growl, Heal Bell, Hyper Voice, Metal Sound, Perish Song, Roar, Sing, Screech, Snore, Supersonic, Uproar Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Voltorb, Electrode, Mr. Mime, Whismur, Loudred, Exploud Speed Boost ============= Effect in battle ------------------ At the end of every turn the pokemon has been out (not including switching in) its speed increases by 1 factor Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Yanma, Ninjask Static ======== Effect in battle ------------------ If this pokemon is struck by a physical attack, there is a 30% chance the opponent will be paralyzed Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- Encounter more Electric type pokemon if this pokemon is in the lead Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Pikachu, Raichu, Voltorb, Electrode, Electabuzz, Pichu, Mareep, Flaafy, Ampharos, Elekid, Electrike, Manectric Stench ======== Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- Encounter less wild pokemon if this pokemon is in the lead Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Grimer, Muk Sticky Hold ============= Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon's held item cannot be stolen or knocked off Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- While fishing, pokemon are easier to catch Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Grimer, Muk, Gulpin, Swallot Sturdy ======== Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon is immune to one hit KO moves Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Geodude, Graveller, Golem, Magnemite, Magneton, Onix, Pineco, Forretres, Sudowoodo, Steelix, Shuckle, Donphan, Skarmory, Nosepass, Aron, Lairon, Aggron Suction Cups ============== Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon cannot be forced to switch out Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- While fishing, pokemon are easier to catch Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Octillery, Lileep, Cradilly Swarm ======= Effect in battle ------------------ When this pokemon's HPs are 1/3 or less, the strength of bug-type moves increases by 1.5 Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- You will hear the "roar" of wild pokemon more often Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Beedrill, Scyther, Ledyba, Ledian, Spinarak, Ariados, Scizor, Heracross, Beautifly, Volbeat Swift Swim ============ Effect in battle ------------------ During Rain, this pokemon's speed doubles Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Magikarp, Goldeen, Seaking, Horsea, Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops, Quilfish, Mantine, Kingdra, Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo, Surskit, Feebas, Huntail, Gorebyss, Relicanth, Luvdisc Synchronize ============= Effect in battle ------------------ If this pokemon is inflicted with a status effect, the opponent that caused it is inflicted with the same status. Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- Encounter more pokemon with same nature as this pokemon if this pokemon is in the lead Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Mew, Xatu, Natu, Espeon, Umbreon, Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir Thick Fat =========== Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon takes 1/2 damage from Fire and Ice type moves Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Seel, Dewgong, Snorlax, Marill, Azumarill, Makuhita, Hariyama, Azurill, Spoink, Grumpig, Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein Torrent ========= Effect in battle ------------------ When this pokemon's HP are 1/3 or less, the power of Water type moves increases by 1.5 Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise, Totodile, Croconaw, Feraligatr, Mudkip, Swampert, Marshtomp Trace ======= Effect in battle ------------------ When this pokemon comes into battle, it copies the ability of one of its opponents Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Porygon, Porygon2, Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir Truant ======== Effect in battle ------------------ The pokemon will only act every other turn Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Slakoth, Slaking Vital Spirit ============== Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon cannot be put to sleep Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- Encounter more high level pokemon if this pokemon is in the lead Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Mankey, Primeape, Delibird, Vigoroth Volt Absorb ============= Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon is healed by Electric attacks Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Jolteon, Chinchou, Lanturn Water Absorb ============== Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon is healed by Water attacks Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Lapras, Vaporeon, Wooper, Quagsire, Politoed, Mantine Water Veil ============ Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon cannot be Burned Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Goldeen, Seaking, Wailmer, Wailord White Smoke ============= Effect in battle ------------------ This pokemon's abilities cannot be lowered by an opponent Out of Battle Effect ---------------------- Encounter less wild pokemon if this pokemon is in the lead Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Torkoal Wonder Guard ============== Effect in battle ------------------ The pokemon can only be hurt by a super effective attack. Does not prevent indirect damage, such as sandstorm, burn, or poison. This ability cannot be taken nor copied. Pokemon that may have this ability ------------------------------------ Shedinja !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 2.4 Personalities !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Adamant: +Att -Sp Att Impish: +Def -Sp Att Jolly: +Spd -Sp Att Careful: +Sp Def -Sp Att Bold: +Def -Att Timid: +Spd -Att Modest: +Sp Att -Att Calm: +Sp Def -Att Hardy: EQUAL Docile: EQUAL Serious: EQUAL Bashful: EQUAL Quirky: EQUAL Lonely: +Att -Def Hasty: +Spd -Def Mild: +Sp Att -Def Gentle: +Sp Def -Def Brave: +Att -Spd Relaxed: +Def -Spd Quiet: +Sp Att -Spd Sassy: +Sp Def -Spd Naughty: +Att -Sp Def Lax: +Def -Sp Def Naive: +Spd -Sp Def Rash: +Sp Att -Sp Def !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 2.5 Catching Pokemon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is one of the most important things in the game hence the famous phrase GOTTA CATCHEM ALL! You catch pokemon by throwing PokeBalls at them the most common are Poke Balls, Great Balls, Ultra Balls, and the Master Balls. There are other less common ones with special abilities. A pokemon is easier to catch if you weaken it or if you give it a status condition or if you use a better ball like the Ultra Ball or the Master Ball which has a 100% catch rate. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ a. Shiny Pokemon/ Pokerus ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Some Pokemon are special. Like Shiny Pokemon these monsters are differently colored than their normal counterparts but are the same in every other way. The odds in encountering one of these is like 1 in 1 BAZILLION they are EXTREMELY rare. Also some Pokemon in the wild you encounter have the virus called pokerus. It enhances the EV you get in battle. Once you put the infected pokemon in your party it spreads to all your pokemon. This virus goes away after a while but u can save it by giving it to a pokemon you wont use and keep it in the PC then take it out, put it in your party so that they are infected again. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 2.6 Stats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hit Point (HP)- When it reaches zero your pokemon gets the Faint status. Attack: Determines the strength of physical attacks. Normal, Bug, Rock, Steel, Fighting, Poison, Ghost, flying, and Ground types are the only types ATTACK effects Defense: Determines the damage from Physical Attacks Special Attack: Determines the strength of Special Attack. Water, Grass, Electric, Psychic, Ice, Fire, Dragon, and Dark types are the only attacks SPECIAL ATTACK effects. Special Defense: Determines the damage from special attacks. Speed: The Pokemon with higher speed goes first. On wild Pokemon battles, if your Pokemon is fast it also has a higher chance of running away when selected. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 2.7 TM/HM List !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TM 01 Focus Punch ==================== Type: Fighting PP: 20 Power: 150 Accuracy: 100 Effect: Focuses First turn then attacks next turn. If user is attacked before the second turn the move fails Location: Route 115 TM 02 Dragon Claw =================== Type: Dragon PP: 15 Power: 80 Accuracy: 100 Effect: --- Location: Meteor Fall TM 03 Water Pulse =================== Type: Water PP: 20 Power: 60 Accuracy: 100 Effect: 30% chance of confusing the foe Location: Sootopolis Gym TM 04 Calm Mind ================== Type: Psychic PP: 20 Power: --- Accuracy: --- Effect: Raises Special Attack and Special Defense Location: Mossdeep Gym TM 05 Roar ============ Type: Normal PP: 20 Power: --- Accuracy: 100 Effect: Forces trainer to switch Pokemon Location: Route 114 TM 06 Toxic ============= Type: Poison PP: 10 Power: --- Accuracy: 85 Effect: Poisons foe. Poison gets stronger each turn. Location: Fiery Path TM 07 Hail ============ Type: Ice PP: 10 Power: --- Accuracy: --- Effect: Ice pours down for 5 turns. Hurts all pokemon except for Ice types Location: Shoal cave TM 08 Bulk Up =============== Type: Fighting PP: 20 Power: --- Accuracy: --- Effect: Raises Attack and Defense. Location: Dewford Gym TM 09 Bullet Seed =================== Type: Grass PP: 30 Power: 10 Accuracy: 100 Effect: Attacks 2-5 times per turn. Location: Route 104 TM 10 Hidden Power ==================== Type: Normal PP: 15 Power: --- Accuracy: 100 Effect: Type and power depends on pokemon. Location: Slateport/ Fortree TM 11 Sunny Day ================= Type: Fire PP: 20 Power: Accuracy: 100 Effect: Boost the power of fire moves for 5 turns. Location: Scorched Slab TM 12 Taunt ============= Type: Normal PP: 20 Power: Accuracy: 100 Effect: Taunts foe to only use attacking moves. Location: Trick house TM 13 Ice Beam ================ Type: Ice PP: 10 Power: 95 Accuracy: 100 Effect: 10% chance it will inflict Freeze Location: Mauville Game Corner/ Abandoned Ship TM 14 Blizzard ================ Type: Ice PP: 5 Power: 120 Accuracy: 85 Effect: 10% chance it'll freeze foe. Hits both pkmn in double battle. Location: Lilycove Dept. Store TM 15 Hyper Beam ================== Type: Normal PP: 5 Power: 150 Accuracy: 90 Effect: Attacks first turn. Second turn the pokemon has to recharge. Location: Lilycove Dept. Store TM 16 Light Screen ==================== Type: Psychic PP: 30 Power: --- Accuracy: --- Effect: Cuts all Special Attacks by Half Location: Lilycove Dept. store TM 17 Protect =============== Type: Normal PP: 10 Power: --- Accuracy: --- Effect: Negates all attacks to this Pokemon for that turn. Location: Lilycove Dept. store TM 18 Rain Dance ================== Type: Water PP: 5 Power: --- Accuracy: --- Effect: Rain begins to fall Raises water moves by 50% and lowers Fire moves by 50%for 5 turns. Location: Abandoned Ship TM 19 Giga Drain ================== Type: Grass PP: 5 Power: 60 Accuracy: 100 Effect: Takes HP equal to 1/2 damage inflicted. Location: Route 123 TM 20 Safeguard ================= Type: Normal PP: 25 Power: --- Accuracy: --- Effect: Covers user's team and negates all status affects. Location: Lilycove Dept. store TM 21 Frustration =================== Type: Normal PP: 20 Power: --- Accuracy: 100 Effect: Power is based on how much the pokemon hates you. Location: Pacifidlog Town TM 22 Solarbeam ================= Type: Grass PP: 10 Power: 120 Accuracy: 100 Effect: Charges 1st turn, attacks 2nd turn. No charge when Sunny Day is in effect. Charges 2 turns when Rain Dance is in Effect Location: Safari Zone TM 23 Iron Tail ================= Type: Steel PP: 15 Power: 100 Accuracy: 75 Effect: 30% chance of lowering foes defense. TM 24 Thunderbolt =================== Type: Electric PP: 15 Power: 95 Accuracy: 100 Effect: 10% chance it might paralyze. Location: Mauville Game Corner TM 25 Thunder =============== Type: Electric PP: 10 Power: 120 Accuracy: 70 Effect: 10% chance it might paralyze. Accuracy is raised to 100% when Rain Dance is in effect. Lowered to 30% when Sunny Day is. Location: Lilycove Dept. Store TM 26 Earthquake ================== Type: Ground PP: 10 Power: 100 Accuracy: 100 Effect: Twice damage if foe used dig. TM 27 Return ============== Type: Normal PP: 20 Power: Accuracy: 100 Effect: Power is based on how pokemon likes you. Location: Fallarbor/ Pacifidlog town TM 28 Dig =========== Type: Ground PP: 10 Power: 60 Accuracy: 100 Effect: 1st turn dig, 2nd turn attack. TM 29 Psychic =============== Type: Psychic PP: 10 Power: 90 Accuracy: 100 Effect: 10% chance of lowering foes defense. Location: Mauville/ Victory road TM 30 Shadow Ball =================== Type: Ghost PP: 15 Power: 80 Accuracy: 100 Effect: 20% chance of lowering foes defense. Location: Mt. Pyre TM 31 Brick Break =================== Type: Fighting PP: 15 Power: 75 Accuracy: 100 Effect: Breaks reflect and light screen. Location: Sootopolis city TM 32 Double Team =================== Type: Normal PP: 15 Power: Accuracy: Effect: Raises envasiveness by 1 level Location: Mauville game corner TM 33 Reflect =============== Type: Psychic PP: 20 Power: Accuracy: Effect: Raises defense for 5 turns. Location: Lilycove dept. store TM 34 Shock Wave ================== Type: Electric PP: 20 Power: 60 Accuracy: Effect: Always hits. Location: Mauville Gym TM 35 Flamethrower ==================== Type: Fire PP: 15 Power: 95 Accuracy: 100 Effect: 10% chance it burns foe. Location: Mauville game corner TM 36 Sludge Bomb =================== Type: Poison PP: 10 Power: 90 Accuracy: 100 Effect: 30% chance poisons foe Location: Dewford Town TM 37 - Sandstorm =================== Type: Rock PP: 10 Power: --- Accuracy: --- Effect: Whips up a sandstorm for 5 turns. Hurts all pokemon that are not Ground, Steel, Rock, or any pokemon tha knows Sand Veil Location: Desert TM 38 - Fire Blast ==================== Type: Fire PP: 5 Power: 120 Accuracy: 85 Effect: Has a 10% Chance of Burning the Foe Location: Lilycove City Dept store TM 39 - Rock Tomb =================== Type: Rock PP: 10 Power: 50 Accuracy: 90 Effect: Has a Chance of lowering the opponent Speed Location: Given to you by Roxanne TM 40 - Aerial Ace ==================== Type: Flying PP: 20 Power: 60 Accuracy: --- Effect: Never Misses Location: Given to you by Winoa TM 41 - Torment ================= Type: Dark PP: 15 Power: --- Accuracy: 100 Effect: Makes the pokemon only use Attack moves Location: Slateport City TM 42 - Facade ================ Type: Normal PP: 20 Power: 70 Accuracy: 100 Effect: Doubles Power if Poisoned, Paralyzed, or Burned Location: Given to you by Norman TM 43 - Secret power ====================== Type: Normal PP: 20 Power: 70 Accuracy: 100 Effect: Outside of battle it is used to create your Secret Base Location: Route 111, Slateport City Flea Market TM 44 - Rest ============= Type: Psychic PP: 10 Power: --- Accuracy: --- Effect: Takes a rest to fully restore HP and remove statuses. Sleep for 2 turns Location: Lilycove City TM 45 - Attract ================= Type: Normal PP: 15 Power: --- Accuracy: --- Effect: Infatuates the Foe so that it has a chance of not attacking (only works on the opposite Gender) Location: Verdanturf Town TM 46 - Thief =============== Type: Dark PP: 10 Power: 40 Accuracy: 100 Effect Location: Given to you by Team Aqua member in ocean museum TM 47 - Steel Wing ==================== Type: Steel PP: 25 Power: 70 Accuracy: 90 Effect: May raise Defense Location: Given to you by Steven after you delivered the memo TM 48 - Skill Swap ==================== Type: Psychic PP: 10 Power: --- Accuracy: 100 Effect: Switches Abilities with the foe Location: Mt Pyre TM 49 - Snatch ================ Type: Dark PP: 10 Power: --- Accuracy: 100 Effect: Steals any held item on the foe for the battle Location: ??? help here? TM 50 - Overheat ================== Type: Fire PP: 5 Power: 150 Accuracy: 90 Effect: Sharply Lowers Special Attack Location: Given to you by Flannery !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 2.8 Tips !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1. For your final team try to have varying pokemon types 2. Save VERY often especially before Gyms and Legendaries 3. Keep a few balls with you, you never know when you'll encounter an ultra rare pokemon or a shiny one 4. Heal your pokemon when you get to each town unless I say not to 5. DO NOT teach crappy HM moves to your main pokemon like Rock Smash, Flash, Dive, or Waterfall (dive and waterfall because surf is MUCH more powerful either one) and cut although it is good at the beginning. Instead have HM slaves like a Linoone/ Zigzagoon. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ III. Walkthrough @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Well here we go the meat and potatoes of any FAQ the Walkthrough. This walkthrough will take you from that cramped little van to the Elite 4 and BeYoNd!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 3.1 Littleroot Town !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Objectives ============ 1. Set Characters After you get your character set up you end up in a moving van, exit it and your mom will take you in the house and tell you to set your clock. So go in your room and set your clock. Your mom will tell you to come downstairs but first go to your PC and select ITEM STORAGE then WITHDRAW ITEM and get the potion in there. When you go downstairs a program of your dad will be on the TV turns out he's the Petalburg City Gym Leader but you'll miss it. SO go next door to Prof. Birch's house. He's not there so go upstairs and meet his child May/ Brendon (depending on if you chose if you where a boy or a girl. For the guide purposes I'll call her May. Try and take the pokeball on the floor and she'll bustle in she'll have a chat with you. After that go out of the town and you'll see Prof. Birch being attacked by a Zigzagoon. He tells you to grab a pokemon out of his bag be careful as to who you choose as it will be your starting pokemon. Treecko ========= The PURE grass pokemon thank god for him too I was sick of poison/grass types. It has high Special Attack and great Attack with unbelievable Speed (120 good GOD) probably the best all around starter and he's good in the first few gyms. Torchic ========= My Favorite of the 3 starters. It has super high Attack and Special Attack and nice defenses to back it up pretty good speed and nice HP. When it evolves it gains the Fighting Type which is a pretty good combination since it's no longer weak to rock but it gains flying and psychic weaknesses. It sucks at the first gym unless you train it to level 16. Mudkip ======== BEWARE! This monster is a GREAT ground pokemon but sucks as a water one. If you let mudkip evolve you can't learn Hydro Pump which sucks and you really need it because it has decent Special Attack but not as well as Treecko or Torchic. It has high Attack which makes it a great ground type. And the typing is great ground/ water so it only has 1 weakness, grass. I think they only put water there for the typing and to go with the flow of the other games. This monster can be great at pretty much every gym. Choose whichever one you want I chose Mudkip the first time but believe me I LEARNED so this time I'm choosing Torchic. After beating the Zigzagoon (good god I hope you have because if you didn't that's just path-et-ic) you end up in Prof. Birch's Lab and he gives you the pokemon you chose and he wants you to go meet May on Route 103. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ a. Route 101 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon ========= Poochyena Wurmple Zigzagoon There is not much on this route try to gain a level or 2 on the way. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 3.2 Oldale Town !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here you will learn how to use the 2 main buildings in the Hoenn world Pokemon Centers and PokeMarts. If you talk to the lady wearing an apron when you first enter the town she'll take you to the PokeMart and then give you a free potion. Shop Items ============ Pokeball 200 (Only after you return to Littleroot Town with May) Potion 300 Antidote 100 Paralyze Heal 200 Awakening 250 There's nothing you need to buy as of now. You probably don't have enough money anyway. Now go into the Pokemon Center talk to the lady behind the counter and she will heal the Pokemon in your party. Also talk around to the people in Pokemon Centers you may get something. You can't go to the left yet so go north. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ a. Route 103 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon Pokemon (Fishing) Pokemon (Surfing) ========= ================== ================== Poochyena Magikarp Pelipper Wingull Sharpedo Tentacool Zigzagoon Wailmer There is only one purpose of going here is to battle May ------------ |May Battle 1| ------------ Treecko Lineup ================ Treecko Lvl 5 Torchic Lineup ================ Torchic Lvl 5 Mudkip Lineup =============== Mudkip Lvl 5 This battle should not be hard at all especially if you took my advice and leveled up some. Her starter doesn't know any elemental attacks so you'll be fine. After your victory you have to follow May back to Littleroot Town and go in the lab. After your chat you receive a Pokedex to record all the pokemon you catch and see. Also May gives you 5 Pokeballs. Now let's get to catchin'! As you start to leave your mom gives you a pair of RUNNING SHOES. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ b. Route 103 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon Pokemon (Fishing/ Surfing) ========= =========================== Seedot Marill Ralts Corphish Lotad Goldeen Wurmple Magikarp Zigzagoon Poochyena Marill Items ======= Potion Oran Berries Pecha Berries ------------ | Trainers | ------------ Youngster Calvin ================== Poochyena Lvl 5 Bug Catcher Rick ================== Wurmple Lvl 4 Wurmple Lvl 4 Youngster Allen ================= Zigzagoon Lvl 4 Taillow Lvl 3 Lass Tina =========== Zigzagoon Lvl 4 Shroomish Lvl 4 I strongly suggest catching a Ralts here. They evolve into one of the strongest non-legendary psychics in the game. I know that Alakazam's Special stats and Speed are a bit better but its Defenses suck and Gardevoir has enough Defense to at least take a hit. It will only know Growl when you catch it so you will have to raise it to Lvl 6 to learn Confusion. It's almost IMPOSSIBLE to Find a Seedot although I wouldn't get it there's a better Grass/ Dark monster later on. You should think about catchin a Lotad also, it's a Water/ Grass so it's only weak to flying. After battling and catching some Pokemon continue east to Petalburg City. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 3.3 Petalburg City !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pokemon (Fishing/ Surfing) =========================== Corphish Goldeen Magikarp Marill Pokemart ========= PokeBall 200 Potion 300 Antidote 100 Parlyz Heal 200 Awakening 250 Escape Rope 550 Repel 350 X Speed 350 X Attack 500 X Defend 550 Orange Mail 50 Pick up a few potions and pokeballs and 1 or 2 Antidotes and Parlyz Heals Now go into the Petalburg Gym and talk to your father. Wally will come in and your dad will ask you to help him catch a pokemon he'll catch a Lvl 5 Ralts (how'd he find a Lvl 5 one?). After that you'll return to the gym and chat with your dad he says to fight him when you get stronger (trust me you'll need to). So try to leave town a strange man will talk to you then leave. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ a. Route 104 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon Pokemon (Fishing/ Surfing) ========= =========================== Taillow Pelipper Wingull Magikarp Wurmple Marill Zigzagoon Marill Items ======= Oran Berries Pecha Berries ------------ | Trainers | ------------ Youngster Billy ================= Zigzagoon Lvl 5 Seedot Lvl 7 Fisherman Darian ================== Magikarp Lvl 9 Lady Cindy ============ Zigzagoon Lvl 7 If you want to catch a Wingull you can it's a pretty good monster I'm not going to though. Mr. Briney's house is here on this route but he's not there so continue on too... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ b. Petalburg Woods ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon ========= Poochyena Cascoon Slakoth Silcoon Shroomish Taillow Wurmple Zigzagoon Items ====== Pokeball (when you first enter go to the right and exit the forest) Potion (near the pokeball exit press A in the clear square of grass) Parlyz Heal Great Ball Ether ------------ | Trainers | ------------ Bug Catcher Lyle ================== Wurmple Lvl 3 Wurmple Lvl 3 Wurmple Lvl 3 Wurmple Lvl 3 Team Aqua Grunt ================= Poochyena Lvl 9 Bug Catcher James =================== Nincada Lvl 6 Nincada Lvl 6 Try to catch a Shroomish here ( if you didn't catch a Lotad or Seedot before) if Torchic was your starter unless your going to level it up to level 16 Walk through the forest after a little bit you'll see a man in a suit talk to him and a Team Aqua Grunt will attack you. The man in the suit will give you a great ball for beating him. Then he'll rush off. Continue along the path, remember to come back once you get the cut HM to go through those bushes. Now exit the forest. You exit back on Route 104. Talk to the guy near the exit for TM 09 Bullet Seed. Grab the berries and then go Into the house in front of you. Talk to one of the ladies there and she will give you a Wailmer pail to water berries you plant. Go behind the house and get the potion. ------------ | Trainers | ------------ Rich Boy Winston ================== Zigzagoon Lvl 7 Lass Haley ============ Lotad Lvl 6 Shroomish Lvl 6 Twins Gina and Mia (Double Battle) ==================================== Seedot Lvl 6 Lotad Lvl 6 Fisherman Ivan ================ Magikarp Lvl 5 Magikarp Lvl 6 Magikarp Lvl 7 Grab some more berries then talk to the old lady to get another berry. Go behind the gate and follow the path to an X Defend. Then continue to...... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 3.4 Rustboro City !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PokeMart ========== Pokeball 200 Potion 300 Super Potion 700 Antidote 100 Parlyz Heal 200 Escape Rope 550 Repel 350 X Speed 350 X Attack 500 X Defend 550 Items ======= Premiere Ball Go to the right as you enter the town and go in the big building on the second floor the small boy will give you a Premiere Ball. Go to the Trainer School you can learn various battling info. Also that strange man from Petalburg is here his name is Scott. In the house next to the gym someone will trade a Seedot for a Ralts this is an alternative to catching one. Now go to the cutters house and get HM 01 Cut. DO NOT teach this to any of your good pokemon teach it to a Zigzagoon or something else crappy although you can't use it until you beat Roxanne. But you may want to train some on Route 116 scroll down to get to it. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) (((((( )))))) Rustboro Gym )))))) (((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ------------ | Trainers | ------------ Youngster Josh ================ Geodude Lvl 10 Hiker Mark ============ Geodude Lvl 8 Geodude Lvl 8 Youngster Tommy ================ Geodude Lvl 8 Geodude Lvl 8 ------------------ |Gym Leader Roxanne| ------------------ My Team ========== Ralts Lvl 14 Combusken Lvl 16 Roxanne ========= Geodude Lvl 12 Geodude Lvl 12 Nosepass Lvl 14 This gym isn't too hard if you have a grass monster or a water monster with you. If you took my advice and evolved your Torchic to Combusken then this gym will be easy for you too. All her pokemon know the move Rock Tomb which lowers speed if it hits. Note if you use the Combusken idea you'll have to defeat Nosepass quickly with double kick as he will use Harden to raise his already high defense. When your Victorious Roxanne will give you TM 39 Rock Tomb and the STONE BADGE. Leave the gym and you will see a scene where a Team Aqua grunt runs away and a Devon Corp Man will chase after him. Heal before you go after them. Go and find him near the entrance to route 116. He asks you to get the Devon Goods from the Grunt. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ a. Route 116 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon ========= Abra Nincada Poochyena Skitty Taillow Whismur Zigzagoon ------------ | Trainers | ------------ Bug Catcher Jose ================== Wurmple Lvl 8 Nincada Lvl 8 Youngster Joey ================ Machop Lvl 9 School Kid Karen ================== Shroomish Lvl 9 *Youngster Johnson =================== Shroomish Lvl 8 Lotad Lvl 8 *Hiker Clark ============= Geodude Lvl 8 Hiker Devan ============= Geodude Lvl 8 Geodude Lvl 8 *Lady Sarah ============ Lotad Lvl 8 Zigzagoon Lvl 8 *Rich Boy Dawson ================= Zigzagoon Lvl 8 Poochyena Lvl 8 *School Kid Jerry ================== Ralts Lvl 9 *Lass Janice ============= Marill Lvl 9 *can be a double battle Items ======= Repel X Special Potion Ether Pinap Berries Chesto Berries If you prefer Abra over Ralts then go ahead and snag one here. And if you want a decent bug grab a Nincada also. Cut domn the bush and get the items and fight the trainers there. Go to the entrance of the Rusturf Tunnel and Mr. Briney will tell you that the Aqua Grunt also took his pet Wingull Peeko so go inside the tunnel. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ b. Rusturf Tunnel ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon ========= Whismur Items ======= Pokeball Just go in and kick this Team Aqua Guy's @$$ ------------ | Trainers | ------------ Team Aqua Grunt ================= Poochyena Lvl 11 If you don't beat this guy your pathetic. After you beat him he gives you the DEVON GOODS and he runs off. Mr. Briney comes in and takes Peeko and heads for his house. You should head there too. Go through Rustboro and give the DEVON GOODS to the Devon guy and he'll give you a Great Ball, he then takes you to the Devon Corp President's Office. He tells you to deliver the goods to the Shipyard in Slateport City. Then the president asks you to deliver a letter to Steven in Dewford Town. Lastly he gives you a PokeNav it lets you talk to trainers you've battled for a rematch. And it also acts as a Map of Hoenn. When you come out a Scientist will stop you and give u brief tutorial on Match Call. As you leave you see May she will ask you for a battle say YES! ------------ |May Battle 2| ------------ Treecko Lineup =============== Wingull Lvl 13 Treecko Lvl 15 Torchic Lineup ================ Lotad Lvl 13 Torchic Lvl 15 Mudkip Lineup =============== Torkoal Lvl 13 Mudkip Lvl 15 As you enter Petalburg Woods cut the bushes and talk to the girl there for a Miracle Seed. Get the great Ball from the top path then jump the ledge and grab the X attack and the X Accuracy. Now exit the forest and go into Mr. Briney's House. Talk to him and he'll take you to Dewford Town and the next Badge. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 3.5 Dewford Town !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you first step foot on the island talk to the fisherman and say Yes and you'll get and old rod it'll mostly catch Magikarp and Wailmer. Now let's head straight to the Gym. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) (((((( )))))) Dewford Gym )))))) (((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( This is a fighting gym so that Ralts/ Abra I told you to catch will come in handy. In this Gym it's really dark but the right of light surrounding you gets bigger as you defeat the trainers in here so let's get to crackin' ------------ | Trainers | ------------ Battle Girl Laura =================== Meditite Lvl 13 Note: Meditite is a Fighting/ Psychic pokemon so the best thing for it is a flying monster or a peck from Combusken *Battle Girl Lilith ==================== Meditite Lvl 13 *Sailor Brenden ================ Machop Lvl 13 Battle Girl Jocelyn ===================== Meditite Lvl 13 Black Belt Cristian ===================== Makuhita Lvl 13 Black Belt Takao ================== Machop Lvl 13 Now before you battle the Leader Brawly you better go heal at the Pokemon Center or if you feel your levels are low (below Lvl 16) go train in Granite Cave. Oh and bring a few Super Potions with you. ----------------- |Gym Leader Brawly| ----------------- My Team ========= Kirlia Lvl 20 Combusken Lvl 18 Brawly ======== Machop Lvl 16 Meditite Lvl 16 Makuhita Lvl 19 This guy is cake if you caught a Wingull, Taillow, Ralts, Abra, or if your Combusken knows Peck. All of his monsters know Bulk Up Which is a great move, it ups Attack and Defense and if used a couple of time the Pokemon can become a killing Machine. So kill them fast. The only monster that will actually give you problems though is Makuhita. After you win the whole screen is lit up. Brawley gives you the Knuckle Badge which makes all Pokemon up to Lvl30 obey you and let you use Flash outside of battle. Lastly he'll give you TM 13 Bulk Up and he registers you in his PokeNav. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ a. Route 106 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon (Surfing/ Fishing) ============================ Magikarp Pelipper Tentacool Wailmer Wingull ------------ | Trainers | ------------ Fisherman Earl ================ Tentacool Lvl 11 Fisherman Elliot ================== Magikarp Lvl 10 Tentacool Lvl 7 Magikarp Lvl 10 If you go all the way to the end of the week and press A before the last square you'll get a Pokeball. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ b. Granite Cave ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When you first enter the cave talk to the Hiker there and he'll give you HM 05 Flash. DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT teach this move to a good pokemon it sucks! Teach it to a crap Pokemon like a Shroomish if you caught one. Items ======= Escape Rope Everstone TM 47 Steel Wing Continue and grab the Escape Rope. Use flash in the next room. Pokemon ========= Aron Abra Geodude Makuhita Nosepass Sableye Zubat I advise beginners to catch an Aron or Geodude as they are great pokemon but they are really slow. Now there is another pokemon you should get if Torchic wasn't your starter Makuhita. It evolves into a great fighting type Hariyama with arse Attack. Continue until you get to a crossroad go down for a Pokeball. Now go left and go down the ladder. Now go along this path until you get to a platform with a rock on it. Examine it and you will get an Everstone. Now continue along and go up the ladder. Now go up the ladder right by you. Continue along and exit the cave. You meet Steven there. Talk to him and you give him the letter and you receive TM 47 Steel Wing and he leaves. Now exit the cave via Escape Rope or jumping the ledges just outside of the room where you meet Steven. Now heal, go and talk to Mr. Briney so you can go to Slateport City. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ c. Route 109 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ok so we're not in Slateport yet but we will be. Pokemon (Surfing/ Fishing) ============================ Magikarp Pelipper Tentacool Wailmer Wingull ------------ | Trainers | ------------ Sailor Huey ============= Wingull Lvl 12 Machop Lvl 12 Tuber Hailey ============== Marill Lvl 13 Sailor Edmund =============== Wingull Lvl 13 Tuber Ricky ============= Zigzagoon Lvl 13 Tuber Lola ============ Azurill Lvl 12 Azurill Lvl 12 Tuber Chandler =============== Tentacool Lvl 12 Tentacool Lvl 12 Items ======= Soft Sand Soda Pop x6 Potion Now enter the Seashore Shack and beat all the trainers there for 6 Soda Pops Beauty Johanna ================ Goldeen Lvl 13 Sailor Dwayne =============== Wingull Lvl 11 Tentacool Lvl 11 Machop Lvl 11 Tuber Simon ============= Azurill Lvl 12 Marill Lvl 12 Now talk to the man there for 6 Soda Pops. Ok now we can head on to Slateport City. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 3.6 Slateport City !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Items ======= POWDER JAR TM 46 Thief Move Tutor ============ Swagger Slateport City is a pretty big city but no Gym. Oh well let's so SHOPPING! PokeMart ========== Pokeball 200 Great Ball 600 Potion 300 Super Potion 700 Antidote 100 Parlyz Heal 200 Escape Rope 550 Repel 350 Harbor Mail 50 Pick up a few Great Balls since they are finally on sale. Also pick up about 7 Parlyz Heals. Also buy a Harbor Mail you will need it later. Now there is a little market in this town where you can pick up some really good items. Energy Guru ============= Protein 9800 Iron 9800 Carbos 9800 Zinc 9800 Calcium 9800 HP Up 9800 You can probably only afford one of these at this point in the game but I suggest not buying any of these right now. Doll Shop =========== Azurill Doll 3000 Marill Doll 3000 Shitty Doll 3000 What the heck do these things do? Now go into the Pokemon Fan Club House and talk to the man with the Azumarill. He is a Move Tutor he will tech one of your Pokemon Swagger which I think is a horrible move unless you use it against a monster that uses Special Attack only. Ok so now that all that's done let's get to the main plot. Go into Stern's Shipyard and enter the building. Talk to the balding man there and he will tell you to go find Capt. Stern. Ok so now let's go into the Museum. Talk to the first Grunt you see he will give you TM 46 Thief and run away. Now g upstairs and you'll find Capt. Stern. Talk to him and some Team Aqua Grunts will come in ------------ | Trainers | ------------ Team Aqua Grunt 1 =================== Carvanha Lvl 15 Team Aqua Grunt 2 =================== Zubat Lvl 14 Carvanha Lvl 14 After you defeat them Team Aqua's Leader, Archie comes in and talks to you and he and his minions leave. You then give Capt Stern the DEVON GOODS and he leaves. Now exit the Museum. The second you step foot outside Scott stops you and registers you in his PokeNav. Now before you leave you may wanna check out the Battle Tent you get barely anything for doing it but its kinda fun. Now let's head out to Route 110. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ a. Route 110 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon Pokemon(Surfing/ Fishing) ========= ========================== Electrike Tentacool Gulpin Magikarp Minun Pelipper Oddish Wailmer Plusle Wingull Poochyena Wingull? Items ======= PP Up (Route 103) Cheri Berries (103) Leppa Berries (103) Dire Hit Elixir Nanab Berries Before Moving on I suggest catching your next Pokemon in the little patch of grass that you first see on this route. If you want an electric Pokemon catch Electrike NOT Plusle or Minun they SUCK, they're like little Pikachus but worse. If you want a grass you CAN catch Oddish but I'm holding off until I can get a cool Grass/Dark combo later on. Also catch a Wingull if you didn't already since they are great Pokemon. As you go up the path you meet Prof Birch and he registers you in his PokeNav ------------ | Trainers | ------------ PokeFan Isabel ================ Plusle Lvl 14 Minun Lvl 14 PokeFan Caleb =============== Minun Lvl 14 Plusle Lvl 14 Now lets take a little detour when we get to the house go left to Route 103 Aroma Lady Daisy ================== Shroomish Lvl 14 Roselia Lvl 14 Twins Amy and Liv =================== Plusle Lvl 15 Minun Lvl 15 PokeFan Miguel ================ Skitty Lvl 15 Fisherman Andrew =================== Magikarp Lvl 5 Tentacool Lvl 10 Magikarp Lvl 15 Black Belt Rhett ================== Makuhita Lvl 15 Guitarist Marcos ================== Voltorb Lvl 15 Get the PP Up Now back to the Trick House, it has a man there that gives you a prize for solving tricks more on this later. Continue on Route 110 Youngster Timmy ================= Aron Lvl 15 Electrike Lvl 13 Before continuing on you should try to have all your monsters to at least level 20 because you have a battle with May. --------------- | May Battle 3 | --------------- My Team ========= Electrike Lvl 20 Kirlia Lvl 21 Combusken Lvl 21 Treecko Lineup ================ Grovyle Lvl 20 Slugma Lvl 18 Wingull Lvl 18 Torchic Lineup ================ Wingull Lvl 18 Combusken Lvl 20 Lombre Lvl 18 Mudkip Lineup =============== Slugma/ Torkoal (it changes for some reason) Lvl 18 Lombre Lvl 18 Marshtomp Lvl 18 This time your rival aint playin. Her Pokemon are at pretty good levels and they are awesome. The hardest battle will be if you chose Torchic since the only weakness her starter has is Grass which I didn't have because I'm holding out. And chances are you don't have a water pokemon to counter Torkoal unless you caught a Wingull. Well this is gonna be tough but here are the strategies. Have a Flying pokemon counter Treeko/ Lombre. Use a Wingull/ Water poke to counter Slugma/ Torkoal/ Combusken. This battle will only be easy if you caught the right pokemon so far so good luck. Oh and don't use Kirlia against a Lombre because it will kill you with Astonish. After you beat her (and don't worry if it took you a few times) she gives you the ITEMFINDER and runs off. Now go back to town and heal. Now continue on. Collector Edwin ================= Lombre Lvl 14 Nuzleaf Lvl 14 Guitarist Joseph (Wow umma guitarist) ======================================= Electrike Lvl 14 Voltorb Lvl 14 Triathelete Alyssa ==================== Magnemite Lvl 14 Fisherman Dale ================ Tentacool Lvl 11 Wailmer Lvl 14 Wailmer Lvl 14 Tentacool Lvl 14 Now continue and enter Mauville City. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 3.7 Mauville City !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go into the house to the right and talk to the crazy man there for HM 06 Rock Smash another crappy HM. Teach it to another crappy Pokemon like Zigzagoon. Now go into the house on the left talk to the girl there if you bought a Harbor mail in Slateport she will give you a Coin Case for it. Next go into the Bike Shop now talk to the red haired man there and select Mach Bike. Move Tutor ============ Rollout Pokemart ========== Pokeball 200 Great Ball 600 Super Potion 700 Antidote 100 Parlyz Heal 200 Awakening 250 X Speed 350 X Attack 500 X Defend 550 Guard Spec. 700 Dire Hit 650 X Accuracy 950 Nothing really useful here except for the Stat increasers. Well Now what to do? Let's go battle the Gym but look who's in the way! It's Wally, let's kick his @$$ . --------------- | Wally Battle 1| --------------- His Team ========== Ralts Lvl 16 If you have decent Pokemon and are at level 20 or higher and lose this battle take out this game Pak and give it to your closest friend. After murdering him he goes home to Verandturf Town. Now you can enter the Gym. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) (((((( )))))) Mauville Gym )))))) (((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Before you challenge this gym I suggest you go over to Cycling road and 117 and train and catch Pokemon like I did. This is a little puzzle in here but it isn't too hard. ------------ | Trainers | ------------ Battle Girl Vivian ==================== Meditite Lvl 17 Meditite Lvl 17 Guitarist Kirk ================ Electrike Lvl 17 Voltorb Lvl 17 Youngster Ben =============== Zigzagoon Lvl 17 Gulpin Lvl 17 Bug Maniac Angelo =================== Illumise Lvl 17 Volbeat Lvl 17 Guitarist Shawn ================= Voltorb Lvl 17 Magnemite Lvl 17 --------------------- | Gym Leader Wattson | --------------------- My Team ========= Electrike Lvl 24 Kirlia Lvl 24 Combusken Lvl 24 His Team ========== Voltorb Lvl 20 Electrike Lvl 20 Magneton Lvl 22 Manectric Lvl 24 This dude is EASY if Mudkip was your starter or if you have any type of ground pokemon. Watch out for Voltorb because when it's HP gets low it uses Selfdestruct. Electrike is pretty east just watch out for its Static Ability Magneton is part Steel so if Torchic was your starter you got this dude locked down. The only REAL problem is Magnetric, it is super fast so likely it was attack first and it has amazing Special Attack so be careful. After winning you get TM 34 Shock Wave and the Dynamo Badge which let's you use Rock Smash outside of battle and raises the speed of your Pokemon. Now since there is nothing else for you to do here let's head to Cycling Road. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ a. Cycling Road ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------ | Trainers | ------------ Triathelete Abigail ===================== Magnemite Lvl 16 Triathelte Anthony ==================== Magnemite Lvl 14 Magnemite Lvl 14 Triathelete Benjamin ====================== Magnemite Lvl 16 Triathelete Jasmine ===================== Magnemite Lvl 14 Magnemite Lvl 14 Voltorb Lvl 6 Triathelte Jacob ================== Voltorb Lvl 6 Voltorb Lvl 6 Magnemite Lvl 14 That's all that's here. Now to Verandturf Town. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ b. Route 117 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon Pokemon (Surfing/ Fishing) ========= ============================ Illumise Corphish Oddish Goldeen Poochyena Magikarp Volbeat Marill To get here go to the left path in Mauville. You can catch a good water pokemon here if you come back with the Super Rod, Corphish. It would rock as a dark pokemon also if it could learn Crunch in Emerald. Sadly you catch Roselia here anymore. Items ======= Wepear Berries Revive Now let's get to battling ------------ | Trainers | ------------ Triathelete Dylan =================== Doduo Lvl 17 SR. and JR. Anna and Meg ========================== Zigzagoon Lvl 15 Makuhita Lvl 17 Pokemon Breeder Isaac ======================= Whismur Lvl 11 Aron Lvl 11 Poochyena Lvl 11 Makuhita Lvl 11 Zigzagoon Lvl 11 Taillow Lvl 11 Triathelete Maria =================== Doduo Lvl 17 Battle Girl Aisha =================== Meditite Lvl 17 Triathelete Melina ==================== Doduo Lvl 17 Psychic Brandi ================ Ralts Lvl 17 Pokemon Breeder Lydia ======================= Wingull Lvl 11 Marrill Lvl 11 Goldeen Lvl 11 Shroomish Lvl 11 Roselia Lvl 11 Skitty Lvl 11 Bug Maniac Derek ================== Dustox Lvl 16 Beautifly Lvl 16 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 3.8 Verandturf Town !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is basically NOTHING to do here, except get HM 04. Move Tutor ============ Fury Cutter Pokemart ========== Great Ball 600 Nest Ball 1000 Super Potion 700 Antidote 100 Parlyz Heal 200 Awakening 250 Burn Heal 250 Ice Heal 250 Repel 350 X Special 350 Fluffy Tail 1000 Go into the Pokecenter and talk to the small boy, he will teach one ok your Pokemon Fury Cutter. In the battle Tent here the lady will give you TM 45 Attract. Now go into Rusturf Tunnel and beat the Hiker there. ------------ | Trainers | ------------ Hiker Mike ============ Geodude Lvl 16 Geodude Lvl 16 Machop Lvl 16 Grab the Max Ether and break one of the rocks in there to reunite the couple he then gives you HM 04 Strength which is a great HM teach it to any pokemon with good attack or use it on a crap pokemon, or both. Now leave Verandturf and go North of Mauville to get on Route 111. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ a. Route 111 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Items ======= Elixir ------------ | Trainers | ------------ Aroma Lady Celina =================== Roselia Lvl 18 Camper Tyrone =============== Sandshrew Lvl 19 Picnicker Bianca ================== Shroomish Lvl 18 Kindler Hayden ================ Numel Lvl 18 Now talk to the man in front of the house he will challenge you to a battle with his four family members which are all strong and you battle them in a row with no rests so be careful. Winstrate Victor ================== Taillow Lvl 16 Zigzagoon Lvl 16 Winstrate Victoria ==================== Roselia Lvl 17 Winstrate Vivi ================ Marill Lvl 15 Shroomish Lvl 15 Numel Lvl 15 Winstrate Vicky ================ Meditite Lvl 18 After beating them go inside and talk to the Mom to get a Macho Brace. Go back to town and heal if you need to then smash the rocks. Talk to the video crew and you'll start a battle. Interviewer Gabby and Ty ========================== Magnemite Lvl 17 Whismur Lvl 17 After the battle they want an interview so give em one. Picnicker Irene ================= Shroomish Lvl 17 Marill Lvl 17 Camper Travis =============== Sandshrew Lvl 18 If you try to go in the desert you, well can't so go ahead to Route 112 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ b. Route 112 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon ========= Machop Numel If you didn't catch a Makuhita in Granite Cave or have Torchic as a starter catch a Machop here (it's the ONLY place in Emerald to catch one). Don't catch a Numel here. ------------ | Trainers | ------------ Camper Larry ============== Nuzleaf Lvl 18 Picnicker Carol ================= Taillow Lvl 17 Lombre Lvl 17 Hiker Trent ============= Geodude Lvl 16 Geodude Lvl 17 Geodude Lvl 16 Hiker Brice ============= Numel Lvl 17 Machop Lvl 17 You can't go past the Team Magma Grunts (which look gay Team Aqua looks better) so go into the Fiery Path. Pokemon ========= Grimer Koffing Machop Numel Slugma Torkoal Here you can catch your first Fire pokemon if your starter wasn't Torchic. Numel is an outstanding Pokemon in every stat when it evolves except speed. Its part ground also which makes an interesting typing. Catch a Koffing or Muk is you want a Poison pokemon. Now exit the Path back on Route 112. Items ======= Rawst Berries Pecha Berries Kindler Bryant ================ Numel Lvl 18 Slugma Lvl 18 Aroma Lady Shayla =================== Shroomish Lvl 18 Roselia Lvl 18 Cooltrainer Wilton ==================== Electrike Lvl 17 Wailmer Lvl 17 Makuhita Lvl 17 The guy by the tree will give you TM 43 Secret Power. Now go south from this trainer and go up the sandy slope on a Mach Bike. Black Belt Daisuke ==================== Machop Lvl 19 Continue along and then go south when you go off the cliff there is a rest place here where an Old Lady will heal you. Talk to the girl by the berries and she will give you a Razz Berry. Now Pick the Razz and Oran Berries. Cooltrainer Brooke ==================== Wingull Lvl 17 Numel Lvl 17 Roselia Lvl 17 Start to go on Route 113 and it starts raining.... HOT MOLTEN VOLCANIC ASH! AHHHHH RUN FOR THE HILLS! Just kidding its just normal ash. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ c. Route 113 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon ========= Sandshrew Slugma Skarmory Spinda Catch a Sandshrew here if you need a ground monster that knows no good ground attacks. If you need an awesome Flying/ Steel Pokemon catch a Skarmory they are really good. LMAO Spinda looks like he's high. The humps in the ash are actually items or trainers the first one you see is a Ether. Jump the ledge for a super Repel. The hump in the same area is a Nugget. Youngster Jaylen ================== Trapinch Lvl 19 Camper Lawrence ================= Baltoy Lvl 18 Sandshrew Lvl 18 Ninja Boy Lung ================ Koffing Lvl 18 Ninjask Lvl 18 PokeManiac Wyatt ================== Aron Lvl 18 Aron Lvl 18 Parasol Lady Madeline ======================= Numel Lvl 19 Twins Tori and Tia ==================== Spinda Lvl 19 Spinda Lvl 19 Go and get the Max Ether. Now go inside the house talk to the man and he will give you the SOOT SACK. Collect ash off the floor with it so he can make items with the Ash. Take 243 steps in Ashy grass and he'll make you a Blue Flute which awakens pokemon from sleep infinitely. Ninja Boy Lao ================ Koffing Lvl 17 Koffing Lvl 17 Koffing Lvl 17 The next bump has TM 32 Double Team. Youngster Dillan ================== Aron Lvl 19 Bird Keeper Coby ================== Skarmory Lvl 17 Swellow Lvl 19 Picnicker Sophie ================== Marill Lvl 17 Lombre Lvl 19 Keep heading left and you'll enter...... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 3.9 Fallarbor Town !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yay another tiny town with crap to do. There's a battle tent here and a Move Tutor who will teach your Pokemon any move that it already learned but you didn't teach it. But you have to give him a Heart Scale which you can't find until a WHILE! Go in the PokeCenter and talk to the woman at the computer she is Lanette she created the Pokemon Storage System. She tells you to visit her at her house on Route 114. Move Tutor ============ Metronome PokeMart ========== Great Ball 600 Super Potion 700 Antidote 100 Parlyz Heal 200 Escape Rope 550 Super Repel 500 X Special 350 X Speed 350 X Attack 500 X Defend 550 Dire Hit 650 Guard Spec. 700 In the Pokemart there is a girl who will teach one of your Pokemon Metronome. As you leave this retched place examine the inside of the crater for a Nugget. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ a. Route 114 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Go into the Fossil Maniacs House and talk to his little brother for TM 28 Dig. Now exit this place. Pokemon Pokemon (Surfing/ Fishing) ========= ============================ Geodude Barboach Lombre Goldeen Lotad Magikarp Nuzleaf Marill Seviper Swablu Swablu evolves into Altaria, which is an alright Dragon type but it isn't the best it has high defenses though it's a good all around monster. Fisherman Nolan ================= Barboach Lvl 18 Talk to the man with a Poochyena for TM 05 Roar. Fisherman Kai =============== Barboach Lvl 19 Picnicker Charlotte ===================== Nuzleaf Lvl 19 Get the Energy Powder right near these trainers. Fisherman Claude ================== Magikarp Lvl 16 Barboach Lvl 18 Goldeen Lvl 17 Picnicker Nancy ================= Marill Lvl 18 Lombre Lvl 18 SR. and JR. Tyra and Ivy ======================== Graveler Lvl 20 Roselia Lvl 18 Go into Lanette's house. Talk to her and she give you a Lotad Doll. Camper Shane ============== Sandshrew Lvl 18 Nuzleaf Lvl 18 PokeManiac Steve ================== Aron Lvl 19 Go up the stairs to the raised area. Break the rock and grab the Protein then continue along the raised area. Kindler Bernie ================ Slugma Lvl 18 Wingull Lvl 18 Hike Lucas ============ Geodude Lvl 18 Numel Lvl 18 Picnicker Angelina ==================== Lombre Lvl 18 Marill Lvl 18 Hiker Lenny ============= Geodude Lvl 18 Machop Lvl 18 Now and the end of the path enter Meteor Falls. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ b. Meteor Falls ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon Pokemon (Surfing/ Fishing) ========= ============================ Lunatone Bagon( go up the waterfall and there is a piece of land there) Solrock Golbat (same as Bagon) Zubat Goldeen Whiscash Barboach When you first enter this place go north and grab the Full Heal. Then go back left to the Team Magma Members. Team Aqua will come and they will be talking about the Meteorite and they will leave. Talk to Prof. Cozmo and he elaborates on stuff. Go left and up to get a Moon Stone. Jump down the little dunes to exit the cave on route 115. Black Belt Nob ================ Machop Lvl 19 Collector Hector ================== Zangoose Lvl 18 Seviper Lvl 18 Psychic Marlene ================= Meditite Lvl 18 Spoink Lvl 18 Grab the PP Up . Then go break the rock and grab the Great Ball and Bluk Berries. Now return to where the Team Magma grunts where blocking you from going. Now talk to the lady any chose yes. When you get off the lift thing you get off on Mount. Chimney. You will be blocked from going south so continue along this path and battle the Magma Grunts Team Magma Grunt 1 ==================== Numel Lvl 20 Team Magma Grunt 2 ==================== Zubat Lvl 20 Magma Admin Tabitha ===================== Numel Lvl 18 Poochyena Lvl 20 Zubat Lvl 22 Numel Lvl 22 Magma Leader Maxie ==================== Mightyena Lvl 24 Zubat Lvl 24 Camerupt Lvl 25 This guy here can be tough if you don't have pretty high levels (around 30). So it may take you a while to beat him. Now head to that south exit that was blocked before. The lady by it sells Lava Cookies for 200. Now exit through to the Jagged Pass. Pokemon ========= Machop Numel Spoink If you STILL haven't caught a Psychic pokemon yet catch a Spoink here they aren't as good as Ralts and Abra were but it'll do. Hiker Eric ============ Geodude Lvl 20 Baltoy Lvl 20 Team Magma Grunt 3 ==================== Poochyena Lvl 22 Numel Lvl 22 Picnicker Diana ================= Shroomish Lvl 19 Oddish Lvl 19 Swablu Lvl 19 Picnicker Autumn ================== Shroomish Lvl 21 Triathelete Julio =================== Magnemite Lvl 21 Camper Ethan ============== Zigzagoon Lvl 20 Taillow Lvl 20 Ok so now exit jagged pass and you end up on Route 112 you can jump over the ledges for an item but don't do it yet because if you do, you end up back in Mauville. So go left to Lavaridge Town. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 3.10 Lavaridge Town !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok this is a very teeny town but al least it has a friggin gym. There is an old lady that will give you a Wynaut Egg keep it in your party and it will hatch into a Wynaut (Wobbuffets baby form). Move Tutor ============ Mimic In the house to the right a little boy will tech one of your Pokemon Mimic. PokeMart ========== Great Ball 600 Super Potion 700 Antidote 100 Parlyz Heal 200 Awakening 250 Burn Heal 250 Revive 1500 Super Repel 500 X Speed 350 Finally revives are finally on sale. Buy at least 5 Revives BUT before you buy anything else here you may wanna check out the Herb Shop. Herb Shop =========== Energy Powder 500 Energy Root 800 Heal Powder 450 Revival Herb 2800 These Herbs are the best and cheapest healing items to buy except for Revival Herb. The catch is that they lower your Pokemon's Happiness so don't use them on any Pokemon that evolve by Happiness (Golbat, Zubat, Chansey, Igggybuff, Cleffa, Pichu etc.) or any monsters who use return as a move. None of my monsters use any of those qualities so I always fly back here for healing items. Well now that we've handled all of our business let's go ahead and challenge this Gym. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) (((((( )))))) Lavaridge Gym )))))) (((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( This gym is the first Gym to have a real puzzle. You have to be either shot up or fall down the holes here to get to Flannery. I'll take you through the process of beating all the Trainers first in this Gym. Oh if you didn't figure it out from the smoke then this gym is Fire so Treecko BEWARE! Take the hole closest to you and go right to battle a trainer. Kindler Jeff ============== Slugma Lvl 22 Slugma Lvl 22 Now go back and take the north hole down then go south the hole on the bottem has a trainer in it. Kindler Jace ============== Slugma Lvl 23 The Middle one also has a trainer also. Hiker Eli =========== Numel Lvl 23 Now you are left with 3 holes, the one closest to the Hiker takes you in circles. The left one and the Top one take you to the same place except the top on immediately puts you in a battle with a double battle. Kindler Cole ============== Numel Lvl 23 Cooltrainer Gerald ==================== Kecleon Lvl 23 Now the hole in the top left has another trainer in it. Kindler Axle ============== Numel Lvl 23 Ok now the bottem 2 take you back to where you were. So take the top one. In the next room the top right hole has a trainer in it. Kindler Keegan ================ Slugma Lvl 23 Now take the top left hole. Ok the top right hole has a trainer in it. Battle Girl Danielle ====================== Meditite Lvl 23 The Lower right hole takes you back to a place you've been to so take the middle hole. In the next room take the middle hole. You end up in a room with 3 holes and no trainers. Take the bottem right hole, then take the next hole and theres Flannery. ---------------------- | Gym Leader Flannery | ---------------------- My Team ========= Gardevoir Lvl 30 Combusken Lvl 31 Manectric Lvl 30 Flannery's Team ================= Numel Lvl 24 Slugma Lvl 24 Camerupt Lvl 26 Torkoal Lvl 29 Ok this chick is easy if you have a. a ground Pokemon b. a water Pokemon or c. high level Pokemon. Numel and Slugma are nothing to worry about but Camerupt and especially Torkoal is where you may run into problems. Camerupt is part ground so it is 4x wear to water but watch out if you try to kill it with a Rock/ Ground Pokemon or an Aron because it is also a ground type and knows Magnitude. Torkoal is a pain in the butt it know the unbelievably strong Fire attack overheat (150 base attack) and sunny day so bring in something with high special defense or a Numel since it is resistant to Fire and can counter with a ground move. After you defeat her she gives you TM 50 Overheat and the Heat Badge which makes all Pokemon up to Lvl 50 obey you and lets you Pokemon use Strength outside of battle. Now leave this place. Exit the Gym and May with come out the Herb Shop and give you the GO-GOGGLES so you can travel in the desert. She thinks you should challenge your Dads Gym in Petalburg now. But first lets try out the Go-Goggles. Jump the ledges to the left grabbing the Nugget on the way and head back to the Fiery Path First. Here go to the boulders Push the first one all the way left then push the other one up and then the other right. Now push the next one under the elevated platform and go up and grab TM 06 Toxic. Now so south and push the next boulder all the way south. Then all the way right. Now push the boulder to your right. Then go down and grab the Fire Stone. Now exit at the north exit of the Fiery Path. Now go into the Desert here. Go south and into Mirage Tower. Pokemon ========= Trapinch Sandshrew Go up the Ladder on the first floor. Now on the second floor the floor is cracked, you have to go over them speedy on a Mach Bike or else you'll fall through. Smash the rocks then go up the ladder. Ok break the rock and grab either the Claw Fossil of Root Fossil Claw is an Anorith and Root is a Cradily. Whichever one you pick the Tower falls down and the other fossil vanishes +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ a. Route 111, Desert ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ok there is only one desert but if you go in through the North entrance you can get into Mirage Tower. Pokemon ========= Baltoy Cacnea Sandshrew Trapinch Cacnea evolves into a great Grass/ Dark type that's why I'm catching one. Also you can catch a Trapinch and it will evolve into a GREAT Dragon/ Ground type. It's only weaknesses will be 4x Ice and 2x Dragon. Catch the Pokemon you want THEN battle the trainers so you can train them. Ok so the first thing you should see is Mirage Tower in the middle of the desert. Enter it. It's pretty easy to go through this place just go to the next floor. Now on this floor the floor is cracked, you have to go across them really fast on the Mach Bike or else you'll fall to the floor bellow. Now continue up the next floors and grab either the Claw or Root Fossil. Claw is Anorith and Root is Cradily. Ok so now let's battle some trainers! Camper Drew ============= Sand shrew Lvl 23 Picnicker Celia ================= Marill Lvl 22 Lombre Lvl 22 Camper Beau ============= Baltoy Lvl 21 Sand shrew Lvl 21 Baltoy Lvl 21 Picnicker Heidi ================= Sandshrew Lvl 22 Baltoy Lvl 22 Picnicker Becky ================= Sand shrew Lvl 22 Marill Lvl 22 Ruin Maniac Dusty =================== Sandslash Lvl 23 Ruin Maniac Bryan =================== Sand shrew Lvl 22 Sandslash Lvl 22 Camper ======== Taillow Lvl 22 Nuzleaf Lvl 22 Continue down through here to get TM 37 Sandstorm. Ok now that we've leveled up a bit it's time to go battle your dad in Petalburg. Go back to Verandturf Town And go through the Rusturf Tunnel and go to Petalburg. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 3.11 Petalburg Revisited !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok so we're back in Petalburg City not much has changed except for the shop. PokeMart ========== Poke Ball 200 Great Ball 600 Potion 300 Super Potion 700 Antidote 100 Parlyz Heal 200 Awakening 250 Escape Rope 550 Repel 350 X Speed 350 X Attack 500 X Defend 550 Orange Mail 50 Now let's head into the gym. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) (((((( )))))) Petalburg Gym )))))) (((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Ok so we finally get to battle our own Dad. This gym uses all Normal Pokemon so Fighting Pokemon and Combusken really shine here. Ok so there are different rooms and in each room the trainers use different moves and items to raise their Pokemon's stats so I'll list the rooms Speed Room Cooltrainer Randall ================================= Swellow Lvl 26 Accuracy Room Cooltrainer Mary ================================ Delcatty Lvl 26 Defense Room Cooltrainer Alexia ================================= Wigglytuff Lvl 26 One Hit KO Room Cooltrainer Berke =================================== Vigoroth Lvl 26 Strength Room Cooltrainer Jody ================================ Zangoose Lvl 26 this ones a pain in the *** Confusion Room Cooltrainer Parker =================================== Spinda Lvl 26 Recovery Room Cooltrainer George ================================== Slakoth Lvl 26 ---------------------- | Gym Leader Norman | ---------------------- Ok now your father room this with be a TOUGH battle so heal before you battle him. My Team ========= Trapinch Lvl 31 Gardevoir Lvl 31 Combusken Lvl 31 Manectric Lvl 31 Cacturne Lvl 32 Norman's Team =============== Spinda Lvl 27 Slaking Lvl 31 Vigoroth Lvl 27 Linoone Lvl 29 Ok this dude is hard if you're not at level 30 or higher. Spinda is pretty easy all it really does is confuse you. Linoone for some reason is pretty good when he uses it when usually it's full of crap. Just take it down with Combusken/Machoke/Hariyama. Vigoroth is moderately easy its only bad thing is it knows Slash which has a high critical ratio. Slaking is the real trouble it has GODLY stats but it attacks one turn and does nothing the next turn because of his ability truant. You may have to use a few Pokemon to kill it. I got lucky because Spinda use Encore when my Gardevoir used Calm Mind and his Special Attack got maxed and I used Psychic to One Hit KO his whole team. And don't put any status conditions on ANY of his Pokemon because the power of the move Facade gets doubled. After you win he gives you the Balance Bagde that raises defense you are able to use Surf out of battle. He also gives you TM 42 Facade. Wally's dad takes you out of the gym after you win and gives you HM 03 Surf. Ok so now let's head back to Mr. Brineys house so you can get a ride. OMG he's not there! Well I guess we gotta surf back to Slateport. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ a. Route 105/ 106/ 107/ 108 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon (Surfing/ Fishing) ============================ Magikarp Pelipper Tentacool Wingull Wailmer Start down the path and you'll meet a trainer Swimmer Imani =============== Marill Lvl 26 Swimmer Dominik ================= Tentacool Lvl 26 Land on the first island you see on the left. Ruin Maniac Foster ==================== Sandshrew Lvl 25 Sandslash Lvl 25 Surf to the next island on the left. Ruin Maniac Andres ==================== Sandshrew Lvl 25 Sandshrew Lvl 25 Bird Keeper Josue =================== Taillow Lvl 25 Wingull Lvl 25 Go north in between the 2 islands Swimmer Beverly ================= Wingull Lvl 25 Wailmer Lvl 25 Now go back on the main path. Swimmer Luis ============== Carvanha Lvl 26 Go to the left and go to the tiny little sand patch examine one of the squares for a Heart Scale. Also grab the Iron on the Island with trees on it. Swimmer Douglas ================= Tentacool Lvl 24 Tentacool Lvl 24 Swimmer Kyla ============== Wailmer Lvl 26 Go south from her and get the Protein. Now when you arrive back at Dewford go into Dewford Hall and talk to the black haired guy for TM 36 Sludge Bomb. Now leave here, unless you need to heal. Swimmer Denise ================ Wingull Lvl 25 Goldeen Lvl 25 Swimmer Tony ============== Carvanha Lvl 26 Sis and Bro Lisa & Ray ======================== Goldeen Lvl 27 Tentacool Lvl 25 Swimmer Darrin ================ Tentacool Lvl 24 Wingull Lvl 24 Tentacool Lvl 24 Triathelete Camron ==================== Staryu Lvl 26 Swimmer Beth ============== Goldeen Lvl 26 Swimmer Missy =============== Goldeen Lvl 26 Swimmer Matthew ================= Carvanha Lvl 26 Now let's go and enter the Abandoned Ship. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ b. Abandoned Ship ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon (Surfing/ Fishing) ============================ Tentacool Tentacruel When you first enter go in up the stairs and go in the broken door and there are trainers. Beauty Thalia =============== Wailmer Lvl 25 Horsea Lvl 25 Youngster Demetrius ===================== Zigzagoon Lvl 25 Electrike Lvl 25 Exit the room. The top left room has a Harbor Mail in it. Go down the stairs. Sailor Duncan =============== Spheal Lvl 25 Machoke Lvl 25 The bottom left room has an Escape Rope in it. The upper left room has a Dive Ball in it. Go up the left stairs. Tuber Charlie =============== Marill Lvl 26 Now go into the room via the bottom door. Young Couple Kira & Dan ========================= Volbeat Lvl 25 Illumise Lvl 25 Ruin Maniac Garrison ====================== Sandslash Lvl 26 Tuber Jani ============ Marill Lvl 26 Grab the revive here. Now go out this room and then out of this floor. You end up outside. Go up the stairs and in the room and grab the Storage Key. Now back in the ship and go down the stairs. Use the Storage Key on the door that won't open here. Now go in and grab TM 13 Ice Beam. Now for right now this is all you can do so exit back to the ocean. Swimmer Tara ============== Horsea Lvl 25 Marill Lvl 25 Cooltrainer Carolina ====================== Manectric Lvl 24 Swellow Lvl 24 Manectric Lvl 24 Sailor Cory ============= Wingull Lvl 24 Machop Lvl 24 Tentacool Lvl 24 Grab the Star Piece in the middle of those trainers. Swimmer Jerome ================ Tentacruel Lvl 26 Young Couple Mel & Paul ========================= Dustox Lvl 27 Beautifly Lvl 27 Examine the square right in front of the woman for another Hear Scale. Bird Keeper Elijah ==================== Skarmory Lvl 25 Skarmory Lvl 25 Fisherman Carter ================== Wailmer Lvl 25 Tentacruel Lvl 25 Grab the PP Up on the island. Swimmer Alice =============== Goldeen Lvl 24 Wingull Lvl 24 Goldeen Lvl 24 Tuber Austina =============== Marill Lvl 24 Tuber Gwen ============ Marill Lvl 26 Now you end up back at the beach of Slateport. There is a new shop in the market that sells TMs Tm Shop ========= TM 10 Hidden Power TM 43 Secret Power There's also a shop that sells stuff for clubhouses you build. Furniture Shop ================ Red Brick 500 Blue Brick 500 Yellow Brick 500 Red Balloon 500 Blue Balloon 500 Yellow Balloon 500 C Low Note Mat 500 D Note Mat 500 E Note Mat 500 F Note Mat 500 G Note Mat 500 A Note Mat 500 B Note Mat 500 C High Note Mat 500 Now return to Mauville and talk to Wattson, he's in the middle of the city. He wants you to go switch off the generator in New Mauville, he gives you the BASEMENT KEY. Now go back to Route 110. Take the Cycling Road back to the beginning and go in the path right of the Trick Masters house surf up the first chance you get for a Rare Candy. Now let's return to the end on the Cycling road. Now surf to the right to New Mauville. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ c. New Mauville ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ok enter the cave and use the BASEMENT KEY on the door. Pokemon ========= Electrode Magnemite Magneton Voltorb Ok so if you need a Electric Pokemon I advise you to catch a Magnemite they're Special Attack is through the roof (150) and it has pretty good stats everywhere else except for HP it's a little low. Ok so step on the first switch in the next room step on the switch. Continue on but don't step on the next switch. The first item ball you see contains an Escape Rope step on the switch that appears. Go up and right from the item ball the one here has a Voltorb in it. Now go right of where the escape rope was and grab the Ultra Ball. Now go up and left of where the Escape Rope was. The 2 item balls, left is a Parlyz Heal and right is a Voltorb don't press any switches. Now the next to item balls, the one on the left is an Voltorb. The one to the right is a Full Heal. Now step on the green switch. Keep going right step on the red switch to stop the Generator and then grab the Thunder Stone. Now use the Escape Rope to leave. Now return back to Mauville and talk to Wattson for TM 24 Thunderbolt. Now let's continue to Route 118 right of Mauville. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ d. Route 118 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon Pokemon (S/F) ========= ========= Electrike Carvanha Keckleon Pelipper Linoone Tentacool Manectric Wingull Zigzagoon Carvanha and its evolution have got to be one of the strongest water Pokemon in the game, or they would be if it's defenses weren't so pathetic so satch one if you want a monster that has ultra high Special Attack and Attack and crappy defenses then catch one but if not, move on. Aroma Lady Rose ================= Roselia Lvl 14 Roselia Lvl 14 Shroomish Lvl 14 Youngster Deandre =================== Zigzagoon Lvl 14 Aron Lvl 14 Electrike Lvl 14 Guitarist Dalton ================== Magnemite Lvl 15 Whismur Lvl 15 Surf to the rest of this route. Talk to the fisherman here for a Good Rod. Those interviewers are here again so let's battle 'em. Interviewer Gabby & Ty ======================== Magnemite Lvl 27 Loudred Lvl 27 Fisherman Barny ================= Tentacool Lvl 25 Carvanha Lvl 25 Keep going along and Steven will talk to you and leave. Cut the Bush and get the Sitrus Berries Bird Catcher Perry ==================== Wingull Lvl 26 Grab the Item Ball with a Hyper Potion in it. Bird Keeper Chester ===================== Taillow Lvl 25 Swellow Lvl 25 Ok so continue to Route 119 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ e. Route 119 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon Pokemon (S/F) ========= =============== Kecleon Carvanha Linoone Feebas Oddish Magikarp Tropius Pelipper Zigzagoon Wingull If you STILL haven't caught a grass type catch a Oddish or a Tropius although it has weaknesses up the ying-yang. The grass here is too high to cycle through so you have to walk. Bug Catcher Kent ================== Ninjask Lvl 25 Bug Maniac Donald =================== Wurmple Lvl 24 Silcoon Lvl 24 Beautifly Lvl 24 Bug Catcher Greg ================== Volbeat Lvl 25 Illumise Lvl 25 Grab the Super Repel Bug Maniac Taylor =================== Wurmple Lvl 27 Cascoon Lvl 27 Dustox Lvl 27 Bug Catcher Doug ================== Nincada Lvl 28 Ninjask Lvl 28 Grab the Hyper Potion Bug Maniac Brent ================== Surskit Lvl 26 Continue along and battle the next trainer Pokemon Ranger Catherine ========================== Gloom Lvl 26 Roselia Lvl 26 Cross the bridge and continue on. Pokemon Ranger Jackson ======================== Breloom Lvl 27 Parasol Lady Rachel ===================== Goldeen Lvl 26 Bird Keeper Phil ================== Swellow Lvl 26 Now go left and grab the Hyper Potion and continue on. Kindler Dayton ================ Slugma Lvl 25 Numel Lvl 25 Ninja Boy Takashi =================== Ninjask Lvl 25 Koffing Lvl 25 Bird Keeper Hugh ================== Wingull Lvl 25 Tropius Lvl 25 Ok so we arrive at the Weather Institute you can't go past it because Team Aqua Members are Blocking the way. So go in. First let's take a rest at the bed. Ahh that was refreshing now let's go kick some Aqua ASS. Team Aqua Grunt 1 =================== Carvanha Lvl 28 Team Aqua Grunt 2 =================== Zubat Lvl 27 Poochyena Lvl 27 Now go up the stairs Team Aqua Grunt 3 =================== Poochyena Lvl 27 Carvanha Lvl 27 Team Aqua Grunt 4 =================== Zubat Lvl 27 Poochyena Lvl 27 Team Aqua Grunt 5 =================== Poochyena Lvl 26 Zubat Lvl 26 Carvanha Lvl 26 Aqua Admin Shelly =================== Carvanha Lvl 28 Mightyena Lvl 28 After you defeat her a Grunt enters and informs her of some news and they all leave the weather place. For rescuing them the man gives you a Castform. Now exit. When you go over the bridge go south for an Elixir. Now continue on and guess who you meet? MAY! --------------- | May Battle 4 | --------------- My Team ========= Treecko Lineup ================ Grovyle Lvl 31 Wingull Lvl 29 Slugma Lvl 29 Mudkip Lineup =============== Lombre Lvl 29 Slugma Lvl 29 Marshtomp Lvl 31 Torchic Lineup ================ Pelipper Lvl 29 Combusken Lvl 31 Lombre Lvl 29 God May is way easier than the last time you battled her you leveled up properly and chose a variety of Pokemon and Pokemon to counter her Starter. Basically if you have an Electric, a Water, and a Grass Pokemon you can cream her, When you win you get HM 02 Fly. She says to Fly home to your mommy whenever you get the chance. Then Scott comes by and talks to you. Now continue. Guitarist Fabian ================== Manectric Lvl 26 Ninja Boy Yasu ================ Ninjask Lvl 26 Ninja Boy Hideo ================= Koffing Lvl 25 Koffing Lvl 25 Now go pick the Pomeg Berries. Continue on to get to Fortree City. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 3.12 Fortree City !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Move Tutor ============ Sleep Talk PokeMart ========== Great Ball 600 Ultra Ball 1200 Super Potion 700 Hyper Potion 1200 Antidote 100 Parlyz Heal 200 Awakening 250 Revive 1500 Super Repel 500 Wood Mail 50 There is also another furniture shop here Desk Shop =========== Small Desk 3000 Pokemon Desk 3000 Heavy Desk 6000 Ragged Desk 6000 Comfort Desk 6000 Brick Desk 9000 Camp Desk 9000 Hard Desk 9000 Chair Shop ============ Small Chair 2000 Pokemon Chair 2000 Heavy Chair 2000 Ragged Chair 2000 Comfort Chair 2000 Brick Chair 2000 Camp Chair 2000 Hard Chair 2000 In the first house in the north part of the City there is a Boy that will trade a Plusle for a Volbeat. In the next house a Lady with give you TM 10 Hidden Power if you answer her in this order Right, Right, Left. There is also a Move Tutor who will tech one of your Pokemon Sleep Talk. There's nothing in the third house so continue on. The fourth has a guy who sends his Wingull on an errand when you talk to him. Well you can't get into the gym so let's head onto route 120 real quick. Parasol Lady Clarissa ======================= Roselia Lvl 28 Wailmer Lvl 28 Cut the bushes a the square at the end of the path has a hidden Rare Candy. Guess what! Those damn interviewers again, oh well let's beat 'em. Interviewer Gabby & Ty ======================== Magneton Lvl 30 Loudred Lvl 30 Bird Keeper Robert ==================== Swablu Lvl 29 Now go on the bridge and meet Steven. He uses the Devon Scope. And a Kecleon attacks you either defeat it or catch it. After that he hives you the Devon Scope and Flies away. Now go and use your new Devon Scope on the Kecleon blocking the gym, it runs away. Okay so lets enter the gym. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) (((((( )))))) Fortree Gym )))))) (((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Ok so this gym has a little puzzle it isn't too hard. It's type is Flying. Ok so go through the first few bars and fight the trainer. Bird Keeper Humberto ====================== Skarmory Lvl 30 Now the next 2 trainers Picnicker Ashley ================== Swablu Lvl 27 Swablu Lvl 27 Swablu Lvl 27 Bird Keeper Jared =================== Doduo Lvl 27 Skarmory Lvl 27 Tropius Lvl 27 Well this is were the puzzles get kinda tough. Push the bottom one to the right, the top one to the left, the bottom one down then left, then the top one up. Now proceed to a forced double battle. Camper Flint ============== Swellow Lvl 29 Pelipper Lvl 29 Bird Keeper Edward ==================== Doduo Lvl 29 Xatu Lvl 29 Bird Keeper Darius ==================== Tropius Lvl 30 Now after you beat this guy I suggest you heal and stock up on items. Now push the left one right. Now push the bottom one up. Now the Top one up. Now the left one down. Now push the bottom one right then up. Now let's battle Winoa. ---------------------- | Gym Leader Winoa | ---------------------- My Team ========= Manectric Lvl 36 Gardevoir Lvl 37 Cacturne Lvl 36 Blaziken Lvl 36 Vibrava Lvl 37 Winoa's Pokemon ================= Swablu Lvl 29 Altaria Lvl 33 Tropius Lvl 29 Skarmory Lvl 31 Pelipper Lvl 30 This chick is almost too easy with an Electric Pokemon. Swablu, Skarmory, and Pelipper all fall fate of the Electric monster. Although I took out Skarmory with my Blazken. Tropius with go down with a Fire or Flying Pokemon. But Altaria can be pretty tough. At this point in the game it has great stats. And Electric Pokemon wont work on it because a. it's a Dragon/ Flying type and b, because it knows Earthquake an Electrics worst Nightmare. Use another Dragon type (another Altaria or a Vibrava) or a Rock type to defeat it. After you defeat her you get the Feather Badge which makes all Pokemon p to Lvl 70 obey you and you are able to use Fly out of battle and lastly she gives you TM 40 Aerial Ace. When you leave Fly back to Littleroot Town and talk to your Mom twice for a Amulet Coin. Now fly back to Fortree and continue on to Route 120. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ a. Route 120 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I need you guys to help me out with the names of the people here so can you pleas email them to me in the order they are here? Thanx Pokemon Pokemon (S/F) ========= =============== Absol Barboach Kecleon Goldeen Marill Magikarp Mightyena Oddish Poochyena Seedot Surskit There's really no new pokemon here so let's continue. Oh you can if you want catch Absol. A pretty good Dark pokemon. Before you go through the grass go down to the steps leading down to the water. Battle the Kecleon then grab the item a Nest Ball. Go across the water into the Scorched Slab, and grab TM 11 Sunny Day. Go back to the stairs, then go across the bridge. When you are on the other side it starts raining (poor Combusken). Now Water moves are 150% effective and Fire moves are only 50% effective. Go down to battle a trainer. Bird Keeper ============= Wingull Lvl 28 Natu Lvl 28 Cooltrainer ============= Manectric Lvl 30 Beauty ======== Castform Lvl 30 Battle Girl ============= Meditite Lvl 28 Makuhita Lvl 28 Ninja Boy =========== Nincada Lvl 28 Koffing Lvl 28 Go right of them and find a revive. A little more to the right, Beuty ======= Sableye Lvl 30 Go right a bit more, then up to the Berry Trees. Get the Aspear Berries Go down to the grass, where you'll find another Camper. Camper ======== Lotad Lvl 28 Lombre Lvl 28 Nuzleaf Lvl 28 Find you way through the maze or you can go straight through it though there are wild battles if you do. A Kecleon is on a path to the left and down from the above camper if you wanna catch it. Camper ======== Seedot Lvl 28 Nuzleaf Lvl 28 Lombre Lvl 28 item below here is another Hyper Potion. Continue, going south until you end up on the left side of the next bridge. YES! Finally the rain stops. Bug Catcher ============= Surskit Lvl 27 Surskit Lvl 27 Surskit Lvl 27 Go south of here. You can get onto the water from here. Just behind here is an item on another ledge, a Hyper Potion. Down from here is a Berry Blender's dream. A girl who gives out a berry every day and two plots of Berry soil. The three next to the girl are all 2 Pecha Berry's, making a total of 6. Go up the stairs to the ledge above. Now, listen to this. Go through the grass to get to another area with a trainer. Ruin Maniac ============= Baltoy Lvl 27 Sandshrew Lvl 27 Sandslash Lvl 27 Ninja Boy =========== Koffing Lvl 27 Ninjask Lvl 28 Go down to the Berry trees. I'll cover them in a second. Across the water is a Full Heal. Now get the Wepear, Pinap, Nanab, and Razz Berries. Now let's go on into Route 121. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ b. Route 121 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon Pokemon (S/F) ========= =============== Gloom Pelipper Linoone Tentacool Mightyena Wailmer Oddish Wingull Poochyena Shuppet If you want get a good gost pokemon catch a Shuppet. Also if you still need a grass monster catch a Gloom. Bug Maniac ================== Dustox Lvl 29 Beautifly Lvl 29 Hex Maniac ================== Duskoll Lvl 29 Shuppet Lvl 29 Get the 2 Persim, Aspear, Rawst, and Chesto Berries. Beauty ================== Kecleon Lvl 29 Seviper Lvl 29 Go right of here and you'll see Team Aqua going south. Ignore that for now, but head down to the lower portions of the routes. On your right you'll see some Calcium. The building here is the Safari Zone but you can't go in yet. Sr. and Jr. ================== Spinda Lvl 30 Slaking Lvl 32 Pokemon Breeder ================== Poochyena Lvl 25 Sandshrew Lvl 25 Electrike Lvl 25 Marill Lvl 25 Shroomish Lvl 25 Gulpin Lvl 25 Pokemon Breeder ================== Makuhita Lvl 25 Electrike Lvl 25 Wingull Lvl 25 Tropius Lvl 25 Zigzagoon Lvl 25 Numel Lvl 25 Now get the item a Revive. Go left and battle the trianer here Gentleman ================== Manectric Lvl 29 The item below him is a Calcium. Go up then right. Stay close to the top for the next battle. Pokefan ================== Pikachu Lvl 30 Cooltrainer ================== Manectric Lvl 29 Shiftry Lvl 29 Cooltrainer =================== Loudred Lvl 29 Vigroth Lvl 29 Now grab the Nanab Berries. Now on and continue to Lilycove City. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 3.13 Lilycove City !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow this is a pretty huge town, theres no gym but there's still a lot to do. May is standing in the way of the Department store. To bad this is your last battle with her which sucks oh well let's smush her good. ------------------ | May Final Battle | ------------------ Treecko Lineup ================ Tropius Lvl31 Slugma Lvl 32 Pelipper Lvl 32 Grovoyle Lvl 34 Torchic Lineup ================ Tropius Lvl 31 Ludicilo Lvl 32 Pelipper Lvl 32 Combusken Lvl 34 Mudkip Lineup =============== Tropius Lvl 31 Ludicilo Lvl 32 Torkoal Lvl 32 Marshtomp Lvl 34 You would think this being the last battle it would be hard, well guess what. It's not, her starter isn't even at it's Final evolution. Only thing you need to kick her ass is a Grass, Electric, and Water Pokemon and they all go down easy. Well after you pummel her she flies back to Littleroot town Ok so now let's go int the Department Store Lilycove Department Store =========================== Base Floor ------------ A lady will give you a lottery ticket for free and if the number on it matches one of your pokemon's ID #'s you get a prize. This can only be done once a day. First Floor(left side) ----------------------- PokeBall 200 Great Ball 600 Ultra Ball 1200 Escape Rope 550 Full Heal 600 Antidote 100 Parlyz Heal 200 Burn Heal 250 Ice Heal 250 Awakening 250 Fluffy Tail 1000 Premier Ball FREE when you buy 10 Poke Balls First Floor (right side) ----------------------- Potion 300 Super Potion 700 Hyper Potion 1200 Max Potion 2500 Revive 1500 Repel 350 Super Repel 500 Max Repel 700 Wave Mail 50 Mech Mail 50 Second Floor (left side) -------------------------- Protein 9800 Calcium 9800 Iron 9800 Zinc 9800 Carbos 9800 HP Up 9800 Second Floor (right side) -------------------------- X Speed 350 X Special 350 X Attack 500 X Defend 550 Dire Hit 650 Guard Spec. 700 X Accuracy 950 Third Floor (left side) ------------------------ TM38 Fire Blast 5500 TM25 Thunder 5500 TM14 Blizzard 5500 TM15 Hyper Beam 7500 Third Floor (right side) ------------------------ TM17 Protect 3000 TM20 Safeguard 3000 TM33 Reflect 3000 TM16 Light Screen 3000 Fourth Floor (top left) ------------------------- Pichu Doll 3000 Pikachu Doll 3000 Marill Doll 3000 Jigglypuff Doll 3000 Duskull Doll 3000 Wynaut Doll 3000 Baltoy Doll 3000 Kecleon Doll 3000 Azurill Doll 3000 Skitty Doll 3000 Swablu Doll 3000 Gulpin Doll 3000 Fourth Floor (top right) -------------------------- Pika Cushion 2000 Round Cushion 2000 Zigzag Cushion 2000 Spin Cushion 2000 Diamond Cushion 2000 Ball Cushion 2000 Grass Cushion 2000 Fire Cushion 2000 Water Cushion 2000 Fourth Floor (bottom left) ---------------------------- Ball Poster 1000 Green Poster 1000 Red Poster 1000 Blue Poster 1000 Cute Poster 1000 Pika Poster 1500 Long Poster 1500 Sea Poster 1500 Sky Poster 1500 Fourth Floor (bottom right) ---------------------------- Surf Mat 4000 Thunder Mat 4000 Fire Blast Mat 4000 Powder Snow Mat 4000 Attract Mat 4000 Fissure Mat 4000 Spikes Mat 4000 Glitter Mat 2000 Jump Mat 2000 Spin Mat 2000 Roof Vending Machine ---------------------- Fresh Water 200 Soda Pop 300 Lemonade 350 There is a Move Tutor here who will teach one of your Pokemon Substitute. So that's all in the Department Store. Yes we can finally get rid of those crappy HM moves. You can find his house by the Huge Department Store. Now let's go in the Contest house. This is way better you don't have to go tp all those other town and win their Contest THEN come here. Now talk to the lady at the counter for a Pokeblock Case you can mix some Berries in the lower right corner of the screen. Go right across here, then down over the ledge. Go into the house and talk to the fat man here for TM 44 Rest. There this is all we can do in Lilycove for right now so let's go back to where we saw the Aqua Members on Route 121. There is like a little dock that you can't surf from to our Destination Mt. Pyre. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ a. Mount. Pyre ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon ========= Chimecho Duskull Meditite Shuppet Vulpix Need a fire pokemon? Catch a Vulpix it's a pretty good fire, but not as good as Numel/ Camerupt. Meditite makes an Awesome fighting pokemon because of it's typing *only weak to Flying* and it could make a decent Psychic I guess. Ok so now you have a choice, you can level up some or go directly to team Aqua. I'm gunna level up first so let's go up the stairs. PokeManiac Mark ================= Rhyhorn Lvl 31 Hex Maniac Leah ================= Spoink Lvl 31 Black Belt Zander =================== Hariyama Lvl 31` Young Couple Dez and Luke =========================== Delcatty Lvl 31 Manectric Lvl 31 Get the Ultra Ball. Now go up the stairs Psychic Kayla =============== Wobbuffet Lvl 26 Natu Lvl 26 Kadabra Lvl 26 Pokemon Breeder Gabrielle =========================== Skitty Lvl 26 Zigzagoon Lvl 26 Lotad Lvl 26 Seedot Lvl 26 Poochyena Lvl 26 Taillow Lvl 26 Go and grab the Super Repel and let's battle the next trainer. Psychic William ================= Ralts Lvl 26 Ralts Lvl 26 Kirlia Lvl 26 Now go up the stairs. Now continue and battle the Hexer. Hex Maniac Tasha ================== Shuppet Lvl 32 Go up the next flight of stairs and battle the trainer Black Belt Atsushi ==================== Hariyama Lvl 32 Go up the NEXT flight of stairs. Hex Maniac Valerie ==================== Sableye Lvl 32 Psychic Cedric ================ Wobbuffet Lvl 32 Now go and grab TM 30 Shadow Ball which is a good move for a Ghost type Pokemon. Now fall down the hole. Grab the Lax Incense now fall down the lower hole and get the Sea Incense. Now just keep on falling down holes until you get to the entrance go to the left and go out the door. Go down the stpes and grab TM 48 Skill Swap. Now continue on soon it will start getting foggy, grab the Max Potion. Go left and down. And search the Tombstone for a Max Ether. Go north from here and search the tombstone for an Ultra Ball. Now continue to the next screen. Time to fight some grunts. Team Aqua Grunt 1 =================== Carvanha Lvl 32 Team Aqua Grunt 2 =================== Zubat Lvl 32 Now you have to have a forced double battle. Team Aqua Grunts 3 & 4 ======================== Poochyena Lvl 30 Carvanha Lvl 30 Wailmer Lvl 30 Zubat Lvl 30 Continue forward to meet Archie he leave as soon as you see him. The old lady will tell you the Blue AND Red Orbs have been stolen. She then gives you the Magma Emblem that Team Magma dropped when they stole the Blue Orb. Now let's exit Mt. Pyre and go south from it to Route 123. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ b. Route 123 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon Pokemon ========= ========= Gloom Magikarp Linoone Pelipper Oddish Tentacool Shuppet Wailmer Zigzagoon Wingull When you first go on this route go right and cut the bush and you get into a double battle. Ninja Boy Jonas & Parasol Lady Kayley ======================================= Koffing Lvl 31 Castform Lvl 31 The top path has another trainer Psychic Cameron ================= Solrock Lvl 31 The bottem path has a rare candy. Ok leave this part and go left talk to the girl by the berries to get TM 19 Giga Drain. Now get the Pecha, Sitrus, and Rawst Berries. Continue left and it starts raining. Collector Ed ============== Zangoose Lvl 30 Seviper Lvl 30 Hex Maniac Kindra =================== Duskull Lvl 30 Shuppet Lvl 30 Go north from these 2 and grap the Leppa Berries. Jump the ledge for an Elixir. Cooltrainer Wendy =================== Mawile Lvl 29 Roselia Lvl 29 Pelipper Lvl 29 Jump the ledge below her/ Guitarist Fernando ==================== Electrike Lvl 30 Loudred Lvl 30 Bird Keeper Alberto ===================== Pelipper Lvl 30 Xatu Lvl 30 Now grab the Revival Herb. Now continue Psychic Jacki =============== Kadabra Lvl 30 Lunatone Lvl 30 Expert Fredrick ================= Makuhita Lvl 30 Machoke Lvl 30 Grab the PP Up and jump the ledge. Twins Miu and Yuki ==================== Beautifly Lvl 26 Dustox Lvl 26 Now grab the Ultra Ball. Now fly back to Lilycove and go back onto Route 123 and try to stay north more. Untill you get to a trainer. Cooltrainer Braxton ===================== Swellow Lvl 28 Magneton Lvl 28 Trapinch Lvl 28 Wailmer Lvl 28 Shiftry Lvl 28 *just so you know this is a VERY good team compared to other normar trainers* Now jump the ledge and get the Calcium. Now you are at the Berry Master's House but first, let's finish battling the trainers. Aroma Lady Violet =================== Roselia Lvl 26 Gloom Lvl 36 Bug Catcher Davis =================== Pinsir Lvl 27 Cooltrainer Jazmyne ===================== Absol Lvl 27 Now go into his house, he gives you some Magost, Cornn Berries. Now go outside and pick the many berries if you want. Now let's fly back to Lavaridge Town and make your way back to the Jagged Pass. Go down the path and a passage opens up. Let's go in. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ c. Magma Hideout ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ok this place kinda looks like the fiery path. Ok so let's do this. Move the boulders so you can get through *god I hope this isn't too tuff for you iff it is then push the 2 right boulders to the right. Now continue along until you get to the first Magma member. Team Magma Grunt 1 ==================== Poochyena Lvl 29 Ignore the big machines things and go through the exit. Go along the path and get to the Magma member. Team Magma Grunt 2 ==================== Numel Lvl 29 Team Magma Grunt 3 ==================== Mightyena Lvl 29 Now go down the stairs and battle the two members that are circling the machines. Team Magma Grunt 4 (Outer one) ================================ Baltoy Lvl 28 Numel Lvl 28 Team Magma Grunt 5 (Inner one) ================================ Baltoy Lvl 28 Zubat Lvl 28 Go down and then into the first entrance. Go all the way to the right and then follow the path and go through the exit and battle the grunt. Team Magma Grunt 6 ==================== Zubat Lvl 29 Continue and there is a Rare Candy at the end of the path. Now go back into the room where you went all the way right. Now go up in the middle path and battle the grunt. Team Magma Grunt 7 ==================== Zubat Lvl 29 Battle the next one Team Magma Grunt 8 ==================== Poochyena Lvl 29 Grab the Max Elixir. Now go to the path next to this one for an Optional Double battle Team Magma Grunt 9 and 10 =========================== Mightyena Lvl 29 Numel Lvl 29 Behind them is a Full Restore. Now exit this place and go into the exit. Now go along the path and battle the grunt. Team Magma Grunt 11 ===================== Zubat Lvl 29 Now go into the first entrance you get to and get the PP Max on the left. Now battle the rocket member in the top part of this room. Team Magma Grunt 12 ===================== Mightyena Lvl 29 Now leave this room. Go down and beat the other Grunt. Team Magma Grunt 13 ===================== Baltoy Lvl 29 Grab the Nugget and go out the exit. Go along this path and battle the Grunt Team Magma Grunt 14 ===================== Baltoy Lvl 29 Team Magma Grunt 15 ===================== Numel Lvl 29 Team Magma Grunt 16 ===================== Zubat Lvl 29 Go and then you have tossed into a fight where you actually get decent EXP. Magma Admin Tabitha ===================== Numel Lvl 26 Zubat Lvl 30 Mightyena Lvl 28 Camerupt Lvl 33 Continue along and grab the Max Revive and talk to the at the end. She will activate the Blue Orb in hope of trying to control Groudon but it flees. She then blames you for it at initiates a battle. My Pokemon ============ Blaziken Lvl 41 Gardevoir Lvl 40 Cacturne Lvl 41 Manectric Lvl 41 Flygon Lvl 45 Maxie's Pokemon ================= Mightyena Lvl 37 Camerupt Lvl 39 Crobat Lvl 38 I over-leveled my Vibrava so it would evolve. This dude was way to easy all you need to do is play on his pokemon's weaknesses and he goes down quick. Now let's leave here via the exit. Go up all the stairs you see. You'll exit at the top floor, so get urself outa there. When you exit Fly to Slateport City and heal. Now go to the Harbor and talk to Capt. Stern. You hear someones voice on the megaphone so go in the harbor and you see Team Aqua is Stealing the Submarine and succeeds. Now let's Fly to Lilycove. Go on the each and surf into Team Magma's hideout. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ d. Aqua Hideout ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Go in and battle the grunt Team Aqua Grunt 1 =================== Poochyena Lvl 32 Now go down the stairs and hop on the rigt warp pad, you land in a room with a Max Elixir. Now go back to where you were and take the left warp pad. Now let's battle the Aqua Members. Team Aqua Grunt 2 =================== Carvanha Lvl 32 Team Aqua Grunt 3 =================== Zubat Lvl 31 Carvanha Lvl 31 Team Aqua Grunt 4 =================== Poochyena Lvl 31 Zubat Lvl 31 Now go left and into the warp pad on the bottom. Now the one to your left. Now the middle one. Now your left. Now the one on the far left. You come into a room with 4 item balls be careful! The 2 on the right are Electrodes the ones on the left are a Nugget and the MASTER BALL! Now retrace your steps t the room with the grunts in it. Now take the pad to the far right. Now go down the stairs. Now let's battle the Grunt here. Team Aqua Grunt 5 =================== Carvanha Lvl 32 Now hop on the only pad in this room and go up the stairs. Team Aqua Grunt 6 =================== Zubat Lvl 32 Now go down the stairs to the next battles. Team Aqua Grunt 7 =================== Carvanha Lvl 32 Team Aqua Grunt 8 =================== Zunbat Lvl 32 Now go on this lone pad. Go forward and talk to the Grunt to battle. Aqua Admin Matt ================= Mightyena Lvl 34 Golbat Lvl 34 As you beat him the sub goes away oh well we'll find his ass later.use the other warp pad and go down the stairs and leave this place. Well now we can surf to the next city, and gym but first let's heal and stock up on supplies. Ok so now let's head out to Route 124. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ e. Route 124/ 125 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon (S/F) Pokemon (Diving) =============== ================== Magikarp Chichou Pelipper Clamperl Sharpedo Tentacool Wailmer Wingull Ok so let's start of with these to battles Swimmer Grace =============== Marill Lvl 34 Swimmer Declan ================ Gyarados Lvl 34 *be careful he's strong* Go south and you'll get to this duo. Sis and Bro Lila & Roy ======================== Chinchou Lvl 34 Carvanha Lvl 33 Now let's continue along Swimmer Spencer ================= Tentacool Lvl 33 Wingull Lvl 33 Swimmer Jenny =============== Wailmer Lvl 34 Ok so you will run into a house in the Middle of the Ocean it's the Hunters House if you find any Shards while Diving bring them to him. Soon you will arrive in Mossdeep City but don't go on land yet, I have a little side trip. Walk on the beach to the north part and surf north. Swimmer Nolen =============== Tentacruel Lvl 34 Sailor Ernest =============== Wingull Lvl 33 Machoke Lvl 33 Swimmer Sharon ================ Seaking Lvl 34 Go into Shoal Cave. The only reason I told you to come in here is because there is this really good Water/ Ice monster here Spheal there some other stuff but I'll explain it later. Now let's train some before we go to that gym. Sr. and Jr. Kim and Iris ========================== Swablu Lvl 32 Numel Lvl 35 Now swim to the right of this place. There are more trainers. Swimmer Tanya =============== Luvdisc Lvl 34 Expert Auron ============== Manectric Lvl 33 Machamp Lvl 33 Bird Keeper Presley ===================== Tropius Lvl 33 Xatu Lvl 33 Now grab the Big Pearl. Well that's all we can do here so let's go back to Mossdeep City. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 3.14 Mossdeep City !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PokeMart ========== Ultra Ball 1200 Net Ball 1000 Dive Ball 1000 Hyper Potion 1200 Full Heal 600 Revive 1500 Max Repel 700 X Attack 500 X Defend 550 Move Tutor ============ Dynamic Punch Ok so this is the new town, it's huge and it actually HAS a gym. There is nothing really to do in this part except the guy in the North West corner will give you a King's Rock. Go near the space station and go North, go in the house and talk to the Fisherman for a Super Rod. Now you can catch some decent water Pokemon. Go in the Space Station and talk to the Sailor there for a Sun Stone. Steven is here also you can talk to him, but he doesn't do much. Now let's go on the beach on of the Fighters there will teach one of your Pokemon Dynamic Punch. Well we have Basically done everything we need to do here, so let's go ahead and battle the gym. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) (((((( )))))) Mossdeep Gym )))))) (((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Ok this gym has changed since it's R/S Days. Well this gym uses Psychic Pokemon so Fighting Pokemon are a No-no (poor Blaziken). Ok so first let's battle the Trainer that you can get to. Psychic Preston ================= Kirlia Lvl 36 Now step on the yellow block and you'll be forced into a battle with a trainer Psychic Maura =============== Kadabra Lvl 36 Now step on the warp pad in the north part of the room. In the next room battle the girl trainer. Psychic Samantha ================== Xatu Lvl 36 Now let's battle the other trainer. Psychic Blake =============== Girafarig Lvl 36 Now step on the Upper left pad to continue. Now go back to the first room and step on the bottom left pad. Procced to the double battle. Gentleman Clifford & Hex Maniac Kathleen ========================================== Girafarig Lvl 36 Kadabra Lvl 36 Now let's battle the Top right trainer Psychic Nicholas ================== Wobbuffet Lvl 36 The trainer to the left Psychic Macey =============== Natu Lvl 36 After beating all the trainers go south and step on the green button twice. Now go back and step on the upper pad. Now step on the left pad, Now let's battle some trainers. The right one Psychic Virgil ================ Ralts Lvl 36 Left rainer Gentleman Nate ================ Spoink Lvl 36 The middle one Hex Maniac Sylvia =================== Meditite Lvl 36 Now the top one Psychic Hannah ================ Kirlia Lvl 36 Now maneuver the pads so that you can get through to the warp pad. Now go on the other warp pad and you are in the Gym LEADERS! MORE THAN ONE! Room. Before you battle them I suggest healing first. Then just redoing the puzzle (it isn't that hard). --------------------------- | Gym Leaders Tate and Liza| --------------------------- My Team ========= Walrein Lvl 44 Flygon Lvl 45 Cacturne Lvl 42 Gardevoir Lvl 42 Blaziken Lvl 42 Manectric Lvl 42 Tate and Liza's Team ====================== Claydol Lvl 41 Xatu Lvl 42 Lunatone Lvl 42 Solrock Lvl 42 No matter WHAT level you are at these girls are tough. To begin will all her pokemon have the Ability Levitate or it's a Flying pokemon so no ground attacks work. Second Claydol knows Earthquake so it can use it and not hurt it's partner, and that's basically the only move it uses. And what makes it worse it it has Soper high special defense and all it's weaknesses are Special so it'll take some time to take it down. Xatu isn't a problem the only big thing is it uses Sunny Day so that if you use a Water Pokemon to take out Claydol, it doesn't do as much damage. Now when you take both of them out you have to battle the most annoying pokemon in the game. This is because of their moves. Since the Dark pure dark pokemon that inhabit Hoenn are crappy nobody uses them. So most people have the Grass/ Dark Pokemon or Water/Dark pokemon. Well this is the part that sucks because Solrock knows Fire Blast and Solar Beam which renders them useless. So the only effeftive thing you can use is a Ghost pokemon which you probly didn't catch. I personally had my Gardevoir use Imprison on them so they can't use Psychic and had Flygon use Screech 2 times on both of them. Then I brought in Blaziken and had him use Double Kick to One- Hit KO them. WHOO! After you beat them they give you the Mind badge. Which raises the Special Attack and Special Defense of your Pokemon. And you can use Dive outside of battle. Last they give you TM 04, a rockin TM. Now take the top warp pad and exit the gym. Heal at the Pokemon Center and head to th Space Center as you go you see Team Magma going the same way. Go in ahd you have to battle the Magma Members to continue. Team Magma Grunt 1 ==================== Zubat Lvl 31 Poochyena Lvl 31 Team Magma Grunt 2 ==================== Numel Lvl 32 Team Magma Grunt 3 ==================== Baltoy Lvl 32 Team Magma Grunt 4 ==================== Mightyena Lvl 26 Numel Lvl 30 Mightyena Lvl 28 When you beat him he steps out of the way. When you go up the stairs you'll have to fight 3 trainers, one-by-one. Team Magma Grunt 5 ==================== Zubat Lvl 32 Team Magma Grunt 6 ==================== Mightyena Lvl 32 Team Magma Grunt 7 ==================== Baltoy Lvl 32 Continue and talk to Steven and you'll enter a Double battle with him. Choose 3 Pokemon to use. Steven's Pokemon ================== Metang Lvl 42 Skarmory Lvl 43 Aggron Lvl 44 Magma Admin Tabitha & Magma Leader Maxie ========================================== Camerupt Lvl 36 Golbat Lvl 40 Mightyena Lvl 38 Mightyena Lvl 42 Camerupt Lvl 44 Crobat Lvl 44 When you defeat them they leave and Steven wants you to come back to his house and he gives you HM 08 Dive. Which is ery annoying since basically it is the water version of Dig and is signifficantley weaker than Surf. But I tought it to my Walrien. I'll delete it later though. Well now that you have Dive go back to the Abandoned Ship. Go Inside and bo down the stairs. Then go into yhe bottom middle room and dive in the water. Go down the underwater hall then go into the hole in the wall. Then resurface in the room. Now go in the Third room the only one that isn't locked. Grab the Water Stone in here. Also when you first come in the is a sparkle in the North East corner of this place examine where it was to get the Room 1 Key. Now go in Room 1. Look for the sparkle to the left. It is the Room 4 Key. Now grab TM 18 Rain Dance. Now go in Room 4. Ignore the sparkles and look in the Trash for the Room 6 key. Go in room 6 and grab the Luxury Ball. From the middle chair stand below it and face east and examine the block to find the Room 2 Key. Now go in Room 2 and get the SCANNER. Now head back to the Main Part of the ship. And go back to where you saw that Scientist talk to him he will tell you to deliver it to Capt. Stern so Fly to Slateport and give it to him the Scanner in exchange he'll give you either the Deepsea Tooth or the Deepsea Scale. Now let's get back to the Storyline. Surf down to Route 127. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ a. Route 127 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Basically all we are going to do now is train and Level-up some. As you surf down this route hug the right wall and go into the little inlet you come to. Fisherman Jonah ================= Wailmer Lvl 30 Sharpedo Lvl 32 Tentacool Lvl 31 Fisherman Henry ================= Carvanha Lvl 31 Tentacruel Lvl 34 Fisherman Roger ================= Magikarp Lvl 15 Magikarp Lvl 25 Gyarados Lvl 35 Now come out this place and continue south. Triathelete Camden ==================== Staryu Lvl 33 Staryu Lvl 33 Go keep going south until you can get to a small enclosure go in it. Black Belt Koji ================= Machoke Lvl 34 Now in the northeast corner of this place there should be a place you can dive, dive here and surface at the other path. You shoulf end up in a place where trees are. Grab the Carbos here. Now return. Now let's go back where there is a HUGE place where you can dive. This is the way to where Team Aqua is, but don't go in yet, let's battle the trainers, around here. Below it. Tiathelete Donny ================== Wingull Lvl 26 Staryu Lvl 34 GO left and you will see a shallow place where trees are and there are 2 trainers. Cooltrainer Athena ==================== Manectric Lvl 32 Linoone Lvl 32 Bird Keeper Aidan =================== Swellow Lvl 32 Skarmory Lvl 32 Now grab the Rare Candy that's here. Now were done so let's go and Dive into the huge spot. Go along the long winding tunnel and when you see a hole in the wall go in it a resurface. You end up on the Seafloor Cavern. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ b. Seafloor Cavern ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ok so go in and go up and smash the rock and push down the boulder down and the other one right. Now battle the grunt. Team Aqua Grunt 1 ==================== Poochyena Lvl 36 Now go up the stair to the thext member Team Aqua Grunt 2 =================== Carvanha Lvl 36 Now go in the next room. Go to the right. Push the boulder all the way to the right. The other one down and smash the rock and continue on. Team Aqua Grunt 3 =================== Zubat Lvl 36 Team Aqua Grunt 4 =================== Carvanha Lvl 36 Now jump the ledge and go in the upper entrance. Push the boulders out the way and go in left entrance. Get in the water and go on the right current. When you stop go right, then up, then left. Now exit. Ok so you can either take that really complicated rock path or just go straight through and battle some grunts. Battle the grunts. Team Aqua Grunt 5 =================== Mightyena Lvl 35 Golbat Lvl 35 Aqua Admin Shelly =================== Sharpedo Lvl 37 Mightyena Lvl 37 Procced to next room where is a tuff rock rock puzzle. To start you see a line of three rocks push the outer 2 up and the middle one right. Now push the next middle one up and the right one right and the left one left. You see the line of three boulders at the bottom? Push the ones on the outside up one square. Then push the remaining one left, out of the way. Push the middle one up one, then the ones on your left and right push them their respective ways, out of the way. Now, the line of three above you. Push the ones on the outside up one, and the middle one left. You'll now be able to get through here! In the next room it's pretty misty, just follow the path and grab TM 26 Earthquake, now follow the path until you get to Kyogre and Archie will stop you and battle. Aqua Leader Archie ==================== Mightyena Lvl 41 Crobat Lvl 41 Sharpedo Lvl 43 After the battle he activates the Red Orb and Kyogre Flees like Groudon. Then Team Magma comes and you leave the there and you appear on Route 128 and it's Raining horribly and the Sun is Shining brightly. After a chat Maxie and Archie leave. And Steven comes and tells you that he's going to Sootopolis City where you should head too which is North West of here. But let's get in a battle or too as we go even though the world is coming to an end as we speak. Cooltrainer Alexa =================== Gloom Lvl 34 Azumarill Lvl 34 When you get to a place where there is a HUGE white rock and a ring where you can dive, dive. Go south and when you see an opening go in and surface. When you arrive there you see a scene where Kyogre and Groudon are fighting. Heal in the Pokemon Center first then talk to Steven who is on the Left side of town he takes you to the Cave of Origin follow te path and you arrive where Wallace is, talk to him choose Sky Pillar when given the choice and he leaves to go there. Now we must do the same. Well first we gotta get on Route 129. Look on the Map to do so. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ c. Route 129 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ As you first arrive you see a trainer Swimmer Reed ============== Spheal Lvl 33 Sharpedo Lvl 33 Next trainer Triathelete Chase =================== Wingull Lvl 26 Staryu Lvl 34 Now go a little north west from him and there's another trainer. Triathelete Allison ===================== Wingull Lvl 27 Staryu Lvl 33 Now go back to the other trainer and continue on south west. Swimmer Clarence ================== Sharpedo Lvl 34 Swimmer Tisha =============== Chinchou Lvl 34 Swimmer Rodney ================ Gyarados Lvl 34 Keep going for a while and you'll get to two more trainers Swimmer Santiago ================== Tentacruel Lvl 33 Wailmer Lvl 33 Swimmer Kate ============== Goldeen Lvl 33 Spheal Lvl 33 Swimmer Kevin =============== Spheal Lvl 34 Triathelete Talia =================== Staryu Lvl 34 Now from these 2 trainers, start heading north west and you should find a cave now go in and you are now in the Sky Pillar. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ d. Sky Pillar ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Follow the path and exit. You then meet Wallace. He takes you to the Actual pillar and flies back to Sootopolis, and it starts raining. So let's go in. It's a pretty straight forward path. When you get to some cracks on the floor step on them to fall down a floor and go up the stairs. Don't't fall down these cracks just continue up the stairs and the next few floors until you get to Rayquaza. When you get near him he awakens and Flees just like Kyogre and Groudon. So now let's Fly back to Sootopolis City. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 3.15 Sootopolis City !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Move Tutor ============ Double-Edge When you arrive a scene will occur. Kyogre and Groudon will still be fighting, Rayquaza will then arrive and stop them. Then the rain and sunshine stop and they all disappear. Go talk to Maxie and Archie at the Gym and they both disappear. Now talk to Wallace and he gives you HM 07 Waterfall. Ok so before we challenge this gym let's explore the town. In the most top left house here a guy inside will give you an AWESOME move TM 31 Brick Break. Ok now let's go in the mart PokeMart ========== Ultra Ball 1200 Hyper Potion 1200 Max Potion 1200 Ful Heal 600 Revive 1500 Max Repel 1500 X Attack 500 X Defend 550 Shadow Mail 50 Ok so let's head into the PokeCenter. Now a girl in here will teach one of your Pokemone Double-Edge. I suggest you teach this to a pokemon that know's the Rock Head ability since it doesn't take recoil damage. Now let's heal and head to the Gym. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) (((((( )))))) Sootopolis Gym )))))) (((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Ok so this gym has a little puzzle to figure out. You have to crack all the tiles to go to the next area. If you step on a tile twice though, it breaks and you fall through. So lets get crackin! Before we tackle it though um gunna take you through the trainers (you have to fall through the ice to get to them). The first area's trainers are Lass Andrea ============= Luvdisc Lvl 40 Beauty Connie =============== Goldeen Lvl 40 The second area's are: Lady Daphne ============= Luvdisc Lvl 39 Luvdisc Lvl 40 Pokefan Annika ================ Feebas Lvl 39 Feebas Lvl 39 The Third area's trainers Beauty Tiffany ================ Carvanha Lvl 39 Sharpedo Lvl 39 Lass Crissy ============= Goldeen Lvl 39 Wailmer Lvl 39 Pokefan Bethany ================= Azurill Lvl 35 Marill Lvl 37 Azumarill Lvl 39 Beauty Olivia =============== Clamperl Lvl 35 Lombre Lvl 39 Corphish Lvl 37 Beauty Bridget ================ Azumarill Lvl 40 Lady Brianna ============== Seaking Lvl 40 Now let's go heal and tackle the puzzle. The first one is easy. Step on the first square and go one left, one up, 2 right, 1 up, and one left. Now the next puzzle which is a little trickier. Step on the first square and go 3 left, 2 up, 2 right, 1 down, 2 right, 1 down, 2 right, 2 up, 3 left and continue to the most tricky puzzle in here. Step on the first square. Go 5 left, 3 up, 1 right, 1 down, 1 right, 1 down, 1 right, 2 up, 1 right, 1 down, 1 right, 1 down, 1 right, 1 down, 1 right, 2 up, 1 right, 1 down, 1 right, 1 down, 1 left, 3 up, 5 left and continue to the Gym Leader. ----------------- | Gym Leader Juan| ----------------- My Pokemon ============ Manectric Lvl 45 Gardevoir Lvl 45 Blaziken Lvl 45 Flygon Lvl 46 Cacturne Lvl 46 Walrein Lvl 45 Juan's Pokemon ================ Luvdisc Lvl 41 Whiscash Lvl 41 Sealeo Lvl 43 Crawdaunt Lvl 43 Kingdra Lvl 46 For being the last gym leader he was kinda easy to me. Luvdisc can go down quickly by a Electric or Grass pokemon. Whiscash is even easier if you have grass pokemon since it's 4X weak to them. I took his sealo down with a Brick Break from my Blaziken so and other fighting Pokemon should kick it's ass. Crawdaunt falls to the same death as Sealeo since it's part Dark, or you could take it down with a Grass or Electric which would be easier since it's Special Defense sucks. Now Kingdra is where problems may occur. It's Water/Dragon so that means it's not weak to Grass, Electric, or Ice. So the only thing it's weak too is Dragon and guess what! I have one I use dragon breath and it take away 3/4 HP it uses Ice Beam and One-Hit KO's me. So dragon isnt't the way to go. The best thing to take It out is an Electric Pokemon. So after you beat Juan he gives you the Rain Badge that makes ALL pokemon obey you and let's you use Waterfall outside of battle. You also get TM 03 Water Pulse. Now let's exit this place. You can finally go in the right part of town a girl in one of the houses will give you a Wailmer Doll. If you show the guy in on of the houses a Seedot he'll give you an item but it depends on the size of it. The same applies for the other guy in this house except for you need to show him a Lotad. Now let's leave Sootopoliis. Ok so now we have too choices we can continue to Ever Grande City and battle the Elite for, or go to the completely optional Pacifidolg Town. I'm going to take you to Pacifidolg Tomn. Ok so get in the Ocean where the Sky Pillar is, (you can go in there and catch Rayquaza if you want), and I'll start there. Continue on east on Route 130 Swimmer Richard ================= Pelipper Lvl 34 Swimmer Kara ============== Seaking Lvl 34 Swimmer Herman ================ Wingull Lvl 33 Tentacruel Lvl 33 Swimmer Susie =============== Luvdisc Lvl 34 Sis and Bro Reli & Ian ======================== Azumaril Lvl 35 Wingull Lvl 33 After these trainers you should come to Pacifidolg Town. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 3.16 Pacifidlog Town !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok so to tell the truth there are only two things of importance here. A mover Tutor that teaches Explosion and a guy who will give you TM 27 Return or TM ?? Frustration which one depends on your Pokemon's happiness points. Also you can learn more about the legendaries later to come. Well that's it we can either level-up some (I'm leveling up some) by finding those reporters and where they appear in order continuosly (Route 111, Route 118, and Route 120 then rinse and repeat) or you could go ahead to Ever Grande City to battle the Elite 4. Well now let's continue on to Ever Grande City, there you will need these HMs Surf, Waterfall, Rock Smash, Strength, and Flash (you thought we'd never see this move again). Ok so let's get on Route 128 and head right. Cooltrainer Ruben =================== Shiftry Lvl 34 Nosepass Lvl 34 From him go right Triathelete Katelyn ===================== Staryu Lvl 35 Swimmer Harrison ================== Tentacruel Lvl 35 Swimmer Carlee ================ Seaking Lvl 35 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 3.17 Ever Grande City !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soon you should arrive at a waterfall go up it with HM 07 Waterfall/. Ok go in the Pokemon Center and talk to Scott, he then leaves. Heal and enter Victory Road. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ a. Victory Road ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Pokemon ========= Aron Barboach Geodude Golbat Goldeen Graveler Hariyama Lairon Loudred Makuhita Mawile Medicham Meditite Sableye Whiscash Whismur Zubat Ok every last Trainer has Pokemon that are level 40+! So I recommend you being at levels of 45 or higher to go through this place. Ok so let's get going. Now go forward right a down until you get to a Trainer. Cooltrainer Albert ==================== Magneton Lvl 43 Muk Lvl 43 Now go up the stairs and across the bridge and you end up back where you were. Go up some and go up the next flight of stairs and follow it's path and before you continue you meet Wally. And you have to battle Wally. Wally ======= Altaria Lvl 44 Delcatty Lvl 43 Gardevoir Lvl 45 Roselia Lvl 44 Magneton Lvl 41 Wow is this that same dinky little boy with a Lvl 16 Ralts in Mauville? Well even though Wally has come a Long way you can still bring him down with type advantages. Well let's continue on to the next trainer. Cooltrainer Hope ================== Roselia Lvl 45 Now let's go down the stairs and in the next area you need to use Flash. Ok so go down and left and push the boulder left. Now go down and right and push the other boulder right. Now go up and break the 2 rocks and push the first boulder down and the secong boulder up. Now go on and battle the next trainer. Cooltrainer Shannon ===================== Claydol Lvl 45 Now go up the stairs and get the PP Up. Now return to where you were. Jump the ledge and go up and battle the trainer. Cooltrainer Samuel ==================== Swellow Lvl 42 Mawile Lvl 42 Kadabra Lvl 42 Now go up and pusg the boulder up and left and then push the next one left, then smash the rock and get the Full Restore. No go back ALL the way down and left then go down the ladder. Go up and battle the trainer. Cooltrainer Julie =================== Sandslash Lvl 42 Ninetales Lvl 42 Tropius Lvl 42 Now let's continue and surf on the water and go up the waterfall. When you get to a two tile enclosure land there and ther upper tile has a hidden Elixir on it. Now on the other piece of land battle the trainer Cooltrainer Vito ================== Dodrio Lvl 42 Kadabra Lvl 42 Electrode Lvl 42 Shiftry Lvl 42 No grab the Full Heal. Now continue surfing left and then land. Continue and battle the trainer. Cooltrainer Caroline ====================== Skarmory Lvl 43 Sableye Lvl 43 Now continue right and you get to 2 more trainers Cooltrainer Dianna ==================== Caydol Lvl 43 Lanturn Lvl 43 Cooltrainer Felix =================== Medicham Lvl 43 Claydol Lvl 43 Now continue and go up and battle the trainer there Cooltrainer Owen ================== Kecleon Lvl 42 Graveler Lvl 42 Wailord Lvl 42 Now return to the water and go down the left waterfall. Go land on the pieces of land below the bridge. Go south then up the ladder. Battle the trainer Cooltrainer Michelle ====================== Torkoal Lvl 42 Medicham Lvl 42 Ludicolo Lvl 42 Cooltrainer Mitchell ====================== Lunatone Lvl 43 Solrock Lvl 43 Cooltrainer Halle =================== Sableye Lvl 43 Absol Lvl 43 Now go down and break the rock and push the boulder down now break the other rock and go up the ladder now continue along this path and battle the trainer. Cooltrainer Edgar =================== Cacturne Lvl 43 Pelipper Lvl 43 Now there are to more trainers below that you can barely see. Cooltrainer Katelyn ===================== Gardevoir Lvl 43 Slaking Lvl 43 Cooltrainer Quincy ==================== Slaking Lvl 43 Dusclops Lvl 43 Ok at this point I was starting to get weak, almost all of my best move were out of PP thankfully we are at the end, all we have to do is go out the exit. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ b. The Elite 4 ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now go north into the Pokemon building. First heal (unless you wanna go in with no PP and HP) now let's go and buy some Items. Shop ====== Ultra Ball 1200 Hyper Potion 1200 Max Potion 2500 Full Restore 3000 Full Heal 600 Revive 1500 Max Repel 700 Ok so you should only need to buy 3 things LOTS OF FULL RESTORES, FULL HEALS AND REVIVES. I would suggest 20 Full Restores, 15 Full Heals, and 20 Revives. Now you may want to go and delete the crappy HMs you made your Pokemon and let them learn some good moves. Ok so now after you have healed and bought items it's time to continue to the end of your long and perilous journey. Talk to the guys her to verify that you have all 8 badges and you can continue to the Elite 4. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) (((((( )))))) The Elite 4 )))))) (((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( My Pokemon ============ Blaziken Lvl 50 Manectric Lvl 50 Cacturne Lvl 50 Flygon Lvl 50 Walrein Lvl 50 Gardevoir Lvl 50 ----------------- | Elite 4 Sidney | ----------------- Sidney's Pokemon ================== Mightyena Lvl 46 Shiftry Lvl 48 Cacturne Lvl 46 Absol Lvl 49 Crawdaunt Lvl 48 Ok Sidney is incredibly easy he uses dark Pokemon so a Fighting pokemon will simply take him out. Mightyena Level 46 -------------------- Sand Attack Crunch Double-Egde Roar He uses sand attack repeatedly to lower your accuracy, Crunch for a STAB effect (which still isn't that strong) and Double-Edge for pure power, and roar to basically annoy the hell out of you. Take it down with a Fighting type. Crawdaunt Level 48 -------------------- Surf Strength Swords Dance Facade Surf is here for STAB. Watch out for Swords Dance if he uses it a couple of times he could One-Hit KO your whole team if your not fast enough. Crawdaunt has really high Attack and Special Attack but nhis Special Defense is bad so take it out with a Electric or Grass type. Cacturne Level 46 ------------------- Cotton Spore Needle Arm Faint Attack Leech Seed This one is unbelievably easy due to it's low defenses and speed. It has Cotton Spore which Lowers the opponents Speed and Leech Seed which sapps your HP every turn so be careful with that. Needle Arm has a VERY high chance of flinching you and Faint Attack will always hit. He'll die with a Fighting, Fire, Ice pokemon. Absol Level 49 ---------------- Slash Swords Dance Aerial Ace Rock Slide With HUGE ataack and knowing Swords Dance can be bad and it knows some pretty Damaging attacks but it has very crappy defenses so just kill it with a Fighting type Shiftry Level 48 ------------------ Torment Double Team Extrasensory Swagger With Shiftry you may want to put your Fighting type away if it's not fast because this Pokemon Knows Extrasensory which is a strong Pyschic move. Swagger and Double Team are also a Pain since he uses Swagger then double team so you miss if you pull through the Confusion. --------------- | Elite 4 Phoebe| --------------- Phoebe's Pokemon ================== Dusclops Lvl 48 Banette Lvl 49 Sableye Lvl 50 Banette Lvl 49 Dusclops Lvl 51 This chick uses Ghost types so no Fighting or Normal Attakcs, Psychics, and only use other ghosts if they are Lvl 45+ maybe higher. Dusclops Level 48 -------------------- Curse Protect Shadow Punch Confuse Ray Dusclops has High defenses but low attack. She basically uses this pokemon to Stall and drain all of your PP with it's ability Pressure (which almost al of her Pokemon have). It uses curse to inflict you but it rarely does it. It's first move is probably going Protect so that your move doesn't work and it may use it more to sapp PP. Confuse Ray so you hurt yourself and Shadow punch to Attack. Just be Persistant with a Dark attacks and strong Special Attacks. Banette Level 49 ------------------- Will-O-Wisp Spite Faint Attack Shadow Ball Bannette is basically the opposite of Dusclops stat-wise. It's ability is Pressure AND it knows Spite so basically if you move only has 5 PP all its PP will be gone in 1 turn if she uses Spite. Faint attack is here why? I dunno. Will-O-Wisp will burn you and watch out because it's Shadow Ball is pretty strong. Banette Level 49 ------------------- Thunderbolt Psychic Facade Shadow Ball Basically the same strategy as the other one but this one is fully dedicated to fighting. Use something with high Special Defense to kill it. Avoid using avything his attacks are strong to. Dusclops Level 51 -------------------- Shadow Ball Ice Beam Rock Slide Earthquake BEWARE! Don't use a pokemon with a. Low defense or b. a Pokemon whose typing is Dark/ Grass (and all grass pokemon in general) it will cream you with Ice Beam as I found out. Earthquake is a really strong attack and rock Slide is too so don't use any weaknesses. Sableye Level 50 ------------------- Night Shade Double Team Shadow Ball Faint Attack Sableye has no weaknesses due it's typing. So just take it out with a pokemon that has no weaknesses to it's moves. ---------------- | Elite 4 Glacia | ---------------- Glacia's Pokemon ================== Sealeo Lvl 50 Walrein Lvl 53 Glalie Lvl 50 Sealeo Lvl 52 Glalie Lvl 52 Ok this one uses Ice types which I consider as one of the stronger Types in the game. Glalie: Level 50 ------------------ Crunch Icy Wind Ice Beam Light Screen Why isn't this I Ice/ Dark pokemon? I guess they didn't want so make a good one (ex: Sneasel). Anyways it uses Icy Wind to lower your Speed(?) And attack at the same time. Light Screen Raises his Defense and Crunch because it learns it. Use a Fighting Pokemon or a Fire Type to take it out. Sealeo: Level 50 ------------------ Hail Body Slam Ice Ball Encore Hail is used to cause damage on you everytime and Body Slam to Paralyze you and it has decent Power. Encore can be a pain if you move a move like Sunny Day or Rain Dance to counter Hail. A Fighting Type Electric, or maybe Fire Type (it knows no water attacks). Sealeo: Level 52 ------------------ Attract Double Edge Blizzard Hail This one is knid of annoying it uses Attract if you are the opposite gender and Hail to hurt you if it's not still in effect. Blizzard is one strong Ice attack so nothing weak to it can be used and double edge is kind of a filler. Take it out like the last one Glalie: Level 52 ------------------ Hail Ice Beam Shadow Ball Handle this one just like the other one (this pokemon is starting to look more and more like a Dark Type). Walrein: Level 53 ------------------- Sheer Cold Ice Beam Body Slam Surf Fire Types are an absolute nono since it know's Surf. Sheer Cold is an Ice type One-Hit KO Attack but has lowwwwww Accuracy (30%). Your best bet here would be an Electric or Fighting Type. --------------- | Elite 4 Drake | --------------- Drake's Pokemon ================= Shelgon Lvl 52 Flygon Lvl 53 Altaria Lvl 54 Salamence Lvl 55 Kingdra Lvl 53 If you have an Ice Pokemon or anything that knows Ice Beam this guy is almost a joke. Nothing like Lance before him. You can use other dragons on a few of his pokemon but not all of them since they will slaughter you.then Shelgon: Level 52 ------------------- Protect Rock Tomb Double Edge Dragon Claw Ok this is a weak, Pure Dragon type but it still will go down withan Ice Pokemon or amother Dragon Type (One-Hit KO from my Flygon's Dragon Claw). It's first will probably be Protect. It Knows Rock Tomb to counter any Ice Pokemon that come after it but it doesn't work out that well. Altaria: Level 54 ------------------- Dragon Dance Double Edge Aerial Ace Dragonbreath Ok Dragon/ Flying type, can anyone say Ice Beam/ Blizzard? It knows Dragon Dance to Raise it's already high Speed but no so good Attack. Aerial Ace is a good move on this Pokemon. You can Definitely use a Dragon Type on this one if it is at a pretty good level (2-Hit KO from Flygon)/ Flygon: Level 53 ------------------ Dragonbreath Flamethrower Crunch Earthquake This must be one crappy pokemon since my Lvl 50 Flygon was faster and stronger it. It is a Ground/ Dragon so this one goes down with Ice too. It has a Flamethrower to take down Ices but since most Ices are part water it's Useless. Crunch and Dragonbreath are just pathetic with it. It's only good move is Earthquake. Salamence: Level 55 --------------------- Crunch Rockslide Flamethrower Dragonclaw This is where you stop using Dragons unless you are really confident with the one you have (it almost One-Hit Koed Flygon) I only suggest another Salamence of equal level. It is a Dragon/ Flying so you know what to do, use an Ice Type. It knows Rock Slide and Flamethrower to counter them but neither of them work out too well. (Salamence uses Rock Slide takes away 50% health, Walrein uses Blizzard One-Hit KO's Salamence). Kingdra: Level 53 ------------------- Dragon Dance Surf Smokescreen Body Slam This is the only one you may have some trouble with. It's Water/ Dragon so Ice Type doesn't work out too well. It knows Dragon Dance which raises the power of Body Slam that becomes Deadly after a few Dragon Dances. I used my Flygon to take it down since it knows no Dragon or Ice attacks. You on the other hand may want to use something like Electric. Well guess what! We just slaughtered the Elite 4! So now we are the Champion right! Let's procced to the Next room and see. Procced and you see Wallace. What's he doing here? Guess he's the Champion and we gotta battle him, let's take him out. Wallace's Pokemon =================== Wailord Lvl 57 Gyarados Lvl 56 Whiscash Lvl 56 Milotic Lvl 58 Tentacruel Lvl 55 Ludicolo Lvl 56 Wailord: Level 57 ------------------- Water Spout Blizzard Rain Dance Double Edge Hmmm... his moveset looks similar to my Walreins but anyway Water Spout relies on his HP, the Higher it is the stronger the attack. Rain Dance is a pain because when that starts his HP doesn't matter Water Spout becomes deadly. Blizzard is for those grasses that try to get him so don't use 'em. Ludicolo: Level 56 -------------------- Giga Drain Surf Double Team Leech Seed Ludicolo has no weaknesses except for Flying so that may be a problem. Don't use Fire or Water. Grass is an ok thing to use against it since they aren't affected by Leech Seed. This dude IS easy it's just... it doesn't have any good weaknesses. Tentacruel: Level 55 ---------------------- Hydro Pump Toxic Ice Beam Sludge Bomb Ok Tentacruel IS a Water/ Poison but Psychic and Electricisn't the best thing to deal with it with because of his amazingly high Special Defense. The only good that works good against him is Ground types, but most likely Rain Dance will be in effect when it is out and Hydro Pump will Annihalate you unless you aren't weak to it (Swampert, Whiscash, Flygon) so Earthquake away on it. No Grasses because of Sludge Bomb. Milotic: Level 58 ------------------- Toxic: Poison Surf: Water Recover: Normal Ice Beam: Ice God this thing is a Pain in the ass to kill. It has higher Special Defense than Tentacruel and it has pretty high HP AND it knows Recover ><. My advive is to use an Electric Type, have it use a lesser attack (Spark, Strength, or any other attack it knows) then use Thunder. But if your'e not fast enough it'll use Recover. Gyrados: Level 56 ------------------- Hyper Beam Dragon Dance Surf Earthquake Water/ Flying it SCREAMS Electric, it knows Earthquake and I didn't know how fast it was so I used my Gardevoirs Thunderbolt. Whiscash: Level 56 -------------------- Earthquake Amnesia Surf Hyper Beam Water/ Ground SCREAMS grass take in doooowwwwwwn. It knows Amnesia which raises Special Defense sharply and Hyper Beam so that *may* be a problem. After you defeat this guy May and Proffessor Birch comes in and checks your Pokedex. Arfter that your pokemon are entered into the Hall of Fame. And then you watch the ending credits. Now when the game restarts you end up in your room in Littleroot Town. Go downstairs and you Mother and Father will be there. He will give you the S.S. TICKET. When he leaves a news flash comes on. When it's over your mom will ask you what color the Pokemon. Reply either Red for Latias or Blue for Latios. Leave the house an you meet May and Prof. Birch. He takes you to his lab and upgrades your Pokedex. Now let's fly to either Slateport or Lilycove. Enter their respective Shipyard and board the S.S. TIDAL. When you get on Scott meets you and tells you that next time you get on the S.S. Tidal you can go to the Battle Frontier. Well now let's explore this place. Go in the first room and you meet a pair of trainers Young Couple Lea and Jed ========================== Luvdisc Lvl 45 Luvdisc Lvl 45 Skip the next room and go on to the Third one. Rich Boy Garret ================= Azumarill Lvl 45 Onto the next room. Gentleman Micah ================= Manectric Lvl 44 Manectric Lvl 44 Now go in the Top Right room, talk to the guy there for TM 49 Snatch. Now the next room. Gentleman Thomas ================== Zangoose Lvl 45 Next room... Lady Naomi ============ Roselia Lvl 45 Now the last room. PokeFan Colton ================ Skitty Lvl 22 Skitty Lvl 36 Skitty Lvl 40 Skitty Lvl 12 Skitty Lvl 30 Delcatty Lvl 42 Now talk to Mr. Briney if you want. After that go downstairs and look in the Top left trashcan for the Leftovers. Now battle the Sailors. Sailor Phillip ================ Tentacruel Lvl 44 Machoke Lvl 44 Sailor Leonard ================ Machop Lvl 43 Machoke Lvl 43 Pelipper Lvl 43 Now go to your cabin in Room 2 and Rest (examine the bed). When you wake you will be alerted the ship is about to sail talk to the man at the exit to leave. Now get onboard again but this time choose to go to the Battle Frontier. This time you go directly there. Enter and a lady will give you the FRONTIER PASS. Then Scott will chat with you and leave. Talk to the next set of guys for the rules of the Battle Frontier. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ IV. Side-Quests @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Ok this is where all that extra stuff fits in at legendaries, extra gym battles, the trick house etc. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!! 4.1 Legendary Pokemon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok there are many legendaries scattered across Hoenn and here is where we will battle them. I suggest bringing MANY Ultra Balls to catch each one and you don't want to use the Master Ball until you catch Latios/ Latias. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ a. Rayquaza ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You may have already caught this ultimate Beast, but in case you didn't let's do it now. *NOTE* You will need the MACH BIKE to do this. So Fly to Pacifidlog Town and surf east to the top of the screen and when you are able to go north and go into the Sky Pillar. First Floor ============= Just go around and go up the stairs. Second Floor ============== Get up speed and zoom across the cracks with the MACH BIKE to get across them without stopping or else you will fall through to the First Floor. Third Floor ============= Just go around and go up to the fouth floor Fourth Floor ============== No do the same as the Second floor and when you get to where you can't go any further, fall down one of the middle cracks. And go up to the Fifth Floor. Fifth Floor ============= Go up to the Sixth Floor Sixth Floor ============= Now continue on to the Seventh Floor Seventh Floor =============== Ok as soon as you get on this floor SAVE. Now continue to the Beast that is Rayquaza. ---------- | Rayquaza | ---------- Ok this dude is a Dragon/Flying Pokemon (like most Dragons). When you find him he's at Lvl 70. Taking it down with an Ice attack that is stronger than Ice Beam is out of the question (a Blizzard from Walrein One-Hit KOed it) so I suggest slowly lowering it's HP but it will get tedious since it uses rest a lot. When it's HP get's down to the red try to put it to sleep and start chucking Ultra Balls like crazy, it'll take a while but you'll catch it. One thing that may screw you up is the fact that it uses Outrage when it's HP is low and after 2 turn it confuses him. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ b. Kyogre/ Groudon ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now for this one let's head back to the weather Institute on Route 119. Save the second you go in and talk to the man who gave you a Castform. He will tell you that it is raining hard or that there is a Drought on a Certain Route whichever one he sayz is COMPLETELY random so restart the game if you aren't happy with what he says. Now go to that route and it should be raining/ shining. If it's raining you have to find a Place to Dive and then go into a cave and resurface and you enter Marine Cave follow the path and you get to Kyogre. If it's shining you need to go up a waterfall and you enter Terra Cave and you get to Groudon. ----------------- | Kyogre/ Groudon | ----------------- When these legendaries are in battle they either automatically start a Rain Dance or Sunny Day. Use this to your advantage, have an electric use Thunder (100% accuracy in the rain) or a Solarbeam (no charge in the sun). Get his HP down and then starts chucking Ultra Balls again. These dudes are WAY easier to catch then Rayquaza. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ +++++++ c. The 3 Regi's ++++++ +++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ok every pokemon game had itz own 3 legendaries you could catch. R/B/Y had the legendary birds Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno. G/S/C had the legendary dogs Suicune, Entei, Raiku. Now R/S/E has the legendary... Regi's. Regirock, Regice, and Registeel. Unlike the other journeys you will need a few things in order to catch them. - a Relicanth (can be found outside or Sootopolis City underwater they are very rare so be careful) - a Wailord ( you can catch a Wailmer from virtually anywhere and level it up to level 40 and it will evolve into Wailord. - Pokemon that know Surf, Dive, Dig, and Fly (if you don't have a pokemon that know Dig you have to level up a Trapinch to Lvl 41 NOT letting it evolve or a nincada to level 45) More on this later. Sorry but I sure don't feel like raising my Pokemon from level 20-41. Credits Strawhat- pokemon personalities and statuses (Leech Seed and Attract) and Stats Nintendo PKMN EMRLD INSTRCTN BKLT- the basics Solsonboy- R/S Differences (legendaries)